Speedrunning The Entire Naruto Universe

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hello and welcome back to the amagi today we are going to be speedrunning the entire naruto universe that means we're going through naruto naruto shipped in the movies and boruto all at once all as fast as humanly possible let's get going three two one go prologue land of waves twelve years ago there was once an evil monster known as the nine-tailed demon fox one night that attacked the village of conan and killed many innocent people that night none of the ninja of cornhawk could and starbucks the village leader the fourth hokage castle jutsu on the ninetails that steal it into a newborn boy and cost the fourth of fugge's life twelve years after the ninetails attack at the ninja academy naruto uzumaki's reputation as a delinquent and a troublemaker had earned him much infamy among the teachers and students irikumino and to a lesser extent the third hokage were the only two positive influences on him despite this naruto continued to fail the graduation exam which required students to demonstrate how much they had learned by performing the clone technique while naruto was decently skilled most of the basic techniques tied to the academy for some reason he had never been able to perform this one correctly caused him to fail the final exam for graduation mizuki another academy examiner used naruto's depression after his most recent failure to trick naruto and stealing the skrull seals a collection of forbidden techniques housed within the hokage study that could be dangerous in the wrong hands claiming that naruto could be automatically passed by simply learning a technique from the scroll and performing it successfully not want to pass up such an opportunity naruto immediately did so using his sexy technique to distract the third hokage long enough to escape with the scroll once he had fled to the neighboring woods naruto began his efforts in learning a technique from the scroll the first of which happened to be the multiple shadow clone technique something he wasn't happy about given his former failures with the ordinary clone technique as search parties were sent out to find naruto and retrieve the scroll erica got to him first and found him to have been training the entire time ignorant of what he had done naruto simply repeated the irika what mizuki told him earlier causing erica to realize that music was just trying to use nars to help him steal the scroll and later steal for himself just as erica realized this music he showed up to attack them both after he injured erika who would push naruto out of the way of an attack music he tried to get naruto to give him the scroll while eric would try to give him miss naruto to keep it their argument led to mizuki to tell naruto that the truth everyone had been keeping from him that he was the container of the nine-tailed demon fox startled naruto ran off leaving iraq and music to fight each other naruto to watch from the distance eventually learning what mizuki was after as well as the true level of irika's devotion to naruto just before mizuki could kill irika nara to attack mizuki threatening to kill him if he should ever touch a sensei again confident in his superiority basically claimed that he could beat naruto with one attack only for the exact opposite to happen using his newly learned multiple shadow technique naruto beat mickey to a bloody pulp impressed that naruto could master such a difficult technique irika let nara to graduate ironically fulfilling mizuki's original promise upon graduating naruto was required of his picture taken for identification purposes rather than having a standard picture naruto decided to paint his face and point at the camera in a menacing way when he third hokage learned of this he told naruto to retake the picture to express his disagreement on this matter naruto used his sexy technique in an attempt to convince the third otherwise meanwhile a young boy was watching the discussion and he used the opportunity to attempt an attack on the hokage only to fall flat upon his face his sensei ebisu pursued the boy into the room and caught glimpse of naruto whom he recognized as the container the demon fox the boy accused naruto setting a trap for him and naruto responded by grabbing hold of the boy ebisu ordered naruto to let the boy go and forming naruto that the boy is none other than the third okay's grandson the boy certain that naruto fearing the hokage's wrath will do no harm to him taunted naruto who whacked the boy in the head due to his lack of fear towards the boy's relatives abc ran to the boy's side informing him that if he wanted to be hokage someday he should avoid people like naruto later on naruto found the boy to be following him at the same time doing a bad job of disguising himself the boy his cover blown introduced himself as konohamaru and expressed his desire to be taught this sexy technique to his prior success at defeating the third hokage in the hopes that using it will make him a hokage naruto agreed and took on omaro on as his disciple to learn the technique naruto tried to improve konjumar's transformation technique by showing him naked women via pornographic magazines and taking them to women's bath houses eventually they arrived in the woods for the refinement of the technique where konohamaru explained that people the village didn't recognize him by his name and instead referred to him only as the hokage's grandson which he grew tired of because of this he hoped to become the hokage himself so that people would finally recognize him properly soon after ebisu arrived to take konohamaru home lecturing all the while at that moment konohamaru performed a perfect sexy technique which only caused ebisu electric on hamaru further since he is not weak to such derogative techniques perplexed by the technique's apparent failure naruto used his harem technique which succeeded in putting ebisu out of commission konohamaru questioned why he was unable to defeat ebisu by himself and naruto replied that becoming hokage required a great deal of work for which there were no shortcuts konohamaru announced their student-teacher relationship on the ground they were both rivals for the title of hokage naruto made the observation that since he was an actual ninja he would be one step ahead of konohamaru but that he would look forward to the day that they meet in battle in order to officially obtain the rank of genius academy students must be organized into groups of three to undergo a field evaluation administered by jonine who would be their squad leaders if they pass on the day of organization naruto made sure to have a good breakfast and headed off the academy where the groups were to be decided upon arriving there naruto showed off his forehead protector to the other students who thought he had failed the naruto's delight sakuraharino started to approach him however his glue was quickly stifled when sakura pushed him out of the way so that she might sit next to sasuke uchiha which would anger all the other girls in the room naruto jealous sakura's affection for sasuke leaped out of the desk where they were sitting so that he could look sasuke in the eye to the disgust of naruto sasuke and every girl in the room naruto was bumped by another student and accidentally kissed sasuke earning him a beating from sakura as naruto recovered erica arrived to announce three-man teams and as he started listing the members of team seven naruto was pleased and soccer was sad to learn the two beyond the same team as the third member was revealed soccer was pleased and naruto was sad to learn that sasuke was that member who happened to dislike being teamed with the both of them as erika announced the remaining teams hinata hugo kiba inazuka and shino abhirami were revealed to compose team eight shikimaru nara choji akamichi and ina yamanaka were revealed to compost team 10. later sakura went off to look for sasuke ignoring naruto would want to have lunch with her angered the sakura had yet again picked sasuke over himself naruto formulated a plan to be with sakura upon finding sasuke alone in a room naruto leaked inside where an unseen fight ensued as things settled down sasuke was shown to be the only one leaving later on sasuke approached sakura who expressed her feelings for him and her distaste for naruto as the two were about to kiss sasuke who was revealed to be a transformed naruto suffered a violent stomach ache and ran off to the nearest bathroom when naruto dealt with this mysterious case of diarrhea the real sausage approached sakura when she expressed her jealousy of naruto for having a parents dumbledore to do sasuke stated that those parents grew up lonely and soccer made him sick sasuke left the crush sakura by herself and she began to consider treating artha better as naruto finally exited the bathroom he ran into sasuke and it seemed as though the revenge on sasuke's part was imminent elsewhere the third girl gets a kakashi hakeem team seven's reluctant tony leader on a tour of naruto's home and the latter noted that the milk narrator seemed to have had for breakfast was expired causing him to frequently head for the bathroom soon afterwards the members of team seven after a long wait finally met their jonin sensei who used the meeting as an opportunity for them to get to know one another akashi went first and said he didn't feel like telling him anything about himself naruto proclaimed that he wanted to become hokage one day and that he loved ramen sakura implied that she loves sasuke and stated that she had naruto lastly sasuke asserted that he hated a lot of things didn't like anything and that he would someday kill a certain man that wronged him long ago kakashi ended the meeting by telling the others to be at the training grounds the next day with their ninja gear and advise them to have breakfast the next day goshi arrived at the training ground last four hours later than they planned kakashi then explained how the evaluation would work it'd be a survival battle in which the aim was to get each of the prospective students to take one of the two bells from kakashi it would be a survival battle in which the aim was for each of the prospective students to take one of the two bells from kakashi anyone who didn't get a bell before noon would receive no lunch which as the others realized was why he told them that breakfast he then explained that because there were only two bells at least one person would fail and return to the academy he did however allow the others to use shuriken if they would like and inform them that they would fail if they attempted the mission with anything less than the intent to kill him naruto laughed at the suggestion saying that gosh she had no talent she rebutted this stating that class clowns were often the weakest link and then they didn't normally pose a threat causing naruto to attack kakasha before the test to fish the begun kakashi easily countered the attack and noted that he was starting to like the team dude naruto's attack having the intent to kill he then set off team seven to begin the test as the test got underway sasuke and sakura applied stealth methods staying hidden from kakashi naruto however decided that attacking kash would work just as well and called them out as naruto charged kakashi the latter pulled out a book make up paradise causing naruto to hesitate slightly though kakashi assured him that the book wouldn't prevent him from defending against naruto naruto began a series of attacks each of which was dodged by kakashi eventually kakashi ended up behind naruto and used his 1 000 years of death to send naruto into the nearby lake narada to recover and attack akash with a number of shadow clones whose quantity impressed sasuke and sakura akashi evaded all the clone's attacks so body replacement technique leaving them to fight amongst themselves believing one of them is kakashi upon realizing this naruto dismisses clones and then noticed a bell lying under a nearby tree when he went to pick it up however he was trapped in a snare set by kakashi leaving the young ninja dangling upside down kakashi retrieved the bell and lectured naruto about falling for obvious traps at that moment sasuke believing to be distracted attack akash with barrage of shuriken and kunai apparently killing kakashi this too was revealed to be a trap as the attack akashi turned into a log a result of another body replacement technique sasuke his location revealed went off to find a new hiding spot while sakura was looking for sasuke as she searched for him she was tricked by kakashi's genjutsu demonic illusion hell viewing technique and as she recovered sasuke fell prey to karachi's earth released double suicide decapitation technique naruto using kakashi's absence to his advantage released himself from the snare and attempted to eat the lunches that kakashi left behind however kakashi caught him in the act and tied naruto to a wooden post noon eventually rolled around and all three students had failed to get a bell after their failure kakashi berated them for the lack of teamwork he explained to them that the purpose of the exam was to work together and not to act independently as they had all done he said that he would give them all a second chance after lunch and allowed sakura and sauce to eat however he ordered that naruto because of his tempted all the food himself should be barred meeting it all and that anyone who gave him food would fail automatically after he left sakura and sasuke realized that they'd need naruto in top shape if they were to retrieve the bells and decided to defy kokashi by feeding him mikashi who had been watching appeared before they getting in a puff of smoke a furious look upon his face at this moment the third hokage elsewhere revealed to erica that kakashi had never passed a team of academy students and that although the failure percentage was astounding the reasons behind it were perfectly just back at the training grounds naruto sakura and sasuke claimed that they were a team and that therefore if one of them failed and they all failed quickly changing his attitude kakashi informed them that they had passed reciting the exact message he was trying to get across as his reason in the ninja world those who don't follow the rules are scum but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum while getting we're normally assigned deranked missions naruto insisted on doing something more exciting and the third hokage agreed to send them on a sea rank mission to escort to zuna a master bridge builder back to the land of waves during their mission the team was attacked by two tuning enemies at a level that wasn't supposed to be encountered on a sea reich mission naruto surprised by the tuning's appearance panicked and was struck by one of the tuning's poisonous metal gauntlets sasuke in naruto's absence dealt with the attackers quite efficiently and rubbed in by one upping naruto and calling him a scaredy-cat once the attacker had been restrained naruto bled out the poison he'd received by stabbing his one of the kunai swearing upon the pain in his hand to never freeze up and leave his friends to defend for themselves ever again akashi his suspicions raised by the attack asked azuna for the truth with the circumstances of the mission mizuno explained that the land of waves would be taken over by a shipping magnet called gato who'd effectively bankrupted all the people in the country and the only way to revitalize the economy was by building a bridge the mainland that could render moot gato's shipping monopoly however gato did not want that to happen and you shinobi gangs to assert his control team seven's actual mission was to support and protect the bridge building efforts that had been thwarted thus far upon arrival at the land of waves and on the way to zunu's home naruto bent on out doing sasuke threw a kunai at a bush surprisingly the ninja and putting them on guard once it was clear that it was nothing sakura yelled at him for his apparent mistake but naruto threw another kunai in a bush in the other direction soccer hit him on the head this time the naruto swore he had sent something as it turned out he had sensed a snow rabbit which was now scared out of its mind with the kunai only in intimate's head naruto apologized to it and sympathized profusely with the rabbit picking it up and hugging it to an extreme while the others dismissed these antics as naruto's usual idiocy kikashi noticed something strange about this rabbit its fur was white snow rabbits are only white during winter meaning this rabbit had been raised indoors and therefore belong to somebody nearby kakashi suddenly told everyone to duck as a giant sword spun pass and nearly killing them all the sword embedded itself in a tree and zabas of emoji the missing name from kirigakore jumped into its handle intent on killing tazuna kakashi recognizing zabaza as a formidable opponent really shang saying that he will need to use it zabaza honored by kakashi's willingness to go all out for their battle stated that he would consider it a testament to his own skill if you were to kill kakashi azabas that ended the conversation with his hiding and missed technique summoning a thick veil of miss from the nearby lake in order to hide himself from the sharingan akashi ordered team seven to protect azuna though zabaza asserted that such protection was useless instantly appearing at the center of their formation azabaza was about to make an attack of the sword kakashi raced towards him and stabbed zabza in the stomach with his kunai just before his stroke could fall water poured out of zaba's body and it collapsed into a puddle as the real zaba's appeared by kakashi revealing that zabazad uses his water clone technique to full kakashi zapata proceeded to slice kakashi in half but kakashi's body too dissolved into water surprising sabza as he realized that kakashi's shouting god must have copied his watercolor technique as zob is a charge towards him kashi appeared behind zabaza mocking it by saying that it was over to everyone's surprise a second zabza appeared behind akashi and grabbed him and the first sabazo reverted to a pool of water kakashi attempted to break free of zaba's grass but was instead thrown into the nearby lake as he emerged zaba trapped him with his water prison technique leaving naruto sasuke and sakura to defend against another of zebes's clone kakashi told the genie to run but naga to remember the oath that he had made to himself and entered the fight so they could say kakashi keep tezuna alive naruto created a number of shadow clones that proceeded to completely surround zaba's water clone zaba's clone swung his sword and the shadow clone scattered and disappeared forcing the only remaining naruto to reach into his backpack and full out a fuma shuriken which he gave to sasuke sasuke is sending naruto's plan hurled the fuma shuriken at zabaza who easily grabbed from the air to his surprise a second shuriken was hiding in the shadow of the first duda sasuke's shadow shuriken technique and zabazo was forced to leap over it to avoid being damaged once past zabaza the second shuriken turned into naruto who transformed himself naruto threw a kunai at zabaza who unable to dodge while maintaining the water prison technique was forced to release kakashi with prison in order to avoid the attack with kakashi freeze zabaza was forced to commence their battle and the two use multiple water release techniques against each other due to his sharing gun kashi was able to take the upper hand and defeat zabazo wasabi's own attack just as kakashi was about to make the final blow a mass ninja later revealed to be named haku appeared to kill zabza by impaling zaba's neko several senbon after revealing himself to be a hunter nin sent to kill zabza he disappeared with zamasu's body akashi momentarily satisfied with this chain of events decided that it was time to continue escorting to zuna home only to collapse due to chakra exhaustion seconds later as a result of overuse of a shotgun kakashi is later seen bedridden with a crutch as a result of his battle kakashi was taking it to zuma's home for recovery and as he rested he made the observation that zaba's apparent death was odd when the hunter didn't kill their target they usually destroyed on the spot on the other hand the ninja who they met had taken zaba's body elsewhere instead of operating immediately this coupled with the fact that zabaz had been killed with senbon weapons that were rarely fatal and also useful knocking people out led kakashi to believe that zabaza was still alive then he'd be back to finish his zoo's assassination elsewhere zabza was revived by haku and although he would need time to recover he promised to crush kakashi in the next met with zaba's returning likely outcome kokashi took team seven in the nearby woods for chakra training and told them that their training would require them to learn to climb trees without using their hands naruto made the observation that this is impossible but kakashi in crutches manages to climb a tree with ease and explain that the way they do it was focusing chakra on the souls of the feet the three getting all made an attempt naruto not using enough chakra took only one step before falling back into the ground sasuke was able to make it a good distance off the trunk though he'd damaged it as a result of using too much chakra and sakura having perfect control over a choker made to a high branch on her first attempt finishing her training for the boys however the training continues and naruto still unable to make a fart of the tree asked soccer for advice sakura complied and concoction made the observation that naruto was finally getting a good grasp on teamwork soccer was left in charge of protecting tazuna while naruto and sasuke continued their training as naruto began to catch up to sasuke sasuke casually asked to know what advice sakura had given naruto but naruto determined to beat sasuke refused to give it away during dinner one night sakura estimated a torn picture that inari tazuna's grandson had been looking at to zoom explains that the man in the missing portion of the picture was kaiza inari's father whom arya had idolized and thought of as his biological parent though kaiser had adopted it one day years prior a flood had threatened to destroy the village and kaize had single-handedly managed to close the floodgates earning him the title of hero amongst the villagers once kato came to the country however kaiser's heroic deeds angered gato and therefore gato had him executed in front of the villagers including inari from that day fourth the village's lost house inaudible was crushed is believing the impossible existence of a hero naruto determined to prove to inari that there was such thing as a hero rushed off to continue his training as naruto rested in the woods one day he encountered haku though he was unaware of haku's identity and thought of him to just be a pretty girl the two discussed their dreams naruto wished to become the god of his village while haku wanted to protect the person most precious to him explaining that when he was protecting a precious person one's strength reached its maximum naruto agreed to the statement remembering all the people that protected him with that haku left but not before confusing naruto to no end by asserting that he was a boy training for naruto sasuke continued and eventually the two were able to climb the very tops of their trees though naruto was exhausted as a result seeing naruto in this condition a tearful inari proclaimed that naruto was wasting his time and then gato would still defeat him naruto to reply that he will win and sarcastically congratulated inari for always crying calling him a brat as he now he's helped karachi explained to you how nars would also grown up without a father that he had no mother and therefore had a sad life kakashi also mentioned that despite these conditions he'd never seen naruto cry and theorize that naruto one day grew tired of crying over himself this explanation and the suggestion that naruto was the only person present who knew what inaro was going through touched inari the next morning kakashi sasuke and soccer escorted through zim to work at the bridge leaving naruto under rest upon arriving in the bridge however they found zuma's workers to have been attacked the area quickly becoming covered over the veil of mist after a quick defeat of zaba's water clones of the hands of sasuke zabza and a masked hawk who revealed themselves confirming kikachi's suspicions back at zuna's house two of gato's thugs were about to kidnap inari's mother inari inspired by naruto's story attempted to save his mother by himself as he was just about to be cut down by thugs naruto appeared and defeated the two single-handedly naruto congratulated inari for finally setting up for himself and left to join the rest of his team back at the bridge sasuke battled with haku and zabazo was surprised to find that sasuke could keep up with haku's speed haku also noticing sasuke's capabilities decided to use his trump card demonic mirroring ice crystals which trapped sasuke in a cage of ice hawker proceeded to pummel sasuke with wave after wave of sanbon barrages which were made effectively undodgeable as a result of haku's technique eventually naruto arrived and managed a sneak attack on haku just as zabazo was about to attack naruto haku asked to be the one to fight him to which zabaza agreed sasuke began to formulate a plan thinking that it'd be easier to defeat haku with naruto attacking from the outside to his dismay naruto entered the cage of isis yeah sasuke was doing and he too became a prisoner pakis technique naruto and sasuke both attempted to destroy the ice mirrors but were unsuccessful this turn of events led kakashi to believe that haku was using a kekkai genkai and that naruto and sasuke had no chance of winning because of this he once again revealed his sharingan expressing his desire to finish the battle quickly zabaza explained that he learned how to defeat the shah and gone and disappeared into the mist as kakashi instructed soccer to guard to zuna zaba is a struck revealing to kakashi that zabazo is now attacking with his eyes closed making the sharingan's ocular genjutsu useless zabaza explaining that his specialty is killing people based on purely sound attempted to finish off to zuna but kakashi made himself into a human shield the last second heavily injured kakashi resorted to using an attack that he himself had created meanwhile the fight between haku and naruto and sasuke continued with the two genius having sustained heavy wounds sasuke however was starting to dodge haku's attacks hanku noticing this attempted to attack an exhausted naruto instead but sasuke manageable nards out of the way a shocked haku noticed sasuke's eyes and was reeled that as a member of the uchiha clan sasuke had finally awoken his own gekka genkai the sharingan which allowed him to see haku's movements with ease haku fearing for his success at winning the battle goes for a finishing blow upon naruto but sasuke rushes naruto's side to stop the attack of his own body when naruto woke up he found a severely wounded sasuke standing over him when naruto asked sasuke why he had saved him he replied that it was merely instinct and fell into naruto's arms after admitting that he had promised not to die before killing his brother sasuke fell unconscious and haku asked naruto whether it was the first time he'd win his death naruto enraged by the apparent loss of sasuke began to emit a visible chakra and haku noted that it was pure evil as the chakra poured out naruto's wounds began to heal and he acquired claws fangs and slated pupils zabaza and kakashi both sent his new chakra and each initially wondered whether it belonged to the other jonai but zabaza noted that the chakra was far too powerful to belong to kakashi and kakashi was able to recognize it as that of the nine-tailed fox kakashi worried about the steel keeping the nine-tailed fox with the naruto break soon decided to pull out all the stops and drew a scroll smeared his blood on it and told zabazza that they should now in the battle and transform naruto began to attack haku who attempted to counter the barrage of needles which were easily repelled by naruto's roar haku attempted a physical attack but naruto was able to dodge it and grab a now fleeing haku in an instant after releasing a large amount of chakra nara to give haku a definite punch in the face setting him flying through a nearby mirror and destroying all the other mirrors as a result once haku's body came to a stop he rose and naruto charged at him so he gave the finishing blow as he did so haku's mask began to crack and break away revealing the face of the boy whom naruto bent in the woods mere inches from haku's face naruto stopped his attack and returned to his normal form haku questioned why naruto spared him only to receive a weak punch to the face haku explained that with his defeat had come his uselessnbc and that because he could no longer protect zabza his most precious person he should die naruto didn't understand the reason for wanting death but haku began to plead for it nonetheless with the bloodstained scroll kakashi summoned a number of dogs to find and restrain zabaza explaining that he had allowed zabzo to injure him so we could acquire zaba's ascent kakashi proclaimed that he would finally be the end of zabaza with that kashi gathered chakra in his hand and readied his lightning cutter for use on zabaza meanwhile haku had finally managed to persuade naruto to kill him using sasuke's apparent death as a reason for revenge naruto prepared a kunai and charged at haku hoping that death make haku's dreams come true but at the last moment haku stopped the attack he apologized saying he couldn't die yet and disappeared kakashi charged towards zabazo while at the same time a number of mirrors begin to surround zabaza as protection as lightning hard to make contact with flesh needle struck the bloody scroll and the dogs holding zobs in place disappeared kakashi's surprised he impaled haku who would use the last of his strength to grab hold of kakashi elsewhere inari was going door-to-door and attempt to rally support for taking down gato and his men the villagers not wanting to fight back anymore refused which inaudible applied they do protect those that he loved as pride wouldn't save anyone once he got home inari's mother pleaded for not to go but he nary insisted that azkai is a son he must as he left the house ianari was startled to find many shadowy figures surrounding his door naruto confused by hawker's disappearance rushed towards the figures he could see in the now fading mist upon his arrival he found the gruesome scene of haku's death and zaba's of preparing to make good use of the opportunity haku had given him as zabaza was about to finish the swing of his sword kagashi jumped out of the way taking haku's body with him after removing his hand from haku's body and laying the body down kakashi ordered naruto to stay out of the fight sakura now noticing naruto asked where sasuke was when naruto looked away and didn't reply she guessed it what had happened and quickly escorted tazuna to sasuke's body where she broke the shinobi rules and cried zabaza meanwhile was unable to touch kakashi and every attempt to strike him down he was now thrown backwards with one such parry one of zaba's arms was made useless and with another attack by kakashi the other arm was put out of commission as zaba's defenseless system was made apparent gato and his forces arrived to take the assassination of tezuna into their own hands as zabza and kakashi decided that they no longer have a reason to fight each other gato noticed haku's body and defiled it as vengeance for an injury hawkwood earlier given him this couple with zaba's indifference infuriated naruto leading him to decide that zabazo was still his enemy naruto explained how haku had felt about zapza and how haku would have done anything within his power to serve zabza as naruto decried a haku had died as a tool and then never achieved his dreams i was broke into tears admitting to pete to naruto as he began to reflect on the pureness of haku's heart and the devotion that haku would help towards him zaba tore away the cloth covering his mouth and borrowed a kunai from naruto catching the kunai in his mouth zaba has a charge through gato's forces slaying anyone who got in his way while even being stabbed many times upon reaching gato x proclaimed that he would not be able to go to the same resting place as haku and that he would be taking gato with him to hell with that zabaza ended gato's life using the last of his energy he thanked taku for everything and apologized falling to the ground with exhaustion as zaba's life began to fade sasuke awakened overjoying sakura at the no end after asking sakura to release him sasuke asked him haku's fate learning that he died sasuke realized that haku would never meant to kill him or naruto sakura called to naruto that sasuke was all right and naruto was overwhelmed with the good news got men meanwhile were now without a paycheck and decided to loot the town as their payment for coming as naruto and kakashi both exhausted trying to figure out what to do and arrow fell to the ground in front of the opposing forces everyone's attention was drawn to its source inari and the entirety of the town's population would come to start protecting themselves to contribute to the already intimidating forces naruto and kakashi use what little chakra they have left to create what appears to be a large number of shadow clones causing the mercenary fleet of the boat that they used to get to the bridge kakashi approached zabaza who asked to see haku one last time akashi complied and laid zaba's broken body alongside haku's as snow began to fall zabza asked haku whether he was crying and asserted that just as haku had always been by his side in life he was now by haku's side and death with his last breath he expressed his desire to go to the same afterlife as haku if he only could kashi remarked that sabaza would be able to be with haku in death as they would go to the afterlife together haku and zubaza were buried side by side and naruto having witnessed the fate of the shinobi decided to live his life his own way and not letting others tell him how the bridge was completed and team seven prepared to leave as they bade farewell to zuna and his family naruto totally know that it was okay to cry inari saying that he didn't want to said the same thing to naruto who also said that he didn't want to as naruto walked away both broke into tears causing soccer to call them both idiots as they all disappeared in the distance tazuna proclaimed that the bridge would be called the great naruto bridge to signify the strength of naruto gavinari who in turn spread to the whole town tuning exams teams have ever returned to konoha to continue with their lives as regular genin one day whilst playing with konohamaru uranuegi naruto met three genning from sununugakura gara konkoro and tamari and learned that they're in kona how to participate in the tuning selection exams meanwhile kakashi osma and kur and i all volunteered their teams to the exam as well naruto was thrilled of the possibility of becoming a chunin the first part of the exam proctored by ibiki moreno was written but it was not a test of knowledge as much as a test of information gathering and willpower the first nine questions were supposed to be obtained by cheating where the geniune must use any techniques to find out the correct answer of being caught naruto who did not realize this went into a traumatic state in which he felt that he would cause his entire team be eliminated as he did not know the answer any of the questions sasuke realized that he too did not know the answers but immediately activated his shotgun to copy someone else's answers sakura as a testament to her incredible intellect i answered all the questions quickly a feat that the examiner later said could not be accomplished at guinea level the last question was they do or die question if one didn't answer one's entire team failed to tune in exams but if one answered incorrectly one would reign again forever naruto showed that he was on a quitter when he exclaimed that he didn't care if he stood again in forever and that even if he came to pass he would still become hokage the genie who chose to answer the first question i'll pass the first part of the tuning exams including naruto who didn't answer a single question on the written part of the exam the second part of the exam talked about uncommitted arashi was a survival exam in the 44th training ground also known as the forest of death during this part naruto found himself in a desperate situation against rochimaru and asked ranked missing in from konoha so powerful at the third hokage later mentioned there was nobody in ghana they could fight him equally it turned out that archimara used to be one of the third hokage pupils also known as the sannin naruto and sasuke's reaction to the situation where a complete reverse of what happened in the land of waves mission sasuke was frozen with fear while naruto fought on fearlessly at one point stopping rojimar's huge sum and snake in its tracks on his own with the help of some demon fox chakra and muttering to sasuke in a moment of glorious retribution that marked another milestone of the rivalry you're not hurt are you scaredy cat naruto eventually snapped sasuke out of his panic however rochimari used the five-element seal on naruto disrupting the flow of the demon fox's chakra as well as naruto's own however orochimaru was too much for sasuke as well in the end orochimaru put a cursed seal of heaven onto sasuke's neck saying that sasuke would eventually come to him for the power he needed to kill his brother hitachi chiha orochimaru then left setting his three gany and team dosu from otogakore to go after sasuke meanwhile anka was informed of the corpses of three gunning from kusagakude she recognized one of them as shiorei she found out that someone must have killed the genie and used their face to disguise themselves after the exams she suspected that the shiite took the exams was actually rochimaru she ran off to confront heroichimaru only to have her cursed seal of heaven reactivated by him orochimaru warned her not to stop the exams while both naruto and sasuke were unconscious from the fight against rojimaru sakura had to take care of them it was there that sakura's personality reached a turning point as kinsuchi of team those who trapped her by roughly holding her by her hair soccer realized how pathetic her behavior was always blindly praising and criticizing others when she was the one who hadn't improved at all she reflected on herself thinking of how she was always telling naruto that she's better than him when he was one who'd been consistently improving and telling sasuke she loved him when she couldn't even muster up enough strength to protect him as teammate before she symbolically freed herself by cutting off her long hair with the kunai which she initially kept long because it had been rumored that sasuke like girls long hair she also decided to fight against the oto ghanian and result to no longer be dependent on her teammates at this point team 10 arrived on the scene rock lee fought the otto ninja and used the front lotus sandozu who was saved by zaku but admitted that the lotus still almost killed him rockley is then defeated by dosu team 10 fights the oto ninja to save sakura but ultimately fails the rest of between nine arrives at the scene though sukanu leader of team dosu mentioned that edgy could see through them but before an educator attack and awaken sasuke and fiend the cursed seal on sasuke had by now started take effect and in a state of insanity and murderous intent sasuke defeated zaku a booming of team dosu going as far as to dislocate his shoulders for no other reason to cause him pain before he could do any more damage anyone else however sakura hug sasuke crying and begging him to stop alongside to regain control of the seal dose who left with his teammates wondering why rochimaru had sent him to kill sasuke if he had known that sasuke would have the cursed seal team seven still managed to make it past the second stage by defeating team obero of amigakudai with a little help from kapito yakushi a fellow ninja from konoha seven teams managed to pass which was more than twice as many as had been expected to cut down the prevailing getting from the second exam a preliminary round was staged before the third and final stage of the journey exams the 21 people or 20 after cobba two withdrew were to be matched up with each other in a fight that lasted until somebody gave in or was unable to continue fighting the proctor of the third exam hyatt gekko did reserve the right to step in and stop the fight when he felt that there was a clear winner sakura at first attempted to tell the examiners that the cursed steel that ochem are placed on sasuke was seriously debilitating him but sasuke stopped her until demanded business at that point naruto stepped in to stand up for sakura but was swiftly silenced by sasuke who acknowledged naruto by declaring that he was one of the people he wanted to fight later on naruto returned the sentiment the first matchup was sasuke against a member of kabuto's team yoda akado before the fight started kakashi warned sasuke that if his cursed seal got out of control he would have to intervene and stop the match control the seal this sparred saskatchewan using any technique as the seal responds to close to chakra the match started with yoda's stealing sasuke's chakra with his chakra absorption the match seemed hopeless for sasuke until he heard naruto's taunts next room was rock lee which gave sasuke an idea he used the lion conboy partial copy of rockley's front lotus which had been captured by saskatchewan yoda was knocked unconscious and sasuke missed the next round after the fight gaussian sasuke whale and sealed the cursed seal up next were zakua boomi and shino abrame of konohager got his team eight zaku apparently only had one functional arm but he but he could win regardless elsewhere the cursed seal was sealed by kakashi but then orochimar showed up for sasuke asserting that all the ghani and he currently had his command were disposable as kakashi raided his lightning cutter shino committed a multitude of insects to attack zach from behind leaving the one arm zaku unable to defend himself as a unidirectional technique zaku then revealed that he used both arms but it was too late the insects had blocked the tubes and zaku's arms building up the chakra he was trying to use and making the arms explode thus ending the fight hirochimara left saying that sasuke would be his someday the match with misumi surugi against congratulations of tsunakara's three-stand siblings began misumi quickly used soft physique modification to restrain conqueror and threaten to snap his neck until it was revealed that the kokoro misumi was fighting was just a puppet the real conqueror was disguised controlling the puppy with the puppy technique he used the puppet karasu to crush misimi's bones defeating him the fourth match sakura versus eno of konohakugouri's team tan was particularly meaningful as the two arrivals the match dragged down for a very long time since they seem to be caught on par until eno tried to possess sakura's body to force it to forfeit the match however sakura will expel eno from her mind exhausted and out of chakra they both went for a final attack hitting each other at the exact same time and rendering each other unconscious hayate declared that neither of them would move on to the next round the fifth match was tentative hong kokoda's team guy against mario if sooner got his send siblings the match is over quickly as all the projectile weapons used by 1010 were completely countered by the wind release techniques used by tamari who won without taking as much as a sickle scratch rockley jumped down to avenge tomorrow's treatment of 10 10 but mike guys stopped what would have turned into a fight the sixth match shikha marinara of konohakura's team 10 against kintsuchi was next but she could aware that he was at its advantage since he had seen him use his shadow invitation technique in the force of death without showing her own fighting style kittens started by dodging the shadow imitation technique of throwing sunburn with and without bells using strings turning the bells from unexpected positions to divert chimar's attention attacking behind shukumar however managed to join his shadow with its using the shadows of the strings that she was holding with kin matching shimmer's movements each drew a shuriken and flung them about each other when it came time for them to die chicamar ducks successfully but ken having previously cheated back her head against the wall and knocked herself out which turned out to be the true goal of chickamar's battle strategy shikamaru emerged as the winner naruto still impaired by the five elements seal was matched up with cuba of kona hakukouri's team eight in the seventh match the fight went poorly for narcotics at first especially after cuba's nin ken akimaru during the fight and transformed into keyboard with the human beast clone technique inaudible by transforming in a layered fashion into akamaru and then kiva so that would keep attack naruto the second transformation as kiba gave way to the first as akamaru leading keeper to attack akimaru still affected by a beast human clone he would then focus on attacking intensively to keep naruto attacking until naruto accidentally broke wind which stunned kiba whose sense of snow was magnified a thousand times at the time naruto then beat cube by using shadow clones to perform a new technique the naruto uzmaki combo the eighth match brought a family rivalry to the forefront as hinata and nenji of the hugo clan battled kiba being born away on a stretcher urged hinata to forfeit at first nigey assaulted he not a psychologically using her fears convinced that she had no possibility of winning however after being inspired by naruto's courage hinata decided to fight and prove that she would be brave as well they both fought using the huge gentle fifth style and the byakugan a kekai genkai which kakashi started disappointed sharing on while they initially seemed to the observers to be equally matched nenji managed to interrupt on his chakra flow in her arms saving her ability to use gentle fist hinata still tried to go on and it was only the exam proctor's intervention that stopped negan killing her he not his bravery still managed to inspire naruto as he vowed to battle and win against neji in the third exam the ninth match pitted lee against gara of suno sunugakura's sand siblings at first another rock leaves tied due to attacks managed to penetrate or circumvent garage shield of sand until he removed the weights he was running on his legs the boost of speed was such that gara-san couldn't follow these movements and garu was hit for the first time his life however gyara was revealed to be using armor of sand to keep these attacks from working on him realizing that his normal attacks would not only work lee then used his front lotus angara but in the end it was revealed that he had been a sand clone having no other way to end the match and with guy's permission lee opened five of the inner chakra gates the result being lee's strength was multiplied to manchester for a short time but also severely injured him he then proceeded to continuously beat garu with his rivers lotus however as gara fell to the ground he dispersed his sand gourd as a cushion to break his fall gara then used his sand binding coffin to crush rock lee's left arm and leg my guy jumped down to prevent guard from killing lee and regretted having taught lee how to open the inner gates after learning from medical ninja that lee could no longer be ninja due to his intense injuries garu won the match the last match was choji akimichi of kononenkokota's team 10 versus dosa kanuta choji was reluctant to battle instead wanted to forfeit but tried after being promised food by a sensei asma saratobi if he won choji entered the battle with prior knowledge of dose's sound-based attacks and quickly used human bullet tank to plug his ears from the other ninja's attacks however dosu overcame this by transmitting his sound through the water and choji's body thus defeating him after the preliminary ends and drawing lots to determine the first round matchups in the main tournament there was a one-month period in which the remaining ganging can prepare themselves various dignitaries were also invited to watch them in matches during this month naruto met jaraya another sandy for the first time drya agreed to be a sensei and was the one who taught him the most advanced techniques he learned during that time out of jaraya naruto improved his shock control by practicing walking on water learning to call upon the even fox's energy at will after jurai used the five elements on seal to cancel lojima's five element seal and how to use the summoning technique to call the giant toad gamabunta to his aid but was so exhausted after completing his training that gumboots are carried into the hospital also during the month of training dosu who was trying to sneak up on and kill gara was ripped to shreds by him hayate was murdered by baki the jonathan of the sand siblings after he overheard baki talking with kabuto their plans to invade konoha gara also attempted to assassinate lee in the hospital on the day before the finals but was stopped by naruto chikumaru gara revealed his past which led to naruto's realizing that they'd similar history of prejudice before guys stepped in and forced guard to leave due to the fact that hayao to gekko was murdered during the one month break gen mashira nui became the new proctor for the final exam the first match was naruto against neji naruto's fight with nenji in the first match of the finals was a very dramatic one during that fight neji lectured naruto as he had done with hinata during the preliminaries telling naruto that failures remained failures and that this could not change naruto eventually won the battle through a combination from the demon fox's power skill within him and sheer belief in victory in the process he changed neji's outlook on life and inspired him to create his own fate thus forming another important bond naruto was able to make naji understand that destiny could be changed and they became very good friends from that point on the second match which featured sasuke vs garo was moved to be the last as sasuke and arrival yet normally he would be disqualified on the spot but his match had been highly anticipated in fact from the crowd commented they mostly came to see him fight forcing the third hokkaido to give him the kazuki's request posed by the match the third match which featured chino versus conqueror was given to shino on defaults and conqueror were forfeited to keep his second secret before the invasion was launched the fourth match was to mario vs shikomaru as both tamara and shikamaru were excellent strategists but shigemaru was better although it appeared throughout the match at shikumar was using pointless attacks he was actually five steps ahead and managed to skillfully manipulate mario into a position where he could attack him behind using the tunnel which naruto had dug during his match and negi to stealthily extended shadow intation technique this took control over tomorrow's body and forced her to imitate every one of chickamar's movements although shikamaru could have won he quit instead saying that he's too low on chakra his real reason for quitting however he seems to be because he's incredibly lazy and saw no point in winning which would have only led to having to fight in further matches he also didn't want her girl garver vs sasuke came around again this is the battle the crowd have been looking forward to sasuke arrives right in time and the match is about to begin sasuke demonstrated that his speed had vastly increased to the point where the sand guarding gara could not keep up sasuke also demonstrated chidori a technique that he'd learned from kakashi and kakashi's only original technique to injure gara before the match could finish however a smoke bomb was set off in the kage's box kabuto who was actually working for ojimaru used genjutsu to put almost everyone in the crowd to sleep and the kona hawk rush commenced konoha crush with the invasion of guanajuato's start soon enough to ninja porn to konoha using giant snakes top of the village's predictive wall as this goes on the fourth kazakh holds a kunai to the third hockey is neck holding him hostage and allowing them both to get to the roof of their sitting area without confrontation as onboard members try to come to the third's rescue the kazakhstan four violet flames formation preventing anyone from getting in or out as the kazakh begins to mock the third for getting so old even going so far as to call him sensei the third realize that the kazakh is actually original in disguise who sheds his disguise so that he can face his former master face to face the third hokage knowing that rochimar is coming to kill him removes soggy outfit reeling his fighting gear underneath orochimaru comments to the third game prepared for the battle and the two stare each other down when one of the tiles on the roof cracks they begin their battle the third starts by sending hundreds of shuriken to rochimaru who blocks them by summoning three coffins to shield himself the third recognizing the coffins deduces what rochimaru is trying to do in attempts to top the coffin summonings however only two coffins open and the reanimated corpses of the first and second hokage step out the two deceased hokages greet the third and comment on the impressiveness of rochimara being able to summon them in response the third states that he regrets having to see the two again his opponents and tells him to prepare for defeat orochimar prepares the two hulk hogan's for battle removing the effects that death is had in their bodies and raising their personality angered by rochimaru's use of his former teachers the third attacks the group though his effort to neutralize and he's thrown back and restrained by the first hokkaido's ability to summon trees realizing he's outnumbered the third summons enma to help him in battle who transforms into a large staff to give the third weapon with enma in hand the third tries to attack hero chimaro though he's repelled by the other two akages using this failure as an opportunity the third planet's explosive tags in the two hokage is taking away each of their legs the legs however regenerate showing the third the conventional attacks are useless out of options the third prepares to use the only jutes that will work though rochimaru first decides to show him something removing the mask he had been wearing orichimar reveals his true face that of a young woman whose body orochimar had stolen and begun to occupy recognizing this as a rochimar's success and finally achieving a path to immortality the search for which he had been expelled from konoha 4 the third begins to understand why orochimar had come to konoha to take the body of sasuke ochiha determined not to let this happen it directed by his mistake of allowing rochemar to escape years earlier the third creates two shadow clones all the thirds prepared to use dead demon consuming seal a technique that the third claims orochimaru despite his extension algebrutus has never seen before as the demon called forth by the seal only able to be seen by the third readies itself the third is forced to endure the other two hokage's blows weakening his old body even more as soon as they seal this ready for use the third shadow clones each grab hold of a hokage and the demon plunges hands into each momentarily we're getting their senses the hokages all apologize to each other the first and second of the trouble have caused the third and the third to the fade he sends them to the demon pulls the souls of the first and second from their body and seals them within the bodies of thick shadow clones causing the clones to disappear to pop smoke no longer inhabited the first and second bodies dissolve revealing themselves to be in actuality the bodies of zaku abumi and kinsuchi tu genini norichimaru had entered into the tuning exams and now sacrificed for his means angered by rochamarus careless use of his subordinates the third grabs edma and exchanges blows with the orochimara and his kuzunagi sword throwing the kusunagi and emma's aside the third grabs onto heroichimara and the demon of the seal plunges his hand into rochimaru says think that his soul is being removed from his body original calls his kusanagi to him stabbing the third in the back this chain of events forces the third to halt the removal of rochimar's soul the latter of which questions why he didn't block the attack third explains that in exchange for using the ceiling technique the user is sentenced to death as was demonstrated by its use by the fourth hokage of the demon fox used earlier due to the large amount of soul that has been removed orochimaru is now able to see the demon of the seal just in time to witness the consumption of the hokage soul affected by it once eaten by the demon the souls are trapped in its belly forever to spend eternity in a constant battle of hate with one another this revelation brings fear to a rich mar's eyes who tries to ensure that third dies before he can be given that same future as the okay battle goes on the joni in the audience that managed to repel out kabatos genjutsu begin to confront the invading ninja determined to protect the aries from straight attacks meanwhile baku informs conqueror into mario to take our elsewhere his injury making him useless for the plane invasion sasuke confused about what's going on falls three wanted to finish his fight with kara kakashi watches sasuke go off unable to leave his current duty protection he does however notice that sakura zoo has managed to shake the kenjutsu and tells it to wake naruto and shimarus they can follow sasuke she does so though she finds that chicamir was also unaffected by the genjutsu choosing to pretend that he had been so he could avoid being drawn in battle to help in their pursuit of sasuke ashley summons paku to guide them in the fourth set off as the group leaves the stadium manages the forest pakun sense that they're being followed by nay and oto ninja to act as a distraction by the other some time shigemaru stays behind to slow down the ninja after altering a surroundings gave the impression the group under different action shikamaru lies and wait for the following invaders once they catch up and take notice of the apparent change in course shikomaru traps the group of the shadow imitation technique shikumar notices however that he's only managed to catch eight of nine indicating that one ninja had been following behind to protect the others running along chakra and therefore running out of time where you can restrain the ninja with shakumar throw shuriken at the group so we can find out the location of the ninth the shuriken are all stopped by the three ninjas needles and shigamar tries to extend a shadow to the ninja location but he doesn't have enough shadows to work with after keeping the eight at bay for a while longer shigimar's chakra runs out and he's forced to release the group freed the group encourages the 9th ninja to be the one to kill their captive and in response a ninja appears behind shigemaru the ninja however catches everyone by surprise as it's revealed to be awesome sarah toby with the ninth ninja in tow in a flash osmo takes out the other eight until she could bar to take a rest sasuke eventually manages to catch up with gara konkoro and tomari as conqueror prepares to fight sasuke in hopes of giving to mario angara time to escape shino albarama arrives to fight conqueror in sasuke's stead wanting to have the fight he'd been denied during the finals as sasuke goes off to continue his pursuit of gara conker unveils his puppet karasu and shina reads his bugs for battle conqueror uses karasu's new arsenal of weapons to try and poison shino though she knows bugs allowed to make a number of otherwise impossible invasions as konkro continues to direct karasu shino is able to navigate his bugs in secret to conqueror's location which consumes his chakra and prevent him from moving with kankoro no longer able to move bacino collapses karasu's one successful strike finally taking effect as konkoro in chino's fight draws to a close sasuke again managed to catch up with gara who having sent sasuke's arrival swipes to mario out of the way as ghar's contemplations of killing sasuke increase his transformation begins with the san forming new monster's arm with the arm guard is given increased speed and strength forcing sasuke to begin his assault with another chidory a technique he's only capable using twice a day as garage charges at sasuke sasuke unleashes his jutsu slicing guard's arm too though the technique is successful in injuring gar it does nothing but increase his desire to fight causing him to sprout a tail of the same nature as the arm as ghara charges again his speed once again increased sasuke is forced to use tudor a third time pushing him to his limits and force him to activate the cursed seal given to him by rochimaru though sasuke's attack once again slices guards armor too sasuke's use for the curse mark drains the remaining energy and cause him to collapse as gara makes the finishing blow naruto arrives and kickscar away as sakura and pakun start to turn to sasuke naruto attempts to figure out who gara is his face now partially transformed as well upon learning that the beast is gara and remembering guard is about to kill to prove his existence naruto yells at us to run away gara however has already made his move and charges at the down sasuke sakura her willingness to help others strengthen during the tuning exams shields sasuke and prepares to attack gary if necessary due to looking sakura's eyes gar is unable to bring himself to harm her instead using his arm to pin her to a nearby tree save sakura naruto charges at gara although only managed to get himself swatted aside to help him in his battle naruto attempts to summon kamabunta although is only able to summon gamakichi a considerably smaller toad that does nothing but taunt naruto unimpressed by naruto was attempted to summon gary gives the battle of stipulation using his sand to keep sakura pinned to the tree gaara causes the sand to slowly form a tighter hole than her forcing art to defeat him before soccer suffocates with the new incentive of battle made gara hurls san shuriken at naruto who grabs gamakichi to shield from the attack this onslaught allows gara to find another chance to further his transformation now having two beastly arms and his face being that of his final transformation his attack's ineffective against his new form naruto decides that to save soccer and sasuke he will battle with his life and pulls out all the stops for the battle after creating a number of shadow clones naruto uses the clones to launch himself at gara though gara swats missed once again naruto managed to plant an explosive kunai under gara's tail something that just so happens to be guard's weak spot before naruto collided with the surrounding trees sasuke catches him tells him to save soccer and run naruto remember the time that sasuke was his life to save him says that he'll be the one to fight gara since the two are much alike repeating his promise to protect those precious to him naruto taps into the demon fox's chakra enabling him to create 1999 shadow clones with his army of shadow clones naruto uses uzumaki naruto's a 2000 combo sending wave after a wave of attacks at gara and pushing guard to his limits of endurable damage not wanting to lose gara completes his transformation destroying all of naruto's shadow clones and transforming into a tanuki that stands many times higher than the tallest tree determined to make naruto pay for forcing him into his final form gar begins to encase naratona's sand biting coffin before the compacting effects of the sand can begin naruto again taps into the power of the demon fox and again attempts the summoning technique finally successful gare's coffin expands and bursts with naruto writing upon gemma but his head ready for battle gamabunta having yet to find naruto worthy of commanding him is reluctant to help fight for naruto gamakichi revealed to become buddha's son encourages the giant toad to accept naruto dude naruto's earlier protection of him from gara upon learning that naruto helped his son and that garah had picked on a member of the gamma family gamabunta decides to help naruto uncheats his equally giant sword charging agara gambunta puts all of his might into his sword swing though he's barely successfully cutting his arm off impressed with naruto's display of abilities gar emerges from the santa nuki's forehead and puts himself to sleep awakening the personality of the one-tailed chukaku sealed the gara now freed from the restraints imposed upon it by gara's consciousness shukagu was able to use its more devastating abilities each of which gamabuta is unable to counter completely because toads lack natural weapons such as fangs or claws ganbuta asks nara to help them transform into something more capable of close combat choosing the first animal that comes to mind naruto transforms gambuta into a giant fox allowing the ladder to bite and tear shikaku with gumbuddha locked in combat wishaku naruto leaves from kombucha's head to that of shukaku punching gara and waking him up forcing chicago back into submission with gaara awake again his first priority becomes protecting himself from naruto as gara sand tries again to encase naruto and now untransformed kamabunta uses his tongue to shield naruto naruto determined now defeat gara and save soccer who's running out of time taps into the demon fox's powerful more attack with chakra radiating from him naruto breaks free of garage shackles and charges at garo managed to use his sand to restrain naruto's hands and legs using the only weapon he has left naruto puts all of his energy into a headbutt naruto's last desperate attack being right on the mark gara's strength is sapped and the giant snooki disintegrates gabawuta worn out by battle returns homagamakichi the not before complementing naruto's outstanding fighting abilities as the two gang fall through the air each manages to land on neighboring treetops and each prepares for what will be their last exchange of blows once each is ready the two leap at one another their destiny is about to be decided back the stadium the journey of kona absorbed the field of victory at the bodies of otto and soon a ninja strewn across the arena the battle between the third hokage and original has over the past hour not changed as each is still locked in place the kusanagi in the third's back and the soul partially removed from orochimar's body the third wise as he is has used his time to come to the conclusion that he no longer has a strength needed to completely remove rochimar's soul and decides to instead make this roche mars last battle having the demon of the steel turn its attention towards mars arms the third prepares to complete the only seal he could not make hoping to break the third's will to go on orochimar reminds his former master of the casualties kono has suffered at the hands of his invasion saying that kona will crumble dishearten that archumar would so quickly forget the abilities of konoha's ninja the third reminds the former student of the kona ninja's desire to protect their village all throughout the village battles between konoha's elite and the invading forces rage on and despite the overwhelming forces united against them the fighting few of the village utterly defeat the enemy determined to prove his point and finally prove to urochumar that power does not lie within the knowledge of techniques the third seals aromara's arms taking away his ability forever more of using jutsu as hirochimora's arms fall useless to his sides the third bids his final farewells and unison with naruto's defeat of gaara naruto angara fall to the earth and the third okay falls over dead with a grin on his face enraged that even in death the old man could manage to smile orochimara calls for assistance and enma now free honors his old friend by removing the blade from his back before disappearing as rochimar's subordinates gathered their leader in fleet the jonathan stadium confront the only two remaining invaders with kakachi's encouragement kabuto removes his own buddhist skies and whispers to baku that they should retreat as the two disappear other battles conclude tamari picks up a defeated conqueror sakura is freedom garage sand and naruto approaches they defeated gara fearing that naruto means do more harm gara beckons him to stay away upon getting close enough instead of harming garanar to displays pity stating that he too knows the pain of being alone naruto however was able to find people to nurture his pain and bring him hope and states that nagara ever tries to hurt these people who have brought him happiness he will again before stick action gaura in disbelief realizes that naruto's strength comes not from his desire to help himself but to help those who are dear to him which begins to change gaar's outlook on life sasuke gathers up naruto extremely impressed and jealous of naruto's display of strength likewise tamari and concor where chief beaten gara who for the first time ever apologizes to them as the last of the invading otto and soon and ninth flee the village the elite of konoha gather upon the resting spot of their hokage's body during the hokage's funeral a few days later the ninja of konoha vowed to remember his sacrifice forever search for tsunade after they failed invasion of konohakura the ninja of tsunagakure looked for they're now missing fourth quasakage after finding the khaksaki's body and the body of his assistants in the neighboring desert the people who sooner realize that areochimaro the men who originally proposed the invasion of the village killed and impersonated the kazakh to give the impression of support for the invasion this revelation coupled with soon as devastating losses at the hands of konohan ninja forces the village to surrender unconditionally which konghan accepts kohakuri through having managed to repel the invading forces was also heavily affected by the invasion as well losing many of its ninja forces and its third hokage because the village is now without a leader the village elders approached darya one of the third okay's former pupils and asked him to become the fifth hokage jaraya declines the offer saying that another one of the third's peoples would better suit for the job tsunade because sunad's whereabouts are unknown jarya offers to help go find her with the stipulation to be allowed to bring naruto's maki the others agree and after dry his promise of teaching jutsu so does naruto and two head out to find tsunade meanwhile two outsiders have entered the village and caught the attention of awesome sorrow toby and korina yuhi once confronted about their presence konoha the two reveal themselves be kisme hoshigaki a renegade ninja from kitigakade and hitachio jihad the man who single-handedly murdered the entire jihad clan because the two are wanted criminals asuma and kuronai tried to apprehend them through battle but quickly found themselves outclassed by their enemies just as the two konahan ninja are about to be defeated kakashi hadak arrives to save them both his trying gone making it easy for him to battle kisame so itachi asked kisame to step down to let him personally take on kakashi despite kakashi's unformidable abilities and advanced proficiency with the sharing gun hitachi quickly proves to be the superior ninja displaying his far greater speed and superior shark got abilities and kakashi is only barely able to block his attacks realizing that he thought she's only using a fraction of his abilities although he still praises kakashi being so skilled with the showing on despite not being of the chihuahua blood the moment hitachi activates the monkey of sharingan kashi immediately instructs asa and kern had to close their eyes so as to avoid following prey to italy's ultimate technique because kakashi has a showing god he believes he will be able to withstand itachi's jutsu only to be swiftly proven wrong as hitachi tsukuyomi quickly overpowers kakashi sharongan and renders him helpless with the little strength he has kakashi asks why the two have come to konoha which itachi replies that they're after the fourth hokage's legacy naruto zamaki remembering what draya told him earlier kakashi recognized their reason as their organization akatsuki's goal to gain the power of the nine-tailed demon fox sealed with the naruto because of kikashi's knowledge of their organization and his motives hitachi instructs kismet to kill kakashi asema and kuranai before kies make can land a fatal blow however my guy appears and repels kisame with guys arrival kakashi collapses exhaust from itachi's previous attack hitachi recognizing guy is a threat as well as the fact that reinforcements are on their way leaves wikisome wanting to avoid starting a war taking kakashi away to rest guy asma and kuru and i decided that it'd be best if sasuke uchiha itachi's brother didn't know that hitachi had returned when sasuke arrives to find out what had put kakashi in the state he's in the truth of hitachi's return in a search for natural slips out when aoba accidentally spills the truth sasuke having an everlasting desire to kill his brother due to the latter's murder of their entire family and also wanted to break naruto runs off in search of naruto meanwhile dry and naruto arrive at a nearby town's hotel with their rest for the night juraya being a pervert through and through notices an attractive woman that's showing interest in him so that he can get acquainted with the woman dries sends an art up to their room as naruto sits on his bed cursing doraya someone knocks the door thinking it's an already rejected dry inaudible opens the door finding instead kisame and hitachi perplexed by hitachi's sharingan and the two's knowledge of the demon fox within him naruto leaves the safety of the room to find out what's going on as quickly raises his sword to cut off naruto's leg thereby making him easier to carry sasuke arrives vowing to kill hitachi to act on his promise sasuke prepares chidori and lunges at hitachi before sasuke can land a blow he thought she grabs and crushes his arms sending the attack into a nearby wall to help sasuke naruto taps into the demon fox's chakra ready to summon a toad to help in battle kissa made sword however absorbs naruto's track where preventing him from using any jutsu as kisame again prepares to cut off naruto's leg a toad appears to block the attack with jaray appearing behind naruto scolding hitachi and kismay for not doing proper research on him dry explains that he's much better at getting women there getting him though naruto dismisses that that's a bad excuse for his pervertedness realizing that he taught you put the girl under genjutsu to drown away jarya learns for certain that the two really are after naruto as drya proclaims that he'll kill the two sasuke rises repeating that he'll be the one to kill hitachi having no interest in their brotherly quarrel hitachi kicks sasuke aside and proceeds to beat him into submission once sasuke is unable to fight back astounded by how much he's still at class by his older brother itachi uses tsukiyomi to show sasuke the murder of their parents while also mocking him for lacking the hate needed to be strong enough as naruto makes to help sasuke and kisema makes to stop naruto jaraya encases the area in a layer of a sticky substance preventing anyone from moving knowing that they cannot win hitachi and kisame flee though not before juraya attempts to further ensnare them with his jutsu surprised that they are successful in escaping jiraya finds that a black flame was used to destroy his normally impenetrable technique with hitachi and kissimegon naruto checks up on sasuke whose mind has been broken by his own brother at that moment guy arrives and kicks right in the face having mistaken him for an enemy after guy apologizes he informs durant that kakashi is in the same state of sasuke and that nothing can be done to help him recover as guy takes sasuke back to konhar to rest jiraya realized that only tsunadik and akashi in sasuke strengthening his resolve to find her because akatsuki will hence fourth be after naruto juraya decides to start teaching art to the technique that is supposedly stronger than sasuke's chidori the resengan the jutsu that took the fourth hokage three years to master as the pair goes from place to place in search of sanade naruto rapidly progressed through the recent god's leading steps coming up with a number of shortcuts along the way justin naruto gets to the final stage of learning the jutsu jaraya learns of tsunami's location and the two go to meet her meanwhile orochimaru is suffering from his lasting country with the third hokage his arms unable to perform jutsu and constantly bringing in pain at the same time knowing that his assistant kabuto yakuchi's medicine will do nothing to help him orochimar concludes that the only person who can restore his arms is tsunade knowing where tsunade is currently located he and kabuto go to find her elsewhere tsunade an avid and very unlucky gambler hits a winning streak indicating to her that something bad is about to happen and as such she tries to flee the city her assistant she's a knight asks tsunade if they can go and see the local landmarks first which tsunami reluctantly agrees as susana admires an ancient castle with tsunade repeatedly asking her to hurry up the castle collapses and from the rebel emerges orochimaru and kabuto riding a giant snake unhappy to see her old teammate sonata refuses to heal herochimaru deducing what his ailment is from his appearance alone after kabuto states that only tsunadi can operate tomorrow so he inquires how he got the injury recognizes it being far above an average wound nonchalantly orochimera explains that it was nothing more than his own carelessness when he was killing the theory hokage the revelation of witch shocks shizune and tsunade noting the expressions on the two's faces orochimura comments that all people die and reminds me of two deceased loved ones this observation enrages shizune who attempts to strike rochimaru though kabuto blocks the attack after calming shizune down and casually scolding urochimar for what he said sonata punches the wall next to it roosing it to gravel and vows to kill him if he ever says it again after repeating her refusal to help herochimaru snyder prepares to fight them in the event that they won't leave just as she's about to attack her chimaera offers to revive her dead brother and love her if she helps him stopping sonata before she can act finally considering the offer zunada asks what rochamara will do if his arms are healed to which he replies he will destroy konoha elsewhere jaray and naruto have arrived in the city and the two visit tsuna's last known location when they hear reports of a giant snake destroying the castle jaraya recognizes that this is one of orochimaru's acts and as such rushes to the castle shizunaya meanwhile is infuriated by orochimar's proposal of destroying konahan and tries to persuade sonar and helping her kill the weakened urochimaru although sonata refuses orochimaru sheds some of his own blood to make sure she keeps her word though in tsunade suffers from a fear of blood with tsunade forced into submission by the sight of blood archimora gives her a week to consider his offer and he and kapito disappear when jirai and narayana to arrive at the scene sunade and she's never left deciding to give up on the search for the day jaraya takes naruto to a local bar for dinner where he surprisingly finds sonata and she's not already having theirs as naruto eats his dinner draya astronauti what arochimara wanted from her to which she replies nothing quickly changing the subject to what joriah wants from her as he tells her that konoha needs her to be the next okay naruto begins to joke in his food with surprise and tsunade and shizuna uses the confirmation that rochima really had killed the third hokage tsunade declines the position saying that only a fool becomes hokage and goes on to ridicule the pastor claude gayes snotty's words anger naruto springing him into attempting to strike her though jirara holds him back impressed that arthur was willing to challenge her sanadi offers to fight him going so far as to say she'll only use one finger after the two step outside naruto charges tsunade with a kunai in hand though sonata is able to take it from him use it to remove his forehead protector and launch him backwards with the promised single finger tsunade expecting her to pass out from her attack asks why being hokage is such a sensitive subject for naruto twitch she replies that becoming hokage is his dream as he says so tsunade sees naruto her dead brother and lover both of whom would want to be hokage and both of them look similar to naruto while sonata is momentarily off balance naruto uses the opportunity to use his still to be mastered with sengon on tsunade recognizing the technique and the danger it imposes so now that he slams her finger to the ground creating a large fissure that naruto falls into forcing the resin got into the ground noticing that naruto's version of the jutsu is dramatically weaker than what it was capable of doing tsurari proposes a bet with naruto if you can mask the resengan in a week she'll give him her grandfather the first hokage necklace something she claims that could buy three mountains if he can't she gets all the money in his wallet naruto accepts the offer and goes off to the hotel with shizune while tsunada and jaraya chat over drinks during the discussion jurai reveals that he's aware that sunade has some sort of deal with rochimaru though he doesn't know what it is he goes on to say however that if sunada helps heroichimar with whatever is that he wants he will kill her as a traitor of konoha looking to change the subject snowden asks why jurai brought narraza with him twice she replies that naruto looks remarkably similar to sunata's dead brother nawaki meanwhile at the hotel shizune explains an art to the history of sanity's necklace and asunada had given it to each her brother and her lover dan in turn in the hopes that it would help them achieve their goals becoming hokage soon after receiving the necklace however each of them died at bloody death giving sonata a fear of blood and leading many to believe that the next was cursed after hearing the story naruto leaves to finish his training determined to prove that when he wins the necklace he really will become a hokage but the next week naruto trains and each day he puts larger and larger dents into the trees he's training with indicating that his zen god is getting more powerful all the while tsunade watches him in the background remembering her dead loved ones and contemplating the operomara gave her on the final day naruto doesn't return home at his usual time and she's going to go see what happened to him after finding the tree to be broken and naruto passed out on the ground she usually takes him home to rest at the same time jareiah and tsunadi meet again for drinks and discuss naruto's progress while dry is not looking snotty substitute powder into his drink and after drinking it he passes out sonata returns to the hotel and see if naruto's perfected the jutsu and only finds him in bed causing to realize what a ridiculous bet it was that she had made she's and i mean while pleased for cinematic not to go through withomar's deal willing to kill herself in order to stop her sonar knocks she's an eye unconscious and leaves me to rochimaru as roche maro and kabuto head towards the meeting place rochimara comments that it may be easy to persuade tsunade to heal his arms if she's and they weren't around and so kabuto heads up to kill her naruto meanwhile wakes cheese and i up having found her on the floor realizing what happened she's in a rushes to the window to go after tsunade but a weekend giraya stops her before she can leave cursing tsunade for dragging his drink dry explains that the drug makes difficult for him to move and he can't control chakra very well kabuto watches the conversation in the background and knowing that he can't take on cheese jaraya and to his surprise naruto by himself leaves to report to rochimaru jaraya notices kapito's departure and asks what deal soon i made with herrocimaru along the way to the meeting spot shizune explains the offer and jiraya realized that he may need to kill tsunade sonata and orochimaru meanwhile meet at the site of their last conversation and tonight agrees to heal hirochimara's arms if he promises to leave kanaha alone orochimaru agrees to the stipulation and tsunami approaches him preparing her healing jutsu before she can make contact with urochimaru kabuto appears and throws a kunai between them forcing the two to separate rochimaru realizing what kabuto is done asks why after coming so far so now he was betraying him kabuton notes that because both he and tsunade are medic ninh he could notice the subtle amounts of killing intent within ajutsu orochimaru meant tsunade's decision even saying that he really had intended to stay away from konoha sonata dismisses this as a lie yet says she's been willing to believe it if it meant she could see her loved ones again because of naruto however the dreams of nawaki and dan returned to her and thus she couldn't bring herself to turn a blind eye to rochimar's goals of effectively destroying the hopes they had had with that snotty attempts to attack hero chumaru though because of his timely dodge her attack misses creating a large crater where he had been as rochimar appears to fight zunada he comments that he never battled her before although kabato quickly questions this observation since he would actually be the one who will fight her as kabuto informs heroichimaru of darya's presence they lead sonata away not wanting to fight in the city in case doria shows up after retreating to an empty field kabuto and tsunada begin their fight because kaputo isn't very good at taijutsu so not a specialty he resorts to using his mystical palm technique to give his tax an extra boost in strength although sonata is initially able to avoid many of his attacks her old age causes her to tie quickly allowing kabuto to catch her off guard and strike because of the nature of his mystical palm technique kabuto was able to sever some of sonata's muscles upon contact preventing her from moving using this to his advantage kabuto punches her in the chest which also allows him to sever some of her respiratory muscles making it difficult for her to breathe thinking this should be enough to force sonata into submission kabuto begins to gloat as a success sonate her large breast having weak incompetent's attack uses his cockiness to her advantage by striking him in the neck forcing him to the ground as he attempts to get up kabuto discovers that tsunade's attack disrupted the electric currents of his nervous system causing his hand to move when he tries to stand up with kabuto unable to move so now he heals her injuries as she does so kabuto begins to compensate for sunday's last attack learning what actions lead to what outcomes after regaining the ability to move 80 of his body kabuto gets up surprising tsunare due to his rapid ability to adapt just as kabuto is about to attack a steel healing sonata naruto jaraya and shiznite appear before him blocking the way sonari is unappreciative of the group's arrival and pushes doria to the ground so she can charge a kabuto before she can commence an attack on kappa to however kapitos slits his wrists covering sonata with blood and causing her to become paralyzed with fear with tsunada incapacitated kabuto punches her away leaving shizuna to catch tsunade and take her aside to recover naruto meanwhile tries to understand by kabuto a person he had befriended during the tuning exams and had believed to be a ninja of konoha is fighting against tsunadi with an otaka forehead protector on top naruto kapito explains he was a spy for rochimaru who entered the tuning exams to gather information on sasuke ochiha a person he claims is far more talented than naruto enraged by kabuto's treachery naruto creates a number of shadow clones to help him attack kabuto from the side of his injured hand as an archer closes in however kabuto uses the blood seeping from his wrist to blind the narutos allowing him to easily defeat them all she's in a using kabuto's distraction to her advantage launches a poisonous needle at kabuto although kapito is able to block it in time by having needle deflect off his forehead protector returning to rochimaru's side goblin to takes a pill to stop his bleeding as he does so jaraia hands out assignments he will fight a rochimaru shi's and they will fight kabuto naruto protects sunare while she recovers with that jaraya and kabato with rochimar's assistance perform the summoning technique allowing kabato to summon two giant snakes while jarya is still in his drugged condition can only manage to summon gamakichi as orochimaru ridicules jiraya for failing to summon anything formidable his attention is brought to naruto who is giving his own attempt at a summon just as rochimura considers whether he should have killed naruto when they first met due to how formidable the power of the demon fox could be naruto summons gamatatsu causing rochimaru's worries to vanish orochimaru and kabuto charge their respective opponents each writing about a different snake jiraya uses his swamp at the underworld on rochimaru though in his drug state he's only able to submerge the snake in a shallow swamp no longer able to use the snake oroshimura charges at jaraya lengthening his necks we can get close enough to bite the others in response drya creates a defense by extending the hair on its head and turning it into spikes creating a stalemate between the two she's and i mean while battles of kabuto but kabuto was able to evade her attacks and burp beneath her allowing him to sever the muscles in her ankles and causing her to collapse at the same time naruto deals a couple of snakes escaping from its mouth only briefly enough for it to fall upon his leg pinning him in place as sonata regains her senses she finds shizune and naruto lying on the ground defeated remembering the deaths of nawaki and dan she attempts to defend herself against the approaching kabuto though he easily starts to beat her into submission just as he's about to give her a finishing blow naruto appears in front of tsunade blocking kabuto's punch with his forehead protector surprised by naruto's sudden intervention kopita was left momentarily stunned using this to his advantage naruto tries to use the recent gun on kabutop because the slow sweeping motion that are to puts in the attack kapita was easily able to avoid it as naruto lays on the ground to his lack of speed kabab tautansa by detailing how talentless he is and how helpless his dreams are as he does so sonar sees these insults as applying to noiki and dan and remembers her earlier words of a similar meaning to naruto as naruto butts these claims he reminds tsunare of the bet they had and how she will need to give him her necklace and then proceeds to create a shadow clone as kabuto charges towards naruto with the kunai in tow so now he begs naruto runs we can accomplish his dreams but naruto simply stands his ground in doing so naruto allows kabuto to attack him although he blocks the worst of it by catching the kunai with his hand as naruto grabs a hold of kavitha's hand he begins to create her sangon with his free hand and uses a shadow clone for assistance in his creation once completed naruto forces the sphere into kabato's stomach the latter unable to avoid it with only enough time to clutch naruto's chest kabuto is hurled back by the attack and into a rock as the dust settles kabuto emerges the deep wound in his gut though immediately begins to heal as a result of the chakra he gathered in his abdomen just before the attack although the exterior damage is almost completely healed kabuto collapses from the internal injuries caused by naruto's attack his chakra reserves too low to fully heal kabuto's last attempt at defeating naruto however proves to be effective as naruto passes out as tsunade rushes to his side to investigate she finds that kabuto weaken naruto's heart muscles giving him an erratic heartbeat tsunade desperately tries to heal him in an attempt to not only save naruto but also in an attempt to save milwaukee and dan's dream as she does so the demon fox within naruto notices the fading life force of its host and contributes its power in an attempt to save naruto and in turn itself as tsunade continues her healing effort a tired naruto comes to and grabs her necklace claiming it is his after he slips into a tired sleeve so nadia puts her necklace around his neck hoping just once more that its weary will someday become hokage orochimaru having just witnessed naruto's potential worries about what may happen if naruto ever falls into the hands of the akatsuki and decides to kill naruto in his weakened state after throwing doria to the ground orochimaru lunges at nights with his kusanagi sword sticking out of his mouth donate realizing orochima's intended target leaps in front of naruto as a human shield allowing the sword to impale her through the heart as a ruchimaru tells tsunade that he hadn't intended to kill her so now he replies that she won't let anything happen in naruto as urugimaru removes his sword from the blood trembling tsunada he questions why she would save naruto to which she replies that she's protecting kanoha but protect naruto the future hokage as archimara ridicules the title for its holder's willingness to sacrifice their lives to the prosperity of konoha sonata states that she too will sacrifice her life for the same reason disappointed that tsunade would waste her life in such a way orochimaru slashes her across the chest and she falls to the ground but leaving tsunade to be at the very least out of the fight orochimaru makes for a finishing blow on naruto though sonar blocks the attack again upon falling to the ground of fatigue sonar's trembling stops her fear of blood finally overcome as she rises sonata throws hirochimara back explaining that a commitment to protect naruto's because she is henceforth the fifth hokage after first order of business sunada activates the seal on her forehead to completely regenerate the wounds induced by irochimaru realizing that tsunade is now back in top shape orochimaru retreats to kabato for assistance in unison orochimaru senate and jurai use the summoning technique summoning manda katsu and gamabunta respectively as gamabunta expresses excitement in finally getting the chance to kill manda mata represents rochemar for having any human sacrifices ready for him after jiraya and tsunari denounce arochimara as their comrade and give him promises of death the final battle begins katsu starts the fight by spitting supper for acid at manda the latter of which quickly averaged the attack using katsu's vulnerability between attacks to his advantage manda wraps himself around katsu and prayers to bite the giant slug before he can do so however gambuta forces his star but to him out his jaws saving katsu from the snake bite still having katsu in his clutches manda tightens the hold of her in attempt to suffocate her but she breaks apart into a number of smaller slugs in order to escape the attack as she regenerates mata throws gumboots around allowing the toad to with the help of dry and golf mata in an enormous cloud of fire when smoke clears manda's shed skin is all that can be found the real snake in the process of burrowing underneath kamabunta although gambuta is able to catch mauna's tail mata is able to get behind the giant toad and prepares to bite the latter before he can do so however tsunade appears the kamabu to sword and toe and forces it through manda's mouth to keep it shut orochimaru hoping to even the playing field extends his tongue towards sonata an attempt to break her neck but tsunada uses the tongue to wear advantage by using it to bring orochimaru to her after connecting her fist with rochimaru's jaw sunare allows the defeated urochimar to crash to the ground manda discussed it with arochimara for losing promises that if he could open his mouth he'd eat him and disappears after promising to do so next time they meet as mata departs orochimaru frees his tongue from tsunade's grasp and returns to kabuto's side where he says there's still one way to get his arms back the mask covering the face of the body he had stolen peeling away with it promised to destroy konoha orochimaru disappears with kabuto after returning to the city and naruto's recovery juraya senate shizune and naruto have lunch at the same bar they met at only a week earlier after learning that tsunade had taken the title of fifth hokage naruto begins to find her inadequate for the position listing all the ways that the third hokage was better than her angered by his words snotty tells naruto to step outside of the two can fight where cenata once again says she'll only need one finger as naruto charges at her she once again removes his forehead protector and fears his shockable one finger fearing the outcome of the strike in order to close his eyes to his surprise however so now he kisses his forehead rather than hitting him telling him to become a good man after naruto agrees the group heads back to konoha upon their return naruto heard that the village of konham must continue their missions as normal irika explained naruto over a bowl of ramen of course they must not show other villages that they were currently weak they must do as many missions as they had done before rochimar's invasion even though their strength had been cut in half sanade was well known as a great medical nin so she healed sasuke and kakashi of their ailments received during the fight with hitachi she visited lee who was badly injured from his fight with gare in the tuning exam preliminary round after persistent nagging for many characters and told him that he should give up being a ninja there were fragments of bone in his spine and the one operation that could be done and could only be done by her had a 50 percent chance of either curing or killing him naruto and kong hamaru walking down the street when they over had cheese in it talking to sonate they heard the fifth okay state her concern and her motivation to help lee this convinced konohama that tsunami really was a good replacement for his grandfather just minutes before sonata was inaugurated as the fifth okay in front of the villagers shizune stumbled upon an open book on tsunade's desk it showed a series of mathematical equations surrounded by a chart of a body 50 was written and crossed out followed by an arrow pointing to a circle which contained 58 percent and she's naked only smile nard to the movie ninja clash and let us know this movie begins with the hero previously unknown in the north of continuity princess foon princess gayle in the us version food's nemesis mao challenged her group with an army of undead soldiers his dark intentions seemed prevail that is until princess food and her cohorts shi shimaru brit and sukiyaku unleashed the power of the seven-colored chakra upon him they saved the day and naruto watching from afar couldn't have been more elated as it turns out naruto was actually watching the scene in a movie as was the rest team seven however the audience in the movie began to throw objects at the team for making too much noise while arguing with the same manager as the team is forced to leave the theater without being able to see the ending suddenly the actress who played princess foon yuki fujikaze passes by on horus being chased by armored men and horses as well as naruto sakura and sasuke managed to easily defeat the attackers it turns out they were actually stuntmen disguised as body guards led by yuki's manager sunday asama as kakashi comes in to inform them the misunderstanding he reveals that he had set them to watch it as preparation for the next mission to escort yuki while the crew made the next movie in the land of snow as it turns out yuki was actually the princess of the land of snow koyuki kazuhana the land had been taken over by uncle dotokazahana and his three-man team of rogue ninja when she was a child dodo wanted yuki's crystal necklace in order to unlock the land of son's treasure which yuki's father the daimyo hit him before being assassinated as many citizens doubted she survived apparently she was responsible for her rescue during the day of the revolt sandaya would eventually find her on a stage one day and considered himself lucky to become a manager after the discussion the director would decide that filming would continue intrigued by the idea of having a real princess played the princess in the movie eventually doto would arrive at his team and so ninja subordinates by train after melting the ice that covered the tracks railway system a sunday who leads a group of 50 samurai attempt to charge after them the mortar mounting compartments releases huge waves of kunai mastering the entire brigade san dayu clinging under life passes away of killing yuki not to cry for him suddenly dota's blimp manages to capture yuki and flies away but not before naruto manages to cling on with kunai attached to a rope as the two are taken to his mansion kakashi sasuke and sakura eventually regroup with them after various battles between team seven and the rogue ninja resulting in the death of all the latter and notary deutsche succeeded in obtaining yuki's crystal necklace only to discover that the treasure of the land of snow is a generator designed to melt the snow and thus bring spring to the snow country after a confrontation with sasuke and naruto doto was then killed by naruto with his resengan in a manner reminiscent of princess fun's defeat of mao involving rainbow chakra with the rogue ninja algon yuki decided to resume her position as the princess of light of snow which would eventually become the land of spring after the technology behind the generators perfected despite being a princess yuki intended to continue her role as an actress at the very end of the movie naruto who had desperately wanted an autograph from the actress was given an envelope from sasuke afterwards who received shocked looks the other members of team seven including art to himself inside the envelope was a signed photograph from yuki the picture was of a bandaged up and apparently unconscious naruto in the hospital who was receiving a tender kiss on the cheek from the actress at the end of the credits the crew that had made the princess food movie said cut and altitude in unison sasuke recovery mission naruto's influence on sasuke though profound was powerless to prevent sasuke from leaving his village and friends to receive training from rochimaru sasuke's decision to leave was the result of a chain of events that rekindled his hatred for his brother and his desire to avenge his clan to do so he must claim a great amount of power which became the center of his entire life humiliated by hitachi's declaration that he was disappointingly weak and aware of the fact that naruto might be superior sasuke challenged naruto to a fight after naruto returned to konoha they engaged in a heated duel on the rooftop of the hospital where naruto told sasuke that he had never considered himself inferior to sasuke kakashi left them to stop the fight when naruto and sasuke are about to use their sengon and story on each other reflecting both their attacks into adjacent water towers while sasuke's fury made a larger dent in the front of the watertown the narutos were sent on sasuke was shocked to fight at the back of naruto's water tank and completely blown out with the power of his resence realized that he might have lost the fight and received major injuries if kakashi hadn't stopped the fight this only made sasuke even angry that naruto is getting stronger with the day and could actually be able to defeat him in battle ever since the tuning exams the fight against gar of the sand waterfall sasuke felt the narrative of improving immensely naruto only wanted recognition from sasuke recognition that he'd really got stronger however sasuke would never recognize naruto because by doing so he would also have to admit that he was weaker than him despite a lecture from kakashi with the pointlessness of revenge the appearance of orochimaru's sound four with an offer of greater powers and yet another humiliating pumbling tipped sasuke over the edge sasuke went to leave the village that night but was distracted by sakura who then tried to commit him to leave konoha during this conversation and crying and desperate soccer confess her love to sasuke and beg him might leave the village but he rejected her once she realized he was going to leave by the way she offered to go with him to enact his revenge which she refused after a long resort sasuke threatened to scream and let the village guards of sasuke left and finally having hit a nerf sausage move from several feet and sakura to directly behind her in a flash of speed he sincerely thanks her for everything she has done from thus far before knocking her unconscious and laying around a nearby then leaving the village a five-man squad was gathered by shigimaru including himself kiba naruto choji and nanji naruto also recommends shino however she was on a special mission with his father at the time sakura arrives just before they're leaving and explains while crying that she failed at stop sasuke and asks naruto who she believes to be the only one capable of doing so to do it as a once in a lifetime request naruto makes a lifetime promise to her to bring sasuke back to the village they easily caught up to the sound four who were escorting sasuke to rochimaru strategies were not used rather the team split up the same happening on the part of the sound four they dropped people one by one and choji ended up fighting zero by himself using two of these secret pills of the akimiji clan choji was able to increase his chakra enough to keep from being defeated in the end he had to consume the red pepper pill which increases chakra 100 fold but left him in extremely critical condition usually resulting in death taking the pin slim down his body as the excess calories were converted into butterfly wings of chakra after getting his revenge on jirobo for eating last chip and calling him fat choji put all of his chakra and power into his fist and killed giroba for insulting his best friend shikamaru next neji ended up fighting kitamaru kiramaru had trouble at short range since then she'd be a gun and gentle physically powerful penetrate kiramaru ended up fighting from long range the battle was locked in his stalemate until kiemara discovered a weakness of the akugan it has a blind spot behind neji's first theraki vertebrae knowing that he would be hitting the area negi intentionally allowed kiramar to hit him with a powerful arrow to which kiramar had to fix a chakra string to ensure accuracy however nedji used the chakra string to use his gentle fist to damage kitamar's internal organs negi then caught up with kiramaru uses eight trigrams to close kikimaru's tenketsu chakra points kiramaru died shortly after nedji was left in a critical state after the fight shikamaru was matched up with taiyua while akiba and akimaru with sakon and ukon kiba and akimaru did an amazing tag team on socom but sakon split ukon right before kiba and akumar could lay a devastating blow sakon and ukon activated their cursed seals to level two which made them far too powerful keep about hakama to cope with meanwhile shigamaru despite all his prowess performing strategies typically couldn't kill tv because of sheer force he managed to use a shadow imitation technique in our three summons but he quickly dispelled the both then he caught her in a shadow imitation technique then hit shadow neck binding technique while at the same time akamaru got injured and kiba refusing to leave him without akhmar to do the combination attacks however kiba and akumar were forced to retreat kibo was forced to stab himself in order to escape and shikamaru for the first time couldn't come up with any ideas to defeat toya and was forced to keep his shadow neck binding technique on her finally shikomaru and kiki were ready to accept their deaths however before the finishing strikes could be executed the sand ninja arrived to help right before shikakumar and kibo were about to die they were aided by tamar and konkor respectively who'd been ordered to help the konja ninja conquerors puppets were unaffected by sakura and ukon's ability to defuse the cells when sakon arrived he attempted to do the same thing he had almost done with kiba but conqueror turned out to be his new puppet kurodi to injure shotgun forced him to fuse back and ukan to take over conqueror then trapped soccer on an uk on inside his puppet kurori kankoro then used karasu to stab them through holes in kurodi and use karasu and kuroda due to a devastating and deadly combo black secret technique machine one shot thus killing the brothers meanwhile since toyuhyu stand to attack damari's wind was a natural enemy damar used her sickle weasel technique which blew away tayuya and cut her food in half shikumar uses time to tell to mario what to use strategies after a while toyo fixed her flute and was ready to kill shibaman tomorrow but tamara used her sony technique and used summoning beheading dance and was able to kill toya by destroying an entire tract of forest in which the sliced debris crashed the ladder last kimimuro who was stronger than all the sound for combined came to aid the escort mission at first he was faced with naruto but even naruto's massive amounts of shadow clones proved to be no match for kimimaru whose taiju skills were more than a match for naruto's superior numbers naruto even used the ninetale demon fox's chakra but was still losing during the fight sasuke emerged from the coffin which caused naruto to return to normal and begin wondering why sasuke's with the sound 4. naruto began urging sasuke to return home with him stating how everyone was worried about sasuke unfortunately sasuke who had fallen deeper into darkness responded by cackling madly before fleeing with naruto calling sasuke's name kimimuro attempted to kill naruto but was stopped by rock lee allowing naruto to chase after sasuke while lee fought kimimuro both lee and kimimura were taijutsu experts but since lee had only recently recovered from his surgery he was not in top shape lee drank some saki that he thought was medicine and became intoxicated and began fighting with the drunken fist style with this added unpredictability lee gate and upper hand against gumoro however he clearly had no idea what he was doing who he was fighting and why he felt so drunk after a while kimimura was forced to do his dance with the camellia but rock lee then appeared to be virtually invincible and laid a devastating blow to kimimaro seeing that there's no chance of him defeating li in his present state kimimura uses cursed seal level 1 and overpoweredly manifesting his horrific ability to manipulate all his bones at will not only this but lee began to sober up lee would have been killed if gara had not arrived in time and used his sand to protect him for obvious reasons kimimura was at a disadvantage since gary was capable of blocking all physical attacks and kimimura could only use physical attacks however like the sound 4 kimimura was able to get pascaro's defense and offense by sheer force kimumaro's bones were so tough they simply forced their way through gara's sand even sand waterfall funeral and other crushing forces couldn't bring him down as he created a film of bone beneath his skin to protect himself maru would have defeated and killed gar with his last attack but before kimimura could finish gara his terminal illness ended his life naruto caught up with sasuke and began battling sasuke's cursed steel of heaven which had been powered up by a pill given to him with the sound four this is why he was in the coffin gave sasuke inhuman strength which he used to reduce naruto to almost ragdoll levels meanwhile sasuke recalled his experience of hitachi and his parents up to the point of the uchiha clan downfall it was in these moments of the mangekyo sharingan and how he thought she obtained it by killing his best friend shisui uchiha was revealed it was also revealed that hitachi had encouraged sasuke to gain the mangekyo sharingan which he claimed to be the only way to exact revenge and hitachi by any means necessary and this became sasuke's motivation for killing naruto who claimed to be his best friend back in konohan kakashi haruke brought to speed on the situation summoned his nin ken including paku to track down naruto and sasuke meanwhile naruto and sasuke unleashed the rasengan and chidori respectively causing each other to fly backwards activating his cursed seal sasuke uses enhanced speed and strength to overcome naruto and strike him with the chidori naruto managed to block the attack but sasuke is still intentionally naruto tried to strangle naruto only to have himself thrown aside by a nine tails powered opponent with his enhanced abilities naruto was able to easily overwhelm sasuke all the while trying to reason with him only to have sasuke ultimately reject his efforts despite this sasuke finally admitted that they were fighting his equals in this moment sasuke's sharingan finally matured enabling him to predict naruto's movements and once again turn the tables upset by naruto's persistence sasuke knocked him unconscious with peregrine falcon drop the nine tails probably to save itself gave naruto even more of its chakra creating for the first time naruto's one-tailed transformation complete with a demon fox cloak that surrounds him with one arm of the cloak naruto unleashed powerful short and long-range attacks which sasuke even the sharon gun was unable to keep up with feeling he had no choice sasuke increased his cursed seal of heaven to level two once again evening the playing field both sasuke and naruto realized the cost of their respective abilities at that point but both decided they had no other choice sasuke revealed the location their fight was the valley of the end and determining the battle forced the use of the third jury naruto created using one hand and the demon fox cloaks chakra as a shell the demon fox were sengon sasuke's chidori after a moment warped into the flapping chidori the two ninjas collided their attacks sasuke planted the punchnards on the heart deliberately missed and targeted the gut instead while naruto referring to one of sasuke's insults scratched his forehead protector a black dome of energy formed around them which eventually dissipated ruling the two ninjas as their current forums and then as the younger selves who held hands and spelled each other when the dust settled sasuke was revealed to be victorious sasuke pondered whether or not to kill unconscious naruto but decided to leave in the end kakashi took naruto back to konoha at the same time sasuke decided to gain the power to kill hitachi in his own way through rochimaru as he walked off to otagokure it was then revealed that akatsuki member zetsu had been watching the fight the whole time as kakashi took naruto back to konja several medical and appeared updated on the situation and to take care of naruto and sasuke which kakashi deemed unnecessary for obvious reasons in both cases nedji and choji both underwent intense medical treatment both were successfully healed thanks to the narclan's medical tone tsunade's medical prowess and shizune and a team of medical nan kiba and akamaru were also here to their moderate injuries under the care of hannah inazuka his elder sister shikomaru with only his finger injured decided to end his ninja career as he put his team's life in danger and the mission failed regardless but shikaku convinced him to persevere sasuke was shown walking with orochimaru kabato in one of our ochemar's lairs shikumaru paid naruto a visit in his room while sakura decided to visit naruto and sasuke only to be severely disappointed by naruto's failure to bring sasuke back as she overheard naruto and shigemaru's conversation naruto however declared his intent to keep to the original promise to which sakura gratefully responded after her visit to naruto sakura realizing how useless she had been in keeping sasuke and konoha requested for sunada to take her around as their apprentice to which tsunata consented naruto's next visitor was jarya who revealed that rochimaru had already taken a body before sasuke arrived so he'd wait another three years take another body and tried to give his naruto to give up on sasuke based on his similar experience to rochimaru naruto however refused to quit his efforts jiraya who figured it pointless changed naruto's mind decided to train naruto for two and a half years to prepare naruto for yokotsuki which naruto readily accepted akatsuki convenes and decides to hasten their plans and the anime narrator was forced to remain in kona for a few months before setting out with jaraya and the manga he left as soon as he got out of the hospital sakura also asked to become tsunada's apprentice at the time of naruto's departure and the manga well in the anime it was after a mashed monarch tundra that happened shortly after sasuke's departure land of rice fields investigation mission after recovering from his battle against sasuke nagato joins sakura in another attempt to save sasuke from ochimaru before crossing gonhalo's border jaray appears he saves them from becoming labeled missington after leaving the village of the authorization by allowing them to join him on a mission to gather information on sasuke and ochimaru their journey takes him to the land of rice fields the land of the oto gakurei after a couple comedic failures to gather info due to dry as perverted antics naruto and sakura meet a young kunoichi named sesame of the fuma clan she revealed her desire to find her cousin arashi who along with the majority of their clan went missing after facing through members the fuma clan and managing to escape them drya returned to the info that he gathered from the remnants of the booming clan that saw through tomorrow's lies draya explained that herochimaru was gathering as many supporters as he could from various clans simply to gain access to the secret technique after facing the three members again and defeating them sasami led naruto and his team to mars current hideout and set the base and their knowledge where to go the team took different paths eventually naruto found sakura in a long corridor facing off against kabuto naruto was able to hit kakato with his recent gun but unfortunately fell prey to a devastating technique that attacked his heart after being saved by sakura and sasemay it was discovered that the kappa 2 was actually another fuuma clan member kagero in disguise soon after they found arashi who became the victim of an unstable technique of rochimarus that merged him with two fellow clan members and drove him insane naruto along with sasuke's soccer were able to destroy his mind as a rochimar's height began to fall apart arashi revealed that sasuke was safe for now but rochomar was doing everything in his power to make sasuke a perfect host for the near future after being sure that the fuma clan were free from rochimar's control naruto and his team returned to konoha mizuki tracking mission ready to begin his three-year training with jiraya naruto is furious to learn that jaraya was ordered by sunada to go gather information instead for a while after draya managed to sneak away from naruto he decided to talk directly to naruto who was spying on tsuna's hokage meetings discovered that music had not only escaped from prison but had a connection to rochimaru seeing this as another chance to find sasuke naruto went off to look for mizuki and met up with irika eventually naruto found mizuki and was horrified at how much stronger mizuki looked now irika had naruto to fight against the legendary stupid brothers while erica faced off against mizuki after being completely overpowered by the two brothers in san ross strength naruto was saved by team 10 who took over the battle scenario to get a dyrika along the way naruto meant mizuki's former lover tsubaki with her help naruto and erica found music his hideout where it was discovered that mizuki was given instructions for a special performance enhancing drug meanwhile team 10 is almost defeated since the two brothers do powerful but tsuna comes to their aid and convinces them that music he tricked them and that they should head back to the prison after consuming the drug mizuki became a behemoth of his former self and completely overpowered naruto and erica after discovering that mizuki's speed was rapidly declining for pointing more chakra it was raw power naruto and irika were able to defeat mizuki with a well-timed maneuver that ended with rasengan after mizuki was interrogated it was discovered that he had unfortunately had no knowledge of a rochimar's whereabouts kodosuki family removal mission with drya still gone and no idea of when he would return naruto decided to train any way he could in the village while training in the woods he came across three weak and injured men from the village of katabami goldmine naruto brought them back to koroha after they recovered and explained to sonata that they came to gonna offer help in reading the village of a terrible gang sonata decided to assign naruto on the mission with team guy to keep him preoccupied from his obsessions of finding either sasuke or jaraya before leaving naruto learned from lee who was told by guy that the leader of the gang is raigo korozuki a former member of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist naruto saw this as another chance to find sasuke as ryga might know where kisema and itachi are and might lead him to sasuke before arriving at the village the team stopped at a small restaurant that lee knew well from his early days training a guy there they met an old acquaintance of liz sancho an elderly lady whose best meal was an energizing and nutritious curry known as the curry of life sancho revealed that her son karashi left the restaurant a while ago after getting a wrong understanding of being strong the team that went to the village and were horrified to discover that not only were the villages so traumatized by the gang they refused to be rescued but also that ryga had a psychotic joy for funerals and would regularly bury people alive after defeating raga's minions and discovering one of them was karashi then naruto and the others were confronted by rega in addition to raga's highly powerful lighting jutsu naruto and his team found themselves at an even bigger disadvantage from a powerful game due to even naji's bianca gone was powerless against soon it was discovered that rega's unique genjutsu and much of his power was actually coming from a young boy he was carrying on his back the boy was named ron maru and possessed a unique dojutsu after separating the two narrator was able to launch him off a cliff with a resengan and defeat him afterwards naruto and the team retrieved ramaru they learned that the boy had been with raga for years by choice because the two of them had an understanding of each other raga gave romaro a reason to live and feel useful this made naruto remember haku who shared a similar relationship with zabaza and ultimately refused to let romaro go back down the same path as haku did and offered him another path later while the team was helping sancho make shelter for her shop against the storm ramara and garashi bring into raga's burial romaro was able to tell despite raga's fatal wounds from naruto though reggae was still barely alive remaro without hesitation transferred almost all of his energy into reggae to save him infuriated by the sight of a seemingly den renmaru raiga took his rage out on arthur on his team while no longer having ramar's ice ate him in battle ryga instead gathered natural energy from a lightning storm of power and enhanced his lighting release technique after ramaru was saved and recovered by ten-ten he began to understand what naruto is talking about at night trying to find value in life besides killing others remember how sancho and karashi revive the unconscious naruto negi and lee with the curry of life renmaro then tried to convince regular to stop the meaningless battle but regal only viewed this as betrayal after seeing that renmar had made up his mind and naruto managed to overpower him reagan decided to give himself a funeral by electrocuting himself to death after the mission was completed with romaro not being an apprentice sancho naruto and his team returned to the village gosun cookie capture mission one word that a notorious thief known as gosum kugi of the land of stone was making his way towards the land of fire reached konoha tsunami assigned naruto akiba and hinata capture the man along their way they met a bounty hunter by the name of sazanami who was also after golson coogie after quickly dispatching naruto and his friends sazanami managed to find ghosts and kooky but was quickly defeated he was saved by konohashinobi it was later when treating the man's wounds that naruto and his team found the man was actually another wanted man by the name of tokichi okichi explained that he was framed for murdering a family that gosungi actually killed deciding to help toki clear his name they worked together to track them gozukui again gosungoogie and takichi himself were captured by another bounty hunter and handed over to the authorities the bounty hunter was an honorable man and helped clear tokichi's name for naruto and the others this meant they failed their mission as someone else capture ghost and googie now after the movie legend of the stone of gillel the movie revolves mostly around a special mineral called the galel stone which was a strong mysterious power there was once a clan that could control the stones powers but they were destroyed because they're wars for the stone a battle was taking place at night on a desolate seaside between the sunuga ninja and soldiers wearing bulky suits of armor despite their best efforts these cyanogens are slowly overwhelmed by the sheer strength of the mysterious opponents the timely arrival of reinforcements led by conqueror and gara turned the tide of the battle with conquerors slicing apart a suit of armor with his puppet and gara dispatching a large number of enemies with his signature sand waterfall imperial funeral however when gara orders the send in to shine a flare through treating enemies a large warship is revealed with its own arsenal heavy weapons much of the sanshinobi's shock and curiosity of its appearance the ship then opens fires with its guns and garage sand armor barely manages to practice comrades as artillery shells relentlessly pound to the beach naruto uzumaki shikimara nara and sakura harun are on a mission to capture a lost pet fair and deliver it to its village naruto comically refers to the creature as a cat for the remainder of the movie while they're on the way to return the animal they are attacked by a mysterious man clothed in night armor he too is accompanied by the strange armored soldiers from before the three fight him will get separated with naruto the knight and the pet fair all fall off glyph shikamaru and sakura realize afterwards what has happened and immediately go to look for them before they can what appears to be an earthquake stops them in their tracks until they realize it isn't an earthquake at all but the movement of a giant mechanical moving structure sakura and shikumar split up the search for naruto naruto wakes up to find himself bandaged as well as right next to an equally wounded man they've been taken in by a very peaceful caravan of no mags that own a number of foreign animals including ostriches and rhino the old man goes on to inform naruto that they are in fact the village that hired the leaf ninja to return their pet ferret named nero gui the fair also seems to have a great interest on the unknown man much to despair the elder while healing the man seems to have a flashback to a dream that depicts what happened to him as a child his home was invaded and destroyed will he hid seemingly went alive he's almost found but in the last moment he is spared managed to live kahiko and his granddaughter amina go into explaining to naruto how their clan once originally had a country but was destroyed a very long time ago by some kind of disaster and that nirogui is proof of it they also tell them that nrgu is in fact older than clan elder having been looked after by the clan for generations as naruto looks for an explanation from tamjin the knight only asks naruto to strange power that is actually his chakra temujin appears to not know what chakra is even if you can wield a similar power temijin simply tells him that he's there to build a utopia and then goes on to invite naruto to join him naruto promptly refuses only for the oscars he's riding through runway on his own still looking for an explanation from themijin naruto follows him as he sneaks away from the caravan after risking his injuries to save one of the care of his children falling out of a tree temujin claims that his dead has been repaid and he needs to leave meanwhile shikomar infiltrates the mechanical structure and finds what appears to be a lab with children in capsules they are overlooked by a pair of women kabira and ranked with similar armature television have been wearing who operate a machine that makes the bulky soldiers from before the two discussed the gl stone something that shikumaru has never heard of he was almost caught but managed to flee the last moment naruto discovers that temogene has gone missing and goes to head after him when kahiko comes to visit him saying how nedugi has disappeared again as his mission was to deliver the pet to the village the group was headed to he's still to complete it the clan elder even goes as far as saying is he should have hired sand ninja instead even when he returned to the ferry to its owners naruto was going to find it again meanwhile soccer comes across an abandoned campfire and finds the caravan's trail naruto goes on to find temujin again who has nerigui with him he comically tells him to hand over the cat temujin finally reveals his name and they find themselves in front of a very large vessel like before they go inside revealing the structure be very advanced in technology sort of like a european cathedral on the inside there temujin introduces arthur to his master heido dress in what appears to be a bishop's robe hideo goes on in detail about their goals and again extends the invitation to join them naruto claims that he can't join them because he's going to be hokage but offers to spread the peace that they wish for nerugui appears on temijin's shoulder instantly showing a dislike for haido haido starts thinking when they mention a caravan they move out when an overhead announcement tells him that the fleet that was sent to the land to win has been annihilated temujin and naruto head on to find the ship that attacked the saint ninja beach with all kinds of metal parts in the sand once they investigate the vessel naruto discovers conqueror among a room filled with unconscious children amongst all the rebels conqueror immediately attacks temujin explaining how the ship had been wiping out the land of wind villages naruto demands an explanation but all temujin can say is that noble sacrifices for the greater good before they battle they're interrupted by comedy and ranka who kankara and gar take on kameda uses a kind of mind control that seems to be like njutsu meanwhile ranka transforms herself causing her to have gorilla-like traits as well as a large lightning attack after a hefty battle gara manages to distinguish rank as lightning and kill her but komodo manages to flee by growing bat like features wings included during the commotion naruto is separated from demogene the movie shifts to the caravan being attacked by when a haida's follower is known as fugai after destroying most of the wagons and killing most of the livestock she questions kahiko about where the galel stone is thankfully who should step in with shikamaru and sakura who claim to have seen her flare they already managed to take out the soldiers fugai goes out to take on wolf like trade to manage to escape shikimara questions the elder about the gala stones but he doesn't want to talk they start to leave saying that they need to find a friend when kahiko asks if their friend was naruto they find that naruto was with him the other goes on to ask to do for help through a series of flashbacks we discover how temujin met haido after his village was destroyed we also discovered that temujin actually has a gala stone inside of him causing his eyes to appear the red color that they are after getting word that the caravan from before has information temgen returns to what is left of it only to be captured bishikimaru naruto has managed to find shigimaru and sakura and the three stay with the caravan people who have managed to escape and are currently hiding in a cave there they question temiji to find out what haida wants with the yellowstone kahiko claims that the stones only cause harm but temijin reveals he has a stone inside of him the elder goes on to question him gene about a book and other clan confusing him he tells them the only members of the royal family and their clan could buy the stones than their bodies he then tells him that the royal family had crossed the ocean taking the book of gela with them demogene hadn't come to the new land in fact he'd return home kahiko tells him that they don't know the stone's origin but they do know it was a mineral that their clan was able to refine and use as they pleased it was very powerful so much so that an entire civilization was wiped out over the battle for it afterward the few minion clan members sealed it away and attempt to keep it from happening again the only reason they didn't destroy it was because the only ones who could were those of royal blood determined after the tale temujin tells him that he wants to achieve his own kind of utopia he manages to escape he was free the whole time and kidnapped kahiko to make him lead into the gala mines they don't know where the mines are but nanetto gui managed to lead them to it temujin and the elder find the ruins and journey deep into them to find the entrance to the mayans the leaf nature tried to save kahiko only for haido and his entourage to appear shikomaru tries to stop haidou to question him only for hydro to claim he only wants peace and he's going to create a utopia shigamura ironically states they're doing the exact opposite naruto angrily asks him if he even cares about his fallen comrades whom haida only claims are noble sacrifices after naruto tells him that dreams about friends are nothing the other finally triggers a mechanism that steals him and temujin into a passageway into the minds heidel reveals that he possesses the book of yellow before smashing naruto into a wall like it was nothing and follows them kamida and fugai attack but shikomaru and sakura hold them off to allow naruto to follow haido temujin and kahiko find themselves in the chamber of ceiling and find a picture that appears to be one of despair the other tries to reason with timogene but temijin doesn't want to hear it kahiko then reveals a knife meanwhile kamino toys wishikimara when she flies around he's unable to get a lock on her shadow but then he suddenly spots conqueror on the far side of the ruins as fugai chases after sakura she's unable to lose her even after sakura blinds her finding a crystal structure that creates echoes sakura uses herself as bait so fugai will howl and triggers the crystals to collapse on top of her shi shikimar fills the whole area with lines with explosives most of them are fake just pieces of paper so kamehameha cannot fly about just as cumberer thinks she already knows what he has in store congratulations suddenly launches one of his puppies to automatically trap and kill her after wounding temujin the elder has his blood on a dagger and tries to pierce the seal on the floor only for how to interrupt just as haidou finds the mind's key nero gooey tries to stop him the ferret is killed by a barrier around him and the yellow stone falls out of the pharaoh's mouth temujin stands in front of the elder as haida is about to kill him temujin claiming there is no reason to kill him temujin suddenly has a bit of deja vu just as naruto appears hydo tells temujin to kill both of them but temujin has had enough and refuses heido then claims that he's useless no different from his parents deja vu happens again and temujin finally realizes that haida was the one who murdered his parents haidou goes on to turn into his own kind of creature which captures temujin and extracts the gala stone from him the other begs naruto to stop hydo naruto encourages hemogene to get up as he fights even going so far as to use a resengan but haido has managed to tap into the mine and heals all of his twisted limbs naruto still wishes for temujin to help him just as haidou goes to finish them the fake soldiers go and protect them both the souls of the children emerge these soldiers are destroyed and temujin finally realizes his wrongdoings combining both rasengan and the gelal stone temijin and naruto managed to kill hydo but in the process they accidentally destroy the kid in the mine the walls start to crumble around them as the mind spires out of control shikamaru sakura and conqueror all managed to retrieve the children from the machines but only for the ruins to start collapsing they cannot control it but there is a way to destroy it if temgen puts his hand on the seal from before he can summon a time-space continuum only royal blood can do it and the one who does so will end up sacrificing himself naruto tries to stop temujin from doing it for temiji to knock him out he says doing it is the only way to atone for what he's done temijin goes into the collapsing gala to the seal and activates it all as quiet as shigemaru sakura conqueror and gara can only watch as everything in the void's waves begins to be devoured naruto remembers sasuke as he's faced with temujin's death as timothy waits for his faith he suddenly finds himself floating as a line of narco clones have clutched onto him sakura almost goes into the void herself to see where naruto is only at the last moment a burst of the gelal escapes causes the landmasses are moving when it finally stops they find kahiko who claims that he feels even better than ever thanks to the gel-el he is even joyously reunited with a still alive nirugui the wastelands have now turned into an oasis as all the children awaken temujino wakes realizing that he's still alive with naruto so clutching his arm they find the picture of despair from before and it wasn't one after all in fact there was one of hope later they all gather at the ocean where temujin and the others are gathered to prepare themselves to leave back to the land where they came from they're aware that it's one with lots of conflict but hemajin wishes to help where he can tamjeed's eyes have now turned back to the original bright green and much to the other's disappointment again narugoy has chosen to go with him as well as they leave naruto stands up on a cliff and shares a sign with hemogene promising each other they never give up cursed warrior extermination mission while eating ramen after doing his daily training and preparation for dry's return naruto met a young man named chichima he's told about the troubles going on in the land of birds and wishes to help he then joins najin 1010 and solving the mystery of the cursed warriors ghost upon arriving the land of birds they meet one of the daimyo's advisors mosu who explains the situation after searching the kingdom at night naruto and his team find the ghost and face off against it only to find that not only was the armor empty but according to eddie's aqua god had no living presence cole may believe later that it was one of most those devices the following day mozo explains that it's believed that the whole situation is a scheme set up with the daimyo's head strategist komei to take over the linda birds they go to meet the daimyo sagi who turns out to be a young teen and childhood friend of chishima however since becoming daimyo and losing his twin sister toki he's become quite cold to all his duties as daimyo after saving him from an attempted assassination it's discovered that the weapons are owned by kombe's soldiers naruto negi and 10 10 begins spying on kome who later goes to the site where the curse worry was seen the previous night this time upon fighting naruto and his team face a much more formidable opponent using high level ninjutsu techniques while defeating him the enemy commits suicide by melting himself in acid then later komei is arrested for conspiracy while they're all told the mission is over both naruto and naji have their doubts about it naruto goes back to the site to investigate and discovers a chain of underground tunnels unfortunately naruto takes a path that leads inside the daimy's palace and is arrested later in a prison cell naruto is confronted by a cursed warrior who tends to kill him naruto manages to defeat him and discovers that is really soggy in disguise sagi explains that he made this disguise to find out who killed his father and sister before the fight could continue and injured chishimi appears and reveals that mosul was behind the deaths of soggy's family naruto then impersonated the curse warrior and saves komei for his execution he then meets up with neji ten-ten and the newly arrived kakashi they then go to confront moso unfortunately sagi goes ahead out of his desire for revenge upon catching up asagi is discovered that sagi is actually the twin sister toki impersonating her dead brother it's also discovered that mozo is actually a ninja named hoki of the withari ninja who plan to take over the line of birds hokey kidnaps toki and naruto and chishima go after him while kakashi and jin tenten deal with the water ninja naruto is initially overwhelmed by hoki's cunning deceptions and various improved jutsu but is saved by the spirit of sagi who tells naruto he has to save toki from her anger after a battle of clones between the two naruto defeatokie later naruto on his team watches toki takes up a role officially as daimyo and thanks naruto for saving her kindness buried gold excavation mission noticing that lately naruto hinata and cuba had had a rather low success rate their ninja mission sonata decided to give them one final chance to succeed or be sent back to the academy to restart their training their mission was to retrieve a hidden treasure initially naruto and cuba kept getting into arguments about which way to go which resulted in them taking different directions each time kiba emerging in the one correct along the way he not injured her ankle forcing keep it to go on alone while naruto nada after kiba left naruto and hinata were attacked and captured by mysterious ninja naruto later awoke to discover that he and his friends were replicated by the captors their captors reveal themselves to be of the ketamine clan a clan with a special transformation technique that copies a person beyond just looking at the target their plan is to infiltrate konoha and destroy from the inside their enemies attempt to crush an archon his team in a cave in kiba and naruto managed to freak hinata who then uses their gentle fist to repel all the rocks later narath on his team escape the cave and go after the ketamine clan two naruto's fury his double goes all around the village building up a huge bill from various restaurants and even eats all of naruto's safe food at home after finding the doubles it's discovered that they can't replicate the original's physical prowess and are easily able to capture them later it's revealed from tsunade that she actually hired the clan to test naruto and the others on how well they could actually handle such a situation stargard mission while having a snack with soccer and naruto learns that nedjie and tenten were sent on a mission to aid hoshigako to protect their precious chocolate mining star which was actually a meteorite from thebes suspecting that urochimera might be behind these attempted deaths narada to convince tsunadi down to the team after naruto and the team arrived at the base of shigakari they met a young hoshigini named sumaru who escorted them safely through the deadly gases surrounding the village they were then introduced the acting leader or hoshikage of the village akahoshi who explained the situation it was revealed that the special star enhances the chakra of whoever trains under it long enough and enables them to manipulate the raw chakra in very unique ways forming ninjutsu known as the mysterious peacock method later the star was stolen by a mass ninja who possessed the same star enhanced techniques as the hoshigakire only more powerful and refined while naruto began making friends with several to hoshigenin he learned that sumeru lost his parents when he was young and dreams of becoming kange of his village later after sumeru was kidnapped by ako hoshi disguised as the mass ninja it was discovered that the real reason why the star was so coveted by other villages was because the dangers to using it as very few in history have survived the star training the force releasing an enhancement of chakra generally proves too unnatural for most people to adapt to causing the body to give out and die before it can properly synchronize with the chakra and even if a person does complete the training there is still a chance the person will eventually be killed by the enhanced chakra although the third hoshiga who died recently stopped the training akoshi resumed it soon afterwards which the hoshi ninja had been willing to go through for the village's prosperity later naruto found himself up against the mass ninja again while akahoshi attacked with the intent of killing the mass ninja and knocked naruto and the mass ninja into the poisonous cavern fortunately the mass ninja saved them both naruto then discovered that one of the mass ninja was a hoshi joni named natsuhi who was sumaru's mother and one of the few people who ever successfully complete the star training she explained that 10 years ago despite nazi he and her husband who sometime later died convinced the theodosia to stop the star training in exchange for faking their death and watching over the village move far after being a dangerous star really was naruto was determined to help nazi stop akahoshi who was deliberately using the hoshigakure for his own selfish goals upon facing off with okahoshi he revealed to have killed the third hoshikage so he could take over the village and resume the star training and willingly sacrifice anyone as long as the village got glory after sumuru appeared akoshi used him as a hostage to force natsuki to give him the star despite naruto's anger at akhoshi neji writes in naruto that technically aka hoshi is not a villain to the hoshigakure as they all wish to make their village strong as well and as such the konohan ninja cannot do anything against the village leader without repercussions later natsu he attempted to retrieve the star once again despite her failing health but was killed by akahoshi it wasn't until one of the hoshiganian showed the villagers the damage that star training did to his body and the truth of the third hoshikage's death were revealed when the villagers finally turned to get sakura hoshi determined to regain the controls by any means akahushi embedded the star into his being to gain a tremendous power increase with the help of a final technique left behind by natsuhi naruto was able to defeat akahoshi and destroy the star using the resengan later the infected hoshi ninja were taken to konoha for treatment from snotty and are cured naruto is glad to see that despite losing the star hoshikari is still determined to become recognized the next creation of a village third great beast arc while going through a standard checkup with tsunade in order to learn that lee's recovery from his injuries during the tuning exams was still questionable later naruto and tenten went to check on lee just in time to see him practice a match against a young prodigy named yagara to narrow the 1010 guy's amazement not only was yaga able to push lee back in taijusu combat but was also able to use an advanced high juicer technique to nearly break lee's ankle later when naruto and tendon were worrying about lee's well-being eddie convinced him to have faith in lee as negi had learned stating bluntly that leah is the potential surpass any prodigy despite a shortcomings because of his dedication later when guy went on a mission with yagura it was discovered that the boy who was with guy was actually an imposter so now i quickly sent negi tenten naruto to go after guy sunada decided not to tell lee in fear that he would follow them despite his ankle injury upon catching up with a guy it was discovered it was already captured by a ninja team of brothers who wielded a unique puppet technique that controlled wooden training dummies and were on a mission of revenge against guy for the father's death while naruto and the team managed to fight back the dummies lee surprisingly showed up and rushed to aida sensei as naruto when the team began to tire guy and lee managed to defeat the brothers dummy fortress and break the technique afterwards guy revealed to everyone the story behind his battle with the brother's father making the brothers realize their father didn't have contempt for guy but respect this meant their desire for revenge was pointless nars of the movie guardians of the crescent moon kingdom naruto uzumaki kakashi hadaka sakuraharino and rock lee were assigned to a b-rank mission to protect the prince of the land of the moon michiru during his world trip other escorts had been hired but had quit due to being treated poorly the land of the moon is a very wealthy nation so michoud attended to buy whatever he wanted and had a very materialistic world view his son hikarusuki also acted much in the same manner which irritated naruto on the dock of the ship naruto was eating a few bowls of ramen while he caught her was playing on his gameboy sakura leaves to do something as hikaru approaches naruto he snaps the top six and a half and he got his presence hikaru cares that proposes that naruto is being his vassal naruto gets bewildered and cautious by this hikaru explains naruto that he'll give anything he desires naruto refuses hikaru's offer because of enslavement hikaru keeps insisting naruto to accept another tickets annoyed tells him to stop looking down on people and grow up he gets disappointed in this and shoots a tour arrow at the back of his headband causing nars to turn red and become terrifyingly enraged nearly entering one-tailed mode in the process naruto in a rage snaps his suction cup arrow in half hikari becomes frightened attempts to flee but naruto with amazing speed grabs him and is fed up with his attitude naruto explains he doesn't care if he cause an injury he says it'll be worth it and punches he got to his head causing him to cry naruto informs his card that he can't do things as freely as he thinks he can soccer then runs up to naruto for hitting a kid naruto was punched into the water during the trip the caravan stopped at a circus when he car took a liking to a rare saber-toothed tiger chamu which was featured there michirou ended up purchasing not only it but the rest of the circus as well placing under the team's protection hikaru attempted to prevent the tiger but found that it disliked humans he lost interest in the circus and thus being a sea voyage when a storm hit he appeared unconcerned about the animal's well-being causing naruto to become disgusted as lack of value for them upset by naruto's view of him he caught our window to help chamber get to safety in order to save both of them after they were washed overboard the next day naruto sakura and lee became friends hikaru after returning to the land of the moon the team found that the country had been taken over by shabadaba one of the nobles and a former friend of ichirou having hired three powerful ninja to a system shabadaba had disposed of the king and planted the same michiro hikaru the remaining heirs to the throne he ordered the military forces to kill them all but the team was able to escape with the help of soldiers still lords of the king escaping to a hidden cave mitchu found that his father was still alive but sakura although able to heal his petrified arm was only able to keep him alive for a little while the king revealed that he suspected that something like this would happen and arranged for the journey to keep michoud out of harm's ways before dying the king told michoud and ikaro that people are truly important in life not material goods during an attempt to escape the country by boat the three ninja hired by shabba dabba attacked disabling naruto kakashi sakura and lee with reaction telling poison that slowed their reactions the prince was captured but the emergence of naruto's fox tracker allowed him to repel the attacking ninja before the prince is stunned to be taken at the castle shabadov's reasons for taking over the country were revealed to be purely material the same things michiru had considered important as he intended to use the nation's wealth for himself rather than the people michita was disgusted by shabbat alba's attitude and realized the truth what his father had said shabadaba decided to put him to death by drawn out hanging he had mitchu do balance on a board of wood not strong enough to support his weight while wearing a noose ensuring that sooner or later he would fall and be hanged with the help of the circus mitchu had purchased earlier kakashi's team made a rescue attempt with hikaru and the rogue soldiers infiltrating the palace by disguising themselves as members of the circus one by one kakashi and his team fought individual battles kakashi fought the many soldiers in the courtyard while each of the ghanian fought one of the ninja lee wielded a pair of nuchaku that had the ability to connect to other staffs hidden in his leg weights creating weapons such as a long staff and a chain whip after being defeated briefly naruto unleashed his fox chakra once again in blue ishidata away he killed his opponent kongo using reverse lotus sakura was able to dispatch her poison and genjutsu using opponent karembana by shattering a chandelier to locate her by watching where she moved and subsequently killed her in one punch it turned out karabana had worn too much perfume which should help sakura locate her opponent while in again jutsu by smelling the perfume naruto fought against ishidate the leader of the three ninja while helping ikara reach his father hikaru shot an arrow severing the rope around michoud's neck and naruto's shadow clones caught the prince and his father ishidate was enraged and attempted to kill naruto but shabadaba ordered him to deal with michiru ishidate powers up his petrification glove to its fullest as shabadaba continues tomorrow target to pick enraged by his constant bickering ishida accidentally petrifies shabadaba in the penultimate scene naruto his leg disabled by his opponent's strange petrification technique wrote on michoud's shoulders to attack with his resengan which then reflected the light of the moon in such a manner that it grew and took on a crescent shape creating the crescent moon resengame he hit ishidat with his attack sending him flying and destroying shabadaba's stone remains killing the both after ishidate's death michoud took the throne of the country and promised to rule as his father had done while starting on a diet beginning weight chaining and once the country settles down he was going to pick hikaru's mama amayo as kakashi was immobilizer to the overuse of the sharingan his team decided to take a vacation and landed the moon when he recovers two weeks later karachi had regained his strength from the team to parts of the saviors of the crescent moon kingdom king michoud decides to once again try reconnecting with his wife now knowing what he shouldn't do yakumokurama rescue mission while continuing his solo training naruto came across a young girl painting a portrait of konoha while watching her do so she strangely drew a bolt of lightning striking the village the naruto shocked the village suddenly did get struck by the lightning causing the ninja academy to be engulfed in flames while following the girl to figure things out naruto was stopped by two medical din and an on boo who drugged and took her somewhere naruto soon returned to the village to learn that recently kuronai gave a position to sense of teammate not wanting his friends to be sad naruto went to find kernanite and try to reason with her after failing to make kernel change her mind naruto went to talk to tsunade instead of doing so he bumped into sakura who revealed that karani quit because of a new development from an old student of hers named yakumokorama a student with an unheard of natural aptitude for genjutsu deciding to investigate further naruto found yakuma at her family's mansion and disguised himself as kuru and i to gain access inside he found several pictures of various horrors including the image of kurunai being stabbed in the heart seeing this picture somehow caused naruto to become suddenly struck by an overwhelming fear as if he himself being stabbed in a vision of a demonic looking yakimo after being discovered naruto was drugged and knocked out while unconscious naruto had a dream about yakimo and kuranai which showed that despite yakuma badly wanted to be a ninja coroner refused a letter and instead decided to bring funjutsu to the silhouette power later it was discovered the akuma came from a noble clan of konoha that was once infamous for its high aptitude and strong usage of genjutsu but lost much of their reputation ever since yakuma's parents the head of the kurama clan died it was also real that the karma planted a very very powerful genkai but without proper guidance was deemed too dangerous naruto then joined a mission to protect yakuma with my guy sakura and team 8 as yakima was being targeted by members of the chroma clan including yakuma's uncle unkai naruto and his team managed to find yakima who was protected by kuronai in time to save them from the karama clan after sakura treated kurunayanyakumo yakimo revealed to naruto that she was put under colonized care back then because of a special order from the third hokage duty yakuma's weak body but strong and unstable power she also revealed that she overheard the third hokage talking to kuranai about the karama clan's power being a threat to the village that had to be dealt with to naruto's even greater shock yakuma's parents were killed in a horrible fire that yakuma suspected was the third hokage doing then upon return to the village the team found it in ruins with no signs of life while searching for others naruto was found by ankai he explained inaudible that the destroyed village was actually a giant genjutsu cast by yakimo ankai also explained that he and the korama clan were after yakima because they feared her powers were becoming too unstable and dangerous for the village's safety he explained that yakuma's kakai genkai allowed it to cat scan jutsu that stimulate the mine so much that it can cause actual damage even in the point of death the problem is without proper care and training the kekkai genkai's power can turn against the user by creating a second highly dangerous personality known as ido because of this the third okay and kernan i realized there was no choice but to destroy yakima's power before the second mine took over willing to sacrifice himself unkai knocked naruto out to block a census making the genjus powerless and helping naruto to escape doing so unfortunately left ankai terribly wounded naruto and team 8 quickly went after kuruna yakimo only to be caught in another of the genjutsu despite kuroni's pleas for narutonatu naruto began telling yakimo the truth about her powers doing so caused her to finally remember how her parents died which caused her inner demon to finally break free while naruto had a heated struggle against it kuru and i pleaded with yakimo to help as she was the only one who could stop it while scared and unsure of herself yakimo is convinced by kuru and i that this was still her power and could learn to make this power a great tool if she overcame the darkness yaakov managed to destroy the monster and save naruto finally purging herself out of the darkness afterwards it was learned that all this time yakimo still cared for kurunai as a mother figure with granada's final mission from the three o'clock they finally completed coronado felt she could now resume her role as leader of team 8. while naruto was happy for his friends the adventure reminded him that he still had to worry about his inner demon and save sasuke from his darkness manma memory search mission while searching for a special bamboo ingredient for his next roman meal naruto came across a young man floating in the river quickly he took him to the village hospital it was then he discovered that the young man had no memory of who he was there were no clues to who he was beyond an ocarina the boy was carrying later the following night lightning struck the hospital causing to burst into flames the young man who was still being cared for in the hospital quickly acted by saving an infant with the aid of a strange technique performed with his ocarina to thank him sonata decided to let the boy stay in the village for the time being as long as he stayed with naruto naruto then decided to name amenma a name he came up with from the bamboo he found as time went on madman showed himself to be very considerate and giving as he began doing all kinds of chores around the village without even being asked while cleaning up the hokage monument an unknown man attacked naruto at first naruto was forced on the defense until menma played another melody on his ocarina which somehow gave naruto a tremendous surge of chakra to overwhelm the man this forced the man to retreat and naruto had to wonder who enema really was after thanks to naughty about the incident tsunade theorized menma might be from the land of rice fields that was known for music-based techniques after begging her naruto and mademois were allowed to go along with nedji and tenten they were sent along and tsunade feared manma might be affiliated with rochimaru as one of his subordinates tayuya used a similar technique style on their journey they came across a small village in ruins the site of the destruction seemed to horrify magma for some reason soon after naruto and the others were attacked by the villagers despite their unexplained hostility the villagers stopped attacking after learning they were from konoha before the team left the village one of the villagers approached them and begged for their help she explained that because the gold mine at the foot of the village it had been subjected to a terrible attack by rogue ninja from otogakore costing the village countless lives thanks to menma's insisting it was decided to say and help the village naruto and menma then began making a wall and aid to protect the village for the next attack eventually the rest of the village was inspired to help them make the wall while still working on the wall the man who attacked naruto and mehmed earlier attacked again in the scuffle mammal was soon injured while saving the village leader while treating his wound it was shockingly discovered a tattoo on remnant that revealed he was actually a member of the missing nin despite the village's anger towards him they were talked into helping menma soon after the rogue ninja attacked again led by the men from earlier after managing to fight back their enemies menma who seemed to have regained his memories revealed that he knew the gang leader sheen's backup plan to blow up a large dam to flood the entire village then my aston arts had bringing to the mines we planted several explosive tags there to counter sheen's plan along the way menma revealed he was indeed a member of that gang he explained that he was taken in by them when he was young and never realized how evil they were until they attacked the village menma explained that shortly after being taken to konoha he pretended to have an amnesia to live a peaceful life even for a short while and to get help from konoha and stopping his clan's horrible actions against a small village sooner got a support mission akashi is shown investigating the takumi village his ninja dogs found that the village was deserted and the body of their founder was taken from its grave meanwhile sakura shikamaru and naruto discussed the status report from tamari saying that she and her brothers are going to be involved with the village's new shinobi training program in tsunagakuri the three siblings were shown leading a combat training class one of the students a shy quiet girl named monsory was reluctant to use something that could hurt someone else so gara taught her how to use defensive weapon the johyo they became friends afterwards reach konoha gara and his team needed help against a group a ninja called the four celestial symbols man from the tokyo village kidnapped matsuri naruto to join the rest of kona 11 minus 1010 command to help naruto was particularly glad he could finally pay back gar for helping them during sasuke's affection quickly shikimaru formulated a strategy to best handle the situation at an hour to pair up with leave her main offensive assistance the two arrived in time to save gara from suiko an opponent with chakra absorbing armor after being struck with a water release water dragon bullet technique after gaura recovered with help from sakura's medical nijutsu he took over for narasu and lead to finish off suico afterwards gara went on ahead he stopped just before going into the canyon and was shown to be worried about matsuri naruto followed soon after naruto arrived in time to see gara facing off against leader of the forced celestial symbols men hoki now armed with all the unique weapons of his allies unfortunately gar was still too exhausted to properly fight back naruto quickly went to help gara after hokie shouted his anger towards the five great shinobi countries for overlooking his village's greatness as weapons makers and vowing to destroy them he dropped gar in a giant iron sphere which began absorbing the chakra of shikaku the one-tailed demon in sadgara doing so slowly began to make gara transform into shigaku hoki then used that chakra and himself as a sacrifice to perform a resurrection technique with the intent of reviving the takumi village founder seimei quickly after recovering same reconfigured the weapons of hokia's armor for himself samy then began siphoning off shukaku's chakra making nara to repeatedly try to break gara free eventually gara's transformation process proved too great for the prison to handle while same was looking forward to basing shukaku gar was able to spread shukau and revert to normal amazing naruto and everyone who appeared while everyone didn't understand why gary couldn't take advantage of chicago's power conqueror explained that garu was determined to rely on his own power from now gara then used his remaining chakra to turn some of the canyon around him in his sand and crushed seimei finally ending the battle and saving matsuri as everyone rushed to help gara who fainted shortly afterwards konkoro noted to naruto how he'd finally found someone he could relate to later while naruto was recovering in the village doria showed up after explaining how he had spent the past few months gathering information about the akatsuki he told naruto he was finally ready to train him for the next two years gara tamari konkaro and matsuri left for tuna gakurei after recovering and having one last bowl of ramen with irika naruto finally set off with uriah to begin his training vowing to become strong enough to free sasuke from orochimaru when he returned kasukage rescue mission to prepare for the eventual confrontation with both kazuki and or tomorrow naruto left the village under intensive training under doraya at the same time sakura became tsunade's apprentice and sasuke trained at orochimaru thus the three members of the original team several were now training individually under each of the legendary signing when arthur turned to the village two and half years later he was reacquainted with his friends who had all risen and rank in his absence most of his comrades had since become tuning konkiro and tamari became joanie as well as neji gara had even become the fifth kazukage meanwhile naruto is the only gany left aside from sasuke who never became a tuning because he was leaving the village and becoming a missing nin drya left naruto with kashiyake and along with sakura the three of them became a new team to commemorate the event they conducted another bell test with naruto and sakura succeeding by attempting to reveal the ending of egypt tactics forcing kashi to close his eyes because his sharagan could read naruto's lips and block his ears when he opened his eyes he realized that naruto and sakura were holding the bells in tsunagakura the akatsuki duo of deirdre and sasuri made their way to the village in search of ghara daetero went off to fight gar alone while sauce regarded the entrance gara intercepted data during the battle and managed to crush one of daedra's arms using his sand binding coffin despite his improved ability gara's newfound desire to defend sunuga proved to be his downfall when data would try to destroy the village with his explosive clay gar absorbed the blast by levitating this day below a direct attack by data forced him to recall the sandwich crushed it to his arm which contained a small portion of explosive clay within the clay then detonated incapacitating gara after data had departed with gara konkaro attempted to stop the akatsuki members alone but his puppets were easily fought off and destroyed by sorcery who was real to be the maker of conqueror's puppets sas repoised conqueror in the process leaving him to die the katsuki duo took guar back to their lair where their leaders summoned a giant statue to extract and seal guard's demon the stealing ritual took three days upon hearing aggar's kidnapping team kakashi left for sunugakure on the way they were met with and joined by tamari who was on her way back from being soon as representative at the tune of exams in konoha on their way naruto told sakura and to mario that he used the host from the united even fox and then akatsuki after the demon inside gara after learning this sakura vowed to do everything she could to protect naruto from being a victim of akatsuki tomorrow was thankful that there was finally someone who could understand gara and grateful naruto for changing guard and attempting to save him after arriving at sunagakura 18 under the attack on conqueror despite the failed attempts by the medics on hand sakura cured ganker thus demonstrating her skilled medical techniques sakura also developed several portable antidotes rather quickly using a piece of saucery's clothing founded one of congress destroyed puppets team kakashi was able to track him thus leading him to gara tamara offered to assist them but chio another puppeteer and saasar's grandmother went her place back on her sonata decided to send team guys back up for team akashi while team karachi tracks associate through the piece of clothing the akatsuki leader said itachio jihad and kiismachigaki to deal with team kashi and the approaching team guy respectively in a forest kakashi and naruto were able to defeat itachi after some effort using one of kakashi's clones and naruto's new big baller sengon meanwhile team guy was largely disabled by kisame leaving guy himself to fight kismet alone guy emerged victorious by opening six of the eight chakra gates to perform his morning peacock technique which allowed him to pummel kismet to death however both of kazuki members were actually revealed to be entirely different people in disguise they were made into weaker copies of those who they were impersonating the leader's shape-shifting technique despite their victories the two teams realized their battles were distractions to buy time for ikatsuki to extract shukru from gara which would kill them if they completed at the ikatsuki hideout a barrier was blocking the entrance directed by kakashi team guy removed the four seals maintaining the barrier but i failed save created clones of them as a further distraction ultimately the many delaying tactics employed by akatsuki are successful as naruto kakashi sakura and chio found daedra and saucer regarding gara's life as body this is leonardo entering tailbone state rage upon seeing data is sitting on the kazakh's corpse while chio and sakura fought sorcery data flew up on a clay bird with gara's body with naruto and kakashi in pursuit although saturday wore his butt been controlled from the inside this technical puppeteer fighting soon proved to be futile against sakura and chio by controlling soccer like a puppet chio was able to get sakura close enough to demolish the puppet with one punch with his first puppet destroyed sorcery is revealed looking just as young as he did when he left the village he summoned another pup to continue to battle the third kazukage it is here that sasebo reveals that he not only killed the third kazukaga but actually made his body into a puppet likewise he has done the same to 297 other people and plan to do the same with sakura and chia after winning with its unique iron sand ability mixed with saseri's poison the kazakh puppet is exceptionally dangerous chio summoned two more pups to fight against it these puppets were puppet versions of soccery's parents which he had made to remind him of them after they were killed by sokka mahatuke early in his childhood the puppets were left with the village when saucery deserted it using the air instead of poison the kazakh puppet was a tough fight for sacramento however the antidote soccer had developed before departing from sununugakori allowed them to continue the fight having been trained by tsunade to pick up the enemy's attack patterns soccer was able to easily dodge saseri's subsequent attacks and demolish kazakh puppet down another puppet sasa revealed the secret of his youth he had made himself into a puppet in response to used white secret technique the chickamatsu collection of ten puppets to some monster monsieur matsu's tad masterpiece puppets to mock the display saucer used his red secret technique performance of 100 puppets to summon 100 of his human puppets during the fight between these puppets sakura used a chakra ceiling orb on saucery though it appeared successful that ferguson revealed another ability he had as a puppet sausage did not only have numerous weapons to fight with he could also reassemble himself when destroyed making him seem impossible to defeat however it was revealed that the only part of him that remained alive and thus able to use chakra was his heart which contained a talisman labelled saucery literally meaning scorpion when trapped in a seal performed before chickamau's puppets cheo used the mother and father puppet to stab through his heart in spite of the victory chile believed that sausary allowed himself to be killed he saw the attack coming and chose not to react and died in a way similar to his parents used to embrace him at the end of the battle chiyo saseri and sakura were all fatally wounded but chio used a technique she originally developed for sorcery to save sakura's life the technique uses the user's own life energy making it fatal to use to animate a puppet or reanimate the deceased but chio survived since soccer was still alive saseri's last words as a reward to sakura for defeating him were that he had a spy in hirochimara's ranks whom he was supposed to meet in kusagake 10 days later during the time of the fight with sasuke naruto and kakashi were chasing up to data kakashi activated his own version of the mum gekko sharingan and aimed to use it to take data his head however it was difficult to aim and all he managed to remove was his arm daedra tried to retreat but naruto destroyed his clay bird with her sengod and retrieved gara's body enraged then powered by the night tells powers naruto seemed to be defeating daedra with resengan but it turned out to be a clay clone still in rage naruto started to appear fairly as he transformed into his two-tailed forum kakashi recognized the bad sign and used a seal tag he'd received from jaraya to stop the transformation from proceeding any further narada subsequently reverted back to his normal form as the rest team kakashi and team guy caught up in naratokashi theater found himself unable to escape he swallowed some clay turning himself into a human bomb nedji saw this and tells everyone to get away data were then swelled up and detonated azidas settled kakashi collapsed from exhaustion explaining that when he used his monkey kyo showing gun to send the explosion to the dimension with naruto karingar's body the two teams headed back to sunigara stopping in a grassy field near the village sakura checked on gara and pronounced him dead making naruto very upset chio moved towards gar and tried to use her reincarnation technique but didn't have enough life force to bring guard back to life naruto gladly lands his own chakra and chio was able to revive gar at the cost of her own life while the shinobi of sooner watched back at the battleground data emerged from the ground revealing that it was his clone that destroyed itself he went off looking for the right arm that he lost after finding it he encountered zetsu and toby a mysterious individual who wished to take sausary's place nikotsky toby's carefree attitude about daredevil's condition angered data and he attempted to strangle toby in a comical fashion with his feet after one too many callous remarks after paying their respects to chio and bidding gar and his siblings farewell the kona hashino be returned home the narrator said that these situations were always a bit awkward right before gar extends his hand to him in gratitude not too sure how to react a small trail of sand wraps itself around naruto's hand brings to gara's as the kong hand didn't prepare to leave kakashi was still exhausted from his overuse of the unkill shotgun and had to be carried by guy guy does so piggyback style as he found it easier to carry him for an extended period of time disturbing everyone present except lee who remarked that guy was training lee then proceeded to offer to carry naji who bluntly refused naruto shipped in the movie the opening scene in the movie showed naruto fighting monster only to be killed by him the setting then went back to a few days previous where a man named yomi attacked a shrine to reveal the spirit of morio a demon who attempted to destroy the world and create the thousand-year kingdom since he was lacking a body yomi offered his as a temporary substitute and retrieved mario's original one steal away in a different tribe the only threat to mario's plan was a princess known as xi'an who could seal his spear away once more he raised a stone army from their slumber to attack the rest of the world was forced subordinates went to murder xi'an they were given special chocolate creatures to enhance their strength to deal with the threat konahakka kode sent out many advanced teams to solve the stone army naruto uzumaki sakurano and nahuga and rockley were sent to garchion and delivered her to the shrine where mario's body was sealed they offended off her four would-be assassins who exhausted themselves in a failed attempt to kill naruto she until naruto's upcoming death while initially skeptical her assistant taruho explained that xion could see the future and all the events happening and her visions were 100 true as they headed for the shrine the group was ambushed once again by yami's four subordinates and split into two teams lee killed his opponent by eating an alcoholic candy to get him into drunken fist while naruto was kept busy by his nadjie told soccer to escape with shion unaware that his two opponents were actually just one man in a puppet to distract him and let the remaining need to catch up to sakurai jion sakura was that shot with an anesthetic jutsu by the remaining ninja and xion was killed this journey to be a ruse the dead xion was actually taruhu who transformed himself into a copy of xi'an to trick them into thinking that he had killed the real one she unexplained that her power worked by allowing her spirit to jump back in time in the moment of her death thereby allowing her to avoid it by having someone die in her place naruto insisted that he would not die and likewise would keep she unsafe thanks to lee neji realized that the reigning three ninja must be replenishing their chakra to battle effectively naruto was sent on ahead with xi'an while sakura and lee tricked their opponents into wasting their chakra on feudal attacks when they ran out of chakra and had to replenish it nedji disabled the final ninja who's providing the chakra leaving the other two powerless against the insakura at the mountain temple where mario's body was kept naruto and xi'an found a stone army waiting on the first step to get past the army both naruto and shion fell off a cliff afterwards naruto came up with the planet promised she owned that he would protect her naruto then held the army back using shadow clones while she unheaded back inside the temple to begin the ceiling ritual yomi was already inside he had terracotta soldiers attack her before her light slash and killed them yomi trixian to beginning the technique with him inside the barrier allowing mario's spirit to reunite with his body eventually kakashi tamari and the others came into the fight and destroyed the remaining army after naruto came to rescue her she broke into tears saying that all the people who sacrificed their lives were a waste maurya then burst free from yummy's body into the air and naruto started fighting him yomi died and his body fell into the lava swallowing down mario's words about her mother's actions and she on's powers not letting him fuse into her and about to see the prediction of his death come true she used her power to shield naruto being stabbed changing not just fate intending to kill herself and mario in order to protect him naruto stops her seconds before her death reminding her that he promised to protect her after he inspired her to live they let their chakra and emotions go and used naruto and she on super chakuru sengan to finally destroy mario creating a volcano where the shrine used to be in the process with mario gone naruto asked you on what she intended to do now she replied that because mario was a demon caused by the evil thoughts of men it was possible that there could be another mario someday because of this she would pass her power onto another priestess that would suppress demons like mario indirectly asking naruto to father her child she asked if naruto would help her much to everyone's shock misunderstanding what she said naruto happily agreed tenshi bridge reconnaissance mission upon arriving at konoha kokashi was confined to the hospital making him unable to lead the team for a while while reporting to senate they informed about the meeting with sasuri's spy in 10 days in order to be able to go naruto needed to find a replacement for sasuke while searching naruto was attacked by his third man before actually learning who he was the ninja later introduced his tsai had attacked to test out just power since he'd been sent by donzo to replace sasuke sai is a member of the now-defunct independent subdivision of anbu called the root it is also discovered that some of the village elders were worried about the possibility of naruto being captured by akatsuki sonata convicted to let him go by summing yamato and onboard captain as the temporary leader of team kakashi under the code name yamato they would travel to the tenshi bridge in kusagake to meet sausary's spy team kikashi took on their new mission and a great amount of tension began to build in the team especially between naruto and sai naruto dislikes psy since their interactions were similar to those between himself and sasuke in the beginning of the series making matters worse side nonchalantly mentioned sasuke's treachery greatly irritating both of his teammates to the point that sakura punched him in the face yamato disguised as saucer he went to meet the spy the spy was revealed to be coupled to yakushi but the technique binding him to sausage had been dispelled long ago hirochimura appeared in kabuto destroying their disguise hirochima revealed that he had performed experiments in yamatown 59 other children giving him the first hokage's dna in an attempt to replicate his word released to kakagenkai yamato was the only survivor orochimaru then called out the rest of yamato's team and taunted naruto by speculating who was now stronger naruto or sasuke naruto provoked by the mention of sasuke's name transformed first into his three-tailed fox state and then into the four-tailed state shortly thereafter it is then revealed that during the time skip while training with draya naruto entered a four-tailed state due to his frustration the berserk naruto went on a rampage destroying everything in sight while jaraia was nearly killed by it before managing to stop it the night tails chakra becomes so intense that it simultaneously burns naruto's skin and rapidly heals the burnt tissue this speeds up cell division dramatically decreasing naruto's overall lifespan in his four-tailed start gnar to fodderochimar to a draw and the underwater chamber was only able to throw naruto back to the bridge naruto was unable to distinguish friend from foe and attack soccer which tried to calm him down yamato finally got close enough to use the hokage style 60 year old technique one enters his side dude bliss bringing hands technique to revert naruto back to human form with naruto's transformation reverse sakura used her medical skills to heal naruto severe injuries still suffering herself from previous injury meanwhile sai revealed to hirochimura that he was a messenger from danzo sai orochimaru and kabuto left to a secret hideout yama to watch the encounter with a wood clone and pursued sai yamato wasn't fooled when he found a decoy to sky's his size corpse naruto woke up to find sakurai injured and the surrounding landscape destroyed yamato stepped in to inform naruto about the real cause of the destruction when sakura hesitated to del nara to the real cause of your injury in addition yamato told naruto that the only way to save sasuke and protect the village was to rely on his own chakra not that of the nine tails meanwhile soccer went through side's belongings and found his art book the sketchbook contained drawings of psy and what the team assumed was his older brother growing up and going through a gauntlet of enemies on each subsequent page cya took the weapons and armor of his previous opponent as did his presumed brother from the other side of the book the center pages where the two brothers were supposed to meet were unfinished sai's face was incomplete and his brother's picture was missing out orochimaru's hideout yamato revealed he was able to track sai through a special plant seed he'd had hidden in his meal the night before which responded to an increase in chakra leading yamato to him he gave naruto and sakura similar seeds to make sure he could find them if they were separated while infiltrating rochester's base once inside yamato led the team to a room where sai was being kept hostage said tried to lie about his mission but an accidental smile naruto calls bluff scythe then stated that his mission was a failure and confirmed that danzo was indeed planning another strike konoha however he was also acting as a spy for donzo since danzo knew that as soon as konoha was destroyed orochimaru would turn on him team kakashi captured him and bound him outside of the base with yamazo's wood release technique so i questioned why naruto was going to go so far as to rescue sasuke saying that sasuke didn't see naruto as a brother and that rotunda was too powerful for them naruto replied that he and sasuke a special bond and that he would fire rochimaru with everything he had to get sasuke back even if it meant sacrificing his own life at this point kabuto showed up for freed sai but sai shocked everyone by helping yamato and mogul as kabuto kabato was forthcoming providing information about the interior of the layer but not about sasuke's lateral location team kikashi split up search for sasuke with naruto team usain soccer with yamato naruto still tied from his injuries collapsed and sai suggests taking a rest naruto is notably less hostile towards side this point sai began to talk about his brother who would resemble naruto the short chat soon ended as urotimor appeared naruto told side to find sasuke where he held off for ochumaru as yamato and sakura arrived to back naruto up orochimaru again mentioned that he did not wish to kill them since both parties supposed to katsuki archimara then left in order to locate psy yamato found a bingo book a list people were marked for assassination inside his bag with sasuke's name in it naruto and sakura realized that another part of size mission was to kill sasuke who had been listed as an enemy of konohaba danzo naruto was speechless realizing that sai had duped him with his fake smiling act sai managed to find sasuke in his room and woke him up sasuke angry at size mention of bonds blew up the room sakura spotted sign in the hallway and ran to him although she meant to attack size sasuke quietly said sakura's name stopping her in her tracks naruto in his weekend state finally caught up coming face to face with sasuke again as sasuke observed the new team hikashi sai explained to naruto and sakura that his desire to protect the bond between naruto and sasuke overridden his mission that dons had given to him sasuke replied that he had broken his bond of friendship and naruto and that the only bond he had left was a bond of hatred with his brother as both side yamato moved to try and protect naruto sasuke used to recurrent which projected electricity around his body to kusanagi to repel them he managed his son naruto inside and then wooded yamato asasuke fought yamato naruto underwent a partial initial jinchuriki transformation in naruto's mind the prison nine tails implored him to release his seal when naruto refused the demon scoffs saying that naruto would always come to it in times of need and that naruto was worthless without its power suddenly sasuke appeared in front of the nine tails stunned in the both sasuke marveled at the source of naruto's power as sasuke began to push the united tales back into his cage and nine tails then remember his past history with the jihad clan it's stated that sasuke possesses chakra even more evil than its own and that he is just like modera uchiha the nine tails also warned sasuke now to kill naruto saying he would regret it outside of naruto's mind yamato pushed the sword out of his wound and tried to trap sasuke in a wooden prison sasuke blew a hole through the roof of the prison just to escape naruto yelled that to sasuke orochimar just wanted to use him as the next container for his soul but sasuke replied that he didn't care as long as they helped to kill hitachi yamato then told naruto and soccer that he didn't want to hurt sasuke in front of him but he had no choice and would finish the confrontation sasuke planned to do the same but uh returned just in time to stop sasuke from performing a certain technique competitive told sasuke to leave the konohashinobi alive so they might continue to oppose katsuki sasuke told kabuto that was a poor excuse not to kill naruto but left them anyway naruto was upset but the meeting about a week he wasn't comparison to sasuke but sakura inside both assured him that they helped bring sasuke back the team reported back to konoha during which naruto told somebody they had not given up and that they would continue pleased by this response tonight assigned the team a new mission sai reported danzo who's just pleased that side failed his mission sai asked to remain with team kakashi and danza warren said that developing emotions would only lead to hatred conflicts giving sasuke an example aside flashbacks of recent events pondered his own feelings and realized that now he had friends he headed off with naruto sakura and yamato to begin their mission in the end naruto looks the old picture team 7 and remembers how the picture was taken sakura and karachi smiling him and sasuke arguing 12th guardian ninja narth has been having nightmares with the release of that entity in fox's power meanwhile psy reads the book of the gonhalo library until sakura sees him in comments to herself about him having a human side she invites sadie come with her and naruto mikashi before leaving he talks to sakura naruto but friendship he nicknamed sakura ugly causing her to pummel the two afterwards kakashi informs her artillery especially training they'll make him very strong quickly they're cut off by team 10 who come to visit sai lunches with them and try to make friends he angers soccer by calling ina beautiful after concluding that women do not like to hear how they really are and it would be best to say the opposite what he truly thought kakashi was released from the hospital and probably began naruto's training program naruto landed his win style chakra yamato helped by setting up the training field with his special technique naruto also learned that he can use his multiple shadow technique to speed up his training since whatever the clones learn the original user learns upon the clone's dispersal naruto and his massive clones each took a leaf and attempted to slice it in half with wind chakra as the first step to creating zoo technique narutono's clones continue to work on track where nature manipulation precise and leaves after some struggling naruto approaches asuma who is also a wind type for advice after which naruto is subsequently able to slice sleep in half asma and yamato then head up with their teams on new missions it is revealed that asthma is the third okay son and that he's in a relationship with kurdish meanwhile in a hill overlooking a brit village foreclosed figures discuss the awakening of the land of fire by eliminating konoha naruto sakura sai and yamato head for a new mission near the fire temple when the other party fails to show up at the rendezvous point the team gets separated and naruto sums upon one of the forehead tombs they come to protect due to misunderstanding he fights one of the monks in training from the fire temple sora who uses wind chakra base techniques after the confusion the monks and team kakashi travel the fire temple in order to recognize him from his nightmare the temple monks explained that the tombs hold the loyal bodyguards to the fire daimyo naruto observes sora sparring without the monks and becomes offended upon realizing he's holding back narada challenges sora but just as the matter is about to get serious another monk stops him naruto realizes sorry is despised by the other monks as he was himself and wishes to defend him naruto visits sora again and observes him practicing his win technique in earnest hoping to get strong enough to avenge his father they later return to the temple to receive news that another team has been robbed tsunade suspected that danza was plotting something and ordered an investigation of him team kakashi chidiku and sora noticed the coffins moving on their own but failed to intercept them the coffins emerged in a cliff where the leader of the enemy ninja ordered his subordinates to deal with their foes the ninjas turned the area into a maze of rocky canyons and pits fled deadly traps the team members were separated from each other and began facing off against the enemy separately yamato speculated that the ninja might have orchestrated the theft in order to target someone on the team team kakashi begins facing off against the enemy shinobi yamato loses his opponent futo by faking his death sora unwilling to look for naruto goes off on his own back in konoha danzo reveals that he is aware that he's being watched by sunadi zambu naruto fights fuka whose kiss is fatal and shows her ability to use earth water fire and lightning techniques sai managed to escape from his attacker fun and later saves soccer from an enormous spider becoming injured in the process sora then hits upon the enemy leader for though and is revealed that he is the group's target footy dog taunts sword until he unleashes his true powers before informing sora that he's planning to use the four corpses to save the land of fire naruto continues his fight with fuuka and learns that she can use all five basic elements fuuka manages to kiss naruto and begins training his chakra realizing that narc doesn't trouble from extra sensory perception sora rushes to rescue him sakura sai and yamato are have to help but are trapped by futo and fuen fuka drains naruto's chakra until she begins drawing on the chakra of the nine tails which is too unnatural for her to successfully absorb the enemy then retreats when cheetah brings reinforcements awesome's team returns from his mission team kakashi retains kong has as well with sword replacing sai in the team naruto tries to show soran kona but sora goes his own way sora's insults precipitated brawl with cuban choji with naruton rockley joining in shikamaru and osama stopped the fight later asma tells sora he knew sora's father who is revealed to be one of the guardians involved in the coup attempt he also shows sora's chakra blade attack furido and the other body snatchers begin their attack on the kohaku clan asma supervises naruto and story's wind track retraining and notices that sora like naruto has a very powerful chakra sunatan yamato learned from chiriku that sora was inadvertently responsible for an incident in which the fire temple was destroyed later asma gives sora a claw made from the same materials as chakra blades it's revealed that osma killed sora's father kazuma who would plan to kill hokage furido then approaches sora telling him that assam is responsible for his father's death passing in two king pieces of meshoggi set from asuma dawn's mysteriously disappears naruto approaches the furious sword in the training grounds who easily throws a chakra-powered kunai through a tree and destroys his stone behind it dance was running for questioning after being caught made with the young great ninja named taji sorry confronts osmo upon being spotted by yuga uzuki another ambu sora is then turned into sonar by yugo and another ambu member awesome admits having killed kazuma he attempts to attack asthma his arm once again assuming a demonic form however attacking yuga and the other anub would try to get his way trying to stop sora afterward naruto gets injured while shielding sword from the attacks of an unknown individual presumably from root fortidor then approaches sora telling me to kill both osmana and the ukulele avenge his father later on gnar to catch his sword going after sonate sora retreats as she's an in a fewer than a ninja arrive but naruto pursues him at that moment a mysterious lightning storm strikes cutting off power to the entire village with konahan complete darkness the village struggles to defend against the four attackers who have sealed the entire village behind a barrier the entire village is in a state of emergency osama committed by tsunadi to follow surah naruto finally catches up to them osuma realizes that the four invaders plan to annihilate the entire village using the landing powers of the corpses that they stole the revelation shock sora as ozma leaves to hold off the attackers he instructs naruto to continue pursuing sora konoha's ninja fought off the revived zombie members of the kohaku clan before guardian ninja saito nama and kitanae were also revived osuma realized they were planning to use limelight a technique in which the four would create a lighting blast powerful enough to destroy konoha asuma sent sakura and yamato after the other three while he remained to battle kitsune but fun tackled sakura and fuda began to fight yamato meanwhile naruto to cut with sora but sora ran off in such a furito naruto tried to pursue him but soon as sailed by fuka soon after sora reached frido who admitted that he'd planned to destroy a long naruto deduces that fuka's secret consists of switching bodies to use each corresponding element and that her hair preserves her youth and body naruto damages her hair as it takes a life of its own dispensing the body but naruto finally kills it with her saying god meanwhile awesome manages to break free of the electric barrier catches up with ketone and defeats him in a short fight realizing that he is no more and his other three companions were killed 40 though causes the other three injured guardians to disappear before it has a backup plan sora he releases sora seals and tells him the truth sora is a pseudo-jinchuriki the chakra that lead from the nine-tailed fox under attack on fifteen and a half years ago was harvested and planted into sora just then assam arrives at the scene of naruto asma recognizes furido and realizes that it's kazuma sora's father yamato sakura akiba lee inochoji and chickamara also show up in rage sora wants to destroy everything and turns into a three-tailed form of the demon fox however yamato is unable to restrain him because he doesn't have the first necklace on him the chakra the nine tails rages out of control within sora prevents naruto and others from subduing him asma and kazuma resume their old battle naruto is repeatedly knocked down in his attempts to restrain sora but the chakra seeps into him and transforms him as well yamato was unable to suppress the ninetales chakra and bolting choroki being prevented by an unknown outside force sora's fourth tail emerges causing the nighttail's cloak to envelop his body temporarily gains his unconsciousness when he witnesses naruto stab himself in the leg and successfully prevent the original athel's cloak from emerging the struggle between naruto and sword continues asthma and cosmo fight psy arrives having sucker to the hospital and binds cosmo than ink snake cosmo breaks out a size technique and charges osmo but is killed naruto eventually reaches sore who managed to release natural's chakra however the nine-tails track that is released begins to become a miniature nighttails this provokes tsunade to head out and engage the beast it soon becomes clear that the miniature nighttails could not form that a human host would dissipate it sora then leaves the village to travel the world asama and shikimoto play shogi and discuss who the king of konaha is elsewhere two akatsuki members hidal and kakuzu appeared chasing the two tales from churchy naruto shipped in the movie bonds a mysterious group of ninja from the land of the sky made a surprise attack on konoha this is because konoha had nearly destroyed the land of the sky during the second genoa world war the group began attacking konoha causing mass mayhem was soaring in flying using a winged mechanical device and bombarding the village a boy had come from a very long way to inform konoha that his village had been attacked and he was looking for his sensei he was currently in konoha so we could go back with him to heal the injured village a three-man team consisting of naruto sakura and hinata were sent to accompany the boy amaru and shino his sensei to halomar's village the team traveled through a forest full of eerie beasts and poisonous animals via small running boats down by a river a sword and scout suddenly appeared in the sky sakura hinata and shino hid by the riverside with naruto and amario hiding under water until the soren ended passed while under water amaro dropped his scalp a present from his beloved sensei and swam down to get it as he tried to resurface he became caught in the reeds after fighting amara from the reeds and helping him back to the boat naruto noticed that amara was in fact a she due to her breast and corset naruto blush before he poisons piranha like fish bit him and he fainted later on naruto woke up still blushing probably because mario was attacking the poisonous blood out of the wound on his thigh thus sailing naruto naruto asks if she was a she and suggested that amara had feelings for her sensei which she was slapped for meanwhile at konoha these sauron were treated because they were out of chakra to continue flying so konoha sent another special team to search for their base sai approached the ships they're using as a base near a beach and one of his inkbridge to attract their attention and gauge their abilities while shikamaru and kakashi hid behind some rocks at the shore waiting for the fourth man of the team she known to infiltrate and damage their base adoration mars layer oroshimara became even more ill because the body transfer technique he used was close to his sesperation kabuto was attending to him and told sasuke that these sauron were attacking konohan to which sasuke replied that he didn't care orochimaru ordered sasuke to capture and bring back to a man who would be able to help him perfect his reincarnation technique naruto company finally reached amar's village and they found the village of a badly attacked with some parts now in ruins with the inhabitants in order to be seen omaro ran around trying to find some of the villagers before she unknowingly triggered a trap which sent a volley of kunai flying towards her but her sensei rushed to block the kunai to protect her but was hit in the process naruto had sakura and hinata came to the scene it was too late and shino died as fatal injuries after amaro came to her senses they continued to look for villagers with sasuke now on his way to the village later on naruto sakura and united decided to search for the villagers without amaru eventually sakura met with naruto who was looking at ruins the distance they went together to explore them and found themselves on the front of an evil monster calling itself the zero tales which identified itself as a version of a tale of beast that fed in the darkness of human souls and it's somehow taken over umaru sakura proved to be no match of the beast and fell unconscious the creature sensed that naruto had the dark power inside of him so it talked to naruto and coke and used that power by saying that he cannot save anyone without it this might naruto remember his failure in saving sasuke and became emotionally unstable which caused him to enter his initial injury form his three-tailed state and finally his four-tailed state after fighting the months for a while a seal and naruto given by jorah came off and reminded him how the tail beast tracker hurt his friends causing him to immediately turn back to normal naruto pleaded with the maura to ignore the darkness in her heart which finally resulted in the beast being defeated sakura woke up naruto's arms and she slapped him to fill the awkward moment they decided to split up with naruto continuing to search for villagers and hinata and soccer returned to kona had to get help amaro who was supposed to go with sakura stayed behind to help naruto they then found some old ruins that shino had mentioned earlier and entered them shino was inside unharmed and spoke of conquering the world in the power of darkness amaru excited that her sensei was still alive brandon to hug him naruto noticed something wasn't right and shino laughed mockingly tomorrow for trusting him shino explained that he'd been researching the power of darkness for about 15 years and he'd finally found it in konoha he claimed that all he needed now was a secret scroll with the reincarnation technique written on it he then transformed into a muscular youthful form and not to charge towards him only to be unmatched again and again with naruto becoming more and more injured shino and his body revival for him tried to convince her to use the nigel's chakra with the mario distraught and in tears while shino and naruto battled ever since she was small she had a strange illness and no one had liked her feeling that they would be infected only shino would dare to care for her and managed to cure her naruto told her not to throw her feelings away while the evil shino jeered at her she finally admitted her love and feelings to her sensei to which she no merely laughed naruto attacked him and managed to lend a hit although he didn't seem to be affected sasuke appeared suddenly striking china with your senbond and attacked his cells and forcing the river back to his normal self he then explained that rochimaru needed help with the reincarnation technique from shino who then gave sasuke a scroll saying that it'll be enough to help shino then fled the scene with sasuke pursuing him naruto told tamar to go find the villagers while he went after sasuke he found sasuke in a room and asked what he was doing there which sasuke ignored in the same room as a cocoon absorbing dark chakra shin would fuse with the cocoon and attack naruto and sasuke all their counter attacks proved useless as any chakra they used was absorbed by the cocoon and rendered harmless using tentacles as his arms channel grabbed hold of both of them began draining the chakra sasuke activated the first level of his cursed steel releasing its evil chakra and naruto who understood sasuke's plan turned into his initial deutsche form and sent a large amount of chocolate at zero tails and managed to break free using his shadow clones before using tornado resangod after escaping himself sasuke ascended to the second level of the cursed seal before using chidori katana to cut off the beast's power the creature began rampaging after regaining control of itself having now completely absorbed shino amaru found hinata and the villagers in a cell and managed to free them all before finding them a flying lifeboat for them to escape it naruto rushed out of the ruins and ordered amara to go she refused but sasuke threw her into the boat by force nagato also forced sasuke under the lifeboat using her sangha melting a few words to sasuke as he fell before flying away using the wings from his cursed steel form remembering how dry once said that naruto had the willpower to never give up he created a large amount of shadow clones and began destroying the ruins using the gust for sengod suddenly the whole rune had been destroyed with a resangon leaving arthur to fall down into the sea amara saw naruto from the boat and grabbing a pair of sauron in wings flipped to catch him upon reaching him she removed the wings to grab him and they fell together jiraya suddenly appeared to gamabunta and caught the two saving them later on naruto woke up in amara's arms sasuke returned to roachimbar to give him the scroll who then asked if something good had happened sasuke ignored the question going off to train warmer bringing darkest parting words of i'll definitely bring you back to konoha akatsuki suppression mission two newly introduced gothic members hidal and kakuzu were chasing after the two-tailed sinchotiki yugitoni despite fully transforming into a two-tailed state hirono kakazu defeated yugitov after the battle hedon performed a gruesome religious ritual greatly annoying kakazu who was a money-obsessed bounty hunter zatsu appeared and took charge of yugito ordering the pair to proceed to the land of fire in the next target hit on kakazu stopped by a nearby temple and killed the head monk chiriku a former bodyguard for the land of fire's ability one monk managed to escape and informs the narrative of the incident tsunadi ordered china to mobilize his new task force the niju showtai awesomeness group consisting of himself shigamaru kutatsu hagane and izuma kabazuki left for the temple osmus's team arrived at the ruins the temple and realized that the ikotsky pair had taken chiditu's body to a bounty station team prepared to intercept the killers at the station and a monk prayed for the team's safety when the monk expressed concern for their safety osmo revealed that his bounty was five million rio higher than chidiku's meanwhile hirono and kakazu collected the bounty and due to his head turned over the corpse's proof elsewhere daedra having regained his limbs and now paired with toby confronted the three tails toby acted strangely flippant before the battle with the immense aquatic beast after subduing the monster toby claimed he'd single-handedly won the battle provoking another comedic attack from daedra after commenting senpai you talk a lot after the encounter with sasuke naruto realized that sasuke is far too strong for him to possibly defeat kakashi revealed a special training method which took advantage of naja's high chakra it involved the multiple shadowing technique unlike an ordinary clone a shadow clone passes back any experience against the original naruto could create a comparatively large number of shadow clones thus allowing him to train hundreds of times faster than a normal shinobi yamato also assisted naruto's training by helping restrain the nine tails kakashi explained their five basic types of elemental chakra fire wind water lighting and earth he pulled out special cards which reacted differently to each person's chakra it would burn for fire split for wind crumple for lightning turn it off for earth and turn wet for water naruto floated chakra into the card and it split indicated that he had an affinity for wind a type that is very well suited for combat because of his ability to blow past anything and slice things to bits meanwhile osman and shikumar were playing shogi shikamara noticed that assam was playing differently from normal and asked if something was wrong in describing things awesome described shigemaru in terms of shogi as a knight being weak in terms of power but having a unique style of movement which resembled chicago and his flexibility in his thinking shikumara then asked what peace osman resembled ozma and said that he was just a pawn shikimar guessed that hokage was the king but awesome told him that it wasn't and that someday shikobar would understand the first phase of the training was for nara tony's clones to cut elite for this chakra naruto asked if there was anyone in konoha that could give him advice and kakashi told him to find awesome osmo gave naruto a few pointers using his trench knives as an example they're made of metal that absorbs chakra the effect of which is determined by the user's chocolate nature osmo explained that wind chakra must be sharpened like a blade by splitting the chakra in two and bringing the parts together to form a tight edge he demonstrated this by having nothing to toss a knife in a tree with him naruto was stuck in the tree while osmos went straight through it and pierced a rock if he'd use his full tracker the knife would have also gone through the rock using this advice naruto was able to completely split a leaf but passed out after dispersing his clones kakashi warned him that this trainer was going to wear him down quickly and then he needed rest for his next phase of training slicing a waterfall in half the next step in naruto's training progressed slowly when naruto complained kakashi noted that even sasuke had taken several days to learn to manipulate an element while naruto had done in a few hours by nightfall naruto still managed cylinders got the waterfall naruto reflected on his fonder members of sasuke and decided to train through the rest of the night by the next day he and his clones were all able to cut the waterfall yamato was surprised by naruto's progress but kakashi wasn't since he understood that arthur fellow sasuke akashi declared that they could finally move into the final stage of naruto's unique technique creation however the concept training had exhausted naruto once more akashi immediately rushed to his side concerned that he might have pushed hard too too far this time however when naruto moaned that he was hungry she relaxed after enjoying a meal at each rocker ramen naruto was anxious to continue his training hakashi and yamato explained nature manipulation before manipulation to naruto again akashi reminded naruto that until now all the training had been shaped manipulation and that resengan was an example of extremely advanced shape manipulation by adding nature manipulation together for manipulation ninja's powers can grow up leaps and bounds however this is an extremely difficult task even the fourth hokage was unable to complete the resengon by combining nature and foreign manipulation gosh you believed that naruto was the one who could do it at the bounty station kakazu explained his anger that hedon and immortal was the only ninja capable of surviving kakuzu's indiscriminate attack strategies this was the reason for their partnership despite their ideological differences and dislike for one another as awesome as group moved towards the bounty station osman explained that he and chitago both belong to the 12 guardian ninja and the relationship was akin to shikimar's relationship with joji osama stopped smoking because he needed no distractions if he was to fight cheetah's killers naruto was again training with his clones trying to infuse the recent god with wind chakra unfortunately the jutsu consistently exploded frustrating to such degrees that clone would start drawing upon the nighttails chakra yamato reversed the transformations and kakashi reminded him that success or failure rested on yamato's ability to control the nine tails at the bounty station awesome's team attacked hedon izumo and kotetsu stabbed him in the chest with their large kunai however hirono was merely annoyed by the attack osuma's team quickly realized that hida could be killed by normal means kakazu appeared to prepare to join the fight but hedon told him to stay out of it ozma proceeded to fight head on alone he done managed to cut awesome's cheek and lick the blood off his scythe as the ladder used to fire jutsu he done drew a seal behind him just as the technique hit it burnt heat on his row but he emerged unscathed instead awesome's right arm was badly burned the damage meant for hedon had somehow been turned back upon himself hedon had also physically transformed his skin was black with white accents giving him the appearance of a grim reaper hedon told osmo that any pain he felt was transferred to asuma since he was immortal hedon needed only to inflict a fatal wound on himself to kill osuma luckily shikomaru caught he died in another shadow bite before he could do so kakuzu offered to help but hedon waved him off claiming he'd beat all four by himself going over every motion hedon made to start the ritual shakur figured out his ability he first needed to consume his opponent's blood and then stand within a ceremonial circle shigemaru explained that in order to save asma that all he needed to do was move hidden out of a circle after shigemaru tested this theory he trapped him down with shadow sewing hiranoskaku to help him but not shallot layer applied they told he'd be careful asama sliced on head off with his chocolates and it fell next to kakazu rather than killing hiran as expected the head started talking scolding kakazu for allowing him to be decapitated he didn't ask kokkuzu to bring him to his body but kakuzu grabbed his head instead saying that it was lighter shigemaru fell from exhaustion as he uncomplained about the pain being decapitated asama kotetsu and izumo stood frozen in amazement and plotted the next move kakuzu suddenly attacked asma and then grabbed huda's body he rethatched it on his head using threads from his arms kotetsu and isimo attempted to destroy kakuzu whose forums extended grabbing both them by the throat meanwhile he don't jump back into the circle linking himself back to ozma and dealt himself a fatal blow in order to kill osuma osmo collapsed as his team looked on helplessly he hadn't reverted to his normal form as kakazu preferred to finish off the others a flock of crows suddenly appeared distracting the akatsuki pair you know when shoji appeared to assist in which they moved shukumarasa to safer location is right on namiashi and abba yamashiro back them up shikamaru sends awesomeness pulse and told ino and chose you to come back to konoha kakuzu wasn't willing to let a bounty like awesome ago however and hedon was similarly unwilling to let his enemies live but the akatsuki leader contacted them telepathically and forced the pair to retreat wanting to seal the two tails they had captured recently along with the three tails despite the timely rescue awesome's wounds were fatal osma died but not before smoking his last cigarette and sharing some final words with inoshikomori and choji shigamura lit another of his cigarettes which began to smoke himself he tearfully mumbled that he hated cigarettes as they made his eyes water a reference when team 10 first met their sensei as akatsuki commenced with sealing the two-tailed beast the leader explained their goals to hit on toby akatsuki's overall goal was world domination to achieve that goal the leader instead of a three-step process to work their way to it first they plan to attain a large amount of money to support their organization second they plan to set up a mercenary group loyal in a village because there hadn't been any wars in some time they could convince smaller countries to hire them over the large asking price of the five main villages by using the tailed beast they could start wars and immediately quell them convincing every country to depend on them and monopolizing the shinobi market finally after they're the only major force of shinobi in existence they could easily conquer the world team 10 returned to konoha and informed senate what happened sonar sent out a message for the funeral to everyone but shigimora had a message for kurt and i from awesome and would tell her what would happen himself naruto nearly created the jutsu when they were informed of asuma's death and rushed back to the village shigamara told korina the message and she collapsed from grief at the funeral konohamaru went for his uncle while naruto comforted him shikamaru didn't attend the funeral and spent his time seemingly formulating a strategy and learning how to use awesomeness trench knives he also picked up awesome's smoking habit the new 3-man team 10 prepared to leave and continue awesome's mission however tsunadi refused to let team 10 go since they lacked a captain kakashi volunteered to temporarily fill the gap the four-man team headed off later in the woods chikimar devised a new attack strategy that included kashi about three days later sakura volunteered her team to back up team 10. tsunade told yamato that naruto had 24 more hours to complete his new jutsu or she would send another team's backup after ikatsuki finished stealing sanbee and niebe kaku and he done were allowed to leave realizing the likeliness of an ambush kiran and kagsu took another route you know used her mind body switch technique on a crow in order to find the two team 10 then went to ambush the akatsuki shikamaru snukka shadow near heaton and kakuzu who both managed to jump out of the way shigemara then threw two explosive kunai followed by osma's chakra blades shinkumar poured his own chakra into the blades allowing him to trap the two akatsuki members with them shigemara then used his shadow imitation to make hirono attack kakuzu however kakuzu thought a step ahead and attach his arm setting it underground just before hiton's attack landed kakuzu freed himself with a detached arm just as the two were about to counter attack kashi snuck up on kakuzu and stabbing through the heart with his lightning cutter kakashi then moved to finish off heat on but kakuzu somehow still alive surprised kakashi and knocked him back kakuzu then removed his shirt to reveal four masks he then split his back apart and four beasts came out to fight for him however one of the beasts died immediately this mask broke when he released it as this was the one kakashi had stabbed it turned out that kakuzu had a total of five hearts four of which were stolen from the bodies of fallen shinobi and the one that allowed him to use his earth element attack was his each heart prolonged kakuzu's life and allowed him access to the heart's elemental affinity he done that attack akashi is a distraction which allowed kakazu enough time to attack with a powerful glass of wind he then fired two powerful bolts of lightning at shikamaru choji but kakashi blocked it with a lightning cutter in each hand he then attacked with fire which was dodged by team 10 and kakashi shigamara then decided to separate heat on akakazu from each other once again capturing hirono with the shadow imitation technique shikamaru dragged heat onto an isolated location rigged with booby traps however shigemaru's chakra ran out which freed he down from the technique he unsuccessfully attacked him but began the buddha ritual kakuzu revealed that the first konohan ninja he'd ever fought was the first hokage as kakashi was about to be killed goku grabbed his chest in pain this was due to heat on stabbing himself as part of his curse ritual the blood he consumed was actually cockazoos hedon did not immediately realize what had happened but shigimaru attacked him to illustrate the point however shigemaru was weakened from the extended use of his shadow technique and couldn't hold down heat on for long he watched hit on advance to strike the final blow kakazu continued battling kakashi however as kakazu prepared to strike with his fire and wind combo attack naruto and yamato intervened combining both naruto's wind release rasengad and yamato's water release tearing torrent they formed the typhoon water vortex technique to block the attack kakashi ino and choji were released at team kakashi's rival and yamato's leadership yamato ordered science soccer to back up shikomaru while kakashi's summoned pakun to lead them naruto resolved to the defeat kaku on his own he not failed to kill shikimara as the ladder and stayed on the shadow once more having prepared the area in advance shigemaru used his shadows to pull the explosive tags on the heat on and then opened a deep pit beneath him heat on insisted that he survived the attempt even if only his head remained attacked and he would kill shigemaru in turn shikamaru calmly explained that they were in his clan's land that his clan would keep hit on buried for eternity letting a cigarette shikamaru saw a vision of osama who congratulated him before disappearing saying his last goodbye shakimara toss a lit cigarette adhedon igniting the explosive tags and causing a massive explosion he done survived the explosion and insisted that he would bite shigemir to death all while proclaiming that his god jashin would punish hikimaru shigamara ignored the threats and tossed a kunai with explosive tags into the hole the explosion caused the hole to cave in burying heat on in rubble meanwhile naruto began preparing an extremely powerful technique kakashi realized through a flashback that naruto might indeed surpass the fourth hokage naruto then used his wind release brass and shuriken kakuzu was visibly concerned by the new technique kakuzu jumped into the air but naruto left behind him kakuzu was forced to sacrifice two of his hearts and through that he was able to shield himself against the attack using his earth element shield however this left him unable to move kakashi realized that naruto surpassed him and went to finish kakazu by stabbing the last heart team kakashi and team 10 returned triumvi to konoha shikamaru visited awesome's grave with kuranai who had been revealed to be pregnant with asuma's child later while playing shogi with his father shikumaru commented that the identity of the king peace was the next generation of konahan ninja despite this revelation he lost the game to his father three tales appearance rochimar instructed kapitariakis along with a team guru and take a young boy named yukimura to a lake after they arrived kakato forced yukimura to release all of his chakra which caused three tails to begin to surface from the lake with grant's help the beast was completely revealed and they attempted to capture it their attempts proved insufficient however and the beast created a large title wave to watch attackers away sonata finds the location of a rochimura's height and sends kakashi as a temporary leader of teammates to locate it they engage a battle guru and chino sends back one of his crystallized bugs enzonada sends yamato sai and sakura to help along with naruto to meet him along the way team karachi and queer and i follow gordon and discover the thing they were after was three tales she's in it you know denton and lear assembled to help with the hunt for the three tails they all meet up and split the three groups and steal the tail beast in some dimension and get you kamaru the ceiling group consists of shizuna hinata sakuraino and the garden group is yamato tet and kiban lee and the fighting group is nara takashi sanchino team three tried to use the four corner stealing barrier to permanently trap the beast in his own dimension just to see them began to work the khan honda were interrupted by goran who prompted the beast who attacked them all yukimaru was able to combine beasts down temporarily but after became tired and the three tails turned into descent to him gordon and arthur came to his defense but were swallowed in the process without their allies on the outside they were able to escape and the cohn engine tried once again to seal the beast just when the ceiling was almost complete yukimaru angered by the apparent death of guran and powered the beast to break free's restraints the three sales went on a rampage attacking everyone nearby and crushing newari and kiho it's attempts to attack your kimono whoever had no effect it was only through the use of wind released total of flame bullet that the beast had driven away the ceiling attempt was left to on boom members and the rani khan injured turned home daedra and toby vakotsky soon found these unbu members and dispose of them the beast captures took place much earlier in the manga at the start of the akatsuki's brush mission but played out in much of the same as in the anime toby and dater were confronted the beast which were responded by beginning to chase toby with the three tails distracted daedra molded an explosive clay fish and attempted to devour it it was unclear if this marked the end of the battle as the remainder of the battle went on scene as the two towed the three-tailed suukatsuki's lay after the battle toby gloated are bringing through tails down the spectra due to but data i thought otherwise it was later sealed in the ceiling statue hitachi pursue mission ottaro tomorrow's layer a sakura chimera's coming to his bed as kabuto exited to get more medicine i blade made of lightning chakra shot towards rich martha's door orochimera quickly blocked with his arms and thought to himself that he did not recognize the shape of manipulation although the chakra itself seemed familiar the blade belonged to sasuke who had stopped by to finish rojimer off before he left to take out hitachi he claimed that he had nothing more to learn from rochimaru and then continued by mocking him for wasting his power and time which angered ogimaru sasuke finished by expressing his underdiscussion for horrific experiments all just to become all-powerful as reminding him of hitachi song for power before attacking him directly after pinning hirochimar's arms to the wall sasuke attempted to deliver a finishing blow forcing her tomorrow to abandon his body and feel his true form a composite serpentine entity made up of small white snakes sasuke activated his christian level two and began to fight rajumaru he competed rochimar's ambitions that would snake dreams of flying and told him how you only get that chance of the talents of a hawk as he spread out his christian wings after he severed rochester's head from his body sasuke believed he'd won however hirochimura was poisoned paralyzed sasuke and the former then lunged him swallowing him whole sasuke found himself inside of rojimaro the place where the body transfer technique took place hirochimaru relit the flashback when he confronted hitachi with akatsuki he found sasuke's eyes to be similar to those futacios on that day and anticipated taking possession of those eyes however sasuke took over the dimension with his sharingan and cursed seal and proceeded to turn the technique against urochimaru after the fight kabuto returned with the medicines but viewed a scene consisting of sasuke standing over ochimaru kabuto asked sasuke to which one he was to which sasuke replied by showing kaba to what just happened sasuke stated he had merely taken over and left triumphantly after defeating his mentor sasuke fruits we get to him are imprisoned in a glass tank filled with water sasuke led so we get to the land of waves retrieves obviously mochi swordsman's grave upon their arrival sasuke noticed the bridge that was being built during his time there as a conhol ghani which was now named the great naruto bridge upon retrieving the sword so he got to explain that he had trained under the seven inches swordsman of the mist which his senior zabasa had belonged to with a sword he claimed he might be able to beat sasuke after picking it up they headed for the next target in the anime it turned out that the sword was not besides obvious grave and that a man named ten zetta clinton for itself saskatoons we get to ask the residents of the village where they could find him eventually they discovered that he resided in the castle southeast of village overnight sasuke intruded the castle and threatened tenzin to prepare an army of over a thousand men the next day sas games we get superpowered we made the castle sasuke after the wager with swigetsu to whoever could retrieve the sword first so we get to later suggest that this has merely been a chance for sasuke a witness who gets his abilities which sasuke another confirmed war denied after a successful attempt retrieving the sword they both departed the next target kareem after arriving the base sasukes we get zumarin who sent their arrival sasuke told korean to join him which surprised her sasuke replied that since rochumar was now gone there was no need for her to continue to keep watch of the prisoners that she was currently guarding and told in the noise we get to free them kareen relented but still refused to go sasuke decided that he'd have to find someone else however korean had a quick change personality and agreed to go if he really wanted to so we get to advise that they leave since karine clearly didn't want to go when sasuke said she changed her mind korean put her glasses on after attempting to flirt with sasuke and denied this in a rather embarrassing manner saying that she was coincidentally going the same way they were at least for the moment as the three made their way to the northern hideout queen explained that sasuke's next target jugo was the means behind roche mars development of the cursed seals when the group got their prisoners infected with the cursed seal surrounded sasuke's group when karen informed them that jugo was not among the prisoners sasukes would get to dispose them without killing them as instructed by sasuke having found the keys to jugo's cell kareem used for tracking ability to find him missing so he gets you in the wrong direction without it at jugo's cell careen unlocked the door and sasuke went in first jugo who decided that if the first person over the door was a male he would kill him seemed delighted to see sasuke and rushing for the kill sasuke failed his attempts to reason would you go jugo and sasuke a quick cursed seal battle before he was interrupted by the arrival of sugetsu switzer then appeared to take over the fight explaining that beating jugo to a pulp was the only way to calm him jugo morphed his piston arm into a massive forearm blade to deal with swigetsu after they ignored sasuke's request to stop sasuke rapped the two in summon snakes and exuded an enormous amount of killing intent jugo's transmission receded and he suddenly rushed back to his cell demanding that they lock it karine explained that while the rage driven jugo may be violent blood thirsty jugo himself had no desire to harm anyone jugo finally agreed to go sasuke after hearing that kimi maru who was consistently able to stop kuga's rage driven rampages had died to bring sasuke to rochimaru with his team gathered and dubbed heavy by sasuke sasuke revealed their goal to kill his brother hitachi spughtsu who wanted to take his main sword for himself was willing to participate as kisme was currently partnered with hitachi korean being enamored with sasuke also agreed to help although she was unwilling to admit that her admiration was the reason so he gets her teaser about it saying that he knew about something korean did sasuke a while before however karine punched me gets you in the face before he could reveal her secret finally jugo acquiesce see how strong sasuke was believing that he was kimimar's reincarnation sakura arrived at naruto's home to tell him to wash up and get ready they met up with sonata in jaraya and sanatana informed them of orochimar's death the sasuke's hands which araiah's most trusted sources confirmed both naruto and sakura seemed very happy to hear that news expecting that now that rochimaru was dead sasuke would finally return to konoha however juraiya told them that was not exactly the case in konoha naruto and soccer came to the same conclusion as sasuke reasoning that his desire for revenge would drive to kilitachi therefore they decided that the simplest path to sasuke was to find hitachi as both teams resolved to find hitachi both he and kisame waited for the leader to contact them after capturing roshi the host of the four tales once they got into contact with their leader akatsuki one of the current deaths of hiron kakazu and orochimaru and sasukesu team knowing that sasuke would potentially disrupt their plans leader warned everyone to be careful especially hitachi kisame in konohan kakashi discussed the overall plan to find attaching kisame since simply killing hitachi first would make finding saucy impossible they needed to capture him and for that purpose team kakashi was run by team eight meanwhile sasuke took his team to an older chia outpost run by elizabeth to a clan in order to talk about supplies after akatsuki finished killing the four tails dater and toby decided to either track down kakashi and naruto or go after sasuke as data and toby searched for either the two targets the two teams split up the conan hunting just split into groups of three one ninja and two of kakashi's ninken naruto was accompanied by hinata yamato due to katsuki's pursuit of him meanwhile sasuke's group split up together information on akatsuki as they searched the nin can accompanying sakura caught sasuke's sent her search letter into her city but she was unable to find sasuke as she walked through a crowd then ninkan commented on how the scent was moving away just as karine was walking past her capital revealed himself to naruto's group and gave him a book that detailed everything they'd learned about the akatsuki he thanked naruto for inspiring him to find his own purpose in life and revealed that he had absorbed his remains into himself about one third of his body was now rochimaru's with it he planned to become stronger than rochimaru after debating the art on yamato he explained that he needed to control herochimar's power which was slowly taking over his body after which he would come after sasuke for killing elsewhere daedra and toby attacked sasuke data attempted to attack from above using a bomb but sasuke used hidden shadow snake hands to wrap himself with the snake as a shield toby also attempted an attack but he was scared of sasuke and fled from him data told toby he was to handle sasuke and test in with small ceilings spiders sasuke used hidori senbon to stop the bombs he then jumped behind it or he used to bomb to distance himself but sasuke managed to avoid the bomb realizing sasuke's abilities were great data used c2 next summoned a clay dragon as a battle partner that dragon then regurgitated a cluster of land mines to which toby said they were going with that sasuke attacked with two doors sharp spirit but dado was out of range while sasuke was busy with data toby planted the latter's minds around the field data was said to do c2 bomb after sasuke and he activated his currency level two to block the blast at the cost of one of his wings he shot two giant shuriken at datorama data avoided them but sasuke attached wires to them they impaled daedra's arms against the dragon and sasuke flew up with this judoric sword and snapped one of the dragon's wings datory fell to the ground towards his land mines would subsequently destroy the dragon toby cried out for data but daedra who easily dislodged the shuriken was now safely topped with his clay birds told him to be quiet he looked into sasuke's sharingan and remember when he first saw the hitachi he was once approached by hitachi kismay and sausage for proposal data has chosen to be akatsuki but refused loving his position as a terrorist bomber claiming his works as art and as invincible and how their beauty came when they exploded saucer was interested in data for being an artist and having guts but claimed he was arrogant and could get himself killed quickly he thought she decided to fight data or claiming that if itachi won daedra would join nakatsuki if he lost adores free to go hitachi shielded himself from data's bombs with shadow clones and after a short fight finished him off with the shine gone genjutsu making it seem like hitachi had gained control of data's bombs and was about to finish data with one he stopped the genjutsu and freed data but data was still forced to join for his loss as the battle between sasuke and theater continued ditra uses c4 his most powerful bomb it exploded and appeared to have killed sasuke but it was simply a shiangan genjutsu from sasuke the same one he thought she had used sasuke then appeared to have constricted with one of his bombs but the genjutsu was dispelled by daedra as he revealed his left eye could dispel genjutsu and since sas get held back when used the technique on like hitachi theater was able to spell it data tried another c4 and sasuke using his last bit of chakra and went to a safe distance but sasuke shielded it one last time with this due to our current he then jumped right next to data and gave him a powerful punch to the face realizing data was out of chakra and could not get up sasuke asked he thought he was vader did not answer and became enraged due to sasuke being indifferent and uncaring towards his art he then turned himself into a bomb in a suicide attempt to kill sasuke however sasuke summoned the stake manda as a shield and teleported both them with the technique at the costume on his life his team found him after seeing the explosion and he went with them to rest explaining what had happened after seeing the explosion narcisse team headed to it as cuba tracked sasuke's scent back with heavy sasuke asked everyone what they had found about hitachi so we get two and korean had found nothing but jugo communicated with the birds and they're able to send to katsuki's chakra coming from one of their hideouts they marked it a map they decided to go to the most recently used one to find hitachi meanwhile he taught you how to do an uchiha hideout and sent two clones one to five naruto they had to find sasuke as naruto's team wouldn't find sasuke korean could sense that they were coming and informed sasuke heavy then left and went to the akatsuki hideo before that korean realized the team possessed scent trackers and so she asked jugo to have the birds terrible to sasuke's shirts which had a very strong amount of sasuke sent on and scouted the pieces throughout the arch's team it succeeded and cuba could no longer track sasuke's scent naruto realized they needed to split up and naruto encountered dachi's clone hitachi claimed that he only wished to talk but naruto knew he needed to catch hitachi naruto created a shadow clone that attacked the big baller sen gone but he thought she was a clone as well the really touchy cotton genjutsu in the illusion hitachi asked my night to okay for sasuke so much to wish not to claim that sasuke was like a brother to him and that he was more of a brother to sasuke that he thought she was when he thought she wanted the offense with ganjutsu naruto dispelled it he thought she then dispelled the clone having run out of time to talk the other clone encountered sasuke the akashi hideout after a short greeting sasuke attacked the clone of the trudeau sharpspear but he thought she substituted himself with the shadow clone as a shield sasuke was then caught in the clone's trying genjitsu but easily dispelled it hitachi then destroyed the clone telling sasuke to go to the nearby uchiha hideouts they get in their dispute saskatchewan go to the hideout sasuke encounters two naruto shadow clones who destroys them with the tudor current punches and the team continues on naruto figures out where sasuke is so naruto's team goes in pursuit of him unfortunately narcissist team encounters toby naruto attempts two big baller sengo with shadow clones but the attacks are absorbed by toby naruto's team that prepares to finish toby off meanwhile sasuke encounters kisame who tells sasuke to continue all by himself since he thought she doesn't want interferences sasuke had no argument and left his team the kisome so we get to incuse somebody that prepared to fight for the sahara sasuke they went to the hideout and prepared to battle hitachi naruto ship it in the movie the will of fire the film concerns the potential outbreak of a fourth shinobi world war while the ninja with keke again kai abilities began to disappear from kumagakari and suniga team kakashi is sent on a mission to follow the tracks of the mississippi genkai wielding ninja which leads him to not shumisen located between the land of earth and kusakakura sai who was flying on his inc bird is attacked by a bird which stacks with explosive tag like feathers naruto disobeying kakashi's orders to continue admission runs towards where his side fell saying he will not abandon him there chimera like creatures attack them which i quickly defeat although naruto is injured in the process back at konohakashi gives a report on the mission to sunade while worrying that the next ninja targeted will be him tsunade seems to not care as much telling kakashi to relax at the hospital she gives naruto's bells which they use for their first drill together and tells him to fix them because he crushed them konoha ombu are sent amount shumisen by tsunade to search the area for the tracks of missing khaki ninja there a mysterious ninja along with his followers absorb their chakra with his mysterious technique using their earth nature affinity against them that night they say mysterious ninja the mastermind and antagonist of the film known as hiroko projects his image over the sky as the five great ninja villages introducing himself as a shinobi of kanohakakura he states that he has taken the genkai before missing ninja using the chimera technique and that he plans to gain the fifth and final kick again kai which would make him immortal by doing so he declares the fourth shinobi world war konohankoud is believed to be behind the incident as by the way hiroko introduced himself it seems that konoha was working with or using hiroko rumors circulated the preparing rebellion with the five of the nation's amassing troops in the land of fires borders threatening invasion the fire daniel orders united to apprehend those who are responsible and prove khan has innocence in the event of failure the land of fire will be forced to destroy the village in order to preserve world peace sonata is awaiting gar at a secret meeting place to discuss what shall be done however on the way there garrett and asunagano be attacked by a bird like creature which trapped in an avalanche meanwhile hiroko states the chimeric technique only absorbed maximum of four keg again and that certain conditions most importantly the light of an annular eclipse which is two days away is required for the absorption of the fifth and final kekagenkai which make him immortal that night he recouped appears before kakashi in a dream activating a puppet curse he had placed on him 10 years ago pun into karashi's sharingan asunadi to allow him to go for the sake of the village before he leaves kakashi asks unauthority to place a special seal on him will automatically activate kamui when hiroko attempts to absorb him that same night shigamar's visiting awesome as gravel kakashi is hitting opitos kakashi asks jagmar to tell naruto that he's leaving the village not to follow him as gosh she lets her take over his body not just sees and chases him shikhabar stops him and tells him okay she had told him to say at the hokage's office nothing orders the oklahoma eleven to stay away from kakashi labeling him as a missing in for the sake of this year mission after this leaves nadia tells chicago the truth trusting that he will do what he needs to do as the leader meanwhile soccer comes to rescue naruto from the sale that chikamura put him in as they leave the village race kakashi the konahala 11 are sent to retrieve them the next day suniga is lining up troops and weapons of the border the land of fire thinking that kona attack gara they're kazukage when naruto and sakura follow kakashi they're going to love to meet them and try to bring them back naruto reveals that she once told team 7 during the bell test it is true that in the ninja world those who break the rules and regulations regarding his scum but those who abandoned their comrades are even worse than scum which changes the mind of some members however the scene is interrupted by ichi who has had a hero to stop and or delay them using his khmer snakes team guy stays behind to allow the others to pass through the first gate knee and her khmer in dog stopped in the next gate and teammate stays behind to layer with naruto and sakura and leader team awesome a pass as naruto sakura and team 10 reach the next gate son appears right in the bird that fires exploding feathers team 10 is still following the original mission and tries to stop naruto and sakura however sai appears on his ink bird leaving a flash bomb to create a distraction and takes northern soccer with him leaving teen 10 behind to fight on at this time rockley and nedgie defeat each using front lotus eight trigrams palms revolving heaven while 1010 distracts him and teammate defeats knee using secret technique insects fear inside a trap that shinoa built will keep ending up later team 10 gave an advantage over son with shikamaru binding him and his shadow and ino using the mind body switch technique to take over his mind and tell him that they're after naruto nakakashi they also ask him kashi's headed however son breaks out of the mind body switch technique he then summons ichie andy and use the chimera technique on them and himself and three become a huge chimera which seems to be a combination of all the respective criminal beasts possessing all their abilities meanwhile gara is thinking of a dry assed while aiding in the recovery of gara and the suni name he has told gar that he believes kakashi or even naruto will defeat hiroko and it's up to guard depending on whether he believes in naruto's strength or not as the war between konoha and sunna is about to begin with ground combat troops and heavily artillery from both sides facing each other dry appears above gama bunta and gives to suna the proof that gar is still alive at that moment garu moved to where naruto sakura inside her head and stops them he says that naruto's will is not what kakashi wants and naruto begins to fight gara gara says that naruto is too idealistic and he doesn't have the power to make his goals become true however naruto strongly says by the belief that as a fellow comrade he cannot allow creation to sacrifice himself naruto breaks through guard his shield of sand and punches him the rest of the members of the kona hot 11 arrive to 18 10 and they bind the khmer beast with the help of 1010 by sending their chakra to the chains that were holding the beast they asked shikamaru to go and subnard to sign sakura shikamaru greets garu who tells him that he felt with naruto feels in the battle shikamaru continues on meanwhile naruto reaches the final gate and realizes that this is the place they came to in the past mission naruto goes to kakashi tries to stop him but she walks out with no response when arthur grabs his arm he sees a seal on his wrist inside tells him what it is shikamaru has finally caught up to them reveals that tsunade placed a seal on him so that they may defeat hiko at the sacrifice of akashi kakashi passes through the final gate before the temple as naruto tells sakura's science shikumaru approach the temple naruto hears hero's voice and questions why he did this and hiroko answers by telling his story he claims to have been a former friend of the sauna but he was on a skill shinobi like they were he was developing the chimera technique at juju that allowed to create a synthetic body by combining several separate ones after the third shinobi war he was shocked when he saw kakashi not only because he survived the battle but because he received the sharing god and genkai from the original user obito uchiha this gave hiroko the idea to steal keke genkai to become powerful like the sounding however the hokage found out his research and hiroko was forced to flee hiroko appears in the shadows of the temple and welcomes kakashi seeing it as the only way to save kakashi naruto sakura inside try to defeat hiroko although shigemaru tries to stop them hiroko using his four kikenkai storm release dark release steel release and swift release defeats him with a leopard he then steps into the temple with kakashi naruto stands up deciding that he cannot give up shigemaru tries to top him saying that he must protect the unborn children of konoha the king naruto states that they'll protect them too that he loves konohov at shinobi who will sacrifice themselves to save another however deciding who will be sacrificed from the start is what naruto wants and naruto believes that there is no future for the children of connor becomes a place like this as naruto walks away shikamaru sees awesome in him and protects him from surrounding various tags with his shadow sewing technique he states that naruto has inherited the will of fire trusting the future of kano out of him naruto enters the temple where hiroko begins the absorption of the beginning of the eclipse suddenly kakashi's monkey kill sharon activates and then the space inside of the slime created by the camera technique begins to distort naruto trying to save kakashi creates shadow clones and breaks into the slime with multiple recent guns and pulls him out kakashi wakes up and asks naruto why he's here with him and then sighs the plan failed hiroko is still alive and he states the eclipse has an ended yet and releases a large amount of chakra reducing the surrounding area to rubble when hiroko summons the kamera beast that the konoho 11 were keeping him restrained shigemaru sakura and sai fight the beast while naruto kakashi face hiroko shikamaru knows that hiroko's weak spot is his chest which is still hollow as it is the space that hiroka wants to assimilate kakashi into as the khmer beast begins to gain an advantage over them the other corner hot lever have to help choji uses multi-sized technique to become giant and attack the beast followed by kiwi nakamura's fang passing fang which destroys the beast's wings then from the sky hinata and nanji appear and attack the beast with the 8 trigram 64 palms lee kicks it into a mountain intent and finishes it off with their twin rising dragons covering its body with a large number of kunai with explosive tags attached and detonating them meanwhile hiroko is getting an advantage over naruto and kakashi easily absorbing the techniques the big baller sengon and lightning cutter hiroko gives nara to a taste of his own attack we're sendgon and returns kakashi's lightning cutter as a last minute resort naruto forms the wind released ross and shuriken and carries the impact to hiroko's chest hiroko tries to absorb and copy it but cannot combine the high level of shape manipulation with the high level of nature transformation as the rasa and shuriken's impact occurs the chimera dies as ten-ten makes her explosive tags explode in his final moments hiroko in his original form asked akashi what he did wrong kashi tells him that he used others to overcome his weakness and only try to become perfect himself hiroko says that this is the way the strong ones think and that he did not have any comrades suddenly hiroko sees his old friends tsunade orochimaru the third hokage and some others appear before his eyes as they tell him that they were there for him akashi tells him that if you tried to bond with them they would have helped him and that he shouldn't have tried to do everything by himself hiroko then tells kakashi that that's what kakashi tried to do this time abandoning his comrades kakashi said that he and hiroko made the same mistake as they were both lost hiroko asks him if he has finally made a connection and dies kakashi looks over to see most of the gang cheering for him he then says that naruto had long surpassed him gara appears before the pseudonym army and tells him that everything has been solved and to withdraw sunada and jared talk about how they have been saved and the kids are completely different than they were at that age they end the conversation with the conclusion that they are getting old in a decision to leave the future in the hands of a young generation which they can freely put their faith into the movie ends at mount shumisen when kakashi is thinking about obito he smiles at naruto after seeing the similarities between the two in order to take some alison and creepy and random the konoha 11 surround them on various parts of the rocky ledge each giving their input on kakashi's sexual orientation upon seeing this kakashi hardly denies their assumptions but not before naruto panic and please from him kakashi then chases after the thing naruto by trying to explain that his misunderstanding the tale of jorah the gallant draya told tsuna that he was going to personally gather information regarding the akatsuki in the most probable place amigako day seconds after drive successfully into the village he was detected by pain wandering around the village durai speaks with the inhabitants about their leader pain unsuccessfully in gathering information he captures two ninja of the village who tell him about their mysterious new leader pain who single-handedly defeated hanzo the former leader of ame before acting further jiraya summoned geratora and instructed me to store himself in naruto should anything happen to him speculating that moderate uchiha was responsible for the nine-tailed attack on konoha in the past meanwhile pain knowing that an intruder has infiltrated the village orders conan to search for the intruder she then transforms into multiple origami papers to seek the intruder out she locates drya and informs pain who then changes bodies in a secret chamber a conan that went ahead and attacked jaraya who fought evenly matched with their for a short while drya then spoke with its history with yahiko and nagato when pain arrives they discuss peyton's personal ideology and katsi's goals pain who is convinced dry is to die anyways reveals the reasoning behind his collecting the tale of beast which is to create a kin jutsu which could wipe away entire nations so the world could mature and develop a version from war finishing their talk pain summons at crustacean to attack jaray who defeats it and summons gamaken having no choice left jaray and gamma can begin their battle against payne camouflaging himself pain summons multiple creatures to defeat uraya realizing that he's up against powerful foe dry uses a barrier and prepares to enter sage mode due to the predicament gamaken has he sustains deep wounds from the battle as dry has his technique ready to use gum again leaves the battle and enters sage mode after summoning fukusaku and shima jiraiya soon finds pain who summons two of his other paths to enter the battle drya blinds one of the opinions of the kick to the face and fukusaku suspects that all three paints share the same eyes and vision after they countered all their attacks while jiraya realizes that each of the bodies has only one specific purpose dry stalls for time while fukusaku and shima prepare a powerful genjutsu to defeat the bodies and are successful in doing so dry had a flashback when he met the toadstage who told him that he'd be pervert travel the world write a book and would train the destin child who'd either save or destroy the world leaving the bodies behind another pain attacked your eye from behind and severed his arms off being confronted by the full attendance of the sixth pass of pain jurai was able to discover that all of paint's bodies belonged to ninja he once knew amongst them being his old student yahiko functioning as pain's divapath with this information jurai was able to discover the truth but his throat was crushed by the osropath before he was stabbed with the other six paths of pain pain back to the ground dry was unable to tell fukusaku what he learned as dry lay dying he remembered a conversation they had nieto and kushina about how they wanted to name the sound of the character in his book thereby making him naruto's godfather remembering this force himself back to life with his own willpower and he writes a message on fukusaku's back thinking to himself he decides that naruto is the child of prophecy and it was up to him to decide his future the sewer path then shot his fist dry and fukusaku destroyed the slab of concrete that dry was lying on dryer then drifted into the water to his death while thinking about what he'd named his next book he then decided to name it the tale of north uzumaki and said it had a nice ring to it meanwhile paint deduced that jurai was dead but fugusaku had gotten away faded battle between brothers sasuke arrived to the uchi hideout and converted hitachi the battle began with both them seemingly using tijutsu soon ending with sasuke cornering hitachi and deciding to ask him one last question before killing him off sasuke asked who is he sasuke recalled when he thought she had said that three of the uchiha clan would have the ability to use him on gekko sharingan including himself if sasuke would be able to awaken his hitachi explained that the person who had assisted him when he murdered the entire clan was none other than mata ochiha one of the founders of konoha and revealed that one of the purposes of the mangakyo sharingan was to control the nine-tailed demon fox which he had done 16 years ago when it attacked konoha he also revealed that once the monkey killed shang was activated it would progressively lead to blindness hitachi referred to moderate as the founder of akatsuki and his mentor it turned out that sasuke and hitachi's battle so far had been pure genjutsu hitachi finally activated his mangekyo sharingan and revealed that the only way to stop the blindness was take the eyes of another shotgun user he stated this was the reason he left sasuke alive and why he had pushed him to become stronger after a flashback of his childhood sasuke stated finally it all ends here during their talk zetsu watch hidden from the ceiling and his house began to comment in the battle after securing him in place with a shadow clone hitachi then proceeded to rip out sasuke's eyes it was revealed that the whole fight so far had been a genjutsu namely itachi tsukiomi which sasuke had to overcome sasuke shortly likes you to talk about the tools of a ninja now a tool is only as powerful as then as you used it hitachi told sasuke he would make his dream of ripping out his eyes a reality and ready the amaterasu hitachi and sasuke both used the great fireball technique and sasuke held a slight advantage until he touched used matarasu which burnt out sasuke's fireball immediately and melted through his remaining cursed seal level 2 wing as well as scorching his body hitachi prepared to rip the eyes out of the half burnt sasuke but the corpse was shown to be an empty shell left behind the real saskate dropped into the floor below he used a new ninjutsu named fire release great dragonfire technique from down below hitachi dodge but it still burnt his arm soon it began to rain and sasuke said that his new technique was unavoidable zetsu continued watching the fight narrating their movements and adding background and mysterious moves sasuke charged his final technique kirin a huge creature made of lightning appeared fueled by the great dragonfire technique which had dumped a huge amount of residual heat into the upper atmosphere and sasuke's chakra remains suspended in a usable form changing with the atmosphere from a simple fire chakra into a bolt of lightning characterized in the same form as the earlier great dragonfire technique but cast and said from lightning sasuke hidii hachi who appeared to be dead hitachi was unshown to be alive somehow and revealed their third monk technique susano which pulled out the legendary sword of tatsuka giant snakes suddenly appeared to sasuke one of them revealed archimara inside his mouth sasuke having used up nearly all of his chakra in fighting itachi could no longer suppress rochimaru who'd been inside of sasuke since his failed attempt at taking over his body the snakes were all killed and hirochimura was stabbed by the sort of tatsuka sealing him in an eternal dream state and the remains were subsequently sucked into the sake drive that the sword of tatsuku was sheathed in hitachi then assassinate if that was all he had sasuke then proceeded to attack hitachi again ending in a futile attempt as all his attacks were reflected by another effect of susano the yadamir which reflected all attacks directed at hitachi sasuke was knocked back down by his own attacks and laid on the ground hitachi seemed to be invincible when susana began to fade he thought she walked towards his brother seeking his eyes when he thought she reached sasuke he poked sasuke's forehead saying i'm sorry sasuke they won't be next time a reference to his constant unfulfilled promises to train sasuke and their youth itachi that died of exhaustion zetsu figured that he thought she must have been injured before the battle started also noting that hitachi was unable to dodge attacks he normally would have been able to sasuke then smiled and closed his eyes before collapsing himself as he touches a monteross who continued to burn around them meanwhile naruto and the other members of the 8-man squad continued to fight toby shino attacked with his bugs and even managed to completely swarm toby with them toby escaped from the swarm unharmed however zed to arrive to film that sasuke won the battle and then hitachi was dead this was no surprise to toby zetsu said that sasuke was probably dying as well just before toby and setsu left kashi noticed toby sharingan kakashi commented on this while toby and zetsu fled to the battle site he now saw storm clouds and the flames of matarasu with their biakugan naruto and the group pursued them meanwhile toby and zurich sasuke toby told zetsu to take hitachi's corpse naruto's team reached the flames and yamato used earth release earth flow divide to create a path through it naruto became angry when he realized they were too late sasuke woke up in a large room toby appeared from the shadows and said that he would tell sasuke the truth about hitachi he then began to take off his mask as toby's whose true identity is none other than matara shara god was shown sasuke's sharingan was turned into a mangakyo shang gone his eyes bled and amaterasu appeared around toby toby said that hitachi had implanted his abilities into sasuke and then activated as soon as toby sharon was shown toby then said that he thought she had done this to kill toby to protect sasuke sasuke didn't believe him and yelled at toby to go away toby then began to tell sasuke the secret about how he taught you to try to protect the village as well as sasuke but for things to make sense he would have to go back before the founding of konoha at the time there were many clans that existed and the uchiha clan was one of the strongest only rivaled by the century clan with whom they constantly battled moderate was noticed as the leader of the ut hawk lane because it was powerful chakra but as hitachi said before moderate plucked out his brother izuna's eyes so he could gain an internal mangekyo sharingan in order to end their fighting hashiram senju the leader of the senju clan decided to make a peace offering with yuchiha which ended up forming the village of konoha matara became infuriated when hashirama became the first okage because he feared that the chihuahuan would be put down but the ochiha did not believe their leaders warning so matara decided to abandon his own clan and defect from konoha mata used the power of his tournament get here shawn gonna take control of the night tales take his revenge and battle hashirama which tore up the landscape and this land would eventually be called the valley of the end the same place where sasuke about naruto before he left konoha at the end of the battle moderate loss control the ninetails and everyone even the uchiha and hashirama believed that mahdra had died afterwards little by little the uchiha clan began losing their powers the village recognized the century clan more and everything mata had warned his clan about was beginning to come true when the final straw occurred 16 years ago the nine tails attacked konoha and due to the uchiha's reputation back when moderate controlled the ninetails against his fight against hashirama the leaders of konoha believed that the uchiha were responsible itachi was ordered by the elders of konohan to annihilate the uchiha because they were planning a coup d'etat against konoha and he thought she had done this because he detested war and wanted to maintain konahat's stability when he thought she was not even four years old he had seen the bloodshed of the third shinobi war which would cause him to develop a passive his nature coincidentally toby was attempting to destroy konoha when he encountered hitachi so he taught you made a deal if you were to help you thought you wipe out their clan matara must leave koha alone which mataro accepted sasuke began to believe that toby was the real bad guy because hitachi said that mater was controlling the nine-tails every move but moderate denies his involvement and hitachi only said that because he did not want sasuke to trust moderate this triggered a flashback to moments before he touched his death revealing that he was not seeking his brother's eyes but in his final stance sasuke had poked him on the forehead as he did in sasuke's childhood and smiled at him after this sasuke joined back up with heavy and his new man gekko sharingan he told the group that they'd be called taka from now on and that their goal was the complete and underdestruction of konoha after the failed mission to find sasuke oritachi naruto remember doesn't capture with hitachi hitachi ask naruto why he insisted on saving sasuke who didn't want to be saved and naruto replied that he was more of a brother to him than he ever was satisfied with his answer he thought she departs but not before performing a technique on naruto to prepare him for the chance that sasuke attacks konoha soon after naruto is called the hokage office where he's told by fukusaku that jurai was killed in amigore by pain naruto devastated left to mourn while tsunada who was equally hurt had the decoders decode jiraiya's dying message and fukusaku's back devastated and unable to focus even after encouraging words from irika ubino naruto was taken by shigemara nara to the hospital to see a pregnant kurnaiyuhi whose child shigemaru will instruct shikamaru reminded naruto that there will come a time where all their masters will be gone and they'll be the new masters of the new students with this in mind naruto opts to help the decoders decode the message and saw that the message was written in jared's unique if somewhat sloppy katakana script with this knowledge they discovered pain secrets is that the real one isn't there after deciphering the code fukusaku asked that narada to come with him to learn sanjutsu like jaraya after a reverse summon set naruto on focus octa mount myobuku the two began the difficult century training the training required naruto to first be completely still as to allow himself to mold the natural chakra surrounding him to speed up the process a special frog oil was smeared on naruto that would allow them to use natural chakra but at a higher risk of turning into a toad statue after several days to weeks naruto successfully learned how to remain perfectly still in order to mold enough natural chakra to enter sage mode and even trained himself in secret to masters when released ross and shuriken however when it came to learn sage art amphibian technique to allow shima and fukusaku to gather the natural chalk role in combat the nine-tailed demon fox prevented the fusion requiring naruto to come up with an alternative method of entering stage mode in battle meanwhile sasuke decided not to itachi's eyes to awaken his internal mom gekko sharingan opting to restore the clan is on way toby ordered taka to find the inchurity of the eight tails killer b of kumugakurei they find him in the valley of clouds and lightning and begin a battle taka proves to be a challenge to b and he proceeds to go all out naruto ship it in the movie the lost tower yamato and naruto uzumaki sakurajaro and sai are assigned a mission to capture mukade and missing in they all have choker blades which are used to attack they set up for the once glorious historic ruins of rohran a city that once had thousands of towers and is located in the middle of the desert after bypassing the puppets they corner the missing name mukadi's goal is revealed to me to travel to the past and take over the five great nobi countries with the power of the ryumyaku an ancient chakra flow hidden deep underground in roran he unleashes the power of the ryumyaku which is seen to have been sealed by mirato's flying thunder got kunai elite envelopes naruto on yamato who are trying to stop mukade sakura attempts to follow him into the light but sai stop soccer from getting sucked into the ryumyaku by catching her as ink bird while she cries that knows his name minato 20 years prior to the president is now seen in konoha and jarrah shows me to tell that he's completely resent gone then in the young xi might guy awesome sarah toby and kashi hadik are seen waiting in a long line of the grand opening of ramen ichiraku heroes and saritobi has heard of andro kuzn's evil plans and since miraito namakaze shibi avarami chose akimichi and upon minuteo's request kakashi had okay to put an end to his plans when naruto awakens he means a serious young girl who immediately runs away upon seeing him naruto later comes into contact with a masked guy who rescues him from my puppet army he tells naruto that he too is a konohan ninja opening a part of his master show they know outside on his forehead protector and tells him to leave the city naruto agrees to do so nevertheless when he's about to leave rohran naruto remembers what happened before he lost his consciousness and decides to look for the others instead later he realizes that there's a festival going on and spots the young girl he previously encountered now realizing that she's queen of roran sarah when she greets the excited crowd who is calling for her joyously someone pushes her back causing her fall naruto rescues her and they introduce themselves to each other after zara mistakes him as a bad guy naruto asks her whether there are people who are after her and the young queen immediately disagrees with it saying that naruto is seen for himself but the crowd is very happy to meet her later naruto meets minato again in the queen's palace minotaurs calls him for not keeping his promise but naruto tells them that he has no choice and tells him what happened to him seeing the circumstances his munito and his team reveal themselves and that time naruto remarks that nintendo looks a lot like the fourth hokage shibi tells naruto it's impossible as for now the ruling hokage is still the third but choza disagrees saying that as an arthur is from the future it's possible that minato really is the fourth mythos simply replies that there's no point making life less interesting by knowing things that they shouldn't minato then tells naruto to the condition at rohran and tells him that he should be able to go back to his time after he feeds mukade after that he gives naruto's flying thunder god kunai telling him that a special kunai that allowed to transport to naruto's place he uses it it's later revealed that mukade traveled to the past six years before naruto did that by this point he's changed his name to onrokuzon and serves as a minister of roran sarah refuses to believe that arnold cruzan's plan to overthrow her but soon hesitates after naruto points to the fact that there is indeed someone who's after her life sarah much annoyed leaves a place minato tells his arthur to protect her as he continues on the mission naruto agrees when sarah is walking alone along the palace corridor someone strikes her from behind and takes him to a dark room filled with a large group of people they insist sorry to return it much to her confusion naruto enters the room to her aid only to discover that the group is actually a group of women and children that don't mean to hurt sarah at the first place walking along the city suddenly a child from the group says that sarah is said to be the puppet princess only to be schooled by the leader of the group sarah then asks her man about the rumor to which she says it's quite true she then tells sarah that most of the men of rohan were enlisted to work for the city by the queen's order to which sarah replies that she never gave such an order from her palace the people seem happy to see her the leader then tells that no one is actually happy while stirring out the crowd who was looking for sarah the group realized their puppet has taken over sarah's place and greased the crowd much to her shock narc the notices there's something wrong with the crowd and reveals that the joyful crowd are all puppies that are being controlled by miyako's chakra a puppet of sorry herself appearing out the balcony above sarah then reveals the minister's evil doing she then promises that she would rescue the people used by him naruto and sarah find the center of unrakun's evil plan they infiltrate the factory and find all the men who are chained and forced to work to produce puppets contracting on rakuzan sara orders him to release the people there to which he laughs and says sarah is a puppet princess he then confessed that he killed sarah's mother saramu the previous queen because she had seen through his plan and refused to work with him now as sorry is no use for him anymore he's going to kill her and take over the world naruto tells sarah that he will protect her you pump a ninja force which is under arrow kuzan's control can attack using the ryumyaku's chakra and are able to throw kunai naruto is seen using his chakra knife to attack them later on rakuzan is seen to be a giant puppet as he's able to use parts of the towers of roran to repair himself from an attack which is part of his regenerative technique with the power of the riyamyaku shibi and choza are not able to defeat him as he keeps regenerating himself shibu then passes a message naruto minito who are guarding sara and the citizens to go to the garden which is the source of ryumyaku on account of honor kuzan being unable to reach it because it's heavily defended when battling on rokuzon naruto uses versailles much to mean a tough shock naruto is easily defeated by arakuzad and miento comes to his rescue just before unrakun deals the final blow minato then tells naruto to follow the citizens while he's holding back on rakuzan from reaching them naruto agrees but then asks himself why he always follows me with those orders meanwhile ninato is able to locate on rakuzo's weakness but only to find that he cannot match at speed of regeneration onward kuzon is able to get past him and aims to kill sarah who is planning to seal the rumenyaki for good minotaur then meets naruto and tells him that he already figured out how to defeat on rakuzan but he needs naruto to perform a sign gun for him when naruto says he does not have enough chakra left miniature tells him that he will lend him his chakra naruto says it's impossible that the only people who are able to perform the saint god are jiraiya himself and the fourth hokage minotaur smiles and tells naruto that he's also able to perform a sengon while effortlessly forming rasanga before naruto he then hands over his recent gun to naruto and forms another resengan forming a new song as he tells naruto that similar chakra tend to synchronize with each other and handling their powers sarah seals off most of the ryumyaku in time making on rokuzon unable to use his regenerative technique minotaur goes off and tells naruto that this is the time to attack him naruto succeeds in hitting him anra kuzan says that this won't be over as the floor crumbles he falls down into a pool of the rimyaku sorry is seen on the crumbling floor and naruto manages to catch her but falls in along with minato yamato who is still holding onto kakashi comes back and uses wood release to catch naruto sarah and minato minato asks naruto to give back his kunai and completely seal off the ryumyaku a bright blue light shines his minute to seal the ryumyaku naruto and yamato's bodies begin to glow mythos says that since the unrokuson is dead his spell wore off which means naruto and yamato will return to their time when yamato meets minito he bows to him and sticks it as an honor to be able to meet him naruto is about to show y'all until the minotaur is the fourth okay but his interrupted by mitosis has his time to save her well in order to prevent history from changing minotaur says it's best to erase everyone's memories when naruto asks mito whether he asked me to tell them ninata replies there of time naruto then begs him to tell him now because they may not have another chance minato says that he's sure that they would beat again and that time naruto would know what he wants to say naruto begins to ask me to if he can possibly be his father but media interrupts and replies that he favored a son he wishes he grew up to be an angel like naruto sarah then tells naruto she'll never forget what he taught her when naruto and yamato began to fade sarah smiles at naruto and utters his name for the last time in the present time the riyam yayako that was unleashed by mukade fades away sakura is still seen on side's ink bird crying out naruto's name when the light fades naruto yamato appear but as miyato had said they have no memory what happened to them outside the ruins the team is approached by a young girl who resembles sarah who claims that she felt the disturbance the ryumyaku the girl says that she's the daughter of the former queen of roran which was destroyed during the war the girl bears a kona hot chakra blade and tells him that her mother received from my hero in a dream naruto then notices that his own chocolate is missing as the girl and her people leave the ruins naruto claims that he's the feeling that he saw her in a dream soccer then grabs and pulls in naruto's ear and yells at him for being a pervert sixth seal is unleashed when otaru and her guardian tanvi are being attacked to the mountaintop four she and udokata escape with enogy's secret kinjutsu while tandy tries to hold off the attackers but was easily defeated and the attackers the magaki group go after them team yamato has signed by sunada to go and protect otaro on her way to the tsukumo village when the team finds the fort they saw tanvi who has been viciously attacked by the four-man bandits sakura stays and heals tanvi while naruto sai and yamato follow udokara and hotaru naruto catches up to uticata and otaru and urakata attacks naruto with some of his soap bubble njutsu after urikata learned that they're not attackers he addressed the protection of hotaro to them urakana's past is explained including a vision of his master attempted to draw out his tail beast hotaro refuses to let the kona ninja squirt it through through the suchi goma clan's secret village sai then tricks her into thinking that giant leeches are falling on her and she begs naruto for protection when they reach the hidden village naruto leaves the village with this suspicious feeling because the way that the villagers looked in hotaru urakada also starts fighting the magaki group and starts to gain the upper hand easily but then they trap him in a lightning release barrier that implodes hotaro's uncle betrays her to the magaki group but when they think that they have found the hidden scroll it turns out to be a bomb hotaro escapes and she meets up with urikata in the forest he faces up against the bandits again and quickly flees after urakata escaped with otaru the bandits were confronted by the leader shironami he showed them that urakada was a missing name from kirigiakore with a bounty of 50 million rio akuboxi asked their leader what they should do and he began abuse about it when otara and uticado were alone urikata was about to leave hotaro again but hotaro trying to conspire to leave her alone partially took off her shoot showing him something wrapped up on her back shocked him all of a sudden the kidigaranbu found urakata and wrapped him up with their water release water whip technique and began subduing him with their lightning release electromagnetic murder the captain revealed the hotaru who was holding hostage that uracada was in their bingo book and was wanted for killing his master naruto and his team arrived and managed to lose one of the water whips holding wudikata both parties began to fight but the leader of the kirigayanbu appeared and discussed the situation with yamato due to hotaro's assistance to be with utakara it was agreed that ruka stayed with team yamato so they wouldn't hunt him down until he was safe but afterwards the resume tracking would have cut it down surugi the leader asked okada to return to kitigakude saying that the village changed no longer earning the nickname of the village of the bloody mist udokata refuses and says that he will continue doing as he pleases as the group's part ways hotar begins hurting from an injury sustained during the earlier altercation urakata has an hour to collect medicinal herbs when naruto returns he witnesses what was down to hotaro's back where her clan's kijutsu was put udokato voices is absolute disdain for people selfish to take advantage of people's loyalty only to treat those tools everyone is shocked to learn that hotel actually requested for the technique to be sealed in her after she explained that she wanted her grandfather's stream to restore the clan's square to come true when tandy voices sorrow that now the clan had probably lost too much strength to ever return to such a status he suggested that they end the potential danger of hindu by destroying it uricato was surprised that hotaro's grandfather created a way to safely remove from botara's body when tombi insisted that no true master would do such horrific things without a way to undo them urakata wondered if the same was true for his pastor udacada resolved to find surugi again and learned some answers about his late master hotaro initially refused the idea to destroy the kinjutsu fearing that it would make all of her grandfather's efforts for nothing but utakada made her see that she couldn't restore the claim with such a destructive technique while willing to accept this decision as a final act she offered one other possible solution to search for a man named shironami who is an immensely gifted ninja who studied and nogioj's teachings and would be of great help it was then decided that naruto would attempt to find the man in two days while preparations for removing the kinjutsu were made when arthur uzumaki sought at shironami the makaki leader who believed that the latter was an ally the mangaki group ambushed naruto and used infinite embrace to drain his chakra while chushing beat naruto ben 10 almost revealed their plan before akuboshi silenced him anger to being deceived naruto unleashed the nine tails chakra and broke out of the infant embrace though shocked that naruto's strength the makaki used their infinite multiple embraces to crush naruto much of their shock however naruto was still able to resist but not for long later to hotaro's display urakada suddenly leaves not wanting him to leave her hotaru goes off to find him along the way she runs in a shironami himself he sympathizes with hotaro's loneliness and desire to restore the clan after being convinced not to destroy the technique she decides to write a message to udokata however shironami reveals his true colors and knocks out hotaru taking her back to the suga village when urakata is unable to find surugi he finds hotaro's messenger bird with a note for him well it is from hotaro saying that she found shiranami urikata is still unease feeling something is wrong he goes to location without a road and finds that tiranami is actually the leader of the bandits who trapped narotono funjutsu urakata then uses his tailbeast chakra to scare the bandit to make them run afterwards he naruto attracts shironami back to hotaro's village where it's discovered that shironami took control of the villagers with this technique the villagers attacked utakata and naruto and they were also confronted by the magaki group just before things got worse the rest of team yamato arrived while hunting for hotaru yamatosai and sakura were fighting the villagers and the magaki group while naruto and no rekata were trying to save hotaro from shiranami in the end naruto and urikata managed to save otaru and team yamato parts ways with hotara nurakata potaro and urikata decided to leave hotaro's village and travel around with utakata trained otaru to make her stronger before they begin hurakada decides that he wants to confront the kidigaranbu unit and tells hotaro to stay behind he attempts to make contact but is unable to do so he soon discovers the mass of one of the ombu units that was left behind after discovering the mask he reaches the conclusion that the kitty ombu were killed and udokata is confronted by akashki member payne who appears to be the one behind the attack pain tells him he's here to capture the six tails udokata puts up a fight but in the end he is captured by akatsuki payne's assault killer easily disarms we get to hosuki and defeats jugo with his own sword sasuke challenges him alone and despite his music as mankakuyo sharingan killerby is able to fatally injure sasuke twice first when he was stabbed multiplies by killer b's swords from which he was saved by a second green's chakra and later by a hit from a three-tailed killer b's lightning released lariat blowing open his chest which jugo restored and fusing his own flash in sasuke's body annoyed killer be fully transformed into the eight tails so he gets who tried to blow killer bee away with a giant wave but was easily repelled by a tailed beast ball out of desperation and seeing tako resemble his former team sasuke used the matarasu to stop the giant ox sasuke cut off one of the beast's tentacles when it almost crushed korean but she was hit by another one igniting her with matarasu sasuke managed to put the flames on her and killer b after collecting the injury and they're captive sasuke and jugo head back to ukatsuki's base when sasuke delivered hillary to toby he informed that his true intentions were not to destroy konoha's elders but the entire village for making the uchiha destroy themselves vowing to destroy anyone who gets in his way his task completed sasuke departs to a hideout not knowing that they're being followed by kumon and jae when he was discovered he was attacked by taka before he could retreat during the ceiling of the eight tails which is taking longer due to losing most tokatsuki members killer b's body turns back into a tentacle killer b steal the battlefield climbs out of a tentacle at the bottom of the lake relieved that akatsuki kidnapped him and allowed him a chance to leave the village the aid tells caution that akoski will still be pursuing him and asks why b used up nearly all of his energy going all out to which b responded he got carried away because sasuke is one of the strongest opponents he ever faced upon reaching konoha pain discuss the battle plans for the invasion the asura path predopath a new animal path will act as diversions while the diva path naraca path human path and conan interrogated villages in the whereabouts and are to uzumaki that sure to give the nine-tailed demon fox either through mind-reading or threat of death once preparations were complete the asura path threw the animal path into the village where it summoned the other six paths of pain and the invasion began because konoha only expected one invader multiple points of attack made it difficult for going hard to react the fifth call get called for an hour to return to the village to aid its defense but the messenger toad kosuke was killed by danzo before he could leave to prove in akatsuki a chance of capturing the nighttails as well as in the hope that tsunade would lose her position in the attack meanwhile tsunadi raided the ninja academy to summon and use katsu to heal any villager who was injured during the attack kashikarika engaged the diva path who was quickly backed up by the asura path choza and his team of shinobi along with his son shoji akumichi came to kikashi's aid and discovered that the devapath's unique gravity manipulation at a five second window despite discovering the secret and the asura path defeated jose along with his team were critically wounded and kakashi incapacitated leaving only choji to deliver the information to tsunade konohamaru saw a toby engaged and defeated the naraka path while sumi and kiba inazuka engaged the predepath as the invasion continued conan interrogated several konohashinobi and naruto's whereabouts however by this time naruto had earned the respect of every single konohashino to the point that not one shinobi is willing to give away narcissist location and would rather be killed one such shinobi told conan to go to hell with a smile on his face despite the hopeless situation he was in as the diva path confronted tsunade to question her about naruto shizuna inouiji and inoyamanaka discovered the secret of pain six paths the black receivers planted into the body jurais sent back revealed that each body was merely an animated corpse powered by chakra and that payne's real body was elsewhere as susana summarized their analysis the human path found and read her mind discovering naruto was at mount myoboku upon finding out and angered by sunati's perceived lack of pain the diva path recalled conan and the other five paths out of the village where he detonated a powerful shinra tensei destroying most of the village having caught water paints attacked the toads at mount miobiku prepared for the counter-attack shima who was in konoha at the time was told to prepare a reverse summoning to bring naruto fukusaku to gamaken gamakira and gamaki to konoha moments after the shinra tensei leveled the village after using the naraka path to repair the destroyed asura path the animal was launched back into the village and re-summoned the rest of the paths back to the village to fight the jinchiroki using his newly learned sen jutsu techniques and a perfected wind release race in shuriken naruto saved sunada and handily defeated the asura human animal and naraka paths before the diva path regained enough strength to fight on its own again when he was finally caught and held by the energy absorbing predator naruto used the senjutsu chakra to disrupt the predepath's chakra flow turning it into a frog statue before finally facing the diva path payne's last and most often used body pain quickly dispatched to the toads and gained the upper hand killing fukusaku in the process using another gravity manipulation technique to grab an immobilized naruto pain then pinned him to the ground with his chakra destruction blades in order to take him away before departing naruto asked pain why he'd done everything to which pain replied that the world would never have the peace derive fought for because the world was too full of hatred and therefore the only way to create world peace was through force by using the tailed beasts paid plan on making a weapon strong enough to destroy a country and the fear of that weapon would prevent more fighting shikamaru nara having survived the destruction of konoha met with the yamanaka group carrying shizuna's body when they were told what information she knew shigemaru concluded that payne's real body was somewhere close to the village at a high enough place where he could send his chakra across a large enough distance to control the six paths with no difficulty as payne was describing his quest for world peace his true body nagato emaciated him with several chocoblades taken out of his back was shown in his and conan's hiding place and makeshift tree on a high mountain close to the village hinata hugo came to his rescue after confessing her love for naruto but was quickly struck down and critically wounded believing that painted killed her naruto lost control of his anger and slipped into his sixth tails transformation the first hokage's necklace reacted to this and tried to suppress naruto's non-tail chakra but was removed and destroyed with the nine tails it controlled naruto's body it fought and overwhelmed pain causing him to retreat from the village in order to get close enough to naruto to use chibaku tensei with the eye tails controlling naruto and pain out of the village sakura haruna ordered all those who could help to tend to the wounded and for a team including herself to help the critically wooded hinata team guy who was returning from a mission passed the injured kamabunta who informed them that konoha was in danger elsewhere yamato who was with sai and angkomit arashi on a mission hunting couple of yakushi sensed that naruto would release six of the nine tails and headed back to stop naruto while still being pursued by the ninetales payne through the great strain of nagato used the chibaku tensei to create a giant miniature moon in an attempt to capture the ninetales during this time naruto locked in his own subconscious and lost in despair called for help to a response of pain's visions of peace in the end while the apparently evil pain had a plan to deal with the hatred of the world naruto did not taking advantage of his pain the nine tails convinced naruto to destroy everything in the world by releasing the seal this caused the seal of distort despite the strength of the miniature moon the distorted seal allowed the eighth tail to grow partially breaking free the sphere in his mind just as he was about to remove the seal and release the knife's tail minitor namakaze the fourth hokage appeared and spoke with naruto minotaur revealed to naruto that he was his father and he sealed the nine tails into him because he too felt that nine tails was forced to come to konoha and believed a masked being within akatsuki was behind the attack after easing naruto's fears that he couldn't change the world minotaur repaired the seal and sent naruto back to finish his battle with payne with the ninetales chakra suppressed naruto and pain resumed their battle with naruto tricking pain into using a shinra tensei on dozens of shadow clones giving naruto enough time to strike him with resengan during the five second window the last body of pain was defeated and naruto used its black receivers to track out and confront nagato himself having reached the makeshift tree naruto asked nagato why he hated konoha and what had made him the way he was nagato still wanted to know naruto's reply to his question answered with two stories the first was how his parents were killed during the second shinobi world war which led to the activation of his rinagon the second he began with how he met his friends conan and yahiko the boy whose body would later become the diva path yahiko had revealed to the small makeshift family that he wanted to rule the world to stop the world's wars after the dog chibi was killed by an explosive tag as collateral damage from the scientist battle with salamander hanzo yahiko declared he wouldn't just rule the world but would become a god a dream that sparked the same desire in nagato nagito then revealed how yahiko approached jorah to aspen train himself nagato and konan to be ninja during the training nagato used the reynagon to save yahiko seeing this jiraiya told nagato at the time of never-ending wars when a messiah the stage of six paths appeared and spread his religion across the world which came to be the ninja techniques that shinobi used today jaraya thought the sage had been reborn as nagato and entrusted him to find the answer and spread peace in the world before leaving the three orphans years later the three formed a gang and amagakura yet by yahiko to abolish wars and bring peace to the world their fame captured the attention of hanzo who approached yahoo to join hands and work together to bring peace among the war-torn countries of earth wind and fire but this association turned out to be a trap laid by hanzo as he feared that yahiko's group would take over the leadership of omagakurei he lured yahiko and nagato to an area which was surrounded by many kong hamburu shinobi with danzo leading them hanzo had kidnapped conan and then proposed for yahiko to die to save conan's life he threw a kunai in nagato's direction and ordered him to kill yahiko yahiko agreed to die but nagato refused to kill him seeing this yahiko forcibly held nagato's hand with kunai and slid his own throat with it adai yahiko told nagato that he had to live and that he was the messiah nagato told naruto that yahiko's death was the second great source of pain for him this incident led nagato to go berserk as he used his renegade's abilities to subdue and backfire all attacks on him by hanzo's men but in the midst of this nagito's legs were horribly burned by hanzo's fire release technique while he was saving conan he ultimately summoned a large animated statue for battle which imbued several chakra rods from its body into nagato's back in order to use the lightest chakra the statue then released a soul-removing dragon which killed many of hanzo's men but as nagato was about to target hanzo himself he fled the scene with the body flicker technique nagato told naruto that he had become the leader of their gang and carried on yahiko's agenda to bring peace to the world after hearing nagato's story naruto reflected on everything that he had heard naruto agreed that some of the things that nagato mentioned were true but he also said that jurai had believed in him and that he would believe in what jiraiya had believed in and that was why he would not kill nagato nagano questioned this and naruto pulled the book that dry had written he began reading from it and told nagato the main character's name was naruto naruto then said that he would become hokage and he promised peace for amiga as well nagato then stated that naruto was like him when he was younger he said that he would believe in naruto and prepared to use a technique upon using the technique nagato used his outer path to release all the souls that had been captured and used it to also revive those who had died including kakashi fukusaku and shizune at mount myobuku the great toad sage was shown telling gamabunta that everyone had been revived and that he found it surprising that it was two of jaray's pupils that would bring about the revolution of the ninja world nagato then entrusted his will to naruto and passed away konan decided to leave the akatsuki and took both nagato and yahiko's bodies telling naruto that she would believe in him she then used her paper to create a bouquet of flowers as a son of peace and gave them to naruto naruto erected a shrine in the forest in honor of a sensei and started to make his way back to the ruins of konoha he almost succumbed with exhaustion but was caught by a newly revealed kakashi who carried naruto on his back to the board of the village awaiting them were his friends companions as the villagers congratulated naruto ebisu and erica thought about how their opinion naruto has undergone an immense change over the years he was once considered a nuisance and a demon but as his deeds were recognized he became a true hero through the eyes of many naruto's ultimate dream of acknowledgement had come true at last in the anime this takes place during this arc but in the manga it takes place during the five kage summit tsunade was left in a comatose state after using oliver chakra to protect the villagers meanwhile during the council meeting after the invasion dons was able to persuade the fire daimya to make him the acting sixth okay having finally acquired the title he labeled sasuke uchihai missing nin and ordered his assassination team samoy of kumagakari arrived in konoha with news that sasuke's team would kidnap killer b and was looking for whatever information konoha had on sasuke meanwhile on their way to konoha taka having abandoned nikotsky after capturing the eight tails was stopped by toby toby angered the taka had failed to actually capture the eight tails assigned taka a new mission to kill danzo the new hokage at the summit zetsu's white half led to lead the way toby told black setsu that payne's defeat was a major hindrance to his plans and that sasuke would be of no use to him if he could be controlled properly toby decided to finally separate the shadows and commence his eye the moon plan past dark the locus of konoha after not to defeated pain erika along with susame and daikoku fueno approached the ruins of the academy to salvage things for the class they split up in erica sees the destroyed academy remember when he first began as a teacher in the day he doesn't sorry toby assigned northwest monkey to his class though he refused it first dude in art to being the intro to give the nine tails erica accepts the next day nard to pulls a prank on him but instead of schooling him erica tells naruto to sit in his seat remembering the advice given to him from daikoku when seeing naruto being bullied by the other students because it was filled attempts to be better than sasuke irika tells him not to bother with a kid like him the next day in arthur learns sasuke is the only surviving member of the utiha clan after class north who wants to join hibachi and his friends in their test of courage though hibachi tells them not to follow them naruto pranks them later in the night by dressing up as a fox demon hearing them say they saw a fox demon erica runs to the quahog gravesite and learns at naruto recognizing erica's glare is the same one as everyone else in the village gives him naruto runs off with the intent not to return to the academy again the next day without their absence from glass and to die to be seen with the third guy erica's in the park remembers kakashi hadakan discusses his issues of being naruto's teacher higashi remembers when after his mission with him erika decides to become instructor at the academy and pass his will of fire the next generation hibachi and his friends decided to let naruto in the group if he would do the test of courage hibachi was told by his father that in the hills there are corpses left by enemy ninja naruto agrees to go get an item from a corpse in the hills hibachi tells his friends that there's still enemy ninja in the hills after naruto left when erica sees that naruto is absent in class he watches he hasn't seen him but shigo marinara having heard of this trick tells erica who runs out of the classroom to find naruto remembering susan by telling him the enemy ninja irrigator finder before the enemy ninja find him elsewhere kakashi here from chickamauga and choji that erica went to look for naruto in the hills eureka finds naruto and tries to get back to the academy but naruto refuses and tells him that he doesn't understand him naruto uses his sexy technique to escape erika before finding a kunai with paper on it three enemy kunuichi approached naruto demanding that he give them the kunai but he refuses having them resort to getting by force finding his sex detective uses on women naruto flees before running into iraq as he protects the boy while evading the kunuichi until akashi arrives and easily defeats the female ninja uruku gives the turkey the paper that was sitting on the kunai that north have found erica then thanks heroes for making him naruto's teacher which made him remember why he became a teacher not being strict naruto to keep him from getting into trouble urica's after class lecture on the will of fire gave naruto's aspirations to become the next hokage someday so everyone would respect and look up to him when naruto and sakura go get water for the comatose gotcha has a flashback of when he was appointed as leader team seven after their team's formation he watches naruto sasuke and sakura seeing naruto and sasuke's constant competition remembers what minato and obito said to him about teamwork and those abandoning their comrades are worse than scum meanwhile koharu and hamad discussed what he was in his decision of having naruto outside the village being put in the same team as sasuke donzo listens to another discussion and thinks heroes and put naruto and sasuke in the same team due to the uchiha being able to control the nine-tailed demon fox with the sharingan which he thinks is a good idea after noticing sakurai to press naruto tries to pick a fight with sasuke though all his techniques are no use against him sasuke easily beats naruto and the members of team seven decide to go meet their squad leader kagashi's flashback ends knowing as the group's leader it's up to him to put a stop to sasuke's root of hatred naruto and sakura meet up with hizuna and inari who come to help rebuild the village now without a flashback that takes place after team seven finished their mission in the land of waves naruto remembers he had forgotten a triac a coupon to inari's house and runs back to go get it tizuna finds the coupon and inari decides to give the naruto on his way inari runs into akane and his friends who try to pick him with team seven gone zory and waraji hear of this and kidnap the kids sakura in sasuke who was ordered by kakashi bring back naruto learned from tezuna inari went to meet up with them meanwhile the remnants of gato's thugs decided to take ganto's place and hold inari and the others for ransom naruto finds his coupon and also traces of a struggle sasuke also notices cuts in the trees from a sword which naruto remembers it was from one of gato's bodyguards at the thugs hideout inari and the others escaped from the thugs inanna decides to distract the molokai and his friends escape inari is chased into a dead end by the thugs but jumps into the water while swimming away naruto and sasuke find an aria pull them out of the water the thugs find him and fight naruto and sasuke who are no match against them when these thugs wrote to flee the villages surround them force them to give up kanye and his friends apologize to a knife for bullying him and they all become friends then he now he tells nathalie left his scoop on his house and arthur takes his pocket and wonders why he's missing sasuke then tells naruto that he'll probably drift when he's in the river pulling out inaudible by building a new better ichiraku ramen for him in a flashback of naruto and sakura's team seven are on a mission to take an ostrich name condor to his home they arrived at a village where they see a swordsman named cicada who was a vendetta to carry out a man named kitazu who killed his distant relative shigazo zukato fails to defeat him so naruto decides to teach him unusual revenge lessons when mr ostrich is running wild and about to run over a little girl sukado shows his hidden skills to stop shocking naruto sukado can't seem to use his skills against katazu as the look he gives him seems to drain him the next day a man named katabot and his gang bring kitazu to sukado who want profit off their fight sukhara doesn't hold back and manages to get the upper hand and arthur notices something's wrong naruto suddenly stops the fight saying katazu couldn't have killed chicazo as his sword isn't sharpened and from the look of his eyes kodasa reveals that his twin brother kageki accidentally killed chicazo kake london some money and after his child's birth he needed money and asked him if he could be repaid she goes to refuse in the beginning of fighting resulting that she goes falling and hitting his head out in a stone killing him then took his brother's identity and attack she causes pursuers while kageki and his family went into hiding so god decides not to kill him and as their use of fighting though kind of one wants them to keep fighting the swordsman team seven and mr ostrich chased the cannonball gang out of town while going back home now to wonders if it ended alright and kakashi says depends on them and then the flashback ends at sunigare gara conqueror and tomorrow wonders if they'll be able to rebuild the gara knows they will since they have naruto as a flashback team seven is sent on a mission to stop a group of bandits located between konohan suna resulting in two villages working together for the first time since soon as invasion though naruto is reluctant about it they meet with the team from sunnah who are led by gara shocking team seven ghara introduces his subordinates yauki and kurobi who are scared of garu stand abilities kakashi notices a change in kara noticing he's mellower than he was before and no longer has his blood thirsty lost both gaara and kakashi decided to split up so they can simultaneously attack the bandit base from different sides located on a mountain but before they do so gara secretly informs kakashi is being followed by another group from sunnah and hopes he won't be a burden though kakashi is completely fine with it as the more they overcome the stronger both their village spawns will be hiding in the trees are a group of sun and ninja who plan on killing gara when gara's team are headed to their direction gar is ambushed by the group and ninja who use techniques that prevent gar from using his sand guard tells yao ki and kodobi to flee as the ninja are only after him team seven noticed another group of tsuna ninja who were watching him when realizing the aim to kill gara naruto runs off to find garu while the rest team seven fight the assassination squad naruto finds the aoki and kurobi and learnsgaar is in danger he asked them why they abandoned their friend which leaves the aoki and koro be wondering if gary is their friend naruto rescues guard from the assassination squad with multiple shadow clones who fight them off with the help of yao ki and kurobi who tell gar they're his friends garland easily takes out the rest of the ninja team 7 and gara's team continue and finish their mission and then bid each other farewell after team 7 leaves gara asks yao ki and kurobi what they said to him and they happily say that he is friends which brings a smile to gara the flashback and zangara thanks naruto for helping him form his first bond with konoha jojo naruto brings lunch to soccer and shizuna with naruto are leading to assist rebuilding ishiraku afterwards upon hearing choji quote this saying fools never catch a cold soccer gets a flashback of catching narnia's cold socrates sees to naughty her office where she collapses sonata then speculates the case to be the chakra virus the illness which turns chakra into a terrible flu was found long ago in another village where naruto told everything on for a mission sonata not wanting to contaminate the village orders she's in it in a team of medical ninja caption naruto the medical name tried to capture naruto who thinks they're after him for overeating ramen but fail as he escapes from them every time the next morning naruto finds the village desert and gets shot out from a distance from one of the medical ninja naruto finds the ninja and learns the villages were evacuated through safe shelter and that united ordered archer's capture without explaining the reason she's in a team medical engineer that arrive and chase after naruto who tries to locate sonata naruto to find sonata who's just a quarter in with tall walls joji kiba and ten-ten who are also ordered to capture naruto each stand at different sides though they defeat many groups of shadow clones they're unable to capture the real naruto the real naruto flies to kona hospital distracting shino with another shadow clone as he hides in one of the rooms naruto then discovers the room that sasuke was recuperating in after the mission from the land of tea learning naruto is the source of a rock is occurring outside sasuke kicks north out of his room allowing the medical ninja to grab him after getting results from naruto she's gonna tell us tonight that he doesn't have chakra virus but had sneezed due to the pepper in his pocket and socrates is having an allergic reaction from said sneeze after his release naruto demands an apology from tsunade for her mistake however she covers it up by claiming the entire event was an emergency drill 1010 and nenji arrive at a konoha tool research lab for more tools due to the weakened military power after pain's invasion in a flashback mike guy is naruto to join team guy in a mission with rocky in the hospital before the mission guy signs 10 10 is captain of the team team 10 10 arrives at the lab and asks the tool maker io for tools he shows him some of his latest tools all of them are completely useless the impatient tent and demands for the tools they need from him the team checks on io's progress but he is missing nenji uses ibyakuna finds io hidden deeper into the lab they get past all the traps placed for ten-ten's help and find a stash of io's tools i was impressed with ten-ten skills and decides to test her with his latest invention when suddenly one of the traps outside has triggered they all run outside to see two ninja name gamaroo and kusune who demand more tools from isle who refuses naruto and ninja decide to fight them and they summon two prototype tools of ios dako and tsurukame ayo's apprentice shoseki confesses that he sold them the tools with naruto and negi struggling with the ninja ios 1010 uses latest invention jidanda tantan uses explosive tags to lift the giant iron ball in the air with the wrinkles of the explosions and throws dudanda at gamma room kusune that the attack was blocked by surukame the jidanda reveals explosive tags inside and explodes on gamma roon kusune after the fight io takes united back from ten and was hoping to keep it to make more adjustments to it naruto and edgy cheer up with complimenting on how great she was in the fight the flashback ends in tent and hopes that iowa finished the adjustments to jinanda in the ruins of going on mr ostrich decides to tell the story of his rivalry with naruto as young and how naruto would interfere with his freedom sonata assigns naruto to capture mr ostrich who escaped again into training ground zero unlike last time mr osters trained himself into becoming a dacho sonata he has kotatsu hagane captained the team of nara toshino and lee uzumakizuki learns quintet's mission and whines about not being with kotetsu which annoys his chino locate mr ostrich with his kikaichu the team manages to find him who laughs naruto shino has naruto try to distract emily would surprise him as bugs naruto makes an insult about mr ostrich's father makes a fool of himself instead she knows bugs get eaten by fly traps and the oscars makes an escape lee runs after him but runs into a boxing kangaroo mr ostrich runs to naruto and surprises him with his ability to speak naruto tetsu and lee all struggle in fighting against the powerful animals and decide to retreat kotetsu decides for the team to no longer hold back against them when suddenly mr ostrich and the kangaroo find them mr ostrich who now names himself condor is tired of humans domesticating animals and formed a team of ninja animals shino tries to sneak his bugs to condor but again they're eaten yet again by an anteater who's part of the condor's team the team battles against the animals are proved to be a handful for them kotetsu decides to use his conscience to fight condor who's knocked down by his powerful kicks izumo arrives and yells at kotetsu to run from hunter's attack izumo uses water release starts syrup capturing field to capture condor and kotetsu managed to strike down condor the rest of the team defeats the other animals they were fighting izumo arrived to help kotatsu but this resulted in leaving a sanctuary's paperwork unfinished kotetsu decided to make it up for him for finishing work for him the flashback ends and naruto finds condor who surprises he escaped yet again and chases after him lee arrives at tsunami's tent and asks soccer how she's feeling though sakura knots her head no lee brought a bottle of medicine guy made for her to get well and as a flashback winston now they told him that he could no longer become a ninja naruto and sakura find ino yamanaka at the hospital who tells them they have a mission together they say here allows to lee in his room lee accidentally drops his youth drink bottle the guy made for him but naruto catches it drinks at all putting lead to dismay lee explains that with the drink you'd be able to recover a little faster naruto decides to go see guy and have him make another drink gaia points naruto to a mission to go to mount jofoku to retrieve the jawfuku flower a medicinal herbs had to cure any illness which is the missing ingredient in the medicine he's making before setting off nowhere to put some green jumpsuit that guy gave him naruto meets sakura and you know the village gate who are waiting to leave naruto on their mission naruto tells them of his mission at mount jofuku which is also the place of his team's mission the team takes a break at a small tea shop where the old lady warns him of jofoko forest that has ghosts of dead ninja wandering about the team is heading to the force when they find a large sign blocking the path naruto decides to go through it with soccer you know following him having no choice naruto finds the flowers but upon pulling them finds some sand appearing that forms in agar after the mention of him from eno the team is shocked to see gara and decide to retreat but suddenly vegard imposter starts stacking guards having the same abilities as the real gara eno tries her mind body switch technique on the imposter but cannot send to consciousness in it naruto destroys the gagarin posture with the naruto uzumaki combo and arisangan suddenly they're approached by an old medical ninja from konoha named furofuki who's doing research in the forest sakura asks furofuki who or what is the imposter they are then answered that it was a joku flower which assumes the form of the nemesis of whoever pulls it they give futofukui the letter that they were assigned to do and are given another mission by here to take loads of joker flowers back to conoho with the final ingredient at hand guy is able to finish the medicine makes a bowl full of medicine balls for lee lee is shocked to hear that sakura and his team did this and decides to recover as soon as possible while he starts devouring the horribly tasting medicine balls guy does 1000 push-ups not wanting lee to be the only one to suffer and the flashback ends after leaving for his two year training with dry on our beginnings training to prepare to counter genjutsu and meet sasuke again dry summons gamariki to help train arthur to the chance against youtube by putting him under a weird genjutsu by kissing him naruto finds doraya sasuke and sakura all with the appearance of kamarika in a weird gender to the world not to try to cancel the better something is inner chakra flow but ends up knocking kamarik into a river having dry release naruto from genjutsu outside the village they were at jurai and naruto disrupt his chakra flow on a lake which he keeps failing at at the end of the day jurai remembers why he chose to teach naruto he sees his student minato namakazi as a son which makes naruto like a grandson to him the next day naruto manages to disrupt his inner chakra without falling into the lake completing the first step of his genjutsu training to complete the final part of the genjutu training drya takes an artistic ability once visited on his journeys that is surrounded by a force that gives off something to someone's track of flow to the brain similar to genjutsu dry finds a wall around the village and himarator is shot by chili pepper bombs the boy who shot the pill is named tanishi whose parents once gave dry a place to say during his journey tanishi demands that they leave when he hears the other village is coming dry and naruto sneaked into the village and demand that tanishi tells in this situation tanisha tells about a group of missing from amiga led by a ninja in kandachi who were hiding from the village and wanted to take over his village he threatened to kill women and children if word comes out about their presence in the village tanichi's father sukuni stood up against the ninja by freeing them from their genjutsu and shooting a chili pepper bomb at them katachi brutally murdered togunai did that day tanishi thought of his father as a fool for getting himself killed drya knocks out tanishi after being told to leave the village draya pretended to be caught by naruto disguises tanishi takes him to kandachi who remembers jorah jurai wonders why the right man of hanzo ran from his village which kandachi states no longer has a leader and is no longer their village the real tiny she arrives exposing naruto and dry as planned keeping his promise kandachi summons the conch king and decides to have the hostage villagers killed tini she begs karachi to spare the villagers but he does not hear him out while draya saves the villagers naruto decides to take on kandachi and the conch king but as resengan does no damage to the creature the two beat nordstrom down constantly she wonders why naruto is being full that doesn't give up naruto tells tanisha to take the villages to safety while he fights kandachi in the conch king with the help of fellow villager and jiraria tanishi takes the villagers to safety juraid joins naruto to fight kandachi while the two are put under the water release genjutsu mythic fog prison by the kanji king with the arrival of tanishi decided to be a fool like naruto his father he releases nar's on drive from the genjutsu with the chili pepper bomb the jaraya with naruto turns out to be a shadow clone and the real dryer tells an artist to create a more powerful resent gun similar to the one that nakagamariki naruto works on creating the recent gun while dry held onto the conch king with wild lion's mane technique after naruto finished creating his first big baller sengon he used it to feed kandachi in the conch king after the battle naruto asked kandachi why he couldn't have asked the village to hide him in his group and he tells me he's no fool which in order to respond to by punching him in the face and saying that if he was things would have gone better with the ahman ninja god naruto and dry along with the villagers mourned for sukuni telling him that they're finally free naruto and ray leave the village and he tells naruto that he sees him as a grandson which seemed to freak naruto out a group of ninja cats led by a giant cat visit nakoba's shop once to buy tools from her while finding out a book of her is a picture of team seven of the giant paw print falls from it which the cat leader picks up and has a flashback team seven in his side but neck about to get the popper into the boss and the ninja cat in the world for an echo foreign cyclopedia which was a game played by itachiojia and sasuke when they were younger eventually thought she angered sasuke and leaves spread of the mission mechanics playing naruto and soccer of the uchiha brothers game where he taught you to sign sasuke to collect paw prints from fast cats to large lions sometimes sasuke stopped playing the game and two paw prints remained nekobah collected one of the two poppers from yugitoni the agent should give the two tails and asked team seven collect the last one from nekomata which hid himself on a fortress outside the shop sasuke prepares for the mission hoping to pass the battery's brother set megawa gives team seven cat ears to infiltrate nekomata's fortress after being guided by hina and danka team seven heads to the fortress at first they managed to fold the guards but after naruto blows his cover the cats alert the other cats of intruders sasuke and sakura sneaking without naruto split with men nakamata they both managed to find nekomata's location with the other cats and his location but running to catch that they're forced to fight though they defeat in the end sasuke finds nakamura who is surprised that sasuke got by all his guards nakamoto begins the fight by placing saskander again jutsu but sasuke breaks with a sharingan for the rest of the fight nikomata relies on brute force when sasuke is about to be killed naruto and sakura are to save him naruto decides to take on nekobado the sasuke decides to beat himself with a bunch of kunai exploding tags hanging above nikomodo chatskate through under the fight the ceiling collapses and nikomata defeating him and sasuke collects his last pop print ending the flashback nakamoto remembers seven years before his fight with sasuke that he fought and last week taught you told him sasuke will fight him in seven years not to hold back on him nekobah states that it's unfortunate that the two brothers who loved each other eventually began to have hatred towards each other an elderly ninja named kosuke marboshi as they flashback on a mission that he had with naruto years before kona's destruction kosuke is a ninja of konoha who had been a gang for 50 years naruto was tasked with trolling areas near the village after the invasion so countries won't try invading them and it's surprised to learn that kosuke is a ninja who's on the same team as his for the mission and also about the famous konohan ninja he served under naruto and the other members come to enjoy his presence finding them very useful to have around during the mission coast gate shares a bit of his history including missions under the second and third okay when uninst start to attack the zhonyan of the group stay behind without nazo and kosuke to light the village the union eventually reached them but they're able to shrug them off not their questions kosuke about a high level technique he used the kunuichi captain of the ui nin reaches them and gets angry when she learns that so many of her getting troops are defeated by a few gunning kosuke tells naruto to go on without him and starts fighting her using techniques he learned from the previous hokage note that it comes back and kosuke defeats the kunichi at the present coast gate sees arthur from afar remember serving under the fourth hokage and uses to himself the fourth left behind a fine son meaning he's one of the few people who is aware of north's lineage after seeing a travelling musician visiting kanako korea while citizens are rebuilding kashi harake remembers he in team seven's incident with hanarei of the jummy village kakashi has no memory of hanare and inuichi suggests he spent time with her hoping you can use the sharingan to learn more about her kakashi and henry walk around the village you know that sakura no kakashi's with someone and rushes to see for herself being naruto and sasuke along the way who already know and are also interested hundred tells kakashi how she met him years ago when she was lost and how he helped her find her way back they try to eavesdrop on the tube and end up falling on top of them knocking kakashi directly on top of hanure uncovering a sharingan three covered up by saying they approve of kakashi and henry's supposed relationship konoha learns that hanu ray's village has a konohan joni in custody and agree for a hostage exchange kakashi objects to the trade during the trigashi explodes the bridge in which the trade occurred intending to take honoree back the drama village head tells us to rush back to the village with the information she collected when team seven corners him the village had commit suicide to prevent information leaking hanary reaches a cliff and kakashi reaches her he tells her that he knows about her special information gathering technique which allows her to look inside her own mind and read the mind of those probing her mind because she accidentally copied with the shrine when he was not on top of her honorary tells him that she's erased all the information she had on konohob because for the first time she felt that she was home belong somewhere when naruto sasuke and sakura accepted her having never known her parents being raised out of a village by the time the others reached him kakashi is alone claiming that she jumped off the cliff which she was cornered she lived and has seen walking wish she met kakashi as a kid konamaru uran and moagie asked to interview neji about naruto for a report they're doing for academy students who wants to know more about naruto nedji hesitates but agrees to talk with them he tells him about what happened after he lost his fight with naruto on the tuning exams after hiyashi revealed the circumstances of hisashi's death sentence spoken nenji they're interrupted by the invasion with fights breaking out throughout konoham negi finds his grandfather a huge clan l they're defeated he learns that two kumo spectators took the invasion as a chance and kidnapped united to take her yakugan the other urges them to rescue hinata no matter what they find kiba and akimaru and set out to rescue nada on the way they run into a trap with 10 10 stays behind to take care of it and let's say this go ahead they close in on the two kumamon who knows that the trap has been triggered and they begin to leave hinata having awakened strikes one for captors kiba charges in smoke bombs explode and he leaves the hinata one of the captors tries to attack kiba who strikes back with a gentle fist maneuver defeating the kumon in nudgy disguise himself as kiba and fled the smoke bomb site leaving cuba and the real hinata behind the reigning kidnapper begins fighting using long-range earth release techniques and almost defeats neji but hiyashi appears and defeats him when he tries to escape neji asks why hiyashi would leave conan during the invasion learning that his cares about his daughter and that he actually sees nige as a memento from his younger brother hizashi kononmara complains that the story has nothing to do with naruto and eddie tells him that naruto is the most important thing about the story without him it might not have even happened he remembers how he not apologized for the trouble she caused naji but he told her he did it because he wanted to his battle naruto having changed him when naruto was asked by shikomaru and shiho to see if he recognized anybody in the photos they were able to recover naruto grabs on and leaves he then thinks back that we met the man in the photo he remembers the time where he found a tag with the name kisuke written on it we then see naruto sitting on his bed he sees a man sitting on the other side and after realizing that he's a ghost he starts screaming naruto asks him who he is but the man does not remember after the man sees a tulip and gonna suddenly remember who he is now he became a ghost his name is kiisukeroshi an ombu operative investigating infiltration of spies in the konoha when he was alive he was investigating a suspect named sabiru after following him around he was discovered the two clashed the bat landed with siberia sealing away kiska's soul naruto disguises kiseke breaks into a meeting involving konoha's security system and accuses saboteur of being a spy when sabino says the real kiss gay is dead naruto escapes kakashi and somebody wants his tail at some point the chase kakashi caught naruto and gave naruto a chance to prove severe guilty of the murders of his king's wife once a bit of confess to naruto that he did kill the two kashi appeared ready to arrest him but subido was properly taken out but copper yakashi was hit in the trees near the end of the day khisuke's soul is ready to depart and says goodbye to naruto back in the present naruto places a bouquet of tulips on the gravestone of kisuke just he promised he would do whenever he remembers him when keeping inazuka and nakamura delivering some items sakura harino and naruto is mock you're watching sakura commented on how naruto and sasuke were inseparable those days and i thought a flashback to a missionary team because she had retrieved a golden statue which was stolen by abandoned thieves from a feudal princess as naruto and sasuke retrieved the statue soccer gets taken hostage at first sasuke insists on continuing the mission but naruto tells him that those who abandoned the friends of worsened scum when they finally find soccer and the bandits it was at first hard for them because their hands got stuck together however one by one through teamwork the two quickly defeated the bandits and their leader jaco although the mission was a success the statue itself was very damaged but kakashi had a case said they could be melted recasted when naruto complained about having his hands stuck to sasuke sakura said that it would naturally fall apart within two or three days much of the disappointment of naruto sasuke team osmo tries to round up some hogs for the villagers to eat noticing the teamwork shikumar remembers a time that the team also worked very closely together in order to complete a mission after a village headman's granddaughter was kidnapped by bhaji he had kona hakukura's team seven in team 10 for assistance when the teams accepted the mission to stop bhajji and rescue the girl and exponent named tofu actually there's a guide shikamaru then instructed osman kakashi to find an alternate route to the baji's fortress tofu later gets captured and revealed to be a double agent working for the gang leader when the sixth getting infiltrated the fortress shikumaru agreed to a hostage exchange between him and tofu in order to fight out the location of the headman's granddaughter you know and choji managed to find the tower where the hostages were head and later helped defeat baji the mission ended with his success the abandoned group was captured and the headman's granddaughter was rescued the scene then shifts back to the present time where inaudible leave choji the arduous task of carrying the hogs all the way back to the village well in the way to contact the stops at a construct that sasuke recognizes he thinks back to when he first came across it during a training session near the location softheart remembers how he's flying behind naruto after he defeated gara he punches the tree and uses cheetah to take some of them out a girl named naho almost falls from a cliff nearby and sasuke saves her later sasuke and kakashi been sent to investigate national wanted less criminals and naruto and sakura had been sent to escort najo a relative of the fire daimyo to cheese my village naha wants sasuke to escort her but he was with kakashi under the mission naruto disguises himself out of sasuke so naho agrees to go with him after sasuke she noted the fortress was empty nah's group was intercepted by sada and his associates naruto sakura and naho come across the criminal and his associates naruto defeats the associates but can't take down their leader they're all captured kakashi uses a nin ken to track the criminal sasuke appears in the leader moxen mentioning he alone in his clan wasn't worth killing mirroring hitachi's words sasuke takes on the leader who reveals an earth release armor the reason he's been able to take so many attacks sasuke feeds muchudori and proceeds to keep punching him she stops him and sasuke goes back to gonohal by himself naho comments that sasuke is scary but naruto assures her that sasuke just has a lot going on with him at the moment and promises to take it to him when he's better now to the movie blood prison a discusses the box of omo kaduri samurai and mabui and suddenly gas covers the room knocking everyone asleep then a hooded figure leaps out attacking the sleeping rakague only for the figure to stop right before killing a when a is seen above the figure the figure dodges and is able to equally fight with a in the battle a is able to destroy the hood revealing the hood of the figure as an art to uzumaki taking advantage of aid shock naruto escapes the team samui and mabu wake up aid tells him to summon killer b in konohaka korea sonar states that narutos wanted for attempting to assassinate the leader of kumu gakurei the reikage and killing joni from kumukake and iwa gakurei showing wanted posters of naruto from ibugaki and kirigakore tim kakashi naruto and soccer refused the claims but tsunami states naruto will be placed in the hosuki castle a criminal containment facility also known as the blood prison in kusagakade naruto attempts to escape only for yamato to encase him and tsunade takes away his forehead protector when naruto arrives at josuke castle muay the head of the prison quickly places the fire release heavenly prison on naruto stealing his chakra naruto learns this the hard way after using a shadow clone and naruto quickly collapsed from the pain caused by the seal naruto was later taken captive by marui who's working for muy when naruto was brought to a lab muay realizes that the naruto taken was a clone while the real naruto was hiding he used the chance to escape but the pain from the seal made him pass out after being caught he was taken into solitary confinement while in solitary confinement here's a mysterious voice that if you can't defeat moy then the seal will disappear naruto then after being released attacks moy but the seal causes narcotics to collapse and he's taken back into solitary confinement muay questions north's devotion to his home wondering why he bothered being loyal when naruto is released he's looked up to by the rest of the prisoners naruto later attempts to escape again by knocking out one of the guards and taking his clothes when his shadow clone fools everyone as he is able to get to the edge of the island where ryu is as it tells him to stop naruto refuses to listen as he jumps into the whirlpool he nearly drowns but ryuzetsu saves him naruto thought she was a boy but later sees that she's a girl and that her mission is to kill muy and stop the box of ultimate bliss she reveals that muy even sacrificed his son muku to the box and that muy set naruto up she asks for not just have to destroy the box naruto agreed in the next day naruto challenges muy again but is defeated and taken to solitary confinement when naruto is confined ryuzetsu attempts to stab muay only to reveal that she attacked marui mahrez forms an alliance with her saying that he's not really on muy's side but he's just on the side that benefits him the most when naruto is asked to leave the punishment room he uses a clone to gather the magical energy because he intends on using sage mode naruto on rio is out to pretend to fight and golfing the entire courtyard in the fight while mary forces prisoners inside the fight as well creating chaos in the chaos maori performs the technique in the sky while naruto tries to find the box just before he's able to start the box he's captured by muy muy extracts summoner's chakra allowing the box to revive naruto is able to escape moy then reveals that his wish is to bring back his son the box grants his wish opening up allowing a grown-up muku to walk out mook within a pailed moody with his own hand and knocked out kazan mook would then transform into satori when all chaos breaks out nauto enters sage mode and then tried to use the big baller seng under the box of ultimate bliss destroy it but he fails naruto then is engaged with combat with satori but fails because he's unable to touch him so he summons gamabunta to help combat satori but they can't attack him due to their moves being predicted beforehand eventually naruto runs out of sand jutsu alliance tried to attack naruto this forced ganbabun to defend him causing gamabunta to be defeated sathur then attacks naruto again but is safe by killabi naruto is amazed that killer b and all his friends have gathered there as naruto wonders why this is happening sonata reveals that it was naruto's mission to destroy the box and that no one believed that naruto really committed into the crimes it was also revealed that mario was a friend of killer bees and that he was a mysterious voice naruto decides to attain sage mode once again it tells killer being the others to distract saturday when he does this naruto was able to realize that saturday cannot read the minds of people but he can read their fears allowing naruto to fight sotry evenly in sage mode naruto attempted to end the battle by creating a larger sengon with two clones however saturday impales him with ryuzetsu in the way naruto is able to wake muay up and uses his shadow clones to hold saturday's wings pushing saturday back and therefore allowing muy to weaken it naruto uses this time to free him in ryuzetsu and defeat saturday by firing a wind release ross and shuriken returning saturday back to normal mukul kills both his father and himself and apologizes to ryozatsu for not keeping his promise the prisoners attempt to escape but or stop bernardo's friends after capturing all the prisoners sakura tries to heal a dying naruto but has no success until ryzen revives naruto basinger genkai with the cost of her life in the aftermath moony and rizetsu were shown to be buried next to each other naruto then ties ryuzetsu's bandana around her gravestone promising to cherish the life she returned to him and re-quoting what she had said about being a guiding light by protecting the things people cherish five kake summit when conor we reveal her intention of killing sasuke to avenge her fallen master killer b naruto offered to be beaten in order to relieve karaoke for pain she brutally beat naruto until sai stepped in to protect his teammate omoi remarked that naruto would never betray sasuke though unsatisfied with what they gathered team samuel had to leave konoha to report to the fourth rakage when they left they unknowingly stepped in yamato's tracking seed which allowed yamato kakashi and naruto to follow them into the land of iron after receiving medical care naruto recounted his conversation with his late father the fourth of kage when he was on the verge of fully transforming into the nine tails he convinced kakashi and yamato to accompany him to the land of iron to ask a's pardon for sasuke's actions gaara the fifth kazakhstani of sununugakurai the third tsuchika gave iwagakare mei tarumi the fifth musical game of kirigagakurei departed from their villages with two guards each as requested by the fourth ray kage to the location of the summit the land of iron before leaving for the land of iron danso ordered root members dodgy moon turret to find cobblestone before anko did believing kappa does information might be useful for restoring his right arm and eye on the way to the summit danzo and his bodyguards fuyamanaka and toruna were attacked by assassins donzo uncovered the bandages over his right eye revealing a bloodshot showing god and quickly dispatched the attackers kakashi put two route members watching naruto and genjutsu and told side to report to danza that naruto had not left konoha yamato planted tracking seeds on team tsamwe and fall into the reikage in the land of iron despite naruto's desperate please even kakashi yamato's assistants a refused to call off the hunt for sasuke jihad in school and arthur for being weak and defending a criminal mifune the leader of the land of iron started the five caucasus summit with each caged bodyguards looking on the kage quickly began to argue due to ideological differences donso mentioned killer b sending a into a rage and prompting all the kangas bodyguards to assume already sans a claimed that each of the other kage was in some way responsible for the akatsuki's rise to power the fourth kazukage may have used the khatsuki to facilitate the kona hot crush the suchikage hired koski to avoid sending an inexperienced ninja of his village into battle and the fourth mizukage yagara karatachi was probably manipulated by akatsuki when donso stated that akatsuki's leader is almost certainly maru uchiha miufane proposed the five countries unite to eliminate akatsuki and that danzo lead the alliance ao tarumi's bodyguard with his biakrogan discovered danzo's secret use of shishui uchiha's sharing god to manipulate mufina's decision suddenly white zetsu appeared before the kage announcing that sasuke chihuahua was near in konohan the konohawa 11 discussed the turn of events and came to the conclusion that they had to hunt down sasuke before his actions or death from other ninjas sparked an all-out war between countries shikamaru has team seven for consent sakura left guilt-ridden and distraught after being talked to by saiyan chickamar decided to find naruto in the land of iron and talk to him herself she left konoha with kiba lee and sai while resting at an inn after speaking to a naruto was greeted by toby who proceeded to tell the konohan about how hitachi jihad sacrificed for konoha and for his little brother sasuke toby stated that while naruto inherited the senju clans will of fire sasuke had embraced the uchiha clan's hatred and the battle between the two would be inevitable enraged a choke zetsu snapping his neck when he failed to answer his inquiries about sasuke before storming out of the meeting room with his guards outside saskatoon defeated all the land of iron's guards however the kage proved to be stronger than sasuke imagined hayes immense physical strength allowed him to snap so he gets whose sword in half and fend off a fully transformed jugo against a superior lightning-based technique which is capable of nullifying even the chidori sasuke activated his monkey your sharingan and used an incomplete susano wrapped in the inextinguishable flames of amaterasu to defend himself a smashed through sasuke's defense the cost of an arm before a could injure himself further gara the kazakh intervened wishing to talk to sasuke gara tried to persuade sasuke to abandon the path in darkness but failed using susano sasuke stood immune to simultaneous attacks from gara conquered tomorrow and darwini a's bodyguard after collapsing the structures outside the meeting room forcing his opponents to recede sasuke ordered korean to lead him to danzo abandoning suigetsu and jugo to their fate upon seeing sasuke danzo escaped with its bodyguards with ao torum's bodyguard in pursuit sasuke was about to give chase when through he sealed off the exit with their lava release even though zetsu's sport technique trains with the chakra of everyone in the building to sasuke he suffered from turumi's acidic mist and would have been pulverized by onoki the suchikage had not been for the timely arrival of toby after teleporting sasuke korean to safety toby said he sent sasuke to the summit to train the monkey kyo sharingan and to weaken the kage for easy capture but admitted he was pushing his luck according to toby the sage of the six paths was worshipped as a god throughout the old ninja world because he managed to subdue the ten tails sealing within his own body and becoming the very first in chotaki the sage knew once he died the ten tales being unleashed and once again they wasted the world so in his final moments he split his chakra into nine parts which would become the nine-tailed beasts and seal its empty body in a massive chewbacca tensei which would become the moon toby's plan was to use the combined power of the nine-tailed beast to reawaken the ten tales and seal it within himself attaining god-like power with that power he would project an infinite sukiyomi on the moon effectively conquering the planet toby forces the kage to make a choice between handing over killer b and naruto the host of the eight tales and the nintendo demon fox respectively or facing war with the katsuki and their seven tailed beasts when they refused toby declared the fourth shinobi world war and departed as the threat of akatsuki become too great for any one nation to handle ikage and the leader of the land of iron for the first time in ninja history agreed to form a five country alliance because danzo fled the summit earlier gara offered to relay the information to konoha through kakashi hadaka instead the goget decided it would be best to hide the two remaining hosts from the front line as both are unpredictable on the battlefield and toby would expect him to turn up with his composure regained a was voted the leader of the alliance killer bee having faked his capture the hensataka takes the opportunity to escape the studious guardian of his village at an unknown location while he was practicing singing with the leader of the ankin and jisabu kisumehoshigaki arrived after quickly dispatching sabo's companion ponta a tanuki he somehow went to battle both killer bee and sabu feeding his sword samhara with enough of beast chakra to reveal his true form killer bee was at a great disadvantage because even though he was low in chakra he was unwilling to fully release the eight tails out of fear for saboon point to safety the longer the battle went on the more exhausted he became the more likely kisame won as with the help of his chakra stealing sword samahara keeps me could heal himself and stay at his peak condition having trapped his opponents in a giant dome of water that moved along with him keisu might absorb samajada into his own body taking an even more shark-like form he stalled kismet the cost of his eight-tail's chakra cloak allowing sabu and ponto the chance to escape the water dome before drowning deprived of chakra and suffocated v was rendered unconscious kiss may release the technique and was about to cut off these legs when somebody had a turn in him and attempted he'll be having grown attached to b's chakra kisame got rid of the rebellious blade picked one of b's swords that prepared to deal the finishing blow fortunately b was saved by the time they rivaled the reikage in his guards b and a performed the lightning release double area decapitating kisame in the blink of an eye after the summit ikage left the land of iron to return to their respective villages as eight and his guards went to aid killer b out of kirigakuri followed danzo in his guards only to be trapped by foo foo sensing mae and trojito coming and unable to steal the biakugan due to his protective seal attempted to trick mate into dispelling the seal for him however because his mannerisms were so different from the real owl mae saw through the trick and forced food to dispel the technique himself meanwhile kakashi advised that naruto and yamato not mentioned what toby had said about the uchiha clan and sasuke until they knew more as they did not know if what he was saying was true while naruto contemplated toby's words he attempted to find sasuke via stage mode but was interrupted by the arrival of sakura harano's group sakura gave a false confession of love to naruto and asked him to give up his search for sasuke telling him he was a criminal and that with her love he would not have to burden himself with his promise naruto questioned the confession got into an argument with soccer over how he hated people who lied to themselves and how he knows all too well that she's still know sasuke and stating that her chasing after sasuke was still something he must do for himself without being able to explain why or what he had learned earlier failing to commit standard to give up and angered sakura left with sai kebab inazuka and rocklee to find sasuke on their own as they left sai feeling responsible for inadvertently sending sakura on a suicide mission left they cloned behind to tell naruto what soccer could not sai revealed that the rest of konja 11 had decided that they themselves must kill sasuke to avoid an even greater conflict they concluded that sasuke being allied with akatsuki and almost causing an international incident in taka's attempted abduction of killer b is not worth saving if it causes the world to go to war because of this and what syed talked to her about he believed that sasuke and naruto's promise to her is causing him nothing but pain sakura has decided to kill sasuke herself because she still loves him so much that she would rather end him than allow him to follow his path to darkness and risk naruto in the process naruto realizing that his dream of bringing sasuke back to konahaw's ruin began to silently grieve as the kazukage konkaro and tamari arrived they updated the kona hyundai the results of the summit about foundation of the ally nobody forces the declaration of war and their decision to promote kashi as hokage after danzo's deceitful actions at the summit and his subsequent fight after sasuke's attack seeing no other choice kakashi said that it would be best to return to konohan relay the news of the war gara knowing naruto's reluctance and having to fight sasuke reminded him that his dream is to be hokage and as hokage he must do what needs to be done naruto stays silent shoving gara's hand off his shoulder yet despite the circumstances gara tells him that he considers an artist to a friend and asks him to contemplate the meaning of the word in his own way and to do what he thinks was the best thing for sasuke for himself before leaving with mario and kankuro reflecting on all that's happened and unable to process his thoughts naruto started hyperventilating before passing out toby appeared before danzo and prepared to engage him in battle but danzo ordered his men to back him up his bread releases seal on shisu's arm despite their strength toby eventually captures foo yamanaka in totally just before teleporting him into his pocket dimension to retrieve korean sasuke when they return donzo finishes releasing his iron which is revealed to have 10 sharing gun eyes and planted in it sasuke then attacked danzo using susano and demanded to know if he forced touch into killing his clan danza confirmed this and insulted hitachi's honor resulting in sasuke forcing his incomplete susano into completion with the upper hand sasuke attacked almost killed danzo but the attack was redirected by a tree danzo sprouted using his wood release the result of an experiment to allow him to use the forbidden uchiha technique izanagi however using the 60 second time limit to his advantage sasuke managed to trick donzo into believing that he hadn't used all the shotgun eyes to severely injure him desperate danzo attempted to use korean as a hostage but sasuke merely stabbed through her to pierce danzo's heart just before death donzo tried to seal sasuke and toby into his own body and sequentially crushed chisu's eye preventing toby from using it to his advantage with danzo dead toby claimed his body and told sasuke to kill karine if he had no use for her before leaving sasuke moved to finish her off as sakura harano arrived after knocking out the group and declared that she would defect from konoha to follow him back at the end naruto awakened was told by yamato that there to return to kong hawaiikashi handle sakura naruto however tricked the fatigue yamato into letting him rest while he sneaked through the floor to follow kakashi using sage mode kakashi found kiba and the others after finding out where sakura went and he rushed towards her as sakura tried to join sasuke he asked her if she would really betray konoha sasuke then ordered her to kill kareem to take her place in his group as evidence of her loyalty to him but a moment of hesitation in her told him she was lying so he attempted to kill her kakashi suddenly arrived to stop sasuke's attack and prepared to fight his former student after seeing how far he had fallen and feeling responsible for all it had led to fourth shinobi world war countdown as sasuke and kakashi fight the former's vision starts to fade away from overusing the monkey kyo sharingan sakura takes the chance to try to kill sasuke but is unable to bring herself to do it sasuke then tried to kill her once again but naruto appeared and saved there naruto attempted a reason with sasuke who declared his way of reviving his clan by destroying every possible link to it thus forgetting their honor seeing sasuke is a lost cause kakashi tried to send sakura and naruto away but naruto charged sasuke both attacking with their signature techniques in a moment of understanding after the collision a similar effect seen after their battle at the valley of the end sasuke give naruto a choice be one of his victims or a hero for killing him naruto told him he would do neither the blast sends naruto and sasuke backwards kakashi catches naruto sasuke's caught by zetsu toby teleports to sasuke while white zetsu makes clones of himself to capture naruto toby tells zetsu not to battle him and to go find kisame now we're throwing an answer that he saw in to sasuke's heart and that they would both die to fight again and be rid of the uchiha and the nine-tailed fox after hearing darto's choice sasuke merely says that he will not go back in the path he walks then he'll kill naruto first naruto answers back by saying that sasuke still hasn't accepted him as an equal and sasuke tells toby that they must talk toby and sasuke teleport back to akatsuki's hideout where sasuke asked toby for hitachi's eyes to be transplanted to him meanwhile back at the bridge naruto sakura and kakashi get ready to leave after retrieving korean but naruto passes out from the poison from sakura's kunai that he got cut with from saving sakura from sasuke sakura gives an art to the antidote and they set off back to konoha meanwhile it's revealed that the kisame who was killed during the fight with killer bee was actually a clone of zetsu and that the real piece of it was alive and well back in kumogakade a killer b and team samui return killer beat has taken samihata with kisme inside the sword planning and infiltrating kumagakari to retrieve the eight tails and in an unspecified location kabuto is shown using orochimaru's snake abilities to subdue a couple of ninjas saying that he's getting used to his new powers and then it's time to get things moving returning to kiba lee akamaru and sai sakura and naruto all go back to the village along with kakashi with a weak and korean upon return the others tell naruto that they want to fight sasuke too and he can't fight him alone naruto disagrees and says that he's the only one able to fight sasuke and the only one that will the others question him what happened when he confronted sasuke naruto says he will tell them when the time is right and walks off the ramen ichiraku with danzo dead the village leaders have to decide in a new sixth hokkai game and vote akashi for the position saying that they think that sunugakuri will agree as well the fire daimyo says kakashi haruke i will now appoint you as but is cut off by an unknown shinobi guy in the anime running into the room and telling the fire diamond that is urgent news she's in a then breaks out in tears that she sees tsunade has survived and hugs her thus removing the need for six okay at the same time in their hideout sasuke is shown we're getting consciousness again after the operation in which hitachi's eyes were implanted in him sasuke states that he can feel the tattoos power flowing into him sonata who has regained consciousness is eating a tremendous amount of food to rebuild her chakra reserves she's then greeted by kakashi who's relieved that she's all right as it would have meant him becoming hokage and he feels he's cut out for it tsunade orders a meeting to make preparations for the coming war elsewhere at the makeshift headquarters for the interrogation unit ibiki mourinho prepares to interrogate korean on the information about sasuke kabuto while on mount bioku the great toad sage gerotora shima and fukusaku are having a meeting about whether or not jurais requests that gerotor store himself with the naruto can be honored the great sage says he has had a vision of naruto's future and requests to see him before he decides whether or not he should receive the key to a seal naruto is enjoying some ramen when sakura informs him assunaudi's recovery this leads to his next meal being declared on the house as he's about to eat he's reversed summoned to mount myobaku to receive the premonition the sage sees an animal island paradise octopus tentacles and tells naruto that he would meet a young man with powerful eyes naruto listens to what he has to say and ultimately accepts whatever lies ahead for him anko and her team have located a number of bodies evidently victims of kaputo the fact that he just left from there and made no attempt to hide them leads the team to suspect a trap meanwhile kabato's located toby briefly shows off his nobilities reincarnating hitachi data kakuzu saucery and nagato and offers an alliance to toby kabato asks for sasuke to test it in ninjutsu toby asks if he refuses and kappa those subs under the casket with an unseen body that shocks toby toby then accepts the offer under the condition that kabuto cannot be anywhere near sasuke to the end of the war nearby encore on your team discover kabuto is joy to toby and she wonders what his motives are and reports the news to konoha back at manbiobuku naruto sides the contract to the key believing he's ready to control the nine tails and garrett torres stores himself inside naruto naruto asked the great toad stage about where to find the octopus but he only sees midnight island paradise fukusaku who sends an artist back to ichiraka were two going on ninja asked for his autograph akuma gagari the fourth regatta calls a short meeting with the other kage three days later the kanga discussed the enemy's power and confining the jinchoki tsunade is outraged by confining naruto and b saying they would help greatly in the war though gar and onoki talked her down telling her that it was already decided and that her sole opinion won't change anything a says naruto and b will be confined on an island in kumakakura that he and b train at in the anime sonata privately meets with the reikage requesting the b trained naruto to control the nine tails as she still believe that there might be a chance they will have to join the war and that they should be ready should that happen which i approved which is why he also chose that island as naruto yamato and other konohan kuma ninja arrived at the island a giant squid who naruto thinks is the octopus the great toad sage spoke of appears and grabs naruto until he's saved by b in his full eight tail transformation one kuma ninja mo toy greets them and guides them through the island while guiding them through the island they are confronted by king a large gorilla that be is tamed mojo tells naruto that he can control the beast on the island but he can also control the eight tails learning b is also a jinjoki later naruto asks beef he can help control the nine tails and be refuses naruto tries to rap but messes it up by unintentionally insulting b and he tries to fix with the harem technique though he slams the door on naruto naruto goes to motor to ask him about the elite to control the a-tails who brings them to the falls of truth the first step to how be learned to control his eight-tailed beast at the balls of truth motoy tells naruto to sit in front of the waterfall and close his eyes when an evil version on our temperatures from the waterfall dark naruto begins to insult the real narrative saying he's an imposter and insults him over the choices he's made which anchors naruto they fight bernard to realize that they're both evenly matched the battle ends in a tie when he wakes up and tells moto about his encounter with the dark naruto moto tells him to defeat dark naruto in order to control the nine tails meanwhile killer b is fighting with some bears in competition details tries to pursue him into helping naruto with fails also moto reveals something about his past he once tried to kill be himself but failed when naruto and yamato asked why he begins to reveal about the eight tails blade of history long ago eight tails had several hosts but each failed to control it after each host lost control the eight tails rampaged through kumogakade several times each time it rampaged the third reikage and other elite nobody came to stop it and seal it inside a ceiling jar each time the beast was re-sealed many shops would lose their lives one of those was moto's father almost immediately after killer b was chosen to be the new host moto i thought it was pointless and the beast would go on rampage again because of his father's death the hate of the eight tales grow to control and motu attempted to kill a killer bee he was quickly dispatched and killed stuck at his hand for his customary fist bump after which motoy ran away not speaking to kill it again after moto's story naruto goes off to think of all the villagers and his friends trust him suddenly not though he's moto being attacked by the giant squid which mistakes for b again naruto and yamato begin to assault the squid until b arrives this time punching a hole through the squid after being saved by b motoi tells b that he tried to kill him years ago and b easily forgives him which brings tears to moto's eyes as they bump fists which cause naruto to smile later on b thanks starts over helping boton they become friends b then becomes willing to teach in order to how to control the night tales they return to the falls of truth where dark knights have surfaces again noticing a change in naruto naruto states he has faith in himself and hugs dark naruto which causes him to disappear into naruto with the darkness eliminated inside of him b takes naruto to his sacred place behind the waterfall where he will fight the ninetales they approach an entry box where naruto activates a switch and opens the door to a large empty room naruto approaches the nine tails within a subconscious and removes the seal thus releasing the beast naruto tries to use his chakra with the help of bee to pull the knight tells chakra but it slices the eight tails tentacles and pulled away it then realizes naruto is trying to take control of it naruto and the nine tails begin their battle where the nighttails fires a tailed beast ball in naruto b uses the last of the eight tells power to block the attack and naruto and sage mode uses sage art ultra big ball recent gun on the nine tails though it blows it away with a roar naruto flips the nine tails over and slams wouldn't release ross and shuriken into it giving him a chance to drain his chakra while taking its chakra summoner tells hatred has pulled in causing dark gnar to re-emerge b notices the nine-tailed hatred is larger than he expected and yamato tries to tame naruto from the outside the nine tails tells naruto to disappear and suddenly kushina appears and tells him that he belongs here with her hand on her chest kushina has naruto guess who she is and naruto claiming her to be the night tails true form which causes christina to collaborate on the head she apologizes to narutoni realizes she's his mother and hugs her causing darkness to disappear again outside naruto the transformation stops which surprises me and yamato before naruto begins asking his mother about her kushina chains up the night tells where it notices it's kashina's chakra naruto asks how she and minato fell in love which embarrasses her though she tells him anyway when she first met minito she thought he looked like a wimp and wanted to be the first female hokage other kids laughed at her because of this and also her face and hair features with the kids calling her tomato she eventually got back at the kids giving the nickname the red hot blooded habanero christina had a special chakra and was once kidnapped by kumagakari because of this kushina left the trail of her hair that only minato noticed naruto confidence cucina's hair which she states is the second time someone has complimented her hair the first time being minotau being the son of konoha's yellow flash and the red hot-blooded habanero naruto gives himself the nickname konoha's orange hokage he brings his mother saying she loves him naruto releases himself from the nine tails hatred and resumes his battle which kushina holding the nine tails with her adamantium stealing chains naruto attacks the nine tails with his ultra many spiraling serial spheres and sage art many ultra big balls spiraling cereal spheres and slams it once again with a rasan shuriken where successfully pulls out the nighttail's chakra once the chakra was pulled away by naruto then nigel's got the chocolate from one last attack but it's stopped by naruto who's seal the nighttail noted reminded it of the sage of six paths as an artillery sealed the nine tails into a new seal the nine tails warned naruto would not forget this after the night tales defeat christina says sinatra that she can see minito again before going she decides to tell naruto to the truth but then i tell demon fox's attack sixteen years ago how on the day of naruto's birth she and minato gave their lives to make naruto the night tells her in church in order to stop the masked man after the story christine apologized to naruto for forcing him to be the host of the ninetales and not being there to love him naruto expresses no bitterness accepting the apology and saying that he never blamed either of them now finally understanding the love of a parent towards their child and is glad that he's their son mushina starts fading away but before that hugs naruto and thanks him for allowing her to be his mother and for like minato to be his father with that naruto promises to eat sleep and bathe well and that he will be cooler and stronger than his parents as naruto returns to the outside b and yamato learn about success and naruto demonstrates his new power to them naruto's new form gives him the ability to sense an evil presence around him which blows kissimmee's cover b is shocked to see kissimmee alive when he explains how he survived with kissimmee outnumbered he attempts to flee but is suddenly hit by a high speed punch from naruto he gets himself sucked into the wall with the process while yamato helps naruto he chases up to kisemae at b's house gai having heard of naruto's training decided to cheer him on along with motoi and alba yamashiro they arrive at the falls truth and gaia confronts his darkness due to a bet by alba saying guy is scared of his true self which mocks him suddenly kissing might burst from the waterfall and guy mistakes him for being an insect and his true self guy then elbows kissimmee into the side of the waterfall guy and album estate kiss made for a blowfish but b tells him that he's from makotsky somehow separates from kissimmee who's in weak condition and runs to b it bites onto b which restores kissimmee's strength kisame continues to escape and guy uses the eight gates and opens the sixth gate to pursue kisame b does a partial transformation with the time to launch a guy towards kiesumi's direction though becomes tired afterwards guy summons nangame in midair while losing momentum after being thrown by b and uses his shell as a platform to jump towards kiseme after kissimmee summons a shark and he puts a scroll could take the information he gathered in its mouth kisme hides the sun and shark by creating a wave of sharks that confuse his guy guy uses morning peacock on the wave of sharks but gets wiped out guy then opens the seventh gate and uses his daytime tiger against kissimmee's water release great shark bullet technique instead of the tiger being absorbed by the shark it bursts through and creates a huge explosion a guy approaches the beat and kissimmee with the scroll and explains to him why his technique wasn't absorbed daytime tiger is a taijutsu technique made of air pressure concentrated on a single point instead of chakra guy tells casey may not to move however kissimmee moves a single finger prompting guy to knock him unconscious with the punch of the stomach guy returns to the others with kisame where alba decides to extract intel from him in a flashback of kisames he is sent on a mission where he must protect the intelligence squad but must importantly protect hiragaka a secret code from kona ninja kisama and his group are attacked by a group of konoha ninja led by ibiki kisame kills his comrades knowing they would really code the enemy kismet returns to his village and kills his master who is communicating with the enemy and claims samihara yagara karatachi the fourth mizukage as well as the jinchoti of the three tails approaches kisame noticing his loyalty to the village for killing fellow kirin kisume thinks his life is nothing but lies from the shadows appears toby who is shown controlling yagara toby introduces himself and explains his ayah the moon planet kisame where he wants to make a world of truth not wanting alba to get any information from him kisame wakes himself up by biting his tongue and breaks free of his restraints he's made puts himself inside the water prison technique and summons three sharks remembering the first time he partnered with hitachi and what he said to him kison makes the sharks eat him and he knows that he's at the time of his death the others are shocked to see kissimmee's surprising suicide despite being the enemy guy says he lived and died as a ninja and promises to never forget him guy opens kissimmee's scroll which activates a booby trap chopping everyone into double water with sharks while a shark with the scroll swims to the ocean road the ninja in arch of the movie the movie starts with the flashback to the nine-tailed theme of fox's attack which then flashes four to the present timeline where the eight members of pikotsky who are meant to be dead are actually alive and battling the konoho shinobi and this in turn unsettled sakura shikamaru states there's no point wondering why the dead are back alive and quickly comes up the counter plane but naruto quickly attacks the kante head on forcing the rest of konoha 11 plus saikashi and guide to attack the battle continues to naruto's kapikakakuzu tsai free is naruto by cutting off part of kakuzu's arm causing the cossack to retreat naruto and his friends return to the village where most of north has peers are congratulated by their families all of whom promised write a recommendation letter for the promotion of being jonine although sakura has a little fight with her family who embarrass her in front of the others as naruto returns home he passes many families making him reminisce about his father and mother causing him to feel lonely later while eating at the ichiraku ramen he meets irika he then asks erica for a letter of recommendation of his own but erica refuses as anarchos only again and must become a tuning to rise through the ranks just as minato and all the other johnny did naruto is saddened by his lonely lifestyle and so storms off saying that no one seems to understand him and also he doesn't feel like the extromen is ramen which adds to his present state of mind and causes him to feel lonely he meets sakura who had an argument with the family who also stormed out grabbing doctor's hand in time to go on a date with her when soccer complains about her family toby appears in front of them and after a small scuffle he activates limited tokyomi naruto and sakura are absorbed in the flash of light and later found themselves in the same park they were in before with no signs of a fight or toby himself they run into their friends including sasuke which surprises both sakura and naruto but with different personalities and to add to the confusion no one knows who toby is they realize they're in another world where sakura's father was the fourth of kage who saved the village instead of minato and in this world naruto is named menma instead as naruto and soccer returned home sakura is happy with the new freedom she has well inaudible his apartment hoping to see his parents only to find that he does not live there meanwhile in the present toby reveals that the dedicated members in the beginning were only zetsu clones in the genjutsu world a man in a mask meets toby and they agree to work together elsewhere as sakura is looking through her dresser she sees the fourth hokage coat that naruto's father wore in the present causing her to once again realize that in this world it was her father who was the hokage she then meets sasuke who gives her a flower and flirts with her naruto and sakura meet in the morning to try to gather more information about the current world although sakura enjoys this world as she has more freedom and is well loved by the village thanks for father's actions naruto on the other hand wants to return home as fast as possible naruto and sakura meets sonar and shizune who tell them that i mass man attacked kumogakari and killed their jin choti which naruto and soccer believed to have been toby then meet naruto's parents who were alive in this world minotaur says that juraid died finding the red moon scroll and it was said to save the world tonight lets naruto and sakura join minniton kushino their mission while kakashi guy returned sakura is shocked to finding out who naruto's parents are while naruto is angry that toby would dare make copies of his dead parents and swears to break the genjutsu while sakura is still enjoying her life she wonders how naruto is doing while naruto attempts to ignore his parents he sees an album showing how his life would have been if his parents have been alive in the morning sakura notices that this world takashi and guy have switched personalities with kakashi showing more excitement and displaying a positive attitude and guy complaining about having to do two missions back to back with a tired uninterested attitude while naruto isolates himself from his parents at every turn they soon locate where dry hit the scroll but the group stops the rest naruto charges ahead until he's confronted by the appearance of gamabunta gabahiro and gamaken they refused to listen to naruto in the group who explained their reason for being there and attacked them with an army of frogs but while trying to gather enough energy kushina interferes and dressed protected from gomboota but a shot of acid burns her legs as a result naruto is distracted and is unable to enter stage mode minato then saves both of them quickly and is able to get the scroll dispelling the summoning technique as soccer heals kushina naruto still attempts to brush off his parents causing meaning to say no matter what naruto does they will always try to save him as that's what they naturally tend to do as parents kushina then awakes and hugs naruto causing him to break down in tears and finally accept him as parents they return to kona where sunada locks the scroll in the village is safe until the night where a red moon will appear when they can use the scroll to fulfill the said prophecy as naruto and soccer walk home together naruto quickly runs home saying he has something to do leaving sakura alone sakura finds her home too lonely and wonders if narada always felt this way as she walks to town she sees happy families only making her more sad she then realizes that this world sasuke is just a flirt as she sees them flirting with a group of girls and decides that naruto was right on his decision to quickly break the genjutsu they're trapped in and wishes to return to their own world as she walks to naruto's home to try to find a way to bring genjutsu she sees how happy naruto is and wonders if they should really leave soccer later meets naruto and asks if he wants to stay although he denies it he later thinks to himself that he truly doesn't want to leave at that moment an explosion occurs at hoga's office where the mass man from earlier asks for the scroll they brought back he overpowers minitokushina and tsunade and then naruto and sakura arrive they realize that this is the manchester united was talking about and he knows toby he overpowers naruto and sakura and kidnaps sakura in exchange for the scroll he then uses great spiraling ring destroying a large part of konoha and leaves as naruto decides to save sakura nina tonkin try to prevent him in fear of him dying showing that the parents in this world are different bernardo's real parents he takes one of mythos kunai and the scroll leaving with sakura's father's hokage coat sakura is tied up and meets toby who is a ghost saying they're in an old training ground that minaton jiraya used naruto arrives but is attacked by the other mass man asking if it's scroll naruto is unable to fight properly as the stomach acts up and the masked man then takes the time to summon the nine masked beasts and about to kill naruto when yakovsky arrives and saves him the akatsuki was hired by sonata to help naruto and they deal with a mass beast and then naruto attacks the mass man hitachi saves sakura and toby decides to escape instead the akatsuki defeats the massive beast which then turned into nine fox kits while naruto chased the mass man into the training grounds they then fight naruto uses sage mode and then uses the wind release roster and shuriken to counter the mass man's great smiling ring it ends in a drop the attacks destroy the mass man's mask showing that he is magma this world's naruto manma informs naruto that the pulsating inside his stomach must be koram's reaction to the black nine tails of the menma mehmed then calls back to the defeated mass beasts and summon kurama's counterpart the black nine-tails naruto was unable to attack while the akatsuki retreat taking sakura with them not wanting to be manipulated by the sharing gun again grandma makes it true so naruto to work together allowing to summon kurama out of his body in the battle naruto is barely able to win but toby reveals that this was his plan to have naruto and memma fight as doing so would cause the two foxes to fight and weaken kurama as he possessed medma karama warned naruto if he took mama's sharingan it would all be over for toby planned to extract karama out of naruto the exact same way he extracted from kushina 16 years ago as medma overpowers naruto the ladder tries to use a scroll when he realizes the moon is turned red but madman cuts the scroll causing naruto to look into memo's eyes naruto's memories are erased but sakura rescues him before koram is extracted from him naruto in an amnesiac stupor stares at the destroyed red moon scroll which brings back memories of his training till they're in the resign gone with jiraiya and now his father was the one who invented technique naruto is able to break free of the genjutsu just in time to save sakura and then defeats toby the same way his father did breaking the limited tsukiyomi toby using his ghost body attacks again until minito and koshina arrive toby decides to give up and exit the genjutsu world just as naruto and sakura are enveloped in a bright light praying to return to their world as well but beforehand naruto thanks minitor and kushina who quickly go to assist benma who is returning to his original state as their son naruto and soccer return to their world bernardo sakake coat breaks down since it's only part of the ganjutsu world not real naruto and sakura tells us not in kakashi would happen and sets out more guard patrols since toby was easily able to enter the village further than they imagined shiznite also brings up the topic of the letter's recommendation for the beginning of the movie to which sooner replies that she has no intention promoting any of naruto's friends to joni as they both return home nara watches sakura as she meets her parents happily hugging them he approaches her asking her out on a date but soccer tells me they just came back from the longest date ever much naruto shocked as naruto goes home he sees erica in his house waiting to apologize to him afterwards naruto happily jumps roof to rooftop through the village while quoting that the road of the ninja is one who endures after the credits the sign in ichiraku ramen where it says menma is changed elsewhere in amaga day toby confronts conan looking for nagito's body to obtain his renegade coin instead she's been waiting for a chance to kill him and toby says that he won't go easy on a former akatsuki member toby asks why she decided to betray akatsuki despite still wearing the uniform kona states that ikatsuki was created by yahiko and then its justice is not his nor is nagato's renegade toby simply mocks conan stating that she is wrong as he inspired yahiko to create akatsuki and then he gave nagato the rinnegan conan turns in a paper and rushes at toby kobe then attempts to absorb her but he realizes that in her paper many explosive tags are mixed in creating a large explosion toby survives but loses his right arm and part of his mask conan realizing her suicide plan did not work quickly calls in the massive amount of paper around the battlefield for another attack conan uses her ultimate technique the paper person god technique to create an abyss and attempts to kill toby by placing 600 billion explosive tags in it which will continue to detonate for 10 minutes since toby can only remain immaterial for five minutes she believes that this would be enough to affect him using izanagi however toby is able to survive the blast and impales conan from behind with the pipe he explains how he survived and khan and frees herself from the pipe amaga's endless rain stops and produces a rainbow which shocks toby to see the endless reigns of the village stop and spurs conan on who believes to be a sign of naga tonyaki's will though conan tries again to attack with their paper toby having become fed up with the delay and retrieving the rinnegan grabs her by the throat he then places her under again jutsu in an attempt to learn the whereabouts of the ring on stating that when the illusion ended so would her life afterwards toby arrives at the graveside of yahoo and nagato the latter of whom is teleported into toby's separate dimension meanwhile conan's body lays in the water the following flashback demonstrates a system dry used to verify the presence of the intruders in the house where he lived in nagato yaki and konan by flipping a card on the wall a person could indicate whether or not they were at home the red side indicates that the person is there and the white side with the frog head sticks the person's way even after dry left the three kept up with the hop-in card system eventually their group becomes too large and they prepared to leave the house for good quantum flips are cry to the wayside but before you go and nagato get the opportunity to do so they're ambushed by a group of enemy ninja and forced to flee through a secret escape row presently the house is overgrown with vines and flowers on the inside with the exception of conan all the other frog cards including jarayas which growing vines had flipped are still flipped to the red side saying that they're at home as a bloody sheet of paper flies off conan's corpse it lands on her hop-in card and covers it red toby appears before kabuto his arm restored wearing a new mask resembling the eye of the tent tales his older shiha robes replacing scott's uniform and wielding a war fan crowbar don't mention that toby went through a lot of trouble to obtain his new eyes to which toby replies that they were his to begin with zetsu informs him that kisema succeeded in delivering the information he attained after hearing this toby slams his war fan on the ground and states that it's time to go after the nine tales kabuto decides to get naruto and be instead in order to gain toby's trust and that yamato is in the interest of his experiments kabuto says he also knows zetsu's secrets and says that he can make him stronger toby says that he'll give him one zed so if he captures the nine tails he then takes kabuto to the chamber that holds the demonic statue of the other path and shows him a mindless copy of hashirama that toby created from his cells he then shows him his army that is made of roughly 100 thousand white zetsu though at the cost of using the collected tails beast chakra back on the island b was unable to chase have to kiss him a shark and return to the others motowa summons an island to notify the red cocky that akatsuki knows of the location although kage received the information and decided to send back up to the island which is actually a giant tortoise which on nokia volunteers will be the backup cabinet leaves along with the undead data on his clay owl to get the remaining kitchen key on okiyagatsu and kudatsuchi fly have to be the island's reinforcements while kabuto stands up to the other as well gap those are tagging date on his head which gives him most of free will back kapito was suddenly punched by onoki which turns out to be a clay-clone devadera the real capital data are hiding in the clouds and data sets off an explosion on the island naruto lines up all the animals in a cave for his ecology survey mission is still annoying at the war the anoki the data blew up was actually a rock clone made by akatuchi they're surprised the data is still alive with anakin being ashamed that data is causing trouble even in death and then he lost to sasuke theodore responds to this saying he killed sasuke i don't know whether he survived the suicide explosion in the ocean a giant snake of kabatos this clone of mondo which he calls mother too bites the island turtle's tail which reveals its location with his screams of pain kabuto and dater head to the island with an okie on their tail motta 2 flips over the island turtle which naruto thinks is an earthquake and kabutoan data or land of the turtle compatibility of standard handling and locally finds out with one b onoki arrives and rage and preparing a dust released attachment of the primitive world technique he is however stopped by akituchi who states the fire the technique can blow up the other turtle theater was suddenly sends a clear bird towards them and sets it off but akatsuchi protects him and annoying with his rokulom kapital learns from modded two of nash's location and asks where inside the turtle naruto decides to check what's causing the earthquakes but yamato tells them that only he can complete his mission which arthur believes kuro tucci notices kopitaku controlling mana 2 and tries to stop with lava release quick climb congealing technique which kabuto dodges yamato moto and abba arrived to see the situation outside and both yamato and alba are shocked to see kabuto and how much he's changed they all work with kudos to capture kabuto and gather intel's from him but kokoto sheds into a snake-like forum similar to rochimar's true form and swallows yamato and makes a getaway into mandato's nostril monitors d summit along with theater as saying that it has started to get fun as he banishes carpenter turns toby's layer with yamato plenty to use zamatos would release the strength of zetsu army toby tells him to hurry us his new left when he got i crazed for battle meanwhile as anoki akatsuchi and kurutu relocate the island totally killer be keeps naruto from leaving and having him undergo training to control his knight dale's chakra bonko's scouting team sends information about toby's lair known as mountain's graveyard and the size of his army to the allignabi forces they raided their troops for battle as does toby and kabuto who uses yamato to strengthen zetsu kabuto increases the army's size by reincarnating the former katsuki members previously kage and famous shinobi hizashi hyuga don kato awesome saratobi hanzo isaac for the hatred i'll be enough for him shortly after that he finds out that sasuke is the only survivor of the chiaklin downfall after graduating naruto and sasuke plays on team seven along with sakurahara where sasuke proclaims that his goal is to destroy someone in order to restore the ugl clan while naruto shares his dream about becoming the hokage the three managed to pass kakashi's bell test and officially become genii as they head to the land of waves to their first mission they're attacked by two enemies with akashi seemingly being killed leading sasuke to fight the two and save not just life this made that he was scared in a week where sasuke handled the conflict naruto stabs his own hand with his kunai proclaiming an oath on his wound that he would never be so weak as to let someone save him ever again as team 7 returns to konoha following the completion of the mission of the land of waves naruto lashes out to get sasuke for the keys better than everyone else sasuke smugly replies they doesn't think he's better than everybody naruto becomes eric that sasuke's comment although sasuke merely tells him becomes stronger than him if he really wishes to settle the score sometime after team seven along with other ninja teams that passed the first round of the tuning exams are brought to the force of death at the second stage their proctor oncomiterashi debriefs them on their task each team will be given either a heaven scroll or an earth scroll and must survive five days in the force while trying to receive the other scroll there are three rules all three members must arrive at the tower before five days with both scrolls if a member is injured or incapacitated the team becomes eliminated lastly scrolls cannot be read with the teams which immediately disqualification being given to those who do in the forest sasuke and sakura are attacked by shiori ishinobi sasuke is nearly killed by him and decides to relinquish his scroll to save his life however naruto returns to the freight blocking shot his path with shuriken and punching sasuke he tells sasuke he never knew him to be coward who would freeze up in the middle of a battle she already concurs much of sasuke's shock and summons a giant snake using wind release great breakthrough to blow naruto away sasuke warns her to run away and naruto tapping into the chakra in the nighttime is able to kill the snake saving sasuke's life and asking sasuke who's alright and a condescending tone repeating the same words sasuke added to him after their encounter with the demon brothers sasuke is amazed and arthur's newfound strength and remarks that he cannot ever hope to defeat his brother he cannot deal with shiori and follows a fuma shuriken out with the shuriken and wire strings in order to fight back after surviving their encounter with rochimaro who had been impersonating shiori the trio joins forces of the kabuto if fellow schneebie from konahawk the four are ambushed by team obero who combined again jutsu known as the miss servant technique along with the hayes clone technique and the earth release underground projection fish technique to assault them while avoiding any damage themselves using a showing on saskatchewan verbs that is miriam jutsu although the four of them decided to fight until all the clones are defeated as the fourth tier out oberon and his fellow amen and present themselves intended fishing the wicked team however they surprisingly discovered that before thai shinobi are actually naruto and three shadow clones having used the transportation technique disguised as kabuto sasuke and soccer while the three weren't factory hiding in the trees recovering while waiting for the enemies to show themselves sasuke tells another to take a break exciting they would take over not wanted to allow allows to get the credit for defeating the enemies now with the punches all three unconscious with a single blow stunning sasuke his amazing narcissist ability to still move despite having depleted most of his chakra and continuously fighting for five days team seven successfully completes the second round of the exams and sasuke fuming overnight with an improvement remarking they would not have passed without him soccer attempts to give him to drop out dude his christian of heaven but sasuke remands her and notifies her that all he wishes to be strong and therefore must fight other strong people such as the people who passed the second round northward was angry at sasuke's reaction towards soccer is concerned but his speeches and sasuke quickly responds that naruto is one of those strong people that he wishes to fight the most sometime after kakashi is undergoing the cliff climbing practice when he's confronted by sasuke who asks kakashi to train him so he can save the power necessary to surpass narutoni chief's goal akashi states that members of the utah clan are known for their fire release techniques but believes that sasuke is like him and may possess his lighting release using litmus paper kashi's suspicion is confirmed he declares that he would finally be able to pass down his own unique technique to someone the final brands of the exams began with saskatchewan just mere moments before sasuke could be eliminated kakashi apologizes for the tidiness while naruto warned saska not to lose sasuke inquires as how naruto's match went with naruto probably declaring that he won and thus would like to fight sasuke in last round grinning sasuke reaffirms that he wishes to fight naruto as well sasuke trains by himself attacking a huge boulder with his tutorial while remembering his battle gara after he start guards partially transformed arm the ladder merely regenerated one with his sand while sasuke was rendered unable to move through to his reliance on the cursilla heaven however he was spared from death by the time they arrived on the narrator perceived to kick her in the face gar restrained sakura who attempted to shield sasuke for any harm and anger as well as an overwhelming desire to protect his comrade naruto to face off against gara attacking the intruder again is all direction shuriken and his new x-temporaries technique the naruto uzumaki 2000 combo pushed to his limit guaranteed shukau has tailed beast belnar to summon gamabunta in order to match his foe strength his ability to use the summing technique despite using most of his chakras multiple shadow clone techniques stuns both pakun and sasuke with the latter perplexed at how and when naruto became strong shortly after finishing his training he discovers that his older brother hitachi has returned to konoha in search of naruto he locates his brother at an inn along with his partner kisamoshigaki sasuke attempts to kill hitachi with chidori although hitachi is easily able to stop the attack and proceeds to break sasuke's arm and kick him aside declaring that he's not interested in sauce game is only here for naruto naruto and sasuke are saved by jiraiya who summons gamut to block his messiah sasuke asks naruto not to interfere but is easily subdued by itachi who punches him claims sasuke would never defeat him as his hatred is not strong enough and subsequently tortures sasuke with a tsukiomi forcing his younger brother to relive memories of the ugly and downfall for the next 24 hours jurai uses his summoning toad mouth binder to ensnare the two katsuki members though they are able to escape through twitches matarasu sasuke's heels from his trauma by tsunade machinari's happiness however sasuke is infuriated and are to search improvement and challenge an item to a fight which the latter accepts sasuke and nara took out one another with judo and rasengan while sakura runs in between the attacks to stop them as the two getting realized they cannot stop the trajectory they're thrown out of the way bokashi who berates sasuke using chidorega's teammate while also asking dry why he taught naruto through the sengon dryer retorts that kakashi's being hypocritical having passed on the tutorial to someone who only wants revenge sasuke notices the damage caused by narcissism and is only further anger bernardo's improvement later that night a sasuke considers his future he's attacked by the sound four roche mars bodyguards who taunted my calling and we can defeat him with a difficulty they offer a chance to come with them in order to gain power from rochimaru and give him the time to consider his choice before departing sasuke fumes as he realizes that he needs this kind of power if he ever wishes to defeat hitachi sasuke accepts sound for his offer becomes the leader meanwhile shikomaru forms arts of sasuke's defection konohot and invites me part of the sasuke recovery mission naji choji and cuba joining it as well on route to otagakari sakon and ukan notifies sasquatch to consume a mind awakening pill in order to get his cursed seal of heaven to its second state although he must undergo suspended animation in the process using the dark sealing method in connection with the four black fog's formation the four otonin plays sasuke in a sealed barrel as they transport him to rochimaru eventually naraza catches up to sasuke at the valley of the end asking sasuke to return with him to konoha sasuke merely rubs naruto who angrily tells him that the sasuke recovery team risked their lives for bringing it back to konohave although sasuke is indifferent to their actions infuriated at sasuke's calisthenia naruto calls out choji took on girobo in order to give the others a chance to retrieve sasuke and arneji did the same when he decided about akiramaru single-handedly reminding naruto that sasuke was lost in the darkness although they managed to retrieve the barrel containing sasuke and incense sakon activated the cursed seal and pursued them kiba and akimaru along with sakhan and ukan ended up plummeting off a cliff leaving naruto and sheikh kumar to do with the yuya however kimimuro one of rojimar's loyal servants stole the barrel containing sasuke and fled shikamaru decided to deal with tyoya himself and instructed naruto to follow kimaru as naradata caught up to his phone and meadow sasuke emerged from his barrier and laughed at his new power before running away kimimaro decided to take advantage of nar's distraction in order to kill him only to be attacked by rock lee who'd arrived in the nicki times without naruto to chase after sasuke gritting his teeth as he realizes all the potential sacrifices their fellow comrades made naruto lunges towards sasuke and punches him across the face although sasuke kicks him away landing in the water below naruto realizes that sasuke intends to kill him he attempts to reach out to his teammate asking if the memories of team seven be nothing to him but sasuke replies that only one thing made it worthwhile his friendship naruto wishing to kill naruto in order to obtain the monkey kyo sharingan sasuke rushes towards him with his chidori as naruto creates a shadow clone and counters the attack with his resengan the clash sends the two of them flying in opposite directions but sasuke being amazed that naruto was able to negate the effects of his story sasuke activates his cursed seal as he once more charges towards naruto with his chidori this time succeeding in his attack puncturing naruto's right lung however naruto is enveloped in the chakra of the nine tails and is able to fight back shocked at this new display of power sasuke asks north what he is only for the latter to claim that he's his friend naruto viciously attacks sasuke before putting him to a rock while sasuke shouts that naruto will never understand the suffering he's enduring as he never had parents at siblings naruto why he would go so far for him naruto replies that while all of that is true he views sasuke as the closest thing he has to a brother and thus is fighting to preserve that bond accepting naruto's equal sasuke puts out his forehead protector as naruto enters into his one-tailed form sasuke accesses the second stage of his curse seal that undergoes transformation getting two giant wings as his skin becomes darker and his hair grows out as the members of the saskatoon recovery team are saved sasuke prepares an enhanced chidori while naruto forms an augmented resign god and the two collide sasuke emerges victorious from the battle and naruto was rendered unconscious deciding not to kill naruto to obtain power in his own way sasuke walks away from the valley and finds his way to otakure demanding rochimar give new power meanwhile kakashi and pakun locate naruto and bring him home as an archer realizes that he's failed his mission and mentally mutters an apology to sakura fourth shinobi world war confrontation the first battle that happened in the war began when conqueror on this prize attack division found muta abrame a member of anko's search team however what the division did not know is that mutu was captured by kabuto surprise attack inversion platoon had been placed under sausage control with his insect jar filled with or his explosive clay though zaji almost got himself killed to save who he thought was an injured comrade despite depleting him not the company closer conqueror quickly saves aji iton then gets him to safety by lowering the ground before theodore detonated the explosive clay and killed muta in response sasure sends muta's fellow enslaved teammates rank and tokumayuga to attack as shin and data emerge from hiding with concrete correctly deducing that sasery was with them and behind the initial attacks vowing to make the akatsuki pay for pitting them against their friends omoi launches himself to data but the attack is revealed to be a faint as his intended target was the chakra strength controlling rank and tokuma kankaro then quickly attached his own chakra strings of sausages to pull him down while telling etan to raise the ground now exposed sasukes as soon as they pop it as the allied ninja realized the deceased root ninja is stuffed with explosives and conqueror and omoi managing to canadian explosion furious that his brother was used as a bomb psy knocked down sausary and daera who were captured by kankaro after seeing the picture finished in size picture books she institutes the world receptor and he could pass on breaking the summoning fine jukichi was returning to reinforce stator and sorcery sorcery is then released from the summoning thanks to conqueror telling him he was immortalized by the puppets he created with newfound information about the releasing of reincarnated ninja by freeing their soul conqueror prepares his team to launch their ambush elsewhere toby meets up with kabuto who managed to defeat and capture uncle mitorashi though sensing saucer and chin's release from his technique kapito still has a good feeling about how things are going according to his plan as he tells toby to go ahead to the front lines when he stays hidden and focuses on his technique gazing at anko toby realized that kabuto led her near his location in the hopes that he and the allied shinobi forces would take each other out however though kabuto believes he's using them toby quietly states that he's vice versa killer b attempts to teach art how to use the tail beast ball but naruto cannot turn into the nine tails because his bond with it is weak the details then explained to naruto that whenever uses the night tails chakra he stalks his own and the nine tails can steal it in the end naruto could lose it all and die if he uses his chakra constantly and using shadow clone speeds up the process making them useless the tails explain that he and v were able to compromise on how much chakra each would take from the other eliminating the risk nartha decides to focus on his own skills with the nine tails chocolate trying to perform the resengan using the fox's chakra shadow to make extra hands in lieu of shadow clones killer b notices the technique is similar to the tail beast ball and upon learning it was created by the fourth hokage tells naruto to keep working on it while the surprise attack division were waiting for the incoming enemy force they encountered zaba zamamoji haku and two other ninja gauri of iwa gade's explosion core and pakuru from tsunagakura haku was able to defend against the first attack and then attacks once he and the other reincarnated shinobi quickly realized their invincibility when he entered his third division arrived to stop them for killing kakashi engages abza and haku in brief chat over the two ninjas impact on naruto until kabuto renders zaba's group into mindless killing machines to begin the attack though kakashi said he got an idea of how to counter kabuto does not give him any time to enact it as he has gary and pakura summon sabbas's reincarnated teammates from his days as a member of these seven ninja swordsmen to the mist though only most of them have their traditional blades zabas is hiding in this technique enables him to slaughter but it does more alejnobi kakashi developed a plane involving n suinara sante and monkey to trap zabza and end his hiding in this technique however haku once again acts as a human shield for zabza holding kakashi in place so zabza can slash through them both kakashi survived being slashed and immediately countered allowing maki to immobilize the recovery haku and zabaza though the hiding and miss technique ended as he planned kakashi expresses his rage about how imperial world reincarnation is used in such an unforgivable manner in the land of lightning gar picks up the presence of the second tsuchikage moo with the concealed sand picture cat kabuto decides to have museum and they reincarnated second mizukage the third reikage and the fourth kazakh the four curious of how they're even alive the fourth kazukaki explains to his fellow kage that they were brought back by the imperial world reincarnation detailing the technique's history while speculating the reincarnation of beeruchimar is doing before noticing that they're all being watched by his son ao informs the kage of the reincarnation both of their predecessors and the famed powerful shinobi such as the gold and silver brothers kumo enraged upon hearing of his father and his village's two infamous traders being among the reincarnated a decides to enter the battlefield but tsunami keeps doing so shikaku nara formulas battle plans with portions of the second fourth and fifth divisions to assist the first division which the reikage approves elsewhere arriving to what appears to be the highway of the country's daimyo black setsu makes his move to take them but ends up alerting the guardian shinobi with the damian where you'll be hidden elsewhere black sits who escapes from the guards and continues his objective may the rumi and chojo accompany the frost damio while he's escorted to the safe house while putting him at ease that the repeated moving of the daimyo from one safe house to another is going to hinder the enemy search for them at the land of lightning's coast chose akimichi converts dan and also sarah tobil hiyashi hugo confronts his recounted brother hizashi hyuga daru reluctantly decides to take on kinkaku and gingkaku the treacherous gold and silver brothers who betrayed komagakare in life with samui and her brother atsui aiding him however the brothers unveiled the treasured tools of these sages six paths a informed tsunada that kinkaku and genkako are able to use these sage's six-pass tools as they ingested some nine-tails chakra during a field attempt to capture the unsealed tailed bees long ago when kinkaku tackles atsui and samui with kokinzo gugaku suffers their pulled word souls with ishiichi saigen and places them inside the venusico the siblings try to keep themselves quiet so as to not use their most spoken word to get sucked into the benhisico but otsu gets sealed when tricked into saying hot but kinkaku creating a wave of fire with the basho sen genkaku holds samoy hostage to leave darwin to drop his weapon only to slice king kaku's arm and aims his storm release laser circus and ginkaku to free samui but as kinkaku kicks his sliced arms wrapped with kokinzo at him to pull out his soul word daughter is horrified to find samui's steel despite her silence and that he will suffer her fate of silent for too long though he knew not to say it his attempt to defend against his brother's notion that he is the pawn of the reikage forced army to say the word that has a similar pronunciation to doll luckily he manages to escape the ceiling when his apology habit changed his most spoken word from double dasari knocking kinkaku into the kokinzhou while commandeering both the shiichi saiken and the benihisago dharui uses kinkaku's most used word kinkaku to seal him away this causes kinkaku to assume a six-tailed surajin chodoki formed to demolish the first division with a seeing the only way to stop the rampaging monsters to see him in the only item of the sage of six pounds kumo managed to keep them brothers yokohaku no johe mabui uses her heavenly transfer technique to send darwin the sealing pot while receiving aid from shikamaranara choji akamichi and inoyamanaka as they use their formation inoshikucho to restrain kikaku long enough for darwin to steal him in the kohaku no john at the land of hot water chukichi receives backup from a team consisting hanzo chio and kimimuro to fight the surprise attack division hearing their arrival with their demanding his allies save him conqueror's team attempts to fall back when hanzo summons his celebrated ibusei to paralyze surprise attack division hanzo stopped from killing kankuro by the arrival of his old enemy mifune and his division mifune fights hanzo impeding him from using ninjutsu by attacking when he stops we've hand seals he remembers having fought hanzo in his youth and they do discuss their ideals during the fight hanzo decides to have faith in meuphenae injures himself and creates an opening which allows me for his division to seal him back on the land of lightning's coasts darwini izumo kamizuki and kotatu hagana go against kakuzu and his heart monsters while team assam fights the reincarnated teacher however while noting his students growth awesome uses his when released dust cloud technique on a hesitant choji before eno saves him despite osmo's words from to fight back choji could not attack his mentor as eno takes control of his body to fight your teammate's place after being saved by his father and writer the oath forged among the innocent groups encouraged to fight without holding back koji creates butterfly wings without the assistance of his clan's pills to the other's amazement enoch controls white zatsu clones to hold awesome long enough for joji and chickamar to hit immobilize him before being sealed asuma thanks them and compliments them on their great teamwork jojo asks his teammates to help him finish the war once and for all to which they happily agree back at the island turtle while training naruto suddenly sends the night tails chaka within the rampaging six tail kinkaku is far within the temple wanting to investigate naruto's able to trick killer be into letting him know but is confronted by shibi abram and a team of konohan ninja who tried to persuade to explain what's happening back inside the temple despite erika umino's attempted lie and naruto assumed sagemon to force his way out of the false of truth getting caught in our clan ninja's shadow imitation technique before sensing the chakra of his friends and other ninja fighting having no choice irika tells naruto the truth that toby's declared war and reveals that they've been instructed to protect naruto and killer b from toby after remembering his talk with nagato naruto tells erica that his role is to stop the war and that he will endure the pain on his own despite erica's insistence naruto reminds his mentor that he was the first to recognize him from more than a jokey and gave him his first forehead protector erica stares down at the forehead protector and hands it to naruto before using a barrier technique that has counted with his former student's nine tails chakra as naruto puts his forehead protector back on he finds a hidden note slips out from erica telling him to come back alive emerging from the false of truth b follows an art to keep him safe black satsu manages to find the location of the daimyo but finds himself fighting maid to rumi and the daimyo protection squad however sensing naruto and killer be breaking out of the self-repairing barrier covering the island turtle black tsatsu informs white setsu of the insurgent's escape with this new information toby deems they need to have the daimyo as bargaining chips before the gingrich no longer needed and decides to enter the front lines while giving black sets who new orders to use gorilla tactics on me's group arriving on the land of lightning's coast as darwin and kitschy's divisions have defeated the white zetsu and sealed most of the reincarnated ninja kakuzu included toby summons the demonic statue of the other path as the statue fights chozachochi and the other allied shinobi toby uses the opportunity to obtain the benehisikko and the kohaku no johay containing the sealed golden silver brothers shikomar realizes that toby actually set the event of the brothers ceiling toby taking his prize as shikamaru and dari are saved from the statue by choji and kitschy before it vanished learning of toby and the demonic statues appearances on the battlefield along with naruto and be leaving the island turtle a leaves chicago in charge while he and sonata leave to stop the chinchoriki as knight approaches toby states that his eye the moon plan is to be commenced the next day as knight falls while he's headed to the battlefield naruto is dragged into his subconscious with the nine tails as it chides naruto for thinking he can handle both the war and sasuke's hatred however naruto is confident that he can shoulder both of them and shocks the nine tails with the intent to someday help the tailed beast with his own hatred akiba inazuka's insistence dude is overused to be akugan njihuga is sent from the 5th division camp to logistical support and medical division compound where sakura haran attends to his injuries at this time ward has spread that ninja are being killed off in the compound despite the senses not detecting enemy presence and everyone reaches the conclusion that there's a spy among them sakura exposes the real spy as a white satsu posing as naji interrogating the white zed so about how he's able to copy nigeria right down to his chakra sakura realizes the clones can siphon a person's chakra and assume their form with no one able to tell a real ninja from a white tetsu as other ninja arrived to assist sakura while she reports the information to headquarters the real negi is revealed to have never left the fifth division camp at hq shiikaku receives the information and out informs him of chakras disappearing all over the divisions shikaku then begins to formulate a countermeasure against this imminent threat to find the imposters by that time a and tsunade appear before the nature with the former having no intention to let nar to go any further and resolve them to kill him if they need to delay toby's plans however b halts his brother's attack as he reminds me how they form the a b combo and everything they've been through including their time with their cousin and their confrontation with naruto's father made it tonomikaze the tsunadi decides that naruto can enter the war a refuses to allow before being taken down by b's lightning released lariat defeats his brother b tells a that his and naruto's powers don't come from him being juchotiki and that is brother's words saying that he's important to him has made me surpass him b also tells him that as long as he has people he cares about he can overcome the tale beats within him b calls a as his son the person he cares about and naruto calls his parents his sons naruto tells a how he met both minito and kushina and that they believed that he could control the ninetales so united states that she will fight a if he continues his attempt to kill naruto but he charges towards naruto who manages to successfully dodge a's top speed punch saying he will not fail a reveals he was just testing naruto to see if he could avoid his punch and tell znard to get going back at hq shikaku learns that the only way to discover who are the white zatsu clones is to have naruto scatter his shadow clones at the locations as nine tails chakra can sense malice but knowing a will disapprove mabui doubts that it'll happen ikatsu clone informs them of a letting naruto enter the war the sun rises marking the second day of the fourth snowy world war toby makes his move having his own six paths of pain composed of the reincarnated and shooting you of eyes that mirror toby's knowing naruto can sense malice in the nine tails form toby knows that naruto will be taking out the white zetsu saying that it's going along perfectly back at the logistical support medical division compound shizune sakura learn the secrets about the white setsu using the clone that sakura captured shiznit reveals that the white zetsu have the same theonay's yamato meaning they are altered plant clones of the first okay a and sonata return to hq and learn about the white zetsu clones being created from the versailles cells believing that moderate developed a technique with her grandfather's cells to extend his life sonar states there is no clue on how to defeat somebody who is truly immortal as naruto and b head towards the battlefield shikaku contacts him telepathically through inouichi's technique telling him to search for the white tatsu and explaining about toby kabuto and the reincarnated shinobi naruto and b come across a group of ninja heading back to defend hq but were revealed by naruto to actually be a small force of waizetsu naruto takes out a majority of them and then summons gamma hero to squish a merged white zetsu and look out for more white sets who would be well he sends his shadow clone to the other battlefields when nagatoni tachu jihan counternauton killer be kabuto plan to capture and use them to further blackmail toby the battle reveals some truth on hitachi's mission and much to his chagrin itachi learns that sasuke is turned to toby instead of returning to konoha the battle begins with nagato forcefully summoning his burden as multi-headed dog monsters about naruto joining in the fight itachi eventually activates his monkey kyo sharingan this causes the crow itachi to place inside naruto to come out using koroamatsu on hitachi freeing him from kabuto's control as he uses amaterasu and nagato and his summons however kabuto responds by removing nagato's personality to make him a more ideal weapon when b enters his version 2 form to attack with lightning release lariat nagato uses the predator's ability to absorb b's chakra regaining his vibrant appearance nagato grabs naruto against remove his soul naruto tries to escape by attacking nagato with the rasang but he absorbs it b tries to cut nagato to save naruto but he stops him using the oscillopath ability and almost succeeds in removing naruto's soul and destroying b until hitachi intercepts with the susano and attacks the summoning's eyes making them disappear nakata proceeds to use chibaku tensei to trap the three but is stopped with the combined effort of hitachi's yasuko magatama beast tale beast ball and naruto's wind release rasan shuriken to destroy the sphere at the center of the attack as the smoke clears nagato finds himself impaled by susano's sword of tatsuka and his personality returns itachi then seals him but not before nagato gives his last words to naruto telling him that he was part of a trilogy that included draya and himself and to correct the wrongs he had done during his lifetime once done sealing nagato hitachi then takes his leave to find kabuto in order to undo the impure world reincarnation seeing the youth weaken from his use of the nine-tails chakra mode hitachi advises him not to overburden himself like he did himself and to remember those that are helping him as b tells the youth of the promise he made to erica italy then incinerates the crow as shisui's eye cannot be used for another decade and to ensure that it would not fall into enemy hands and then hitachi departs frustrated by losing nagato and itachi kapito considers bringing out his trump card to compensate for the turn of events using the dustless bewildering cover moo was able to infiltrate the land of lightning undetected until gara was able to locate him on the first day muu then summoned the second mizukage the third rajkogen in the fourth kazukage with the fourth division drawing the reincarnation further into the land of lightning while part of the division under shikamaru broke off to adarwi in his fight against kinkaku in the land of laney's coast once the battle on the land of landings coast was won with the first division boxing their opponents from the rear gara and onoki engage the kage with their attacks countered by their respective predecessors as gaara comes into sight his father is shocked to see that gara is no longer agencioki as they too engage with their attacks canceling each other out however by attempting to protect two of the other kage from an aerial barrage gara restrains his father and his counters continue to fail in the face of guard's shield of sand after gar learns the truth about his mother seals his father turning his attention to the third recognition and second musical the new determination is the nukage engage him and divulge their abilities meanwhile anoki follows mu has become invisible and states that anoki is going to die if he doesn't call gara over onoki tells me not to underestimate him as he makes several clones as the mizukage overwhelms their forces with his claims mirage gara spots moot as he's attacking onoki from behind before noticing ayra sangan behind the reincarnates of chicago naruto's planetary sengon misses at first but then manages to hit moo with a second attack thanks to gara just as you see by garam moo utters a warning in his silence once the seal is complete after learning him naruto's resolve to fight with them gara and nanooki part ways with the youth as he goes to where tamara uses wind release cast net technique to seemingly incapacitate the right kange offering his assistance as wind chakra users are effective against their opponent after two missed rasa and shuriken naruto finally managed to get the red kage with the technique but the reikage recovers fast as the allied shinobi prepare multiple earth walls supported by dodai's lava release rubber wall to defend against the reikage's strongest ninjutsu hellstab but seeing him break through all the defenses doda explains that third was very resilient and was only injured when he fought the eight tails despite attempting the tail beast for zengun nartho fails to fully form it and is forced out of the nighttail's chakra mode nart tells dodai that he needs to contact b in the eight tails kabuto focuses only third reichog's attacks on naruto but dodai forms a rubber ball as decoyed to by north of some time naruto then asks the ats how he defeated third reikage when he learned that both fought each other to a standstill and the third reikage had only been injured after he fell suspecting what had happened he entered sage mode and created a resengon he plans on using frog cotton to sense that the red coggies attack faster the rakataki attacks with one finger nukita but naruto dodges and hit the recognize arm with the resin gun knocking the attack into his own chest the ceiling team immediately sealed the reikage elsewhere gara faces the second musical alone and notices how his opponent's oil is nullifying his sand as he uses a concealed sand picture cat to find the giant clam after locating it onoki uses earth release rock fist technique combined with earth release super added weight rock technique to destroy it revealing the mizukaga's real body onoki throws at his back rendering him a mobile as the mizuka uses water gun technique to shoot out what he learns with the sand clone as he envelops him the second starts to wash away the sand with oil bugara layers the sand into his desert layered imperial funeral before it explodes as hale begins to fall onoki explains to gar that this is the second steaming danger tyranny as his clone reconstitutes the explosive clone wreaks havoc with gar protecting his division before fighting the clone and managing to incapacitate with the same clone with his father's gold dust missing to it with the sand clone along with the clone's heat to fuse the gold to his body the clone that finds the real gara and attacks him only to be stopped by gara's sand and stop them exploding greatly impressed by this feat the second misakake beams at gara before being sealed earlier at the mountain's graveyard sasuke recovers from his surgery but his whole by white zed should keep the bandages on for the time being however as naruto and gagar fought the third rocket and the second music hoggie sasuke attacks white sets with a susano and sets him ablaze the matarasu saying that his eyes could see just fine in the dark and he should try them outside sasuke removes his bandages to see with his newly evolved tournament kyosharangan in the rubble of a smash pillar a damage move stands up he reveals that he split his body in two and that only half of him was sealed he tries to remove the tags from his other half the seal is too strong in his weakened state who then eventually due to his weakened state performs the summoning of the reincarnated ninja who's copped those ultimate weapon the figure whose power is so intense the coffins lit burst open is revealed to be moderate uchiha fourth through world war climax after emerging from his coffin moderator believed to be brought back by nagato using outer paths i'm sorry of heavenly knife technique until moo reveals a technique to be impure world reincarnation when moderate questions move about the user of the technique's identity competence takes full control of the suji kage to explain to the reincarnated uchiha that he brought him back and has made enhancements that will give him greater power than he ever had in the prime of his life news of this turn of events reaches the fourth division's location with guar leading the attack as moderate counters with a widespread fire technique which is counted by the combined usage of water formation while by several shinobi moving onto general melee attacks given free range by kabuto moderate wreaks havoc on the fourth division prompting onoki to raise the ground below him to force him into naruto's ultra big baller sengon modera responds by activating his eternal man gekko sharingan and blocking the attack with a susano and goes on to continue decimating the division's forces as naruto enters sage mode and creates his attack onoki lightens gara's sand allowing him to manipulate it easier which he uses to pull moderate out of susano into the path of naruto's sage mode enhance ross and shuriken claiming the attack to be too much mata surprisingly activates his rinigon and uses the predepath's chakra absorption technique to dispel the technique to which kapito rejoices at the hypothesis he came up with based on the data gathered by hinnorochimaru was validated as he improved madura's body beyond what it was in his prime mata reveals that his power is not of couple's creation but his own using his twin body susana to weave two seals at once in conjunction with his own pulling a giant asteroid earthbound towards the fourth division stunning everyone leading guard to question whether this was the power of a god as the giant meteorite descends onoki tells the ally to know me not to give up before even trying he flies towards the meteorite intending to lighten it gara orders everyone to retreat as he stays behind albanoki kabuto speaking through moves surmises that mata intends to destroy everything with the meteor and moderate states that he's correct as he will simply regenerate onoki successfully lightens the meteorite as gara catches it with his sand mater asks what they will do about the second one as it collides with the first at the allied hq discussing their mast foe's reason for calling himself modera utiha with a and shikaku sonata believes that it was to play on their fear the name itself presents and how their opponent use modera's name to get the world's attention and drag it into war the shock from the second meteorite's impact reaches hq they receive intel about what happened and they determined that it must be moderate attack sonar states that she will be heading to the front back at the battlefield there are barely any survivors left dodie protected naruto's clone due to him being a valuable asset onoki was severely injured by the attack moderate and moo regenerate and they speak about muttera's plans they noticed survivors and moderate attempts to summon the night tales but fails due to being sealed kapita points out that the jin shiroki is naruto uzumaki matara uses hashirama's wood really secret technique nativity of the world of trees to attack the remaining allied forces the nine tails gives naruto some of its chakra without any of its will preferring to help naruto over being troll by matara naruto rushes towards the approaching forest and creates many shadow clones the clones create multiple big ball resengan and destroy the advancing forest naruto says that he used up all the nine tails chakra and that he feels like he could disappear at any moment oh no he tells naruto to rest will he finish the battle he proclaims that it's finally time to pick himself up off the ground and that there's no opponent more worthy than modero jihad onoki decides to take on both madra and moo with the assistance of the remaining fourth division sonar and a decided to head to moderator's location through mawboy's heavenly transfer technique a technique that only transports objects as transporting a living being would surely rip them apart however tsunada decides to take the gamble using her yin seal release shikaku telepathically communicates to genma to have him rido and other konoha shinobi perform the flying thunder guide technique to transport made a moderate location as well after trojiro incapacitates black zetsu with a single slash three kage arrive on the battlefield and prepare to fight moderate may and a battle moderator will soon out of heels gara and onoki gara and ononki protect the group when moderate goes on the offensive the five kage tell naruto's quantity isn't needed on the battlefield anymore and urgent would beat the other moderate the clone disperses naruto and b encountered toby and naruto head butts him head on sending them both reeling toby's mass doesn't even get a scratch on it b catches naruto and advises him to calm down naruto comments on toby's new mask's appearance and strength which toby applies due to the mass being made of material suitable for war then naruto and b start fighting toby's sixth pass of pain roshi begins the attack by launching lava boulders at his opponents which being naruto respond by attacking head-on yagura somehow manages to counter the attacks causing b and naruto to fall into utakata's trap b and naruto managed to escape but find themselves being blinded by foo which was followed by fast attacks from yugito and han and though the assault was successfully blocked naruto and b were still driven back toby finds out that maduro was reincarnated and the youth demanding to know who he truly is he tells naruto that he's a nobody and that the only thing that truly matters is him completing the i the moon plan when naruto and b state their own goal of tearing the mask off to find out who truly is toby ends the conversation by proclaiming that he will capture both of them and complete his plans naruto states they won't head over the eight tails and the nine tails b questions if the ginger to get their tail beast removed and the eight tails concludes that they must have been resealed as they can sense them in their hosts though different b begins attacking despite naruto's call to weight b attacks foo with samihara but she dodges it by flying bee launches his swords coated in lightning chakra from her blind spot but she dodges it as the other jittery watch the two b wonders how she could dodge from a blind spot so naruto tells him about the renegade's shared field vision roshi cuts himself in lava and attacks naruto who narrowly evades it the heat burning his cheek yugito launches her guided attack and clashes with b cutting his scarf b naruto take cover and b is surprised by her speed and the 8 tails points out that the sharing gun allows him to react faster while the rinnegan coordinates attacks naruto tells b and the a tells about the paths of pain and the black receivers b points out when in ukito's chesmar he landed earlier naruto goes in the open and tries to destroying the receiver and roshio being attacked but is stopped by han the aetel says the force will hinder their field of vision so b transforms into the a tails to level the forest b devastates the forest also knocking down the other juchotoki at the allied shinobi hq ao detects that b is transformed into the a tails inuichi receives updates on the kage holding moderate back shikaku requests the other division statuses and learns that the first and second divisions are almost done with their enemies third is only one more reincarnated shinobi to seal and the fifth has the advantage in their fight shikaku orders that as soon as they're done they go to back up bien naruto and asks their coordinates naruto knows that jin should get art down and the eight tails urges b to seal them b spits out ink clones which proceed to lock them down in place before the clones finish sealing them toby appears from underground the jinchuriki advanced their transformations and resume attacking foo and yugito tag team on naruto followed by yagara who impairs naruto's movements meanwhile udokata frees himself from beats hold and roshi attacks the a tales is concerned that things they should retreat b is ran by han who is fully transformed into the five tails toby moves into warp naruto away stating that six against two puts the odds in his favor however he was thwarted as kakashi and guy attacked toby with his violent leaf adamantium strength whirlwind technique which causes toby to become intangible and slip through naruto what she retrieves naruto naruto is happy to see them while toby states that two more shinobi doesn't make much of a difference against the power of his eyes and the tailed beasts kakashi then states that they too have a shot and gone followed by a guy who states not to underestimate him as he was konoha's sublime green beast of prey at the mountain graveyard sasuke breaks out of the hideout while elsewhere having escaped the samurai jugo and swigetsu discuss sasuke and korean as well as who gets who's gold to collect swords as they head back to one of orochimar's hideouts on the battlefield naruto warns guy and kakashi about toby's abilities as the five tails attacks guy frees naruto from the coral before seeing the beast turn on toby who chains and suppresses the five tails who is dismayed at being controlled in that manner the eight tails tries crushing toby but simply slips through it toby returns han back to his version two form guy and kakashi speculate that toby doesn't have full control of the tailed beasts the eight and nine-tailed beasts speak to each other telepathically about the treatment of the tailed beast and the ninetales says that as the second strongest beast going by tails the eight tails should just finish the battle already and feign sleep the a-tail snaps back saying that his belief about their powers being defined by the number of tails is exactly why shukaku hated the nine-tails so much guy and kakashi charged with the jiu-jithi intended to figure out which of the six passive pain techniques each one used only to conclude that toby isn't making them use the six paths technique because they already have strategies against those toby praises them for figuring that out and then proceeds to make roshi and urikata transform completely naruto falls out of the nine-tails chakra boat and considers creating more shadow clones with the nine-tails chakra as diversions b thinks that creating more clones would surely kill him but the eighth tales points out that the naruto should have already been on the break of death and thinks that the night tails have stopped taking narcissa for a while the six tails attacks kakashi and guy who dodge the four tails tosses the eight tails and naruto almost falls into its mouth but resist being eaten by the four tails now back in the ninetails tracker mode as the nine tails opens one eye watching on the four tails toss the details on the ground and keeps forcing his mouth shut with naruto in it with the nine tails watching on guy wants to save naruto but she points out their own unfortunate situation between two attack fronts the six tails corrosive gas and the other jin should use chakra arms kakashi creates a shadow clone and slices through the arms while guy punches and burns the gas away the egg tails wraps his tentacles around the four tails telling it to let go of naruto the eight tells tells the nine tails that heard it helped naruto against modera the nine tell singer it won't wag its tails to help detritu as easily as the eight tails the ate tells questions if it doesn't care at all about what happens to naruto the nine tails recalls how many schnoby in the past have restrained it and denied an identity the four tails closes its mouth and naruto meets the four tails bound by chains it asks if naruto is there to take his power and demands to be called by his proper name making a boisterous introduction naruto apologizes for not listening to son goku which impresses it naruto and son goku discuss issues of recognition identity and existence the four tails laughs when naruto says he's jealous of how being the eight tales are with each other before seeing naruto is serious about it considering naruto to be a better side than toby son goku offers to help naruto if he can undo the chains that find it son goku tells naruto that it won't become his ally even if he saves it unless he can trust naruto who's okay with that quote-unquote ponders that it knows naruto and that nothing he can say will reach tale of beast toby pulls son towards himself with chain's intent on absorbing the both bees still trying to make sun open his mouth and release naruto naruto fails to make sun open his mouth and decides using the multiple shadow clone technique to make some puke emote which it does b celebrates this song tells naruto that the black receiver in him slid from his chest to his neck because of the full tail beast transformation naruto spots it enters his nine tails tracker mode and sets out to remove it apologizing to son in advance if he needs to get rough naruto pulls himself towards the receiver toby tries binding naruto with the chains kramer recalls naruto's past achievements and thinks that if naruto truly wants to help tell beasts that he should do it like he always has an act naruto tries pulling out the black receiver while like cloney left inside enters sage mode and tries pushing it out from the inside after naruto successfully removes the black receiver toby instantly summons the demonic statue of the outer path and reseals son goku but not before it leaves naruto with a parting gift the declaration he intends to go all out from this point on because they had something that belonged to him toby forces the five remaining jin chudigi into their respective full-tailed beast forms as kakashi and guy watch on in shock kurama tells naruto that he's willing to lend him more of his power somewhat taken aback by this narrator proceeds to thank the beast for helping during his brief battle with maru ujiha which kurama rebuffs naruto then chastises the beast for the manor which took gratitude before the beast offering his fist tells naruto to melt his truck with his own bumping fists with the beast naruto stands and tells b and the eight tails that he's ready to go again they however tell him that they would take the front lines while naruto acted as support since he was unable to transform into the full nine tails naruto however declines this maneuver leading the eight tells to wonder if quran has finally come around as naruto places a hand on the seals in his stomach and opens the gates to the hilukura on the back he states that it was no longer than until demon fox but kurama a comrade from konohagagure as the seal opens up the five opposing tailed beasts each create a tailed beast ball to fire a kakashi a guy kakashi planned on countering using kamowi while guy considers opening up his eighth gate but naruto after undergoing a transformation releasing his seal was able to deflect all the attacks frustrated toby made all the tail beasts attack but they were pushed away by the nine-tails roar kakashi and guy found themselves within koram's chakra while naruto created a clone which entered sage mode to locate the rods and the tailed beasts korrama wore naruto that since the union wasn't perfect they could remain in this form for only five minutes which nacho states was plenty of time using the chakra naruto grabbed the seven tails planning on pile driving it into the three tails but the giant turtle managed to curl up and roll away intending on finishing off the seven tails koroma raised his fist but was swallowed by the six tails trapping them while the three tails rolled straight at them just before it reached the giant fox the a-tails managed to grab the turtle's tentacles the five tails then tried to ram into the bull again but b managed to knock it away the two tails then attempted to pounce on kurama but naruto swung the six tails in its path sending them both flying naruto's sage mode clone managed to figure out the location of the black receivers while kakashi and guy watch on in disbelief toby realizing he would be able to defeat the two gentry unless he aimed to kill them made his tail beast regroup to perform one massive tale of beast ball which naruto responded by firing his own as naruto's tail baseball collides with those of the opposing tail beasts both tags fly upwards and explode using the opportunity to grab the beast by the throat naruto sends clones of himself all in the initial nine tails tracker mode to grab hold of the black receivers as they do so the original enters the consciousness of the tailed beast who had all been waiting there with their respect for cherokee and is greeted by yukito who's pleased that he had made it to this level welcoming him naruto and yagara whom the former starts pitying believe in the form of mizuka to be a child who looked even weaker than naruto did have a brief conversation after learning of song goku and roshi's fate from foo he is summoned before the tailed beast and told the stretch at his hand after urakata and han thanked naruto one by one tailed beast and jin shirokiya like introduce himself to naruto and then bump fist with him here kurumba remembers the parting words of the stage of six paths and then as these stakes are removed ask his fellow tailed beasts if they too believed as sun did that naruto was the one that sage has spoken of so long ago they all affirmed them as a shock toby reseals them into the demonic saturated path though stating that nothing had changed because of his worn-out condition after the tailpiece ball had ended naruto refused toby's claims saying that he had just learned a bunch of difficult names all at once toby's confused by narada's claim of learning difficult names which naruto teases him for guy remarks how naruto's progress is making him feel old which kikashi tries to make him feel better only to fail toby feels a moisture on his wrist at first thinking of his sweat but eventually convinces himself that it's rain starting to fall toby has a strange feeling about naruto and perceives an aura about him however he snaps out of his shaken state and asserts that the war will make everything irrelevant including naruto at the allied shinobi hq naruto's use of karama's tracker was felt though they also feel something else al relays the events to shikaku who wants to use it to raise the army's morale all at once despite the strain it would cost him naruto's friends from konoha will rush towards his direction with the attempt on supporting him alice where sasuke also walks towards the battlefield as a thunderstorm ensues in the kona hakukura intelligence division karine feigns mental instability to lessen her guard's attention to her and begins plotting her escape with a lockpit set hidden in her glasses under a portrait of sasuke she made joo go and suggest you learn about the war near one of virginia's hideouts jugo quests who gets his reasons before ataka and while the two argue ju goes to killing intent and kicks in and he attacks fugetsu so gets who simply reforms against drowning jugger to subdue him he notices the attack revealed a secret room caused by jugo's attack where suigetsu discovers a scroll detailing secrets to winning the war sasuke runs through a small platoon to a white satsu army who question his presence outside and realize he's killed the original white zetsu before attacking sasuke uses susano incinerates several of them he interrogates one of the white sets using genjutsu and learns about the war on his purpose sasuke finishes the way zetsu and decides to go kill naruto's maki sasuke is pleased with the attache's eyes and reminisces about him elsewhere he touches on the move onoki attacks moderu uchiha with a giant rock golem which moderator destroys creating several flowers tsunade recognizes the technique as her grandfather's gara suspends the kage above the attack on okiele updating a the flowers begin releasing a toxic pollen kabuto yakushim uses on how people who heard of ashram asenji's strength considered a myth just like the sage's six paths and now i'll show everyone that it's real dodai ganma and raida give chase to moo having steered the kage's attention towards the flowers moderator uses susano to knock them down from behind throwing them at the flowers and proceeds at the forest of blaze mae tries putting out the fire but collapses due to the pollen as with the other kage onoki thinks back to his youth talking to the first fujikikagi about the strong will of iwashinobi onoki musters enough strength to destroy the flowers inch or matara the other kage regained consciousness just in time to see the face formed from the dna of the first hokage in moderate chest kabuto gushes on how orochimar's creation allowed him to create the ultimate trump card elsewhere sasuke jihad detects someone in the woods nearby taking out a sword he goes to investigate only to be shocked at seeing itachi ochiha after sasuke spots hitachi he chases his brother down hitachi refuses to be swayed from his mission so sasuke attempts to use susano to stop him but hitachi counters with his own as sasuke chases his brother the two have a conversation elsewhere a regenerating moderate decides to target tsunade after realizing she was a senju deeming her a weak woman who had seemingly inherited nothing from ashirama who claimed he was even more skilled in medical ninja than she was he goes on to say that even more than a weak person he'd attested a weak senju tsunade however rebuffs him telling him that even though she had not inherited the would-released gengai your grandfather possessed and that he may have been even more skilled than her with medical ninjutsu since he did not require these hand seals to use it moderate made two mistakes one was assuming that she was a weak woman and the other was that she inherited nothing from her ancestor she states that she inherited something more than simple power the will of fire something moderate should not take so lightly moderate doubts i can defeat him with bull of fire stating power is nothing to do with will tsunade disagree saying that the will she inherited made her strong crediting it for her revolution of medical ninjutsu building an entire system and making its three rules which she lists to him as she releases her seal she then reveals her other rule that only those who have mastered the ninja art creation rebirth strength of a hundred technique are allowed to break the other three rules the other kage are stunned to learn about this while matara is unfazed having never heard of the technique tsunade explains that it's kinjutsu that only she knows how to use moderate says that getting rid of the pollen and adding a medical name won't help with their odds sonari says that all them will go out at it once it comes down to it and that she's not just a medical name moderate covers themselves to susana's rib cage but soon that he cracks with her attack modera notes would be slower than the reikage but stronger than him moderate tries emulating sonar but is stopped by many who also attacks a and onoki deal a heavy blow just as soon as he lands a powerful kick sending moderator crashing down moderate can see that sonata isn't as weak as he thought mata reminds her that she'll get herself killed if she simply rushes into battle the kage is source of treatment and recovery moderate wonders what hashirama left them saying that nothing could bring hashirama and that if you only know how weak baby he would have thought hasherama had a rise in the dead he says the only power hashirama left is clinging to him and that his own brother left him only his eyes and their power sonar asks if he heard nothing of what she said matara says the only thing that could have been passed them is hatred at the same time dan kato and chosua akimichi have a conversation with choza and forms that moderate had been reincarnated and that tsunare as hokage and the other kage were battling him which shot stan despite jose's confidence in tsunare dan tells that he should be using his time finding the cast of the technique instead of guarding the barrier that held him as mataro was not to be taken lightly expressing his belief that only hashirama could possibly be moderate back in the battle with modera sonata managed to land a devastating blow on him as he regenerates gara binds and seals him this is however revealed to be nothing more than a wood clone and tsunade is impaled by a susano's sword and mutter emerges from a root telling that we've fought hashem in the past only as dojutsu could see through the clone to keep sasuke from following him hitachi summons a flock of crows which starts sasuke hitachi finds kabuto yakushi saying that he felt where his chakra came from while he was being controlled earlier citing it as a weakness of the technique kabuto is a concern as he's the only one who can stop the technique after seeing sasuke close behind tachi kapito gets excited exclaiming his luck has turned for the better which prompted an exasperated attache to remark that things turned out worse than he expected having revved kabuto's hideout sasuke identifies kabuto kabato attempts to manipulate him into attacking hitachi but sasuke explains that his goal is to talk to his brother and that kavito who is now taking roche mar's mantle is his enemy meanwhile scenario real soon detective's power which allows nearly instant regeneration without the usage of hand seals and throws the sword that impales her back at modera while he absorbs it into his cesano onoki tries to blast moderate with a dust released from behind but matara simply absorbs it claiming he could have done it earlier but instead took it as a chance to demoralize him with hashiram's visage tsunade questions his confidence stating the kage forced him into using a wood clone instead of rebuffing her moderator admits five versus one is a good match-up number and creates 25 wood clones five for each kage sasuke attempts to kill kabatopa hitachi stops him explaining the need to discover the counter to the imperial world reincarnation beforehand sasuke agrees to cooperate on the terms that hitachi will answer his questions once they're done and hitachi accepts as both brothers and kabuto rated themselves for battle closing his hood and stating that he was an introverted person and as such it was unsettling to be stared at by so many people kabuto sends his snakes charging towards sasuke hitachi the brothers are able to fend this attack off by activating the susano however kabuto used the opportunity to hide one of his snakes here kabuto reveals the abilities that he had gained from experimenting with sasuke's former teammates karine's healing abilities a similar ability to sweeketsu's hydrification technique as well as jugo's ability to absorb natural energy after revealing that he had found and trained in the ryu gk of muchach's shock he narrowly dodges sasuke's arrow emerging from the snake's mouth he reveals he had finally surpassed arochimaru and was able to become a sage and declares that he was now a dragon after sasuke mistakes him for an imperfect snake like a rojimaru was kabuto launches a dragon of the brothers as hitachi rushes over a blinding light and violent air vibrations erupt sasuke and hitachi are paralyzed by the air vibrations but kabuto is still able to move because of its liquefied body kabuto goes up to sasuke first hitachi protects him with susano hitachi explains that he already knows where kabuto is going to attack so he can guard properly sasuke attempts to impale kabuto with a chudouri sharpspear but copper jumps into the ceiling he thought you tell sasuke remember the plan they used when they went to a mission together sasuke remembering hunting a large bore as he puts the planet into action with his brother while hitachi launched yasuko makatama as abstraction sasuke fired another arrow at kabata but managed to pin to the ceiling sasuke thinks he has kabatopa then is shocked to see kapito off to the side stabbing hitachi hitachi's body is revealed to be a crow clone and the really touchy counter attacks cutting off a piece of papaya's horn hitachi and sauce came over the time together and bear to catch the snake amused at the fact that though sasuke should hitachi the two seem to be getting along well khabib says that he understands that something might have happened during the brothers battle could not understand what sasuke could want from a dead person after hearing sasuke declare that he wanted to know the truth kabuto surmises that sasuke was suspicious of his brother having already heard the truth and as such never returned to konohaka kure because of his intended destroy it for making his brother suffer calling hitachi a liar and stating he went as far as to eradicate his entire clan to protect his village he asked sasuke whether or not what he was doing was more akin to his own goals of wanting to deal with orochimaru start and destroy konoha attempting to invaguel him to his side once more sasuke has a flashback of a conversation he overheard with a group of kona and badmouthing hitachi after which he declares he was nothing like kabuto and that crushing konoha was his own ambition recalling his life in konoha kabato begins to renounce the village and tell sasuke that he would be his new brother telling his brother not to listen to kapito itachi commands his plan of action telling his brother he would use one of their clan's ultimate ojutsu believing it to be izanagi sasuke questions his brother on this itachi however corrects his brother as he clashes with kabuto while wheeling sasuke's sword telling him that it's another technique able to decide destiny he's an army kabuto attacks the uchiha brothers with the sage art inorganic reincarnation causing the cave formations to attack them having used supersounder to protect sasuke itachi is incapacitated between the rocks as kabuto chooses a talisman from a snake intent on rewriting atachi's mind sasuke creates a ring of matarasu flames to prevent kabuto from taking any further action committing sasuke's strategy kopita tells him nonetheless that they were not able to defeat him continuing to brag about his accomplishments he states that of anyone currently alive he had come the closest to the sage of six paths and that compared to him the ugl were nothing this prompted sasuke to lash out at him but is stopped by a fully regenerated hitachi hitachi tells kabat they reminded him of his former self and the two of them were very different he then tells him that because he did not understand his own limitations the value of comrades and who he really was he was doomed to fail as he did when he was alive with this kabuto reports that they were the ones that knew nothing about him and that for his whole life he had tried to find out who he really was with this kabuto was a flashback to his earliest memory of being found by nono and urushi he then states that for his whole life he had nothing kabuto then remembers his first meeting with orochimaru while aiding the wounds of several konohanagakura shinobi declining the offer of being a shinobi nonono is later approached by donzo shimura rochimaru and aburami shinobi who blackmail her into undertaking an intelligence gathering mission based on imsa that received the iwagakuru is planning a big attack taking kabuto along with him to replace a dead root member the young man was sent on several spy missions in different hidden villages inclusive of the five great shinobi countries on a mission in iwakakakura his cover was blown as he attempted to escape he was confronted by an iwo and in combat to attack the ninja with the chakra scalpel severely wunis would be assassin revealed to be no no to his horror when nono did not remember him as the attempted healer a shocked kabuto ran off and left through his kitsuki and another eo and then approached them devastated that she didn't remember him and wondering who he was kopto was once again approached by orochimaru who states that kabuto would become quite the shinobi kabuto was startled by rochimar's approach arochimara says he's been watching kabuto and nonono for a long time and invites him to come with them promising to reveal the reason nano attacked him and didn't recognize him orochimaru takes kabuto to his medically equipped hideout telling kabuto he's the first person he's brought here covered up questions arrow tomorrow when he brought him here and rochimaru is pleased with his inquiring nature orochi mai reveals that root set up kabuto and nonono to kill each other as their skilled abilities as spies with vast knowledge would have made them too dangerous to be kept alive orochimaru then explains that danzo told nono the reason kabuto joined root accepting her pleas to relieve him of duty if she kills one man kabuto who she believed to be someone else having been given photos of a different child over the years kabuto figures orochimaru was sent to kill whoever survived orochimaru confirming the fact to a motorified kabuto while telling him that they're no different he explains that kabuto that has found value in kabuto's skill and wants his services within the newly created otogakode with the promise of a new identity accepting the afro copper that becomes a rochimar's spy pretending to be a spy for sorcery in order to learn about katsuki and aids his new employer and his experiments throughout the years after rochimar's defeat at sasuke's hands kabuto injects himself with blood from the remains of roche mar's true form to achieve an identity of his own making having finished reminiscing about his childhood guppies tells the brothers that he is assimilated more than just rojimar's dna and that his pawns were a show of his own power and refuses to be tachybase any longer even though hitachi rejects what kabuto says kabuto presses on this attack a constructive saucon emerges from the base of his navel snake and kapito uses his attack of the twin demons technique as he has the construct transforming to jirobo who then uses earth release earth's shore return technique to part the circle of flames the uchiha brother created around himself giving them no time to react he brings forth kinamaru next and has them use the spiderweb unrolling technique to trap the brothers who use the masarazu to incinerate the uncuttable web moving behind the brothers and producing kimimuro next he has him use the dance of the seedling fur technique to block the area behind them while also creating another web in front of them effectively caging the brothers in after they manage to escape kabuto uses tayujya and her demonic flute phantom sound chains technique to attack the siblings with an auditory genjutsu effectively incapacitating them bringing forth rochimaru himself finally kabuto has him transformed into his white snake form and attacked the brothers the uchiha managed to escape the genjutsu and fend the snake off by catching genjus on each other kabata however appears from the mouth of the snake with a surprise attack and by sexy tachi stating that a genius that does everything would not understand him wanted to find his true self and then declared that no one would stand in his way with this regenerating hitachi called out to sasuke as kabuto moved to implant his television to reread hitachi's mind responding sasuke through his sword at kabuto kabato caught the sword with his navel snake and dodged the grasp of sasuke susano sasuke launched a fireball at kabuto who counted it with a large torrent of water which swept sasuke of his feet through the mist created from the two clashing techniques kappa didn't notice that hitachi who caught the stab of the sword for him disappeared into a flurry of crows and attacked kabuto with a sword he took from him chastising him for using the same attack pattern he used before to cut his horn off to which hitachi or buffs that he cannot be harmed also refuting kabuto's claims that genjutsu cannot affect him stating that it already had this sequence of events repeats itself once again until kabuto begins to notice the deja vu regardless of what he did differently it was ultimately revealed that the entire new sequence of the battle was taking place within kabuto's head as he was trapped with an izanami during this time sasuke questions his brother about izanami hitachi explains the mechanism behind the technique they stream their clan they use the izanagi and why izanami was created he then tells his brother that kabuto would be freed from izanami once he accepted his fate somewhat angered that hitachi would use a technique that the victim could escape sasuke questions his brother who tells him that he wanted to give kabuto the opportunity to accept his fate something he himself could not do during his lifetime this explanation only served to make sasuke more irate who believed his brother to be perfect but he thought she refutes his claim all throughout this kabuto continues the battle in his own mind refusing to give up elsewhere on the battlefield they grown up urushi tells one of his comrades but his home and hopes that by the time he got back his brother kabuto would be there meanwhile the cave hitachi prepares to end the summoning in pure world reincarnation as kabuto remains incapacitated by izanami sasuke questions whether undoing the imperial world recruiter should not mean that hitachi would disappear as well declaring that he no longer had any attachment to the world of the living itachi notes that he was proud to be able to protect konohakode once more enraged to hear hitachi's motive sasuke states that while he could forgive his brother he would never forgive the village for what they have done this leads hitachi to tell his little brother that he won't be the one to change him and that he was doing this to aid to uzamaki whom he had entrusted the task to hitachi then proceeds to raise the brill overcome with those eyes and use gunjutsu to order kabuto to teach him the hand seals needed to stop the impure world reincarnation meanwhile the five kake struggle hold their own against moderate 25 susano clad wood clones amidst all the struggles onoki realized them to fight on having been entrusted with a great task which they could not fail matara notes that he needed to break onoki's will as it was the most troublesome of all rallying to each other's side sonar transfers chakra to anoki uses a large-scale dust-release detachment of the primitive world technique which succeeds in obliterating the 25 wood clones and a part of the real moderate in one fell swoop splitting the clone down the middle meteorumin unleashes a water release water dragon bullet technique which a-charges the lightning this makes contact moderate effectively slowing down his response time as moderato prepares to counter it it's revealed that sand was also concealed in the dragon which gara uses to bind moderate movements further in order to create an opening for onoki to use another dust release thus giving him time to seal him through the regeneration process as they declared that this is the power of the five kage matara complements them stating he would respond with his full power as well he then unleashes the complete version of susano stating that it would help them realize just how futile their efforts have been regardless of being kage the five kage look on in shock as matara unleashes his susano after stabilizing the construct sunati questions whether her grandfather really fought against someone who is so much stronger than the five kage put together matara responds by saying that hashirama was the only one who could defeat him and that states that it was a good thing that he wasn't here as the extent of the damage the shrouding landscape would be on a much smaller scale as he sends the kage flying with one swing from a sword destroying the mountain rage behind him in the process realizing his full power onoki questions whether or not moderate had gone easy on him and moo in the past to which moderate states that why should he fight seriously against children as the kage stand to face moderate nonetheless onoki then states they would not back down now causing moderate to resolve himself to crush their beliefs elsewhere hitachi then commands kabuto to use the hand sails he had just stated to end the impure world reincarnation sasuke used this time to state his relevance to hitachi that he will destroy the village because of what it did to him before bidding farewell to hitachi as the technique is released the reincarnated nobody from all over the battlefield began to deconstruct upon seeing this a battered naruto and b thank hitachi and then uses this as motivation to wrap things up with toby as well before being completely decommissioned hitachi hits towards his little brother his hand outstretched stating that he could still make it with the impure world reincarnation released all the reincarnation of he began to fade into pillars of light as the battle between toby and naruto ensues naruto charges adam stating that his opponents were in front of him as toby contemplates the fact that kabuto would seemingly be defeated meanwhile the five kage struggled to combat moderate as he's about to deal in the blow of the sword his susano completely dissipates as he's enveloped in a beam of light causing him to wonder what happened at the summoner back at the cave hitachi uses the last of his consciousness to show sasuke's memories of the chihuahua clan downfall showing him when he came into possession of shi sweet uchiha's shot and gone konohan leadership's decision to move against the uchiha claims his meeting with toby and ending with fugaku and mikoto's last word to itachi with the full truth about the massacre revealed hitachi told sasuke even if sasuke never forgave him and no matter what he decided to do from that point on he would always love him after imparting his final words to sasuke itachi's soul is released from the imperial world reincarnation after which kabuto seems to have been released from izanami on five different battlefields all the other reincarnated shinobi souls are being released as the five kage realized what was happening they wonder who would release the technique with the noki noting that whoever it was he was a hero to the shinobi world regaining the minion over his movements dan asks chose it having removed the barrier which had sealed him when the berry is released chosen notes the hand seals dan used realizes his intentions and tells him to hurry to go as naughty using his spirit transformation technique to control the then ascending soul dan flies to not his location in time to take over her body and save her from modera who though being released from the imperial world reincarnation was still making a desperate attempt to kill the kage speaking with sonata in her subconscious just before disappearing then tell tsunari that he wait for her in the afterlife but not to follow him just yet and he leaves her with the remainder of his chakra that's restoring her strength of 100 seal after returning to the real world tsunade and the other kage watch in some confusion wondering why matara hadn't stopped moving as well he then explains that if the reincarnated know the seal to end the summoning contract of the imperial world reincarnation they could severitize from the summoner with this moderator performs a seal to sever the contract and tells them to tell the summoner that he shouldn't use kenjutsu so arbitrarily reminiscing about hatchi's last words sasuke is tremendous by questions about important aspects of shinobi's life his clan his friends and about his existence just as the roof will copy those places caves in sasuke managed to dodge the falling stones and rocks suitsu and jugo appear claiming that at last to have found sasuke meanwhile at the battlefield the z5 kage are amazed to find moderate among themselves even after the imperial world reincarnation had been released moderate explains that after fighting him they might have realized that he was not a type of shinobi to be under someone else's control and that it would be a disgrace to again summons complete susano when it is said that anyone who has seen it has died onoki exclaims that they must fight and defeat moderate themselves when mae gives up meanwhile when naruto and killer be are still fighting toby in his demonic saturated path naruto provokes toby to show his real face angered by naruto's provocations toby decides to revive the demonic statue to its full form as he starts reading hand signs at kabuto's place jugo declares angkomitorashi to still be alive and exclaims that mara is still in the living world surprising sasuke as sasuke questions why they still after him suitsu tells him that they found a cool thing and hand sasuke the scroll which they found at one of rochema's hideouts rendered speeches for a moment by the contents sasuke decides to meet with rochimaru explaining to his shots we get to that arochimaru is too tough to die easily deciding that he's going to meet the one who knows everything despite speaking to giving several behemoths somewhat manic reasons why not to revive rochimaru sasuke it was resigned to his decision moving to execute sasuke's orders jugo retrieves some akaputo's dna using his sage transformation abilities much as who gets who's disgust after jugo places dna and anko's cursed seal of heaven sasuke uses the evil releasing method to revive rochimaru as his conscious remnants exit onco and regenerate his body from the sample retreating behind kabuto as orochimar emerges we get to sheepishly greet his former captor who notes that he was abreast of the situation having been able to observe everything from within anko further shocking them when he tells him he has no interest in the war that was currently going on and instead he still had his sights out on sasuke's body but he's able to seal in his current state showing him the scroll he was given sasuke tells rochimar that he wanted to hear everything from the source they didn't want to marry a question if he was wavering from his path of revenge to which sasuke denies moving over to the immobile kabuto which prompts suitsu to rent to this side of the cave orochimaru drains kakatov's chakra causing cop to revert to his original self noting who himself that sasuke has changed since they last summer origima beckons him to follow to a place that he himself knows well while analyzing the situation before him naruto killer b mike guy and kagashi told by toby to bear witness to the beginning of the end once the ten tail is fully revived confused that toby would be able to do this kakashi notes the war was offered for the sake of preventing kakaatsu from retaining the nine tails and since they already had the beast wonders whether toby was lying remembering what toby said and then the fact that they'd used a clone made from his chakra to avail taco reminds me of this and then notifies his comrades speaking to naruto directly karama knows that the chakra is also present in benicio and the coconut johan which the demonic statue that had a path that consumed and asked sorry to let him speak through the boy to personally reveal what it knows about the others as the fox explains the story behind the two treasure tools of the stage six past the golden silver brothers and how they had come to obtain his chakra after which kakashi corroborates his story with the intel received from headquarters with this kakashi declares that he would like them to do something before the beast has revived leading toby to retort that because kakashi always spoke so easily it led him to live a life full of regret shocking both kakashi and leading guy to question toby once again on who he was rebuffing this toby told guy that it made no sense to tell him because he didn't remember faces interjecting quran tells him that ask akashi said now was the only time to do something about the situation as this age of six passage told them that the revival of the tent till single the end of the world answering naruto's questioning of the tent tales power kurama tells him the beast might and the fact that amongst all the names it was known as it was also seen as the progenitor of all that existed in the world the beast thing goes on to say that even though alone it would stand no chance against the beast it could be possible since toby did not possess all the eight tails in its own chakra toby however rebuffs this by stating he only needed the beast to cast the infant sukiyama in the world switching back with kurama naruto declares his dreams to toby with guy kakashi even b who disclaims female attributes he values much the tail's shock rally behind him as toby launches into another speech naruto enters his nine and tells his chakram and attempts to land a high speed or sung attack on the statue until he blocks with his gun by prompting our to state that it seems as though he would really have to bash toby's mask toby responds noting that there was one thing he could not part with and then declares that he would not let him touch the statue formulating this strategy as an art to produces a shadow clone the snowy agreed that use of faint attacks will be crucial to this battle because dobe's abilities moving directly towards toby and art to use this super mini tailed beast ball while kakashi asks speed to hoist him into the air as he activates his monkey sharingan deciding that it was best to avoid direct contact guy takes out his pair of suga toby wielding his gun by is able to stave off naruto's attacks but ultimately has a harder time at things when sky joins the fray using his nunchaku to counter toby's gone by gaia is able to send a masked man throttling towards naruto in a super mini tail baseball using that opportunity kakashi activates kamui with the intention of ripping the demonic statue the other palace neck off however the statue which at this time was bleeding from the eyes of metamorphosizing is seemingly able to nullify the attack which confused kakashi greatly as naruto's attacks above my contacts toby teleports prompting naruto to send his intent and anticipate toby emerging from the ground in a surprise attack dodging the initial attack naruto now separated from the others has a harder time blocking toby's gong by kakashi infused that kunai with the lightning release and once again calls out to be launching across the battlefield akashi usually cut through a rock that separated him from naruto and then launches the kunai toby forced to become intangible but not want to give up so easily toby changed the trajectory of the kunai and sends it hurtling towards naruto telling him to ignore the kunai kakashi uses kami once again to warp the kunai away regrouping as the last attack seemingly fails to land the shinobi wonder how they're going to defeat toby just then a tiny crack appears on toby's mask noticing a slight crack on toby's mask guy and naruto think that naruto's last attack had actually hit the mask however crash disagrees when the type of crack was the sharper object that remembers the kunai he worked with kamui as kakashi came up with the hypothesis until his ability tobia arrests a barrier to thwart b's chance to check the demonic statue of their path and the mists of his transformation to the ten tales once figuring out a possible way to attack toby kakashi details his plans with the others with b launching them directly at toby guy starts off unleashing a sochuga only for toby to avoid it using his dematerialization ability predicting guy's moves as the sharingan as a result guy loses these hoshuga and steps away from toby's front narthen falls up quickly by launching a resengan which is avoided easily by toby who keeps insisting on the futility of the strategy however the resengan seemingly disperses before reaching toby followed by a sudden explosion that hits his right shoulder after being hurled away the masked man uses a gun by to stand back up toby then realized the attack was transported to his right arm using kamui just as he was about to materialize realizing toby's ability now kakashi knows that toby was not using two separate techniques to materialize and warp things away but a single technique urging kakashi to explain in the simplest way possible so they can readjust this strategy guy and the others listen on as kakashi explains toby's ability to become intangible and absorb things that were one and the same he then explains that when he makes himself intangible what toby actually does is to warp away the part of his body that was being attacked to the other dimension so while it existed there all attacks would simply be phased through his body however since kamui shares the same dimension the lightning enhanced kunai that kakashi warped away passed through the intangible part of toby's body and ended up in the other dimension and scratched the part of his body that was now sent there in order to make himself appear intangible one question might be how the two techniques were linked to the same dimension a hesitant guy begins to question kakashi but the latter cuts across him to ask toby directly where he got the sharing gun from responding toby reveals he obtained his right sharing gun eye during the previous war it kanabi bridge the moment that kakashi became recognized as the hero of the sharingan with kashi left speechless by the revelation toby belittles him while perpetrating the eye of the moon plan as the right move for humanity however naruto still refuses to accept toby's goal with the intent of not giving up on his dreams having institutions let it speak through him to chastise their opponent as well quran tells toby that it was entrusted in art who had befriended him for the express reason to stop toby spurred onwards naruto enters his tailed beast mode and charges adobe judging forward north attacks toby using giant chakra arms which toby simply phases through chatting the boy of thinking he'd defeat him on his own as a guy tries to snap kikashi out of the shock brought him from toby's revelation they see the masked man send three giant shuriken hurtling towards north from the other dimension catching two of them on his tentacles one of b and gooky's tentacles is cup of the third but is stopped by naruto towards toby's earlier remark by saying he's actually never truly alone as he has kurama and the others supporting him now motivated by guy to act kakashi knows that he had to tie the next use of his kombucha perfectly despite toby chastising his borrowed power and stated intentions of showing him kui's true potential acting immediately toby jumps into the air and sends out a number of black receivers which pierce being warning arthur not to let them touch him as it sealed off the tailbone's power naruto creates a shadow clone to be protected by while a clone charged forward with resengan the original prepare the tailed beast ball as the clone prepares to attack kashi seemingly warps away there is sang again while toby seeing the same attack pattern decides to attack the clone with none of it stakes rather than having to go through him when the clones seemingly dispelled toby faces the tail beast ball and fully enters the other dimension there toby is shocked to see naruto and realize that kakashi has warped the clone there to wait for him declaring his nowhere to run naruto slams the resentment into toby's face shattering the mask with naruto asking the enemy who he is with memories of their old friends from the days of the academy to tuning exams and later to the former's promotion to jonin kakashian guy recognized the face of the unmasked ninja to be that of their old comrade obito uchiha shocked with this revelation kakashi and guys started asking the masked man whether he truly was obito but upon seeing his monkey kill shangrikashi noted that there was no doubt about it however obito reiterated his point that it was insignificant what they called him as all that mattered to him was his eye of the moon plan akashi had a flashback to the time when obito died and then asked whether he survived the cave in this led naruto to ask them who the person in front of them was guy and said he was a former classmate of those who supposedly died during the third nobi world war kakashi is still in shock asked obito that if he survived then why he had not made the fact note until now obito retorts that whether he survived or not was unimportant however if kakashi really had to have an answer to why obituary not returned it was simply because she had let rin die an answer that had an amused obito chartel over kakashi's reaction even more devastated by this response kakashi asked him if he was going to blame him for it obido answered he did not see any point in blaming this useless reality which would disappear soon enough naruto tried to rally his sensei telling him that right now obito's plans needed to be stopped and that he would listen to the story later obito used the fire release blast wave wild dance technique sending a giant vortex of flames towards his opponents akashi unable to register what was happening simply stood there despite a guy calling onto him naruto however intercepted the attacks with kurama's tails before any side could act further they were interrupted by moderate appearance in the battlefield standing beside the young uchiha the legendary will be remarked that obi-wan seemed to be having fun much to the onlooker surprise as they wonder what happened to the kage moderate casually reprised the kage are not doing so well each having been critically wounded in their attempts to stop him obito returns the gun by the matara which he uses to block a valley of black receivers narcissists flying at them and repels naruto's super midi tail beast ball all the while he lectures obito both for initiating the ten-tail survival before capturing the a9 tales and for reincarnating him through the imperial world reincarnation instead of using nagato's outer paths i'm sorry of heavenly life technique as planned he decides to make the best of the situation and moves to capture the eight and nine tails and hopes to seal them in the demonic saturated path with the time they have left leaving kakashi to obito kakashi takes his opportunity to question obito what happened to him obito is a flashback of being found and rescued by an aging moderator after the events of the kanabi bridge mata attended to his injuries and though he had to empty obito's arm he restored it with the damage off his body with parts from his etsu obitua was grateful for matter as hell but was adamant about returning to his teammates kakashi and rin time passed as he recovered and began to rehabilitate under the watch to zetsu's white setsu and a spiral face tatsu one day white zetsu returned to the hideout and alerted obito that his comrades were in danger surrounded by kitty gakurei shinobi with the aid of the spiral face zetsu forming a suit to reduce his physical limitations original rush to help them upon arrival he found kakashi's hand running through rin's chest as rin died it caused obito's sharingan and the one he gave to kakashi to become mangekyo sharongan while kakashi passed out and enraged obito's slaughter of the kikigakori ninja he looked upon reign's dead body and devastated by her death concluded that he must be in hell the events changed obiton gave him resolve to change fate by destroying the world and creating a new one wherein still lives remembering the zetsu's discussion over moderate's plan to create just such a world obitu decides to become moderate apprentice to achieve that goal over time mater imparted obito with all that he knew the legend of the stage of six paths the eye of the moon plan and all the necessary steps to bring the plan to fruition he then infused white setsu with a part of his mind completing his creation with the black setsu moderator then took himself off of life support dying so that he may be brought back to the planned juncture left with matara's name to take as his own with setsu by his side object spent the following decades setting the pieces in place with his meeting with nagato who was vital to moderate resurrection inspired to cause the nine-tailed demon fox attack after overhearing kakashi obito fully embraces his new ideals and then he confronted his former mentor minitono makazi in present time when moderate attempts to have him see things his way naruto declares that he is minato's son and he would not be persuaded by him noting that he was being lenient because naruto was a true and chodoki declares he would no longer hold back creating an enormous wooden dragon he notes that it has been used by hashiram messenger in the past to bind the nine tails which prompts north to manifest chroma's body and tailed bismo to fight it asking obito why he chose to follow someone like maduro the ojiha notes that all it was left for him and kakashi was to have their final battle and he had nothing left to say obito and kakashi continued their battle with the former unleashing a barrage of sure can only be stopped at kakashi's wall of earth as obito slips through the wall kakashi continues to ask him why and ask him if it's related to rin which obito tells him to shut up obito then warps kakashi to the other dimension but his victory is short-lived is kakashi returns using kamui in the meantime moderate wood dragon begins absorbing kurava's chakra causing not just child bismuth to falter obedience begins to overwhelm kakashi bringing him to his knees matara uses wood release to bind killer b and mike guy and then begins to activate susano to finish things with the battlefield resolve naruto notes that the uchiha's ideals annoyed him to no end and creating a shadow clone he's able to stop both obito's shuriken and moderate susano sword from making killing blows and kakashi and guy hearing naruto's words that he could protect his friends kagashi and guy both spring into action with the former using lightning cutter to destroy obito's other shuriken and guy using daytime tiger to attack moderate turning to his former friend kakashi tells obito that he still remember what he taught him in the past and what he could do now is protect naruto as obito questions kakashi's resolve the copy ninja's sentiments are echoed by guy who was severely weakened seeing this notes that all konohan didn't like to act tough before taking advantage of the loose and grip of his wooden restraints and warning naruto that the wood released binding could suppress a tailed beast's power obito used his own wood technique to attempt to restrain naruto attack akashi but he sent reeling by naruto's intercepting headbutt then decides to attack the demonic saturated path before his transmission into the tent tail is complete leaving obito naruto naruto declares that he can see obito's suffering face though obi-wan counters by saying his kakashi is truly suffering as naruto knows that he has to do something for akash he was worn out koram's were just placed with naruto and throws the copy ninja at obito he warps kakashi to the other dimension obito learns too late the chroma revitalize kakashi with his chakra so he can attack obito in the other dimension whenever he uses kamui to dodge naruto's attacks with obito wounded as kakashi returns to the real world naruto joins killer being combining they tail beast balls to create a massive sphere of fire on the barrier containing the demonic statue after the explosion they note that the statue's chakra vanishes causing kakashi to question whether this is the end however the revived tent tales appears from the clearing smoke prompting obi to declare that it is indeed the end of the world elsewhere though disappointed that the a9 tales were not captured in time they recovered moderate notes that they should begin their plan shocked to see the 10 tails before them naruto surmises that they must have been tricked that he was unable to sense the demonic statue that happens in the event chakra however chroma tells naruto that it was impossible to sense the beast in detailed beast mode as the beast has neither feelings nor ideals and was akin to natural energy and that using stage mode descent how powerful it was would be a different matter meanwhile obito and maria relocate atop the beast as it attaches its tendrils into them obito notes that he would like to convince the plane immediately but moderate is more in favor of testing out the beast's power as naruth was attempted gauge the tent tails power in sage mode and zanartha realizing that it was indeed truly immeasurable kodama asked yuki to hand him mike guy and kakashi so he could restore the chakra taking command kodama devises a battle strategy to face the beast launching a continuous stream of tilt beast balls which culminates with seemingly being decimated by the ten tails tail beast ball but it was later revealed like she'd warped it away while it was being launched by naruto along with the letters clone overhead the ten tails where kagoshi released to aim till baseball but the attack was flicked back at him leaving naruto's shadow clone and kakashi open for an attack after the clone successfully pushes kakashi out of the way obito reflects on how much naruto was like himself before the tantalus attack disperses the shadow clone and sends yuki flying at their limits kurama and goku tell naruto and be to buy them some time will they generate more chakra for use as the opposition notices this he and his teammates already somewhat incapacitated naruto prepares to create more shadow clones which matara chides him for calling him incompetent akashi also equals these sentences and obito goes on to explain naruto that numbers will not change anything as he laments that all shinobi like the youth are powerless and would eventually become like him one day this causes naruto to lash out at obito once again stating his dream to gamakage which leads obito to tell him that you'd make him a hokage inside the infant tsukiomi as he has the ten tails bear to fire tailed beast ball to obliterate naruto and his allies and one blow however when the ten tales fires his tail beast ball at them they should have been shocked to realize that the beast is missed just then from above you know hinata hiyashi and a few others arrive and it's revealed that eno was able to shift the blast after taking control of obito for a split second immediately the aburama used the insect jamming technique and the kitigakari ninja shroud the battlefield and missed to stop them from being sensed shortly after this the entire allied shinobi forces arrived at the battlefield causing the sensing water sphere to distort and naruto announced that they were no longer a disorderly crowd before announcing a new technique the ninja alliance technique which is the strongest technique that ever existed in the shinobi world and it could win against the infinite tsukiyomi despite the spell on the number of opponents moderato note that their efforts were still futile and then even after this war history would only repeat itself and they would end up in the very same predicament in order to chastise them both noting that when there was a difference between in a group the majority of all beats all accepting this premise obito simply knows that they would make their decision after exterminating the majority the alliance itself using this time shikaku through inaudible is able to relay the strategy he formulated with the entire alliance with this the alliance launched their strategy the first attempt to slow down their targets by blinding them which was executed by the kumon in with c and a few others using the lightning illusion flash of lightning pillar technique followed by darwin and the other storm-released bears using the storm at least laser circus technique secondly the pseudonym used the wind release air current wild dance to manipulate the dust from the previous attack to obscure the opponent's vision once again adding two of what remains of the insect jamming technique and adding a miss technique from earlier to completely impair the opponent's sensory skills following this kid's chain a group of unions sink the beast in a hole allowing his daughter and the other lava release bearers to cover the beast in quick lime which is mixed with water with the kirin finishing off members of the konoha saratobi clan harden the mixture using fire release this leads moderator to say how surprised he is that shinobi from different countries were able to pull off a perfect combination shikaku informs them that they have to defeat mara and obito while the ten tails was still restrained recommending the logistical support and medical vision coordinate with naruto to exploit obito's weakness and telling all shinobi who were skilled in hijutsu to deal with moderate as various shinobi as well as techniques bear down on the tu chi ha mata realizes that they're being targeted this time he not however that in order to do that the alliance would have to have something to stop the ten tails first with this a powerful blast sends the incoming shinobi flying away as the fully matured ten tails emerges from the pit while the medical teams move out to ten to the injured shikaku inuichi out and the others discuss what was happening on the battlefield now finding it even harder to control the beast obituary moderates hashiram's cells in order to fortify the control over the beast as the former agrees with legendary uchiha that it was time to show the allied shinobi forces true despair as the beast fires off a tail of beast ball kichji is able to deflect its course using earth release underfoot the beast a second tailed beast ball is launched which detonates a nearby lake and a third which yashi knows destroys an entire town in an instant initially believing that the towns where civilians were now unsafe the fourth tale beast ball which is launched is known to be heading straight for hq as shikaku surmised as inuichi asks for a directive shikaku tells them that the other thing they could do is what they were assigned until the very end and for what appears to be the final time inuichi patches shikaku through to the entire alliance as the genius nara passes on his final strategy to defeat the enemy meanwhile in the battlefield matara exclaims that they're finally able to get them with a tailed beast while justifying the deaths of the alliance's head was a simple war attack though choji tries to control him after his father's death shikumar reminds him an eno that they are in the middle of a war and must focus on carrying out chicago's final strategy only naruto was unaware of inochi and shikaku's deaths with the others attempt to explain interrupted by the ten tails of being attacked leaping into action nenji and hiyashi are able to deflect the peace attack with everyone beginning to praise the hebrew clan history tells naruto that he must focus in this fight while explaining to him that death is a possibility in this war adding that shikaku and inuit were willing to die for their children negi echoes his uncle's sentiments referring to his own father's sacrifice before hiyashi and hinata state their intent to protect naruto to their last breath meanwhile top the ten tails which is slowly resisting their control and moderate and obito discuss how to proceed with their plan however as he's only a reanimated corpse and cannot become the ten tails from cherokee moderate needs obi-wan to sacrifice himself become the living being once more taking advantage of his ancestor's dilemma and wanting to put the alligator forces for the despair will be the dentist attack again as the attacks are being deflected by hugo quiche builds his chakra in preparation to use his signature technique with the beast's hand itself bearing down on the group he actually uses the eight trigrams vacuum wall palm to deflect it the beast then use a pinpoint attack which hiyashi realizes they could not deflect the time as senator throws out her arms to protect naruto negi actually intercepts the attack naruto calls for medics negi knows that it was already too late and that he will die within minutes as he actually looks on a horror and yeah cries openly naruto questions why a genius from the hugo clan would throw away his life for him and nedji who notes that he finally understood his father's feelings states it was for the exact reason that he did it because naruto called him a genius and that he chose to die for those he cares for with this the bianca gone stealing junjutsu and dejji's forehead disappears confirming his death taking delight in naruto being shocked obito attempts to shatter naruto's self-confidence and drag him into his way of thinking however he not a snapshot of it while telling him that his life is connected with everyone who shared his beliefs and are willingly sacrificing themselves for him he should not give it a despair and have that he died in vain by that time as killer bee manages to the tent tails by lodging his tailed beast ball into his mouth and is about to fire naruto thanks hinata for staying by his side and takes her hand while entering tailed beast mode infusing some of korrama's chocolate into hinata's body naruto creates shadow clones to do the same with the rest of their allies empowered by kramer's tracker with their attack strengthened the allied shinobi fight back with the akamichi clan members restraining some of the ten tails tails remembering their father's final words eno takes over obito's body to viera's attempted wood release technique of course before shikomar leads his narclan kinsman in restraining the ten tails by that time team guy made their way to the deceased nedjie with rockley mourning his friend's death despite obito's mocking guy's words of comfort keeping those in your heart as a curse kakashi and naruto rebuffed this notion the latter telling obito ninja are meant to endure such pain and will keep neji in his heart even if it becomes an actual curse as naruto infuses lee with some of his chakra karama ponders his intruder's ability to match his own chakra with that of different shinobi and considers the youth to have surpassed his parents though matara decides to help obito in breaking the nara clan's restraints they are respectively severed from the tent tales tendrils by lee and naruto for the jihad force to the ground elsewhere in konoha though sensing naruto's chakra as it was being given sasuke instructed to press onwards with aromara before they arrived to the uzumaki clan's mask storage temple though it was actually a detour orochimaru took one of the masks which we get to unnerve by rochimar's choosing after sasuke breaks away from the group to serve the village from a high point he and his group are after the destination the remains of the ruin naka shrine there arochimara dons the mask which invokes the shinigami as it binds itself to him while explaining his actions orochimaru slashes the shinigami stomach open to release the souls of those that consume though the acts mortally wounded him orochimar regained his hand so he can now use impure world reincarnation as he has jugo to use his natural energy to activate the six zetsu spores obito had planted on saskatoon to monitor him with it held down by jugo and suigatsu before transferring as being into the ladders restrained by zetsu orochimaru uses the remaining forest sacrifices to reincarnate the ones sasuke needs his answer from hashirama senju tobirama senju hirozin saratobi and minatonamikaze uchiha clan until orochimar points out that his actions in life set them down that path by placing them in charge of the quanah military police force and separating them from the rest of konoha when hashirama demanded why his brother did it toby rama explained that treasured love above all else and that through the despair of losing someone there they gained the sharingan eventually evolved them however using moderate and the love he had for his brother as the example tobirama reveals that the despair can also madden the user he concludes that all he had done was an attempt to use the uchiha's curse heritage in a positive way and cannot be blamed for their self-destructive nature hearing enough sasuke turned his attention to hashirama to ask him the meaning behind the village and ninja so he could determine whether or nots were sparing against toby rama's protest having sent his rival also being reincarnated hashirama tells sasuke with history about rochiha in an effort to save the youth from his old friend's fate by telling him his ideals beginning his story at the warring states period the time before the snowy villages were established hashiram reveals that he and maduro had met his children though enemies by birth due to their family feud hashirama befriended moderate and they dreamed of an ideal system where everyone could live in peace however when their families learned of their secret meetings moderate suffered his ties to hashirava and became his enemy to spite his former friends please time passes and both hashiroma and matara became leaders of their respective clans though hashirama continued to revisit their plans apiece to him as he lost his entire family in the conflict mata remained reluctant to end the bloodshed before accepting it when hashirama demonstrated how strong his resolve for peace was soon after konoha was formed and despite his intent to make moderate their leader hashirama became a popular vote matara feared that a day would come where konohobi led by people like toby rama who distrusted uchiha therefore leaving konoha matara created what he considered a true method of achieving peace however this required moderate to capture quran and use his power to wipe out konoha this resulted in the epic battle between hashirama and mara that created the valley of the end and was thought to be ramadara died although he regretted killing matara his friend for so many years hashirama concludes by stating his notion of a ninja as one who strives for their dreams that he may become entirely different person in the process with his story done hashirama asks sasuke if you accept his ideas or continue embracing moderate views of the world sasuke responds to his brother hitachi shared hashiram's dreams for a unified konoha and died protecting it because matara's plan means to complete abandonment of this sasuke decides to fight to save what meant so much to hitachi orochimar decides to join out of curiosity as does korean who tracks sasuke down and immediately forgives his previous attempt to kill her the hokage though earlier restrained by heroichimaru so they would not run off to join the war or are not given freedom to do so each standing upon their own face in the hokkai rock the hokage voiced their eagerness to get things started minato in particular delighted that he'll finally get to meet his son and promises to make up for not being there with a huge surprise having been disconnected from the ten tales moderate and obi-wan attacking naruto to many places the chakra close he gave the alliance protects him as he engages obito in a fight while debating whose values truly matter as moderate shivers with the light upon sensing reincarnated hashirama's chakra the ten tales breaks free from kitsuchi's earth restraints and begins to act on its destructive impulses kakashi tries to warp it away but is pulled into a fight with obito as both are sucked into the other dimension while the tent tails power creates multiple natural disasters all over the battlefield as the nine tells chakra shadows disappear after protecting the shinobi lines from the worst of dental attack the master reacts to the sight of naruto with detailed beasts and the sage of six past silhouette around him they should know before a defensive line to give sakura time to heal naruto matara notes is growing this interest in the battlefield and then another awaits him within the other dimension kakashi and obitual continue the battle with kakashi stopping just short of driving his lightning cutter through obito's heart obito is surprised to find kakashi hesitating and ask if he is wrecked with guilt for not keeping his promise still wanted to save obito realizing his friends malice towards naruto is based on not wanting to be rejected by the boy he once was kagashi explains to him that he can still be that person again but obito laughed and phased through kakashi's technique effectively recreating the scene kakashi impaled rin open to reveals that he knows why rin died and notes that he did not wage a war just because of her death and kakashi's inability to keep his promise to protect her but because of the hell that the villages and their snobby put him through that made him empty and devoid of almost all feeling when offered a place in the eye of the moon playing kakashi questions obito if the delusion would truly fill the hole in his heart stating from experience of his intent of not letting obito's discarded ideas go to waste back in the real world having seen the tailed beast inside naruto the ten tales has violently reacted to their present by transforming once again while charging his attack as it charges a devastating tail baseball shikamura comes to the plane of using all the remaining members of the alliance to create a lot of weaker earthen walls to redirect the attack with yuki's assistance after consulting with kitschy and having inope pass the info around shikamaru has killer btake point as sakura rallies their forces while healing naruto the shinobi alliance carries out their plan to hinder the ten tails attack however despite bee's support the ten tails tailed beast ball was about to breach until it was sent to the sea by the recently reincarnated munito just as he arrived once explaining himself minitum uses over sakura's similarity to kashina and the other hokage arrive moderate gets giddy at the side of hashirama as the first hokage states he will deal with the ten tails first as he and the successors use four red yang formation technique to trap the beast with hashiram adding an additional seal pinning down the beast's tails by then sasuke arrives with jugo and the remaining members of the konohan 11th surround naruto however not caring what they think of him sasuke explains he no longer wishes to destroy konoha but to make changes to it stating that becoming hokage is the only way to achieve that new goal sasuke gets into a minor dispute with naruto over it before hashirama runs into their current situation though told the rest as they're about to join the hokage sakura explains to naruto and sasuke that she is no longer the weak girl from a few years ago and she trained at her assange just like they were this prompts someone to note that team 7 is back and they and the reformed rookie nine charges the battle once the hokage barrier is complete with the ten tails unable to escape after adding one more seal hashirama creates five wood clones four to make an opening for the allied ninjas and one to confront matara who decides to stand down until the original is ready once inside the group finds himself facing an army of ten tales clones with sakura using what she learned from snotty to wipe out some of the creatures much to her teammates shock before they save her when she momentarily left a guard down the rest of the rookie 9 follow suit by displaying their own newly mastered abilities kiba's human beast mixer transformation three-headed wolf she knows parasitic giant insect bug bite and team awesome's inoshikacho formation e human bullet yo-yo even sai joins the fray although it ends up being saved by naruto with the number of ten tails clones having an advantage of the allegheny forces sai points out that the only way to beat the ten tails is defeat its largest extension to get close enough to it though the attempt is risky and could be fatal nars was the solution and he summons gamabunto but finds a large gamma kichi aiding him instead sasuke and soccer have a similar conclusion and follow suit by solving aoda in place of the deceased manda and katsu respectively as sakura has katsu provide aid to the shinobi alliances wounded naruto and sasuke use their summons to fight through the ten tales once they're glad to have sasuke as an ally again naruto combines his ultra big ball wrestling shuriken with sasuke's blaze released susano kagutsuchi to land to blow on the ten tails when naruto and chroma were intent to extract the tailed beast from the inside the tent tales sasuke is intent to incinerate the monster in its entirety before it severed the burning piece of its body with no intention going peacefully elsewhere rochimaru arrives a sweet ghetto in korean towards tsunare and the other kaguya are being intended to do by katsu though slug is wary at first it eventually agrees to them assisting because his dark condition while so we get to aids and putting suna's bifurcated halves back together korean has soon had a bite here so that she can recover which in turn allows katsu to heal her injuries after a brief conversation about rochimar's change of heart orochimar and his companionship for the battlefield while tsunada and the other hill kage are briefed on battle by katsuyu they make preparations to head back to battlefield back on the battlefield sai continues to question sasuke's true motives and while sakura knows that she has faith in sasuke sai noted that her eyes did not reflect this back in the other dimension the conflict between kakashi and obituary is on as both think back to their childhood days as many of those students with kakashi intend to protect both naruto and the old obito from the latter's current incarnation kakashi manages to impale obito with the lightning cutter infused kunai however the heavily wounded obito stabs kakashi without his black rods while telling him that his defeat will not turn the tide of the war as he returns to their reality appearing atop the tent tales modera notices his rival obito finds himself betrayed by his mentor who decided it is time for obito to return the favor for saving him in the past using the black receivers in the artificial parts of obito's body matara forces him to perform the outer path samsara of heavenly life technique to become truly alive and become the ten tales from churchy realizing murder intent hashirama sends naruto and sasuke to stop obito while he and toby rama create an army of clones as a contingency plan minotaur also creates a clone to attack obito learning the truth that his former student has been alive the whole time while realizing his students were on the night until demon fox's attack later on matara noted that obito managed to resist his control as he absorbs the freed tent tails inside of his body becoming his friend to get his bench's place with his body completely healed and killer be confirmingly geeky that the ten tails have not reached his final form yet obito proceeds to destroy the four red yang formation as the other hokage deal with obito to find a weak point learning there is a substance on his skin that makes him invincible to attacks hashrama ends up being confronted by matara who decides to settle things with his rival once and for all somewhere in an underground layer orochimar's experiment is brought to life by a strike of lightning however rojimar's plan backfires as the experiment attacks him and begins to destroy the building forcing him and kabuto to evacuate the next day hitachi and queso may find the broken experiment in the destroyed building and brings back to their leader pain in a secret ikatsuki hideout payne uses the king of hell to repair it as well as add new modifications to it the ikatsuki leader then instructs itachi to capture the ninetails with the newly repaired equipment now hooded by a cloak joining him in his mission hitachi soon arrives near konohaka kure and orders it capture naruto it begins at search for naruto attacking several villagers and defeats team guy in the process naruto himself shows up to stop it so he can get back to training naruto attacks the experiment with his multitude of clones but it easily repels his assault naruto managed to land hit in his cloak tearing it apart and it's revealed to be a mechanical replica of himself known as maca naruto making naruto begins siphoning naruto's nighttail chakra cause him to lose his strength kakashi yamato arrived at kagashi distracting makinarto with his lightning cutter giving yamato the opportunity to save naruto the trio managed to escape using a secret tunnel and mecca naruto begins to destroy the village in an effort to find naruto in the hokage's office sunita devises a plan to lure menardo away from the village naruto rides away from the village in the palinkin with yamato while choji kiba neji and shikamaru act as bearers and kakashi's backup the planet is put into action and mechanartha starts pursuing the palanquin shino not wanted to be left behind like last time arrives to distract the mackinac tobot is defeated the group decides to escape into the forest where shikumari switching places with kakashi so he can try and defeat mechanaruto however shikamaru is defeated after being smashed into the ground by mecca naruto tsunade then orders shiznite to request assistance from sununugakure shikomaru is overwhelmed by mecca naruto and continues to follow the group while firing missiles in the process choji uses human bullet tank and attempt to distract making naruto ultimately fails kiba and akumar are transformed into a double-headed wolf and attack using the fang passing fang but it's easily countered by the mack the palanquin carrying naruto falls over since someone's holding it nedji is the next to join the fray using eight trigrams palms revolving heaven machinarto tries blasting the rotating shield with lasers with no effect after dominating neji's technique with high speed maki naruto breaks through and eliminates him in yamato akash uses a sharingan and a failed attempt to defeat the mecca just as naruto is cornered by his mechanized replica gar arrives just in time to save him as he's about to crush mechanical arm data appears and taunts the young man forcing the kazuka to chase after him naruto and me naruto are summoned into a snake stomach by hirochimaru who reprogrammed marco naruto to obey him jiraya then appears and summons gamabunta thus freeing them from the snake's stomach mechanardo easily overwhelms naruto who's nearly drained of the nighttail's chakra mechanical changes his programmings courtesy hitachi and returns the nine tails chakra back to naruto as makinarika bisects rochemar in half to protect naruto he activates a switch causing mekakurama to appear and causes mayhem in kong hakukurei makinariton cases itself into naruto and battles makakurama but their attacks have no effect whatsoever making naruto ultimately sacrifices itself to destroy the mechanized tales when the villagers celebrate naruto's victory they're comically drowned by ghara's quicksand waterfall flow birth of the 10 tales in chile despite minot's attempt to stop him obito goes after naruto proceeds to attack him in sasuke luckily naruto used his chakra arms on his father and saw's case of the former can teleport them away by that time his body beginning to mutate his attempted to attack obito was losing control as the tent tells his asserting itself and destroying the human's mind though he instructs naruto and sasuke to follow his counter with a collaborative attack his former student thinking of rain and their team minato finds obito managed to regain control of his body and assume a form similar to the sage's six paths himself teleporting away after his arm got ripped off minito finds that obito attached an orb made a mysterious substance to him as it begins to expand luckily a clone of toby rama grabs the orb and destroys himself in an attempt to kill obito elsewhere in the battlefield deciding that the time for waiting is over matara battles hashirama in an epic clash with the allied nobi forces in awe before shikimara uses eno to contact their allies not to lose focus for a second by that time having used the substance to avoid being consumed in the explosion and unscathed obito deflects an impulse of sasukes and matarasu before naruto aids his friends so the two can make an opening for me to tone tobirama with the second and fourth hokage preparing for an instantaneous swapping flying thunder god technique before toby ram appears behind obito sasuke and naruto rushed forth with a kagitsuchi infused russian shuriken expecting to be attacked by the second okay obito learns he fell for a trap as minato suddenly has the rasen shuriken and takes tobiamo's place to attack obito from behind the kona hot ninja's illusion at landing a direct hitter quickly diminished when obito makes use of his new abilities to push aside the flames and heal himself at this point they realized that minato's arm had not regenerated and figured out that the uchiha was using yin yang release and thus being able to nullify the regeneration of impure world reincarnation and making the reincarnated vulnerable to fatal attacks in response to this naruto tries to entertail beast mode in order to deliver an even more powerful attack but fails completely earning himself blank looks from both enemies and allies after kurama tells narada to hold off from using his chakra gamaki fires a natural energy-infused starch syrup gun in a last ditch effort to help before disappearing obito easily blocks it however both toby rama and naruto notice something amiss as mirador questions why obito discarded his dream of becoming hokage naruto used his chance to enter sage mode when the uchiha explained his reasoning and assaults the hokage tobirama assists naruto delivering rasengan proving that while resistant to ninjutsu obito is vulnerable to senjutsu as naruto passionately defends the title of hokage and his father's legacy koroma's vienhaf within minato spurs minnesota action after naruto and tobirama fall back a recovered obito decides to execute the eye of the moon plan by first creating an enormous tree to wipe out the remainder of the alligator forces while boxing them in with a barrier to prevent them from escaping to counter the turn of events naruto thinks of a risky plane before asking his father to bump fist with him the act between father and son allowing yang and yin kurama to connect to each other as well after telling obito that he will not let the world end as long as he lives naruto dawns his nine tails tracker mode mantle with miniature falling suit the combined efforts bolts of the version one like mantels around the snowy thus like miniature to teleport the alliance outside the barrier before the tailed beast balls exploded with this the team presses onwards in their assault on obito and the father-son duo going until beast mode and naruto also using sagemo to bolster their attacks they would affect obito the uchiha whoever was prepared for the assault this time was able to deflect it before the alliance can launch another attack obama decides to press on with the eye of the moon plan as he manifests the ten tails and has to transform into a tree that instinctively proceeds to suck the chakra out of any shinobi that it grabs mata reveals the tree to be the ten tails in his tree form while telling hashirama the monster's true origins along with the chakra but then all ninja barely escaping the branches with heron's help as he's teleported to safety naruto looks around his friends and allies and anguishes always proclaims that their suffering will end once the tree forms flower the crown piece and creating the infinite tsukiyami blooms onward to the battlefield the five kaka see the ten tales tree form and wonder what it was which leads tonight to ask you to explain what's happening when shigimaru is found to be one of the victims of the tree's attack soccer tries to katsu heal him remotely bukatsu informs her that it's clones also died due to having a chakra absorber the tree leading her inside to rush their comrade side instead the allied shinobi forces members spiral into deep despair and taking advantage of their moral obeto declares that he will not kill those who stop resisting but hashirama's wood clone reminds them not to give up hira's in sentiment causes orochimaru who would just arrive which we get to in korean to note that pessimism was very out of character for his sensei as matara and hashirama continued the fight the uchiha reveals that even without the full chakra of the eight and nine tails they tree would bloom in approximately 15 minutes during which moderate plan to take obido's place using hashiram senju abilities as the information is related to him hashirama's wood clone called out for yamanaka and while startled idol responds to the first and patches and through to the alliance connected the clone passes on the recent revelation and also tries to boost the shinobi's confidence telling them to not give up as the ten tails tree form moves again to attack a large chunk of its ruse is cut off by a susano created by sasuke who has an artillery reached the limited capacity responding to his friends question naruto once again enters both tailed beast and sage mode and through enos technique as feelings and memories are passed to everyone remembering his time as a child and the people he lost along the way naruto notes that he did not want to have any more regrets and that sacrifices would not be made in vain with new determination and a chakra boost from yin kurama naruto charges forward into the battle alongside sasuke who has jugo used the sage transformation on his susano to imbue with natural energy creating the cursed seal of heaven markings on sasuke susano ready for action the two nobody plunged back into battle against obito who took note of how time and time again naruto picked himself up from the red despair with this orochimaru reflects on how sasuke seemingly has the potential to surpass even even maduroji himself while toby rama knows that naruto was in a lot of ways like his brother hashirama faults and all with the shinobi still somewhat doubting themselves and contemplating waiting for directors from the current kanye khashogra shares with them all his memories from the first summit of the five kage how the meeting unfolded is revealed to all what rings home for them all is hashirama's wish for al-shinobi to be united with this hashirama rallies the troops to amass their worries they resolve their sorrows and strength in order to fight ultimately hashirama's wish for the future is answered by the appearance of the five current kage of the battlefield all standing as a united front the five caughegate is spruced across the battlefield in order to strengthen the wheels of the shinobi from the respective villages sakura is still attempting to heal shikimaru who is slowly slipping away to do a stunning lost chakra however naruto's version one chakra re-emerges and begins to give chikara some strength which eno later notes that naruto did subconsciously so now that i rashed the location and easily heals shikomaru back to full health and while commenting sakura for her recent achievements while the reformed ally shinobi alliance led by the respect of kage began attacking the tree naruto and sasuke are still engaging obito meanwhile kakashi is healing himself near the dimension while also pondering obito's true feelings and his buried will of fire deep within him just as naruto and sasuke believe they've found an opening obito deflects their attacks manages to force naruto out of his sentry to enhance tail beast mode and sasuke out of a susano as obito asks naruto why he would want to save a world that would ultimately only hurt him in the long run naruto replies that he would never go back in his world because it's his dindo naruto and sasuke agreed to put an end to the battle once and for all sasuke susano in cases naruto's tale beast mode with korama now in susano armor naruto and sasuke prepared to attack obito once more realizing the strength obito manifest a giant yin yang shield and the sages six pass legendary sword of nunaboko to counter them as the two young shinobi rush in naruto creates nine resengan within the tails of his susano and his tailpiece mode naruto then uses eno's mind body transmission technique to contact the goku hawaiian 11 excluding genji who died sakura and said to enter the fray as they join the battle detailed beast mode mantels envelop them and naruto instructs him to use the resang to break obito's shield after the kona 11 inside destroyed the shield sasuke susannah sword breaks the sword of nuna boku and manages to slice through obito from there naruto proceeds to siphon out the other tailed beast while gar attempts to reclaim shukaku and killer b retrieves the fragment of yuki knowing that the tree would become a lifeless husk again if he allows the gentility to succeed obito wrestles with him for the chakra however the rest of the allies nobody forces and sasuke's allies join in helping naruto in grabbing hold of the chakra three minutes nine tells track mode within his subconscious i've been getting to imagine what his life would have been like if you turn to the village instead of moderate after rin's death obito sees himself alone against the entire alliance as he begins to contemplate and grapples to come to terms with what he starts to view as to be regret however using the link to reach them an empathetic naruto tells obito that despite his declaration of being no one he was in fact someone with dreams telling open so he was and still is obito uchiha naruto vows to destroy the metaphysical mask he created for himself even despite attempting to strangle the youth insisting he regrets nothing in the choices he made obito struggles with his inner turmoil when naruto pointed out that rin could never accept the man he is now as naruto grabs obito's hand the allies will be forced to succeed in freeing the tailed beasts utterly defeated gazing the moon will lamenting that he could never fill the void in his heart obito did not notice sasuke running at it with the intent to cut him down however as the alliance were able to join in before tsunade tells him to stand down kakashi manages to return to the other dimension stopping sasuke akashi informs his former student that killing obito is his burden to bear it is stopped by minato from there the three members of team minato speak of their ideals and what they each became since rin's death kakashi then tells a doubtful obito that naruto would not have ended up like him because he had many friends to help him along the way by that time after the tailed beast thanked him freeing them from the tales body naruto focused his attention away from obituaries to find mataro with the intention of stopping duchy out for good they defeated obito watches the naruto attacks and immobilized murder from atop the tree that hashirama managed to subdue besides being himself pinned down the allied shinobi forces notices the direction of nato's attack begins rushing to location shukaku agrees to assist garrow with stopping matara while the other tailed beast following suit scythe flashed the top of the tree to collect naruto amato recovers martin's attack meanwhile obito who is incapacitated due to the extraction of the tailed beast resolves to use the outer paths i'm sorry of heavenly left technique to revive those who've been killed during the war stating that he finally understands nagato's actions before he could do so however black satsu emerges and takes over his body forcing him to use the same technique to revive moderate instead much of the shock of naruto and the others and his own satisfaction moderate is revived in the flesh as matara's eyes crumble having bestowed them to nagato prior to his death he has suddenly struck a blaze by matarasu courtesy of sasuke the legend is unfazed though simply absorbing the technique as his armor falls away mario reminds hashirama with the conversation they had under the naka shrine stating that he believes the unity stated refers to the combination of both uchiha and senju reeling the face of hashiram on his chest stating that the face was due to kabato mataro quickly bypasses naruto inside so to grab on to his old enemy and drainable to send due to chakra turning the face on his chest into sage mode sasuke then goes on the attack intent and killing mara now that he's just been fully revived however the older uchiha managed to grab the youngest blade planning on taking sasuke's eyes until he gets his originals back meanwhile obito kakashi and minato learn about mata's revival just as black said to attempt to take the rinnegan the former hokkaido and his people simultaneously attempt to attack the creature who quickly attaches it off to obi-wan before they can reach it explaining that he is moderate real he recalls how it escaped though jojo managed to pin the upper half down after bisecting black zetsu the lower half was also sentient and escaped elvis master later back with matara the uchiha attempts to persuade sasuke to join his side but the younger adamantly refuses both saya and naruto attempt to attack mata in a pincer attack but he managed to push them both back while escaping sasuke's blade as he instantly starts healing mario then turns his attention to the incoming tale of beasts seeing that they're between the beasts and matara the allies nobody forces quickly get out of their way with killer being googie's help gaara together with shukaku launches a mass of sand projectiles that moderate gara then manipulates the sand in the uchiha's blood to temporarily immobilize him as he's ricocheted between marutabi isobu sengoku koko and chome before landing in a sticky field courtesy of saikan gara and chukaku then act quickly attempting to seal the ugh before he could recover though they managed to do so matara still managed to break out using susano but is quickly knocked down by naruto and kurama they're then joined by b and gyuki and together the beasts use their tails to rain down a barrage of hits stripping with the susano to get to the man within though the attack costs moderate his right arm he manages to escape a white zetsu then emerges from the ground which carried moderate renegon taking the eye and the clone's right arm as he attaches both claiming that now the real fun begins though temporarily over joy of being alive and able to feel the fight moderator quickly returns his attention to battle as uchiha prepares the summoning quran shutters as he recalls hamada had used to summon it which receives a chastening from shikaku who in return gets a warning about the mere human as the demonic statue the outer path is summoned the object in question suddenly emerges from obito akashi tends to warp it away but only manages to take an arm as the tailed piece wonder how moderate is capable of summoning the statue naruto quickly manages to figure it out himself back with obito black setsu again attempts to take the reynagon from his weakened host but through pure willpower obito managed to prevent it when zetsu states that the rennan is to be returned to maduro obito claims that he is hidden in the right eye and kakashi will crush the left however black zetsu mocks his host ignorance stating that white zetsu was already found and returned the right eye and obito would be dead if it wasn't attached to him it goes on to say the only reason it's still attached to the dying man is because he knows that kakashi minitor would have already killed him otherwise mata soon recovers in the damage he received earlier claiming to white sets that he's gotten careless considering that he now possesses hashiram's recovery power he then resolves to be more careful and will instead use the ring god's ability to its fullest moderate then uses limbo border jail and while it first doesn't seem to do anything one by one each of the beasts are blown back he then launches chains from the statue which attached to the tailed beast and start playing them towards it moderate declares he will extract the eight and nine tails from the jinjuki naruto tries to exit tailed beast mode but finds it futile as modera has karama's chakra trapped within the chains the clone of white zetsu informs moderator that would be best to recapture the beast in numerical order starting with chukaku moderate with a readjusted strategy attempts to capture chicago with the chains first however gara manages to stop this transaction with two enormous sand hands shukaku shocked at gara's actions remember the words of his previous gin chotaki realizing that the time has come where humans entailed beasts can be comrades mataro quickly equips his susano and hurls one of his swords at gara their shukau intercepts it mata sends another sword across the battlefield manages to connect the chains once again as well as knocking guard down as the beasts are dragged into the statue once more beast severs one of his tentacles will koraba askara for a favor as naruto is ejected from tailed beast mode and sent hurtling towards the ground gara calls out to his shock naruto as naruto begins to fall to the ground unconscious due to krom's extraction gara uses his sandy cushions comrade's fall meanwhile matara reseals all the tailed beasts including and korama back into the demonic statue of the other path toby rama suddenly attacks mata and the two engage in a brief battle with the moderator again in the upper hand moderate pins down tobirah with his chakra rods and the two exchange harsh words as sasuke travels to the battlefield from atop garuda he recalls how hashirama wanted to give him the technique to stop madura though initially hesitant sasuke accepted the offer when hashima noted sasuke made him a murderer's brother yuzuna matara drives the stakes into toby rama's head taking deep pleasure in this as he states this is penance for toby armas killing abizuna sasuke appears over the shinobi and jumps down towards them ready to enter the fray toby rama tries to attack moderate to getting opening for sasuke however mataro foils the plan suspending sasuke in the air before he has a chance to attack taking sasuke's dropped sword moderate stabs sasuke through his chest expressing his disappointment in the young uchiha's actions gara rushes now to help with tobyrama curses mutter for stabbing sasuke which has left the jihadist severely injured meanwhile toby appears in the battlefield and uses the kansian lotus king to attack the alliance however is barely fended off by heroes then hoshikimaru takes note that if heron falls the alliance is doomed while rochimaro and taka plan a surprise stack against the tobii and set to clone korean senses sasuke's current predicament becomes frantic ghara arrives to susana she's to heal naruto he not realizing that naruto's heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker with the yakugan rushes to northwest but stumbles due to being low on chakra praying for nedji to help naruto however sakura is the only one with enough chakra left to heal naruto though stated before that neither she so naughty or she's naked before medical ninjutsu any longer meanwhile a struggling sasuke refuses to die promising to honor he thought he's sacrificed by becoming hokage and changing the ninja world for the better matara simply rebuffs his statement and walks away from the dying jihad due to healing members of the alliance beforehand soccer rapidly begins to surrender to chakra and korean notices how serious sasuke's wound is the two young women note that soon naruto and sasuke will die if they do not receive immediate attention as karama's tracker vanishes from around her sakura notices that naruto's lost his pulse and heartbeat confuses why her medical energy isn't working garu explains that the nine tails has been extracted from naruto he then explains koran's plan to bring naruto to his father in order to replace the in half of karoma from within him which would allow him to be safe realizing naruto may not make it sakura cuts open naruto's side and begins personally pumping his heart while performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on him elsewhere toby rama notices he can no longer said sasuke's chakra additionally he's lost complete movement being even unable to use the flying fender got technique meanwhile karine commences an assault on toby using chains to fight the immense wooden structure her attack allows her tomorrow the opening to bite the zetsu clone's neck producing a curse seal that binds his movements as the result ends karine heals by biting herself she knows that she can no longer send sasuke at this point matara summons the once again revive ten tails and perceives the seal inside of it becoming his nujin choduki he then launches himself in the direction of obito in order to retrieve the missing ring as sasuke's situation seems hopeless he's approached by an unknown barefooted individual as arochimaru's group presses forward towards sasuke both korean and toby rama know that they do not recognize either person or their chakra signature believing that this person may intend to harm sasuke korean races towards sasuke's location meanwhile gai rockley and ten-ten begin making their way across the battlefield however they see gara sakura and naruto fly overhead towards kakashi's location and decide to turn around and head there as well as matara flies to the same destination he spits out the kohaku no johan and the benehizago noting that they're waiting him down two weapons land on top of guy and lee's heads while ten ten is shocked at the weapons repeats on the other battlefield kashimiya to continue to battle black setsu until the kazukaki's group arrives at the scene gar explains what happened to minato and urges him to give naruto to the other half karama's chakra as minato begins the transference black satsu suddenly intercepts and absorbs ian korama becoming eastern chotaki with no hope left mutter arrives in the battlefield chastising black tattoo for taking too long black said tsu tells madra that he's successfully taken half of the nine tails chakra and matara tells him to give it to him immediately black tattoo tries but obito regains control of himself minato kakashi and gara try to interfere but are countered by matara minito has his remaining arm cut off moderate and obito discuss obito's identity and obito shoves his hand into moderate chess manifesting the same shaku joe he wielded when he was the ten titles from turkey moderate immediately attempts to obtain his left eye from obito however the latter simply phases through his former mentor locked in their subconscious object attempts to extract the tailed beast from moderate however he only manages to extract fragments of chukaku and gooki's chakra returning to reality obito orders kakashi to send naruto to the dimension which she does so without arguing as obito attempts to transport himself matara stops him by sending a mysterious orb in his direction reclaiming his footing next to kakashi obito tells moderator to beware the power that the two mountain kyo sharon gonna have to offer as matara launches two more orbs towards the two obito with kakashi's help transports himself to the dimension after convincing sakura of his changed nature obito begins to transfer the tail beast's chakra into naruto in the real world gai arrives just in the neck of time to saferkash for moderator's attack orochimaru and taka arrive at sasuke's side who are surprised to learn the mysterious man was in fact kabuto yakushi who managed to break out of izanami after finding his true self mentioning that he inherited hitachi's will to protect sasuke kabuto reveals that he's rabbit on the battlefield to heal sasuke's wounds and atone for his sins meanwhile kakashi thanks guy for saving it from outer his attack and mentions that only senjutu and tai jutsu will be effective against the tales of jerky as minato mentions that his senchu to his subpar guy opens the seventh gate and attacks moderate with a series of punches keeping moderate at bay gaia finishes assault with a daytime tiger which moderato managed to survive although he plans on eliminating exhausted guy by launching a mysterious orb in his direction though kakashi attempts to save guy with miniature special kunai in order to warp away the black orb rockley arrives just in the nick of time to save his sensei as the group ponders how to defeat moderate guy reveals that the only way to beat mata is for him to open the eighth gate which would result in his death and evolve into the crimson beast while kakashi benito and lee attempted a dissuade guy from using the fatal technique they abandon this fruitless endeavor once they realize guy's commitment as lee begins shedding tears for his master guide tells him that it's no time for tears as the noble shinobi rushes towards mataro what's more sticking his thumb into his chest and opens the eighth gate of death as he begins transforming into a crimson beast guy reflects on his father might die a shinobi only talented in taijutsu like himself and his pupil who was once disgraced because of his own faults remembering how might dai gave up his life after using the eighth gate in order to save him and his teammates from the previous seven ninja swordsmen than this guy realized that his time has come to sacrifice himself for the safety of his comrades as mata operates guys abilities he immediately attacks moderator with the evening elephant guy wastes no time in attacking moderate with his new technique he manages to land it blow on the legendary schnoby and sends him plumbing into the ground creating an extremely deep crater while guy laments from the pain that his costume using this first attack moderate notes that guy has become extremely powerful and decides that it'll be best to avoid being hit from the technique at all costs as gay and moderate prepare to clash again after guy grows accustomed to the pain mirito lee kakashi and gara decide to aid guy by disabling moderate black orbs as lee opens the sixth gate their plan succeeds and they're able to warp away the black orbs and create an opening for gai to use the five steps of the evening elephant though beaten severely matara knows that he has not had this much fun since his battle with hashirama greatly surprising guy meanwhile in the other direction naruto finally opens his eyes waking up surrounded by a watery surface narrative questions if he's died an unknown figure asks him what his definition of death is naruto asks who this person is and the figure reveals himself to be none other than hagaromototsuki the stage of six paths naruto recognizes this name as he previously heard it from jiraiya and nagato and states that he's the one who created ninjutsu hakaromo corrects him by saying he did not create ninjutsu but ninshu stating that his creation was to inspire peace while ninjutsu was made to create war following this revelation hakaromo begins telling him about his history including his mother brother and now his two sons fought and hagarama reveals to naruto that he's a reincarnation of his younger brother asura otsotsuki naruto however is not surprised by this fact and tells the sage how he felt something different in sasuke during their meeting at the samurai bridge and realizes that sasuke is the reincarnation of the sage's older son indra ozotsuki hakomo goes on to tell naruto more about his mother's past and about the previous reincarnation of the suns hashiram and matara he then summons all the tailed beasts chakra sealed inside naruto and asks him how much he wants to fight moderate against the end tuition archer replies he is stupid and does not know much but he knows what friends are and he wants to protect them it is then revealed that hagerdom was talking to sasuke at the same time as naruto stating that they are the ones who will decide the future and proceeds to pass on his power to both of them returning to the battlefield as guy prepares his technique knight guy matara notices guys rapidly decreasing chakra levels and notes this will be the legendary beast's final attack meanwhile naruto with a light circle mark on his right hand and sasuke with a dark crescent moon mark on his left hand finally awaken and prepared to head to the battlefield with the respective surrounding groups of people as kakashi lee and gara watch the gruesome battle continue kashi realizes the first time he met guy and realizes the guy is no longer the talentless loser he once was as guy finishes preparing his attack he rushes towards moderate as the latter notices that guy is managing to distort space resulting in his inability to counter attack guy lands a devastatingly powerful kick on mara which manages to decimate the complete left side of the uchiha's upper body on almost killing him as guy's body begins to deteriorate matara sends one final black orb to annihilate his enemy naruto arrives in the battlefield and kicks back to him naruto manages to restore guy's life force slowly as he reveals his new mysterious eyes commenting that he can change the world with his new power moderate is confused as to why guy did not perish after using the eighth gate of death and questions what naruto did to stop the shinobi's death with that any time to react naruto leaps towards moderate while the latter forms his shako joe from his remaining true seeking ball to defend against naruto's punch as moderate ponders naruto's new powers once again naruto mentally requests on goku's power naruto forms a senju to enhance lava natured rasa and shuriken with his new powers as naruto is about to throw it matera leaps away and casts limbo border jail but the young ninja somehow unintentionally dodges it naruto throws his new technique in moderate making direct contact and upon exploding chops down the tree form of the ten tails naruto then quickly gets guy out of danger and back to rock lee as the tree collapses towards modera a voice tells him to absorb the tree following the advice moderator recovers completely from his wounds and even altering his form slightly meanwhile sasuke has pulled out the stakes which pin down tobirama who wonders how the yanujiya is capable of doing so without being affected until he gets a good look at sasuke's face and understands sasuke then asks toby rama to teleport him to the main battlefield which the okay agrees but warns that in his current condition he'll only be able to transport one person duchy responds saying that's fine claiming that he'll be fine by himself back in the other dimension soccer reluctantly thanks obito for saving naruto while the half-dead man asks for a favor in return after gara wishes naruto good luck the young kona shinobi ponders on how different he feels when he confronts moderate the other uchiha then boasts how he was immortal and can't be defeated to which schnauzer responds that together they will defeat matara just as sasuke appears after naruto transforms into a new tailed beast mode matara realizes that sasuke possesses the rennagan while the uzumaki has the senjutsu of the six paths while he himself is both of them responding to the two younger challenge modera announces this to be their final battle as he prepares to use technique mataro begins his counter attack which naruto blocks by throwing one of his stabs at it while sasuke seemingly teleports out of harm's way shocking moderate naruto attacks moderate with the staff but is blocked by a seemingly invisible wall meanwhile sasuke notices an invisible clone of moderate in between naruto and the real moderate with his rinigon so he throws his sword towards the clone but the attack fails matara dispatches naruto and retreats asasuke begins explaining moderate's technique matara soon realizes that the two shinobi have found out how his limbo border jail technique works mata attempts to seal sasuke's ring on eye but much of the surprise the other ajiha sasuke switches places discarded sword from earlier and mata is stabbed in the chest sasuke tells naruto to use a technique with a senjutsu in order to bind moderate while shukaku offers its new host its own chakra creating the sage art magnet released for sengon sasuke manifests a black version of his chidori and though the two strike moderate simultaneously from both sides the other uchiha uses the shadow version of himself as a substitute matara goes for kikashi and manages to steal a shotgun transplanting it into his own empty eye socket despite sasuke slicing in half matara uses kamui to teleport to its dimension in order to stop sakura and obito from destroying his other rinnagon hopital quickly transports sakura back to the other dimension where she informs everyone that matara has entered the kamui dimension and intends on retrieving his left rinigon while tending to kakashi's eyes sakura informs everyone that mataro will become unstoppable if he receives the other eye in the movie dimension mataro holds his hands at obito's chest and is shocked to discover that the forbidden individual curse tag and his heart has been removed obito reveals that kakashi destroyed it earlier in the battle and that enabled him to become the tent deals from shiroki matara then reveals to obito that he was the mastermind behind ryan's death and has been manipulating obito the entire time much to the youngruchiha's shock meanwhile naruto returns to kakashi's side and restores his left eye using power from hagaromo muchasakura's shock kakashi reflects on how each of the three members has changed and matured since their first meeting kakashi asks sasuke what his true motives are and sakura wonders this as well but kakashi interrupts him before he can answer stating that they need to remember their first lesson about teamwork as mata returns to the battlefield matara who has recovered is left reading gone from obito max team kakashi's pledge to defeat him with teamwork black said to informs the group that obito is no more and that he's completely taking possession over his body sakura sees an opening and activates her ninja art creation rebirth strength of a hundred technique to attack moderate but to no avail and naruto and sasuke quickly rescue her from madras wrath sasuke notes that matara has created four more shadows and warns naruto to beware matara goes in the offense and activates multiple chibaku tensei intending to drop the mass of earth and debris on his opponents naruto creates several shadow clones to deal with moderate shadows while the real naruto and sasuke used tailed beast ball rash and shuriken and it improves susana to counter moderate technique moderate uses opportunity to fly closer to the moon and he removes part of his forehead protector revealing the third eye on his forehead that resembles the eye of kagi otsutsuki turning towards it matara cast the infinite tukiomi on the moon on the other battlefield the members of the allied nobody look at the moon in horror realizing that the moderate plan had finally been accomplished toby considering his job was complete releases in case yamato from his body while naruto destroys the remaining meteors earlier sasuke rushes back to earth and covers his teammates of the new susano mataro finally activates the genjutsu in the world as light begins emanating from the moon and turns the night as bright as the day around the world all living souls fall victim to the infinite tsukiomi with the rennagan reflecting in their eyes the only ones not affected by the technique are the reincarnated hokage who watch on in horror as mata activates a technique that connects all life forms to the root of the ten tales tree forum and team seven with the help of sasuke susano jurais shinobi handbook the tale of naruto the hero tsunade is caught in the infinite tsukiomi in it she falls asleep and dreams being given dry his latest work and recalls when he was still writing it she begins reading it in the novel naruto lives in konan kokoda it is a member of team kakashi his parents did not die during the night until demon fox's attack in which the half of the nine tales was sealed into him but the other half is sealed into his mother the village is disliked naruto but show him some respect as he is the fourth hokage son people often accuse naruto favoritism due to this which angers him due to clan downfall also never happened as minnetonka and heroin were able to succeed in negotiations as such itachi never defeated from the village nor did sasuke naruto begins to learn how to use the nine tails chakra and nagato who did not die from attacking konoha and both he and conan joined naruto later on the night tales also had no interest in getting out of naruto but was helping guide him to learn how to control his power and telling naruto it was too soon for him to will his power or during his battle with the sixth pass of pain he's too angry to control his power properly team kakashi team current team austin and team guy are given a mission to find experienced shinobi who have gone missing under the assumption that their recent academy graduates they won't be targeted by whoever is behind the abductions during the mission the journey leaders are captured it causes real to be behind the abductions and team osma briefly battles konan yahiko and nagato the konohan getting discovered in abandoned village in the village team kakashi and guy briefly see their kidnapped allies naruto and neji give chase and end up being a mass man who possesses the biakugan team dry goes on a sinkhole to rescue two children who came back to the village and ended up fighting a couple of creatures in an underground lair team awesome aids team dry and rescuing the children for the underground creatures choji's attacked by one of them and isaiah naruto the two teams returned the children to their mother team draya thanks team awesome for coming to their aid and surmises they also share some of your values team drea asks them to join but team awesome refuses wanting to find osuma shikomaru to use his team durian does not want them dead and is following orders from someone else they prepare to fight again but team drea leaves jesus they're joined by team kurenai shigemaru does not tell them about team jaray but decides they both need to report to kona hakukure and regroup with the team's karachi and guy lee and sasuke discuss whether to return to the village to keep looking through the advantage teammates in sensei a masked man takes northern india through a gate where they've shown images from the hugo affair three discussed the event's witness and the mass man asked nancy to join him in force change gona good elsewhere jury finds one of our jamar's compounds being asked najib questions the mass man's motives he says that by changing how village such as konohakula operates the other villages will follow changing the world for the better the masked man requests nadji to see what he means nigeria agrees to hear him out and when narcissists interfere the mass man paralyzes him neji promises to return to naruto once he's seen what the mass man wants then do depart drive ventures into a rochimar's hideout and comes across a bandaged individual team dryer reports the mass man about the incident with the children including how the konahan gandhi eventually helped them despite the direction of their mission mass man ponders about it and instructs them to reserve surveillance negi asks if the cohen genie and are his teammates which the mass man confirms and asks nedjie if you want to see if they can change the future of shinobi naruto tries in vain to access the nine-tails chakra sasuke and soccer discuss the mission situation lee and ten-ten search for energy and guy while kiba smells from a distance hinata spots neji and the mass men observing sasuke and sakura as well as saucery sasuke attacks oscar's presence and attacks and saucer begins to fight the two teams asamah and kuruna head out towards sasuke and sakura lee and 1010 are attacked with explosive tags directing them towards the same location saucery lands a hit on sasuke poison again the knight tells tries to give inara that open the seal so he can use his choker to eat naruto dry suddenly appears to naruto during that battle against hiroko the mass man prevents an edge from coming to sasuke and sakura's aid assuring him he won't let them be killed insisting that he watched the battle to witness their two selves the masked men reminds us through this mission and sauce for begins attacking soccer who manages to dodge his attacks and lend one of her own causing sasuke to retreat she proceeds to sasuke removing the poison from his system the mass man tells neji there's more to come drag clears naruto's block tanketsu naruto asks him why he's there and he explains that he's searching for someone and when he heard of what was happening he admitted to transport him there using the ceiling formula incorporated naruto seal drya tells naruto to try summoning a toad but it fails dry recalls naruto's training and naruto recalls training with minito drya offers to weaken the 8 trigram ceiling style a bit the intent and stop running tenta noticing they're no longer under attack they met with teams asamah and kurunai the two update them on the top one at gianarto kiba smells sasuke and sakura nearby he not a spot saucer near them while sakura heals him sasuke thinks about his childhood sasuke looked forward to defending time of itachi but he thought she was summoned by minotau so he suggests sasuke spend time with their father who compares himself unfavorably to hitachi when he tries to fire release great fireball technique for the first time sasuke attacks sasuri who approaches them again and brings out the hundred puppets the other gang reached the two and the mass man were choosing nedji sasuke intends getting reinforcements from konoha team dry watches from afar discussing the situation dry weakens naruto seal causing him to develop four tails he then battles the four-tailed naruto who destroys his tracker suppressing seal he manages to immobilize naruto dry thinks back to gamamar's prophecy sasuke thinks back to being unfavorably compared to hitachi by their father and begins fighting saucers puppets the other genie joined the fight to protect sasuke team dry observes the fight the mass man and neji debate on the gang's motivation to fight saucer reveals spare puppets naruto thinks back to his recent gun training with munito and manages to suppress the nine-tails chakra doria retreats and sends naruto to help his teammates naruto manages to use the recent gun and uses it and several clones to dispatch saucers puppets causing him to retreat beginning congratulate naruto and decide to look for their kidnapped team leaders nedji asked the mass man if the test has yielded the results he expected and surprises him by calling him father nedji asks about the kidnapped shinobi and the mass man tells him team drive will take him there the masked man leaves nj to reunite with his comrades the konoha getting joined as one team and discuss how to find the kidnapped shinobi they're joined by nedji the masked man appears team jaraya hidan kakuzu and sorcery telling them that the test is over he done kakazu and sasuke leave while ordering team dry to take the evacuated villagers back to their homes as well as one other thing nedji finishes explaining the nature of the experiment they participated in conan creates paper butterflies so they get into the captured shinobi but leaves with the team the guinean find the captain should have been released that kuruna asks about the recent events and the mass man arrives offering to explain it himself he removes his mask advantages revealing himself as the reincarnated hizashi hyuga nenji explains the hugue affair and hizashi explains how he was reincarnated by a bandaged man and orchestrated the incident to ascertain if his death that affects on how koakakure handles its affairs hizashi and neji discuss nedji's motivations and how they would change him for fighting naruto nej's words allow hizashi to let go of his attachments and his soul is released yahiko sets off to the village to return komichi's teddy bear kenta an explosion suddenly wipes at the village and nagato spots ken to damage and grows furious believing yahiko to have been killed after retrieving the team leaders the ghenian teams returned to the village memento decides not to punish them for disobeying orders because their actions resulted in the mission's success after being scolded by his father and having to talk with his brother about the relationship between the uchiha and the village sasuke starts training with kakashi to learn the jory at the same time naruto undergoes training with jaray and meaning to enhance her sengon increasingly jealous of knowledge becoming stronger southgate's treating his teammates to sustain and after being stopped by munito having to fight with naruto ask his father to have him transfer from team seven to the konja military police force determined to become stronger to gain sasuke's acknowledgment naruto leaps to train with durai while sakura undergoes training with senate meanwhile rochimara meets with donso who promises to find someone as a suitable vessel for the former three years passed as the members of team seven continue their training return to konoha after hearing of sasuke's increased prowess and performance rivaling likes of hitachi and chi sui fugaku gives his son a rank of the tenant in the kona police force in the following weeks sasuke and his unit drastically reduced crime in its order throughout the village however they do so through extremely strict and aggressive means causing an equal drop morale through the villagers as people grow nervous and distressing of them while nina tony here is in our uncharted approach this has officially sasuke's unit done nothing wrong naruto soon returns to the village after glitchy train to dry upon his revival he stopped sasuke's unit from harassing an old woman for opening up a shop too early eager to finally settle things naruto sasuke engages naruto in battle this couple has ended quickly with your eyes with danzo who knows that naruto has grown strong and that sasuke is lacking what he could become as word begins spreading throughout the village about how sasuke's unit backed off from nar's intrusion of their duties sasukes even began fearing that they lost people's respect and decided to arrest naruto they quickly intruded in dinardo's home and threatened kushina the unauthorized act resulted in them being arrested fugaku greatly displays that sasuke's lack of maturity immorals removed sasuke from the police force completely further embittered from getting to respect sasuke approached danzo by his earlier words the other explained that he didn't trust naruto wielding the power of the nine tails and wanted a good counter measure against him to which he told sasuke about our ochimaru assanian like now to teach you to and where to find him as danzo contacted urotimaru but his new potential host body in sasuke sasuke made his choice to leave the village knocking out the guards he's then confronted by kakashi who questions his actions sasuke explains that while he's grateful of akashi he's not satisfied with his progress and is going to the other sending to gain power before knocking kashi out with his genjutsu upon waking up in the hospital kakashi informed tsunade along with midatone heroes and of sasuke leaving the move throughout maru wanting to avoid putting the gia clan in the worst position minato orders an emergency lockdown and makes preparations to find sasuke unknown to them sakura overhears everything and goes to shikamaru who asks the rest of the congo 11 to be in their little classroom knowing orochimaru only wants sasuke's next vessel and sasuke is unaware of this they agree to bring it back no matter what naruto and chicamaro the only ones required for the task use kiba and akumar's secret escape tunnel to sneak into the village before leaving aren't the promises to soccer that he'll bring sasuke back kushina alerts me to tell that naruto's second of the house and his friends acting suspicious minotaur comes down and ensures that naruto is likely training somewhere danzo sends four members of the ombuds to stop naruto and shikomar from reaching sasuke even giving them command to kill the two and anyone else who interferes as naruto and shikomar attack team guy arrived as backup seeing the onboard trying to kill them including naruto shikomaru realizes these on boo don't serve mitto and nenji says he hears rumors of a secret factor to the on boot called root being led by somebody else the group decides to split up and allows neji ten-ten and rocky to deal with some of the envelope will give naruto and chickamauga time to catch up with sasuke meanwhile some members of the akatsuki regroup after data kills a group of san shinobi it's revealed that daedra was responsible for the explosion that killed yahiko and sasure lied to nagato and conan and then minito and konoha were the culprits enraged naga towed revenge against the village and joined the akatsuki by the time they reach the tower that sasuke is out shikimar orders arthur to get inside while he deals with another hamburg sasuke meets richmore and demands power with georgia grants by inflicting with the christian heaven naruto is stopped by another ambu who possesses the wood release and a frustrated naruto starts to fall under the nine-tailed influence forming four tails in the process the unboot tries to hold his transformation back but his desire to stop sasuke allows and arthur to overcome the nine tails and defeats the ambu when he finds sasuke who is already adapting to his new powers naruto is angry at richie marvel he's down to sasuke who challenges naruto to a fight to test his new powers naruto enters stage mode he gets to fight with him while firing to bring sasuke back with force if necessary sasuke summons kirin and is able to impale naruto while confessing that he always hated naruto for getting stronger naruto was shocked by sasuke's actions admits that he always felt like they were alike because they grew up in their father's shadows and that he always liked being friends with sasuke using the nine tails chakra to heal himself naruto throws sasuke's headband and sasuke puts it on and acknowledges naruto as an equal and mogsnar so that he won't be able to scratch it naruto subconsciously starts to use the nine tails tracker while sasuke enters his cursed seal's second stage and the two prepare to finish the battle with chidori and resengan much of their shock hitachi suddenly appears in the middle and is struck by sasuke's tudor asking naruto to get along with his brother and poke sasuke's forehead before disappearing as he dies their attacks collide and sasuke emerges as the winner as naruto is unconscious on the ground orochimar picks up sasuke's headband and comments how entertained he is and sasuke leaves without tomorrow while remembering his brother and awakening the monkey sharingan naruto is later found by his friends and learns that sasuke got away he however reaffirms his promises sakura and learns from chickamar that the onboard retreated when sasuke escaped which makes him suspect that their mission was to make sure that sasuke got to orochimaru back in konoha tsunadi informs me to tell that kakashi will be supervising during the night shiznite alerts them that somebody has entered the village that they're confronted by pain whom tsunade realizes looks like yahiko when asked what he wanted pain declares his intent to make the village suffer for the pain it put him through by destroying the village that killed yahiko but miraito sonata and shizuna don't know what he's talking about he uses true chibaku tensei to encase the entire village in a satellite by morning naruto on the other's return to find the villagers disappeared they beat with sakura who explained she was on a mission and it doesn't know what happened naji uses biaku and says the villagers are alive in the satellite naruto wants to rescue them but sakura insists they need to recover from his injuries and heals him they're confronted by the six pass of pain and fight naruto who enters sage mode when normal jutsu doesn't work minito comes to the plan for him kushina heroes in and sonata to use the f4 red yang formation to prevent the walls from crushing them and buy them time naruto is able to take down all but one of the pains until he is pinned down by diva path when the limit for sagemouth runs out he not enters the battlefield and declares she's not afraid to die protecting naruto however she is easily defeated and impaled by pain enraged by this naruto transforms into the six-tailed stage and goes on a rampage against pain who tries to trap him in another chewbacca tensei sensing that the night tells chakra is unstable kushina and the others believe something is wrong with naruto you know contacts shikamaru and he informs martha's situation koshino decides to meet her son in a subconscious and transfer her half of the nighttails into him even though mito warns that it will kill her naruto vents anchor for pain for what he's done and ask the knight tails more chakra but the beast points out naruto is not able to properly control his powers naruto is surprised that kushina is able to meet them and she explains how when the nine tails attacked the village minifield still half of it to her and the other happened to him because they had faith that naruto could control his powers after explaining her decision to transfer half the nine tails power into him to help him gain a girl both nine tails naruto initially protests because she will die but then decides that faith is mother before doing so the two nine tells have's note that giving only half of you and chronos chocolate anant will be more than enough to aid naruto without sacrificing christina's life agreeing to these terms of mother and son bump fist transferring the extra chakra into naruto naruto then proceeds to enter an incomplete tailed beast mode to break free of the chibaku tensei before entering into nine tails chakra mode and charges that pain rather than killing him naruto uses one of payne's black receivers to locate nagato's hideo when they meet nagoto justifies his actions as part of seeking to avenge yahiko from konoha but naruto and cisconha already believed that it was nagatoni's comrades to destroy the village he died in nagato says he no longer cares who is responsible because it won't bring back yahiko naruto says he understands the pain of losing a comrade because sasuke is in danger becoming rochimar's vessel but he truly believes they can reach understand because they're friends naruto asks nagato to let him join team dry not only because he's a student of draya but because he wants to cooperate with all the shinobi nagato is shocked how similar naruto's words are to those yahoo would spoke and releases the chibaku tensei the village is restored and everyone is unharmed and nagato and konan disappear miroto thanks fugaku for his service and protecting the village but says there are no leads on hitachi and sasuke's whereabouts fugaku feels guilty for neglecting sasuke in favor of hitachi but ninato assures him they're likely still getting along arochimar's hideout sasuke attacks hero tomorrow and kills him before collapsing and passing out from poison when he wakes up he recognizes a sorcery who asks sasuke why he killed his brother and sasuke looks at him sadly saucery goes on to say that those who deserve to die didn't and sasuke decides it should have been naruto who died rather than hitachi as sorcery offers to have the akatsuki help him sasuke announced his goal to destroy konoha in order to get revenge of the village for controlling the uchiha land like konohana informs conan hot 11 that sasuke killed the orochimaru and is allying with the akatsuki as well as that the organization has been attacking the other hidden villages and kidnapping several high-profile shinobi with the intel jurai has gathered naruto on his friends set of theokatsuki hydo society brings hidon data kakuzu zetsu and sasuke to show him this puppet army which he says he had master ruled the world sasuke seems to helpful of his decision when sausage confronts him sasuke explains he doesn't want to destroy konoha but he simply wants to change the ninja system he also says he never agreed to join the akatsuki saseri and the others learned that konoha 11 have reached the area and go out to confront them sasuke is shocked when he sees hitachi up here in front of him hitachi says he actually survived from his injuries and he came back to make sasuke realize the wrong path he was following before disappearing sasery dated a heat on kakuzu and zetsu face off against the gonna 11. data replaces numerous explosives in the group but sasuke arrives and uses lightning to deactivate them surprising naruto and sakura sasuke explains he still doesn't consider them comrades but he will help them society reveals his true face and uses his puppet collection to fight them but minato who has come back after a kage summit arrives on scene with gara and numerous other snowbie of other villages to help they seal it with the puppets and saucery faces off against naruto sasuke and sakura revealing that he's in the red kage mizukage and suchikaga into puppets saucery said he lost so much military strength for it and he had sought out sasuke to make up for the loss leading soccer to realize that sasuke is innocent on the allegation of joining the akatsuki all three use the summoning technique but auda is defeated jurai arrives at nagatom konan to assist and say naruto will be a new member of team durya sasuke tries to fight alone but he thought she arrives and saves sasuke from the musical gaze lava release berating him for not working with his comrades the brothers both use their respective susano and defeat the kage puppets naruto tells sasuke that all he needs is his comrades before finishing him off with a combination of arasa and shuriken and sasuke's kokatsuchi with the battle over naruto asks saskatoon to the village they can start over befriends sasuke agrees to return but says he will change the world in his own way back at the tower naruto reaffirms his vow to bring sasuke back they begin their battle sasuke explains their destiny to fight since they first met at their academy entrance ceremony but naruto thought about this sasuke goes on that he had started wanting to surpass naruto when the ladder jumped in a river to save a puppy while sasuke was too afraid of drowning and this made sasuke feel he was too weak and prompted him to use any means to get stronger than naruto however sasuke also admits that while he hated the village for ostracizing the jihad clan he came to respect the hokage for saving the clan from revolting and he started to acknowledge naruto which disgusts him now naruto uses shadow clones but sasuke uses susano and destroys the clones except for one that's gathering chakra for naruto to enter into sage mode naruto trades blows a sasuke with his roster and shuriken but their attacks destroy the tower and send them flying to the ground realizing sasuke is serious about killing him naruto asks the nine tails to let him some power and learns the beast's name is korama and nine tails tracker remote naruto uses the tailed beast ball against sasuke's attacks but drains him up for chakra then they punch each other in the face and they're knocked down sasuke makes that he was always jealous naruto and naruto take sasuke's hand saying he'll always be there as a friend after this sasuke admits defeat returns to the village and all the konoha 11 with munito nagato and conan and gara pose for a photograph sonata is half asleep and says it was good ending when she wakes up she's surprised to see jiraiya but it turns out to be dan who's wearing the hokage hat he tells her they're going to be late for five kake summit and as they're walking down the hall she sees the rochimar and toriyah with milwaukee she beams in rage at jaray for trying to give her brother a dirty book in reality tsunade is trapped in the infant tsukiyomi naruto tries leaving sasuke's usana but sasuke stops him telling narada he'll get caught in the infant tsukuyomi minato sees konoha under infinite tsukiomi the other great villages are also under it toby rama unsuccessfully tries to freeze some shinobi from the roots of the god tree black tsetsu notices sasuke susana blocking the moonlight sakura asks sasuke what's happening outside but he shuts her down kakashi tries speaking up but is shut down as well naruto berates sasuke sasuke explains that they're likely the only ones not caught by the infinite tsukiomi several shrubby streams are shown sasuke explains that as long as the light of the infant sukyomi is shining it's pointless trying to do anything he recalls the memories hitachi and parted with him when the imperial world reincarnation was cancelled in them a young itachi witnesses the horrors of war and iwashinobi asks for water which hitachi provides upon realizing a touch she's a shinobi that you actually tries attacking him but he thought she slashes his throat and asks his father why there's nobody trying to kill him fugaku explains to hitachi what war is the uchiha discreetly discussed kakashi having a sharingan during his service for those who died during the war hitachi inaugura briefly discussed the meaning of life and death hitachi jumps off a cliff but upon noticing a crow he slows his descent with the kunai and befriends the crows ikoto tells hitachi that he'll have a younger sibling sasuke is born hitachi passes up playing with other boys to trim his shuriken the boys throw stones at him hitachi effortlessly dodges them and uses one of their own stones to deflect the others hitachi watches sasuke at night and feels an ominous wind hitachi shinden light and darkness when he thought she was four years old he witnessed death and destruction during the third journey world war itachi then comes across a wounded eye shinobi and tries to help him but is attacked forcing attacks to kill him when he asks his father about this fugacal explains the war is while attending a memorial service for those who died some of the uchiha are angry that kakashi received obito sharangan but fugaku tells them they must respect obito's wish to give it as a gift to kakashi hitachi mitsurochimaru who says living without eternity is pointless which makes hitachi question the way to live hitachi even throws himself off of a cliff before he decided to save himself and befriends a crow some time later mikota tells you tai chi is going to be an older brother and sasuke is born in the following summer he thought she comes to cherish the bond he feels his younger brother three months later toby summons the nine tails within coin hakukuri he taught to protect saskatoon during the rampage as he tries to get into the shelter he finds me and helps to get her to the shelter with him in sasuke afterwards they attend the funeral for those who died during the attack and usually thanks to touch for saving her donzo oversees the rebuilding of the village and relocates prominent clans including having the uchiha clan moved to the outskirts of the village this displeases the uchiha because the village elders suspecting the clan was responsible for the attack but fugaku says they have no choice but to agree because they can't be the only voice of descension hitachi begins training with his father and quickly masters the fire released great fireball technique when hitachi is six he rolls in the academy along with uzumi izumi saiso kamano hana inazuku and maruta nakamichi itachi excels in it and asks for his father to teach him more jutsu as he deems the ones from the academy too easy hitachi earns the admiration of all the girls and jealousy from all the boys however when hitachi defends the bullies from an older student they start to admire him much to his dismay after year in the academy itachi starts to question the meaning of shinobi in the village he sends a shadow clone to the academy that assures you to training during which he meets shisui whom he bonds with during their mutual desire to stop war and violence when the teacher's discovery taught you mastered the shadow clone technique he's offered an early graduation hitachi accepts that his parents consent to becomes the youngest student to graduate from the academy at age seven itachi is assigned to team two with tenmai izumo and shinko inari three years pass as hitachi becomes aware of the rift between the uchiha and the village but points out to his father that fugaku is a proud respected leader of the uchiha after a mission he meets with izumi who offers to share dumplings with him hitachi declines but is unable to resist as it is his favorite food and izumi is amused watching hitachi's weakness for sweets she then apologizes for not getting her graduation present and he tells her not to worry about it you touching his teammates are assigned by nakaba to find in an echo tanma is the most invested in the mission because the cat's whiskers the main ingredient the medicine needed for his father's illness as his teammates are incapacitated and hitachi saves tanma who cuts off the whiskers after completing the mission hitachi apologizes for the whiskers getting cut off and nakoba accepts their apology on the way back to the village shinko skulls 10 minutes for not thanking hitachi for saving him and he taught you for not considering them as friends and facting as if they're only on a mission hitachi becomes surprised when tenma says he owes hitachi as he recalls this moment hitachi remembers when tenmo was killed by a masked man and in this painful memory activates his sharingan when he shows it to sasuke his brother responds by hugging him and he taught you wonders if saskia will awaken his ten was death ways heavily on hitachi who was angry that his father cares more about the latter awakening of sharing than witnessing his friend's death hitachi and so we go on a three-part training exercise in the 44th training ground they find three members of route attacking a kona hanbu for information on traitor hitachi sets up the trap for the root members who reveal that ambu is a water clone and that they already poisoned the real one hitachi sets up a trap for root but is injured when his sharingan fails to respond quickly she sweet defeats the root who retreat hitachi and shiite then discuss how we attach these to improve with shanghai's perception and abilities before returning to the jihad compound before long itachi joins the onboard promoted captain hitachi begins acting as a double spy for the uchiha and the village as the tension between the two escalates the clan begins plotting to revolt to overthrow the elders when shiite fails to stop the clan from changing their mind about revolting against the village sweden trust is remaining left eye to hitachi and commit suicide by jumping off a cliff witnessing this causes hitachi to awaken the man gekko sharing god most of the clan suspects hitachi murdered she sweet and warns him to never betray the clan which causes hitachi to lash out at them for caring more about the clan than the village after his promotion hitachi meets danzo and is given a series of assassination missions as well as being involved and spying for the clan fugaku takes attach to the stone tablet and reveals he awakens his own mangekyo shangran during the war fugacu explains he kept it a secret because it would lead to the villagers suspecting he controlled the ninetails and he intends to lead a bloodless revolt and reveals to genjutsu that he could have used drastic measures to revolt by kidnapping naruto and releasing the nine tails itachi informs the elders of what he's learned and heroes and ops to make peaceful negotiations with the uchiha however danza tells itachi to either go along with a role to die with his family or slaughter the entire clan but spare his brother hitachi chooses the ladder and finds the mass man hiding in the shadows and asks for his assistance on the night of the massacre itachi kills everyone within the uchiha compound while the mass man kills everyone at the kona military police force headquarters he's in me tries to fight the masked man but she's easily defeated and cries out for itachi to save her she's killed he thought she encounters fugaku's shadow clone who questions his actions hitachi expects to fight his father but finds both of his parents waiting for him to accept his decision to sign to the village although they don't hesitate to stop him they tell them that they're proud of him and ask him to take care of sasuke before hitachi sadly kills them afterwards he and the mass man part ways and hitachi reports to and who is saddened for what happened and appreciates hitachi for saving the village itachi leaves the mass man who is going with the name toby to join the akatsuki and finds out that orochimar is also a member after accepting the ring and cloak itachi is partnered with juzo biwa a former member of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist although juzo says he's not interested in natachi's reasons for joining the akatsuki they talk about their specialties they carry out assassination missions and pain informs ikatsuki about the plan to collect the tailed beasts juzo and hitachi are assigned to go to the land of water much of the former's dismay as it is his homeland on the way there juzo tells itachi to kill him if he's captured when they arrive they're confronted by the mizukage and his bodyguards hitachi kills juzo but it's revealed that jews have switched places with a water clone and attacks yagura who transforms into version 2 and attacks jews with a tailed beast ball juzo blocks it with his kubikiri bojo but as impaled as the blade breaks in half hitachi subconsciously defends himself by using a matarasu on yagura who is left seriously injured as juzo dies he orders hitachi to flee to escape from capture at the akatsuki hideout hitachi is assigned a new partner hisomehoshigaki saseri itachi and kisa may pay a visit to data red recruitment payne's orders daedra is recruited into akatsuki partnered with saucer and the two were ordered to kill arochimaru who escaped into the land of wind hitachi and kismay are given a mission in kusakakurei kakuzu asks about a replacement partner and pain tells him to wait sasuke collects intel and orochimaru left to him by capital yakushi as they approach hirochimar's hideout orochimaru snakes detect them and inform her ochimaru sasuri orders adore to keep an eye from the sky so roger mark can't get away sasuke brings out his third kazukai puppet while orochimaru reveals that reincarnated third kazakh in his possession the two fight one of the attacks from the reincarnated third kazakh damages data as clay bird causing him to retaliate the third kazakh manages to free himself from orochimar's control returning to the pure land saucer receives the opportunity to attack but orozhimaru treats to his hideout daedra explodes it on a gathering saucer informs pain that hiroshima is likely alive as they were unable to find his corpse itachi fills them in about the impure reincarnation technique akatsuki receives a mission from the land of hot water to kill an apparent immortal kakuzu itachi and conan are sent on a mission conan goes in as a decoy and hirano prepares to attack her and as hirono prepares to attack her itachi and kakaku reveal themselves hida and kakuzu fight kakuzu is impressed by hedon's immortality and he don't manage to destroy when a cocker sue's hearts hedon is recruited into akatsuki and partnered with kakazu kotsuki learns about the recently found otogare and plans to check it out suspecting rochimar's involvement in it they also learn of the joint effort with tsunagaku to destroy kona hakakura and the third hokage's death hitachi volunteers to evaluate the situation covertly wondering about sasuke's safety hitachi and keys may sneak into konoha and hitachi's surprise of how much sasuke has grown as they attempt to kidnap naruto sasuke confronts hitachi and orders everyone to stay away as he's the only person who will kill hitachi hitachi tells his sasuke's younger brother much to kiss me surprise however when sasuke tries attacking him with chidori hitachi easily disarms him breaking his wrist and brutally beating him despite feeling guilty for what he's done to sasuke itachi uh tsukiyomi on sasuke to make him relive their parents murder for 24 hours in order to make the latter's hatred increase before fleeing years later he thought she encounters naruto whom he asks why he's obsessed with saving sasuke naruto replies that he considered sasuke to be a brother surprising hitachi and then asks what he would do if sasuke attacked the village and not just says he'll protect the village and stop sasuke without killing him this convinces hitachi to put his trust into naruto when hitachi and sasuke had their final battle he touches to come to his illness and poke sasuke in the forehead one last time before dying after being reanimated and stopping kabuto with sasuke's help itachi told sasuka he didn't need forgiveness and he would always love sasuke no matter what path he took before hitachi's soul returned to the afterlife kagi otsotsuki strikes immediately after the infinite zokyomi technique is cast sakura asks sasuke what's happening and he simply berates her and kakashi informing them that they're somewhat useless in the current predicament much to naruto's dismay sasuke has elected the leader of team seven at the time being as it seems that only as renagon will be able to counter the infinite tsukiomi meanwhile everyone in the allied shinobi forces witnessed their truest desires coming true within the infinite dream as the light shining down from the moon slowly fades away the reincarnated hokage are immune to genjutsu but help us to stop it with the threat of the being caught in the infinity tokyo omigod team seven are rages from sasuke susano as mata returns to earth moderate states that he's the savior of the world and he will eliminate team seven before they can destroy everyone's personal peace but before moderate can do anything he is suddenly stabbed through the chest by black zetsu who is using obito's body with black satsu also declaring that moderate isn't the savior and that it isn't over as moderate tries to come to terms with this betrayal while claiming that blood satsu is his will black sets reveals tomorrow that he has harbored the will of kagi osuki ever since his creation he berates moderate for thinking he was something more than a pawn like obito was as the legendary uchiha against damore as matara screams that in pain naruto and sasuke notice that his foreshadows are disappearing after possessing moderate black setsu reveals that an infinite tsukiyomi will eventually turn every human on the planet into a white zatsu for kakis army naruto and sasuke prevented from interfering as black setsu using moderate as a medium turns the uchiha into kaguya resulting in princess kagi otsutsuki being reborn into the modern ninja world the resurrected kaguya deduces that naruto and sasuke have been given powers by hagaromo and declares that she has no intention to fight instead she tries to kill team kakashi at once teleporting them inside a volcano over a river of lava as team 7 begins to fall sasuke immediately summons his hawk and saves naruto completely ignoring sakura and kakashi due to his quick thinking kakashi managed to save himself and sakura as well as obito from their fiery deaths naruto questions sasuke's disregard for his comrade's safety as he warns naruto that only he and naruto have a chance of defeating kagia so neither them must die even if they survive at the sacrifice of their comrades kaguya launches a pinpointed attack of the two and while sasuke manages to save himself and naruto susano his hawk is injured and begin to fall out of the river of lava once again meanwhile kakashi's scroll begins to burn up so he and sakura also begin to fall once more fortunately they're all saved by naruto who has just discovered his newfound ability of flight emerging outside the volcano and next to a castle naruto and kagia clash fist to fist as naruto has buffeted it away sasuke with his complete body susato activated attacks kaguya from above resulting in a large explosion sasuke's attack fails as he's forced out complete bodies susano and starts falling into the ocean of lava once again while naruto spirals out of control due to the aftermath of his previous attack as his blade melts away sasuke teleports naruto's side and receives a platform to stand on from naruto during the ensuing chaos naruto's clones sakura and kakashi retrieve obito kalgia enters a portal and appears behind naruto and sasuke kagi begins to cry as she clutches their faces while black satsu emerges from kagi and attaches itself to naruto and sasuke while absorbing their chakra black sets to explain to naruto and sasuke the history of the kagi's complicated relationship with her sons her defeat black sets his creation and his mission to revive his creator kaguya with black setsu calling her it's mother and black sets are referring to itself as her child enraged by coggies actions naruto manages to free himself and sasuke from black zetsu and the duo prepare to go on the offensive once more naruto explains to sasuke's plan to attack kaggy planning to use a new technique that he's practiced more than resengan elsewhere kakashi wonders about the mechanics of kagi's technique as naruto's shadow clone revives obito with a plan formulated sasuke distracts kagi while naruto uses his new technique to surprise her and much to everyone's surprise naruto managed to land a punch in kangia sasuke teleports the two to kaguya's location as they're about to seal her kalgia traps to three them in a giant block of ice while also transforming the lava wasteland into a frozen mountainside kagi escapes the block of ice while sasuke manages to free himself in nazareth from the icy prison with blaze released kagetsuchi black satsu recommends that kagi about naruto and sasuke separately so kaguya grabs sasuke and throws him into an isolated desert dimension naruto tries to pry open the portal with his brute strength but it's futile and he's separated from sasuke meanwhile the four hokage convenient location where kaguya was revived and find nothing but matara's lower half minato explains that he tried to free those trapped within the infinite tsukiomi but despite all his efforts they would not wake up agreeing that moderate is likely dead toby rama suggests that moderate should be revived in order to figure out what's happened however before anyone could act hagaroma manifests himself before the four hokage in kagi's icy dimension naruto continues to battle her alone and due to naruto's illusive nature begins using the world to attack naruto naruto pretends to trap himself and waits for kaguya to approach him and begins planning a surprise attack elsewhere obito awakens and learns of everything that has occurred since his last meet with moderate realizing that kagi's ability is extremely similar to his own obito plans on syncing his kamui with her own technique in order to find sasuke and returning him to the battlefield planning on utilizing naruto's shadow clone and sakura's chocolate in order to accomplish a task the three prepare for the next opportunity to begin their journey to rescue sasuke as naruto's clone and soccer touch obito in preparation to teleport at the next chance they get kagi plays little attention to them and goes after naruto's real body naruto receives some power from koko and manages to break free from kagi's trap launching her back at great distance deciding that using diversionary tactics followed by taijutsu is the best way to encounter kaguya naruto creates a barrage of clones that surround kagi as surprising the rabbit goddess as she did not expect naruto to be such a challenge naruto continuously assaults kaguya and forces her to travel to another dimension to escape the attacks noticing her attempt at fleeing naruto and obito used this opportunity to follow kalgia entering her core dimension kage is surprised to find out that naruto infiltrated her sacred area fearing naruto's reinus sasuke may result in coghi's defeat black zetsu advises kagyu to kill naruto instead of absorbing his chakra though hesitant at first kaguya complies and uses her all-killing ash bones technique to impale naruto and disintegrate his body kagi returns to her ice dimension and is surprised when she notices all of naruto's shadow clone still intact signifying naruto's survival from kagi's attack meanwhile in kagi's main dimension once realizing kagyu had left obito and sakura encounter kagi's core dimension intent on fighting sasuke and returning him to the largest location with sakura and obito in kagi's core dimension naruto's disintegrated shadow clone disperses and the real naruto learns everything his shadow clone did naruto becomes determined to distract kaguya while sakura and obitua search for sasuke so he begins to attack the rabbit goddess sakura transfers her strength of 100 seal chakra into obito who begins using the kamui to search for the desert dimension that sasuke stranded with him while searching for sasuke they open a portal to a sea of acid and sakura manages to shield herself and obito from the heavy damage and discards the right sleeve of her flak jacket in the process meanwhile in the desert dimension sasuke goes to the area where he was able to sense naruto's chakra moments before finally obito and sakura find the desert dimension to call it to sasuke who immediately begins dashing towards the duo they begin to lose control of the portal and it ultimately closes believing they had failed sakura and obito were surprised when they find out that sasuke uses amanutakara to switch places with sakura's discarded black jacket thanking the two for saving him sasuke and his group prepared to return to the ice dimension to help naruto engage kakia meanwhile hageromo explains to the hokage that he managed to appear before that by combining the ten tails indras and oscar's chakras together after recapping the hokage on the events that have transpired minato asks about the technique that he told them about but hagaroma knows that he can no longer use this as he's given his power to naruto and sasuke he tells the hokage that they're running out of time and they must listen to him carefully and do exactly as he says in the ice dimension naruto continues battle kagia who has realized that the real naruto has the truth seeking balls behind him and as such continues to eliminate the clones one by one kakashi laments that he cannot do anything to assist naruto at the moment but he's quickly stepped out of it by naruto's germination sasuke sakura and obito returned to the core dimension much takagi's annoyance she manages to impale naruto who has the truth seeking balls behind her but much to her surprise this also turns out to be a clone and she figures that our token attack his black orbs to his clones irked at this fact kaguya teleports team kakashi and obito to a high gravity dimension while they are pinned down kagia fires her bone attack at naruto and sasuke who managed to barely dodge the attack adjusting to the atmosphere kaguya aims towards naruto and sasuke's directions once more and fires the projectile the direction kashi and obito quickly intercept the attack and stand in the place naruto and sasuke preparing themselves to die however obito uses kamui at the last second and saves kakashi's life as well as obito is impaled by kagi's attack much to the shock of team kakashi kagashi questions obito asking why he would throw his life away when he could still be abused while kakashi himself is worthless obito silences kakashi telling him that he must remain alive to support the next generation of shinobi running law and chakra black setsu informs kaki that they should return to the core dimension replenish their chakra supply naruto attempts to save obito once more but his efforts are futile black tattoo notices this and goes on a tirade about obita's useless life angering naruto while obito agrees with black sets his claims with his renegade's power restored sasuke immediately teleports to kaguya once more and attempts to impale her chidori but fails as kagia shifts to the core dimension and fleets sasuke's attack sasuke manifests his complete body susano and after telling naruto that healing obito is useless flies towards kage and engages her in battle obito begins his final goodbyes to naruto kakashi he thanks naruto for helping him find the right path once more after commanding naruto to become the hokage obito crumbles into a pile of ash and perishes noticing his death black sits and continues berating obito once more angry naruto even more noting that he was an awesome man for believing in the same dream as himself naruto flies up to kagi with instant speed and severs kagi his left arm with black sets who still attached to it meanwhile a younger obito meets his former teammate rin ohara once again after so long she informs him that she has been watching over obito this entire time and while taking obito's hand the two prepared to depart for the afterlife before they manage to leave obito asks rain to wait a little while longer as he wants to help kakashi continue with the ongoing battle promising to return soon obito uses kamui to teleport to the core dimension as he manifests as chakra obito inhabits kakashi and the two enter kakashi's consciousness appearing as the younger versions of themselves obito explains that he believes kashi will still become the sixth hokage and plans on giving him another president to celebrate his impressive future feat returning to the real world kakashi opens his eyes and reveals his two mango sharingan eyes kakashi living up to his nickname kakashi of the sharon god once more meanwhile naruto and sasuke continue to battle kaguya as sasuke's attack is counter by kagi's chakra arms naruto uses the powers of the nine-tailed beast to attack the rabbit goddess which results in massive mis-shaped chakra monster forming as a result of kogi's inability to control the severe tail beasts as the massive choker monster sprouts arms to absorb everything around it including arthur's shadow clone one of the arms prepares to eliminate sakura just before sasuke can use his renaissance powers to save her kakashi donning a complete body susano flies in and jumps up to protect her from the attacking master chakra saying that he and obito will protect everyone leaping into action against kagi kakashi is able to deflect her incoming attack with his kamui shuriken kaguya soon regains control of her power and manifests a humongous truth seeking ball intent on erasing everything within her core dimension realizing he cannot teleport the tremendous orbit way kakashi formulates a plan telling his teammates that this will be their final mission as naruto distracts kagi with shadow clones kakashi renders kagi's right arm useless with calmly lightning cutter sauce case which is placed one of naruto's clones and appears next to kagi as well though she tries to escape kagi is knocked down by soccer with the punch also knocking off one akagi's horns in the process allowing naruto and sasuke to touch her with their sun and moon markings preparing to seal away the rabbit goddess once again immediately naruto and sasuke begin the ultimate funjutsu they obtained from hagaromo these six paths chibaku tensei as kogia questions how she the ancestor of all chakra could be defeated by mere fragments that were once part of herself her third eye is obscured by the moon and then followed by the sun as the sun and moon tattoos disappear from the palms of naruto and sasuke's hands they reappear in hagaromo's hands symbolizing that the technique was a success as kagia reverts back to the demonic statue of the other path the tailed beast get out of her while the remainder of kagi is chakra ejects maru uchiha before being encased within a giant satellite produced by the chibaku tensei though he intends to revive her again albeit sometime in the future black setsu is found by naruto who chastises him for his false beliefs that he was the one who created the shinobi world calling him a spoiled brat who is too afraid to leave the nest and proceeds to throw him into the satellite sealing away both enemies joining up with his comrades naruto and team seven suddenly realized they're trapped within kaguy's dimension with no other way to return suddenly team seven the tailed beast and madra are all summoned back to earth by hagaromo the four hokage and all the previous kage whom hogarova managed to recall from the pure world he faces team seven and thanks them for saving the world hakaromo commends kakashi for commanding team 7 during the battle with kagia however kashi admits he didn't do much as it was only thanks to obito that he could contribute at all within kakashi's mind he meets obito one last time the two exchanged their final words to each other as obito returns the afterlife with rin and kakashi loses his sharingan forever sasuke notices that moderate is still alive and dashes towards his fallen enemy only to be stopped by hagaromo who tells sasuke to listen to mara and hashirama's final words to each other the two discussed their dreams in the past and matara admits that while his dream has failed hashiramas lives on hashirama offers moderator the chance to be comrades once more but mario exhales his last breath before he gives his response the kages begin returning to the pure land as naruto rushes towards minito as the sun rises over the horizon minato wishes his son a happy birthday and the two exchanged their final words to each other as minito and the other reincarnated hokage return to the pure land once more free to roam once more the tailed beasts decide to return to their homes though gyouki decides to stay with killer b and kurama is elected to stay with naruto by hagama in order to preside over any meetings the tailed beasts have with their small portions of chakra within naruto hakadoma tells him that the next order of business is to dispel the infinite tsukiyomi using naruto's tale beast chakra and sasuke's rinnegan sasuke however revealed his plan to execute the five sitting kage and start a revolution beginning by taking control of all the tailed beasts and then by trapping them inside satellites revealing that he had been involving his renegade's ability during the battle against moderate and kaguya his time running out hakuromo places his trust in naruto who resolves to finally end the brother's feud sasuke explains that he intends to kill naruto since he's the jinchuriki host of all nine-tailed beasts and also plans to keep the ones he has trapped alive in order to end the infinite tsukiyomi sasuke tells naruto to follow him as he wants to move to another location of their final battle as he begins to leave sakura calls out to him professing her love once more and begging sasuke to stop sasuke rebuffs sakura's please calling her annoying once more sasuke puts her under his genjutsu in order to prevent her from interfering with his battle with naruto naruto criticizes sasuke's attitude though to no avail as sasuke dashes away with naruto pursuit hagaromo explains the cycle of hatred that has occurred ever since his generation to kakashi lamenting on all his past failures and entrusting naruto as the one who will end it all meanwhile naruto and sasuke arrive at the valley of the end once again standing atop the heads of the statues of hashirama and matara naruto tries to use hitachi's words to display sasuke but to no avail as sasuke proceeds tell naruto what he means when he says hokage sasuke explains he taught you sacrificed to naruto saying that he taught you with the true definition of hokage and deserved to be honored as one result that he's leaving hitachi his clan and everything else in the past sasuke explains to naruto they will take on the shinobi world's hatred by himself and become darkness itself so that the shinobi world can shine bright once more narcissism sasuke of the arrow in his ways but fails as sasuke knows that naruto's death will be the beginning of a clean slate for the shinobi world meanwhile as hageroma disappears he recalls this conversation with sasuke in which the young uchiha noted that he will kill naruto because naruto is the closest thing to a friend he's ever had with no more words to say to each other naruto and sasuke begin their final fight as the clash of their fists began cracking hashirama's statue repelling off each other sasuke immediately shoots a grand fireball at naruto but naruto manages to defend himself however sasuke shifts behind naruto and uses chidori to knock naruto into the water finishing his combination attack by shooting three arrows from susano at naruto though we managed to block sasuke's attacks once more as naruto activates his tailed beast mode and sasuke activates complete body susano the two bump fists through their avatars and start doing each other's memories with sasuke commenting on how slow naruto has always been naruto rebuffs by saying that he won't let himself get killed that sasuke won't be alone creating a tilt baseball that clashes with sasuke's complete body susano enhanced chidori causing a great explosion meeting with their inner subconscious once more sasuke comments that they're no longer children and they should be able to understand one another at this point within the white plain naruto once again tries to commit sasuke to stop his plans of revolution citing that will solve nothing as the five great snowy villages have already united together however sasuke believes it is only a temporary peace due to them all having a common enemy with the threat neutralized sasuke's convinced they'll all return to how they were before the war resolved to find a way to gain some sort of immortality with unlimited power sasuke promises to become the common enemies that the snowy world could thrive returning to the real world naruto and sasuke are knocked back from the massive blast satisfied that naruto is finally getting serious sasuke summons the sidelights containing detailed beasts and begins channeling the chakra into his complete bodies of sono as it begins to change into a new humanoid form as naruto summons three shadow clones the two battle above the earth and sasuke knocks bonus clones to the ground while neutralizing the attacks the other clones resulting in a massive explosion while sasuke prepares a lightning-based aero attack naruto combines the reigning clones into a three-headed six-armed battle avatar similar to the one asura used in the past all the while the clone naruto dispatched earlier begins gathering natural energy which it then supplies to the real naruto when naruto tells sasuke this is not how he wanted to be his former comrade he throws two rasa and shuriken while sasuke fires indra's arrow naruto and sasuke's attacks collide causing a massive explosion that devastates the landscape and decapitates these statues of hashiram and matara drained from the last attack naruto and sasuke fall back to the earth landing on the valley once more shocked that naruto survived the last encounter sasuke tries to burn naruto with the matarasu though not to manage to defend against the attack by utilizing karama's chakra with no power left naruto and sasuke engage in a fierce taijutsu battle that lasts almost an entire day elsewhere sakura awakes from being trapped in sasuke's genjutsu shocked that knight has already fallen once more she asks akashi where her comrades have gone and he explains they're settling their issues with one last fight returning to the valley at the end naruto and sasuke are badly injured nearly out of stamina as they continue to fight with only pure willpower karama recharges his chakra and prepares to give it to naruto only for sasuke uses renegade's predepath ability to absorb naruto's chakra using the chakra he is stolen sasuke activates his dory and prepares to kill a completely depleted naruto stating that he'll finally be alone once his only best friend is gone however naruto manages to stand up and land an uppercut on sasuke before one final clash between rasengan and kagutsuchi enhanced shidori that it destroys the other's dominant arm the blast costing naruto's right arm and sasuke is left after passing out sasuke awakens lying on the ground beside naruto who once again explains his reasoning for persistently chasing after the uchiha both fall asleep while sasuke further reflects upon his bond with nagato and comes to the realization that he feels the same way in many regards after waking up the following morning sasuke finally acknowledges naruto both as a comrade and as the winner of their long-lasting battle as they both lie defeated on the statue's hands forming a seal of reconciliation sakura and kikashi arrive to witness naruto and sasuke both hurt sakura begins to heal both of them and sasuke apologizes to a teary-eyed soccer for what he's done to her the two are both rejuvenated and they release everyone from the infant tsukiyomi and toby also dies after being released from it the tailed beasts are then freed from sasuke's ubakutensei at kona hagakuri funerals are held including a memorial service for neji and sasuke is sent to prison for his crimes kakashi succeeds tonight as he six hokage and his face is carved on hokage rock naruto becomes an international celebrity and tsunade begins crafting artificial arms of hashirama's cells for him and sasuke with his contributions in the war and naruto's appeal sasuke is granted a pardon sasuke leaves the village to seek redemption telling sakura he will return for her and pokes around the forehead he meets naruto who hands him his forehead protector which he discarded during their battle many years ago and sasuke credits naruto for teaching him what being a ninja really means naruto and hinata young naruto walks through konoha and is ostracized by the villagers naruto is hungry but doesn't have enough money to go each rocker ramen so he runs home on his way he passes by sasuke who overheals adults talking about naruto's involvement with the fourth hook his death naruto sucks by himself at home and leaves train in the forest still hungry and art to collect several mushrooms and catch his fish in nearby stream as he eats them by a fire he is joined by heroes and i'm aware that he's a theoretical guy naruto offers him fish the two talk over the fire about the world the next day naruto thinks about heroes and told them about the world being much bigger than any one person nedji trades in taitu with his father he's actually calls it a day despite nj's insistence to continue training neji asks him about his cousin and his ashi tells him it's a girl when you're younger than edgy he's actually begins telling najibo's role as a hugo neji sparrs the hinata hinata confides in ninja she just likes training in taijutsu and he tells her she has an important role as the heirs of the hugo and hizashi's funeral he not a feels for nenji hinata wanders off and ends up meeting naruto who walks her home after narco leaves hiyashi arrives and begins teaching out about the clan sasuke and sakura a young sasuke asks hitachi to teach him shuriken jutsu hitachi doesn't mean he's busy and suggests he asked their father sasuke takes hitachi's constant claims of busyness as proof he dislikes him hitachi denies it pokes him in the forehead and tells sasuke the next time their parents are off you might have time to spend with sasuke at dinner skate asks them about it and they confirm they'll be off visiting mikoto's family they offered to take sasuke who were surprised to learn itachi said he teach sasuke the next day itachi trained sasuke and throwing kunai that night hitachi makes them dinner the two sleep outside fugako and mikoto are out the next day and find sasuke sleeping outside alone he taught you having left to do something a young sakura runs to the forest she reaches a high out of sorts where she keeps flowers and several hangings she looks at herself in a mirror and thinks about her hair that night at dinner her father suggests she have her bangs cut her mother says soccer probably has reasons to keep her bangs the next day while picking flowers she's approached by ino you know gives her a ribbon to tie her hair with soccer is concerned about exposing your forehead but ino tells her people only tease her because she tries hiding it soccer tells her parents that she's made a friend sakura takes inno tour hideout where eno rearranges her flowers soccer tells her about her crush on sasuke and the rumor that he likes girls with long hair ito leaves abruptly while speaking with other girls eno denies being sakura's friend sakura tries talking to sasuke but is dismissed soccer begins training while naruto watches her gara and shikomaru a baby gara dreams of his mother and cries about her absence as children gara and her siblings play on the sandbox gara using his control over the sand to create complex and detailed structures a conqueror's request gara makes sculptures of food exacerbating tamari their father calls conqueror and tamari away villagers watching from afar or afraid of gara and throw stone at him which is blocked by the sand under rasa's watch gar is attacked with kunai but with no effect at night gara asks uncle why they feel hungry yashamura tells him that maybe it's so they can have good food while playing in the sandbox gara asks him why the sky is blue and yashimar tells him it's so they can look up at it gara agrees that looking at the sky eases his pain gara asks why he doesn't get sleepy and why he doesn't have a mother yashimaru evades answering conqueror and tamara wants to play with gara but their father keeps him from doing so yashimar arrives with lunch and garan notices how he resembles his mother at the academy shikumaru pays no attention to class and throws a pencil at a sleeping choji startling him irika chastises him for sleeping knowing it was chikumaru who woke him up chocho throws books at him naruto plays about the noise as he's trying to sleep eureka sends it through them into the hallway choji offers him snacks and when erica comes to see them they're standing asleep erika scares them awake later choji asks hikumar for money to buy more snacks in a later class naruto stands up to bullies bothering hinata shikumar thinks naruto is stupid for intruding other people's problems instead of minding his own business choji criticizes shigamar for thinking so the two begin fighting but naruto interrupts it and the three them end up laughing after class the three sees sasuke rejecting flower from eno she notices them and runs after them after losing her they see uric of flirting with some women naruto approaches him and uses this sexy technique at night choji and chickamara didn't fare well jiraya and kakashi a young gira calls a younger ochimaru to spy on bathing women uninterested orochimar leaves jurai is caught by an elderly woman who douses him in hot water as teenagers doraya tries convincing hirochimara into a plan for him to hit on tsunade having orochimar pretend to attack her so drag and rescue her which fails during the second shinobi world war the three discussed their dreams by a fire so now they want to travel the world and gamble everywhere dry wants to travel beside her to her annoyance and orochimaru initially claims to have no dream but admits he wants to master ninjutsu to get stronger the three are attacked by kirigate shinobi and retaliate a young akashi prepares fish and performs house chores at the academy kakashi sparrows are heroes in while rin and obito discuss him when he is done they ask if he practices frequently but he denies it saying he just reads a few books after classes obito follows kakashi and watches him practicing fishing as he prepares fish at home kakashi tells obito and rain to come out and join him to eat they enjoy the food and kakashi downplays himself again the next day kakashi does chores again and is linked by obits over the food when they meet on the street at the academy guy tries fighting him and is impressed by kakashi the next day kakashi visits his father's grave at the cemetery and tells him about his friends at the academy guy challenges kakashi again and lasts longer obito and rin cheer on kakashi sasuke shinden book of sunrise two years after the fourth great shinobi war a former konoha onboard named tadaichi is travelling when he's confronted by two mysterious people and placed underground jutsu by one of them with red eyes in koroha kashi tells naruto and sakura about recent disappearances of konohashinobi an explosion of the village's gates erupts and the guard unit is struggling against five people who are unresponsive to their commands naruto and sakura along with shikomaru ino and choji suspect the attackers under genjutsu and ina recognizes one of them as tadaichi whom she says would never betray konoha tadaichi is injured and explodes and naruto realizes they're exploding humans he not a doubts kenjutsu is responsible because there's no one around to avoid more destruction naruto and shikomar restrain the humans and hinata uses gentle fist to knock them out kakashi suspects someone of an unheard of kekai genkai is responsible and decides to bring sasuke uchiha back to the village in a forest sasuke feeds some stray cats before he sees size inkberg with a message for him to return an explosion in a bamboo village catches his attention in an elderly villager io is fighting exploding humans sasuke asks what is happening but is attacked by chino and nawaki before they declined to fight him further because how strong he is sasuke uses a strong gun to save the humans making chino realize he's an uchiha io goes check on his daughter but she's an exploding human and kills yourself and i o vows never forgive fushim sasuke sees through the memory of one of the humans and realizes the culprit has a genkai sasuke sends a message of the events kakashi and after the funerals for the victims heads to richmond's hideout to get more information on fushin chino and nawaki offer to come with him to help at the hideout's entrance sasuke meets yamato who lets him proceed after sasuke and francie's gathering information for konoha sasuke demands information on fushing and the lightning group but orochimaru uses over sasky gathering information for others rojimara says sasuke needs to speak with an oyashiro who is a trades dealer and is more skilled at hiding than orochimaru is when sasuke persists rojimaro is satisfied and goes to make arrangements korean so we get to and jugo greet sasuke but korean gets into a fight with chino for clinging to sasuke orochimar takes sasuke chino and nawaki to travel through the ocean with yamato behind them so he gets to wonders why sasuke is working for konoha he has returned to the village korean says sasuke is aborting the village because his sharingan and renegadon earn him enemies who likely won't attack konoha if he isn't there sasuke states his amazement that arochimaru is allowed to be free despite his horrific crimes orochimaru towards sasuke and kabuto are no different but are less likely to turn evil again and he's technically not free because yamato is constantly watching him therefore the colosseum which orochimaru explains where wealthy business people use their shinobi to compete in battles and the winners get to keep the lost competitors and it is the only place that n will appear chino is disturbed how the shinobi are treated and tells sasuke if he doesn't help the poor and doesn't stop the rich he's just as guilty before she walks away to sasuke's mayor orochimaru signed sasuke up as a contestant because n is a kekai genka collector who'll want to obtain sasuke having no choice sasuke enters the arena but dozens of exploding humans appear before the battle can begin sasuke tries to save as many people as he can which surprises heroichimaru and sasuke is nearly struck by a chakra played by a fleeing person yamato tells him that he can't save everyone but less than the damage as the exploding humans are killed sasuke saves china from being killed and the chaos ends and asks to speak with sasuke who's uninterested in greeting him but he's delighted to move to rochimaru again after a long time and tells him that fushin was a shinobi he won but left him after taking all of the other guy gank ions with them sasuke asked ifuchin as red eyes and and recalls someone in his guard unit did and says red eyes originated with the chinoike clan which is exiled from the light of lightning by the uchiha clan sasuke realized that exploding humans have been appearing around him and konoha was attacked because he was being targeted and recommended sasuke go to hell valley in the land of hot water to find fushin and anarujimaru then discuss how he enjoys collecting genkai for his business which discussed sasuke who decides to deal with the situation as these souls survive through chihuahua clan at yugakura five exploding humans appear but sasuke saves him and is attacked he chases after the person who easily knocks him out sasuke sees this person is not fushing and the man tries to insist he is misaska knows he's lying sasuke threatens to kill him if he doesn't tell him who is but kariu fights back with his lava release sasuke easily dodges and attacks using yamatarasu to make him surrender sasuke sees through cardio's memories and learns that he was hired to impersonate fushin who is really milwaukee nawaki approaches sasuke who orders milwaukee to show his true appearance which nawaki does the two fight with fujin's typhoon release overpowering sasuke susano but sasuke wins by jumping into the hole of the funnel and hitting him however sasuke falls into another genjutsu trap while trying to get information and pushing leaves sasuke travels the valley of hell where he finds china waiting for him she reveals herself as the sole survivor of the chinooka clan and lashes out at sasuke for how her clan struggled to survive in there after being forced to live there by the uchiha clan she explains her past to sasuke how she was kidnapped as a child by oreshiro and she was too young to remember her parents her discovery of her katsurugan her meeting and eventual partnership with fushin being betrayed by kidigara and the villages they had helped and vowing revenge for the persecution and demise of her clan sasuke and chino battle with sasuke easily cutting down her blood dragons chino cuts sasuke and explains vegan juice at him that kitsurugan controls blood and will turn him into an exploding human however sasuke uses shanghai to prevent this leaving chino devastated she isn't able to get revenge she lashes out that sasuke's always had people who loved and protected him despite his notorious reputation while she was lonely and unable to bond with others she cries out to sasuke about why he goes so far to protect konoha despite its role and downfall his clan and sasuke responds that he has a friend who saved him and with whom he shares pain fushing arrives and offers to be killed to protect chino who says she'd be lonely if he died chino and fujin surrender and thanked sasuke for his words at konoha sakura and he now to heal the last exploding human victim and discuss how chino and her allies were arrested by konoha shinobi although sakura wishes sasuke was there in prison kakashi brings in the mizukage who approaches chino fujin and karyu and offers them to work for her in order to atone for kirita's betrayal all three accept and learned from kakashi that sasuke had returned to the colosseum to free out the shinobi to the shock of the audience sasuke wins every battle and reveals kumo gakurei will be taking everyone into custody for the illegal activities the rekake and shinobi arrived to arrest the shinobi owners and a speaks to sasuke regarding his actions to help others and how glad he is that he didn't kill sasuke after naruto pleaded for him to spare him after having reconciled since their battle at the cage summit the two bid farewell in amiable terms orochimaru and n who escaped from being caught have a conversation during which n reveals that chino is his daughter and that he slaughtered the chino aka clan to protect her and then sought out sasuke to save chino from her desire from revenge naruto and soccer discussed how far sasuke has come to redeem himself and protect the village and sakura says she's happy but wishes she was by his side resuming his travelling sasuke receives a letter from naruto in which it says sasuke's way of protecting the village is like the gone on military police force remember when he told hitachi was his child the dream of joining the police force sasuke decides to return to the village shikamaru heed in a cloud drifting in silent darkness shikamaru has been busy helping the six hokkaido paperwork since the war but is bored with his desk job and insists he's doing the work until now to become zokage after work shikamara plays shoghi with anoki who he easily defeats and goes to the force to train at a shinobi union meeting in the line of iron the village ambassadors each discussed the decline of shinobi assistance and shikamaru simply replies the matter is being investigated but tamari suspects he's hiding something and his refusal to answer the questions causes her to slap him in anger after returning to konoha shikimara and kakashi discussed the suspicions of how the leader of the land of silence gengo recruiting missingnin and how kono had been slowly investigating however sai's team had been killed and their concerned precise well-being kakashi asks shikamaru to go to land asylums to capture or assassinate gengo with the company of tu anbu hinoko and roh as teammates shikamaru visits the graves of his father and asamo where he's greeted by coronado mirai who have come to visit asma's grave he later meets with iono and choji for dinner and the three discuss how much their lives have changed since the gunning days the next morning he leaves to meet his comrades at the village gates shikumar runs into naruto who is on his way to eat ramen for breakfast and advises him to stay the way he is because he will become hokage one day once they arrive at the land of silence shigemara decides that disguising themselves will help them get past the checkpoint of the village tobari however hinoko believes that killing shinobi is easier and uses your track where needed to kill two that were tailing them they track sai's last known location which is an inn near the checkpoint shikimara plays shogu with a villager to gain information on gengo and the man's remarks about shinobi being disposable tools for citizens anger hinoku who fears shinobi will be eradicated during peaceful times hinoko desires to prove her worth and the inn is suddenly raided by shinobi her earlier killing of the partners exposing them shigemaru hinoka and roh are saved by a busboy named komori who claims to hate tobari hinoku khan to place defecting quanah to prove herself which strains her from shikomaru and rome who warned her by the consequence of portraying a village later that night she goes to the checkpoint and asks to join the light of silence the guards doubt her trustworthiness but komori reveals himself to be a follower of tabari and he had spied on her to see her abilities for herself and what he'll prove her loyalty hinoko easily defeats the two guards before shikumar and royal rubbed to stop her shigemaru abruptly accuses roe betraying him as well but are both seemingly killed by hinoko satisfied komori takes her to the village but she knocks him out and returns to marouane who would be placed at a temporary death state as part of her plan to gain entry shikamaru wakes up from nightmares of the death of asama and the times his comrades were injured roh asks him about the nightmares shakumar notices the lack of wind in tabari hinoko fane's being killed by her own jutsu during initiation and is taken to a room full of corpses shigemaru shows rhode little until they have on gengo a single blurry photo hinoko reunites with roshigimaru informing them how no one seems to know anything about gengo or the fuji castle the three go around tabari gathering information seeing people from all over learning gengo arrived ten years prior and that tabari is better now than it was then they spot a former konoha onbu minouichi who went missing during the last war after killing his unit the three corner minowichi and interrogate him learning more of gengo's ideology minoichi recognizes row and puts him in a chokehold hinting at his past but hinoko incapacitates him with a chakra needle ro wakes up after having nightmares about his past as a genie when he survived the slaughter of his unit by burying himself in the corpus of his comrades and suppressing his tracker to appear dead that night gengo appears for a public speech shikimara wants to move closer to the stage so his juju can reach him and hinoku goes to a tower where she has a clear view of the entire crowd during his speech gengo reveals a restrained sai and the crowd asks for his death gengo's words begin to affect the three of them shikimara and roe created the version with explosive tags and shigemoru tries saving sai but he retaliates having being in a trance by gengo gengo's words affected row and hinoku who are restrained gengo tries to convert shikamaru after sai binds him but shikomar begins strangling himself with the shadow shikumar struggles against size inc beasts shigemaru wakes up shackled in a cell and thinks shoghi movements to pass the time sai arrives with food and compliments him for resisting for so long shikomar asks for his lighter and sai says it'll be returned when shigemara follows genko the two discussed sai's current condition why shikamaru came instead of someone from team seven a while later ro is tossed in a cell near shikomaru who asked if he's okay and if younoko is with him gengo uses jutsu and hinoko shigamura was taking a talk with gengah who has looked him up gengo tells shigema how he perceives the current shinobi world and how peace as it exists is forced by the other great nations gengo shows him a flower that grows in the land of silence that dies are taken out of its environment and compares to shinobi who stop developing their skills in times of peace shigemara notices the flower's scent stirs up unpleasant memories which genko uses to turn snowy to its side shigemaru asks for ro and hinoko who are revealed to be the guards that brought him the flowers having been converted by gengo shikimaru escapes the room shikumar returns to gungo's room and fights rohini noko he has hinoko attack him with the chakra needles and positions himself so they hit his ears and pairing his hearing so gengo's voice can't defect him shigemaru almost reaches gengo but is stopped by sai's ink lion gengo escapes and shikimaru was hit with a choker needle in his head you know when choji arrived to save him though shigemaru believes he's dreaming shigemaru is convinced that he isn't dreaming when tamari slaps him for lying to her in the shinoba union meeting you know and shoji prepared to fight ro and hinoko tamari tosses him awesome as chakra blades but shigemara uses to open up the way to gengo shigamara pursues gang go through the fushoo castle you know choji and tamari fight sai ro and inoco gengo's hold over them weakening as the fight drags on genko lures shikamaru in a dark room both so he can't use shadows and for his hearing to bring more sensitive and more vulnerable to the genghis jutsu gekko tells shigemi about his pastor zabazo and how it shaped his ideology you know then enters psy's mind to break gang goes hold on him he asks about shigamaru and tells him that they have to warn chickamauga not to turn around when gang goes trying to convert him gengo tells shikomari he had his followers infiltrate the hidden villages and with a signal he can make them cause incidents all over genghos due to manifest the darkness chikumaru but thinking inaudible's comrades are all dead having been used by him damari and the others reached the location and shikamara calls on roe and ninoko to finish their mission hinoko uses her chakra needles to open holes in the wall so that sounds light in gengo summons a great sword and tries cutting shikumar down with it shigemaru managed to pin him down allowing hinoka to hit his tongue with a chakra needle render gets due to useless konoha onbu arrives to take gengo into custody shikamaru asks tamari to a date as does sai to ino the last arts of the movie the film starts off with an explanation of ozotsuki consuming the chocolate fruit the birth of the ten tales and the sage's six past stopping the beast and creating tale beasts it then moves over to the fight battles between asura otzatsuki and indo-otsotsuki the moderator and hashirama senju and the ending conflict between naruto uzumaki and sasuke ochiha before enrolling in the academy a young hinata hugo is seen being bullied by boys over a biancagon calling her a monster which causes her to cry naruto shows up and tells him to back off proclaiming that he'll be the future okay however the boys outnumber him and easily beat him up and tear his red scarf he noted thanksgiving his efforts and naruto lets you keep the scarf since it's ruined unaware that this when the young girls affections began for naruto sometime later the academy irika umino tells his stories to write down the name of the person they would want to be with if the world was end today the naruto tries to act up towards sakurahara no she ignores him for sasuke while he's not as unsure whose name's right she sees naruto making a paper plane of his paper which leads him to be scolded by erica naruto goes on to state that he has no friends or family and that the world isn't going to end seeing this he not happily writes doctor's name on her paper in the present time two years after the fourth nobody world war yoshihuga accompanied by two subordinates met with scenarios to tokyo said okakure asking for an answer to his earlier proposition stated in the fate of hugo clinton depends on his answer he declines to narrow his offer engaging in combat hiyashi is overwhelmed by his puppet army and trapped in a cave in konoha naruto is invited to teach economy students taiju too much to enjoy the young boys the lesson however is interrupted by a crowd of young girls that greatly lead martin are too much was confusion you know choji and chicago spot this noting how popular he's gotten since the war he has since then received various gifts from konahawk villagers and abroad from young women spin with him as the hero of the world later konohamaru meets up with naruto and we should take him to his late grandfather's old storage shed claiming that there's something for him elsewhere in konoha he not emits a red scarf and remembers the one are to use to wear back in the academy so she can give it to naruto at the renai festival as a personal gift of love when she confesses her love for him she is later found by sakura who encourages her to give it to him and win his heart meanwhile the five kage the six hokage kakashi haruke the fifth kazukage gara fifth mizukage made to rumi fourth reikagi a and third to chicago on oki have an emergency meeting in regards to the threat of the moon which is really falling out of orbit not to the earth they deduce that if nothing is done soon then the moon will break apart and crash into the earth and kill all life on the planet at night he not finishes her gift for naruto and attempts to give it to him but her shyness stops her from doing so hanabi hugo playfully encourages her to give it to him while warning her sister that there are various girls after him now as well she means naruto sakuraino and choji and ramani jiraku just as she sits down to eat three kunui show up and start being affectionate towards naruto after seeing this hinata decides to leave to which soccer tells naruto to walk her home however he doesn't understand why he asked dude given her powerful abilities sakura catches up to hinata telling her naruto is very dense about love dude not having anyone in his life to express it for him and assures hinata she'll be able to win him over if she's confident enough meanwhile various puppets secretly invade konoha and raid the huge estate kidnapping hanumi in the process on the outskirts of the village sai paints a portrait and spots one of hanabee's flying overhead and falls behind however after a quick chase sai was taken now by a blast back in konohan in front of naoto's home he not a practice as a confession but is interrupted by naruto's rival after noticing a scarf on naruto's neck he now to summit growls this notion is naruto to invite her to eat ramen in his apartment but runs off embarrassed much of his confusion as hinata sits on a parked swing she begins to cry saying she's happy for him and thinking that she lost her chance to be with him just there tonight appears before hinata claiming that he came for her she's rented unconscious by tenerife who firms the strength of her chakra of homura as naruto shows up and gives chase naruto was able to save her from her kidnapper but the scarf she needed is ripped as a result of her chakra being distorted teneri leaves a message that the end of mankind is approaching and he will return for hinata as he leaves naruto and now to witness a meteor crash outside the village with hana be captured by taneri naruto hinata sakura assigned shikimara are deployed by kakashi to go and rescue her to accommodate for the mission chicago is given a special clock only held by the five kage which apparently counts down the time till doomsday as the group followed tener's tale courtesy of psy he now defines hanumi's kunai and puts it in your bag where naruto sees the roof scarf eventually found a cave with a secret path towards daenerys location hinata is unable to use your bianca gun due to a lake destroying your vision for an unknown reason naruto proceeds to make sure his scarf is not wet proclaiming to be special to him leading soccer to say that it can't be that important and he now feels upset sai realize that the water is incapable of making them wet they then dive into the lake only to discover it is a genjutsu sapotenari they're all trapped in their own memories from the past as naruto calls this fight with kiba inazuka and the tuning exams hinata's scarf begins to wrap around naruto and her memories flooded to his causing him to remember her fight with pain her confession of love to him her writing is naming her paper in the academy and he not on sakura's talk about giving him her scarf naruto is left utterly bewildered by how she's loved him for so long before it can sink in soccer dispels a genjutsu place on everyone as they descend further he not is found by to whenever who calls it the biaku gun princess and announces his desire for them to be married hinata refuses demanding the safe return of her sister tonight then reveals he has taken her sister's biakugan and if hinata agrees to his proposal he will spare both hinata and halabi's lives and eventually return hanumi's biakugan while sakura sai and shikamaru fight against the gatekeeper of the spring naruto comes back to protect nada and fights teneri only for the dude to realize tanery is a puppet the tiny puppet explains he will return a person to hearing not his answer now knowing daenery is targeting hinata naruto proclaims he will not let inada out of his sight having realized his own romantic feelings for her as well with this hinata notices naruto isn't wearing the scarf anymore the team arrives outside the village seeing an artificial sun inside the moon they make their way to an advantage nobody village of the uptotsuki clan at some point tanery takes hanabi's biakugan which he remarks is incredibly pure after he implanted in his own empty eye sockets awakening the ten saigon sealed by homores descendants over the last millennium he tells his guards he will go after hinata but not until his eyes are adjusted as naruto and hinata spend more time with each other she remains humorously oblivious to his love for her as he now runs into a spider web she screams having naruto rushed to her as he picks the whip out of her hair making her blush he now asks an art to why he took off his scarf which not just states he feels fine without it naruto then falls down some stairs and hurts his back with naruto unable to reach his bruise spot hinata proceeds to grab ointment on his back which leaves naruto rather pleased as they search the ruins shigemaru realizes tenere's plan and that he is the orchestra of the falling moon with hinata's arrival a monument to the clan awakens for her reeling a puppet which calls her the byakugan princess and shows her revision of homura homura awakes her late in hamara chakra transfers his own and orders her to stop tanari as only she can destroy the tan saigon as she is the biakugan princess and that toneri a member of the otsutsuki's branch house has misinterpreted a celestial degree when united awakens she tells the others what she saw was nothing later that night naruto follows hinata to a pond seeing her knit away to scarf naruto consults her when he not to think she's a horrible big sister since she just needs a scarf rather than spending more energy to find her sister naruto disagrees recounting the amount of time and energy she's been putting into fighting haunted me when he nodded thanks and for his reassuring kindness a flustered naruto accidentally reveals his new fine feelings for her leaving her greatly shocked however the tender moment is interrupted by tenere's arrival this time hinata freely goes with teneri after giving the refurbished scarf to naruto before having his chocolate jam by teneri in order to chase after them only to be shocked but he noticed not denying canary's statement that they would be married the resulting explosion of naruto's vast chakra displays a massive part of the moon and shred seen out of scarf yet again leaving her heart broken at teneri's assault on naruto forcing him to put her into a slumber back on earth the various hidden villages defend themselves against crashing meteorites as they protect civilians all over from ternary's genocidal assault as rockley and others fail to completely destroy huge meteors sasuke arrives and saves quanah from certain doom revealing he rescued hiashi sasuke then declares he'll defend konohas and zenith goes away and gives konoha ninja a much needed break elsewhere as naruto is being healed by sakura she knows the injuries are quite serious naruto murders he knows his name and sakura notes that he finally realizes his feelings for her back on the moon at teneri's palace teneri marvels that he not as beauty as she sleeps wanting to know more about her he reads her mind only to see that she's thinking about naruto much to his confusion and jealousy when she awakens she finds her sister safe but even while in her comatose state hanabi grabs hinata silently begging for help tanari arrives and gives tina a vast army of puppet maids to her bidding gives her two of his palace here taneri tells her about his clan and how they should use the ten saigon against their enemies this case being mankind who used chakra as a weapon and thus intends to wipe them out as per hammer of celestial decree after showing him out of the mausoleum of hammer and having dinner tanari requests united to make up a scarf like she did naruto and order shouldn't ever question his plans to destroy earth again later upon seeing a floating island in front of the castle taneri explains that it's a temple of homura and it comes nearby his castle once a year during the arena festival he then takes it to the floating temple after hinata says that she personally wants to play homage saying that hamburger must be happy for her offer hinata realizes she couldn't find the ten saigon somewhere in the moon so she finds the hidden location of the yakugan while tinder rests from his inability to control the tent saigon he not attempts to destroy the ten saigon altar as per homur's request only to be stopped at an area angered by her lies and betrayals taneria destroys her scarf in a jealous rage proclaiming he knew full well she made it for naruto he then brainwashes her by placing his green chakra sphere within her body so that she will still go through getting married meanwhile following a three-day recovery process naruto awakens and becomes depressed but he not his choice leading shikamaru inside his skull and make fun of him in hopes of reuniting his drive only to fail shikamaru then takes naruto to sakura revealing that she was severely weakened due to saving his life in the hopes that she restores fighting spirit something humid cyan himself are nowhere near capable of sakura then talks to naruto and helps him realize that hinata truly loves him stating she noted the feelings he had for herself were just another way to compete with sasuke but naga's feelings for hinata are far more genuine and deeper than they were for herself and he not as love for nara so is much more genuine with newfound strength naruto leads the charge into tonery's moon base naruto's team invades the palace and splits up science akura going to rescue hanover while shikumar and naruto go after hinata as shikamaru holds off to nary's puppets naruto arrives doesn't have to stop there from kissing inaudible forces the brainwashing to attack him but he manages to remove the orbiting body after tenory pulsing out towards him he tries to put another green orb in her body but his latest 10 saigon pulsation allows cenada to escape from tanari and after apologizing to him she leads naruto to the energy vessel with their combined efforts they're able to destroy the vessel revealing numerous biaku guns sealed inside which stops the moon from pulling to the earth after regrouping with everyone sakura presents hinata with the remnants of her scarf to which naruto reveals that he knows it was for him after seeing her memories despite being ruined naruto happily takes it which leaves hinata on the brink of tears of joy just then shikumar notices the doomsday clock has began again for some reason back on earth a and killer b use a massive chakra cannon to destroy the meteor heading from earth and upon learning the moon still approaching and tends to use the cannon to destroy the moon kakashi is then told by hiyashi that it's certain that tanery took his daughters to the moon after observing kurama battling on the moon hiyashi's theory is confirmed despite now being informed that naruto and his team are on the moon a wishes to destroy the moon regardless the other cognate are against this angry that a once again has a weapon of mass destruction secretly hidden away and ordered him to wait for an hour as they feel that naruto can't stop the moon given his actions during the previous war meanwhile at the destroyed energy vessel a furious tenere managed to unlock the tent saigon along with a continuous view of the celestial decree taner then summons a giant golem that battles korama as he unlocks the 10 saigon chakra mode he captures hinata throwing her into a cage so she could watch him kill naruto who he has grown to despise a huge duel ensues tonight refilling his newfound power to slice the moon in half near the end of the fight naruto grasps the last remaining shred of the scarf he not have made for him and seemingly redirects and channels this truck with shroud into the scrap in his right fist and delivers a devastating punch which is enough to de-power to nary and pin him against the wall with his defeat quran uses his chance to destroy the golem with a tailed beast ball and allows hinata to retrieve hadibe's biaku god despite his defeat taneri refuses to give up and summons all the bianca ghana eyes around him to grant him the power to kill nars by draining his chakra but hinata stops him from absorbing his chakra anymore with tanari unable to maintain his form and is about to burn in the sun naruto saves him with the hour up a prepares to fire the cannon but b refuses to kill naruto on the other as much as frustration luck rikurama writes on the moon mission complete symbol much of the fox's annoyance as he admits his penmanship is terrible signifying everyone is safe and the disasters averted as a global declaration is made that naruto hinata shikamaru sakura have saved the planet from extinction it is revealed that before returning to earth and saving tanari that hinata took tenary to the sight of homura's soul and the truth is real to him seeing this tunari apologizes for his actions and chooses to stand the moon to atone for his sins and promises that the moon will never approach earth ever again despite hinata and naruto offering him a place on earth later he nodded asana to about a scarf he was using earlier to which he reveals it was knitted by his late mother before he was born which is why he's so protective of it leaving hinata relieved and embarrassed by your actions as they all head home on halloween's requests north pakistani wants to spend the rest of his life with her which moves into tears as they leave the portal a glimpse of their future lives together is shown and is followed by them seeing past versions of themselves and arts and past selves wearing the red scarves he knitted all were running out of the cave hand in hand and supporters fall apart he not a false but is called by naruto who tells him not to let go to which she happily states she never wants to and then they fly out of the cave leaving the others behind the exit while floating in the sky with the moon behind them they lean in and share their first kiss the movie ends with a series of flash forwards of naruto hinata's wedding it further flash forced them having a peaceful morning with the two children borito was a monkey and himawaru zamaki who playfully ordered their father to play with them instigating the happy family into a snowball fight koro hajida in the perfect day for a wedding konohamaru records a congratulatory message from sakura for naruto and hinata's upcoming wed sai isn't sure you can express himself in such a manner but sakura affords him to record a message as well psy's struggle is coming off too stiff or too forest lee delivers a high spirited message of getting too close to the camera 1010 finding it doesn't quite come across as congratulatory guy thinks there should be something symbolic on screen and suggest recording the message during the sunrise eno begins recording a message but gets angry with choji and shikomar's comments akamaru suddenly topples her and cuba takes over the recording sparking an argument with eno konohamaru is bothered he can't seem to find someone to record a proper message he tries erika who is very nervous and asks to postpone it so we can think of something to say next day we'll try to come up with something irika finds sadoru a new academy instructor distressed by vandalism for students he easily spots the perpetrators when they try claiming they were just playing hide and seek and he tricks one of them into admitting to the vandalism impressing sadoru erica comments that compared to naruto that was nothing sedora is impressed but the vandals think he's making it up so erica adds to their punishment iroku reflects on how the village sees naruto erika is invited to take an exam for being the vice principal at the academy kashi looks up the schedule for missions seeing that if all of naruto's friends go to the reception there will be unfulfilled missions on the day konohamaru tries recording a message from rochimara but yamato covertly emphatically tells him not to do it shizune tells kakashi that tsunami made a rule to determine which shinobi get to attend obi weddings based on their gifts much to his dislike konohamara and ebisu find irika ichiraku and ebisu gets self-conscious upon the learning of ergo's offer kakashi asks what's up having been there for a while without being noticed when they tell him about irika's possible promotion he says it would be difficult as he leaves the others discuss what he meant erica decides to take on the exam for vice principal and his efforts are visible to all in konoha sukuni one of the vandals steals the scroll of seals after learning naruto did that kakashi almost explains what he meant in ichiraku about irika but shizune tells him about the scroll's theft erica finds sancho and mibuna some of the vandals who confirm his suspicion he finds the vandal and the scroll of the hokage rock and apologizes for always comparing his students to previous students realizing he just wanted attention the vandal promises to try harder kakashi shows erica the scroll jess has an each each a volume as if he'd leave the scroll where someone could see it so easily he then explains what he meant about the exam being difficult is that it's on the same day as naruto's wedding and considers moving the exam to another day but uruku decides not to take it noting his failure to notice his current students kakashi decides to make getting a wedding gift for naruto a mission so he can determine who should go to the wedding and who should be on mission duty that day the konoha 11 wonder what to give naruto on hinata lee tries naruto's favorite ramen to get into his shoes and figure something he'd like he asks erica about naruto but erica barely sees naruto nowadays lee leaves to find a gift konohamaru once again asks erica to record a message from naruto and irika postpones it again lee considers giving them dumbbells but decides against it 10 10 things about giving them a cute kunai but realizes that giving them a weapon might reflect poorly on her lee arrives asking for help and the two spend the day trying to figure out a gift lee always coming up with a weapon and a ludicrous ration offering a useful one lee dreams of nedji's ghost visit him to offer advice but only gets more confused erica records a message from naruto at last lee tells eric about his struggle to come with a gift erica says something that suddenly inspires lee lee ten-ten and guy tried coming up with ideas together but lee and guy keep going off-topic lee and guy decide to role-play being naruto hinata with ten-ten being their baby to figure out what did you gift him when they talk about nudgy lee remembers his dream and has an epiphany and decides to give them dumbbells anyway him giving the left one and guy the right one 1010 settles for a custom mid kunai lee thanks iroko for his input erika asks konohamaru to record a new message later as he wants to learn more about who naruto is now and starts by asking naruto's favorite ramen ichiraku shikimaru and choji visit inno at yamanaka flowers wanting to discuss what to get for a nartonya nada you know says she already picked her present and says they can't go shop with her when she kumara wants to go to the same store at yakinikuku shikumar discusses with choji about ideas and is shocked to find he's already picked a gift vouchers for a dinner at a fancy tea house shikumari considers giving them cash so they pick whatever they want but considers it to be too impersonal and lazy for a gift something choji says about eating ice cream in a snowy place inspired shikumari to give them a honeymoon the two come across tamari and shinshi kumaru exchange awkward words choji suggests getting tamari to give him a woman's point of view for honeymoon location shikomaru asks her about it but the two misunderstand each other tamara thinking shikomaru wants her to go on honeymoon with him the two spend the day together ino goes to the store and is about to get a portrait frame for an r20 nada but sakura shows up also intending to get the same gif you know when soccer tries psyching each other out of buying the frame but end up being kicked out of the store for upsetting other customers the two begin arguing who is more feminine and ask a passing choji for his opinion joji says he thinks women who can cook are very feminine and the two decide to make food pills both use ninjutsu's skills to make the pills choji tries them both and is overwhelmed by how good they are and since they eat them both together he doesn't know which is which joji passes out while trying to figure out what happened you know and sakura tried each other's food pills really enjoying them choji wakes up figuring all the ice cream he had earlier made his blood sugar go too high sakura and nina decided to go find gifts together shikamaru and tamari almost go to a hot spring inn together when they finally understand what the other meant only tomorrow beat them up choji eno and shikomaru discussed their progress at ichiraku ramen gara tamari and conker arrive in kanoha where they're greeted by kakashi chizene gosh he confirms the arrival of the musical game is still to arrive due to bad weather onoki asked kakashi about naruto's wedding intended to give him a gift that he was behalf a also intends to send a gift on kumo's behalf gara learns of naruto's wedding later conqueror asked to mario why they didn't know that considering she just visited konoha damari angrily says she forgot scaring conqueror conqueror suggests something extravagant lee and tenten arrive on duty to show them around the village gara asks if he places naruto likes tamari wants to stay in and avoid running into shikimaru at ramunichiraku ayame notices erika has been coming there a lot lately taeychi notices that shinobi around the village are all trying to figure what to give naruto and despite not being a shinobi he has also come up with a gift a free ramen pass however they don't know for how long the past should be worth worried about naruto going through all the ramen gara asks lee if he's gotten naruto a gift already which he confirms gara ponders that this is the first time he's had to give a wedding gift ten ten is apprehensive would leave against getting overactive over telling gar about his gift and how he decided on it lee and tenten take gara and conqueror to romney jiraku where they meet erica they further discuss what to give naruto and they have ramen killer bee runs into the four and is also giving naruto a gift killer bee mentions a dance number and conqueror feels garage should also perform when a learns if b sang he'll dance he almost makes a scene but when the musical misunderstands to be about the wedding she intimidates him the five meat and kakashi asks them to exercise moderation of their gifts tomorrow runs in ashikamaru and the two apologies for the misunderstanding last time and they go to eat together you know and jojo's spy on their date gara goes to dine at ramen ichirako and erika apologies for putting pressure on him to give an extravagant gift when erica says he's happy naruto made so many friends gara is inspired to give him a gift not as a kasaki but as a friend as ayame locks up taiochi decides to make naruto's free past life long kakashi li and 1010 say goodbye to gara konkoro and tamari gara intends to come back for naruto's wedding conqueror is sad he wants cigarette dance and they noticed temari's in a much better mood they realized they still can see gara dance as naruto's friend shino has his kikachu report to him about the others buying naruto's wedding gifts he shows the insects to academy students one of them wanted to become mokage much like naruto erica watches them from afar now encourages them to follow their dreams shino meets with akiba who complains he's late shino tells him all their friends have already gotten a gift kiba is taking buying the wedding gift is a very serious mission as it's the last mission they'll have his teammate the two ask her and i for advice courtney tells him about a rare honey wine that the central clan would gift in certain occasions the two leave for soraku where at beekeepers supposedly makes the wine lives they come across indoneko momo who refuses to share information with them antagonizing them over akamaru and their dog and insect scents they try baiting him with catnip and pursue it but tamaki protects him apologies for his behavior keema flirts with tamaki tamaki gives them directions to find the beekeeper when looking around for him chino ends up being lost in thought and loses dracukiba shino is attacked by the beekeeper but manages to deceive him the beekeeper assumes shino wants to kill him but just gives him the honey wine when he asks for it shino asks for directions to leave but is told there's something like a barrier keeping those who come and wandering around the fog has a component that stirs doubt and those in it keepa manages to leave the area with no problem while she now recalls his earlier conversation with the academy students kiba and kuruna which lead him to question how to live as a shinobi after teammate the beekeeper tries to keep shino enslaved to his doubt but his resolve to find a new path allows him to leave shino meets up akiba and the two leave with the honey wine shino speaks with the academy students again further motivating them irika suggests sheena should be a teacher kakashi and chesney review the wedding gifts for naruto hinata kakashi leans towards having lee gai and konohamaru on duty kakashi goes out on a stroll and meets with hinata who's going to meet the other girls kona hamara finds erika at ramanichiraku and demands he finally recorded a message for naruto nada erika is still unsure what to say recalling that guard decided to celebrate naruto as his friend instead of kazukage and wondering what his role should be though understanding most would consider him naruto's teacher while meeting with hinata sakura almost slips about the mission for getting the wedding gifts later with team eight cuba almost flips about the mission sonore comes by the hokage's office and she's only tells her about the mission and conscious predicament of judged by gifts while konohamaru overhears them deciding to hand in his video without a message from irika konohamaru informs the others of their judging of their gifts which he not overhears distressing her hinata goes to see kakashi about the mission the others go to kakashi and offered to rotate between missions and wedding reception allowing everyone to participate and kakashi being hokage can change the rule sonata points out that this situation is different as the rule was made at a time where there was a boom in shinobi weddings during a war and that kakashi should rule as he sees fit akashi asked the other kage to lunch me during the wedding to which they agree as a wedding gift hiroku comes across a distress hinata who wrongly assumes naruto is to blame and starts to apologize for him he notifies hilarious erica talks to kakashi and gives him an idea while also telling konohamar that he not have found out about the mission so his video is no longer a surprise kakashi asks if the other kage can spare shinobi for the missions of the day of the wedding and konohamaru tries recording a message with them erica dreams back to when nara to stole the scroll of seals konohamara wants to record another message from erica finding the previous one to be uninspired erika doesn't know what to say he scolds sukuni mibuna and sancho for vandalizing the third okay statue again satoru asks irika of making a speech during the ceremony but erika says kakashi will do it ayami runs in hiroko saying he hasn't been to romney jiraku in a while erika explains he's still trying to figure out what to say naruto visits erica asking him about for ramen erika's trying to cook his own dinner without much success naruto wants to have fun in his last days as a single man and irrika scolds him for it naruto wants to go out with him to tell him something erica wonders why he struggled so much with his message naruto asks erica to attend the ceremony as his father moving him erika accepts erica and hinata talk about naruto's request erica records another message with konohamaru finally getting it right the guests are after the reception and mingle naruto and hinata got married academy enters arc in the future known all the portal fights quaking and destroying konakura and argue at the end of the age of shinobi both activate seal like powers boruto activates his daughter in his right eye and both resume their fight in the present boruto and shekinah run through konoha in the hokage's office naruto and chimamara go to his office renard to propose the amount of paperwork due will keep him from going home that night on top of a train borto celebrates being able to buy a limited edition chili burger as they eat the two comments on the village's modernization and chicken eyes gotcha the prospect of understanding the academy shigeru tells borthoid to behave the entrance ceremony since also reflects on him portal leaps off the train after being spotted and spots danke being picked on board to attack the bullies with shadow clones and makes a run with him is more arrived though they escaped denki is worried the bullies will come after him harder the next day in comments and boruto jinjutsu he learns that boruto has started the academy the following day like himself thank his father once ninjutsu as well as academics who wants to inherited his company crediting his achievements in the last war for the success of his company borg that tells denki to tell his father what his wishes the two talk more about the fathers and poor to realize he's late for dinner fearing his mother's punishment when part that gets home he argues with his mother but his father's absent during dinner well danke confronts his father who says he'll allow donkey to study whatever he wants if he proves he is strong then he is bitten and influenced by a chakra snake the next day boruto is late for the entrance ceremony intending to take the train he spots dank he perceives a shadow over him not noticing his own right eye changing denki lures his blizzard an old malfunctioning train denki shows the bullies that he put the train on a collision course with another defective train having followed denki boruto shows himself and tells danny's stop and again perceives the influence on him boruto's words loosen the influence on denki and when he needs his help in changing the tracks the influence on denki is broken allowing him to help the two are able to change the tracks and the boys hold on to them when they almost follow the train they disconnect the wagon with the bullets letting them stop safely still one is getting to the enemy they do reel the train and crash into the call get rock they arrive at the academy during roll call but damage naruto's stone face the other students are cleared out which one hammer gets bored though at the end of the day naruto receives a word that borough took the blame but denki's father offered to save the damages after his suspension is up border heads to the academy and sees denki who got into the ninjutu program hoping to one day merge ninjutsu with science porter decides against asking thank you about the shadow that had come over him looking up at the stone face he vows to walk his own path in life she know explains how the role of the academy has changed in addition to shinobi skills being taught as in the past a broader curriculum of non-shinobi related courses are available boards are returning from his two-week suspension innogen notices through a window after boruto arrives in his classroom the other students began gasping about it which board to ignore us jojo and subide asks sarah abuboroto sarah said she finds me annoying and the other two gosh over in her toe you know jim bluntly says what everyone else is thinking about boruto bourto extends his hand in friendship but indian refuses considering to be untrustworthy sumidate tries diffusing the situation as sheena arrives in the classroom during practice to assess everyone's strengths and weaknesses denki tells boards so we got the second best time the one with the best time you will be isn't there abortion tries joining the students for lunch but they hurry out of the classroom eob antagonizes boruto over being the hokage son seeing the current state of the academy as being soft despite having flunked twice denki speaks and boards his defense and he will be targets him borto stops you before hurting denki despite promising himself he wouldn't fight borisov challenges eob to a fight the class watches nervously while enojin is amused after attack with anko shino revs an empty classroom which was confusion as everyone ditched class watch the fight class watches the two fighting he would be saying he wouldn't use his weapon bortow and eob are both impressed with each other's skills ewobi is frustrated he can't graduate only with snobby related subjects after a solid strike on him eob begins using earth release creating an earth hammer enojin takes the hammer out of his breach with his drawings and points out you be broke his own rule about not using his weapon eob realizes his mistake the atmosphere in the class improves board that becomes more popular and eob decides to start attending class again shooter than our f star class shinobi begins teaching sure conducted his class most of the classic knows his instructions sumide struggles with inogen and chikudai who are made to practice at home by their parents breeze through it medley practices with ease at first but an idiot and chicago i notice him to become self-conscious his performance suffering boruto throws a fuma shuriken at a target lee thinks he can deflect it but with izonomy falters instead getting his foot stuck in the shuriken and getting dragged by it she cannot ask suporto where he got a fuma shuriken as they're not supposed to be using that yet fortu says he got in a locker which shouldn't be iwobi's shiro calls everyone involved to his office where he commands the ones involved through the voluntary work they're assigned to help prepare not just face the hokage rock which barks are damaged after a break they notice only lee's part is missing and getting anxious he messes up his carving causing more damage in his face at the end of the day sheenai points after leads obviously makes mistakes and nervous and that sometimes makes things worse for others at home she dies scolded by his mother getting into trouble shikomaru isn't as concerned and considers getting into trouble as part of becoming shinobi tomorrow school to him as well the next day when she could eye goes to apologize to lee boruto notices the same direction took up a danger over him with his right eye leela or she died away because attacking him poor tony inogen find them and lee attacks them as well lee chases the three through the academy shigerai comes up with the strategy board who distracts thee with shadow clones giving higuain opening to pin his shadow but lee gets out of his range energy distracts three with ink birds and lee gets paralyzed another shadow paralyzed him from another angle revealing the real figure die the previous one being a disguised borato in the shadows he used actually ink snakes dropped by unigine lee begins breaking free eyes hold who urges boards to knock him out lee breaks free by accident and knocks himself out the dark is taking over and dissipating when he comes too should i apologize for the day before before head to class at home boruto asks his mother about the biakugan wondering about what he's seen now to her eyes exhausted and go straight to bed the next day boritoshige and i needed to try to get lee to play video games to get him less anxious but he ends up breaking board this game sheena recruits the help of konohamara to teach his academy class about the summoning technique konohamaru summons gamogoro much the amazement of most of the students except boruto when accused of jealousy by chocho borough tries and fails to summon a creature since as shino explains to him in the class he assigned a contract with a summer creature while they practice summoning sealed weapons instead the class soon becomes divided as the girls argue the boys over maturity when konohamaru and chino ponder what through about the constant outbreaks of infighting the class breaks out and another boys versus girls battle at lunch shino intervenes just in time and instead gives two sides to task playing capture the flag within the academy while he assesses each one strengths and weaknesses things come to a head as both teams make their way to the rooftop boruto who is stolen a scroll from the academy once again attempts the summing technique and tend to summon a small toe to scare the girls instead an unknown creature appears and strikes the trojan throwing off the building bore tony inogen and chicago are able to catch her but the beast sets his sights on them while they help us dangle from the roof konohumu arrives in time to defeat the beast with his percent gone and sumida silently steals the flag winning the match for the girls later borah to apologize for putting chocho's life in danger prompted the girls to put a raincheck and collecting their favor while they prepare to head home shino advised them that they first need to clean up the now crumbling academy building while konohamaru wonders how boruto was able to summon such a large creature in the first place while all this taking place a mysterious newcomer looms over them all and expel the academy student causes a commotion in revenge florital receives the same dark aura in the student as he did in the others before he will be covers board to open the student's attack allowing him to land being outnumbered this student kicks up some dust for cover to escape boruto gives chase and finds the student knocked out by a young man who knows kong had to be rather rowdy later shino introduces the class to mitsuki the new student from oto akure the students discuss their new classmate among themselves the boys about his skills and girls but his looks subade asks the students about takapuchino mitsuki's cysts by boruto struck up a conversation during class boards he solves a problem that board with ease surprising yobe shino tells board to solve the problem he's instructed before the preference doing it his way and mocking the ask for something more advanced shino gives him a much tougher problem to solve and boruto accuses him being a sore loser mitsuki solves a problem pressing the others he and chino briefly discuss if students should help each other or learn to solve problems by themselves during sparring eob and borrowato are paired off and you will be managed to best him afterwards misky has to fight eob as they spar mitsuki gets carried away seriously choking him despite sheena telling him to stop for it to manage to stop him out of it but rating from going too far mitsuki apologizes to uob at night shino eats with coronai airing his struggles as a teacher kuru knight advises him to do things his way whiskey talks someone through white snake the next day sheena throws a welcome party from mitsuki sumida asks do you know about his efforts and he explains his own difficulties having friends in the past she knows insects act up ruining the party denki asks to get rid of them mitsuki obliges using wind releases clearly insects but ends up damaging the academy even more the students talk about shino unimpressed by him which he overhears getting him in a solid mood after first period chino asks for time off a ruckus starts happening at the academy as one of the repairmen starts rampaging destroying what's left of the academy under the influence of the dark specter mitsuki comments on puerto's ability to see it peeking shige's interest who speculates that miscues the reason people are acting out sarda distracts the repairman allowing she could have to put him down for ub to strike however he doesn't go down so boruto tackles him the two fall over a balcony whiskey cushions their followers wind release and the dark spectre leaves their repair man borjo thanks misky for saving his life later shino gets frustrated over his student's disrespect and they dare expect to take them over the next day shino asks boar toshigidai and mitsuki for an extracurricular lesson as they ponder why they were specifically called minsky notes shino's arrival borta moves to greeting but the boys notice it swings off with their teacher sheena declares that he would give them their final lesson boruto finds chino to be odd she could have scolded sporado and apologists for whatever they did to get out of trouble still angry shino attacks them with his insects mitsuki is impressed with the insects blocks kunai webs borders sees the shadows back to possessing chino she knows insects began devouring the surroundings she could i tried to pin them down to the shadow but there are too many and begin overtaking borto draining his chakra miski blows him away with his wind release and stretches his arms through three borto they flew using a smoke bomb to cover their escape hidden the three discussed their options shiite no dichino's skill and killing intent borrowthrough suggests getting out for another teacher but mitsuki points out the insects have spread throughout the forest and will find them before their relief shigetai asks sporjo with the shadow only he can see getting misky's attention at the academy erika one is about shino and anko tells not to worry about him shino catches up with boruto and shiite who try to use an exploding tag to deal with the insects with no avail whiskey watches from afar as they escape again shigeru notices the insects avoid water when he runs through a stream mystery regroups with them claiming to have gotten lost he asks sports about the other people in berserk after being possessed by the shadow that only he's eaten she could agree suspicious of minsky whiskey says they should kill shino as she wants to do the same to them she could have points out she has been unconcerned with using chakras saying that he can use that to their advantage but it'll require some being bait shige wants to be minky because he doesn't trust him and then to expose are the abilities might have boroughton wants to make up for driving shino to snap in the first place and argues that he can still create shadow clones despite having his chocolate chain earlier boruto tries to get to shino with shadow clones and makes use of the webs to place an exploding tag near him shino manages to avoid all of his attacks and immobilizes bortow and she could die she know then tells me realize their plan to get the water and get rid of his insects and notice mickey in the distance when shige points out he's used most of his insects and mitsuki extends his arms underwater dragon chino down shino releases aquatic insects and mitsuki employs lightning releases stop them forcing the shadow specter out of chino whiskey pushing atlanta begins drowning having used too much chakra boar with her dives after mitsuki and he begins drowning as well despite having depleted most of his chakra she now dives in after the two and manages to get out by some giant insect later shino apologizes for attacking them and the students apologize for ridiculing him acknowledging his strength sheena reports the incidents in naruto he and shigekumar both agree that madame needs to be investigated and asked unit to help them borrow to east washington sketches with the possessing spec that looked like to him the two speculate why it's possessing people it's purpose and why only boards can see it sardar complains of the boys to chocho and subide but the conversation's cut short when superman gets a feeling that someone is spying on them the three share the concerns of the other girls the boys overhear them but don't think it's related to the shadow specter the girls taking alley after jojo by his chips and managed to capture the stalker the boys here is screaming and they rush there chocho recognizes their stalker as maguera kakodemino from another class shigeru eye checks and boards if he's possessed and boarded he's not they question why he's following chocho but he reveals that subanez is following because he has a crush on her chocho encourages maggie to confess his feelings sumine he does but sooner rejects him he leaves him hurt during class someone leaves a message assuming on the blackboard mitsuki asks around and finds out magday didn't go to class that day several nights for somebody to fall over the group prompted him to watch over her the boys and girls are separated by a metal wall in the academy the girls hide in a storage room and someone knocks over smoke bombs suminay opens the door to clear the smoke and gets separated from chocho and sarda denki arrives asking him she's okay and gets knocked up but magide the boys reach them when all them get disturbed and might get on the roof board notices the shadow possessing magide megaday disguises himself and starts attacking chocho admonishes his way of getting attention sumidin tells him to better himself she offers him chips as he accepts in the shadow leaves megadeth who breaks down crying mega gets gaunt and faints the boys talk over food speculating mega got weaker dude chakra exhaustion shikamaru delivers naruto reports suggesting the same at night mitsuki communicates with someone about boruto's findings from the moon a shadowy figure observes the stars running a constellation of the sound of a coming harvest boruto denki shikakura and uae watch a movie about kagemasa the four discuss the movie at dinner and compared to actual life as a shinobi riding the train board when i discussed the specter only boards i can see at home borisov creates a few shadows to overview the event so far bourgeois still doesn't want to tell naruto about it porto goes out to eat and meets shigeru who suggests maybe he's awakened his god mitsuki reveals himself agreeing that he should find out more about his biakugan that night board has a dream where the stargazing figure tells him his eye will be important with promises of an awesome fate when he wakes up remembering the dream boruto notices his sight is different and manages to catch a glimpse of his eye in the mirror vortex gets excited about it shigemaru hands naruto reported the incidents and i wonder if boruto who was near everyone is involved or a target tired naruto goes home there aborto is confident he's waking the biakugan the others are skeptical of it angering boruto hinata tells him to talk with his grandfather who will know if porto really has to be akugan shikarai denki and mitsuki discuss the possibility of board to have the biakugan naruto takes boruto and himowari to the hugo compound where hiyashi and how to be related to see them he actually explains the nature of the bibliogram to boruto confirming archer's earlier words about the training required to use it he actually calls borato to the courtyard wanting to fight him and see if he does have it he actually explains the boards that if he has awakened the bianca gone it will manifest himself in battle even aborts again activated at will something that both he and hanabi will be able to tell to be decided to take her father's place sure it will be all for nothing maybe simply throws at his back in the fight bortow is up for it himowari asks naruto if porto will be okay as they watch him and honey be sparring nowhere to assure sir baruch will be okay boruto tries making a distraction using shadow clones in a flash bomb but honey sees through it boruto goes at it once more this time managing this around how to get the shadow clones but she repels him with the eight trigrams palms revolving heaven hanumi tells boards that there's no sound of the afternoon having awakened him but it sure isn't still possible it will border tries disguising his appointment he actually might spend the night during dinner how to be plays aboard tony morey yoshi telling arts enough to mind them as a special day by themselves naruto he actually discussed boruto naruto isn't disappointed and bored so for not awakening yakugan happy that despite it not happening borah who tried so hard to prove he did yashi tells him about himawari and arthur telling him that she hasn't manifested the biakra since the first awakened he actually asks anarcho to keep him updated and to bring her again if anything else happens how to be talked to boruto sure something has happened otherwise he wouldn't claim to have awakened biakagon nor spark so seriously prove it borrow to bump into sourdough at night the two briefly discuss kakamasa from the movies board to catches the glimpse someone possessed by the spectre and follows him to the academy he recognized him as the actor who plays kagemasa who's put on some weight he attacked board to over his comments on his physique when he has board the pin down sardinia deflects one of his attacks hidden boruto explains the action's been possessed by a shadow that only can see boruto and sarah defeat the act using lines from the movie and a diversion with borah to transform into a fuma shuriken boruto watches the shadow dissipate the next day boruto updates mitsuki and chicken in his eyes saying that he doesn't care if it's not the biake company just as privy as it borough to look through the crowd trying to triggers i will accompany mitsuki they discuss how the incidents are not happening beyond the academy shigeru points out that their fathers have been investigating as well making boards and more determined to solve the issue before naruto the day ends without any progress boruto and chigdata are confident they'll be able to continue investigating mitsuki having turned in their league of absences in the academy at home he not a questions boards about skipping classes haven't been called by the academy at the academy board to insisting not on china that he's important duty he not i think sports is trying to get nurse's attention she notifies it until now so what's going on she knows next lesson involves workplace experience laying board so shitai mitsuki to go around the village working in the postal service the three are put under tyree's service who takes them all around the village making and receiving deliveries board the notices are the no big ceremony naruto notice supports it as well and approaches him they talk briefly about what they're doing afternoon to leave board says the groups put up to finish their duties faster upon regrouping whitskin informs that he heard there was an incident in central park at the park sai investigates the scene and collects wounded statements by the time the three arrived at the park the scene has already been processed say reports naruto and chicamar that he's found evidence someone using research on hashima cells based on tries evidence of wood released views of the park believing to be former root members he believes they're harvesting chocolate for military purposes sanchi kumar decided to go through roots records for clues and umabi naruto goes home for a change of clothes and talks he's not about seeing borth of the village naruto confesses that growing up without a father he's unsure how to interact with boruto at the post office there have been complaints about deliveries teori's superior comment is signing the inventory duty while tyree fixed their mistakes from previous days they hear on tv about another incident at the water purification plan where their classmates were working and rushed there the academy students visited summit at the hospital wasabi and nominated thanks for saving them but sumimer credit is a hawkeye being nearby shino feels guilty as the work experience classes were his idea though chojo just tells him to learn from it e will be points out the frequency of the attack and denki and leash sharing their experience of how it felt bored to arrive and apologize to profusely to assume it is feeling responsible with the situation she could i tried talking to boruto who insists that if they had delivered the mail properly they would have had the entire date of patrol and might have seen something the water purification plan naruto arrives and when borto asks him to loop him on the investigation naruto drags him to the room showing zuma's attacker nearly drained of all chakra they discuss what boruto should or shouldn't do shito claims responsibility for the workplace experience classes suggesting that if treated as an adult borrowtal might be able to show them something they can't see and that is bortles teacher he knows what he can and can't do in order to leave the decision what she knows she know doesn't give them a free pass but as they've saved them before he has respect for them borrowed something and she could go back to the post office and are surprised when kumami tells him to deliver mail terry intervened to their behalf when looking at delivery routes barotek considers having shadow clones take all of them but his own clones think it will put too much distance between them the three delivery mail to the village sumanee bids wasabi and namibia goodbye and watches from the window as they leave with their parents mitsuki arrives with information on the latest attack at the scene sci-fi is more trace evidence of woodrily's use sai wants to investigate possible root involvement as soon as he can to make sure that ifrude is involved whoever's behind it doesn't follow the same ideologies he once did after they missed another attack border considers the possibility that the ghost knows they're out to cover all the memorables at once she can ask for help with the classmates and to notify them if anyone finds the incident he has e will be bringing fireworks from his workplace experience after they leave komami just misses someone at the post office is possessed by the ghost and begins wrecking the post office boruto and the others arrive having successfully tricked them into believing that all the roots would be watched leaving the office unattended boruto prepares to fight komame while mitsuki inojin chocho and lee chase the one controlling the ghost kobama uses the mail to attack boruto and she died from a distance which would be blocked with earth release terror protects one of the particles from come on his attack and his dedication to it we can see ghost holding komale allowing borato and eob to knock him out the ghost leaves komami and boruto throws explosive tag out as it disappears the masked men controlling the ghost loses the others whiskey finds them with the two don't attack each other and mesquite lets him leave come on is taken away in borough to leave the others and reorganize the post office something comments on the truck are being stolen being used to a wake and do it at night mitsuki discusses the incidents with someone through a white snake mentioning a root air lumen a possible user mitsuki recalls waking up in a tank the academy teachers have their students run an obstacle course to groups three borough told missy helped thank you when he struggles with way they cost using up their time sheena fails all students because the few complete the course did so by leaving the teams behind konohamaru moegi tells the students that they'll occasionally drop by for the purposes of seeing who might be under their command and encourage them to see what formations work better the boys discuss the recent lack of ghost incidents and whether they should continue investigating another they know the adults are also looking into it mitsuki asked cheetah where he up thank you and she could i suggest boards to get him into it shino discusses the students with mohegan konamaru muay expresses interest in eob and boruto mitsuki notices boards are helping iwobi with their rhythmic problems mitsuki asks him if he feels more included because of borotope after class inogen notes dimity he's been paying a lot of attention to boruto innogen explains the length sports or goes to not to be seen as just hoga's son mitsuki visits sumida alone he asks her how she feels about boruto and she echoes energy and statement of fighting and fun she asks if mitsuki has a family sumida explains that all of her family is dead and that her panicked behavior stems from her not being as skilled as her father was mitsuki questions her feelings about whoever injured her and she just wants to be over borrowed miss can come to his home for dinner in borja's bedroom it's keep questions the exact nature how bortles feels about naruto but he needed to call him a dinner before he can answer naruto and mitsky are introduced to one another at the hokage's office chicamar informs naruto's clone that a chakra signature linked to the incidence has been detected and that psy has been dispatched to investigate naruto's clone disperses and naruto leaves dinner causing mortar to storm out naruto and whiskey exchange words borto resents naruto because ever since becoming okay he feels naruto has neglected his family borto explains that he's determined to never abandon those closest to him as he perceives nara to have done doing something he couldn't do this sparks a memory mitsky hearing his parents say something similar understanding borah too better mitsuki confesses he knows who's behind the ghost incidents scientific is the height of tanuki shigeraki a missing former root researcher who is an avid follower of donso and in charge of developing a weapon based on ashirama's cell's code named gosuteno despite not finding himself finds a picture of a little girl and realizes what the culprit is mitsuki reveals to board so that sumit is behind the incidents shikamaru informs naruto obsessed discovery and the current series of sumide he also informs naruto complaints are being filed that the attacks continue to happen because the police force performed insufficient vetting of those involved hikashi arrives the hokage's office claiming responsibility for himself zunare having both decided not to expose the identities of everyone involved in root despite mitsuki's explanation of sumida having interacted with each victim ortho is not convinced of her guilt as mitsuki explains the goalie attacks was to absorb chakramen's victims a rumble comes from central park naruto shikomaru and kakashi discuss how to proceed and how things would have happened if they'd acted differently kagashi says that his investigation led to the discovery that the gozu tenno had been embedded into sumida's body assigned company tracks swimming it down he resolves enough to let the incident be blamed on people who test root knowing that she's been discovered sumanee thinks back to her father's words of getting revenge for donzo and prepares to launch her last stack before she can sight apprehends her at the park but she summons newey before he can restrain her as borzo and whiskey's spotting away from afar boruto decides to hit the truth from sumeria herself after he leaves miss key's contacted through the white snake and is tasked with limiting sooner akashi arrives and severs abortion movie snake tail side distracts noah with an ink bird allowing kakashi another nobody raised walls around it from its severed tail several others sprout chasing the konohashinobi draining the chakra of those who can catch this he tells both though that nui will drain everyone in the village and that will only stop with the jutsu is who dies borthos determined to save both the village and sumida mitsuki acknowledges that it's an answer he would never give and express his interest in learning more about their differences mitsuki covertly creates a snake loan to a straight border to and leaves to kill subide boruto manages to create a clone himself and knocks out mitsuki's clone boruto's eye activates allowing him to track zoom in through a chakra trail they should not be further limit noise movements of the barrier and wires naruto arrives intended to finish noah in one blow but kakashi warns him it'll just absorb naruto's chakra and possibly detonate as noye was designed to be a suicide strategy mitsuki tracks sumere having put a white snake on her at the hospital though he manages to pin her boro's rival lets her get out of biski's hole before he can enter sumere admits to being the culprit having live solely to carry her father's revenge porto stops tominating mitsuki when they attack each other and his eye lets have sparks nue transports itself out of the barrier to asumede and absorbs it to take her chakra as it vanishes borth who jumps after it kakashi determines knew it isn't someone like other animals in order to try to sense it with sage mode but it's no veil naruto sai and kakashi discuss finding the jutsu caster who must be in another dimension as well denki shikitai and inogen look for boruto she did i noticed something strange in the sky in neway's home dimension borta follows a strand of dark chocolate into his dump tree when noah attacks him borrow the strikes back managing to stab the way in the face borato can suddenly seen noise chakra network a spot at the base of his tail standing out new way attacks on boards was confused by what he sees but mitsky saves him and tells him that nuy is attacking some of his orders border has missed his stall in the way and prepares many explosive tag goonat he stabs the base of his tail and sets up the explosive tags causing thick ropes above to fall into it mitski strikes the down noise with lightning release but zoomer day blocks it with a water release board thrown whiskey asks if there's any chance she'll back down willingly sumida is baffled at the minute she explains that despite her father served in the village after the war he was deemed a criminal from being involved the root all of the fear and anxiety of living in hiding made her mother die illness zuma exchanges attacks from its key board to puts himself between two telling him to stop and is injured he's unconvinced that sumanee fully faked delivered concern for her classmates since meeting her mitsuki surprised by board toe and super they did mention one to end things quickly within the hospital borough sees the dark chakras hold their dissipating board to deduce the reason why the ghost affected those who were troubled was because summoner herself was troubled making it easier to infect the like-minded people suminate orders new way to extract one separate chakra and blow itself up nui simply nudges her gently boards are concluding that despite being raised by sumimi to be a weapon it sees her as his parent borrow tells her that she doesn't have to use nua as a weapon like your father use her the ghost gosu tenon on her back shatter is causing an accumulated chakra to become unstable and the play starts cave in the three rushed to leave and noy protects him from the unstable chakra boar with the managed to see where he rift is and the three escape the dimension sai arrives with koah shinobi he sympathizes with sumaid and offers to help her she accepts borges sees her silly connection between her nue the five of them jump on the incoming train at the elephant academy in the weeks following the end of the ghost incident sport wonders why his eyes stopped activating naruto assigned sheikh marsh throughout the village glad to see everything's back to normal sign forms of the role the academy student side and stopping summoning shigemara posits that letting sumida stay in the academy may lead to problems she sheena informs the students they'll be assembled into three person teams you know while they fit after graduation sorry to question soon it is prolonged absence mitsuki insists on partnering with borto again but they lack a third member as eob and denki are already partners as are sheikhai jojo neogen eob already asked started to be on his team or to consider asking lee minsky wishes somebody could be on theirs boardzone shushes them as others won't know about sumid is involved in the incidents shino asks erica what will happen with sumimae and insist he will watch over here if she returns borto is surprised to see an arts at home early they discuss sumade she now visits sumade and offers to set up a place outside the village where she can figure herself out inogen tells shige and denki his father got files in other villages academies and figures stupid is being transferred she knows the students catch a flag again he steps out when he receives right about sumine with mitsuki's help borto is able to get the flag sumaida returns and is moved by everyone's reaction naruto sends a shadow clone to meet up with sasuke and hands him a scroll about the gosuteno which sasuke attributes to kagia and believes will make it easier to reach the mention when naruto asks him to come to the village for a while sasuke asks naruto to tell sakura he's sorry and leaves tanari defines about the coming of gods kinshi informs momoshiki but abnormalities in kagi's world and momoshiki decides to prepare for departure and they gotta be denky fails in an exercise for walking in vertical surfaces his friends offer him advice denki is distressed so this is the first time he has been able to pass a test and fears repeating the academy like you would be leading the awkwardness when he overhears him danke keeps trying to climb the wall later and is approached by metal who offers health and train metal takes some rock climbing denki loses his footing but rocky catches him when he falls he will be struggles with arithmetic despite having helped from boruto innogen and chicago conclude dec could be a better teacher but find it unlikely ubi would consider learning from him after his earlier comment thank you spends the day failing at climate medal in rock lee he would be receives a low test score and notice the denki still trying to climb the wall eob offers some advice on how to climb the wall and denki improves later denki asks what you'll be helped him despite his earlier comment yubi lost all his friends when they graduated without him and he doesn't wish that on others denki offers tutoring but eob claims to be studying as well denki sees his low test score and ew confesses he doesn't want thank you to tutor him if he'll interview with dankie's own training denki reveals that meeting boruto has changed his opinion on jutsu now wanted to be shinobi just like them and ubi as well the two decide to help each other out when eob struggles of studying denki decides to have him study while infusing chakra to stick to the ceiling as his concentration improves on doing that on the day of the test denki and you'll be come by a building on fire eob goes in when he hears a woman despairing about her children being in the building danke figures the building like that she have a sprinkler system but finds it unusual without activating eob has to block and exit the fire when reaching the children starts working on a wire box at the academy board to worry about the two not showing up worried about you be denky climbs to the side of the building enters their window he finds eob's earth release wall just as eob finishes fixing the sprinkler system the two take the children and climb down to the side of the building borough to ask china to wait for denki neobi the two arrive late at sheena's office they explain why they were late sheena decides they won't take the test as tests are used to make sure they have the skills and knowledge for when something real happens which they just did prioritizing human lives over her test she don't pass the two their friends congratulate them shino teaches the students how to walk in water even string the water to simulate river and ocean currents later sarah walks home with groceries and spots borough took indonesian shikita and denki jumping off a train they invited her to go with them to teach denki fishing she declines having prepared dinner and chides them for right in the top of the train at home startup first super soccer arrives the following day sarda has sakura her vacation trip schedules she finishes packing sakura asks if sarah wants to bring anything but sarah tells not to waste her money sakura notices a teddy bear that was supposed to have been picked up by one of her patients is still there as she has no time to deliver it sarah offers to take it at the train sardi gets distracted reading a note from her mother and forgets the teddy bear on the train when she gets off though she's desperate to catch the train sarda is mortified at the top of jumping across the roofs like boruto she's a nice sponsor in the two exchange words and started leaves meanwhile the boys are unsuccessful catching any fish and bore with her results to find a better fishing spot sorry to rush into the next station but also helping the ladybug taking a misses it sarah jumps on top of the train before it gets away and it's surprising she enjoys it she could have spots her for a moment and she hides curious she died informs the other what he thinks you saw sarah hides from the boys but they find her footprints sarah nearly avoids them and jumps off the train chocho sees her and started begs not to tell anyone chocho takes a loss and found where she collects package but they discover some same package despite similar wrappings and the other package is already claimed chocho takes her to a marketplace where they sell products from other villages and as a shopkeeper identify the doll they have is they takeday doll which they send down the river in a ceremony for their ancestors as payment jojo gives up the rare flavored chips from professional stash as part of their trip ino takes soccer to where she had her first date with sasuke jojo and sarah arrival where the ceremony takes place but packers already put in the river they returned the package they collected and started shaklee walks on the river to retrieve hers the boys arrived to try fishing at the river distracting starter who tosses the package of chocho before falling in the river she emerges where the boys are fishing claims to have gone for a swim intimidating them starter delivers teddy bear and goes to eat with chocho when sakura gets home sarah offers her soup but having learned from misadventure tells her mother that she deviated from her usual recipe boruto looks after a bedridden himawari while he now goes out to pick up her medicine borito recalls the previous occasion him already had a rough time and recalls when nars became okay naruto had arrived drunk late from celebrating with his friends night before his inauguration the next morning borito jumps on him to wake him up when he more is unable to do it he now leaves to pick up the artist's former wear as the seamstress who made the formal attire every previous hokage still isn't done with it at the inauguration menu kakashi expresses relief of passing on the mantle of bokage he now arrives but naruto hasn't so she goes back to check on him at home boruto and him already fight over a teddy bear and end up tearing it apart himawari angered beyond reason awakens upyakugan and moves into attack boruto seeing a terrified borah tonight that puts himself between them getting himself knocked out at the inauguration kakashi and shikamara have konohamaru transform in our toe to get the event underway down in the crowd only irrika sees the ruse he notifies naruto unconscious at home with his tank get too close and wonder who might have done it upstairs himowari finds borah to hit in the closet in the present bortho thinks about his resentment for spending little time at home ever since becoming a gokage he also assumes that he has not come back to check and himawari but naruto ironically arrives just at the moment to see her boric to notice the clock and cloak is inside out and he's secretly glad now to came home borah told naruto fight over what him or i should eat and he now puts them both outside naruto invites borah to eat with them and takes him to romney raku where they're greeted by ayame as they wait for the ramen the two look at a newscast about an upcoming five kage meeting bortho asks naruto is going to be busy again he tells not to worry jojo and chocho arrive for an eating competition hoping to beat the record for most bowls of ramen eaten and bortowing and beats their rapport before leaving the two of his amaki noticed the akumichi ending their contest in the draw with neither beating the record holder's core on the way out naruto was forced revealed that the holder of the ramen eating contest is hinata at home he now sees a picture of naruto's inauguration and recalls the end of that day when she discussed hemorrhoids biafra gun and naruto's who dreams of them sorrow jihad as shino abram explains to his class that within one week they'll be going through graduation examinations for getting positions the majority of the class boards debuts the opportunity however sarda questions the meeting of shinobi in her future despite being told that she must be proud of being born to the ugl clan sarda walks home jealous that her classmates are being trained by their fathers for the exams with chocho akimichi eating with their father idiot yamanaki getting drunk lessons from his father and even boruto playing an expansive game of hide and seek with his every busy father except nougat guy coupled with being given a lecture by nara and his father seeing all this sardo quietly admits that at her best recollection she has never seen her own father for as long as she could remember upon returning home and seeing a picture of her parents together started questioning her mother about him when sakura can't give her satisfactory answers sarah openly questions the validity of her parents marriage causing soccer to violently lash out collecting herself sakura apologizes to her daughter but realizes her uppers was destroyed their house much to her horrors apparently this is not the first time soccer has destroyed it and she cries about a loan she took before fainting dropping her mother after she's in isaiah returns to the house's rooms to collect some valuables however as she picks up the picture from before sarah makes a shocking discovery the family picture is fake pulling out the larger picture of her father she sees him the rest of his team and taka into her horror karine a group of glasses similar to her causing started a further question around parentage all the while sasuke appears to be returning to konagokure after encountering a serious boy possessing the sharingan wearing the crest of the uchiha clan sasuke sends a hawk back to kona hakota to contact naruto with the matter meanwhile sarda's identity crisis continues as she reveals to she's in it that she knows that there's no record of her birth in the village which season is a basic demeanor on the topic nothing matters in a restaurant chocha complains about her father's excessive eating habits which her mother simply ignores annoy that she's being ignored trying to lose weight she simply says assad appears humorously choco explains her that she doubts her parents or her real parents this is challenged by an easter egg mitsuki who simply states that it was normal for girls they're aged at questioning their identity and green chocho sarah eventually decides to simply find her father herself or seventh o'clock gay but a dilemma in his office naruto sees sasuke's hawking realizes the situation that sasuke's inning consults kakashi together they come to an agreement that the boy is not no chihuahua survivor but more likely another one of rochimar's experiments nancy leaves a shadow clone during the village of chickamarus he heads out to meet sasuke and yamato sarah however simply hears this and does the trailer until she realizes jojo's invited herself along too thinking sardar is helping her find her real parents elsewhere the mysterious boy meets a person clothed in an akatsuki mantle informing him of his brief fight with sasuke they both declare they cannot forgive sasuke for killing his older brother hitachi and promise to make him pay naruto asks chickamar to apologize to borrow till for him and heads up to meet with sasuke just as naruto leaves borthoil wraps together mitsuki with the intent to bring naruto's lunch sarita offers to bring the food to naruto and though he's hesitant at first born to later hands it over to sarda and she heads off towards naruto ochocho unbeknownst to them however the two are being watched by a tiny creature with a single sharon god at a remote clearing the mysterious boy shin is ordered by his father to capture sarda sarda and chocho continue to pursue nara to deliver his lunch which naruto notices using sage mode and hurries back to them stopping momentarily as they catch their breath sarda and chocho are intruded by shin sardar remarks upon his sharingan as her mother told her that aside from sasuke they were the last one of the uchiha when sarah refuses to go with him shin quickly engages and overwhelms the girl in the brief scuffle which naruto intervenes the end to save them angry bernardo's appearance shin activates his own mangekyo sharangan uses the doji's abilities to attack through with kusarigama following the brief scrimmage the strange sharing gun creature appears and urges him to retreat noting that they cannot defeat the similar kage shin agrees and the creature with the same on gekko powder in his shin teleport them away deciding to be safer if the two young girls stay with him naruto allows him to accompany him on his journey as they stop for a break naruto tells sarah that she's a combination of her parents and started feels at ease naruto after traveling for an uncertain amount of time they finally come within range the rendezvous point decided to take a break too excited to meet with her father sarah sneaks away from the group continues onward while imagining her first encounter with the father start his intense emotions allowed her away from the sharon god arriving at the temple starter finally encounters sasuke and is overwhelmed by her emotions however sasuke taking notice of his sharing gun mistakes returns combat and draws the sword frightening sarda as sasuke attacks sarah shouts daddy and sasuke ceases upon realizing that it's his daughter while sorry to talk to the fact that sasuke didn't recognize her naruto and cho choke convergence scene sasuke demands an explanation for naruto as why he brought along children which prompts her to reveal that she wanted to ask about the identity of your biological mother along with a slew of other questions regarding korean in the photograph and the reason behind his absence sasuke refuses to answer any of her questions and started storms out of the temple and anger as naruto attempts to comfort her he recalls when sasuke hella meeting with a five kage and soccer with a discussion issue revolving kagia the white zetsu army and the possible emergence of new threat asasuke has taken it upon himself to investigate this matter naruto informs sarah that her father is one of the greatest nobody alive meanwhile shin's father meets with his son and several copies of him proclaiming the revival of ykatsuki teleporting to the temple via the sharingan creature shannon has fought the launch an attack on sardo which starts with counters sensing danger satsuke emerges from the temple and prepares to confront the enemy elsewhere sakura awakens him against her journey towards the temple where her family resides the mysterious man immediately guides weapons towards sasuke who easily counters the sword and proceeds to attack the enemy manages to block sasuke's advance with sound attacks prompting sasuke to evade when sasuke releases a large fireball at the duo the older man uses the sun as a shield against the attack defeated the older men commend sasuke's skill and reveals himself as shinoujiha possessing the same name as his son while naruto plans his escape of the children he is stabbed in the abdomen with sasuke's sword which shin manipulated during their early encounter with naruto weaken shins blades turtle towards zara leaving sasuke with no choice but to jump in front take the blades as shin starts to make his next move soccer arrives and pummels him to the ground reuniting with her family and her former teammates she begins apologizing to sarah for keeping secrets to which sasuke applies to the faultless of him while sasuke does so the shangri-creature teleports shannon's son back to the base with sakura caught in the middle and drag with them recovering from the battle shin begins to surgically replace his liver with the suns much as suckers discussed during the surgery shin explains to sakura that his son is just one of many clones of himself that he created with his own teeth and nerves after revealing that he was once a test subject of a rochimaru he begins to explain his philosophy about conflict is essential for human evolution and his views on the world genetics which sakura vehemently refutes meanwhile without any leads to go on after soccer is captured naruto's group decides to meet with rochimo and ask him when he knows about the situation after a briefing with yamato they entered the hideout and reunited with rochimaru so we get to in jugo without wasting time orochimaru explains shit's history he was a former experiment whose unique body could accept anything transplanted into it without rejection which made him the perfect test subject this resulted in multiple shotgun being played with his body and his right arm being harvested for danzo shimura eventually shin learned about and became fascinated with hitachi jihad leading into a band at orochimaru and taking all but one clone with him orochimaru informs the group that the clones are unlike any standard shadow clone technique that they can only be stopped by being killed urjimar's speech discussed saurada and sasuke admits notions whereabouts to which archimonde agrees to tell him so sasuke can kill shin for him while changing rooms for more information on where to go to find shins sarah gets suigitsu's attention so they sneak away from the rest of the group in a private location saudi requests that we get to do a dna test with the use of an umbilical cord that's who gets who thinks belongs to korean to confirm his sakura or korean or her birth mother after comparing dna from both sardar and the umbilical cord the test seemingly reveals that korean is sarah's real mother meanwhile noticing sarah and sweets to be gone north to find the location and eavesdrops on the conversation becoming angry at the idea that sasuke is unfaithful to sakura and that's who gets his involvement whilst we get to awkwardly exit the situation naruto attempts to remind sarah they must save soccer from shin however a devastated sardo with her shotgun activated lashes out at naruto for lying to her and denounces any relation to sakura after calming down from her thai right sarah explains naruto that says everything she knows has been alive she intends on leaving the village and continuing her journey alone naruto stops her and asks her to remember her memories of sakura in deep thought sardar remembers when her parents taught her how to walk and how sakura loved her and comforted her as she missed your father after reminiscing about their past sarah realizes that she does care about sakura and decides to help with the mission to save her returning to the other sasuke reveals that he has learned the location of shinsaido activating his tomoe rinigan and mangakyo sharingan which was previously weakened due to him traveling through kagi's dimensions sasuke manifested susano to transport everyone to chase location meanwhile shin has completed the surgery and notes that it is his job to eliminate peace lovers who are a menace to human evolution refuting his statement sakura prepares take him out in combat revealing she kept shin alive this long so she can get information for sasuke when naruto attacks sakura and his clones attack her injuring her red arm sasuke and naruto arrive in time to save her battle as sasuke cares for sakura's injuries sarah watches realizing there is love between her parents later sasuke uses susano to fight a giant shane clone to protect everyone while naruto takes on a heard of shin clones sakura is about to join in the fight when sarah decimates the area and several shin clones shocking everyone with everything now under control sakura checks on sarda and declares that she really is her biological mother sardar believes her and says that she's learned what's most important is the connection that they share she asks her father if he believes this to which he confirms with him reasoning that he and sakura have her as their daughter moving sorry to tears sasuke asked naruto what they should do with the shin clones and naruto decides placement in a new orphanage in konoha after returning to the village chocho is relieved to know that she's not an adopted child after all sarah and her parents have their first family dinner before sasuke returns to his traveling the next day before departing he notices that sarah is sad and comforts her by hugging her and poking around the forehead assuring her that he will come home soon when sakura attempts to receive affection from him sasuke teases her by walking away and bidding them for a while much to a disappointment the shin clones are dropped off at the orphanage that is operated by kapito yakshi and urushi and kabuto tells the clones that he will be giving them their own names he will be their new father at the academy board to thank her for delivering the lunch to his father however she refutes him and thanks him instead because he helped her realize that it's their dream to be hokage which he brushes off atarochimar's hideout korean yells at so he gets super his actions the umbilical cord used for the dna test was between sard and sakura korean reveals that sakura traveled with sasukana's journey while she was pregnant and that it was korean who helped with sakura's delivery in the hideout even though she sells feelings for sasuke karine says that all that matters to her is that sasuke is happy and that she is friends with sakura korean then orders begets to apologize to sarah and give her a new pair of glasses in the final scene sarah smiles at the family photo of her parents and herself school trip arc on konoha tv madoka addresses the state of affairs of the land of waves which oncomirashi and irika umina watched the konohakore academy in iraq's office naruto uzumaki informs him that the academy field trips will be fancier from now on where it's starting with a visit to land of water the meeting is interrupted and important ismaki attempts to pull a prank in irica the next day in china abram's classroom borto is punished for his earlier prank and his tied up with spending from the ceiling shino informs his students to the upcoming field trip to the land of water and this is the class of like boruto to be their class leader for their trip much to borges disapproval on the day of the trip board the packs for it and parts ways with his family before meeting his class and uncle at the village gate the class takes a train followed by a boat to the destination docking kitty gokula the class is welcome by their guide for the day kagura karatachi after meeting the teachers kagura interested himself to boruto as he is the son of the seventh okay leading the class into the village the students venture into the area enjoy the atmosphere as ubi uino had an issue with history the village he ventures off prompting boruto and denki coming around following him and confronting him after talking bored to bumps into hasaku and omichi who ill be aggressively confronts as the fight breaks out with him borton hasaku shizumashigaki stops the fight and exchanges words aboard them before departing continuing their tour kog'ris escorts the class of the bizakanka's office during which they encounter the fifth misake as they reach the office trojo introduces himself and gives a speech by the meaning of their field trip after the class leaves trojo asks kager if you consider striving to succeed as misgaga one day which kagura declines and continues to escort duties while the class waits for kager to check them into their hotel they discuss him being chosen as a successor for the seven ninja swordsmen in the midst and inherit hiramikare when he returns kangaroo takes the class to the kitagaka academy upon seeing the kitty class training kejutsu jojo has kakadaga have a sparring session against boruto during the match cognitive swiftly defeats boruto but afterwards exhibits anxiety from early sword kangaroo later takes the class to the shore to take a break and afterwards pay the respect to the memorial park he will be revealed to his peers at the fourth musical game killed his grandfather to which kagan apologizes for tsuhachi approaches the group and attacks boruto but fails and retreats hachi's group reports the incident to shizuma who has them confront the class again at night the kitty group kidnaps denki and informs the classmates that he's being held hostage kaguna tells him the perpetrator is most likely his former classmate surushi and he wants to inform children of the situation but warren took admits that they handle it themselves the two groups meet leading to suicide creating a barrier over the vicinity concealer presence as fighting breaks out surushi dares kaga to draw a sword and reveals support so that kagura is the grandson of the fourth mizukage who killed his classmates at the academy the konoho students managed to defeat the kitty shinobi as well as kagura defeating sudochi hachi's group of treats and borough to freeze dengue coming iron later at the hotel kagura discusses with the group of being gag at his grandson and the struggle he's faced since accidentally killing his fellow academy classmates off kitty's shore maid dies with shino and anko while discussing a treaty between the land of fire water waves in the sea mae explains the kittygakade wants the land of water to sign the treaty however the land itself is opposed counting on the instability to a mass influence and fearful that the continued expansion of the neighboring nations will endanger them if conflict ensues the land of fire will also have to get involved at the hotel boruto invites kagan to play snowy bow with his friends which he accepts coggin avoids his struggles with his past and sins before winning the card game sarda comes in afterwards and tells me yes to do roll call the next day kagura meets with chojiro while surushi reports ishizuma and in return is attacked kagura asks to take the candidacy test for hiranikare which trojo is glad to hear and hands the key to the vault the seven-inch swordsman of the misplays are capped upon entering the vault and taking hirabikade so he gets a hozuki watch from afar afterwards kagura practices using it at the academy and has borotope visit when he arrives cognitive thanks him for helping him make up his mind their conversation is interrupted when chisholm catches the two in his water prison technique planning to end kitty's time of peace schezmann intends to start a war by killing hokage's son claiming jojo and may are eliminating villages who don't agree with their policies shizuo attempts to bring kagura over his side by bringing up his past leading to kagura recounting his time in the academy and being shunned continuing to deny shizuo he claims kaga belongs with him and shows kagan of the scar he gave him boruto begins to attack shizuma dodging his attacks shizuma has bontan kurozuki intercept borisov's attack followed by the rest of his allies using boruto's stream he attempts to attack chisema again but is repelled coming to his aid kaga to help sporto up before learning that shizuo wants him to become a member of the new seven ninja swordsman drawing hirakame cognitive questions sees him and explains that he intends to make a just future shizuna tells boruto to inform his father that war has begun the group leaves kagana before borth passes out the group uses conqueror's key to enter the vault containing the rest of the seven into swords and swords as they each pick and equip their sword it triggers the activation of several puppets leading to the group's swiftly defeating the puppets of their swords when kagana brings up the topic of being able to pull off a revolution shizuma explains the as backers in connection with the land of waters daimyo who would likely disagree with jojo's administration he goes on saying that he plans on installing kagura as mizukage so yaga's blood would continue to ruin kitty and the village would accept kagura when mae and jojo discover the vault has been emptied jojo does suspects shizumakok's kagura in to give him the key resolving to have him execute if they attack villagers boruto and sarah approached the pair bormito explains that kagada only went along with shizuma as doing so would spare his life though doesn't change together's mindset as you believe shinobi should know the consequences for breaking the rules board to suggest they downplay the crisis and incident between two kids who don't know any better well may disagree with solution borrowed to threaten to use the injury he received from cheese minister a diplomatic incident between the two villages leading the trojo to agreeing on board to suggestion only on the condition that he accompanies the pair of students and result in the situation within the time limit while she's me and bunton discuss the upcoming conflict cognitive might have to do should board to interfere iwobi goes for a walk as he and denki notice boruto's absence during the day board when sarah asked denki to come up with an excuse they'd be absent during roll call finding them out of sketchy inaudible decide not to ignore the matter you would be overheard sarushi talking to himself about boruto and kagura leading to uber's pressing him for information noticing sweet gets his presence he approaches the student and tells marochimara wants mitsuki not to get involved picking up that suicu isn't fond of the liquid swordsman mitsuki inquires about his presence in the village and decides to do as he pleases shigeru and inogen watch the exchange from a rooftop where they discover with swigetsu the situation gives misky an idea on how to deal with shizuma and sweets who hands them a scroll as these seven swordsmen attempt to destroy the village's memorial stone they're interrupted by boruto and sarda who are accompanied by chojiro wanting to kill the mizukage she's my erects a barrier around them all hibichick hall to trojo's movements of wire followed by ichirotonius decimating the ground below sardo with shibuki resulting in her falling into a cavern below hasaku unimichi and hibichiko voiced their grievances to tojiro who accepts some of their criticism but also discusses kagura the two and kyohofufuki attack him during which ichirouto becomes concerned that others will play for too long and lying reinforcements to arrive borth does he's kangaroo approaching him hit on the carrying hand one time attack started with lightning from kiba started to block her attacking activities trying got both done continues throwing lightning balls zara who dodges them bunts on comments are getting the face of the shining gun and lures started into a trap kyoho misses his attack jojo will go task attacking him using the attack to cut some of the wires holding him in place line we grabbed zone sword and got their ass each other to watches and comments from afar sarah blocks another one of buntette's attacks and caused him to retreat to avoid genjutsu but then ruling controls cuba to attack sarah as she dodges the sword started notices water around creating a lightning fish but then limits start his mobility to small rocks in the water and continue stacking from a distance so sorry i can't read your hand seals morocco tries talking kagura down from fighting georgio fights osaku kyoho and hebichigo bontan finally manages to cause sarda to fall prey to her lightning fish but it turns out only to be a shadow clone bunton tells sarah how her father died by naruto's head without knowing of her existence sardo charges ahead with blenson in sight starts countering her with her own copylighting release but then uses cuba to cover herself and landing a release and throws sarah into the water in the path of lightning fish shizuma moves in to kill boruto himself but kagura steps forward to do it blinton and start a clash and bluetown recalls her unhappy childhood jojo defeats habichigo and hasaku causing kyoho to surrender ichirota prepares to attack jojo from afar but it's interrupted by iwobi who manages to cut him down each other to explode chibiki tried to take him down started noticing bunton's fish causes bubbles as it swims one time decapitates sara only for the begin jutsu which started used since she got close enough to copper jutsu jutsu sarda also points out that during all of her fight their fish has been electrolyzing the water building up hydrogen gas in the area started detonating with an explosive tag defeating one time before passing out from exhaustion kagura continues attacking boruto claiming how their group is completely different congo tells aborted he's never understood his upbringing and attacks he seemingly bisex borrowed but it's only a shadow clone kroger continues to attack boruto with shizuo's approval who tells him to use more of hiramikari's power borrow torments congress what he's said about being the only one who decides how he lives and kagura responds that he's there because she's not acknowledged him boruto is unconvinced due to kagero's expression borrowed to face with three clones and attacks kangar using his jacket landing not and exposing everything available arrives and shows everyone the scrolls who gets who gave him with intel revealing that as high echelon associates who have secretly been dealing with the land of waves have just confessed to having their opponents assassinated shizuma is unconcerned about it as he just wants to return to the bloody miss regardless she's my didn't expect cogger to farm so far in his plans when mizki asks about his motives she's more reveals that he wants war because he finds it funny using his own blood and samihata she's my turns the mystery on the red mizuki and board to attack chisholm pushing him back slightly until shizuma absorbs mitsuki's water released with samihata causing his skills to rip through the bandages they also learn that somehow is also absorbing their truck from their wounds to the red mist borato attacks with clones and mitsky manages to get close enough to cut she's in his throat but it's only a water clone this deception lets the real she's my pinbisky down water spikes miski managed to avoid a fatal hit with wind release though alive mitsuki is exhausted so she's going to turn his attention to boruto shizuma finds out a waste that kagura won't kill boruto miski draws something out his attention with the shadow clone while boro toned his own clone's problem forward with wind release landing a powerful hit and disarming him in the process she's becomes at board to with a water sword but kagura blocks it asking she's about to stop she's my reconnects of samihata which begins turning him into a shark like monster jojo arrives after evacuating the others and explains something how does nature sing it claims chismo because of his experience trojito wants to finish him with hiramekade but kaguya convinced him to let him use it kagura engages seizure but is weakened after having shocked her drained forward to come through and takes after the weapon together they managed to separate shizuma from samihata ending the fight iwobi arrives of surushi who is carrying sarda who warns boar till they be late for roll call eob carries boruto and the kokona students depart as the red mist dissipates borders class bids kitigakade for well chocho arrives late having bought numerous souvenirs boruto notices kagura's absence unaware that he's watching the ship depart from afar borza returns home and is confused by humori's solid attitude as he recounts their excursion at the academy board tasarda and eob are called the erica's office fourth to conscious a cover story but it turns out that trojo sent the academy a notice praising the three for their actions and three given attention so we get to reports the events of kitty gareth orochimaru applies to have facilitated the conflicts in order to make moving around easier suitsu reports shima and his accomplices have been silently arrested and put into rehabilitation facilities orochimaru comments and how boruto managed to acquire evidence against chizuma to speak against discomfort later kagura tries overcoming his fear wielding swords boruto asks hinata about him or his attitude and is shocked when she reminds me promised her two videos from his trip poor to dress confessing he more that he forgot it but he can't bring himself to do so so he lies and said he got her sweets that were already mixed up in a friend's luggage boruto tries getting some from his classmates but they've already eaten theirs bits can start to find boruto after he's asked everyone and sarah tells him about the story chojo showed her borth defines a sword and sees that has the sweets however the shopkeeper refuses to sell them to him when he sees the shopkeeper play shinobi bao they bat on it mitsuki points out to borrow to that he can see the champions cards on reflection instead of cheating he points out to the shopkeeper who asked to reshuffle the shopkeeper asked him to leave and gives board to the sweets for free on his way home boards and comes across teori who delivers a message from kagura where he apologizes to boruto port gets home gives him more he sweets and confesses to having forgotten to buy them in the trip in preparation for the academy graduation exams you know jen decides to start making photo copies of his drawings in advance instead of drawing them in battle much as that's concerned could have spar against choji innogen tries to use the copies of the main advance but they come before letting an attack illegitim tries using his own drawing but it crumbles in the same way leaving him concerned that he's no longer able to use the jutsu at the end of the day side explains where the jutsu failed because of the copies but refuses to elaborate further and suggests inogen enter an art competition innogenous side knows why the jutsu is failing but sai is certain that just telling inogen the reason won't fix it enojin is shocked when himory wins the contest with a drawing inogen deems inferior he thinks she won because he's a hokage's daughter sai is concerned eidogen won't be able to use super peace imitating drawing anymore and suggests that he'll look at how inojin and nimor is drawing ziffer education tries but is unable to come up with anything that will explain why jesus is failing psy goes the academy as a guest lecturer as during mission shinobi are likely to be drawing maps and sketching persons of interest psy has the student's sketch chocho henogen is perplexed by sai considers boruto might be able to use super beats imitating drawing based on his trying which energy deep's awful idiot tries performing the jutsu but his drawings collapsed quickly and even struggled to leave the paper jojo comments how unusual it is for energy to get worked up like that but inogen shrugs it off saying he'll just focus on his mother's jutsu now on instead at the training hall she now has inojin chocho and chicken eye face against metal lead denki and eobe unijin takes over eob's body briefly but his lack of practice allows eob to break free allowing his team to counter attack chocho has energy in his drawing supplies but his hesitation leaves him open to his attack shino declares team he will be the leader saiyan ino discuss inojin says himawari teaches art lesson she gets interested when she learns some energies youtube but indonesia does nothing at home energy begins gathering his drawing supplies to them away eno questions his decision and he finds one of his first drawings from when he was little idol jin asks him alright to teach him but she has no idea what to do when ido jin's jutsu fails again it blows him or he's drawing away they chase after it but it flies above the water you don't realize that the difference between his recent dragons and warriors is that hers of emotion put into it you know jin is able to animate his drawing and saves him worries at her request inogen animates her drawing idiot shows his parents his recovery and sai shows him his favorite drawing from inogen their family together the next day innogen is sorry that he imoris draws disappeared from the paper after his chew too but she is unconcerned deciding to just draw another and make her father even happier graduation exams are fourth defines his classmates are generally concerned with the upcoming graduation exams leave them with and hang out forward to find shiggity who are exhausted from training he tries starting a conversation with the three discuss their training mitsky wonders if bortow's asking like that and points out a thinner gangra kamakura kangamax's actor on tv speaking about eating a famous carp so good at said one never forgets the taste boruto proposes they eat it as well borato invites other classmates shigeru asks sports about his commitment over camping for the carp so he can usually find tedious borato confines that he wants them to all do something together before going their separate ways after graduation at home sakura notices saudi's lack of excitement over going camping and her complaints over board to remind her to recall the amusement of her own complaints about naruto during their academy days sarah defines the idea of treating the hokage like that unimaginable but her mom points out that to her he's always just been naruto whether weren't that close to the academy he's now a dear friend that's closer than family she doesn't know friendship is forever but the friends she made are still her friends today borah told his classmates set up at the camping site they go fishing with the carpet but till they'll catch anything one of the caretakers says the reigns have caused the carp to hide in the rocks making them that much harder to catch forward to almost fishes who want reels in too hard causing line to break at night they eat curry fort goes fishing again sardar and sumiday follow him bortho and sarah end up arguing sumade finds it amusing and then exports over helping her change the crypt catches on board just light and starts pulling him in sarda helps board to pull the car but sumanee summons nuet using his tractor to strengthen the line so it won't break their classmates arrive and each use the ninjutsu to help reel the carpet in they all eat the carpet sounded points out the starry sky above them at the moon tonight struggles to smooth over space-time distortions during a parent-teacher conference chino informed senator that despite the occasional lack of commitment with classes boards performance is exceptional when asked what type of shinobi wants to be he concerns about the lack of interest in anything particular and confident that he'll figure out something by graduation shino shares his concerns about boratella with uncle forthro and his friends discuss their pre-teacher conferences despite the examples his friends gave him border cells and found a compelling reason to become a shinobi they discussed the structure of the graduation exams proctors and past exams after class boards was approached by sukiya who is writing a story about graduating students board to take sukiya to interview his classmates after interviewing them sookie asks bore to why join the academy and board to mention trying to be better than his father at home board to ask hinata why she became a shinobi and she tells him about how's a huge at the time it was simply expected of her and her late cousin nedji and surprised his boards by telling him how strict his grandfather was hinata is confident that both she and naruto will support borington when composition nobody or not though aboriginal wonders if naruto really feel that way noticing his absence once more the next day board to notice his nominee and wasabi disgusting and sardine tells him that namibia decided not to be a shinobi sagittal board so that with declining demand for shinobi skills developing the academy becomes valuable in non-shinobi fields abortion tries to get mitsuki to be interviewed by sukiya but he's late for his own paradigm conference orochimaru meets naruto shikimar doesn't trust roach tomorrow completely but naruto still thanks him for his analysis of danzo's data which was beneficial for sasuke's investigation board to find sarda hesitant to get involved in namibian wasabi's issue until boruto finds out that she's afraid to get involved in a matter like this she never suffers naruto sarda thanks for the advice and manages to talk navidad into admitting that she really does want to be a shinobi despite her family issues born to thanks for allowing him to hear everyone's story his ass of the movie covers the graduation exams suki hits they will and offers some advice going forward going home boruto asks him to keep about his confidence and mythic says he wants to remain shinobi and konoha because of boruto pointing out how he changes those around him like denki iob sumide and mitsuki himself boruto just wants to remain together and is finally becoming a snowy first and figuring out from there talking to irika kakashi removes his tsuki disguise is glad kakashi volunteered to proctor the graduation exams and ask him not to go too hard on them karachi clarifies that even in peaceful times they can't allow students who can attempt to use attitudes of shinobi and that his graduation exam will be a bit challenging wondering how many will succeed or does class take the written exam denki and eob celebrate successfully stealing the questions from the teachers lounge boards are considered cheating but starter points out shiro telling them to check their questions a big strategy beforehand implying the test was their intelligence gathering skills they wait for their practical exam she now grades the written exams on board that gets a perfect score kakashi notes this and finds board to be a bit confident the next day the class is greeted by shino unko and konohamaru to forest they explain the rules for exam giving each student a white bandana and putting out targets on themselves if a student has their bandana taken they fail but if teachers the tiger destroyed they can no longer fight the students the exam lasted a day borzo was unconcerned and kagashi arrives revealing himself to be the exam's proctor intending not to let any troublemaker become a shinobi kakashi has a single belt that students have to take from him and playing only one of them will graduate kakashi gives him the signal but more though attacks using kunai kakashi reveals that it's wood kakashi makes the board so similar to naruto and they give the go various students take different approaches some go after kakashi directly others are staying back a bit to let others act as distractions shigeru planted a tracker kakashi but sheena uses a bug to remove the tracker anko uses ganjutsu to make couple teams go around in circles and press the fashion indigenous konohamaru knocks out ranga suru and hako along with namida and wasabi boruto doesn't want to waste time on konohamaru and sarda allows him to go straight for kakashi believing there's a reason to go after going tomorrow first border makes gear blocked by shino who minsky decides to deal with boruto searches for kagashi from a giant tree baits from the shadow clone onko uses snakes against shigerai inogen and jojo but the students she had caught and ganduchi show up haven't broken free miss keeper players go all out against chino sarah and sumida use the shine gun and nue against konohamaru boruto uses shadow clones against kakashi mitsuki defeats shino who tells him to go ahead kagashi considers his board to be a cut above the rest but still unsuitable to be a shinobi for lacking one decisive trait boruto bates kagashi with a border stream while coming from the ground below but kakashi considers boards to have tuning level skills and pins him down after seeing behind with yanjutsu considering this to be the end of the line for borto kakashi has boarded to pinned down in a way that would require boards to break his own arm to break free he admonishes borg his lack of resolve and motivation to change and reveals his tsuki disguise kakashi believes board whose influence on his classmates have made them unsuitable to become shinobi mitsuki and ubi attack akashi forcing the lego aboard to defend himself and counter attack allowing boards to escape with ubi's help at night several of the students gather wasabi healing boruto and boards are wishing she'd look after mitsuki who was injured bukashi boruto tells him of kakashi's assessment of their class and bore with his influence and apologizes he will be aggressively telling borders that he's made this far because of boroto something he intends on telling kakashi denki and subide share eob's opinion mitsuki also tells boards that by watching him he'll learn to do things for other people by his own volition the group takes notice of the 24-hour time limit and they sell their bandanas despite some of being knocked out unconscious before and that while injured the teachers drag in pursuit boruto determines the exam to be attested to the resolve the targets bandanas and the bell all hide the real test namely how they choose to tackle the problem akashi anko and konohamaru discuss the exams watching over the captured students saying the class will fail they don't come to rescue them borrow to formulate a strategy as the fastest is in the class metal and wasabi will distract anka while somebody has nue under the cover of several smoke bombs stealthily equipped to capture students with the earplugs as namina also sneaks in the ankle they fight turns out to be a clone but the real one gets knocked out by a frightened namida with a sonic scream they finish feeding the captive students boruto distracts konohamaru allowing denki it will be and mickey to lock them in place with foot and jutsu almost suffering a heavy hit from sarda konohamaru stops a punch from denki at his target but he gets hit anyway sarta and boruto had transformed into one another allowing sarda to get close enough to cast sharingan genjutsu on him not to notice dinky's kunai in his fist suru arrives telling that only kakashi remains at sunrise borough to attack higashi with shadow clones his classmates are disguised to support the clones kakashi knocks him down as well but when borto gets close enough and singles that they all hold kashi down with funjutsu as they did with konomaru when boracay gets too close to the belkagosh uses lightning release against them but they don't fall back bortle only manages to ring the bell before the 24 hours are up gosh she passes them all they're all confused as they didn't get the belt kakashi explains that they wouldn't have been able to acquire the bell at all he explains that in the shinobi world those who break the rules are called scum but those who don't value their comrades are worse and when they all came together as a team that's when they passed shino congratulates them and releases the transformation on the bandanas beforehand protectors along the students celebrate irika skulls kakashi being too rough on the students boruto leaves home after breakfast without wearing his forehead protector putting out only after being out of his parents line of sight shigemaru drops by naruto's house to inform him of his various duties for the day at the academy of the ghani discuss and wonder how they'll be put into teams when namibia warns everyone she knows arriving it will be a sudden movement causes him to bump into boards or knock him into sarda almost kissing her by accident when she blocks me with her foot shino arrives after a brief explanation on three main teams shino begins informing the other teams denki metal and eob or team five wasabi subide and nominated on team 15 hoki hako and rengar team 25 anko doshu and sudo are team 40 inojin chocho and chickier team 10 much like their parents were leaving boruto sarda and mitsuki as team 3. started questions being on the same team as boruto as well she acknowledges this skill she doesn't feel the compatible putting their team's teamwork into question sorry to feel she can't afford to take detours from her goal becoming hokage konohomar informs that she can appeal her decision to the hogage after the gaining leave konohamaru and chino discuss how requests for changing teams has never been approved boruto and sarah arrive at oga's office but shikumar informs that naruto is out on business and he can't disclose his location in the interest of finding naruto borto and start a call of truths mitsuki arrives at the copy of naruto's schedule having taken a look while shigimaru was distracted with barton sarda elsewhere north to test some shinobi's ability to protect the village by having the restraint with a barrier which he easily overcomes shikamaru checks who the hokage escort is for the day to inform them of boruto and sarda and his muse to learn who it is mirai is notified about bortho and sarta she refuses to let the three through mirai cuts the support ropes for bridge they're crossing but biscuit uses snakes to secure it while boruto fights mirai sarah observes her with a sharing gun looking for a vulnerability miranda noticed he started sharing god and trapped her in gang jutsu requiring borito to snap her out of it mira successfully repels them boruto and sarda argue konohamaru arrives in common to marriage strength whiskey tells borto and sarah they're trying too hard to be compatible and in doing so are not making the most of their individual skills borto is too conservative hard it'll do and start as overlying on a sharing god borto goes out miranda with shadow clones but keeps them hid under the bridge sartre uses shuriken distract mira and notices the damage jamba mirror's chakra blades on the deflected shuriken she uses shuriken to distract me right allowing boards to knock her off balance in a section of the bridge he damaged where a hidden shadow clone pulls off the bridge konohamara compliments them after pointing out the valley of hard-earned cooperation and asks sarah if she'd select the request another team started changed her mind about the team but would like to request nar to something else naruto informs if shinobi is training that they must be prepared to protect konoha from attacks at any moment the genning and konohamaru arrive and sardar requested they have the team's have a designation which naruto grants sardar complains to mistake about boruto's latest interviewing with her achieving her goals she asks mosquito what missions he likes to do he tells her he's happy doing whatever borthoit was doing prompting her to ask if he doesn't move his own free will he explains he chose that of his own will and thinks back to the past he remembers waking up under urojimar's care and dropping a cup of medicine while taking it urochimira instructs we get to score him he's fully awake whiskey has no memory of who he was orochimaru comments to a hooded individual that this is the sixth time that something has happened whiskey asks we get to why he wasn't bad so we get to answers who's injured in a mission without shimaru figuring he doesn't remember the bad parts so he gets who suddenly attacks him scuba mobilizes it mitsky almost steps we get to with the kunai taking from him but blocks with his arm which we get to commends him so he gets who comments his body remember sees his shinobi and breaks free whiskey's hold by liquify's arm he explains misky was captured and that his memories erased and that rojimura would have been disappointed had his abilities also been erased so he gets who takes miski to orochimaru who introduces himself as misky's parent he explains a certain shinobi they call log is stolen as memories which they have to retrieve whiskey asks why they're after him in the first place and rojimar explains that he wants the intel log is acquired which is why he has to be taken alive he dismisses mitsuki's concern about his memory is also being altered and his question of which parent or tomorrow is miski just wants to know who he is they go after log orion has mitsuki disrupt logs bury with logged attacks they meet log who intend to go after themselves he tries paralyzing them but only wears mitsuki log into ochimara battle their speed impressing whisky roche maro attempts to use snakes to poison him but his armor blocks their fangs log uses a jutsu to have his armor cover roche martin holden in place orochimaru tells mizki he knew senjutsu log moves into strict mitsuki but his paralyzed himself with the venom of a small snake orochimaru managed to slip through the gaps in his armor orochimaru tasks mischief with watching overload when he goes and searches something log asks his key to take out his mask and tells him how chum is deceiving him mitsuki removes log's mask revealing due to an older version of mitsuki log explains they're both synthetic humans created by rochemaru he goes on to say the thing irajimar's after is the original source from which they were both cultured and that he had stolen but couldn't destroy as rochemar held the kid open his container log wanted to destroy it as it was created by rochemiar's narcissism and greed saying that when he escaped throughout he just created another log wants to destroy rochimaru original returns and says the manner of their creation is irrelevant and that he loves him the same heroic mural and log each pressed their opinion on mitsuki causing him to snap and activate a stage transformation say that as a child he's not interested in what they the adults think he takes the container in the key and leaves orochimaru comments on mizki's achievement with log revealed with the hooded individual orchimer talked to earlier rochimaru's glad that on the sixth try mitsuki was able to make his own decision not wanting to erase his memory again for the seventh orochimar hopes that by finding a son who will show mitsuki the light mitsuki himself can be a moon that illuminates the darkness inside the container minsky finds a photo of boruto in the present poor who arrives and the three leave for a mission getting a mission arc bortha joins his team in the way of the hokage's office whether to be assigned their first mission when konohamaru explains that as new shinobi freight from the academy the only receive low-ranked missions at first borough thinks they should get those missions over with so they get hiring missions naruto overhears them assistant no mission is something to just get over with their first mission is to expel bandits from a small village called green banks due to a drought both green banks and neighboring farming villages have poor harvests and green banks stopping his food stolen from storehouses borja still thinks the mission to be easy and when konohamaru says the team should take the assignment more seriously angering starter for living rewards though narada tells that even as a d-ring mission it's important that they should give their all at home bored to ask cenata about her first mission she recalls being nervous back then as there were wars and missions were more dangerous she tells me that his first mission isn't really something to be excited about team 7 departs for the mission naruto tells chickamar he has filled konohamaru in on the details of the mission and remembers shigenai is also having his first mission his mission is to escort a rich lady around shigura and itajin carry her purges while chocho engages in conversation with her on the way to greenbank sardone tells board to not do anything that reflect probably on a record as not hitting your path to becoming okay as the two bigger mitsuki comments they get along well angering both konohamaru stresses the importance of what naruto told them and adds that they should not try resolving things on their own or russell nearby guess the gaining on edge but it's just a wild boar and konomaro comments they have a long way to go if they get startled so easily they reach a suspended bridge green banks and ring a belt to announce themselves kyrie sees their children and doubts their skills but lowers the bridge on the last team seven is informed of the recent passing of the previous village leader around the time the attacks started and that his daughter has taken over his position they're introduced to kyrie who informs them as they've been able to deal with banners on their own for a while other villages have also hired jenobi konomaro asked the ganny to speak for kyrie in private kona mario tells kyrie that the conflict with other shinobi makes it at least a b ranked mission which believes again and not prepared for when the three discuss the implications not completing the mission they hear a commotion find an enemy nobody that has killed the villager and board through engages in combat kodamaru interferes onboard to his attack and ashimaru is sold to retreat konohamaru tells kiri to be honest with them as they can't make a strategy without knowing what the other village is really after kiri reveals they want the d to the bridge the enemy shinobi are informed about kona's involvement at night they attack again by setting one of the houses on fire or to save save villager being attacked and other villagers start attacking them konohamara determines they're being controlled again jutsu the village aboard the saved holds kiri hostage sarah tries to locate him again just to use her with the sharing gun but fails whiskey uses wind release to knock down the control villages figuring anyone strong enough to resist it should be the animation obi all the villages are knocked down and board to notice his carry has been taken determining that the one who got here must be working with the enemy konohamaru scolds boards so for acting his own without warning sorry attempts to board his injury konohamaru confirms the involvement of pale blue valley hired shinobi when a ransom note demands that bridges deed in exchange for kiri's life with kyrie in captivity ayuri confesses to be working with the people of valley having done so since killing her father he was offered a lot of money for the bridge to eat and counted on kyrie to fail by trying to resolve the issue all by herself but didn't counter her hiring konohashinobi the green bank's villagers offered konghom are the deed and ask the team to save kiri team kona hamari plans on how to rescue her irie delivers here to hirari and is killed by ashumaru telling him that they're forming shinobi hidari proposes trading kiri for the deity konomaru kong hamara makes the trade but herodotus has disposing of him they're supposed to tag left under his corpse hidari and ashimaru attack konomaru who does kyrie assad reports that catch konohamaru insists again and take kiryu away while he deals a hijimaru hidari manages to immobilize kanomar with a trap and sends ashimar to deal with the genie they stop and set up traps they can tend to kill his injury kiri explains how our need to do things alone stems having to live up to her father's reputation ashimaru catches up to them and they decide to fight him hidari goes into kill konamaru who forced the dispels his jutsu with a rin released rasengan kona hamara deliberately misses the attack and hidari phase and disbelief the damage mitch's keyboard to engage ishmael sarah to analyze him with the sharon gun she determines ashimaru doesn't bother dodging attacks just blocking the encounter attacking borton which can play wind release to send sarah towards ashimaru high speeds for showing on allowing her to read his attacks avoiding his counter attack and letting her on fishing blow kona hamara catches up with them the deed in hand they return kiri and the deed to green banks where kyrie apologizes for trying to take everything on our own back at konoha konohomaru reports naruto boruto talks so she could hide uab and denki about their first missions team kwon homaru finishes their mission of capturing a runaway pet much to bore to chagrin they return the pet to its owner porto forces the displeasure with the simple neighborhood-based mission they've inside so far sarda points out that those are missions usually assigned to genning at the mission assignment desk bored to request a flashy mission kona hamara points out the board to probably got the wrong impression of a mission since missions with combat against other shinobi like his first mission are very rare in times of peace konamaro points out that their former classmates are doing similarly low-key missions and adds that through these missions they get to learn about the village boruto asks start to fight him that line a news report informs that an armed robbery was taught by kiba and lee boruto buys a newly released game a sequel to a game he really likes and offers teach whiskey's they can play together sarda informs borton mitsuki that they've been summoned by konohamaru to deal with the pang robber which sparks sports interest porto is disappointed by the scene of the bank they are greeted by captain kotaro fuma of the police force who's in charge of the situation there are no hostages in their mission to talk the robber out of exploding himself along with the bank despite being disappointed by the situation portal was still committed to finish his mission he goes inside the bank by himself trying to act as a negotiator and then as a hostage for the robber all the while noting the robbers ineptitude boruto doesn't find hagooma to be someone who robbed a bank and hugged him with tells him that he was fighting his job he was a game programmer and after he and his team had to deal with an unforgiving schedule they decided to file and play against their boss the boss somehow learned a bit and fabricated evidence that hagunum was selling company secret survivals leading to his firing after being made an example by other employees no other company would hire him and with no income his death's piled up borrowto identifies o'haruma when he mentions no longer caring about the job since others don't know befell him hakadoma feels better having told borato's story and activates the bomb he feels blowing himself up the day the last game he worked on his release would be a good final protest against his boss borto reveals he just bought the game and that he was a great fan of the first one borders patch from the game moves hagarumo who gives up blowing himself up when he can't deactivate the bomb because of his issues with the trigger bordeaux instead fries the device with letting release borta comes out of the bank with hagoruma at the police station the captain informs the team that after seeing that the device would not have caused any casualties and that hagarum was under extreme emotional address the punishment was not likely to be severe when mitsuki asks what hagurun will do now borto asks denki to find him job at his family's company captain kotaro informs konohamaru that someone instigated hageruma into barricading himself in the bank just then a fellow officer gives him surprising news outside mass individuals are on the move bianchia gengar kotaro and konohamaru informed boroughs of sarah and minsky that the hostage situation was just a distraction allowing noble thieves called the ayaki again to steal jewels from the vault borton system going in the vault with them feeling cold from the security system considering the security measures in place kotaro suspects an inside job outside the vault sarah finds a frozen flower five days go by without new developments denki explains the board to the noble thieves steal from the rich given the poor portal asks she could die in his opinion on it and it's surprisingly when she got answers they must have their reasons as there is more to what they know than they learned in the academy their talk is keeping out from understanding ashoka's strategy studying sardo makes a breakthrough in the case and informs borto and mitsuki on her theory on an ice release user who would have brought their body temperature down not to trigger the thermal sensors at boruto suggestion they don't report their findings so as to be kept in the loop on the investigation board takes him to katasca to find out more about ice release without alerting the investigation shigeru saves a child from injuring himself to seriously when playing with explosive tags and a bystander picks up a shogi pc drops krytaska confirms their ice release theory and shows them a more clandestine side of konohan where they might find the byakuya gang they find it posting about selling the stolen jewels shigura still struggles with the shogi strategy and the bystander returns to shogi peace the two talk and play shogi for hours shigerai offers on the set having more at home hoping to play against him again the next day shigeru asks his father to teach him new tactics and chickamar gets carried away angering tomorrow when he ignores their call for dinner boratosara and mitsuki meet with the thief pretending to be a buyer the thief they're meeting is a decoy read with this post of tags the real thief questions their allegiance to the rich considering them to be thieves themselves he uses the jewel for a distraction to flee but leaves them a trail of frozen footprints to follow they follow the footprints to the water system by mountainside and up them out inside to impoverished village the thief traps them with ice and reveals the jewel was already sold as profit used to fix the water system for the village border doesn't pursue the thief when he frees them and is later conflicted about the case the thief reports to a partner who says another plan is already set up the thief leaves for guard duty she could have waits for his shogi partner as usual search procedures yielded no results kotaro drafts the recently graduated guinea into the search of the akua gang instructing them to report anything unusual as they go about their regular missions and not to engage them in battle beginning to discuss what to do with their attack then eob is surprised by both his reluctance to battle tibiaki again commits robbery near where team five is aiding a construction company he would be pursues them as a fleet and blocks their escape with earth walls however they easily break free and metal is injured when protecting denki from an icicle at the hospital ooran lectures eob and tells them to stay home as they watch news reports on the ibyakyo gang and see that they're well received by poorer populations at home himalaya asks he not about the gang and while boruto agrees with helping those need he disagrees or hurting others to do so and considers naruto responsible seeing these social inequities in question to be due to his ineffectiveness later the gunning discussed the gang their merits and methods the biakya gang prepares the robbery of a pawn shop ryogi decides to go ahead claiming he wants to memorize the area the others are concerned that ryogi would trade them but gekko doesn't share their opinion before it goes to kutaski for more games spotting shikaya in the park tamari tells him that she'll be busy because every tuning in above is going on missions because of the akiya gang shigedai and ryogi play shogi they discussed the village in recent attacks on the boards or even so she died the limited edition games you got from tosuke shigerai introduces boards from ryogi to one another before the finds berry to be familiar a cold wind blows when really leaves at the pawn shop ryogi arrives late and warns about to flee towards the park to avoid coming across ghenin sumit and wasabi notice them rubbing the pawnshop but as they leave the gang spots in their attacks damari attacks the gang namita arriving with her three of them escape but tamari chases the other back to the park passing by board when she died tomorrow asks him for diversions but he manages to escape tamario having picked up my cheetah's hesitation tells him that it's okay to take chris sometimes otherwise all the great things pass by ryogi regroups to the rest of the gang and gekko receives words of support from the other villages and decides to go ahead with the next phase of the plan a protest against the coming our mum company is held over supposed exploitative practices the biaku gang is pleased with the growing turmoil kona ryogi confirms to gekko that this is all ultimately for justice saying shikamaru reports the arts of the latest developments and they speculate possible reasons and outcomes board to go check on the situation with his friends shigeru axe detached from the situation when asked about it confusing the others ryogi thinks back though he became part of the biaku gang one day his father returned home fatally injured from mission when ryogi's mother tried to help she was also killed in front of him the assailant tried attacking ryogi who tapped into his ice release abilities he saw him before passing out when he woke up gekko told him he killed the man who attacked him and then the funeral for his parents was over gekko offered to teach ryogi who accepted the offer gekko introduced ryogi to the yakya gang claiming to be the real job he and his father did besides shinobi work gekko claimed that he and ryogi's father began questioning their role in shinobi tasked with only fulfilling missions as ordered by those above him acting as pawns thinking back to his mother's words about his father helping people ryogi decided to join the biaku gang gekko finds ryogi reminiscing about the pass and notices the shogi piece in his hand ryogi says it from a friend and while gekko outwardly encourages him once out of earshot says it soon won't matter anyway ryoki meets when she got to play shogi and they play until after das she get out beating him shigerai asks ryogi if he's with the biaku gang noting he knew the reputation of catastrophe's lab despite claimed to be recent arrival concluding that he had known that from case in the village ryogi tries to deflect him but shikhani points out the lamp yogi brought with him to play after dark is on the list of stolen goods ryogi racks to the claim and notices she could die tricked him into confirming a suspicion shigera doesn't intend to turn him in but wants him to stop when she dies says he'll end up being someone else's pawn really he gets angry he says shekinah doesn't understand him at all and accuses jigeday of not bothering trying to surpass him in anything he does not even try to stop him fleeing ryogi leaves and meets up with the rest of the aku gang gekko says it's time to implement the final part of the plan after ryogi leaves shikurai jojo and ninja arrived telling him they've been requested due to the protests against the kaminarium company gekko and ryogi watch his protest his march against the coming iran company gekko praising ryogi's strategy one of the leading protesters is a mark on his neck ryogi mauls over which he could i might do at the police station the gang had shown fires that have been distributed inciting violence among the coming iran company as the protesters are only ordinary citizens instead of shinobi there's only so much we could do against them without using excessive force boruto feels conflicted having to go against citizens kotara distributes the assignments team oyegi is assigned to spot near their company headquarters at the hospital eob is frustrated having to stay put but lee tells him that orders are absolute shigeru studies the distribution of protesters and security forces recognizing it from somewhere jojo recognizes the patterns as shogi pieces causing shigura to recognize the decor strategy ryoga used against him shigeru asks inujin what the building located in the opening is and inogen explains his katasca's lab realizing the bayakuya gang's plan shikunai feels torn between obeying his orders and taking action to foil their plan shigeru leaves his post followed by his teammates team konohamaru spots team oyegi moving and borto goes check it out mitsuki tells sarah to trust boruto the biakya gang invades the lab going straight for the ninjutsu to data with katasuke the protesters arrive at the coming arm and company headquarters and the police refrain from using the jutsu against them on the way to the lab shigerai explains to boruto that the lab is the target ido jin and chocho find it uncharacteristic for shigeru to act without proof but support him nonetheless having analyzed their movements denki informed sarah the protesters actions don't match against what norman people would do using her sharing god sauron spots a leading protester with a mark on his knack at the research lab they find downed personnel and chicago and board to find kataska who informs him in the stolen work kotoski planted a tracker on gekko and gives boar toy terminal the following signal despite being suspended denki goes to the police and reports the current steel place on many of the protesters raising the possibility they're under genjutsu denki's father is proud of him gekko explains to the gang the nature what they stole and asajj's ryogi when he asks if they'll help people chocho should i borrow to an image and catch up with them and she could have noticed ryogi the biakea gang splits up so gekko can get away with the stolen data she can and board to go after him while the others hold the rest of the gang back at the protest cornhole shall be bringing a break again due to all the protesters cho cho and energy make short work in most of the gang but struggle against oco they're saved by shigemaru naruto addresses the village to television and shadow clones exposing the capture of yakuya gang as the ones who plays undergenjutsu and asks the villagers to help keep improving konoha gekko and ryogi hop onto a passing train borton when she could hop on as well and confront them shigerai asks ryogi to snap out of it and accuses gekko of manipulating him who retorts that reality isn't simple and accuses shigerai being naive in return boruto is unimpressed with gekko's reason and strikes him akunai which ryogi blocks breaking his mask shigerai asks ryogi why he protects gekko and ryogi tells him if i gekko saved him shigerai says that's no reason to become a thief and ryogi criticizes his belief that how life works attributing it to living in a prosperous village shigeru says he's trying too hard to fit into a two type mold and asks if their shogi plane was alive ryogi answers it was an act to get closer to him ryogi's had her and gekko orders him to trap she died in borto with ice release shigerai warns boruto is an ordinary ice release before just seems to be in a trance as they move through the train ryogi's head still hurts his memories begin changing gekko shows ryogi's reflection restoring the cursed seal forward to see if she dies at yaki again membrane attacks him she could have noticed that borton was putting again jutsu by the ice mirrors and cracks and kunai gekko notices the shogi pieces shikurai gave ryogi who insists they mean nothing gecko tosses the pieces out of the train and orders ryogi to prove it by finishing tikidai under the guys checking his wound gekko activates his jutsu shikurai manages to free board from the kenjutsu crediting his own experience with it to being experimented on by mirai at the front of the train gekko kills one of his own gang members shigeru shares his suspicion that ryogi is out of genjutsu with boruto and warns him not to look at any mirrors the two break through the ice and move head through the train they tried circumventing ryogi by going out of the train to get to gekko but ryogi blocks them porza goes ahead to gekko where she could have pins right into the shadow bordeaux stops gekko from disconnecting his wagon for the rest of the train shigeru tries talking rogie out of serving gekko and vayne the curse stealing ryogi activates and attacks the curse still spreads through yogi who sees chicken eyes the one who killed his parents gekko fails to turn boruto by offering to split the profits of selling ninjutsu data with them and moves aside to show board to his reflection in the window force him to close his eyes and give gekko an opening ryoga closes in on shiggity board until gekko separates the wagon and admits having tampered with his memories shigera tries getting through to ryogi but can't get close to him boruto and his shadow clones propel shige forward with wind release allowing to make physical contact with yogi and break them out of the genjutsu who recalls that gekko is the one who killed his parents shigeru sympathizes with him the three are bummed that gekko escaped when someone rushes past them naruto catches up to gekko and defeats him later gekko is interrogated by the police and boruto returns to kitaske's research who is excited that scientific ninja tools are being considered valuable enough to seal ryogi is in prison but remains happy poor to when she did i discussed the mission in borto asked she died when he'll treat him like he promised one week after the biaku gang incident naruto gives an interview where he commands the gang and involved the conflict resolution which frustrates it would be who had been ordered to stay put news of the upcoming tuning exams exasperate him now concerned he'd be a guinea repeater shikamaru and nara to discuss recent developments and consider the shortage of getting applicants for the exams udon comes by narcos office where he lifts team 5's suspension and gives him a mission he will be discussing the exams of the indenki all determined not to be left behind team 7 receives a delivery mission as team 5 arrives team 5 is to participate in a documentary a pr attempt to increase the dwindling academy enrollments as they begin filming they all struggle with coming across naturally on camera the director takes ud on a side and asks them if there's not a team we could film and uranus forms that the hokage personally picked that team the director tells udon he used to want to be shinobi he wants team five to show him flashing in jutsu so he'll be raised to the ground lee attacks it and throws a shirt in a denky who substitutes out of the way the director is pleased with the eye-catching footage but udon points out they're scaring the civilians and withdraws team five in the mission later eob tries throwing his forehead protected in frustration but it's stopped by elite udon asks if they want to be suspended again and you'll be questioned how someone cool like udon could possibly understand them udon shares they've failed to graduate several times and he messed up a mission again eob ponders udon's earlier awards at looking cool on film that night determined not to let their efforts go to waste the filming crew decides to detonate some explosive tags they had set inside the exam building get some shots not satisfied with the shots they go inside and the building says glass on top of them lee saves them from falling debris and denki analyzes the situation when the roof collapses you will be protected from falling crane and udon stops the debris with this snot based suit in the confusion iwobi loses his forehead protector and the filming crew requests them to be the ones in the documentary again upon reporting to naruto he shares his past academy day struggles with the team and eob has moved to tears when he lives in arizona knows who he is and guess his for her protector back his teammates having found it teams haven't watched his documentary at night someone releases several animals at the fire park sumude finds team konohamaru arguing while on the way to receive their next mission team 15 is tasked with recapturing the zoo animals suika is pleased with their excitement for the mission hanumi thinks girls can perform the mission alone as she determines that there are no dangerous animals on escaped animals list sai checks in with hanumi about sumiday they discuss sumede and the fact wasabi nominated still no the whole story about sumida and nue sumed a ponder is telling wasabi namid about it the next day sumit provides their team with clothes to mask their scent making it harder for animals to smell their approach they capture several animals but an argument begins after a miscommunication between wasabi namida a monkey that they were supposed to retrieve steals their lunch and also has the keys to the animal closures wasabi chases it with their cat covering but ties herself out more catching up with a monkey wasabi wants to try again and puts nabi to suggest and to come up with a strategy to gather down causing her to cry hanuman makes her way to the team having been made aware of another list of missing animals nami manages to catch the monkey on her own but comes across a giant wolf sumidate and wasabi here navi the screen but only sumida goes to help sumite protects namida and tries having nui absorb the wolves chakra with little effect wasabi arrives and tells nabi to show and lure it so namina can hit with ajutsu wasabi plants explosive tags in the wolf which are triggered by nanometer sonic due to knocking the wolf out wasabi and naming make up and somebody comes clean about new way they say they already knew and were just waiting for super day to tell them yourself honeybee approaches them and congratulates some of their teamwork later the three of them eat together and discuss the upcoming tuning exams board to a mitsuki have heard of their mission the monkey steals their food again much the girl's shocked konohamaru delivers a mission report to shigomaru who who's dealing with narcissist paperwork on the artist is away meeting with the daimyo konohamara notices papers regarding the upcoming tuning exams and shikamaru tells him to think about his genie konohamaru discusses the subject with moigi udon and chino pointing out shino's students who have caused their share of trouble will be participating they go over all the incidents caused by that class and analyzing students growth they go out for drinks and kon hamaru is unsure if he'll recommend boards to take the exam worried that boruto has relied too much on luck so far and that failure in the exam will crush him the others disagree hanabi joins them and gets drunk with hamaru hanabi accidentally gets shino drunk causing him to lose control over his insects naruto is called to resolve the situation versus momoshiki arc upon being tasked with capturing train robbers and finding out that all but one of them were killed in the abandoned mine team seven ventures inside gonomaro is surprised to witness a white zetsu being under the impression that they were killed in the portion of the world war as it uses attacks with elemental nature it's kodomar struggles as well as the genie porthole used the scientific ninja tool he received earlier from catastrophe and the setsuit giving konomar the opportunity to strike and force him to retreat womenski attempts to go hammer's injuries konohumar informs him of what they're actually up against mitsuki discovers a room with a dead blossom and determines if you previously used to call it a white tatsu as the flower is without a chakra supply it can't incubate any more zetsu before revealing that his parent taught him about the topic while kong hamaro agrees aboard so that they should destroy the location he decides to handle the situation alone while the three getting report back to kona hakakura against the idea sarah argues that doing that would leave them vulnerable leading to konohomo allowing him to assist him after konohamaru divides the strategy the team locates the white zetsu and sarta uses her sharing gun to analyze his attack patterns as mitsuki boruto and konohamaru cancel out a telemental attacks with their own the zetsu switches to hijutsu leading the board to clones engaging at his distraction seeing an opportunity board to stops following the strategy and attempts to attack it which results in zatsu pitting boruto down until mitch pulls him off then konohamar destroys it with his or sengon investigating further they find a cavern full of decomposed sets to cocoons when they find another portion of the otsutsuki clan ruins they discover deceased white zetsu being incinerated by black flames falba does is more in the same situation konohamaru explains that sasuke was responsible and forms again of his mission involving kagya learning that sasuke's strength rivals naruto's board that becomes intrigued afterwards the team contacts konoha leading to naruto shadow clone coming out with the shinobi meanwhile as sasuke arrives in kogi's ice to mention he's washed from above by momomoishiki and kinchiki discovering tonight's location urashiki crashed into the moon urashiki told them that the ototoki clan's main family observed everything over the millennium including the humiliating incident noting tonight betrayed the clan for his servants to the earth he revealed he knew to an area that submitted the son of the biaku gun princess aggravated daenery charge towards odishi kippus immobilized by his chakra rod leading to the lighter pitch find him though he didn't have the authority to kill a fellow clan member before setting his eyes on earth and departing on konoha tv naruto was interviewed and notes the importance of teaching the current generation shinobi how the area of peace is achieved due to the fortune of the world war elsewhere moigee hands tuning in exams application to her team after gnar to denies the use of the cote in the upcoming exams itasca is approached by a hooded figure the ninjutsu research center at lightning burger borthoinogen and chicago played their electronic games together during which they disapproved aboard their cheating approached by mizuki and sarda they attempted prompt boruto into participating in the exams as a team though board that was uninterested into sarda convinced him that passing will show everyone how strong he is arriving home for him or his birthday board to find an artist out there to a surprise as the celebration begins not to disappear it's revealing to his family that he was just a shadow clone which infuriates boruto with the party being overboard that goes upstairs where he finds naruto's old about a jacket leading him to throwing it out the window as someone rings the doorbell bortha runs over and plays a punch naruto but discovers his sasuke who blocks his attack sasuke asks him out if naruto's around two shin forms her husband still the office having met sasuke thrills boruto attempting to leave and confront his father aboard to a stop by sasuke on sasuke's way to meet naruto he discovered the jacket board to throw away at the hokage office chicago discovers naruto exhausted followed by sasuke ripping with the scroll we have attended earlier and recounts his encounter with kinchiki and shiki kiyosuki leaving sasuke notices support to arriving and decides to block his path and press boruto asks to become sasuke's student asking if he can perform the resengan yet bort says he'll learn it in order for sasuke to accept them later boruto approaches conomaro the sarah toby clan compound and asks him to be tata or sang which he agrees to while struggling to grasp the first step before their saint gone boruto gets hints from cooking with him aware leading to going to the next step to jutsu after managing to perform the resengan and demonstrating to sasuke the ochiah notes that it's small leading to border throwing his recent away in frustration before leaving sarah approaches her father who says he's being too strict leaving the sasuke correcting the pair's assumptions which he revealed he was going to accept boruto as a student vending the scientist offers a kotei to boruto elsewhere mitsuki speaks to the rochimaru who advises the not to reveal his true strength during the exams the next day borah to approach sasuke to show him his progression leading to performing at normal size for sanghan secretly via kote which sasuke notices trading insurance and jutsu sasuke informs konohama that he's training boruto and thanks him for teaching saratha during their training borto asks about naruto's weaknesses later tomorrow trains to team 10 and forms that the guard's adopted son will soon be taking part in the exams struggling to train a trick and jutsu he uses content to prefer technique which have based him and continued practicing later the various kona hog getting started for the tuning exams in kaguya's lava dimension momoshiki and kinchiki search through kaguya's scrolls during which urashiki approaches them and forms one earth prompting women should be departing there followed by kinshiki you notice the latter tells the pair of the tailed beast and the two chinchiloki killer being naruto approaching killer b the otsotoki attack him leading to b transforming yuki during the fight moment he absorbs bee's tailed beast paul and fires an enhanced version of a back which seemingly defeats him absorbing into choker pills urashiki notes kagi's history while on the planet of the superiors as conqueror escorts chinky's team to the tuning exams from tsunagakari gara sees them off afterwards chukaku contacts the kazakh and informs them that it lost contact with yuki later after hinata and moari which boards a good luck at the tuning exams his team departed to village gate where all the competition are after all the getting gathered shigimaru addresses them at the interior ceremony spending their remaining time before the exam starts at lightning burger bordeaux and saturday get into an altercation with urai leading the shinki intervening to break them up at the exam venue jojo beats boruto and thanks him for his assistance in his field trip in kittigakure he then informs board that kagura is looking forward to becoming a tuning sai begins the first exam property to the gang to race towards the exam venue and time limit given as the three cognate and their bodyguards watch the teams make their way there traps and obstacles overwhelm some ghenin while others manage to overcome the hurdle resulting in ten times so many puppets challenge them shiki instructs yodo and araya not to reveal their jutsu to other teams leading to them defeating the puppets of physical attacks while yodori deals with the music as bubblegum and jutsu the teams that make it to the exam venue are given a true or false question by sai about the fifth volume of the shiny handbook he knows that those competing that turn black will fail standing on one of the two platforms indicate their answer all the getting fall into a pit after the floor gives way leading to them all falling into pits containing ink at the bottom various scanning use different methods to avoid their teams falling into the ink including yoda using floating bubblegum spheres sumida using nue the three senka brothers standing on the ink and he will be creating platforms to stand on the guinea that avoided falling into the ink passed the first round of the exams during which coast gate informs someone that borzo hasn't used his kotaya shikumar later informs nars to the board to pass the exam followed by him emailing his son to congratulate him struggling to train and trick and jutsu borto excuses his performance due to it being a true specialty leading to sasuke creating shadow clones to dismiss sports is logic as being naruto's son would make the shadow clone technique a specialty swearing to play an active role in the second round of the tuning exams border barely manages to create four clones on the night guard arrives in koha he organizes a meeting with sasuke and jojo during which he discusses being attacked by yodashiki earlier who managed to steal guards tailed beast chakra concluding it's probably not sutuki clan member the subject of postponing the exams is brought up on the day of the second round of the tuning exams 1010 explains that it's structured to be a game to capture the flag against another team with whoever's flag is captured being eliminated from the exams afterwards team 10 wins against kitty team team 15 loses to akuma-gakurei team and jinki single-handedly defeats denki eob and medal of team five in the final match the three synchro brothers compete against team seven leading to the triplets facing boruto who is guarding his team's flag hearing boruto into stress mitsuki departs back to his location while starting continues onward as the brothers in the shadow comes to feed borders clones they'll run toward borders flag refusing to lose borthou utilizes his container to protect his flag using water release followed by electrocuting them with his own jutsu as the brothers collapse whiskey wraps to find them defeated startifies the enemy flag protected by genjutsu which he bypasses to obtain the flag resulting in team seven passing in the controller monitoring the event ten ten determines the reason why they couldn't see boris used hand seals while these water released bullet work is due to him weaving them faster than the eye can see afterwards koski informs katasky that borton used the tool at last that he captured footage of him using it while worrying about borato shikimar informs naruto that he passed the round which thrills naruto in the aftermath of the round the konohan getting discussed the outcomes of their fights with each other arriving home boruto was congratulated by hemorrhoids before heading up to his room to her asked while sasuke waits for kanye's scroll to be translated north to discuss the saskatchewan war with his teacher and informs that his daughter passed the round borto is later applauded by naruto for passing before he returns resolves to work as the third round of the exam start the proctor rockley explains how the round is structured with it being a one versus one tournament the first match both was pitted against your eye while the two fight boards will relies on the quotation of his opponent the second match yodo faces shikudai managing to catch with the shadow she forfeits before sarta participates in a match at startup she determines she'll win it with three seconds as the match between the two konoage begins saratha dodges tarwi's lariat leading to her punching the kumo girl in the arena as well within three seconds of match beginning which results in starter winning the match the fourth match inogen uses his super peace imitating trying to attack arya unfazed by the attacks arya manages to defeat unigen for the fifth match mitsuki and toroida fitted against each other using lightning release to increase his reaction time today managed to slightly injure minsky leading to begin to activate stage mode remembering rochimaru didn't want him to reveal his true power publicly whiskey stops activating it and resorts to attacking toro with his snakes while putting him down leading to his opponent surrendering for the final match of the first rounds chocho and face each other before the match begins shanky apologizes in advance while holding back while jojo's team watches the match from the waiting room alongside board sarda they overhear choji cheering on from the crowd beside karui as the match begins shinkiki talks and his opponent when moegi discusses jojo's potential with konohamaru and udon provoking chocho she attacks him using her partial multi-sized technique blocking her enlarged fist with an iron sand hand he overpowers jojo with his own two hands listening to her father's suggestion she puts distance between herself and during which she changes tactics and attacks him from a distance while i want you to breathe him blocking the attack using his iron sand kudoshi comments on him being skilled and asks scarra where he found a boy prompting him to recall his first meeting with jinky overpowered by his ironside fists chojo results to using the multi-sized technique which she gets using leading they're performing the human ball of tank blocking her assault with his two two hands shinki is briefly pushed back into the lunges his arms more iron's hand the attack drains chocho resulting in her falling down and defeat and shaky progress into the finals with the end of the elimination matches broccoli announces a 30 minute break before the next match during which chicago and boruto agreed to fight fair and square during the match while waiting boruto decides to take off his cote and not use it during his upcoming match till he overhears shigura's parents putting their faith designed to win as the match commences borza when his clones died she died shadow but are ultimately freed by it forcing boards to give up borto relies on his country to break free of his restraints before she gets surrendered which he does on her way to entering the arena sarah does peers voice words of encouragement to her as sardi's match begins against araya he repeals her attacks during which sarah can't keep up with this movement despite having a shanghai activated attempting to catch up in genjutsu alright is unfazed before further injuring her contemplating why the genjutsu wasn't effective she notices the chakra threads leading to attacking the arena's roofing as the smoke clears in the attack the real arya emerges who is revealed to be a puppeteer that's manipulating a look like pup in the arena after explaining how she discovered her strategy orion nervously attempted through the fight but is stopped by shinki who convinced him to rein there and fight continuing the match arya has his puppet charge towards sarda during which she incinerates it resulting in league calling the match with sarah as the winner as the match between whiskey and begins the latter withstands and defeats bitski's techniques using his iron sand probably basically to actually keep him underneath him resulting in cheeky being dragged underground reappearing after his clone's defeated jinky tricks mickey into repelling away as iron sand cloaks in light and release during which misky attempts to attack the opponent with taijutsu but is punched away having been marked with his technique to pressure mitsuki in the sage mode he forfeits the match as mitsuki's desire to stay and konja outweighs his desire to win the match with the finalists being decided the three and form the last match be held during the next day afterwards moyugi treats her team to dinner while soccer retreats sardi's injuries elsewhere sasuke demonstrates his churro to borto to motivate a student into polishing his skill with blending release in the hopes that he would be able to use similar strong techniques in the future the next day the final match between boruto sarda and chickie begins borto and sardo decide to team up in order to defeat the two tried multiple coordinated attacks on shinky but to no avail eventually shinky managed to overpower them and defeat sarita board to decide to use support though streaming against shiki's iron sand with his power near its limit boruthor uses purple electricity through his kote overpowered chicky's iron sand to win while everyone including boruto's friends celebrate with them naruto arrives exposes sports as you can see disqualifying him for cheating and removing his forehead protector much the distraught of everyone including chikudai who is disappointed to realize that his best friend had been cheating during their match naruto told boar though that he'd lecture him later for that which immediately angered bortow asking his father if he really does have time for him saying that he paid attention to me wouldn't be in this situation kataska arrives and tries to make an announcement about a scientific ninja attack calling borthos tester which led the lattice to realize they had been used suddenly they're interrupted by the arrival of the momoshiki in kinchiki the latter which assaults the arena while everyone is evacuating the citizens mamashiki approaches naruto kicks him away bored to attack him with his content but his techniques are absorbed mitsuki decides to tell board to using a stage mode but he's ambushed by uroshiki who steals his power before he approaches mitsuki he's ambushed by gara and chojiro back in the stadium starter and boards are attacked by mochi and kinchiki only to be saved by their fathers the duo introduces themselves as members of the otsotsuki clan and explain how they acquire power by absorbing kodam's chakra with the naruto that the frequent uses of pills bore to realize that it's similar to the usage of kotei naruto doesn't consider where they have his true power elsewhere udeshiki pressures both the kazakh and the mizukake with the power he stole from the others momoshiki uses takamimu subuna kami to unleash his assault on naruto on the others but naruto and sasuke respond back by using the respectively the tilled beast and susanoo to protect borton sarda when mumma mushiki fires a tailed baseball naruto asks sasuke to take care of the two before using his full power to block the attack at the same time gara and trojan managed to defeat uroshiki with their coordinated attacks prompted the ladder uses renegade to escape naruto tries to blow moshiki's tackle away with his own attack but hesitates when boruto assassin why his father isn't trying to blow it sasuke responds to citizens will get caught up as well if he's counter attacks while everyone is watching naruto with standing momoshiki's attack boards begins to reminisce the time he spent his father and finally understand the job as hokage while at the same time watching his father give him a warm smile before being captured leading boards are to cry out at him borth to wakes from the hospital seeing sarda he asked about his father he hears him or caller hinata as soccer attends to her soccer explanation out of his injury trying to keep momoshiki and king from taking naruto sarah informs him that mitsuki is in critical condition after having his tracker stolen porcher sees how many others got injured despite doctor's efforts and runs out of the hospital borton notices he's still wearing a shoulder after tripping on a medical kit angrily throws it away upon waking up hinata asks about naruto and sasuke jersey he's fine and to leave the rest of him aboard to go to naruto's office thinking about all the times he could play at naruto he finds and wears naruto's old clothes sasuke tells a board that he's in a similar situation arthur used to be in scoring by others he reveals he can still stand an artist's chakra and then he has to rescue him with borders help the other cog arrive saying they'll help so everyone pulls all of their knowledge on each of the ozotsuki's abilities the conga question sasuke's decision to bring board to a long but he assures me he is a reason sasuke hands board to his own forehead protector without a scratch on it and explains the history behind it as sasuke board throughout the car get prepared to leave sarah to ask hosky to go with them he struck her to help kakashi chicago protect the village as she's the only other person with a shang gun borthwood tries to apologize into she could die but he says they have more pressing matters and then he'll listen to what he has to say later sasuke opens a portal while he's running on he not arrives and is shocked to see borton archers all close the site reminds her of her husband when he was younger and that moves he nodded to entrust her to safety to her son they then leave to rescue naruto in a wasteland where gotri resides momoshiki drinks chroma's track from naruto explains that this is created from a man who would also harbor to tell beasts which naruto understands to be killer bee momoshiki complains about how long the process is taking having absorbed only half the chakra in naruto naruto says he won't make it easy for them that as a shinobi they've had to persevere to develop their abilities momoshiki explains how they're able to effortlessly acquire power which naruto links to the snowy gauntlet realizing his own lack of effort and trying to understand boruto which is what drove him achieved with the shinobi gauntlet momoshiki resumes extracting his chakra the four other kage arrive interrupt him she cutting the arthur from his restraints the kage fight momoshiki and kimchiki will sasuke and board to check on naruto naruto notices porto's wearing his own clothes when he tried to apologize to boardroom for not being there for him naruto replied that it was all right he just wants to hear more about not just passed boruto asks naruto to tell the story after they get back home and konoha shikomaru instructs other shinobi to make sure that no one is missing and to be on the lookout for odashiki asked them if they shouldn't send reinforcements shigamar sees his concern from porto is like his renault he explains the current situation using shogi analogies sasuke chojiroko which leads children to pinning kitchen down the others focused on mama sheiki got her using his sand to offer others footing or pursuing him borrow the warrants naruto of moshiki's ability to absorb an amplified injury used against him momoshiki notices kinchiki has been incapacitated and upon checking boards with his bianca gun notices that naruto is unable to pass on his power to him and offers to jump out his clan does it he converts kitchen into a chocolate edible and consumes it sasuke attempts to strike him but fails momoshiki's appearance changes including manifesting a third renegade on his forehead and tells noah that he's next the shinobi are horrified by momochikis consuming kinship for power who replies it was the former's wish and the law within the clan momoshiki releases a pulse of energy that cuts clean through the god tree and pushes everyone back momoshiki pursues knockout chojiro daruigara and kurotsuchi momoshiki targets naruto and the two engage with hijutsu and the latter gains the upper hand when he strikes an argentine katsu sasuke attacks momoshiki who invades his attack counter-attacks and rams both naruto and sasuke under the ground throwing them against the remains of the god tree naruto and sasuke go on the offensive activating their chakra mode into jutsu respectively and momoshiki manifests their weapon to counter them leading to the trio to brawl eventually in order to manifest kurama momoshiki coalesces the rocks around into a monkey in retaliation sasuke arms narrator with susano when they cut through momoshiki's monkey forth to watch the fight in ah naruto sasuke powered down and the other kage asks if they're done kotowski writes a kosuke and against the other's warnings fires several enemies to a momoshiki with the shinobi gauntlet momoshiki absorbs them regains strength and uses the absorbed jutsu against them garb protects the group of the sand but before they can strike back momoshiki paralyzes them with an absorbent shot in ijutsu and for extra measure pins naruto down to the black receivers boards to remember sasuke's words from before and on sasuke's comment throws through zangan naruto wonders when boards will learn it while momoshiki thinks he should have stayed at the site he prepares to absorb it but it vanishes before reaching him so he turns his attention back to the shinobi borders attack connects breaking bombing shields holding the others sasuke explains dinar to how he trained boruto on the condition they learned their saint god momoshiki consumes more tracker pills to power up for decisive attack nard sells borah to make another sengon and adds his tracker to enlarge it sasuke attracts momoshiki throwing a sword switching places with it to get close sasuke's sword is a transformed border with the kunai momoshiki catches it and sasuke switches it with this tedorius so muhammad shiki strikes his arm while sasuke uses the kunai to stab the ring on his hand preventing him using it to absorb jutsu boruto uses clones to attract mushy allowing his real self to attack with the naruto power to send god moment she encounters with a similar attack board to prevails as his body is destroyed momoshiki's spirit talks to boruto recognizing that he strongly inherited also tsuki powers he gives board to cryptic information about his future and warns him that his victory means he can't see an ordinary human grabbing his arm before disappearing kataska is confused about recent events unsure what happened momoshiki's chakra receivers vanish sasuke and arthur talk about their previous conversation with the nature of shinobi the five kage sasuke and boruto returned to konoha hinata and himuri embraced naruto and boruto in soccer and sarah embraced the extensive damage caused by the attacks results in the tuning exams being cancelled naruto continues to have a massive paperwork load and before those injured arms bandaged boruto apologizes for his actions to team naruto saskatchewan discuss how they still target the otsutsuki as urashiki escaped and they still didn't know the true extent of his powers sasuke says he leaped to drakushiki naruto and shigekumar discussed how they got to see the skills the participants requiring meeting with the other village to discuss the outcome shigamara also points out naruto has to deal with katasuke and informs that the killer bee returns to kumukari naruto wants to take time off but chikumaru advises to finish handling his paperwork first boards when she died in the tray and the situation between the awkward they both apologize to each other boruto for having cheated she died from making boards to wait so long to talk to him when he said he would after the attack on the exam they talk about the type of shinobi they want to be on the train back to sunigara shinki thinks how boruto who he perceives as weak went against a much stronger opponent one garage claims responsibility for telling him not to fight but shinki says that even if he had fought he'd have lost gary tells him to focus on his own path instead of the paths of others beside him sasuke talks to boruto who informs me he hasn't seen momoshiki again nor felt the same paralysis he met before sasuke tells boards to keep him updated a snake clone on rochimaru meets with in order to talk to him about using centuries in public boruto's interview for his participation in the fight against the otsuki sakura asks support who intends to become hokage but he denies it saying that it's her dream while he wants to become like sasuke after she and mitsuki leave he undoes his bandages thinking back to momochi's words looking at the diamond shaped mark on his right hand boruto arrives home to find naruto who brought home a cake to make up for missing war and those birthdays borah to punches him in the stomach to make sure he's not a shadow clone when he memory jumps in the two he not a threatened to put the cake away naruto and borito both wake up late the next day and fist bump before they had to handle their respective duties in the dimension where momoshiki was defeated urashiki realizes borto is the one taner was observing and notes he could pose a threat in the future wondering if preventative measures should be taken but sure it'll be interesting either way cha cha work during a training session choji demonstrates some of their clan surgery techniques chocho but she's dragged to watch tv chocho asks her father to sign a scroll about a background check from upcoming mission in otago minsky trains without tomorrow and also asks him to sign his scroll choja and kadui question chocho's interest in soap operas later chocho complains about her father sarda when chocho says she needs to come down but she won't go on a diet she shows started her client's butterfly motorcycle down boards one forms miss key their joint mission with team 10 is to bodyguard an actor the two meet up started on chocho outside the informational receiving center but boruto doesn't recognize chojo on the way to receive their mission they meet with tomorrow and eshin from the soap opera church of watches where the actress is supposed to bodyguard at naruto's office shigen inogen recognizes the church to use a certain jutsu tomorrow explains that he and sheen had received death threats overshooting the soap opera naruto science team seven and a body gotta sheena and team ten bought a good tomorrow during shooting chojo tends to mars needs will acting like she's not interested while sheena just bosses team seven around jojo keeps pretending in front of tomorrow which started questions tamara asks chocho to take care of her prop ring which makes her want to marry him and omega ninja attacks the studio breaking through a wall board to land an attack but it turns out to be a clone who drops a smokescreen device he counters inogen's attack but she could have pins him down church returns to a normal way to attack but she spots tomorrow afraid to short true self she slims back down weakening her strike letting the attack get away the producer is worried that because one of the actresses got injured production will be delayed tomorrow suggests chocha take over the role churchill gets excited when she learns to be in a kissing scene in her excitement about the kiss scene chocho briefly loses control of her jutsu returning her to her true form for a moment sarda is impressed at chocho when she's done with her hair and makeup chocho wants to deliver tamara the perfect kiss in their scene at the set inogen and chica i know church was nervous and tamara tells it to be herself as they record the scene energy quietly comments it doesn't look like true love which the director agrees with decides to cut the scene meanwhile konjumara moaegi investigate the scene in the first attack and find footprints sarda suggests sheena they should postpone protection but she refuses between texas sheena makes suggestions for how to march delivers lions and revealed to the episode the shooting will be the last plural and sort of comment in the strange atmosphere in the studio churchill gets flushed when tomorrow likes food they're eating based on the escape route they found konohamaru and moagie determined the attacker either studied the studio very carefully to find the least guarded routes or they were given inside information tomorrow's fans break through the studio gate so churchill takes him away will she get an engine hold the fans off jojo hides it tomorrow locker and they almost kiss before sarah finds them starter questions chocho's focused on the mission tomorrow asked chocho for the ring he gave her and asked her to receive with him they almost kiss again but her interrupted when mitsuki comes asking for a dress for ashina upsetting chocho and after she attacks him ashina asks why tocho is wearing her dress tamara takes a shirt aside to explain the situation when they criticize each other based on how different they are from their characters churchill continues attacking mitsuki and she has to stop her with the shadow in her frustration chocho reverts to her usual weight ripping sheena's dress tends to come for it ashina and tomorrow don't recognize chocho and tomorrow is rooted chocho based in away sarah tries to steal tomorrow off but jojo stops her sarah to later apologize to ashina for causing trouble but she's still upset and ryan started the production is very important to her the umakarai assailant contacts someone from the studio the radio confirming tomorrow in ashina's position as shooting continues churchill would still hear about tomorrow's words and discusses herself images sarda tomorrow and the director looked through photos of ashina's potential successors ashina refuses to have her men to dress back when jojo offers it to her on the set ashina wants her character to have a meaningful death scene but tomorrow the director dismisses suggestions ashina orders charge you to get us more water the amiga assailant drops a flash bomb and kidnaps tomorrow konohamaru chases him but is stalled by one of his shadow clones the assailant escapes through a route jojo should have been covering but wasn't because of machine's demand shige and borah to find it strange the assailant mentioned a ransom when he previously issued a death threat kononomaru goes to report to the kage the ransom note for the protection specifies that sheena is to deliver the money chocho offers to disguise herself as a sheena with the transformation technique but ashina refuses determined to help save her co-star the shinobi agreed to it on the condition that sheena followed mueg's instructions with the guinea cover the press discovers the kidnapping but ashina handles them impressing the crew of the dedication of deduction the other gang tried to convince chocho to return to her normal weight arguing that she needs to be at full power for its ahead but she angrily refuses ashina takes the money through the exchange location the getting watcher and minsky makes a potato chip analogy for chocho the kidnapper arrives with tamaru ashina comments on the irony of her saving in which she's supposed to die in the production the kidnapper releases tomorrow who is sheena and starks to leave the kidnapper offers the sheena the money who tells him it would be suspicious ashina said she'll be in the spotlight again and the kidnapper takes off his mask revealing himself as konohamaru who explains her partner has been captured he was forced to put on the ruse because her partner wouldn't reveal who was working with them ashina was frustrated with tomorrow monopolizing the production because of his good looks when she thinks he can't act sheena plans to kill herself explosive tags but konohamaru knocks him off her hand causing him to go off against rock slides tomorrow falls and hurts his back and the genie protect the crew thinking about misskey's potato chip like sure chocho exposes her chubby self to borrow and she protects him from following rocks ashina is arrested and tamara becomes attracted to chocho she offers him chips but refuses his ring saying that she wants to remain free and that he'll have plenty of other rivals to fight over her jojo gives mitski bag of chips who later eats them with rochimaru miski tells him to disregard his earlier question about being his father or mother chocho eats their parents sweeker kananji informs team five the next mission transplanting a plate that's considered a national treasure medley is uncharacteristically confident which he attributes to an anti-anxiety necklace he's wearing not long after receiving the plate t5 breaks it resulting in a failed mission team 7 says the necklace doesn't work at all and asks see where he got it they're incredulous when lee says he bought it online for upcoming training during which he can't get nervous later rocklead demonstrates the power of the first of the eighth gates to his son and explains the concept and consequences of using it when he asks middle about the necklace metal answers him and he postpones the training elsewhere metal wonders about his father's words and is approached by my guy metal explains his situation and guy invites me tag along with him for the day metal takes guy to his speaking session on the academy on the way metal carries guy in his wheelchair up several sets of stairs and gets nervous another see him he wonders if he should get another necklace at the academy you'll be as excited to hear guys speak denki is interested because his own lack of skill tajutsu guy speaks to the students about using taijusu during the war but forgets the names of this pot he speaks about having no regrets and facing the truth instead of worrying about it he offers to demonstrate his taijutsu and picks eob medal to participate in a sparring match where he quickly defeats them both later metal is depressed because he can't even deal with his anxiety when guy was able to fight one leg guy tells him to think about what he learned that day metal practices at night still relying on the necklace rockefeller watches from afar and talks about it with guy the next day team 5 is another mission where they fail to capture a thief because lee now with three necklaces made too much noise rock lee challenges his son to a match and invites people to watch saying that if you can't face that he has no chance of learning the 8 gates guy questions medal about his anxiety finding that to be his true self the next day metal shows up to the challenge removes his necklaces having learned from a guy to accept that he's anxious metal fights and despite receiving several hits and being nervous for having an audience he continues fighting as his nervousness increases metals movements become more erratic making them harder for rocky to read metal opens to first skate unconsciously surprising his father and lands a hit on him meeting the victory condition roxette guy declares metal the winner and they explain the medal that he managed to open the first gate team five meets with team seven when they receive another mission they ask about the necklace and lee owns up to his anxiety they're tasked with transporting a valuable phase however when suica warns men a lot to break it he begins to feel nervous and his friends try to stop her breaking the vase mitsuki's disappearance arc miski wakes up after dreaming of when logan and orochimaru both tried to swim to join either one of them surprising a dream at the lightning burger miski tells his friends about having his first dream wondering what to eat borto was surprised he's never had a dream and chocho complains about him taking too much time to place in order when borito asks and he confesses he never felt like rebelling against his parent they're joined by shigeru anita jin who has a chick on his shoulder they explained it from an egg that hatched the day before when they were filling a mission in a poultry farm and got attached to him when sardone boards were explained and printed on him minsky mentally compares it to first seeing boruto after not deciding to choose either lager orochimaru starter reminds our team they have security duty for the five gage summit at the summit due to the topic being the otooki clan they also invited the previous congee kakashi mae and a dart we noticed onoki's absence who kurozuchi says he came with her but gave her the slip they surmised his sightseeing while keeping watch barton was born and asked mosquito to tell him something interesting mitsuki instead asks whoever felt like his thoughts were on his own he wonders if his attachment to his friend is like the chick that imprisoned ninojin like a genjutsu they can't break or dismisses the concern saying that on chickens and mitsuki asks if he has any fun stories borth tells them about a question his father gave him this all the day before about the hardest rock in the world they noticed some shinobi by the location mitsuki goes ask what's happening sarah tells border he should be more mindful of mitsuki's troubles or he'll stop liking him borrow answers to their good friends and then it'll never happen mitsuki informs them the shinobi looking for enoki exciting borto who is sure that as uchika he's bound to know the answer to the question as the example is drawing one okay passes by taking it and commenting that doesn't look like him onoki knows who bartow and sarah are but not mitsuki they tell me he needs to go back to the summit but he doesn't want to attend a boring meeting he mock threatens him with dust release but throws at his back boruto asks him about the hardest rock and once he says he'll tell him if instead of taking him back to the summit he shows him around the village board would miss agree to it sarah questions it but i know he tells the summit would be boring at the summit they discussed the missing otashiki and naruto says sasuke is left to investigate kurotsuchi is exasperated by everyone's easygoing attitude in the village when a construct beam is about to fall on a civilian and only protects his billion with his dust release impressing the ghenin but passes out from the effort when he wakes up he mistakes boards over someone called kosuchi when asked about it he explains close to you was his grandchild who died at a young age as promised onoki explains what the hardest rock sings the unbreakable will of shinobi when boruto and sarah to begin bickering oh no he asks mixed q about his will who finds it complicated and unsure onoki says if he keeps going at it it must be the truth boruto asks and okay not to let naruto know he told them the answer but only reveals that he asked naruto the question who just asked boruto without actually knowing the answer onoki tells him to visit them if they ever go to the land of earth and wants more dominance before going back to the summit after dropping off on oki boruto thinks it was a trick question but minsky found the answer satisfying arriving home mitsuki becomes alert when he notices someone has been there and sees a letter from him which he burns the next day two shinobi on guard duty at the village's gate or attack the landing release uh and sao are attacked by foreign gates at night in the morning side checks and on the police investigation finds a kona forward protector at the site starter notices whiskey is late and don't bore with tony says he's probably still home they decide to go mosquito missions to be cancelled in person when they arrive they find a store open and they enter his empty apartment fourth vines depressing and two consider how mitsuki never spoke his parents at home village they see a portrait of bortow by his bed bored to ask that they're getting if they see mitsuki energy thinks boruto wouldn't know where to find him chuchu says all the joney had been summoned by the hokage even when most missions were cancelled that day borton started informed coat homer that mitsuki is missing and notice he's hiding something when he brushes them off borto and sardi eavesdrop on a high-level meeting where they speculate who might be behind the attack on the guards and why tsunade arrives having heard of the attack sai his kona hamara confirmed the forehead protector he found his miss keys they considering his ki might have been the target while tsunadi is unorganized he is because of the situation they also call in a homura in koharu inoue checks the guy's memories the attack and sees mickey leaving with the assailants on his own bordeaux and sarah don't know what to make of it konohamaru considers miski might have an ulterior motive and suggests contacting whiskey's guardian naruto reveals to those who don't know the mosquito chimera's son sonata is angry and the advisers consider mitsuki to be as dangerous as rochimaru naruto says he's accepted besquija shinobi and shigekumar adds that rochimar's research will be important when finding the otsuksuki porto and sarah discussed his loyalty and how there's so much they don't know about him sarda says that as a shinobi they must consider every possibility bortho wonders if the hokage started wants to be just as amazing skills he then admonishes her for not giving biscuit the benefit of the doubt before leaving she could i informed sports of the villages under increased security alert that a tracking team is being assembled to look for minsky and warren's sport to not do anything stupid near the attack side bortha finds one of mitsuki's snakes being attacked by a remnant of the attackers forth to defeat the remnant and the snake releases a recorded message to board so that his miski's will at night borrow prepares to leave to find mitsuki and confirm his message despite the danger starter joins him and wants to take the snake total tomorrow to get more information about it while on the way to rochimar's lab sarah warns board so that it's guarded by joni and so they have to be careful not to get caught yamatoen forms archimara of mitsuki's escape and tells rochemore to inform mitsumi's contact at konoha the leadership discusses the merits of naruto's decision to allow mickey into the village to proceed oon informs that borton and sarah have gone missing as shigeru is likely no habara to will act shikumar considers having his team go after them konohamaru asks to go as the missing getting there's responsibility he's conflicted about mitsuki and aston has scenarios why he placed him on the team naruto wanted konami to get nominated without the possible bias moving his orochimaru's son getting in the way but regrets the queen hamar had to fight out like this shikamaru doesn't allow him to go innogen and chocho wonder how borto and sarah came to go after misky shigetai is more concerned with the village turning on them moyugi arrives and they depart to retrieve boards one startup sarda disguises himself as mitsuki and draws the jojonin away from rochimar's layer allowing board to slip in unnoticed while looking for rojimaro board to finds a tank with a mitsuki clone growing in it spokes who finds him and richmond introduces himself to boruto urjumar explains the board that all he missed kr's experiments he isn't worried about mitsuki's disappearance as if anyone discovers miski's aesthetic as his experiment a curse stealing him will activate self-destructing mitsuki so the secrets of his research will remain safe porto is disconcerted about what rochimaru is actually worried about the joni traps sarda in a barrier but kareem rescues her tells her to laboratories waiting for her and transforms into mexico to draw the joining away border hands around tomorrow the snake mesquile up behind and release the message you gave him sarah meets up with boruto who asked her if she knew about mitsuki having made it to that lab before and shows the mickey clones original discussions with log korean reveals her roots to yamato and escapes original forms again the snake had no other messages distressing borrow to who fixates on misuki orochimaru explains it was mitsuki's decision to go to konoha and asks him what he'll do if it's also his decision to leave it portugal and star to discuss how they treated mitsuki boards are confirmed to richimar who still trusts miski so orochimaru instructs him to take the snake to the white snake sage at ryu jk if they can learn from the mistakes on thoughts yamato returns to rochimar's lab asking him why he's in korean orichimar denies it but also denies that boruto and sardo were there when yamato asks team oyegi intercepts boruto and sarda vorton start a question to even as presents they explain them instead to bring bortho and start it back to the village or else they'll be considered missing then they try arguing with the two but are unable to convince him to return so they attack despite not fighting to kill team 10 manages to pressure the two innogen tries stealing poor until choco holds starter in place boruto destroys energy ceiling stroll they banishing resengan and starter freezes off the flash bomb though they escape she could have confident he's discerned the pattern of their actions in konoha tomorrow takes lunch to chicago at work and questions why team 10 was assigned to retrieve boards on sarda shikumar says shiganai has learned from the aku gang incident so he'll act even if they're his friends while inujin is aerial reconnaissance moigi shikidai and chocho de kazmiski and how borto and sarda going after and reflects on everyone else she could eye ponders white sardar who's so level headed would also go after mitsuki hedogen reports that there are two sets of borton sarda they split up and go after both sets moyagi defeats the decoys and the getting catch up to them having flown with the enemies drawn beasts shigura is able to predict their strategy and three roofs that enojin is able to pin down bortow and sarda she could i notice misskey stink with them shigemaru elaborates through mario that he thinks that there's more to mesquiz's appearance than that boruto and sarah may have found a clue so he's counting on shiite to discover what it is and to make a decision based on it learning the contents of mitsuki's message and the circumstances of his discovery shigerai decides to join boruto and sarda to everyone else's surprise on the way to the ganym's attacked by an unknown assailant fights back she could not explain to all the inconsistencies of mitsuki's departure add up despite still not being convinced misky's innocent he agrees that the best way to learn the truth is from his key himself churchill decides to join in so moigee doesn't yell at her for failing to stop him well inogen does so so he won't be the only one left behind the assailant counters moyugi's water released with the very same jutsu and falls back leading her to realize that it was just selling for time muay gets exasperated when she finds apology for morgenin borto and sarda explain to the others where they're going and why moigee's assailant swigetsu watches it again and go forward wondering about our chuma's intent by nightfall they start approaching ryuchi cave on their way to ryujik of choi to an enemy complaint about hungry distance boards or reiterates they need to have the white snake sage analyze the stigmas he left them sorrow to explain some more of jamar told them about the ruichi cave she knows his footprints in the ground discerning that they're theirs realized they've been going in circles boruto says they have to keep going they're watched by three ornately just women who upon noting they're not simply lost decide to check them out the gunning arrived at a richly decorated gate to ryuji cave fighting it not to be what they expected and are greeted by a hostess the hostess introduces herself as to gotoheme who welcomes them to relax bortho asks about the white snake sage and tagorihime says he's in a temple and can arrange for bordeaux to meet him you know jin and chocho begin to eat despite board his warnings about what kind of place ryujike is supposed to be though not as eager sardone and chicago except together he makes hospitality reports to remain suspicious when takara he mentions mitsuki board to notice they didn't mention his name to her and alerts the others the guy he makes face destroys that of a snake and says they should have just eaten the food the facade of their location dissolves to go to hime laments missing out on eating the chakra of the children and a voice in the fog speaks to her reminding her that they didn't fail the task to weed out those searching for uruguay cave the goatee may retreat into the fog telling them not to assume they'll survive until the end they ventured deeper into the fog towards the source the light they get separated in the fog and boards and falls another figure into the cave a door closes behind him and he notices the door has grooves where stone bits in the room fit ichiki kikushima he might congratulates him always disappearing on board to look at her repairing elsewhere she explains that he'll only be able to leave he fills out all the spaces in the boulder revealing your snake face ichikichimahima explains she does like fresh tracker and prefers faint weak trackers she can drink bored to takes his time filling the wall but there's one groove none of the suns fit into borton doesn't want to waste time here so you can search for minsky ichikashimohima asks support who was there to acquire the sage's power and he says he's only there to find mitsuki both the bricks done by accident and thinks to break other stones to make them fit in the last groove aboard the pass of the triangle is bitten by another snake woman digital who said she'll test his heart boards up against the aviations of his friends berating for being inconsiderate of others and endangering them ortho is resolute and finding mitzki and passes the trial takitsuhime says he's earned the right to meet the white snake sage and that his friends are up ahead he finds them unconscious but unharmed and wakes them up they meet up with a white snake stage and explain richmond point to them in the direction the stage comments on how rochimar has changed the stage follows up explaining the trials he went through for learning sanjutsu and bore to reiterate his goal something that sage is uninterested to help him with however the sage agrees to help in the condition of dealing with garaga a giant snake that has been troubling the stage by bringing her garaga's reverse scale the group leaves fine garaga and takitsuhime asked the sage of his wives to make that promise but the sage doubts they'll survive facing at all on the way to garaga's next the ghanaian explained to chocho whatever her scale is sarah thinks back to the lesson of the summoning technique in the academy they find very large snake tracks in the ground and fall out to an open area that has seen damage the getting recalled the snake's explanation of garaga and going into frenzies and having lost an eye in the battle they get startled when coming across some snake statues and find garaga who attacks them shige tries paralyzing him but gang is too big for him breaks through his jutsu borthos box garaga's reverse scale but garaga moves before he can attack sarah has thrown a side by dagger's movement is almost eaten but another take intervenes biting garaga giving the getting a chance to escape at konoha moae arrives alone for her report and gives shigemaru the shogi piece left behind by shigerai which confirms the suspicions that something is a mismake's departure oh his condition is stabilizing so sakura has yorito deliver naruto report so now that i discussed the situation when arton shikomaru when yurito delivers the report sarta thinks the blue snake was trying to protect her the blue snake finds him and introduces himself as auda a summoning snake who has pledged loyalty to sasuke has a fit over out his interference again and explained the situation out of shigetai notices out at every reverse scale and asks if garga is the only one who does out explains most violent snakes have them and they become milder once their reverse skills removed aoda wants to escort them back to konoha but start and say something task shige speculates and who would have knowledge to target minsky teams 5 and 15 worry about boards and the others yorito steals something from a room where ooh is recovering hinata and sakura meet on the office's entrance where he did not apologize for board to get started with him but sakura says sarah is responsible for her own decisions shigerai has devised a plan involving boruto choco and oda and in large chocho challenges gotta go creating a distraction for energy to cover his reigning eye with ink shigeru eye pins gotta go with the shadow aided by auto and chocho to hold my place borto and star to try to get the reverse scale but gargame managed to dodge them and his chocho with a venom that petrifies her auto protects the genie from godiga's attacks i would ask sarah to leave abortion wasn't willing to back down and lindsey wouldn't release on garga gotta get leaves when he learns they want his reverse scale shigeru asks out about garga's retreat and outta explains gotta move to his feeding ground where he's the advantage outta is exhausted and injured and cautions them not to touch gadget's river's scale which turns those who touched into stone in konohaka kure sakura leaves the room where uh recovering and yorito tries to inject him with something before he can oh it was real to be a transformer moegi joined by sakura they wonder why yorito would turn traitor he drops the syringe and escapes when the poison during the gas yurito comes across team five tries to direct them to the medical union but udon knows that's where yurito is supposed to be stationed exposing him yurito takes denki hostage but danke frees him with a flash bomb medley and eob attack udon suspects something as a miss and confirms it when he breaks up the ganju to on yorito before ooran can question him a centipede like creature crossed up under youtube's body and detonates sekiye informs kira her genji who is broken and then is trapped took care of it kira leaves to make his report kokuyo wants everyone to stand scheduled with the plan sekya continues misskey the getting of trouble seeing garuga's attacks because he camouflages himself in his feeding ground which is also dark enojin tries scouting it with one of his drawings but his attacking retreats he saved boards off from another attack who thanks for his quick drawing unigine points out he didn't draw that fast but used the drawing he was riding when he was attacked which gotta get in destroy it this gives shikida an idea of how to counter garga shigerei deduces garga is tracking them through heat which endogen's drawings don't emit using shadow clones to throw gotta get off boruto was able to land a vanishing resengang and gotta get rid of her scale and giving the others an opportunity to use explosive tags to collapse the ceiling on top of them gotta get emergencies from the rubble so shigetai tries holding him with the shadow while boruto propels himself to get the scale gotta go opens his blind eye porthole enters gotta get his mind and learns how garga lost his eye when he acted as a summoning snake from shinobi his summoner wanted to retreat during a battle but he wanted to keep fighting so his summoner used lightning release against him causing him his eye bortow explains why they need to scale in the two argument betrayal gotta go wanting to see how mitsuki's betrayal will lead to borges death burton decides not to say gotta get skilled by force but decides to enter a summoning contract with him so he'll be able to see if borth to fail spring makes you back gotta get agrees adding that he'll eat board so if he fails they return to the white snake stage chocho restored and when she asks him about the scale borto summons garga the white snake sage reveals her true form and shows that mizki snake's thoughts mitsuki had these snakes stop the hearts of the guards to give it to these sounds they were dead they told him he could find answers to his questions if he went with him to the land of earth borton was glad misky saved the guard but she could have points out he's still one with the enemy as the ghanian leave the cave at the land of earth the white snake stage mauls over borders strange and inescapable destiny the gang leave the foggy limits of the cave chocho feels tired and claims to have spotty memory and what happened borto is relieved that mesquite is a traitor naruto and chickamar visit uh the medical unit where sakura says he can't speak for long oh tells him that the assailants were iwagakari shinobi who asked admits he wanted to go with him to the land of earth and that one of them was puppet-like shige is still open to the possibility of mesquite's a traitor borton points out minsky wants to hear the answer they spoke about shigeru wants chocho and imogen to return to kona hakokura to alert them of the discoveries yorito is alive but in critical condition shigamura blames himself for not noticing it sooner saiyan forms are telling shikomar that the jutsu that injured yorito was explosive clay koko osekiya and mitsuki approached the border of the line of earth sekiye points out that once miseki enters the land of earth he'll have betrayed kona kokurei and asks what portrayal feels like iwagakade kirara discusses the situation with kako who says cool will pass judgment who says they still have time and he and the doctor entered the area with several of the popular creatures on the way back to an image and find paralyzed joni in kokuyo kills one of the puppet like creatures struggling to keep up with them sekieh explains the miskey that their akuta created with kinjutsu baku so they can't live long like humans kokuyo tells sekia to stop telling biscuit things sakia is taking a like nabiski shikurai borto and sardar are catching up with them mirai tells konohama she has learned about misskey being her tomorrow's son but konami assures her he doesn't hate mizuki naruto calls kurozuchi informs her the situation and requests permission for his tracker to enter iwagakare he tells reporto and sarda are tracking the assailants kurozuchi denies permission for trackers and to iwo gakurei at least until she's conducted her own investigation make sure the targets are indeed iwagaakarishinobi konohashinobi are attacked by akuta board those grouper raps that they destroyed akuta which border recognizes kokuyo detected being pursued and instructs seki to go on and had mitsuki while he and the remaining akuta deal with pursuers kokyo deals with several kona hot trackers the battle catching the attention of barto's group they rap to see kokyo victorious and asks if they're also trackers goku introduces himself to boruto sarah and shigeru who noticed he defeated several shinobi despite the danger he poses the genie wanted to defeat him to get to mitsuki kokuyo and his akuta attacks brighter than getting with their speed force to use his shadow clones to shock koko from sheikah's jutsu but he dodges it regardless he uses his tonfa as a ranged weapon to finish off bortha's remaining clone sarah blocks the akuta's attack on her and kokyo claims his powers don't come from jutsu which he can't use but from pure strength bordeaux manages to dodge koku's attack and uses wood release to throw in the air started throwing the aqua to at him kokio knocks the akuto's side which he could have pins down upon landing allowing both her to destroy with her second gun cole hew attacks sarah to faster than she can react to the sharing gun and use this topper to cause a rock slide before kolkey can attack sourdough again chocho arrives to hit on him and then tosses a large rock on top of him joined by inogen they explained they turned back when they found defeated konohashinobi shikai tells porto and started to go on ahead while he chocho inogen deal kokuyo sekiye noticed koko is taking time to catch up and simply states he's strong when mitsuki asks if he trusts goku a couple aku to manifest from the ground and update seki in the situation sekia doesn't allow misky to stay with them and has the akka to guard him while he goes deal borth with sarda the two narrowly avoid an explosive butterfly from sekya who asked him how they got past kokyo sarda notices that he needs chakra into the clay to make it explode and seki explains the explosive play with the jutsu implanted on him board to summons gargano much to seki is excitement gotta go doesn't attack instead throwing bortow off and refusing to help him kokyo exhaust chocho so shigetai gives inogen an opportunity to try sealing him the getting retreat when koko breaks to the seal and when considering they're weak but wise wonders if that's a human strength gotta get laughed at board two as he struggles against sekiye when borrowed to tell seki he had misgear friends he asked sports hope that's something bored to decide it arbitrarily board to confirms this but decides that that's one more reason to reach mitsuki to get to really know him gotta tell his board so that if agrees becomes underlying he might help sucky attacks boring toba garga protects him anger that boards are told to leave gottage rampages attack sekieh which suddenly feels ill reporter used the opportunity to strike but his attack is blocking mitsuki mitsuki checks on sekya and reiterates to boruto and started his decision to go with iww boruto offers misskey's her protector back and mitzki attacks him gotta get scoffs at boruto kokio haven't seen anything declares missy to be trustworthy deciding that bortho isn't worth killing in his current state he and mitsuki leave with sekiye borta calls it to mitsuba passes out womenski leaves gonna high meets with sekiye kokyo and kirara biski asks with the akkad to with him and if beating the creator would answer his question but once will and koku explains their providence uh and sao find them out and minsky attacks them so the others won't kill him faking their deaths leave mine at snake with a message for boruto in the present mitsuki coaches security and human mannerisms will on their way to the land of earth sakia's body begins to break down so kokia leaves to get help leaving mitsuki to look after sakia kurosuchi visits the grandfather who's under akitsuchi's care konsuchi asks her ounoki is but kurosuchi says his known condition to answer the questions she wants to ask while discussing who should investigate the matter in order to wonder about kurozu's group is attacked by ku and kakao who demands she stepped down for position is chicago as she attacks him kurotuchi seemingly recognizes his coup and is shocked as sekius health deteriorates misty gives him flowers to cheer him up miseki explains eating and brushing one's teeth the sekiah and the two end up talking about the creators orochimaru and ku they also discussed death wondering what it would take for misky to cry seki ambushes mitsuki putting an explosive centipede on his neck and questions him about faking the death of the konoha shinobi and the snake he left behind mitsuki explains it was a message telling boards where he left by his own volition and not to look for him seki asked more about boruto who still believed mischie was his friend and how mitsuki feels about him mitsuki explains how borton was a son how close friends share secrets and he's unsure whether his feeling is genuine or created by somebody else miski help sekia and koko returns to kakao and kirata who injects sekia with something that stabilizes him they find it suspicious that sekia's health failed around mitsuki and want to knock him unconscious before continuing whiskey says he agreed to go with them but not being captured sakia wakes up and vouches for miski comparing his loneliest teenagers and secretly telling biscuits they share a secret not making them close friends in iwagaka akuratsuchi is being held captive cool creates more akuta if you can hard ghani and look over and unconscious boruto starter watches in disbelief as misky attacks boruto board to lose his consciousness and dreams team seven sarah updates what happened while in june and chocho look around for enemies concerned about the enemy's strength one of the defeated akuta managed to reform itself sarda thinks that she returned to kona despite the punishment for leaving so they can report what they know however she could want to continue the land of earth because the situation from the occupant believes what they're in the peace the reformed akka that takes a liking to inogen so shigerai thinks he's joined them for the moment as it's evidence of what has been happening and it's not being aggressive towards them since it likes innogen he's picked to keep an eye on the akita borato continues to dream of his friends but gotta get intrudes on it to remind him of the agreement between them regarding mitsuki gotta get chases boruto who's taken away mitsuki idiot tries bonding with the akuts out drawing birds for it to chase but it has to intervene when it tries docking a rabbit in his dream border feels the pain romitaki attacked him with mischief's words encouraging him to keep running away and make him realize he's streaming in his dream garga berates bortow for clinging to his friends and running away from betrayal without learning anything boreta realizes something thanking go for making him realize it and wakes up shigera asks for his opinion on the next step forward to someone to go up to mitsuki board the plans of asking onoki for help recalling his invitation to visit him if he's ever in the light of earth they continue on their way to the end of earth beginning to decide enojin should stay behind because taking the octo with him would attract too much attention if anything happens to the others energiness returned to konohako korea with the akita's evidence they hope onoki can help him find out more about the ones miski left with naruto sai and shikamaru discussed sending men to iwo gakurei since they can no longer contact kurozuchi despite the risk of an ending conflict konohamaru arrives and requests to be signed to the mission even after afternoon archer stresses the diplomatic implications konohamaru disguised himself as an unbound departs borg though sorry shigeru and chocho noticed no extra security on the main entrance but decided to follow the water mains on the sides in the cave where they were left ionogen makes a grave for a dead animal that the ayaka defines from the normal appearance of things in iwakani shiite surprises that koko is no ordinary obi and is likely affiliated with a clandestine group with no formal ties to iwagakude while discussing the next step chocho stomach growls loudly dragon attention from the crowd including akatsuchi they draw the attention of a diner owner and they get into isa will stop drank attention their knowledge of anoki impresses the diner owner and they get him to tell them where in oaky lives akitsuchi follows him from a distance idojin has the akka to pick a new name for itself and he picks akun the ganon arrived at onoki's residence and are met by akatsuchi who informs them the hokage told them they show up and that kurotsuchi has disappeared while the cover story was released he doesn't know he's probably in the old part of iwakure they'll be happy to see somebody invited akutsu takes him to seonoki who is happy to see them but denies being able to help them after he leaves the ganny nakatsuchi attacked by a group of akuta who arrives and addresses their nokia's father and superior telling them that the test subject is ready shocking everyone bortho asks for an explanation but he gives an on board begins to walk towards and makuu immobilizes him the ghanian are surprised by the chain of events onoki apologizes and tells akasu to stay out of it unokie claims for the sake of peace naruto calls kodatsuchi's office and konsuchi picks up informing him that she's still in return and it might be a while before she does and that there are no new developments that require immediate attention konsoch is being controlled by kirara through genjutsu naruto and shigemaru suspects makes up and hopefully from homaru on his way to iwakataka konohamaru finds paralyzed konohashinobi akutsu demands explanations for noki onoki orders kuda to release boruto who asks what he meant by for the sake of peace oh onoki claims to prevent the repeating of a tragedy five years prior iwagaki was attacked by rogue ninja and many young shinobi lost their lives he points out konoha was also recently attacked by the otsotsuki he wants there to be someone to fight these threats instead of risking the lives of the youth and that mitsuki will help him with that sekia beats mitsuki telling me a stigma coup he shows biscuit to his room and shows him how the akita were created mitsuki noticed that there are many and sekia explains that they'll soon have more occurred than their snowbee and uga couldn't break young lives whiskey asks if they died in their place kokuyo and coco arrive and are disbelieved to secure whiskey around sakie takes mitsuki to see his room and kako volunteers to enmity already while kokia wants to wait further orders onoki says mitsuki will help him with the final stage of their plans but shigeru points out that if it gets out that he'd be harming shinobi the hokage will take action onoki says he planned to do everything in secret and has no intention of hurting them bortow begins fighting coo who has the akuta attack as well they discover their masks their weak spot when one of them collapses and starter destroys it coup imprisons borato with an earth barrier which akatsuchi breaks with earth golem coup destroys akitsuchi's golem with dust release the genie wants to retreat to the rendezvous point coup exchanges blows akitsuchi sending him flying towards a pillar which collapses on top of anoki's vehicle borough saves an okie one of the akita men's kept shikidai koko and kako hurry past seki and mitsuki who find it suspicious mitsuki asks about the drawings in sekki's room seki explains that his and then his master created them to protect the people he cherishes sekie wants to create friendships worth protecting so we can get stronger he asks mitsuki for confirmation that humans grow stronger when they have someone to protect mitsuki is surprised by the question but confirms it secuye shows him a drawing of them shigerai is imprisoned in a cell next to kurozuchi she recognizes mashigumar's son and asks what he's doing there she could have begins explaining a doctor arrives from miski's examination it reveals the joint jutsu that would destroy mitsuki to prevent information about rochimar's experiments being discovered kudos explained to sheikha it all started when she rejected one of noki's proposals in the wake of the attack five years prior onoki created a prototype akka to protect the village but it misbehaved and attacked them kurosuchi about their development as the villagers agreed to stand by each other in emergencies and the occupational development would jeopardize that when okay continued his akita development secret as well as the artificial humans kurozuchi and shikidai plan to break out ku groves impatient with the occupant being unable to find anoki the genie moved through iwagakay at night avoiding the aquita boruto moves around at night with an oaky taking care to avoid the other akita but triggers barrier tags onokiki wakes up then exporting wonder why board to save them board to press them for the explanation of his plans enoki insists for the sake of peace that young shinobi are now weak and unreliable bortho decides to leave him but onoki informs him there in these signs of plains which is surrounded by a powerful barrier that makes it difficult to leave once they're inside onoki explains the planes are a shinobi training ground where one can only leave if they find their heart stone a simple pebble that requires one to train intensely to find portrait tries using shadow clothes to find it but the barrier prevents them fusing jutsu and onoki explains no one else comes to the planes anymore so they're unlikely to be found by third parties kokuyo and kako report the coup that they have yet to find onoki ku wants him to deploy more akita for the search confident that kirata will be able to keep the villagers from known as their presence and dismiss kaka's suggestion to eliminate witnesses as that would go against noki's plan kirada shows bits to your belongings kako passes on ku's orders and seki explains to mitsuki konohashino became looking for him but coo chased him away mitsuki wants to meet with ku inogen try is teaching aku in the names of his teammates sarta and chocho arrive telling him there are many awkwards around and are concerned when leaving that borough to when shira haven't arrived onoki gives boruto food and water is thanks for saving him and the two continue to forge for sustenance onogi wants boruto to admit that book learning during times of peace and plenty have made yangshino be weaker and borito asks if he truly believes they're better off during times of war anoki stresses that his point is about the value of experience and training pointing out the presence of powerful enemies like the odzotsuki board to once himself fought onoki explains this is why he created koo and others ku in particularly made for his own cells he invited bitski to ibugakray because he was made with similar technology and could help him further develop synthetic humans to fight instead of racing young lives mitsuki beats koo who wants to analyze mizuki to learn more about how he's created mitsuki points out the june jutsu in his heart but coo explains that it's an old june juice that didn't get around over time mitsuki asks who about the will of the synthetic individuals like themselves and ku advises him to ask who created him the two continue to discuss the nature of will the other synthetic humans discuss the human condition but koko and kirara begin to break down in the sun two planes borto and onoki prepare for another night bertha was frustrated with being stuck in the sense of planes while anoki reiterates that he can only leave defense's hearthstone which no he finds unlikely isn't support will enter the planes by accident instead of with the intent of train boards was frustrated being stuck in the sense who while plays he reiterates they can only leave finds his heart stone which no he finds out likely to support to enter the planes by accident instead of with the internet train while walking through the planes borges sums across seki and iwaka kade genning who failed out early in the last student exams oh no he asks what he's doing there inside he's pleased to be looking for his heart stone saki asquiports is doing there with the nokia before he can explain roki's machinations he assumes okay to something heroic onoki later asked for why he didn't tell attacking the truth about him importance has been no use onokiki tells seki boruto will help him find his heartstone and telling borth to under his breath that he finds that they'll be able to believe waseki zakiyah thanks misky for coming with the two of them watch over kiranakako the doctor was the clue that the june jude's women's heart is making analysis difficult and that to make use of the technology behind it they need human hearts for each of the synaptic humans coupons what to do is an okie wouldn't improve sacrificing humans for them akatushi leaves ugakalee to inform an article about what's happened but struggles against pursuing akuta kong hamara saves him for the help secular look for his heart stone the two end up discussing and seki attacks board through this technique that doesn't require chakra board to dodges easily but later notices the damage caused the rocks he hit when noki's back gives out seki gives him a back rub like he used to for his grandmother something that planes watches the three konohama determines the area most heavily guarded with the akuta the doctor prepares she died for procedure but escapes using his shadow to stop him from inhaling knockout gas security informs cool that kirana's genji who's failing konohamaru infiltrates iwagakurei when seki's resolve begins to falter onoki passes onwards the first fujiaki said to him porto and seki get more water and are attacked by a giant wolf boruto and seki uses technique and propels him to generally hit the wolf the stone he was holding during the tactics out of his heart stone his side looking like his grandmother his stone glows along with the others in the ground pointing the way out of the planes sac here aboard the coup that konsuchi is regaining consciousness and ku decides to take control of the bugakure onono stands by splenda boruto and says he is more to show him cool looks at his hand which he's beginning to crack down porto asks someone who is taking him in case it's a place that like i understand the motivation about his plan the arrival location and okay explains that this is where his grandson because she died konsuchi is informed would transpire when he was undergoing jutsu and moves certified the other villages baku and the other synthetic humans have already taken control of garcia who is disappointed by iwo gakuli's situation under guru tucci and leaves the akita under cookie's command koko informs mashikara's escape but coup is more considered to finding on oki onoki explains how after the fourth champion of world war the villages suffered a massive loss of life but you got a managed rebuild kosochi was excited to become again and wanted onoki to live long and see him because chicago onoki told him one who is uchikage must never run away and face every adversity one day when some shinobi tried to steal village secrets kosher tried to stop them and was fatally injured when kuroduchi explained cause she tried to stop them himself and reinforcements arrived he realized his words were the cause of that attitude and blamed himself for his death wanting to actualize kozuchi's will own he developed the akuta to fight instead of herself in the livestream shinobi one day onoki was approached by a doctor who shared his opinion and made his cover that was a breakthrough for his plan they created coup and the other fabrications lead the yakita onoki explained it never intended they'd be fighting and will release the kong gang after his plans completed portha asked him what the sample was and the doctor showed him unokie reveals it was a wedzetsu borto was incredulous that anoki risked using something so dangerous and i know he agrees there's much they don't know and that's why they needed mickey to stabilize them onoki assures him that misky will be free to do as he pleases after they stabilize the synthetic humans who is taking control of your gakula and imprisoned those who tread interfere five of the capture shinobi are to be used as sources for hearts for them if onokia approves board to understands anuki's benevolent intentions but points out that when we fought the synthetic humans that they had personalities and wonders if they're really different from humans no nokia is confident that what borthos sees as well as the fabrications that merely functions borto asks if he truly believes that pointing out how strongly onoki's belief in will is recalling the conversation okay he's taking it back but assures him he doesn't know about the fabrications sports encounters that he knows mitsuki and saw they interacted and knows mitsuki as i will point to onoki has no real proof the fabrications lack a will of their own he also asks how different it is from sacrificing real shinobi the duke can't reconcile the beliefs and kako are asked for an oaky cocoon forms on okay they're playing as out of stands they'll request him to return immediately and ask him if he'd take borton into custody onoki agrees not wanting boruto to alert congo code of his plans akako tries capturing boruto but anoki's stresses he must not be injured boruto attacks with a shuriken and shadow clone kaka is delighted to witness human fighting instinct inaudible were concerned by boruto when she died continued absence and leave to look for them they find an injured akatsuchi and informed of the situation burj khan needs to fight kakao using clones to attack him with wired and electrified kunai and tajutsu kaku destroys his clones at dust release keeping his distance bortho throws an explosive tag kunai it's explosion attacking the attention of the kona genie inogen takes akatsuchi back to the cave while stardom chocho go go to the explosion site borza creates more clones to fight kako who finds the feeling exhilarating board to benedict to stab koko but it turns out to be a rock clone sardar and chocho arrived just in time for cockroaches using dust release kaku is excited have more opponents who commands the akkad they're looking for shikudai shikara destroys an akaton approach in the sukkah's office and is spotted by another managed to make a call to the hokage his officer shikamara picks up the phone the two talk and chicago manages to escape before kuru as akuta boards of sarda and chocho struggle against kanko having to keep the distance to avoid his just release borton notices he has an opportunity to attack them with and he didn't and wonders about why gerardo finds akuna by the cave where the ghandian is standing used again due to it against indigenous steeler shikhumar informs naruto kakashians and out of what she could have told them naruto and shikomar want kakashi and sonata as former hokage to explain the situation other villages will now to do to the daimyo in getting permission to interview with iraq and his affairs sarda analyzes kako while boruto and chocho attack him she determines that after using dust release as a window of 20 seconds rokako can't use ninjutsu and uses the opportunity to attack more fight release kako tries forcing more dust release attacks during the window and the string causes his body to begin to break down onoki watches from afar kako managed to corner boruto but the strain of a big dust release attack is too much for his body to handle and he dies bored to thank sarah and church for their help onoki asks why kaku didn't obey him and boards are reiterated the fabrication have a will of their own idol arrives and holds board to hostage being undercurrent jutsu she wants to take everyone siku siku onokia scores the capture conan again and akatsuchi keeping them from interfering with his plans they arrive at iwagakari when anoki is shocked to see remnants of battles all over the village he asks kira about what happened and she instructs him to go to who directly coo says all's going smoothly according to plan but noki questions it asking where the villages are and why the akuta roaming streets koo claims the situation has changed drastically in his absence that the fabrication's lives already began to run out and that he has secured humans from whom to harvard's hearts boards are questions on oak and would he claim to have been the fabrication's objective unokie denounces coo's actions as the opposite of his will and he intends to sacrifice young lives instead of saving them ku shows him his deterioration but anoki orders him to release those in custody cou questions on how his commitment is on plan and willing to sacrifice the fabrications and knocks them out the other fabrication's question is action but who rationalizes it as onoki being temporarily not his right mind who takes no key inside and orders preparations for the transplants to begin and allows the other fabrications to do is they please the genie they briefly discussed the fabrication's purpose in nature and just as the akhitary are about to attack the gang and explosive tag kunai is thrown at them the smoke of the explosion give them cover to escape shigerai calls the mountain freeze them wanting to take the opportunity to leave the village winning the yakuza are still watching over capture citizens kokuyo catches up to them blocks their path shigetai wants boruto and started to go after mitsuki while they deal with koko akun wakes up and remembers energy and being taken and leaves find him kirata intercepts boruto and sardo who knows uses genjutsu sarda activates a sharingan team 10 struggles against kokoyo and shikai risks himself to let the others escape the doctors praying for the transplants and sekieh thanks mitsuki for what he's done for them she could either lures kokyo to a trapping engine set up hadega starts a light for after koko destroyed the ones around it noticing that he likes jutsu and has no longer attacks kokyo tries forcing his way out of the ship he's jutsu but chocolates hit first koko hits back but begins to crack down to deteriorate and wishes to see how strong his opponents really are akun is getting near to them konohomaru finds the akk the production site and mitsuki finds him shige wants choice to lend another hit but inogen points out he's learned the strategy shikurai says there's another jutsu ionogen can use but indian isn't sure it'll work on him shikarai says is what they have she could use himself as bait and iojin is able to take over kokyo's body with mind body switch technique kokuyo is able to force inogen out and dodge church's human bullet tank he moves to take inogen but akun obstructs his vision giving him another shot kokuyo destroys akun's mask when dealing with him but receives a heavy hit from jocho tokyo can't understand how other humans endanger themselves to fight and shikai explains to the makeup with other kinds of strengths to just strengthen the heart kokyo denies having said strength as he likes the heart but shigeru points out inogen was able to take him over kokyo ponders it as he dies aku managed to save unigine's stain before perishing edojin tries to downplay akun's death while crying kid has paralyzed borton and started with a genjutsu intending on playing with them kutanasuonoki who tries to dissuade ku from continuing his plans but continues to believe onoki's weakness is clouding his judgment team 10 is exhausted after fighting goku and wonder how borton started are fairing cotton kira's genjutu she controls their movements like a puppeteer sardar tries breaking again due to imports where they're showing up a kid ought to of forces in a close's eyes she wants to play them like their dolls drying out their injuries oh no he ponders on board his assessment of fabrication's will and aku's own words at actions he thinks back to first meeting and naming coup as well as the other four fabrications only tries leaving his room but his path is blocked by nakuta the doctor attempts to secure his deterioration and sekki asks him how their lives will be after receiving hearts he's not concerned about being strong but with protecting his friends the doctor leaves sekiae alone mitsuki sekia tells biscuit heard of koko and kako's deaths and recounts feelings about it he asks mitsuki how that will change once he has a heart and minsky explains that having a heart doesn't make him a human mitschi relays ku's orders to the doctor having made back from these senzu planes seki has been avoiding the akutan and runs on katsuchi who updates someone what happened as all other shinobi have been imprisoned akitsuchi tas seki with rescuing on oki mitsuki shows sekieh completed artificial heart and akuta updates kirara on their heart situation not wanting to miss it she makes boruto and started stop holding back as she leaves sarah is able to put herself under her new genjutsu by looking at her shanghai's reflection and borrowed the sword and then breaks the kenjutsu on him as minsky's about to deliver coo's heart bortow and starter arrive mitsuki holds them at bay with a lightning release and ku binds their movement with an earth release border tries appealing to biscuit not to help coup misky hands cool the heart and while he celebrates miski strikes him from behind coo drops the heart revealed with these guys snakes all are shocked by the betrayal they hear explosions from afar those being from konohamaru destroying the akka to production site as a range of mitsuki kudoshi frees the captured iwagari shinobi onoki managed to escape his room team 7 faces against their main fabrications the damage biscuit inflicted causes koo's body to begin to break down kuda parts to get medical attention but sekya prevents boruto from following him with explosive claim minsky wants boruto and started to go after cool while he deals with sekia who was furious with him yodata blocks borito and started with akuta mitsuki tries his way to secure from fighting so his body doesn't break down any further saki attacks bitsky all accusing him pretending to be his friend borto and sarah destroy a few of kira's akuto whose body begins to break down as well kyoda brings out a gigantic octa to kill borton sarda boards or someone's gotta go to help in between discussing with board so garga fights the giant aquaton sada moves against kirata managing to distract her with a shotgun genjutsu leaving herself an opening to land a lightning release attack on her kirata orders the giant aku to save her but gata constricts until it breaks down one of his trunks crushing her instead sakie continues to attack mitsuki while throwing accusations at him who denounces ku's path and thinks sekia can still be saved sekieh manages to get mitsuki to fight back by threatening to kill boruto mitsuki disables seki's explosive play with his lightning release seki finds onoki sneaking out and explains to his set by akitsuchi ku reaches the doctor but is informed they don't as escape so he decides to get the doctor's heart misuki offers take seki orochimaru but seki is too damaged and muses and how they are like and how they're different their feelings motivations sekiae dies korotsuchi leads the uh shinobi on taking back the sectors of ogakure mitsuki catches up with borton sarta at the old city and they find cool recovery with new heart coup revels in his new power the kona getting considered him too dangerous to be left unchecked on the way to the old city seki needs a break but a nokia spots the recent damage deal to chicago office and thinking of kozuchi says this is the moment you can't miss who finds mitsuki trapping in with some pillars saying they should see out of eyes they're both man-made sarda and boar to disagree with him using a sword to knock boar with the back while boruto says mitki never truly intended to join them coo claims that miss kid many opportunities ask for help while konohaba but didn't instead go to meet other artificial humans like himself when mitsuki hesitates in denying it ku takes it as proof saying borth to never notice his struggle and because of that he can't claim to be missy's friend when ku radius a dust release twos against boards and mikki breaks free of the stone pillars with sagemote and goes on the offensive the falling debris traps board through and started inside in konoha shigemaru is stressed trying to get official permission to end the land of earth naruto noticed a size also stress which he attributes inogen also being there wasabi eavesdrops on them and informs teams 15 and 5. they want to go help their friends move in order to stay put naruto players depart and teams 5 and 15 requests to go with him naruto refuses to endanger their lives but they're willing to face the consequences of going without his permission naruto appreciates their dedication and saying shikamaru don't stop them from going sarita works on clearing the debris borto admits they should get to know more of mitsuki but sarah says they haven't enough the rest of the debris gets cleaned by seki who explains nokia's with them he asks borato to take him who is impressing misky's stage mode and wants to use his body to create more fabrications mitsuki constricts cool with the snakes but he creates a golem to wield his sword and cut through the snakes which forces misky out of stage mode coupe prepares to further weaken mitsuki but ononoki arrives at borton sarda onoki asks ku when he's straight from protecting the weak and ku says he's merely a vessel for the hatred to know he passed down to him coop appears to kill the others but they escape in an underground stream onoki recalls ishikawa's warning of his will of stone being replaced with hatred he wakes up in that same room borto asks mitsuki if he find what he's looking for mitsuki explains what noki told him that he's seen many things since live in the village and he's not sure if he's empty he is sure of his will boruto says he and sarta want to get into the real hymn and gives him back his forehead protector miski wants to lure ku away when they take anoki away as there are clones of him but borto says the one in front of him is misky cool revs the location kutek's controlled debris using to destroy borders clones starter destroys a boulder coming in porto the ghanian struggle against cool while though no he despairs that young lives being at risk again sorry to users shouting out to dodge coup's boulders he prepares dust for this attack started imity attacker with their own ninjutsu using its explosion as a smoke screen to get him holding his arms apart so he can't with anteals he throws them aside his board to throw himself a coup who punches them with a rock gauntlet revealing it as a shadow clone the real boards are coming after him and landing ever sing on a coup's heart a weakened coup prepares by sunset konohamaru says he'll give his report to naruto and hugs mitsuki mitsuki apologizes for giving us much trouble thinking he won't be allowed back in the village but teams five and fifteen arrive all glad mickey's okay the econo again take the thunder train back to kona nakakura will narrative stays in iwaka they longer to attend nokia's funeral whiskey's confined to a different rail car under supervision of saint konohamaru board to wishes he could have talked to mickey before being separated shigerai tries to distract inogen from akun's death besides the five kage and high-ranking iwagaki officials many villagers came to pay their respects borto and sarda returned home to their word families back in the village naruto wants to praise borto and sarah for standing up for mitsuki but sanji mara points out he can't so as punishment he means to remove the gunning rank they ask about mitsuki and are totally still being debriefed as there's lots of intel only he knows naruto has them leave their four protectors sai and kong hamara debrief mitsuki asking why he chose against informing anyone in the village of his plants sarge is concerned that misky will be blamed for the situation in iwaka and be forced to leave or they might have to leave it on his own poor to his faith in mitsuki while asleep he's mentally contacted by gadagas and misky being back in the village marks at the end of their contract they exchange words and beat each other very well sarah wakes him up and informs mitsuki's briefings over the two look for him whiskey makes small memorials for the fabrications board defines him and mitzki apologizes for the hurt he's caused sports or recalls noki's words and tells mitsuki that there are many sides to his will and that his questions are a natural part of it sarah arrives and they share a laugh rochimar discusses misiki's development of log who informs him the body of the scientist responsible for developing the fabrications that's gone missing they wonder who might be responsible for those sarda and mitsuki walk through the village and hear the official account of the situation of bibagaka in the news bourgeois thinks he spots a hearthstone on the river but cries when he remembers his teachings as their sensei konohomaru wants to take responsibility for their actions but before they can decide anything kudos and want to personally thank the konahangani for their actions adding they'll always consider them shinobi at iwagakade in order to understand what she means team seven is against that is reinstated and they prepare for the next mission burden shelter north and chicago watch the announcement of the parent and child day holiday the two discussed social media life is changed for their days shikumar attends the free narrative schedule so he can spend with the children but several shopkeepers arrive at his office needing signature and several forms not to convert chicago's commitment to freeing schedule the day before the holiday borzo and him i wonder if naruto will be able to make it he's not assuring them he will before leaving to visit her own father naruto only arrives in the morning border leaves the train and tells him he more has been waiting he finds her sitting on the floor after north wakes her up she says she'd like to go buy a chroma plush toy with him he wants to take a nap first but sees the toys limited edition sale for the holiday naruto chooses to go with her instead of sleeping he more explains how the toy works and articulars to a baby corona gives naruto's on commentary they find several people already waiting for the store to open and they also find kiba naruto explains to us he's not his teammate but humor is too young to remember him from the first time they met kiba shows her akamara nakamaru she bets them both cuba is there to get the chroma plus toy for his girlfriend it sells out fast and cuba isn't able to get it and arthur gets a shokaku toy by mistake kiba decides to help them search for another parts of the village he checks the yamanaka flowers where enough questions is logically for a toy there but gives me more two sunflowers thanks for having helped the engine walking through the village board finds china with a kuroma toy who tries to pass it as research and a better understanding of students they check ten tens drop next where she guilt trips naruto into buying a parent and child kunai set and also a pink shirt connectless for him awari kibba arrives saying he managed to get the last karama toy from kiosk but when akimaru gives him the package it's a hamburger they spot the person who to keep his package and not to pursue them naruto catches up to him recognize him as something he's sent to investigate the state of affairs in the border his son asks him if he's okay and asks snarker for forgiveness kimora arrives and hands the toy to his son naruto moves him for his mission and assigns him to the village gate so we'll stay closer to her son at the end of the day he moored his love for the time she spent with naruto said she'll share the gifts he did get fur several cooks discuss an upcoming eating contest and wonder how to account for choji akimichi's participation chargey watches the announcement on the parent child day holiday on tv keeps flicking on through the channels and eating seeing your father chocho asks kadai why she married him kadui doesn't quite remember and gets angry with him for having eaten the snacks that she bought for them to have together kadai throws him out and then asks him to buy more chips and she goes replenish snacks choji and chocho ran into board so i want to explain the situation chocho spots an advert for a paid in child day eating contest and wants to enter it with her father so she can prove the karaoke he's a role model for their daughter at the contest they also find cyaninogen rock and metallic sugar and shiite produced a big as well jojo and chocho advanced the second round and are surprised when another team ties with them leonard and yamanaka also advanced the second round the team will tie it with the akamichi they doubt hombori and introduce himself as imposed they'll win the akimichi the dotanbar and the nara advance the semi-finals one of the cooks watches them and later conspires with the dotabory afraid that choji will make her go bankrupt if she wins the thoughts and more in the accumulation to the finals kadui watches the contest and boards to spot shino in the audience into the ramadan while the akimichi recovered kodu expresses their doubts over the value of the inn contest and the recklessness board wants to try the spicy burgers for the semi-final and manage to find leftovers of the delta party but find them not to be spicy at all during the final the conspiring cook puts shallow bowls through the other board to give them an advantage border brings them their meal in their regular bowls chocho struggles to finish the dish by yourself and reminds you that delicious meals are meant to be eaten together so i mean carter also shouts from the audience with newfound determination the akimichi catch up with the dr bori the cook interviews using ninjutsu to cause the dumplings grow rock and metal try to deal with it but are ineffective karui uses lightning release to release her daughter but it takes choji growing in size to end the issue by eating them all and then burning the calories through converting them into chakra yakimu in the contest sakura and sarda here naruto's announcement of the apparent child they holiday on tv and sakura apologized for having to work that day sarah tells you not to worry if sasuke isn't there either and she promised to help board to her shuriken training she wonders where sasuke is unaware that he's in koranka kure borton recognizes sasuke on the street who asks him about all the family activities boruto explains the new holiday sasuke asks about naruto and boruto adds he's with hemorrhoid today before telling sasuke where sarah will be and suggesting he spent time with her waited by a stream sasuke thinks back times he spent with his father when he mastered fire release great fireball technique sarda is surprised to see him sasuke explains that he just got to the village and that borough told him where she'd be and invites to go to the festivals sarda is happy that sasuke came to the village but he explains he dropped by because he had business who attended near the village cutting down an excitement watching other parents with their children sasuke struggles about sarda the two spot naruto carrying him or as they search for kuroma doll started envious of their bond he thinks back to how he enjoyed being carried by hitachi and offers a carry here but she finds it embarrassing and walks off higashi approaches sasuke pointing out that all this time alone is dull the social skills and suggests that sasuke take hints from each of books sasuke comes across shino doting on his karama doll and after an awkward silence he asks about sarda shiro comments or a talent in the difficult place she has chosen sasuke asks about any parasites on her which she misunderstands his negative comments on insects when he talks to sarda again he tries using kakashi's advice from the books but ends up further antagonizing her poor to find started training by herself and asks her about sasuke she confesses she doesn't think her father knows about her at all but boruto surprises her asking if he knows about sasuke at all and that she should tell him if there's anything she wants to do sasuke complains to kakashi but it's advice then two come across sakura at home the two talk about how sarta perceived sasuke and sakura explains sarah wants to be hokage he finds her training with shuriken and explains that he too once wanted to be hokage but it's frigid if it was warped until the narcissism on the right path sasuke helps with the shuriken training on the way home they come across boruto and zarya gives him the same advice he gave her at home naruto apologized to boards over him spent the whole day with himwary and gives him the parenting child kunai said he bought attendance drop borto asks naruto to train with him since it's technically still parrot in child day at his home shino continues doting on his karma doll on a mission team 15 prepares to fight hana be instructed namida to stay back protecting the clients a deflected shuriken katsunamira who asserts she can fight and begins to well up taking notice where teammates cover their ears and nobody cries out knocking out all their enemies and the merchants they're supposed to protect the three praise of jutsu but dominic gets flustered in the information receiving center wasabi and sumit informed namida the doctors have cleared them and team seven congratulates them for defeating the garakuta gang when wasabi and sumit don't respond namdae explains they lost the hearing because of rajutsu mitsuki points out that if this keeps happening naming might get her teammates killed prompting her to decide training with jujutsu nobody practices water release surprising your teammates but ajutsu lacks the power to even damage the target sumade suggests re-evaluating her calling on tears technique but namida insists on using nujutsu and asks honeybee for help hanabi considers tracker control to be the issue and has assumed it used her own water release which does destroy the target hanabi explains that when her emotions take over she begins to cry that disrupts her focus she asks honorability to teach her hanabi has nothing to try to mold her chalk rule dodging her attacks using her byakugan to evaluate her chakra control but nabita is unable to do it next she has nominee to try increasing the distance of her attack wasabi and subidis slightly scared of hanabi hanabi explains how she can modify her jutsu and her water releases reach increases next hanumi wants namita to knock over a thick log to train the power behind her jutsu sumine and wasabi decide to train harder as well in solidarity with namida the next day namibia sparks against him and continues to improve the next mission is once again to grab the same merchants who are now in possession of a historical document by the first hokage the godoku gang members recognize team 15 warning the leader about them they fight but diamond's water release has little effect on their water clones one of the assailants pressures into close quarters but sumina uses nue who grows bigger to intervene the rest of the group uses the distraction of flu with the merchandise honeybee orders the girls to stay behind while protecting the merchants while she goes after the goddakura gang sumede sends nue to edgar navidad is frustrated that her water release was useless against them one of the merchants reveals they still have the first quagga's document but the goddakura leader reveals himself glad to suck around subide wants the other two to run away with the merchants but nobody intercepts he sure could meant for her the goddakuda leader sinks them into the ground with an earth release nobody blames himself for the situation but her teammates point out that she's gotten stronger the gang leader takes the document and considers it lucky number didn't cry nominated decides to cry as the gang leader runs away wasabi encourages her to cry but remembering the focus of her training and she applies to recalling onto here's technique increasing his power in reach and narrowing its focus managing the gakuta leader free from his jutsu subide summons nue whose disappearance alerts how to be able to fight wasabi and nuy attack the remnants of the gang who try to flee nobody tries using a choo-choo again but having spent so much track where she's under the focus again knocking everyone out honey thinks nami still has ways to go beating team seven again they congratulate them again and question their most recent hearing loss but namine explains how she used to cry to protect them instead team 10 captures the bandit group at a wimp power plan one of the assailants drops an explosive tag when she got hurries to catch himself damaging part of the structure inojen and chocho commented on shigurai being a bit off and impatient a month prior tamari is invited to attend a banquet where important land of wind figures will meet and shoo discusses politics and appearance of shiimaru and presses on the need if she dies improvement without her shadow jutsu which she could have overhears as you leave shigeru asks his father why he puts up with enjoy who in turn explains have been indebted to the clan leader since shigaku's time in the present she could have getting friends to discuss his struggles with lightning burger born to question why shige doesn't use wood release anymore and shige and denki relate to feeling underpressured at family affairs team 10 is left on stand by regarding an upcoming delegation of the land of win to visit a power plant like the one they defended later that day shigetai learns his team is put on standby because the request put in by entchun who wants to prevent shigurai from jeopardizing the clan's reputation but instead counts as him to get into politics and she agrees to stop meddling with shikamaru if she could agree whose proposal when she could have brings up his family tomorrow is surprised by it but shikimara supports him on the condition he's doing it for himself shige informs moige and his friends but his decision shikurai visits the wind power plant he protected with denki who helps maintain their systems shigetai informs zen cuba's intended career change but before they can discuss it an issue arises without batteries due to her structure damage while then he tries fixing the problem he thought she could highly tend to use a situation to improve the village when dengue solution doesn't work he speculates there must be a cut wire one of the windmill turbines connected to the affected battery can resolve the situation so shigeru uses wind release to turn it allowing denki to fix the issue a part of the ceiling collapses but she could eyes save thank you the shadow imitation technique she could decide he won't be a politician after all he informs his parents and asks tomorrow to teach him proper wind release and true rise of forms before she could out of sight but he tells me change is mine and she was done with them later the lightning burger shigetai informs his friends about his change of mind for not becoming a politician much to their surprise jugo arc mickey informs boar till they'll be having a joint mission team 15 borton notices what appears to be a peeping tom and sterling the kunai caused him to fall from a tree they noticed him holding a nest of eggs and apologized to him with ending his fall osaka demonstrates his expertise identifying the eggs by licking them just returns the nest to the tree and explains how genes determine species traits when bortow says he's more than just genes osaka asked to lick him in the ganny leave konohamara explains how to be as aiding with border patrol due to an apparent infiltration so he'll lead both teams suiga kananji attacks them with investigating bird attacks in the village of the forest and the outskirts of the land of fire as they don't have experience of birds sosaka was assigned to provide assistance on their way sarta is discussing when tosaka licks bird droppings to confirm their diet team 15 plans to leverage their experience from previous animal related mission the group spends the following day researching with wasabi using her cat covering cover ground near the village osaka notices a lack of bird chirping they rescue a village or being attacked boruto was approached by a fully transformed berserker dugo jugo pins down near a ledge but is pushed into a river by nue four to thanksgiving to return to the group who sent into the village's injuries and alerted them to the monster they fought mommy to notice something with someone they noticed the village is breathing is getting shallower and his temperature is rising they arrive at the village until soccer speculates that breadboard disease a village elder explains that the birds began changing about a month ago destroying crops and attacking people and also beastly cries can be heard from the forest they add the first to change where waterfowl from the river that comes from the mountains that runs along the village and flows in atlanta rivers konohomar advised them to stay away from the river and only use well water for their needs a pattern starts appearing where villagers were injured and kong homaro is shown by other villagers in the same spring pattern the village of bringing unconscious jugo was found by the river stared at misky recognize him and jugo claims he slipped and fell into the river when he wakes up newey is apprehensive of him one of the sick villagers wakes up and attacks osaka konohamaru has the gang and evacuate the villages which deals with a berserk villager jugo lures the villager and knocks him out consuming a partial transformation and tells border to stay away from the forest before leaving mitsuki notices that the villager no longer has the pattern on him konomaru explains the nature of cursed seals to the ghanian and a suspicion of jugo's involvement because of his association with rochamaru who uses chris seals the group splits up to cover more ground border throws a rocket from the suspicion he had based on the village testimony when the cries were echoes they determined the source of the sound a cave enters the door they find jugo struggling to gain his transformation at the end of the cave and borrow to recognize him as a monster who attacked him warning starter they need to flee jugo turns around announcing he'll kill them orton sarah to flee the cave and attend a warren kong hamaru konohamara and mitsuki arrive just have to protect them attack khan hamara berates them for not contacting right away and explains that jugo is under complete cursed seal transformation running on killing instinct konohamaru fights trugo with the gang providing range backup but jugo shrugs off all attacks he grabs konohamaru and begiving his chakra kotomaru lands there with sengat on his face which sends him into the ground jugo's transformation partially recedes and seeing konohamaru drain on the ground he walks away the ghanian followed jugo discussing the appropriate course of action while jugo tells him to stay away they find jugo passed out by the body water with many birds as transformation fully receded konomaru arrives at team 15 in tosaka and notices an injection device new jugo osaka examines jugo to compare his condition to what they saw happen to the birds and comments on finding the natural habitat of an endangered bird species jugo wakes up and when an inflicted bird attacks them he removes the cursil jugu refuses to answer boar with his question handing them the huna he used to kill birds earlier they take an injured kong hamara back to the village but boards conceals the events delayed more information konohamaru says he should be good after four or five days of rest wasabi is concerned that he could have contracted the cursed seal through his wounds like the birds did but osaka explains he took jugo's blood and discovered his cursed steel and the birds are different konohamaru asks whiskey by the device he found and mitsuki confirms it from rojimar's research with osaka adding it's a powerful tranquilizer having licked it mitsuki speculates as they drug to suppress the cursed seal konohamaru instructs team 15 to report back to kona and request backup and team 7 to keep an eye on jugo from distance and look out for more cursed seals suppressing drugs team 7 and osaka observed jugo by moving the bird's cursed seal but struggles to keep it contain his own body osaka is touched by his love for birds jugo ignores borg to his apology and goes back to his cave where he undergoes a transformation in a room he can't get out of well transformed jugo insists they should leave despite their intent to help him but relents when he sees they won't give up he explains the birds infected with the curse he'll have red eyes before getting violent they ask to talk about the cursed seal and he says that because the species is very territorial finding out where they come from to give a hint they come across land of rivers researchers who are also investigating the bird attacks when they ask to share information board to license that they only just begun investigating they have nothing to share jugo asked him why he didn't tell the researchers about him important says they can't save the birds without him jugo senses another transformation coming and is unable to give himself the tranquilizer borato administers it after the episode passes borton insists on helping him as he's the only one who can help the birds jugo trusts him with more doses of the tranquilizer on the way back to konoha team 15 is attacked by two siblings who use some sort of device to activate cursed seals team 7 jugo and tosa discuss their lack of progress and wonder if something else is afoot they spied on by land of rivers researchers who report on observing jugo jugo removes the cursed steel from infected birds before they rampage and tags them borrow the wishes they could do it as well to offer juice and relief sarah and mitski arrive reporting the last places around they have to look for infected birds they check on those who borrow the remains watching to go sardar reminds jugo to take his injection and explains to tosaka she convinced him to take it at regular intervals to avoid transformations jugo adds that though it helps it regularly dulls its senses making it harder to remove the bird's cursed seals border spots but osaka identifies as a domesticated goose and probably want it off and desakura reminds me about the conversation on gene saying the species lost the ability to fly jugo determines the goose isn't infected and compares its inability to fly with his inability to have a normal life because the cursed seal jugo is concerned with removing her seals before the wild geese migrate which would spread the infection at the end of the day jugo still goes back to his cave as his body is building up a resistance to the injections which won't be useful for much longer borto and started look at how many shots they still have and wonder what they'll do when they run out they're spied on by the land of rivers researchers their effort continues the next couple of days on the third day they're woken up by bird sounds and discover the infected birds have been set free tosaka claims the geese underwent transformation and escape with jugul going after them they find jugo struggling to contain his transformation starter goes back for his shots but finds they're missing even in the cave she arrives back to the group just in time for juju's transportation complete they dodge his first attack and he blocks midki's kunai borton distracts him through sengang while a clone gives them cover with a smoke bomb jugo disappears in the smoke and then realizes head of the village jugo destroys a village and almost kills a villager but his hip with tranquilizer shots by the land of river's research group they restrained jugo and the village hedman thanks them the headman explains he called them just in case and as jugo's transformation recedes he feels deceived because the konohashinobi knew his identity and withheld it the researchers want to take over the situation and then explain their friends when they get back up they show up at unconscious namida and wasabi both infected with the cursed seal sarda asks about sunday but momo and sasuke claim they only found the two hidden in a tree with nui on watch sumo day thinks back to team 15's battle momo and sasami easily defeated wasabi and navidad with their cursed seals and infected them stupid some new way to help them but instead he fled with sumanee the land of rivers researchers began to set up and request to socket to lend his expertise boruto wants to say but the village had been rescinds his request for help kasaka assures him to take care of jugo and the birds porza feels frustrated boruto watches the birds and thinks about jugo being taken away sartre and mickey try to reassurance just focusing on finding sumiday the land of rivers research is prepared to begin experimenting on jugo sumite and nue look for namita and wasabi but run into karine and swigetsu nui attacks we get to who retaliates team seven hears the ruckus of their confrontation spaghetti's counter attack is enough to cause new ways somebody to end team seven arrives mickey and start are recognizing since we get two and carrying before boards are going to attack they tend to suminate and so we get to explain that they late to take jugo back to rochimaru team seven explains jugo's situation and suitsu decides to get him back from the researchers so has information on his cursed ceiling connection to rochimaru made concealed so we get to his unconcerned about jugo's efforts to save the birds annoyingboard without pointing out borrow to has just met him whilst we get to his zone for years boruto requests they wait until somebody wakes up so she can tell him what she knows about sabi and nominee's cursed steel infections karine and sarah catch up with each other and kareem wants to divide her for healing mitsuki teases swigetsu jugo wakes up and osaka explains who they are so we get to explain support though that jugo has tried to overcome his destiny before and has come to accept it boards or counters he knows someone who is trying their hardest to live the way they want and compares that to joker's commitment to help the birds despite the risks misking forms themselves awake sumeria tells him that twins with cursed seals wearing collars who borrow to remember as a part of the land of river's research team sumida speculates they're doing something they don't want discovered so we get to believe they're after jugo's garcia korean decides everyone should collaborate less unfavorable reports are made to konoha which would eventually return tomorrow to their involvement sarda and karine will lure the twins away as the others can go and rescue everyone else momo and sasuke boasts about their cursed seals to a restrained wasabi and amida the research leader tells them to clean up their mess and sends them after zoomed in they spot her actually a transformed sarda sumida would look for her teammates minsky will look for konohamaru bortow it's who gets who will look for jugo sasami finds sumida's movement suspicious poor tunes we get to rinse osaka sumede finds the girls who inform her of the serum on the desk will remove their cursed seals porto updates to saket asks where jugo is the land of rivers research leader tries to assassinate kong hamara but mitsuki got too in time sarah drops to disguise and enjoy my korean but only sesame reaches them momo doubles back and comes across team 15. osaka takes board to spaghetti where jugo is and uses tranquilizers on them to try to free him welcoming them into his research lab osaka reveals the tranquilizer he used them as what he stole from jugo sasemi and momo activate their seals to fight curry and sarda and team 15 respectively tusaka tells borton spirits their friends won't be able to save them he explains the mission was alive from the start he had no choice but to join them the men he'd said before being captured at the border josek is glad to have been able to observe jugo up close his goal being acquiring jugo's cursillo boruto admonishes to sakura for treating like a research subject who in turn retorts boruto himself stressed the importance of dreams his being creating the ultimate christian weapon spaghetti covertly turns his arm into water while osaka was distracted osaka explains the debate jugo out so he infected the birds so we get to attempt to free jugo but is tasered by other land of river's researchers before succeeding the head researcher announces the preparations to leave ajugo has a demonstration for boro tosaka injects jugo the special drug sumite baits momo with a water clone and attacks him from distance momma points out she left her friends vulnerable striking the ground and sends a lot of debris their way sumit protects them with their water wall but a few rocks go through it momo criticizes their split focus and tells it to use a summon sumine summons nue but it's small due to a depleted chakra sarda warns korean that sami's bite will infect her with a cursed seal and tracks the sobbi's boobies for a shower gun sooner protects away from momo distracting him long enough for nominee to hit him with her improved calling on tears technique wasabi joins the attack with her cat covering exciting moment with the prospect of more interesting fight starters struggles with depleting chakra but korean is able to lock on sosemi's chakra showing them where they'll attack from so sami still knocks started out but karine uses her chocolate chains for stainer karine once started a biter for healing reasoning that her chains will hold forever wanting started to be able to fight korean reveals that long ago sakura saved her life and uses sardo's reaction to it to make her bite her arm asking sorry to tell sasuke she's repeated that korean informed starter where sauce me will attack from allowing started to land a full hit on her defeating her and destroying her cursillo collar jugo slowly transforms until saka explains the drug he uses meant to trigger his transformation as he wants to witness his full powers despite boruto's warning that not even he will be safe mitsuki reports to konohamaru who decides against regrouping and instead wants to go to the alleged researchers boat down river where he believes he can find something to stop the infection momo defeats namita and wasabi so soon it distracts him the water clone again to get him safety despite suing his reservations she agrees to let nemida and wasabi have their chakra drained by nui so it can go big again strong enough to defeat momo a restored new way goes up against momo then assists from zoomed in they're able to defeat mobile and break his cursill collar sumaide has to stop noise from draining momo's chakra the other researchers check in on tosaka and attempt to kill jugo to prevent his transformation osaka kills him instead with his curse seal on the way to the village sarda notices don is approaching and changes course concerning the wild geese will start to migrate spreading the infection borto can move again against frijugo osaka attempts to stop him but his stop is who gets his large arm commenting on his jutsu to suck a laser suit too again jugo tells bora do the flea while his transformation proceeds and he breaks free of spawns kareen and sarah observe the wild geese preparing to migrate as dawn approaches still infected birds approach them jugo begs boarded floor breaking free while tasaka yearns to witness juventus full power his transformation proceeding jugo flees important follows sarda informs korean the infected birds of red eyes and the two begin try to isolate them team 15 are asked for the lake and star to request their help borgia tries following jugo but is still feeling the effects of the tranquilizer so tasaka overtakes him in the pursuit jugo arrives at lake shore followed by susaka who is ecstatic with the prospect of bird spreading the cursed seal which would give him more samples to study borto arrives at shadow clones attacking tasaka with explosive tag kunai but he shrugs him off fully transforming and capturing boruto in his clones with extra arms and tail tosaka begins losing his patience waiting for jugo to fight him and dismiss his boards his concerns about jugo jugo fully transforms making short work with osaka and he absorbs his christian before tossing him aside korean sarda and team 15 struggle to find all the infected birds and korean says they should consider just killing all the birds jupiter continues to rampage attacks boruto so he gets who drags himself to the lake still weak from the tranquilizer and taser shocks complaining that jugo should rampage closer by tosaka tells his board to juggle will probably ramp until he dies nui saves board to produce attack and he keeps on attacking him against super disorders she tries to intervene before to warn so she'll get caught up in the attacks and that they have to find a different way osaka continues to muse of genetically determined dates before to ignore him corrine is concerned sarda can't bring herself to call the birds but sarah says she should be the one to do it as the mission was assigned to her team boruto tells assumed that konohamaru managed to revert jugo's transformation by inflicting significant damage with his resengan and he doesn't think that he can make one strong enough to cause enough damage border notices the speed jugo is charging in his attacks and speculates that if he comes out of his speed he might be able to damage him enough to revert to transformation jugo tosses newey aside and bored to draw his attention borton builds up stream using one board with a stream on top of another and lands they were sending on but jugo's transformation doesn't revert the domesticated goose flies by at the last second and jug's transformation recedes osaka passes out considering ridiculous the sun comes up and started prayers kill the birds mitsuki stops her and konohamaru arrives with suigetsu showing her the serum to neutralize the cursed seal they store from the enemy's base spaghetti consumes a serum merges with likes water and rains down upon the birds curing them the domesticated goose struggles and manages to fly with the wild ones summoning makes a decision and a form zombie and wasabi sheen tends to join the scientific ninja weapons team to find a better way to synergize with nue through science and ask them not tell the others yet want to do it herself kona omaro considers the mission of success but is exasperated when mitsuki informs him kareem and sugets who took tosaka with them when they left so we get to tease karina about feeling maternal towards sarda sarda tells borth that he was reckless and poor torah towards that it worked they wonder what jugo will do jojo's seeing the domesticated goose fly wonders if he'll fly someday walking around kona hot night mitsuki passed by a cat as he walks by the kitten looks at him kotaro fuma and the police pursue nezumi a jewel thief aided by team seven nezmie disappears just the two groups about the corner leading him to a group of drunks thinking esme is among them in disguise kotaro apprehends all of them to clear one by one team seven believes the mission to be over and find a kitten lost and shaking sardis billy doesn't allow pets and puerto has to ask his mother's permission so mitsuki ends up responsible for the kitten on his way home a passerby tells mitzki to hold it in a gently manner sarda and board to discuss whether it's people know how to take care of it sorry to wish board to have taken it he says he might convince their parents if humor he supports him at mitsuki's home the kitten quickly gets stuck in the window blind strings and not supports her down it insists on sleeping with mickey in his bed until he relents the next day kotara informs cothumber that none of the men they apprehended had these stolen jewels they can't hold any of them kotaro orders the two other cops keep an eye on him nezumi smirks as he walks free at the lightning burger sartre informs borton mitsuki the case developments and asks mitsubi at the kitten bourton informs him his mother and imori went to visit hiyashi and won't be home for a few days borto suggests mitsuki can name the kitten when mitsuki intends to buy the kitten hamburgers sarda tells him he can't give pets human food whiskey buys what he needs at pet shop arriving at home mitsuki looks for the kitten until finding under his pillow thinking about bore to suggestion misky names the kitten mikazeki and puts a yellow color in its neck nezumi watches mizki's apartment in the street over the next day mitsuki plays and bonds with mikazuki the following day because he is ill so miski goes around the village time to find help he misses a meeting of barton sardo who go looking for him nezmie follows missy from a distance at the hospital nesme steals me causing kiwi mitsuki is distracted getting directions to a veterinarian nazimi runs past sardo and borrowed to who join me is keen chasing him misky catches up to nezumi who tries claiming it's his kitten forza recognizes nazim as one of the four men that police had to release mitsuki recovers mikazuki and rushes to the vet nesme tries to flee but is blocked by the police who figured out he had the kit and swallowed a stolen jewel they rest nezumi the veterinarian who is the same man who advises me here to hold mikazuki informs the king will be fine at the park mikazuki's parent shows up and the two leave together borto and sarta asks if mitsuki is fine and he says he doesn't feel anything and that mikazeki will be happy with his parent because he visits him at night so mitsuki decides to keep his window open for now on so mekazeki can keep visiting pointing out its fickleness mitsuki visits orochimaru and otogary saying he's not feeling well mitsuki reports he's been having dreams since meeting onaki when he first supported his picture when they examined key rochimar and long discuss the possibility of the iwagari incident having affected mitsuki emotionally in a way that is only now surfacing richie maro and log looked through mitsuki's memory starting with winnie maranoki and commented on mitki's self-reflection they pondered the meaning and intent behind mitsuki's actions as he met the fabrications and later going on with him to igakere log is concerned about the effects of having had to attack boruto to gain the fabrications trust how to mitsuki the two are concerned when they realize that there's a chance mitsuki might know that they're the ones who instigated his interest in boruto orochimaru wants to erase mickey's memory feeling that his rapid psychological development is outpacing his brain's ability to sustain it they continue to review mitsuki's memories now going through his portrayal of ku and seki's death as they finish reviewing bizki's memories of the iwagakari incident lag is unsure if they should erase mizki's memories orochimar leaves the room when mitsuki wakes up orochimaru tells him he'll continue to hurt and gives him the choice of making it go away they cause him in memories misky wakes up at home woken up in mikazuki and he was born toward his door telling him sorry they want to see mkazuki log is relieved when they didn't have to erase miscue's memories orochimar says they might come a day when they need to do it but he thinks he'll be able to overcome such a need steam ninja scrolls arc mirai prepares to leave in a mission accompanying kakashi and my guidance says goodbye to her mother and immoral to her father on a way she muses on why her father chose her name while praying to her grandfather borah through sheikh and she kara passed by shigemar having taken on the chinese burger shigemaru asks if she's using awesomeness chakra blades which she confirms but as she can't use them like shikamaru does shigemaru points out that she shares osmos tracker nature so she shouldn't have difficulty mastering the blades miranda offers shikumar an answer to a quizzy mater but it's the wrong one and chicago points out that she's overthinking it after the nara leave mirai tells borth over mission arriving at the gates mirai is disappointed by the casual and leisurely attitudes of kakashi and guy they point that she's supposed to blend in the civilian mirai mistakes their casual conversations advanced form blending in and continues working yourself up even mistaking an old man on their potential enemy they have their destination go to several chops a pickpocket tries to steal kakashi's wallet but kagashima mobilizes them the pickpocket throws the wall to his partner who mirai chases and stops the ganjutsu she ends the pickpockets over the police mira is upset for letting the pickpockets get so close but kashi was okay free kakashi points out that the wallet he allowed to be stolen was a fake and that they're otherwise dealing problems of power they arrive at a tree because she considers to be hollow ground as it's where a movie adaptation ichichu was filmed curious about the reaction mira asks them what the books are about but they refuse to anything due to their age they take a photo to remember the occasion they talk about the vocational mira asks about the mission she learns there's no actual mission much through shock at night in a hotel mirai watches from afar's guy and karachi of dinner kakashi notices her invites are in she insists on taking her mission seriously even when he suggested soaking in the hot springs and he reveals her awkward attitude reminds me of asuma mira reveals an uncomfortable feeling due to everyone knowing more about her father than she does and wonders what the actual purpose of shinobi and peaceful times she also stresses over learning the mission will actually be about 20 days instead of two having misheard it with the springs already closed gaussian forms through their cross in the land of hot water the following day mirrah thinks about entering the village where while his killer was born on the way to the hot springs district mira is bothered by not having brought enough clothes to iteration in the mission she disagrees with she's focused on to overcome it they comment on how she's inherited her mother's trait tanka jutsu arriving at the town guy finds out unusually popular i think he was a quieter town noticing they'd be wearing dog and cat masks kasha recalls what the festival is about and explains to me the town's origins and different people celebrate the different dog and cat deities depending on which version of the town's origins they believe and about a third destruction deity neither cat nor dog cat lovers and dog lovers from various lands come to the festival culminating in a shrine fight while going through the crowd they end up fighting kiba and tamaki leading the dog and cat lovers respectively they came to the festival on a date and ended up taking sides mirai wonders if they should try to reconcile them but kashi and guy point out that their matter is a private one they figured that being able to stay in the town events and making peace between the dog lovers and cat lovers making the issue part of the mission mirai talks tamaki trying to reconcile her in kiba she's upset because this is supposed to be a date and spending time with him is difficult enough because he never gets days off from the police force mirai tries talking to cuba but he's too caught up with the dog lovers exalting his accomplishments to back down mirai tries to pass off a piece suffering on her own as keepers but ends up escalating the conflict at night the shrine fight begins when kakashi abuses that they might have to destroy everything before they consider talking this gives me an idea she asks guy for a lighter and uses its flame to use a fire release to fake an appearance as a destruction deity presenting his half dog and have cat then about worshipers promptly believe if a guy attacks the apparition who destroys the wall separating the dog in cat hot springs the festival goes take it as a sign that guy is a messenger of the destruction deity telling them to stop being divided and celebrate as one keema and tamaki make up america's take her bath kakashi tells that using the lighter for fire release is just like her father explaining she used both their parents jutsu to solve the issue kakashi leaves to soak another hot spring leaving mira wishing to learn more about a father mirai shares a hot spring with 1010 and thanks for bringing extra clothes 10 10 says no issue issue then take a few days off go to hot springs anyway she's concerned that guy will stir up trouble with his hot headness they hear guys screaming claiming he saw a ghost miranda gets got to sleep and ten-ten warns to remember putting her clothes on before getting out gosh he joins him having returned from buying snacks kakashi asks about guy then explains he claims to have seen a ghost but won't know more until he wakes up ten ten believes guys saw a ghost mare doesn't believe in ghosts and swept the room kakashi says their snacks were gone and thought guy had eaten them which is why he left to get more 1010 takes as proof that there's a ghost while miranda wants to prove that there isn't one they asked the receptionist who was shocked someone saw it the receptionist tells them the story about the hot springs since war times and how there used to be rumors of a ghost and armor that vanished after a mass exorcism was performed they speak with several employees who tell them of strange occurrences the past few days while discussing them leaning over statue would be in a bit noticed that as a stone base while all the others have a wood base 10 attempts to just mirror cut through the stone with the chocolate blade but miranda says she hasn't mastered them yet she does some guy woke up but guided nice seeing a ghost kagashi accused him of eating all the snacks guy denies it challenges kakashi to do a ping pong match and the two leave mirai intend to discuss guy's attitude gangashi returned asking mira to be the reverie mirai thinks about the places the ghost supposedly appeared and notices all them face the inner garden guy continues to try to void in places in their hot spring kakashi asks me why she's so distracted and why she's so determined to prove that ghosts don't exist she says that if they did she thinks her father would have visited her mirai notices the ping-pong ball moving because of a breeze she goes back to the statue ready to find the so-called ghost ten-ten scares guy and a girl appears amount of the statue after smoke starts coming out from under it mira attacks the chakra blades and cusses statue in half they question the girl named tatsumi who apologizes mirai explains that she found secret passages for more times for evacuation found evidence of recent human activity and all but one of them blocked and asked the employees to fumigate them forcing whoever was inside to come out from the only unblocked exit pretend that explain she's having too much fun watching guy put on a brake face tatsumi explained she was traveling and had no money and chance upon the secret passage she begs them not to hand her over to the land of hot water as the trip she's making is for her to see his mother visiting the hot springs she never got to see mirai offers to take tatsumi with them and pay for expenses kakashi warns to be more careful with the chocoblades they leave the next day guy finally explaining what he saw was an armored warrior which brings to mind what miranda learned about the play's history mayor i recalled she removed several tags from a guy's room thinking it was trash 10 times split from the group although they just go ahead with the trip shigemaru thinks back to playing shogi with asuma back when he still didn't know who was the king he believes that mirai will soon be old enough to realize the answer as well mira akagashi guy and taught to me travel to the next stop but supposedly less known hot spring conversation here's to parrots and dancing asks mirai which one of your parents use most like they arrive at their destination but there's a giant boulder in the middle of village an old lady explains that it's been a month since the bullet fell off the mountain and crashed part of the village including the hot spring guy ponders if he was 20 years younger he'd have no problem removing the boulder some other villagers invite the group for drinking but they explain they've done what they can clearing white button sand they haven't had help from yuga yet because of it having issues a young woman disappearing which takes priority they haven't asked the land of fire for all because they think they wouldn't go out the coming all the way or that they would send low-ranking individuals no real authority later amirah tries moving the boulder herself with no veil the old lady's story she came all this way and offers her a land of hot water dish a roasted potato made in an underground pit kakashi talks abirai pointing out the huge debris-related risk and moving the boulder mirai wonders if there's anything she can do and karachi explains these are taking steps and called choji who was on a mission nearby choji arrives but is quite hungry not potato chips mira brings in the roast potatoes which choji quickly eats but they don't have enough fat from to grab her strength since they can't get potato chips in the mountain mira decides to make some with tatsumi's health choji comments and potato chips all the way through their making and makes their comments and advice osmo used to give to him which sparks mary's curiosity she asks about her father and shoji tells her he smoked a lot and was quite vague but he understands awesome more than others more years on him he tells him about how awesome it gave his team their earrings while they're talking the potato chips become ready choji is unsure about their shape berries in their flavor when he tries them joji grows inside to remove the boulder and his drum with the other konohashinobi in the villagers joji converts calories to chakra for a final push moving the boulder the hot springs begin flowing once again choji slims down from so many calories into chakra the old lady thanks mirai who downplays their contributions choji explained to austin used to encourage him when he had trouble learning jutsu when he mentions the king choji explains it was something awesome asked them and refused to tell the answer as asked by shikomaru he says watching mirai brought back memories of asuma choji leaves and at night taunts me and mirai soaked in the hot spring hearing mira talking about her father tatsumi confesses she's been lying to them and that she's actually been looking for a hot spring where when suppose they can talk to the dead mirai is skeptical about tatsumi's claim of a hot spring where one can see the dead tatsumi says she came all this way to see her mother skeptical first as well but she had to try she asks if mira doesn't want to see her father mira excuses herself she thinks herself she's a mission but ends up changing her mind she tells totally she'll go with her if only to protect her talk to me is glad and informs that they have to go as they can only supposedly meet in the dead of night mira hopes to be back by morning walking through the village at night they see how the atmosphere is different when it's empty on the way they replenish their water in a spring mirai takes iron in the water mira asks taught to me when she wants to stay with her mother and tell them to explain she wants to apologize for a fight they had the day before she died miranda wants to ask her father who the king is mirror helps totally crossing difficult spots impressing her with shinobi skills someone spies on them they rap at a fork in the road and the girl who spotted them approaches them offering to take them to hot spring claiming to have been there herself into a met with a dead brother she directs him to a cave behind a waterfall as they approach the spring mirai smells sulfur they meet several girls some of them have been waiting for over a month and they rejoice when they are not 20 of them they never required for a ceremony the attendance tell them to begin soon and lead them to a room to meet ryuky mirai asks him how he'll let them see the dead earning her approach to the believers he tells him of a shinobi who wants to use a judge to reincarnate the dead from the great wars which mira recognizes as summoning in pure world reincarnation ryoki claims that jude to disgrace the dead and required a living sacrifice but through his research was able to learn to jutsu that wouldn't have these consequences and requirements ryuky directs one of the wind of the spring having her name in the name of the one she wishes to see very serious speaking to the steam thoughts of me is next and recognizes her mother's voice calling out to her when mirai gives her name and that of her father ryuki recognizes her family name and directs her to the steam ryuki has a joshie and symbol on his ring mirai sees a figure in the steam and a father shape mirror recalls reading chickamar's report on the mission or father died which details how hedon used awesome's blood for his jutsu forging and length through which he transferred injuries ryuki asked the woman if they heard the voice of their loved ones calling out to them and gives them water to purify themselves instructing them not to drink until he tells himself mirai wants her father to teach her how to play shogi and express his concern her father won't recognize her ryuky claims to be able to move between worlds and having met awesome who wanted to meet her miranda makes a mention of a shogi player her father supposedly admires and who she's supposedly named after ryuki confirms awesome telling her that which mirai texas proves his lies as there's no shogi player and prepares to fight him ryuki orders the woman to drink the water but mira slightly shocks him with lightning release which snaps out of the effects that they hit them out of gases in the spring mirai concludes he's the one behind the missing woman and confirms their sacrifice so he can achieve immortality ryoki cuts tops in his cheek for some blood and creates a link between her and a puppet which puts her under his control he orders taught me to kill mirai and mocks mariah for not fighting back into none shall be opponent kakashi and guy arrive at the spring defeating the other cultists as they do kakashi throws a kunai at rookie's hand causing him to drop the cursed puppet breaking his hold up with thotsumi ryuki creates a diversion with the gases to escape mary follows him she reaches the ritual room where ryuki intended to exchange blood from human sacrifice to free mortality the room contains several spear-throwing trap mechanisms miran asks ryuki who hirano is to him ryuki considers his heart on hero and wants to inherit his accomplishments restoring the way of joshin he considers the current peaceful air to be a waste which mirrors mira's concerns that the challenges they face won't allow them to dispass the previous generation ryuki seemingly slashes miranda cutting her blood and controlling her damaging the puppet ryuki appears to use her blood to acquire mortality but everything fades is very revealing jutsu ryuki is confused as he takes it her blood mirror reveals it was just iron rich water from the hot springs ryuki's convinced what he now sees as anjutsu and charges at her god she watches mirai strikes back at him seeing awesome energy defeats ryuki he and his cultists are apprehended and mirai explains what happened to tatsumi they talk about having memories of their loved ones and looking to the future kagoshi and guy exchange words and discuss mira's growth they part ways to talk to me and go back to kona hakukuri mira is skeptical when they come across such an operation by accident and they explained their mission was to investigate the missing girls while miraz was protect them haven't been sent together intel while acting as tourists as they arrive mira i realize they'd be giving her all the details so she can write a mission report sports or greets her as she arrives and is shocked when she tells them what happened later mirai plays shogu shikamaru and said she figured out the king his future generations shikamaru teases her for not realizing she's named after the answer and points out she lost match shikumar visits naruto in his office asking him about his decision on who to promote to tuning in as the exams have been derailed by the otsuki attack naruto finds it difficult to choose and can only promote one genie shigemaru stresses that tuning are team leaders and should be chosen based on their ability to discern battle situations and make decisions naruto and chicken review these sections of the exams and those who pass them discarding them as they analyze how they fought in strategistic battles they eventually narrow it down to sarah sumit and denki and naruto decides to promote saratha as while she's on par with thank you insulin in terms of strategy he finds her to have the better fighting skills among them sasuke rise really need to report in he says he hasn't been able to find oshiki but has discovered evidence that uranus should have been around several occasions before mumishiki and kinchik arrived and shigemaru speculates who's gathering intel seeing star at his photo he deduces naruto's promoter but having learned about sarah's desertion after the exams from sakura voices your concerns over who should be promoted sasuke leaves and naruto reconsidered shige pointing out his contribution in the resolution of the iwa gakuta incident shikidai is promoted to tuning she could admire his tuning flak jacket moygi arrives to his first mission as team captain she claims the mission is easy but she could have suspicious over coming all the way to his house telling that that was the case because the mission was suddenly they had to put together a team with the available genie shigeru meets eubie and wasabi at the gates to begin arguing with each other bortho arrives late and offers him control his first team their mission is to retrieve a flower that girls on top of a mountain the genning questioned the mission and cigarette explains he's a rare flower that blooms only once every four years and due to its medicinal properties it's sold at a high price so they should be on the lookout for bandits wasabi asks to the find the flower and chicken eye presents them tonsuke a pig with a great sense of smell that'll act as their guide much of their shock because the only pig who can find the flower he's been spoiled rotten and has to be fed especially food regularly because one of the pigs was being trained was stolen they need to carry the pig's extra security a task that falls to iwobi at night they come across wolves wasabi scares them away but also scared to constitute with fleas shigura retrieves him noticing a snout shaped birthmark board who attempts to reassure sheikah will eob and wasabi argue over whether she crosses bridge or going to detour she could have decided to cross the bridge but when wasabi and eo begin arguing again the bridge starts swinging and it scares tons okay who almost falls if not for borton when she could eye she could die for bids he will be in wasabi from talking to each other for the rest of mission they come across bandits and he will be in what's happening both charge forward towards chicago about a trap but shigetai injures his leg and tonski escapes the bandits are defeated but boruto recovers donsuke shigerai decides to finish the mission by itself tonski suddenly starts eating for his mushrooms mustard she could import to a surprise she could unnotice as the lack of birthmark introduced the pig was switched with stolen one during the skirmish with the bandits they find a bandits but can't give chase because she could have leg injury wasabi and you would discussed shigirai's decision and eob spot she could have blood in the trap borto attempts to make a bridge with the shadow clones across the ravine but the gap is too big xikai wants to jump the ravine even with its injury but eob arrives uses earth release to make a bridge he and wasabi apologize for fighting boards and wonders how to find tonka and shige says tonski will signal him as he hasn't been fed in a while tonski starts crying along with somebody to pinpoint him with the cat hearing they're able to ambush most of the bandages borito in the shadow clones she could either stone ski with his food allowing yubi to separate it from the bandit leader with earth release and pins the bandit together with the shadow they find the flower and succeed with their mission back in konoha muay reveals the mission was also a test to see if she could as a capable leader signing him with people other than his usual teammates shigeru realizes he still has a long way to go with captain while walking through kona has started spots borton medley and shiite eagerly opening extreme shelby picture schools packs sorry to ask him about it and they explained about its popularity borto is bombed out to get another repeat guide of his father and starter considers all three immature for being so into it chocho calls her to try another new dessert and boruto considers them the same as well while comparing new cards the boys run into sheena who gets uncomfortable learning kiba and akamara are featured in cards while he isn't the three know how strong chino is and board that wants to make him a card pointing out the coming arm on company manufactures them they managed to get an audience with denki's father who chosen the list of the next card series which does an open slot thank you's father has such respect for shinobi he's had a hard time picking a final one they advocate for shino's inclusion but medley ends up suggesting his own father as he's not present on the list denki's father can't make up his mind so denki suggests they pick another one who'll make a bigger profit the company will make a survey and let the customers decide will get the final spot worth once you cannot pay for chino with shadow clones and distributing leaflets metal and denki who rockley once trained put advertisements on the trains checking out the current tally rock these leading the votes so to raise you know's profile board though as you will be making chino's stone face near the hokage rock with his earth release in exchange for one of the super rare seventh hoggy duplicates board with us metal uses taijutsu to try carving sheena's face into his father's border creates shadow clothes to use when released gail palm to carve shiro's face back she could have thinks it'll all end in trouble and leaves border to a metal end up carving the giant stone face into a small statue and are stopped by shino and rock lee they say they don't want to stand out like that but appreciate their effort they don't say fire nearby in the beginning where they won't be able to rescue the person in a time rock league kicks the statue to the building's water tank and shino uses the insects to remove the person from the fire when the second series is released both she could eye out for just abandoning their efforts when they open their packs there are both rockley and chino cards denki explains that their profiles were significantly raised by the fire rescue increasing both their demands leading denki's father to add an extra spot however they keep getting duplicates again sarta and chocho leave for his second round of new desserts in the hokage's office building star works on a map hikashi arriving comments in the building being empty safe for him sai explains that everyone else is out investigating a bomb threat so all the other work has stopped kakashi notices they complained about team 25 in the post office and offered to look into it he daunts its tsukiyo to skies on the way to the post office there are hokey berry taco for not acting according to plan and rango for kicking too many boxes at once who ends up dropping them a post office employee complains about them saying it requests other getting if their performance doesn't improve renga and hako blame hokey will leaving as they end up doing things their way because they can't understand his orders sukiya has to speak with hokie and is impressed when he remembers him from when he interviewed them as academy students sookie asks hoki about the way he dresses and hoki explains his admiration for the six of kage hoki informed suki his team is only being assigned d-rank missions and they're having to perform without a supervising jonion as theirs is recovering from a mission injury and due to the labor shortages known to fill in he tried to lead the team but hako goes off and disarmed things and rango only does things through brute strength bortow and sarah suddenly arrive and requested to see a certain package as part of the bomb threat investigation they find the bomb and managed to deactivate it several shinobi arrive at the post office to investigate they explain to hoki how the investigation revealed the bomber's plan to mail bombs having discovered them through packaging paper found in the couple's place and now other genuine pursuit when the superior comes to talk to them hawker deduces what he'll say from his behavior that has made little problems from his clothes sukiya takes notice the office stops receiving packages for the day but resume the next day hokie discusses with renga and hako about being left out of the bomb investigation he later confides his frustration with sukiya sukiya suggests he's not taking his teammate's feelings into consideration and comments on hawke's perceptiveness hokie knows about it and that renga strength allows him to excel in defense he realizes they ignored his orders before because haku anticipated the clerk's schedule and renga picked up several boxes at once to make up for last time hokey becomes frustrated with himself so keith tells hokey how the six hulk gog made mistakes in the past and lost a friend over it sokia asks him how the genie and knew which package is the bomb hokey explains that if the department store wrapped up packages they'd have the story stickers on it and the one porto and sarah had had no stickers he recalls three other stickerless packages earlier he gets aqua and renga to find another bomb they figured the bombers sent multiple bombs counting on security being relaxed if the first one was discovered there's one bomb whose package is already set up but they can't be sure of where it is because there's no set order of deliveries so it's up to postal workers when to deliver packages hokey confides in his teammates and they go after the remaining bomb package he asks taco to take lead as her keen perception should allow her to sign tasks she asks for who is responsible to deliver in the area which hokey has memorized based on who it is hako decides where he'll make his delivery at a train station having observed the close to the mission they find the bomb but are unable to deactivate it with little time until detonation renga throws it into the air and creates wall protection allowing it to explode harmlessly gosh he arrives claiming sukiya filled a man he considered switching leaders in the middle of a mission risky but hoki thought about sookie's story about him and apologizes to his teammates they also apologize for leaving everything up to him so they can have it easier under kikashi's recommendation team 25 is put undersized leadership who considers their individual abilities suited for intelligence missions konohamaru's love arc boards of sardo and chocho watch a movie in the cinema boards of finds to be uninteresting angering sardon chocho for not getting the romantic aspects of the plot they want to have them watch the movie again before it leaves he tells kona hamara about it who thinks he should train more if he has time to watch movies boys asks him if he watches movies like that but konohamar denies it saying that he can't lose focus or romance if he wants to be okay they notice a young one being pursued borito and konohamar keep track of her she loses her pursuers and konomaru saves her from falling when she misses a step on the stairs the woman is astonished by the view while kana hamaro carries her jumping between buildings and banks and when they land she introduces herself as reman asks her why she was being chased she claims to have come to konahawk for sightseeing ran into them when getting lost and thinks she upset them ramona insists on thanking them so bortho asks her to treat them to lunch at laney burger they try the latest item on the menu a superstar lemon burger roman had never eaten a burger before but loves sour foods she enjoys it so much that she decides to live in konakakura either suggestion konomaro tries the burger but doesn't like the sourness roman offers him a handkerchief to wipe his mouth and she promises to wash it and return it to her board to consider him uncool they offer to show her around and guard her with sightseeing ramon shows interest in the hair clubs from a stand konjumara offers to buy her one and she has khan homar pick one boards are comments on the expensive hair accessory she's already wearing when visiting the hokage rock konohamaru explains how he was named after the village and about his grandfather and roman comments on his verbal tick they both act shy and blush roman chips on a rock and konohamaru catches her both notices their awkwardness towards one another by sundown the men pursuing roman fighter again but she tells conan hamar in both another worry revealing their from her household and we're after her because she left without informing anyone she thanks them both for a good time and tells kong homaro learning about his grandfather motivated her she bids him fair well purposely using his rebel tick the next day konohamaru stares at roman tankerchief sardar and chocho commented that his behavior and jojo reminds us he's in love bortho is doubtful but when they remind him he didn't get the plot of the romantic movie he thinks back to konjumar's interaction with raman borto and konohama go to roman's home to return the handkerchief but borto also brings more lemon burgers they arrive at her stately home she notices them in states that she never wants to see them again must they shock another member of your household watches her from a balcony with a stern expression boards or comments on roman's different demeanor the stern household member approaches and tells remind she must properly thank those who she's beholden to and introduces himself as kankitsu akitsuki roman's fiancee kankitsu asks them to leave as they're busy with wedding preparations kokonomara wants to return the handkerchief but kanki too insists they leave kong homar complies to portraits confusion boruto asks konohamar about the situation but he says nothing on the way home they find a girl from ramen's village who cannot remember her way home so konohomar insists on taking her to the village congee some questions ramen about her attitude telling her not to worry about the handkerchief offering to buy her everything roman wants to retreat to her room but conquito is confined into a new secure building ramon feels like a prisoner but seeing how sad other villagers are about it and can keeps reminding her it's for the good of the village she relents he also takes a haircut for safekeeping and she protests claiming that they guard her memories from soma unable to get it back ramon comments that he's changed konohamaru and boruto returned anzu to her mother and anzu says she couldn't remember where the village was startling the villagers with konaman notices borto argues that they should visit roman again an old woman talks to remind seeing how kankito has changed and informs her another villager lost her memory and got lost but travelers brought her back ramen is concerned as legend never mentioned anything like that but concludes they must hurry the wedding konohamara and boruto noticed the extra security renderman's home konohamaru stresses that because this is a personal investigation they must keep their involvement limited board to points out he's the one who wants to talk to remin remin thinks about her experiences in konoha and konohamaru and boards will arrive at her window they're concerned for her situation but she explains that it's the only way to save her village at conohomar's request she tells the legend of her village four centuries prior die die village was almost destroyed by soma a demon who consumes memories leading them to waste away she draws him a picture a horned skull spirit at the time a shrine maiden coin battled soma who came close to possessing her but she managed to seal it in iraq however a portion of someone stayed within her resulting in a curse that was passed down to her descendants when bears of the courage reach age 20 the curse manifests a mark on their hands seeing that they connect someone with the outside world and slowly have their memory strained roman explains that she and kids are both the sanders of kuwait through different branch families that every hundred years they see a restricted several weekends bored to notice the remnant is not losing her memories and she explains that her hair clip is a tool created by coolant that protects her against so much power given to the female descendant to inherit the curse when someone gets stronger its horns begin growing from the rock signaling its time for they still be repaired at that time a man and woman who by the curse are wet and reply the seal warrants are questions why the seal can't be applied without them being married roman explains can't quite lose his memories the only way to break the curse through marriage borg says they'll defeat soma but she explains it doesn't have a physical form so it can't be attacked with weapons or ninjutsu konohamaru explains the existence of such beings evidenced by the one his grandfather made a contract with conquista leaves at night and the old woman wonders where he goes roman says conquista wasn't as cold when they were younger but borto is still against her marrying someone who will not make her happy she explains the story of konohumar's grandfather gave her strength to go through with it he returns her handkerchief then leaves as bore to argues against leaving roman in the situation they're approached by the old woman asaki of the yomoto family she converts confuses chains of personality and asks them to confirm where he goes at night he visits bremen finds his handkerchief back and stays put for the night kokitsu goes to the asaki who forgets what she wanted to do both her notices she's laid to get their report and konohamar becomes suspicious of asaki's absence konama decides that he and borthos should be looking for asaki themselves they seek conquista leaving grandma's home and konoma decides to tell him instructing board to find asaki konomaru follows conquistador to a site where he's spotted by cookies his subordinates kakito informs him only people from the daidai village are allowed on the site and then he'll file a complaint about him with konahaku could i his needed subordinates score them out borthos spots got kits when he returns but also asaki and goes to talk to her she doesn't recognize him but spots can keep to a roman's hairclip at the distance and advise the board to leave asaki follows conquistador to stealing rock and bark to follow her she stops conquista from destroying the hair clip which ends up with borato asaki accuses conquito of not being himself donkey just surmises he has to do more than erase her memories and moves into finisher borough to forces to retrieve the thor kunai he refuses to explain his intentions adding boruto would only forget them anyway and produces several will of the wisps that follow boards all around board to dodge several them and asaki blocks them with their own body she grows antlers which sends two wisps back to conquista and passes out boruto blocks the next wisp and while surprised by the hair clip protecting him he's hit with another one from behind two wisps also leave his body through antlers bortz's memory of events since going to the movies are compromised he flees the site with a haircut and continues to struggle his memories he falls into a river and conquito ceases to search through the conquistador's complaint konohomaru is placed under house arrest konkitsu informs remy he's pushing up the wedding ritual claiming soma is getting stronger roman asks about asuki's absence kankitsu lies about it and says he'll let her know if she sees her abort to rest home and asked by his mother and sister you can't remember how he caught the hair clip konoha spends the night researching sorry to ask supports it did believe in konomir's how was her recipe the result of him covering for something borth who did throughout the day boruto stumbles upon reminders of his experiences with rahman and he finally remembers everything he rushes back home to retrieve the hair clip and goes to see konohamaru who has found something in his research both reveals to go on homar that competes is the one seeing people's memories the two move out to return to dynamic village the wedding ceremony between conquistador and rama begins boruto and konham are rushed back to the village conquito and roman joined hands and are instructed to cut the stone's horns to keep someone sealed a ghostly aura connects them to the statue and their given swords cut the horns kankutu strikes the rock's binding ropes instead everyone's shocked kakita grabs roman 10 by force and continues his ritual konohama are on board to arrive conquista proclaimed he fulfilled his duty and passes out soma manifests from the reigns of the stone it attacks roman kokitsu but konohama pulls him out of the way board to attempt to attack soma with ku9 would release but no avail soma goes through some of the villagers in the cave eating their memories konomar inserts boruto to evacuate them konohomaro attempts to fight soma but it devoids him and goes for ramen konomaru gets in his way creating two more shadow clones attempts to steal it without his grandfather seals immediately restricts someone's movements for a while they leave the cave conquista wakes up now free of someone's influence and recounts so he fell under its control border stresses that physical attacks and ninjutsu don't work against it and konomira points out that it seemed to evade him ramon says it only fears cohen's hair clip which konomaro has roman wants to seal someone inside her body concussive stress against risks they explained how kuan did the same a long time ago but lost other memories as consequence being barely able to transfer to the rock and only managed to cut out one of the manifested horns on herself their clip can't protect one's memories when they have somas heal inside they hear konohomaru silo with the break so he and board to go back in just as soma attacks them konamura summons a monkey enra kono hamara informs enra of soma's abilities and emra transforms into a staff at his instruction dodging soma board to covers the cave's several tags soma attacks konohumaru who blocks his blast with andra konomaru uses his staff to create a seal of the tag board to plant it a spectral monkey grabs soma who struggles to make free and with comments kong hamara doesn't have enough chakra and the steel breaks and risks transformation and summoning dispel remind arrives the hair clip and steals someone inside herself she struggles to keep it contained to ask konohumar to cut the horns before losing her memories thinking back to his experiences with ramon konomaru cuts the horns destroying soma roman wakes up at home with conquito and asaki at her side she doesn't remember them or who she is konohamara and bora to leave dada village that saying goodbye to ramen despite borders assistance conquista brings ramen a lightning burger lemon burger she enjoys it but cries finding it somehow nostalgic boring to brings winnecon omaro as well and heroes instead in the hokage rock one tail escort arc at the lighting burger the conan getting discussed their plans for the upcoming days off while most were excited shigita isn't looking forward to visiting his mother's family in the land of wind likewise bortho isn't excited to go camping with his successfully doted grandfather shigetai wishes he'd go on a mission and board the wishes he would trade sasuke sasuke told him to get in touch with the hawk message walking through groningen border spot saskatchewan's hot delivering a message to the caught his office konohash no we take his message to be decoded intent on knowing the message borth of free saskatchewan yorito discussed sasuke's update on his search for uroshiki which is leading to the land of wind using the freedhawk's commotion as a distraction board to learn sasuke's location he comes across sarda who notices enthusiasm but decides not to tell her about finding sasuke's location the next day is cover he tells his mother he'll be camping with team seven and second minsky's house both the midst of the train for the land to win with tomorrow and she could die but manages to sneak into a freight train that's headed there as well borton makes it to the land of wind but ends up dropping off one station early he tries walking to the next station but passes up from the thirst and heat he's rescued by he's not going to wake through your house next day she encourages him to spend the night to go to the train station in the morning hisaku's father gojo currently doesn't believe isago explains her father dislikes ninja he refuses boards as help with appearing the garden and reveals his village was destroyed by the foreign war and not by enemies but by shinobi on his own side and attempt to smoke out enemies he lives in isolation so we sago never go through the same thing at night bore through any saga place you know be about but an alarm goes off defense damage again gojo explains to being harassed people want to leave the areas they can build a power plant that'll benefit many people in the morning isago tries to make board to stay one more night but he has to leave he comes across people who are asking his song and gojo prank use a chemical to kill their greens the holy sago hostage will force gojo to transfer land property but still intend to kill the graves before harvest time borto arrives and intimidates them into giving up with the resengan with a threat before ingar of the situation in gratitude gojole allows him to use the trolley he built to go to the train station borth uses wind release to boost his speed and arrives at the stone pillars marking his destination he finds remains of matarasu burning and ghost investigating nearby sasuke and garafatushiki is a number of teneri's puppets under his command borto arrives and urashiki manages to snatch sasuke's chocolates trying to pick boruto sasuke charges at him but urishiki pours them away after sasuke was teleported to another dimension bortha tries to take oshiki but is stopped by garu who takes him to a safe location garrow binds borton explains to him that urishiki is an osotsuki and he has no chance against odashiki rashiki takes advantage of attacking an exhausted gara but he's saved by shinki and shukaku shinki attacks odishiki with his iron sand but ureshiki invades with ease shukaku uses wind release trying to push urashiki away and grab him with his paws but urushiki invades him gary uses his desert layered imperial funeral seal to seal urishiki temporarily with urashiki saying he will just buy this time patiently kongro yoro and araya arrive after hearing news that ushiki plans on targeting shugaku gara gives the mission to kankaroshinki and boruto to take shukaku who at first refuses to be sealed in the tea kettle but later goes in willingly to naruto and konohakura to keep him safe at first shinki refuses to go because aborts his immaturity and because shukaku belongs to sunungare but reliance when bortho is the only one who knows konohako good as terrain gara states that shinki can learn something from boruto from abort the house that he does not yodo nri will take gara back to tsunagaki to be healed conqueror shinki and boruto head out with shigaku clinging onto bordeaux's back for the first person the trip kankaroshinki and borto arrive in abandoned wind generation building in hopes of finding communications but instead find a map of routes leading to the kona hakukurei shinki lai later scolds boards over allowing shikakaku to trick him into letting shugaku wander off to think he needed urinate when shigakaku just wanted to relax shinki takes charge and keeping shukaku safe within his iron sand armor as kankaroshinki and boards will head out they're sensed by enemy puppets conqueror instructs and bartow to go on ahead while he takes down the enemy puppets with his own puppets they do depart conqueror battles urashiki's puppets to buy shenki and board to more time as the puppets increase in numbers conqueror summons more poppies to battle his foes he's overwhelmed and decides to self-destruct his pups destroy their remaining enemies the mario and chicago arrive in sudagakura when tomorrow dread something bad has happened borto and shinki see an explosion where konkara was fighting forth fights wishing you whether they should go back and see if kankakura was okay in a system but shinki advises against it as he states that shinobi from tsunagaki will do anything to protect one another even after self-destructing their bodies to destroy enemy for good porto is angry that shinky is cold about conqueror's well-being and shinki is angry about boards not being able to prioritize the mission before lives shukaku appears and tells borta hushing he was similar to gara until gar was saved by naruto who gave him a different path instead of fighting for hatred to fight to protect people and never giving up on that this surprises boruto who decides to go see if goku is okay tomorrow and she can meet up with yodo and i where they informed them that urushiki teleported sasuke to another dimension and chukaku was targeted tamari orders them to continue escorting gary back to sunnagakuri tomorrow and she could have meet with boruto who was also there to find konkoro tomorrow deduces that shinkey and bortho had an argument she is touched by boruto's dedication for kankado but reminds him that if nobody must not their emotions get in the better the mission shige notices a pile of destroyed puppets and a hole next to it borrowing down in the sand to mario boruto and shikitai go search for kangaroo but also fear something bad is happening to shinki as well shinki is attacked by one of shiki's puppets where he goes out in full battle urushiki escapes from his seal which guards senses borton concedes to mario that he may not have understood conquerors resolve or shinkies but he can't accept it and understands his must protect shikaku shinki begins fighting go to shiki's reigning puppet and manages to hit shin cube poison needles fans hit from a sword of the clone while the real should get anchors that pop up to the ground with iron sandy candidates on his way his arm paralyzed shukaku teases him slightly that he may have been able to avenge his uncle if ford who had been there to aid him in the fight they arrived at kravos and utishiki's puppet catches up to them but so does sports or who lands a hit on it tomorrow and chicago also arrived giving borton shanking an opportunity to retreat forward to apologize for dismissing shiki's feelings but adds his friends are important as well shin keeper rates boards over being emotional and chugach who laughs comparing board to naruto porto goes back to help tomorrow in chicago sneaks away from after boruto as well the puppet releases poison gas but mario blows it away throwing the puppet into the cross board to arrive and the puppet climbs back up shinki berates chukaku for watching the battle and chicago points out that they have to deal with the pursuers the three go against the puppet while shinki thinks their fighting is inefficient because their emotions shukaku points out they're able to coordinate just fine and adds that that while he did compare bore to naruto shikakuku consciousness his board was smarter and more skilled than arthur was shinki takes shukau and continues to move away from the battle the puppet presses the shinobi of multiple arms chakra blast and attacking after burying herself in the sand tamari understood the puppet with her wind release but it's able to dodge attacks in the air sending attacks of its own tamara gets injured protecting she could die from an attack damari tells them she'll buy time for them to leave but they refuse border creates clones to form a perimeter and managed to land an explosive kunai in the puppet without detonating it allowing she could use tomorrow's fan to unearth the puppet again in dodging boratos for sengon the puppet is caught by shigita's shadow allowing board that atlantis for sengon which along with the explosive kunai detonations enough to destroy the puppet tomorrow tells boards to catch a shinky while she and she could i recover and look for kankado warashiki catches up to tamarind chicken having watched them fight through the puppets and steals about their chakra he amuses it'll be badass which is konoha but he does want to enjoy himself borthor catches up to shinki and chukaku updating them on the puppet's death urashiki spots them from afar borthoshinki and shukaku approach the end of fire noticing more vegetation urishiki intercepts them shinki is incredulous that urashiki broke through gary's seal and wonders how he tracked shukaku and the kettle should suppress their chakra ushiki explains he's watching through the puppets and reveals biakugan he's pleased to take him to marion and she has choker which rounds boruto shinki stresses they have to keep a cool head as neither sasuke or gar are there shikaku asks to unseal them so they can fight shinki has a plan and asks sport to buy some time urashiki attacks shinki blocks with iron sand and boards are counter attacks with shadow clones boards of faint and attack disguised as akuna which udishiki also avoids borges signals to shinki who attempts to seal him with his puppet and iron sand ushiki is bored by another seal they flee and shinky leaves several third eyes behind to keep track of otishiki certain that a seal won't hold as long as kara's bortho is concerned about the aku god and shinki changes their direction whatashiki breaks free and continues pursuit having put enough distance between them odashiki continues on the shortest route of the land of fire unaware that the ghani and chukaku have changed course they can't rush the land of fire afraid that they'll get in the range of utishiki's biakugan so borisov suggests visiting gojo as a transmitter shinki's struggles having spent a lot of chakra with his puppy technique and their eyes bored to helps him they're live at gojo's house but it's been attacked isigo tries to get her father out from under debris shinki is more concerned with like urashiki is the one who attacked them rather than helping gojo earning border censure shinky rescues him gojo informs him to attack them confirming it was odashiki looking for them their transmitter had been destroyed so they can't ask for backup looking for a map shinki sees the only way to the land of fire through a bridge where udeshiki is sure to be on the lookout for them gojo says this is longer path known only to locals but shinkiki is sure urashi will fight it if he stays waiting around long enough board to suggest using both through it's one of them carrying a decoy kettle and the rooteshiki is watching buying time for the other one to use the longer usuakaku as boards are going to do shadow clones for decoys he thinks the logical decision is for him to be the bay budashiki at the bridge urashiki attacks boruto causing debris to fall into the river at the longer route shinki notices the debris and shukaku talks to him about regret in another dimension sasuke's chakra begins to replenish enough for him to try getting back shinki continues towards the land of fire while shigako wonders how borton was doing boruto attempts to hide from urashiki to buy shaky time but urashiki finds him as biakugan shinki arrives at land of fire border but a stop at mirai who recognizes his ghara's son he doesn't attack but stresses the urgency of his mission to speak of the hogage he can't show the details of anyone lower than tuning so sai offers to hear him having been sent to investigate sasuke's lack communication shinkeen forms of the situation sai orders border patrol be on high alert mirai and shinky to stand by while he takes shukaku naruto udashiki attacks porto destroying the clone disguises shinki using shigura's tracker he pins board through his shadow and discovers the kettle with him as a decoy udoshiki intends to use boruto as a hostage to trade him for shukaku before to manage to land a superficially with the clone urashiki attempts to seal board to chakra but is blocked by shingi's iron sand shinki tells bortow he's guaranteed chukaku safety and proceeds to attempt crushing gurushiki odashiki breaks free of desire and sand and switches to the rinnegan and attacks boruto sends a lightning really shuriken which ueshiki blocks but the charge goes through his fishing rod just the same he evades their attacks by teleporting porto's eye activates what udeshiki recognizes he uses tamari's chakra as a distraction to attack shinky but boruto's eye allows him to detect where urushiki's portal will appear using clones as bait for utishiki to destroy they manage to corner him and land attacks managing to break one of his horns budashiki strikes to kill but attack is blocked by sasuke who was able to track odishi through his constant use of time and jutsu for the fight sasuke attacks but changing his eyes again urashiki disappears but not through a portal leaving behind a crane origami of the same red energy that compresses fishing rod and hook which disappeared shortly after sasuke is out of chakra unable to pursue him and borto and pass up from exhaustion gara wakes up in a tsunakari hospital to yoro and our eyes relief cronkite is battered up but alive a search party finds tamari and chicken informs him a conqueror of status naruto was informed of the situation by shukaku wanting to leave immediately but sasuke arrives and saves his hand three days later naruto discussed the issue with gara who wants to warn the other kage she could form supported that shinki had been discharged and boards were rushed to the train station to say bye shinki askaro what he meant before as he feels he's learned nothing from boruto bortol arrives and represents for not saying goodbye to his friend shinki acts hottie but smiles anyways he leaves at konoha naruto sasuke and chigamar discuss the situation they're concerned about the other tailed beasts now that they know urashiki wants to collect massive quantities of chakra they wish to convey summit shugaku complains about the situation and naruto explains they'll stay with him shukaku only agrees because gara asked him feeling uncomfortable with sharing a roof with korama kurama and chuka exchange insults naruto arrives homo shukaku explaining they'll stay with them until an official safe house is picked borton and chuka greet each other and himora is instantly taken by how cute she finds shukaku porto asks naruto and shook about the tailed beasts naruto gives him a brief history of tailed beasts and jin jodoki he later meets with the tailed beasts in their mental plane the matatapi koko and chome decide not to participate they talk about their protection and the others comment on chukaku's absence in the meeting which kurama teasingly attributes to the current situation while talking himawari in naruto and karma recall how she knocked them both out while she awakened to biakugan shukaku overhears and becomes intrigued the next day they all leave together shukaku eager to learn how she knocked out kuramas they can tease kodak about it they spend the next day together and ultimately end up at century park where an artist takes a nap shukaku sees nothing unusual about himalayas they ask her a side and questions her about it she doesn't remember any of it in chicago disregards her shukaku falls asleep and the kettle is picked up being mistaken for trash borton himaway ask a park employee who explains the trash is being taken to his graveyard as they watch a trash compactor himory blames herself for not watching chicago closely the stress of the situation triggers her biakugan allowing her to find chukaku's kettle shukaku awakes from the ruckus and sees him away with a biaku gun when it deactivates she has no memory of it borton breaks their fall at night shukaku and karma actually bonded with how the uzumaki's drive them crazy and are never boring shukaku figures chroma actually likes them the next day naruto takes shukaku away who waves you more imports a goodbye with their tail naruto and chickamar discuss detailed beast safehouses and chickamarum uses how shikakuku sleeps our care free i know he doesn't understand until this is all narcissists are just like a family border rushes through breakfast to go train with sasuke hinata compares boards to his excitement and northeast when you go trying to try out boruto would like to meet his father's master but he not informs me passed away and offers from photos she chose him and he more photos of naruto jaraya and their friends when they were young board notices sasukes in any of the photos and he had to deflect the issue while talking about dinner sarda complains to her mother that sasuke is still absent soccer saying he left early to go to the hokage's office board to visit them looking for sasuke and mentions wanted to ask mojaria sarta recognizes the name as the author from the book her father had read during family day sarta and borrowed to figure that reading the book will help the know about jaraya and since that's kakashi's favorite book it contains advice on how to be successful as it's an old book they go to a flea market they witness shino and kiva stopping a thief and asks them about the book they too confirmed jurai is the book's author and chino explains his background as one of the sanine and started insist on learning about the book and sarah's interest is sparked even more when cuba mentions the novel heba and chino stress they're too young to read it but leaving the book's depth to require more life experience we understood strengthens their resolve to read it they come across jojo and jojo and still try to sell their own clothes jojo gets flustered when asked about it and when he mentions the romance novel chocho voices interest reading as well and directs him to an old bookstore kui and daoday are interested in buying the clothes but feel insulted when shoji doesn't remember them chocho salvages the situation by making a promotion and goes aboard through and sarda at the bookstall they learn that there are several books in the series and while there is one available choji interviewed saying that too young the discovery of an archaeological relic is mentioned on tv the two are frustrated but not finding the book sports goes to training and started asked to tell sasuke to come home early if they do meet board to find sasuke and ask about jaraya sasuke explains that the relationship between naruto and io is much deeper than what they have borto asks about sasuke's absence in the photos when his parents were young and he doesn't get sasuke's answer sasuke currently tells him not to read the book when portugal asks about it important have some frustrated in seeing the archaeological relic on tv which is having the funeral of research he vaguely recalls the symbol on it he now tells them more about how dry influenced naruto board defines copies of dry his books among narcis belongings but he noticed games through it and declares him too young to read it sasuke arrives at home late and sees them already for him with a note from sarda naruto calls sasuke and informs them that they've received notice from border patrol that uranus had been indiscriminately stealing chakra urishiki comments on human craftiness and having concealed the beasts time slip arc mirai fights urashiki who has already defeated several of her comrade he asks her about the tailpiece that the hokage had but she definitely says she wouldn't tell him even if she knew he takes her chakra noting the potential usefulness of gajutsu someone tries to contact mira through earpiece radio which sparks utishik's curiosity gives him an idea several shinobi patrolled the streets in konohav naruto feels this makes the villagers uneasy but shikumaru stresses they can't be too careful as urishiki's attacked many shinobi and could teleport naruto is concerned that sasuke isn't in top form since having his tracker stolen and which is odashiki would come at him directly within uses his actions have drawn too much attention and decides to use all the chakra guided so far hoping that getting kodama will even it out shige martin forms an hour to the other villages are cooperating and that mira has gone missing naruto wants to send a clone to look for urushiku but shikamaru and sasuke counts them against it borton arrives and asked why he was left out when all the other ghani were tasked with shiki naruto says it's too risky to send him out as urishikis have been dead against him saying even he was more reasonable at that age sasuke said just forming two main team aboard so as they should prevent using from easily going after boruto but naruto restricts their movements to the village assassin needs to stay nearby in case usually attacks konoha boruto spots his friends and denki explains they're helping test new radio technology from the coming ironman company from denki and hakanoma's mission control that heroes urashiki is found moving away from the village ten-ten relays orders through the radio while seven shinobi mobilized the corner urashiki sasuke explains important urashiki is likely to have stolen mirror as chakra and using it to drastic away from the village again jutsu the konohashinobi are unable to prevent kurogi and mirai from attacking each other each seeing the other as urashiki because the genjutsu udoshiki would use mirai's radio to gain intel on their movements and prepares to go after naruto porto and sasuke rush the okay's office buburto stops knowing that naruto has capable shinobi near him he deduces urashikis after something else he recalls the artifact that had been on the news that's the same symbol they saw the ototsuki ruin where the father went zetsu they go to the research facility and said and find she'll be drained of the chakra urashiki activates the artifact katasuki a turtle-like device bordeaux and sasuke arrive and attempt to stop odisha from using it udeshiki steps into the light created by the device boruto and sasuke follow him into it arriving in an unusual dimension boruto and sasuke attack our shiki but he repels them knocking boruto into katasuki causing him to fall fledge sasuke uses his ring gun to switch them ushiki and shields them all susano they land on a forest to make their way back to konoha however they notice the hokage rock only has four faces carved they do it meaning they're in the past boruto lists the difference as you can see in the village saskatchewan calls otoshiki's words about harvesting the fox's chakra katasuki starts boruto reporting having deviated from the temple world shift chord and it's set up by odashiki questioned by sasuke katasuki confirms that by being separated from the murishiku arrived at the past few days later kanasuki also warned some of the changing of the future by interviewing the past sasuke and boards are changed in less conspicuous clothes boards was surprised there is no lightning burger and that ramen ichiraku is a small establishment they come across sakura and sasuke has to stop borrow to basket where they can find naruto sasuke stresses warning despite borge's assertion that they have to meet naruto eventually anyway sasuke wishes to watch an article from a distance when they find him bortho bumps in a naruto portal let's say dad slip but naruto is jacked about dry who's running away from a crowd who caught him peeping he throws them off by giving borth to his binoculars but he and naruto are caught up and beaten by sonata and made to apologize she asked sasuke import to who they are and what they're doing sasuke claims their traveling performance use basically due to in their tricks tsunami explains enough to be watched as they get in has recently decided the village requiring security to be increased she tasks naruto and dry to keep a watch on them dry complains about the changes might be using sexy technique when snotty leaves dry dumps the task on naruto who wanted to train when the three come across sakura again sasuke retreats telling portugal that's too risky and then he'll maintain surveillance from distance sakura recognizes boruto from earlier and comments and are similar here naruto are to their annoyance she notices there's only one person arthur is watching causing him to dread punishment from personality naruto takes board to home to keep an eye on him they have dinner and boards and recognizes mannerisms are kept in adulthood when boards can't sleep narco asks him about his family boric to talk to him about it talking around the fact that naruto was his father in the morning boards are complaining about having ramen for breakfast narcissus is a different flavor from one's day the previous night board to decide to switch it up and use some grease plants as fridges make the ramen spice here while sasuke watched them from afar as naruto shows boruto around the village boruto asks naruto to introduce him to his teammates and hopes finding a young sasuke naruto says it's impossible talking around the fact that he deserved it konohamaru arrives wanting to show an art to the progress of his sexy technique naruto is unimpressed and shows his sexy technique instead and mentions boratos is also better than going on maro's before borrowed to can show it sakura arrives and punches naruto over the jutsu scaring konohamaru off he not intervenes on arthas's behalf and borth defines his parents interactions embarrassing but also becomes interested when eddie arrives rockley also shows up and porzo is started by how much he looks like a son nanji says tsunade gave him orders to gather naruto and all other available genning as boruto was under his supervision he has to accompany her to the meeting naruto bumps into another shinobi and boards and begins talking about thunder trains as they walk away the snow be bumped into denki's father muses on the idea borger asks naruto about the fact that his face isn't on the hokage rock naruto explained she took over recently so it has yet to be carved and adds that his face will be added when he's okay borisov takes note of how serious naruto was about his goal such a young age the gannon gathered at bath house where shikamaru explains they have to clean it because something pertaining to an acquaintance is not as boring notices that the inoshikucho aren't much different than the future selves knowing this is because durai is peeping naruto wants to get the cleaning run immediately sakura and eno are surprised when he need to talk to boards without trace of nervousness when the boys consider investigating with bathhouse owner would have overseen other to make her order them clean it naruto tries to folks getting the job done which shikumar finds unusual he creates shadow clones to speed things up and boruto was impressed that naruto could already make more clones than him not wanting to be outdone kiba and akumar began using jews to get the job done and destroying naruto's clones and the excessive foamer creates before crashing into each other lee also overdoes it and boruto naruto end up spraying water on each other choji slips and knocks them over an employee comes through with the noises about and recognizes darth vader from the day before exposing him at the end of the day the ganny complained about having to deal with problems caused by narrative who stresses it was dry's fault shootout compliments boards his moves but finds flaws in it unaware that he'll be the one to train bore itself the getting needle naruto before the beginning of the specimen suggests he becomes shinobi when boards are questions their need for personnel they mentioned the recent assertion naruto and sakura go silent and the other changes subject at night boruto meets with sasuke who reports not having sense odashiki and asks about katasuki bortow reports no change and assassinate about that i have been put together that he's a deserter he asks sasuke if he can't say anything sasuke is adamant that they should only protect naruto from ushiki the next day narada takes sports over to the training grounds intending to be dryad sasuke who rejoined the group is chewed up by naruto for not being around udeshiki appears before naruto borto and sasuke annoyed that his plans have gone awry odashiki complains about borja's consistent interference in his plans sasuke attacks him but before boards are getting out of the fleet urashiki's line finds his way to naruto udeshiki yanks back his line but he's suppressed there's no chakra on his hook sasuke speculates to himself it's due to the food and juts to stealing the nine tails urashiki opts to restrain naruto instead and dodges sasuke again with his ring noting he's not a full power dry arrives just in time to witness utishiki dodging portraits for sengon having secured naruto urishiki traps boruto sasuke into right with rocks and leaves to figure out why he can't extract the nighttime's chakra jaraya asks who urashiki is and talking around the fact that they're from the future sasuke explains the urashikis after the nine tails and they're here to stop him sasuke mentions a possible connection between unishiki inikonski to make a story more believable satisfied with the explanation but still wanting for details draya breaks them out of the rock prism of the summit toad udashiki tells naruto he'll extract the nine tails from him porto explains urashiki's ability to draw who in line with sasuke's earliest speculation attributes the failure to the seal keeping in the fox and naruto and stresses that if udashiki forcibly breaks the seal everyone will be in danger and nards will die urishiki reaches inside naruto through his seal getting into his subconscious he makes his way to kurama telling it he's getting his tracker back but the seal repels odashiki burning his hand the nine tails chakra begins leaking and urashiki is only able to extract a bit of it determining it necessary to further weaken the seal sasuke senses the nine tails chakra originally heals his hand with the chakra managed to extract and attempts continue but naruto repeals the fishing cookie breaks through the fishing line sasuke board to enjoy arrived sasuke attacks and ushi counter attacks getting his hook into sasuke however he's unable to get any chakra having had a funju to apply to himself boruto and triago naruto dry cautioning board to against the leaking chakra the chakra forms a version one shroud around naruto cause him to rampage against them borg tries talking to him and briefly manages to copyright to down before the chakra cries him to attack dry applies a ceiling tag to suppress the knight tells chakra fighting sasuke udashiki portals away to reformative strategy while bandaging borders injury dry explains the prejudices are the face from the villagers knowing urashiki will be back dry offers straight boards to a narcissist together naruto complains about how early they have trained and that board is light about being a ninja board says he's on a secret mission he can't really share his name and identity naruto decides to trust him dry wants to train naruto and borto to synchronize the chakra have you noticed that chakras are very similar to the point that it's synchronized in the last battle however he doesn't know what kind of cooperation he dudes at the end of developing they try it but fail and dry explains do it properly their chakra nature power and flow must be aligned since dry system nature's already similar borders might as they need to focus on power and flow it's observation earning praise from trial they tried again but the trauma being attacked by naruto when the knight tells choker made him rampage hinders bart's performance draya asks him what the visualize when trying to sink and based on borders answer he confirms that he knows her sengotten much nudged a surprise portal realizes that if they both try to sink visualizing the resin gun the power and flow of the chakra will be better lying dry wants them to go back to his tank on basics and gives him a rubber ball to pop they're unable to do it but are in sync enough to expand it a bit dry leaves him training to run an errand and observe sasuke keeping an eye on them from the distance they keep at it unable to pop the ball borders drama cell interfering until bore to run to the chakra naruto realizes boruto's uneasiness when you're closed from his hand it feels guilty they take a break borato stresses over not being able to talk to anybody and walks around and comes by the huge estate where he watches he's not in edgy training when he leaves nancy approaches boards or having noticed him when he's part of hinata he asks you why he and he now to treat each other so formally and informally negi briefly explains their history and notices something on board board to tell us about the situation with naruto nudgy tells borton at the pity naruto and explains how he taught an edgy one could determine another's fate borzo was encouraged by ninja's words dragon attacked sasuke bringing the boys to eat sasuke attacks naruto and the two talk about the situations naruto was encouraged by sasuke's words akonoho sakura bubs in a sasuke who rushes away but a paper drops from his clothes into a puddle which she picks up and looks at dry meets up sasuke and asks him if he's sasuke girard tells sasuke to dismiss his question but his identity is a joke borton goes back to naruto and the two get over their awkwardness from before and begin training durai is willing to stop investigating sasuke bortles identities if sasuke gives him intelligent sasuke agrees to it and thanks dry for his funjutsu which allowed him to urich's chakra extraction he informs dry of uh's space time ninjutsu that he's able to sense when uracil uses it and then he might still have jutsu unbeknownst to them sasuke asks how borton naruto's training is going and dry says he doesn't know how it'll turn out as they're also rather unknown to him naruto takes sports that have ramen ichiraku bortow asks naruto about sasuke north tells me the uchiha land downfall and how saskate is ready to gain power from the paint of solitude and went to urogimara surprising boruto he tells boards how he's training with dry to get stronger bring sasuke back as he's someone who is finally able to bond with him he doesn't know what it's like to have parents or siblings but he figures his bond with sasuke is the closest thing his little brother sasuke tells jared that while he's due to prevent it usually from stealing his chakra he still hasn't replenished the chocolate that was stolen on your previous fight and that urashiki could tell dry wants to create an opportunity to seal urashiki budashiki prepares to make his next move while struggling with the training naruto things to apply the leaf concentration practice which greatly improves the results sakura arrives and asks sports about what the paper sauce get dropped the note got smudged maybe dropped into puddle but a few words still readable including sarah's name and sasuke's name borth was able to deflect the questions saying it's probably just someone else named sasuke sakura wants to ask sasuke directly naruto and puerto joined team awesome for barbecue udishiki teleports in on board to unarthur training sasuke senses him woodashiki uses sasuke's tracker to attack with fire release and lightning release dry and sasuke arrive and uh sasuke by attacking him with its own chakra dry attempts a sync attack but urushiki sees through it and pills dry with his rod which claims that his eyes can see the future borton naruto continues attacking odashiki in vain sakura watches them from far sasuke tries to buy them some time and tells boards to run away with naruto juraya summons a toad and flees grabbing naruto borto sasuke grabs urashiki and jumps on a cliff into a river still holding rachiki narada tends to dry his injury while puerto is tied to a tree and wishes to go back and save sasuke urashiki gets out of the river angry at sasuke's interference and grabbing his story decides to go after him sakura finds an unconscious sasuke by the river and moves it jiraya naruto on board to discuss uh being able to see the future borto wants to go save sasuke but dorado stresses they must figure out uh first board to notice his dry stab wound realizes something he wants cesaro theory urashiki finds soccer in sasuke's trail sakura tends to sasuke and when urashiki arrives in the general vicinity without having found them tells her he'll spare her if she hands sasuke over borton not to arrive they attack with an explosive tag kunai and a wired kunai bind a tree but he vanishes out of them uh countersports is attacking a blind spot and gets some of his blood on him he attacks doray who's hid behind a tree dry encounters a fire release utishiki flies above it jurai attacks a toad oil what is she simply vanishing through the attacks dry and bored to notice the blood stains and unishiki drying as he does drag creates an earth wall to allow them to escape uracil pursues them boruto and dryer discussed that the blood and uranus dried quicker than theirs they considered the ways the blood could have dried faster and direct concludes that urushiki isn't seeing the future but rather turning back time for himself the extra grammy experience is accounted for the quicker giant blood buddha finds him as biaku on attacks he boasts how his jutsu allows him to experience the same moment many times and picks the best course of action drei gets them all inside the toad's stomach having she can't turn back time within a few seconds naruto on board to create shadow clones many of which take utishiki causing him to keep using his ability to avoid their attacks budashiki walks towards them but suddenly coughs blood jurai imagine that they're in towed stomach in a highly acidic environment well they kept saying about time urishiki exposed himself to the acid vapors much longer which took his toll on him dry takes them out of the toad and boruto accelerates naruto who lands with ghana toshiki konohamaru udon and muegli washed nearby soccer continues tending to sasuke meanwhile udeshiki stares in the ground urichiki rises up from the ground borto and naruto are surprised dry is wary of him believing udeshiki to still have something up his sleeve watashiki consumes his chakra gourd and considering it not enough eats his own rinnegan he manifests a new golden ring on his forehead and transforms his eyes restored as a golden biakugan jirai is concerned by the feel of the chakra and using claims to kill them team ebisu decided to go back to notify the village urashiki lunges at the boys requiring jorah to pull him out of the way borton naruto attempt to attack ushiki but he dodges them and counter attacks throwing them in the ground dry catches them and decides to take the lead in the attack sasuke wakes up in sakura's care giray sends a fire release of utishiki who just eats it leading dry to speculate he can't use space-time ninjutsu at the moment he asks the boys to distract using the comes with a way to stop his movements dry tries tapping with his hair but ushi breaks free and tosses him aside by the hair when urashiki comes to the ground jiraya tries sinking him in a swamp but he manages to break out of it as well konomaru struggles to convince anyone that naruto is in danger until shikamura comes around team awesome akiba akimaru and chino decide to help naruto sasuke tries to get soccer to conserve a chakra she warns him he's still not healed and wants to ask him something but pass it up before he can do it woodachicki pins and arthur done with the black receiver and focuses his attacks on dry and boruto he taunts naruto wishing for the nine tails tracker overflow utishiki attacks boruto with no regard for his vessel status but this attack is blocked by sasuke who also cuts naruto free dry lands are sent on urishiki who finds it amusing sasuke sends a fire with sagan that barely misses otoshiki urashiki attacks with energy blasts as it begins to rain sasuke gets in close and attempts to burn with the matarasi but urushiki dodges it sasuke applies to his blade instead within counters as a black receiver naruto struggles to contain the nine tails chakra jaraya blocks an attachment from naruto cause him to go berserk budashiki celebrates the chakra coming out naruto creates a resengan out of the chakra cloak and sends them urushiki jurai is concerned about naruto dying this plain support that the chakra will powerful eats away at him boards are rushes to naruto jaraya figuring he's going for his resengan and tell sasuke that they should save their strength at the right moment despite being attacked by naruto borgia was able to reach him and the two managed to command their jutsu with their cooperation and due to finally paying off while their jutsu clashes with urashikis jiraya sneaks into a saint on his own distracting him allowing sasuke to hit him with heating affecting him long enough for the boys dude to connect defeating him the night tails track recedes and both naruto on board to collapse from exhaustion sasuke and juraya comment on difficulties have idiots for students team 10 kiba and sheena leave the hospital after sasuke's admitted and discuss what they believe kong hamar saw have missed the battle urashiki jiraya and boar to find sasuke at the hospital roof and drya dry thanksgiving for his help protecting naruto borto and sasuke intend to return home the day after sakura arrives and asks sasuke with the blurred letters she recovered joriah lies and says they're fans of his books later actually being a member with information they'd gathered about him and since he's connected to their group the letter had sasuke's name and he knew sakura's name a mortified sasuke goes along with alive sakura leaves and naruto arrives and is totally bored when sasuke's image departure the next day kanasuki emerges from his shell ready to work again board to hide it when naruto refs say goodbye naruto gives him a farewell gift and doesn't have to open it yet juraj talks to sasuke and wages he naruto learned things they shouldn't and confirm sasuke can erase their memory sasuke raises the memory of the sharing gun along with anyone they met in the past hinata and nenji find naruto and jaray passed down the forest while in transit back to the present kanazuki explains that it's able to go to another area again having absorbed some of the nine tails track wouldn't need to recharge it takes port to suggest and doing something once as a command after they leave back in the present konohumara finds them sasuke informs naruto urishigi's defeat and credits board towards determining uh real target which led them to intervene naruto tells sasuke he's remaining in the village a bit more and despite having to still further investigate kagyu's ruins sasuke tends to enter the village more frequently sasuke arrives home and thanks sakura for everything the next day board sees a family picture with hinata and checks on artists for well gift looking for his father in the village he passes by denki and his father who tells me likes to struggle the village to get inspiration borth defines naruto a giraffe's grave naruto asks report to thought of him borders wasn't the gift young nards who gave to him a special edition ramen from ichiraku the dewey ramen together wasabi namibia sarda and chocho discussed sewed has transferred a scientific ninja weapons team which has been finalized namita and sara are sad they won't be able to see here as often as the new facilities assuming they will be at is at the outskirts of land of fire sarda wants to throw someone at a farewell party and plans to invite their academy classmates on their way to learn about the new teammate from honeybee a girl appears on number one wasabi's way forcing himself to change directions to avoid a collision and the girl moves in the way that makes wasabi fall the girl is unimpressed by kona shinobi and leaves naruto and chickamaugh arrive at the appointment of sumida's replacement a samurai from the land of iron mifane's last disciple something shikumar says is unprecedented wasabi and nominee to meet up with hanabi who chastise them for being late and the girl they met earlier confirms their earlier opinion hanabi introduces her as tsubaki kurogane their new teammate and asks them to show her around while she goes on a mission after bingo book criminals tsubaki rebukes nami does attempt a conversation and assures the two she's only there because she was ordered by her superiors do you mean there's nothing left for her to learn in konoha and then she'll return home when it turns up wasabi wants tess tsubaki's skill and prepares to fight tsubaki takes position but calls it off saying that if she had drawn her blade was hobby would be dead wasabi thinks samurai just talked and tsubaki thinks her higher-ups don't realize that she'll be like conviction sarah and chocho give the boys invitations for sumida's farewell party and inform them of her samurai replacement the new team 15 arrives and readily antagonizes the others at the end of the day subaki thanks wasabi for showing her around which she felt proves her assessment of snoopy's like bitching at night wasabi and nobody discussed the situation before spotting one of the criminals from honeybee's mission tsubaki thinks back to when she was told to go to the land of fire and spot to nominate wasabi telling the criminal the criminal spots with sabia and amir and is joined by his two comrades the girls and criminals fight when the criminals get the upper hand subaki arrives and concedes that wasabi standing up for phenomena and proved her opinion of snowy a little bit she defeats the criminals when hanabi arrives she scolds nobody and wasabi for getting involved with the clearance sumida introduces this up to sobaki and thanks for protecting your friends so bucky admits there's a lot she doesn't know and wishes to learn the next day soon as for well party takes place with oliver academy friends giving gifts and words of encouragement checking that she's alone at the park subaki tries fast food from lightning burger and adores it hanumi proposes to hinata throwing their father birthday party who she believes has been down due to not seeing his grandchildren lately by honourability's request hinata invites her family and suggests that hiyashi will be happy to get surprise gifts from borthomie moari having no idea what to get him borzo asks sarah and mitsuki for vice they have no idea and borto endless mits could help them they try sneaking into the hookah compound but are caught by hanabi who confesses she also has no idea what her father would like god died from kumu gakuta arrives and issues a challenge to hiyashi based on renown and claim of strength borton and mitsuki hide from hiyashi who has hanumi say he's away gatai doesn't believe her and concludes how she must be weak hanumi explains how she always turns away such challengers which further confuses boruto hanabi reports back to hiyashi who clarifies the claiming huge strength is about forest something he wishes he'd realize sooner as he looks at a photo of himself hinata hizashi and neji borto discusses hiyashi with mitsuki noting that while he dots on his grandchildren everyone else mentions how strict he was in the past mitsuki asked if something happened that triggered a change in him gat tai and his attendant arrived at the lightning burger boasting of having his she's scared of facing him fed up with his badmouthing hiyashi board to challenge gatai boruto easily evades gaithel's attacks and enrages him when saying he wouldn't even be a match for hanabi gatta's attacks cause damage to their surroundings and when borzo decides to use their sengon he actually stops the battle having heard the name hugo was invoked in a duel blaming his own lack of foresight for both his action he accepts kata's challenge gatai backs down and leaves four those impressed with hiyachi's power but hiyashi stresses that using power and fear to settle things breeds tragedy and enmity boroto doesn't understand why hiyashi allows himself to be mistaken for weak and can't stand others making fun of him he actually admits that he has understanding to lecture board zone that he lived a very different life until he learned better but refuses to elaborate and leaves mirai arrives having heard you know we were fighting and boredom says it was just a misunderstanding learning that mira's mother kuranai used to be keen on his team captain whiskey suggests asking for her insight on hiyashi maya takes him to her mother who has an idea of what both wants to know but is unsure if she should speak on internal family matters miraimitsuki excuse themselves and kuru and i tell boruto of the hyuga affair and how it shaped yashi mitsuki asks sport and knows what to gift him and kuronai points out that his past is why he cherished his time with his grandchildren so much on his birthday he more gives yoshi a scarf much that he actually surprised and boris who wants to take a family photo as to have a record that they're happy he actually has overcome the motion at night after he nodded the children to sleep he actually asks naruto if he gave board to the ideal we make some tea naruto says it was all boruto he actually thanks naruto for changing neji him and the hyuga the next day mitsuki and sarah asked sports what he got for hiyashi he actually appears that uzumaki home wanted to spend time aboard so much was embarrassment team 40 struggles to retrieve a lost pet for a mission anko fails to keep her power in check and goes berserk asking her teammates to run she attacks sudo and doshu sudo binds anko with her hair and dosha reinforces with his restraints but she breaks free forced him to knock her out with a blow gun team 40 discusses the situation with team seven who points out her client's possession summoning never went out of control when they're in academy because anko's rampage said they're sentenced to the hospital they're assigned ibiki mourinho as their new team leader team 40 is intimidated by his reputation ibiki wants to disband team 40 and uses anko's abilities and interrogations as he considers doing suru incapable of getting over their fear of her and says that no one overcomes their fears they think ibiki's relies on tranquilizers to subdue inco when she goes out of control isn't good for her ibiki leaves him with enco and tells doshu and pseudo that they'll be transferred into teams later doshu and sudo discuss english's willingness to go with the big key team seven offers them to help in any way they can going through a psychology bookstore to suggest they turn their fear to interest and try making it fun they try watching a scary movie but sarda's the only one scared doing it the next suggestion by mitsuki is about getting used to fear until their bodies feel safe in the situation team seven goes to the zoo where they get permission to get close to the giant made wolf doshu and sudo give it a try without much success for spent the day bothered by ubik's claim that no one overcomes their fear sure and doshu try picking up a straight cat but it gets scared of them in runs ibiki tells encode that her former team leader informed them that her thoughts and feelings are triggering her episodes anko says she first decided to work love to obscure her affected arms after a friends of her clan jutsu was passed down to her and got scared of her and that it worked for a while until your teammates saw it his mention of them being assigned a new team triggers ajutsu when she destroys ibiki's blow gun before he can tranquilize her and decides to leave the village while ibiki mobilizes shinobi to go after her wanting to steal her arms and cut them off necessary he orders doshu and sudo to stay behind they follow him anyway until they find her and he explains what triggers ankle to go to control his fear it's loneliness hibiki shields them from angkor's attacks doshu and sudo applaud just making uncle feel lonely and she manages to regain control sudo asks ibiki if you understood enko because he also feels lonely after being perceived as scary he doesn't give a conclusive answer team 40 finishes their last pep mission working together with an issue the last pet takes a liking to ibiki team 10 ambushes his criminal night she died predicting where the run the criminal is able to take a hostage where he threatens to kill the advance with the clouds blocking the moon she could i can't cast a shadow first jutsu and tells the energy to use my body switch technique inogen hesitates having a limited success within the past so she could use his own jutsu when the moon reappears painting the criminal allowing cho should knock him out the following day team 10 discusses the events of team seven inogen and jojo end up discussing over him letting her eat his fries cold later jojo asks what's wrong with him for example if she could have making a chuni before them is bothering him inogen denies it jocho expresses interest in working with a clan jutsu which inogen finds uncharacteristic of her at home inojen asks for help training as my body switch technique which gets eno excited the next day i chojo accompanies inogen and the two watches inno demonstrates the jutsu on a tanuki inaudible has no issue controlling the tanuki next she hasn't tried on chocho but he can't stop her meeting your favorite chips yoda wants him to try it again but inogen doesn't think he can overcome jojo so sai suggests he trained his super beast imitating drawing instead inogen agrees to it but inno inside begin discussing how to train him you know insisting on him focusing on his willpower while sai says he won't get it until she gives a more logical explanation inogen chocho watch and comment to them as discussion escalates innogen tries to stop an argument in vain chocho suggests inogen take over one with his jutsu but he doubts he could do it he can't even control her chocho asks why he gave up before even trying enojin attempts to stop eno but she overpowers him anyway he tries on his father who allows him to try speaking eno he apologizes profusely but the generic nature of his apology angers are more innogen leave sighs body and you know chastise him for bringing the sound of the fight enojin tries going into eno again he means he hasn't mastered it must get a pathway and tells her how he had heard she'd once saved side with the jutsu which is why he wants to master it so he could protect others while they talk chocho gives side by side to do that and they're fighting chocho tells inogen to leave and he sees his father hugging his mother inogen comes soon as embarrassed by the hug and changes the subject and praise the inaudible at the end of the day inogen promises to three chochoy burger and fries the next day i chose an image until team seven of edition's training and entered in treats chocho they asked for demonstrations so we'll pretend tonight indian weaves a hand seal is hidden under the table and takes over chocho they see enojins taken over and he eats the fries in jojo's body much in abandoned ark a group of prisoners are taken by the housing castle where they are branded by the warden among the prisoners are born through minsky mucho explains the new status of prisoners and leaves banga to give for their instructions one of the prisoners attempts to escape activity which is jutsu borton mitsuki think back to being assigned a mission into the prison and collect information on who the leader of the mujin abandons is from a former member before the bandits got them killed inside boruto admits could be sent because arrangements have chocolate protected inside take too long as kusakakura who administers the prison hasn't been targeted by the mujin's crimes they don't feel obligated to prioritize obtaining the information guanajuato was able to arrange for the master the prison of a fake brand applied to board gametsky sarah is to infiltrate the prison by posing as a journalism student conducting research borderlineski introduced his cellmates and claimed them from the land of water serving eight years for robbery bangor shows sarah around and answers to questions he believes mujo is too soft on the prisoners because he thinks they can be rehabilitated adai shows boruto and misky that they can smuggle things in for them they learn that the moojin is number two sukyo is in solitary have to get into a fight with kokori the defect are they supposed to protect who was sent to the medical ward area explains that it's difficult to be sent there but eating the poisonous plants that grow in the prison should be enough mitski manages to grab one of the snake during recreation time board to eat the poisonous fruit to send to the medical ward bortho wakes up the medical world a day later but is knocked out by coker when you ask for him mortar wakes up again restrained by kokoda he thinks he's going to kill him abort to explain cohen got his letter and sent him tsukio communicates with somebody from solitary through notes as borthos escorted back to the general population someone sneaks into the medical ward and stabs kokiri on tsuki's orders kokori tells borto and the prison doctor is his assailant is wearing a prison uniform the doctor says access his medical order is restricted requiring a special wooden tag to get in for suggested doctor lost theirs a prison guard takes board to back to his cell and board to research quickly to protect him back in the cell borto updates mid-skin what happened and they decided to have coco transfer to their cells they can watch at all times mitsuki sends sarah a snake with a message requesting mujo to place cookie in their cellar when he's discharged despite being in charge buddha's request is denied by bengal who claims that the empty spot on their cells for the next prisoner coming in and is steadfast but following protocol and that prisoners are returned to the original cells he stresses the danger making such a precedent mujo can't force the issue and takes pills to cope with pain sarta comes out of hiding after banging leaves and mujo apologizes being unable to help beggar complacent regard that mujo is just a figurehead of the clan and that he's the only one who actually runs the prison sorry leaves borthom mission note explaining vegas interference with prison management and investigates bengal's office haya delivers bengal a message from sukiyo demanding to see him sukyo bribes him to deal with kokode sarda narrowly avoids bengal and leaves his office prisoners are allowed outside for exercise time borthomizuki asked around for information on venga miski tries talking to kadama who he determines to be protecting the flowers ada agrees to help orton reveals prisoner dorago may know something darago is interested in board says he wants payback on venga but can't give away anything for that thing and proposes a test of willpower the light from the prison's lighthouse hinders his sleep so he asks the sport that he gets light bulb mischievous greatly runs boards not used ninjutsu as that would load the cover the prisoners between weatherboards will be successful and only come out of bets under success i'll be it by accident boardwalk avoids guards traps and lightning strikes and gets the light bulb but triggers an alarm soraku knew it would declares boards to be imprisoned for life now before they manage to get away by using lightning release and charge light bulb resulting flash hiding his escape and he tells doragu to hold his end of the deal kamada asks guard to take care of his earnings and emails him for him mujo confirms benga over a handbook detailing his bribe deals with prisoners and reverses the previous decision putting cocaine boards of mesquite's help one of the doctors reports his wooden attack is missing which triggers a lockdown in a full prison sweep whiskey determines that the only opportunity a prisoner would have to steal when was unborn was taken to the medical ward and as all prisoners were locked in their cells coconuts assailant had to be one of their cellmates the prison goes on the lockdown borthwa asks to tell me to check on their belongings and he and misky explained that they deduced about who stole the medical tag and attack okay komoda is suspicious of bortow's claim not to be suki's accomplice but arya believes in him banging announces they'll begin searching for medical tag and that if found everyone in the culprit cell will have their sentences extended and be sent into solitary if they can't determine who they cell is the culprit sorry that wants to question sukiyo and mujo wants to assign a guard to accompany her when board to discuss the attack on cooking with some aids kamado finds the assailant to be stupid and said he wouldn't have messed it up komodo tries to get coconutty to say why sookie wants him dead but arya warns him that karma is conniving will lose any valuable information he learns and also calls his bluff when he prepares to fight adai also discretely warns sports about kadama not to be deceived by the appearance that he doesn't care about anything aday voluntarily shows his bunk and when kamada refuses to let him search his eye points out he frequently talks to the guard haye suggesting that he's in touch with tsukiyo kamada instead mentions that we saw ada making his way to the medical world the day before and accuses him he claims he went to the cafeteria to see the smuggler and shows the chocolate on his proof the lock down soup continues sarda introduced her queue who sees through her and asks her why she's better to be a reporter kamada still refuses to let them search his bunk and kolkata goes through kadama's by mistake when karama says he didn't agree to it miski finds medical tech in the sheets to get out of his surprise adonai calls kadam a coward and reveals he used to be respected by all the prisoners in reality he spotted them on behalf of the guards and told him the friend who tried to escape while mitsuki and borth are willing to hear him out arya is adamant not to trust him when adam mentioned the mujina gang mitsuki points out that none of them had mentioned the mujina they accused him of having him the tag in his sheets when he volunteered to show his bunk and slipping into kidama's bunk when everyone else was distracted adai pushes board to his side trying to get to kokode he's punched by kadama and immobilized mitsuki they hand him and the medical tag over the banga ending the lockdown benga reports to mujo and asks about borton kokodi mujo tells him not to suspect prisoners for no good reason as to not incite retaliation though arai was caught borton mississippi still don't know much about kokori or his intel about the mujina puerto rico discuss kokori and ask him about the money he stole from the muji enough kamada tries ingratiating himself to kokori to know about the money benga visits sukiya who tries to give him a transfer coach to another housing castle where tsukiyo's underlings and kill him benga tries getting information on board so incorporated from kamada pressuring about his sick sister and the money he won from dogaru and offering him hamburgers he reveals he got the hamburgers with kamado's earnings and as a letter heroes sister where he claims to have saved a boy from a rogue ninja in the land of lightning he threatens to reveal her his crimes and offers to let him see her after her surgery if you can find out what borton coco you're up to mitsuki sees kanama looking over the ruined flower bed and kadama claims not to remember why he looked after them borato has started with kokori under genjutsu making him see sukiyo beating borito and asking about the money kokori reveals he donated it all kamada overhears it whiskey confirms this seeing in the news of the medical foundation recently received a mysterious donation kokiri explains he used to be an accountant and regularly moved money around on behalf of the company's clients one day he learned it was the moojino's money putting it together from various newspapers reporting the robberies and ran away in desperation not noticing he still had the mooji in his latest earnings he donated it was latest spotted by mujit members who chased him until he jumped down a waterfall and swim away determined to attain he tried to stop men from pickpocketing a woman but it turned out the woman was the pickpocket and was charged as her accomplice kabada overhears everything and is conflicted having learned about kokuri's donation of the sick's sister shikamaru inside reports naruto that kusaka could have informed him that kokori is to be paroled so they have to inform team seven to coordinate with mujo kamada lies to bank about there being nothing between boruton kokori benga knows his tales and beats him up he has high ascend commodity solitary and extended sentence mujo informs benga of kokori's parole and has him suspended for arbitrarily extending prisoner sentences mujo's condition acts up and benga keeps him from taking his medicine he burns up koko's parole papers takes control of the prison and informs huki he'll have kokoda transferred at night board to notice hima's absence and everyone is notified that bengal is in charge bengal informs kokori of his upcoming transfer bortho decides to break out before cocaine can be transferred mitsuki draws seagulls in with all while borders threads brent comes around born to mitsuki and koko are ordered to clean the bridge droppings they use the opportunity to go over escape lands to sarda minsky uses snakes to discover an escape route and bortow has learned to gather the upcoming schedule of food supply chips however they still have to remove the heavenly prison jutsu from kokori based on sardis research miski had to tamper with the above ground drinking water tank which they can't get coconut x tubes the prison employs its spare underground tank which takes in filter sea water the tank is new but the older unused underground water tank is still in place and should have minimal security on it sarah intensifier with valves on it to be filled up as well they arrange a signal to let them know when they can move quickly kadama spots one of minsky's lookout snakes but assures them he's only there for the bridge droppings concerned about adam's history of snitching whitski follows him and finds him a snake surprisingly being able to use nijutsu mitsuki can tell kadam is hiding something and sympathizes with him recalling his own time infiltrating enemies kendama reveals how his plan to escape his frank kiku resulted in his death benga discovered kiku and instead of allowing their deaths to make the martyrs to inspire other prisoners to keep defying the staff he lied and said kadama reported the escape attempt turning the inmates against him kadama didn't deny because he felt guilty of being late to escape akiku and assures mitsuki that he won't tell anyone the god of who in reality entered to banga reports that porto has asked about the food supply ships and that sarda has asked sukiya but his relationship with bengal bengal has his guards look for sarda who creates a distraction to turn the tank valve benga intercepts our underground and when she tries to force him to leave her alone by implying her knowledge and abuse of his power he attacks her fire release she dodges it but his attacks at a gas line and the explosion caused the floor to collapse and starter falls through kadama overhears bengal calling off the search for sarda and his command to stay away from the gas league in the underground but makes no mention of the board to amitsky despite the lack of signal bore to trust that sarah managed to carry her part of the plan so their escape is on schedule boards with mitschi move cochlear around the knight whiskey relying on snakes to alert them to guard movements as they near the tank cocaine is concerned restart his lack of communication but boruto's confidence to pull through sarda is unconscious and the water level at her location is rising benga goes through starter's belongings and finds evidence of her working importance king kokori benga goes over the board of celery destroys abort to shadow clone of the fire punch he orders the guards to find them with orders not to engage them and notify him the prisoners are willed out by an escape attempt bank of fails to have kadam inform on the fugitives after he leaves kadama discovers a whole dagger bamiski aborted tells the others that his shadow club was discovered sarda wakes up in a surprise with the presence of seawater underground before moving to join the others and notices the rising water level bengal discovers sarah's notes on using the old water tank benga sends her summoning after the fugitives the two-headed fire breathing hound attacks them whiskey used lightning released to collapse ceiling on it they arrive at the water tank just in time for to finish emptying they need to keep on moving to avoid benga's hound sarda is safe from the rising water by kadama who explains the location was part of his failed breakout plan involving the spring tide and that benga is aware of theirs he directs her to the tank and she moves on ahead to join the others sports won't others find barrier tags which they discover to trigger the heavenly prison the hound catches up to them and so does benga who explains that the hound is passed down by wardens to hunt down fugitives the hound dodges biscuits lightning release and knocks him down when he tries to restrain it coconut attempts to flee but triggers the heavenly prison starter arrives and punches a hole in the ground allowing the spring tide to remove kokode's heavily prison wash away benga and his hound kadama walks around and comes across dogaru he tells dugout he's free to snitch to benga and doga notices kadam's heavenly prison is undone benga prevents haye from asking for reinforcements from kusagakade he tries to claim his reward from seguio but he can tell bing is lying he has benga remove his heavenly prison by promising to take care of koku's accomplices and kills benga so kyo attacks kokori in the gang by the shore tsukiyo attacks kooky with the shadow which means keep locks sardar compares his jutsu to the narclans tsukio explains that under a full moon as jutsu can manifest most of his power and manifest shadow versions of the genie which can also use their jutsu since the shadows are evenly matched they attempt to attack sukiyo himself but the shadows intercept again kokuri despairs prison guards discover benga's body as they fight the ghenin realize that their shadows are also using their chakra from using jutsu kokuri has boruto a notebook with information on the mujin a gang he has in case ukiyo kills him the guards turn on their search lights they'll convey escapees kolkata noticed that these shadows avoid having their connection with the ghanian under the searchlights tsukio uses his lightning attack to take down the man operating the searchlights coconut protects boards with shadows attack starter punches the ground the dust give him the cover prison guards find sukiya who attacks him with the gany's shadows kokori informs the gang of what he discovered about sukiya jutsu the genie attacked their shadows and tsukiyo creating a smokescreen of distraction giving coco time to get to the search light which displays the shadows tsukiya produces a sword out of his own shadow which doesn't fade under the searchlight whiskey and start to accelerate borto atsukiya who is thrown off the cliffside tsukiya pulls cocoary down from a rock halfway from marine landed the rock breaks and both them fall down to the ocean whiskey stops forth from going after them knowing the strong currents kokori managed to get back reminding them of swimming aptitude claiming sukiya ran out of strength and drowned prison guards arrived with konohashinobi including sai who explains that naruto got concerned after the last contact mujo so he contacted and coordinated with kusagakurei psyche also informs him that while bull their escape attempt was unnecessary as kokoda's ascendant had been unlawfully extended boruto passes kokukuni's intelligence they depart hosuki castle once again under mujo's authority at the konoha police kokui corroborates his intel and mujin abandons including their boss and his jutsu and later leaves under a new identity he arrives at a muji abandoned haida where he reveals himself as their leader shojoji who had taken sukiya's identity to go after kokori and then kokori while the other two were under the water he laments having his due to an identity revealed to konoha but his sure luck will favor him again bortha dreams of momosuki's warnings to him and looks at the mark on his hand when he wakes up wondering why he dreamt of it after all this time while on a mission board so thinks back to sasuke's recommendations about the mark team seven pursues bank robbers but boredom knocks out the one who is supposed to get away leading them to their leader sardis scolds him for not following the plan kotarou fuma reports dinar so that since tsukiyo's death there hasn't been any reported activity by the mujin abandons shigemaru advises now to focus on his meeting with daimyo the daimyo his son and his butler arrived by train was psy welcoming them tento the sun is excited to meet sai who he recognizes from his extreme snowy picture squirrel's card collection eq leaves tento under yamaoka's care while psyche scores him to me with the hearts out tenta wants to buy more cards forth to buys a pack but is disappointing to getting another card to his father which gives you a b sarta and chocho don't get the appeal of the cards borto leaves after failing to get a rare card he's been after tento arrives yamaoka and wants to buy all the packs of the store he notices that you would be with dr spare card and tries to buy it from him ewa refuses so tento keeps buying out all the food stores they visit to get ooby to agree bordeaux stops iwobi from hitting tento and teases him saying he has five seven hokage cards and then we keep trying to buy out the cards boards and the others leave the shop the next day board 2 was assigned to a squirt and bodyguard tento the mujin abandoned watched the village from afar aware of narton eq's meeting and prepared to make a move the mujin abandoned leaves to notify shojoji boards of meets tento the korean mountain villa which has been entirely rented by eq he has bought to show him jutsu and born to attempt to shock with the ham technique tento just laughs as he's used to such women's presence board to accuse his mother having friends on move tento shows him his card collection which stuns boar though as he has a super rare cardboard that was after tento offers him the card in exchange for teaching ninjutsu bortow initially refuses potential continues to annoy him so he agrees and tend to using harsh training to change tento's attitude during their meeting eq tells naruto and shikakura he wants to cut their defense budget to find education and social services they never had the opportunity to fund as leaving peaceful times naruto says that regardless of budget it's their job is nobody to protect people eq does not over's relationship with the sun tento struggles with boards for sure and due to training one board to suggest they stop tento and sets to keep trying yabaoku finds and unsuccessfully tries to display attention from his training he explains abortion that his father gave him the credit card because he had no idea what his son actually liked so tend to begin collecting cards and participating tournaments tento manages to hit a bullseye with a shirt and it celebrates yamaoka departs to prepare dinner and is approached by a figure tento on board to play cards and borto asks him why he wants to be shinobi tento says his father admires shinobi so he wants to acknowledge his one board relates to him as he shares some of his experience bortha gives tenta one of his rare seventh hokage copies as a reward for hitting the target earlier the two continue training and playing cards for a few days until kentos returned to his father the mujin abandons contact shojoji who has taken yamaoka's appearance tento practices shirk and jutsu remembering boruto's words determined to impress his father yamaoka arrives and tells him he's seen a suspicious man pretend to be a bodyguard and fears for ike's life tento wants to resolve the situation himself and decides to investigate borton tells sarah and mitsuki about tento in his escort mission they find konohamaru who tells him they've been assigned to be ranked mission much their excitement he warns him of the dangers associated with a higher ranked mission but the ganny are enthusiastic eq sees tenta's various card purchases and remembering his talk with naruto decides to speak to himself yamamoto takes ten two to a secluded path where mujin abandoned knocks him out eq is informed both tento and yamaoka are nowhere to be found walking around mitsuki board he finds that tinto slipped the card he's been after into his jacket and though he wishes to keep up boards or rushes to return it at the hotel board to notice how many guards have been mobilized border tries fighting tento's room but over here's eq discussing dento's kidnapping his captors claim to be the mujin bandits and they threaten to kill tento if eq lets the information go public and the demands include 500 million rio and the release of all prisoners from housing castle eq deduces the bandits must-have spies infiltrated into either kona hakakure or among a staff to be able to pull off the kidnapping winner witnesses after hearing where their exchange is supposed to happen board to rushes out he informs sarta he can't go on their mission and she tell by telling that something serious she says that she and misky will handle things and he thanks her bortha doesn't inform konoha keeping in mind the possibility of being a spy tento is confused by his captors and shojoji drops his yamaoka disguise revealing he devoured the real yamaoka to take his place he introduced himself as a shinobi and his displease when tento has never heard of him not being featured in collectible cards but someone like arochimaru is border threatens a mooji abandoned at the exchange port and take him to the hideout sarda informs mitsuki aboard the situation should jojo mock tento's attempt to get away and tells him to take dento's place and when he's reunited with his father he'll take his places daimyo tento sees a shuriken and the nars a credit board that gave him and uses the shuriken to cut himself free he tries killing himself so sure joey can't use him against his father but shojo di stops him shojoji prepares to eat tento's brain for his jutsu but is interrupted by boruto shojoji questions borja's presence after his escrow mission is over borton derives him as a shinobi shojoji's signals his underlings deal aboard somebody makes short work of them shoujoji reveals to boards to their previous encounters when shojo ji was disguised as kyou and later as kokori enraged by the revelation porto attacks her joji he attacks with electrified shuriken and the rasangam but so judy reflects them with his wind release vorto attempts attacks with shadow clones from directions but shogi reflects them as well borges following attacks almost land the previous ones being distractions eq manages to gather enough money for the ransom but doing so draws the attention to sai who arrives at the hotel at his team boruto uses a smoke bomb and strategizes with dento shojoji clears the smoke and grabs a hold of the real borrowed temple destroying the shadow clones aware of his limit of four clones board with suddenly can't mold chakra tend to hit shojoj with the shuriken his surprise added creating an opening for boruto to land her with sengon without shojoji reflecting it shojoji decides to eat borton and take his jutsu and boruto still activates god's campaign shojoji seemingly recognizes the seal and for a moment fear's bored might be part of a certain organization before realizing bortho has no idea what he's talking about shoujoji attempts to attack but is restrained by mitsuki knocked up by sarita sardi mitsuki noticed the seal in his hand started questions why he kept it hidden and bore to explain sasuke told him to do it eq arrives relieved attento's safety sai also arrives having captured the gang's spies kona omaro congratulates him on defeating shojoji but stressed they abandoned a previously accepted mission and confirms kokori's disappearance after leaving konoha team seven sees tenton equal off the train station and boruto returns the card tento gave to him wanting to get himself sai and ibiki prepare to interrogate shojoji who claims to only collaborate if they'll offer something as valuable as the intel he can offer sasuke arrives and his reputation is enough to get shojoy talking he doesn't know specifics about the steel and porches palm but knows a group that takes interest in such seals called kara he also diverges that these seals are different than rochimaru's cursed seals team seven sees a notice regarding medical ninjutsu training they're taught some of the academy but this is more advanced chorus and each team has to send a representative both of misky aren't interested so this is just sarda as her mother is the one teaching the class sarta has until he agrees naruto shikamara and soccer review the applications they comment i how it's been difficult to schedule the class of the recent grouping involved so many incidents and they hope the class uncovers some of the aptitude of medical in jutsu sarda worries about taking the class and she doesn't have any aptitude for it when she's tied to the academy sarda over here shige and iton talking about how perfect the hokage is i don't know where they're talking about trading cards and feels compelled to excel achieve tends to be okay the next day she attends the class of hako wasabi inogen doshu and eobi they all either assume her aptitude or counten her to help lead them if they struggle sarda perks up when soccer explains the beginning of a lecture followed by written exam that she's better at those than in practical application in the first practical part of the class sakura has the mixed coffee and milk and then separate them again with delicate chocolate control doshu and wasabi end up spilling the mixture and started panics as she only mixes it up more e will be managed to separate the mixture but the effort makes him thirsty so he drinks a bit of sardis mixed by accident switching the glass when she has her eyes closed focusing sarda is confused or makes her separated when she opens her eyes next they practice the mystical palm technique on special dummies sarda has trouble doing it knocks her dummy off the table and board has surprised her from outside the window it helps her use the jutsu borto she miss gear caught and explained that having finished their assignments they thought to come by and observe the next exercise is about applying chalk to a flower but to make a balloon simulating an injury comrade wasabi and inogen end up snapping and dropping their flower stems doshu struggled to make his flower bloom works but it knocks it aside to sardicide causing others to believe she succeeded she's knight arrest for the final assignment noting they haven't held the class in a long while and brought naruto and shigemaru's guests sarda is encouraged to show her skills to naruto healing a fish dummy her nerves end up causing her to burn the fish instead of healing it sarah finally confesses she's no good at medical ninjutsu and has no idea how she succeeded in the previous tasks she confirms that she felt pressured to perform well because she's soccer's daughter naruto admits he can't use medical ninjutsu and borrow to list other things he has trouble doing the class continues and enojin is able to perform the healing so i'm sorry to ask him for tips sakura is called the deal with an emergency and she's not revealed to sarah that sakura didn't pick up medical ninjutsu quickly and had to go through a lot of training with senate at night sarda asks her mother why she became a medical ninja and sakura explained she wanted to become strong and walk beside naruto and sasuke assuring started she can also learn if she applies herself teams 5 and 15 are on a joint mission pursuing bandits they can't agree on a course of action so tsubaki acts on her own defeating most of them but her actions allow the leader to escape recording team 5 to continue the chase later he teammates ask her why she didn't use her full power allowing team fight take full credit for the mission she claims her secret sword snowstorm beheading has been working well lately while the two teams meet up again there's tension between them denki tries to defuse the situation and shows them the compiled statistics on his computer pointing out tsubakis are beyond typical ganes however when tracking their stats as a team team 15's performance has dropped since tsubaki joined tsubaki takes it upon herself to make her team beat team five scorers by competing with the team itself during missions having performed ahead of her teammates in the next mission tsubaki is treated to amount of fries had noticed their teams increased competitiveness through the next missions when guarding a merchant they get so focused on catching the bandits after them they leave them unprotected we're calling hanabi to save them from the ban of the group hanabi informs that due to their failure they won't participate in the next scheduled mission team five tsubaki raised to her mother while eating fries at the lightning burger she's approached by boruto who's concerned by her only eating fries and explain that the strength of the place is the meal deal he encourages her to try other foods to appreciate how good each of them are she's taken aback by how each food elevates the other tsubaki finds wasabi and namibi to trade by the edge of the forest and they hear groans coming from it they find the hunter permission they would have shaded from t5 tied up the hunter explains he was attacked on the way the kona kokure and team 15 informs police the man impersonating the hunter for team 5 is the brother the bandit they caught in the mission with team 15. they attack team 5 but team 15 raps to help them and formula reinforcements around the way during the fight tsubaki notices that each member of team 5 covers up another's weak points while bringing out some of their strengths which she likens to how the food combos pour to shoulder some of the bandits retreat so denki asks team 15 to give chase moore bandits corner team 15 and tsubaki understands they must infer the teamwork tsubaki asks wasabi for a smoke screen which allows her to get in the middle of the bandits for kenjutsu it takes much of her energy so namibia has to hit the retreat bandit leader they're calling on tears technique allowing wasabi to capture him sobaki passes out from chakra exhaustion walking around kona hakukura himowari passes through several businesses including enos and ten-ten shops he not a hanabi on board to discuss himowari's career path hanabi thinks himory will become a shinobi like the other hugo but hinata and boruto thinks the decision rests with him aware himori offers her a pamphlet showing that the academy is holding a one-day trial in case himory wants to get a feel of what being shinobi is like him or he thinks it might be fun and accepts the lessons overseen by erika and chino during introductions the other students are surprised that himowari is the hokage's daughter their first lesson is an obstacle course where ejo and imora do their best next chino demonstrates walking on vertical surfaces and although none of the students are able to do it himori is almost able to do it in pressing everyone they move on to target practice with shrek and jutsu yuina is impressed by hemorrhoids performance who explains that she sometimes trains with the brother iho wants to be humorous rival and is surprised that she still doesn't know if she wants to be a shinobi he feels self-conscious about being outperformed by someone who isn't sure if they want to be shinobi and become standoffish with moari anko takes the students to a simple mission irika and shino discuss the possibility of humor joining the academy erica as principal bemoans the fact that he doesn't get to interact with students during classes so shino invites him to observe with him the student's mission is to find a lost cat at century park they're given flares to signal if they think the mission is impossible to continue at which point i also intervene though that also means they fail the mission though the park is vast uinta finds tracks irika and shino observe them noticing hemorrhoids hesitation and who tells her to leave just want to take part of it throws a rock in frustration the rock knocks a hornet hive and the hornets chase them kimora considers using the flare but he doesn't let her they manage to get away from the hornets and he splits from him already taking union with him irika and chino approach her and tell her it's okay for her not to know of course bishonobi which motivates him to carry on ejo and yuino managed to find the cap and end up falling down well he more uses a biakka to look for them though she finds them aho refuses to let her help him he prepares to use his player so he already jumps down the wall to stop and motivates not to give up the three of them lean on each other to climb out of the well aho apologizes for his behavior and tries to get her to hit him as punishment the teachers watch from a distance satisfied with the result at home hemorrhoid tells her mother and brother that she wants to learn about all kinds of jobs and insists boards to help her out on a rainy day mitsuki finds makazuki who leads into an injured bleeding man the man asks mikasaki is his before passing out the man wakes up missy's apartment having been given first aid he thanks them both and introduces himself as samidari he finds it strange that miski didn't ask why he was bleeding in an alley mitsuki says he doesn't care either way unless somebody wants to ask about it the following day sami dada's injury is healed and mitsuki asks you have to go somewhere sami dada explains he's come to visit his little sister who works at a big company in konoha mitsuki compares his pride in his sister to board to him aware however somebody says he's not a good big brother zombie dada wants to thank the kazuki and buys him a new caller with a bell mitski notes he has away with cats and somebody says his sister also named kazuki had one sami daddy leaves his borto and sarah to approach mitsuki telling him they've been summoned for his security mission cotado wants them to protect the president of the kaneki corporation and chemicals corporation on par with the coming iran company he is the next likely target of the rain killer a serial killer who always kills his victims with a thin sharp tool in rainy day although the victims so far have connections to an accident on a kaneki chemical plant years prior at kaneki's residence he surprised the kosovo by claiming he remembers nothing of the incident and refuses the security details believing his own bodyguards will suffice should the neither eyes kotaro has team seven guard him secretly from distance it begins to rain they spot someone approaching but kaneki's bodyguards fall over before even attacked the intruder makes his way to kaneki he tries leaving wakanaki but bortow and start to engage him mitsuki recovers kaneki and pursues the raid killer mitsuki attempts to attack mistakes but they kill from a distance the killer escapes by jumping into a river mitsuki meets amidade the following day and asks if he's able to meet his sister he says he did but she yelled at him mitsuki notices he's a shinobian and he claims he used to be having quit after being an obedient dog for years mitsuki asks him about his past as a shinobi and samira evades the questions he says he quit because he wasn't there for his family when they did it the most and now it's too late kotaro and team seven review it they know the case mitsuki noticed something in the records of the chemical plant incident police been informed that kaneki had been kidnapped even though it's not raining kaneki wakes up with the killer and because of his grave she was the developer of the project that resulted in the accident because kaneki pushed it forward to keep ahead of the competition she died and lost her reputation while kaneki got wealthy mitsuki exposed the killer samidari and wonders if he's killing those who ruined his sister's reputation somebody says the only one of the truth of first knowing because he wouldn't have gone ahead with a dangerous project however they just made excuses and disparaged the dead so somebody done it killed them he asks misky not to interfere but as a konohashinobi he has to miskey believes somebody died to be in a dilemma as he knew mitsuki was a shinobi having seen his foreign protector but mention his sister's name anyway something that could lead to someone stopping his revenge sami daddy says he has no problem with his resolve it begins raining sami dada uses water release which misky blocks and counter attacks with landing release mitsuki explains how to do is have summoned out his tutsu worked sabadaddy tries killing himself with his jutsu the next day the investigation on the plant accident is reopened and mitsuki visits akomato samidar in the hospital putting the color he bought because he gained his wrist choji demonstrates their clan's butterfly mocho but she's uninterested in training in it he has to treat her to sweet being soup to get in a train she tries it but can't destroy boulder like her father did he stresses that as their clan's hit in jutsu she has to master it he also notices that between her feeling to go full power and return to a fuller figure she's not fully releasing her power koji wonders about her motivation when she uses the jutsu he and chocho go treat themselves and are approached by anko who reminds choji that is supposed to be shigimaru he leaves and anko joins chocho as they order more sweet bean foods the shop owner says they've run out of sweet beans and they haven't been able to resupply because of bandits ceiling deliveries bad harvests have increased the demand so bandits are stealing beans to sell them at a higher price other shops are in similar situations they're supposed to get delivered the following day so anko and chocho decide to safeguard it the delivery is attacked but anko stresses they must be careful not to damage the beans chocho's attack damages the road causing the cart with bees to follow which triggers chocho's protection instinct so she successfully uses the butterfly mode some of the bandits are amazed by chocho jutsu ankur gets trapped by debris from the road and chocho is unable to get into butterfly mode to get through the debris anko tells you to use the beans and spare ingredients in the cart to make bean paste restore calories for herjutsu the smell of the cooking beans leaves the bandits their location chocho avoids them and eats the bean paste she cooked to recover calories thinking back to her father's words chocha realizes she wants to protect anko and the beans and uses the butterfly mode to beat the bandits and frianco back at konoha chocho's teammates and team seven learned of her capture of the bean thieves car actuation arc inaudible the team 25 gaining report to science sasuke the alleged car hideout based on the information sasuke acquired from shojoji the building used to be a sewage treatment facility until it was abandoned due to a toxic gas incident that caused several fatalities they also have the map of the waterways psych congratulates some of their intelligence work and requests them to notify the nearest on-board teams that he and saskia will continue alone sai notices that rebuilding hasn't progressed namagakkade the adventure inside the building and are watched by someone science kids trigger a trap exposing the one watching them into doing him the man accuses them of killing his friends sai tells them that they're konoha shinobi and sasuke asks to hear the man's story as the ones who kill their friends might be the same ones they're looking for the man introduces himself as garashitono he explains that he's learning jutsu from an old man who raised orphans like him who lost their families or the wars garashi isn't sure when sai asks about kara but recognize the name and shows him a design he copied from them they investigated them when cars showed up glimpsing something like an experiment but they were spotted and all but him perished to poison gas parts of the building class behind him but garashi was sure that they're still placed with gas kadashi asks why it took the land of fire so long to act if this is something in their interest sasuke asked god i should take him to car's hideo karachi asked him to help recover his friend's remains in return at the height of good actually warns about the water in the side paths and that depending on the air flow the place with poison gas changes they arrive at a black passage with sasuke breaks open chidori karashi rushes in sasuke inside follow him and when they find garashi on the floor they're cutting a trap his gas begins to fill the room the real god actually appears the gas mask and reveals he killed his friends with the gas because no one would save them but kara offered him hope karashi leaves him to pass out and considers releasing more poison to deal with their allies sasuke inside show up the ones could actually trap being clones sai explains he was careful avoiding dangerous areas along the way and rushed near the end and though getting close to his friends make him emotional sasuke noticed a strange calm to him she tries escaping but begins to suffer the effects of poison gas even if kara wants him to die he refuses to let konahan learn anything and kills himself the building begins to collapse so side draws upright for him to escape they spot some of what remain from experiments but can't investigate they conclude that not only they confirm that kara actually exists but also they have sympathizers back in konoha they report to the naruto maru sasuke asks that kara's experiments are likely biological as he's seen similar equipment while he's with rochimaru sai asks if naruto saying has reported katasuke she was able to determine a third party but influencing him naruto wants to reinstate him as testing without him slowed down considerably something they can't afford when their work has been leaked car holds a meeting where its leader reports the destruction of their old facility a cloaked figure eats a fruit watching a pass before dropping from stone pillar boar to practice sugar juice by itself pressing sasuke hear that shojoji's intel led to confirmation of the organization's existence and wants to go find out more about them concerned about the seal in his hand sasuke warns that seeking an enemy without enough understanding about them leads to death and directs him to keep training to carry to decide missions he can see he can't really talk since he left the village very young and hands board to love the height of seal which draws attention team 7 has to sign a missing person's mission in the land of valleys they're joined by a recently returned moguino who was familiar with the region megino is tense with the ghenin but eventually explains he spent the last few years mediating conflicts with his follow nations they reached the land of valleys reported mia who requests the mission the missing person is her husband and auto a researcher for a medical spice company he was supposed to have returned after a one-month work-related trip but it's been three weeks since his attempted return date and the company wouldn't divulge anything and do to trade secrets they go to the company where an auto worked the receptionist assures me she'll be updated as they have also sent a search party to look for an auto while they distressed mia makes a scene mitsuki has a snake look for information he manages to learn where the company's search party was set to look for an auto a place told me about someone watches from fire approaching nada's destination the group is surrounded by the shinobi victor tells his underlings to stand down they surprise the head of the company is involved with the search victor explains his motivations the two groups exchange information and narrow down an auto's possible location by ruling up places they've already investigated they search a cave finding tree roots and branches inside before finding an auto on the other side another unexpectedly attacks them victor observes the korean in fight on otto mogino considers boruto soft for not wanting to attack an auto over his promise to mia so konohomar is suggests stealing him anada was able to break through kung humaru and boruto's seals and attacks him miss kirstjen's mistakes one of the biting through a check of his arm then he also breaks free victor said where nate's all attacked from afar with scientific ninja tools victor berates them for failing to restrain an auto and tells him to return to konoha while his company will provide care for an auto board to pick up another's wedding ring borto was frustrated with the failure mitsky experiences loss of feeling his iron victor visits a facility where natal worked out and tells us subordinate a missing item monado cell is missing the report where they know the events victor orders nada's death and receives a report of a mismatch on the number of search party members and corpses found something is spreading over mitsuki starting from his arm mugino knows the doctor nearby and takes him to ubina she notices borders to injury and painfully grabs his hand healing it in a short skill yubina examines mitsuki and determines a foreign matter has invaded his system as sarta has some experience medical in jutsu yubina has her assistant removed the matter from mitsuki while others wait outside maguino vouchs for you being a skill yumina extracts a wood chip from mitsuki after resting yubina comments on the uniqueness of mitsuki's body crediting it for his survival she shows him the wood chips she extracted and reveals those created with wood release maguita finds it unlikely that anada would have hashirama cells but yubina shows them another patient with similar symptoms kona hamara and mugino explain the dangers of those cells yubina wants to use mitsuki's resistance to treat your patients she doesn't know her patient's origin who was just left unconscious on the door but knowing that hashirama's cells are involved she connects to a black market rumor she's heard mugino and kona hamara are apprehensive as the only black market around the area is in the land of silence the group arrives the land of silas narrowly avoiding a trap of thebes because many of the criminals they're hostile to the five great shinobi countries kona hamara has their remove their forward protectors konohamara and maguina give borto and sarda a brief history lesson on the land of silence and mugino voices opposition to having them in the mission considering too much for getting borto is adamant about not letting others become victims like mitsuki noticing the ruined gates that jonah explained that they don't have a proper village to protect they should know people in a silence follow money and power walking through the black market they noticed many shinobi who were wanted in the bingo book and figured the rumors about the hashirama subs by far they take note of the many things sold and stolen the market they ask for information at the shop the proprietor is no interested in them without buying anything board to get separated defeats the shopkeeper subordinates and threatens them to give information he shows him a company id from victor's company claiming the man of the white coat sold in the hashirama cell he directs him to the ladies more information at the bar magenta recognizes kirisaki a former medical name from kittigakure born to approach kitisaki disguised with a sexy technique and convinces him to dismiss the other women around him sarda and mugino comment on board his performance while trying to get him alone kirisaki's briefcase gets stolen board stops kitty socks and beating up the thieves and defeats him their fight attracts attention to the group takes him away they've threatened to hand them over to kidigara so he reveals he's only in the land of silas because he has intel in the hashirama cell and he's supposed to meet someone the day after about it they plan for the meeting kona hamara goes disguised as kirisaki they meet with the butler of the interested party who wishes to test kitty's hockey really is who he says he is the butler is infected with the cell and if kirisaki is the real deal he'll be able to treat it konohamaru uses misuki's antibodies to heal the butler satisfied with konomaru and willing to die for his employer the butler is ready to take him to the meat konohamar insists on learning the employer's identity before meeting and threatens walk away the butler released and reveals that his employer is sakuya he also reveals that her castle is protected by a barrier that requires his presence to get through four purple head man watching from afar you being a transfers miski's antibodies to your patient the butler explains that sakia can't fight time so she wants to use the hashirama cell to restore her youth the butler arrives at the castle of konomar and boruto and discovers someone who tried to break in the barrier killing them the butler orders the body to be disposed of outside the village the butler takes him inside and board notices all the mirrors are shattered the butler explains the saki doesn't want to see her own reflection before meeting sakia the butler activates one of the castle's traps for saving boruto he wants konohamaru to test his procedure on boruto kono maro claims to want a drink to steady his hands as the butler leaves he explains he wants to buy borrow borrowato time to retrieve the hashirama cells so boruto leaves to continue on the mission his shadow clone in one of the trap the purple-haired man fall aboard his clone in the castle victor informs deep of the whereabouts of the hashirama cell who departs to retrieve it you mean his patient recovers before having his drink konohomara asks for the providence of the hashirama cell the butler explains they bought it from a rogue medical brain researcher they were doubtful at first but were convinced after testing out a girl whose robots they don't know or care more than knows the smell of perfume and takes down sakuya's guards inside a chamber aboard the looks of ashyama's hell but discovers saki is dead with the kuni on her back he notices two of the four purple headman on the chandelier a third one disguised as a staff member and forms the butler of bortho's invasion borth who recognizes one of the men's earrings as the woman he saw with kitisaki they have the ashirama cell and frame board for killing sakia the butler alerted the castle and one of the purple headman kills them they also killed the other castle staff taken to the barrier kong hamara noticed that the assailants kunai are poisoned one of the purple head men shouts that kong has shown you have killed sakia and there's a reward for whoever captures them aboard the warns cornholmar the castle is completely surrounded the two escaped the castle and managed to lose the mob reuniting with sarah to megino the perfume bomb board that was hit with makes it easy to track borto goes in beginner to check the perfume off him while konohamaru and start attracting brothers who told hashirama cell the brothers discussed their plans megino tries getting rid of the perfume by getting bored to follow doing drainage ditch they instead used to move around unnoticed konomaru and sarah decided to check the shop owner they previously interviewed so kokoham artists guides himself as kittisaki boruto manages to get the perfume off him but he and mugin are still being tracked with dogs as kirisaki konohamar promises good money for information on the shinobi brothers unable to completely throughout the pursuers boruto megiddo decided to leave the village instead of joining bisar and konamaru aboard the climbs to the roofs having found the shortest route of the village the shopkeeper knows the real kirisaki has been found so a support is spread to attack sarah breaks through the ceiling and then konoma to escape they're surrounded but are rescued by boards omgino who have stolen unmanned airship this way board to smell is irrelevant they can more easily search for the thieves however the pursuits shoot their ship down they're surrounded but katara the black market childhood board to protect from kitty sake he shows them escape route out of the village they beat up mitch's underground who came back with kona guitar his sister whiskey comments on board to smell sports shares what he learned about the earring i look like snowboarding showed the hashtag cell whiskey reveals you've been determined to hashtag myself to be unstable so it can't be rushed out which is why they're afraid of killing sakia katara gives him an intel on the earring schnobe he acquires through his underground friends they intend to gain them through the underground routes deeply kills everyone at the establishments he's eating at the konawash nobody split up to find the earring snowbeat the candidate attack with lightning release omo and his teammates approached again into question about recent events konohamaru megina arrived before a fight breaks out omoi and kona mark can bare and tell omar recognizes the poison murder weapon used in saki as blingy from anobi from land of haze he spirals thinking worst-case scenarios knowing that hashima cells are unstable they determine the root of the haze should i be most likely to take the haitian will be go on the way checking for sewers deeper kills various ludus of fusu castle as he investigates the whereabouts of the hashirama cell the heisenobi alternate carrying the hashirama cell and think about yoruga deep it catches up to the konoham kumo shinobi and finds that they don't have the cells the kumo should be stay behind to fight depot while the konohashin will be continuing the haitian obi asuka notices the approaching pursuers so yuga offers to stay behind to stall them the kumamoto managed to talk to people with clones but he fakes being paralyzed managing to defeat marwie and kokuy when they approach the konawa should have been fined in the haitian of his tracks deepa has no problems blocking or evading all of omo's attacks the konawa should be find it strange that komo should be have not yet joined them and wonder about who diva is you gate intercepts them after exchange of brief words you get activated kinjutsu calling on a creature from another world the jurisdiction consumes him releasing a creature and creating a burial around them hiragana and asuka notice these kinjuts who mourn their brother and carry on the creature attacks the konoshonobi being both strong and fast when black sports has attacked because rainey's chakra konohumar breaks creatures arms or zengod and grabs more thrown treats the creature then drains the track of a nearby deer and begins regenerating its arm konohamaru recalls yuga's words and compares the creature to shinigami and soma they evaluate what they know about the creature forth the conditions act in the creature again as kono mars was saying god damaged before but wants to destroy the barrier reminding them of the missions to retrieve hashima cells mugino accuses konohamaru spoiling his understands mourinho but assures him he's getting interdependable whiskey is born by his snake that the creatures coming their way having absorbed shark from the wildlife inside the barrier they move closer to the barrier konomaru megina with him to break it while they're getting guarded them despite accepting his decision board that was disappointed in the mugeno trust them so little misky warns when the creatures closing in using clones and snakes borton biscuit hold the creature in place lying started to hit it their attacks crack a jewel within the creature but otherwise appears not to land significant damage the creature notices cracks in the barrier and ignores the genie and rescues the edge of the barrier it attacks konohamara and megino mizki arrives and distracts the creature with the snakes seeing the situation has changed maginot wants bortho and conor to prepare their song god and ask sarah to back him up maguino holds the creature up allowing fortune conor marty to strike it destroys jewel defeating the creature breaking the barrier moguino collapses having had a lot of his tracker trained mugeno criticizes sports for not thinking ahead before to criticize his communication skills which konohamara supports there's him the pursuit of the haiti shinobi omoi refused to tell deeper where how sherman cells are but subordinates cave in and help them with the haiti deepak kills kakui marui and leaves omoi passes out the kona should have resumed the pursuit and worry about the lengths that they had shinobi will go to complete the mission as diva also resumes his pursuit omoi passes out trying to reach his teammates asuka and hiragana discuss their past their brothers and the depth of the land of haze take them as orphans asuka notices the economy approaches they prepare for it the cornhushing will be strike first but hit clones which obscure they set up on destruction they dodge explosive attack kunai stepping on target sludge in the ground hiraga appears already activated into the jutsu the sludge restricts their movement stop them performing hand seals asuka leaves the hasherama cell everything in the range of the sludge begins to sink in sarda notices that when things are closer to here together the faster they sink and mixing determines the ego also perish the question is willing to sacrifice his life but he retorts he's saving one hitting things back about his brothers and now yoda go sacrifice his life so they get infinite food castle both their questions the orders the quadruplets received but hiroga tells them how they were taken in calling bortha for not knowing what it's like to starve having lived in a great nation mugino determines that as hiragai is one seeking the past if he does the jews will give out the realist hitting is just buying time for oscar to cross the line of haze hitting his dudes begins to break and board to try to save the game here to get on board to both accuse each other making assumptions about them omoi arrives and informs them all of deepa killing his subordinates and they realize he'll intersect with asuka borza convinces hiraga to check out asking himself who releases his jutsu hiragana rushes asuka with the koh now she'll be here behind him omoi stays behind after warning mugino and konohara deepa's abilities deeper arrives at the border of the land of hayes sorry to wonders how strong the the third party after the hashir masala must be if they defeat the kukumuka ghonian border tries to reassure here to go but says he won't join forces with them only wishing his brother the corner shouldn't be fall back and let here to go on asuka oscar attacks believing he got to have died fighting and the person in front of him something transformed in hiraga bore to intervenes allowing you to get to confirm his identity hiragana calls a temporary truce for the konohan be until they defeat the third party hiragana and asaka are suddenly attacked diva announces his presence and blocks support to kunai they notice it didn't leave a scratch and diva mentions and manipulates the carbon to make himself impervious konohumar attempts to fire release no avail the genie put themselves between dipa and the hate shinobi deeper refuses to say why he wants the hashirama cells and gonna take too long to explain victor appears talking down to deepa he asks for them to return the cells but they refuse victor rushes near them creates a twister separating the journey from the group victor goes to deal with them and tells deep to deal with the gunning diva attacks them with various carbon cubes victor finds moguino who holds in place for konohamart's attack from above victor manifests two extra arms sweep hand seals and calls down lightning konohamara asks meghino to act as support since he can't fight with his injury the gunning can't focus on attacking deep when he dodged these cubes both managed to lander was hanging on from above but it does nothing oscar tries to reach out to hyderabad who's dead deepa implies he'll eat the ghenin borth who wants to land on the resin gone and depot mitsky lands a surprise lightning release which does nothing he attacks the stakes while zara analyzes deepest movements with a shotgun for an opening she manages to dodge and deflect his cubes and moves out of the way the last minute as she runs out of chakra revealing boards right behind her diva fein's pain from borders attack for a moment and laughs at his tap deeper carpets up his finger and flicks forward to his side deepa prepares to crash board through this foot but asuka draws his attention to the hashirama cell and sets off an explosion with kinjutsu deepa has no scratch on him but is irritated the hashiram cells in danger board passes out and he punches him down with an armored fist he hits nothing but giving save boards with the stage mode mitsuki attacks people will send dudes to lightning and please carrying the unconscious borton sarda the attack merely pushes deeper back a bit and he shifts his focus to hashimoto's cell still with him mugina rescues kong hamar from being stranded by victor an explosion from the fight between diva and again he draws their attention and victor decides to check why deep is taking so long konohomar and mugino are too injured and tied to chase him victor finds deepa who has recovered the hashirama cell will let him get in his cape still in stage mode miss kiki vows not to let borton start to die even if he engages himself mitsuki carries the injured borton sarda and passes out just after arriving at ubini's clinic sometime later conor homar and maguino ran back to cornhole carrying bortow and sarda who would only get first aid to giubinis they're handed over to soccer who treats him as soon as hell hinata anymore are concerned about boruto but naruto assures them he'll be okay as soccer is treating him konohama blames himself for their injuries as he was part of the mission he confirmed he left mitsuki under urochimar's care as the situation was beyond yubina's ability to help log notices or chemicals concerned for mitsuki who claims to be concerned from his gaze at sample konohamaru sai shigamara sasuke and naruto confer and review what they know about victor and deepa gohmar wants to investigate viktor's company but the land of valleys is independent nations they can't force the issue chickamar has a contact with influence in the country but it will take three days for rangers mate victor handles the hajj or amazon care concern they might never have another chance if they handle this one deepa mentions that previous plan that didn't work which led them to the current situation deepa and victor argue about the rules in kara victor dispatches deep to retrieve another item ortho wakes up and cheese and i tell you what happened he asks for mitski and she explains with roche maru soccer examines sarta and is grateful for you being his work on her important start away for tests and brutally how the jutsu her uses against deepa she's nice shares her concerns about porto and sarah was sakura team five business board and team 15 versus arda manages to get permission from gonorrhoea to observe victor's company an old day who owns a pet shop for tells the death of a close friend of agino teams 5 and 15 discuss boruto and sarda finding their cheerful altitude for us and grow concerned about them they visit the hospital again before someone started left on their own they believe that they want to avenge mitsuki mugino gets permission to join konohamaru in his mission konohamar wants to leave without telling bortow and sarah but they arrive the joni believed they went to join them but instead they just want to inform them that they want to train to get stronger bored to want to destroy him sasuke sarah is already training with him he doesn't want to ask his father who is working hard on kari intel so sasuke directs him to kakashi as he's the only other person in the village you can use for sengon borto approaches kakashi asking him for help making his resin got into a big ball or sengon he promises not to play during training with kash because it is possible for board to use a big baller sengan and he doesn't have the nine tails to account for the chakra necessary for the jutsu or to insist that kakashi help him train and demonstrates his resengan bortha isn't satisfied with the damage and flicks in the rocks and is pressed by kakashi's he's determined not to lose like he did to diva again kakashi compares boards out to dude naruto and agrees to oversee his training he checks board to see how much he knows about nature transformation he explains that dudes were made stronger by combining transformation and shape transformation and that the rasangan only is a shape transformation kakashi has borth of demonstrated vanishing resin gotten expensive boards so that employs lightning chakra he considers an incomplete jutsu and suggests the board to try to use wind nature chakra porthos resin gun behaves erratically at first support to focus on increasing his control over it sarta asks sasuke to teach it to dory sasuke explains that using a makes one vulnerable the counter attacks and demonstrates by capturing sarta he adds that with only one tomah her shotgun doesn't give enough perception to your opponent's moves the chidori requiring at least two tomorrow's shotgun to be used sarda wants to train to awaken more tomorrow but sasuke reveals it doesn't work like that only heightened emotions from extreme situations can awaken more tomorrow sasuke proposes helping star to master her one tomorrow is sharing on first knowing what sarah has struggled with during the last mission he has her dodge a barrage projectiles she fails but isn't disheartened by it now that's keep going konamu and megino investigate victor's company but are only shown more legitimate labs the discussion gets more aggressive when they ask about the hachirama cell but konoha can't force the issue with escalating into a diplomatic incident himowari misses her brother during dinner and hinata explains boruto's determination getting stronger when borto asks for advice on his training kagashi refuses it but instead tells monarch to learn when training with ninja transformation boruto feels frustrated blaming himself for miski's injury and end being how strong kakashi was at his age kakashi points out the hardships he had to endure and it envies boruto for growing up in an air of peace he hands more to a lunchbox he more i dropped for him telling him he's out alone which gives board to an idea sarah fails dodge another barrage and sasuke tells not to focus on all targets and instead focus on the area of the attacks sarta also thinks back to misky's injury and asks for another barrage board who manages to add windage to his recent gun with the aid of a shadow clone and passes out from exhaustion soccer watches out of training victor's secretary reports having escorted konomar and mugino to the border but in reality they've infiltrated the company to find the truth about victor board who continues practicing his one release for saying gone but kakashi thinks it's as far as he can push at the moment disheartening boruto kono omaro and mugin observe patients going into a restricted treatment area where they don't come out among the doctors konohomar recognizes the doctor of the irugakuriku the only area they have yet to search the underground area access to the elevator shigerai agrees boruto and tells him not to overdo it with his training aboard to share kakashi's conclusions with them chocho observed sardis trading with sasuke team 10 has assigned a mission by requested to land a win to recover the missing puppet uh against them the fact that they have been able to recover it concerns them that somebody else may have acquired it they discussed borthoin and started his training deepa eats a meal to land a win chocho wants to eat at a place her father told her about they reach it just deep it departs they find the place trash and everyone inside dead the next day they meet up with team and inform them the restaurant incident they arrive at the general area where she could have defeated the puppet and they have araya quickly canvassed the area with his sancho a puppet araya finds the puppet diva arrives at the scene and she could die warrenstein shanky that he was president of the restaurant incident from deepest words she could have deduced that he's the one who defeated team seven diva attacks with cubes and blocks his iron sand wall deepa manages to break through hitting her eye and yodo chocho and inogen makes separate attacks from two different directions alongside a pin depot with a shadow shanky attacks him but his black iron fist has no effect deepa breaks through she could eyeshadow and shatters shanky's iron sand wall with a single cube deeply collects the puppet and turns the leave noticing his hand steaming shinky makes a final effort to destroy the puppet rather than let him have it and passes out back at konoha she could have reports to his father naruto or took a deeds practicing boruto is frustrated he can't make his recent more powerful shigeru tells me fought deeper during his mission and only survived because he figures boruto is training to fight deepa and threatens to stop him by force if necessary to prevent her being so reckless she get that thing sport who wants to get stronger because he ate steve but bournemouth denies it and explains that fighting deep made him realize that inexperience of lacking power he is shigeru offers album train hinata arrives to give board to a lunch box and considers making the next one for shikadai sarda continues practicing with sasuke now dodging kunai she almost dodges them all and sasuke notices problems endurance and she couldn't keep her shawn got active during all of it he congratulates her on improving her perception during a break sasuke asks her how her eyes are taking the strain sardar says they're fine and having researched about it not found much she asks him about the mangekyo sharingan she asks if you think she can awaken it but sasuke postpones the conversation soccer arrives and sadder tells her process sakura is concerned with the strain she's putting on herself and sasuke assures her he's making sure sarah doesn't overdo it soccer gets agitated when sarah dementia wanted to develop her strong ground like sasuke's sarda feels frustrated believing her mother is being overprotective in leaves socrates and sasuke has gassada and are sharing on getting stronger he not overhears the conversation she could have energy and chocho help with his training shigeru believes that with the nature transformation board was capable of he can't stand it for long and thinking back to his battle with deep but he's just trained to focus all his power into a single spot he tries several forms of target practice and increasing how much chakra he can infuse into his or sengon at sundown innogena chocho return home while shigura saves borto and the two discusses training the talk turns durability and thinking back to kakashi's advice board to realize his way to focus his resengan kakashi watched from afar he goes to ask a favor for mibiki hinata and you know a sakura out for girls night and discuss their lives in children the next day when chocho and inogen arrived the boulder board that was practicing on is completely crushed borzer goes to tell kakashi but his progress and wanting to see it on a worthwhile target kagoshi arranges for him to go fight and imprison shojoji shojoji confirms kagashi that his sentence will be reduced if he defeats boruto they're both determined to defeat one another kakashi releases shojo ji's restraints and he and boards are begin fighting boards begins his mood release for senegal but sure judging repels with his own wouldn't really shield the wind count shoji taunts boards over and notices boards as jutsu is stronger than the last time they fought he believes that if this is all that boruto has to offer he won't win but boards remains confident the fight switches inside jutsu with boards of being able to repel george's attacks and attempts to consume him boruto attacks with his new resengan which is able to break through shojoji's windshield gosh he believes that a shoji hadn't been using his shield boards his attack would have killed him he surmises that instead of trying to make his racing on bigger boards went the other way condensing it as much as he could boruto notices that the recent god damages bandages exposing his steel and he passes out from exhaustion starter practices dodging kunai with her father but always has to have one of them deflected avoid getting hit sasuke suggests a break but sarah wants to keep going soccer arrives and tells sarah to fight her to test her resolve sasuke grieves that soccer has insight that he lacks sarda attacks soccer but under the hitch he can't even follow her with the charm gun sakura demonstrates her strength and attacks started dodging in the last moment with the shine gone sakura fills a big tree impressing sarda sakura points out that a chocolate controller is lacking which combined with the shanghai used caused the truck to be quickly depleted they resume fighting but sardis stumbles trying to digest sakura's attacks sasuke and sakura feel they pushed enough but sarda has one last thing to us try sarah copies their mother's moves and their attacks collide by copying her movements he was able to improve her own chakra control making her attack more powerful sasuke and sakura wanted to keep training lag reports to rochimar that the ashram is selling involved miseki's mission is once stolen from him from one of his old labs orochimar has no idea who could have done it mitsuki wakes up and orochimar prepares to replace damaged organs team 5 visits a hospitalized boruto he would be trying to wake him up with his favorite lighting burger denki heard he had exhausted himself trying his new jutsu against shojo and mentally heard that sarah had been getting special training from her father they also wonder about misskey and recall who his parent is they investigate a scream for another room and it would be hit with a ketchup out of the patient the patient pleased a nurse apologized to fernando's attitude eob finds natto who has the snack privileges revoked nobody claims he's actually training to be a shinobi and noticing that there's nobody tries to have him take his rochumaru card to be autographed they refuse at first but change their mind what their notice explains is acting out as due to an upcoming surgery and he doesn't come to terms with it doesn't have danke and metal are apprehensive given origin mars history but they agreed to go as eob is determined to do it besides wanting to visit miski team five goes to the village records where dengue manages to access rojimar's files to discover his location they meet up with the journey and keeping surveillance underneath mario yamamoto's gonna make her support naruto the donation allows him to go forward but his attitude makes me even more nervous they find sweet so who tries to dismiss him when they say they want to see rochimaru swedes who shrugs up their attacks but they managed to trick him into attacking a damaged power line the shock isn't enough to paralyze so we get to only annoying him but orochimar interrupts a fight before speeds who can hurt anyone rochemar asks what they want they managed to say that they want an autograph much through our shock original signs the card and they asked about mitsuki rochimar says mitsuki is undergoing critical treatment but we'll be fine leaving roche mario is pleased that mitsuki made friends other than boruto team five gives nato the autographed card and admitted they were scared to do it borto wakes up and finds kakashi who wants him the more he compresses the resengan the greater the recoil on his arms or shouldn't use that often sarda meets boards about the hospital the exchange of the training is gone fortune shows their notorious ring so they decide to return to mia konohamar and maguino watches diva arrives to pick his company victor asks about the puppet but diva says he had interference that he couldn't bring it victim mentions an upcoming inspection by the land of valley's daimyo and discuss the final stages of such experiments konohamara and moogina want to take advantage of the inspection interfere the land of valley's daimyo arrives a picture's company and is agreed with victor borto and sarda around the land of valleys they discuss conan almar's mission mitski's injury and their failure to get an autobacteria they move it's concerned about this france but rochimar warns that his new organs are still one month away from being viable for transplant so his condition is still pregarious rochimaru is proud that misky acts in his own free will but chastises him for overusing safe transformation knowing that mitsuki would be concerned for his friends they since we get to check on them so we guess who reports the rest team seven is atlanta valley which concerns hinsky rochimar takes quicker to aside to avoid a speculation for starting mitsuki in action misskey wants to join his team so log sedates him i'd evict his company he in the daimyo discussed conor has attempts to interfere with their affairs of the hashiramasal viktor takes the daimyo's retinue into the company's restricted area he has a secretary take him through decontamination area which has an effect on him mia tells borton started that she was told that anato was attacked by people who were after his research and killed borzo tells that the company was responsible for it over something that they're researching victor shows the daimyo's research claiming that with the hashirama's hell they're on the verge of curing previously incredible diseases and making aging a thing of the past the daimyo commits to protect his research from interference but one of his guards snaps over to get jutsu allowing him to see the human subjects of victor's experiments his guards are actually kona hamara and mugino who disguised themselves as guards before they arrived with company they noticed the daimyo had been placed under genjutsu during decontamination mugino cuts off victor's right arm kona hamara apologizes for interpreting the daimyo's group and explains what they know about victor's experiments victor's severed write our moves on its own and activates counter-measures before turning to victor victor repels beginner with wind release victor's employees attack the kona joni a god tree sapling begins to grow in the lab kone hamar protects the daimyo from it victor advantage that you a doctor to serve as nourishment for the god tree victor's secretary arranged for company employees together in a room to serve as nursemen as well mia wants to meet victor in person know what happened to another but borton started telling us dangerous and that konohamara and megino are already investigating the grubby gives the shakes the genie teller goes somewhere safe well they decided to help the joanie victor and his secretary watch with interest at the god tree blood begins to bloom victor and his secretary observe the god tree moguino and konohamaru fend off against tendrils the gut tree absorbs the valley's daimyo's chakra causing him to pass out mugino also has his chakra absorbed porto and sarah continue to make their way to victor's company behind the tree's tendrils konohama and moguino also have to fight victor's employees moguino gets stabbed protecting konohamaru from one of them kona omaro destroys part of the tree with his percent gun earning time for the daimyo to get to safety the tree continues to grow and much to fix its excitement the god tree begins as over the chakra viktor's gathered employees on the ground floor konohamaru asks mugina to leave with the daimyo notify konoha the daimyo is their only witness without whom the entire incident will be covered up konomaru finds the captured employees begins fighting the tree again victor sends his secretary to take care of things borto and sarta arrived to help konohamaru they explain why they've come kotomaru fills him in on the situation which they link to the previous fight against waizetsu in the ruins the land of valley's citizens began evacuating but miraculous go to the company victor attacks the konohashinobi victor reveals he cultivated this treat from a splinter of the god tree he recovered from the battlefield during the fortune of the world war he collapses the form beneath them separating sarta and boruto from konohamaru started breaks their fall and they noticed the people victor experimented on before they could do anything deepa arrives deepa laughs and they decide to fight him again victor's secretary prevents mugedo from leaving with the daimyo the secretary attacks but is blocked by a hooded figure who makes her disappear the figure is revealed to be a rochimaru another hooded figure helps megina stana's feet orochimara observes the situation with interest deepa belittles borto and sarda when they think he wants more power from the tree's fruit he reveals he just wants to eat and experience more tastes and textures his rationale enrages borto and sarah who've had to take him down borto attacks deep with a barrage of clones which deeply easily pelt a carbon sarda attacks from above blocking the cubes in her way but deepa deflects her kunai with a ring of carbon cubes fourth one star to know the versatility of deepest jutsu deep proclaims it's time to hunt sardo's explosive tag kunai board his electrified sure can have no effect on deep up boruto asks sarah to buy in time to prepare his newer sega to push through deepest defense deepa reiterates his wish know the flavor of the chocolate fruit konohomara fights victor who rationalizes his goal as not wasting the sacrifice employees made he compares regular humans as nourishment and stepping stones for superior humans to the relationship between smaller and great nations konohamar attacks on a fight release which victor blocks water release sardi's fire release has no effect on deepa who sends a ring at boruto preventing him from believing episode zengon sardar comments on the limited capabilities of a two-person team deepa boasts of his jutsu viktor attacks with earth release and fire release impressing kong hamaru who only ever saw his grandfather using all changes in chocolate nature freaky prayers to strike with lightning release but is blocked by rochimar snakes orochimaru makes it clear he's not there to save kona mario but to reclaim his stolen hashirama cells orochimaru blocks victor's fire release with a summon snake which strikes and decapitates victor victor regenerates his head and counterattacks the blade and releases severing or jamar's arm who else regenerates it urochimiro attacks with wind release severing both of victor's irons who also regenerates and breaking his peg leg orochimar considers victor's body interesting but his regeneration to be imperfect and surmises that victor wants to eat the chocolate food to regain his lost body parts victor steadies himself with his extra arms deeper continues to overpower sardo at boruto he almost lands a solid hit on board so who is rescued at the last moment by mitsuki who joins the fight diva shrugs off mickey's wind release and blocks board with his advance and breaks out his kunai when she gets close deep attacks on the carbon whips sarda is incredulous deep has yet to use his full strength deepa aims a big cuba board to which started blocks stressing her goal of mokage sarda's showing on gains a second tomorrow deepa is angry at team seven's lack of hopelessness mia arrives at the company and witnesses victor's true form the god tree bites beginning to open so victor approaches it ignoring mia and konamar accenture the flower sends tendrils to pull victor in and archimedes explains that it's just a copy and that mere humans can't handle the fruit deepa blocks bitsky's lightning release dodges start as tajutsu and blocks mitsuki's wind release before striking through him who's actually a snake clone diva grabs the real mitsky and kicks him aside before dodging and blocking stars taitutu sardis punch manages to chip deep his armor before he punches her aside board to manage to attack with his compressor with sengod more cracks appearing deep his armor who decides to fully cover himself in black and white armor and kicks board to his side orochimar and his clones burn victor's imitation godrew with a barrier and tell a quote hum hard to leave portal refuses to back down and deeper grows angry when he sees the burn god tree falling down and decides to kill the gunning boards are prepared to attack again and sarah warns him but his iron deeper turns his gauntlet into diamond debate and boards are clashed deep as armor growing more cracks miski supports boruto wrapping his arm around boruto and adding his sent due to tracker to the attack sarda also adds her tracker to it together they overpower deepa breaking his armor and body deeply considers how close he got to taste the world of the god tree's fruit he gets buried by the falling debris they leave the building with kona maru mitsuki dismisses boards his concern for his injuries think he'll heal fast mia is willing to testify on their behalf about the incident orochimaru leaves telling konohamart that he already notified naruto kono maro is glad mitch he was able to recover team seven is glad to be together again namita learns how to play extreme shinobi picture scrolls imogen subaki koroganai asks sports about his arm teams 7 10 and 15 catch up with one another denki walks by them lost in thought and doesn't hear when they call him at the hokage's office konomara and magina report to the higher ups including the fifth and sixth hokage they explained they fought viktor and deepa who wished to cultivate a new god tree and eat his chakra fruit at naruto's request sai further investigated victor's facility and uncovered research on symbols that match the ones they learned about from shojoji deducing the victor and deep were members of kara psy's investigation also indicates they were aware of naruto's role in defeating momoshiki which is classified information naruto sent messages to one the other kage victor's employees were unable to shed light into victor's personal research where the word vessel was consistently mentioned they're surprised to learn that the doctor responsible for the fabrications was involved in victor's project kudos they didn't find his body at the time and wonders if her grandfather was also involved hanabi finds it more likely the doctor used him to acquire experimental data konoha leadership is concerned that such a wide-reaching organization has been unknown so far when konohama recalls victor's subordinates who aware of his plan called themselves outers cyrus calls his mission with sasuke and considers that kara has remained hidden by using outsider collaborators scouted across the nations they consider the possibility of spies in the village they weigh the protection of villagers against their freedom of movement denki has team seven help them take a balloon to the hokage rock where they meet medley and eubie to help set it up naruto takes a day to decide whether to blockade the village gates he learns that nowadays identity checking isn't as thorough as it used to be due to the high amount of people coming and going kotaro supports restricting movement in and out of the village setting the byakuya gang and the moojin abandons his examples he will be in middle league go up and denki's balloon drawing naruto's attention denki explains it's an experiment to improve the range of wireless transmissions metal loses the instructions and he gave but eob soldiers on denki manages to speak with his friend another village close to the border danke's friends celebrated success even if the balloon is able to maintain altitude to keep communications working for long the following day naruto decides not to blockade the gate and instead decides to overhaul the sensing system on the village victor reports g again placing blame of the incident on depa and assuring him that none of these secrets were exposed as he recovered deep his body jigen considers the god tree plain foolish victor decides to claim jigen's vessel the konja barrier team run its successful trail the new sensing system using it to detect a disguised thigh several young snobby are impressed but engine is uninterested ino lectures um in the history of the barrier team and how the new system has been approved and automated with the help of scientific ninja weapons she explains that since the system can only detect unregistered chakra signatures once an intruder actually crosses the barrier a swift response team is necessary you know scavenge nobody with sensory skills run an operational test and collect additional data there will be organized infiltration teams and their job will be to apprehend them forward to when she could i meet up with inogen energy explains he was asked to join because he scored good grades in sensing having learned the basics from his mother a long time ago borto and chigdai were asked to be part of the infiltration team and as a tuning she could always ask to memorize the newest additions to bingo book fellow yamanaka clan's been cohan introduces himself as energy's partner for the trial and thanks for the contribution gohan didn't know eno had a grown son and warns he won't pull any punches enojin says he's not his mother and is surprised she's so well regarded as he only ever saw her work at the flower shop inojen and kohan received a breach notification to depart inogen isn't able to apprehend a single target that morning and cohan is surprised that he actually has never since before you know is excited about the trial but apologizes making inogen participate when he is a little interested in the subject and says he doesn't have to be part of the afternoon test energy confesses to decide that he thinks eno is disappointed in him sai explains that beyond being yamanaka the reason ino takes such interest and pride and sensing is because of her father who died in the war she was inspired by him and doesn't force innogen because she wants to inspire him as well inojin asks kohan to help mahoney sensing during the afternoon test inojin is able to find shikadaya but actually detected someone else near him kohan checks in with the team but the chakra signature image and sense was registered inogen is still concerned about it and shigeru knowing innogen convinces khan to pursue the matter arguing that as a trial the status should be significant they meet up with born to and go investigate the person whose chakra he detected mokume arai was not even in the village having left the day before on the train for a friend's wedding they discussed the possibilities and chica recalls something from reading the bingo book hiyu yorishiro has the ability to mimic other's chakra so he's capable of crossing the barrier without reading as an unrecognized signature they report their findings and suspicions they arrive at an area filled with people and based on his earlier performance innogen doesn't think he covers such a wide area instead he draws several birds with a super beast imitating drawing as they're made with his chakra he can use them as a medium to extend the scope of the sensing they find an apprehended yoy gohan reports ino who agrees inogen isn't cut for sensing but as he doesn't have to be and that's not for her she tells inogen they'll make changes to the berry to account for imposters you know jen is worried she'll close the flower shop but she says she treasures both and tells him to do what he wants not to worry how arc in the narrow household she could have surprised his father home his parents remind him that today is a day of remembrance for those who died in the force nobody world war many know citizens gather at the cemetery where sonata acts as a speaker she stresses how the peace they have today is due to those who had lost their lives in the war and that while the new generations don't know war they should be told of what those who do learn from it al goes to catastrophe's lab to ask for maintenance on his prosthetic arm but kentucky isn't in today mugino sees iowan approaches him sonata continues to adjust the crowd who takes trains offering flowers to the deceased you know in chicago back and talk about the last transmission they got from the fathers during the war their last words they wonder if someday they'll have to set the example and trust the next generation carry on later mugino takes out of the cemetery and learns about his relationship to katasuke at megino's suggestion out honors that his season recalls his own survival he spent years in coma and upon waking up learned about the death so many friends went through arju's rehabilitation with catastrophe he limits the fact that he isn't as strong as he used to be because of his injuries and he's retired from being kenobi he thanks beginner for bringing in there to grieve shigema and nina recognize and approach owl greeting him mugino is surprised to learn specifically who is shigemaru asks out his father truly believed his strategy would stop the ten tails work al confesses he had his doubts and asked shikoku and you know he did the same they said they were proud of their children out of faith with them shikamaru you know removed at tamar's best she could i goes looking for his father shigemara decides to take she'd have to eat like they used after training he wonders if she dies learning from looking at him as well at night owl catches a leaf blowing in the wind with this prosthetic hand victor finishes preparing an airship equipped with the latest stealth technology and worries about his failing body which can't handle the stress of his regeneration techniques he crosses the space-time gate a model runs diagnostics on him and reports his regeneration is declining he offers to make replacement body parts but victor refuses being his guinea pig again he accuses zamoto of being a mad scientist who assures him all he does is for the advancement kara he adds that victor's health is being eroded by the cursed seal he used to extend his life replacing body parts won't solve the river's problem amano was surprised victor came to see him as he hates him victor is agitated by how long cars plans to take him to advance worried his body will give out before carr's goals can be used to advance his own ambitions victor falls down in pain amano treats him before being called by delta victor wakes up having drugged himself beforehand to slip into a coma he releases a spy drone to covertly copy data about the vessel a focal part of cairo's plan which he also plans to steal amano finds delta making her ruckus she complains about despite having him calibrate her her right leg's reaction times off she wants him to do it again but he explains that pictures in the infirmary having had a seizure delta is surprised by his presence in which he had died alongside deepa she also voiced her hatred of him code and borrow before leaving a motto was called by jigen while victor finishes copying the best data victor surprised by phase three the planes of the vessel gonna ask somato if the vessel has reached phase three and why he wasn't notified immediately amano says he wanted to gather enough data to make sure that as not give g in false hope jigen wishes to test the vessel on the surface much to him out of surprise we thought tess were out of the quest until the next phase gigan knows moving the best will be noticed by the shinobi but it's a risk to have to take victor arrives having heard their plan suggest this is their ship amato is suspected of his willingness to collaborate but victor plays up his worst in condition gigan approves but a model requires certain conditions such as victim not being aboard the ship making charges loading the vessel and selecting the fight plan chicken watches his victory leaves speaking preparations and konoha team 7 gets an official commendation for their role in resolving the issues of the land of elites boruto asks his father to spar with him which naruto considers the vessel zoned into the airship and delta is suspicious of victor amato is sure to say that it's impossible to change his path from autopilot delta says she'd love to slice them up should they fail the airship takes off in self-mode at the hokage rock board so removes his bandages and recalls momoshika's words as he looks at the seal in his hand victor attempts to change the airship's path with a hidden mechanism but something goes wrong and it crashes victor wonders if the plane was discovered but considers that if it were so they wouldn't have actually loaded the vessel that car's lair jigging is pensive he more makes and decorates a flower vase for her mother's upcoming birthday board has he had to decide what to give her and it tends to buy her something when he gets paid for his missions later that day team seven discusses quantum barriers sudden departure for an urgent mission so the gang have to go on missions without him sarita intends to take leadership in his absence walking through the village borton sees a woman with the flyer bouquet and considers it as a gift for his mother board to see mugina running by and upon catching up with them he discovers he's running from restaurant owners who want him to pay the money he owes them they know today's payday someone offers him his wallet which barely has enough coin in it maguire claims he gave this month's earnings to a kid with a sick sister both ends up having to pay for a guinness debt and his doubtful mcguinness has a payment back next month moguino asks for to take him to eat spending to last his money board the questions why he didn't ask konohamar for money as they've been friends for a long time and it's incredulous when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when guinness says he considers it unethical pointing out how he avoided paying the restaurant borto is surprised that megino was like this having previous event to be serious and reliable for my acting doing missions moguino invites borth to his place and asks him for a favor megin's abortion is poorly captain sprouts who finished mourinho explains he doesn't like the feeling of needing anything or feeling like he doesn't want to lose things and wants to live as he was born without any possessions the apartment doesn't nice view of the hokange rock and megino explains he looks up to the third hokage who looked after him when his parents died in a war borton asked him to tell about it when he was a child bugino would have been tasked with assassinating the hokage when he visited a refugee camp at night mugino tried to give heroes and flowers he picked and opened his window mcginner tried stabbing him when he looked for a flower vase but he hasn't blocked it having figured out who's an assassin by the way he moved like he was being watched he wasn't noticed he had a cursed seal on him that could kill him at any moment he allowed himself to be stabbed so moguino's handlers would lower their guard and use the shadow clone to defeat them megino was shocked by it and cried is here is an apologetic kind of world where children use disposable weapons as he has he doesn't give him assigned letters that know would welcome him and wishes he'd be his grandson who was of similar age to him by the time moguino went to konoha he was in a died but was able to enroll the academy mugino says not even called homaron was a story fourth to notice mugen is a turtle which mugino explains he got roped into by a fortune teller he says the fortune hasn't come to pass and the favor he has to ask for more throws to feed the turtle his way in a mission with konohamaru investigating a crash near the border mugino was sorry that the boards were can't buy his mother a gift the kid from a gino's story comes by and thanks for giving him money which he used to buy medicine for his sister and gives him a basket of flowers mugina gives boards of the flowers as they'll wilt if he's gone he also gives him akita's apartment so he can beat his turtle bortho tells him to look after kona hamaru catastep provides naruto with his latest press that he can and is excited to hear what naruto thinks about it naruto shikamara discussed kataska's disposition and muse over still not knowing who put him on a gajutsu naruto intends to test the prosthetic spraying porto borth torres home and shows humor the flowers think her mother will have plenty of flowers put in the face he worry made her jegan informs the other enders of the vessel's loss they argue about the delay that causes their plans and who's to blame for the incident most of them blame victor who tries to deflect to a motto who's absence in the meaning of questions jigen says that a motto is busy with that is that no longer concerned victor koji kashin offers to retrieve the vessel as the airship carrying it did so in an area under his jurisdiction the rest of the other inner's present agreed to let him handle it and koji says he'll contact the other agent to assist after the meeting is over victor considers retrieving the vessel himself and is glad the theft of the vessel's data hasn't been discovered he disparages koji who answers back revealing he was in the same room as victor since the beginning of the meeting victor moves to attack him but koji strikes first victor maintains someone tampered with his airship but koji incinerates him the streets are strong enough to overcome victims regeneration koji also destroys the drone with stolen data amato has informed gigan of what deep and new having regenerated his head and brain enough for him to report back having no further use for deepa jigen has a motto dispose of his head koji reports having dealt with victor dijigan who in turn forms everyone of the precise coordinates of the airship crash and orders him to kill anyone who has seen the airship konohamaru and moguino approach to crash site several genning gathered to watch the sparring between borto and naruto mitsuki helped sport to prepare for those happy his father managed to keep a promise and is glad to have an opportunity to make up for past mistakes and show him that his growth in his training shakumar confirms in arthur that he hasn't told board that he'll be testing a new prosthetic hand the sparring begins in bortho using shadow clones decoys to protect archer from behind he throws a resin gun which knight to extinguishes boruto uses electrified shuriken to blind him so he only spots through a single when it's near him but naruto extinguishes it again borton wants to clash through his scene god and uses shadow clones to propel himself in naruto the board to who has their assent gun is a shadow clone and the one attacks from afar with a water release and lightning release combo naruto blocks it with an earth release wall he punches through the wall and absorbs where those jutsu bore that hits the wall and naruto kicks him from behind knocking him down ending the match naruto acknowledges bortis growth later naruto confirms to board so his prosthetic hand was a scientific ninja weapon explaining that katascan developed it based on momoshiki's ability though it isn't capable of releasing the jute so it absorbs borto admonishes naruto for using it when he chastises boratov using it before sasuke arrives and points out the difference is that how they're used sorry to ask when he came back and he says he just returned from investigating kara konohama and mogino enter the crashed airship and find an empty container something approaches them from inside the airship konohamaru is suspicious of the empty container and copies data from it muguno recognizes one of his assailants as a subordinate of victors and is attacked by an automaton mugino urges konohamaru to run as more automatons appear in konoha sasuke reveals he hasn't discovered any worthwhile information about cara much to everyone's surprise they speculate their headquarters must be underground and recall that kara also has ties to the seal and bartholo's hand kotaske arrives for the stroking boardwalks distain for scientific ninja tools naruto refers there and kataski's worth as supports for the hokage and assigns team seven to escort catastrophe and the prosthetic to another lab borrowed to walk away and naruto requests started miss could keep an eye on board to seal despite shigemaru's concern sasuke is certain that borta will come around about the mission sarta understands borta's feelings about scientific nature tools but wants to live up to the expectations of receiving a mission stripping hogage mitsuki explains that while he's always tied his choices to boruto he'll be part of the mission even if porto isn't and that this isn't any tool that's naruto's hand which plays a part in protecting the village in anybody in it he adds that with kara making moves he can't afford to let star to face danger alone bartholo is convinced as minsky thought he would be amano does maintenance on jigen who is still concerned about uncovering the traitor responsible for the crash amato is confused so jigen explains that while victor did try to steal the vessel somebody else had the ship crash his agreement to an unnecessary move was bait to tribe into action amato asks how he knows it wasn't victor jigen felt the vessel being moved through the combat before the ship crash something that victor couldn't have done ever since discovering the vessel he could have been worried this might would happen amato takes jigen's words as an order to investigate the other inners which he confesses will be troublesome team 7 and kataska take the thunder train for their mission where they find owl kataska introduces ao is one of his patients though neither can remember the last time they met sarah notices borders diligence and carrying the prosthetic but borata reaffirms his disdain for scientific ninja tools sarta points out the game's computers he enjoys are also fruit of scientific development itasca adds that while scientific individuals are the launch pad and most of the technology developed ends up with civilian applications kotoski offers to adjust the rest of all's prosthetic iron ao says that old habits from the active service die hard bortha was surprised to learn that i was a shinobi and mitsuki asks what village he's from ao answers he's from cutie and is likewise surprised to hear the borton has visited as part of his cool trip noting how much has changed our credit zimbique alive to scientific ninja tools and when bortho is still lukewarm about them he takes a screwdriver catastrophe he's using on him and comes close to having boruto he points out they're not inherently good or bad it all depends on how they're used team seven and qatas get apart having a route to the station from the bench behind him koji kashin addresses out as an elder he expected victor to be the one to reach out to him only when he's dead koji asks why he went to seekatasuke ao says he'd kill katascape remembered anything koji praising the skill with which al plays him under genjutsu and extracted information about the scientific ninja tools from him koji tasks him with retrieving the vessel and killing anyone he interacted with ah warns is likely to get dramatic konohamaru helps mugeno who doesn't abandon him konohamar refuses and says the help should be on the way koji notices a box with intel and weapons though he believes ao might not need them sarda notices boards has more positive disposition which he credits who he wants to meet again ao considers seeing combat again for the first time in 16 years delta is called by code who is legibly waiting alone they trade barbs about the vessels retrieval before our motto arrives he reveals victor's treachery and death to them kitaska and team seven were have the research facility which is had by one of his juniors they find new way running around but he is paralyzed by akita inazuka using the shadow imitation technique threatened to be gauntlet team seven are surprised to see nua and sumite there sumit explains some of her efforts to learn to co-exist with nue as part of the research team akita is excited to have katasca's latest prototype to test despite their enthusiasm and catastrophe's insistence that how their use matters bortow remains unconvinced of scientific ninja tools value as part of the mission team seven helps test other tools some of which borrow through even has fun testing tending to an injury board to sustain testing one of the tools sumit explains that she wants to develop a tool to keep noise from getting out of control so she can support the village and lets him know that she'll be relocating back to konoha to act as catastrophe's assistant borton notices a plaque with katasca's creative science being used to support others akita's nin ken chama rupa friends boruto who notices his prosthetic leg akita explains she became katasca's assistant after he helped the ninken kotaske shows bortoy prototype choker blade but it tires him quickly due to high chakra expenditure border concedes the tools how they rule supporting the village borto has a call from his father at carl's headquarters amato does maintenance on delta and code who continue to trade insults they consider borah might have stolen the vessel before he checks in naruto informs boards so they've lost contact with konohamaru and moguino and has his team check in on them as they're the closest naruto is concerned that despite being too capable jony and they have been able to get in contact and words of car might be responsible sai and shigemaru shares concern motto shows jigging the scans he'd made of the other inners to identify the traitor among them code spies on them a boy looks at the sunset akita provides team seven manuals in the scientific naturals they leave she attributes her concern to chamorro and catastrophe joining them kotoski wished to test a prototype mechanical suit made for caregiving that was modified for combat sorry to finish the packing and they say goodbye to sumiday arriving at the airship crash site they noticed several scattered puppets poured the wonders of conjunct defeated them and sarda looks for signs of a puppet user kotovsky gets carried away examining the airship and notices the open empty container one of the puppets moves on its own and attacks boruto who defeats with lightning release the other pop is beginning to activate and surround the guinea sarda attacks with tiju and fire release miscue with wind release the puppets get up again and begin using fire release against them from their firing rate and lack of hand seals sarda and catastrophe surmise their autonomous scientific ninja tools kotowski believes they were there to guard the container they found he steps forward using his own scientific ninja tools to absorb their attacks until the overheat from continuous firing cratoska instructs them to destroy the papa's power supplies to prevent it from reactivating once they cool down and takes one for later examination started surprised that she believed such tools were still a field exclusive to konoha kotaski recalls being told by ibiki that he may have leaked intel without anjutsu and feels guilty chalmara brings someone to konohamaru's kunai and leads them having caught ascent ikar's headquarters jigen deflects an attack from code who wishes to handle the traitor jigen points out he has another important task code leaves crosses past delta and they insult each other in a cave konohamaru tends to mugino's injuries team seven finds them and they catch each other up what happened konohamaru means for kataska to analyze the data he acquired but they're interrupted by ow he points a weapon at them and asks the contents of the container konohamaru refuses to share intel from a mission so ao opens fire against them sorry to recognize the same attack the puppets use katasky absorbs ayah's attacks on konami to bring his weapon with resengan he asks about the container and about kara out shoots konohamaru in the face of the hidden prosthetic in his chat through them knowing about kara is a greater mess than anticipated to your moves when a katasca is due to absorption arms and uses it to absorb warts as percent gone before kicking him aside starter considers using a smoke flash bomb but konohama and moguino don't know the signal for your plan muguno grabs out and asks him about what he said when they met during the memorial owl pierces him with a hidden tool in his arm megino holds in place and collapses the cave around them telling the others to run al begins emerging from the rebels so konohamara has their escape free from the rebel out intends to kill all of them hiding in an abandoned structured sarah applies the healing foam to konjumar's injuries he thanks kataski for developing the technology mitsuki believes ao isn't pursuing them at the moment sarta wants to retreat as soon as konohama is healed bortow is frustrated by moguino's death so konohamaru shares him with his intentions they discuss how someone like howard aligned with car and how dangerous he is knowing that al wants to eliminate them for investigating the empty container konohara prioritizes getting the information konoha and offers himself as a decoy to sell out the ganning argue against it pointing that he's exhausted kotaske offers himself as bait instead revealing that while under genjutsu he leaked information on the side of the digitals he feels responsible for the enemies done with his technology including ao's murderer maguino board took investors he used to agree that scientific ninja tools shouldn't exist but seeing their positive influence on the lab change his mind he wants to stop out from his using the tools so others won't hate him without knowing them like he did quote homar is convinced to deal with ao instead of the decoy strategy icar's headquarters while trading insults code tells delta that gigan believes it's a trade among the inners each accuses the other being the traitor and motto interrupts them and explains the steps taken so far to uncover who the traitor is code and delta point that borrow skip maintenance as in koji and wonder where koji is koji meets with alan questions his commitment owishers moves loyalty to kara the konohashinobi strategize wanting to make use of the jutsu absorption while stole they intend to make him absorb their attacks to create an opening for a surprise attack from a blind spot now that out no longer has to be akugan boruto activates the chakra blade he has to use but passes up from shock reuse when he wakes up catastrophe is finished adjusting their remaining due to absorption aren't for those use they prepare to defeat out with the proper use of scientific ninja tools the konohanov wait for his attack mitsuki's snake acting as a scout they discuss house prowess and plan to defeat him shinobi mitsuki warns him of owl's approach alice sees where they're hiding and attacks mutsuki who's lightning released a counter attack absorbs mischie retreats and konohamaru attacks a fire release i'll notice that they disregard for considering chakra and deduces they have strategy mitsuki attacks while is absorbing konohamar's attack force him to dodge allowing started atlanta jutsu hits alice nobody is resilient so he counter-attacks sarita the three continue attacking with the ninjutsu for him to absorb a dodge owl creates a greater absorption is fear to absorb all their attacks at once owl notices supports his absence and determines him to be vital to his strategy border strikes him above with a chocolate blade which outblocks with his own before boar token retrieves played out collects it and stabs him with it out boasts of seeing through the strategy board to mocks him he grips ao's hands on the blade handle mitsuki wraps an armor out so he can't let go and the boruto outstab disperses a shadow clone the chakra blade drains out's chakra he uses his own tools to force whiskey to release him the real borto attacks the resengan and uses the jutsu absorption arm so his absorption sphere cancels out ours allowing him to land the recent gun borrows or throws out's words about how to use tools back at him al removes the absorption arm destroyed before his attack konohara detects attack from above and pushes boards out of the way being hit himself and knocked unconscious they noticed the drones in the sky under out of control kotasky surmises they respond to as chakra boards comments on how unshinobi i was become and i was steadfast the car's saved him and allowed him to transcend to a new existence he denounces that not all shinobi can be powerful which necessitated the tools for new powers like he has boruto asks sarta mitsuki to protect katsuka and konomoro and prepares to face alice drone strikes use the arm to absorb some of their attacks the drug strikes block the attacks he throws it out portal throws himself at the drones hopping between them planting explosive attacks take them out someone destroys the electrified hurricane still in the airport to strike a water release but ao's drones evaporate the water boruto asks out why he didn't return to kirigakori and ao answers he's waiting for death as a shinobi he couldn't stand no longer being a shinobi owl commands bordeaux for pushing him so far and the two resume fighting board to attack the shadow clones but i was able to discern the original since the jutsu can't replicate complex machinery and overtime of ninja tools sarda tries interviewing but mitski has to pull it out of the way the drone attacks out fears sap boards so who disperses the shadow clone arm of the absorption arm boruto emerges from the rebel dodging out's attack and letting her send out on his weaponized arm destroying it and setting him against the abandoned building al's drones crash down i would miss defeat and when borton pulls out the screwdriver outra is goading into killing it out thinks i'm naive for showing mercy forth and once again voices how's how it's used rationality so even the tools ao uses should be used for good he tells out to live with the tools kataska gave him konohamar regains consciousness and wants to take out back to konoha when they get reinforcements katasky looks forward for the future of the genie owen notices and calls out to koji who summons the toad the abandoned building collapses under the toad's weight ao uses water release to push boards out of the debris way and is crushed by the toad kochi wonders what motivated adi's ninjutsu at the very end and introduces himself after releasing his summon he congratulates them for the battle having quite enjoyed it and aggravates boruto by belittling ao's emotions konamara probes him for more information kara but koji reveals nothing koji steals their movements and readys himself to incinerate them konohamaru breaks free the seal with one of his own the two begin to fight koji countering and avoiding konoma's taijutsu and fire release koji counters konohamaru's resengan with of his own to everyone's surprise he detonates a toadie planted on konohamaru who catches on fire the seal on board his hand activates and spreads absorbing the seal and the flames in kong hamara who collapses koji recognizes it as comma surprised that border was the one chosen by moshiki fortune sees the seal spread all over his arm before passing out koji retreats as thanks for showing him something interesting sardar wants to force answers out of him but misky holds her back now wanted to risk her teammates lives koji approves the judgment where his parent is rochimaru later after having recovered the group makes it great for ao and one is bokara a model reviews the files on code and recalls that koji and boro have not yet been cleared as traders he leaves the station for a moment and delta sneaks in to check the files on code considering him borrow clean she considers koji to be the traitor elsewhere in the hideout code is frustrated with another member konohara wants to return to the village because they have a lot to report on bortha asks about chamara butasuke issues that if anything happens he'll return to the lab on his own they find the remains of a battle with more autonomous puppets investigate they're far more damage than the ones that team seven defeated chamara draws their attention to a passed out boy who they believed to be the one who defeated puppets despite konohamaru's warning boruto approaches him and notices that he's the same mark as him kawaki arc in the basic car jigen and delta eat a meal where delta expressed her exasperation in koji's lack of progress and kicked the meal table hard enough to destroy completely jigging simply manifests another meal and calmly allowed to shadow coach's mission provided she does not interfere with his methods delta requests the help of garrow an inner of kara and rene buzukoji as borrow and the rest kononomar's team observed the unconscious guac he suddenly bore to steal her also irritated kawaki who after being furiously reminded of his adoption to jigen's hands unleash a repelling shockwave before engaging in an uncooperative discussion with the kona ninja unaware that koji and delta are watching when garu arrives kawaki fought him after being overpowered activated to steal and effortlessly kill them and nearly killed boars when the others had boards and not activated his own seal although kawaki made it clear he saw the miscarriage members he collapsed due to over exerting himself and after kataska inspected kawaki he revealed the quake's body had been significantly modified by microscopic scientific ninja tools that have altered his body down to the level of his nervous and circulatory systems and that his level of advanced shinobi wear was even greater than naruto's prosthetic team seven in catastrophe decided to take him back to kona hakukura with koji allowing it much due delta's angry surprise back in konoha having decided to allow kawaki to experience normal life naruto tried to befriend him but kawaki remained guarded and hostile trying to escape before he reached arthur's house and naruto foiled it and dismissing his value to naruto as he couldn't provide much intel on kara and once he broke the base he moared given to hinata he tried to escape his home naruto finally snapped unleashes power terrifying kawaki who believed he may be even more powerful than he get soon boards or came home and was furious over quack haven't broken the base he more made kawaki coldly told him off and hardly apologized to himware which only made borto angrier and after kawaki introduced himself vulgarly bored with her responded kind although hinata and himuri were fine with the vase broken as the most important thing was her feelings conveyed hinata borton kawaki soon at a violent altercation when they wanted to go to the toilet only have to go outside the house only being stopped by naruto eventually kwaku ruled this pass to boruto now you take comma he had obtained it from jigen who experimented to many other children causing their deaths before succeeding with him boruto who could not help but feel somewhat sorry and impressed by kawaki's harsh treatment that he himself even though it was worse than death and silly survive for so long agreed to consider working with kawaki but still insisted he repaired him or his face before leaving for a mission naruto offered to help us he couldn't like walk he's still minded by another base and the two and out kawaki's little regard for social matters and lack of knowledge of simple joys quickly show themselves as the rudely ignored sort of advice on buying the custard snack and expressed quick infatuation with it and refused to share started his snack annoying sarda even naruto's tallers has soon pushed the limits when kawaki ruthlessly attacked a child just because he bumped into him which could have certainly killed the boyhood darth not stopped him and openly showed a lack of remorse for it when he went to enos shop to buy a vase to replace the original however kawaki displayed his vulnerable and traumatized side as just seeing the flowers caused remember again which schneider comforted him for and started to soften up to kawaki and offered to help many time but kawaki did not acknowledge her as a friend however bora to collee refused it and told him to repair the original frustrating kawaki meanwhile koji entered konrad undetected with leaving delta behind angering her she could no longer watch him when naruto sparked boruto effortlessly overpowering him kawaki activated the seal to make borough to use his own to begin steady in kama at which porto quickly became significantly stronger but was easily defeated nevertheless naruto applauded boruto and the two mutually shared a seal of reconciliation which surprised kawaki who remembered how harsh jigen was with him whenever training him he could never remember being praised and was only ridiculed for his lack of appreciation for the combat and physically beaten when every question she again nards are then offered to have kwaki sparrow boruto but kawaki declined as he couldn't use chakra and unmoved by naruto's explanation of chakra being a power of the connection to others which is the key to happiness only expressed interest in the shadow clone technique just because he could use to beat himself up in a melancholic and self-bitter tone which naruto advised against as he said that self-hatred would be nothing with friends he could change for the better which affected kawaki enough that he bitterly decided to repair the vase despite struggling unaware that koji had found him but decided not to capture him as he could not win against naruto and chose to watch him important to gather information which caused boards to open up kawaki and offered to train with him to use the comma during the spy kawaki easily handled board's attacks before proceeding to unleash a blast that boards or could not observe and was injured in the process when the two made a seal of reconciliation suddenly born was hand healed as he and kawaki felt the reaction from their seals which worried koji as he felt that that meant boards took it up the same power as jigen meanwhile the livid delta had found kawaki using a drone and proceeded to enter konoha to bring him back herself a fierce fight quickly ensued between naruto and delta with naruto successfully overwhelming and wearing down his opponent while holding back as to not harm the watching children as kawaki noted how far north to surpass delta and that it was obvious as a dance that naruto was leading the fight however when delta revealed their trump card that of a destructive beam that not even naruto could heal from now to begin to be pressured enough that border tried to help only make delta attacking mawari causing naruto to shield her only for kawaki to take the attack infuriating delta and naruto with delta being angry that quackie had damaged the valuable body and naruto being infuriated with their tactics now angered naruto decisively pummeled delta and soon overloaded her absorbing eyes and defeated her however the drone delta had used exploded delta's body and fled as koji expressed that naruto's power while terrifying still could not defeat gigan and only the comma could do it at the base of kara delta raged at her defeat as the other inners mocked and made it clear that the next time they try to receive kawaki they will send someone stronger than her jigging swiftly signs the argument noticing how delta had defied his orders and questioning about koji's whereabouts as boro is perplexed by how koji is disabling the order of retrieving kawaki before konoha came in jigen interested when delta said koji was gathering information asked out about it and delta told the other inners about boards are having commas surprising all of them even jigen as code noted that he had searched naruto and sasuke but found neither of them had the seal along with noting that boruto wields a real comma and could increase his strength with kawaki's upon resonating which caused jigen to smirk as he knew moshiki chose borto as a vessel meanwhile kawaki inspired by naruto giving him a prosthetic hand despite it inhibiting his chakra ask the negotiator from then gradually open up to others he was eventually moved to tears when quran reveals just how similar naruto's childhood was to his own when he was searching for the last piece of the vase and confronted by korama however as borton and mitsuki left to assunati about the similarities of the strength of a hundred sealed to that of the comma sasuke and his investigation of the location from the coordinates for chief mkhara discovered two terrifying revelations khalgi had come to earth with a partner and then another ten tales was imprisoned in the location to further his concern he saw jigen come and absorb chakra from the tentacles to transform nikai's partner the power of the resulting form is such that it caused sasuke to retreat and warn arts rather than face him after gaining a significant amount of chakra jigen decided to personally retrieve kawaki and forcibly synchronize koaki's comma to make it open a portal for him a process that alerted borato and arrived on kong himself right in front of kawaki as naruto was just worried about him koji who had been watching all along and had been anticipating jigen making a move was astonishing perplexed at jigen's ability to just so easily appear before kawaki as he wouldn't have needed to order the vessel retrieval mission only be soon caught by jigen forcing him to stop watching the event as he came to the realization jigen was never fooled by him and immediately been baiting him to know his motives his immense power being instantly sensed by ino terrified by the level of darkness she sent from him eno immediately contacted naruto who either stationed the police force's backup not to intervene jigen voiced his lack of interest in fighting the seventh hokage and even apologized for his rude arrival and when naruto coolly rebuked his civility and attacked him jigen easily overpowered and subdued him with a kick and several black rods appealing his person she again then turned his sights on kawaki and commanded him prepared to return and effortlessly restrain his adopted son when he tried to punch him expressing disgust and exasperation as prosthetic arm and how kawaki favored it over the comment he gave him noting that it was just a tracking device no different than a comma and kawaki's defiance only caused vegan to tighten this grip on his hand twisting it as he continued to grade naruto and kona as a whole operating kawaki for believing that he wasn't anything more than vape for kara and dismissing the hokage as being a mere piece obsessed foolish coward who only cares for peace of his village kwaki resisted him and in his anger his commandment progressed to the point where he horn came out shocking jigging on how much kawaki progressed naruto now freed kick jigging aside at and seeing naruto won't stop interfering finally decided to engage in seven hokage and activated his comma before they could begin fighting kawaki decided to strategize fearing cheek and kill naruto on their battle in exchange for no fights between themselves although jigen agreed to the terms naruto refused to cooperate sojig and teleported him to another dimension but we stopped from leaving with sasuke who along with arthur decided to face jigen there is they could fight fully which merely caused gigan to laugh at them while sarda arrived at naruto's house to find the despondent kawaki who believed that would defeat and kill naruto whose power was to stop it borton minsky closed in with both his kama receding naruto and sasuke fought jigen only to be quickly pressured by the kara leader's overwhelming might as they were not only unable to land any meaningful hits due to gigan's comet easily handling their attacks that did connect with both sheer physical prowess and the ability to absorb jutsu was also unable to anticipate the pattern of attacks as he somehow caused black rods to appear in their person to stop them and vanish whenever they're about to be attacked dodge their attacks before simply retaliating with their odds eventually sasuke realized that jigen's true ability was to manipulate matter on a molecular level to shrink objects and himself down to a microscopic level and just as easily return to normal which caused gigan to deem sasuke more dangerous foe and declare him as the first one he will kill with chicken's ability revealed naruto and sasuke managed to anticipate his patterns and began cornering him with naruto distracting jigen while sasuke attacked him with his sword and doji can repel the attack and escape using a shrinking technique not to manage to trigger him into revealing himself by having to absorb his troops for sasuke to attack him but she can manage to escape using his space time ninjutsu and after praising them for abilities and having revealed to him his weakness calmly activated the transform state he was then when we absorbed the tent tails track were leaving even naruto and sasuke nervous the power of the form as sasuke revealed his knowledge of get's mysterious form earning him jigen's i who angrily question how he's able to find the dimension he trapped his ten tails in and deduced you against goals he and naruto activated complete body susano and tailed beast mode to only be swiftly outmatched by jigen's drastically greater power as he easily does their attacks and plunged through their avatar forms even when sasuke managed to catch him off guard with his ring against amanitojakara this allowed naruto to attack him but he usually dodged encountered with large black stakes to unpack karama's tales for him to punch nards out of the form nima sasuke attempted to switch places with naruto and jigen tried to absorb him from zangon didn't work as he simply summoned rods around his neck to block it and down sasuke with a single kick and soon overpowered naruto and down as well however despite jigen's dominance he soon found that he was at his limits and his body couldn't keep pace with his power and end things quickly he restrained them using black rods and intended to seal naruto while killing sasuke realizing they were out majnar to ordered sausage flea and with a heavy heart sasuke teleported back to kono at his home surprising soccer who had just arrived as he could only weakly pray that naruto would survive jigen having no interest in killing naruto ignored his insults revealing that he was only after boruto for his comma and as he sealed him in a large coffin jigen promised to kill naruto if he escaped which naruto explored her to return back to jigen as jigen shrugged the cough into a normal size he collapsed from the stream using the form he'd been shedding a tear of pain it is revealed that ichigiki otozuki's been possessing him all along and the mysterious enemy cursed you against limits before teleporting away the kara leader heavily weakened was forced to return back to base and rest for two days but jigen is unconcerned is kawaki and borto have both grown tremendously and he could now see that they will become a perfect otsutsuki meanwhile koji realizing that jigen had been weakened enough returned to the base to kill jigging himself as kawaki was left to realize in horror that naruto had lost jigen boritosara and mitsuki came in and soon shikamaru and konohashinobi arrived as koaki let them in on the situation shigemaru was left perplexed by the situation as if jigen had only planned to straighten our tone into the dimension he could easily come back for kawaki and hasn't the only possibilities are that either jigen had defeated naruto but had been left weakened so they couldn't keep back they're still fighting the best possibility would be that naruto would defeat a gigan but cannot come back on his own without sasuke they have no choice but to wait for his return and shigemaru allowed kawaki to remain free but refused to let him wander around as he never trusted him while they wait for sasuke to retrieve naruto eventually kawaki was able to open a portal to naruto's location along with boruto and easily absorbing shikhabar's attempt to paralyze him he left team 7 to rescue naruto the warrior chickamarow was soon left even more concerned when it turned out that sausage had returned with severe injuries and a massive loss of chakra that effectively meant koh won't be able to retrieve naruto or team 7 anytime soon leaving the hokage advisor only able to pray that borto and the others survive until they rescue him once arriving they meet borah who kawaki described as being in some ways even worse than jigen as boro and kawaki banted on kwaki's change and kawaki's question on earth the situation boro revealed that naruto had been sealed inside the coffin and then he threw it down at team seven before cautioning that they don't go and break it as it would only kill naruto and only jin kind of do the seal team seven soon got attacked by borah who nearly killed naruto with his lava release planet branding blast before he managed to easily shrug off boruto and kawaki's attacks with his self-healing technique and soon paralyze him with dark cloud expressing joy and how he could bring them both back and even mitsuki's intervention proved to be ineffective as boro's dark mist wasn't blown away by misky's wind release and he swiftly overpowered his efforts purging the snake's venom with his regeneration technique only sarda's intervention kept them from being defeated as they fell back they were able to figure out that the origins of the miss were physical matter and with substance inside minsky's snake sarda managed to figure out that they were viruses and boro used signed of a ninja tool to project them after starter was made the leader of the new team seven she confront the borough alone though no match for him started was able to trick him into getting close enough to use her fireball technique to damage him before borton and kawaki unleashed there was sengon unison on him however boro was still able to recover even after his body was blown apart with his healing technique and proceeded to attack naruto to break the teamwork despite the virus being neutralized boro quickly compensated for this by using gunpowder to detonate them managing to injure kawaki with shielding naruto as he voiced his desire to take them back as soon as possible along with borito to trade him from scratch even with the virus neutralized boro's regeneration techniques swiftly overwhelmed team seven as he regenerated all damage and landed punishing blows on them kawaki revealed that all members of car have been modified with no beer by a motto but even amato's genius skills have limits and that there must be a giant core with boro's abnormal regeneration before he had started a search for it and joined borden mitsuki although their attacks failed to have any effect on borosarda was able to do sporo's core location and that he could move with hand seals and managed to blitz muchidori however when succeeding and destroying the core team 7 was faced with new trouble as boro lost control the scientific ninja tools inside his body and began mutating in a wild rampage unable to handle boro and their exhausted state team seven free naruto using borton kawaki's collaborative space-time ninjutsu and hopes he may kill borah once and for all and only to find naruto unconscious as boro attacked and overpowered them all boruto was overtaken by momoshiki and easily killed boro before returning control stating that the time where boruto will lose everything is still far away koji returned to kara's base intended killing jigen amato was revealed to be a conspirator informing koji that jigen only accumulated 10 percent of his power after mata prepared himself sufficiently koji used reverse somebody to teleport him to konoha and he heads to battle g again delta attempts to stop the although she was immediately shut down by a modest voice command at konoha naruto and sasuke both recovered from jig's assault sasuke found out about boruto's brief manifestation of momoshiki's will from sarda and recognized it from takomitsky realized that jigen 2 was a vessel of another being as inojin chocho and i trained they were attacked by a motto who easily defeated shigura and held them hostage with an explosive collar after the konohan nin reluctantly agreed to negotiate with him amada reveals that he wants to defect to konoha and in exchange will tell them all he knows about khara jigen the ten tails and the otsutsuki forced to accept his terms naruto allowed amado to enter kong have bound and auto kept his word revealing that car's goal is to use the ten tails they had to create a new god tree to make a choker fruit and that jigen was originally a human but became an otsotsuki viacoma meanwhile koji confronted who questioned the former's reasoning for betraying kara the exchange was simultaneously related to konohaviamata's glasses which were connected to koji's spying toad koji suddenly attacked jigen but his shadow clone was quickly defeated as koji and jigging continued to battle jigen easily countering all of coach's attacks the model revealed that jigen's true form is ichigo tsutsuki he'd once partnered with kaga and came to earth the harbors and chakra fruit from it killing all life on the planet as the outsuki clan had been doing for decades to evolve however kagi mysterious betrayed ishiki catching him off guard nearly killing him however he managed to take over jigen as a vessel first by using his special abilities who koenig himself down and entered jigen through his ear until he regained the energy to bestow upon jigging in his coma ishiki eventually learned that jigen's body was not strong enough to bear his power with reincarnated body lasting only a few days and motto furthermore revealed that the comet is a seal that compresses the biological profile of known sosuke and once and planted on a target would allow the outskirts to resurrect and time upon completely overriding the host's personality as such borto would eventually cease to exist and momoshiki would revive amato knew no method to stop borutos aside from killing him and confirmed that ishiki's power at his full form should he take over he would be too immense for anyone to stop him koji finally managed to catch he got off guard by trapping him inside a massive wall of unabsorbable natural flames although jigen temporarily resisted but shrinking the flames he did not have enough power to do something for long assume her to death amado just closed that because kawaki's combat had not been completely extracted would have no choice but he were born in jigen's body as the latter was fully ready to prevent duplicates kawaki's common vanish will ishiki was reborn and easily shrunk all the flames around them he quickly began assaulting koji shrinking everything he saw as a model revealed that ishiki was far too strong for koji to defeat and he was only used as a tool to learn out noticing coach's fighting style was reminiscent of his former masters not the concerned for him ichigi destroyed koji's mask revealing him to be a clone of jaraya created by amato ishiki acknowledged that jorah bore a mighty fate but in the same vein as his genetic template koji's predestined fate was a sacrificial death koji attempted to assault ishiki but found himself vastly outmatched by the otsotsuki whose powers were on a completely different level than before despite ishiki's condescending remarks koji entered sage mode and went on the offensive meanwhile lamato's defection rights were granted and recognized though only around konoha and he would only leave if naruto and shimaru were to allow it he wasn't allowed to work in the village's lab without kitaske amado then revealed that he never planted a bomb color and shige and it was just a sophisticated trick as he knew that shigemiro wouldn't be able to think otherwise as he had seen a real bomb caller go off getting serious somato told him that ishiki would soon be coming as koji would eventually be defeated and that only the combined strength of naruto and sasuke could challenge him he also revealed that sending backup to koji would only lead to kouaki being left unguarded as ishiku would have no reason to engage in arton sasuke or any other backup they sent if they challenged him so soon and would instead prioritize brandon kawaki once more and that's not gonna happen knowing full well that ishiki could destroy konoha with his power amato advised the civilians to be evacuated but shigemaru immediately had sai range and kawaki to be put somewhere safe with naruto and sasuke around the guard against ishiki as koji now in stage mode attack ichiki the increase in power allowing it to become more of a challenge to the osatsuki but still being a class in straight combat his attacks being casually repelled and outmatched in physical combat he eventually attempted to catch ishiki off guard by using sage ard five-fire gods fan of flames to temporarily cloud his vision and then attacking with an ultra big baller sengon only for ishiki to reveal his daikokuten and some of the pillars he had shrunk earlier down to pinkoji decisively ending the battle as ishii explained the technique and gave an example by summoning his original clothes and a glass of wine to drink he commented on how koji should have known the fight would have ended with him dead and then it may look like he was trying to die as a prejudge nobody but he knew that he didn't want to acknowledge him on his portrayal and admitting that a moderate awaited have asked koji for any message to a motto which would deliver as a favor to him as a former comrade before killing the old man koji instead summoned his toad to swallow him and escape but ishiku couldn't care if koji lived or died choosing to teleport to konoha immediately to retrieve kawaki meanwhile naruto and borato were arguing his sports who wanted to help but naruto refused as ishii is a complete monster and only he and sasuke fight against before it pointed out hishiki while we could have defeated naruto and sasuke sasuke told borcher that he and naruto would gladly died in his hands to protect konoha and told him if he had the same will just as ishiki finally appeared in konoha and inno notified naruto as the shinobi quickly evaluated the civilians with the order not to engage ishiki ishiki soon approached the two shinobi and easily neutralized thrown shuriken and used them to kill the other before getting the information that they weren't given any info on kawaki and proceeding to find those who were quickly rushing about alishiki after ordering borton again the way narcissism ran into him with ishiki being surprised that naruto had broken out of seal walnut engaged ichigi sasuke and board so then talked about how dire the situation was as sasuke freely admitted that his naruto's fight is could end badly as the last time they fought him as jigen they could barely stand up to him sasuke then questioned board was combat and bore to admit that he's scared of losing control rampaging the village ishkin now took converse tennessee and how naruto escaped and boris was defeated that naruto intended to kill ishiku once and for all they quickly fought with ishiki effortlessly overpowering naruto with a simple kick sending him flying through buildings as inflicted considerable damage on their surroundings injuring nardom's health before issue could deliver a lethal blow sasuke saved him and after indiscriminately throwing shuriken which ishiki easily shrunk through his katana which was actually borrowed to a disguise and teleport ichiki away to another dimension with him and naruto following suit now afraid to use all their power the three prepared to battle ishiki who well surprised the boards that could wield momentum's powers that well we're still confident they could defeat him promising they'll regret it ishiki flipped the trio and grabbed borito floating in the air he inspected the border and determined the decompression on michigan's combat to be about 80 complete sasuke switched position with borton attempted dichidori but issues quickly neutralized the attack and then after downing sasuke declared that while he could easily teleport back to konoha they would just follow him there so he would defeat and kill naruto and sasuke and then present their corpses to know how to intimidate the villagers into surrendering as naruto activated a six-pack stage mode back in konohan kawaki dreamed of jigen's words before waking up the exit hidden location with moto shigamaro katasuke and sumide kawaki noticed his comb had disappeared and amato updated him what happened since he passed out kawaki was worried that ishiki even more of a monster than he was jigen could defeat naruto sasuke and borto they concerned that the other cells were shared but amato assured them that as long as they could hold on to ishiki long enough for his lifespan to run out they would win and eventually realize that borton had something that potentially allowed him to achieve victory on the battlefield naruto attacked ishiki but easily shrank the arches for saint god and was stood being pummeled by his tracker arms unfazed before escaping and swiftly kicking arthur down even when arthur attempted to hold ishikan placed his track arms for saskatchewan retaliated by manifesting several large cubes trapping naruto and the debris ishiki assaulted sasuke with the black staff with the ladder blocking the former's attacks with a sword ishiki shrank the katana out of his grasp knocking him down and enlarged the sword to kill him borito noticed sasuke's dire situation arrested his side ishiki froze when bore to put himself between him and sasuke allowing boards to take him safely and determine that he can't kill him board to share would borrow that slip but ishiki's plan causing sasuke to realize isis intended to use borton his plan for a new god tree board to threaten to kill himself to stop ishiki's plan but ishiki incapacitated him and continued to assault sasuke borth to pass out from the injury amado further explained that otsuki must be sacrificed to make the tree bloom and the changing circumstances of osuzuki availability from coggies betrayal the boards becoming more mushig's vessel noticing our discrimination kodama proposed utilizing baryon mode a secret power that grants naruto enhanced strength and the ability to reduce enemies life force in exchange for the old user's life realizing his direct circumstances naruto accepts chroma's proposal and undergoes a new transformation chalking everyone present on the battlefield naruto and each could continue to clash with a ladder shocked by the drastic improvement of his opponent's strength with his new power naruto is able to diminish ishiki's lifespan from 20 hours to just five minutes running out of options ichiki senses kawaki's location from the track where naruto uses to power kawaki's press out of hand and thereby transports kwaki to the battlefield ishiki immediately captures kawaki though sasukes which places them and provides them with the smoke screen hide from the enemy after neutralizing sasuke and rage ichiki threatens to kill naruto should kwaki not reveal his location kawaki offers himself to a gleeful ishiki who implanted the kama under his vessel however as ishiki's body begins to disintegrate koaki reveals that he previously used a shadow clone thus preventing ichiki's revival out of options ishiki perishes as koaki finally relishes in the death of his persistent tormentor after ishiki's defeat sasuke and kawaki inquired about naruto's health after using such tremendously powerful transformation before naruto could explain his condition sasuke's left eye was suddenly stabbed by a moment control boruto with sasuke's running gun destroyed and ishiki dead momoshiki's vessel gloated that the remaining combatants were the only thing standing in his way of achieving salvation momoshiki reveals that due to the comet's accelerated extraction previously ingrained in kawaki the boy's dna was almost entirely outsatsuki therefore momoshiki determines that koaki is a worthy sacrifice to feed ichiki's hidden ten tales thereby cultivating a healthy god tree an irritated kawaki attacks momoshiki's vessel but is quickly defeated and saved by sasuke the two battle against momoshiki while naruto passes out due to the side effects of the baryon mode during the fight sasuke notices that the moment she does not use boards as comet to absorb chakra-based attacks and postulates that forcing woman she to absorb chakra may allow borth to regain consciousness before he can formulate an offensive moment she can neutralize his sasuke aborts his vanishing rasengam understanding sasuke's plan kwaki begins to self-immolate forcing momentum to absorb the fire so it's to not lose his only sacrifice momoshiki attempts to teleport with kawaki but bortow awakens and breaks momentum's horn off leading the combat to recede with the otsotsuki threat diminished sasuke turned his attention towards an unconscious naruto showing great concern for his friend's condition inside his subconscious naruto had a final conversation with korama he told the kitsune that he had no ill will to karama despite the loss of his parents as naruto wasn't prepared to die karama revealed that naruto would awaken soon and be fine as it was karama's life that was gambled by using baryon mode knowing that naruto would not agree to the planet if you knew the truth as chroma's life began to fade he warned arthur that they would lose all access to krama's tracker and abilities meaning that he had been more careful from now on naruto to desperately reached out for kurama before waking up to see boruto sasuke and kawaki standing over him with sasuke's bringing on and kwaki's comic gone it was up to boards to use his mark to bring everyone back to konoha with encouragement from kawaki the group was able to return safely to the village elsewhere kodaks from a nap and checks in on the ten tails code solomon looks at a defective comma on his palm and laments his failure as a vested ishiki suddenly his coma activates manifesting ishiki's spirit ishiki explains the events that resulted in his permanent death to code who vows to avenge his fallen master ishiki declares that the white combat is his legacy and that code will inherit his other will as well unwilling to let that die ishiki instructs him to do as the odds so took his done for thousands of years consuming the life of planets and specifically to cultivate a god tree by feeding either boruto or kawaki with the ten tails by consuming a new tree's tracker fruit coat will become a new totsuki and attain the power of a god as ishiki fades into the land of the living code recites the names of those who will seek adventures upon post kawaki arc while boards of uzumaki's interviewed in kona haku who could have his role in saving the village from ishiki zatsuki a model performs maintenance on kwaki's destroyed iron during which katascantono explains why sumane kake is assisting ashley talks about boruto kawaki embarrasses her by asking if she likes genie elsewhere sarta uchiha mitsuki and team 10 discuss the restrictions based on both on his team being joined on top of the hokage rock by kawaki kawaki hypothesizes to board so that he can make his own kama vessel by branding someone else in order to resurrect himself in the event of momoshi gizuki resurrection hits objecting to the idea kawaki suggests code a motto informs naruto uzumaki about code being the last active inner who also guarded kara's ten tales the conversation with the parent chicago marinara concludes them deciding to go deal with code and with that we have completed our speed run of the entire naruto universe let us know if you can do it any faster did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos for the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 720,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Speedrun, Speed Run, Speedrunning, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Sasuke, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata
Id: 7AsOXa5xEsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 719min 23sec (43163 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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