Full Length and Fabulous: The Beckham's World Cup Party

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tonight david and victoria beckham invite you to the biggest party of the year meet their a-list celebrity guests i don't know anything about football check out the designer dresses it's alice tempe alexander mcqueen sharon cunningham morgan the fake find out what gordon ramsay dished up for dinner i love that thing the ice cream and the two rich crackers great and discover the amazing amount of money raised for charity congratulations wayne rooney yeah you're hanging with me it's full length and it's fabulous she's five person i'm falling it's may the 21st 2006. in just four hours time 500 of the uk's most rich and famous people will be arriving here at david and victoria beckham's house in hertfordshire for the party of the year the dress code is full length and fabulous the press speculation has been huge everyone wants to know who's coming and what it will be like but it's not the only party the beckhams are hosting today in another part of the grounds 50 children have come to meet a couple who've had a huge impact on their lives tonight's party is to raise money for the prince's trust unicef and the beckham's own children's charity our charity has been running for a few years now and it's something very close to our hearts my mum runs our charity we have no overheads we help young children and teenagers it's just something we feel very passionate about we've never let anybody know about our charity before because it's been a really personal thing but when the idea of the party came up we just figured you know we raised a lot of money for other charities this time we want to really raise a profile and raise a lot of money for hours and for us it's really important it means so much hi i'm victoria hi nice to meet you and your mum yes exactly the same exactly the same you've been copying me you're sure i think you have and our hair is the same have you seen the clowns they're a bit scary or do you think they are a bit scary they've got more makeup on than me and can't say that about many people one of the main aims of the beckham's children's charity is to provide equipment to aid mobility we provide trikes for children um just different things that families need lots of wheelchairs just different things that lots of families need and because they have children with disabilities things that will make their lives easier one little girl who's already benefited from their charity is six-year-old tilly who has spinal muscular atrophy a form of motor neurone disease we were driving candice to the ballet school and tilly was about two years old and i kept saying to my mum when can i stop ballet and she said when you're two and a half i just didn't know what to say because tilly's unable to walk let alone to dance and i drove all the way with tears burning in my eyes thinking oh that's all she wants to do so i must find a way and they did by customizing a specially designed walking frame but it needed to be paid for and that's where the beckham's came in they were just over the moon to find that they were in a position to help support tilly and fund the old thing in all dancing dancing frame that she's now just taken delivery off i sit in a pin like the whole swing and then they have a pink strap around there to keep me up no little pink hairdressed today is a big day for tilly because she's about to meet the people who enabled her to dance [Music] wow look at that how pretty do you look you look just like a princess you look so pretty are you having fun yeah look at your hair look is that your real hair is that extensions mine's kids were so cute and they really made an effort i mean the two little girls in like those ballerina dresses little tutus and george's quest and the cross and it was unbelievable i mean these these families have come a long way i'll give you a kiss i'll give you a kiss okay are you ready for this though you're gonna give my love here i bet you don't want mine off of me for us it was a great opportunity to to meet the children you know because we're often we're in spain so this was the one time where we were here in england together and it was so much fun and that's what it's about whilst victoria's mom organized the children's party single-handedly when you're entertaining 500 of the rich and famous that's not such a good idea victoria and david have employed a few party planners since they've been married and know exactly what they want they started planning this party six months ago and we followed their preparations all the way it's february in madrid and victoria's favorite party planner peregrine armstrong jones has come for a meeting to make sure that the party lives up to its name full-length and fabulous i first worked with victoria and david back in 1999 when they had their wedding in ireland so we're very used to working together she's great fun to work with really has a fantastic sense of humor hello victoria hey how are you great to see you again what's the lovely spot you got on your nose there peregrine thank you very much you're too kind victoria what have you got with you tablecloths would you like to go sit down okay i generally take on projects like this probably about once every six or seven weeks but ultimately we make sure that each one receives the same amount of care because the detail that goes into them and the way that we put them together ultimately reflects on how much guests enjoy themselves at the end that is um okay so the great thing is when anybody comes out from london because we don't go home very often they come laden with things from my mum or from the office in london yeah we've always got something if you're okay for time i was just gonna go through a few things okay with you maybe start with the invitation oh that looks fantastic yeah that looks really nice she's five person on full length work that one out yeah we want people to dress up be glamorous enjoy themselves you know it's not every day that you get the opportunity to go to something where you can dress in this way so that's just my sense of humor full length and fabulous and you are it's a great name it's a great name it's a great name we've obviously gone with the colors that you've blended with kelly yeah and we've got the shape that i think you like with the border yeah oh it looks great well the event organiser's job really on a project like this is to make sure that you actually get inside victoria's head because she has a picture of what this party is going to look like the dance floor is this rectangular area here do you reckon we could have maybe some sort of ivy on the balustrade to make them less exhibition-centrist why not all right we can do that to give it a bit more of a woody feel that is a sample of your dancing mirror god which is a thought it's nice that's a crap picture in it look thanks for having me sorry um okay that's what it looks like so it's it obviously has a slight ripple effect yeah what do you think that's quite fabulous isn't it aren't you going to look up everybody's skirts no because we do clever things with it it's not great is it make sure you put knickers on that we have to make sure we don't have any floozies on your dance floor that could look quite fabulous though well we tried the painted silver one and it just looked loving that yeah quite loving that yeah we can see everything from here we've tested it you can just imagine him at the office come on ladies on the dance floor our job is to make sure that it's built to time that the space is the right size that every single element like the catering the flowers the wcs valley parking the temperature the views from the tent every possible detail you can imagine links in to really form a seamless event that is a sort of overview the house was a bit obscured yeah and you and david were i think happier to have a little bit more intimacy in the party we've done parties out the back so this is something different and yeah people feel more like they're coming to a party at our house nearer to the house exactly and then the plan is for them to start at the drive yeah drive all the way through and then end up at the house outside the front door yeah which really feels like they are your guess yeah i think victoria has to take a lot of the credit because i think you know she's had a lot to do with everything that's been done in her garden and uh in the in the marquee gardening yeah yeah [Music] to wake up but she does have before she you know throws another one of these little things and she always does when we're doing live interviews like the golden balls thing and other things that she throws in but i think victoria has to take a lot of the credit for you know the things that have gone on in the um are you going to do like um a setting because as much as i would normally say let's go for it all right let's go for it all clear i am concerned about this whole wedding look do you mean having too much white yeah but i like the idea of just throwing in something a little bit more random like that i love all these colored ones you just need like a heavier kind of tumbler as opposed to that don't you yeah that looks like what you get out of a petrol station i know what you mean it's a little bit cheap and cheerful isn't it compared to the others i mean even that's even that's lovely i think what everybody feels is that they'd love the chance to maybe have some kind of a chat with you yeah i can speak to anybody over the phone i mean i'm not at home that's the only thing all right i've just done it while sunbathing i mean i've sat there on the lounger and you know run up the caterers and we said she never sunbathed as well i'm kind of blending in with the sofa nicely aren't i at the moment so we've sort of played around with the grays have you felt that texture quite sexy isn't it well sexy yeah it's not getting me going but i know what you mean the menu for the party has been designed by the beckham's close friend mr gordon ramsey we wanted gordon because one is a he's a friend of ours and two for me is the best chef and to have him involved in our party doing the food for everybody is amazing did gordon design this i don't think gordon's into design gordon should stick to bloody food if he did she might be confident in his menu but victoria's not entirely happy with what the waiters will be wearing i'm not sure i like i like black with you know those long pennies that they wear that go down to the floor yeah floor length apron i think that's better that reminds me of like buttons from pantomime or something okay we're quite young to be holding a party of this scale you know this is only the second time we've done this and we're you know we're still quite young we're still learning you know we often go to elton and david's big event but they've been doing this for years and it's always fabulous and it's always going to be great but this is a new thing for us so it's exciting but the support from sponsors um to friends to family has been absolutely incredible i think it's all those little details and that's what you're so brilliant at and i think it's um well i hope i get it right this time for you but we've got everybody working on it yeah don't feel the pressure but so do we coming up life in london beckham style victoria gets a dress fitting i don't think we want too much glitter on the boob area and our hands on a million pounds worth of diamonds just think if we didn't have such a crowd outside we could shut this off and even with the best planning in the world things go wrong i'll just embarrass myself ridiculously that's all right again [Music] today victoria's flown back to london to decide on the flowers to go with her full length and fabulous theme floral designer rob van helden has made up two different ideas for her to choose from victoria has asked to see two samples first of all we were talking about going from a lemon tree orchard into a orange three orchards since then it has changed into like a woodland feel it must be a huge pressure for victoria she has invited a major guest list and you want everything you know from the flowers down to the organization down to the catering you want people to walk away and say wow oh my goodness here he is waiting for you where are you hi victoria hi well very well you nice to see you this looks fantastic oh it looks gorgeous these are lovely aren't they i've always liked butterflies i think they're really really pretty and i think that when i had the concept for the how i wanted the room to look it just seemed like a natural thing something that would be really really pretty and people will be picking them off and trying to put them in their purses to steal them i love these little cakes yeah they look great don't they i want people to come and and talk about it afterwards you know all the little details the little lights in the trees you know all the different flowers you know the way the way that the room smelt when i came in this is what i want people to um to appreciate as well it's exactly what we said isn't it well done well good well done well thank you now's the choice i like the white but that's because i like white but do you think it's a bit weddingy there is the danger but what would it look like if we had this tree and these flowers on the white all this will look very harsh the white ones are very hard yeah i don't know which i prefer you said like a white cloth underneath it makes it quite old-fashioned looking doesn't it well i think we're saying the white flowers aren't we but with the on that cloth we just want it to be wow you know as much as we can make it and to be us and this is this is very me and david we like things cool i like lots and more so i like lots of twigs you know okay not that muffin twigs are particularly cool but you know sounding really quick it will be from now on everybody's going to be buying moss i'm so glad there's no carnations i hate condoms rob's never done it never got incarnation in your life you mentioned a green carpet yeah now that's the green that we looked at but the problem is when it gets dark it goes a little bit black right so that was another thought that's nice i love that yeah i think that's the best victorian i remember at the wedding i was saying i can't believe we've got to spend this much money on bloody carpet we're going to throw away tomorrow get cheaper carpet peregrine and we found it i think we did we did people being so generous and donating so much money for the charity that i wanted people to come into the room where they're going to sit and eat and just say wow you know which i totally think you would i mean this is more than i ever expected david's gonna love this when he sees it it's perfect it's good it really is lovely thank you whilst victoria perfects the flower designs david's been working on the menu with gordon ramsay about two months ago he was like well come to london you know we'll do the tasting and so i went to his restaurant maize and you know he was the food is incredible absolutely incredible gordon designed the menu but won't be creating it on the night because he's a guest that job falls to lindy wedding and her team at absolute taste so i'm going to do the canapes in five yep and then we did a starter today gordon sent along three senior members of his team to see not only if his menu works but also to check that they're happy with the way lindy has prepared the food they include the head chef at the claridges and gordon's own executive chef mark askew normally we have a couple of vip tables but here i think we'll probably have 54 tables and have 53 vip tables i think on this one you you the fig is very powerful the canopies need to be like nice and simple and clean and fresh and tasty but not too big and not too difficult to eat it's almost like some kind of cookies excuse me we know that the dishes we can taste and we can create would be fantastic but we know on the night when you're doing it for you know 10 times the amount of covers that we normally do it's a different scenario this is this is much better the flavor's right the color's right is that the right size chicken this time well that was quite small yeah it was bigger david's particular favorite was the pudding i think it was the the ice cream is like a snickers ice cream which is good but then like every every dish is is amazing every dish a lot of people like the chocolate obviously but we wanted to do something a bit a bit fresher again a bit more spring summer we thought this with the cherries went really really well so happens it absorbs but according to david the ice cream is nothing compared to what will follow oh the turkish delight is ridiculously because you're all over again it's like so good what that's what they eat in narnia lion witch and wardrobe really so flowers chosen menu sorted now the most important thing the dress it's designed by roberto cavalli who sent his assistant sebastiano to madrid for a fitting it's nice when it's longer at the back it's lovely colour isn't it i work really closely with sebastiano and he knows what shape i like what colours i like and we've worked together for so long now he he knows exactly my size what kind of diamonds are we going to have sebastiano domanic that's nicer isn't it he's an absolute genius he's he's fantastic see pretends he doesn't understand english but he just understood that i could tell we had a little bit of a we always need a bit of padding in the boob area even though we don't want it too open it's nicer when that cup bit isn't too big yeah on either side i think from a distance kind of squint your eyes and i'm not bad as a whole there's no great part necessarily i've got quite nice ankles actually i've got tiny ankles and tiny hands it's much nicer sebastiano when that cuts across there and when that does that it's much nicer don't you think to have smaller little boob bits one-off outfits like this i'll work once and then no i wouldn't wear it again i've got a room at home where i keep all my clothes that i've worn and it's great and one day i'm hoping to have a daughter that i can pass them all down to it's amazing so i've got all the spice girls clothes as well in there so it's amazing how not just my style but how my shape has changed this was the original sketch of the dress for someone who loves fashion is interested in design for me to have these is because i'm a bit of a collector i love the dress that i wore for elton's white tiny tiara ball the ming vaz dress david actually picked this one this one was actually in the fashion show and he saw it and that was actually where i started sort of getting to know roberto more we're going to go for the glitter here and going up here i don't think we want too much glitter on the boob area i think it's a great color i think it's really summery i think it's sexy but it's also very comfortable you know i don't go out that much but when i do i like to make an effort and dave is exactly the same but with me it's more of an effort you know he wakes up in the morning looking fantastic i think it's gorgeous it's absolutely beautiful you know and i can also help with the parking because the parking attenders are going to be wearing these kind of a luminous jackets i have met celebrities that put on an outfit and turn on the whole sex appeal that's not me you know girls like me i'm a girls girl i'm not one of these women that i think men drool over that's not my thing i feel nice and you know i like to think i look nice but i want the women to say that's a nice dress and she looks good in that how many people have the opportunity to have roberto cavalli actually make a dress for them i mean it's exciting and that's something that i'll never take in my stride or become flippant about that's a big deal even though i look miserable as sin and most of the paparazzi pictures inside i'm really excited back in london peregrine and his two assistants catherine and charlotte are hard at work to make sure that the night goes like clockwork just thought we'd have a little chat see how you're feeling about the schedule at the moment basically i've spoken to james brown and agreed his sound check at midday on sunday gates are going to be on standby and opening at seven o'clock um with everyone in position within the tent how's the actual guest list going what numbers are we up to we are looking at about i think we're on 482. ah i need to chase up a few tables if i don't hear anything that by monday i'm going to have to offer the table to someone else because there are i mean there are people banging my door down now these are the vrp areas i want those to be out of bounds to all the staff i think uh puff daddy will probably bring his own security and entourage because of the press interest they can be kind of going into the woods and things so it's always good to check and make sure they're not camping there or anything yeah exactly we've had a couple of press calls here pretending to be various people which is always quite fun to sport i always say thank you so much for calling so it's always quite exciting you do want the interest in your event exactly we'll need to sit down and talk about the auction because rod stuart wants to do a remote bid it doesn't matter how organized you are there are forces of evil working against you just you can do what you want and plan as much as you can but the last minute someone will throw something at you that completely throws you and it's just like there's no time to rest when you're planning the party of the year today victoria's come to asprey the jeweler in london where she's helped to design a necklace and bracelet which will be sold at the charity auction on the night wow i love the design i love the fact it's really delicate and wow pretty i love that it's lovely to come and look at all these fantastic diamonds but actually to meet the people and actually see them you know making the jewelries fascinating for something like an auction where obviously we want people to spend lots of money for the charities we want something that's very wearable so more people feel comfortable uh putting their hands up it's an 18 carat white gold obviously there are 27 carats 261 marquis which are the little only ones and 66 brilliants that really is beautiful there's lots of people coming that sort of you know enjoy that whole put your hand up and stand up i get a little bit embarrassed i can never go above 500 quid so i never get anything so you won't you won't be making this great this is actually one of the first pieces of jewelry that i've actually designed so that's why i think this piece is extra special to me this could be something that had been passed down from the family and that's what i think so nice about jewellery wow oh can we clean we wanted to clean your ring whilst we're waiting take the diamonds out and then rubbish yes yes i know the sort of thing victoria's only been in the shop for 30 minutes but that's all the time it takes for the press and a considerable crowd to realize that there's a vip in town i think that madonna's sneaked in the back we've got madonna in too that's that's really gorgeous the dress is like a really bright canary yellow i like the fact it's really delicate around the neck i really like that so what are you going to wear bruce are you going to go for just a comment whatever you're not i should probably be in that one yeah i can see you really with my kilt i can see you in there i think it's going to really bring out the color in your color yeah i'm a real girly girl with clothes with everything i love to see these big diamonds and you know celebrities nine times out of ten borrow these pieces when they go to events you know the newspapers will often say i think i wore a necklace for elton john's wedding that was worth six million pounds you know i don't own that that's the great thing about being a celebrity you're in the position to be able to borrow these fantastic pieces that are very very expensive one-off pieces that you know you can have fun with something like that with its ring i think it's about 1.5 million something like that just think if we didn't have such a crowd outside we could shut this up welcome to victoria beckham's world when she's in london [Music] [Music] coming up stress starts to show all managers switch channels so you can talk to your people okay all managers switch channels victoria kicks off i don't like it on the side i'd rather have nothing around here and just candles okay i'm sorry to be a pain but i just think it was so much cleaner and so much nicer gordon kicks off james brown's just asked for turkey sandwiches [Music] and robbie williams reveals his suntan secrets i had spray tan last week i did jonathan ross right yeah and it started developing as the evening went on a little radioactive by the time i did the interview this party has been six months in the planning 500 vip guests are due here in just eight hours time and it's cost a small fortune but there's one thing money can't buy good weather we are concerned about the rain um ideally we don't want it if we do have it we've got to deal with it and it's going to make it particularly interesting all the nice dresses my suits it's going to make it very interesting especially for victoria getting from the house to the marquee as well um so fingers crossed it's not like this he might be out of the rain but inside the marquee florist rod van helden has his own problems the 20 year old lemon trees he's ordered from spain have arrived on time but they aren't quite what he expected well we're gonna fake it a bit i mean these threes have come from abroad but um they haven't got the lemons on so we're gonna have fresh lemons here and some artificial lemons up there don't tell anyone bob and his team have got less than eight hours to bring victoria's spectacular vision to life with five kilos of moss 450 sunflowers and 400 lemons to tie onto the lemon trees he's gonna have his work cut out in the reception room and he hasn't even started on the dining room yet one group of people whose spirits haven't been dampened by the weather are the catering staff i wish we were invited 116 waiters and waitresses all with silver service experience have been busting from london but they didn't actually find out who they'd be working for until they arrived at david and victoria's gates absolutely nasty amazing it looks like a doll's house lovely so wow i had a feeling that it might be something like this but i thought oh no that can't be real and then we found out on the bus and it was just amazing to be doing something like this yeah in the pouring rain i have to say i'm actually quite nervous this is probably the most prestigious event i've ever done and um i don't know it's sort of about god who am i going to drop a fork on who am i going to spill a glass of champagne over it's not going to happen but it's something you're nervous about definitely we would love to be there and our best dresses that'd be gorgeous but there you go we get to serve people so i mean it's just as good last to arrive on the big day are the chefs there are 41 of them and they'll have to be at the top of their game to deliver gordon ramsay's menu to the standards that he always demands you've got your spare backup hot cupboards and turbos down there lindy reading is the head of the catering firm and responsibility for getting the food right on the night rests with her excited uh no not really nervous quite quite nervous this one's a little bit different because obviously it's big and it's got some very important people we're doing full courses so it's quite a it's quite a big menu and there is an awful lot of produce so we had 300 chickens so we've got 600 portions 30 cases of tomatoes for the consummate 90 kilos of tuna 1 200 courgettes when i first got involved in the party we realized the level of people that were coming here and that you know the vast sort of different different people that were coming there will be some different dietary requirements for vegetarian auction vegan um dairy free we did a no carb um one but no one's nose actually said they don't want to be carbs it might just be four courses but with all the variations and five thousand canapes to prepare it's a menu for only the most experienced of chefs i couldn't have added a lasagna could we for dinner well we couldn't it's good though don't knock it anything with mincemake she's great i'm good with mincemeat and uh spaghetti bolognese yeah mincemeat cannelloni my point is it you know we've had a lot of really great people help us out in total almost 300 people are working flat out to make this party a success there's still a huge amount to do though 4 500 pieces of sterling silver cutlery need to be laid out nearly 2 000 crystal glasses and there are 500 names to spell right meanwhile rob van helden has 50 table displays to create with birch trees white roses and butterflies made from feathers and chinese silk each tree is going to be decorated with white butterflies and some hanging night lights about 500 butterflies in total victoria absolutely loves loves to love butterflies great passion for butterflies so be a proper little woodland if he finishes them on time rob's table displays will be a huge talking point and so will the uber cool mirrored dance floor which was only six inches square when victoria last saw it the dance floor obviously is always a focal point of an event and with a mirror finish it creates a real talking point people are wondering how they're going to dance on here we're going to see up their skirt that sort of thing it's quite an amazing effect and also when you project the lighting onto here then it just projects all over the ceiling as well and it will look like a swimming pool this is all going to stay protected right up until the last minute sort of 7 30 put it away this would be the last thing to be done time is ticking by and to add to the tension the host comes to check on progress i came in here last night and i was like oh god there's so much to do but then it was like that last time we've done it so but it's it's amazing you actually got 13 on this table [Music] as soon as he came in the room everyone was quite excited having set a few hearts fluttering in the kitchen david continues his tour with the unflappable peregrine who seems to have everything under control everyone takes their seats ray winston's going to walk up and say welcome have a great evening he still makes mistakes peregrine peregrine well what's he done took me around the marquee this morning so we're walking around and james brown's people's doing the rehearsal so uh i went backstage and james brown's son's there so i get introduced to him and then james brown's next to him and um and peregrine goes up and says david beckham you know this is james brown james brown and i was like you know really nice to meet you i'm really honored and i was like really doesn't look like him rea i've never met him in the flesh but really doesn't look like him some think i'm sure that's not him it can't be him so then i run peregrine up after i said are you sure that's james brown and he said i'm really sorry it's a look alike well he's part of the team but he does not like him but i'll just embarrass myself ridiculously that's all right again back in the marquee catherine fuller's trying to keep a track of who's coming and making sure that they'll actually get in when they arrive because what's happened is that a lot of pastors have gone missing in the past however most of them are footballers jamie carragher peter crouch jermaine defoe if you see a footballer just be on the ball no one intended i'm sorry the list of partygoers is changing by the second last night there were 476 confirmations this morning there were 482 at lunchtime it stood at 491. hello catherine speaking now there are 500. did you not get her guest pass you said you were coming with um sean combs it's learning how to juggle people and then moving people off lists it's because there are several lists it's not just names and numbers it's security passes and so if one person moves yes people remember things when things go wrong when things go right people don't remember them so everything's got to go right nothing can go wrong and therefore every guest i am scared of okay no problem right bye my rescue remedy is in my handbag as we speak i haven't had any today but you never know it's still early 500 guests will be touching down in less than two and a half hours and that includes the real james brown whose gear is now being unloaded the pressure is really starting to build as lindy reading gives her team a final pep talk time is 5 30. i'm gonna run through what's happening for the evening can you all hear me with this going on tonight we've got lots and lots of guests who are very famous celebrities you'll recognize a lot of them tonight we're here to do one job one job only we're here to look after the guests we're not here to become part of the party 15 years time we've made lots of money maybe we could come to a party like this but tonight we're here to work we're gonna open the gates at seven o'clock so we need to be ready by 6 30. i think it's a lot more organized than the last time we did i think that the last time uh you know we was literally doing table plans with like an hour to go um so it's been a lot more relaxed a lot more organized but yeah it's still big you know there's i think there was maybe 400 people the last time we did it so it's grown in that sense with so many vips coming one thing the host can't afford to run out of is champagne just setting up this bar for the whole reception well that's our mower you can see it over there in a big pile 90 bottles of murray and rose which is i can't even work out my head how many glasses really probably about a thousand got no probably two thousand glasses something like that so i think they're gonna drink quite a bit tonight to create the party of the year everything has to run with military precision all diners on a table should get their food delivered at the same time so the waiters and waitresses practice exactly what they'll do on the night if you've got ten guests on a table um you're sending out five staff two plates each so they'll put it down together walk away together just to you know just make it look a lot nicer gordon ramsay won't be in the kitchen himself tonight he's under strict instructions to enjoy the party but he has sent down his right-hand man mark askew other key areas the tuner putting the tuner on the plate full concentration the paper has to come off both sides of the tuner and mark's clearly picked up more than just culinary skills from gordon we don't want plates coming back from the restaurant cling film or greaseproof paper on them so can we be double careful on that you're all aware of it now i don't want to say anything coming back from the restaurant there's just an hour to go before the guests arrive and david and victoria have popped down from the house to check the finishing touches but they're not entirely in this part victoria all these are going to be lit out in the trees right yeah they'll be lit and all these lemons on the tables or candles as well yeah linda these feels that we need somewhere more for people to rest their dreams chuck some lemons have you got any occasional tables are all these glasses gonna be on here or are they going yeah they're going to stay on there i think it would be better if it was clear didn't it right here let's speak to linda i don't like it on the sides i'd rather have nothing around here and just candles i'm sorry to be a pain but i just think it was so much cleaner and so much nicer ronaldo's wife's girlfriend's name is riker i just think we need to beef it up a bit you know we love parties yeah we do we're very very sociable so we like to do that as much as possible what we're doing is putting her stamp on it now so she's coming in and directing it which was always you know how it was meant to be this is victoria tinkering things with things which is exactly how it should be because it's her party and it should be how she likes it we'll organize parties wherever we are whoever we're with you know i think that's the best money you can spend he's on parties for friends and family so we have an open house all the time people are welcome to come to our house the doors open i mean not like don't get any ideas on ramsay's treatment what do you think david [Music] thank you so much i think over the top i think out looks a bit scruffy nice very smart definitely okay thank you very much thank you see you later it's been months in the planning 300 people have been working around the clock and every last detail is perfect the tables are set the champagne is chilled and the staff are on standby even the sun's turned up just in time at last celebrities from every walk of life arrive here to party [Music] the list includes some of the planet's most famous footballers celebrities from the world of fashion and music are making their entrances thick and fast they're followed by tv stars and even members of the royal family they're all arriving for one of the greatest nights out of the year but they're also here to do something great for charity too well the entertainment's fantastic it's done really classy and it's for a good cause it raises a lot of money it's always a fantastic event to you know send the boys off to wish them good luck and let's hope the charity's getting along the dress code is full length and fabulous and the guests have certainly lived up to its name it's strictly sharp suits and designer dresses all round [Music] it's alice templey prada couture so it's friendly from paris for me i'm in harley amy we've both been hardy and miss we all are it's going very well the guests are coming in slickly smoothly and it stopped raining which is even better that's so english isn't it it's not raining the sun's come out just in time for the era display this party is all about putting on a show and not just on the ground the first piece of entertainment is a flyby from the blades and acrobatic flying team played one from five more mike no matter how exciting the entertainment though there's one subject that's never far from anyone's mind we're as good as anyone else and i don't think we should fear anyone else we should let them fear us very good folks the boys will do well yeah i think we've got a great squad you know and i think we've um barely got a good chance and you know and hopefully we can do well go boys great chance fantastic chance i think we can win it well of course we're going to win it's always a footballer's wife so i'm interested in you know italian's gonna do better england processing brazil don't know anything about football rejoin i think we've got a great site i'll be there coming up david makes a speech to remember thank you and welcome to mine and victoria's house i also want to thank spank gordon ramsay isn't happy with one of the guests what's wrong with the chicken what do you think this is kfc and graham norton swings his hammer sweet jesus god in heaven look at the next slot [Music] it's been billed as the party of the year and now it's well and truly underway guests are arriving in a veritable a to z of flash motors plus one mini cab and even a chopper but here's the moment that everyone's really been waiting for [Music] she's so sexy she's so special sometimes one dress has to be made for one person that dress was i designed for her host in place it's time for this world cup party to kick off i've not been to one before first so it's pretty much in the same seat as the people at home i know there's gonna be a whole lot of fun and excitement some great people here and i'm sure it'll be a great night and victoria isn't the only one looking fabulous jean jackson couture in amsterdam they're amazing the dress is sharon cunningham who is an irish designer camilla stark nicely fitted i've just got a regular suit on and obviously she's wearing julian mcdonald's i'm not quite sure where they come from because my wife buys all my stuff i'm wearing jenny peckham oh yes i like her yeah morgan lefrey when you've got a guest list like this the press interest is bound to be huge so the security is extremely tight with a reputed quarter of a million pounds at stake for a front page splash it's not surprising though that some photographers will go to any length to get a shot we've seen the paparazzi they went all the way up there out to the big open field uh there was a boy in a black jacket and another one in a stripy brown jumper how long ago did you see them about 5-10 minutes okay okay just confirm all this is private property no one follow you as a lad in here no okay i think this is as far as they've come because the nettles aren't pushed down any further when they've walked through and we're just trying to check with the landowners over there if they've actually been onto the property or not and then once we find that out then we'll head on as well as the police dog team who'll be on site until the party's over the beckhams have also hired their own 80 strong security team security um in this field and the paparazzi is almost like having two football teams you know they both know each other's form but on some occasion the the paparazzi will win because they've you know they've been outplayed outgunned and outnumbered and in a lot of cases the security will win because they've got the best defense and they know exactly what to do with the paparazzi kept at bay one last guest arrives having flown in by private jet from new come york long way so we we definitely plan on having a good time great dress but who's the designer we're gonna find out who this dress is made by you don't want to see what my dress is made by [Music] i'll let you know giles he's an up-and-coming english designer gordon ramsay's designed eight special canapes for the party but some of the guests are finding them a bit of a handful [Music] i think that's quite a difficult one because it's in little couches that they have to carry around with them and i think they find it quite hard to sort of do that with wine glasses and everything everyone's puddling together so it's really hard to get through here but of course tonight isn't all about food there's also a huge auction we didn't know what it was at auction but you know we definitely brought some money i'm gonna buy that car the one thing i won't be needing to buy in the auction is a car then i'll take the car no the harlot yeah i'm good how are you doing doing this it's an absolute pleasure really good how's i did jonathan ross right and i just added it all right just had his spray time before it went on and it looked alright then it started developing as the evening went on a little radioactive by the time i went i'll do the interview are you fit and when you go in when are you going to go and we were in london for a week now then we're in manchester for a week and then we leave how's house with young wayne yeah he's good actually he's looking really good did chris evans does he hear no he pulled out see i tell you what dave i'm knackered and i'm here for you exactly thank you for that that's a pleasure you know that you know fancy pulling out on you i'm here i'm doing my bit for the country the captain of the country while the guests enjoy the champagne and canapes pressure in the kitchen is starting to mount in the next two hours lindy and her team will have to deliver michelin standard food to 500 vip diners lindy to all managers everyone will be sat down by five plus nine okay five plus nine [Music] isn't the only one under pressure though pre-dinner nerves have kicked in with david too you're gonna do the speech aren't you rather than me yeah and i'm gonna do it early so i can get it over and done with and uh enjoy the food and and the wine so i'm gonna do early doors i just like to start off by saying of course that uh thank you and welcome to miner victoria's house and we're hopefully going to raise a lot of money and i'd just like to wish uh my teammates and our team uh and our country best of luck for this world cup then we can go all the way i also want to thank spain and last but definitely not least my wife for hosting this amazing party tonight she's done a lot of work and she always does she's an amazing mother and an amazing wife speech virtually over the staff in the kitchen are on standby all managers switch channels so you can talk to your people okay all managers switch channels it will be a great night enjoy the food enjoy the wine and definitely enjoy the performance so good luck and have fun david can relax now but for lindy it's all systems go okay let's go yeah david and victoria knocks it down but we'll start now and the first person to taste the food is not one to mince his words sort of humid outside so um the chilled constantly it was a perfect starter it's quite refreshing it went down well with ronaldo so um he just complained about how much rice and pasta's got to eat for the next month so he found that you know delicious gordon may be happy but the night's falling behind schedule which puts the kitchen and lindy under even more pressure it's tight in there it took a little longer than usual to get everybody seated but what we're trying to do now is make sure one course down just another three or 1500 plates to go [Music] and if delivering a delicious meal wasn't enough lindy gets requests for all sorts of extras too could just tell you i've just given away 40 cigarettes my lifeline do you have any two fixed doors yes we do have two things go to the front gate and you'll see a big burning security man there when you see him so these are for the press it's two bottles of champagne and some um plastic glasses and there's one guest who bravely decides he's going to order off menu james brown has just asked for turkey sandwiches so i've said what's wrong with the chicken hey what else do you have a chicken why can't you have chicken secondly what do you think this is kfc now it's all hands on deck to get that chicken piping hot to over 500 people right guys all managers and with the main course cleared there's just one more to go david's favorite the peanut parfait okay after 18 hours of solid work on site lindy's work in the kitchen is finally done my lot i mean the groovy little team love them dearly they're all young they're all keen they all want it to be perfect and they've all they've done a fantastic job i mean i'm a perfectionist i want it to all be absolutely perfect i think from the guest point of view you know they've all got their food on the table but for a moment in the kitchen that was a bit stressful i think this one yeah i think from a guest point of view working for victoria and david and working with gordon yeah i think it's it's our best today so how did gordon ramsey's menu go down with the celebrity guests gordon hello sir i love that thing the ice cream and the two ritz crackers great who knew onion went with ice cream how are you feeling i will do it i will do thank you have you eaten yeah yes metatarsals were great love them you okay good yeah and how's this day going for you you know what it was amazing so we had a little picnic earlier for the kids for our charity right and to see the kids and see where the money's going it makes you realize you know what this is yeah it's glamorous it's whatever but look where the money's going and that's what makes it like wow it's cool do you know what i mean i mean without it's the only way i can do things is go well actually there is something at the end of it that so you're going off training like tomorrow tomorrow morning 12 o'clock are you listen i'll let you get your back on lovely to see you take it easy lovely to see you bud congratulations on this and good luck for the summer all right see you later pleasure how are you with johnny willis [Music] full length and fabulous is all about raising money for charity and now it's time for the a-list celebrities to start paying for their supper with the charity auction hosted by graham norton graham norton he done a good job the last time we had the uh the auction and uh you know we wanted him again i think he's liked and loved by a lot of people around europe and around the world some people didn't uh apparently his claimed us really came to us the last year oh okay i mean he's he's good he's really good at what he does he's got the other people that we've kind of chosen everyone's kindness but he's good he's good very good he's talented he's very funny camp is christmas he's fabulous uh now i'm sure you've had a wonderful day and evening so far a beautiful dinner our plan is to raise a shed load of money we're talking simon fuller figures here a lot of money that's what we're talking the first plot of the evening you may have noticed the beauty of supermodel aaron o'connor this year's evening she's tricked in asprey they are one off and they are now covered in aaron o'connor's actual sweat you can take it home and clothe her okay i'm starting that uh oh i have 10 rounds straight away 80 miles 10 rounds 25 from sharon osbourne tonight to jewish oscar burglaries a hundred thousand 150 100 meters and 150 200 200 000 pounds i love this tank of cash 200.000 [Music] wow sweet jesus god in heaven look at the next lot whoa it is a bentley coupe i saw this we're not messing underground 130 i have 130 235 135. is jeremy clarkson looking for this for free that's what it is can we go to 200 200 i've got 230 i have 230 do i hear 240 yes i do up to 40. 250. aussie fancy is 250. yes i have a quarter of a million pounds going once do i have 260 going twice sold for a quarter of a million pounds over there coming up aussie osborne turns celebrity chef aussie osborne will cook dinner for 10 people if before house and sweet cheese that better include wine hey diddy comes up with a surprise offer the night out with diddy and i promise you yo ass wake up wednesday and wayne rooney flashes some cash big time two people for 150. [Applause] the full-length and fabulous auction is in full flow and next on the running order is something that money usually can't buy right four of you get to be vip guests of david and victoria beckham you will be in madrid you get to watch rihanna madrid play from a luxury vip box and then you get whisked away for an intimate dinner i've got 20 000. he loves david victoria man right there well done you sir i'm loving you don't hide behind a tree i'll come and find you at 60 60 000 pounds christ you're rich 17 from your own 75 80 about 10 75 going once going twice sold for 75 [Music] next loss in the auction is dinner for 10 cooked in your home by gordon ramsay he will come to any venue within the m25 possibly a picnic on the hard shoulder if you live further north it's got to start at ten thousand pounds it's a thousand miles ahead that's nothing ten thousand pounds i have twenty thousand pounds that's more like it thirty thousand drive forty thousand fourteen thousand that's still only four thousand miles ahead have you been declarative forty thousand pounds sold reporting last month but then a rather unlikely celebrity chef offers his services are you not doing it oh you are gonna do it sharon says he is you are doing it aussie osborne will cook dinner for 10 people in your house and sweet cheese that better include wine [Laughter] 30 000 pounds 40 000 pounds 40 dollars 80 months at 40 000 pounds 50 000 pounds he's obviously eaten at aussie's house before it's a rare treat find us fifty thousand pounds anybody's right there sixty thousand pounds so the sixty thousand pounds thank you aussie all right i really do need to squeeze a bit more money out of you so is there anything else in the room david you're a very generous man you've been judging us all night do you have anything else that you could flog off what are you gonna vlog earrings look good i have a watch that victoria bought me it's a jacob this is serious it's worth 50 000 pounds look at that ladies and gentlemen ashley what do you say fifty you're going with the full fifty well done sixty in the back sixty thousand pounds in the back sixty five thousand well done ashley very good nearly a week's wages sixty-seven thousand sixty-eight okay sixty-eight sixty-nine seventy thousand pounds seventy-one 72 73 yeah 73 000. 75 finished 75 000 sold for 75 000 pounds to asphy coal they may well have raised over a million pounds for charity but one guest didn't think it was quite enough step up sean p diddy puffy coombs excuse me um i don't mean to interrupt you but i i'm in a giving mood as my man ozzy is what's up ozzie and i would like to auction something off okay being that i'm i don't spend a lot of time here and i don't really know the crowd if you win you get your choice of one of the other choice a is a weekend at my house in the hamptons fully staffed on the water east hampton new york number two is a studio session with me in new york or london i'll produce a record for you or your kids or number three is a night out with diddy saturday night in new york and i promise you your ass will wake up wednesday laying beside me okay let's get the bin started with this i'll start with 25 000 pounds i have 25 i have 30. i have 40. do i have 50. i have 16 i have 70. 80. [Music] you want 90. you just pay three nights for you sharon three nights three nights full room and board another thing is unlimited if we become friends you can stay for a long time this is just a start this is just a start to raise money for the kids we didn't even talk about miami we may go from the hamptons to saturday new york to miami you may show up a month late a hundred thousand 100 right there my man right here wayne rooney me and you [Applause] shelby's baby made in heaven me and you wayne wayne i'll give you all three if you up it i'll give you all three two people for 150. two people for 150. so yeah you can bring the whole football team 150 000 pounds congratulations [Applause] so money raising out of the way it's time to turn to the music and the godfather of soul [Music] [Music] joining james brown on stage for one special track was will young some of the money raised in the auction was going to unicef a charity close to david's heart when i was made the ambassador of unicef i think that that was one of the biggest honours that i've ever been given in my in my life to be honest you know there's certain things that have happened in my career and in my life and that's one of the things that has been a huge honor for me to to have that [Music] [Music] what we've done today as as parents you know that is what we're doing it for and it means so much to us and it's it's getting bigger and bigger and the donations that we've had from friends uh you know and family has been incredible it's it's exciting for us isn't it yeah very [Music] from one star-studded bash to the next there's nine famous faces line up to prove their vocal talents simon sharon louie put them through the paces in the x factor battle of the stars it starts tomorrow at nine and that's followed by a new series world cup heaven and hell tomorrow at 11 15. next tonight it's the news [Music] oh
Channel: Lol-Z
Views: 212,471
Rating: 4.7400823 out of 5
Keywords: david beckham, victoria beckham, graham norton, chris evans, gordon ramsey
Id: --0hkWxxu0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 18sec (4098 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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