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hey y'all it's Mikey and Bill welcome to the farm so glad to have y'all here with us today Shephard is enjoying a good brushing and uh say hey he's starting to do so good and getting so um acclimated around here um good with the goats and uh doing his job good aren't you buddy you doing a good job yeah he's doing a good job so we're going to um be working a lot in the Garden today trying to get um some weeds out grass coming up in the garden um so anyway that seems to be about the only thing that's doing really really good up there in the garden is the grass and the weeds and um so anyway we're going to take y'all along with us today and uh hope y'all enjoy today's video so y'all can see the garden and y'all we've had rain the past couple of days and it already just looks so dry but our corn this year um kind of pathetic but it's already getting Sprouts on it but some of it a little bit taller than others some of it just looks just horrible and uh hubby said you know it should have actually gotten taller than what it is before it really started sprouting like this and um you know we were so busy trying to get the grass and the weeds under control so we could try to get in here and uh spread some chicken manure and uh get some nitrogen in the soil when they were still just coming up um so they could get plenty of nitrogen at that point but um I think we waited a little bit too long to get the nitrogen out but y'all can see we're already starting to get ears of corn which is a good thing um but and here again you can see it goes from Shephard you know taller to not so tall at all and uh it looks like it's struggling to try and y'all see the area where the grass is so thick around the corn is not doing good at all and I told hubby I'm wondering if the grass is getting the water before the Corn's really getting it um like it needs so anyway um over here we've got some squash coming up and y'all look the leaves are already starting to look wilted so we'll definitely have to get some water out here and that one's got some grass up around it so yeah and this corn over here I don't think is doing very very well because of the trees and the sun coming over the back side of the pond and up and over so um probably just not getting enough Sun during the day before it goes down but um we also have some zucchini coming up planted in there and uh that Garden down there y'all that was our last minute this year so we're going to be work on on that a lot over the fall and winter months to um definitely get in there and get some good top soil going with our compost and things like that um but we do have some beans coming up in there um some watermelon the sunflowers they look like they're trying so hubby put them all in one spot I told him I said why did you plant all the sunflowers in one little square area so anyway um but next year we'll be planting them sporadically throughout our garden area so over here we've got okra planted and y'all can see insects are already starting to get to the leaves um but we do have some okra coming up and some more flowering so we should be having plenty of okra this year and um that's good cuz I love some okra so anyway um so that seems to be doing fairly well except for the insects on the leaves I came out here and um actually killed a bunch of them last night and I'm not really there's one right there and y'all missed it cuz it went up under the leaf and if I move the leaf these things flly I don't see it now but definitely going to try to keep keep the insects out of here um and see if that helps in the garden as well so and then um yeah look at how bad the grass has come up we did not have this problem last year at all so we've got some onions some beans coming up right there there um try to get out some more beans because some of them came up some of them didn't and that was just a hit or miss right there and um you know luckily here in South Carolina um come August end of July August um we are in an Zone area where we can actually replant again so it gives us kind of double planting season time which is nice so I've got some cherry tomatoes um some classic beef steak and y'all they're coming up so I mean we've got we've getting a lots of tomatoes here so that'll be good for tomato sandwiches and uh some tomato gravy for breakfast in the morning y'all my grandma made the best tomato gravy she was a good cook and uh yeah these aren't some of them are doing good and some of them aren't so we got some bell peppers and uh the little jalapeno and y'all y'all hear the crackling of uh the dried leaves hubby actually put this in here um a couple of weeks ago actually number one to try to keep some moisture in the garden because it was so hot and dry and number two to try to control some of the weeds and grass coming up so it seems to have helped a little bit but um we'll probably be getting this tilled under and uh I will be working on getting a lot of this grass and other weeds out of the garden and uh getting some fertilizer out and I am going to test out my de on the okra and see if that will help keep the bugs off from eating all the leaves so and y'all see this he's done dug in a cool spot in the garden luckily there was nothing planted in that little area right there I told him he better not be digging up my vegetables okay buddy no digging up vegetables that's right and here in this Garden we've got one volunteer sunflower so we'll definitely have to save the seeds off of this to try to replant next year we picked up some marold from a knockoff place um you can see some of them are kind of spent so but I'm going to go ahead and get these in the ground um from my understanding it's always good to have marold in your garden especially around your squash or zucchini um plants because the bugs do not like the smell of them so we are going to try this for the first time this year and see if it helps with our squash and zucchini plants [Music] now I'm sorry but this is just cheating hubby pulled a fan out here shef decided he's going to just help supervise he said that fan feels good hub's out there getting some grass up from around the corn get my Merry goals planted and try trying to get some of the grass and weeds out of the squash and zucchini plants so we're just slowly going at it eventually we might get it uh called up to a point we can uh can keep it under control I think I'm going to ask cubby if he planted uh grass seed in the garden this year looks like we got more grass coming up than anything else I think he planted grass seed hey yeah you planted grass seed in the garden this year I think so I think that's what I'm going to plant next year let's grow grass and sell grass yeah everybody needs grass in their yard seems to be the only thing growing good [Music] we planted these onions at the beginning of the year and they are I believe they're right ready to pull up and that's garlic these are onions right here and then that's garlic down there at that end of it going towards that pretty sunflower coming up uh we're going to go ahead and pull them up and see how they did and hopefully they look like they ready that one's a good one mhm yeah it is it's amazing the bigger the stop the smaller the onion that one wet no I believe they're ready though I think they just maybe two different types of onion I don't forgot what kind they are we even planted that's a nice in there mhm I think that's two different types of onion we bought these seeds I think I want to say we bought them from s if I'm not mistaken okay yeah up in bwood yeah well we know we can grow weeds and onions so far mhm she things in the garden that actually does pretty good going have to buy onions this year maybe plant some more of them yeah when planting season comes back around and yeah go another round of it yeah sounds good to me think we need to try to utilize these and do what we need to do with them first and then go from there definitely don't want it to go to waste no shop them up and freeze them right yeah but you use them all year cuz they don't store too long good in a pantry or anything like that they they going to start getting mushy and stinking and rotten nice here yeah so if any of y'all um grow and harvest onions and um store them what is your best method of storing onions to keep now we in the garlic for the year the garlic always does good around here yeah the poppy used to plant garlic all the time right look at all the weeds and grass just coming up everywhere in between the rows so we're going to get all that pulled up and get all that pulled out of here and start over with something else in through here [Music] all right I'm going to be root tillering these rows right here where we pulled up the onions and stuff like that and get the grass pulled out of that once we Roa up I went around and hand pulled all the grass that I could but I'm going to get the riller and go over it and then pull what a little bit of grass back up [Music] [Music] what we're doing now we're putting up a piece of cattle wire in the garden and we are going to plant a couple of Bonnie's best tomatoes um they're not haven't gotten big plants yet hoping that they'll do good to go ahead and put them out here so we can get them uh going and um so this will be our first year growing tomato plants on a piece of cattle wire we're going to see how this works and test this out so hubby's put us a couple of staks in the ground and uh getting them wired up to the catle wire so hopefully this will do good to help hold the tomato plants up for us this year we'll make a good trill [Music] I've got me a little container of dious Earth de and um we're having such a problem with the insects and bugs eating the leaves off the okra um we've also noticed the bell peppers um we're having some issues with insects with those twoo I've never tried this before y'all this is um the first time and in my my mind I'm if it kills ants if it kills fleas if it kills ticks um if it is a good natural Dormer for your livestock or your dogs or your cats um I'm G to try it and see how it does because I would rather use something um that is not chemical um and poisonous to animals or you know anything else this year and just try something natural see if it's going to work so I'm going to sprinkle some I don't even know how to do it if I'm doing it correctly or not so we're just going to try it and see if we can get some of this insect problem under control um I came out here like I said last night and uh found several bugs on the okra and um went ahead and just killed them whenever I pulled them off and there's one right there y'all see that can you all see that little bug I'm going to Mush him he's a dead bug I'm hoping that this is gonna work yeah be nice because I really don't want to use any chemicals or anything like seven dust or anything like that I know Seven Dust would work but it also kills the bees and stuff like that and you need your pollinators to come in the garden so right Seven Dust won't this kill it a single be they'll take it back to the hive or something like that where a beekeeper is or something like that and it'll kill the whole Colony right so you definitely try to be pollinated and be friendly I think even the Seven Dust that kill the butterflies and stuff and you want butterflies cuz they're like the bees that's got a light on it maybe that one won't get no more bugs on it no while she's doing that we put the uh cattle wire up the cattle panel up and we got all the tomatoes planted so these are the Bonnie's best so hopefully we'll get some good Cannon tomatoes out of that and we're going to plant some we got another spot over there in the garden we had to wait that's why the garden isn't quite as full because we got we had onions and stuff like that that we planted was waiting on them to get ready so we could pull them up and then we' have that space again the plant like a second crop of tomatoes or a second crop of uh squash or zucchini or something like that so you'll have them year round well not year round but you'll have them late in the season and stuff like that when the other plants the older plants start dying off right and you know this year I I my goal and honestly right now looking at it um our garden probably doesn't look like it's going to reach the goal that I had in mind um this year you know last year got um started into canning and um learning that process for the first time and um this year my goal was and still is um to try to can as much as possible this year and see how far it will get us through the year until next planning season and like I was telling y'all lucky for us in South Carolina um come the end of July and August we can start over and replant what we've what we've um started so hopefully that'll give us a double season of everything this year and um hopefully we'll be able to reach our goal and uh see if we can put up enough vegetables um that'll last us until next planting season or at least get as close um and you know cut down down some more on there's the bugs right there on the grocery bill yeah and next year we'll be able to use that other Garden better and get it get it get some tops oil in it and get it going good yeah so maybe plant a lot of tomatoes next year and a lot of more squash zucchini stuff like that that we can freeze and can yeah so you know we're we're just very new at this um you know we we've always had not always we we've kind of tinkered around a little bit here and there once in a while and you know maybe planted a tomato bush um a plant or um you know some bell pepper maybe some okra here and there or anything like that um you know we planted some corn last year and I don't think we had very much luck with it corn don't seem to do good here yeah and honestly I'm wondering if um you know it needs more Sun than what it's getting because the sun comes up over the pond if the trees are affecting it because you can see like a little bit right here where it's getting I don't know maybe it's getting some more sun coming through I know it's getting pretty much back into shade now over there yeah the end of it is so I'm wondering you know let's let's keep an eye on it this year obviously it it's not doing good for us already this year um it looks like we're going to have kind of the same problem with it that we did last year yeah and um we may end up needing to look around and utilize a different area yeah solely for garden uh for uh a garden for corn yeah maybe we can utilize the garden up there that's got the potatoes in it and something maybe the potatoes will do better down here in the corner do better up there right right so we'll just have to like I trial and error trial and error and uh you know when you're just starting out and you're not an experienced farmer or Gardener you know um you tend to get more errors in the process of going along and learning and um um but we're learning as we go and figuring it out as we go and we're going to figure out and hopefully it uh in the very near future get this down to a fine art yeah so that is that is the plan all right she's sprinkling us on the eggplants too cuz they're eating a little bit on the leaves of the eggplant you can see the holes in them and not certain what they are but they just seem to be getting on the eggplants the bell peppers and the okra so hopefully this will get them she's putting it on the tomato plants too just to be on the safe side yeah better be safe than sorry right we'll try it see if it works for us it's got to be better than nothing yeah that's turning out good we got 60% of the weeds or so pull it up well keep your fingers crossed and hopefully this stuff will keep keep some of the bugs out of here insects at Bay yeah we'll just probably have to come out and maybe sprinkle some more cuz I see the wind's kind of blowing it off too but yeah um might need to come through and just maybe sprinkle some around the bottom yeah that's true of the plants yeah I but it is falling down so hopefully hopefully it'll keep them keep them off so yeah all right well I say let's go get us a nice cool drink and uh grab us some lunch and maybe it'll cool down a little bit more by then and we can come back out I can get uh started back on this I think you were over there working with the tracko yeah getting some of the um logs and stuff stuff moved where we're wanting to expand a bigger area across the driveway up behind me um to make a bigger Garden area over there so anyway uh always something to do around here and reaching our goal it's going to be a work in progress yes for sure so it done gone and got dark on us that's how we say it in in the South I guess but um you know me and hubby we got our work cut out for us and um I've heard a couple of y'all talking about you know having problems with the weeds this year in your garden area I don't remember us having this much problem with the weeds and the grass coming up um last year that we are this year and we just got to we got to stay on top of it and um try to really get it under control and we've about put good den in it um for sure and so we'll just have to jump back on it first thing in the morning um hopefully before it gets too hot or too humid and um you know it's just the South you either deal with the heat or you deal with doing it when the sun goes down and the mosquitoes come out yeah so mosquitoes will turn you off either or you know take your pick right so um yeah so let us know if y'all are having any problems like this um that a couple of you are saying um with your weeds and your grass in your garden is it is it seem like it's worse for you this year um than it was last year and also please share with us you know things that you're planting this year what's coming up good for you um what were your hit hits and misses um so far this year and um things that you utilize in your garden such as you know like the cattle wire to um hold your tomato plants up or your beans or your cucumbers and um you know not only does that information help us along the way um it also helps our viewers as well and um we just really want to be able to share as much information with each other as we possibly can because especially nowadays um you know we really want everyone to succeed and the only way that we can do that is by working together and sharing as much information with each other as we possibly can so um any information that y'all have greatly is appreciated and um we really appreciate y'all being here and uh want to thank all of our subscribers and um if you are watching our Channel please make sure that you go back and check and recheck um your subscribe button and uh just make sure that you are still subscribed to our Channel and um you know we did a video on that too you know a lot of channels have problems within the YouTube system unfortunately kicking um people that go to channels they enjoy watching and kicking them off from being subscribed so just please make sure that you check that for us and um subscribe to our Channel and like and share because it helps boost our Channel out there and uh in the algorithms and to be able to get as much information out there to you all as we possibly can and we appreciate all of you being here and uh I hope y'all have a great night y'all be safe out there God bless and y'all come back and see us soon [Music]
Channel: Celebrating FarmLife
Views: 154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardens, gardentip, gardentips, gardeningtip, gardentour, growyourownfood, growyourown, growingvegtables, corn, okra, tomatoes, squash, zuchini, bellpepper, eggplant, beans, compost, diatamaciousearth, weedcontrol, insectcontrol, homesteader, homesteading, farm, farming, vlogs, celebratingfarmlife, newchannel, newtohomesteading, newhomesteadingchannel, newtoyoutube, subscribe, forreal, foryou, preppers, preparation, prepping, preserving, learning, shtf, prepare, vegetables, gardeninginthesouth, livestockguardiandog, lgd, southcarolina, new
Id: zWF_kFsikVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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