How To Cast Out Demons

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to cast out demons so i'm gonna ask you guys for  your help whenever you are watching this live   that you stay engaged you drop whatever i'm  sharing in the comment below you share this   on uh your um platform as well i believe this is  to be educational i believe that this is going   to be also informational as well as is going to  equip you to do the will of God and to fulfill   your assignment on this earth which is to heal  the sick cast out demons and preach the gospel   to start with there are 33 recorded  miracles of Jesus 16 of those miracles   are healing seven of those miracles are casting  out of demons like the man in the synagogue the   blind and the mute man who was demonized the man  who was at the gentile territory the mute a man   who was delivered the daughter of a gentile woman  the boy whom the father brought who was delivered   as well as the woman in the synagogue who was  delivered from the spirit of infirmity and so   portion of Jesus's ministry was expelling demons  portion of Jesus's ministry was driving out evil   spirits and so the lord has called us to do that  ministry now there are people who can disagree on   different parts can a christian have a demon  can uh can um can we cast out demons out of   christians and everything and i'm gonna leave  that topic for another day i release the video   what i'm gonna talk about today is casting out  of demons and so what does it mean how do you   do it and uh some practical steps on fulfilling  this ministry that the lord has called honestly   every believer to do four main principles of  casting out of demons that honestly every person   has to agree on these are just very basic truths  and principles like the four wheels in the car i   would say concerning the ministry of casting out  of demons or exorcism the first one is casting out   demons is not a gift it's an assignment casting  out demons is not a gift it's an assignment   and these signs will follow those who believe in  my name they will cast out demons they will speak   with new tongues Mark chapter 16 and verse 17.  so the same way that Jesus says in my name you   will heal the sick in my name you will speak in  other tongues he says in my name you will cast out   demons you will cast out evil spirits in my  name this is not a gift of the Holy spirit   the gift of the Holy spirit a word of knowledge  word of wisdom discerning of spirits you know the   working of miracles there's nine gifts of the Holy  spirit but this is not a gift of the Holy spirit   please hear me loud and clear people sometimes  come up and say things like um you know Vlad   uh you have the gift of casting out of demons  it's not a gift of the Holy spirit guys   it's an assignment from the Holy spirit to every  believer the same way i believe every believer   can speak in tongues i believe the same way every  believer should drive out demons every believer   can pray for the sick now you might have a healing  ministry okay but it does not mean that only those   with healing ministry can heal the sick you might  be an evangelist but it does not mean that only   those are called to share their faith you might  have a deliverance ministry that is highlighting   deliverance but every one of us is called to expel  demons amen now this assignment gives us authority   and the baptism in the Holy spirit gives us  anointing because to cast out demons really   requires two things it's the authority and the  power or the anointing authority comes from our   assignment Luke chapter 10 and verse 19 it says  that behold i give you authority to trample upon   snakes and scorpions as i was reading that  today it was interesting that this verse   Jesus is speaking to disciples who came out of the  evangelistic mission and this evangelistic mission   we don't see mention of casting out of demons  he Jesus doesn't tell him to do that he tells   them to preach he tells them to heal the sick  he doesn't tell them to drive out demons they're   nameless disciples we don't know their names we  just know that there was just over 70 of them   and they come back saying demons obey us in your  name and now Jesus gives him authority that's Luke   chapter 10 and verse 19. so to cast out demons  it's not a gift it's your assignment and this   assignment this commission from jesus gives you  authority and the Holy spirit gives you power   gives you anointing the Holy spirit gives you that  anointing now it's important to understand is that   for the ministry of deliverance to be successful  you need both you need the authority and you need   the anointing you need the power of the Holy  spirit and you also need the authority the   legality you have to be legal in the realm  of the spirit to drive out demons otherwise   what you are doing is you are trespassing you're  commanding demons to get out of their dwelling   places and you don't have the proper authority  for example a police officer has both things that   give him the power to exercise his duty because  of his job his job provides him with two   two things and that is the badge and the gun see  his job gives him the badge and the gun of course   he has proper training with his gun and he's  trained on how to use both of them and that's   exactly what i'm doing in this stream today is  i'm going to be sharing with you on how to do that   but your job please understand police officer is  not a gift to be a police officer is a job to be   casting out demons is not a gift it's an  assignment and this assignment provides you   with two things it gives you access to authority  and it gives you access to the anointing to   the power of the Holy spirit and demons they  recognize authority and they recognize power   while you cannot grow in your authority you can  grow in your knowledge of your authority you   can grow in your anointing through walking in the  Holy spirit and we're going to talk about that in   a moment so that's the first basic foundation of  casting out of demons is it's not a gift it's an   assignment and this assignment gives you authority  and it gives you access to anointing number two   is demons are removed by the power of the Holy  spirit this is huge because i'm going to talk in a   little bit about different methods that people use  and we might disagree on methods and we might use   different methods at different times but  one thing is certain demons don't come out   because of our methodology demons come out because  of the Holy spirit the verse of that is Matthew 12   28 but if i cast out demons by the spirit of  God surely the kingdom of God has come upon   you so Jesus says that i cast out demons  by the spirit of God demons don't come out   by any other reason except there is a greater  spirit that drives them out and this spirit is   God God is a spirit this spirit is the holy spirit  while you might cast out demons with this way   that way you might cast them out this way or  that way one thing is certain you cannot cast   out demons effectively without the Holy spirit the  Holy spirit i've seen deliverances where honestly   none of the formula was followed and God  delivered people i've seen deliverances   where every formula was followed and people were  not delivered because the formula is not the key   the key is the person of the Holy spirit and the  key is to know the Holy spirit and to allow him   to use you in that particular moment to drive  out demons so that's the second foundation is   that deliverance happens you can only cast out  demons through the power of the Holy spirit   if you don't have knowledge if you don't rely  on the Holy spirit you cannot be effective in   this ministry number three demons are removed  by the name of Jesus so we only are given   one instruction on how to cast our demons  properly in the bible we're giving the power   so we're giving the job that's the first thing  we're giving the power which is the Holy spirit   we're giving the person of the Holy spirit and  then we're giving an instruction the name of Jesus   by which we drive out demons we don't drive  them out by our name we don't drive them out by   our holiness we don't drive them out by our  righteousness there is no ritual there is no   other kind of pronouncement that we do  there's no other name there's no other   trick in the book that we have except we're  giving the assignment we have the Holy spirit   and the name of Jesus is what drives our  demons period very simple that works in asia   that works in africa that works in the united  states that works in every part of the world   the name of Jesus demons tremble before that name  demons hate that name and they can do nothing to   stop it because it's a force they have no  power to resist they have no power to stop   and the fourth truth of how to cast out  demons and that is demons are removed by   being cast out demons are not removed when they  are counseled out they can't be massaged out   you can't therapy them out you can't hug  them out you can't inner healing them out   you can't well just brother keep praying and  reading the bible and it's going to be gone   Jesus is very clear and we're going  to drop through the verses right now   Matthew 8 16 Matthew 9 33 Matthew 10 8 Matthew 12  28 Mark 1 34 Mark 1 39 Mark 3 15 Mark 6 13 Mark   16 9 Mark 16 17 Luke 13 32 all say one thing cast  them out the bible says he cast them out he didn't   you know i believe in inner healing i believe  in therapy i believe in counseling i believe   in medicine that has its place but none of that  replaces the ministry of casting out of demons   none of that replaces what Jesus did  he cast them out he commanded them   verbally to go and those demons would leave amen  if you're enjoying this if you're watching this   right now or re-watching it we're about to  dive in to 10 practical things on how to   cast out demons but go ahead and if you have not  done that on youtube go ahead and hit that like   button and let me know where you're tuning in  from even if you are re-watching and then those of   you on instagram as well share this with somebody  share on facebook share this with somebody as well   and we're going to keep on going if you're ready  for me to keep on going drop that in the chat   and we are going to keep on going i'm seeing  a lot of your comments a lot of you are   receiving and commenting on it and uh David  Diga Hernandez love you my friend good to see   you here as well alexander pagani apostle  good to see you wow we have a combination   of different men of god thank you guys for  your birthday wishes and thank you for your   support and by the way alexander pragani is going  to be having with isaiah a meeting this weekend in   new york so if you're in that area  and you're looking for deliverance   go and visit them it's going to be powerful  service my wife is saying hello man of God   hello baby i hope you're doing all right  she is upstairs and so um thank you guys   for your birthday wishes once again what  is expected of a deliverance minister   number one to live a spirit-filled life as a  deliverance minister you must live a spirit-filled   life and the reason you must live a spirit-filled  life is because you can't cast out demons   carnally you can't cast out demons being in the  flesh if you don't live a spirit-filled life you   will not know what to do during the during the  deliverance you will not know how to behave you   will not be confident there is two kinds of  life that christians can live christians can   live spirit-filled life or christians can live  carnal life or flesh life and unfortunately the   reason why many christians don't cast out demons  or heal the sick is because they do not live   spirit-filled life they are spirit leaking life  they're constantly leaking through their sin and   compromise and complacency but they're not  spirit filled and therefore when it comes to   the actual battle they feel ill-equipped they  feel like saul they just can't muster up their   strength to confront the goliath David on the  other hand who was filled with the Holy spirit   he not only beat lions and the bears privately but  he overcame goliath publicly you're either going   to live a carnal life or you will live a crucified  life if you don't live a spirit-filled life if you   don't surrender your life to the holy spirit  completely this is what's going to happen even   if you do cast out demons you must understand that  casting out of demons is not a badge of approval   of God on your life Jesus said in matthew 7 22 he  says many will say to me that day lord lord have   we not prophesied in your name cast out demons in  your name and done many wonders in your name have   you noticed in his name how we mentioned that we  do it in his name we heal the sick in his name we   cast out demons in his name we do wonders in his  name we don't do it through some kind of a charm   we don't do it through some kind of a ritual we  don't do it through some kind of a formula we only   have a name and we reverence and honor that name  now these people they knew the power of that name   they maybe were around churches they probably  watched a lot of streams and they watched a lot   of videos and so and then when it came to casting  out demons they like sons of skiva attempted to   do deliverance and these people were effective  but Jesus says i never knew you depart from me   you who practice lawlessness now it's definitely  not talking about backsliders because he never   knew them meaning they never had a relationship  and they practiced lawlessness you know it does   not mean to cast out demons does not mean you  can never struggle okay in your walk with God   struggle with lawlessness practicing lawlessness  and struggling with lawlessness are two different   things a person who's struggling person is  wrestling people strong person is trying to   be free versus a person who is practicing  you know when you practice something you're   trying to get better at it so these are the  people who never knew Jesus and who practiced   got better at sinning all right but they still  cast out demons so casting out demons is not a   badge that God is approved with your lifestyle in  fact there will be moments God will deliver people   through you when you don't feel anointed when  you don't feel anything because of God's mercy   and that's why when disciples cast out demons  and they came rejoicing Jesus says rejoice   not the demons obey in your name but that  your names are written in the book of life   Galatians chapter 3 verse 5 it says therefore  he who supplies the spirit to you and works   miracles among you does he not do it by the  works of the law or by the hearing does he do   it by the works of the law or by the hearing of  faith so the question to you guys today is this   if you want to cast out demons begin with  this live spirit-filled life walk constantly   filled with the holy spirit live filled with the  holy spirit how to live filled with the spirit   refuse to live carnal life in which area of  your life is currently carnality that is running   rampant unchecked where are you living not  crucified life but selfish self-focused life   in those areas submit to the holy spirit ask him  to take reign and to become a lord of your life   because that is the first thing during deliverance  holy spirit can guide you and lead you but he can   guide you and lead you if before deliverance  on somebody you're living pretty much filling   yourself with the things of this world filling  yourself with the things of this age number two   is you have to know your authority in Jesus so not  only you have to be filled with the holy spirit   but number two you have to know your authority  in jesus now the authority that you have in Jesus   you have to know it every christian has the  authority the problem is not every christian lives   in awareness of that authority hello  pastor mike good to see you here on youtube   everybody follow my pastor mike subscribe to  his youtube amazing man of God my good friend   and so knowing your authority in Jesus really  will separate you from people who are filled   with the holy spirit and who don't operate  in that authority you don't have to get your   authority you already have it you just have to  know your authority and believe in the authority   that you have in Jesus when disciples couldn't  cast out a demon out of a boy Jesus didn't tell   them it's because they had sin in their life  he said because of your unbelief you know the   problem with us many times why people don't  drive out demons is because they don't believe   that Christ in them is more powerful than  the enemy around them they don't believe in   their own faith in Jesus they don't believe that  they can they don't believe the demon will leave   like after a few seconds when the demon doesn't  leave they get these thoughts ah it's not gonna   happen it's one of those stubborn cases i heard  about and it seems like all of my cases are   stubborn and so when you don't have faith in  christ that lives in you my friend if you are   constantly doubting yourself it will be difficult  for you to drive out demons so i just want to   encourage you today do not doubt christ that lives  in you do not doubt the authority that you have   do not doubt Christ does not doubt the enemy will  play tricks with you he will throw the temptation   of intimidation to cripple your ability to function  in your authority he does that all the time   he'll play mind tricks with you he did that with  david david got up to fight goliath and what did   goliath do his favorite weapon in his arsenal  is intimidation who do you think you are david   what is this what is this a joke you're coming  to me against me i'm a soldier i'm a i'm a man   of war i'm a champion you're a good looking like  little teenager okay bro where you're coming with   me again with rocks so the enemy will mock you  in your own mind the enemy will throw you fear   and darts of doubt and confusion and say you're  not good enough you're not holy enough you're not   righteous enough you didn't do enough look at you  like these demons are gonna enter you right now   like look at your past like you didn't read  your bible enough the demons will play tricks   with your mind and this is where you have  to mentally put on the helmet of salvation   put on the breastplate of righteousness you have  to take the shield of faith and deep inside of   your heart first John 4 4 you are a child of God  little children and have you are of God little   children and have overcome them because he who  is in you is greater than he who's in the world   behold i give you authority to trample upon  serpents and snakes and over all the power   of the enemy and nothing by no means shall hurt  you Luke chapter 10 verse 19. and in your mind   you say no devil you're a liar greater is he  that is in me than the one that's in the world   um no devil you're a liar i can do all  things through Christ who strengthens me   no devil you're a liar i am on the assignment  by lord by the lord to drive out demons yes   it's not about me i am not that strong it's not my  might not by power but by my spirit says the lord   Jesus drove out demons by the spirit that's  exactly who i'm gonna drive these demons by by the   power of the holy spirit so the devil zip your lip  muzzle your mouth shut up and get out and you have   to otherwise the enemy is gonna put you in the  trap of paralysis mental paralysis he'll trap you   in this little thing where you start thinking  about yourself instead of the authority   that Jesus has given you you know i've seen police  officers that are very small like they're not   super buff they're not like very intimidating very  kind and tiny all right but i still tremble when   they turn on the siren you know why because the  authority they have because of the power they have   and that's exactly what the enemy feels that's  what exactly what the enemy knows and don't let   for a moment when you're doing a deliverance of  somebody make the enemy get a foothold of fear   and doubt in you through playing the tricks number  three so now we're getting to the practical parts   so the first one we mentioned is walk in the holy  spirit number two we mentioned is that know your   authority i'm not saying get your authority you  already have as a christian it comes with your   assignment and number three is interview the  person prior to doing deliverance on them now   again please understand these are practical  advices there are moments in deliverance in   fact most of the deliverances of Jesus there was  not a lot of interviews in some deliverances Jesus   says enter the synagogue bom bom from what we  see in the writing maybe more things happen but   from what we see he just cast out demons paul  he saw the woman with the spirit of divination   he just commanded he was provoked by her and  then commanded the demon and the demon was gone   but the verse that i want to give you is Mark  chapter 9 verse 21 Jesus is coming down from the   mountain and the father has a son who is demonized  the son is foaming the sun is the demon throws him   into the fire tries to kill him pretty common  deliverance case pretty common the demonized   case and Jesus begins to interview the father and  he's asking the question and he asked the father   how long has been has this been happening to him  and so and the father said from the childhood so   there's an interview there's going on we see with  the woman who had a daughter that was demonized   Jesus pretty much had a conversation he was really  trying her faith and seeing that she had faith for   the deliverance of her daughter and so when it  comes to the interview this is what we focus on   on our team at Hungry Gen on Sunday mornings  before we do deliverance is that we have a meeting   with people who are coming for deliverance and  we do this thing called counseling or sometimes   we call it screening we're honestly encouraging  persons faith we ask questions like you know are   you aware of any occult in your in your family are  you aware of any trauma that have happened to your   mom when you were born were you born wanted did  they want a different gender when you were born   was there any abuse or childhood trauma happening  when you grow up are your parents still married   what religion are your parents you know what  church do they go do they go to any church   do you recall any childhood  fears injuries or nightmares   have you ever seen any evil presence in your in  your house or anything moving in your house so   we kind of go down the list of few questions  that help us to pretty much like diagnose   the person and help us to see what is happening  with this person for more detailed lists of that   watch my youtube video called how to spot a demon  i go into a detail on 14 areas that we target   during this consultation with the person you know  we ask if any spoken words were spoken over them   that are currently reigning true in their life  that were demonic in nature that brought fear   and brought all of these bad things into their  life and so are they hearing any voices and etc   because demons can really be discerned  so your interview with the person   it helps to dismantle the lies it helps to break  down the stoneholds and it helps you to get to   know what's happening with the person okay is this  person has a demon or this person maybe simply   is has a flesh problem maybe this person just has  um something that they have a medical condition   and so and through talking with that person  you can distinguish you can pretty much see   what's happening and you can know a demon from a  person or living in a person from three main ways   the first one is through the gift of discerning  of discerning of spirits the holy spirit can give   you the discernment that this person has a demon  the second way is when you pray for the person   and the person begins to manifest that's how  you can know that a person has a demon and the   third way is through the activities of demons  sometimes when you go to the doctor you don't   have to tell the doctor hey i have this particular  sickness you tell them the symptoms and the doctor   will tell you what sickness you have so the  symptoms are you know constant nightmares   mental oppression controlling negative thoughts a  strong urge for defiled things sexual perversion   occultic involvement fascination with other  religions chronic disease compulsive behavior   extreme restlessness in spiritual places hostility  toward deliverance ministries compulsion to abuse   your body hearing voices and paranormal activities  so when you begin to kind of see these symptoms in   a person you can be honestly very certain that  a person has a demonic influence in their life   and this person needs to be delivered and so  one little advice that i want to give you when   you're interviewing a person before you're doing  deliverance on them okay don't be quick to believe   that a person is exaggerating and lying or  making things up concerning having demons   i've noticed that we tend to put it under the  carpet or we tend to say things like oh well you   know it's probably mental oh it's the flesh you  know oh this person is just everything is a demon   for them and it's easy to say that especially if  you don't have experience in deliverance you have   no desire to help people in deliverance to  kind of blame something else in their life   or to just send them to the doctor or to just  send them to a counselor and to make a joke   about it and make fun of their situation it's very  dangerous to do that because Jesus didn't do that   in every case where somebody came to Jesus and  said my son has a demon my daughter has a demon or   i have a demon Jesus did not doubt them Jesus did  not say are you sure uh i don't think so um yeah   it's probably mental it's just it's a doctor not  that some people are not making things up and you   know it's not mental but don't rush to discredit  the report and diagnosis of the oppressed people   believe them and attempt to help them investigate  the situation a little bit more ask them more   questions and so that you'll be able to know is  this flesh or is this a demon the holy spirit   will guide you the holy spirit will lead you and  um is this just a generational curse that needs to   be broken or is that they actually have an entity  a foreign entity living in them that needs to be   removed and so it's very important to do that  because i've noticed i've made mistakes myself   what we did few deliverance you know sessions and  and it's easy to just kind of like oh you know   this person is mental and then you know you see  this person going to some other ministry and they   get delivered there and then they come back and  they're like oh my goodness i got delivered and   you're like wait i thought that you didn't have a  problem with the demon you know and so i've i've   had my share of failed experiences in this area  and sometimes it's because of our laziness we   just honestly don't want to miss our lunch we  don't want to take time to pray we don't want   the messiness of the deliverance but i know  everyone watching here you're a demon slayer   come on somebody if you are a demon slayer spam  the chat drop that in the comment right now if   you are the army of the lord if you are part of  the team of Jesus that is not going to be ashamed   of the ministry of healing of deliverance and not  going to be ashamed of the work of the Holy spirit   if you are going to be that demon slayer go ahead  and drop that in the comment and don't forget to   also get the t-shirt demon slayer you don't need  the t-shirt to be a demonstrator by the way but   it'll just help to support our ministry and  it will help you to brand you as a person who   does the ministry of deliverance and those of you  just tuning in on youtube hit that like button   don't forget to uh support this by sharing this  with others now let's go further when you have   recognized your authority you're filled with the  holy spirit you're interviewing the person finding   out a little bit more about their situation and  so the more you talk to this person you know   and be careful don't let this person lead  you on the bunny trail because a lot of times   demonized people hurting people they can take you  and start telling you everything all their life   you don't need to hear everything you just  need to know things that are pertaining to   their deliverance okay so number four lead  the person through the prayers of repentance   renouncing and releasing forgiveness so you want  to lead them through repentance through renouncing   and through releasing forgiveness forgiveness  is huge if they have unforgiveness they need   to release that don't pray for anybody for  deliverance who is not willing to forgive someone   they have a problem with just just as an advice  i would not pray for anybody who is not willing   to forgive the person that hurt them now we see  in mark chapter uh in Acts chapter 8 verse 22   Peter is confronting Simon who used to be  in sorcery and who used to do this kind of   witchcraft stuff and he tells him he said repent  therefore of this wickedness and pray God if   perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven  you for i see that you are poisoned by bitterness   and bound by iniquity and so you must understand  in order to experience deliverance person must   repent first person must first renounce  the vows they made the inner vows they made   the covenants they made if they made any  the involvement they had with witchcraft   they have to renounce generational curses if  they're aware of any that are happening in their   life they have to renounce the words spoken over  them by people in authority they are currently   controlling their life they have to renounce the  words they spoke over themselves that are not in   line with God with alignment with God and they  have to release forgiveness to people that they   that hurt them person that they hold unforgiveness  bitterness and offense towards they have to   release that forgiveness and only then the  power of the holy spirit is going to begin to   bring deliverance to their life number  five keep in mind most demons so before   you do deliverance on somebody keep in mind most  demons operate in groups Mark chapter 1 verse 24   says saying let us alone so demons are saying  let us i want you to mark this let us alone   so demons are saying let us not me us alone what  we have to do with you Jesus of Nazareth Jesus   you came to destroy us i know who you are the holy  one of God so demons operate in groups demons run   in gangs demons they love their groupings and a  lot of times one demon opens the door to another   demon so when you're casting out a demon out  of a person you must understand there's usually   more than one demon there almost a hundred  percent more than one demon that's why when a   deliverance happens and one demon came out and  you see the person manifesting and sometimes   you can be discouraged and like oh this person  didn't get delivered uh that's not really true   the person maybe got delivered from that evil  spirit but the other spirit is manifesting right   now because rarely there's going to be only one  demon there you know demon of lust will always   bring demon of perversion you know demon of anger  will bring demon of rage and then demon of race   will bring the demon of murder you know and then  and so forth and so on you know demon of offense   will bring the demon of bitterness and  then they'll bring the demon of arthritis   you know a lot of times offenses and bitterness  will bring arthritis into a person's body and so   so that's kind of really what you have to be aware  of that you're always dealing with more than one   even if one is always speaking there's more than  one that's there and so one of the things that   we like to do is combine all of them and cast  them all as a group number six talking to demons   is not a conversation it's an interrogation  again you don't have to do that every single   time and you might not do that but Jesus did  it and sometimes it helps to weaken the demon   okay when he discloses how he entered and what he  did to the person again we don't take the report   from demons okay we trust the holy spirit and let  the holy spirit guide the deliverance but what   about Jesus who was casting out a demon out of a  person who had a legion and guess what happened   he told the demon to go the demon didn't go and  then Jesus says who are you and the demon says   we are a legion for we are many and so in this  instance we see that demons can speak and Jesus he   didn't interact it with them like a conversation  he had a interrogation with them okay so   a warning we don't look for juicy information from  demons okay we're going to ask them for secrets   we'll ask them about stock market we don't ask  him you know about this preacher is he christian   or is he not christian we don't do none of this  stuff we only target things during deliverance   that have to do with the person's deliverance  so if we're asking a question of a demon it's   not a conversation please hear me we this is  an interrogation that is relating directly to   persons deliverance and sometimes it weakens  actually after you disclose like some of the   basic questions that we typically ask is you know  who are you uh what have you done to this person   how did you enter this person and how many of you  are in this body and so now can demons lie 100 but   this is where we have to be discerning and this is  why we don't rely on the information from demons   we rely on the holy spirit but in every instance  in the new testament that i could think of and   correct me if i'm wrong not once in the presence  of the holy spirit or men of God the demons lie   when demons said Jesus is the son of god that  was not a lie when they said you came to torment   us that was not a lie when the demon said Paul  and Silas were the servants of most high God   that was not a lie and so are they lying  spirits yes but confronted with the fire of God   most of the time they will spill the truth  they will say the truth they will say the facts   because they are confronted with a enormous  fire that burns them and honestly that hurts   them that's why they scream you know people  sometimes say well you know i don't want demons   to manifest you know we bind them manifestations  and that's fine uh they uh you can do that if   that's your way to do it Jesus did not bind  manifestations he just commanded them to go   and the way they came out that's the way he let  them come out some screaming some yelling some   people falling and so i'm not here to say this  method is better than the other one i'm just   seeing that Jesus allowed demons to come out and  Jesus allowed demons to manifest not for the show   but this was a conflict between two kingdoms  between light and darkness there was a crash there   was a clash collision happening with two kingdoms  on the scene and one kingdom lost it always loses   the kingdom of darkness and these demons spoke  out so i know that we get a lot of bashing and not   just me but deliverance ministers who sometimes  go in a confrontation with a demonic and we ask   certain questions and again this is hair splitting  issue you don't have to do it as long as you cast   out demons good for you and so but we see that in  the bible from experience we see that if a demon   obeys and responds to you about its name then  it acknowledges your authority as a follower   of Christ if you ask the right questions demons  will reveal other demons because they love to talk   interrogating a demon can help a person who's  receiving freedom to close doors and never to sin   again and when demonic plans are revealed people  are warned i can't tell you how many people will   repent from pornography and ouija boards and  other things and come to christ from new age   after seeing deliverance i've seen firsthand  people who get radically saved after seeing   deliverance and when demons would confess their  works i mean God told Gideon remember God told   Gideon go to the camp of the enemy  to hear what the enemy says about you   i mean really well Gideon wasn't enough for you  to study torah wasn't enough for you to just hear   the voice of God concerning mighty man of valor  no god says go to the camp of the enemy and hear   what the enemy says about you do you remember  when Joshua sent spies to Jericho and the spies   come back and they're like all of them are scared  of us you know they're pretty much giving us the   report of the enemy that the enemy is terrified  and the people of Israel were encouraged by that   now did they need to have the enemy say  that about them for them to be encouraged no   but it does encourage us it does encourage us when  we hear that satan hates prayer that demons are   afraid of fasting the demons are afraid when you  read the bible they they hate your God and they   are i mean honestly it encourages me and so i'm  not doing that for the show i'm not doing this   so that i can get an encouragement the word of  God is enough for me but there are deliverances   where i'm stumped i start praying right away and  the demon comes at me right away screaming and   yelling and then i'll ask him who are you what  have you done to this person how did you enter   this person do you have any legal right there and  a lot of times demons will say no i don't that's   it that means your trespasser and then i just  commend you know the fire of god to come in and   and command the demon to get out do you have to do  it like that no however you do it as long as you   cast them out that's that's the whole point but  you can do it like that we see that Jesus did that   and uh if Jesus did it that's enough for me number  seven confront the demon and command it to go   so you can interrogate it but at the  end you have to confront the demon   and command it to go in Acts chapter 16 verse 18.  and i gave you guys like 10 verses Matthew 8 16   matthew 9 33 matthew 10 1 matthew 10 8 matthew  12 28 mark 1 34 mark 139 mark 3 15 mark 6   13 mark 16 9 mark 16 7 luke 13 32 all say that  Jesus got demons out of people by casting them out   you got to command them out you can't hug them out  you can't kiss them out you can therapy them out   you can't cancel them out you can't crucify them  out you can't read the bible more them out you   can't just pray a little bit more brother them out  you gotta commend them out meaning you got to just   tell them to go that's it you got to tell them to  go whatever the words you're going to use out go   breathe it out you got to leave whatever it is you  got to directly speak to a demon and bible says in   Acts chapter 16 verse 18 apostle paul did it he  says after she did this for many days you know   the woman with the spirit of divination spirit  of python then Paul greatly annoyed i love this   turned and said to the spirit so he didn't speak  to the woman he spoke to the spirit he didn't   say father God in the name of Jesus through  your great mercy please grant me the strength   to deliver this woman lord God deliver this  person that is not how deliverance is done   you can't deliver a person by asking god to  do what he called you to do come on this is   good preaching right there drop that in the chat  right now you can't deliver a person by asking   God deliverance is you doing that God has given  you the job now God has given you the tools he   has given you the authority he's given you the  power and you just got to speak to the demon   and stop asking God to do what he told  you to do and command the demon to go   and he spoke to the spirit said i command you  i command you some people say well you know   there's in judas says that one of the  angels couldn't even rebuke the devil   he said the lord rebuked you okay that deals  with angels and the devil okay we are not   dealing here with the devil we're dealing here  with demons okay and paul says i command you   in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and  he came out that very hour that's the principle of   deliverance you have to not God not the lord God  wants you out no you have to commend the demon out   in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of that  person and that demon came out that very hour now   that tells us that probably did this did not  happen instantly that very hour indicates   this probably was a prolonged deliverance we're  assuming that this would this took a little bit   longer than just instantly otherwise it will say  instantly all right now let's just say that you're   doing deliverance and it's taking a little bit  normal a little bit more than usual and you know   you're commending it out you're inviting the fire  of God you know uh a few things that i wanted to   highlight the number eight as you're doing the  deliverance as you're commanding the demons out   this is what has to happen in your  mind meditate on the name of the lord   and the word of God while you're expelling the  demon your mouth can do the speaking your heart   has to talk to the holy spirit at that moment so  while i say we don't ask God to deliver the person   we meditate in our heart at that moment why you  don't want to be distracted by what's happening   around in the room you don't want to be distracted  by manifestation and you don't want to be thinking   about what should i do next what i should do next  the only thing you got to be doing is you got to   be meditating on this name in the name of Jesus by  the blood of Jesus by the fire of the holy spirit   holy spirit i need you holy spirit i love you holy  spirit you're my friend greater is he who is in me   than the one that's in the world why because as  you're meditating on him and you're meditating   on his name the scripture says in Malachi chapter  3 verse 16 but those who fear the lord spoke to   one another and the lord listened and heard them  so the book of remembrance was written before him   for those who fear the lord and who meditate on  his name in Psalm 1 2 it says but he delights in   the law of the lord and he meditates in a day and  night something begins to happen as you're doing   deliverance it's easy especially when it takes  a little bit longer to kind of become distracted   and just start kind of like thinking about what  i should do next and all of this stuff but when   you meditate on the lord at that moment you can  do one thing with your mouth but in your heart   meditate on the holy spirit meditate on the name  of the lord as you're doing that you're opening   your spirit up for divine instruction you're  opening your spirit up for the divine guidance   while you're meditating on the name of the lord  the holy spirit will guide your deliverance for   example sometimes as you're meditating on  the lord as you are doing the deliverance   and you can do two at the same time it  almost feels like you know you're split   there's one of you that's doing the deliverance  and the other view is connected to a realm of   the holy ghost you're connected to the name of  god you're meditating on his name at the same   time you're almost like reciting this in your  mind greater is he that is in me than the one   that's in the world he who raised Christ from  the dead lives inside of me i can do all things   to Christ who strengthens me you know the name  of Jesus Christ is a strong tower and so you're   meditating on his name you're opening yourself up  to the holy spirit to guide the deliverance a lot   of times during the deliverance you'll notice a  person wearing rings we've seen this many times   during deliverance especially from a spirit of  jezebel she is a disgraced queen and and we will   commend you know will command hate to remove all  of her rings and the person will begin to remove   physical rings that actually have demonic spirits  behind them and after that they would be loosed   um i had a a case where a person you know had a um  a jewelry on their neck and same thing you know as   i'm doing deliverance the holy spirit will  highlight you know remove that jewelry   and i'm not telling the person to remove the  jewel i'm telling the demon to remove the jewelry   because there's this demonic jewelry that's there  and then the person begins to remove the physical   jewelry and then they become free one of the  videos that i think has the most views on my tic   toc 12 million views it's when the girl was being  delivered by removing her jewelry now there is no   book there's no formula in that and maybe you're  hearing this for the first time like man i need   to do this next time no you don't you just need to  listen to the holy spirit holy spirit will guide   you holy spirit will guide your deliverance  sometimes God will instruct you to anoint   the person with oil sometimes god will instruct  you to touch a particular part of their body now   be very careful if you are touching a girl  that you you can't touch her body unless it's   the head without putting her hand on it so for  example demons sometimes can hide in the spine   they can hide in the feet they can hide in the  eyes where demon will attach itself to the tongue   or attach itself to the ear and the particular  part of the body and the holy spirit will show you   holy spirit will show you like a spider or a dark  spot in the person's body and the moment you touch   that area that demon will manifest and sometimes  the demon will scream how did you know how did you   know well i didn't the holy spirit did but how did  the holy spirit reveal to you when you meditated   on the holy spirit so never allow the devil to  be in control of the deliverance by you being   impressed or distracted with manifestation  even if the demon is violent even if maybe   you feel like oh my God i'm going to get hit  in the face you're not going to get hit in the   face everything's going to be fine but meditate  on the holy spirit meditate on the holy spirit   and the Lord will give you discernment on how to  continue to do that deliverance sometimes we would   have a person drink a water and pray for that  water and the demon will just come out i remember   one person had in his pocket had perfume from  paris hilton it was a particular demon of lust   and until he broke that perfume it was a guy he  couldn't be delivered and right there you know the   lord started bringing deliverance to him now one  thing that i would like to mention is about angels my personal conviction and i see in the scripture  where God does not tell us to boss angels around   i see sometimes people you know telling angels  like angels are on their on their payroll okay   angels the bible says they hearken to the  voice of the lord to the word of the Lord   you can ask the father to release angels to assist  in deliverance but i just don't see in the bible   where you can go and tell angels what to do okay  your kids like hey angel come over here get this   guy get this guy do this and do this that's just  not how this works please understand angels are on   the payroll in God like the god pays their payroll  okay not you now they're assigned to you but they   are not accountable to you they don't answer to  you and so the angels help us during deliverance   and jesus even said i can ask the father  to send angels to protect me you never   see Jesus says i can command the angels he  said even Jesus says i can ask the Father   and so many times during prayer you know we ask  the father so lord dispatch your angels you know   let your angels drive out these demons so let your  end just bring protection on the right and on the   left and so but be careful to start walking around  like you're some kind of a boss in the universe   and now you command angels you know like you're  called to cast out demons you're never called to   command angels they are God's army God soldiers  and my friend i'm sorry but they don't answer to   you they answer to their boss and their boss is  your father okay and so while you can ask your   father for the assistance of those angels in  this particular case but you don't boss angels   okay now that's number eight number nine and  we're gonna go quickly number nine is that demons   leave differently demons leave differently Mark  chapter 1 verse 26 but when the unclean spirit   had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice  he came out of him so some demons leave through   breathing like people just breathe out some demons  leave through puking some demons leave through   screaming some demons leave person just falls  and looks like they fainted some demons leave   differently but typically one common thing  about demons leaving is a person experiences   a release their body if there was tense they  experienced release their eyes change and   there's a sense of release and almost every  person who gets deliverance says i feel lighter   why because something left them now demons i  don't know if you can weight them on scales   like i think it would be really nice if one of  us would actually put a demonized person on a   scale and then after they got delivered put them  on the scale see if there's a change i personally   think they weigh something even though they're  spirits but person every person that i know who   got delivered say that they feel lighter they feel  like something left them and they feel lighter and   so that's one of the signs of deliverance you feel  a lot lighter because something that was there   is now removed and so um number 10 is always  encourage the person who got delivered to make   God's word a standard for their life deliverance  will change your location but not your situation   so deliverance doesn't change your problems  necessarily it doesn't remove your flesh   it doesn't you know churn you from white to black  or black to white it doesn't you know make give   you money in the bank account it doesn't make  you necessarily a nice person to your spouse   right away you still have a work to do and it  changes your location not your situation you have   a work of identification a workable process and i  personally don't encourage people with the verse   of Luke chapter 11 verse 24 and 25 that hey demons  are going to come back seven times more if you're   not careful i encourage people that demons will  try to come back like pharaoh did to Israel and   you have the power to keep on walking with Christ  don't give them the foothold do not return back to   your previous sins and you will see that pharaoh  drown in the red sea and you will never see the   problem again for the glory of God that is my  encouragement i know some people scare the living   lights out of people if you don't fill your life  with God's word seven more will come and honestly   like we i feel like we put fear into people and  so i like to put faith into people and give them   some tools we give a particular paper uh and a  fightback book where a person can now go back   and fight back for the glory of God final little  conclusion thoughts and then we're gonna answer   some questions successful deliverance will bring  glory to Jesus it will actually make you famous   and bring criticism that's exactly what  happened to Jesus Jesus the moment he   started doing deliverance the bible says fame  spread and people start attacking him and Jesus   God the father received the glory and so  that's really what deliverance does and so   some people say you know if you do deliverance  your church will grow automatically sometimes   it's true sometimes it might not so we're not  doing that to grow our church we're doing this   to grow the kingdom of God and we're doing that  because this is what Jesus called us to do and   uh you know and we're called to win the lost  not only to deliver the captives and it will   increase your like your influence in the sense  that people will know about it people will start   and if you if you're going to become effective in  it a lot of people are going to start signing up   and coming and i mean i know people who honestly  this becomes their life now is that's all they do   is they're casting out demons and so but with  it you have to understand with it comes also   an attack a lot of the attack will mainly come  from christians or religious people sometimes   some attacks might come from the devils and  demons will try to attack you in your sleep and   and so but those are not as powerful as honestly  witchcraft coming from christians people cursing   you people saying different things and you  just have to be prepared this is just part   of doing a spiritual battle don't let that  mess with you don't let that get into your head   and you have to just keep on doing what the lord  called you to do and one more thing that is that   deliverance can happen at a distance you can  actually believe uh and experience deliverance   at a distance through zoom through the live stream  um we see this happening with Jesus casting out a   demon out of a girl and she wasn't even there  and so the mother's faith caused the demon to   come out of the woman who the lady who was not  even there so i believe in zoom deliverances i   believe in online deliverances i know many people  are doing that and i think it's really really   powerful and so i see a lot of you guys dropped  questions i'm going to go through some questions   and answer them but before we do that guys i just  want to pray for every person right now who is   attempting or who feels like God called them to  the ministry of deliverance if you are one of   those who's like you know what i want to be a  part of the demon slayers i want to be the the   person who's going to drive out demons drop it in  a chat if you feel like you know what this is time   i've never done this or maybe you've done it but  you just want god to increase the anointing upon   your life drop that in the chat drop that  fire emoji or something say hey this is me   pray for me i'm gonna i want to pray with you  right now just for god to increase his grace   upon your life and forgot to begin to just use you  in a powerful way in the ministry of deliverance   so go ahead and drop that in the comment i'm  going to pray in just a moment i want to see   your comments and if you are on the re-watch as  well drop it in a comment and don't forget to   hit the like button um and we're going to pray  right now i believe the holy spirit is going to   increase his authority i believe the holy spirit  is going to increase his anointing in your life   and he's going to use you powerfully and mightily  for the glory of God in Jesus mighty name thank you lord i praise you father that you are  in this chat you are in this live stream today   i thank you lord God that nothing is impossible  to you right now lord in the name of Jesus thank   you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah  hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you holy ghost thank you Jesus we praise you  lord we praise you God thank you lord amen amen amen amen let's  begin to pray right now place your hand   whatever you're watching this right  now place your hand upon your heart father i thank you that you have called each  one of us to heal the sick to cast out demons   and to preach the gospel i pray right now  for every servant of yours every woman of God   and every man of God that's watching this  stream and that's re-watching this stream   lord i pray that the same grace that's upon  my life will be imparted into their life right   now in the name of Jesus lord you already have  given them the assignment i can't give them that   you already have given them the authority i don't  give the authority and you already have given them   the holy spirit i don't give the holy spirit but  lord i ask you right now in the name of jesus that   you will increase your grace upon their life even  though casting out demons is not a gift but i pray   God for your grace to increase i pray sharpness  in discernment i pray lord God the gift of this   sermon will be upon their life i pray lord God  that they will in their small group in their house that demons will manifest and that they will  drive them out that they will experience what   it's like to live christian life not just read  about it online not just read about it in the   bible not just see it online but experience that  in the name of Jesus holy spirit visit them afresh   right now in the name of Jesus Christ fresh  anointing let it touch their life right now God   every single person that's watching me on  youtube right now every person that's watching   me on instagram right now every person that's  watching me on facebook holy spirit in the name   of jesus christ let a fresh visitation let fresh  anointing visit them lord god let their life be   marked by anointing let their life be marked not  by formula let their life be marked not by their   ability but by their availability in the  name of Jesus i bless them right now God   i bless them right now holy spirit father God i  ask you that you will dispatch angels to assist   them in deliverance i pray that there are small  groups meetings i pray that their meeting with   their family members will turn into deliverance  sessions i pray that father those who are watching   me right now who are pastors i pray that you  will interrupt our sunday service this sunday   and i pray the same thing that happened in the  synagogue that you will bring the demonized   and deliver those people through them father  i rebuke right now every spirit of cowardness   people pleasing what will people think about me  all the lies and the myths and the strongholds   lord i pray that they will be broken over  your people right now in the name of Jesus   and that your people are going to step in to be  the giant killers demon slayers and people who   are used mightily of God in the name of Jesus  Christ i bless them right now God just receive   that touch right now in jesus name receive that  touch right now in the name of jesus holy spirit   visit them right now holy spirit let them start  seeing dreams of themselves casting out of demons   let them begin to see that in their mind in the  name of Jesus let them be let them be used of God   in the mighty name of the lord in the mighty  name of the lord thank you lord thank you lord   thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost the lord  is moving right now the lord is strengthening you   right now in the name of Jesus the lord is  strengthening right now now there are some of you   in here you are watching and you don't necessarily  need to be equipped you need to be delivered and   right now you are ready for deliverance i  want everyone the 900 of you in the chat   for just a few moments with me and then there's  160 of you on instagram and 100 of you on facebook   i want you to agree with me right now agree  with me right now i'm gonna commend every demon   that's behind hiding right now in people's lives  out and i want you to commend with me i want you   to agree with me demon slayers i want you to  agree with me right now you can drop that in   the chat or you can just drop a man or i agree  with you or commend it out fire emoji whatever   that you want to do but i want you right now  wherever you're sitting just agree with me let's   deliverance is gonna break out on live stream  right now deliverance is going to break out   on the live stream right now in the name of Jesus  i come against every demon in Jesus mighty name   that is tormenting the people of God right  now i command you you demon you demon of fear   you demon of pornography you demon of a cult  you demon of jezebel you demon of sexual spouse   spiritual spouse you demon of immorality and  addiction you demon of heaviness and depression   in the name of Jesus i command you in Jesus  christ's name to come out of that person right now   to come out of that person right now it's time for  you to go in jesus name go in jesus mighty name   lose that person right now in jesus name lose that  person on facebook lose that person on instagram   loose that person on youtube right now come out  of that person right now come on come out of that   person right now pack your bags and go go right  now in the name of jesus come out in the name of   jesus come out in the mighty name of the lord come  out of that person right now in the name of jesus   you tormenting demon at night you giving  compulsive and intrusive thoughts come out   in the name of jesus you bringing toxic negative  emotions come out in the mighty name of jesus you   are not welcome in this person's life you are a  trespasser come out in the mighty name of the lord every demon that is hiding behind the addiction  come out in the name of Jesus go right now in   the name of jesus christ go in the name  of jesus christ go in jesus mighty name   loose that person right now for those  of you who have experienced demonic   powers just breathe them out just breathe them  out come on just let them out just let those   demons out breed them out in the mighty name of  the lord breathe them out in the mighty name of   the lord the fire of God is in this chat right  now the fire of God is on the stream right now   even if you are watching the holy ghost is in  control right now he is working right now behind   the scenes he's cleansing the temple Jesus came  into the temple right now he's going to overthrow   everything that is not of him he's going to throw  away the merchants he's going to throw away their   tables he's going to throw away every demonic  structure in your life in the name of jesus   be free in jesus name every demon behind  arthritis every demon behind cancer   every demon behind repeated chronic  diseases in the name of jesus out out out live right now in the mighty name of the lord  in the mighty name of jesus christ angelina's   saying i'm vomiting i see somebody else is saying  i'm i'm burping or i'm yawning right now the power   of God is moving the holy ghost is moving right  now he's setting people free in the name of jesus   out in jesus name come out of them  right now in the name of jesus   come out in the name of jesus  come out in the name of jesus fire fire on your kingdom satan fire on your  kingdom demons and then all of your works in   the mighty name of the lord come out in the name  of jesus your spirit of anger your spirit of rage   come out in the name of jesus your spirit of  jezebel come out in the name of jesus christ   lose this person right now lose their life  right now in the name of jesus come on just   breathe them out just breathe them out let them  out let them out command them out come on push   them out whatever you need to do you got to be  delivered right now you got to be free right now   that spirit of depression is going right now  the spirit of nightmare that spirit of sexual   tran sexual dreams eating in the dreams attacks in  the dreams sleep paralysis is coming out right now   be free in the name of jesus whether you have to  breed it out gag it out vomit it out whatever it   is it has to go right now come out in the  name of jesus be free in jesus mighty name   i command you in the name of the lord jesus  christ come out in the name of jesus devil   you demons your reign is over in jesus mighty  name over this person i declared this person   free by the power of the holy spirit i declare  this person free by the power of the holy spirit   you wicked jezebel i remove your wicked crown  you disgraced queen in the name of Jesus lose   those people right now be free in jesus mighty  name be free in the name of the lord in jesus   mighty name if you are sick in your body i want  you to place your hand up on the part of the body   where there is pain come on let's agree if there  is sickness in your body right now there is pain   just place your hand there right now in the name  of Jesus i speak healing to every part right now   in your body that is broken in jesus mighty name  i speak healing to every disorder i speak healing   right now to every deficiency in the name of jesus  anywhere there is pain lord manifest your strength   right now manifest your grace right now in the  name of jesus be healed of arthritis be healed   of asthma be healed of gastritis be healed of all  kinds of stomach problems and stomach infection   intestine infection in the name of jesus be  healed of stomach ulcers be healed of joint   pain in the name of jesus be healed of back  pain be healed of muscle spasm be healed of   deafness be healed of blindness be healed of skin  infection eczema be healed of rashes and fungus   be healed in jesus mighty name every damage to  the brain every missing chemical every missing   in chemical misbalance or imbalance in your  body in the name of jesus be healed right now broken bones that don't heal up be  healed right now in the name of the lord   i'll rebuke that hip pain  right now in jesus mighty name   in the name of the lord be healed in jesus  name be restored to your original position be restored right now in  the name of jesus holy ghost   fire come on the place of sickness holy  ghost fire come on the place of pain   holy ghost fire come right now in  jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name i command medals in the body to be turned to flesh  and to be churned to be miraculously transformed   where you didn't have the movement be healed  right now in jesus name in the name of jesus   amen for those of you who had pain in  your body i want you to do something you   could not do without pain right now  instantly like if you couldn't walk   walk right now if you couldn't stretch your hands  stretch your hand if you could not if you had a   problem with breathing you know go outside and  run and then come back and drop us in the chat   of what's happening to you i want you to begin  to right now let us know what is happening to you   in the chat we're going to also drop a link testimony for those of you who   doing deliverance something was happening i  saw someone you were like you were throwing   up some of you were vomiting other things were  happening those of you who are re-watching this   and things are happening to you right now usually  a lot of people are getting delivered even on the   re-watch let us know what God is doing we want to  celebrate and want to continue to pray with you as   well so testimony it's also in the  description video of this and so let us know if   something is happening and you feel like man God  is healing me god is delivering me let us know   always i see um a guy said i just threw up a  person said my posture feels better uh tigger   finger in my hand okay i don't know what that is  um and so i see different people are sharing uh   different uh things right now praise God of what  the lord is doing do not forget to drop your   testimony for the glory of God pain in the belly  is gone i was screaming and shaking uncontrollably   during my during the deliverance prayer praise  God i believe that God is setting you free i can   stand up with straight without effort a person  is saying um jennifer thank you for sharing that   guys i know this is gonna take honestly only  a few seconds on your end okay maybe a minute   i don't have a hip any hip pain anymore praise  god i really felt the word uh of the lord jennifer   saying i feel the weight lifted of my mid-back  praise god so jennifer and other people who are   sharing that you experience deliverance so you  experience healing come on let us know i read   every one of those testimonies okay and so drop  that right now into the testimony so that we can   so that we can also share it with our team and  that we can be the people that are sharing with   our team and also be encouraged as well and so  don't uh please don't hesitate to do that guys i'm   gonna jump in right now and answer some questions  but before i do that i want to remind you uh to   sew where you want to grow i also want to ask  you to today at this special birth birthday um   stream uh i want to ask you to not dine and  dash meaning don't just receive but also so   as this ministry what we have right now guys is we  actually hired a third person on the staff today   for vladimir savchuk ministry to help with  so all the finances they go to create more   content to reach more people to uh we're going  to be translating books into the languages in   middle east and sending books for free  by bulks there and so classes books and   all those things that we are offering that  honestly even the streams the studio and on top of   that i have few ministers that are online they're  starting out to do deliverance i'm also supporting   them helping them helping them also to get the  studio helping financially as well so all of this   will go that guys this will really mean a lot to  us if you become a monthly partner   partner or you can give your best gift today your  birthday gift it will not go to me it will go to   the ministry and so uh through the cash app or  through the venmo if God puts up on your heart   if he doesn't you can put it on your own heart  if the lord has blessed you make sure somebody's   saying you stole it from Isaiah don't die in a  dash yes i did i stole it from the Isaiah but   my phrase is so where you want to grow i really  am a huge believer in sowing where you want to   grow if you want to continue to grow in this area  sow in this area for the glory of God and so um   martiza thank you for your one time donation mark  thank you for your donation esther thank you for   your donation isabel thank you for your donation  gina thank you for your donation and cash up   and then rico thank you for your donation  as well thank you guys so much for giving   comments are blowing up with testimonies this is  incredible i can't wait to see all the testimonies   and i'm actually gonna have my email open right  now to see the testimonies that will be coming in   so guys go ahead don't don't leave the chat yet  okay go ahead and drop the the testimony share   your testimony because there's so many people  in the chat we're not able to actually see   all of that so drop your testimony and then our  moderators are giving you the links on instagram   and also on facebook where you can give and  participate don't leave the the chat without uh   sowing and without giving as well as guys i want  to encourage you get this demon slayers shirt get   it this is my birthday gift to you unfortunately  you have to pay for it and so uh get this demon   slayer shirt this will help to support our store  unless it will help us oh wow thank you so much uh   for your tj on venmo such a generous gift  and donation thank you so much this is going   to fuel the mission and feel the assignment  that God has given to us to reach the world   thousands local and millions globally in jesus  mighty name benita bettina i'm sorry uh thank you   for your donation ira thank you for your donation  uh donald thank you for your donation uh gina uh   thank you for your donation as well to God be the  glory for those of you guys that are giving and   then now let me read some questions and then uh we  are going to um go into um and finish this stream   what if the person got possessed from an abuse and  they were delivered but it keeps coming back a lot   of times um christina if you can uh christina  if you can drop the link for the merchandise   on instagram uh as well when the person has been  abused they need not just deliverance they also   need healing of their soul and that happens a  lot of times through forgiveness that sometimes   people need counseling in our case we usually  recommend counseling for abuse victims after they   were delivered and so otherwise the demons will  be coming back or it's not always the demons is   coming back the person will be keep manifesting  if they do not get proper healing in their soul   what if someone is not possessed but  oppressed they still need to be delivered   are there any zoom calls for deliverance we are  actually starting those very soon uh in our team i   have some ministers and very soon i'm gonna bring  one of them on livestream i'm really excited for   you guys to meet him um and he is starting  that and we're starting that in our church   uh we want to create it's kind of similar what  isaiah has and um and daniel adams has like like a   deliverance network and where we're gonna equip  people to do deliverance and also empower them   and offer them opportunities to do that on zoom  so right now we don't have nothing concrete uh   yet but um we're going to um have that very soon  can i cast out demons from my unbelieving husband   so there's two two ways to do it one and you  see this in the bible where sometimes Jesus   supernaturally cast out a demon without a person  asking for it apostle Paul did that with the girl   with the spirit of divination so yes you can do  that but but typically typically deliverance works   with a person desiring to be free if the person  doesn't want to be free and they don't want to   accept Jesus Christ honestly casting out a demon  out of them is really counterproductive because   um you know those demons will come back because  they don't necessarily have a place um this person   needs to be uh filled with Jesus uh lynn marie  thank you so much for your very generous donation   and uh the number of that donation is very  significant i'm assuming for you so thank you mari   thank you for becoming a partner um james thank  you for your donation ebony uh vanta crystal cody   uh and darcy thank you for your donation really  appreciate you guys uh there's a cash app   there's venmo um you can also go on the website and become a partner uh there and   it could really fuel the mission for that i have  two special needs kids do i need to deliver them   so this is a very very also challenging topic  about mental disorders and special needs children   so not every mental disorder is  demonic and a lot of times there are   demons that have occupied behind mental  disorders and so every case is different   and so i would encourage to continue to pray for  your children for both you know to come against   any forces of darkness as well as to continue  just bless them and speak healing to their mind   we see that a lot of times there could be damage  even in the brain and it manifests in the person   having slow learning disorders or other things  and so and it could be also that there's a demon   behind it there's no formula behind that so i  would just ask you honestly just pray for both   pray for both and i'm standing in faith  with you whoever asked that question   do you have a teaching on the authority of christ  yes i do i have the teaching on the authority of   Christ you can check it out online and janet  brooke thank you for your donation and venmo   mercedes uh laura thank you for your donation  ina thank you for your very generous donation um   and then elena thank you for your donation as  well we really appreciate um you guys juanita   on the cash app thank you for your  donation thomas on the cash app thank   you uh prophet bolton thank you and i pray  for God's richest blessing upon your life   eliza thank you for your generous donation okay we  got testimonies already coming uh okay that's from   yesterday not from today so guys i'm still waiting  for your testimony for those of you i see a lot of   you said hey i was really touched i was really  uh touched i'm waiting for your testimony okay what if a person is okay with spirits to inhabit  them leave them alone if they have if they want to   keep those spirits hey listen some people really  want to go to hell some people really want to live   in one and you can just just let them you know  let them live let them live that's their choice   God respects their choice you should respect  their choice too and so um are they willing uh   do you have to be willing to participate in  deliverance i believe yes but there are cases   where deliverance can happen by force and we  see this in the scripture where the person   wasn't even willing especially if the person's so  demonized they can't even make those decisions um   and so in those cases uh deliverance can happen  like the person the demonized person you know   Jesus came into his territory he had a legion of  demons i mean Jesus just forced that out can you   get backlash from demons yes and no no Jesus says  nothing will hurt you by any means and um and yes   is they can try to attack you you know sometimes  there are flies on the outside of the house they   can hit get to hit the window and so um so they  can you know sometimes attempt to like you know   send a nightmare or some kind of a sexual dream  or something else to really just distract you and   don't give heat to it wake up in the morning  rebuke that and just move on but if it keeps   on happening then that's a different story there's  some kind of a foothold that was left to the enemy   can you be delivered from the same thing someone  else is being delivered from watching that 100   i really believe a lot of times you can get  healed and somebody's delivered and the bible   says we overcome the devil through the power over  testimony and so you can really experience that   the demon speaks in person's native language  usually but demons also can speak in other tongues   sometimes demons actually speak to other demons  in the room in their own tongues i've seen this   happen a few times and so can demons enter through  emotional trauma somebody said yes they can what's   the difference with demon and the flesh and  i'm gonna copy this from my friend isaiah um   uh flesh doesn't speak and demons do and apostle  alexander pagani also i'm gonna copy that from him   he said after you've cut off the flesh if the  problem persists then it's a demon it's no longer   flesh and so in flesh you crucify demons we cast  out so um nahuwal thank you for your partnership   and then so many of you that are giving today i  think we have more giving today than any other   uh stream thank you guys so much i really really  believe that um through your help we are able to   um continue this ministry  we're able to touch the world   and every person that we touch we touch  because you sowed because you believed   with us you shared this content you made other  people know this and um so thank you so much um amen amen so i see a lot more a lot more questions  that we're gonna answer probably some other time   as well um i think there's something going  on upstairs in my house for my birthday so   i'm gonna go say hi to those people but for all  of you guys precious people it's been a pleasure   to spend time with you today on this stream  and um thank you for your birthday wishes   thank you for your gifts thank you for  your donation and then thank you for   following this ministry sharing and i promise  to continue to bring God's word to preach my   heart out to live for Jesus and to fulfill his  assignment and i believe that this coming year   the next 12 months is going to be revolutionary  it's going to be life-changing we're going to   change the world one person at a time one video  at a time and so thank you guys so much for um   for that i love each and every one of you i hope  to meet you someday some of you i meet in the   airport some of you i meet in some other places  and uh it's it's really i'm really humble honestly   i i'm very very humbled by that i never in million  years thought that i will do what i do today   and um i never in million years thought that  you know with a broken english one uh you know   i looking weird than the other one God will use me  to touch so many people and so it just it keeps me   very humbled and i never take it for granted and  i don't see myself as someone who deserves this or   is worthy of it i really think it's just the  grace of God so thank you guys for trusting me
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 49,981
Rating: 4.9651637 out of 5
Keywords: how to cast out demons, anointed prayer to cast out demons, cast out demons, casting out demons, prayer to cast out demons, how to cast out demons in the name of jesus, cast demons out, to cast out demons, demons, how to cast out demons derek prince, prayer for casting out demons, demons cast out, christians cast out demons, prayer to cast out depression, casting out demons sermon, cast out, how jesus cast out demons, prayer to cast out fear, how to cast out evil spirits
Id: Mr3xDVNCzP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 33sec (4953 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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