Spiritual Gifts | Pastor Wayne Cordeiro

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welcome to the fourth s in our five s's and growing deep growing strong today we're going to talk about spiritual gifts jesus authored so many miracles healings brought lives together and changed the nation but jesus never intended for this ministry to stop or cease after he ascended into heaven he actually entrusted this ministry and the ongoing of this ministry to his followers to carry it on but he also knew that they would not be able to carry it on through their own ability or muscle even if we had cool technology or science or natural skills it would require god's divine abilities working through his followers the giftedness would not emanate or come from human beings no matter how much they tried it would only come from god so we're going to talk about the fourth s spiritual gifts life's greatest resource there will be many ways that god's going to gift his people to carry on his ministry but the source remember will still be god by his holy spirit look at what we find in first corinthians 12 4 it says now there are a variety of gifts but same spirit every single one of us has been endowed with a very special gift same spirit same source god's gonna do it but everybody has at least one spiritual gift you may not know what it is you maybe haven't discovered it yet but each one has at least one and god wants to fill a niche in his kingdom's plan with you and your gift and there's no one that will do it as good as you can we say it this way everybody is a 10 somewhere here at new hope every member is a minister every single person we may we may each have different roles my role is going to be different from yours but we're all ministers of the good news of jesus christ gifted by god to be a part of his plan and we fit together like legos his plan includes every single one of us no one's excluded first peter 4 10 says since each one has received a special gift employ it in serving one another as good stewards there's that word again of the manifold or the great and gracious gifts of god now notice that it doesn't say and if each one has received a special gift it says and since each one has received a special gift it's given it's understood that that we realize that we all been gifted we've all seen natural talent isn't that right a natural athlete or natural musician a natural golfer we we may see these that can pick up any instrument at any time and start to play it within minutes now those are pretty easy to see but spiritual gifted people because it comes in so many different forms it's not as easy to find it's not as obvious for example one person may have a gift of encouragement and another might have a gift of hospitality and yet another gift of leadership or speaking you're designed to be very unique and we're each an individual part of the whole there's no clones in romans chapter 12 and verse 6 remember it says and since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us here it is let each exercise them accordingly see the way to increase your talents your gifts your faith is to invest them we have a course called the design course d-e-s-i-g-n and it helps you to know how much god loves you and how to identify with how god has gifted you that course the design course is we use the letters d-e-s-i-g-n to take you through what god is expecting of us i'm encouraging you to take that because it'll help you to see all the facets of your design d stands for your desire passions god uses your desires maybe you have a desire or a passion to work with kids or tech or counseling this is a good starting point or starting blocks to find the direction in which god has wired you start there with your desire if it changes no problem keep trying different ministries until you find one that fits think of it this way it's like the pieces of a 1000 piece puzzle when you pick up a stray piece that's on the side of the table and you try to place it into the puzzle very seldom does it fit the first time no in fact it might take successive tries before you find the fit and sometimes it might even even require other pieces to find their fit first then ah you find yours we're the same way but as you keep trying until you fit there becomes a an ever emerging picture of the love and the heart of god for our community in our world so keep trying that's the d the e e stands for experiences god will weave your experiences into his fit for you some may be good experiences experiences and some not so good but god never wastes a hurt he'll use everything to teach you and teach through you mold you and use you for his purposes and s s stands for spiritual gifts in the bible we find over 20 different categories of gifts that god has distributed and you have at least one or even more because remember you're definitely a 10 somewhere spiritual gifts that's the s and i in design stands for your individual style or your personality god uses you as an individual a unique part of his creation there are no clones there's no copycats so be yourself you're at your best when you are you and the g the g stands for your growth phase some are still infants in their faith still learning to walk and some adolescents still making mistakes and some are more mature and even capable of being teachers god uses you in your growth phase in the growth phase that you're in he won't expect more or less if you're new learn to walk and then learn to feed yourself and maybe clean up after yourself and if you're an adolescent learn to submit and learn from those who have walked this way before and if you've been with christ for a long time maybe it's time you rise up and lead and then in the word design n stands for your natural abilities god combines your natural abilities with his divine giftedness but always remember never allow natural abilities to overshadow or usurp god's spiritual gifts three wonderful things begin to happen when you're willing to launch out and use your gifts for the sake of the kingdom you will know an amazing joy it's just so good when you're using your gifts there's a maximum efficiency and minimum weariness when you're in your gift you'll gain a healthy accountability and your experience will be accelerated in areas of spiritual growth you know the more you understand the way the lord designed you to be the better you'll be able to cooperate with him spiritual gifts along with your design this is the fourth principle of growing deep growing strong spiritual gifts the fifth one is coming up this is when god empowers you to influence your world and send you forth it's a good one join me this is where the adventure really begins well not bad for an amateur we're going to be talking about spiritual gifts and like a thousand piece puzzle you fit somewhere you'll notice that when you are given a thousand piece puzzle there's no bag of extra pieces anywhere every piece fits somewhere and sometimes you just need to wait for others to find their fit and then you get yours other pieces have to go together there's a funny story of of that where two guys go to their factory and and one guy's name is willie he says i don't want to work today i just don't want to work so buddy his friend says well here's how you get out of work he said how he said just act crazy and the boss will send you home i said what yeah just act crazy i don't understand he says watch this just watch me so he gets up on the table hangs on to this this neon light this fixture and just hangs there and and his friend says willie says buddy what are you doing he said watch so the boss comes in and the boss looks up and says buddy what are you doing hanging from that ceiling he said i'm a light i know i'm a light i'm a light he said what yeah i give light to the factory workers he's hanging there and the boss goes you're crazy go home you need a doctor get out of here so but he grabs his lunch pail and walks by willie and says like that that's how you do it willie grabs his lunch pill and starts following him and the boss goes whoa whoa whoa where are you going he said i'm going home he said why he said you don't expect me to work here without light see sometimes you need others to get their place and then you'll find yours we do church as a team here because everybody fits somewhere and we need each other i need you you need me that's the reason why god actually had us created and born and living as contemporaries because we go together like legos like pieces of a puzzle and god loves to take ordinary people through which he does extraordinary exploits he's not looking for superheroes someone who can do it all no we'd like that but that's not god's design he actually has dispensed gifts to ordinary people like you and me willing vessels who make themselves available not just able available and then he uses his grace with gifts that he gives to us that brings glory not to us but to the giver of all gifts then we think ah god gives us not only the ability through spiritual gifts but he gives us the willingness in fact the scripture says it so well it said and we'll read it together it says for it is god let's read it go for it is god who is at work in you both to and to to do his good pleasure he he gives you not only the ability to do his good pleasure he gives you the what the willingness did you know that he has a pocket of momentum of impetus of energy of yearning of desire that you can actually tap into and get excited about the things of god tap into that oh it's not available yes it is well i'm not excited well that's why you need to tap into this and you tap into this and things say it's like oh so if god asks me to do something the answer is not why the answer is why not all of a sudden things start to change and you realize that the most eternal thing is serving god's purposes on this earth nothing else really is going to last except us and fulfilling god's purposes through us and then when he sees us he'll say well done my good and faithful servant ah that's what we want to hear now some people don't ever tap in to that impetus that energy that grace that god has for us and we struggle a lot now you can go the opposite and take a dive into that like a pool and think i can do all things through christ that strengthens me that's true but philippians 4 13 doesn't mean you are to do everything you have to understand that he's gifted you to do your thing not everybody else's thing so we need one another in fact think of it this way doing church as a team isn't one person doing a hundred things it's a hundred people doing one thing each through the gift of god and then we realize that we go together otherwise it'll be one person trying to spin way too many plates and we think that's his gift and it ain't he's holding on to our gifts what pastor what are you doing we're doing big church here i'll tell you somebody's got to hold all this together yeah but you're spending everybody's play well that's who else is going to do it man i went to bible college and i went i've been trained for this well wait a minute this one's a preaching i i like preaching that's kind of my gift i don't know if you start talking people may start to leave i don't know that is true but let's just leave it as such for now but i can do this i can do this look at well yeah well you're not bad at it and i have to say that investor i love creative services i can do the creative work wait a minute well i like the music see [Music] is my passion well uh grass isn't gonna grow and get it mold on its own i'll have to tell you i'm pretty passionate about the youth i can be the youth pastor oh good boy that was an easy one wow oh yeah i love children i think i'll take this that one okay well take good care of them all right all right i have a passion for production i can help there thank you oh thank you thank you wow who'da thunk it yeah yeah well maybe this is what uh doing church is like as a team you think it's all right [Applause] i like that taylor would you get the bible please and that's what it's all about it's not one person doing a hundred things it's a hundred people doing one thing each and god gives us not only the ability to do that but he gives us the willingness because you see when jesus ascended into heaven he never intended for his ministry on earth to cease because he's gone no by the holy spirit he breaks up his gifts because because he's god all the gifts of heaven resided in him miracles faith prophecy serving leading everything was embodied in him because he was fully god though fully man but when he ascended into heaven did he want that ministry to stop no he actually took the gifts that he had within him and distributed them to those who would be called the followers of christ or the body of christ but he gave each one one of his many multifaceted gifts why because when we are united and we work together people see the body of christ or the person of christ through our unity that's why the enemy would love to divide us and split us up through family quarrels or or people that we feel we can't forgive or whatever it might be if if the enemy can split us up then the body of christ is no longer one that's why jesus prayed in john 17 he says father i pray that even as i am one in you and you are one in me that the church might be one so that the world might believe that thou hast sent me it's through our unity or working together that all the gifts start to fit and they make sense the pieces of a puzzle if you take one piece and you say that that's a quite a rosy red piece a color is great but you still don't know what that whole picture is all about until it fits none of us are an island in itself we all must be with one another so god gives each of us gifts and we are to do it together as the body of christ now when we uh act together and everybody has a goal we can pierce the darkness satan can't stand against us when we act together if everybody finds their gifts oh my in fact you know the the two most important days of your life number one is the day you were born and the second most important day is the day you discover why you were born for what you were born the day you were born and the day you discover what you were born for tremendous days and you must discover that you say well how do i do that just get engaged you just gotta exercise that gift well what if i don't know what it is just get engaged just do something and you'll find if you fit or if you don't if you don't then you try another piece and another piece fits and then maybe you fit but you got to keep trying you got to stay engaged you can't just say well i'm out of here i guess i don't fit at all no that is not true at all you stay engaged because you've got to discover here's the first step is you've got to discover what god has gifted you with the only way to do it do that is try story is told of a nurse that was praying for a man in her her ward he was in a room and he had the the the his vitals were all going downward southward and he was dying any and he shouldn't be dying he's only about 55 years old and the nurse was a christian nurse and she said i'm going to pray for you that you get well because you shouldn't be dying and he said don't pray for me he's kind of a cratchit old guy i don't want to live nothing to live for nobody likes me let me die she said no no you're too young i'm gonna pray that god heal you that you don't die he said leave me alone get out of here well she came back the next day and she said i'm praying for you he said don't pray for me i want to die she said i'm going to pray for you and so she began praying well a couple of weeks went by and one day she went in there and his vitals were so low she really felt that he would be dead the next morning so she said sir i'm going to come in after my shift today when it ends at five o'clock i'm gonna come in pray for an hour for you he said don't you do that get out of my room she said i'm gonna pray i don't care and so she went in there and began praying for him fully expecting him to be gone the next morning well the next morning she arrives walks into his room and lo and behold he's sitting up eating breakfast he was like rosie red doing fine and her eyes got big and he looked at her and said you thought i'd be dead today didn't you she said yes he said your prayers healed me. and she said my prayers didn't heal you jesus healed you and now it's your responsibility to find out why you see it's our responsibility to find out why we ain't dead yet because we ain't done yet and there's a reason and it's a part of god's plan it's a part of god's purpose i want to read to you from this new york times bestseller book here called doing church as a team by an obscure author some time ago our church adopted the uss reuben james it's a destroyer deployed in the persian gulf we agreed to pray daily for the crew and provide the sailors with tapes and books we also sent them copies of our weekend services so they could televise them over their internal system on sunday mornings while at sea at the completion of the gulf tour the reuben james docked in pearl harbor i received an invitation to become one of the crew's guests on a short excursion to the pacific was called the pack rim exercises and after a thorough tour of the quarters i took my place next to the captain as we pulled anchor and sailed into the deep blue with a crew of 800. after a safe distance from land the gunnery detail fired a few rounds from the ship's massive cannons the whistle blew and every sailor scurried back and forth and i noticed something everyone on that ship knew exactly what his or her role was where their post was and what they were to do each person on that ship had a job a function a responsibility and a purpose for being there everyone except one me i was the only one tagging along for the ride now by contrast a few months later my wife anna and i took a three-day cruise around the islands for some r and r on deck i noticed 400 lazy sun-ripened human beings lounging around the pool with 40 uniform clad workers scurrying around trying to keep them happy in a moment of reflection i heard the lord say to me my church must be a battleship not a cruise liner if you are to pierce the darkness and rescue souls lost you cannot be a ship of spectators everyone on board must know what their role is and their gift and their place because you see when you do church as a team the pastor does not do all of the work while trying his best to get as many as possible to help him no it's everyone doing the work of the ministry while they are getting the pastor to equip them as each one has received a special gift let us employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of christ first peter 4 10. as i said jesus had all of the gifts of heaven embodied in one person and when he ascended into heaven they kind of like digitized and went out and it was given a little piece here a little piece there little piece here sometimes we think that well our gift isn't big enough lord says oh no no it's like organs in the body you don't notice the liver very much no one ever comes to you and says what a nice liver you have no but if you didn't have a liver you die neither do all my organs compete with one another unity in my body isn't everybody trying to do the same thing i have a heart i have a spleen i have a stomach i have lungs i have muscles and my my stomach doesn't say well you know um i'd like to be the eye so i can see what's going on and the ice is well i don't know the heart you know the heart always gets some attention and all the songs about heart you never hear any songs about eyes or stomachs and we start to compete with one another so if all the organs in my body if my stomach tried to act like the heart and my spleen tried to act like the heart and my gall bladder tried to act like my heart what would the result be it did that's what you that's the result but what brings unity in this body everybody doing the same thing no everybody watching one organ doing all the things no it's all the organs functioning as it was designed to function while applauding the others heart beat spleen spleen liver live you know nose blow i don't know whatever but but we applaud each other and each role is absolutely different from the other and so god gives all of those but when we act together it's like that's jesus isn't it that's just like jesus and we want our church to be exactly that so when people come in here although we have lights or sound or this that they i want them to see jesus because there's a unity of everybody utilizing their gift for one purpose and that's to exalt the king of kings and the lord of lords and people will walk away say what a gifted church now some people say but the gifts are kind of um confusing you know like in first corinthians 12 it talks about prophecy and this and that let me simplify it for you in the first and there's several categories of gifts but in first corinthians 12 there's nine gifts i'm gonna break them up into three each sections of three and and here's the gifts that were all embodied in christ but now he gives them out to others there's also the gift of teaching mercy giving leadership but let me just hit these nine so you can see that it's not as complicated as we might think so here's three of the nine if you would put them up on the board there's a word of knowledge word of wisdom and discernment of spirits if you are maybe a counselor or you want to help someone ask god for the gifts of the spirit because a word of knowledge is as you're counseling or talking with your daughter or a friend or son or parent god might give you the knowledge of what's really going on behind that person's words it could be a deep hurt it could be a wound that is yet to be healed it could be something in their past but god will say this is what's going on and you'll go oh because see often the problem is not the problem it's far deeper and so god will give you a word of knowledge it's like oh now i know and then a word of wisdom is what to do with that knowledge god might say now you don't say anything about i'm just going to have you pray because it's a spiritual condition it's a bondage and i'm going to equip you to intercede for this person and it will be broken he'll he or she will be released from that wisdom is what to do with what you know and then a discernment of spirit is i'm finding that even when i counsel people much of the stuff is a spiritual problem they have bitterness yet unresolved remember it's not sin that destroys god's people it's unresolved sin that does there's a remedy for sin it's called repentance and forgiveness the blood of christ but there's no remedy for unresolved sin that i don't want to resolve because i'm holding on to a bitterness holding on to an offense then god might say that person has a spirit of bitterness or a spirit of lust or a spirit of defeat that's oppressing that person and you ah and then you can pray in the name of jesus i bind that spirit so how how does that person get free by the gifts of the spirit that god gives to you so that you can utilize that in the service of others then there's three other gifts would you put those down these are the prophecy and tongues and interpretation of tongues these are real simple prophecy means just speaking forth what god is saying it's like thus saith the lord no i know that we need to do this and it's not just an excuse well you know god will forgive us no no no no it is thus saith the lord it's a black and white directive very powerful at times people need that and tongues some people say isn't that kind of controversial controversial speaking in some other language not really you have to understand if the bible has it we have to figure it out we cannot say uh no i'm not going to deal with that no if the bible says it i believe it that settles it and i've got to figure out get my brain up to his level not dumb down the bible to mine you have to make that decision either i'm going to change and understand what god is saying or i'm going to change what god is saying to my understanding and that's when we destroy the word of god and we begin to counterfeit it so if it says it then i believe it all right now lord teach me what what is it all about uh the bible talks about it in praying in the spirit in the language that you don't know it's just it's like lord would you intercede for me because see there's just so much in my life that i know how to pray for my family what's going on today right now oh what's going on with my kids or whatever my finances we pray for this stuff but beyond that there's a universe of stuff i have no idea how to pray about like what's going to happen next month next year it's going to happen after kovid what's going to happen here lord i don't even know how to pray for that stuff so does god say well then you're you're just fresh out of luck because you're just going to hit the wall no romans 8 26 for weed we know not how to pray as we ought to but the holy spirit maketh intercession for us with words or groanings too deep to utter oh so you mean the holy spirit will help us pray for this stuff i pray for the stuff i know about he prays for this oh yeah whoa now that's cool so i give him permission uh-huh and you pray in the spirit the lord actually gives you the ability to pray in the spirit wow that is so cool yep and that's how god begins to work in areas that you have no idea about i don't know about you but i'd like to give god permission to work in areas that i can't even utter or understand can you say amen to that wow wow that's a powerful gift of the spirit lord and there's interpretation of tongues there's times that god will just say this is what i'm praying for you about oh god so this is how you are to cooperate with me as i make an intercession for you before the throne of god and now you have direction wow so that's going on those are three other gifts and then three more gifts which make up the nine in first corinthians chapter 12 is faith healing and miracles faith is believing for something that doesn't even exist i can see that building architects do that right before this building was built somebody had to see it had to see the beams the height the length even the foundation so we see that every day they see something and then it appears well faith is in the same way i can see the preferred future of my family or my marriage and i know what god is saying that that's his preferred future and i cooperate with it oh man that guy has a lot of faith now it's a gift that god gives to anybody that asks for it so that you can see what god wants to build so you can cooperate with him he'll do that if you don't want to cooperate with him then you you won't get it but if you say no that's what i want to do you'd be surprised how god gifts you with faith and you move with confidence it's an amazing gift we want to tap into that and then miracle healing is when someone actually gets physically healed you pray for someone and they get healed right then it's like an instant miracle or an eventual miracle because always remember it's instantaneous miracles that get the headlines it's the eventuating miracles that nobody recognizes but it's every bit as much of a miracle so praying for for a healing and then miracles is when you're praying just for something now healing happens in the human body miracles happen in an event we pray and god averts an accident or something those are miracles healing is in the human body and then faith is seeing something before it even exists so this is these nine gifts real simple now remember all of these nine gifts was resident in christ now he distributes them but if you think about it in this way the word of knowledge word of wisdom and discernment of spirits happens here and it's basically what jesus would think and he gives you the ability to think as he would think through the gifts and then prophecy tongues interpretation of tongues is what jesus would say or how he would pray so he gives you the ability to have the mind of christ through the gifts of the spirit to speak what jesus would speak because he's going to reveal it to you and then faith and healing and miracles is simply what jesus would do if he were right here in the physical and because his presence is here he distributes these gifts so that we can think as jesus would think we can speak as jesus would speak and we can do what jesus would do you understand and so he's still here in us and as we work together in unity as the body of christ people see that jesus is still here ah and they begin to see jesus can you see that everybody good with that say yes good all right just checking all right so that's what the lord does in distributing gifts now here's the cool thing you say well how do we develop this if we're starting to recognize it just by being engaged and just trying to do stuff remember it says this and since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us let us each exercise them accordingly would you put that last scripture up please it's coming yeah good as let's read it go as each one has received a special gift employ it in serving one another and the next one would you put that last one up please one more okay all right let me just let me just share it with you and since we have oh there you go and since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us let us what say that again let us what yeah to exercise means you got to try it you got to use it the only way to develop your singing voice is to for some of you if you're trying to play guitar and learn guitar the only way to develop your guitar is to what practice play guitar exercise it accordingly anything that you do if you want to increase it you have to use it and the gifts are exactly the same way so we as people who are in the body of christ as we use our gifts and exercise them accordingly we start to put all of this together and people see jesus is at work in our midst because we are the people who represent christ remember for some people we're going to be the only jesus they'll ever see and we'll be the only bible they'll ever read so it has to come through us in this foreign place called earth and so we are gifted remember we can't do it on our own strength god knew that so he had to grace us with gifts and that word if you hear someone saying uh oh man that person's super charismatic that means that person has a lot of joy and effervescence and personality well that word charismatone is actually the word for gifts of grace that's what you have since each has received a special gift charismaton let us exercise that accordingly that word charis maton that's a gift part charis is the word for grace in other words it is by god's grace that he gives to us gifts it's free by his grace he's so gracious but here's the cool thing the root word of karus is carr c-h-a-r you know what that means in greek joy you see when you're operating in your gift there is maximum efficiency and minimum weariness and there's a joy boy when you're operating in your gift it's so fun when you're not operating in your gift there's maximum weariness and minimum efficiency you get really tired but when you're in your gift it's like wow this fills my tank you know what i'm talking about and so god's gifted you've given you the willingness and the ability but you've got to practice it how get involved try something well what if it doesn't work then try something else again move your peace move your peace because every piece fits somewhere well i don't fit here i mean i don't i'm realizing that i i don't like kids okay try old people and i'll go over here well i don't like them either they're too cratchity we'll try middle school they'll try this well okay take care of the pets and go outside but there's everybody fits somewhere maybe it's praying well what i have is just too small what is it oh i'm i just smile at people good smile because there's someone who probably has just fought 10 battles just to get to church and he's waiting for someone to just say welcome welcome home makes all the difference in the world it'll change their life don't ever underestimate your gift and think it's too small in fact the bible says this never despise the day of small beginnings exercise it it's in you you know what if i fail keep going try again but what if i fail the second time try a third time because it's in you let's just say pastor guy is here in the front row let's just say just rhetorically i lay hands on him and this is just an illustration but i lay hands on guy and say in the name of jesus receive the gift of uh professional baseball all right he still looks the same after the prayer he still acts the same talks the same but it's in him all right he's got the gift of professional baseball so he says well what do i do i said well you need to develop that gift well how duh if it's a gift of professional baseball you need to what play baseball go practice oh i don't know where to start i say okay here's the bat come out in the field i'm gonna throw this ball here and you are to swing at it and hit that baby as hard as you can and he misses it by a mile whoosh oh he throws a bat down i can't play this game it's so dumb no no no no guy it's in you it's in you dude try it again i throw another pit he misses it again i can't do it yes you can it's in you it's in you well i can't find it well the only way you're gonna find it is here's another pitch and he keeps missing now after about the tenth try it's in you guy he swings by mistake he nails it he hits it bam that baby goes over the fence he goes whoa i'm liking this yeah i keep going bang and he's just hitting everyone over the fence right field left field here we go and then i say okay go out there i'm gonna hit something to you field it first one he's there goes right through his legs guy catch the thing with what the thing on your hand is called a glove oh okay all right put it in there yes okay all right i hit him another one and this time boom he gets it all right throw it to first a mile over the first baseman's head into stance it's guy aim got it got it so and then pretty soon he's like going whap right into that first baseman's glove man it's like 80 miles an hour 90 miles an hour what whoa he says i'm starting to like this pretty soon i nail it really hard and he just catches it right between his leg around the back now it's double play triple play now re now fast forward the tape he's been playing nailing it over the fence i mean he's just like an amazing legend already huge tournament scouts from all over come cardinals scout blue jays gal mina bird scout whatever hummingbirds they're all there and guy gets up to bat bang over left field next one bang right field next one bang center field they're shaking their heads he goes out shortstop whack double play triple play this guy's amazing one scout leans over to the other and says you know what i've seen a lot of kids play baseball but you see that one there at george stop that kid has a gift that kid is gifted all of that resides in us it's in you but we've got to play baseball because you see it will never be developed by spectating observing praying singing about it we have to do something about it and that's what god invites us to that's called the body of christ and sure things aren't going to work out you might have a personality conflict with somebody or something that doesn't work out it's against your your convenience or against your personality a little bit stretch stretch try it if it doesn't work move laterally keep moving until you fit because every piece fits somewhere and without you the puzzle is incomplete i need you you need me we need each other so as since each has received a gift let us employ it in serving one another and by the grace of god exercise it accordingly and watch how jesus will be seen by the world through the church of the living god united and working together as a team not one doing 100 things but 100 doing one thing each and people will stand back and say he is alive right here in this place that's us that's his design let's rise to it can you say amen to that [Music] amen you
Channel: New Hope West
Views: 272
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: spiritual gifts, new hope west, new hope, online church, church online, faith
Id: 1A2HVLE3w4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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