Spending 24 Hours Becoming The Strongest Pirate In Roblox Demon Piece... Here's What Happened!

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in this video we are going to be playing a brand new one piece game called demon piece now this game is brand new but I spent a bunch of time grinding all the way through getting a whole bunch of really really cool things and even some really cool fruits and getting max level which did take quite a while so if you haven't already and you do enjoy this video please drop a quick like And subscribe it is free and it does help out the channel but let's go ahead and get started okay let's do at this I'm guessing let's be a pirate because everyone else is there's a daily sign in 20 minutes of experience well that's good okay let's take that what the heck am I why am I purple I'm guessing I'm a fish man do I actually swim fast yep that's a fish man all right we don't that that's like nothing okay I do think I want to change my race though because I look really bad let's see I'm a mink I'll take it I like being a mink for some reason anyway here's the fruit shop okay how much are the fruits uh not too bad no like super good ones are in stock we'll have to get a bunch of money though because I only have 100 cash so oh there we go that gave us a lot that gave us a lot of stuff that chest okay well you're our first Quest I'm pretty sure uh defeat five Bandits okay well let's beat a Bandits I guess oh okay this the style combat no that's fine I just got to outp punch the enemy I'm all for this actually do it now though because I only have 20 minut times to experience so I might as well work my way through it easy now we are level seven already I'm also not sure what put my stats into there's guns in the game swords that demon fruit devil fruit and defense and strength well because I don't have a devil fruit yet I can't put in devil fruit stats I I do want to put it in something though but I can win this fight so I'm just going to beat a Bandits for now instead of worrying about it a new Quest available uh let's keep punching these guys one second and I figured out I'm guessing I'll just go ahead and put my stats into um defense just get a bunch of Health for now because not sure which path going to go down like I don't like I don't know if I'm going to need put stuff in fruits or swords I'll determine that but this Quest wants to defeat the leader of the Bandit so let's punch them a whole bunch probably easier if I had more uh damage stats but yet again I don't know what what what I want to put my damage stuff into look that was still more than enough just to punch them Yo more things there's like crafting items in this game we'll have to keep an eye out for that then I'm going to guess that that's probably going to be very smart for me just to save a bunch of money and buy a fruit whatever one's in stock but I need quite a bit of money for that 360,000 I need to save up if I to get sand loia yeah there we go okay next Quest available before I head up there I can actually almost unlock Mastery 10 me do that real quick there we go now we have smash ooh that's way better nice good little damage boost oh he gave a lot he gave a lot more okay we need to kill five of rainer's subordinates I'm guessing are up here yep there they are legitimately just going to out Health the enemy there we go yeah having that attack helps a lot you what are you hello Eddie don't fight me please I don't have the health to fight you go away thank you okay what do you have oh you have a sword and an eye patch I don't know what the eye patch does but let's buy it uh what does that do H increased Health okay I did some research I can max out three stats essentially at max level so I'm going to put my stats into strength and I'm going to be using demon fruit strength and defense as my three stats I'll do demon fruit once I get actually demon fruits but I'm going to do strength because if I get two 100,000 I can head over to Sky Pia wherever that is and learn electr fighting style which is which is supposed to be very very good and I'm dead ow there we go but for now I'm just going to use my fists because they do more than enough and I'm also almost to Mastery level 20 there we go okay next Quest is available okay who is the next one defeat devious reer okay this is the final boss for the first island I imagine yep there he is wa 500 health oh we do quite a bit damage to him actually actually he's going to kill me though definitely need get some kind of ranged ability that would help he he does drop a scarf though which will be nice oh he does heal if I stop dealing damage to him though noted hey we got the scarf awesome first try for a 20% drop so I think that should be in here right we we have a bunch of items oh there we go okay oh can I only have one accessory I can only have one accessory a well there you go Luffy's got a scarf now he seems very happy about it oh there we go we under X ability what does this do oh just like a dash board okay hey we did a first try awesome and now we have access to the next area hello um oh here's a map of everywhere cool let's go ahead and do this Quest um oh decent amount of rewards for this defeat six orange Pirates these guys right here now we do more than enough oh and there's buggy to clown right there okay there we go level 45 did a few more rounds of those pirates and now we can go ahead and kill bug a clown let's do it punch the clown to death we do so much damage except for he does that when I can't fight back then yeah we we do so much nice that would well there's something I want to do real quick though before we continue I want to head over to log town which should be over here because apparently this is a shopping area and there's a specific NPC that I want to talk to I have to find them though is this him right here yeah here we go random fruit dealer so I can get a random fruit at level 65 it didn't say that well I was hoping to see the money amount but it doesn't say anywhere how much it actually is once I get level 65 we'll come back here and we might be able to get ourself a random fruit the gun Merchant nice and also a sword collector well if I was using swords I probably should be using swords yeah that's the guy just teach me to punch h a marine oh I can change my wed poster oh that's cool that is a really cool feature I like that that okay back home let's let's continue fighting buggy thanks for ignoring all my damage thanks thanks buggy doesn't matter though because I can just hit you like crazy man who who needs special fighting styles when I just punch everything man we're doing the io strategy at this point give me your cape dang it and oh okay it's telling me to go to the next Quest but because I only have one item I haven't gotten the accessory yet I do kind of want to hang out but looking at the wiki it gives me 200 Health which is quite a bit but only gives gun damage which I'm not using guns so on to the next Island this way yeah we still do so much damage okay out we're good for a bit oh and there we go we're level 66 I have 4,000 I hope that's enough let's teleport over to the island with the fruit and see what our first one is if we have enough money we have 40K I hope it's not like 50k or something watch it okay 35 G we can afford it barely I don't know the rates but I'm hoping for something decent let's see what we get come on something cool oh gas fruit Buddha shop shop dang it can I store fruit without okay I could just store the fruit it is it's only 22k dang it ooh it's almost a million for a legendary fruit well that's it's not worth much so let's go ahead and eat it let's see what it does n and okay just has a tackle ability well then let's go ahead and spawn a boat I guess drive over wait a second what fruit is this oh that's spin fruit well we'll store it okay let's experiment m h that's not too bad I have a bit of range with that ability my punches do way more damage though okay I know what got do I I got to get low and then do this there we go that way we get Mastery pretty fast there we go now we have bicycle kick oh that attack okay that's not too bad and there we go level 50 Mastery on it we have chop Festival which is this attack okay but we did get enough levels for the next quest to defeat this guy over here monkey Hunter now I have to defeat King aboo there's a 10% chance for a jungle Crown okay let's do it monkey man's not happy oh I'm definitely going to die try to fight this guy ow yep I'm dead he's a little dangerous and there we go easy first try's now go back and forth between killing the boss and the minis over here I do think from now on though H we'll put more a little bit more stats in the demon fruit because this attacks nice and I'll lead him later anyway okay I have 38,000 I don't try save up money technically to try to get Electro but there's some stuff I need to learn beforehand that'll help me much earlier the first thing is inside one of the buildings here I got to find it real quick here we go the bar if I go in here and talk to Ted I can learn Skywalk for 20,000 who we got a Buddha nice oh he just gave me a fruit uh I'll store that that is spring fruit well thank you it's uh it's only a common but thank you U so now that I have that I can yeah look I can I can sky jump like this I needed that oh well I was going to fight him again but never mind but I but if I head up into this rock behind the jungle boss there's an entrance I can talk to this guy and he's misplaced a scroll that contains ancient Arts if we find a scroll um then I can get hockey Armament hockey I'm pretty sure hopefully oh okay there we go you unlock treasure what did I just get Essence orb I don't know what that is but I'm going to store that till I figure out what it is I'll just H do I pay for the storage do you would you like to use this Essence orb observation color okay you know what I'll pay for the storage for that interesting um yeah let's store the orb okay cool I should you store at least one on your own to be fair but whatever I don't know how rare that is why that's why I wanted to store it okay there's several different locations there was one by the Lost do the dojo teacher on the jungle island but it wasn't there there's supposed to be one inside this cave at Bond but it's not here either it's a random spawning okay two more places one being orange Town another being bartis I'm hoping it's an orange Town otherwise we got to go to baratti yeah it's supposed to be in one of these wooden Towers oh we got a thief title don't even know what to do with titles I've been getting them like crazy yeah okay it does not appear to be here that's disappointing so if it's not here we have to head over to baratti and I also to head over to shells Town shells Town being over here guess let's have the shells Town first it's supposed to spawn one of the blue buildings here really hope this thing isn't like super invisible and like I've passed it without realizing I don't actually know what it looks like oh but it looks like it's right there yeah there it is awesome there's the scroll so with that in return for my scroll I have this Ting called Armament I can give you for 55,000 dang it okay so at least we know we can learn it now we are broke though so there we go now we can buy it so now oh good I don't know how long it lasts we got level one Armament according to the Trello the higher level the more damage you deal level five being Max and I imagine there we go okay that game was a little bit of level so looks like we do get level for killing I just didn't notice at first cuz it was so so small all right good so I'm glad I got that early we're only level 100 I think it's like 600 max level right now on the current updates that good that's good that we got that early I also really need to go get observation hockey but that is for later cuz I can't afford it but to the next island is the boat more like aha money defeat six chefs what about angry chefs those count they count cool oh I dodged what the heck how am I dodging is it because of my hockey or I'm just really really good at dodging he what if I what if I deactivate it oh no it's cuz I have oh they're using swords cuz I have chop yes okay these guys be super easy to grind yes I'm immune to swords I'm glad I didn't swap over to spin or something it took me a second I keep forgetting he's IM like I know he's immune to swords I didn't realize he wasn't like he was also immune to hockey if it's applied to swords oh these guys actually punch man these guys are going to be really easy to kill wonder if these are still active oh it is still active I just got 100K for entering sorry for lag they say it's expiring soon we also have this code for 5,000 and I have a 30 minute um times two experience code so might as well accept that oh no sanji's up here hello Sanji well I would learn your fighting style but I want to go learn Electro also going to go and pay for this repeat quest for 100 Robux is very cheap I don't have to keep running back and forth to accept this Quest yeah that's going to make this way faster for me and okay there we go 20,000 we Double Check Yes according to the wiki that is enough so we have to head over to uh skypia now which I don't actually even know where it is we did unlock the next Island though like 18 levels ago it just goes so fast okay Sky p is all the way up there log town or my home is set we have to head up here Northeast of log okay here it is is okay we need to find carrot somewhere on this island I actually have no idea where she is okay here she is hello carrots 200,000 belly for electr fist there we go so that that should be like the highest M1 damage for fist in the game ooh nice ability okay awesome glad we have that but we're way under level to be here so let's leave oh we're on sandora now this would be Alabaster yep also I realiz my Armament level's two now so it's up to my arm but but now that I have Electro I can just focus on getting money and spending it on fruits which I should be able to do in a minute but let's see oh yeah look at that way more damage oh yeah Electro's going to be nice oh yeah this is nice that's so much more damage does require seven kills though to do the full Quest but pays well so that's good oh and I looked it up again apparently Ken hocky is on this island so to keep an eye out for the NPC but yeah having this new damage and attacks very helpful a new Quest available though uh where's the quest okay track up there let's start putting a bunch of stats into health because I'm losing Health fast um hello good sir what do you want me to do abandoned Quest now accept defeat seven desert brigin down here oh these guys have swords oh yes he just made my life so much easier this is on Rock like the best fruit my Lord getting the common Chop Chop fruits actually worth it they can only damage me because of their abilities but not the knife abilities this is brilliantly easy I I can level my health stats up while I do this also oh and also my Mastery too yeah even better Armament and Electro at the same time Outlaw title awesome don't know what these titles are for probably just decorative oh thanks tornado but it's nice getting them okay next Quest we hit level 200 which is pretty high I'm going talk to Shady man and he wants us to kill somebody called the sand dragon okay he's down here this is going to be like a mini boss oh that's just like an actual creature who okay you have two drops one of which doesn't tell me anything about it no my damage is so high that you're pretty easy to kill actually let's you get lucky h no okay so he spawns it every 3 minutes and that Dragon tooth necklace is actually pretty cool I kind of want it does a ton for fighting styles guessing what we'll do is I have a 10 I have 10 minutes of times two drops I'm going to activate it and try to kill sand guy up here crocodile because he has 3% drops which are kind of good and then we'll go down and kill the fan Dragon again it does a lot of damage though but I do even more oh yeah this is easy this is so easy I love this I got the combat down to a t okay no drops from that though he'll spawn in again in like 6 minutes but he should spawn in any minute now there he is literally who even needs abilities I could just Spam click easy here he is again punch him like crazy and uh no a lot of things pop up so it's really hard to tell if I actually get anything the dragon scales nice uh oh we get the necklace awesome yes total was worth it okay cool that look at this look at this item look what it gives that is amazing okay let's go ah and equip that that is a good hat it also removes our hat again for some reason a dang I'm two levels off of the quest up here he spawned in he spawned in you know what okay I'm going to be smart about this let's go accept this Quest again do these guys one or two more times and we got to do this within 2 minutes okay there we go okay got enough level now now we can go ahead and accept the quest to kill crocodile let's um let's kill him now he just grabed me ow let's just spin around you like this there we go got it difficult to get this pattern down correctly but I can just get I can I can get just in range to just punch him with where he can't fight back it's like having observation hockey without the observation hockey ah dang it no drops but we got the quest done so that's not too bad we're doing good um this Hat's also super nice too okay 150 now we have Electro claws have to hold it okay there we go that's cool there we go now that isn't too bad it doesn't prev them fighting back of those I'm not sure what I think about it well time to kill you again you're way more aggressive and okay no drops again oh I got a giant bone that's a legendary item two of them intriguing okay Level 240 which unlocks the next Island all the way over there but there is something we can do before we leave let's actually go ahead and get the quest to kill the dragon first yeah we also got level three um observation not observation Just Hockey which gives us the leg color now too awesome let's go ahead and defeat this guy real quick but if we had up here we yeah we should be able to do this Quest now yep we can wants me to defeat the desert king okay let's do it probably need to wait for him to spawn in though okay let's wait here for him to spawn in okay there it is circleing him one him he doesn't even stand a chance and there we go uh was that all okay let's go back wow I didn't expect that as promised I will teach you observation hockey for the small price of 200k well I'm glad I have the money at least so there we go awesome how do I activate that uh there it is he has his own level also so I have to level that up I start with $2 Dodges but I can get more by probably dodging or getting hit one of the two cool now that we've done that I'm guessing let's head over to the next Island all the way over there what's in stock right now anything cool paw is and nothing cool in stock let's go spin though I think it's been it's been over an hour ooh a fruit that's bomb never mind you I can't store another one of those actually that's a green that's uncommon and here's another smoke fruit ooh smoke fruit that's a loia we might actually do that one but let's see what we spin first it's 78,000 now cuz I'm higher level getting expensive something cool please something cool kilo eh door well I'm guessing uh let's use the smoke fruit smoke fruit is a loio right that should help out a lot yeah it's one of the two uncommons is the lowest loia but yeah let's eat that fruit why not so yes to eating that level 75 for Max Mastery that we should level that quite fast comes with a range ability that's good that's what I'm lacking and I'm guessing this will be the fruit we Ed for a while cuz I don't think we'll be able to get another Loki until the end of the video but give me a moment okay now we're good smoker time where do we got to go now we got to go that way oh dang this is arong Park okay I was not expecting this island next well our fre is not going to do a whole lot of damage because the difference between our strength stat and Demon fruit stat is massive but it's be a good time to see first of all can we be hit okay yeah so that that took away that okay it looks like the loia does not work on these guys which is a shame and I guess we to do is we'll have to punch them low okay that does like no damage it's going to be so hard to level up on these guys OBS and the observation hockey has a very slow cool down give us a level there we go level 26 immediately so we get smoke flight oh that is so slow that is so slow that's kind of sad actually how slow that is then we have a white area that's not too bad is only an uncommon though kind of expected for how weak it is yeah I think for now we're just going to continue to stack our strength stat cuz it's almost maxed out and then we'll determine if we do fruit or not based on how much damage we're taking by then okay it looks like observation only goes up if you kill people with it activated like it's going up slowly as I kill things but only only if it's activated so now it's no longer going up cuz I just lost it that is going to be difficult to level up I might need to go down to like a lower area just kill over and over again oh we're level 266 which unlocks this Quest we're have to defeat eight grave robbers which is literally just fish man but they have a different name s tankier unlocked white Cyclone on my fruit which oh that's kind of cool it does like no damage right now cuz I have like no stats in it but it's still pretty cool nice and there we go level 290 so now we unlock the next quest which is to kill arlong uh two drops he also has a ton of Health to watch out for that uh stay away that attack lasts a while let's see if I can choose the fight yeah we we can do that of course ow okay Tad rude ow he's kind of difficult to fight but there we go no drops for that though okay he spawns in every 7 Minutes noted and okay Level 315 so we actually unlocked the next Island which I'm pretty sure is skypia so here we are last Island looks like our first Quest here is to kill 10 Sky soldiers a lot of experience for this though 255 ,000 they're not too strong though so this should be pretty easy yeah easy okay cool oh we're level four Armament now let's see it has my entire chest now dude so it's only missing the head or maybe tier five would be um the color and we're finally got to get max strength there we go now I'm doing Max damage with that we're also over halfway through the levels I'm guessing for now I should probably level up my demon fruit I'm I'm going to hold on the stats for a bit just not spend any stats until I have like a few hundred in reserve in case I start needing Health cuz right now I do just enough damage to where the by the time I get low I'm going to level up and heal up again and there we go now we're now level 340 which means the next Quest okay yeah this is the quest to defeat the Guard Captain okay 10,000 Health let's do it I do so much damage but so does the Guard Captain so hard to do that trick but there we go not too bad of a fight okay made back over here to see if I can spin for a fruit it has 102,000 to spin now because of my level come on something cool well it's not I don't have that one so I'll take it what Rarity is Paw Paw is a rare that's actually the rarest one I've picked up look at that it's right here it's at the very bottom of the rares might be interesting I don't have any fruits in and um I don't have any fruit stats yet so not going to use it just yet but I'm going to make sure to come back every hour and spin or like whenever I am available to more like and oh flames in stock right now do you know what let's I'm going to save a bunch of money now I'm going to keep doing quests so that way we can get that 100% that'll be worth it especially since last clip I went ahead so I didn't have to spend money and bought the fast boat game pass so that we have access to this boat this is the fastest boat in the game so if I can get the flame fruit it'll be very fitting cuz it's actually one of my favorite boat designs in one piece okay boss just spawn called Smoke Admiral which is who I'm dressed up as I'm very close to having enough money but apparently he spawns at log town I want to see if I can kill him we're level 362 so we should be able to yeah here he is 5% chance for his weapon 3% chance for the cape and doesn't tell me for the rest of it oh oh he's lo I forgot to activate my thing whoops now I would have survived if I activated my hockey I need do that anyway because I get like a massive damage boost just for having it enabled and anything cool uh we got a title for that white plume Essence found another material not pretty cool oh yeah here's all of the titles too I have seven of is 65 currently in the game oh I was killing this person again the little boss and I got the Raper weapon on this my actually my first sword by the way and it's like a low it's that epic awesome oh that's actually really cool okay 625,000 I think that might be enough let me see it's not even in there wait all these I wonder if these shops are different cuz I don't remember these being in stock earlier okay let's head let's head over to log toown is this shop different no it's like out of stock now I wonder if they I wonder if they have a limited stock amongst all the players okay so look at this apparently every single server has its own stock so I just found this one with flame in it and I had more than enough money luckily and it automatically swaps over to it okay I'm glad I I thought it would just give me the fruit okay well awesome um that's way better because each server has its own stock I did I did some experimenting cuz I there was no stock bot on the Discord and I was in one server that had Tremor at one point but it was 1.6 million so there is burn damage I definitely have to get him some levels there you go level 33 so now we have the fly okay that is way faster and it's basically the exact same thing as the other one too there we go and now we have flame pillar what does this do oh that's quite good actually yeah that's a good ability we had 65 so now we have fire bullets oh that's not bad either and okay level 390 let's go and do this Quest looks like we got to defeat a Neal let's do it yo okay this place is kind of cool all right 40,000 Health someone's already tried to kill him and it didn't work out obviously oh yeah he immediately shredded my health I see why it didn't work out wonder if I I wonder if I can ease the fight by doing this oh no oh goodness that hit me okay yeah no I see this guy's very difficult actually that was pretty far out too from that attack and it still hit he is pretty difficult I think I'm going to need to get higher stats to fight him can I avoid it this time no you cannot that is like not avoidable I did almost 25% of his health let's see if I can get up there before he regenerates some of that oh no he regenerated all of it okay that's not winable not right now at least okay 175 now we have the V ability which yep giant Fireball that does a ton of damage okay that's going to be a massive help oh and there we go level five what do I get with level five hockey oh we get the color it also covers the face looks like we got yeah we did get blue okay and it's the next day and I'm level 500 now spent the past like 34 minutes grinding def definely getting slower because the experience requirement is getting really high in other news my observation finally hit level two so now have a maximum of four Dodges which is significantly better than the one I had before which was only two and at level 52 we finally got Max demon fruit so the rest of our stats are all going to go into my health amount I guess we also now match the mount so this this is just even better let's see if we can do it all right start this battle off well already doing way more damage than we did last time oh got to run got to run I'm going going hit by that I I couldn't avoid that one that does so much and we're down already oh goodness this guy is still very difficult okay Run Okay so he just can't escape if he get in the melee rage I got almost a half which still wasn't enough to prevent from healing okay you need like more than one person to kill this guy is drops a solo too okay somebody tells okay I can't kill him I I don't have anyone else to play with this game so he just had has a ton of damage and I either my fruit's bad I don't even know shame we're level 595 only five more levels to go 598 we might be able to level up on this next Quest and oh no we we need a little bit more and there we go we are now level 600 which means all of our sets are maxed we got 6,350 Health that's pretty good A lot of energy but there's still a ton for us to do and lots of things that I have not collected yet including maxing our observation which is only level two right now definitely going have to put in some work and figure out what I need to get now [Music]
Channel: JixxyJax
Views: 101,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, JixxyJax, Jixxy Jax, Roblox YouTubers, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Roblox Anime Games, Roblox Anime Videos, Anime Games, Roblox Naruto, Roblox One Piece, Roblox AOT, Roblox My Hero Academia, Haze Piece, Gear 2 Luffy, Gear 4 Luffy, Gear 5 Luffy, Haze Piece Gum Fruit, How to Get Gum Fruit, How to get gear 4, how to get gear 5, how to get gear 2, Noob To Pro, Haze Piece Noob To Pro, King Legacy, King Legacy Noob To Pro, How to get fruit in King Legacy
Id: wxy38cB6zvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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