I Spent 24 Hours Grinding As Kaido In Roblox King Legacy... Here's What Happened!

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in this video I started over on a brand new account and played as kaido inside of King Legacy now you'll see exactly what I mean in a moment once we get started but I'm just letting you know now I'm starting over on a completely fresh account with no game passes I don't plan to spend any roo except for the outfit cuz I like looking the parts and I'm having no one help me kill stuff so we are doing this entirely alone as if we were a new player but if you hav't already and you do enjoy this video please drop a quick like and And subscribe it really does help out the channnel and this video was a ton of work 4,000 levels of grinding without an experience boost this literally took twice as long as my first video on this game but let's go ahead and get started because we have a lot of work to do we are currently level zero we have zero cash and also zero gems but that does cause one more problem and that's the fact that I don't have a dragon free on this account which isn't actually that hard to fix just need to do a simple train and all of a sudden I am now completely kaido let's go ahead and eat the fruit and this is actually my first time ever using the dragon fruit like I had did not use dragon fruit at all through my normal gam playay but okay let's see so we have hell bullet then we have to level 500 level 1,000 1,500 and level 2,000 is the ability to do this which isn't actually that bad also I realized my race is Angel which isn't his actual race but I mean it's fitting considering great great introduction for the character it's also fitting that all my attacks involve ERS for very similar reasoning but I can't enter codes so let's do that most of these are literally just going to give me money though this one gives gems though which is going to be nice and here we go that's the last one for now I also have a times 2 experience code for 30 minutes which I'm going to use later cuz I don't need really use it right now but let's go ahead and get started with our very first Quest and actually wait a second if I remember correctly there's a few quests that are Level zero here we go this one this one is to defeat 20 of these soldiers which give me 8,000 experience which just comparing killing four gives me 160 in normal Quest so this Quest right here is going to be massive Health now this is also our first test to see how strong we are we're very strong I have to get used to using this ability correctly now but our first level I go ahead and I'm what I'm going to do is I literally until this stat is maxed all my stats going into Power fruit because I want to get these abilities it's going to make this so much easier if I have more things to use and there we go with that Quest we gain a bunch of levels look at that we are yeah we're going to level up for a while aren't we my goodness level 28 immediately let's See's also this Quest right here we can do which wants me to find three Fried Chicken for a bit of experience I already know where two of them are I'm pretty sure there's one right here another one right here and I don't actually know where the third one is now there it is it's over here there you go we go ahead and claim that and now we are getting even more levels we not level 31 but next one we should be able to do is we can do this Quest right here which is just to head over to the next Island man I am not being kaido whatsoever I am being so helpful avoiding combat and just helping people if it was so profitable I count out as a fail there you go but even more levels that only gave me one level that time though now we're level 32 but just to continue these quests we can go ahead and do this one which wants me to drive my boat to three different positions oh my Lord this boat is so slow but either way there we go that took so incredibly long but it's going to be worth it and look at all those levels and there we go now we're level 65 I have a bunch of points now I can go ahead and put 256 more points into Power fruit yes we basically just skip the entire first island now but now our next Quest is to defeat the clown Swordsmen six of them at a time not too bad that we get two levels per Quest that's that's not too bad but I am also restricting myself to only using things kaido would use so that is going to be like combat Styles cuz I can kaido punches using his fruit and also using his mace there's two of them there's a mini Maze and then there's authentic maze authentic mace is like really far ahead though the mini mace is going to be one of my goals so I have a melee weapon also any accessory counts cuz I mean I don't think there's a single accessory that actually truly fits kaido so whatever I get I'm going to use there you go level 75 so now we have access to the next Quest up here to defeat buggy buggy the target who is going to take several Texs to actually kill okay we got this and okay there we go we're getting stronger slowly but now we're level 100 so we can head to the third island okay there we go finally I now have 500 points of access to new ability disaster storm hold X nothing let go ooh that's pretty good very AOE though okay this is going to be more helpful I have more damage now so I basically just need to do that one more time then I get access to a third ability this is going to go well okay now I'm moving on to our second boss the Barbarian which is an interesting name for axan Morgan I'm also remembering how bad it was not having any health stats but hey there we go our first hat stainless jaw but reduced sword damage kaido just just looks like this right now I guess and hey we got we got our first sword Barbarian axe there you go our first melee weapon which we're not going to use level 180 so now we're on to the next Island from our next ability but now we have to hunt down four fighter Fishman which are is going to be kind of a pain cuz we're pretty far apart but I do more than enough damage so we should be good ow okay there we go we're level 200 now so we' moved on from the fighter fish man now we're doing a singular NPC which honestly I prefer even if he takes more damage it's much easier and try to like fight more than the one at once well oh wow that's shocking apparently the shark Kine does drop from shark man that is absurd I've tried I literally sat there for like an hour in my last video killing this thing trying to see if it drop shark Kines and didn't drop any but after a few kills I get one my goodness so sorry to that one guy that I said was wrong apparently he was right you can actually get shark K9 from the shark boss which makes all the sense like it truly does make sense for him to drop it it just I don't know why it only dropped now that is actually absurd and okay there we go level 250 that means we have enough stats for the roar ability okay okay that's really cool oh looks we have our next Quest well before we actually head over I want to test this ability if I do this right I should be able to do the roar then lightning and then the fireball perfect I just got shark blade too awesome another sword for the collection I'm kaido the most recent main villain with the weapon of the original main villain perfect I'm also going to go ahead and buy my first ability it's somewhere in here there he is I'm going to learn teleport for 50,000 which is going to be very helpful for me to get around a little bit easier especially on brates and okay there we go level 300 so now I have access to the next boss dark leg now we're level 350 so we've unlocked the next quest which is from this NPC where we got to defeat Dawn cre better known as Dory apparently hey I just got golden spear awesome another drop we're now level 375 which means I am now pink kaido that's my color I got that's not too bad when I get the SE to a p roll I don't know all the dragon colors but that is a pretty good one I get used to controlling it though but I wonder is anything oh yeah my abilities are way better now oh yes this is this just got way easier my abilities hit like trucks literally I just to get used to the movement oh oh oh my God I just realized too I have 12,000 Health that is spectacular but okay there we go level 400 so I can move on to the next Island which is actually much faster to move over to because we can fly and that wants us to defeat five soldiers I also realize that because I'm a pink kaido doesn't that technically make me Mos oh no I might need to change my color but there you go 450 so now we can go ahead and kill the king of snow level 5 100 which means I unlocked dragon breath and I mean just look at his ability when I use it look at that damage it fully kills it that is so strong but also because we level 500 we are now eighth of the way through leveling but we did unlock this quest to kill four king snows this Quest is giving me 4 million experience look at that we are now level 516 we didn't exactly skip the island but did make it a lot easier hey there we go horn hat okay let's see what that gives me I forgot uh reduced melee I think that's better I think more enemies use melee look at kaido go he's awesome looking oh speaking of looking good one second because we have our Dragon form now I think I'm qualified to be hybrid now 500 which means I can head to the next Island we are now on Alabaster which might prove bit of a problem because this next NPC is inside of a building I don't really do well with buildings my size is not permit okay there we go 725 so now we can do the next quest which is the kill crocodile this one's going to be even worse because not only it will have to be in a building but so is he this is going to be horrible and there we go level 800 so now we've unlocked skypia and not only that we've officially passed 3,000 fruit power I can also go ahead because I have a bunch of money I can now learn observation for 1.5 million look at that awesome that's going to be helpful you can do that level 800 talking to this NPC right here he is it's right here trust me I don't know why my NPCs keep disappearing okay there we go level 850 so now we can move on to ball man this is also significantly easier than I remember it being like we like the progression we're doing is so much better cuz I actually know what I'm doing in the game and also this fruit's really powerful and there we go level 900 now we have to defeat Rumble man so I imagine yep also going to be really easy and hey there we go we got the pull another weapon unlock and there we go level 1,000 we are now a fourth of the way through this video and we also unlock two more things at level 1,000 first of all all we can now go to the next Island which is really nice making more progress but also if we have 500,000 which we do we can go ahead and talk to an NPC in this house and we can learn Armament hockey for 500,000 so now I have more damage of course this going to be a very long time till I get a color and like V2 of all that same with observation but that is going to be a massive help either way so let's keep going now we got to kill enemies on this island 1,100 now we can do the next Quest and there we go level 1,150 and there we level 1,250 and with that we now have Max fruit power we are as strong as we can get now also something really cool is the more fruit power you have the more Health the final form gives you look at this I have 40,000 Health without a single stat in defense that is insane dragon is such a good fruit to grind up with cuz you can just put your stats in fruit not only does your damage get super high but so does your health okay 1,000 325 okay 1,400 okay level 1,500 onto the next Island my progress has been amazing and there we go 1,600 I just went back to kill the leopard instead of doing the zombies they were just way too far apart I couldn't do anything with them okay there we go 1,700 on to the next Island I think there is something I can buy here let me see if I can find it is it you here we go I could buy the mini mace from this character for 3 million cash which I think I'm going to go ahead and just do because this is one of the weapons I've allowed myself to use because I mean hey it's kaido with the mace you can't you can't not have this so expensive it shouldn't be that much whatsoever especially since it's a common I know that I'm supposed to be kaido but I'm going to go ahead and go get myself the blue Straw Hat because it isn't a massive buff but it's a buff nonetheless that affects my fruit there we go okay blue Straw Hat we got it that is all we actually need to do so let's go ahead and leave but yes the Hat gives me 3% fruit damage so now I am 3% stronger that means for every 100 damage I deal an extra three truly a revolutionary buff okay there we go level 1,800 so we can move on to the next quest which is to kill the rear Admirals 1,850 so you can do the next quest which is to defeat the true karate fish man okay there we go 1,925 now we can go ahead and do the Last Quest on this island which is to defeat the Quake woman which is a fitting duel for kaido I don't think these who lik each other much hey there we go we got the weapon awesome all right there we go we are now level 2,000 which means we can move on to the last Island but before we do that I want to go ahead and grab this daily Quest here which wants me to kill 10 Fishman soldiers and I get a decent reward for doing so considering I only need that much experience this Quest is going to be immensely helpful oh Lord this building is so small this might be a bit of a paid but I mean the reward is going to be so worth it and there we go from doing that Quest look at all these levels we're getting perfect 11 free levels for very little kills 250 2,100 so we can move on to the swordfish man which I'm going to be killing until I can kill the season fish man cuz I remember correctly the soldier Fish Man Quest isn't that easy to do it's actually faster just to kill this guy and it's not that much of a roar difference yeah see I have enough level for the next Quest but here's the experience I'm getting now and here's the experience from the soldier Fish Man Quest as you can see not that much more for a lot more work too all right there we go 2,200 hey demon trid it awesome all right there we go level 2,250 which means we're officially done with C1 almost I actually one second set my spawn on this island and let's fly over to the war Island real quick and once we get to war Island we go ahead and go to this back right one where we're going to talk to the traveler and he gives you a quest to bring back the map now to get a map we have to go back to the island I was just at the fish man Island which is why I some my spawn here and we can go ahead and kill the seasoned fish man which we just did a bunch of he will drop me a map there we go we got it awesome so now that I have the map I have to go back to the NBC and talk to him again and talk to you which finishes the quest then we can head back to spawn on the original first island and we can finally talk to the NPC at the end of here trust me this NPC I don't know why they keep unloading but there we go we can now officially start grinding C2 we're a little over halfway done very exciting okay first quest of C2 we got to go ahead and kill Beast Pirates okay 2,300 I can't actually kill these next enemies cuz they're too far apart like these are too far apart I can't do anything with these I'm guessing for the next 100 level I'm going to keep doing the Beast Pirates so when I try to get close they shred through my hockey like I basically get my hockey for one set of kills it's so annoying it's also extra annoying cuz occasionally they also cancel out my attacks but there we go level 2,400 so now we can go ahead and do the next quest which is to kill the banded Beast pirate which does have a much higher reward which is good and luckily they're all in range so I can actually do it see that my my tag just got canceled too oh that's so annoy 2450 oh a sea king just spawned I don't have a really good way to find it though you know what let's go kill it cuz I think it drops levels and additionally it also gives me a chance to get some rare drops oh decent damage though 70,000 on one combo that's that's pretty good no need do any like special little techniques either to do it yeah literally everyone that serve as a cheater what the heck well there you go first kill and it gave like 3 million experience that isn't too bad tier two chest let's see what our very first boss is going to give us oh we got a seeking fin awesome I can transfer that to my main account cuz I'm actually needing a lot of those for a video you'll see in the future level 2,500 so now we get to fight a boss which I'm very happy about oh yeah and also I now have Max defense so now I'm going to go ahead I'm guessing we'll dump my stuff into sword now 2550 2,600 2650 and hey another boss spawn we got big mom let's see if we can get lucky and get a phoenix blade like first try again again or even better a phoenix tier which I would actually prefer course this thing does a lot of damage to me so oh and it just died out of nowhere why does that that boss does that a lot it just dies well I didn't get any drops so all I got was some levels basically another Sea King yet again same issue with not having the pose is I have no idea where it's at okay nothing good from the chest 2750 250 more levels and then I'm going to go ahead and use my experience boost cuz I'll be able to get a massive boost and there we go 2,800 and there we go 2850 and there we go 2900 all right another Sea King let's see if we get lucky with this one okay nothing cool this time and there we go 2950 and there we go level 3,000 okay so now that we're level 3,000 we've actually unlocked not only just be able the ability to kill Joey here but we actually unlocked a lot of different quests we can do around the map of course the first thing I want to do I want to head over to this island over here so that way I can go buy a hat real quick and hold on are they fighting kaido I might join in I need that weapon there's a bunch of them up there unless they're pvping but I do want to go ahead and talk to this NPC so that way I can spend 5 million on the bubble which will be helpful in a moment hopefully yeah look at this dragons here okay let's find dragon real quick let's see if we can get the weapon Dragon V Dragon ow this is also good to do because we are kaido and there is a thing that only happens once you deal damage to him and there we go we got a free level for that which is nice I don't think we got the thing I wanted though so apparently if you kill kaido there's a chance for you to essentially unlock the higher chance ability to get the coolest skin when you reroll Dragon appearance but I think that's all they're going to do so let's go ahead and do our thing we're going to be doing a big list of quests throughout the map but the first one I want to go ahead and do before we actually enter the code just to have a bit of extra time so I want to do this guy's Quest right here level 3,000 I can go ahead and deliver a bunch of presents and I get 14 million experience when I do it it's actually incredibly easy so I can get myself two levels from this with the code here we go let's go ahead and enter this code right here which will give us 30 minutes of times two experience and also some gems there we go we got two three levels from that that's pretty good then let's go ahead and teleport home that way we can do this Quest right here which wants me to defeat the Joey NPC three times for 102 million experience is actually going to be 204 million so very helpful we just got to kill this guy three times there you go that's one and three so we're going to start getting a bunch of levels from that as you can see that's incredibly satisfying but while that ticks down I'm going to go ahead and talk to this NPC right here which wants me to go ahead and tear down some posters over by spawn for another 102 million experience there we go and I actually don't know how much experience these quests give look at that 3049 very good level 49 levels for free but there's also a bunch of Island quests like these how much do they give they're all pretty easy and that gives another 102 million this is really easy all you got to do is head to the ship down here and there we go you can see why I saved The Experience boost there we go 3071 then I'm going to go ahead and come to this quest star here which is not actually giving much experience I'm okay I'm not going to do that one I don't have a lot of time what about this one okay yeah this one gives a lot so this one wants me to go ahead and I'll go ahead and equip this right here cuz it wants me to go underwater and I have a fruit so that's very deadly but yet had again 102 million experience so it is worth it but there we go that is all we need there so one up a lot there we're at 3,092 then we're going to head over to this island over here the last island in the game because there are two quests I can do here one of which that giv is a lot of experience okay so this one's pretty easy all we got to do is pick up these flowers and actually what dragon fruit is really bad feathers sorry got to pick up all these feathers really difficult to do when using dragon fruit I I realize there you go even more experience and while that's counting down there's another Quest right here for level 3,000 which also gives a ton of experience okay let's do it we have to defeat 12 enemies on on the very last area but my goodness that's a lot of experience oh nice I hit them all they are definitely tanky too essentially getting a sneak peek of what it's going to be like for me later my goodness these things take no damage but there you go even more levels okay now there's one more Quest that I know that I can do right now all the other ones are like you need like level 3,500 and like 3,800 for the other special Quest but this is the last one that I know is level 3,000 and that is this island with a giant skeleton on it talk to this NPC and all I got to do is pick up a bunch of Bones around the island and there we go so with that we skipped 155 levels that was very worth it so let's see where do we got to go now looks like our next Quest is over on the desert island and I'm pretty sure because of that yeah we we skipped Skull Island again I actually didn't even fight that in my original playr either and went directly to dead Tundra 3,200 so let's head over to this island and I hope this isn't a waste of time cuz I only got 13 minutes left on my times two and so far I'm getting like three to four levels every Quest so this is moving fast we still have 800 levels though that's going to take a while oh I think that was a mistake okay uh let's head back those enemies are way too far apart I'll just keep killing the Farrow cuz it's really easy to kill and there we go boost is gone but we managed to get ourselves 272 levels from it very very good let's see where does my quest thing take me now it looks like I'm still on cake Island and it wants us to kill biscuit man okay well it looks like we're killing him for 30 levels and hey from killing that thing I just got the biscuit shoulder accessory is that any help that's not any help never mind and hey I only killed a few of them but now it wants me to go on over here and do this Quest instead you know what sure let's do this one too the D master and hey we got the blue scarf from that awesome okay what's the blue scarf do um pretty good 5% fruit damage okay that's actually worth using okay let's go ahead and use that and now we have a better upgrade than just um than just three so now we're doing 2% more damage and we also have a lot of reduction that's really good and there we go 3,300 and actually you know what like all the enemies on this island are super far apart also like this one work better with a more mo mobile fruit I'm going to go ahead and skip this island so I'm going to grind up until I think it's the island over here it's like 3,400 so I'm going to go back to cake Island and just Farm there for 100 Levels this the enemies that are super spread apart is are basically impossible for me to farm with this effectively heck yeah to the cabbs let's do it okay no luck on this one again and there we go level 3,41 oh let's go I got for I recorded for half a second there I just got a phoenix tier that's my first ever Phoenix tier from Big Bob I got on my alt let's go that's definitely being transferred I need so many of these for what I'm working on right now that is amazing 3450 and there we go level 3,500 I don't think that does unlock new Quests for me there is one Quest I could do though real quick let me head over to the new island even though I don't want to fight the next enemy I do want to go do a different Quest I have unlocked now we're also getting really close to Max sword stats or 1,000 away then we got to work on melee but at 3,500 there is another Quest unlock just like the other some like the other big ones and that is to defeat Hefty three times which gives a big reward as you can see and he's actually not that bad to kill that wasn't so bad his attacks aren't that bad either so this is going to be pretty easy whenever I get the chance to actually Farm him and kelee weapon does not want to hit my attacks but there we go okay cool bunch of levels there perfect now we only need 12 more levels and then I can go ahead and start killing ponder over here which is why I want to farm that one back to the other Island cuz right now I don't want to I do not want to do the vice Admirals they're not fun best sh with dragon okay 35 25 let's now go ahead and actually kill Ponder I also want to farm this guy because I think one of one of the drops on this island is actually really good and I want a better hat heck yeah just got Ponder coat from Ponder what it I remember what it does yes it's fruit damage 12% that's why I wanted to fight him cuz it actually gives a really good accessory for this perfect oh I look so dumb with it though I look so bad 3550 but now we can go ahead and defeat Hefty hey I just got Hefty glasses too they do nothing for me but another drop awesome well the king Samurai spawned I mean no one else is spotting him but I want to see if I can get the draw on he's almost dead dang it we didn't get the good sword but we did get the hell sword so there we go our second epic sword awesome okay I'm at 3626 and I went ahead and went to the Halloween Island in C2 and it was a quest for 3500 that actually gives 39 million experience so definitely do that one real quick that was worth the three free levels heck yeah another Sea King let's let's kill it and he has another SE King fin this account is so lucky that is awesome I get I get more drops on this account than I do on my main when I'm fighting bosses that is so weird and there we go level 3,700 but okay there we go 3725 so you can do the next Quest but a Hydra just spawned it finally spawned let's go wherever it's at let's go beat it up and there we go let's see okay just the tier two and oh I got a hydr taale and a dragon fruit oh let go no item drops but I did get myself a Hydra I got all the drops I got two seeking fins a hyr taale and a phoenix tier of this video and a dragon fruit oh my God and I also got two seeking blood from that what the heck has been my luck on this account I get so many materials that was amazing 3775 I can go ahead and kill fluffy okay let's see if we can get lucky this should be the last guy we got to fight because next like two enemies are groups and then there is a boss which is probably even worse to fight healthwise okay 3,800 200 levels to go I also just remembered I'm at 3,800 now I have access to this Quest pretty good pretty good reward for it too it's actually really easy all I got to do is head behind the factory and behind here is a ledge that has a book on it so there we go three and a three almost four levels for free that's pretty good oh also cuz hit 3,800 there's a quest here for me to kill 12 skull Pirates which gives me 46 million so you had to get another good quest for me to do okay 3850 and there we go 3,900 100 more to go 3950 50 more levels to go okay 3975 25 more levels to go and oh stop giving me as much experience I'm guessing if you go 200 levels over the level requirement needed for the quest needed to do the quest it doesn't give you the experience anymore okay cool and there we go level 4,000 we're done we're finally done my gosh this took forever and I will admed medely say that there are definitely better fruits to grind with I had a much easier time when I was grinding with rumble on my main account and definitely flame awakened and gravity awakened both do a lot of damage inste more than this one for sure I'm sure most of the awakens do more damage than this one but overall dragon is a lot of fun I'm glad I did this but I must say there are definitely better fruits so if you want a really good grind fruit Dragon obviously did really really well for me I was able to kill all the bosses the late the later ones on like the last two islands required a bit more work but it got me through most of the game without much trouble but if you are looking for an alternative fruit and you're currently using the dragon or you're trying to look into using the dragon yourself other Alternatives I could recommend would be like Rumble flame and if you can get enough of them get get awaken gravity but if you don't want to do an awakened Rumble is probably your best bet out of all the Epic fruits I've used that is like the best one that's not awakened it's actually probably better than some awaken just with no Mobility sadly no flying but yes I am so glad the finally max level so I will be using this account mainly for afking materials cuz as you know I do a lot of Mater material afking for trades and all that for other videos so that's part of the reason why I went ahead and did this account is so that way I could use it to get more materials faster to do more trading cuz I need a lot of materials for some future videos I'm working on which you shall see eventually hopefully this one will make it faster now if you do want to see me do this with more fruits or maybe in other games let me know of course if it's for this game it might be a bit till I do another one cuz basically almost 24 hours between three different days for me to do cuz it's a lot of levels especially without any boost I've a feeling the next one I do I'm definitely trading over my experience CR to make it faster because that does give Lu I think it's like let me see yeah it's a 35% experience increase when you upgrade it which is really cheap to upgrade so just hope you enjoyed the video I know I did because this account for some reason was insanely lucky
Channel: JixxyJax
Views: 120,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, JixxyJax, Jixxy Jax, Roblox YouTubers, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Roblox Anime Games, Roblox Anime Videos, Anime Games, Roblox Naruto, Roblox One Piece, Roblox AOT, Roblox My Hero Academia, Haze Piece, Gear 2 Luffy, Gear 4 Luffy, Gear 5 Luffy, Haze Piece Gum Fruit, How to Get Gum Fruit, How to get gear 4, how to get gear 5, how to get gear 2, Noob To Pro, Haze Piece Noob To Pro, King Legacy, King Legacy Noob To Pro, How to get fruit in King Legacy
Id: UjTekdY22RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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