Prayer Against Witchcraft Attack: Prayer To Destroy Every Evil Plan Of The Enemy

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I want you to know that the fire of God surrounds you because the word of the Lord said in Zechariah 2 verse 5 that God will be a wall of fire round about you and it will be your glory so God is telling you not to be scared of the devil and his agents attack anytime they try to attack you the fire of God around you will go forth to consume them and they dare not try to penetrate the fire round about you I declare that the consuming fire of the Holy Ghost will roast all enemies that are trying to attack you in jesus' name you're welcome to this channel if today is your first time I am adopting you into my prayer circle and I'll be praying for you and your family daily all you have to do is to stay connected by hitting the Subscribe button in red letter and hit the notification Bell so that YouTube reminds you when I drop any of the prayers God places in my heart for you please pray these prayers in faith father I pray that all enemies that are gathered around me and all members of my family may discarded in the name of Jesus I command the fire of the Holy Ghost to go before me and consume all enemies that are plotting my downfall in Jesus name I pray that the fire of God goes before me to the camp of my enemies and consume them by the power in the name of Jesus I neutralize all the attacks of the enemies that are gathered against my family and me the word of the Lord says in First Corinthians Ians 15:57 that I have the victory over my enemies through my Lord Jesus I decree that I overcome the enemies that are gathered against me always the word of God says in second Thessalonians chapter 3:3 that the Lord is faithful and will strengthen me and protect me from the evil ones I stand upon the word of the Lord and I decree that I am always protected from all my enemies that are gathered round about me in the name of Jesus I declare that I am untouchable to All Enemies round about me by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all powers of Darkness that are plotting my hurt be paralyzed the word of God says in Revelation 12:11 that I overcame the Devil by the blood of the lamb and by the words of my testimony I plead the the blood of Jesus over me and all members of my household in the name of Jesus I call down fire and brimestone upon the head of all the forces of Darkness ganged up against me in the name of Jesus your word says Lord in Matthew 18:18 to19 that whatever I bind on Earth will be bound in heaven and whatever I lose on Earth will be lose in heaven right now I bind all the powers of Darkness that are gathered against me in all the corners of the earth and I decree that their power is important I decree and and I declare that the enemies will fall in the Trap they set for me and they will also fall into the pit they have du for me I decree that there is liberty for me from every limitation the devil and his cohort had placed on me in the name of Jesus I decree that you arise Lord and let all your enemies that are gathered against me bearded the word of the Lord says in Deuteronomy 28:7 that the Lord will cause my enemies who are risen against me to be defeated before me and they shall come out against me in one way and flee before me in seven ways I decree that all enemies that are gathered against me flee before me in seven ways in Jesus name name I scatter all the Gathering of the powers of darkness by shooting the arrows of God at them by the Power in the Blood of Jesus I exempt myself from the bondage of the enemies I declare that unfriendly friends who are penetrating to be my friends will never distract me I decree that their plans towards me will be exposed in jesus' name just like the way Prophet Elijah cold and fired to consume all the armies that we sent to capture him in the name of Jesus I call down the fire of the Lord to consume the enemies that are sent to capture me the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous runs at end and they are safe I decree that from today I hide under the name of the Lord and I am saved and secured from the attacks of the powers of darkness in Jesus name begin to thank God for answering all your prayers in jesus' name we have prayed I decree over you that you remain under the shadow of the almighty and the fire of the Lord will go before you and consume all enemies that are gathered round about you in Jesus name please Endeavor to keep praying because the word of the Lord says in Luke 18:1 that man are to pray always and not get tired of praying God bless you and keep you when Jesus died and was buried a big Stone was placed over his tomb so that he would not come out of it the enemies thought that God could be held down by a big Stone they have forgotten that he is the lord of the elements and nothing can hold him captive the tomb which was like a trap could not hold Jesus a prisoner it came out Victorious did Jesus win the battle against grave and death for himself no he didn't do that for himself he did that for you and me this implies that you will come out of all the prisons the enemies have placed you in you are more than Victorious you can never be killed captive by all the pr reasons the enemies have placed you in Rejoice because your Victory have been sealed already over 2,000 years ago I decree that your soul escapes as bird from the traps of the enemies in the name of Jesus I pray over you that you come out of every prison the enemy has placed you by the power in the name of Jesus I pray that your finances will escape the pron the enemies of placed you I decree that you will come out stronger and better as you come out of every prison the enemy has placed you if Christ could not be held captive by the prison of death and the grave I decree over you that you would never be held in bondage by the power and the prison of the evil ones by the resurrection power of the Holy Ghost I decree that your glory that has been swallowed up by the grave coming to life again in Jesus name I decree over you today that you will never be limited by the prison of the wicked ones in the name of Jesus I pray over you that your destiny will reject being trapped in the prison of the wicked ones the word of God says in Isaiah 49:9 that you will say to prisoners that they should go forward and to those who are in darkness that they should show themselves I decree that you will cause men that are in captivity to come out of their bondage and you will be a lie to those that are in darkness in jesus' Name by the power in the name of Jesus I pray over you that all the good things that belong to you that have been buried in the grave are resurrected now in the name of Jesus I plead the blood of Jesus over you and all members of your family I decree that the blood of Jesus Will exempt you and your family from captive ity the word of the Lord says in Isaiah 49:25 that even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered I decree and declare that you have escaped the Captivity of that strong man in your family and you will never be a prey of the terrible in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I decree that you will never be held hostage by evil police by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that your life breaks forth and show you away out of every dark tunnel in your life I decree and declare that you will be a Herald of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ like the way Apostle Paul was I decree over you that you will be above all the limitations and barriers the enemy planted on your way to fulfilling your destiny you will always be Victorious and ahead of the enemy's propaganda in the name of Jesus the word of God says in Isaiah 42:7 that God will appoint you as a covenant to the people and a lie to the Nations to open the blind eyes to bring out prisoners from the dungeon and those who dwell in darkness from the prison I pray over you that you will be a covenant to the people that need light and You Will Open the Eyes of those that are in Perpetual d Ness and you will cause those that are in dungeons to escape their captivity in Jesus name the Bible says in Zechariah 9: 11-12 that God was set prisoners free because of the blood of this Covenant I pray that God will set free any member of your family that is in any form of prison by the Power in the Blood I decree that all prayers we have prayed today are answered and you come back with Bountiful testimonies please keep on praying and studying the word of God only through these will you seal the victory you have in Christ Jesus the Bible says in Isaiah 54:1 17A that all tongues that rise against you in judgment must be condemned by you the en enemies cannot have the final say over your life because they are not God and they are under your feet God has places words in your mouth for you to nullify and destroy the pronouncements of the enemies against you there is no enchantment against you and there is no divination against you that shall stand I decree over your life that all the pronouncements of the enemies over your life is null and void in jesus' name in the name of Jesus I pray that all that the enemies are plotting against you shall not stand the word of God says in Psalm 81 ver14 that God will subdue your enemies and turn your hands against your adversaries I decree this instant that God will subdue all the enemies around you and his hands will be against them I nullify All In tempation and enchantment the enemies have said over you that is impeding your progress in Jesus name by the power of the Holy Ghost I decree that you will jump over all the traps of the enemies that are placed strategically on your path to Destiny fulfillment in the name of Jesus I declare that all the voices of the enemies are silenced the word of God says in Luke 21:15 that God would give you all utterance and wisdom which your enemies cannot resist I decree that God is giving you the right words to say to nfy the negative words your enemies have said Over You by the power and the blood of Jesus I raas all the negative pronouncements the evil ones have said over your family I decree that no matter how hard the enemies might try to subject you to their control their plans will fall like a park of heart in their very eyes in the name of Jesus the word of God says in Genesis 49:8 that judas's Brothers shall praise him and his hand will be on the neck of his enemies since Jesus Christ is the descendant of the tribe of Judah this also imply that you are a descendant of the tribe of Judah I decree that henceforth your hands will be on the neck of your enemies in the name of Jesus by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all the structure the enemies have put in place to send evil projections to you is destroyed the word of God says in Micah 5 ver9 that your hands will be lifted against your adversaries and all your enemies will be cut off I pray over you that you will always triumph over all enemies gathered against you and all the evil ones that are making negative pronouncements over you are scattered in the name of Jesus I pray over you that you will always know the plans of the enemy ahead and you will have preeminence over them by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that your words become words of fire and these words consume your enemies like wood the word of the Lord says in Micah 7:1 that your enemies will see you and shame will cover them that ask where is your god I decree over you that your enemies will be put into shame that ask where your God is by the power and the blood of Jesus I decree that your enemies will never have the final say over you your family and your destiny there is progress for you in the name of Jesus whether the devil wants it or not the word of God says in Zephaniah 2 vers1 15 that the Lord has taken away his judgment against you and he has cleared away all your enemies I declare that all the enemies that are speaking negative words against you are cleared away in the name of Jesus I decree that the Lord will inflict curses on your enemies on those who hate and persecute you I decree that the mouth of your enemies are shut like the way the mouth of the Lion were shut against Daniel in the name of Jesus I decree that you are immune to all the pronouncements of the enemies around you I decree over you that you will never be scared of the devil and his cohort's verbal attacks on you the Bible says in Psalm 23:5 that God prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies I decree that you will eat and dine in the face of your adversaries and their mouths will be shot as they watch on by the efficacy in the blood of Jesus I nullify all the negative words you might have said in the past that is working contrary to God's purpose for you in jesus' name in the name of Jesus I pray over you that you are more than a conqueror over the agenda of the devil and his cohorts I pray that all the negative pronouncement of the enemies against you and your family is nullified in Jesus name one of the worst things that can happen to any man is when he doesn't have a bearing on his life the devil loves it when people roam about aimlessly like a vagabond his ultimate goal is to see that God's plan for man does not manifest you're Exempted from this you can never be distracted because you have the Holy Spirit in you who will always lead direct and comfort you the Bible says in Matthew 18:18 that whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you lose on Earth will be losed in heaven maximize The Authority you have in Christ and put the devil and his p in their place in the name of Jesus I I decree over you that you will never be distracted by the evil ones by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all evil friends disguise to be good ones sent by the devil to make you distracted are put to shame I decree by the power in the name of Jesus that you will always do the right thing and at the right time I also decree over you that you would not waste your time doing things that the Lord didn't send you in the name of Jesus by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that the plans of the evil ones to make you confused as touching steps and decisions you should take are put to null and void in the name of Jesus I decree that you would not leave the will of God for you by the Power in the Blood of Jesus I Shield you from the attacks of the devil to make you useless in life the word of God says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that there is a time for a purpose under the heaven I decree over you that you will walk in God's timing for you and the plans of the devil and his agents to make you stray from his timing is a n in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I decree over you that you will not make a costly mistake that will affect your destiny by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not miss the M God has said for you due to your selfish ambition I pray for you that you are save and secured in the secret place of the highest from the prying eyes of the evil ones who want you to be destitute and the Nuance in the name of Jesus I pray that all members of your family will not be distracted in their Journey to the Fulfillment of their destinies by the power in the name of Jesus I pray for you that the enemies who want you to make a costly mistake that will affect your business I put to shame in the name of Jesus Jesus the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runs into it and is saved I pray for you that the name of Jesus will always Shield you from distracting people by the power in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you will always know the right people to mingle with that will help you not to be distracted I pray for you that the word of God would always keep you in check any time you are strained from God's will for your life in the name of Jesus I decree that all a he of fell like friends in your life leave you this instant by the power in the name of Jesus I decree over you that you will not give attention to the forces of Darkness Whispering into your ears to leave the original plan of God for your life in the name of Jesus I decree that God will always avenge you of all your adversaries who want to distress you at the men of the name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord I therefore decree over you that all tongues that have sent projections at you to make you lose focus of who you are and where you're going are condemned in the name of Jesus I decree over you that whether the devil and his cohorts like it or not you will fulfill your god-given destiny I decree that the the calling and the Mandate of God upon your life will be evident for all to see in the name of Jesus I decree that the Holy Spirit would always keep you in check and your sight is kin like never before I decree over you that you will not burn out doing things that you are not supposed to do in the name of Jesus The God Who you and I serve is called Jehovah nii which means the Lord our burner barners are are used as an inside declaring allegiance to God a nation or an army my allegiance is to God how about you when you allow the Lord to fight for you you are sure of always getting victory over the devil and his cohorts that have placed a particular Siege upon you you cannot be held down by any form of bondage because death cannot hold Jesus captive and do not forget that you were buried with Christ and you were also raised with him now you are sitting with him in Heavenly places far above principalities and Powers now you have to make the victory that you have in Christ effective by enforcing it against those things that might be holding you in bondage as we will be making these declarations prayers and decrees I want you to sa them with all conviction knowing that you will receive answers to them in the name of Jesus I decree that you are free from all bondage the enemies have placed on you I decree that all the bondage that you entered into unknowingly due to the mistake of your forefathers is destroyed in the name of Jesus the Bible says in Galatians 51 that Jesus has given you Victory by setting you free and that you do not submit to the Yoke of bondage again I decree that you are free and you will never give in that bondage again the son of man has set you free therefore you are free indeed I decree that you are free indeed from all the bondage of the wicked ones I decree that you are no longer entangled with the Yoke of bondage which you are free from I pronounce total Victory from bondage for you and all the members of your family in the name of Jesus I decree that all the Yoke of bndy that is limit in you is destroyed by the reason of the anointing which is in you in the name of Jesus I decree that you are no longer in the bondage of fear for fear is a torment by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that you will be set free from all the pron you have kept yourself in by what you said over yourself by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that the blood of Jesus erases every Mark of bondage plays upon on you that has caused stagnation in your life in the name of Jesus I decree that you remove yourself from the procession of bondage and you are walking with it whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved I call on the name of Jesus to come and save you from the bondage the enemies have placed on you that is making you live life like nobody in the name of Jesus I cancel all generational curses that have held you in captivity because you are a new man in Christ you are free from generational curses I decree that you walk in the Liberty that you have in Christ Jesus you are no longer bounded by the vain traditions of man in the name of Jesus from today I decree that there is progress and progress for you whether the devil and his cohorts like it or not I pray for you that you no longer see yourself small you will see yourself as Christ sees you I pray for you that you escape the traps the enemies have set for you to enter into you in the name of Jesus you begin to walk in the victory that you have in Christ over all the paths of Darkness that is Wai in war against you I decree that every soul tie you have shared with the wrong people in the past be broken in the name of Jesus and in the in the name of Jesus I decree that the love of God floods your heart and makes you free from all bondage that you are in right now I pray that you will become Untouchable for the enemies to Handle by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that whenever one is saying there is a casting down you will say there is a lifting up as Believers we are positioned to fly and experience breakthrough in all areas of our life because Jesus became poor so that we will be rich he paid the price for our breakthrough completely on the cross the only thing left now is for you to walk in the Breakthrough from struggles he has made available for you remember that a new man or woman in Christ does not have to toil and sweat hard before he or she succeeds needs a toiling and sweating heart died with your old man tell yourself this I am positioned for a breakthrough I never labor hard and get little results I flourish like the tree planted by the Riverside as we will be making these prayers together do it in faith knowing that you will get an answer to all of them in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not labor are hard in vain and another man eat of it I decree over you the struggles have ended in your life in the name of Jesus by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that there is no wasted effort for you I decree that you will experience the Breakthrough of the Lord in all areas of your life in the name of Jesus by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all your efforts will never fall to the ground in the name of Jesus I decree that the resurrection par rests on everything dead in your life I decree that all your dreams visions and goals receive the Breath of God and they come to life in the name of Jesus I decree that you will overcome all obstacles on your path to Greatness in the name of Jesus I decree that the spirit of the median eyes the steel Harvest is bound and cast cast into the haves in the name of Jesus I decree that you'll be a tree planted by the Riverside whose leaves are Evergreen and produces its fruit in due season I decree that you will not be impatient and miss your day of breakthrough in the name of Jesus I decree that all the powers of Darkness that are withstanding your breakthrough financially or scattered in the name of Jesus the word of God says and Deuteronomy chapter 28 that you will be head and not the tail I decree that you are the head in all facets of life you are never behind in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I decree that you will never be behind Shadow and ahead of your time you will walk in God's perfect timing for you I decree that all the resources that are needed for your breakthrough to manifest are provided now in the name name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I decree that your God ordained helper heart is troubled until he helps you just like the way the heart of aerus was troubled in the case of Modi and he caused a change in Mah's story I decree that you will not beg for men to help you you will attract the favor of men to your side because you are shielded with favor in the name of Jesus I pray for you that all the members of your family will walk in breakthrough and prosperity in the name of Jesus I pray for you that an end has come to struggles pain shame and disgrace in your life and family I speak peace to every storm raging in your family and your life in the name of Jesus I decree that all you need to fulfill Destiny are provided for in the name of Jesus I decree that you will always see possibilities even when others are seeing impossibility I decree that you will receive a Divine idea that would turn your financial story around in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I decree that wherever you have been rejected you will be accepted because you are accepted in the Beloved I pray for you that you will not leave the path to your breakthrough due to run counsel in the name of Jesus I decree over you that you will know the will of God for your life per season and time by the power in the name of Jesus I release the angel of your breakthrough and prosperity I put them to work this instant I decree that there will cause money and resources to come to you I decree that you will not be confused at touching the kind of business and skill to engage that will cause a major breakthrough in your life in the name of Jesus by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all the years you have lost and all resources that were stolen from you are restored to you in a hundredfold let us begin to thank God for answering our prayers in Jesus name we have prayed amen miracles are Supernatural occurrences that are Beyond human comprehension God often shows his children his mightiness by doing miraculous acts for them in the time of old God showed the children of Israel many miracles that made them believe that he's not the same God that their close neighbors served as long as you are a child of God you are to work in the miraculous though sometimes the powers of Darkness try to hinder miracles from to us you need not worry about these Powers because they have been trampled upon by Jesus when he died on the cross and rose again on the third day he now gave us the same Authority he used to conquer all the powers of darkness and he is assuring us that they dare not ham us the Bible emphatically said in the Book of Matthew 16:19 that we have been given the keys of the Kingdom whatever we bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever we lose on Earth shall be loose in heaven use the authority that you have in the name of Jesus I will be making these prayers and decrees over you align your faith with mine to get results in the name of Jesus I decree that all the powers of Darkness that are impeding your miracles from getting to you are scattered I decree that all of your Miracles that have been delayed will come to you now in the name of Jesus I decree that the miracle that would turn your life around for good will happen right now and the devil and his cohorts will not be able to hinder it from coming to you I decree that your Miracles that have been overdue but is being delayed by the powers of Darkness are released from their grip by the part in the name of Jesus I decree that you will experience the miracle of the Lord in all areas of your life I decree over you that you will be a candidate of the Lord's Miracle this season in the name of Jesus I send the powers of Darkness into the haries that have caged your Miracles by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that in the areas of your life that you need the touch of God you will experience a miracle in those areas I decree that you will experience Miracles that will silence all your mockers in the name of Jesus the word of God says that God will have mercy upon whom he will have mercy I decree that you and your family are candidates for the Lord's Mercy in the name of Jesus I decree that all the forces of Darkness that have ganged up to frustrate you from experiencing you your Miracle are scattered in the name of Jesus I pray that you would not experience anything short of Miracles I decree that all the forces of Darkness that have ganged up to frustrate you from experiencing your Miracles are scattered in the name of Jesus I pray that you will not experience anything short of Miracles even in this season in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not seek false Miracles that would inhibit your progress in life by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not fall pray to the hands of false prophets who are masters of doing false Miracles I decree over you that you will not live the will of God for you in the pursuit of deceits of the wicked ones that are disguised as Miracles you will make accelerated progress in all areas of your life in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you you and all members of your family will walk in the miraculous in the name of Jesus I decree that you will rought Miracles that will make people give their lives to Christ and in the name of Jesus I decree over you that you will experience a miracle that will leave all your enemies in a state of confusion and I pray for you that you will not be led astray by the wicked ones into traps that I disguise as miracles in the mighty name of Jesus I decree that your marriage experience the miraculous the season you will be living Wonder to the world in the name of Jesus I decree that the powers of Darkness that are trying to hinder your destiny helpers from locating you are put into confusion in the name of Jesus you will not seek in vain the Miracles of the Lord the Lord will always show you his miraculous side in the name of Jesus God has promised to supply all your needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus he also told us not to be anxious about what we are going to eat drink or wear because he knows that we need these things for survival he is too committed to seeing you tarve or be in want the Young Lion men lack and suffer hunger but they that trust in the Lord shall not lack any good thing all your needs are met already in Christ Jesus do not be like someone that is a need rather act like one that lends to Nations the word of God says you cannot ask God for a fish and he will give you a serpent We'll be asking God what we want in his name with faith believing that are our prayers are answered let us pray together in faith in the mighty name of Jesus I pray today for you that all your needs are met according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus I pray for you that you would not lack anything good in the mighty name of Jesus 2 Corinthians chapter 9:8 says and God is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work by the reason of the word of God which is yay and amen in him I decree that you are blessed in all things and you will always have sufficiency in all things and also abounding unto good works in the mighty name of Jesus I decree over you that you have all things that pertain unto life and godliness the Lord would never leave you and he will never forsake you he will keep on meeting you at the point of your needs from today I decree over you that you would be a giver and not always a receiver in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you will begin to possess the Hidden Treasures of Darkness you will not beg before you eat the Lord will cause you to eat in abundance in the name of Jesus John 10:10 says that Jesus has come to give you life and to give you this life in abundance I therefore pray for you that the life of God will be seen much more in all areas of your life in Jesus name I pray for you that you would not s and another man reap from where you have sown the Lord will bless the works of your hands in the name of Jesus marthew 6:33 says seek ye first the kingdom of God and his right and all other things will be added to you from today I pray for you that you will always seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and as you do that all other things will be added to you the Lord will cause you to give to Nations and you'll be called blessed by the Lord by Nations Kings will come to the brightness of your rising and Gentiles will come to your light in the mighty name of Jesus that idea that would forever take you away from the valley of lack and peny will be released unto you whether the devil and his cohorts like it or not I pray for you that you would arise and shine for your light is come and the glory of the Lord has been risen upon you the Lord will reain an avalan of resources on you and your family in the name of Jesus there is no stagnation and limitation for you in all r ifications in the mighty name of Jesus I pray that the angel in charge of sending you your daily benefits is put to work for your sake in Jesus name and I decree over you that nothing dies in your hands in the name of Jesus help will always come to you when you need it and your help us will locate you whether the devil likes it or not I cancel all the devices of the wicked ones to steal the good things that God has prepared for you in the name of Jesus there is progress and Supernatural speed for you and your family even this season in the name of Jesus the project that you might have EMB backed on is completed in this season I release the rain of abundance of resources for you and your family throughout the season and even Forever More in Jesus name as children of God we must realize that there are spirits that are negative don't ignore them but don't be afraid of them there is a spirit that attacks the children of God when they are about to hit a milestone in their career business or jobs that Spirit needs to be arrested because it is a very Wicked one that doesn't easily give up if you discover that on the verge of making the Breakthrough something bad happens that cuts short your joy you should immediately seek the face of God and engage the power in the name of Jesus to triumph over these Powers the Bible says in job 22:28 you will decree a thing on earth and it will be established unto you and light will shine upon your path you have the authority to say anything using the name of Jesus and it will be done to you these demons that hinder you from getting the desired results you crave are under your feet feet because you have the power to trample upon them and they cannot do anything about it these prayers I will be releasing over you will incapacitate these powers of darkness and don't be casual about them let's pray in the name of Jesus I bind and cast powers that cause people and you particularly to fail at the edge of achieving success I decree that the spirits that are at the junk of your breakthrough arrested by the hosts of Heaven I decree that the angel of the Lord would bind powers that are bent and making you frustrated as you make repeated efforts to H the mark you have set for yourself I decree that the forces of Darkness that want to make you give up on the verge of your success and breakthrough Bound in the name of Jesus by the power in the name of Jesus I bind every demon the ones you to labor in vain and want your labor to go unrewarded I shoot forth the ARs of God to destroy powers that are bent on frustrating all of your input and efforts I decree that you will no longer lag and you will not be stagnant again in all areas of your life I pull you out of that Obsession suppression and oppression the devil and his cohorts have subjected you to I decree that you and all the members of your family will achieve the goals that you have set for yourselves in the name of Jesus I decree that the evil ones that have placed The Siege on you destroyed and I decree that the seed they have placed on you lifted by the power and the blood of Jesus I nullify the evil Mark of near success syndrome the enemies have placed on you and I decree that you will gain the speed of the Holy Ghost that will help you to get results that will Marvel you and the World At Large I pray and I declare that by the power in the name of Jesus that you all Max for Success breakthrough and progress by Jesus and his Mark will be visible for the enemies to see I decree that every chain that is holding you back from reaching your destination is broken that you are moving forward there is no longer backwardness for you in the name of Jesus I decree that you will break free from every form of limitation placed upon you I pray that you are insulated with the anointing of the Holy Ghost and I decree that yolks are destroyed right now in your life in the name of Jesus you are no longer behind you are ahead you will no longer remain on the spot in all areas of your life there will be visible progress for you in the name of Jesus I decree that the powers of Darkness that are subtly monitoring your progress are exposed closed and destroyed in the name of Jesus I decree that you are separated for progress and success the devil and his cohorts would no longer imped your progress in the name of Jesus I decree that the years that you have lost because you were always failing on the edge of success I restore it to you in Sevenfold in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not stay in the valley that the wicked ones have kept you in you will rise and stand on the Mountaintop because you are the light of the earth I break old barriers that have been obstructing you from making significant progress in all areas of your life in the mighty name of [Music] Jesus Colossians 2:14 says that Jesus Christ has wiped out all the handwriting that was against us which was contrary to us and he took them out out of the way hav't na them to the Cross all the handwritings of ordinances that are against you include generational curses and pns that are working contrary to the will of God for you the Bible also says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if any man is in Christ he's a new creature all things have passed away behold all things have become new you are a new man a new woman in Christ so all generational pns hold no water in your life the word of God Is Right within you and in your mouth the Bible says in Matthew 18:18 that whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you lose on Earth shall be lose in heaven Lose Yourself free today from strange pns that want to manifest themselves in your life and your families I'll be making this prayers and decrees over you join your faith with mine so as to claim your Victory today in the name of Jesus I decree that you are set free from all generational parns that are working against the will of God for you I decree that the blood of Jesus will make you Untouchable from curses and demonic Parn by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that the Lord will not visit the sins of your fathers upon you the Bible says in Galatians 3:13 that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Lord he was made a curse for us because curse is anyone that hangs upon the tree I decree that all the Demonic PS that are running in your lineage are rendered useless by what Christ did on the cross for you in Jesus name I decree that instead of curses you will enjoy the blessings of God in seven sfold by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that Affliction should not rise up the second time in your life in Jesus name I decree that you will not suffer for the iniquities of your fathers the Keys of the Kingdom of God are with me and it it is in the name of Jesus that I decree that all the Demonic pars the want to hamper the will of God for you are nullified in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not be afflicted by sickness and ailments due to strange pents that are running in your light nature I decree that the LW of the spirit of life that is in Christ has set you free from the L of sin and death in the name of Jesus Isaiah 54:17 says no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper and any tongue that rises in judgment against you shall be condemned I decree that all the weapons that were set up by the wicked ones against your Lage in times P the one to affect you now are destroyed in the name of Jesus I decree that the Lord will bless you and His blessings will cancel Every curse and pardon in your life in the name of Jesus because you are in Christ all things have passed away all things have become new I decree that the newness of life that is in Christ that is at work in you will nullify all the Demonic pents that are still alive in your family in the name of Jesus whoever the son of man has set free shall be free indeed I decree that you are free indeed from the curses and pons that are in your lineage in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not be limited and stagnated by demonic patterns in the name of Jesus I decree that you will be help my God and the Lord will put a stop to oppression of any sort in your family in the name of Jesus I decree that the Lord has redeemed you from destruction and also redeemed you from the pit of demonic generational PN I decree that the steadfast love of God which is from Everlasting to Everlasting will exempt you from demonic generational parns that are in your lineage in the name of Jesus I decree that you are walking in the newness of life that you have been given when Christ died and Rose on the third day by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not experience wasted labor in all areas of your life due to generational patterns in your lineage I decree that you will come out from the valley of curses and oppression to the mountain of freedom in the name of Jesus one thing the devil wants you to do is to focus more in him by sending distractions to you he hates it when God gets the glory in your life so you plus to ensure that you shift Focus From God anytime you talk more about things that are not edifying you make the devil happy and he is a master at distorting the glory that is supposed to go to to God to himself you are instructed to submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you do not focus on what the devil is doing focus on what God is doing per season and time with you the Bible says in mark 11:24 that whatever you desire When you pray believe that you have received them and you shall have them do not doubt the efficacy of God's word let's pray in the name of Jesus I decree that you receive the grace of God to not get distracted by the devil's schem I pray for you that you receive the spirit to be resilient and not back out easily in the mighty name of Jesus I pray for you that you will not focus on what the devil is doing around you rather your focus will be on the will of God I pray for you that you will know the will of God for you you at every season and time by the power of the name of Jesus I decree that you will not lose sight of what God is doing to you and for you there is freedom for you against all the scheme of the enemies in the name of Jesus I pray that you will walk in God's perfect will and not his permissive will there is upward sensitivity for you in all areas of your life in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not be insensitive to the promptings and the leadings of the holy spirit in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you will not be confused as to knowing the will of God for you and your family in the name of Jesus I pray that you will not be deceived by the antics of the devil and his cohorts I pray that you will not be frustrated by the devil's schemes and plots you will Ascend to the hide of not being carried away by the schemes of the devil and his cohorts I pray for you that you will be a head of the devil and a schemes in the name of Jesus there is victory for you against all the schemes of the enemies in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you would not be led astray by the schemes of the wicked ones I decree that your gaze will always be on Jesus instead of the devil and his minion are doing around you in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you will receive the grace to submit to God and resist the devil's schemes in the mighty name of Jesus you will not be caught unaware by the devil and his agent plots I pray for you that you will be alive unto God and not unto the Devil by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that you will stand firm in the will of God for you that you will stand strong even in the facee of persecution and trials in the name of Jesus that you will not walk outside the path that God wants you to tread in the name of Jesus I decree that you will not be deceived by the rung Association to leave the will of God for you in the mighty name of Jesus I pray for you you will live to become what God wants you to become despite the trials troubles and pains that the devil and his agents would send to you in the name of Jesus I decree that you will be first immovable and always abounding onto the works of the Lord in the name of Jesus I pray for you that your hope will remain fixed on Jesus and not on anything that the devil is doing around you to make you lose focus I decree that you will not lose sight of who you are in Christ in Jesus name the grace of the Lord will abound much more in your life in all ramifications of your life and in Jesus name one strategy that the devil and his cohorts employ against God's children is to delay the plans of God from coming into fulfillment in their lives the devil cannot stop the plans of God but he devises ways in which he uses to frustrate the will of God in the life of Believers I have a perfect news for you today you would not be a candidate of the devil's delay because your life is hidden in Christ and Christ in God you could also be the one delaying the will and plans of God from coming into Fusion in your life this could happen when you fail to align with God's will for you and when you do not surrender your ways totally to God God is God of Mercy he has a way of putting you back in course and making you walk on the right path to your your destiny fulfillment as for those powers that have sworn to frustrate the will of God for you we will be dealing with them today the Bible says that we will decree a thing on earth and it will be established unto us and light will shine upon our path and the Bible also says in Philippians 2:10 that At The Mention Of The Name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord we will be using the name that we have have been named with with which is the name of Jesus to combat the forces of Darkness that are bent on frustrating the will and purpose of God in your life let's pray in the name of Jesus I decree that all the powers of Darkness that are delaying the plans of God from coming into Fusion in your life are arrested and sent into the bottomless Pete now by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that the agenda of the evil ones to make you distracted and live the will of God for you abound I decree that you will not be delayed by ancestral curses in the name of Jesus and every forces of Darkness sworn to frustrate the will and purpose of God for you are destroyed now in the name of Jesus but upon the name of Jesus I decree a redirection for you if you have left the purpose of God for your life and I also decree that you would never be slow in your destiny fulfillment I speak forth Supernatural speed for you in the mighty name of Jesus the word of God says that you will be the head and not the tale I decree so that the plans of the wicked ones to make you the taale are nullified in the name of Jesus I decree that you would not be delayed in all areas of your life and I bind those Powers I want to keep you on the spot in the mighty name of Jesus you will not be deceived by the evil ones in leaving what God has ordained for you to chase things that God has not planned for you in the name of Jesus I speak forth the word of God into your destiny and I decree that your destiny will arise and shine in the name of Jesus I call forth all the god ordained Destiny helpers who God has ordained to ease your work to your destiny fulfillment I decree that they will find you and they will not be blinded by the wicked ones from recognizing you I decree and declare that you will not be frustrated by these evil ones who are assigned to delay your destiny as the devil cannot prevent the Sun from shining and cannot dry up the oceans your destiny I declare right now that will never be prevented from manifesting the glory of the Lord I decree that your destiny that might have been sleeping will awake and begin to show forth the beauty of the Lord right now I pray for all the members of your family I decree that they will also fulfill their Destinies and that there is no delay for them in the name of Jesus I decree that you will experience increase in all areas of your life which will will facilitate your destiny walk to be easy I say that the will and purpose of God for your life will prevail over the enemy's own in the mighty name of Jesus I plead the blood of Jesus upon your destiny I decree that your destiny will not be tampered with in the mighty name of Jesus Psalm 512 says that the Lord will bless the righteous with favor God will surround him as with a Shield as God's child you are entitled to be favored anywhere you find yourself it is an aberation for you to beg to be favored you're favored by the Lord so your default mode is to be favored in all areas of life the favor of the Lord makes a man Stand Out Among his contemporaries what others are struggling to get you won't struggle to get because the favor of the Lord that is at work will break protocols for your sake the Bible in Ecclesiastes 10: 5-7 said something profound about an evil that is prevalent in the society where princes walk while Beggars ride on horses that is a figurative statement that describes God's people not enjoying the privilege that they have of being joined as with the prince of peace and the king of the universe while unbel who are still elen from the grace of the Lord Jesus are now the ones enjoying what rightly belongs to the children of God the favor of God will exempt you from this error that is happening in our present day Society anywhere you go walk and talk with confidence knowing that you are favored by the Lord do not allow anyone to ridicu you or ride you off that promotion is yours that contract is yours that job is yours grab them now as I will be making these prayers and declarations over you be conscious that you have favored and no power of Darkness can obstruct that favor of the Lord from manifesting in your life so let's pray the word of God says in mark 11:24 that whatever you desire When you pray believe that you have received them and you shall have them just believe and you will receive what you ask the Lord in the name of Jesus I come with Thanksgiving to the Lord God Almighty for the privilege that we have in him that we can come boldly to his throne and decree of sing and it shall be established and therefore I decree that from today everyone that is hearing the sound of my voice that you are Faith in all ramification that you show forth the favor of the Lord to the world and in the name of Jesus the favor of the Lord that is at work in you will break protocols for your sake I decree that you will ride on horses and not walk as a beggar because the favor of the Lord is upon you I decare over you that what other people are struggling to get you won't struggle to get because the favor of the Lord will make you get results without struggling hard I decree that you are set aside for favor in the work of your hands I decree that in those places that you were rejected in the past you are accepted back because you are accepted in the Beloved and the favor of the Lord is working inside of you I say that all things are working for your good because you are loved by God in the name of Jesus I decree that all the powers of Darkness that are obstructing people from favoring you are scattered you will work in favor all the days of your life the favor of the Lord has cancel disgrace and shame in your life in the name of Jesus by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all the members of your family are also favored in anything that they do and anywhere they go I decree that what looks like favor but it isn't reserv to you by the Holy Spirit you will not fall into the Trap of the wicked ones that is carefully placed to look like favor in the name of Jesus the favor of the Lord will make you get results faster than your contemporaries I decree it now in the name of Jesus I also say that the favor of the Lord will make a way for you in difficult situation I pray for you that the favor of the Lord will allow you not to labor like an elephant but eat like an ant the favor of the Lord that is at work in you will exempt you and your family from strange pardons that are still alive in your L Nature while the enemy meant for evil I decree that the favor of the Lord would turn it around for your good in the mighty name of Jesus by the power in that name you will not be delayed and stagnated because the favor of the Lord will increase your pace and acel ceration in your life you are shielded by the favor of the Lord in all areas of your life in Jesus name Glory To Your Name Lord for answering our prayers in Jesus name we have prayed amen the devil is highly organized and shrewd he does not do things without first of all having a plan he has a kingdom that he controls which has stratter the Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities Powers rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places spiritual wickedness in high places is the least in the organization of the kingdom of the devil and they include erron demons like witches and wizards and other foul Spirits you do not need to be scared of these powers because you are above them and they are under you you are seated with Christ in Heavenly places far above principalities and Powers the Bible says in Matthew 16:19 that you have been given the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to bind anything you want to bind and lose anything you want to lose use the authority that you have in the name of Jesus as we will be engaging in prayers together again all the hosts of wickedness I want you to hold and join your faith with mine even now so let's pray in the name of Jesus father we come to you with Thanksgiving knowing that we have a name that is greater than every other name using the authority behind this name I scatter all the hosts of wickedness that are gathered against this one listening to me and by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all the forces of wickedness that have devised to hurt them fall for their sake in the name of Jesus I decree that the agenda of the wicked ones against them will not stand in the name of Jesus and I decree that the secret plans of these Wicked ones that were hared in secret that are exposed even right now in the name of Jesus by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all the forces of wickedness that are assigned to frustrate their efforts are bound and sent to the bottom Li speed I decree that the angel of the Lord will change those forces of wickedness that are bent on fighting against them in the mighty name of Jesus I decree that all the witches and wizards that are orchestrating evil against them fall for their sakes the word of the Lord says in Exodus 14:14 that the Lord will fight for you and you will hold your peace and that I decree that the Lord will begin to war against the paths of Darkness around about you in the name of Jesus the power of the Lord will the forces of wickedness against you even now and in the name of Jesus I rebuke all powers of Darkness the one to subvert the will of of God in your life I decree that you would see the forces of wickedness flee before you in seven ways even as they come in one way and I decree that the hand of the Lord will be against the wicked ones in your life the word of God says in 2 Thessalonians 3:3 the Lord is faithful and he will deliver you from the evil ones on the authority of this word I decree that the Lord will deliver you from all the evil ones in the mighty name of Jesus you will submit to God and you will resist the devil and he and all his cohorts will flee from you the word of God in Psalms 7:9 says that the wickedness of the evil ones will come to an end this is what I decree even now that all the wickedness of the forces of Darkness against your life have come to an end this very second in the name of Jesus I decree that the crown of the wicked ones will come down from their heads for your sake in the name of Jesus Isaiah 3:11 says War to the wicked it will go badly with him and what he deserves will be done to him I decree that the Lord will make all the wicked ones that are fighting against your progress and breakthrough to get their reward from the Lord in the name of Jesus I decree that the host of wickedness that are assigned to bring you shame and disgrace and make you live a lonely and an unfulfilling life are put in their place even now I decree that the host of wickedness that are pursuing you relentlessly drown in the Red Sea that the wicked Ones Will begin to eat their flesh and drink their blood in the name of Jesus I decree that you will continue to trample upon the host of wickedness and they will not hurt you in the mighty name of Jesus Lord I Thank you for answering our prayers in jesus' name we have prayed amen there are sudden altars erected by the evil ones against you in order to send evil things that are contrary to the will of God for you these all can be dismantled by you because you have the authority to do that and the forces of Darkness dare not hurt you the altar that I set up against you are no bigger and stronger than the name of Jesus that is in your possession the word of God says in Philippians 2:10 At The Mention Of The Name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord appropriate the name of Jesus today day in pulling down all the strongholds of the enemies job 22:28 says you will decree a thing on earth and it will be established unto you and light will shine upon your part we will come against these alts by faith and with boldness so let us pray in faith in the name of Jesus I pull down all demonic altars erected over you and your family and I pray for you that all legitimate altars that are projecting failure and delay in your life are scattered in the name of Jesus Jeremiah 1:10 says see I have set you this day over Nations and over kingdoms to plug up and break down to destroy and overthrow to build and to plant by the power in the name of Jesus I begin to break into pieces all the evil altars erected over you and your family I destroy all their devices and I uproot all the evil things that are contrary to the will of God that has been laid upon those altars against you in Jesus name there is no other Foundation laid other than that which was laid by the Lord Jesus and so I decree that any other Foundation other than that which is laid by the Lord Jesus in your life and families are dismantled in Jesus name I decree that the fire of the Lord will fall and roast all evil priests that are legislating over evil ERS the enemies are using to project evil into your life the Bible says in Matthew 1513 every plant that by father has not planted will be rooted out I therefore begin to uproot all evil plantations in your life I send the angel of the Lord to break into pieces all the altars of wickedness set up over you and your family and I release any member of your family that is under the bondage of evil altars I decree that the Lord would fight against all the wicked ones that are in charge of evil orders against your life and you will hold your peace anything that has been stolen from you by the priests of evil altars are released and I command the release right now in Jesus name the word of God says in Philippians 4:3 you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you right now I pray for you that you are energized to pull down and dismantle all the altars of the wicked ones even in your life and your families you are strengthened and your strength will not fail you in Waring against oppression of the wicked ones against your family in the mighty name of Jesus you will stay at the altar of the Lord God instead of being held captive by the altar of Wicked winess we are God's battle acts that's what the scripture says and his weapon of War we therefore begin to dismantle the alts of the wicked ones as the Bible says in Leviticus 26:30 I then will destroy your high places and cut down your incense altars and hip on the remains of your Idols for my soul shall abho you this is the word of the Lord against the wicked ones and their altars and it will stand with whether they like it or not the altar of the evil ones will be exposed even if it is subtle in operation in the name of Jesus I decree that the Lord destroys all altars and Idols that are sful in operation in your life and families will wait patiently on the altar of the Lord and not the altar of the wicked ones in jesus' name I decree an end to every form of demonic manipulations that stem from activities of evil priests that are legislating over evil alers against you and your family the name of the Lord Jesus will be exalted above all altars even in your life now and forever more in Jesus name I pray for you that you will not unconsciously service the altar of Darkness anymore in Jesus name we bless you Lord for answering all our prayers Glory To Your Name Lord in Jesus name we have prayed amen the Son of God has given you the Keys of the Kingdom to wage war against the powers of Darkness were are gathered against you you have the authority to say a thing on earth and it will be established to you because life and death is in the power of your tongue the forces of Darkness are want to fight against you to alter the will will of God for you or destroyed and sent to Exile by you using the name of Jesus and the word of God the word of God says in Isaiah 54:17 that no weapon formed or fashioned against you shall prosper and any tongue that rises in judgment against you shall be condemned now the word of God is in your mouth and it has the capacity to fight for you the word of God is capable of saying you from the destruction of the wicked ones so let us pray together in faith Psalm 35:1 says that the Lord will plead your cause with them that strive with you and by the reason of the word of God I decree that the Lord would fight against all the occultic powers that are Waring against you and your family in the name of Jesus I decree that the fire of the Lord would consume all the altars of the wicked ones aimed at projecting evil into your life and I destroy all the altars of the occultic Kingdom standing in your way to Greatness in the name of Jesus the Lord will set you free from the power of darkness in Jesus name as the word of God says in Psalm 91:1 that he who dwells in the secr place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I pray for you that you will always abide under the shadow of the almighty and as you do this you will be protected from the cold of the occultic kingdom in the name of Jesus I decree that all the things that we're stolen from you by the powers of Darkness will be restored to you in Sevenfold in the name of Jesus the Lord will dry up all the past source of the wicked ones which they are using to afflict you in the name of Jesus Exodus 14:14 says that the Lord would fight for you and you will hold your peace and by the power in the name of Jesus I pray that the Lord would fight on behalf of you against all the pows of Darkness that are seeking your hurt you would no longer be enslaved by the occultic kingdom who are bent on frustrating your light in the name of Jesus I decree that all the evil seeds of the enemies that was planted in you are uprooted and destroyed in the name of Jesus job 512 says that God destroys the craftiness of the wicked so that their hands cannot perform their Enterprise I decree that the Lord will turn around the plan of the wickedness to make it foolishness and he will turn around their plan for your good in the name of Jesus I decree that all the satanic priests that say you will not fulfill your purpose or destroyed by the fire of the Lord in the name of Jesus and in that name I decree that the fire of the Lord will consume all the devices of the wicked ones that are using to afflict and oppress you and your family in the name of Jesus I decree that all the evil ones that came against you in one way they flee before you in seven ways the LA was set on fire the altar of your life and family in the name of Jesus you and all the members of your family are Untouchable to the occultic powers in the mighty name of Jesus now according to the word of God in Deuteronomy 28:7 the Lord will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you they shall come against you in one way and flee before you in seven ways I decree that the Lord will cause all your enemies to be defeated before you and as they come against you in one way that will flee before you in seven ways in the mighty name of Jesus I should the arrows of God to discomfit the paws of Darkness that are fighting against you and I send forth the lightning of the Holy Ghost to scatter all the occultic powers that are Waring against you I engage the ministry of angels to begin to wage war against the parts of the enemies that have devised your hurt and downfall in the name of Jesus you will put on all the ultic powers Supply operating your life to flight and they will never come back to harass you by the power in the name of Jesus Deuteronomy 3:22 says that you should not fear them the ultic powers for the Lord your God is the one fighting for you and by the reason of the word of God I pray for you that you will not be afraid of the occultic powers as the Lord will go ahead ah of you to fight against the evil one seeking to afflict and oppress you in the name of Jesus I pray for you again that you have the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of darkness and nothing shall by any means hurt you in Jesus name we thank you Lord for answering all our prayers in jesus' name we have prayed amen as a child of God you have the power to come against everything the devil brings against you you must resist the enemy as the Book of James says because his plan and main job is to steal kill and destroy but Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly now rise with me as we decree by the power in the name of Jesus that ask From This Moment nothing things spoken against you shall prosper let's pray father it is in the name of Jesus that I come to you as a Blood Washed and redeemed child to take authority over every weapon that is formed against anyone under the sound of my voice in the name of Jesus every tongue that is risen against them is condemned it is written who is it that speaks and it comes to pass when God has not spoken therefore I say every evil projection made against anyone here is cut off it is written no enchantment against the house of Jacob nor div nor divination against it shall stand I therefore decree and declare that every enchanter or every diviner that has worked against anyone under the sound of my voice today your powers are broken and I decree that divers are made mad for your sake they will no longer perform the Enterprises every crystal bowl or bathing or antenna set to monitor your progress than that of your children's are destroyed now in the name of Jesus Lord we come to you today to ask for your protection henceforth against every evil projections that may be directed towards these ones we believe in your power to Shield them from the ham and to keep them safe from every negative energies I ask that you surround them with your Divine Light and love and that you Shield them from any handful intentions that may come their ways in the mighty name of Jesus we totally trust in your ability to keep save and to guide them through any challenges that may arise uh because Lord Jesus you said as many as I called by your name to them you've given even the power to become the sons of God and so Lord God you have put them in the hoer of your hands therefore they will no longer be affected by any imagination or stray bullet that the enemy has already released against them we ask you Lord to help them remain grounded and centered in your love and to stay focused on the positive things in their life father those that the enemy has released fear project actions of fear against them it is written the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and of a power and of a sound mind today I declare that fear you lose your grip over anyone in the name of Jesus we decree that God's grace and blessings remain upon you and you will always walk in his light thank you for your love and protection and for your constant presence in everyone's life even now in the mighty name of Jesus we have prayed amen when God remembers you your story will change overnight and people will begin to wonder how you did it and how it happened God remembered Jacob and in a few months he recovered all the wages his uncle Laban withheld from him God also remembered Sarah and opened her womb and she bore Isaac the Covenant child do not think that the Lord has forgotten you he can never be a man that has a short memory and neither does he lie I don't know that area of your life where you need the Lord's remembrance I bring you good news the good news is that the set time for your remembrance is here and it is now the word of God says that he will turn your captivity around and you will be like those who dream are you ready for the Lord's remembrance today if you are join me as we pray together in faith let us pray father we thank you for always remembering us for good at all times we give you the praise Lord for looking down at us with your mercy thank you Lord Jesus father your word says in Psalm 136 vers 23 God remembered us when we are down his love never fails by the power in the name of Jesus I pray for you and all members of your family that the Lord will remember you all for good and his love would never fail in your life I pray for you that all those people the Lord has ordained to help you and have forgotten about you I pray that the Lord will stare their hearts and cause them to remember you for good in the name of Jesus I release the angel of the Lord that will bring good news to you I decree that they will begin to work for you in all areas of your life in Jesus name and I pray that the good work that God has started in your life will be completed even until the day of Christ I decree over you that the Lord would arise in his mercy and restore to you the things that the enemies stole from you in Jesus name name and in that great name I decree over you that men would no longer forget the good things that you have done all your good deeds are rewarded even now in the name of Jesus I stand on the word of God and I decree that you would not die without being remembered for good I put all the right mechanisms in place and I pray that from today all things begin to work for you for your good in your life in Jesus name you are no longer relegated to point Z as the Lord will remember you for good and cause your reference to yield tangible results in jesus' name in any place you have been rejected and denied access I pray that you will be accepted because the Lord has taken pleasure in you and he has remembered you for good in Jesus mighty name as scatter all the wicked ones that are going around to swow the seeds of forgetfulness in the heart of your helpers in the mighty name of Jesus I begin to release a double measure of mercy and goodness over your life and these will help you to be remembered by Kings and influential people in the society I pray that those that are owing you and have refused to pay you the dividend of your labor are troubled and they will begin to give to you what is rightfully yours in Jesus name there is no more death for you in your Finance as the Lord is remembering you for good and he will cause an overflow of your resources for you and your family the Lord will touch you with his mighty hands and cause a mighty turn around in your life to the point that Nations will Envy you in the name of Jesus I pray that the prayers that you are still expecting answers to are answered as the Lord has remembered you for good you would not be stranded in all areas of your life the Lord would always come through for you when you desperately need help in Jesus name you are favored blessed promoted and glorified in the name of Jesus and I release the angels of goodness mercy and favor to begin to work for you the will of the Lord will be perfected in all facets of your life in Jesus name I have prayed thank you Lord for answering our prayers because we know it's done in jesus' name amen the very first thing I want you to know is that God is for you and no one can be against you you are Beyond being contended with by anyone the powers of Darkness dare not contend with you because you carry the back of Christ if God is for you who possibly can stand against you even if the world is against you God cannot be against you because you are his prize possession know this and have assurance and confidence you are welcome to this channel if today is your first time I am adopting you into my prayer circle and I'll be praying for you and your family daily all you have to do is to stay connected by hitting the Subscribe button in the red letter and hitting the notification Bell so that YouTube reminds you when I drop any of the prayers God places in my heart for you the Bible urges Us in Luke 10:19 to take authority in his name and trample against all powers of Darkness that are contending with us the Bible also says in Psalm 351b that God will fight against those that fight against you the decision now lies with you do you want the Lord to fight against those that contend with you or do you want the Lord to Pardon them now is the time to believe in these prayers I will say over you in the name of Jesus I decree that the Lord would fight for you and you shall hold your peace I pray for you that the enemies who want to cause your downfall will be dumfounded in the name of Jesus I pray I pray that the enemies will fall into the pits they have dark for you I pray that the Lord would take hold of his shield and Buckler and stand up for your help in the name of Jesus I decree that all the enemies who have devised your hurt will be confounded in the name of Jesus I decree that the angel of the Lord chases those that are in constant contention with you the Bible says in Deuteronomy 20:4 that God will go before you to fight for you against all your enemies to give you Victory I pray that throughout this year God will fight all your enemies and will always make you Victorious I pray for you that you would not be against yourself in the name of Jesus I decree that all the associations of witches and wizards to bring you shame are destroyed I pray for you that all your enemies will begin to eat their own flesh and drink their own blood in the name of Jesus I decree that you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Ghost I decree that you are Untouchable for the enemies the Lord will keep on showing up for you against your enemies the word of the Lord would always be your weapon of defense and all offense against the enemies in the name of Jesus I pray that the enemies will never frustrate God's promises for you you hide under the Tabernacle of the highest you find safety and solace in his name in the name of Jesus the love of God makes you perfect and secure I decree that all your days will be filled with glad Tiding you will always sing songs of Victory and joy in the name of Jesus I pray that the resurrection power of God is at work in you much more therefore all that the enemies of stolen from you will be restored to you in Sevenfold I decree that that the name of the Lord would exempt you from the tragedies the enemies orchestrate daily Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the Lord he has been made a curse for you because curse is anyone that hangs on the tree I pray for you that all generational curses that are alive in your line it will never work against you in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you are engulfed in the love grace and mercy of the Lord in the name of Jesus and I decree that the ways of the wicked ones are slippery and their labor will be inutility against you I decree that your faith in Jesus always coming to help you will never fizzle out in the name of Jesus the veil has been turned therefore I decree that you access the presence of God with confidence and no power of Darkness will stand against you I decree that as you Journey your life all obstacles on your path of fulfilling god-given purpose will become stepping stones for you to walk on which will ease your journey to fulfill your purpose you are above the attacks of the enemies in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus the good thoughts the Lord has for you will never be contended against by the wicked ones I thank you Lord for answering every one of our prayers in Jesus name we have prayed amen as Believers we are not to be ignorant of the devices of the devil when the devil attacks you the spirit of the Lord in you would raise a standard against him you can always be sensitive to the devil's plot because you are led by the Holy Spirit no divination against you can stand because you are a Seed of Abraham it has been clarified specifically in the Bible in Isaiah 54:17 that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and any tongue that rises in judgment against you you shall condemn the ball Now lies in your court to stand your God against the devices of the wicked ones as I will be making these prayers and declarations over your life receive them in faith as it is only by faith you will overcome the wicked ones in the name of Jesus I decree over you that the attacks of the evil ones at you will be nullified by the power in the name of Jesus I decree that all the association of the wicked ones to cause your downfall will be scattered in the name of Jesus and I decree over you that you will not be caught unaware by the enemy's attack by the power and the blood I decree that the blood of Jesus Shields you from the wicked ones attacks in the name of Jesus I pray that you abide under the secret place of the highest and you hide under his Mighty Wings in the name of Jesus I decree that you would not be a t of the enemies against your loved ones I decree over you that the enemy's attacks against your finance will fall to the ground I decree that the mark of Jesus is upon your forehead and he this exempts you from the attacks of the devil and his cohorts the word of God says in Luke 10:19 that you have been given the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the darkness and nothing shall by any means hurt you I decree that you work in the authority that Jesus has given to you to trample upon all all the powers of darkness in the name of Jesus I pray that you would never be a casualty of accidents and strange pandemic that I plead the blood of Jesus over all of your possessions I decree that you they will never be stolen by the enemies the word of the Lord says in Ephesians 6:11 that you should put on the whole armor of God so that you will be able to stand against the Ws of the devil I decree over you that you put on the whole hour of God and you are given the ability to stand against the Ws of the devil in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might the word of God would always be your weapon of offense in the name of Jesus you are shielded from the pring eyes of the powers of darkness by the power in the name of Jesus they always Victorious against all the enemies gathered around you in the name of Jesus I decree that the angel of the Lord would encamp around you and fight against all the wicked ones plotting your downfall by the power in the name of Jesus you are never confused as touching what to do when the evil ones rise against you I decree that the joy of the Lord would always be your strength any time it looks like you are down by the reason of the anointing of the Lord upon you I pray for you that the anointing in you will destroy all the yolks of the evil ones upon your shoulders in the name of Jesus I decree that even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for God is with you I decree that the Lord would arise on your behalf and Scatter all the enemies plotting your downfall by the power in the name of Jesus I pray for you that the Hedge the Lord has built around you would never be taken down I pray for you that you would not unconsciously reveal your next move to the wicked ones in the name of Jesus I pray for you that you will not fall into the traps of the enemies I decree that the enemies will fall into the pit they have du for you and all the members of your family I thank you Lord for answering all our prayers in Jesus mighty name we have grade amen all the things holding you back might be physical or spiritual but these things are lesser than you because you have been made more than a conqueror in Jesus Christ the scripture says in 113 and I quote so now I will break off his yoke bar upon you and I'll tear off your shackles end of quote the things holding you back are chains and These Chains can be broken using the name of Jesus there is power in the name of Jesus all bondages are destroyed by the name of Jesus now we will be using the name of Jesus to break free from All Things limit and ask so it will be on that day that his burden will be removed from your shoulders and his yoke from your neck and the Yoke will be broken because of fatness the anointing of God AB in you and by the reason of it all yolks are destroyed let us pray together in the name of Jesus I pray for you that all things that are limitting you and your family are destroyed you're free from all the things that are making you and your family go around in circles in the name of Jesus and by the power in that name you will not be limited and stagnated in life the word of God says in Jeremiah 38 it shall come about on that day declares the Lord God of hosts that I will break his yoke off their neck and will tear off their buns and strangers will no longer make them their slaves according to the word of God I decree over you that the Lord will break your yoke off your neck and strangers would no longer make you slaves in the name of Jesus psalm 107:1 16 says for he has shattered the gates of bronze and cut bars of iron and Thunder by the word of God I pray that all the gates of the wicked ones that have lifted up its heads against you are shattered and the bars of iron that have kept you in bondage are destroyed in the name of Jesus you're no longer a Stranger In Chains from today you walk in Victory that you have in Christ Jesus the scripture says in Psalm 68:6 that God makes a home for the lonely he leads out the prisoners into prosperity and only the rebellious dwell in a past Land by the power in the word of God I pray for you that the Lord will lead you out to your Prosperity all the days of your life in the name of Jesus I decree over you that all habits that have made you obsessed come to an end now in Jesus name Isaiah 42:7 says to open the blind eyes to bring out prisoners from the dungeon and those who dwell in darkness from the prison in the name of Jesus I decree that everyone in captivity in your family will come out of the prison they have been kept and I decree that their eyes are open and free from demonic oppression in the name of Jesus I decree that your soul escapes as a bird out of the snare of the Trapper the snare is broken and you have escaped in the name of Jesus I decree that you would never be stagnated in anything you do in the name of Jesus all the plans of the evil ones to cause you a major setback which you would not be able to recover from or toward it in the name of Jesus Lord will go before you and make the rough places smooth he will also shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars in the name of Jesus I pray for you that the Lord will break the bars of your yoke and make you walk erect in all your ways in the name of Jesus and by the power in that name I decree that the Lord will cut into the cords of the wicked in your life and family in Jesus name Romans 8:2 says for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death by the word of God I decree that you are no longer a slave to sin but a slave to right righteousness in the name of Jesus and I decree over you that you are walking in the freedom that Christ has given to you and in the name of Jesus I release the angel of the Lord to go ahead of you and destroy all the devices of the wicked ones the want to put you in captivity in Jesus name thank you Lord for answering all our prayers in jesus' name we have prayed amen the word of God in your mouth is capable of turning dark clouds that the wicked ones has used to conceal the glory of the Lord in your life and family dark clouds might come in the form of sicknesses and diseases pains poverty disappointment strange PN and occurrences and every other thing that is contrary to the will of God for you now it is time to command these dark clouds to vanish so that the glory of the Lord will be seen much more in your life and family Matthew 16:19 says you have the Keys of the Kingdom to bind anything on Earth and it will be bound in heaven and to lose anything on Earth and it will be loed in heaven we will be commanding all dark clouds to vanish in your life and family Now by using the name of Jesus let us pray together in faith in the name of Jesus I pray that all things that are contrary to the will of God for you and your family are taken away I pray for you that the glory of the Lord would shine in your family and your life in the name of Jesus I decree that the light of the Lord will begin to expose the subtle activities of the wicked ones in your life and in your family by the power in the Holy Ghost I scatter all the Gathering of the wicked ones that are orchestrating evil against you and your family in Jesus name I decree that every negative atmosphere to disappear anyone or anything staring up dark clouds around you is destroyed in the name of Jesus every Dark Cloud around you that is preventing your God ordained helpers from coming to you disappear right now in the name of Jesus I scatter all the powers of Darkness that are in charge of causing evil occurrences to you and your family in the name of Jesus I decree that the light of God will expose the plans of the wicked ones against you and your family every dark cloud that is generational disappears right now in the name of Jesus Psalm 35:1 says God will plead your cause with those that strive against you and he will fight against those that fight against you I decree that the Lord would fight against the wicked ones that are instigating problems in your family and in your life in the name of Jesus 2 Thessalonians 1:6 says it is a just thing with the Lord to recompense tribulation to those that trouble you I pray for you that the Lord will begin to judge those that are troubling you and your family in the name of Jesus I use the blood of Jesus to wipe off all traces of the activities of darkness in your life and in your family all powers that are waiting for your downfall will be surprised as the Lord will keep on uph holding and strengthening you in the name of Jesus you are Untouchable for the powers of Darkness you will trample upon all of them that are operating in your life and your family in Jesus name I release the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume all the pieces of Machinery of the evil ones that they are using to manipulate you and your family in the name of Jesus since you are on the Lord's Side all the enemies around you will bow because he that is with you is more than the enemies that are guarded around you in Jesus name all the plots of the wicked ones against you are falling to the ground by the power in the name of Jesus you will not be frustrated by evil happenings around you and your family all strange partn in your family give way for the glory of God to shine much more in your life in jesus' name am I decree that the Egyptians you see today you shall see no more because the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace all the forces of Darkness that want you to beg before you eat are arrested and sent into the abies right now in the name of Jesus the dark clouds of premature death in your life and your family disappears right now in the name of Jesus all forms of delay in your life and family end now by the power in the name of Jesus you are free indeed from all forms of attacks and manipulations of the devil and his corts in Jesus name we thank you Lord for answering our prayers in Jesus name we have prayed amen the word of God says in Isaiah 26:3 that God will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him for you to enjoy peace in your life and your families you must trust and depend on God there are many things in the world that might want to shift your gaze from God but you have been given the ability to remain focused because God is the one that works in you both to Will and to do his good pleasure you are welcome to this channel if today is the first time I am adopting you into my prayer circle and I will be praying for you and your family daily all you have to do is to stay connected by hitting the Subscribe button in the red letter and hitting the notification Bell so that YouTube reminds you when I drop any of the prayers God places in my heart for you you can enjoy the peace of God in your life and household because the word of God says in Psalm 29:1 that God gives strength to his people and he owes ways all so blesses his people with peace the peace of God is something you can enjoy in every ramification of life I will be making this prayers and declaration over you receive them with faith I decree over you that you will enjoy the peace of God in all areas of your life and nothing will steal the peace God has given to you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I pray that the enemies will be confounded as they plot to send troubles that will steal away your peace by the power in the name of Jesus I pray for you that the peace of God will Garis in your heart against all things that make your faith in God weak the word of God says in 1 Peter 5:7 that you should cast your cares upon God for he cares for you I pray for you that you will continually cast your cares upon God and nothing will discourage you from doing that in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I pray for you that God keeps your family in perfect peace despite the storms the enemies will send at them I decree that you will forever be in the presence of God because there is fullness of joy and peace in God's presence the Holy Ghost would always confort you in the darkest moment in the name of Jesus I decree over you that there is peace in the lives of all members of your family the enemy will never make anyone of your family members cause you sorrow and troubles in the name of Jesus the Bible says in Romans 12:18 that you should live at peace with everyone around you I pray for you that you'll receive the grace live with peace with everyone around you in the name of Jesus by the grace of the Lord Jesus which you have received I pray for for you that you would know what God wants you to do past season which will bring you rest of mind I pray for you that you would know how God deals with you at this will enable you to stay within the confines of his mighty Shadow I plead the blood of Jesus upon you and all the members of your family I pray that no one experiences a problem that would take away their peace Jesus Christ has overcome the world already for your sake therefore I pray for you that the world will never make you lose the peace that God has made available for you already in the name of Jesus the word of God says in Romans 16:20 that God who is our peace will crush the head of Satan under your feet I pray for you that God will keep on crushing the head of the devil for your sake all the days of your life I decree that the peace of God will make all things available for you in the name of Jesus I pray for you that While others are in turmoil you will experience peace like no other and you wouldn't be shaken by anything or anyone the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is at work much more in your life and you will experience peace in the work of your hands in the name of Jesus I decree over you that nothing would ever separate you from the love of God your love will stand the test of time the Bible says in Psalm 119 verse 165 that those who love the law of God will experience peace you love the laws of God and you will experience the peace of God in every facet of your life in the name of Jesus I pray that you will be safe and secure in God's love for you I thank you Lord for answering our prayers in Jesus might mighty name we have prayed
Channel: Spiritual Warfare
Views: 129,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prayer against witchcraft attacks, warfare prayer against witchcraft attack, prayer against witchcraft, witchcraft attack, prayer to destroy every evil plan of the enemy, evil plans of the enemy, prayer against envy, prayer to break curses, prayer break curses, powerful prayers to break witchcraft, powerful prayers to defeat witchcraft, against witchcraft attacks, prayer to cancel evil plans, prayer to destroy witchcraft, prayer to break witchcraft, Witchcraft
Id: cgb9r_GF0Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 54sec (7074 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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