Spike protein detox - update 113

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one of the most common questions that I've been receiving on the YouTube channel is how can you protect yourself from the spike damage so that's the topic of today's video Spike injury detox this based on a review that I read someone provided to me I think or maybe I found it I can't remember I go through a lot of literature but nevertheless I found it fascinating that's what I want to share with you today my name is Dr Molar rashik marog genomics let's get started all right so the Preamble before how you can how you can detoxify yourself some spike protein let's talk about the intro of the of this review and by the way just stay till the end of the video because at the end of the video I'm going to provide the table show you the table from this publication that lets all of the different proposed compounds and foods that could be protecting you in terms of both with regards to how to deal with the spike protein as well as how to potentially be boosting your immune system so check it out at the end because there's a lot of information and I think everyone can will be able to identify with something on in that table very very interesting but in the introduction the authors talked about that by the end of September 2022 so this is already last year approximately 7 % of everyone in the world was already inoculated with coid 19 vaccines which is absolutely an incredible number of of global population considering that we did this in the midst of a pandemic which is not how we typically supposed to be vaccinated normally vaccines are supposed to be used prophylactically now what does that mean since then we've also we've known that look these vaccines are also unprecedented in the co 19 vaccines are unprecedented because they were the fastest vaccines ever approved in history so that's very unusual and as a consequence because of that that meant also of course there was no long-term data available and that means there could be issues which is what basically prompted the authors to write this article in case there might be long-term issues and therefore how can we deal with this makes sense but in addition to that the authors also mentioned look the reason why these vaccines were especially mRNA vaccines which is also the type of technology that I'm very interested in as well the reason why these vaccines got this unprecedented fast approval is based on certain assumptions that since then simply turn out to be incorrect and they give couple examples number one is that the injection of the vaccine would remain at the side of injection and natur now not to be true numer apparently numerous Studies have shown I haven't looked at it they're just simply talking about this I'm just telling you what I'm reading in that what I was reading in that review that within hours or days you see Spike protein post injection Spike protein is circulating and therefore it can reach distant organs as well so that's issue number one and issue number two what we're told that this would that the spike protein itself would be very shortlived in post injection and that also not not to be true it was assumed that the lifespan of both the MRNA template as well as the spike protein would follow what what we naturally see with mRNA but remember the MRNA use in the vaccine is not natural it uses or I shouldn't say not natural it's it's contrived it's synthetic and it uses pseudo iDine genetic compounds that are not typically found and as a consequence they last longer and it looks that both the MRNA as well as the spike protein can last many weeks post injection as a consequence the authors mention look clearly this means that we could be seeing some long-term issues just because of that alone and that basically brings us now to the gist of this article which which is basically what can we do and they divided the article maybe like I would say into two main sections one was nutritional support so what can you do in terms of food to support yourself and then number two what can you do in terms of the spike Pro dealing with the spike protein itself the food itself and enhancing the quality of the food is to basically improve your immune system and then the the rest is to deal with the spike protein so let's deal with the food first that and we're going to go over briefly here so food also makes sense because recall that that obesity as well as diabetes which are conditions related to nutrition as well they were predisposing those individuals to Greater likelihood of experiencing damage from coid 19 as well so food makes sense so they mention look we're talking about the importance of eating Wholesome foods and plantbased diet in order to increase the number of oxidants antioxidants in in your diet so that's of course to reduce the oxidation level in happening in your body we did talk about that in one of the videos as well and as well as reduce the inflammation in your body so that that that is one thing they they they were me mentioning in there and uh one that I found that was also interesting is in terms of dealing with the spike protein there's a bridge between also the diet and and the spike protein as well so in terms of dealing with the spike protein they were mentioning there's four main Paths of attempting to do this number one is to improve your gut microbiota what we mean we mean that of course to basically improve the type of microorganisms that normally reside in your gut why is because historically or historically I should say in the midst of the pandemic it was known that coid 19 can influence the makeup of your gut microbiome and we did a video on this as well and the god microbiome can influence how your immune system functions as well how it will respond and clearly it its composition it can be reflected in the severity of the co 19 disease itself so that's a nice bridge between the nutrition and dealing with the spike proteins so they mention you with regards to nutrition you want to be considering um also focusing on prebiotics and probiotics as well and that includes ferment foods such as sour crows and kimchi and they specifically mention those two as well so I thought that was interesting but the other three factors how to deal with this the spike protein itself is one is to prevent the spike protein from doing its proper function which is to be able to interact with the receptors that it's supposed to be interacting with number two is to remove the spike protein as well so that's actually number three because microbiome would have been the first one and the last one number four is how to deal with the damage caused by the spike protein all right so we just talked about the the microbiome let's talk about now number two how to prevent proper function of Spike protein so there's that in itself can be divided into couple categories number one preventing its cleavage now the vinal spike protein they mention and I did not check the reference so I'm not sure how accurate that information is or not I didn't double check the reference and sometimes when I go on and check the references they turn out to be garbage so but I'm going to mention it anyway because I read this anyway and they mentioned that the vacinal spike protein seems to be producing different fragments post cleavage than what you can be observing with the wild type viral Spike protein as well so we're talking about much smaller fragments we don't really know what that really means but that's one way of actually preventing proper Spike protein function is to produce it's cleavage and there's a number of different ways how Spike protein can be cleaved including the furin cleavage and we talked about that numerous times in the past videos as well and the other one of course is to prevent the spike protein from being able to find to bind to The receptors it's supposed to be interacting with of course namely the big one is the A2 receptor that's the main receptor by which the SARS K2 virus binds to our cells and gains entry and one of the drugs that they mentioned the focused on specifically is metformin which is drug used in diabetes apparently that has been shown to prevent Spike protein interaction with the A2 receptor as well all right so that's in terms of how to prevent the proper function of the spike protein let's move on to the spike protein destruction probably what you'd be most interested in and basically they mention is if you want to start destroying the spike protein what you need to do is increase the the degradation of protein rate in your body and the best way and the only way really that they mention how to achieve that is to increase the process that is called aagi aagi we mentioned that once in in in in our video autoag is basically a process your natural process is taking place in your body that removes gun from your body including old proteins and now how can you now stimulate this process of autoag in in your body here you go that there's few of these number one is fasting and caloric restriction so reducing how much food you eat we had two videos dedicated to the topic of fasting in in the context of Co 19 so check that out number two reducing the number of protein you consume and that is especially powerful in conjunction to fasting number three this is one I found interesting and surprising increasing heat exposure such as sauna so if you ever wonder why SAA might be good for you or why sauna might be healthy well there you go apparently it increases aagi the reverse of that increasing exposure to cold also apparently increases out ofi so if you ever want to douse yourself with cold shower that might be a good reason why I guess right and um next one let's see let me try to remember now we're I think we're going to move on to few diet ones as well okay so um let's talk about uh let's talk about that which ones the number five was compound called sper sper minine I think it was called it's found in wheat chm or spermidine one of those two names I'll put the correct name in the video that's found in the wheat germ um so that's number five number six they mention flavonoids which can be for example found in wine um phenolic compounds so once again we're talking about food which is also can be very useful for improving your immune system as well and coffee all of these apparently can help induced aagi now next was compound that is also often found in M now see if I can remember that Resveratrol hopefully I got that name correctly as well so that one can induce aoag and apparently it mimics the mimics compounds that prevent protein production as well I think that's what it does or either way it in stimulates out of um so there there was that and um let's see what are the the last ones uh one more aha here we go that that one um metformin that diabetes medication once again in this case apparently it also can promote out ofaj as well and the last one that they mention so you can see it's a long list uh was um use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and ozone therapy we mentioned hyperbaric oxygen therapy once before in terms of proposed methods for long Co treatment as well based on a number of scientists that talked about clots and this is how basically one the authors also mention in the introduction we know protein can cause damage and it's microc clotting that is one of the ways that it could be destroying the vascular system as well that's why you might want to be interested in making sure you remove Spike protein as much as possible and we have entire series dedicated to that topic all right so there's that and then finally the last section was in terms of how do you reduce the damage that has been produced by the spike protein and once again we're talking about making sure that you reduce anti um reduce inflammation use of antioxid ents and of course we're talking about reduction of those cloting formations and the author specifically mentioned aspirin that was one of the questions that been also ask in the YouTube comments apparently these authors saying aspirin has a very long history in in helping people dealing with clot so it might be very good way uh to deal with it that way and another one specific compound compound they specifically focused on was nines as well and and uh it's a fibrinolytic compound and you can get that from fermented soy Foods as well and we did a video on that to kindness as well so please check that out besides that they included a very long table so please check out this table and what I like to do is I would invite you to leave comments and let me know because what I liked about this table is that these authors provide scientific referen in terms of why they mention these compounds and why why they mention these compounds that they do what they do is based on scientific evidence and I'm going to choose the number one compound based on your selection based on what you leave in the comments and whatever it is whether it's on a few comments or or dozens and dozens then I'm going to pick one and I'm going to study those references and I'm going to make future videos on those as well so while we show this table please check it out and let us know all right that's all I have for you today one of my favorite topics to study because of the fact that obviously like I'm as I mentioned this is it's a very common question and we need to get to the bottom of this please share this video that's obviously important that's how also how we grow subscribe to our Channel check out our patreon account patreon account is dedicated to more controversial topics that don't make it to this channel and we also recently open a account as well so check that out and uh thank you for all your comments and and your support and I look as always I look forward to seeing you in a future installment bye [Music] everyone
Channel: Merogenomics
Views: 145,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nattokinase, how to destroy spike protein, spike protein detox, how to remove spike protein, spike protein degradation, destroy spike protein, detox from spike protein, remove spike protein, how to recover from spike, can i heal from spike, vaccine damage, covid vaccine damage, how to get rid of spike protein, nattokinase spike protein, covid spike protein, this destroys spike protein, nutrition spike protein, spike protein removal, spike protein blood clots elimination
Id: tQ5xqLmYWig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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