Kids Fun TV Crazy Doll Compilation! Sneaky Doll Videos in Order!

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[Music] hey fun squad this video might be a little spooky for our younger audience but before we get started make sure to like and subscribe below whoa yes that's mine what's in here [Music] guys what guys there's a creepy doll in the drawer right here a doll something you must have left it here let me go see i wouldn't look if i were you why not it wasn't just any dog who was a creepy dog are you scared no fine see for yourself i wanna see you're such a trickster and i actually believed you no guys i swear i saw her whatever k i know it's october but knock off your silly jokes guys knock it off hey guys mom and i are gonna grab takeout we'll be back in just a little bit okay okay dad don't leave why if you're too scared you can go with dad yeah you guys are old enough to stay here for a few minutes by yourself but kade if you want to you can come with us it's okay i guess i'll stay okay we'll see you guys in a little bit bye [Music] okay kate i saw the doll but now it's gone i told you what you're in on it too no jack i really really saw it oh no a disappearing dolly the doll was just right there and now she's gone dollars can't walk talk or move what was that i'm not [Music] see the scared can just hit over that's super creepy well i don't see a doll but what the heck just did you bring that doll all the way here to freak us out on vacation no are you crazy well how did it get here maybe somebody left it in the hotel room what should we do what is happening i don't know [Music] do you think the doll is doing that [Music] what is happening i don't know but i'm not gonna let a dumb dog scare me come come on guys let's go find that dumb dog um [Music] well that was weird i think it left i don't know but i just went god [Music] mom and dad are never gonna believe us do you remember ethan nicoley from extreme choice tv they have the same problem on their channel we need their help quick give them a call okay sneaky tech squad ethan speaking what do you need ethan there's a crazy doll in our hotel room and it's doing spooky stuff whoa whoa whoa slow down it keeps disappearing and freaking us out sounds familiar but we trapped it and we don't know how to get rid of it can you help us we've experienced that stuff come on over come on guys let's go [Applause] hey guys come on in okay thanks so much for helping we didn't know what to do what did you got there well they called us and saying that they had some crazy doll so i told them to come over we could tell them what to do yeah we trapped it in the suitcase you let them bring it here no no it's fine it's fine the sneaker that's going to do pretty much anything okay fine what do you got wait this is already opened [Applause] calm down [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you're the oldest why don't you go check it out yeah you're the oldest what are you a bunch of chickens are you boys or are you men [Music] i'm not afraid no dumb dogs play the dog anyways yeah it was just the dog [Applause] wait is your sister home uh no i don't think so just go check it out let's hope it stays in there in the meantime [Music] no way awesome ethan which one should i use this one's really good i like this one's really accurate cool this is one of my favorites awesome epic let's see them no way hey guys you have trampoline too yeah yeah of course most of my sweet tricks oh yeah guys we're on a mission don't get distracted it'll be fine she's trapped in there anyways yeah let's go [Music] [Music] there she is what how did she get in here what are we gonna do the monsters are not there [Music] [Applause] [Music] there she [Music] my is [Music] [Music] it's showdown time this town ain't big enough for the both of us little lady [Music] where'd she go she disappeared did we get her i don't know i gotta look around let's scout she out tata spooky doll watch this one shot [Music] oh [Music] that stinks to be that guy thanks sneak attack squad [Music] this video might be a little creepy for our younger audience yes this is so relaxing [Music] beautiful weather beautiful beach nothing can go wrong today [Music] nothing can go wrong [Music] i can't wait to go surfing later and snorkeling hey guys i'm gonna go and build an awesome sandcastle right now [Music] perfect [Music] the pretty door's back wait where she just popped your head out of the bucket uh i didn't see anything april fool's day is over so you can knock off the jokes no guys really she was just there oh really then where is she nice try kade come on jazzy let's go toss the football i know i just saw her i'm back seriously kade i'm back nice try kid what an elaborate joke that wasn't me guys it's gotta be her uh-huh whatever guys over there what where seriously she just poked your head out of the water it's probably somebody snorkeling sometimes you take your jokes a little too far you guys have to take me seriously [Music] what do you mean knock what off wait who squirted me kate i don't know how you're doing that but stop it there she is guys come on let's just go inside yeah if he's just gonna keep teasing us let's just go inside what what was that she was right there under the towel are you just trying to scare me now too no she's back yeah right what what like she was right there oh yeah right how did she get to hawaii then did she dig a tunnel through the sand then maybe she surfed here or something surfed that's hilarious have you ever seen a doll on a surfboard wait what's that [Music] yeah right i'm not gonna look there's nothing there you have to believe us the crazy doll is back i'm not gonna let a dumb baby doll scare me [Music] no way how did she beat us through the house it's locked let's try the back door great idea this one's locked too no way she's behind us on the beach that doll is so sneaky let's see if we can spy on her hey wait what is she doing [Music] what is she doing she's making a mess mom and dad are gonna blame us [Music] i'm gonna go and get mom and dad looks like it's up to us it stopped but it looks like now she's in the fridge whoa she was really like hot dogs or just surprises oh she's making a giant mess we've got to stop her what you doing now that's it i've had enough of this are we really gonna let a doll spook us like this are we kids or are we babies i'm not afraid we're locked out though so how are we gonna get inside we gotta trick her to get her to open the door hmm hey kelly left your barbie doll out here hey jack maybe the crazy doll wants a little friend great idea barbie wants to play here she comes in position oh take that crazy dog wait where did she go maybe she left yeah right i told you that dog was sneaky well she's the one knocked down now well wherever you are doll you're not getting in [Applause] what was that why are you scared no i mean no you look pretty scared to me i'm not scared of some baby doll you are no you are no you are [Music] she's throwing paper plates at us really paper plates that's the best you got she disappeared again last time we saw her we had a trapper that's it we have to trap her hey dad has those fishing nets what about that perfect let's catch her come on come on wherever you are come out dolly we just want to play disney doll is good at having a snake maybe she's in a closet or something maybe she's behind a pillow she's gotta be here somewhere i almost got here i'm gonna get you creepy dog [Music] where'd she go jack don't move why what's wrong just free [Music] well that didn't work we don't need these nuts they're useless hey crazy joe i'm back [Applause] let's split up come on [Music] sorry guys false alarm [Music] hey tayden was that you what what are you talking about [Music] [Music] no i didn't have you how could i possibly tap you from all the way over here well then who tapped us then [Applause] we need to find that dog now yeah let's go find that dog come on [Music] [Music] there's something crazy going on around here come on guys maybe she's over here [Music] [Music] wait a minute where are we running from the dog we're the ones with the blasters [Music] [Music] where'd she go she disappeared again she's gone left out smarter but what would a baby doll want i have an idea um yes great idea jack perfect okay everybody let's hide yeah cassie come over here and hide hey everybody i woke up from my map hey tyler's pinky kalia don't touch it come over here oh okay we're trying to catch the crazy doll come and hide with us there she is here she comes oh a cute dolly that is not a cute dolly that is a crazy dolly i feel a bite roll it in reel it in it's working it's working oh stand back one wow [Music] sorry sorry who did that who did that who did that no i'm sorry that just happened great alien jack i can't believe they don't landed on a surfboard [Music] [Music] ten seven six five four three two one zero ready or not here i come [Music] where are they [Music] what who is that is that you jazzy i'm gonna find you what was that noise [Music] huh what was that [Music] jack you scared me scared you is it the point of hide and seek to find you well i thought i heard somebody in the bushes so i got a little nervous no one's here but us let's go find cage come on [Music] huh [Music] gotcha well that's not fair you were throwing pinecones at me pine cones no i wasn't what are you talking about jazzy then you were throwing them i don't know what you're talking about but you're it kids ethan and cole are on the phone from extreme toys you mean the sneak attack squad they're trying to facetime you i'm heading to the store i'll be back soon i'll see ya okay mom bye yes i think ethan and cole are in town they might want to hang out come on wait i think i left my ball oh i think it bounced over there in the bushes i don't see it over here i don't see it over here what i just saw a crazy doll in the bush what are you serious let me see it's maybe one of cleo's i don't see anything nope not all here me neither what i'm serious guys it was just right there oh i see a disappearing dolly i can't believe i fell for that no guys i'm serious she was just right here come on kade we all know that you're the truckster in this family come on no i'm serious kaden i know it's october so knock off your silly joke what guys you gotta believe me i'm serious guys [Music] dogs can't walk talk or move yeah you're a pretty good actor and how convenient that it's almost halloween you take your jokes too far you have to believe me guys guys not this time kade no guys you have to leave me it's locked it's locked how could it be mama's just here i bet it was her it was a crazy doll i knew it if she was behind you in the yard then how could she be inside locking the door whatever let's look through the window what's taking them forever yeah unless she has a room with a bookshelf hey fun squad where are you yeah should we call back later i don't see anything wait what's that [Music] wait what's that [Music] there's a little girl no that's not a little girl that's a doll who is that i don't know oh no the crazy girl's back we gotta warn them guys i'm telling you it's a crazy doll all right uncle jack's phone she's making a mess we've got to get in there now do you believe me oh it's really her what are we gonna do jack jack your crazy doll is back i know i know i know what are we gonna do well what is she doing now oh no no what what she's destroying my lego set what that took us months to build um is there some way you can trap her you ready to her cabin in the woods if you can we'll get rid of her for good all right okay see ya what are you doing oh no where'd she go she disappeared again come on guys let's go inside and get her [Music] come on shh [Music] in here guys oh yeah that crazy doll is no match for our nerf blasters come on let's go get her oh yeah what in the world is this what what what is all this mess oh no mom's kitchen is ruined yeah what is she doing in here yeah it's like a construction phone you know how mom is she won't believe us if we tell her it's the crazy doll again yeah she's gonna blame us for this mess look at these walls it's like she's sanding them down yeah why would she do that did you hear that yeah she's gotta be in there [Music] oh no what should we do guys i don't know but she can't stay in our house i love halloween but i don't want that crazy doll in our house again well we do have our nerf blasters yeah but what's the point if we can't even find her yeah she's extra sneaky this time well we have to do something before mom comes home guys the doll is creepy you know guys i'm getting pretty tired of this remember what the sneak attack squad told us on the phone if we can just catch her we can bring her to ethan and cool in the woods and then she'll be gone for good yeah let's get rid of her once and for all hey look here's a box ah okay now one two now let's bring it to even call in the woods yeah yeah time to let her deal with the sneak attack squad yeah let's go there's ethan nicole's kevin yeah hey what's up fun squad hey squad okay okay did you bring her yeah she's right here you let them bring their crazy doll here come on cole they have no experience with this stuff we're like masters now come on have you guys been doing we haven't seen you in a long time we've been awesome how are you guys enough with a small talk let's figure out what's going on here he's right what are we gonna do with this crazy dog that keeps on coming after us i have just this thing have you guys ever heard of the yeti yeah but our yeti isn't real we came up here because there's one in these woods somewhere that's why we came to this cabin to capture the yeti no way are you serious i've heard that crazy dolls are always scary yetis and if they see one they'll be scared away forever could it be true well it's our only option uh guys what are you thinking sorry we were in a hurry all right calm down calm down guys chill out all right we have tons of experience with this stuff we have it under control and we'll get her get your blasters we have a dog fine okay where is she i don't see her how do we catch this crazy doll anyway yeah and how in the world are we gonna find a yeti well we have learned that yetis and dolls have the same weakness really yep they both love twinkies twinkies come on ethan stop teasing us no guys it's true what wait what come on we're the sneaker squad you gotta trust us come on come on come here look looking plants make a plan [Music] 100 twinkies now that's a lot of twinkies we're sure to catch them now twinkies all right you guys you start laying a trail over there us we'll start laying one over here okay let's go come on go go hurry right there even further keep going keep going another one oh it's creepy sliding right here i think i stepped on the one okay you ready ready three two one oh hey ethan what should i do with the rest of my twinkie dump them right there do it come on this way let's go right over this [Music] wow it's really working and you said it wouldn't work ethan where's the yeti the crazy doll won't stay much longer i told you just be paint hey yes that's awesome thanks ethan yeah i think she's gone for good now now what do we do about this big yeti problem don't you guys even worry for a second i've got it all under control [Music] oh yeah i do you wouldn't here goes nothing [Music] told you you guys had to trust the sneak attack squad wow that just happened make sure to like and subscribe below
Channel: The Fun Squad
Views: 30,437,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids fun tv, fun squad, crazy doll, wild doll, dollmaker, doll maker, doll, sneaky, escape, nerf, nerf adventure, returns, sneak attack squad, extreme toys, extreme toys tv, wild toy, ethan and coley, jazzy skye, jack skye, kade skye, toy, nerf attack, the doll maker, the dollmaker, videos for kids, toys, compilation
Id: lr48of7Xtlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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