RETURN TO SENDER Prayer Against All Black Magic, Hexes, Spells, Curses, Evil & Negative Energies

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[Music] in the mighty name of Jesus I come with a humble heart seeking protection and guidance against the forces of the enemies as I LIF my voice in prayer in the name of Jesus I ask for strength and Clarity to face the ill intentions of the enemies that haven't sent my way grant me the resilience to the any ham AED at me and Empower me with the grace to return these Devils back to their sers I decree in the name of Jesus that your light shines upon me as you said in your word in Psalms 91 that you will give your angels charge over me May this Shield be impenetrable deflecting any attack of the enemy r in them powerless and returning them to hell where they belong in the name of Jesus I call upon the god of Israel against any attempt to destru or to stop my inner peace let the blood of the New Covenant speak for me and destroy all the plans of the evil ones in the name of Jesus I decree that every attack of the enemy returns back to its C in the name of Jesus may your negative thoughts words or actions against me be transformed into words of testimonies in the name of Jesus Lord I ask for divine wisdom and discernment to recognize any signs of the enemy to Shield myself from their attacks and to send it back to the pit of Hell swiftly in the name of Jesus grant me the grace to withstand any storm and the courage to destroy any plans of the enemies in the name of Jesus I decree that the power of the Holy Ghost sends these Devils Back to the CER so that the Senter May comprehend the repercussions of their actions let anyone that thinks evil against me experience the rot of God in the name of Jesus I release any anger resentment or fear that the devil may have sted within me I embrace love forgiveness and compassion knowing that these qualities are the evidence of the spirit of God in us in the mighty name of Jesus I send back all negativity to its source I decree you are free from all the attacks of the enemies in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I decree that you are surrounded by love light and the spirit of God and I stand firm in the knowledge that no h can penetrate the protective shield the Holy Spirit provides I am grateful for the strength and guidance bestowed upon me enabling me to navigate through these challenges uncashed Lord Jesus I express my gratitude for the Divine protection for the clarity and wisdom granted to me and for the continuous support by the spirit of God in safeguarding my wellbeing thank you Jesus for you have given me Victory by your blood so I decree in the name of Jesus that the grace of God and the mercies of God rest upon you in the name of Jesus anyone that has projected evil against you that's projected evil evil against your Lov ones that's projected evil against your families in the name of Jesus I decree that let this evil be destroyed in the name of Jesus I decree by the mercies of God that the Lord is filling your heart with his love in the name of Jesus I pray for you rescue venba that you are blessed on all sides I pray for you that you are favored on all sides I decree in the name of Jesus that any evil judgment that has gone forth against you by the mercies of God let it be destroyed in the name of Jesus I decree that the light of God has become your reality I decree over your life you will not be small you will not be feeed I speak over your life that you will testify of God's goodness now to the end of time in the name of Jesus and I pray for you that whatsoever stood at the stumbling block against you that the Lord is raising a standard against them in the name of Jesus I pray over your life that you will testify you are experiencing God's love you experiencing God's kindness you are experiencing God's faithfulness in the name of Jesus and I pray over your loved ones that anything any plans of the enemies against your life every stronghold every stronghold of the enemy I decree in the name of Jesus that is going back to the cender in the name of Jesus I decree it's going back to the cender in the name of Jesus I decree it's going back to the cender in the name of Jesus I decree that the light of God has become your life in the name of Jesus I decree you are not going back in the name of Jesus I decree by the meres of God that you are taking Giant Steps in life Giant Steps in all that you do in the name of Jesus I decree in the name of Jesus anyone that has risen against you let them be put to shame in the name of Jesus let them be disgrace in the name of Jesus I pray for you in the name of Jesus you are experiencing God's glory in the name of Jesus you are experiencing God's glory in the name of Jesus you are experiencing God's glory in the name of Jesus right now I speak to your feet receive speed right now in the name of Jesus every stronghold is broken over your life every attack of the enemy is broken over your life I decree in the name of Jesus that any voice that has risen against you in judgment let that voice be condemned in the name of Jesus let that voice be condemned in the name of Jesus I decree over your life you will testify in the name of Jesus you will testify in the name of Jesus I decree that whatsoever has stood between you and your testimony let it be destroyed by the mercies of God let it be destroyed Ras let it be destroyed in the name of Jesus I pray for you this moment that you will experience God's joy God's mercies all the days of your life in the name of Jesus anyone that has sought for your fall will fall them to the ground in the name of Jesus anyone that has projected evil against you will experience the root of God in the name of Jesus I decree that strongholds once again are broken over your life in the name of Jesus I decree every attack of the enemies go back to the S up in the name of Jesus the Bible made us to understand that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord the Lord the Lord will Deliver Us from every one of these afflictions I don't know what the issue might be probably you've been having series of nightmares you can't sleep at night because you know that whenever you go to bed you get attacked in your dream or it looks as if nothing is working out for you there there are situations surrounding Your Existence everything you put your hands on fails there are lot of things happening around your life that you cannot explain and now we are here to take charge Matthew 18:18 says whatsoever we bound on Earth is bound in heaven Hal whatsoever we lose on Earth is lose in heaven what this means is that we have been given the power to control the realm of the spirit when we speak when we speak manifestations happen when we decree a thing the Bible says decree a thing and it will be established when we speak there are great manifestations and now we are going to be speaking Don't Be Afraid we are a Praying Spirit so right now I want you to open up your mouth and begin to speak to that situation begin to speak to that situation begin to speak to that situation begin to speak to that situation it has lingered for so long remember what the Bible says touch not my anointed and do my Prophet no [Music] harm [Music] for I decree that you are consumed by the blood of the Lamb [Music] for I ask for your mercy and divine intervention in the name of Jesus Christ my savior and Redeemer I decree that by the power of your grace and the authority vested in me through Christ I send back to the senders and the plans of the enemy ill intention or harm directed towards me Let It return to its source nullified and Powerless in the face of your mighty Perfection you said in your word in the Book of Psalms 121 that the son shall not smite me by day nor will the Moon by Night therefore I clock myself in the aror of faith knowing that your light dispels all Darkness I ask for your shielding against any schemes of molent actions aimed at causing H in the name of Jesus may your help Heavenly Host encamp around me creating an impenetrable barrier against negativity and malevolence Lord I pray for those who have ill will toward me grant them your grace and Enlightenment that they may turn away from thoughts and action that causes H may they find peace and understanding and may the cycle of negativity be broken by your TR committing power I Surrender my fears anxieties and uncertainities to you knowing that your love is a shield that guards and protects help me to forgive those who have wronged me just as you have forgiven me let the cycle of retaliation be broken replaced by the healing balm of your love and forgiveness guide my steps oh Lord so that I may walk in the path of righteousness and love grant me discernment to recognize and avoid negativity and the wisdom to respond with kindness and Grace as I stand in faith and trust in Your Divine Providence I declare victory over all forces of Darkness I claim the Promises of your word knowing that nothing can separate me from your love thank you Heavenly Father for your unfailing Perfection for you are my refuge and strength may your will be done in my life and may your glory be revealed through me so I decree in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus father May will be done in our life and may your glory be revealed through us every attack of the enemy that has been ining the power of God being made manifest in and through us I decree by the mercies of God let that power be broken in the name of Jesus let the power be broken in the name of Jesus I decree by the mes of God that we are experiencing your love I decree be experiencing your life all around in the name of Jesus as you said in your word again nothing can separate us from your love I pray for as many that are listening to me in the name of Jesus nothing will separate us from your lord in the name of Jesus nothing will stand between us and your lord in the name of Jesus I decree and I pray against every temptation of the enemy every plans of the enemy against us I decree by your mercy that this plans will not stand this plans will not stand this plans will not stand in the name of Jesus because we trust in you we pray in the name of Jesus every attack of the enemy for you send your word though the enemy will come as a flood but the Lord will raise a standard against them I by the mercies of God that any enemy that has risen up or come as a flood Jesus by your mercies I pray that you raise the standard against them in the name of Jesus I pray that you raise the standard against them in the name of Jesus by your meres I speak judgment over them in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you said your word that he that watches over Israel neither sleeps nor Slumber because Lord you are the one that watch over us you the one that stand before us and you are our protector you are our divine help I the meres of God I decree in the name of Jesus that anyone that has raised against us father you are raising a standard against them ah father you raising a standard against them Father you are raising a standard against them in the name of Jesus I decree by the mercies of God Lord let your light shine over everyone listening to me let your light shine let your glory be revealed let your light shine let your glory be revealed in the name of Jesus I come against the divor I come against any man any woman that ask brother that is not standing in alignment to the will of God in your life in the name of Jesus let that attack let that power of Darkness let that person and it blood be put to shame in the name of Jesus I decree by the mercies of God let every arrow sent to you be sent back to the sender in the name of Jesus I decree by the meres of God that it is Reas that the son shall not Smite You by day the mo by night I decree over your life that God is delivering you from the attacks of the enemies from the arrows that fly by day of the destruction that moves by night all the best that move by noon day I decree that the Lord is keeping you he's protecting you I decree that the Lord is shielding you I dee over your life that the Lord is your Shepherd you shall not want the Lord is your help you shall not want I decree you not be in trouble I decree Affliction shall not rise in your life the Lord is delivering you I decree the Lord is your help I decree the Lord is your help I decree the Lord is your help I decree the Lord is your help in the name of Jesus you will never be broken in life I decree you will never be broken in life you will never be broken in life the Bible made those who understand in the Book of Matthew 16 from verse 15 to the end that God has given us Power Authority he has given us authority authority that we shall lay our hands on the sick and the sick will be healed that we shall pick up deadly things and it will not hurt us that we shall cast out Devils that's what the Bible made us to understand so today I want you to open up your mouth and begin to cast out that devil begin to cast other devil it has stayed in you for so long it has stopped you for so long it's time to cast other devil it's time to cast out that devil it's time to cast out that devil open up your mouth and cast out that devil open up your mouth and cast out that devil open up your mouth and cast out that devil open up your mouth and cast out that devil open up your mouth and cast out that sickness open up your mouth and cast out that nightmare open up your mouth and cast out that barriness open up your mouth and cast out that sickness call The Sickness by its name and begin to cast it out and begin to cast it out and begin to cast it out I begin to cast it out aen call it by its name and cast it out cancer be called in the name of Jesus God in the name of Jesus I command you standing on the office of the prophetic and the apostolic I decree be gone in the name of Jesus be gone in the name of Jesus he has given us power over principalities and Powers rulers of darkness in high places so I speak to that demon I speak to that disease I speak to that infection I speak to that thing that does not represent God I command you in the name of Jesus leave that body right now in the name of Jesus leave that body right now I command you standing on the road of the of the prophetic be gone in the name of Jesus I command you out in the name of Jesus I command you be G in the name of Jesus I command you be God in the name of Jesus I want you to say this with me I have been set free the Bible says who the son of man has set free he is free indeed indeed all things have passed away I open up mouth and say it I have been set free yes say it I have been set free the and to be established say it I have been set free hey I have been set free I have been set free from that demon I have been set free by the blood of Jesus ah I push into my manifestations because God has made this possible as your word says in Isaiah 54: 17 I stand firm in the knowledge and decree that no weapon formed against you shall prosper I decree this with Faith and confidence I reject all forms of negativity hatred and H that may call my way and I cast them out back to their cender by the power of your holy name I trust in your ability to Shield me from harm and to make rights the wrongs that have been done against me in Jesus name I decree that every attack of the enemy returns back to the cender in the name of Jesus May their evil plans and schemes return to the perpetrators of this evil in the name of Jesus I pray that the attack of the enemies directed at me will be reversed and returned to it send us in the name of Jesus I ask for your Divine Justice to Prevail and for those who wish me har to experience the consequences of their actions let them face the challenges and negativity they have sent my way so that they may come to the realization of the error they send my ways Lord you are the ultimate judge I trust in your wisdom to bring about Justice I place my faith in your ability to protect me and keep me safe from harm I ask that you surround me with your angels Your Divine protection and your loving presence let no him come my way and may I walk in the light of your love and grace in the name of Jesus as I send this negativity back to its cender I release it from my heart and my soul I choose to forgive those who have wronged me and I let go of any resentment or anger that may have taken root within me I understand that forgiveness is a powerful tool and I choose to use it to heal and grow Heavenly Father please grant me the strength and resilience to overcome any challenges that may call my way give me the wisdom to desend right from wrong and courage to stand up for what is just and fair I trust in your divine plan for my life and I know that you will lead me on the path of righteousness I pray for peace in my heart for clarity in my mouth mind and for strength in my spirit let your love and your life shine upon me guiding me through any Darkness or negativity that may try to obscure my path I believe in your unring love and I know that you will never forsake me in the name of Jesus Lord I send this negativity back to its Center I trust in Your Divine Justice and I release it from my life I choose to walk in the light of your love and grace knowing that you are my ultimate protector and provider hallelu thank you Heavenly Father for hearing my prayer and for surrounding me with your love and protection I am grateful for your presence in my life and I know that you will be by my side I am safe and secure so I decree in the name of Jesus that God's Safety and Security is our portion in the name of Jesus we send back to the sender every attack of the enemy against our lives against our families against our loved ones in the name of Jesus I decree they will not stand in the name of Jesus I release the light of the spirit of God I release the power of the Holy ghost against every attack of the enemy in the name of Jesus I decree in the name of Jesus that anyone that has raised his ugly head against you in the name of Jesus I decree May that head be cut off in the name of Jesus I decree by the mercies of God over your life that God's spirit will be your shield in the name of Jesus I decree in the name of Jesus that any attack of sickness any attack of death over your life goes back to the sender in the name of Jesus any evil manipulation against your life goes back to the sender in the name of Jesus I decree by the mercies of God that anyone that has St evil against you may the WTH of God fight against them in the name of Jesus I pray for you this moment that you will not fall by the wayside I decree over your life you will not fall by the wayside I pray for you in the name of Jesus that you will keep on experiencing the love of the spirit of God in the name of Jesus you will keep on experiencing the glory of God over your life and I pray for your marriages that any attack against your marriage in the name of Jesus let that attack be broken let that attack be broken in the name of Jesus open up your mouth and pray this prayer that any attack against your life any attack against your marriage any attack against your family any attack against your loved ones in the name of Jesus I decree let that attack be broken let that evil Arrow be cut short and sent back to the sender in the name of Jesus I decree in the name of Jesus money will not be had in your C no evil will be had in your Camp anyone that has Tau evil against you in the name of Jesus let the person of their thought go back to them in the name of Jesus I pray for you that by the meres of God that you will experience the light of the spirit of God you will experience the glory of God in all that you do I decree in the name of Jesus you will not fall I decree over your life you will not fall you will not fall you will not fall I pray for you you will not die in the name of Jesus every arrow of death against your life in the name of Jesus let that Arrow be CAU short let that Arrow be destroyed in the name of Jesus anyone that sto dead against you let it go back to the center in the name of Jesus I decree going back to it Senter I decree going back to it Senter I decree going back send in the name of Jesus I decree going back to the send in the name of Jesus for [Music] the first man was a living soul but you and I are lifegiving spirits the first man can die but you and I cannot die because we have the spirit of creation the spirit that brought all things into existence inside of us so nothing is permitted to die in us because we have the spirit of Rach the spirit that moved upon the face of the deep the spirit that brought all things into existence dwells inside of us we have the creative Spirit of yesu inside of us don't get tired of praying don't get tired of praying don't get tired of praying the Bible says men ought to pray and not to faint men ought to pray and not to faint just push for it pray until something happens within you st up the fire St up the fire there is a new sound of Revival in the name of Jesus the stir up that Spirit stir up that Spirit just find it to Flame the Holy Ghost is set to release great Dimensions be a partaker of these don't be an obser and you are praying you are praying as your word says in Hebrews 4:16 that we should come boldly Before the Throne Room of Grace that we may obtain mercy and Grace to help in time of need so I come to you today Lord and I acknowledge your sovereignty your wisdom and your unwavering faithfulness you are the alpha and omega the beginning and the end and we humbly submit to your Divine will As We Gather in your presence we our voices in unison seeking your guidance and strength Lord we know that there are times in our lives when we have thr away from your will and we ask for your forgiveness and mercy please us Lord from all unrighteousness and create in us a Clean Heart oh God and renew the right Spirit within us we bring before you the burs that weigh heavy on our hearts the struggle that seem insurmountable and the challenges that are trening to overwhelm us you are a refuge and strength a very presence help in trouble we pray that you will make a way where the seems to be no way and that you will provide us with the wisdom and the serment to navigate the trials and tribulations of Life Lord Jesus we pray for our families our friends and our loved ones may your protective hand be upon them shielding them from H and guiding them in the path of righteousness we ask for your unity and love in our own that our relationships may be a reflection of your love for us grant us the grace to forgive one another as you have forgiven us we lift up our leaders both in our communities and in our Nations give them wisdom the serment and a heart for justies may they be guided by your truth and work for the betterment of all people let your peace reign in our world and let your Kingdom Come On Earth as it is in heaven Lord Jesus we pray for those who are suffering whether it be from physical illness emotional pain or spiritual Brokenness as you said in the Book of Psalms 107 verse 20 that you sent your word and healed us Lord I pray that you be your healer comforter and source of strength we ask for miraculous healing for comfort in times of grief and for the restoration of Hope to those who are Des sping we pray for those who are in financial distress that you will provide for their needs according to your riches in glory help us to be generous and compassionate towards those who are less fortunate so that we may be your hand and feet in this world we remember those who are in prison whether physically or in the bones of addiction or sin we pray Lord that your light shine into the darkest corners of their lives bringing them freedom and Redemption Lord we ask for the protection of our an forces and fresh responders who selflessly serve to keep us safe surrend them with your angels granting them courage and the serment in their duties we pray for the spread of the Gospel to all corners of the earth that all may come to know your Saving Grace strengthen the faith of your children and Empower them to be your ambassadors in in the world sharing the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ in times of uncertainty we look to you as our ankle in moments of doubt we trust in your unchanging character in times of fear we find our refuge in Your Loving Hands we know that you are our Rock and our forpress and we put our trust in you Lord Jesus we thank you for the cly blessings in our lives both big and small may we never take them for granted but recognize them as expressions of your love we give thanks for the gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ Who Bore our sins on the cross and Rose Victorious over death as we close this prayer we do so with confidence in your power faith in your promises and love in our hearts you are our gracious father I will surrender all to you knowing that you work all things for good of those who love you I decree that you are consumed by the blood of the Lamb for it's time toil open up your mouth and cast out that devil open up your mouth and cast out that devil open up your mouth and cast out that devil open up your mouth and cast out that devil open up your mouth and cast out that sickness open up your mouth and cast out that nightmare open up your mouth and cast out that barriness open up your mouth and cast out that sickness call The Sickness by its name and begin to cast it out I begin to cast it out I begin to cast it out I begin to cast it out name and cast it out cancer be called in the name of Jesus hypertension be called in the name of Jesus I command you standing on the office of the prophetic and the apostolic I decree be G in the name name of Jesus be gone in the name of Jesus he has given us power over principalities and Powers rulers of darkness in high places so I speak to that demon I speak to that disease I speak to that infection I speak to that thing that does not represent God I command you in the name of Jesus leave that body right now in the name of Jesus leave the body right now I command you standing on the road of the of the prophetic be gone in the name of Jesus I command you out in the name of Jesus I command you be God in the name of Jesus I command you be God in the name of Jesus I want you to say this with me I have been set free the Bible says who the son of man has set free he is free indeed indeed all things have passed away I open up your mouth and say it I have been set free yes say it I have been set free the to be established say it I have been set free hey I have been set free I have been set free from that demon I have been set free by the the blood of Jesus ah I push into my manifestations because God has made this possible the Bible made us to understand that who the son of man sets free he is free indeed I decree in the name of Jesus your freedom has come I decree in the name of Jesus your freedom has come receive your freedom receive your freedom receive your freedom receive your freedom I speak to that demon in the name of Jesus get out from these bodies in the name of Jesus I command you get out from these bodies in the name of Jesus I command you get out from this body I know right right where you are you are feeling a strong presence the presence of the Holy Ghost taking charge of your body the presence of the spirit of God taking charge of your body taking of your body Lord I acknowledge that the devil is like a roing lion seeking home to the V the seek to H or the shubble peace and love you have bestowed upon my life I ask for your intervention oh God to Shield me from all forms of darkness and plant of the enemies I decree that every attack of the enemy returns back to the center in the name of Jesus I pray against every scheme land of forces of Darkness causing H to me by the power vested in the mighty name of Jesus I ask that these negative intentions be nullified and return to their sender may your light in illuminate every corner of my life dispelling any darkness that attempts to cloud my path grant me the discernment to recognize negative energies and the strength to overcome them I pray not for Revenge but for Perfection I ask that your grace and love act as a shield around me reflect back any negativity sent my way Empower me with the wisdom to navigate through the challenges and the resilience to rise above them strengthen my faith in you for I know that nothing formed against me shall prosper with you by my side fill my heart with your peace know KN that you are my protector and Defender may your presence around me offering Solace and comfort in times of distress I release any bitterness anger or resentment towards those who have AB negative thoughts or intentions against me instead I Surrender these feelings to you asking for your Divine Justice and mercy to Prevail guide me in forgiveness and understanding for I know that your love transcends all negativity as I stand in your presence father I pray for your Divine protection and the redirection of any negativity back to Resource may your will be done in my life and may your love triumph over darkness that seeks to harm me in the name of Jesus and I decree over your life that in the name of Jesus that any darkness that has brezing against you any Darkness any Darkness over your business I don't care who the Senter is but in the name of Jesus I decree by the merage of God that it returns back to the center in the name of Jesus over the business I decree by the meres of God that the light of God emerges over your family I decree by the mercies of God that the light of God emerges over all that concerns you over your children I decree by the meres of God that the light of God shall reveil over you in the name of Jesus I speak over your life that anything that have been designed to C you sol I decree by the meres of God it will not stand in the name of Jesus I decree that every arrow of death over your life is broken right now in the name of Jesus and I send it back to the sender job 2:25 says that I will restore to you the years that the Locust and the caner the caterpillar and the pmer war have stolen from you and I decree that by the mercies of God that whatsoever you have lost in the past I decree right now be restored right now be restored right now be restored in the name name of Jesus I decree that by the mes of God you are coming from your place of obscurity in the name of Jesus I pray against anything that has kept you down for so long anything that has hinded you or stopped you for fulfilling God's ordained Destiny for your life I decree over your life that by the mercies of God in the name of Jesus let the devil be broken in the name name of Jesus I pray for you that many that has laughed at you will celebrate with you may your God put them to shame may my God put them to shame I stand in the office of the prophetic and I decree over your life you will not be small in the name of Jesus I forbid you from being small I declare you will not be small you will not be small you will not be small in the name of Jesus and refuse you from being small in the name of Jesus and I pray for you I pray for your head every attack of the enemies against your productivity I come in the name of the Lord and I decree in the name of Jesus let that attack be broken in the name of Jesus I decree over your life that you will enjoy God's faithfulness you will enjoy God's love you will enjoy God's peace you will enjoy God's light you will enjoy God's glory in the name of Jesus I pray for you whatsoever that have been hindering you for so long right now I decree by the message of God that it comes to an end now that it comes to an end now it comes to an end now in the name of Jesus I decree over your life no more delay I decree over your life no more delay I decree no more delay anything that been stopping you seases now in the name of Jesus I command you that you are blessed I decree you are blessed I decree you are blessed I decree that God's blessing is upon your life in the name of Jesus thank you Heavenly Father for in Jesus name thank you Lord for your unring love and perfection in Jesus precious name I pray [Music] amen [Music] hey [Music] yeah hey [Music] hey
Channel: Pray Until Something Happens
Views: 439,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: back to sender, back to sender prayer, return evil arrows back to sender, evil arrow go back to your sender, send back evil arrows to sender, sending evil arrow back to sender, prayer to send witchcraft back to sender, evil arrows go back to your sender, send evil back to sender, return all evil back to sender, evil arrows back to sender
Id: vMS5fJVbgn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 18sec (3078 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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