Becoming Franky With Cyborg V2 Fighting Style In Roblox King Legacy... Here's How I Did It!

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in this video we are going to become Frankie inside of King Legacy and to do this we are going to be unlocking finally cyborg V2 the last of the fighting styles that I do not currently have V2 and we're also going to be testing if it is actually better or not for the main reason most people use cyborg which you will see in the video but before we get started I do have a quick question is there anything in this game that I have not done because there's only one more thing in this game that I have not done yet that I know of so if there's anything that I missed please let me know down in the comments but before we get started with this video please drop a quick like And subscribe it is free and it does help out the channel but let's go ahead and get started and wao okay give me a minute before we actually start the video yet again I'm sorry another Interruption it's worth it trust me I'm here to let you know that I am doing more giveaways on my Discord these specifically for King Legacy I'm always hosting different giveaways on there right now it's mainly for King Legacy but I do want to do some more for other games soon but these giveaways are mainly to say as a thank you for all the support L and all the videos youall have been absolutely amazing and in addition we're also insanely close to 100,000 subscribers which is a very large number and large numbers are good I like I like numbers when they're bigger than usual but yes I'm doing a bunch of giveaways for a bunch of different fruits and items inside of King Legacy most of them fall under whatever you want of current available items except for saber V2 and acuris spear those take a lot of work but if you're wanning a chance to win some free items go join up top Link in description and it's normally in my descriptions on like 99% of my videos in case you're ever looking for my Discord link but yes just join up and verify Roblox account it's pretty easy to do thank you yet again for all of the support and I hope you enjoy the video and good luck with the giveaway there's a bunch of them right now so there is one thing that I really want to make sure we test in this video and that is if it is actually better or not so let me go ahead have to talk to half robot here and once I go through the whole dialogue I go ahead and learn for 1 million there we go and I've used this fighting style a lot already and I basically only used it for the last ability self-repair we're also going to go ahead and for the stats in this video I'm going to have 1,000 melee and everything else and sword fruit and health but just to shut this off before we actually get started we have iron boxing which as you can see doesn't do a lot of damage mainly because I don't have a lot of stat in it but also just isn't that good in the first place then we have airshock not too bad then we have a radical Beam not too bad and then we also have our V ability which if you hold it and let go it basically takes all of your health and Deals damage which then moves into last attack you have self-repair which repairs us quite a bit of Health which is the main reason why I use cyborg when I when I did use it back when you're able to have three max stats instead of having to split but I'm at I I got 25,000 Health that that's actually not too bad let me go ahead and get a little bit lower and I want to see how much self-repair actually repairs us as soon as we hit 10,000 I'm going to go ahead and press it 10,000 gave us okay that gave us 17 let's say 17,000 cuz I was also passively regenerating while doing that so I had 177,000 health worth of healing if I go ahead and use something that adds Health to my total electri station armor our health is faster and I think it technically gives us more regeneration cuz I think regeneration is percentage of your health instead of just like a set amount there we go 10,300 if I go ahead and regenerate that one also gave 17,000 so self-repair does just give 17,000 no matter how much health you have so it's most likely better to whenever you healed unequip a hat that gives you health heal and then equip it cuz as you can see my health goes from 24 up to 33 because it's it was percentage of my health it's also mainly to stop people from abusing just Health accessories just have unlimited health just unequip it requip it and you have 15,000 more no it just keeps the percentage so we're going to evolve this we now know that the normal one deals 177,000 I did not want to upgrade this one I didn't do it in my last video on this game because I actually use self repair and I've heard a lot of people say that the awakened Ro cyborg is actually weaker so I we're going to test that and of course we can't forget to become Frankie himself we must always look at the part you know Frankie with a saber we even have the robot nose that he has this is also the only only Frankie face on the UPS side which is kind of disappointing I do wish there was more but it's good enough but okay let's see what do we have to do I actually don't know how to evolve this okay so apparently it wants us we're going to be using gate for this it wants us to head over to this island over here shred and endangering we should have all the materials for this let's see we have to talk to this guy and he has a quest for us to do he wants 1,500 iron and 1,500 rusted scrap pretty easy there we go we have a ton of rust of scrap also I don't know how to repay you but there's a person who can help help you grow your combat skills try looking at looking for fum at fure okay let's head there I wonder if he's up here that would make the most sense that's basically where every single NPC is at got to find one you've never talked to before I guess guess not let's look down here ah here here's an NPC who are you are you it you are it there we go fum okay he's told about me before that you have to pass by test go defeat the dragon and come back to me again okay so we have to go defeat kaido that's going to be fun Quest wanted me to go to Skull Island this island over here this one and defeat the dragon I don't have any orbs so I need to go ahead and kill the elite skeleton let's see if we can get any without trading this might be a little tanky Okay no Okay only pile bones that time I going to swap over to my Rumble fruit for this one and the main reason why is because these abilities are basically instant look at this if I go and activate these then all these they all just go off at the same time it's great also just not aiming I haven't played this in a while my aim okay let's farm this guy for a bit hopefully we get it I I might have to go to a public server though to make it easier okay i' I've killed this guy like 20 times already and he's not dropping it I'm going to do the extreme solution so I never have to farm this darn thing again we are just going to trade for a few of them I'm giving 20 seeking fins for 100 Dragon orbs I never have to grind these things again hopefully I mean and you never know but 100 is more than enough done with those those are so annoying what else you even use these for I I probably should have checked let me see if they're used for any orbs cuz I I haven't done anything orb related in this game either I think that was added in the update before I started playing but I haven't done anything with these enchant Stones yet because I just don't need to okay they're used for Blaze stones eight per Stone any other of these oh they okay they're used for disillusion and Glacier I they have a lot of uses I'm guessing if I ever decide to do these and also use for Gil lots of of uses lots of uses for these Stones my goodness yeah but right now I don't have any plans for these mainly cuz I don't know which swords require which stones to be good and additionally I don't really think it would be interesting content of me just making Stones even though I'm trying to 100% just do everything in the game I think that's one thing I'm just not going to do but okay let's go fight the dragon also let me make sure to set my spawn nearby because we are going to be using the I'm guessing we'll use Rumble cuz it's it's probably the best for this boss all right and you time to be defeated just ability spam them you do a lot of damage though look at my health you actually know what good thing for self-repair now franking abild incoming in clutch now full health again just bought myself a little bit more time to deal damage not much though ow my health is gone again I'm low no self prare for a bit ow I'm I'm dead I'm dead okay cool I think this is why you didn't see Frankie solo uh kaido makes so much sense now this is this is also pre- time skip Frankie too so oh no but this combo does a lot of damage look at that we're doing good ow no back away backing away in behind a wall so we don't get hit we are set I'm going to go ahead and swap accessories to the crust station armor so that way we can take a bit more damage look at that all my abilities at once perfect we're doing a bit less damage now but we should take much less too okay I can heal again too back [Applause] away he doesn't know where I'm at like he's walking right towards me very angry dragon now we're doing much better with the crustation armor this is working really well okay backing away again I love self-repair self I feel so good using using it again I finally split my stats so I could use it for once cuz I I haven't used it since last update which has been a while since something came out ow I'm so dead heal okay I'm out healing the fire I I out healed the fire barely or so dead nothing nothing can save me now and I'm dead dang it I got so close dang it 19,000 Health oh that was really close oh why am I over here for dang it hate it when the respawns break no but that was incredibly close I should have just ran instead of trying to combo but there we go dragon is dead we got five skills for now not too bad so now that we've done that let's teleport over using gate to uh fure and let's go ahead and talk to the robot guy again let's see uh would you like to evolve your combat right okay wait no I I defeated him I pressed accept oh don't don't have to do it again oh come on that was a difficult fight oh man it didn't save okay let's fight him again dang it I'm glad I bought a 100 of these I also just thought of something do I do I have to use this cyborg fighting style to kill this guy I hope I don't I'll go ahead and hit him with a few of attacks on it just to be safe but I mean it doesn't really have attacks the more just has like tickles okay he's almost dead and there we go okay cool let's see did that count please have count counted don't make me have to use just the fighting styles be so bad if I have to just use that I killed it twice please count oh come on okay third attempt we're going to Res semi stats again and this time I'm just going to stack melee health and fruit the reason why fruit is so that way I can just use gate cool well let's just use these attacks hopefully they do enough damage we're just going to use cyborg attacks we basically have three to choose from we have this one doing 9,000 then another five ,000 then our Z which is a bit goofy which can do about 5,000 before it gets canceled I'm guessing they're fast at least this heal better be worth it this is going to take forever one1 of the way there normal's dead ow okay this is why we have this okay we got him to a quarter Health loss through getting there I also just remembered because I'm using a melee I have access to M ones which do a lot of damage look at that my damage capability just went it by a ton we're moving up in the world now yeah iron boxing is just not good at all it does less damage than your M1 for how long it takes so just use the X C press m1's and just keep teleporting back when you die this is going well just stand here and for some reason he only wants to use that one ability right now I wonder if it's because of where I'm at never mind just RNG I guess that's what I had there but less than half we're doing good I should just let Frankie deal with kaido he would have won easily okay 350,000 we're getting there I really hope this works less than 250k we're do we're getting there and we're dead most epic boss fight of all time he's almost dead I keep dodging his hits it's perfect there we go okay just using that we literally only hit it with Cyborg and the two abilities and a little bit of iron boxing before I realized it was really bad please it worked yes we're good but he has bad news of course you have bad news my bad news was that I had to fight you three times Dragon um seems like Oculus took it away I'll contact him and I'll try to find it I'm not sure where he's at good luck I didn't read that whole thing what did he say that's too busy complaining about Dragon uh but but recently realized that my cyborg upgrade tools are not with me this is literally a scam okay we have to go find somebody his name is Oculus okay according to my genius investigation skills he should be somewhere on skull is he right here yep there he is is it bad this is an NBC I didn't even know was here ah well whatever let's go and talk to you you must be the one feum will help that's a lot of words okay let's see the quest we need 3,000 iron ingots Two hyra Tales three seeking fins and 10 lost rubies for us to get cyborg V2 do I have that no I do not I I need N I need nine lost rubies and we're going to go buy those those are not fun to grind uh we have the iron we have 2,500 is that enough okay we need more iron of course we do we need we need all those materials except for the seing fins I only have one hydr tail I think you only have one of these so I need a hydr tail 500 iron and nine more lost rubies that's what we need I have a ton of seeking fins so we can afford this all right let's go do some trading I guess let's do it here we go we're trading for two lost rubies here that's our first trade second trade trading one for 500 iron ingots so we have all those now and here we we go trading six se King fins for 11 lost rubies so we got those now we just need a Hydra tail let me find a trade for that and there we go three seeking fins for hydril finally took a little bit to find but okay now that we've done that we can actually go ahead and talk to the NPC again and we can finally become cyborg V2 so we have a whole bunch of new abilities including a little companion robot look at them that's cool he'll follow me around no matter what and because we're now V2 on cyborg with the appropriately change our Avatar there there we go absolutely cursed time skip Breaky there we go okay let's see what this does considering we're fully stacked on damage now I'm guessing we'll test this out oh look at that I an M1 that's cool okay let's let's use it so like not too bad I like that it's a good amount of damage 3,000 every hit 3,600 you do one full combo you do 14,000 that's really good okay let's see so we have acceleration pulse oh that's pretty cool little throw an attack dealing 5,000 damage then we have high volt blast not too bad 6,400 all these are tap abilities too so they're pretty fast and then we have a destruction beam which is a hole look at that oh that's cool let's do that again I want to see there on full damage 14,000 kind of reminds me of one of the um awakened light abilities then we have tactic switch if I press V what did that do it made my oh look at that oh it's taking HP from me interesting so it turns down into a ranged ability my M1 what about this one oh that's different too is it different okay that looks the same Is this different that's the same what about okay Z's different though interesting so V is a toggle to change your M1 to be a ranged ability which does like 4,000 damage but it damages you a th000 health every time you use it interesting then you have this ability which also drains your health probably not the best in combat it's also without hockey by the way I realize it's actually more damage if you have hockey enabled but that is still really cool I like that so what is accessory do we have on right now okay we have this one oh that's with how much does it do with okay still the same amount the the damage negate doesn't do anything to it let's see let's get our health down to 10,000 again just like we did with V1 let's see if it's actually better there you go oh like 11,000 it's less Health but it's probably faster what if I what if I swap back to the other tactic let's test it with the uh blue tactic look at that's really cool how it changes that okay 11,000 Health if I press e yeah they gave us about let's say 11,000 so it's actually less heals so cyborg V2 isn't worth it that's a shame because like you're not going to be you don't use melees for the attack you tend to use them for like that you use cyborg for your heal that's why you Cyborg and then you use like Electro for the movement and then I think dark leg V2 for the movement I don't know why people use water style I don't think anyone really does and then there's also one other but I forgot what it was but yeah that's not worth it sadly okay let's refund my points but I'm glad to actually have done the full test to figure out that it isn't worth it I will go ahead and put one ,000 into my melee stat though so I can use that just to have it I guess and just and just because I'll probably end up using Electro a lot I'll go ahead and actually 1,500 so I can use electrozone I actually had to accept it there you go God speed is what actually called yeah so I can use this ability even though it's kind of scammy and I also just realized I'm using Electro but I still have the robot following me around he's a good friend he's there with me no matter what yeah um I was right not to evolve um V2 of cyborg luckily pretty sure if I go ahead and talk to these uh half robot NBC are you going to force me to buy it every time yeah you forc me to buy it for 1 million every time but oh maybe not it does force me to use V2 can I like swap away from it I just want to see because I I'll end up using V1 of this whenever cuz I don't use I don't use melee for the attacks I use it for the other things there ordinary form yeah there we go so now we have self-repair so yeah you want to use V1 of cybar you can get you can get it as the completion thing I'm glad I did that but you definitely want to make sure that you use the self-repair not the advanced repair because that heals way better but yes like I said in the intro if there is anything that I have not done in this game do let me know because I'm pretty close to doing everything there's one thing other than the orbs that I haven't done yet that I know of so expect that video eventually when I take the time to do it
Channel: JixxyJax
Views: 66,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, JixxyJax, Jixxy Jax, Roblox YouTubers, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Roblox Anime Games, Roblox Anime Videos, Anime Games, Roblox Naruto, Roblox One Piece, Roblox AOT, Roblox My Hero Academia, Haze Piece, Gear 2 Luffy, Gear 4 Luffy, Gear 5 Luffy, Haze Piece Gum Fruit, How to Get Gum Fruit, How to get gear 4, how to get gear 5, how to get gear 2, Noob To Pro, Haze Piece Noob To Pro, King Legacy, King Legacy Noob To Pro, How to get fruit in King Legacy
Id: NbGRZwK1dlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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