Spiderman vs Sneaky Villain! The Floor Is Lava!

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[man laughs] What? What is going on here? The floor is... Lava! [man laughs] No! [adventurous music] [swooshing sounds] Good thing I'm the best Spiderman in the world. Not so fast. I'm definitely the best Spiderman here. No, I'm the best Spiderwoman. Oh yeah, well try this. It's so easy. I'm kind of thirsty. I have an idea. [swooshing sounds] I love my spidey-powers. [yelling] Hey! Let me out! [boy laughs] Fine. There we go. Don't forget guys, I'm the one who snuck into Dr. Bad Guy's cave and took his key to his secret machine. [man laughs] My gigantic machine is going to take over the world. Little does Spiderman know that the key to my machine is this secret little piece right here. He will never get it. It took me years to create. I'm almost done, I'm almost done, and then I will take over the world. [laughs] A secret machine? How can I get that? Yes! [ball crashes against the wall] What was that? What was that? I heard something. Let's go! That was weird. Now where was I? No, no, no! Where's the key to my machine? Where is it? It was just right here in my intelligent little hands. No, no! It was Spiderman. How did he get in here? How did he fool me? I must find that Spiderman as soon as possible to get my key to my machine back. And then I can take over the world! He can't finish construction on his machine unless he has this key. I know, I know, I know. He's probably looking for us right now. But if he finds us, we'll be ready. [swooshing sounds] How about the warp wall? Come on. [yells] Maybe we should have a Spiderman competition. That's a great idea! We'll see who the fastest Spiderman is. And the strongest Spiderman. I'm definitely the best Spiderman. [man laughs] What's up, fun squad? Guess what? I have a little surprise for Spiderman or Spiderwoman or Spiderpeople, whatever they are. I don't even care. What's important is that I get my key back to my powerful machine. What's that you say? Why do I need the key to my powerful machine? 'Cause I want to take over the world! [laughs] [falls down] What was that? So I took this all-powerful infinity gauntlet glove from the all-powerful villain Thanos. I've got the power. I've got the power. I've got the power. That's the power of love. That's the power of love. I've got the power. I've got the power. That's the power of love. T H A N O S power. T H A N O S power. What, what, what? No! No! No! Time to get out of here before Thanos realizes it's me with his precious infinity gauntlet glove. [playful music] Time to see how the Spiderman trio does without their precious Spidey-powers. I wonder what this little button does. [laughs] [electronic sound] What happened? I felt it too. Yeah, me too, it's like, my Spidey-powers, they're gone. Yeah, me too. It's like, I don't feel strong anymore. [bouncing sound] And now, time to heat things up a little bit. [laughs] What? What is going on here? The floor is... Lava! [children scream] What are you doing here? Dr. Bad Guy? That's right, Spiderman, you are all trapped because the whole floor is lava! [laughs] The floor is lava! [laughs] Let us go. Yeah, now. No way. Not until you give me my key back to my precious machine. Never! I knew you would say that. How about a deal then? What deal? Here's how it'll work. You will all have to make it through my Spiderman ninja obstacle course with six obstacles in only three minutes. What? No! And did I mention that the floor is lava! Yeah, you already said that. If you can make it through all of my obstacles in three minutes, then you can go free. But if you do not, you have to give my machine key back. I don't think we can trust him. Well, he is a crazy villain. Even if we do win, he's not gonna leave until he gets what he wants. Okay, Dr. Bad Guy, if we win, then you have to give us Thanos' powerful glove. Okay! All right guys, we have to do this. Yeah, the safety of the world depends on us right now. They didn't see that I had crossies. Now time to sit back and enjoy the show. But we don't have our Spidey-powers. I don't think we can make it through the Spidey-course without our Spiderman powers. Guys, we have to do this. But we can't do without our superpowers. I just don't feel like I have the power to do all this. We don't need our superpowers. We are all strong inside, we just need to dig in and find our inner strength. We will do this. We are strong. We got this. Nobody can take away our courage. Let's go! Okay, your three minutes starts right now! [jumping sounds] Nice and warm! Toasty! The first obstacle is over. First obstacle down. Those were pretty easy. Yeah, but it looks like they get harder as we go. Next, the rings. This is gonna be pretty hard. I guess I'll go first. Spiderman, the room is nice and warm. And I am getting hungry. How about a hot dog? [laughs] There we go, yes, this looks good. Come on Spiderman, you got this! Yeah! Spiderman, are you ready for some breakfast? Here we go! Let's cook you an egg. [laughs] Get that one, yeah! Okay, you're halfway through. Come on. Make it to the end! Yeah, Spiderman, you got this! You got this! Come on Spiderman! Come on Miles, you got this! Come on Miles. It's almost done, Spiderman. Ready for your breakfast burrito? I like it, I personally like scrambled eggs better, but I know that you like it this way. Here we go. You got this. Come on! Come on! Guys, I don't think I can do this one! Yes you can! I believe in you! You got this. Come on Gwen! I don't know! Hey Spiderpeople, you're running out of time! [laughs] I believe in you, Gwen! Come on, you got this, yeah! You got this! Come on! Only two minutes left! I got this. I got this! Come on Gwen! I knew you could do it. We're running out of time and we still have a long way to go. Feeling hot, hot, hot, feeling hot, hot, hot. Next obstacle is fly wheels. [yells] Come on Miles, come on Miles! All right! You'd better hurry! The safety of the world is in your hands! You got this! You got this Gwen, come on Gwen, you got this Gwen! Come on, yeah! All right. This is nice and warm, Spiderman. How about some Hot Tamales? Don't mind if I do. Did I mention the floor is lava? [laughs] This lava is hot. [groans] Just nuts roasting on an open lava. Actually the store didn't have chestnuts. I couldn't find them anywhere so almonds are the next best thing. Here we go. That's hot. This lava's so crazy. Go fast, but don't look down. Dr. Bad Guy, why do you have to turn the floor into lava? Because I want to win! Come on Spiderman, I believe in you. Yeah, you believed in me, so I believe in you now. Choose courage over fear, choose courage over fear. Fun Squad, give us a big thumbs up to help Spiderman get across this obstacle. And for good luck. Come on Spiderman! Come on Spiderman! I got this. You got this. You got this Peter Parker! Come on, you got this! You got this, Peter Parker! You made it! Oh yeah! So entertaining. These really are hot. Nice work, I knew you could do it. Thanks, but let's get going. Time is running out. This is hot. Halfway done. Next obstacle, the Spider wall. Is it even possible to do the Spider wall without our Spidey-powers? I'm still hungry and I need another snack. How about some popcorn? All right, let's cook it, here we go. Well, only one way to find out. This looks kind of hard, you guys. What a show. This roasting marshmallows thing is kind of fun. And I can't think of any s'more jokes. [laughs] Oh no. What is it? The next obstacle. I don't think I can do this one. We have to. Dr. Bad Guy said we have to finish the entire course. But we have to balance so perfectly. But what if I slip? Spiderman, you won't. Just stay focused and walk straight. Yeah, you believed in us back there, so we believe in you. Hey Spiderman, only one minute left! Hey Fun Squad, smash that like button down below to give Spiderman some courage to finish this obstacle! You got this! I believe in you! You're right, I don't need my Spidey-powers. I just need to focus. Come on. Let's do this. Come on Spiderman. Come on Miles. You got this. Yeah! Nice, you made it. [laughs] Doing good Spiderman! And now for a little snack, ice cream. Maybe not such a good idea in a room with lava, but oh well. Still good. We have two obstacles left and we're running out of time. Let's go quick. Come on. Balance, balance. I can't believe it! It's looking a little bright in there with the floor is lava! [laughs] That's much better! We believed in each other and made it through the hard obstacles. I'm proud of us. We never gave up but we have to finish strong. All right, the warp wall, the biggest challenge of them all. We can do this. We have to do this. We will do this. Only 30 seconds left! All right, final obstacle, I can do this. I'm fast, I'm strong, and I can make this 12 foot warp wall without my Spidey powers. Focus, choose courage over fear. 10! Choose courage over fear! Eight, seven, six, five, no, four, three, no! Yeah, we made it! Yeah, we made it! No, how? No. I never thought they would make it. No! No! No! Yes! Finally. We made it. All right Dr. Bad Guy, we made it through all the six Spiderman ninja obstacles, now it's time to pay up. Yeah Dr. Bad Guy, give us that Thanos glove. No. What, what do you mean "No"? You can't do that. You promised. Yes I can, you should have paid better attention. I had crossies. [laughs] Fine , if you're gonna cheat us out of our win, then I'm gonna drop your precious machine thing into the lava right now. No, you wouldn't dare. Of course I dare. Throw us the infinity gauntlet and we won't throw your tiny machine into the lava. No, no, you wouldn't do that. No, please don't, please don't! Okay, fine. The floor is no longer lava. [yells] It works. It's no longer lava! [yells] I missed you, my floor. I never knew the floor would be so beautiful. Great job you guys. The lava is gone! Finally! Oh no. Now for our Spidey-powers. [electrical noise] Whoa, I feel powerful! I feel stronger! Yes, my Spidey-powers are back! Yeah, and my powers are back, too! [bouncing sound] What? Oh no, my Spidey-powers, they're not working! [bouncing sound] [whispers] Fun Squad, watch this. Gwen! Get back here! Gwen are you serious, you tricked us! Yeah that's not funny! You tricked us! Make sure to like and subscribe! Thanks Fun Squad!
Channel: Kids Fun TV
Views: 57,477,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiderman, Spider-man, Spider man, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Ghost Spider, Kids Fun TV, Fun Squad, spidey, superhero, superheroes, super hero, super heroes, Marvel, Avengers, Aunt May, Into the Spider-verse, MJ, villain, kids, fun, toy, toys, videos for kids, Jazzy Skye, Jack Skye, Kade Skye, vs, hulk, thor, superman, ninja, spy ninja, sneaky, floor is lava, spy ninjas, the floor is lava, Captain Marvel, Ironman, Iron man, Flash, The Flash, superhero showdown, super powers, spidey power
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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