Spiritual Warfare Pt 1: Fr Chad Ripperger

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[Music] the father-son relay experiment director Laurel our actions like fully inspirations in criminal and by thy gracious assistance so that a repair work of ours would begin from the advising the operator to Christ our Lord I'm very queen of Angels in spiritual warfare there's a Central East seven kinds of spiritual diabolical yet the first one is things and animals this is called infestation so I want to go into the different crimes is you get a sense of what this complexion of the warfare looks like it relationship to human beings they're six so the first one is ordinary temptation and we're going to talk a little bit about human psychology don't worry there's not an exam afterwards so you don't have to worry but basically a human psychology which is some talk about a few things here the first did we have five senses most addition people should only have some degree and there's this thing called the common sense power that we would know what that is but that's the fact that there's a part of the brain that unifies all the five senses and expresses those that information for those into the imagination in the form of an industry and at the same time it puts it also in memory and how do we know it does this well you know you can be standing somewhere but somebody's baking an apple pie and you're talking about some other thing and you're not paying attention to the apple pie and then later you know it gets into your nostrils you're not paying attention to it so you don't really focus on it but then later someone else you spell that like I did so it's looking that's what at least we're doing this is all done at the level of the brain here basically or this is all done on the material level okay then there's an immaterial level which we'll talk about but before we get to that we have to talk about one other power it's called the cogitated power now the cogitated power what it does is it looks at the image then it goes back in the memory and gets and looks through the memory and gets the information that bears some semblance or connection to the image then it brings that information back in and merges it with the image so for example your mother walks into the room you see your mother the cockpit so then the it's expressed into the image you have the image of your mother in your imagination educated power goes back to the memory gets the information this is your mother then race isn't losing back in and puts it in the image that you actually recognize this is your mother now the reason we know this all takes place at a material level is because of the fact that in Alzheimer's that process is blocked so that someone will see somebody but they can't recognize them because it can't recall the stuff from memory in order for the person to be able to recognize them okay the cogitated power does a couple of things it makes these associations so it takes what's in the imagination and it makes association with what you have experience with in the past and puts the two together but it also does this thing of making an initial assessment about whether something is good or bad not morally but just come on a physical level so for example the person will you know need to chocolate and so you'll actually even touched a pair makes this system this chocolate is good so the next time you see that chocolate it's going back into the memory and realizes the pleasant experience you have with its own it needs these senses may this is pretty good this is why sometimes it's hard to keep your fingers off the chocolate okay that ability to assess whether this something is kind of good or bad on a particular level that's a perspective that we have upon the thing it's a perspective it's not the thing itself they're good to see that it's good or bad it's a perspective that we have now that perspective it puts on the image that perspective is what moves your emotions so that the motions are moved by the the image in your imagination and the particular perspective you have on the imagination how do we know it's the perspective that you have of that image that moves a particular motion very simple when people are forced dating the image that they have of their girlfriend of their new spouse is the other way around is you know she's just a good woman I love I'm glad I'm here okay then what happens five years later after lots of memories she walks into the room and then he says okay the perspective you have one that is very key then that but this is this is just all that well but then there's a part of the intellect we're not going to go into all of it there's a part of the names let's call the possible things elect change you now possible intellect is a very key thing because it's actually it's completely immaterial it functions completely between functions completely independent of matter and then how we know this is no physical thing is capable of being the object that is known and the knower at the same time self-awareness animals don't have self-awareness because they don't have this thing this has the ability to self in fret to turn in upon itself physical things can't turn in upon themselves that way the thing that's two is it's at this level that we actually grasp universal concepts so what happens is once we have this image and this all go through this process there's a part of implicit abstracts that impresses it into the possible impact so that we actually understand the concept then the postulates that goes back and makes a judgment about certain things in the image relationship to the concepts it'll say you know all men are my paddle right so it'll say that a billion will make you can make those kinds of judgments at that level it can also make a judgement that the thing is good or bad on a moral level and then that's when it's presented to the will which is also immaterial okay it presents this to the will this is good thing the will that makes the choice and then the will can also move the intellect but it can also move the lower faculties the change with the image in your magic your memory to remember certain things you can move your arms etc okay why is this so important when Anthony you fell when they ate the fruit in an accident when they ate the fruit they sinned through their bodies and as a result of that I think the fruit which is a sin through the body what they ended up doing was is because they committed that sin through their bodies their bodies became subjects to diabolic influence and because of the inheritance of original sin our bodies are also subject to diabolic influence now in other words Satan tempted them through their body as to what happened Eve sees serpent talking but by the way I've committed the same sentences we know how play itself out because it's the scriptures recounted about Eve so he/she sees the serpent talk you know Eve knew he knew she knew animal don't talk she had infused knowledge so she should have looked at that and said that there's something not right here I'm not sure but she didn't is instead the father stays she committed for five sons in the fall I told him and don't feel bad now to commit a date okay so the first sin that she committed was curiosity pursuing the knowledge about something that she should not have been seeking after second thing is then he says lunch eat the fruit and she says because we're not supposed to die and he says you're not gonna die that doesn't what you did because you're gonna be like gods so then it says she looks at the fruit and it was pleasing to the sight that that's a very it's a very important thing before the fall our emotions were perfectly subordinated to reason there's two kinds of emotion there's what they call antecedent emotion these are what occur before you really think about it or contrary to your reason you don't want to feel this way but you do then there's consequent emotion those are those that fall upon thinking about something now you notice I really like this so that you start getting commercially wanting it what happened is before the fall and Christ and Our Lady only had consequent emotion their emotions never moved at any time contrary to or without the express permission or confirmation of reason after the fall because it looked at the fruit she took delight which is another way of phrasing she the like is one of the emotions she took delight in something that was contrary to reason so before they had the preternatural gift where the the lower faculties were probably supported to reason because she took delight in a same contrary reason she confirmed the lower faculties in pursuing an object of consideration contrary to or without reason that's how he got stuck with this problem then of course she ate the fruit so and she committed disobedience so when she committed the sins or her body which means that through that process because sheamus saying they come over here to this water route their gods water when she ate the fruits you step down from underneath that order and became under the order of singing to her volume we are now now stuck with that that is the complexion of spiritual warfare the spiritual warfare even though demons do attack things externally to us the primary battlefield is our own bodies and so the demons have access to our imaginations our memories is what I tell guys never looking for longer feet because if you look at it that even to now make use of it because they can go back into your memory dress using your imagination demons can move our emotions so let me give me an example of this and they can you move the conjugate of power imagination that had married the wife decides she wants to give her husband reqtest in bed because she loves him she was to perform an act of charity and it's his birthday so she comes in and at seven o'clock in the morning and she says to him what are you getting out a bad thing to herself that way I can time exactly when he's being really get out there to give him the breakfast since what she's thinking what is he here the demon steps in changed the perspective because he can move the cogitate of power but a very distinct perspective on the thing affect her judgment as a result of that because judgment has to look back down to the image to make a judgement and he can affect how that man thinks by affecting the perspective on the image so then what is he here but even steps Emily's here you are they see when are you getting a bad document Amir's I mean he hears the words when you getting out of bed but the demon makes it put some perspective on it she thinks you're lazy alright so the point being in all of this is that one of the the first form of diabolic influence or relationship to human beings is what's called ordinary diabolic influence it's a form of temptation that temptation essentially comes through either introducing something into the imagination or moving the cogitated power coordinator perspective on or moving our emotions [Music] then they can actually make us feel certain emotions so this is a very important point because demons can actually repay more people emotionally for sin so that when a person commits a sin the demon can move the so that the person feels good about they just did okay there's a die everybody is subject to this the only person that was not subject to temptation was our lady she's the only one everyone else has been subject to temptation and it's by varying degrees and it's all based upon what God sees as what's best for you spiritually he never allows the demons to influence us unless it somehow could be moved to our spiritual advantage this is a very key point demons are on an extraordinarily short leash is a very important point people have this idea that they just get to go over a lot around doing whatever we want it's not the case there is literally not one iota of the spiritual battle of which Christ is not in absolute control it's his chest and they know it and they obey it and they have to and they can't do certain things unless he allows it so this is very important because you have to realize that God allows demons into your life from time to time in order to strengthen you a free spiritual benefit we just have to make sure you fight it properly and how do we know that it's what we just know it by revelation for one thing but we also know it could you know during the during various instances in which Christ deals with the demons in the Gospels always asking him sure they're dealt dealt you know like they asked to go into the page which basically tells you what it said to him to determine whether they get to go into pigs or not right so this is a very important point one time this one woman the demon whose possession alone is lower back resolute possess the part of the lower back by the way when I talk about my conversation with demons I'll put it Chloe like I would with a human be but that's not at all how it works during the session is very brutal and I'm hammering the guy and I'm commanding him the name Jesus Christ you tell me X if he doesn't do it I just keep hammering so he tells me tax then they move on to the next thing so I'm gonna put together locally what he says after what was really a significant beating on his part okay so he said white possessing lower Parliament's back and he said I don't know I said what do you mean you don't know he says what I've entered the price restricted me to that part of her body then at another time I had another demon who kind of one time during the he was the noonday devil mentioned in Psalm 19 by the way there is a guy found out later after researching the father about him that he's actually the demon of midlife crisis that's what they did with the flood about midlife crisis like wow that's interesting okay so when you see these guys driving around Ferraris with twenty year old girls you know there's okay so he says that he's one time importing just stops them and he says if you aren't being protected I snap your neck sometimes myself was afraid so the between this is did the degree of protection Christ has is protected he only allows the demons to do certain things at certain times an order for spiritual benefit and that's a really key thing to understand people say well why should God allow this woman because actually didn't do anything to become possessed that may be the case but he allowed it so that the person would grow in holiness some of the people I've seen that are possessed are some of the holiest people I have personally ever met by the type of because they don't have to literally like the book like the rest of us of just sitting on our laurels and resting and being slothful in our spiritually they don't have that luxury if they're going to have any semblance of sanity and a moral and a normal life they literally have to fight tooth and nail all the way out of the prologue so there's no got that luxury okay in a certain sense they're in a better position than we are ironically some people look the worst thing isn't being possessed or stated being in the state of all cinema so the demons have this ability to put those temptations on there and they have the ability to pick that it's rather regularly in relationship to certain things again Christ preventing so that's the first kind ordinary temptation the next one is called sometimes by some Exorcist is called vexation some Exorcist call it dole or in Latin which just means pain and that is the product of saints is when people certain saintly people are allowed to be physically accosted or beat up by demons so st. John Vianney Patrick Pio there were certain people just historically that they were physically beaten up like so and that is done - for several reasons but the two main ones are for the sanctification you sanctification of the one that's getting beat up because he has to have confidence in God just trust in God and pray the second thing is is the demons humiliation no it doesn't sound like the demons being good to beat the guy out nobody's getting humiliated is despite the beating the guy won't fold and so he gets humiliated but he has to go back to hell yeah you tried it didn't work did it right okay and demons are extraordinary sensitive to how other demons perceived since momma's st. Thomas says that the signal man the sinful man the sinner is concerned about his experiments whereas the holy man is only concerned about its interior the demons show that in state they are there during sessions when they're taking just the most brutal beating they're more worried about the humiliation and the ridicule they're going to take inhale once they get booted out then the severity of the brutality what they're going through okay interesting she started seeing how like you would be so much the way they do okay just third form of diabolic influence in relationship to human beings in the second one that is extraordinary it's called diabolical oppression this is where they attack you from the outside so they'll attack things like their finances their their properties and their conically things were breaking down product Li they're super the reason for it they'll attack their relationships it's all of a sudden everybody their family hates them recently I was working with a woman who was under a specific kind of a curse once the curse lifted her children who had been estranged for her almost their entire adult lives all of them within the week called apologized back tells you something it also they can affect your job situation the sole of the second you lose your job then I hear you have to be careful because sometimes people say father you know there we've been at three accidents and they've totaled out three vehicles if you think it's diabolical pressures it notice how you need to learn how to drive but sometimes it is diabolic and you have to try to keep that in mind okay we're seeing a drastic rise and diabolical pressure because of so much that people are getting so much involved in stuff that opens up the doors to demons the next one is called diabolic obsession this is where it's above and beyond ordinary temptation where the demon actually beseeches the imagination of hijacks it takes control the person cannot think outside the box very often they feel like they're entering into a tunnel zone but it starts setting in it sets on really quickly and very often it'll just shut off very quickly it also is usually accompanied by a feeling of happiness and extraordinarily strong emotions which don't necessarily have any connection to anything that's real so a person who's time off obsessed will wake up in the morning and all the said they're just angry and they don't know why there's no reason why everything is fine externally to them and they're just extraordinarily angry whether it's really depressed exception and then things have got a lot of Awesome footages this they feel fine although symptom-free okay then there is diabolic possession a deck Pollak possession is where the demons take possession of either part or the whole of the body now if they take part of the whole if they take a position of part of the line it's called partial possession and it means if there's some particular part of their body that video is actually possessed it would be any part of the body whatsoever anything down to one or elbow I mean the strangest thing what sound ahead of his demon a commitment they command you to put this on the part of the body possessives he stood on the top of his head and we found out that's exactly the part where the reason he was possessing that part of her head is because she became possessed or a world sin of pride it's one of the demons tempted her you're better than everybody else she got sucked into it gave consent so that's how he got it so they could they possess part of the body they've only possessed the whole of the body if the person has given themselves over and charming to the demon it is entirely false that you have to give consent to the possession for it to happen I don't know about half the people I've seen that have been possessed have never done anything to give consent to the possession it is also false that you have to do something evil to become possessed as I was mentioning earlier today the three ways in which people become possessed is by committing a mortal sin which is an open door any mortal sinless whoever or something greatly disordered happens to you or purely the will of God those are the three ways that you can come possessed there is also another partial and full distinction made in relationship to possession people are partially possessed very often have periods of lucidity where they're totally normal to carry on jobs and function a lot of people don't even know they're possessed they might think of versus the log from time to time but generally they kind of like the person or they don't see the problem whereas full possession then what happens is the demon the demon is in control all the time was a personal possession person is your lucidity but in those periods where the demon takes complete control there is also another misconception that when the demon takes over it looks like and blaring with the Exorcist with our dead spinning around that is not very often infected that 99% of cases that's not the diabolic manifestation actually looks like in fact one time that was assisting an exorcist who's asked me to come take a look at the case he was working on it's only because I actually had a case of this myself that I actually realized where I was looking at what I saw this way the way we respect to start an exorcist The Exorcist was trying to communicate where except talked to the woman to get her convinced ok we need to start this and she starts why do I know no I don't want to do this I'm tired of that so singer this is so painful why we have to keep away there's why I got to do this to me it was same old stuff right and you know what I saw her was a there's a very subtle form of manifestation that can occur that if you're not an experienced Texas issue unlikely to recognize I walked up on there so it was taught me a bit about to do walked up behind him that she was saying that from behind that's not burning so I stood behind him began the solemn ritual of exorcism so she didn't see it he immediately went full load of the manifestation later her husband comes to me and says do you mean to tell me all these years I wasn't talking to my wife I said probably not so this is something to kind of keep in mind so sometimes people can be fully functioning me nitesite no I don't want it who suffers from manifestations rather chronically and people don't even know that she didn't even see us out there he is alright there are four essential signs of possession there's a new primary science there's ancillary science there's certain psychological patterns that are very distinct from diabolic patterns of behavior and did there's a way to actually distinguish the two even independently of a full-blown psychological exam or even independently of praying over the person but sometimes you have to do it in order to give a full determination but there are different very interesting psychological patterns you'll see with someone who's mentally ill as opposed to someone who's diabolically of influence sometimes you get people to have a mixture of both in fact most people possess there's usually they've been a psychological trauma where damage has been occurring current so they're dealing with both of them okay those four signs are first one is a [Music] an inversion to what is sacred but I don't take that personally as an ironclad sign that a person is possessed and the reason I don't take it is because you can have somebody been as a psychological condition in which they have versions of things that are sangria so let me give you an example suppose you grew up and every time you're about to go to Mass you're one bead you ruthlessly to get you into the car well when someone suggested maybe you should go to Mass this guy is going to go back in here it may not remember the specific beatings but it's going to really think yourself of masses bad music beads okay so the point is is that you can have a psychological approaches that's not an ironclad one however people who are authentically possessed every demon has redoing does have a hang-up with some things that are sacred no I just think that very formally people have this misconception to possess you would be able receive communion that is nonsense because certain demons can tolerate some things and not others they'll like them that reverse into them but they can't tolerate them so what demon I know of you can give the woman the prayer that the Eucharist you might react a little bit you give her the precious blood and that guy just prayers or other demons you know they can tolerate the Eucharist he can even tolerate the person going to confession but the minute you throw a little bit a holy water on them it's going bananas another one is exercise bells you know what most people don't realize is you know the bells that they have in churches historically those bells were actually exercised but every time the bell is rung it would resound into the area and literally drive the demons out of the area that's what they were for so there I have this one demon I call it manifestations on tomatoes because all you have to do is even if the woman doesn't even see a bell you just have to ring a bell that's been hmm look at this guy immediately Oh howdy comes but she called her jacket locks so the point is is that they have somebody that some demons have toleration to some things and some of the tethers and one of the things you have to do as an exorcist point out where their weakness is a relationship of very specific secret things and then you just make them deal with it all the time so that it weakens them okay so double and all demons have an aversion to something sacred about all things that are stated the next one is speaking languages they've never known the person is never studied they never had access to etc so for example in one case that I had spoken form of the Phoenicians we think it was a photo finish because when I heard of like I don't know his language is I wrote it down fanatically and then later it was determined we think that it was a form of Phoenicians that had been defunct for thirty five hundred years this guy didn't even finish high school or another one as as I was mentioning in lunch today this one demon who the woman never stayed lacking but this guy was totally fluent in Latin as you're talking I would do the exorcism conduct the exorcisms in Latin and he was pretty fussy about the grammar I used the dative case when the avenue was required or when the accuser was required to just ignore me like I don't have to deal with this but then they're not gonna do it right and then you immediately obey so some people and part of the reason is too is is that you know that they they use the person's fluidity now sometimes if your psychologist suggests stuff it's a bit of nonsense they'll say things like that because we have verbal language sometimes okay let's say for the sake of argument that's true can you learn language it when hearing the language I don't think so hearing language once doesn't give you fluency right those are those are habits and habits taken that repetition this person doesn't have that so a lot of times I need your second step back you're just like are you a scientist or you're just an idiot Oh step out there because the preconceived conclusion is lonely there's no such thing as possession of demons and so what they'll do is they'll stroke stuff out it's just very typically daft it's not it can't even hold that although I probably what's happening now is people the medical community psychological community the Exorcist was saying we are seeing things that could not be explained naturally so okay the next one is occult knowledge called knowledge is that the demon - the purse the demon can communicate to the individual knowledge that they don't have in fact one of the women I worked with my friend they got to cut her off because I discovered that she really didn't want rid of the demon because she happened to like the occult knowledge of the demon was given to her about her husband I'm like really you're going to love that so what happens in sushi the I just told her look you're not you know if you like to attach this thing I can't work with you to work on that okay but they can give them a call blog you see everything there's two kinds of called knowledge there's call knowledge which is the time in which is things that are hidden that there's no way that they could actually know about particular individuals so if you lock in the German manifest he's talking to you about stuff your whole life that this person has absolutely no access to or excuse me for another form of the fault knowledge is scientific or theological knowledge the person's never studied a particular film like for instance one time a demon made theological distinction during one of his answers to one of my questions that there is absolutely no way this woman could have known there's just absolutely no way in fact after the session because she would go through she was losing for most of the sessions where the demon was manifesting took control of her body because she didn't hear and see what was going on she said what does that be she didn't even know what it meant it's kind of funny because the demons nickname for his teammates her so bad her day his nickname for his that stupid woman so one day he was calling her top turn jammer Aaron's clever that CEO your stupid woman so she turns to me says I might be stupid but at least I'm not foolish for a little all right the next one is those things that are beyond human capacity to to to this includes everything from supernatural strength you know that there's no way that this you know 90 pound boy should be able to grown men off their feet you know that kind of thing too levitation which is extremely rare I've only seen it twice all the cases I've looked at other experts have said they've seen it more often but it's not again it's not that common another form is what's called morphing this is where the person changes shape I'm talking about just making a face the person's facial structure actually changes so for example one of the demons I've dealt with selection feels about I've had in three cases dealt for a long time in one case to where as soon as you shows that but no what I'm looking at doesn't recognizing someone else on the street that's because immediately the jaw extends out of a huge to two inches on each side the head narrows the eyes go together the immediately to reflection all up in a couple of seconds that's so there you are again okay so the point being is is that don't do things that shape that changing of shape is actually the most common form of manifestation that you're going to see as an exorcist people will say things like well doesn't that scare you now not really at this point is part of the landscape you just realize that's what demons can do and all you're interested in figuring out what can I learn from this in order to clean to get this guy out that's what you're really after the church doesn't possession that when you're doing exorcism there's six actually five things that you need to learn to get him out sometimes you can just say some crows over people which I've done where the possession is mild enough you say the person that's just summers president boot the guides out other times it takes years so and they can go on for quite a while so when when they go on for a little while the church says there's essentially five things that says in the ritual you learn the first is how many there are because more than one who demon can possess a person at a time and also what the same demon could possess a number of different people at the same time I've actually had that where one demon was possessing two different people I was working with at the same time the next thing you need to know is you need to know the number of them so when you clean up everything that you know that it's over with the next one is the invaders and the reason you want to get the name of the demon is because it tells you you have certain authority over them as a result of that now when you get the name of a demon it's going to be either at the beginning of possession or at the end if it's at the end intelligent earn a vis probably the sign of liberation of the person usually if it's at the beginning that means it doesn't have any real bearing or connection on the person's liberation so the demon will kind of cough it up oh they usually don't like to look because they've know that once you have it it gives you a certain Authority with them their name also tells you who they are so you also know what their weaknesses so as soon as I found out that this guy the demon said my name is meridian oh so then that night I was doing complement in lacking the phrases meridian we're ready on Oh which is the new day devil so the next session I just started reading Psalm 90 I didn't even get to that part so they started reading Psalm 90 he was just fit to be tied right I was doing it in Latin so the person who was there to give him no laughs okay then I went and did research on him and found out and I started taking notes of the characteristics of this guy went into the path went into the I went into the next section and I said well this is the target possessed by my started reading the characteristics at the end of it his wife's cool mouth is just completely wide open like I said okay what's with the reaction she said that is a complete description of my husband's personality this is a very important point demons get a certain kind of a glory in Hell when they are able to replicate their own personality and their own personality just wars in other people so one of the reason they like to do it they'd like to make people into their own themselves so sometimes when you look at a person you realizing what they're struggling but they usually just taught you something about the demon and you can sometimes size people and especially they've been possessed for a long time what's their personality characteristics and very often about two-thirds of those are demons characteristics and then all the sudden when they give liberated they're so different or molecular you so okay the next thing that you want to learn is how they got in because sometimes how they got in is going to tell you how they got out are you going to get them out the next one is the time and date of the departure I rarely ask that one I mean I do it in the ritual but I rarely press the demons for because I finally black chronically obviously they lie about that on particularly and the reason they'd like to do that is because for them it's all a psychological game during the session when you start working somebody who's possessed they agree to do the things that they're supposed to do because there's you know I won't even work with somebody who's possessed unless they agreed to do everything I tell them to do I tell them I don't have control issues here's the moral to the story after this is all done with if you never see me again it's not going to hurt my feelings but it boils down to this if you insist possessor sorry if you insist on being in control the demons in control of you which means he's in control so you have to see to complete control over this thing to me TFS doing exactly what I tell you to do is if you don't he's gonna be in control and he's going to use that well I'm a little area that you want a little under control and that area is gonna be the one that he's going to use to take you down and block your liberation which is very true in my book out of this book includes a chapter which is called control and in there I talk about it but the point is is that that people are very often driven to control things because they don't have control anteriorly that's usually the sign in other words if I don't have to follow my own emotional life I have to control everything externality needs to be to more to make sure that it feeds my emotions my appetites etc or it doesn't hurt me or what have you okay so that's what the control school but in relationship to demons with other people very often they've been wounded very badly and so it's very difficult for them to see that control but if they do you can very often get the demon out very quickly so but what happens is if the demons will very often try and during the session start picking at the person psychologically so that they'll say see this is your fault I would be out here if you would just cooperate with the exorcist or if you would just do this well it must be something wrong with you that I'm still here or God must don't love you because I'm still here things like that and so they'll say that to the demon will say that to the person so the person sucks into it and then once that happens he hides behind that in the prayers the exorcists are completely and efficacious so you had to tell people you have to air the thing now if he's bigger than you interior you got to air it out so we can deal in fact during the session you'll be beating him up he's reacting all the sudden he gets real quiet like okay what are you doing so then I'll start I'll start doing severing prayers to separate his pygmy at the person psychologically and then within a couple of minutes usually he's panicking again within later I'll ask the person what where they pick it out because this is something that they have to continually shore up on demons if you've listened to my conference on dis appropriation demons like to establish an abusive relationship with us and by abusive I mean this the first time I really recognized it was this woman to do in this parade for non-stop for seven months I mean non-stop she's make up a warning he would just shower in the act her and tell her how bad she wet luckily for seven straight monthly I was starting to worry about her psychological health there's something it's just has almost like a domestic abuse case so say to her I said but because the abuser what he does is he says bad things to the abused in order to give to the views to be subject to character that he has control over them and he tries to hurt the person and get them to appropriate the abuse so that not only do they feel bad anteriorly what you've done but they feel bad that they have to listen to him to some ounce on two fronts that they have to fight the battle so I said to her I said okay this is what I want you to do now in every domestic abuse case you never addressed the abuse never because the minute you address the abuse you have already accepted the fact that the abuses which I'm a topic of discussion so unless becomes a decision factor ugly you're not taking care of the house for my two kids no I'm not cleaned up why is it you never say no I'm not fat none that you never do that you've already conceded that your weight is a topic of discussion what you do is you say if you have a problem with that that's your so I said to her this is what I want you to do every time he says so we're going to turn to mrs. if you ever promised that that's your problem table you just shut up for like a day and a half so that you started to begin an issue he just beat him up and do that not so what I began to realize is isn't the stuff he was raining her about there's his own hangups his own problems that he was trying to misery loves company type of thing but also make with other people so he doesn't feel so bad about his own woundedness his own dysfunction of disorder so then the next week said to Erica said said this is what I want you to do I want you to go down the list every single it's moral psychological and spiritual problem do you think you have I don't want you to unload it on this guy but she did she came back a week later and you can tell there's quite a bit of a difference and she said once I did that what I discovered is is that oh about 80% of what I thought I had problems with was just gonna pick and Abby over here it's almost consistently once I got rid of it dis appropriated it he stopped completing that hair and I found out I didn't have a problem in this area I just didn't have a problem so then she said that there was a couple of other things that I realized well I got em out of my hair on these things so but I still have intentions that so I think those are my limits defects and so I've gotta work on those so she started working those she was actually able the first time her life advanced emerging in those areas that she had been blocked by in the demons relationship to that the fifth thing that you need to know is the time and date of the departure how am I going to know you're gone this is the sign that's going to show to me that you're actually done and it can be everything from nothing happens we prayer with them all the way to you know the lights will blow out or you know difference just beautiful or personal see light there trumpet sound or something like that that's going to be the sign okay there are six stages of liberation and possession by the way the last kind of dialogue influence is called subjugation that's where a person makes a pact with the devil people who are perfectly possessed that is going to possess they have made a pact with the devil and by the neck way the time to get to that point the possession is so perfect it is impossible to distinguish the person from the demon as far as the personality goes when you're dealing with okay there's six stages of liberation the first in the discovery phase this is the time when you realize if there's probably something here that's a little bit more than just you know the person's a little psychologically off so for example one time a psychologist send a woman to be she said the thing this person's possess is why do you think that I was talking to her then she said that she hears these voices and touch these voices but it's she's a psycho says well how do I know that you know there's these spirits talking to you she says well when I was looking out of two of my right eye so she looked up at the right eye and instantaneously turned glowing red I did it on this employee would and then flew back to its original color okay I think we've discovered something the point is is that there's some type of preternatural manifestations that demons there's two kinds of demons open and close open demons are the one that the minute you walk in there in your face and it's full-blown and it's game on the very beginning and they don't hide but then there's closed spirits which tend to hide and the general principle is is with demons is has been hiding is better because they're it's hard to discover the person but demons are showmen they really have an issue of you know looking good and front line for the guy their buddies down in hell so what they do is is they'll show themselves from time to time in manifesting through the individual at certain times the person will seem to normal that all said they're just out of their mind that it's ignore and get into their staff their minds doctor capitalist tree or dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde okay so those types of things will happen so the first is the discovery phase the second phase is what's called the opposition phase people have figured out there's probably something there but the deepa tries to office theater we can confuse it or confuse the accident or the person or the people around them they probably just like the lodge but then I just need any different medication no I need you know I need this if this just wasn't in my life I'd be okay you know things like with that during that time once the discovery they bring them to you do that off the station feature during extensive interviews I'm talking to them about disciplines to establish what are the patterns of the person's life to see if it's actually diabolic so then you start praying over them at that time and it's usually during that time with the demon won't manifest itself like changing shape or what-have-you so they'll be this manifestation once the demon that face in a clearing printer natural way then you know then you know the demon is there and he knows once that happens there's no point in hiding anymore the only time he'll hide is when he's trying to avoid his beating not because he doesn't think he's trying to obfuscate anymore so then you enter into stage three which constitutes the bulk of the battle that's when you do a lot of exorcisms you're beating the demons evidence called the battle phase because it's the phase in which you do basically slowly conquering the demon through the battles so that by the time you get to them to stage three you have almost complete control over the guy during that phase the exorcist is often attached not physically although once a lot of that happens but it's using premyer which you have to be careful that be cautious because today they can do things in a way that will actually cause you physical harm other people physical but there's a ways to kind of clamp down on that but then usually attack the Exorcist or one of the assistants in Cheerilee but the person experience is the same thing that the person who's possessed experience and demons generally speaking do not like to attack an experienced Exorcist and that's because again of the principle the cause is always some way in the affect every time the demon attacks the exorcist he reveals something about himself in that attack and so an experienced actress is as soon as he's attacked will immediately recognize some aspect of the demon that he can now clamp down on or affect and so that's why demons don't like to do that cry still makes them do it they're put in the boxing ring they have no they have no they have no choice in the matter price to do with a boxing ring and now the Exorcist steps of the boxing ring one of the common misperceptions is is that the Exorcist is really scared when steps into the box rate it's the opposite well for most actresses what you've done for a little while it's a grind it's like the cake time for the session and go in to do the session if you leave you go back to place you have a nice scotch or something but the point is is that it's not the exorcism scares it's the demon because he knows he's stepping into the ring with now the Exorcist on the lord of the war of nature is much lower than the angel the problem is so the dentist is stepping into a regular guy who's bear that writes like a 120-pound debauchery with the gun it's 250 the difficulty is is that standing behind the Exorcist is this 500-pound gorilla named Christ it was about to beat the demon to a pulp and so when the demon sees the Exorcist stepping into the rain he sees Christ if identities that he knows he's about to get realized and he knows it's gonna be he knows he's gonna be humiliated he knows he's gonna be tortured he knows that in the end it's just going to be to his detriment so he's the one that scared know that they might act bold or act like they're not scared but you scratch a little bit even tellers okay so during stage three you're fighting the day when you're given basic controllers to get certain information out of him Stage four is by the time you get there the station tree he starts losing control over the situation and some do lose to a stage four is called the external phase which is where things start moving around outside so if you suddenly we analyse Michelle they're terms of certain stage where he's now the Exodus got the Clippers able to get the names and out of the demons he's losing a certain amount of control and also stuff just starts moving around right now people see exacly happen yeah but extraordinarily rarely usually you go straight from stage two three to five you don't see those external phases that commonly and my personal experience is the only time you see it in a ramping up at stage 4 where that stuff starts to happen is because you've already seen those external things factors already happening before so for example one but she had a demon of destruction there and every time he would turn over here something got their employees so what type of minions are plumbing the next time it was the light system the next time it was the password hard-drives adjudication so there's certain so there's certainty he would just cause destruction okay Stage five is that what's called the PI metal phase that's the phase where the person now because the demons become so subjugated the edges as the person leaves a practically normal life they get to the point where they're hardly ever manifesting they seem super free for almost all the time and that they their life is pretty normal in the event but he's still manifest when you start the session Stage six is the person's actually liberated during all those stages all the way until the actual liberation the person who's possessed will also suffer from horrible diabolic obsession we constantly pick another person interior driving their emotions where they don't have any emotional control and not always but in most cases and also have dialogue impression where they're trying to destroy the person's exterior life and that's to gain more traction in the individual because the individual finds our life difficult and so it's easy to get depressed very emotionally upset about certain things and so that's how they get their traction their relationship to the person okay the there's a few things and I think some misconceptions that we need to kind of clear up like I said most people tend to think that it's the Linda Blair thing in Hollywood what people say is what goes on in Hollywood what you see in cases yeah I've seen everything that you've seen in Hollywood but it's only rarely do you see those things no you don't see the same things all at the same time now you'll see morphing of limitation together but you know rarely do you see Stage five or four with all the stuff you've driven around with levitation you know there's some kind of go together some things they've done so you're not you know hug look install together give the dramatic effect and usually it's a bit of a grind do you step in you do the exorcism Steve am an efficient beat him up for a while then you couldn't calm down and to go and then the person comes back the next day and you do it all over again well we've discovered is that the demons have a very distinct psychology since I've written three moves and psychology ever since I've been in that resistance which has been ten years now I've been paying very close attention to how demons function psychologically so that it's easier to distinguish between the diabolic personality and a human personality but one of the characteristics of dive-bomb personality is this different for human beings is that with human beings if you beat a person non-stop for two days what they will do is they will lose their marbles don't feel crazy that's what happens demons do not go crazy because there are no parts to their intellect so they can't go crazy instead what happens is they start shutting down they wrenched their threshold they literally get to the point where the pain is so excessive in what the will is experiencing in their intellect then the will becomes incapable of movement that's what happens but before then they go through a stage so you first are being about the pre resulting fight now I have to think about stuff they try not to think about stuff because really what happens is in possession is even though you're battling for the body of the person the battlefield has now shifted to the line to the demon that's where the battles taking place you force him to listen to the ritual you say the ritual already gave you force into think of certain things you've forced them to say prayers at times you force them to reference things you force them into these things so the battle is in his might now you transpose it to the battle being in his life so during that battle what ends up happening is is that demons are like human beings they have certain thresholds you know I don't know if you ever thought that I would ever recommend you watch this show Family Guy but there's that one scene where the kid says they're bummed plumbing fight at the pond just loses it what happens is is if most people can lose their academy doing these will lose their marbles that's not that happens with demons what happens is you start getting to them their ability to withhold the information begins to break down they start to weaken so they definitely we found that if you do two sessions a day back-to-back with the persons possess the demons threshold is about a two to three day period and once you get into that third day the most demons are weak enough to where you can start getting information out of it this is one of the reasons it's an exorcist I do we meet with people once a week because if you only meet with them once a week what happens is that even very oops and that's why a lot of these exorcists are having session possession cases are going on for years we found if you do it with high intensity for like four or five days it'll act where you're at the demon for two sessions and then at last for anywhere from an hour and a half to two and a half hours of peace and you're doing it day after day after day at a certain point he just starts breaking down we found that a lot of people can be liberated in the fourth or fifth day or you get significant enough information so that in the next the next time the timer forth after deliberating so then point in fact it's only like a two-month thing maybe rather than it be dragging out for quite a long period of time demons have certain kinds of principles - they're very crucible they're very principled one of the principles is anything that God this is one of the things I tell people who are one of the forms of dialogue especially we'll see from time to time is through velocity so I tell people two things about the thing about relationship your loss there's one thing it can be it's not always like soaring since Teresa's about I had velocity from the diabolic colleges diabolic obsession and so what I'll tell a person is ledger spend too much time thinking about your sin or thinking about your past or things like that and so the demons giving ways once you think that you're doing a good thing by trying to figure this thing out man he's thinking to himself as he's dragons not thinking about God so I tell them first people look you're just not that important with thinking about yourself you're not that what you just think about God you just keep your mind on God and don't worry valuable as well itself okay another diabolic principle is anything but moderation so you give people or the demons were trying people to go to one extreme or the other so they'll either abuse alcohol or they'll refuse to have any of it whatsoever I can understand if people have you know some type of use at logical difficulty or we're having our needs don't care if that's annoying but sobriety is not a virtue in the sense of it never having alcohol that it's not where the virtue is the virtue is being able to have the object and being controlled the relationship with lower faculties the relationship with the thing but it's also true about other things so demons are constantly trying to drive people to one extreme to the other so I tell people now the virtue lives in moderation but what that tells you to is is that demons want to steal your normalcy of life they don't want you to have a normal life because they envy you and so they're always going around trying to steal those things from you by giving you to think though you should give that I should give that I should give that out okay first of all it's true that you should be detached for every trade of goods attached to God it doesn't mean though that you shouldn't be because God gives a certain glory when you enjoy the things with this life let's say there's a certain segment of the traditionalist population that tends to think that you know Laskey of alternative pleasures you want to get away from all this stuff maybe if I enjoy any of this as bad a lot I tell people okay but I tend to be betrays you in this sense st. Trez went I was sitting in the convent eating this cake they should really enjoying the cake and one of the nuns said to her well if you were a saint you would be enjoying that cake so singer has looks Laura says I'm offering it to God she's not keeping enjoy herself for God so I tell people this is why I dream Scott you smoke cigars anyway the point being is the point being is does that tell them anything but moderation the other thing is - is is that there furth they have a very distinct notice of Ron Dyer there's two things you have to keep in mind the first is is that the nature of the demon is rarely shown - he will almost always Drive you in an area of your life that is not connected to his nature so for example one of the common things that you will see is it's a very common thing guys will come to me for the confession to say father I have done every possible thing that possibly can to stop by like the system and I keep following so I'll just ask them do you have a problem with one of three things fear depression or despair 99% of its fun to say yeah I'm gonna probably fear but yeah I have a problem with this practice favorite impression and so what you say is that's the guy you're dealing with not the demon of the pure all those in those areas - but he was an interior not that common they drive in purity because of the fact that it's so easy to get people to focus on their because it's more simple than upsize people who they call into those things that they can drive people easily in that area and so as a result of person spends all their time trying to deal with this when they're there standing over here blogging bombs right you have to find out what that actually is and who the what the true nature is the this is one of the reasons why I recommend people you know if you're struggling with a particular defect I started eighty of Sorrows revealed what is what am i dealing with what's the do you know what is the prevented defect that I'm dealing with it and very often it will be revealed to you something that's entirely different than what you had thought because we're very qualities in relationship to those things the so there is the the fact that the demon that you're actually dealing with is not always the guy that shows himself out to be keep that in mind the other thing is too is is that demons are very hidden in people's lives most of the time there's a general principle people saved if I possess now that I did this who do operate a vegetable did you feel any different outputs build them there's probably nothing there that's a general rule the general principle and usually one of the things you ask people for disasters say was there an event in your life after which you realized you were never the same and usually that's the event that caused the entry point usually so that's what that's an important way to keep his mind now it's possible for a demon to enter the person drag the person in their world life so that if things aren't the same after that to keep the person blind to it demons because in order to self-reflect even up here we do need to start down here and so with demons will do is they'll block your ability to think of certain things they'll block your ability to remember certain things the second thing so that means that you have to to understand exactly how they work that brings us to the second point which is the demons have a very distinct way in which they operate and that operation is very easy the first thing they have to do is they have to divide it's the principle divide and conquer and the way you've divided human beings is two perceptions you get people to give up get a perception and their spouse or people that are married their family or what have you that perception that will automatically perceive the person as trying to hurt them or injure them or what have you and so that's the first thing that try to do is divide the people through perceptions so that they divide them interior ly this is one of the reasons why st. Ignatius said that whenever you suffering from a diabolic problem you have to air it out because once you air it out that division that the demon is causing ceases to exist and he loses his power in the process the second thing is is that demons want to make you feel the way they feel they will give you the emotions that they have and one of those things is self-loathing which is contrary to charity self-hatred there's also contrary to charity they're also kind of a feeling of unworthiness or what-have-you that's another thing that they tend to drive the other thing is too is that most people have been wounded in their lives not necessarily severely bit by bits and pieces and the demons can use those wounds against people in fact demons I have seen demons in people who did the Liars of people possessed drive the externals in that person's life to harm that individual so that the demon will have more an example of this is there's you know we talk about generational spirits are generational spirits that passed from generation to generation I once saw a generational spirit in a family where every every single woman in the generational line for four generations had been raped and like that's a pretty stunning guy you've got your family here so we found out what he was and then we were able to clean it up the point is is that the things that happened to us that wound us the demons can make use of those waters now there's two types of wounds there's ones where people hurt themselves by their own sin and then there's wounds where people get hurt by other people now a wound is the Saint Thomas says that a wound is basically like somebody says it's like a knife you take a knife and you stick it in somebody it's into something right it penetrates it causes damage so there's various characteristics of a woman's pain caused damage in Christ's healing process there has to be certain things have to happen but then he says when that first happens you have a choice to make and this is true even about our own sinfulness you know because you talk to most adults they're like this is the one sin of my life that I really can't get over or that I really feel bad about so what did you have one of two choices you can either do this pulse contraction that's when you grab the knife or you hold onto it so there's a cause any damage the basically what this means in the context of psychology is that when somebody hurts you you hold on to the injustice that they have committed against you in some way and the reason you're holding on to a very often Brees when people hold on to it is because they'll find that elusive it he's going to get off the hook always not some call the final judge all the punishment you can put that person through pales in comparison what I've seen God could demons through so don't worry about it the second side of it is is that if you don't let loose it so you got to let loose of it so there's that so they hold on to it but there's several people that I call injustice collectors they go around collecting injustice because it's a way of having something over other people then very often those are diagnosed and psychologists normal in personality disorder so whatever symptoms in I've diagnosed more like personalities are likely because those people are virtually never liberated from possession in fact I've never seen one but that being the case in other words because they hold on to the justices that keep happening to them they'd never get liberated because the demons are driving them to hold on to those of Justices because the demons brew they hold on to all the things that they perceive as injustice themselves the second part of it is though is is that if you sing together arts it is you can let loose of the knife you can forgive the person forgiving is letting loose of the debt in relationship to the justice that they owed to you to treat you properly you can let loose of that and say okay look we're just gonna let loose it because then once you let loosen it what you let loose to the knife then either you or someone else can pull the knife out now the advantage of good contraction is it doesn't go any deeper and it minimizes the pain to a certain degree the problem is you can't heal from it it's just gonna Fester get worse and the knife is still cutting just slowly and less painful whereas if you pull it out its brutal when you first pull it out but in the end the person ends up doing what then they can start to heal from that process it's very painful but that they can heal for the process this is true in relationship to the injustice is that people committed move against you I have had cases of possession when you're doing sessions then you go into a session I'll send all your purse don't have any Act whatsoever so then you stop you sit down and you ask the person okay what gives don't you never get something like I cannot forgive my mother for those things she did what else you okay there you go that's what the demons holding on to he's driving that unforgiveness everybody in heaven has forgiven everybody there first doesn't everybody in hell does not forgive those beings is not forgive others that's just the nature of the beast okay now the relationship to ourselves one of the things that demons fall on to is the lack of forgiveness to our self for the evils that we have committed then people say well if I forgive myself I'd like myself off the bus no you're not it basically boils down to this the definition of levels will either go to another charity commercially which you will go to another if you're going to love yourself as a saint of charity between arcs from karmic artists reporting divine precept then you are going to have to will what's good for you so that means you're going to want your own healing you're gonna want to forgive yourself you're gonna want as part of the st. Thomas categorises mercy even though it's a part of justice you also categorizes it under charity so that if you have a little charity or somebody you want them to be under your mercy so you want to forgive them the demons can't forgive themselves because their sin is a retractable the top dog has admitted to me that the reason that he is the most vicious and the most vile and the most of angry and the most hated of all God's creatures is because he is the most wounded from his sit that tells you something that if we don't let those of our said it can we have let loosen it so people and usually tell people is pride not letting listen this is prime because people have this ideas wish the traditionals then I just have to do everything I possibly can for myself I stay professional so that God will loves me no that's not how this works first of all perfection of beyond human capacities can't do it anyway you can't fully root out your imperfection there comes a certain point in the spiritual library you just have to see to complete control of it Christ and just cooperate with what he does maintaining control over your own interior life you will never be a saint it's just that simple okay so but it also means that very often what happens is with traditions they have a hard time forgiving themselves because if you can't they can't bear the pain of recognizing that they would stoop to something so lonely okay well that's just a matter of basic humility sometimes I leave ask them did Christ forgive you that profession yes so God forgive me yes she will forgive yourself nothing you're standing in the place of God you're serving as Authority because you're telling him that his judgment is not is not you know it's not right that's so you have to stop it then why am I going into this it's because the demons will pick at people and maintain that woundedness and relationship with those things that people just have to be able to forgive themselves in order to get themselves out from underneath the demons all the people that are possessed demons can even mimic balloon to dis when they make a person actually think they've been wounded when that happens so you get the demon out on some dates there guys I feel fine down relationship to that okay we're going to stop there take a five-minute break middle Nora any questions one in analyzing what you said that the totality there I got the feeling that everything that devil is around for each one of us and then the second question or Alexis in my own life I have bothered very hard and I find a part in this diocese especially find any spiritual direction you know my spiritual director is special gift from God yeah they're funding to give director is very difficult let me tell people define wedding good a confession various priests in whichever one not popping to please but trying to repress out what advice to give you a new confessions to or the kind of advice you're going to get it spiritual pressure which in my experience means a very few of them is this you get the impression that everything is it he's not talking about something over there that happened these people this is happening to us this is yeah we're nearing temptation is happening to all of us there's something to which I volunteer assess to be they're able to it so but we all suffered from diabolical session by the way the defy of the business of the six ordinary diamond elect temptation and that is what everybody suffers in its ordinary which means it's college everyday whereas the other five are considered explored an area extraordinary two ways when I bombed beyond its ordinary but there also it's also extraordinary in the sense of it being rarer you don't everybody is tempted not everybody's diabolically obsessed for example a concession yes there let me just first preface it by saying this every form of mental mental illness in every form of medical illness can either be caused or mimicked by demons that does not mean that every person who has psychological problems that it's for medical problems that is from a diabolic cause so people that the problem is just natural so Jonas did me give you an example there's a guy who came to me who was hearing voices and he thought maybe he was possessed there's a simple one of them my first one didn't it they did they hadn't said the psychological psychiatric make up and found out that he started hearing the voices winded from the drug use it was drug-induced psychosis basically so I said well there's a nut sight shed there is a medical condition that causes that but then I also thought to myself well maybe there are some times you'll get that where the demons were kind of mimic that stuff so I said so one of the voices sound like I said George Bush and Ronald Reagan [Music] [Laughter] by the way you might want to listen to those voices in your head don't know where these people's problems gonna be purely natural other times it can be purely so they can be purely psychological or psychiatric other times it can be entirely diabolic so that the panic attacks and the things that repeat your suffering so for example I'm working with though one of my spiritual directors I agreed to take him on for various reasons but he suffers from panic attacks he suffered from those and after doing a lot of lessons over here he did not show the signs that was diabolical all it was purely a natural phenomena that he was dealing with it had to do we didn't trace it back but you know what the psychological causes and so now he's able to - slowly but surely can get those feet there's other people though that suffer from Konica to actually do the blessings over them it just stops so you have to there's a lot of people sometimes it's mixed sometimes people because of the diabolic obsession they have obsessed for so long they've now developed psychological problems but habituation of their own lines so then people say well how can you really distinguish one from the other well in diabolic obsession it hasn't which is distinct from dialogical of obsession psychological obsession is a habit of the body for the person in the habit of thinking some things so or let's take an example of PTSD post traumatic stress syndrome but that is is the Cocteau tative power that has that powerful association it becomes hyper vigilant in constantly making associations in relationship to a specific set of criteria so guys go off to war they're constantly being vigilant watching for the plums and watching for their buddies and watching it so that when they come off of that it's in the habit of mind and so there's this and the stress is watching for the danger so that once they come off of that that Koch the apartment still in the habit right so it's a purely as a psychological thing there is a form PTSD it is entirely diabolic I only discovered this when I was a pastor numerous guys that my parents had gone off to the Afghan war when they came back they were all suffering from the exact same thing and one of the guys started telling me about his dreaming pattern she said you know that does kind of smell like it's dying all he didn't tell them that I said when she Quinn then we'll do this blessing so I did a minor exorcism over him twice the PTSD was completely gone and he didn't do anything no therapy or nothing so what you see what you'll see is with the SS when it's a day when it's when the person's problem is psychological the problem per doors it doesn't change much the only time it changes by these environmental factors or maybe there can also be some medical conditions which can kind of cause things to pandemic flow it'll be very consistent military just a little bit depending on environmental factors when you're talking about diabolic obsession it's more like this because Christ does not allow the demon to be at the person all the time and some of those through periods of lucidity where they see one one symptom free and then they'll go through periods where they're obsessing they can't get their mind off of it and then all of a sudden boom it breaks than the regular periods of lucidity again and these can have been flow is covering their time between those two that's one of the signs now does anybody have a recognize what that looks like bipolar I discovered this the first year I was an exorcist then by the way I'm not implying that all bipolar is diabolic but every single person who came to me that was meds for bipolar got off their meds in five months if we did the exorcisms regularly and if they get a certain set of finger on their side every one of them what does that tell you it tells you that well first of all we have to understand that bipolar is one of those categories right it's one of those broad categories like oh you have mood swings before we begin there I mean if they don't there's no real it's one of those broad categories conclude a variety of different things but one of the ways that you confirm that it's diabolic is this when the person is going through a really bad state they're in a really bad state and it's been going on for a few days it's how the community will do the blessing they'll do the minor exorcism impose hands how Scott for the protection and then all of a sudden the person will really feel oppressed they feel fine and then a few days it comes back again and so that's one of the signs that you'll see when it's diabolic obsession as the person begins doing what they need to do they'll kind of go up and down they start climbing their way up they'll get to the very top and they seem completely symptom free for a month or so then also they're going to have one or two really bad just I don't know why but an exorcism of notice that they see that towards the very last evident as long as they maintain their prayers they're okay now one of the things that is important about this is that that pattern I noticed this about three years ago that pattern of going through being down and then you know you do the exorcisms and they this is acidity for a while and the more you do it the longer it gets between times so that you know that it's a spiritual thing whereas if it's psychological you pray over the person they're just in flatline they might feel a little better because they've got social interaction but it doesn't change anything in law where's the family peer lucidum you feel great for the loss of d'Afrique not like an ism I get to get bond father Perry it's gone well it's wait see sometimes it does you just see the blessings over them once it blows it out other times it takes a number of exorcisms over a period of time I'm more referred to get to finally get out but this other pattern of this you see any confession people will be struggling with a moral sin that commit them whenever they they'll go to consent they go to confession Allah sent a boon they sell things and free about three or four days another sudden the temptation said it that are really hard again they fall they go to profession again and then boom after confession they feel something free again it's the same pattern and the reason is is because confession has the same effect very often that exorcism does so whatever I see a guy going through that pattern I'll tell them take it apart with me and come talk to me if you like and I think I might have a pleasure that can help you we need to discuss when I think of problem is because it's very often form of diabolic obsession now again I'm not sin playing is that even a majority of cases are diabolical watch what oh this are diabolical obsession I don't know what the statistic actually is but I do know there's a lot of people becoming diabolically obsessed because of the people things that they're committing and they're getting sucked into certain things so that's why the demons are getting [Music] well but the note that the way the church has always approached it though is if you have a medical condition you governor medical doctor because most medical conditions are purely medical and not diabolic but some are so the demons can cause appendicitis david's can cause certain things to happen so there's a person enter the circle Falls or they can mimic certain kinds of symptomology so people bellow the doctor for not finding anything which is altered and well but it could also mean something daya for the diabolic cause sometimes let me give you an example of what in a case the people in Memphis have this idea that I am I have to give this healing which is sooo nothing of the sort what charismatic age do you have overall I walk into houses in a full-blown infested and I don't even feel a thing okay what happened is is that they brought you this guy who is in fourth stage pancreatic cancer and he said would you be willing to pray over healing I said okay so I did the minor exorcism over in post hasn't even asked God to remove any demons it might be the possible diet be if if if this was from a dialogue cause a week later the doctor said we can't find in the trace so which is seems extraordinary this has happened I don't know why a news of Memphis and things those people must be able to attend diabolic attackers are telling go with our people automatically the doctors applaud likewise our business down but normally speaking if you have a medical condition you go to a doctor that's what you're supposed to do supposed to rule out the natural conditions first and then you might consider to consider something else but this is also why the gift of our the sacrament of anointing works it works in two ways one it works because on rare occasions God will heal to the sacrum but on other occasions the sacrament itself will blow the demon out so that gets him out of the person so the person can so what's the demon is out then the body's ability to recoup will do it on its own whereas if it's a gift of healing the person is immediately restored to the health immediately normal speed so they can cause it but and I'm not suggesting that every time you see a patient's like the kid in fact the only time I would suggest that you do that is if you came across that in the event of a condition that was not responding to the meds that always work does that make sense because demons can block the ability of medication I do between 50 and 70 evaluations a year but I have to travel a lot because with my work the other priests that work with me also do about that same amount a little bit more one of the priests there is these he's got some reason psychologists have to take a look at some types of cases because I just don't have time to sit down with the people we do we analyze about 150 cases a year that 150 cases is after a very extensive vetting process we probably get about ten phone calls a week three last year so it's a very low rate diabolic section though is much higher for people to evolve incest that's about twenty five percent of cases but you have to remember were already doing the vetting process and usually if you summon people in contact to save our events the medical stuff affects this hotel send your medicals so the psychiatric worked ups in the psychological program so how can do that sent it to us that we get a chance to you looked at and those things are very helpful for us because people say well it's you know if you're if your nexus with the cycle offices because demons will mimic certain patterns but that mimicry means there's a little difference and sometimes you can catch those especially if the reports are well done you know there's well annotated you can use it no it means that they can't get their mind off a certain looks just like them the psychological obsession except that ensign flows much more yes but you did though some it's just psychological because the big part of the reason that we do is the vetting process is we do extensive interviews before they even show up off the sticks one of the things we need to do is if we think of diabolic obsessions we need to know their psychological history in order to see if there was something that established the pattern so that it probably was just a better habit or if say there was a traumatic event that happened to the person that could result in some of the psychological but if it also which was true but it can also result in the demon even further so you just have to spend some time and ultimately when you think that there's something there then thrill the real telltale signs the prayer you're gonna prank certain things are going to happen if it's just you know if it's pure medical or if it's purely psychological your pregnancy charge a lot of our kids have been severely traumatized some the manifestations are pretty much the statement however unless a satanic ritual abuse my experience is that if a child is possessed or diabolic obsessed the cleanup operation is much shorter than it is adults that's why I experienced a lot of that has to do it the just the mercy of God but a lot of it also has to do with the fact that the child is they can't cooperate with the process as well ditional II mean they cooperated in that you see the person but they don't get you you can't sometimes instead of down and say okay you know Chinese five years old okay Johnny I want you to do five hours of Sanitation of damage there penguin other names recommend that but I'm just saying that that's they just can't work if you will same way that adults can the other thing is too is that a lot of times once the demon gets the foot in the door they'll drive the person to commit a lot of mortal sins and so there's a lot of traction that the demons got over the person to the committing of their world sins whereas with children is less volitional so he has less traction yes it depends it depends if they're in the state of grace they're going to have because grace is in the soul possessions in the body yeah for me I just didn't listen to him I'll just tell him okay tell me what I need to hear and I tell them don't spare it because the Devils in the details literally so you just let them talk and over the course of over the course of time you know the after you ran through some psychology and you dealt with you know thousands of people in this area you get a pretty quick sense of being able to line up okay this is probably business of this there's some cases once you're lying I just don't really know but that's what the prayers really so the test is really for me the initial test just listen to their story because that will tell you what we do we do certain tests like that but usually that's only for people who it looks like there could be possession that we're not real sure if they're possessed you know the demons going to know if you're if what you're saying is locked in his prayer or not or he's going to know if this which is blessed and which isn't so so yeah we do that on occasion I don't use it I don't use it until I get to a stage where I need to make some kind of determination like this is a borderline I'm sure for me I won't be engaged in solve exorcism until I see a clearer greater natural sign so but that doing those I don't do those in the initial stages now some increase will take a half people come into a room and they will actually put like a benedict metal underneath one of the chairs that have liked them to sit in one of the chairs and then you know or if you put their materials all the chairs except for one if that person wasn't sits on one that's not then he says well that could be assigned but again you have to kind of be careful with that - yes yes they pray I'm sorry with this definitive that they have one particular problem Oh on the lower back they all and what and wondering well if somebody's ex in the dices have tell someone what's called a state legislature that comes to me I automatically have faculty to do assault mattresses or if I judge it to be so the other exorcists are what's called an octave which means they have to go for each individual case get permission to do salt there's but there's a variety of different quarters that a priest would actually do in order to to make that determination so that you can get the demon to actually manifest and then once he manifested you go to the vision was that the case it is my in my experience there's only been one vision that I presented the case to and he just says well I'm not going to do this and I said what is this what I've never given permission for this for the 12 years I've been official I'm not going to start now and I'm like oh my god is likely the devil when I just do these in my diocese so the point being is in my experiences is that the Bishop's if you present first of all the bishops choose a guy that can trust so they already know for their experience with you with people that you bring to them you know your success rate whether people were liberated whether Victor not the absolute possession cases but I never know that issue had asked for faculties with us I was really certain because I saw some clearly preternatural now I don't have to worry about it so much but I still don't proceed to solve exorcism until I see that but you can do other things in order to get it to to get the demon to manifest and then from there you can make that you can make the determination just or other kinds of prayers an exorcism yeah okay yeah yeah you always seek the medical treatment because demons influence overview is by degree so sometimes people can have a medical condition from a diabolic cause that because they may not have sufficient influence to counteract the reactions of the medication so when the front of the medication medication actually works for the person or at least helped them to some degree that would you the demon out that didn't get fully healed but you only seek the medical treatment so and that's one of the real differences between the Catholic approach to the Protestant approach the Protestant proaches you have to go ahead and say the doctor you're fine are healed right the Catholics don't do that at all in fact usually before we do any of that - I mean I'll pay over people that have those kinds of conditions just to see if it works but I always tell people doing good work see your doctor never tell and soon we're family when that and and that trauma is usually what brings that about 99.9% of cases in men so is that also probably yes there is a demon of homosexuality in medicine name is appositives in women it's the level of life of a particular brand of lesbianism they can cause same-sex attraction but without the trauma so for example when I was doing an exorcism or it was a married man had a beautiful life beautiful young children he was a totally normal guy never had any traumatic experience of the past then he says I keep hearing this name of hospitais is the demon keeps Klingon hospitality so in exorcisms you say personal isolate the demons from each other so that they can empower each other and so I stopped the session I asked him I said do you have any homosexual ideation he said yes I do he said I have no idea where it comes from how you do it comes from us for days however that is not the case even those people who suffer from it and most people in fact that was a rare rare offender fitting there's another question I have to ask you about I come from the Kansas City area actually anyway before I moved down here a couple of years ago and there was you pinhead talked with a lot that's called Liberation's or oh yeah and we were like to the one special so it was a deliverance prayers yeah with people not actual exorcisms what alliterative yes yes is advice or should you leave it to the precinct yeah it's in other words is participating and deliverance work with say like lay people like advisable you know just sticking with the priest it depends upon what they're doing if they're opposing their hands in their head or if they are saying commanding the demons to leave I highly recommend you get away from them because that is they are unprotected they don't have the authority to do so and they're gonna get their clogged clean and they may get your clock late in the process I actually know two people who came and became possessed from laypeople laying their hands on second I tell people you're better off just with a priest or if the bishop gives the deacon permission to those things are deeper because of the fact that the priest has the authority from the bishop to do so as far as in position of hands that should really be able to be done by a bishop or Porter sorry because a priest and a bishop there's a funny joke about bishops were going into council meeting went until one of them started dying and they all started around it's a quick call a priest anyway the Deacons hands are not consecrated the priests hands are consecrated that's why they're sacramentals us why they that's why they have the power to drive demons out lay people's heads do not have that power and so to use them as they do have that power is superstition it's a man understood think that's a really appropriate in fact the Vatican has been pretty clear they don't want lay people doing those kinds of things the if they're if they're just if you're going to deliverance ceremonies where the main people are just praying with you not over you and just praying with you asking God to help you to deliver you from anything there's nothing wrong with that as long as the person's I'd asking for anything away but it's usually those are something wrong with that it's when they want to start doing the things that are really proper to preach that's a problem yes the you mentioned I was reading up on that once because I hear these things people read The Book of Enoch and then you come up with a movie like this Noah the movie with Russell Crowe with rock monsters and Lilith is you know said a lot of people real and they think it really happened and when I looked into it I put out the history of it but what I'm asking you is well free opinion on that first office you know what she really the first eve just for your opinion but I looked might be in the tradition of church is clear she wasn't yeah so she was always a demon that's clear and that's probably where they got it from because of that type of demon that it is that's correct okay thank you yes have you ever negative air guitar songs yeah they're not a possession so much you see a lot so you see other problems like diabolical oppression things like that yes yes that's right yeah that elects a distinct kind of a thing but yeah and do demons have a different voice than a person whose ass they do and I will sometimes amuse the persons who I spit if they get a little obnoxious I'll force them to speak in their own voice so I'm typing all the foursome to speak in their own voice to get a sense of who they are how do you see what kind of death and see it physically by the manifestation it's just like it's a it's analogous to if I walked up to you inspect you over the head with a baseball bat I would see what happened it's the same thing with that when you ask Christ to do after you're a few you know a few commands that works never something you will physically see the demon react to to the first yeah same sex as Medeiros yes come to tomorrow's session every time I the reason I say that is because every time I do this there's always somebody who argues with me and that's because they don't know first basic aspects of theology then the church's tradition by the way giver back to tradition the church's tradition there are two kinds of Graces the first is graces which may be pleasing to God so there's two kinds of Graces those which make you pleasing to God and those which are gratuitously given the ones that make you pleasing to God are sanctifying grace puts the end of the Blessed Trinity in your soul an actual grace which enlightens the mind and strengthens the will in order to do the right thing then there's gratuitous Grace's and these gratuitous graces deal with things like the charismatic gifts as well as things like a vocation to the priesthood things of that sort okay the charismatic Grace's insofar as they're gratuitous to be given that father to the church the doctor the church the entire church itself it's actually defined in Trent that grace is gratuitously given are incapable of being merited you cannot pray for them and God gives me - you cannot do offer something up to get them you can't do anything to get them they are gratuitous purely on the side of God says I read scripture civility gives them to an Aspie wills which means that there's nothing you can do so people say oh well you can get the gift of tongues if you just sit here and open yourself spirited I should I should ship my Honda I'm sorry but it's not going to work because the church has defined that these things cannot be gained that way this came in the Catholic Church from the Pentecostals who did not have a proper theology of grace so when they thought that you could just do these things and then you would get them and then of course there was all these misinterpretations of saint paul where these things were talked about okay that being the case the worst case of possession that I ever had was a woman who asked for the gift of tongues and she got it there are three kinds of gifts talk about tongues there's three kinds the first is the the princes you talk about tongues there's three kinds first is the authentic and it's Scripture we see it playing itself out there's two kinds the first is the person speaks their language so we have language a but the other person hears language bTW so when Peter got up there and started preaching everybody from all over the place had heard their own language the second is is that God infuses in you the knowledge of the language you actually know what you're saying that to keep that in mind so you speak to that the language that's in fusion here the person hears that language so in the case of Philip when he goes to see the you know God gives him to give the time so that he can actually go and then actually evangelize the eunuch okay now what is that why is this the case the reason it's the case that you actually know what you're saying is because God st. Thomas says I think there's a principle God always uses an instrument according to the nature of an industry the nature of that instrument we are intelligent creatures God doesn't use us in a way when we're supposed to be doing something foolish involuntary or speech or things like that sort he doesn't use this unless we know what we're doing infuses the knowledge and then from there we can actually know what we're doing that knowledge of knowing what you're doing is how you distinguish you from the diabolic form the diabolic form is that there's a speech paddle aesthetic pattern of speech there's speech coming out a language coming out of the person's mouth and they don't know what they're saying that's what I talked about earlier then there were some human studies where they for they did some studies where they found out there's a human form and what this human form is they say it's not even really a language but they found that is that the people that were doing this suppose speaking in tongues it was purely human it wasn't one of these other two as a person to know what they were saying is that we're seeing anything and they discovered that if I close and then I'm scientific analysis that the patterns of speech that they present that they talked with normally as it as an individual was showing up in the same thing just a little bit jumbled around it was just purely human that's just beautiful people say you know I prayed to God in my gift of tongues did he ask you this if someone came up to you and just start weapon speaking why do they think God doesn't think that right well he knows what's in my heart yeah but that doesn't anything to do with what's coming out of your mouth the second thing is is this is dangerous because doing this in this particular case the demon is speaking through the people but when you when you say well i just opened myself up to the spirit and then the stuff comes out there's a name for that it's called channeling it's where you open yourself up and let the spirits speak through you this is one of the reasons why i tell people that's why this woman became possessed because it was a superstitious behavior that she was engaging in and as a result she became possessed as a result of it I cannot tell you when I was in the Diocese of Omaha so the first times I was an exorcist was for the Archdiocese of Omaha I cannot tell you how many people I had to clean up from the charismatic renewal the names of each other I have a lot of highest estimation of some of these people because they're actually serious but their spiritual life they're trying to do the right thing that one of the few people it takes spiritual warfare seriously etc but what they're doing is the deduction from the process and has nothing to do with it is for the Catholic Church and as a result of that there was it's really dangerous so being slain in the spirit there is no sense care so I guess it's not real in fact I think a lot of it's just psychological frame yes there are demons that attack different facets of the merits like the matrimonial union or the fidelity of the spouses or things like that so yeah yes one of the things I find different knowing people is that you have people an American they call it spirit guide and then you get the Christians and some people here consider themselves Catholic and suddenly it's regarding angel that they have a name for it's st. Michael at st. Gabriel st. ratio and they act like they're getting like sort of like profited you know messages like you're demonized or or something like that yeah it's just like I don't know it's like how do I tell them how to test the spirit they really believe it and they put pictures of Jesus on face book page and don't there's an is a Nega test if you ignore him no indigenous wish I could do something in like that maybe voters are in the process he says when you test the spiritual north if it's from God and still continue because he's only limited if it's from Satan he'll lose interest and leave in fact there's a form of diabolical oppression where it's such a high level of oppression that the demons actually chattering the person even though they're not possessing that we're all obsessing them as you just tell them ignore it just ignore it they'll go away and usually done within a week so the point being is is that the other the other side of it is - isn't it remember what I was talking about how demons have access to your motions and conjugate parallel to stuff the brain and all that this is why the church has always always always said you never rely on your emotions or how you feel or your lower faculties for this of your spiritual life because the demons have access to that they can make you feel consolations and relationships and things that are spiritually disorders so you have to be very careful about all of that stuff that's why John the process just ignored of a trip god it would still happen if it's not from God actually in most cases a possession that I found that lasts any more than one session they usually will show tell who they are usually I haven't had that guy that was good [Music] yeah we do it just depends on public god has determined they do the demons beneficent where's the guardian angels rarely identify themselves although happens even in my own life nothing personal yourself but what happened was this case for this woman was possessed she calls me and she says I've been to the floor I can't believe that I would have been working with her like that she has a fella that persistence didn't say there she said you can't give her I said well I can't talk to you right now they'll call you later because I'm sending it out to be so what happens in which you don't shot at them what I did is I said it was only when I was like I got like all the browsers to print you suggest I said the first if it even loosen up she did very quickly and then she says I have to go now before I got on the airplane what I did as I said to the guardian angel my priest who's been here would appreciate another carbon angel so I said to him I said go and tend to her and take care of her so she gets back on the phone this is the night before I got on the airplane before a astronaut he got so she hangs up five minutes later she calls factors that had been in bathrooms five hours I think she says by the way did you send the guardian angel of your priestess you're gonna suggest how did you know he said he appeared to me and held my hand she was actually keep in a horse he communicated to her who he was that is a very rare you don't see that happen too often so something will go in there guard like already on fuels I started two questions one is it just a clarifying about the tons you did say that if someone has truly to get their touch they will understand what they are doing yes okay the second thing is coming from the Protestant world being like filled with the spirit and a floater spirit is huge is there it is there a Catholic teaching of what that would look like or the Catholic yes yes one of the things that I often do is I recommend especially with the depending on where they're dumping in from or if they're a document because the parents have you know specific issues like alcohol or drug abuse or things like that I'll tell often recommend I'll disable don't worry about is the general principle of demons is is if you see something if you don't see something that's probably not there probably not so so if you if you have to dock you kids and you don't notice if they don't worry about it but is if you start noticing it you might want to have any generational stake to agree to the breaking a generational spiritual relationship it also crates one negative sorry to ask what the generations period in which before you see the brezza genies will have something maybe that to be able to you know what his property what you want is his behavior so he's if he's making you angry or if he's making you just say spirit of anger I behind you or likely to your kids you know if it's spirit of disobedience or something like that so look there came here that that's the need to give it to it that's what you [Music] tell them you know like oh this is what you're getting relatively safe yeah being a medium is another form of diabolic January and its own it's a but it's an athlete but that's what sales is are basically what you're doing is you're hoping yourself up to the spirits talk it's your view or communicating with you and there's a lot of misunderstanding a lot of them think that you know oh well there's good spirits out there that you can communicate with yeah they're called angels that God is going to determine waiting with a cannot you can't do anything to determine that so whereas if you try to do something to set that up it's a superstitious act and that's what indeed with yourself up the demons can get involved so in her particular case you know I I watched her just a little bit just to get a sense of work I think she's my take on it is that my take on it is that she's one of these people that's extremely adept at reading situations and people and comparing to get stuff and do certain things whether there's anything that's diabolic about it I'm not real sure because I haven't seen anything like it but then she just really adept at reading people the thing is do you think do you think you do the normal tricks there's somebody here whose parent just recently died and you know you're suffering from it well say that about any group this size right so you just have to watch for those kinds of things so I tell people avoid this kind of shows of where the paranormal shows is going around looking at that stuff so the big figure was a vote for a long time was I'm going to cemeteries and trying to summon the dead you know that kind of thing you just open yourself about to be black yes [Music] about possessors not being demons yes yeah what it is is is they okay basically what this is this is the theological speculation so it's purely at that level this is the theological speculations to why and how they can do it that that the restriction of our wills to only being able to move things in our own body is a divine decree st. Thomas says that the will is a universal power and so there is some speculation of things like trunk and ESA's and things of that sort were long but haven't even had done and then at the fall got truncated it and restricted it by to their remove their ability to affect things outside of themselves so once you're released from the body the brill still retains that universal power so it has the ability to affect other material things God permitted we know this to be the case because of the fact that our lady does it the Saints to it and things of that sort so the relationship to enlighten our minor thinks that they are in the imaginations etc okay saying there are certain instances where angels have actually moved other people's bodies during times of stress or what have you so we know that those things not baby angels have but with people the idea is is that when people are damned that are particularly bad under certain circumstances God will allow them to come back and be able to influence in the same manner that a demon does so thus there's a small percentage very small percentage of Education just says no they're just demons are just faking their people now there's a real distinction because one of the least in my experience with them with angels when it's fallen angels that is demons you want them to command them to tell you what were you damn for it's always a spiritual sin like pride and be something like that it's always that whereas when it's a human being it's a almost always something tangible so one guy that I that I do he was possessed in this one woman he was he was dance for having a man another woman or another case was that one of the possessors was for a great-great aunt and you know he commanded her to sell what were you damned for for the scooty so it was funny because every time that she would manifest all the sudden that when his facial features would get really soft and she starts burning her hair and he just like a little bit frivolous here but the point is is that they're after they have to be something that had to be it has to be particularly bad in the case of enemies were tell that she she was possessed by if it was accurate Hitler Nero paraphrase as I mentioned they found particularly bad so it's they have to mince my chest you know like I said yesterday I'm asking you got to do you know didn't want to put a mask on Sunday so it's not usually that it's usually something that's really bad you know that is one simple yes with a doctor having a patient or in my case a therapist eminent compliant does that give us any authority okay although once you adopt someone in other words it's a legal thing so what you adopt somebody legally you can do this if you have power of attorney over somebody and they become incompetent once they lose that confidence then the authority to care so it has to do so in that case no but you can do it in the other way we just say in fact I'll recommend this often to people there epistolary satirically miss Diabolique problem well just so you know one of ways you could find out is just say the binding prayer but don't say it as man just saying there juice I ask you to find the spirit actually even say mentally you don't have to say it out loud you just say thanks Lee see if you notice change yes not without asking or unless your next assertion you happen to know because this case letter said yes you do the answers yes that's correct [Music] no he can no he can use them over his family the mother can use them over the children the true that life because she has rights over his body by virtue of the marital contract she can't say it over him - does that make sense over her husband [Music] oh yeah [Music] well he's always trying to get the people that are under his influence to make everybody else get is a great guy the authority comes from the sacrament not from the civil effects yes okay this is kind of a broader question but we look at the Illuminati or the alight ones that would be basically human agents on the deadline on earth right you know they're pushing the New World Order currency food industrial medical complex corporate profiteering and population control other things yes one of the things that you know they say is they have control over Washington within Washington I believe there or the oblique and Europe and the oblique and run of having control of religion money and more the novus Porter New World Order there's a lot of people I'd say that they have infiltrated the Catholic Church make your way and could that be true if so what do we do or spiritual workers yeah I mean they did the documentation I think is pretty clear that they did in fact you know the initiation the Catholic churches aren't testify probably before palitana me fella Todd said the Freemasons the Congress worked very closely together issues that we flooded the Catholic cemetery developer thousand Congress into the Catholic cemeteries in this country alone so it is their influence yes there actually is the place of the greatest spiritual powers also our greatest greatest influences also from good is also the place of the greatest diabolic attack so it just be a sensitivity attacking do the other you know so the point being is is that is it there yes these things are all predicted anyway Illustrated video border inquisitive fact predicted by the Saints who talk about governmental structures and financial systems are coming to us full of a single agency but that was necessary Christ so that's just all that reviews I mean so is it there the spiritual warfare yeah it's there you just have to pray to keep yourself protected from your family's thinking to the effects of it don't but that's about all that you can really do because these things are you can pray against the but you can do certain things but they are largely out of our hands the one thing I keep telling people it's so obvious is really funny I was a mechanic for about 25 years off and on for my father just having a little in the world ever since I was a teenager me but even after I was a priest he would keep busy so I came down happening about when I was homeland or vacation so some of these guys are just like working for him so I got wet my god and a certainly torch said I'm going to get to the bottles and I get to the location of a metastasis of a diet he said just as we're loading it he just asked mrs. he convinced us rested traces what do you think about the way the world is going right now but I told him it's in free fall yeah that's what I've noticed that since about 2008 roughly it's this thing is literally spiraling down with nobody played any brakes on it whatsoever there is literally no public agency that's trying to slow this thing down that is effective in any matter whatsoever and I think that's just kind of generally where we're at it so people ask people what do you think about that I said well I just think it's God setting us up to get started because we're bad will guide children it needs to spank this in this country so what that's going to look like I don't know I really don't want to speculate too much on that sometimes it's their poison such as their details learn I will be 32 and speak directly to me without any kind of physical agency once they usually don't do that price restricts that usually so what they do is they don't move the vocal cords will stop actually speak through the person [Music] [Music] all divorced parents and my brothers on the road he's a trucker and so he's not the house with us so he gives us charge over this time not the spiritual authority that would let you do to plenty of hers by committee just do disaster response different question could she ask the Father to extend his authority to delegate yes when you said like we're in free fall I think we have to start not being closed in ourselves and merely protect I believe everything that you said to them and it's wonderful but I think they have to reach out okay and I have a problem because the Holy Father says we have to risk ourselves to snow like the Sheep and I can give you an example I only told this story to Richard Collins here I was in Japan in Hokkaido as a catechist and pastor told me you like a Cobra dynamo Tommy it's a coal-mining town and I had eight people would sit in a room it's on the floor but you know worst bedroom and everything else you know a one-room serves everything my problem was I taught the Catechism and was in Japanese and then use the scriptures they had the scriptures there and so I could relate them to Christ however when I looked on the wall there was a five foot wide poster on there there was a some Tory the woman was totally naked with some Tory risky Bible right at the proper place you see obviously like a phallic symbol but she'd be looking at me all the time as I'm teaching okay no I cannot stop that because in Japan you can't tell people out of so like my thing was just you know fishy taste is the devil looking you know doesn't work okay and right here the time when we were finishing and they were getting ready for baptism I went in and lo and behold there was all to oval pictures there the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the sick dark America I didn't say anything after the class was over he said you know what we hang on the wall after your teaching here didn't speak to us anymore that was a signatory after that I went to oh you Bobby to start out well a teacher would invite me into the home at night and of course they had these liter bottles of beer and in Japan you cannot pour your own beer he has to pour it for you and I have to take care of him and so after I get loaded with beer nice day man I can't you know chuckling normal and go me my same night though you know I couldn't drink it anymore well II thought I wanted whiskey so I come the Suntory wife was the Suntory lady now flows the however and I had this whiskey well by the time I left the house I said I had I have things to do the next day I was radiating I had a walk in the snow out of snows the two meters deep and we boarded up the windows on the first floor and so I was radiating I said I remember telling a phrase I said you know this posing for Christ is kinda hard what I'm bringing out is what the Holy Father is saying you kind of risk yourself a little bit and that side can wear you out you know you know what I'm saying and how they've done I have never - was told anything about the devil or and I might believe in the devil and angels pray yeah I mean it's true that you have to get okay if there's a distinction between you don't risk your family but it's true that we it's based upon our own particular circumstances that there might be we might be in a circumstance when we do have to go out of ourselves or want to help somebody we just have to make sure that we're not putting ourselves at spiritual threats committing sin or anything but ya know I mean I agreed you have to help people but right now my basic point is is it you have to accept they think we be said it brings up a very important point right now I think it's gotten so bad that trying to get the overall like the governmental structure all these things straightened out it started if I'm gonna get those they're straight up it's got to be a nun person by person basis that's where you've got to deal with people and when you see the oral them and that's when you make the entrance all they have to do is enter the lowest level and your family can become subject to the free resource that doesn't necessarily mean that you have it but you want to say the first to break the previous lot of curves there's a set of bursts yeah no but you email me through the website password no that's a that's a common opinion that most of you most most because the godparents is a role is to proact not to command so as a result of that they don't think that most actresses do not think they do and then another question is you're really dangerous as far as the possession is it's still fairly uncommon but it's becoming more comedy means a slope is increasing because people just doing a lot of evil things in fact it kind of reminds me that if they get in that obviously of st. Francis recess during that type of tribulations Jews will have to explore a very power but it's normal to be there but so it's not that common but it you know it's becoming more common people ask me you know what percentage of the population is probably possessed you know it's hard to even tell like I said only three out of 150 people even that was for vetting process last year that we looked at for disaster so it's not it's not very common diabolical sector I think is very common it's about in the sense it's not like it's not like there are dialogue sanitation but I mean somebody asked me one time well how much what percentage of the population this pressure do you think is diabolically obsessed was it someone probably around twenty five percent and we personally The Exorcist tend to think it's because of the rising for a lot of free things of that sort then it was surely after I said that about two weeks after I said that they came out the study and said that 22 percent of college graduates and basically the general population by the either seen or currently seeing a psychologist so it's about the same kind of a statistic as to yoga yoga is if you don't kill the messenger I'm just telling you what what the experts in the history of the practitioners of yoga state it is they make it very clear that the stretching and the positions in yoga are actual representations of Eastern deities it says more than one it's mostly Old Testament in the New Testament it says all the gods of the Gentiles are demons it's totally true basically what they are is they're representations of Devers I have seen people become possessed through practicing yoga a lot of people say well I happen to the I T that's fine at that I'm just I'm just telling you this is what the thing is in its representation and so you it's an open door objectively speaking oh boy I tell people avoid it yes mark Jezebel Delilah probably on the destroyer really yes and they rented garage freemason place that I open myself yes I put something together you can yes but like I say if you didn't notice anything after you left yes yes WWE of course a2x ili um CH RI st i am o our unit after it leads me application of our videos help of Christians yes [Music] questionable I cannot reveal [Music] differently that it is safe after we need the premises [Music] well there's two things I think one is your section 13 is a guide you see children end up going into houses like that the second one is is water there so if you see something just let say outside legacies of you know protect to be honest for their protection usually yes the way it works is is this our thoughts are shrouded from all other intelligent creatures except God and then God can reveal it to specific people except God structured into the very nature of angelic communication and also in a human communication that is currently restricted at the moment under certain circumstances that if you by your will direct your thoughts to another intelligent creature to God that that person hears it yes you can pray to them and they'll hear you yes it should be done just purely that's correct so in the next life God will lift the veil and you will see even what's in people's lives to be effective e to be spoken out loud or can they all be fragments we like they have a language in our faces it just depends on the nature of the thing that you're dealing with usually my experiences with it almost like it stops the temptation or suicide yeah I you know okay there's a there's a website called cycling that's not work you just go on there and they they actually have been kept that was even defending promoter of very jewy too heavy which if you ever get a chance to read for envisions there I know too many places I think it's a good see I think it's because they're yeah I think it's because they're extremely hard to come by they have to be made from perhaps races or not mass-produced the color purple scapular and basically basically with the purple scapular is is that their Julie Janani asked Christ for a scapular and he gave for the purpose purple scapular which is supposed to protect you and your family from the effects of the chastisement so so that's one of the things I recommend putting your okay we better cut it off there they feel neo I'll give you a blessing then these are general attendees contraception has spent a summit at Super Bowls its money and sent parents increase force being treated the race for Muslim and heart racing [Music]
Channel: Sensus Fidelium
Views: 102,056
Rating: 4.8654833 out of 5
Keywords: catholic, christianity, God, jesus, christ, exorcist, demon, scapular, sacramentals, rosary, mass, virtue, mortal sin, grace, ewtn, prayer, religion, devil, devotion, exorcism, emily rose, ghosts, salvation, holiness
Id: YtrmZLbH9CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 35sec (8735 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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