Spirit Walkers | Kirby de Lanerolle | 01st May 2018 | WOWLife Church

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[Music] [Applause] hi everybody I hope you're ready for synchronized knowledge - I have never heard anybody peach prophetic electrical curly clear and I have developed this program so that the prophetic will be very practical to you there was a lady an old lady with a frame she asked me for help and then I heard she has a daughter that lives in Malaysia I went to the shop to get my camera get entering the show I heard the name today the protocol in the prophetic the prophetic is backed by a lot of scientific stuff and they would like you to know so I asked two men that were sitting there if any one of you called mark I went there after Orion I as well Oscar say look hide if you have a daughter that lives in Malaysia she said I do and one guy yes how did you know there now that this guy had my camera ready to pick it up I didn't deliver she said I yeah I said oh my goodness [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh God is good god is [Music] thank you God [Music] come on come on wow what a awesome season we are in Naraku Rebecca rakia Rama show the Agora mashanda I just love that story the Chinese shared because it shows you see it shows how robust this culture is because the way Tammy and Ryan have groomed her a broader from I mean I've hardly I met her at once or twice I think you know what really had a conversation I remember congratulating her on a sports meet and I saw her and she was awesome you know and but it just shows how they have groomed being a Ryan and Tammy just being a father over and brought her up you know to be who she is you know form a complete a tease to someone who loves Jesus Jesus lover Jesus Freak okay come on man you know so I wonder I just want to honor them you know it's just awesome just awesome stuff you know that's what I want that's what I want to coaches to do that's why the coaches are there if you submit to your coaches that's what can happen it's not about this it's about the culture we're establishing a culture in this place that believe me the world is is jealous off it's a wonderful beautiful culture wow just phenomenal now today I'm going to preach and when I'm preaching I'm preaching to you from the position of a prophet I want you to understand because today we shall not have any signs and wonders we shall not go into any miracles we shall not go into any of those things into any given names any kind of personal prophecies or anything like that the reason why when I'm gonna do that is because the highest office of a prophet is to reveal the Word of God undiluted after that name later all that but if number one or if you are a prophet you will give direction to the Church of Jesus Christ on what the revelation of Jesus Christ is for the season in that church you understand it and I speak to you and I speak to those who are watching me from out of this or out of Sri Lanka I speak to everyone as a prophet revealing the Scriptures to you you understand it so the excitement has to be for what okay the excitement has to be there for them yes okay so I want you to be jumping up and down shouting screaming okay because believe me this word is not an easy word for you to take you understand it's hard for you to palate it's hard for you to digest you understand and that is why a want excitement I don't want you to go dull oh come on yeah you get it yeah I've worn the the same way like you've seen a gemstone fall when you say may you see the healing same way you got a prophecy I want that why do I have that yeah okay so I fully what you fully engage because we are going into something that about four days ago you know the some parts what I'm revealing came to me four days ago the Lord came to me in a vision and he started you know about four hours you know but it was four hours of teachings yes and this is how I get my revelations like teaching just teaching you turn to Romans turn today study that rava Rob bagg a data and by the time by the time he had finished off with me you just got deposited inside of me so what I'm revealing to you today is part of that part of what you already know but part of that so you need to be able to grasp what I'm saying this is what the church needs in this season especially those who understand righteousness by faith okay because you see when the grace revival broke for ten years ago of it eight twenty years ago when people like prophet Kobo's my spiritual dad passed nido basic or twenty-five years ago they started explaining grace but Martin Luther Luther had a glimpse off okay that's why they said nine and ninety-nine addicts on to the the Catholic Church saying that he had an understanding that we are saved through grace by faith through faith you understand it so he had a revelation of God's goodness at that time it was not by our works in our toil and with that revelation he started he brought into the church the Protestant movement and from that time onwards we have been going deeper in to how good our God is and from there the Methodists and their Anglicans and Karris Mattox and the Pentecostals and the whole thing and then finally now they are saying it's grace okay and grace is spreading throughout the world like I mean you name it you know like wildfire like positive Raja is not here but he will tell you in India also grace is spreading okay in ABC or my ADC passes here grace is spreading okay it's not the law grace is pretty however we who have been in grace for so long and understand we were born into grace my my my I wasn't born into the law when I became born again I was born into grace because of pasta meal okay so Bhoomi I was born into grace so we understand what grace is but here's where the difference has to be made there are churches out there and maybe most churches outside this they believe in righteousness listen carefully they believe in righteousness so that they can get to heaven you're innocent they need this righteousness of God to come to them so that as spirits get purified so that they can go to heaven okay and they believe that if they do not work and toil and labor to keep that righteousness that spirit clean that they will go to hell okay that is what we call legalism they can lose their sanctification in their spirit it is a demonic doctrine it's called legalism that means Jesus who died for you now if you don't work to keep your spirit your spirit pure you can lose your salvation you understand this are you with me how many of you were in that kind of doctrine before you came here raise your hand if you're in decoration there you go right okay then you get the other type of people okay who really believe 100% they believe and this is grace most people in grace that the Spirit has been made perfect his your sins have been forgiven and now your spirit is perfect okay and there's no chance that you can ever end up in hell no matter what you do why because you not by your works but it is by what he did for you and if you believe and if you repent and you receive the forgiveness of sins there's no way that you can lose that salvation you understand that you will always heaven will be for you an eternal place if you lose this body you will be in heaven you understand and that is why they believe and they say righteousness comes by faith I believe and I become righteous I do not become righteous by my own works okay okay you guys listening alright okay so that is that type of doctrine is what is known as the new grace revival okay and everyone is preaching it Joseph Prince is spearheading it it's awesome okay but now later on they started realizing okay that's good righteousness by faith I become righteous by believing but what is that for is it to go to heaven and then they realize they look deeper deeper deeper deeper in the scriptures this righteousness was given to us not only for salvation to heaven but this righteousness that was given to us he saw that the spirit can come upon the people of God the Holy Spirit that is so holy can keep coming and keep coming and keep coming over the people of God so much so they will transform our minds and not only our minds but our bodies will follow what happens to our minds and therefore now the movement has become a movement of lasting life some people call it immortality some people call it lasting life some people call it long life or life or whatever you want to call it but it says no righteousness was given so that the Holy Spirit can quicken our mortal bodies okay so I want you to understand the background of am coming from now ladies and gentlemen we are in that group who are deeply understanding that the wages of sin has been paid okay so the wages of sin has been paid then come on man then life should start happening to us oh you would mean now however now I want to say again so we are not in the group before I start this and talk about why we're fasting remember with fasting so before any of you think that I am going into works or teaching works it will be works if we are in the second category if you are trying to keep our righteousness by our works to get to heaven then we fall into the second category remember the first one second one third one I'm not in the second category you are not either you are in the third category okay that means you believe that you're already made righteous and now the Holy Spirit must quicker new do you want to send that the Holy Spirit will quicken you transform you till the full manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ on the earth you see so we are not trying to fast for righteousness we are not trying to fast to get cookie points to get to heaven that's not why we're fasting you understand it the reason why we are fasting is because something is stopping us from believing the fullness of God there's something stopping us Shani said I was an atheist Jackie said I was an atheist there are Christians today who are atheist because they do not believe in the righteousness of God that they will see the goodness of God in a land of their living they do not believe that they will see the fullness of God in their mortal bodies you understand that that is where the problem is so there are Christians but they don't believe in what Jesus said they believe in what has been passed down through generations so now we have understanding what is that that stops us from believing so he says the Holy Spirit is given to you by the Holy Spirit given to you so there are different reasons why and one of it is to convict the world of sin what is sin it says in there straight off you say the Holy Spirit is given to you to convict the world of sin sin is what and belief my pastors are here okay nice to see you yeah okay to convict the world of sin hmm what is sin sin Ling is smoking drinking adultery all those things singing sin he says the Holy Spirit given do committable of sin why because they do not believe in me John 16 you got it so what is sin come on surely not what is sin back down but is back right back there what is sin unbelief what is sin here what is sin here I can't hear you yet he's got the louder what is sin here what is sin here okay good what is sin here what is in here again unbelief yeah it's not loud enough for me yeah okay what is sin here unbelief okay very good okay right because you're in unbelief you go into adultery because you are in unbelief you go into drinking you understand it because you do not believe that God is so good that you don't have to go into those places to get your satisfaction you you go into smoking cigarettes and doing drugs because you are in unbelief that God the spirit and satisfy you so see so because of that you go into something called unbelief which is hosted by the flesh flesh say flesh flesh flesh flesh so where the a lot of the grace churches have gone a bit not not understanding this is because they think that a flesh is wicked see the flesh has the potential to be wicked you understand that the flesh has the potential to be wicked but the flesh needs to be subdued by the spirit if the flesh is subdued by the spirit then we're in business now you understand that no matter what you do until the Lord Jesus Christ comes you will have the flesh with you hmm you see that's what people understand but the flesh needs to be overwhelmed by the spirit the flesh needs to be saturated but if it spirit you are spirit soul and body the body and the soul have the attributes of the flesh it's susceptible to the things of the world you you got it okay so you have to understand what the Lord Jesus Christ did is that he condemned sin in the flesh so that means when you say condemned sin in the flesh it was like he prevailed the word that condemned sin in flesh he prevailed over sin in the flesh no one else could have done it he when you are in the flesh you can't prevail over sin if you didn't have the holy spirit you can't prevail over sin in the flesh but Jesus came to the world in the guise that guy's means not in disguise but the guys looking like sinful flesh he looked like you and me who are capable of sinning and he prevailed he condemns in a flash means he prevailed he subdued he took your very nature that wants to go after all the things of the world and he prevailed in the flesh he prevailed over sin he condemned sin in the flesh so the righteous requirements of the law can be fulfilled in you now do you understand before Jesus came no one could prevail over sin no one could prevail over sin they would fall into sin and they had religion to try to keep him a tutor to tell him what to do do this don't do that all that but no one in the world could prevail over sin that is why he could forgive your sin because he was holy and righteous he did not fall into sin though he was tempted just like you you understand it and that's why you today if you believe in him now the spirit can come and rest upon you because now he who had no sin became sin for you that you became become the righteousness of God and now if you're righteous what happens the spirit the same spirit that was upon Jesus comes upon you why to quicken your dead body now do you understand that is the fullness of this gospel message not to take you to heaven the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead does not come upon you so he can take your spirit to heaven that is the second group of people in grace now the same spirit that was in Jesus the same spirit raised him from the dead and he said touch me and see the retrieved stages of that one is don't touch next one is touch the other one is here eyes like fire you understand sword in the mouth hair like wool three stages of resurrection okay but the fact of the matter is that when he was raised from the dead he said now look I have been raised from the dead that means the same spirit that means that same spirit that raised the Christ from the grave have you ever seen someone raised from the grave after three days his body is not looking so good they didn't do anything inside like they do with body Ramon's now you understand he was he was he could have been perishing but that same that raised him from the dead quickened his model body he said touch me now he says that same spirit is inside of you what the heck is it doing trying to take you to heaven no it's quickening the same spirit is quickening that dead body that's what people don't understand that you are dead before you came to Jesus you were dying you were dying of cancer you were dying of sickness before every man outside of Jesus is dying from the time they bonded I mean why did I know because the wages of sin is dead so for their sins in their life they're paying the Karma foiled they're paying their sins for it because they are sinners they're dying the dying the dying the dying cancer heart disease diabetes everything is crashing so before you came to Jesus you were dying okay paying for your sins when you get to Jesus you already got cancer and you died very important yet that means you if there is nothing way to look forward to to pay us you were the penalty for your sin was imminent you that the cancer was supposed to come the heart disease was supposed to come the Parkinson's was supposed to come yes for your sins so when you receive Jesus then you got crucified I am crucified with with Christ that means you Johnny that problem was because of your past but when you got Jesus now you got that sickness and in fact you rotted and you died so now I am dead there is nothing more for me to get I am dead and now the dead man is being raised see that's what people don't understand the dead man is now been quickened into life and because the Spirit is already holy now the spirit they made righteous are sent to heaven now the soul the mind and a body needs to follow and that's what the truth of the gospel is but it takes you to believe it it won't happen just because you sit here it'll take you to believe it with all your heart with all your might with all your strength yeah why why are people still dying because Christians are still dying because they do not believe in the fullness of what Jesus has done the wages of sin is still being paid to them you can't just say you need to identify and say I understand I already died can say oh I got cancer don't don't be afraid to identify with death don't be afraid identify the dead I already died I already got sickness disease heart disease I already got it awesome and I died and Here I am dead the more dead you are better the more dead you are the better because that is the expertise of the Holy Spirit to the resurrect the dead the problem is when you are not dead and you are moving in the old way it's called the flesh is alive hmm the flesh is alive that means the flesh is not dead let me the Holy Spirit can't do the job because you are very much alive that is called unbelief the person who grabs when something is coming the person who's has to say something very fast and judge very fast design show you flesh hmm a person who fast and then things he's a big shot because he's fasted flesh people who people who fast are the people who are sometimes mostly in the flesh why some papers someone said I mean but I all I eat I eat only one meal a day yeah I don't need very little curly exactly that's why that's why you're counting your one meal a day again someone streaming today that means you're in the flesh you are counting yourself that means it works all this time you've been in work naturally you're in the mess you're in you see so someone who is fasting and living a righteous life if he's doing it under the law he's in the flesh that's why it's very dangerous to be in religion if you're praying meditating in some people say I meditate two hours three hours oh yeah on the flesh that's your boil your labor your works it's you're counting it again someone else because it's the flesh so people who are my personal problem is those things I'm sharing with you my personal problem that I can be in the flesh in a second because of the way I live my life okay I'm mostly restricted calories mostly on juicing or not on a normal day it in twice a twice a week maximum on the DC my normal life so when God calls me and he says no water for three days no water for four days 21 days only water then I can say but God I live my life so fast and what's wrong with you you want me to go to the next season you want you want my flesh to die come on I taught my flesh she tolerated you know the way I live my life I'm in trouble my flesh is very much alive it is as much alive as an atheist there's no difference believe me an atheist you understand it so you have to understand revelation that's why I say there's no signs wonders no miracles no prophecies today why because that's all it can be flesh the more you want to see more prophecies they want to see more signs of wonders more miracles more miracles do more miracles more signs and wonders one small speck of golda's they say most Bullas flesh I'm trying to give it a character to flesh some people saying I told a pastor if I said once mirabilis he say me Menotomy me my makeup OD got me make a bet in the pay but in the baby is warm in was it imagine if I mean we're honest working man is a guitar player okay man you shut up women she'll wanna share a dog that's flesh you don't want to take the one and say Jesus you are awesome see that's the spirit God taking the one taking a photo for the one putting on Facebook and say I had one speck of gold ass man do you know God loves me have any straight see you don't understand flesh the flesh is very tricky it's very disappear very deceptive unsatisfied it's a well it is deep today by 0.7 into module 1 of iPhone 10 after I for 10 years one is upon 15 it's the flesh nothing satisfies you the spiritual man is completely satisfied come on come on Jesus come on come on you get it so now that's my monologue can I dive into the scriptures yeah okay now look at surah Baqarah Bosch and Arabic and Arabic and Arabic or a Baba look at Romans 8 Romans 8 verse 12 can be read a bit okay therefore brothers we are debtors not to the flesh I'll tell you something and you fast you okay no I'm fasting okay I'm also fasting like you all right can you see what I look like yeah I'm fasting on like y'all on a daily basis what y'all are doing that is my default I won't you understand that's my default okay so when I come I'm on fire why you got to put it on you to put God on you commit as you put Christ on you put it on you take hold of image like God you are my life you see it's not so hard they in the flesh you understand it okay not well be going to read scripture lots of it are we going to preach yes what's resisting the flesh what's resisting what to fight the flesh fight is the flesh my scriptures already go into scriptures gained flesh you don't read Bible Bible why don't you read Bible I'm asking pressure I fall asleep I can't understand the Scriptures flesh eyes are not open all flesh flesh of everyone by one man I can't pray in tongues when I pray in tongues in 15 mins I get tired flesh flesh flesh that guy will kill you he won't be able fight against cancer he whoever fight away his disease he won big fight against the next problem you understand you will need someone as this petrol you're on a sinner I don't want you to live off my petrol I want you to have your own oil but it comes when you understand this now listen carefully what's well therefore brothers we are debtors not to the flesh to live according to the flesh that means you can live according to the flesh sure even if you have the spirit inside of you you can leave a contemplation but studying for if you live according to the flesh you will now these scriptures please understand have to do with die means Marron or me otherwise it doesn't make any sense let me no one has eternal debt okay I mean either be living where we live eternally with speed beings we don't know where that we live if you know Jesus you're guaranteed you'll live in heaven you want to send it but hear me out but that is not the point if you live according a flesh you will die but if by the spirit you seem carefully but by the spirit oh my god you see and this is the famous scripture verse 14 that all the great sons of the earth the manifest sons they go all around the world and I'm invited by the manifest sons you know and they're awesome because they've got a portion of it you're on a mountain got a manifest sons of God yes but this part they've not still understood so they don't understand why does this man fast why because before you say for as many are led by the Spirit we are the sons of God before you say that many ahoo but it's wait what is the characteristic of person who is manifest on the birthday sons of God is who use matures are not baby not kid okay what is the characteristic of amateurs on there he asked me lady he has to be led by the spirit so if you are led by the spirit then you are the son of God but before you go there watch what the spirit does and this is a characteristic of whole stage nobody think carefully what stood him for if you live according to flesh you will die okay but if by the but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live come on by the what by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live now if you live according to the spirit now now if you are led by the spirit you're a sons of God so you cannot say I'm led by the spirit and the sons of God without saying by the spirit I'm supposed to put to death the deeds of the body now if I'm laid by the spirit and sons of God yeah bakura Baba Shanda come on did you get that yeah so understanding that that's when we can understand the problem in the wilderness when Jesus was taken even as a famous problem or Jesus taken in the wilderness everyone says oh my god Jesus was taken into wilderness or we have a wilderness experience oh I lost my car I couldn't pay the lease off someone came and took my car away and now I'm in the wilderness and I think God is testing me because you know what because this problem with a car is because you know God is testing me to see with a you know I can handle this that's not true the Bible says in James it says that God will never taste you like that so I lost my house and I don't have a house oh my god you know I think you know God is testing me to see whether I love him God no tests do that okay my company crash I've got secrets I've got disease I got I've got a disease maybe God is testing me receive it I have faith God he's gonna test you through a sickness and disease to see where your faith God will never test you dad okay so remember those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God right so when Jesus you can jump into metaphor metaphor metaphor Rob Akash Arabic Iria barabara Bacchus and Aramaki metaphor it is so when Jesus was led into the wilderness okay it's what was it after it says Jesus listen carefully anybody was surprised a lot of you guys Jesus got baptized in the Holy Spirit you know that and that is just in Matthew 3 Jesus receives the Holy Spirit Jesus at 30 years receive the Holy Spirit I know but Jesus was the son of God at 30 years he went to a prophet and then he got baptized in Jordan and a Spirit came upon him and their words say this is now my son that means till then that didn't come to pass that doesn't mean he's not the son of God you understand it but he had to grow into this thing of the Son of God he had to grow in the prophecies just like you need to grow in the prophecies and then when the prophecy that time had completely been fulfilled he came to Jordan and just like you and me this is the biggest mistake that people make they think that Jesus was divine jesus was a hundred percent human hold on this is where where we have to understand you see he had a human mother that made him human you understand it he was tested we are going to the message now with the same temptations that you were tested with but he did not sin right that is the key about it he condemned he prevailed over sin but he was just like you so God who created the universe came into a body so that he can prevail over sin come on that he could be tempted with every temptation like we're sitting here today everything you know my called not eatin now what do I do like that is like nothing he was he was tempted with every single temptation that you have and a billion people can have he was tempted just like you but he prevail he condemned sin in the flesh that a righteous requirement of law could be fulfilled in us you see sir he was honest he got full of the Holy Spirit he got born again hello that's what happened there okay just in John 3 Jesus got born again so we are not saying Jesus was 100% God 100% 100% human being we are saying Jesus was a hundred percent human being come on okay and he became as God through the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon Jesus now there is no difference between Jesus that same thing happened to Jesus and the power and Holy Spirit is having to you because if he had God prevailing in him that he's cheated gee did Jesus didn't cheat to prevail over sin when he conquered his flesh and his carnal desires he didn't conquer it because of his divine nature he D conquered it because of the same spirit that came over him and he said this is my son and I'm well pleased that spirit came upon him and the same spirit has he come upon you come on has he come upon you come on raise hands he didn't spread come had to come upon you he's coming upon you now this spirit this spirit this spirit this prayed oh you this spirit Jesus was just like you same he was God but sent to the world God sent to the world as a human being not allowed to cheat because if we prevail over sin because he was God then you have no chance then you you have no chance against the temptations God became as man he was and simultaneously hundred percent asunder person that he became into a baby little baby God and he said I will not cheat I will give them the same opportunity that I am getting now and he got the Holy Spirit you understand and he prevailed over sin he did not fall into sin so what's a difference with you same spirit or you hmm and he conquered and prevailed over the flesh and then it says here in chapter 4 then Jesus was what led by the spirit as you say there and Jesus was led by the spirit is he there and Jesus was Mary we see that before maybe we see that before Romans 8 Roman tavis just saw that that means that Jesus was led by the spirit because he is a mature son of God okay so that means he was led by the spirit why you read it in Romans 8 he says the Spirit will lead us to put to death the deeds of the body even Jesus ladies and gentlemen was led to the wilderness not to get cancer its sickness yet disease or accompanies to crash or their cars to be lost he was led to the very character when the Holy Spirit is given to you before you become the mighty sons of God he will lead you before you get that diabetes before you got the diabetes and you say now it's testing because I'm diabetic I've got heart disease and test him because I'm for heart disease God doesn't tell her that before that he was leading you to go off the sugar to put to death the deeds of the body before that he was leading you to go off the foods that will take you to heart disease he was leading you but we want to say oh we are led by the spirit probably led by the spirit oh god is leading me but what is he leading us to nice cars nice houses nice food nice this aller yeah yeah all those things and I don't doubt the fact that he leads you to those things as well but before he leads you there I guarantee he will lead you to put to death the deeds of the body if you get sickness if you get disease if you get cancer if you get if you get your company crashes that is not a leading of the Spirit that happened to you that happened to you sickness he didn't lead you to it sickness happened to you the problem in your company happened to you because you didn't hear the leading order paid that he was leading you to put to death the deeds of the body now those who are led by the spirit are the sons of God you got it yeah I would mean right sharukh or Ibaka Shady so come on guys don't tell me you don't know it fast because fasting is a normal thing for people of God for a man who is spiritual fasting should be a normal thing it's normal feasting is the abnormality you only that's why you call it's called break fast that means you are fasting to have breakfast but we are not fasting when we having breakfast we've just eaten at 3 o'clock in the morning and we went the fridge eating chocolate I promise I'm here I promise I won't prophesied you see so the break fast is your breaking your fast come on if you understand Daniel Daniel talks about it he said the King fasted all night till morning never goodness as fast Danny as fast was fasting normally whenever Ganesha fasted all night it seems till morning but it was a fast because he actually had breakfast because he did not eat anything and that was taken by God because he was he tried to get out of his flesh come on today they call it intermittent fasting whenever today yeah ok so if we are spiritual we need to be able to know the fast which is you cannot get anything I mean if you if you're struggling you're fast if you're getting sick for your fast is because you're not used to it simple okay push true will you get a slight fever yes it's because you not used to it will your nose run yes video back pain yes detox in the liver get detox okay will your head hurt 100% will you feel a bit lethargic any car move yes just you take about three days because you're not used to it you got it but that should not be a possibility of your life by the time you get to next year you should guys be like are we I expressed we notice I mean most of my old ones know right all of all of one's know right you know what first thing is now we do 40 day fuss right so we are in 21-day fast so come on push through it because it means that you're put into debt through the spirit you are putting to death the deeds our body are you doing it to get righteousness no what did it for so that I can believe in God's righteousness why you doing it so that my flesh can be subdued overwhelmed by the holy spirit you got it man shower about Carabas John de Rome and they jump in their game Roman they may be jumping in the Romans 8:18 and out huh romans 8 people say but you could be the bridegroom if the bridegroom is here people say you know you're fast only me the bridegroom is gone and but in grace we see the bridegroom has come I believe that bridegroom has come but in you the problem in the church doesn't understand what part of the wedding feast day in the Jewish wedding feasts there was a time when your betrothed to the one you love and you go back to your father's house and you then your betrothed ordered you're married you're contracted but the bride keeps a lamp light fasting and praying every day waiting because he doesn't know what time the bridegroom will come to fetch her so that there will be now the honeymoon period but it's all a part of the wedding feast so we are in that time we are in that time in the Bedingfield so we're not understood not comprehended it of course the bridegroom is here but there is a time where you're fasting waiting for him to come and complete his work and the fullness of Jesus the inheritance is received okay Romans 8 are you with me now what is okay therefore now no condemnation to those okay before you jump here let me just just okay that's right here therefore there is therefore now no condemnation is there to those who are in Christ Jesus oh there you go Kabhi no condemnation graces who do not walk according to the flesh come on man but according to the spirit you understand that that means ladies and gentlemen the days now that you have the spirit inside of you okay now all of us are born again it runs like hope you got the speed instead of as born-again means the simple understanding of born again means that a spirit has come inside of you and will never leave you he indwells you okay how many of you have a had that experience here just just raise up your hand if you had that experience that you're born again raise your hand if you understand you're born again just raise your hand waiver me if you're born again please please come on born-agains yeah okay good all right yeah good that means that spirit is inside of you okay we'll never leave you that's the spirit indwelling inside of you that is very different to living in the spirit that is very different to walking in the spirit you can have the spirit indwelling inside of you all that will do is that if you die you go to heaven okay most churches are preaching that become born-again the Spirit will live inside of you and now hallelujah praise the Lord brother because if you die you will go to heaven then the gospel stops there that's the problem no no no why is the spirit now dwelling inside of you because he says woman this spirit that is inside of you that came inside of you this spirit that is inside of you know what why the sprit is given it can become inside of you a fountain that is what they don't have and what I'm trying to get upon you you want to send it now that the spirit is inside of you this spirit can become inside of you a fountain and is the founder means it covers you and Sonny not the spirit is inside of you but you are now inside the spirit that's the key the spirit first comes and dwells inside of you but then he says now in him I and move and find my being so he says woman it comes first year then it will surround you and you are in it and he said and then you will not worship in a temple but you shall worship in the spirit not it was inside of you but then suddenly you are in it because of what should be in it you see that is what I'm trying to explain here now so watch that exact thing what I'm telling you is now explain here listen carefully watch this okay listen carefully who do not walk according fresh but according to Sprint verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is he there for the law of the spirit of life by zipped by zipped in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death is there that means the law of sin and that is what it is the human nature it's what we call the flesh Jesus the law of spirit in Christ Jesus receive you free from the law of sin and that remains the law of sin and that is the human nature it it's the diable nature it's a fading away nature that law that is in Christ Jesus love spirit of life life has set it free from the law of sin and death you got it okay now you with me now watch is for what the law could not do that it was weak through the flesh okay we're going to be deep can I go deep open your eyes open your eyes for what the law could not do that he was weak say it was weak how was he big the flesh was weak now we're arabic hadiya you remember time in Jesus came to disciples in Matthew Matthew 26 and he said this he said hey can you not watch and pray with me for one hour ninety 26 and I said we have a falling ha they're falling ah sleep can you know watching pray with me for one hour hmm okay and he says lest you fall into temptation so he said you agree need to now dispute inside of you he says you need to now to stop getting your temptation you need what prey you might have the holy spirit inside of you but if you don't pray it doesn't become inside of you I found it they were eating and praying no hey Jesus was a fast day with a bright area he was in etic most of his life he didn't eat much really story when it was when he ate he was celebrated so he never fasting and they were praying the first thing I never praying and when he says this kind doesn't go on is their prayer and fasting Jesus's prayer and fasting is the way he will get out of out a demon it is in his in his darkest hour you take the meeting if he says this kindness and go our prime fasting when he tells his disciples to pray for him you didn't everything they were fasting and praying for him and he says for one hour you couldn't pray the spirit inside of you needs to become says you will fall into temptation you need to be able to pray that's what he's trying to say and he says why can't you do this he says because the flesh is weak I'm going to Romans 8 here he says why couldn't I do this because the law was weak through the flesh you got it same word that is used the flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing now if you want today in today's context in Christianity if we want to condemn someone and tell us the person that is useless these how they say I'll tell you these are the churches will say it okay let's say the man is very strong in his flesh hmm he's strong in his flesh and he's weak in his spirit that's what I say if you heard someone saying you're strong in a flash and weak in spirit you think it's a bad thing right okay oh he is there you're strong in a flash and he's very poor in his spirit you did the bad thing right that's how the churches condemn someone but actually Jesus is telling them the opposite of that come on you get it he says the problem is not because they are strong in the flesh the problem is not because full of the spirit you understand it the problem is because the flesh is weak you understand it the flesh is weak the spirit is awesome so when he's telling someone that they are falling short he saying your spirit is awesome because he knows the spirit is inside of you he is not he's not at one at any points in the man's spirit is less or more speed the man the man spirit is perfect because the spirit cannot be lesser mo it's from God so the spirit in you is in a spirit the problem is this the flesh is weak but spirit is nice strong so you can have a nice spirit but you do have through Jesus but the problem is your flesh is you can't prevail it can't prevail your flesh can't it's eating the wrong food you understand your flesh needs to be subdued their flesh leads to the spirit needs to come and overwhelm the flesh you understand it so why can we pray why can't it go on for another one hour mmm why can't it go on for another 1 hour come on come on why can't I go on to another 1 hour the flesh is weak you understand that our palate is used to food that lasts today and I'm hungry tomorrow again you understand it but this food is your flesh needs to be able to take this the spirit will come upon this flesh now and lead this flesh the flesh needs to be led by the spirit the flesh is not wicked the flesh is wicked if it's left on unlit by the spirit the flesh is wicked if this flesh doesn't have the power of the spirit you got over it so the spirit is supposed to lead the flesh the flesh will never go away it needs to submit itself to the spirit for what what do you need more than you need more spirit there not even to be the flesh what you do is allow the spirit to be poured out poured out poured out poured out on the flesh yes and when that happens when that happens there's the flesh submits to the spirit and follows after the holy spirit that's what needs to happen to us your Abba Carrabba you would be okay can we drive in a little more okay so look at this okay on the 11th they're going to pray on 11th we're going to pray I think we'll book a room here somewhere and you will come and you will learn to pray with me and for the first time many of you if you hung out with me for a bit of time and you see me pray you'll understand how I pray okay if you can't pray like that it's okay don't be condemned but you see how I pray look at me I'll be praying you'll be praying with me but look at my eyes look at my ways look at what I'm praying how I'm praying it's very different you see I'm constantly when I'm praying when when you pray what you're doing is the first hour of your prayer is Yamagata catalytically first hour and that wave after wave needs to come into that that means after 15 minutes it should be stronger after another 50 mins it should be stronger by the time you come to one hour in urbana it should be like that that's how I pray that's how I pray now after that only I go into meditation or whatever it is then that's my quiet time but before that I'm not writing things down I'm not saying I'm hearing from God or anything even if God is talking to me he will wait because of you offering and bringing to him you understand that I don't listen to worship music because I'm not a worship I can't play guitar or anything like that I can play a bit but not not not good enough to give an offering yes that's why I don't I can play ukulele a bit really his users let's double do a better job okay that's how is Roger given okay but learn to pray when you come and you pray Jacko golem oogulah boogulah if you're running marathons come and pray and see how he is going to take that's what got me to run my son's the ability to pray and pray read a book pick up your Mandal the more you're praying like that you're pushing your pushing what drop subduing the flesh if you have people around your house okay and maybe you can t step in a by the 5 line morning you can do the same thing internally no one is near you if I wonder why you really do it the flesh no but could be why but God hears me know I have the Holy Spirit I have a Holy Spirit inside of me inside of me the Holy Spirit so I'm connected I'm seated in heavenly places I've heard Joseph Prince preach grace I've heard you preach grace so I'm sitting in how many places and so I'm talking softly gently to my Savior in his year I'm in him and seated I'm speaking on his lap I'm talking to him I'm talking to him the problem with that kind of stuff is because you don't understand you are why you were given the body then you should be glorified and taken to heaven you're in the body every TMI you eat something heavy you get more locked down to the earth every time you drive a nice car nice let us see the slugs robbed bloodied and you come on business class and had champagne you're locked to the earth you ain't in heaven your spirit is there your body is an eye on our nice let us see its body you need to get the body the soul the spirit is there I've no disagree the spirit is whispering the the the conversation have it God is two thoughts when you thought it he answered you you don't have to talk to him you talk to communicate with God two thoughts but the earth needs sound you can talk like this telephony to God but the earth you are you can be nicely eating your Boreanaz and you know driving your nice cars and why we are rich in doing all this thing and then you know some problem comes in we call Jesus you know V naught is the oppressor so now I'm not we're not being with Jesus for last five days even but some big problem had hits Jesus come on helped me Jesus thank you Lord I know you're with me I know you're with mean are you going you're driving to next meeting I know you're with me thank you Jesus thank you you're in the car in the flesh your spirit is there but your mind is fallen before that prayer can be answered first get your Yamashita same not Kalama you're getting it is read your aura when you're fasting you realize you try and talk in tongues when I'm fasting that's why I want to do fast bigger than your prayer we're talking in tongues when you're not fasting it can be the strength of the chicken and a chicken strength of the butt and its strength of the tea or you have a lot of coffee you can be strained out of coffee let me give you what is it coffee okay okay that is the strength of your flesh know when you're fast it will realize the day then you'll realize the difference you know fast and you'll realize you can't start talking in tongues very hard yoga program one hour I can't even stand yes keep going to be a book doodle after about 50 mins 1/2 an iPod or a guru is coming on I don't you go in vain what is this it's not coffee is not tea this is no but ok not your bodies this is the Spirit of God now now your edifying your mortal body now you already find about a yahoo what is this define the spirit finally you descend oh my god spirit flesh the difference then you get it after that you can go into visions and see visions and stuff line and tell me about visions and all that no problem before the one hour don't tell me about visions because it can be the flesh can be Pizza Pizza prophecies can come to pass oh you're like because you're started talking like this but it's because you are so sleepy because it'd be eaten so much and then you go and you see color that you see vision then you see something and as I got my God Jesus still spoke to me but yeah those who won't come to pass your people's lives okay these memories colluded bit with chemicals but when you're gonna order a brand now those guys do such divisions it's perfect okay because you're not in the flesh so a lot of people try and pray and that's why prayers are not answered they are praying but they're praying they're not in the spirit that means they have the spirit but they're not in they have the spirit but they're not in the spirit it's not become you got it that's the problem you got it now here we are okay so for what the law could not do they was weak through the flesh God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh you see their God came in the likeness of just flesh no he came in the likeness of the sinful nature the very nature a very fallen character of man he came in the likeness just like a man is it there so he doesn't come in the likeness of God he came in a likeness of sinful flesh that means the flesh that is that has the potential to sin and on the account of sin he condemned is there he prevailed that means with the same ability that you have and the same in abilities that you have he parade he went up the mountain to commit hammies he's praying he got the holy spirit he was led into the village Jesus had to be led into the wilderness to put to death the deeds of the body you think you don't need that to happen come on Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to fast for forty days and forty nights to pray so that he flesh won't take over when he has to go to the cross I died someone else would say okay maybe it's not me maybe unbelief can come maybe this is me that I know so that the spring can prevail and they can know his calling so he subdued to the flesh and then he comes out of the wilderness and it takes the I saw a prophecy goes into the synagogue and said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he has called me to set the captives free but as after the wilderness he went led by the Spirit of the Spirit came upon him give me out the Spill came upon him when in the baptism then he became born again this will come upon you he can warn him then what did he do it led him to put to death led him to put to death the deeds of the body he didn't take him - nice car nice house he didn't tell him to a luxurious Kings come on man if you got the spirit inside of you the first thing the Spirit will do is to put to death the deeds of the body then after he had conquered prevailed condemned sin in the flesh he came out by the power of the Spirit it says and he walked into the synagogue he opened it he said the Spirit of God is now upon me so before he said X spirit is coming up on you what's the words not inside of you he had the spirit inside of him that led him to the wilderness to put to death the deeds of the flesh after that when he comes out you watch what he says he doesn't say the Spirit is inside of me he says the Spirit of the Lord is now upon me for he has anointed me is not the same thing anointing and spirit upon is different anointing means I was set apart for this baptism so the problem with Christians is they had a spirit within them and now they're ready to go to heaven and it's good for them but nothing will happen till this spirit they will go to heaven that's all till this spirit comes upon the Christian upon korimako like this and comes upon you and then you're not scared of men then you can preach where we go with your friends or whatever it is just go to him sweat boom this is it buddy you can say what you don't believe you'll go to hell let's still believe believe me there's a memorial condemning him and super-worried of saying something that's a flesh I'm scared of telling this pastor lady so may I lose my passes that's a flesh fear of man you tell them as it is because of your sin reason I went there yesterday and see nine women holy woman praised every day all prayed for I said you're dying because of your lust she already know what the heck happened ago she's not sleeping with anybody okay but she's dying but the ability to talk like that is the spirit if it's blocking your mouth it's the flesh the ability to please man to do what we are doing here you might be out of your flesh because when your friends are talking you should be able to stand hey buddy this is it this is how it goes visit and they will take it if you say it when you are in the flesh they'll reject it honestly I'll tell you one is truly I have not made one man who's rejected what I said to my face that a clear I've said it to them at that time when they meet me they've said they agree with me because at that time because I'm not in my flesh they come out of their flesh they agree and they go back to their church they get in their flesh but in front of me and face no one disagrees with me not one not one i meant the most anointed man of god the big names UK in his country I've shown a da-da-da-da-da is what I be everyone agree but they can't go and stand in their church why flesh you see but in front of me no disagreement the fact of the matter is that the spirit once it gets all of you and the flesh is subdued the spirit talks and there's no fear of man there is no religion there's no man pleasing you get it come on Jesus Jesus come on come on come on come on okay can we go deeper is it good hmm I won't lay my hands on you guys when you finish I've got my oil okay that you will be baptized by fire baptized at least twenty-one days will be a baptism of fire and a flesh will just be completely subdued and as people come alive and you start hearing the voice of the Lord clearly and you'll know the leading and you will know us the Lord what do I need show me where I'm weak where my flesh is weak and he show you different different different in this area they say ready ready every day I ask the same question I said God give me more of your spirit show me where my flesh needs to die lead me into those places where my flesh need to die and I will burn it I will burn it that ability where you can't listen to people it's the flesh the ability where you are short it's the flesh the ability where you can't retain or understand or want to understand the ability to stay offended for more than one minute heard me to be offended for more than one minute stuff flashy strong or weak it's the weak flesh man the spirit will lead you offense come my god event doesn't come to me of course it does how many people you think write on my Facebook page how many pastors reject what I say you think offense doesn't come offense comes but one minute why we cannot afford to have the flesh if you are offended for one hour man you're in the flesh you understand it if you're looking at news and you're offended with the government you're in the flesh you're in the flesh you cannot be offended by anything it's unbelief you got it come on Jesus we don't want to be weak the right word is yeah we can flesh we've got it dad away wrong we think we are strong in flesh no we're weak in the flesh yeah we are to the flesh God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and the currency condemned sin in the flesh that a righteous requirement law might be fulfilled in us who do not what again you go who do not walk according to the flesh but according to speech so now did you go to speed you go to walk according to the spirit what is it was ten and if Christ is in you now here is for those believers and for the international audience for those this is for people who already have Christ inside of them so it's for people who have the Spirit of Christ inside of them so don't say it's for people who are not born again it is for people who have the cry you know crisis around so if it's Christ is about inside of you worse then is it there if Christ is what inside of you the body listen carefully oh my god here's the big revie if Christ is in you the body is what oh my god your body is what soma your body is dead okay we will get it because you won't go for a life right your body is dead that means there is nothing you have you are dead not I'm not talking of you in the flesh your body is dead very important to get it so your your body is dead if Christ is in you I am crucified with Christ in a word I'm crucified with Christ that means I'm dead okay I'm dead so who is asking for food not me who's asking who's asking for medicine not me I'm dead I can't die anymore or if I don't have my next teen you takin the the now we are only on juice and you know I can't have my tea I get a headache I'll die no no if crisis in you the body is dead you can't die anymore if you don't have tea or coffee or anything you can't die you're dead who is talking the dead man who is trying to say that the dead man there's a ghost talking he's dead you are dead you got it if crisis the body is dead because of sin is it there listen Kevin but the Spirit is life because of righteousness there you go so righteousness was given to you so that the spirit now can come watch the next scripture so you'll understand is full thing but now listen carefully this is one they say if the Spirit of Christ is inside of you will quicken your mortal body if the Spirit of Christ is inside of you you click on your mortal body you heard that before the code not right to quote that scripture you need to be able say I'm dead my body is dead but if I'm alive it's because of the righteousness that I got from Jesus and now the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is bringing to life my dead body when you reckon yourself dead that's when the spirit can do the work if you think that you are still alive by your food by your strength by your businesses by your influenced by your connections whatever he is trying to keep this man alive exogenous of Jesus the Holy Spirit can make the move some people wonder why is my business doing badly because it's still not dead why is my business still doing badly because it's still not dead Abraham had to wait till his body was good as dead at 80 years he says where's my son still alive man you still can you can you still you still can make it no it's still once in a while you're ok you know once in a while I've seen how you look at Sarah yeah you're still okay I know you're 80 but you know nobody bored my son you're still alive man and a hundred he says god I'm just gone dead why is your visa not do well by the marriage fail because you're still alive who's alive the other guy if you want is quickening of the spirit to come upon you the same period in the body must be dead you're dead you understand if you're sick you wanna be healed that's the spirit come but be dead you died you just got the fullness of your sickness and you died now God you can resurrect me it's all you put to death if you're still not dead and you're struggling with your death then allow yourself to be taken in business do a fast forty days if you are sick why people get healed when you are sick they do four in a fasting I think the scientists aim is the fastest not be the fasting it's because they put to death the flesh and then spirit quickens the body okay so you hip to be completely dead your my company the way I control my company the way I manipulate the company the way I'm in control of my company that's why you're losing your company so I'm in control so therefore you're losing it hmm so the control is mean you're alive so die more buy more buy more man I'll tell you these lessons about people don't understand I'll tell you a testimony very soon blow your way about being dead like that the finances you have to be dead dead dead because when he wants to resurrect it it can't be yourself effort if there's a little bit of you it's not worth the testimony you have to be dead come on Jesus yeah the body is dead because same but spirit live because of righteousness okay I think you done well Robert Carrabba Shanda man can have you up you remember the story where they're constantly saying to Jesus the last one chapter collisions five generations five you remember when Jesus says when you come to me you got to carry your cross daily now you understand this that means when you come to Jesus when you know Jesus you can be in whatever doctrine you are in but this is the reality that you carry your cross daily that means not carrying the problems of the world not carrying sickness disease not carrying prosperity poverty but you carry your cross means you put to death the deeds of your body then you shall live okay Galatians five here we are come on pick yourselves up pick us up last bit come on we focused last bit I really are you with me what is what sixteen I say then walk in the spirit is it there you see again what walk you see the word walk that means if you have a spirit inside of you you go to okay you walk in the spirit they're not walk with the spirit you walk inside of the spirit in him I live and move and find a beam people have spirit inside of them maybe Christians but they are not in the spirit that's the problem okay so yeah it says this Galatians five where are we I say then walk in the spirit is there and if you walk in the spirit you shall not fulfill is it there the lusts of the flesh it doesn't say the spirit is inside of you it says when if you are in the spirit if you are walking in the spirit then you shall not fulfill the lust of flesh but 17 for the flesh lusts against there is it there and a spirit against the flesh Wow and these are contrary to one another so that you do not do the things that you you do you do the things that you wish no so what does walking in the spirit look like come on man if you want a character walking in the spirit if you say that your walking speed you do not do the things that you wish come on man you do not do the things that you wish when you don't feel like I'm in church you come to church you want to send it when you don't feel like worshiping you worship when you don't feel like jumping and coming in front that's exactly what you do when you do sitting at the back there you think you know what I don't want to come in front like the other guys ha ha ha ha ok you do not do the thing that you wish that means you're walking in the spirit when the Holy Spirit is say hey go down in front and lay on the ground like no but I'm too dignified walk in the spirit be led by the spirit that what it means okay maybe the Holy Spirit will come and say just run around around the church walk in the spirit be led by the how would you know unless you hear and do and I tell you how I got into this places that's exactly I did I was in religious churches no one dance man I would Lord would say get up and dance in the aisle I was the only one dancer and let Jackie got up and danced with me and that am I correct lucky yeah correctly jumped here then Jackie Dan started dancing and then a couple of people started moving just moving ladies religious church but I danced you know like yeah I can't afford to sing songs saying I'm gonna shout to the Lord and not shout and say I'm gonna dance the Lord and not dance what kind of hypocrite am I come on come on come on come on come on come on maybe ladies speed you walk in the spirit so he says if you're walking in the speed the character of that looks like you do not do the things that you wish in Jesus you don't go to a home coach you don't go to home coach why don't you go to home coach you're a big shot you do not do the things that you wish go and submit yourself that shows me that you are in the spirit if you are if you you can't say that you're in the spirit and not submit your life to a coach that is here that means you're in the flesh man Jesus here what we're saying so important submission looks like you in the spirit you do not do the things that you wish to say there but if you are led by the spirit now again here we got it again the words are coming together the word led and walk is it there but if you are led by the spirit verse 14 then you are not under the law come on man if you are not doing the things that you wish then you are not under the law is it there now the work set of less you want to see what a box are fresher and a box in a flash I evident adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outbursts of rot their outbursts of impulsiveness that means the food comes to you and you eat it before before you were checked even who is around the food came you just grabbed on you eaten outbursts of rot that's it impulsiveness you see that we are now waited to say grace so stop and say bless this food okay outbursts abroad these are the flesh fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outbursts abroad selfish ambitions you see there there are the ambitions it says selfish ambitions only you will know why you are doing what you're doing while you're drowning your company in to be you're running a company while you're doing your athletics the way you are doing athletics come on Jesus why are whatever you're doing we are sportsmen here huh why are you doing it can be selfish ambition you can be you're running a company we can be selfish ambition we don't live for ourselves really for him our lives our own the ransom bought by a price you can be prophesy I've been there my friends prophesy and to impress people selfish ambition born in the next gift I've been there selfish ambition just because I saw someone else walking in leather or girl give it to me why for what why do I need it unless it's all for him how would you know that how would you know that you will not do the things that you wish you will not do the things that you wish sometimes I will go to a place and I've got words to prophesy and I can show off nicely right and the Lord will say today you shall not prophesy but I recorded you guys will be impressed exactly selfish ambition selfish ambition selfish ambition I've been moving even giftings like that I remember I went to Shyam's Church 50,000 people I said I'll do a miracle that no one has seen before it's how I've been I'm gonna do a miracle David India has not seen gold heat so 50,000 people I'm gonna have wholesale gold heat you think yeah 50,000 people normally we have at least one little silver PC and there at least been 50 people okay fifty thousand people are bottom person could find one little piece of silver forget gold fifty thousand people look at me tortures in the mouth good fine fifty thousand people selfish ambition selfish ambition look like a fool damn fool I'm gonna fifty thousand people yeah I started off telling them I'm going to do something that you've never seen before you watch what I'm gonna do you watch is you're not seeing it miracle you watch it boom nothing Jack thank God for Jesus I love him you know it's a put the dead the deeds your lustful man you put to death those deeds of the body you put the dead sometimes I say there'll be people out there who don't like me who don't believe me you say now you go to the buff and you serve you take go to the buffet and you serve a big plate of rice and you eat it in front them but I God I'm a retiree and I don't eat you do it do it why not hungry because I put two dead the flesh at every occasion I wake up in the night sometimes warning you little red sweets and red sweet serenity weights we talked about five days six days I mean red sweet red sweets right through that old timey no more red sweets don't bring any more red sweets because it become a lust now you see put to death the deeds of the body I played video games video games are very good at my video games you know X what is that the all the video games you know the play a Playstation and all this I playing playing playing playing playing every single day but God is talking me through the video games and include a video games and prophesy into people awesome because through the video games I can I can do it I said that's it no more video games for you for the rest of your life that's it gone ok I'm telling you man you don't understand how I got to this place you see here I mean simple stuff like that you know when he told me not to eat three meals a day and say no I'm going to eat like normal people you will just live on the spirit you'll not believe you think I've been yeah yes darling that's fine I think it was okay you know you understand how much I like food I love food I like food when I go abroad I like go to restaurant then look how all the food it very nice but I'm not supposed to eat like that I can't I'm not supposed to be clad I've got a calling on my life my past video games always now you look at the graphics from outside like from hand the graphics of the new Playstation the lights are unbelievable I would like love to have one but I can't you see I can watch movies and like in the movie too much and in the end I know that is gonna happen at the end they're like oh my god I'm so hung up in the movie oh my god is so good and they'll always say okay don't watch the end and so at the end of the movie just five minutes before we the whole thing climaxes I have no idea what happens to pull you off yeah seriously and I'm glad you do that very soon me the thing I love very much if you know I would be very upset with me yeah but I know when I'm in the flesh I'm very careful I know when it becomes an obsession I know when something has become less is too much so much for me and then I let go I'm talking talking talking talking I'm having fun talking enjoying the company I'm enjoying the company of Lille I enjoyed their company so much the goal is Lord to say now get up and be with me this is flesh you see and I stopped the conversation and you see me I tell you all you love being with me I've been no matter who you are I will say you need to release me now I get up and go even if I love the conversation I haven't because I don't want to be in the flesh it is God this is what he does he will lead you to put the death the deeds of the body believe me we've sacrificed much to get here but it's all been worth it believe me all the movies all the sweets all the food is doing very big I see your faces but to live a Christian life is you could be led in spirit you got to walk in a spirit of God then you will have man look what we have man today right but we will have we will have it I can drive my new Jeep and I've got a good new Jeep and I thank God that he felt that I should have a new Jeep but honestly I was going to sell my car and just not have anything you know maybe rent a car some that you know so but I thank God a city mind on my leather seats and I enjoy my new Jeep but there is no love for it there's no undue love for I'll Drive it just lie still not driven not just to tell you not to come into the story because I have no inspiration I want to drive it before I give it back I want to drive it so I'm gonna drive the Tesla but I'm not interested not interested when I go abroad believe me you as Fiona I want to minister every single day it'll be the most beautiful town in the city I just want morning evening morning evening morning evening morning evening minista minista minista ministry even if there's a nice thing to see some people want to take me abundant Philip took me to Paris he said common one book you business class we bought first time I went on that thing like a like a you know like full-on like rooms in the plane got on got outside in Paris and what he faced do morning evening by eating really degrading after work four days a free man I need to get home now but he said no we'll go see versus the lolly I said Philip Bella it's like I can't I mean I'm I mean in the world not because it we could you don't understand not because we could it's awesome but says the beauty of event I saw but it balls me because my god I want to spend time with God every time every moment a time when people come get appointments that why I don't understand people come and say oh I don't I send people get the appointment they come and say hey so what's up I'm like what's up I've given my time for half an hour for you for you to say what's up for me what's up with you what are you saying before profit because I need be in front of me there's something wrong with you okay so don't come a base my time it's come Robert visited ah da dun dun if I want to hang out with you I'll call you and come however you I like to hang out of you you understand it but it's my prayer time I love my time I pray I love my time I pray that's why my friends will say you don't come you don't meet or they're I'm not interested not that I don't love them I'm there for them when they need me as a man of God but so are you that's what I'm trying to tell you so are you what is your life like so are you what are you called for it's the same thing to live for God is very different you don't fulfill the lust of the flesh and my god I'll tell you people don't in the church they were wrong understand flesh if I wanted to make a big congregation okay they can be my flesh and so I'm careful that means I'm always trying not to be seeker-friendly you understand it I'm not I'm always trying not to please people please understand it because I can't have a big congregation here and Sonny will have five thousand people sitting here but it'll be done it'll be all my flesh why because I've tuned down the message I've become that nice posture okay you know it goes up to people all the time you know in a nice friendly way okay I can become that and I compromise my spirit for the flesh and then we grow a nice church but you lose the power of the Spirit you understand none of the new people here okay so David I've heard the prophecies so do you guide prophesied you guys Thunder signs and wonders miracles okay so they've come for that I know new people here come for that but I'm not giving you that why because I can give you that and keep you here if you see me prophesy man you won't go anywhere else there's no one like prophet like me in this country so you won't go anywhere else if you see a me see heal the sick you won't go anywhere else but I'll give you the longest word right and where you will think if I'm going to say a lot of fast as well okay I let a fast as well what kind of church is this ah but that's the spirit let's spread that's great there's no compromise okay if you live for Jesus and we need to walk in Jesus but I walk in the spirit of God okay if you love Jesus and we want be saturated holy straight I want the leaders to come up and we're gonna pray for you guys okay you can pray for you guys this fast is gonna be easy you're gonna say it's easy not because I am strong now become my flesh is strong it's easy because the Spirit came upon me and is quickening my body surah Baqarah bashira bakura Bachand arabasadi thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Yara bakura bhavish Adira be yoga ba Baracus Arabic Arabic Cassandra Barbara Vasily
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 21,338
Rating: 4.8105264 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: dODiM7MApyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 6sec (5466 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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