【特種兵電影】開始營救!特種兵潛進日本監獄,營救1000戰俘 ⚔️ 抗日 MMA | Kung Fu

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The Germans have always been known for their rigor. Their defenses on the European battlefields of World War I were no more than this. They laid out a big net and waited for us to crawl in. What's going on? Don't shoot randomly. Be careful. The enemy is nearby. This is the right direction. This is Daguanzhai. To the west is where we want to go. We have to get there before dawn. After the two devils meet, they walk back to back for about 50 meters. It takes about 30 seconds. The distance is too close and the distance is too short to pass. When they go downhill separately, the middle area is visible. Is there any way to rush over in the blind spot plus 12 seconds? My voice is 100 meters on level ground and 11 seconds. Mr. Aoki , are you too sensitive? Didn’t you hear Chief Nagakawa’s war briefing this morning? The Chinese special forces have already crossed the search line. So what, even if we come here, we are attacking a more important place. We only have some worthless prisoners of war here. Stop complaining and patrol seriously. Look at the clothes of these prisoners of war. In addition to our people, there are also American and British soldiers, and there are also communist leaders. You find it surprising that there are Communists in the guerrillas in western Yunnan. You have never been in contact with them and you do n’t understand. But I know that these people are a serious concern of President Chiang. Sooner or later, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party will have a war. It has little to do with us small soldiers below. Do your best in every mission. We have to live quickly to rescue Edward. We run out of time. The information we have now is insufficient, and the firepower allocation is not enough. It is too risky to act now. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, move quickly. Come on, come on, come on, come on, cowards. In order to prevent anyone from wishing to escape again, I have made a new rule for you. If I find someone showing signs of escaping or disappearing for no reason, I will kill them all. All the prisoners of war in the prison cell, if you want to say thank you, don't show any respect. I'm not your soldier. Why did you save me? You and I are all Chinese, right? Captain Hong, do you know who I am ? Sun Mingde told me that he asked me to help you no matter what actions you take. No matter what actions you take, I advise you to act early. Once all the fires here know you, the trouble will be big. Since you saved me, do me a big favor. Let's cooperate together. Let's work together. Cooperate and rescue all the people who can be saved. To be honest, I want to go home. Don't worry. As long as I can get out, all my brothers will cooperate with you and get ready at two o'clock in the evening. Don't worry. The little devil will definitely break through my machine gun defense line. Come here, Lao Luo, it's four o'clock and it will be dark in two hours. Let's find a place to hide and move on time. White is going to rescue us all at two o'clock tonight. Hey, it's two o'clock tonight. At two o'clock tonight, Brigadier Qin will cooperate with our actions at night. At that time, my teammates outside will lure away all the Japs outside. But how do we get out of the prison building? When it gets dark, my teammates will pull off all the electric switches. My teammates will pull down all the power switches. At that time, all the lighting and power grid will be paralyzed. You should prepare in the evening. You should prepare in the evening. You should prepare in the evening. I am responsible for killing the Japs on the perimeter patrol. I am responsible for killing the Japs on the perimeter patrol. I am responsible for killing the Japs on the perimeter patrol. When the time comes, you guys will rescue all the people in the prison cell. Don’t forget there are two machine guns on the watchtower. My teammate is a sniper. This is an impossible mission. It’s also an impossible mission to rescue you. But I It's better to come. You listen to me. You listen to me. If you want to get out alive, you must listen to me. You must listen to me, you madman. Your Excellency, the general, ordered all the search units from the forest to quickly go to Daguan Village. Come closer to support and feed Colonel Hattori. Do you understand Nagakawa- kun's battle report? The attack on the Guanzhai arsenal is suspected to be the work of the Chinese special forces. General Fukai ordered us to strengthen our vigilance to prevent prisoners of war from taking the opportunity to riot. Don't worry, he may not understand Japanese and act like a prisoner of war. You won't know the battle situation ahead. The corpses were taken away. It seems that the attack target of the Chinese special forces is indeed Daguanzhai. This way we are safer here. Does the screening of prisoners of war need to continue? Muto-kun and Colonel Hattori specially instructed the US pilots. Edward is very important. We must not let him sneak into our place. I am going to call the next prisoner of war to come in. Lao Luo, the Japanese reinforcements are coming. The more they come, the better. The more we attract, the safer it will be. Boss, my name is Jason. Bill was born in the town of Malmesbury, England. The loader of the China-Burma-India Artillery Group was captured in the battle in southern Burma. The town of Malmesbury, England, sounds so familiar to me that an engineer named David was also born there. You are fellow report officers. Yes, do you know an American pilot named Edward? I studied artillery operations at the Royal Military College St. Hurst. I don’t know the air force. The sun never sets on the British Empire. A bunch of surrendering cowards. Go back. Let’s go. Wait a minute. Is the architecture major at Princeton University in the UK very famous? Sir, Princeton University is not in the UK. It is an American university. We British people will not go to the United States to study at university, so I don’t know if its architecture major is famous. Nagakawa-kun. , What's wrong with you, bastard, who am I being deceived by him? David, which university did you study in architectural design? Princeton. I graduated from Princeton University with a major in Princeton University. David is from the United States. He is also from the United States. He pretended to be British. Entering the prisoner of war camp, there should not be American prisoners of war in our prisoner of war camp. Could it be that he is a US military pilot. Edward, everyone, please listen and work overtime starting tonight. Anyone who disobeys the order, please kill the engineer. Please report to the command command to immediately support the prisoner of war camp. Go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up. How about a counter-charge? You guys have the guts to do it. Edward, go to Lao Luo. Where are the Japs? The Japs are evacuating. It seems they are going back to the prisoner of war camp. That's what they say. The boss hasn't come out yet. Something happened to the captain. Go back. Wait. Didn’t the boss say we’re going to gather in Xiaolingchuan later? Are you stupid? Captain, if we don’t come out, what’s the use of going to Xiaolingchuan? Move quickly, don’t run. You go first, I’ll cover you. Run quickly, go brother, run quickly. You run first, brother. The people behind are left to die. Run quickly. Hurry up and don't shoot. Our own people, Edward, Pierre, and White, Qin Weiguo said, boss. The retreat route we originally planned is now full of Japanese fortifications and checkpoints. Those who have escaped cannot be evacuated. Where are the prisoners of war? On the way back, we saw many prisoners of war who encountered the searching Japanese again. Now they are probably either recaptured or beaten to death. The Japanese in the prisoner of war camp have caught up with them. Captain Hong, we are too weak to follow you. If we break out together, we may become a burden to you. Otherwise, you take Edward and the others away. This is your mission. We don't have to worry about life and death. Since we came out together, we must go back together. No one will be there until the last moment. We can't give up , but there is a blockade in front of Hong, and there are pursuers behind us. We have no way. We can go through the Qianwu Valley Death Canyon. Hong, are you kidding me? I have scouted the terrain here before I flew a plane. The fifty kilometers of canyons are full of cliffs, swamps, and Wolves and wild boars are infested, let alone humans. Not even God would choose where to go. We are not God, so we will just go this way. Wild boars can go, let alone us humans. It’s no big deal. The devils are already very close. Let’s go. Brothers, follow. Follow up with Mr. Nagakawa, Mr. Hattori, and I want to call you to report to Mr. Hattori that most of the prisoners of war have been captured, but no trace of the Chinese special forces and American pilots has been found. General Nagakawa Jun Fukai is very angry and orders you to destroy the Chinese special forces at all costs, otherwise General Fukai will be the one who makes you apologize by caesarean section. I have to remind you that General Fukai's son was injured by this Chinese special force. Your responsibility is not trivial. Sir Hattori, please convey my oath to General Fukai. Even if you die, I will. I will die on the road chasing the Chinese special forces. Chase, grab, grab the boss, grab the boss's hand, give him the boss's hand, hold the hand, hold the boss's hand, hold the captain, I will intercept the Japanese, let's go too, hurry up, hurry up Go up, go up, go up , go up, go up, go up, go up, be careful of the devil, be careful, you don’t want to kill me, Lao Luo, retreat Lao Luo, retreat, retreat, retreat, retreat, retreat quickly, retreat, retreat My friend, have you been to England? England, you have to go by boat. It’s too far. I can’t afford a boat ticket. That’s where my hometown is. My parents are still there. I still have my first love, a very beautiful girl. Are you married? If I come to fight, she might become Someone else's wife is fine. It's okay. You can keep her here until the war is over. I'll introduce you to a Chinese girl. How about a Chinese beauty? Okay, that's fine. Extend your hand, but I still want to go back to my hometown. When the time comes, come to me. Let's buy you a drink. The best whiskey in England. It's good. I've said it for sure. Thank you, brother. Be careful. Come on. Go back. Go back. Come up. Pull up. White. Come on. White. Come on. Don't ever stand in front of me. Edward. Never stand in front of me. Edward. Come on. Pull. Captain, we are being chased and beaten by the little devils all the way. Now we are so condescending, why don't we give him a counterattack? Just give him a counterattack. Eliminate them here. Eliminate them here. If you can't withdraw, why should you withdraw? Luo said. That's right. We can destroy the enemy now. Our mission is not to destroy the enemy. It is to take you back alive. Boss, let's fight them. If this continues, we don't know who will be next. Boss, we don't know who will be next. Boss, listen to me, listen to me, listen to me. Every step you take, you may die. Even if this person is me or you, we can't fight back or we will all be dead. Boss, retreat, retreat, retreat, retreat. There are still people on you. There's only so much food. Share it, Captain Hong. You can keep it for yourselves. I'll rely on you to fight the Japanese. I'll make do with some food. The road ahead won't be easy. What should I do tomorrow? I'm still worried about finding food in the woods. I'll go to Shangguan and fight the Japanese. Be careful on the road not far away. I know Hong. Thank you. You almost lost your life because of me. You have to live well. This is all for you. Can we still get out? I am not God. We will know when we get out. The boss and the devil are searching nearby. It's not far from here. Let's go. Let's go. I have a saying in my humble position. I don't know if I should say it or not. If you don't say it, I also know that although I am from the army and look down on those people in the military, if it is true that there is a communist party within us as they say. Then our entire division is lurking, then our entire division is exposed under the eyes of the Communist Army. The commander is wise, but I don’t believe him in any case. Hong Zijie is the Communist commander. So how can we prove it to Liu Shifei? After all, Hong Zijie is not the same as you. In two years, everything is possible. I will prove it to him. Call Zhang Jiangong and ask him to come to the division headquarters. Captain Zhang, what is he doing? Think about who else followed Zhang Jiangong as soon as Hong Zijie joined the army. Does anyone know Hong Zijie better than him? Is it the boss? Are you okay? Captain, the fever is severe. Pierre was weak before and coupled with the miasma, I think he drank unclean water just now. What should I do? I can't walk. Come on. No, no. I'm afraid I can't get out. I'm going to see my mother soon. Hold on, boss. If we don't run away, we'll die. We'll fight with the little devils. What are you going to do? We've run out of ammunition and food. We can't even defeat you with a decent stop. Keep moving forward. I pestered the Japanese to delay the time. We have nothing now. What are you using to pester the Japanese to delay the time? Boss, sir, don’t be so impulsive when we are carrying out the mission. That’s enough. In fact, these are all blamed on me. So many people died to save me. I should stay, Hong. You guys, hurry up and I'll stay. Our mission is to take you back. As long as you don't die, the mission is not over. These talents didn't die in vain. Just remember them. Now is not the time to fight. It's not difficult to die. But now If you want to carry out the order alive, I will stay with you and I will stay. You and Lao Luo will take Lao Qin to protect Edward and evacuate safely. Boss, how can you delay the execution of the order and delay the time to risk your life? Does your special team have a tradition of lying ? You're still here. I have to thank you for letting me stay. You have such a personality. I can't stop you. Do you have a plan? It's not great. Why are you working so hard? Let's leave in a hurry. One person and four. Why? I'm here to help. I'm here to help. Total. One more person among the nine belongs to you. One more person belongs to you. It's fair. Let's go slowly. Boss, don't worry. They will definitely catch up. Boss, brothers, we have passed the Pinang Mountain in front and reached the boundary of the Second Preparatory Division. We are home, we are home, and we are going home. Captain Hong, we are home, we are home, we are home, we are home. Wait for me to go back to the tomb and have a bowl of braised pork. Wait for me to go home and have a bowl of braised pork. I will lead my team to kill your teacher. We have brought Edward back. We have brought back my wife. , my daughter is back, she is back, I want to eat braised pork, Captain Hong, I treat you to eat braised pork, save your energy and walk, boss, it ’s not so easy to go home. This cliff is too deep. We are really ninety-nine, eighty-one. It's hard, Edward. Unless your buddies from the Flying Tigers are flying to pick you up, it seems like there's no way you can get back here. Hurry up and call Captain Hong, who there is no plane to send over even if you can contact him. I don't want him to die. Go back to that hellish place. I want to go home. Lao Luo prepares the rope. I will find a way to get to the other side and fix the rope. I will find a way to get there. Fix the rope on the other side. You guys pull the rope across and swing across. Captain, I will go over. Hey, wait a minute, Lao Luo, you Why do you go down? Even if you go down, can you get over? The water is so fast. If you go down alone, you will be dead. Boss, do we have any other options? Since we received this mission, we have no other options. I will help you sit down next to me. What's going on? Are pilots afraid of heights ? In fact, in order to save me, I have seen too many people die, but I dare not look. Do you still think Hong can get over? If anyone can really get over, that person must be him. Captain, hold on, untie the rope quickly. It's not easy to untie the rope and return a favor to you. Even if there are ghosts, they can't get along with the people in the village. Then what do you think his purpose of killing the elder is? Teacher, it seems that the Chinese special forces and the indigenous tribes are forced to have no choice. We are no longer looking for water sources. Inform Zhongcun and the ambush personnel at the water sources to kill these two arrogant guys. It is Shangguan. Please hurry up. Brother Qi, we will have to fetch water here from now on. If there are any Japanese around here, let’s find him and kill him. Okay. Then call out the word ghost. Brother Qi, Xiao Qi. The devil is behind the stone at your two o'clock direction. The devil is behind the stone at your two o'clock direction. Boss, why are you here? Isn't there no one on the medical team to protect me now? The arrangements were made to try not to beat the Japanese to death or leggings. Why did you execute the order? Captain, as expected, the Japanese lurking in the minefield have already retreated. They probably went to your direction to support Lao Luo. The fastest time to clear the mines is, give it to me. Pay attention to safety for two hours. How did Lao Luo clear mines? You don’t know. I don’t know. Xiao Qi, your direction at eight o’clock is for five Japanese reinforcements. Be careful with the five Japanese reinforcements. Be careful with Xiao Qi. If I’m blocked, don’t bother me. If it's too deep, give Lao Luo half an hour more and then press forward. Captain, I've reached the captain. I've reached Xiao Qi. You and Lao Luo will lead the Japs into the forest and then return to the village. Shangguan and I will carry the water back and receive it. Chasing Xiao Qi, let’s find an opportunity. Xiao Qi, let’s find an opportunity and kill these two Japanese. No, these two Japs don’t simply look at their tactics and fighting styles and they are very similar to us. If they get entangled, it will be troublesome. Then keep running, keep running, and confuse the Japanese. We will think of a way to withdraw to the village, and we will think of a way to withdraw to the village. The medical team cannot lose protection for too long, and the medical team cannot lose protection for too long . Xiao Qi , Xiao Qi deserves to be the commander of the assault company. He deserves to be the commander of the assault company. He has such a big picture and quick goals. It is really a pity that an opponent like the Chinese Special Forces was not able to meet him before he died. It is a pity that he should be captured alive. See the devil, see what a Chinese soldier is. Teacher, be careful. They are coming. They are coming. Boss, we are saved. Charge, charge, charge. Captain Hong, we are coming. Captain Hong, we are coming. Charge, charge. The fighter plane has been lost and withdrawn.
Channel: Gun King - 无敌枪王
Views: 3,788,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gun King - 无敌枪王, masterSamurai, 特种兵, 狙击手, 武术, martial arts, martial arts fight, martial arts movie, kung fu, 少林功夫, kickboxing, New Chinese Action Film 2023, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, action, action movies, kung fu movie, Second Sino-Japanese War, 武侠打斗片, 功夫片, 武侠神剧, new action movies, fight scene, best fight scene, war fight scene, battle scenes, kungfu movie, action movie, 空手道, best action movie, 監獄, 擂台, 比武, 功夫大師, MMA Fighter Kung Fu, 最佳打斗场面, Kung Fu, 仙侠片, 武打电视剧, Chinese Kongfu, 囚犯, 神枪, gun king
Id: YE85kcO2lLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 58sec (4798 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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