Spider-Man PS4: Doctor Octopus Final Boss Fight and Ending

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We did the impossible, Doc... ... but now I have to destroy it... ...with a little creation of my own. *Music* *Music* And once again! We have live footage of Mayor Osborn being held captive on the roof of Oscorp Tower. You want me to beg? Not gonna happen! Muhahahaha The world will know the truth... ...before they mop you off the pavement! AAARGHHAAA! Tell them what you did! I... ...never... AAAh! Everything you have is built on lies. LIES! AAAAAAAA! Uhh hu hu hu hu HU hu hu hu hu hu hu HUU hu You stole my company... ...my ideas! Now, the truth! The truth? Okay! The truth is... ...you were only ever worth a damn when you worked for me! The truth is... ...you could never accept that I'm better than you! You're a failure, Otto... ...and you always will be! AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA Hoo ughh hu ah Give me the antiserum! Otto... ...you worked your whole life to help people, please! You're fighting the wrong man! But have it your way! We don't have much time, please! I'll turn over the antiserum when Osborn pays for his crimes! Uhh! Just give me the antiserum... ...you've already done enough to ruin Osborn! NO! He always bounces back! He has to lose everything! I see you have a new suit! It won't help! I know your weaknesses! I have no weaknesses! You're wasting my time! Enough playing! Gotta move. People are dying, they need the antiserum NOW! I will cure the city... ...after I bring down Osborn! Let me save the city, then we can do whatever you want! I already know what I want... ...now get out of my way before I really hurt you! How much is Osborn paying you to protect him? I'm not protecting him,... ...I'm trying to save the city! Give me the antiserum and I promise... ...Osborn will face charges! Liar! Just like Osborn. Nothing but lies! What happent to the an who wanted to help people? The weakling? The loser? He's gone! Enough of this! What are you...? ou! AAAARGHAAA!! Such a dissapontment! Parker! You knew? I tried to warn you Peter, but you didn't listen! You knew! I won't let you win! This means too much to me! Not more than it means to ME! Can't you see all the people you're hurting?! You'll never understand... ...you haven't suffered like I have! You should be on my side! I was! Please, think of the man you were! That man is gone! You can't save me Peter! Then I guess... ...you'll have to save... ...yourself! You were my hero! You meant so much to me! I hate that you're making me do this! We were going to change the world! You look tired, Parker! Not tired... ...just hurt! HHRGHAA! Otto stop! GRGHAAAAAHAAAA Oh, Parker... ...if you wanna change the world... ...you have be the kind of man... ...who can make the hardest decisions! I couldn't... ...agree... ...MORE!!! AAHHHHH! Ahhh! NO! NOOOOOOO! GARGHAAAAAAHAA *boom* AAAHHHHHH! The antiserum! AAHHHHHH!!! Peter... I saw you as a son! I should've known you'd turn on me... ...just like all the others. Turn? Turn? I worshipped you! Your mind, your conscience. Wanting to help others... The way you never gave up! That's because men like us have a duty. A responsibillity To use our talents in the service of others... ...even if they don't appreciate it. We have to do what's best for those beneath us. Whether they understand it or not! No, you're wrong! You were everything I wanted to be! You just threw it away! Yes, of course. You're right, Peter. I see that now. The neural interface... ...affacted my mind. But I can fix it. We can fix it, together! If you'll help me. I'll do everything I can. I'll make sure you get the best help. NO! If they put me away... ...they'll take my arms! I'll be trapped in this USELESS body! Please, Peter. That wasn't me... ...you said you'll never abandon me... ...you promised, remember? And of course... ...you'll rest easy... ...knowing your secret is safe with me. You do what you think is best, Doc. It's all any of us can. Peter? Even when it hurts like hell. Peter, where are you going? Peter! Peter!!!
Channel: Boss Fight Database
Views: 3,146,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider man, doctor octopus, spider man ps4 ending, spider-man, spiderman walkthrough, ps4, sony, spiderman ps4 boss, spiderman boss, spiderman ps4, dr octopus, marvel, final boss, 1080, spiderman gameplay, hd, dr octopus boss fight, spiderman boss battle, 1080p, spider man ps4, spiderman, spiderman ending, true ending, playstation, boss fight database, secret ending, ending, otto, otto octavius, spiderman boss fight, bfd, spiderman ps4 ending, spiderman ps4 boss fight
Id: TzZ1jJ0uyWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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