Spiritual Warfare Deliverance Prayers | Prayers Against Demonic Spirits

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foreign the devil is highly organized and shrewd he does not do things without first of all having a plan he has a kingdom but he controls which has strata the Bible says in Ephesians 6 12 that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities Powers rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places spiritual wickedness in high places is the least in the organization of the kingdom of the devil and they include Aaron demons like witches and wizards and other foul Spirits you do not need to be scared of these Powers because you are above them and they are under you you are seated with Christ in Heavenly places far above principalities and Powers the Bible says in Matthew 16 19 that you have been given the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to bind anything you want to bind and lose anything you want to lose use the authority that you have in the name of Jesus as we will be engaging in prayers together against all the hosts of wickedness I want you to hold and join your faith with mine even now so let's pray in the name of Jesus father we come to you with Thanksgiving knowing that we have a name that is greater than every other name using the authority behind this name I scatter all the hosts of wickedness that are gathered against this one listening to me and by the part in the name of Jesus I decree that all the forces of wickedness that I have devised to hurt them fall for their sake in the name of Jesus I decree that the agenda of the wicked ones against them will not stand in the name of Jesus and I decree that the sacred plans of these Wicked ones that were harsh in secret that are exposed even right now in the name of Jesus by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all the forces of wickedness that are assigned to frustrate their efforts abound and sent to the bottomless feet I decree but the angel of the Lord would Chase those forces of wickedness that are bent on fighting against them in the mighty name of Jesus I decree that all the witches and wizards that are orchestrating evil against them fall for their sakes the word of the Lord says in Exodus 14 14 that the Lord will fight for you and you will hold your peace and that I decree that the Lord will begin to war against the powers of Darkness around about you in the name of Jesus the power of the Lord will the forces of wickedness against you even now and in the name of Jesus I rebuke all powers of Darkness that want to subvert the will of God in your life I'd agree that you would see the forces of wickedness flee before you in seven ways even as they come in one way and I'd agree that the hand of the Lord will be against the wicked ones in your life what if God says in second Thessalonians 3 3 the Lord is faithful and he will deliver you from the evil ones on the authority of this word I decree that the Lord would deliver you from all the evil ones in the mighty name of Jesus you all submit to God and you will resist the devil and he and all his cohorts will flee from you the word of God in Psalm 7 9 says that the wickedness of the evil ones will come to an Ender this is what I decree even now that all the wickedness of the forces of Darkness against your life have come to an end this very second in the name of Jesus I decree that the crown of the wicked ones will come down from their heads for your sake in the name of Jesus Isaiah 3 11 says War to the wicked it will go badly with him and what he deserves will be done to him I decree that the Lord would make all the wicked ones that are fighting against your progress and breakthrough to get their reward from the Lord in the name of Jesus I'd agree that the host of wickedness that are assigned to bring you shame and disgrace and make you live a lowly and an unfulfilled life are put in their place even now I decree that the host of wickedness that I pursuing you relentlessly drown in the Red Sea that the wicked Ones Will begin to eat their flesh and drink their blood in the name of Jesus I'd agree that you will continue to trample upon the host of wickedness and they will not hurt you in the mighty name of Jesus Lord I Thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name we have prayed amen there are piles of Darkness that are assigned to monetary Believers progress and impede it these forces of Darkness have Aid and Scotland everywhere and they go about frustrating the will of God in the life of a man or woman that is why sometimes a man or a woman will find him or herself going around in a circle and these powers are responsible for it you have the authority in the name of Jesus to come against these powers the Bible says in Luke 10 19 that you have been given the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of Darkness nothing shall by any means hurt you we will be utilizing the authority that we have to deal with these powers of Darkness join me as we pray together in faith against these forces let's pray buy the power in the name of Jesus I destroy all the devices of the wicked once against you and all your family in the name of Jesus the word of God says in Psalm 81 14 God would quickly subdue your enemies and turn your hand against your adversaries in the name of Jesus I'd agree that God will subdue or the enemies that are assigned to monitor your progress in the name of Jesus Psalm 143 verse 12 says God in his love and kindness will cut off all your enemies and destroy all those who afflict your soul I decree that the Lord would cut off all the enemies that are bent and frustrating the will of God for you from coming into fusion and he will destroy all those that are afflicting your soul in Jesus name in Luke 174 God says God will rescue you from the hand of your enemies so that you will serve him without fear I pray for you that the Lord will rescue you even now from the hands of monitoring Spirits so that you will serving without fear and by the power in the name of Jesus I invoke the Judgment of God upon the enemies that are monitoring your progress in order to impede it and I prophesy that the Lord will shoot forth his arrows to hurt the evil ones that are positioned to make you stagnant in the name of Jesus Exodus 14 14 says God will fight for you and you shall hold your Peas the Lord will begin to fight against powers that are monitoring your progress and that of your families in Jesus name and in that name I shatter all the devices of monitoring spirits that are using to watch your progress I decree over you that your hands shall be upon the neck of your enemies and the evil ones will bow to you in the name of Jesus and I release the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume all the types of Machinery of the wicked ones that are using against you in the name of Jesus the Bible and Micah 5 9 says your hands will be lifted up against your enemies and all your enemies will be cut off I therefore decree over you that your hands will be strengthened to fight and conquer the enemies that are around about you and all the money remaining spirit in your lineage are cut off in the name of Jesus all your enemies that have said that nothing good will come out of you will be covered with shame and they will be trampled upon in Jesus name the word of God and Deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 7 says the law will inflict curses on your enemies and on those that who hate you I pray for you that the law will inflict curses on monitoring agents that are assigned to monitor you and impede your progress in Jesus name according to Psalm 6 10 and it says all your enemies will be ashamed and greatly confused they shall turn back and be suddenly ashamed and that is my prayer for you right now that all the wicked ones that are monitoring your progress in life are put into shame and there will be utterly confused in the name of Jesus the Lord will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies and the mighty name of Jesus and all the monetarying agents that are working against you will be like smoke that is driven Away by the wind in Jesus name you would not lose any of your possessions or loved ones to the wicked ones in Jesus name first Thessalonians 1 success it is a righteous thing for the Lord to recompense tribulation to those that trouble you the Lord will begin to trouble your Travelers in the name of Jesus and by the power in that name I release you from the clutches of monitoring Spirits in Jesus name we bless you Lord for answering our prayers for it is in Jesus name that we have prayed an unclean spirit is a dis embodied spirit that is very Wicked in nature and it derives pleasure and Wrecking havoc in the lives of its victims and clean Spruce are also demons that hate God and would do anything till you stop the will of God in the lives of his children they also are in charge of causing illnesses accidents strange ailments premature death poverty retrogration lack stagnation and every other thing that is against the will of God in the lives of God's children they also often take possession of a man's body if the man opens the doorway for them this is the fullest reason you have to be mindful of what you hear and see as demons feed unlustful things guard your heart with all diligence for out of it precedes the issue of life we will be binding and casting unclean spirits that want to oppress and suppress you which is against the will of God for you the Bible says in Matthew 16 19 you have been given the Keys of the Kingdom that whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you lose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven do not be scared of them because the word of God made it clear in Luke 10 19 that you have been given the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions over all the powers of darkness and nothing shall by any means hurt you they dare not touch you because you have been named with the name of Christ so let us exercise our Authority against unclean spirits by faith with violence in the name of Jesus I decree that all demonic forces that are fighting against you and your family are arrested and put in their rightful place and by the power in the name of Jesus I put all demonic forces that are against the progress of your family bound and cast into the Abbeys you will not be limited by demonic forces that are warring against your breakthrough in the name of Jesus Colossians 1 13 says he has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his dear son since you have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness you're free from the oppression and suppression of the wicked ones in the name of Jesus Psalm 35 verse 1 says that the Lord will fight against those that fight against you I call them the help of God to fight against all demonic forces that are fighting against you and your family in the name of Jesus since Jesus Christ in Colossians 2 15 has disarmed principalities and powers and he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them in it the victory that Jesus Christ won over 2 000 years ago will be made perfect in your life and families in the name of Jesus the evil sees unclean Spirit have sown in your life and family are uprooted right now in Jesus name for this reason the Son of God was made manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil I decree that the Lord would Expose and destroy the works of demonic activities in your life and in your families by the the power in the name of Jesus I decree that the Lord would silence all the powers of darkness in your family in the mighty name of Jesus as Revelation 12 11 says that we overcame the Devil by the blood of the lamb and the by the power of our testimonies I pray for you right now that you will triumph over the works of unclean spirits by the blood of Jesus I'm by the words of your testimony and by the words of your confession in the name of Jesus I destroy all the pieces of Machinery of demons against you and your family in the name of Jesus and I plead the blood of Jesus over you and your family and I decree that the blood of Jesus Will exempt you from the attacks of demonic activities in the name of Jesus I flushed out all the negative patterns demonic forces have planted in your family and your life at the main nation of the name of Jesus all unclean spirits that are subtly operating in your family will bow this instant now in the name of Jesus you will never be struck by the arrows of darkness and death shot by the wicked ones in the mighty name of Jesus Psalm 32 verse 7 says that the Lord will be your hiding place and it will preserve you from the trouble and will also surround you with songs of Deliverance I pray that the Lord will hide you under his sacred Place away from the attack of unclean spirits in the name of Jesus Psalm 34 7 says the angel of the Lord and comes around those that fear the lord and delivers them I decree right now that the angel of the Lord will encounter round about you and keep you safe from the manipulation of demonic activities in your life and family I release the fire of the Lord around about you to keep you far from the fairy dots of unclean spirits in the name of Jesus thank you Lord for answering our prayers in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen as a child of God you have the power to come against everything the devil brings against you you must resist the enemy as the Book of James says because his plan and main job is to still kill and destroy but Jesus came to give you life alive more abundantly now rise with me as we decree by the power in the name of Jesus that asks From This Moment nothing spoken against you shall prosper let's pray father it is in the name of Jesus that I come to you as a Blood Washed and redeemed child to take authority over every weapon that is formed against anyone under the sound of my voice in the name of Jesus every tongue that is risen against them is condemned it is written who is it that speaks and it comes to pass when God has not spoken therefore I say every evil projection made against anyone here is cut off it is written no enchantment against the house of Jacob nor divination against its jobstander I therefore decree and declare that every enchanter or every diviner that has worked against anyone under the sound of my voice today your powers are broken and I decree the diviners are made mad for your sake they will no longer perform the Enterprises every crystal ball or basing or antenna set to monitor your progress than that of your children's are destroyed now in the name of Jesus Lord we come to you today to ask for your protection henceforth against every evil projections that may be directed towards these ones we believe in your power to show them from the ham and to keep them safe from every negative energies I ask that you surround them with your Divine Light and lava and that you Shield them from any harmful intentions that may come their ways in the mighty name of Jesus we totally trust in your ability to keep save and to guide them through any challenges that may arise because Lord Jesus you said I as many as I called by your name to them you've given the power to become the sons of God and so Lord God you have put them in the holder of your hands are therefore they will no longer be affected by any imagination or stray bullet that the enemy has already released against them we ask you Lord to help the remain grounded and centered in your love and to stay focused on the positive things in their life father those are the enemy as release fear projections of fear against them it is written the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and of a power and of a sound mind today I declare the fear you lose your grip over anyone in the name of Jesus we'd agree that God's grace and blessings remain upon you and you will always walk in use light thank you for your love and protection and for your constant presence in everyone's life even now in the mighty name of Jesus we have prayed amen there are specific powers that are functional under the deep seas and they project evil onto the Earth their demonic powers and they do Evil under the waters they sometimes send their agents as humans to the Earth to cause catastrophe in the life of anyone they encounter the word of God says in Ephesians 6 12 that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of Darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places our battle is not a can of one but a spiritual one and we have to fight with the Consciousness that we have been made more than a conqueror already in Christ but what if God also says in job 22 8 you will decree a thing on earth and it will be established to you and light will shine upon your parts use the efficacy and potency that is in the power of your Tonga as you come against the powers of Darkness that are projecting evil from the deep seas upon your life so let's pray together in faith in the name of Jesus I come against all the powers that are projecting evil against you and your family from the deep seas I destroy all the devices of marine agents that they are using to manipulate you and your family in the name of Jesus the Bible says in Colossians 1 13 that God has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his dear son I decree that your deliverance against Marine Powers is complete in Christ Jesus you have the light of God inside of you Therefore your light shines and exposes the subtle activities of marine spirits in the name of Jesus what if God says in James 4 7 submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you in the name of Jesus I decree that you receive the grace to submit to God to resist the devil so that all the powers of Darkness will leave from you I pray that you will put on the whole armor of God for you to be able to resist the attacks of the powers from the Marine Kingdom in the name of Jesus Hebrews 2 14 says that Jesus became the man so that through his death he might render Palace him who had the power of death who is the devil the Lord has delivered you from the powers of marine Powers because he has rendered their Master the devil hourless Romans 16 20 said that God will crush Satan under your feet and therefore pray that the Lord will crush all the Marine powers that are assigned to trouble you and your family in the name of Jesus Colossians 2 15 says that the Lord made a public spectacle of the devil since the devil was disgraced by Jesus over 2 000 years ago I'd agree that all the Marine powers that are guarded against you are disgraced in the name of Jesus and in that power I come against all the powers of Darkness that are working against you from the deep blue sea the Lord will fight for you against the forces of Darkness that are orchestrating evil against you and your family from those deep Waters and in the name of Jesus I engage the ministry of angels to war against Marine agents that are disguised as friends and neighbors there is peace for you in all ramific occasions and I decree that the powers from the Marine Kingdom will not steal it in the name of Jesus I pray that the Lord would hide you under his wings and shield you from the attacks and manipulations of marine spirits in the name of Jesus I plead the blood of Jesus over you and all the members of your family I decree that the blood of Jesus Will exempt you from the evil that the powers of the Marine Kingdom have projected into the day in the name of Jesus and I pray that all of your possessions that are in the hands of marine powers are restored back to you in Sevenfold in the name of Jesus you will not be a casualty of the manipulations and the attacks of marine spirits in the name of Jesus because I should fought the errors of God to discomfit the powers that have been sent from them to trouble you and your family by the reason of the anointing that is at work in you all Yokes of bondage that have been placed on you and your family by these Spirits are destroyed in the name of Jesus you walk in the freedom that Jesus Christ has handed down to you in Jesus name we thank you Lord for answering our prayers in the mighty name of Jesus we have prayed amen witchcraft is real Wizardry is real can never underestimate them but the beauty of it is that we have a god that is greater than that the Bible says it sits in heaven and makes the Earth whose footstool every Power belongs to him now I will be praying for you if it's just joining me on this channel to pray against the spirit of Witchcraft the Bible talks about it in Exodus chapter 22 18. the suffer not a witch to live you will be undermining yourself when you become sentimental about that and think that because we are in a new dispensation that witchcraft cannot have but the victory that we have is in Jesus because it is written the greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world if you do not exercise that power that you have you find yourself to blame agree with me in this prayer as we pray against every work of Witchcraft every Wizardry works and the entirety that has seemed to work against you even now in the name of Jesus let's pray father in the name of Jesus I come to you thanking you for the authority that is in the name of Jesus I bless your name because my victory is in you not because of me but because of the reason Christ that you have made me to sit far above principality and power with me I come in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to speak to every plan of the enemy using witchcraft demonic activity using mediums wherever it is working against anyone listening to me right now in the mighty name of Jesus that they lose the holds many have been bound by witchcraft the sicknesses and diseases have put them down it is written as Jesus said concerning the woman with the bent back as the child and the daughter of Abraham by the power are in the name of Jesus I command them Whoever has been bent over the years as a result of projections made against you that today you will lose in the name of Jesus it is written no enchantment made against the house of Jacob withstander and every divination against the house of Jacob cannot have effector in the mighty name of Jesus in vain as a net spread against you you that have been listening to me under the sound of my voice every net that has controlled you your mind your emotions are your physical body everything that has to do with your business your children your parents and your entire family today by the virtue of the power that is in the name of Jesus as it is written not by might not by power but by my spirit I declare the yolk destroying and fattest destroying power of God to visit you right now in the name of Jesus I break the efficacy of that enchantment today over the children of God I declare that they have no effect in Jesus name those that have been warped in the minds that they are doing everything contrary to the will of God as it is written according to the volume of the books in their lives today I declare you return to normalcy I speak to that child that has been going Wayward as a result of incantations as a result of pronouncement against him wherever it is underneath the Earth it is narrating in the name of Jesus and by the name of Jesus every knee will bow I declare that everywhere witchcraft have been sent against that child by the virtue of the blood of Jesus the much I returns home in the mighty name of Jesus the daughter of Zion that the enemy has made out to become useless that had made her to lose her mind that has made her to become a social denigrator in the mighty name of Jesus today that hole is broken I speak to you you that have been helped bound that you've gone far and have not made any impact you that have moved and you are still stagnant because of the virtue of the prayer or the words that has been spoken in the name of Jesus today that chain is broken I break every pan of the enemy even in the future that has been spoken it is written who is it that speaks and it comes to pass when God has not spoken who is it that says and it happens today in the name of Jesus every word that has been sent forward to cause destruction in the lives of the children of God in the family of the children of God in the business of the children of God in the studies of the children of God today they are null and void I declare that you have no power in the mighty name of Jesus I speak to you those that have are supposed to have left this country that their desires have been to move abroad to train and become better citizens but the enemy through witchcraft through mirrors are through many bases that have been searching and looking into their life has caused stagnation today I declare that whatever today that you call upon through those mirrors let the word of God reply and you'll be shattered in the mighty name of Jesus I come against every spirit I that has worked against you woman that has tied babies over the years in the stomach that every medical report shows negative while everything around you looks like you're pregnant by the power that's in the name of Jesus as Jesus cursed that victory that was deceptive of productivity and did not happen I declare a reversal to that pregnancy in the mighty name of Jesus I lose you I say go give birth today in the mighty name of Jesus you that have been held by witchcraft Spirits are you that have been held by incantations and enchantment that has kept you to be unmarried a man or woman wherever you are under the sound of my voice I speak by The Virtue thus in the name of Jesus because I know he is not hindered by time of space wherever continent you are under the face of the earth I release my voice in the name of Jesus I ride on the wings of Ebenezer I declare that you are free you are free you are free from that bondaga in the mighty name of Jesus I speak to Nations that have been bound that I've made people to become servants are all by the power that's in the name of Jesus wherever it is that Nations have become servants with all the resources that are in that land that have made them become people living in bondage in the name of Jesus I declare that Nation free free from the bondage of wrong leaders free from the bondage of people and Leadership that has no direction I take that Nation back for the Lord the kingdom of God declaring that that Nation begins to see wisdom comes upon the leaders wisdom comes upon the rulers wisdom come upon the young people in the name of Jesus I speak concerning that manner that family that your lifespan cannot exceed 40 years because of some projections by witches and wizards that has been spoken and it has been there from generation because you are here are you the other point of contact today under my voice I declare that person you exceed 40 you exceed 50 you exceed 60 you exceed 70 as the word of God I said and in Psalms 9 to 1 he will give you a satisfy age I decree henceforth from your generations to the ten generation that you will leave a satisfied life either you that have never gotten past a position in your office as a result of the projections of lies of witches and wizards today by the fathers in the name of Jesus that chain is broken every potluck that has tied you bound and healed about I speak because Jesus is the key I unlock wherever you've been locked I free you because I just written a he that the Son of God has set free is free in data you are free from the bondage of the enemy you are free from alcoholism you are free from prostitution you are free from robbery you no longer become an addict of drugs and the mighty name of Jesus I declare you free the blood of Jesus is against witchcraft every witchcraft projection that has been made against you the blood of Jesus is against I declare that you are covered I declare you are protected I gathers in you as the Lord Shields you by the blood of the Lamb I declare that today you remain free you remain free you remain free and no one else can speak under to come to pass in your life father we thank you we give you all the glory we give you all the praise and adoration because we know that you have done it no longer would anyone be bound by witchcraft Spirits are no longer with the words and enchantment and incantations will have effect because they know the truth and the truth has set them free in the mighty name of Jesus we have prayed amen the sin of rebellion is similar to witchcraft rebelling is going against designated Authority due to ulterior motives or healing agendas God strongly hates Rebellion because the devil who is the father of all lies was the first person to rebel against his government though sometimes Rebellion by spurn from a spirit that is sponsoring it that is why you are sometimes surprised that the children you raised up in fear of the Lord are now going contrary to the pieces of trainings they received from you you do not need to be because there are forces behind this all you have to do is to use the name of Jesus to come against these Spirits there is Authority in the power of your tongue and you must utilize it well job 22 28 says you will decree a thing on earth and it will be established up unto you and light will shine upon your part just speak the word with faith in the name of Jesus and these foul spirits will be bound and sent into the armies we will be exercising our dominion and authority over the spirits of rebellion using the name of Jesus and would do that with faith let us pray in the name of Jesus I come against the spirit of rebellion that is at work in the life of any member of your family and by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that the spirit of rebellion that wants to make you or your children a nuisance in the society is arrested and sent into the Arby's you will never rebel against the will of God for you in the name of Jesus Proverbs chapter 17 verses 11 says that evil people are eager for Rebellion but they will be severely punished I pray that the mercy of the Lord would find your loved ones that are rebellious and will continue to save them from the punishment of the Lord you will not be led astray by an evil Association that wants you to rebel against Divine instruction for you in the name of Jesus I'd agree that the powers of the evil ones the one to cage you in habits that our rebellious are arrested in the name of Jesus and I destroy the agenda of the evil ones to cause you heart ache through rebellious children is put into normal and void in the name of Jesus the light of God's word will shine in the heart of any of your loved ones that have been caught in the web of rebellion in the mighty name of Jesus I send into Exile the powers that are sponsoring Rebellion in the lives of any member of your family in Jesus name Romans 13 1-2 spoke about why you must be subject to higher authorities I pray for you that you will be subject to higher authority and you will not be found among those people that are rebelling against these authorities in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you would not be a scapegoat for the punishment needed out to people that are rebellious Isaiah 1 20 says if you turn away and refuse to listen you will be devoured by the sword of your enemies I decree over you that you will learn to always listen to God's instructions so as not to be devoured by the son of the enemies the word of the Lord in Isaiah 63 verse 10 says if you rebel against God and we the holy spirit you will become your enemy and you will fight against you I pray for you this instant that you would not grieve the Holy Ghost and you will not become God's enemy in the name of Jesus I send into Arby's all the forces of Darkness that are pushing your loved ones to Rebellion I put into Norland void the plans of the spirit of rebellion to make your children bring you shame as a result of rebellion in the name of Jesus your heart and all the members of your family will not be hardened due to the sin of rebellion in the name of Jesus I bring into captivity all those that are rebellious to The Obedience of Christ in the name of Jesus your children and all your loved ones will bring you Joy and not sorrow I release the Judgment of God upon spirits that are Whispering into the ears of any of your loved ones to walk outside of God's will for them in the name of Jesus you will constantly walk in obedience surrender and Brokenness to God's instruction in Jesus name we thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers in Jesus name we have prayed amen no spell of witches and wizard is supposed to affect you because you are immune to their spells as much as they will try to hypnotize you with their spells they cannot work against you because as a child of God your life is hidden in Christ and Christ and God the Bible also tells us that no weapon formed against us should prosper and no divination against us so stand the Bible says in Matthew 18 18 that whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you lose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven we'll be using this to win against the witches that have been sent to cast's spell and you make this your confidence as we will be praying together in faith let's pray I decree in the name of Jesus and all the Spells Of The Witches against your life and your family will not stand by the power in the name of Jesus I decree the you and all the members of your family are immune to the spell and divinations of the power of Witchcraft Micah 3 7 says that those who practice witchcraft will be disgraced and I pray that all the witches in your family I disgrace right now in the name of Jesus Micah 5 12 B says that God will put an end to all witchcraft I therefore stand upon the word of God and I am the activities of witches in your life and your families in the name of Jesus I'd agree that you would not be destroyed by the attacks of the witches in your neighborhood in Jesus name in the name of Jesus I decree that all the plans of witches Wizards and Sorcerers are nullified I pray that you would not lose any of your loved ones to the spell and attacks of the forces of Witchcraft in the name of Jesus I pray that you would not be disgraced and frustrated by the Spells of the witches and wizards around her and by the name of Jesus and in his power I decree the you and your family will not be casualties to the attacks of the forces of Witchcraft you will not experience a wasted labor by the attacks of the forces of Witchcraft in the name of Jesus the word of God says that your life is hidden in Christ and Christ in God I decree that you will keep on hiding under the shadow of the almighty in the name of Jesus I'd agree that the fire of the Lord will roast all the witches and wheezers that are causing you problems and headache I pray a curse on all the witches because it is written suffer not a witch to live I decree that end of which or wizard that is troubling you today is cursed I decree that you would not be disturbed again because you bear upon yourself the mark of Christ in the name of Jesus you are above the limitations that are placed upon you and your family by the powers of Witchcraft in the name of Jesus I release the wrath of God against the wicked ones that are causing you sorrow and in the name of the Lord I declare that that name is exalted in your life and family against the attacks of the forces of Witchcraft in Jesus name in Jesus name you will not become an entity in life due to the plucks of the wicked ones and I declare by the Power in the Blood of Jesus that the blood will exempt you from the attacks of the forces of Darkness I decree that all Foundation of problems that have besieged your life and family due to pronouncements of the powers of Darkness against your family are repaired in the name of Jesus you will not be caught unawares by the attacks of the forces of Witchcraft in the name of Jesus you and all members of your family will not become a prey to the spell of the wicked ones I send forth the angels of the Lord to go forth and begin to fight for you and your family against the forces of Witchcraft in the name of Jesus the Peace of the Lord will serenade you and your family amidst the plots and schemes of the wicked ones in Jesus name and I decree that any strange ailments that the enemies might have Afflicted any member of your family with disappears now in Jesus name your life will not be cut short by the forces of Witchcraft you will live to declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that you would not be a two of the forces of Witchcraft you will not live a messy and a mediocre alive due to the attacks of the forces of Witchcraft in Jesus name and how I decree that you will keep on hiding under the shadow of the mighty one you will keep on being covered under his mighty and able Wings in Jesus name thank you Lord for answering our prayers in Jesus name we have prayed when evil thoughts enter us so Ram they become very compelling and this is one thing a lot of people do not understand man is a spirit he has a soul and lives in the body so when the enemy takes control of the soul and the body anything can happen suicide can be defined as an act of self-killings or Slaughter it is an intentional action taken to end one's life as a result of self-rejection or humiliation or low self-esteem or even self-worth I want you to know that the enemy the Bible says he goes about like a roaring lion seeking for whom to devour you do not underestimate the power of the enemy but even at that you should also estimate that there was a greater power that if we submit and when you submit to God he will help you the Bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you you have no business allowing the enemy any space because he the broken and Edge the Bible says the serpent would bite and so therefore if you have an issue or anyone you know that is under the influence of the devil that has manipulated his way into the spirit and the soul of man already exhibiting the signs of rejection or withdrawal or staying away from social activity the worrying the enemy wants to strike because the Bible says it comes to steal to kill and to destroy but thanks be to God who gives us the victory because the scripture in John 10 10 says he has come to give us life and life more abundantly so I need you to come with me let's come to the throne of grace boldly as we pray against this demonic spirit called the spirit of suicide has taken Souls away to Hell Fire and wants to take more reject and let's draw the line and make sure that the enemy does not have a say on anyone's life whether it is you or your families let's pray in the name of Jesus Christ father I thank you that because I know I have victory over the enemy the Bible says this is the victory that I have even my favor and so in the name of Jesus I come to you the Rock of Ages the one that is eternal and appreciating you for all you have always done for me you said we should call upon you in the day of trouble and you will answer us and you will show us Great and Mighty things that we do not know father in the name of Jesus we ask the God Almighty by your power with the blood of Jesus that you purchase from all on cleanliness and all unrighteousness that will make the enemy take advantage of us and penetrate into our souls and our Spirits are we declare that all ourselves and our bodies are beginning to though from those that are hearing me and their family members that hence for they are cleansed from every unrighteousness and every uncleanliness in the name of Jesus I speak in the name of Jesus for anyone under the sound of my voice and I plead for Mercy as we speak today is there anyone under the influence of the Enemy by the power that's in the name of Jesus Christ will receive by faith the gift of Abundant Life over their lives in the name of Jesus based on your word that you said you've come to give us life and to give us more abundantly and by the power in the name of Jesus we silence every voice every lying demoner ever Whispering spirit that has already started speaking to that man that woman that boy that girl asking Emma and planting societal thoughts in the heart I decree and declare by the parts in the name of Jesus that that thought is broken stops in the name of Jesus Christ it is written because Jesus lives a will deliver and so Lord God will declare that we Prevail over every planet Attack Of The Devil in the mighty name of Jesus we cast down any societal thought feeling rejection loneliness and dejection in the name of Jesus with a clear total freedom to every one spirit and every month's soul that is been taken by the enemy today I declare that in the name of Jesus that that body is free from the hand of the enemy are we declare the God Almighty that everyone under the sound of my voice receive the peace that is above the one that comes from God upon their minds upon the spirit on their Destiny in their health and in their emotion in the name of Jesus Christ based on the book of Philippians chapter 4 verse 7 I declare Lord God that the precious Holy Spirit bread fills the heads the heart the mind and the thought with the right thoughts are I erase every form of negativity that the enemy has already released in the air through Association of wrong company through places that they ought not to by the part of the name of Jesus I declare that your mercy brings them back to that rightful places in the name of Jesus Christ Lord God Almighty you send your beloved Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and on the cross to take away every shame in the mighty name of Jesus I declare that the enemy would not put the shame of suicide in the family of those listening to me right now in the name of Jesus only the name of the Lord shall be glorified in that family in the name of Jesus I declare concerning the word of God declaring Romans 8 31 What then shall we say to this thing if God be for us who can be against us in the name of Jesus I speak against every Spirit suicidal thought over the family be it an entire life nature I decree and declare because the Lord God is for them you can no longer be against them in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I declare by The Authority in that name that has been given unto me to bind to cast out to uproot today I uproot every lion spirit of suicide that spirit that says to the hearing into the mind of the young child into the mind of the young lady into the mind of the father that all a hope is lost today your lie is brought to not in the mighty name of Jesus I free you from the shackles of suicide I declare you because you whom the Lord God has set free is free indeed in the name of Jesus I take you by the flame and fire of the word of God I decree that the light has been drawn with the sword of the spirit I locate every spirit of suicide that is hovering around about this family and attempting to deprive them of attaining to the successful plan of God in their lives I break your power we sweep away everyone the Bible says that what the spirit comes like a flood the spirit of God will raise up a standard against them every flood that comes in the form of Swiss hide today the spirit of God raises a standard against you your power is broken Romans chapter 8 verses 1 to 2 says therefore there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flag but according to the spirit for the Lord the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set them free from the lower sin and death I declare today from the power that is in the name of Jesus are every planet of suicide in the life of everyone listening to me by the virtue of the scripture today is nullified today it is nullified your power is broken your power is destroyed your power is brought down in the name of Jesus thank you Lord we give you all the glory we give you all the praise because you have done it all thank you for the freedom the spirit soul and body of those listening to me they are free and free forevermore in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen the blood of Jesus was the ultimate last card got used to destabilize the devil and his cohorts the devil thought he had won the battle already when he made the first man and woman sin God showed the devil that he has the final say and that final say was enforced by the blood Revelation 5 12 says Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power riches wisdom strength honor glory and blessing Jesus is the Lamb that was slain for the Redemption of mankind and his blood redeemed and Justified man from Death sin on the grave the blood of Jesus speaks a better thing than the blood of Abel the blood of Abel speaks of Vengeance while the blood of Jesus speaks of redemption and love you need to realize that the blood of Jesus is a weapon in your asano and you need to harness it in enforcing the victory that was effected over 2 000 years ago the Bible says in Revelation 12 11 that they overcame the devil the old serpent by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony it is high time you enforce the victory that you have been given by using the blood of Jesus effectively bow your heads as we pray together in faith in the name of Jesus I plead the blood of Jesus over your life and families I pray that the blood of Jesus will cover you from the attacks of evil ones and by the power in the name of Jesus I appropriate the blood of Jesus against all the forces of Darkness that are around you and your family the blood of Jesus would neutralize the devil and his kohut's attack against you in the name of Jesus I decree that the blood that was shed over 2 000 years ago will heal any member of your family that has one ailment or the other in the name of Jesus there is potency when we plead the blood of Jesus over our lives and right now I begin to plead the blood of Jesus over all the pertains to you and your family in the name of Jesus when the Angels saw the blood on the doorpost of the Israelites he passed over by the reason of the blood of Jesus I decree that the angel of death that had been sent to cut short the life of any member of your family will pass over and he would not hurt anyone in the name of Jesus the blood of Jesus breaks foundational curses I pray that the blood of Jesus Will begin to break all strange patterns and curses in your life and family in the name of Jesus Ephesians 1 7 says in him we have Redemption through his blood and forgiveness of our trespasses according to the reaches of his grace I therefore pray for you that the Redemptive Power in the Blood of Jesus will save all members of your family that are yet to be saved in the name of Jesus your robe will be washed in the blood of the Lamb nothing will contaminate your Holiness again in the name of Jesus as a result of the blood that was shared all your sins that you might still be feeling guilty for are forgiven and you walk in the Forgiveness that has been given to you in Jesus name I decree that the blood of Jesus Will bruise the enemy's head that are bent on frustrating all your efforts in Jesus name you are no longer scared because the blood of the Lamb has given you the boldness to come against the path of Darkness Hebrews 12 24 says unto Jesus the mediator of a New Covenant and to the sprinkled blood which speaks better than the blood of Abel the blood of Jesus which speaks better saying than the blood of Abel will save you and protect you from the wicked ones that are plotting your fall in Jesus name I decree that the blood of Jesus Will exempt you from falling into the traps and pits of the devil in his cohorts in Jesus name you and your members of your family are insured by the blood of Jesus against sudden destruction and catastrophe in the name of Jesus I pray for you that the blood of Jesus will wipe off all the evil Max of the enemies that are upon you and your family that which was stolen from you is restored in a hundredfold by the Power in the Blood of Jesus I decree that the blood of Jesus will protect your family from evil strangers that want to intrude and the peace and the unity of your family by the power in the name of Jesus all the things that are not planted by God in your life are purged Out of You by the blood I use the blood of Jesus as a currency and purchasing all the Hidden Treasures of Darkness for you in Jesus name we bless you Lord for answering our prayers in Jesus name we have prayed amen do well to like share and subscribe to our Channel God bless you amen
Channel: Spiritual Warfare
Views: 185,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powerful prayers, prayers, praying in the spirit, tongues of fire, spiritual warfare prayers, warfare prayers, powerful prayers to break witchcraft, powerful prayers to defeat witchcraft, prayer, christian, motivation
Id: pjPUBQnsGkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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