Spending 2 Weeks With UKs Strictest Nuns | Stacey Dooley: Inside The Convent

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when was the last time you went to church I've never gone to church as a as a worshipper you you've never gone to church just for you not even like with a with school or yeah with school yeah but me myself Stacy I haven't thought I'm going to go to church midnight mass at Christmas no when was The Last Time You Prayed I don't really think I've ever genuinely [Music] prayed although I've never been religious in these unsettling times I don't know what time it is I don't know what day it is I've been re-evaluating my priorities and asking myself if I've got them quite right a lot of us are starting to think right what do we really want like what's it all about you know massive questions when it comes to looking at some of these questions I've sometimes wondered if religion has something to offer and whether I'm missing out so I'm packing my bags and taking a leap into Faith by spending 10 days in a Convent these sisters invite you to take up the challenge and join them I need to be smart on a Sunday could an intense dose of peace and spiritual reflection help me find a more fulfilling life fun see you later have a good see I text you all right miss you miss you [Music] baby it's stunning it's stunningly beautiful isn't it I'll be living along alongside a small community of Anglican nuns the convent used to be a teaching order and I've been told I'll be following their strict daily timetable of work reading and prayer it's an entirely different life I love my freedom my life is probably their idea of total hell oh my God here we are This Is Us yeah it's a prior the 23 women who live here practice teachings that have been preserved for over 15 centuries but now they are part of a dwindling population of only 220 Anglican nuns that remain in the UK hello how are you oh it's so nice to see you you're right hello Jo JN lovely to meet you I'm Helen nice to meet you likewise thank you so much for having me over you're welcome I think j's got the time table that's our life the first thing really on the timetable is Chapel at 6 and before that Helen's going to show you where your room is how long have you been living here uh 25 well actually no it's sort 28 and a half years in this prary with the community I actually came in 1993 no way but you've been a sister since 1993 that's a long old time isn't it it's a lot of time it's a lot of time so this is like our guest house so come in right yeah don't worry it's not very heavy it's just an awkward shape there we go do you want to handle that n I'm all right thank you though I'm used to this come on thank you I hope you'll be comfortable it's kind of basic but no this is perfect is it thank you I wasn't expecting my own room at I don't know what I'm expecting where do you need me Chapel at about 6:00 this is Chapel so we tend to keep quiet around here okay so I we put you next to Sister Grace so if you just sit there every sister here has taken the three key vows of poverty obedience and celibacy and they also pray in Chapel four times a day this pray shall ever be join in on to the alterate verses oh yeah thank you I will glory the in the Lord Proclaim with me the Great of the Lord let us exalt his name together I the Lord and he answered me glory to the father and oh yeah oh don't worry oh yeah [Music] glor I know that prayer is meant to help settle the mind but for me that's going to take some practice thank you thank you thank you so much for your help sorry I think I understand the star means pause it's the first time you'll do far better than that that would be fine I didn't realize I needed to pause we got through together no thank you thank you Grace I can't claim to understand all of the scripture I get the general sort of gist of it yeah I'll just warn you tomorrow morning from the chapel we go straight to breakfast uhuh and it's it's silent it'll be a silent meal you're probably not used to eating in silence fine okay but so Anita's got some reading material for you okay this is about St Benedict great that was the foundation R of Western monasticism it's my homework I haven't had homework in a long [Music] time see you Helen [Music] night [Music] I bought my fancy pajamas just in case I was sharing a room with the sisters but not necessary right so this is my timetable for tomorrow can I just say I really aspire to this level of organization help clear breakfast you get free time at 7:45 singing practice on Friday go they got their work cut out this is the magazine that I brought and this is the literature that the sisters have given me to have a look at kev's just text me are there any rules of course there are rules silent breakfast I don't know why I'm finding this so funny ayum breakfast k can't believe it I don't know why cuz I've been to loads of different places he thinks that I'm going to come out of this the same woman I entered which may be true it's Dawn on my first full day following the strict life of the nuns ideally I'd be in bed but today in my new world it's a time for quiet contemplation try to find [Music] breakfast Stacy come with me I've been assigned to help out with the morning chores where speaking is restricted to the Bare Essentials so if you do the tables and I'll do the floor around you so how are you finding being kind of quiet it feels really strange to me yeah cuz I suppose when I'm around the table at home ch I was thinking the last time I hit in silence was when I'd had an argument and I was soing yeah I know and it's like the silence becomes like a weapon don't you dare talk to me but what is the thought process behind it it's the idea where by keeping quiet you're alone with your own color thoughts and prayers and yet you're eating together yeah and not surrounded by load of chitchat yeah sister Helen was an archist and a musician before choosing this Chet to life yeah I spent years in community sweeping down tables wiping tables sweeping floors cuz I was 27 when I came so how old are you now uh 56 are you you look great I would like brown hair I came here now look at it's going white you can die if you want to no they wouldn't realize they say hello why your hair change color all right [Music] 25 years is a long time to stick in one place and sister Grace has been here twice as long there we are now we have to roll it along oh yeah so she's asked me to prepare the chapel for the ritual of communion now let go oh look at that that's it I wish I had my phone to show you because my house at home looks exactly like this I got bare walls I got a table that I put a tablecloth over and two candles well I never I've dressed my house at a monastery that's incredible without realizing now we're going to get the other things ready okay taking Holy Communion is symbolic of the last supper and a celebration of the sacrifice that Jesus made the wafer goes on top of there that's for the priest that's right the bread yes yes the bread oh look at these yeah these are what we call the people's Wafers now it's heavy and it's awkward so you need to go [Music] steadily just put it about there and you'd have been how old when you were I was 25 25 25 when I made this lifechanging decision was it the right decision I have wavered I've had doubts when I was about 50 I thought have I done the right thing shouldn't I be married with my own children and I've always come through that and when you start that life Grace I can't imagine what a shock to the system it must be what were the difficulties initially I think my greatest difficulties was the pain I gave to my parents my parents were absolutely against it against and when I did come come there was no way that they were going to come and visit me in witby that must have been hard Grace when your folks weren't on board and you it was hard I've still got the letter that my mother wrote to me when I was leaving home and it said we shall miss you especially at tea time but just know we'll always be ready to have you back home at any any time this is my body given for you all Jesus then gave thanks for the wine he took the cup gave it and said this is my blood shed for you all although I can say that following this calling comes at Great personal cost that I couldn't imagine making myself there are still some willing to undergo that sacrifice oh she's interesting of course naen a climate scientist is one of a diminishing number of women still contemplating this way of life in my experience a lot of women coming to community now are um older have had experience in the world so um have worked in the world of modern Independent Women and are coming in the 40s and 50s even and what you've just described that was you right you were um an intellect you had a brilliant job you had a very sort of normal day-to-day existence in the lockdown it gave people a a real chance to reflect and it occurred to me that um life is very short and I want to have the opportunity to do something radical to live radically and to to seek God wow so you made this decision in lockdown yes that this can be a real option and possibility how do you feel in Chapel I'm dying to ask how your experience is is it a bit weird or uh yeah it's probably a bit weird but not a bad weird I'm finding the prayers a bit repetitive I mean it is repetitive and the Psalms sometimes they can just let's be honest seem boring you know you think another 20 verses to go sometimes you just zone out and then sometimes one word will just pop out to you and be important and it will be telling you something frequently that happens sister Anita doesn't like the H you're know fast about the Hy some of the HMS aren't very good in my opinion there's no Rhyme or Rhythm or some of them are excellent and give you something to think about are you more likely to hear him or have a connection with him when things are calm and there's quiet calm and quiet and a lot of ideas pop into your head don't they're not always holy ones but but the the regularity of the life of the daily pattern of life I think well it's an essential part isn't it of what we do living here the structure the routine the repetitive nature of things that's integral part of being a nun right we're seeking God in the mundane in the mundane activities of life so doing the dishes um the Rhythm and the cycle of the day keeping everything very simple it's a very simple lifestyle um so I think the idea is this helps us to encounter God it helps support T Us in that process of encountering God mhm the idea that you know you can take real pleasure and meaning from like mundane chores is quite a revelation to me I can't stand here and saying you know putting the dishwasher on it means I can have a moment when I'm closer to God because I just feel like oh it's such a borous task but I I think I understand what they're saying you know take take meaning from every everything you do and don't always Place importance on like big loud massive achievements it can be just simply existing and being [Music] here I'm up before the sun again I mean clearly I would struggle getting up every morning to go and pray and I'd struggle to pray four times a day I really would but what you got to bear in mind is for these ladies for these nuns the kind of desire to be with God is greater than a lion it's not just the early mornings that are pushing me out of my comfort zone Praise Him Heaven of Heavens it's saying words that have no meaning to me that I'm finding difficult comeing hello oh you got yourself a coffee cup of tea are you're all right yes so I'm right in thinking most of you in this room have been praying four times a day for decades yes yes yes and when you're praying and you'll have to forgive my ignorance are you praying in the hope that God's listening we pray in the faith that God is listening right rather than the hope that he is okay because we believe that God does listen yes it's like having a conversation but it's hard to hear the other side of the conversation because you've got to sort of tune into a different wavelength it's sort of being connected to a different reality really okay sometimes the thought yeah it comes into your mind and you know that you've been heard and that you've been listened to and it makes you feel amazing it really does sometimes he says things that you you don't want to hear are there moments where you feel obligated to pray for the whole world yeah wow does that feel heavy can do it feel heavy moment when you get absolutely inundated with news headlines yes and there things that are going on which you thinking I don't see a solution to this and yet we've got to find a solution if we're going to survive it's so interesting because it sounds like the headlines push you sisters to lean into your faith and the same headlines make me think how can there be a higher being this is a private question so only answer if you feel comfy but what have you prayed for today I prayed for you to have a lovely time here no did you yes na that is really selfless you used your prayer to ask if I could have a lovely time yes yes thank you you have so much I feel a bit um selfish I didn't pray for anyone this morning as an active Community The nun's Compassion reaches beyond the walls of the confence today I'm joining them at a charity Distribution Center in Middlesboro right where are we here one of the rapidly growing number of food and clothing banks in the country so tell me what you need me to do one of these and then got one of those packets of yep that goes down there packet of these Y and then two packets of those crisps five you ask them how many children they've got the next person that comes and asks for a bag is number 50 is that how many people have been this morning yeah wow yeah so how long have you been doing Outreach work it's it's what we do do it's what we've what we've always done different work in different places we think this is a really important project and we need to be seen we need to know that you know we're in the real world we're not just living in some rarified place in a Convent we actually do live in the real world as well thank you very much oh my God total pleasure do you need one yeah I don't want the bag to break maybe hold it at the bottom thank you I should have double bagged it really hold it like that so it don't bre you very do you want me to come home and see this okay sister Karen is an Outreach nun she helps out here with Debbie one of the regular volunteers my favorite that's lovely I love it a bit the reason why I'm here is because two year ago I lost my daughter three year ago I lost my mom and dad excuse me but I come here and I feel sometimes I go home and I feel lost but in here I'm never lost cuz that photo can I have a look oh wow I isn't she beautiful Debbie what's her name Nikki Nikki she was the life and soul of the party my first born how old was she when she died 38 wow yeah 38 can I ask you something Debbie when you lost your girl did you have questions did you think how how can there be this higher being How can there be a god when I've lost my daughter yeah I really did cuz I used to say well if you're up there why take her she's got four children like I would just swap places but last night I went home my daughter felt like does this sound mad like I felt like I was my daughter and then then it went and I thought she doesn't look nothing like me but I got that sense that she was s in my body you felt her presence really and their presence in a today is calm I could have them around every day yeah really cuz not every day is as calm it's turbulent and I hear you it takes the pain away the project is run by Reverend CF she manages several initiatives like this one and helps lead two churches in her local Parish um so kef you've always been religious I wouldn't say I've always been religious when I was 33 I was on a very low E in my life and um I'd driven up to the top of a lan because I just felt I couldn't go on any longer I mean like many people who feel suicidal I'm not sure whether or not I would have carried it out but I really did feel that way I was just smashing the the the car and just said God you have to help me I can't do this anymore and um from that moment on I was sat in a pub and just felt this wave of joy and love come over me it wasn't vodka no I but I just couldn't stop laughing and crying and see I've never experienced anything like that yeah I've just never felt like I've been in the presence of God yeah God wants you to ask him if he exists so what he can show me he can show you it may be in a a different way to to that which I experienced you know the beauty of a sunset sunrise many different ways God speaks to us the sisters I just think they're so they're s thoroughly decent you know what I mean like they're just really kind women and I just think I'm probably a bit too selfish and I'm you know I've got things that I need to work on God doesn't expect you to give up everything to find a relationship with him you don't need to be coming on he will show you in your own special way so you it's amazing space see you [Music] [Music] later I'm a third of the way through my time living with a traditional or female religious community one of the things I'm finding especially chall challenging is letting go of the trappings of modern life I've been purposely leaving my phone at the sides of my bed I don't want to look at the whole day then this evening I'm going to have 200 emails and your messages everyone tearing their hair out why ain't you answered up to 6 hours of a nun's day is taken up with manual work this can involve anything from making meals to handcrafting cards for the community shop I'll be following you cuz I'm useless at crafts nobody's useless this is your chair thank you now I thought we'd start with something easy Y is this my glue stick no oh no your glue stick is here mhm of the three vows these Anglican nuns will pledge I'm curious to know how the vow of obedience is upheld put a blob on the flow oh yeah are you obedient sister Helen am I obedient yeah I think so sometimes it's reg gritted teeth but sometimes she's quite stubborn stick in the mud I mean there are things I do that sisters like Grace would never do that what like Helen will come in and she owe my feet away she kicks off her sandals and she walks across the room Barefoot not that often Grace no it happened once happened once recently and nobody said anything because we knew it was Helen yeah it's okay for Helen yeah no that's just not on actually that's interesting you're saying obedience is the hardest vow for you for me it's The Vow that gives me the biggest challenge since I was like 18 mhm I've you yeah just done things my way it's not one of my um traits that I'm proud of cuz I am stubborn obedience isn't about not doing something it's more about listening listening to what the other person is saying you've certainly got a gift with color and choosing so it's lovely I made up with that thank you yes so what are your priorities in life yes I'd like to prioritize happiness my home life MH for the last 15 years it's been work work work work career work work work and then your private life is on the back burner and I'm nearly 35 so if you have got the family I know this is it isn't it got thinking about it don't I you got to decide if children have a place in that whether you can sacrifice some of what you do to have a family did you ever want to be a mom yeah I think I did but this kind of took over really um I look back and do I regret it yes or no I'm not sure it was ever really my calling anyway it's too late now so that ship [Music] sailed the com ation I'm having with the sisters and making me think about the value I place on career and earning [Music] money hi do you want me to help you yeah come on 68-year-old Linda gave up her job as an occupational therapist nearly 40 years ago for me as an outsider you learn very quickly that there are so many sacrifices the one one sacrifice is I just can't go out and buy a nice big book when I want to I had about 150 books when I joined the community I had two wardrobes full of clothes you don't need possessions our rooms are quite small but there are things that hang on to like special cards that people have given me I have a CD player and what's the thought process behind that in the rule it says we share everything we have and we are with each other and it's the idea that we're not poor in the material sense but it's the spirit of poverty that we don't hang on to things unnecessarily we have a yearly allowance um to spend as we wish do you mind me asking how much that is £75 a year mhm 75 quid a year mhm wow and I use some of that to buy presents at Christmas any money you come with um when you make your life FS you s it over to the community so did you have money prior to I had savings and I had my money in a savings account so you had to share it with all the sisters it goes into the Community Fund how did that feel fine didn't need it did I everything we need is provided you know if you need new glasses you you can par glasses I guess you have to be quite Frugal because we do have to be careful [Music] yes if I'm being totally honest I like earning money what is it you like about having money I like the freedom remember I I didn't have money for such a long time I wen't born into money like we were skin my first house we lived above a pet shop in a bedset like bills and maintenance that can be such a concern it can be such a worry if you're living in the real world all of these expenses these ladies don't experience and that must that must feel great to God High to God on high glor to God glory be to getting rather practiced at following my religious timetable and I have to admit I'm also starting to feel part of the community glory to God glory be to God on high glory be to God right [Music] right while I haven't felt God's presence yet the sisters have given me some spiritual reading which I'm attempting to connect with I have been quite studious well I've been given all these books are you actually reading this yeah I don't know why I'm so surprised this book is really thought-provoking lots of non-believers feel like we've never been given concrete proof that this higher being exists but what the author is saying is it's a feeling you know we can't just believe in things that we can see and touch you know we know that love exists because we feel it you know we know people can be merciful and kind and I and get on board with that [Music] argument is this where you will end up yes in the company of all the other sisters that have gone before me so you've lost lots of sisters that you really LED yes yes and some of them choose who they would like to to be buried with sometimes it's not who they expect as the prior s sister Joselyn acts as the next of kin which includes looking after each none throughout her life and Beyond there's more of them in heaven than there are on earth now and I'm right and thinking that you're going sit with them so they don't die alone not just me we all do we take it in turns and and sit with them but it's very often that they will actually die the actual moment of death will come when nobody is with them which may seem sad but dying is something that nobody else can do for you yeah it's something you have to do on your own how how do you feel about dying death it's just I look on it now as the next step on the journey few years ago I nearly did die I should have died cuz I had a pulmonary embolism on the law of averages it ends up in death God obviously had more work for me to do that showed me that there was nothing to fear so you know not scared of dying I'm not scared of dying though I am I'm completely terrified you're not alone in that but doesn't the uncertainty frighten you cuz that's what frightens me cuz I don't know what's going to happen and I don't know if I'm going to see the people I love ever again I think we will because I'm aware of people that I've Loved they're with me still I can't see them I can't touch them them but I can feel that they're there and I can feel their their guidance and feel their presence do you know anybody that's died I've lost quite a few people that I've known and loved but you know when you say I know they're there I don't know that they're here that makes me sad when I say to you sister Joselyn sometimes I'm envious of people who truly believe I wish I could feel that sense of comfort and I wish I could feel the presence of those that aren't on Earth anymore when I turned 30 I had a bit of a wobble cuz I suddenly wasn't you know a young 20 something year old with all these decades ahead of me yeah I want to live forever I don't want it to end yeah but I know it's going to sometime thing is to make the most of each day while we've got [Music] it life is hard is [Music] it you know end of life is hard terrifying in confusing I think the difference here is there is no resistance there's acceptance that that's what happens because death is not the end and I think they're really lucky to to have that I think that's a really wonderful [Music] thing as someone that has never embraced the idea of a god I've always assumed the Bible wouldn't contain any lessons relevant to me my relationship with the Bible is pretty non-existent I went to church of England school when I was little so I'm like familiar with some passages but I've definitely not read the whole thing sort front to back this morning I've been invited to attend the sister's weekly Bible class is it okay sit here I'm not sure if I'll find this a helpful way to connect with anything spiritual but I'm staying open-minded we are doing the book Samaritan in Luke chapter 10 a man was on his way from Jerusalem down to Jericho when he was set upon by robbers who went off leaving him half dead the priest saw him and went past on the other side so to a levite saw him and went past on the other side but a Samaritan saw him and showed him kindness and helped him so I wonder how you relate to any of those characters I knowing myself i' probably be somewhere in the company of the priest and the levite how often do we pass by on the other side of the road when perhaps we just need to stop if somebody's kicking off at the train station or you know in distress I can't sit here and say I've stopped every single time no which you know isn't isn't very Christian of me you know I'm quite relieved to hear that three of us passed by on the other side because it came to me and I I felt so ashamed it appears to me that this class is about dissecting paragraphs of your Bible and then trying to figure out how you can relate them to modern-day conundrums it doesn't have to be a big thing it can do it in the little things as well the everyday things be aware of somebody that needs a bit of help today how does it make you all feel as women as sisters when people behave in such an abhorent way under the guise of this holy book makes us feel very guilty on behalf of the people that do that kind of thing there's so many wars and acts of violence that are done in the name of Christianity I think part of our response as a community is our prayer life and our praying for these situations in the faith that prayer can make a difference how do you respond to the argument that some of the Bible feels really regressive and homophobic and you know misogyny is sort of playing out all the way through ethnic cleansing you know people say the Old Testament is barbaric it's very human parts of it are but that was the culture of the time is that problematic then referencing literature from the Old Testament when it now feels so wildly outdated how outdated is it we like to think it is but actually when you read the Old Testament then you listen to the news you're not so sure I hope you don't mind me asking all these questions but I just haven't figured it out yet or figured out what my relationship with whatever is out there is going to look like and my relationship with this book I think keep asking the questions to be totally totally honest if I were to find that there was space in me to have a meaningful relationship with God I don't think I'm going to come to that realization through literature I think I'm more likely to react to the idea of reflecting and being present and prayer which actually I can't quite believe I'm saying that but spending time with the sisters they've said Stacy it's not that black and white you can have thoughts that are actually manyi prayers and I can definitely relate to that [Music] more are you right sister no I'm not all right what's wrong I'm half left despite my reservations about the Bible the sisters have asked me to take on a key role in their communion service have you heard the big news sister Grace on Thursday Stacy's going to read the epistle oh that is lovely oh I'm so pleased yay I'm going to practice it yes yes cuz I don't want to mess it up an epistle is a letter that contains important teachings for the congregation so it's an honor to read one out so I'll be reading so you'll be reading that okay and at the you start just read exactly as it says there this section yes should I go and have a practice should we have a practice of that now when we've said amen then you stand up and bring the book to the lecton [Music] okay ready yeah for this to end Christ died and lived again so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living then close the book and bring it back to your place a bow is probably a bit much isn't it yeah I bet you'll be nervous yeah I bet I will cuz I'm not great at public speaking I'm really not like the thing to do is just to take your time like you did then yeah take a deep breath and don't fiddle with your hair don't fiddle with my hair okay now that's that's sound advice thank you for trusting me with it I won't let you down we did wonder when we were sort of talking about you coming how long you would stick it we thought you might sort of pack up and go after 3 or 4 days three or four days sister Joselyn you had no faith in me [Music] [Music] youting oh I'm writing a prayer request not for me for my pal who's religious and having a ReliOn time [Music] [Music] [Music] while I've been living alongside the sisters I've been finding out what it takes to dedicate your life to your faith heavenly father today we pray especially for our sister Helen on the anniversary of her profession and today I'm joining sister Helen as she marks 25 years since she took her life FS that's lovely in here these anniversaries hold more importance than birthdays thanks thank you we ready for cards yes right we got several cats sweet he's definitely in the midst of a vision and another cat I've never seen so much cat paraph have you sister Grace do you mind telling me what sister Helen was like back in the day oh she can't remember yes she she was absolutely lovely but like all of us there were times when she struggled big times and she needed a listening ear we had a lot of walks didn't we Grace I remember a lot of walking to the beach we walked together and Helen poured out all her problems and oh can I go on and look at her [Music] now at 56 sister Helen is current ly the youngest professed sister at the convent which means she might end up being the last none standing I hate the idea of you being here alone I love a cat you worry about that being alone I would be sad if I was alone cuz I just think there is so much to give and so much as life has to offer the world yeah what I find here is a reality and a pace of life which you can keep up for years and years and years do you know what I mean I do it's definitely a marathon pace not Sprint Pace I guess the way I choose to live I'm much more likely to burn out aren't I working silly hours every day here there everywhere you know you're working in Showbiz that's a notoriously fickle business yep who's to know how long yep Stacy's going to have a career correct and I'm before Oh Stacy's old hat now y oh what am I going to do then Helen precisely we live in a really kind of temporary World we're quite unusual in the sense that I'm in I've made a a commitment for life and that feels really countercultural now CU everything is so sort of um transient mhm jobs are transient relationship is a transient and I suppose you have got a lot more stability and certainty and security you know where you are and you know where you're going to be in a year's time and well you might do you might I might not be here in a year's time I put I don't intend to leave but then I haven't got a glass ball I don't know what 10 years time where I'll be I cannot imagine it if you leave the communal life I don't see myself leaving but happens if someone walks into your life and you think oh what do you mean you know you hear about sisters who leave religious life to get married cuz they've just met someone thinking stop it yeah who's to know who's to know what what the future HS Helen I mean I'm not looking for anyone I'm not in the market for anyone oh my goodness you might fall in love and leave the communal life I'm surprised to hear that you haven't completely written off the eyes of finding love I don't think you ever can can you no I mean I wouldn't actively seek it I'm not actively seeking it no way but you never know what's WR in the corner can you imagine being in a romantic relationship again no not at all I think I'm too selfish now I think I've been doing my own thing too long I wouldn't say your selfish you're saying never saying never life is crazy life is is Crazy Life Is [Music] [Music] Wild my time at the convent is coming to an end and I'm just about to do my first ever reading in Chapel I have not been late for Chapel yet not one day although this morning my hair is giving me real hassle so if it's going to be any morning it's going to be today got to go with you and the Holy Spirit one God now and forever amen a reading from the letter of Paul to the Romans we do not live to ourselves and we do not die to ourselves if we live we live to the Lord and if we die we die to the Lord for to this end Christ died and lived again so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the [Music] living this is the words of the Lord to [Music] God Stacy yeah you give life to the world you do you influence a lot of people for good wow I'm lucky because I get to meet people like [Music] you in here few little things for you to remember your visit by some things to help you into the future it helps you to look for The Wonder of God in places you wouldn't expect yeah to look sort of day to day yes yeah I wasn't expecting this at all it might be too soon in a way to ask you what you're going to take away with you you might not know until you get back into your ordinary life what you find you've got from here to help you with that with the busyness and what have you I've definitely taken on board so much of what you've said I think I've been very honest about where I am with religion but I like the idea of being able to truly believe yeah because I see what it gives you uh who wouldn't want that that's a very good beginning and just keep keep open yeah absolutely I definitely feel like it's been enlightening and I do feel like it's been life affirming I have had the opportunity to really sit with myself recognize what I like about myself recognize the less appealing traits and I have learned loads we break this bread to share in the body of Christ I think what I have learned is there is an absolute sense of purpose and they know what they want to dedicate their lives to and in turn I actually think they're very fulfilled and I think there's something to be said for trying to figure out what you want to prioritize and then just going for it I'm not stupid enough to think that I know it all if they're saying there's more to it maybe maybe there
Channel: Origin
Views: 330,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: origin, full documentary, documentary, full documentaries, real life stories, real life, Full episode, stacey dooley, stacey dooley sleeps over, inside the convent, religion, british tv shows, british tv, stacey dooley inside the convent, nuns, community, nun documentary, bible documentary, nun life, young nuns, day in the life, life as a nun, living as a nun
Id: HnGmDeu-YrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 54sec (3474 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.