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good morning everybody how you doing today my name's Andrew I'm Matt I'm pety yo I'm Grandpa K and we're some of the veggie boys he guys and we'd like to thank you for stopping by if you're new here please consider subscribing because we can grow a lot of stuff on the farm but one thing we can't grow is this channel without your help welcome back everyone it's so nice to see you right now we are getting the farm market all finished with setting up the cooler has been looking a little light today but that's okay dad went to the wholesaler this morning and picked up some much needed produce we still have a few minutes till open but in the meantime we're just making sure everything is filled up and looks nice because we're getting further and further away from Peak vegetable Harvest uh these pallets that we have here are starting to look a little on the thin side but we also have changed over into a lot of apples so we do have more apples on these tables as opposed to vegetables that used to be there now we still have a lot of produce but it's just neat how as the year changes so does what we have in the the farm market so for the morning as I've mentioned we've been getting the farm market all set up Dad was at the wholesaler however right when Dad got back he ran down over the hill because he had some fill to move [Music] around now the guys that were bringing this Phil the other day we were expecting a little bit more um but they just stopped early they're going to continuously be bringing stuff today whatever the case if they're going to keep bringing Phil we're going to be taking it we got this whole top area cleared off which looks really really nice we got it flatten and the type of material that they're bringing us it packs really really well so this is going to help out a lot with our drainage and the more material that they bring us we're just going to keep extending it out uh we got plenty of places to put fill so the more they bring the more we'll take and the more we'll use [Music] [Music] I tell you what when Daniel sees all this tractor work that he missed he's going to be sad well what do you think I don't know what do you think I think it looks pretty good and it's packing really hard that's what I was hoping it would do yeah and we had rain and it didn't get muddy so maybe it'll clear up yeah that looks good I think there's a lot of rocks in it so I think it's going to drain well I think we need to load in here so we can taper it so the water goes out and around yeah you're doing a great job thank you and I'm not the only person that thinks that the cattle have been watching you I can imagine they're saying good job too so far everything is looking really good now we are expecting about two more days of this fi to be coming in the only thing is we're not 100% sure how much it's going to be from what we've seen so far it looks like it's going to be a lot more uh they brought quite a few loads already this morning and that's just going to continue throughout the morning but like I said whatever they'll bring we'll take Dad just got back from the wholesaler like 20 minutes ago so we haven't really got his truck all unloaded so we're going to get his truck unloaded and then we'll go down and feed animals [Music] that right something we have to do right away whenever we get uh produce in or anything else is make sure that we don't have any orders in the past we have gotten stuff put it right out and then realize it was for an order and that just causes headaches you don't need I've already checked all the orders so we should be set but now I got everything moved off the [Music] truck all the cattle are really curious about about all the fill that's coming in we've just about got this whole top section level off then we're going to be pushing everything this way so this whole area behind me we're going to have leveled off and it's going to drain a lot nicer because now we'll have the material to move everything [Music] around we haven't had time to do it just yet but now we're going to get working on feeding animals dad's going to be moving soil around for right now but I'm going to go up and grab the silage then we'll get some grain [Music] [Music] the cattle that we moved into Greenhouse number five are doing really good this uh new CF feed that we' put our calvs onto has been helping out a lot they've been putting on a lot of weight uh calvs at this age what we're really looking for is just a feed that they enjoy eating to kind of encourage them to eat more as they get larger now for the most part these animals are going to put all their weight on by means of grass or silage the grain is just something that we add in a little bit more once we finish them out in the other pen we will add a little more grain to their diet but for the most part it's grain and silage but when they're young like this we trying to encourage them to put on a little bit more weight and the grain that we're providing does that they're moms yeah great moms back up back up back up come on we're trying to get everything fed but we're also trying to stay on top of getting all this pill moved around so it doesn't get too built [Music] up we would have been done with feeding about 30 minutes ago but the plant inspector was here and she had brought some people with her she was just showing them around um they're changing things around a little bit and she was helping one of her bosses appreciate what the area is like and what she does for work now most of the time when an inspector comes around everybody's like oh inspector oh no what's going to happen because people are always so worried about anything bad that could happen but what we always tell the inspectors is come out come out as much as you want please inspect because if they find an issue before we do well they can help us to control the problem so because we have that relationship with the inspectors and the plant inspector in particular she has saved our butt many times because she doesn't write us up she doesn't say anything negative she just lets us know if there's an issue coming she'll also come around and tell us hey this is what the other Farmers have been dealing with and this is something you need to watch out for as Farmers it's very important for us to have good relationships with all the inspectors in the area for a number of reasons one they're not going to give us a hard time if they do find a problem they're going to tell us about it they're not going to be rude they're not going to give us any issues now if it's a big problem they'll let us know that they're not going to be our friend about it they have a job to do we have a job to do and it's all about keeping everybody safe and healthy with the plants the plant inspector will look for a few different things if she finds something she lets us know so that we can correct the problem and she also helps us to appreciate if it's an issue that we're not going to be able to control just by ourselves so it was pretty cool to see her and she brought a few people with her and getting to talk to them a little bit and it actually turned out that one of the gentlemen that she brought with her watches the channel so that was kind of cool to meet him too he had a lot of interesting things to share with us it's always nice to have the inspectors around especially when they're looking out for our best interest because for the most part that's what they're doing even though we were a little distracted we were able to get all of the cattle taken care of all that we have left to worry about is the chickens but for the most part everything's going well this morning a little update on all the fill that we had received today we got this area over here flattened out and GR um we got some fill pushed up into the barn so now everything is nice and even and we've even started moving Phill out into the area where the cattle eat we're hoping we're going to have enough to level off this area we're eventually going to be putting um some sort of a structure right here so as long as we have a nice pack fill that's going to be no issue it'll be nice once we can get all of this leveled off here though [Music] we got a load of sawdust yesterday so we're just helping Matt get it dumped in um we just got to make sure that he doesn't take the roof off so my job is watching to make sure that he doesn't doesn't get the back of the truck raised too [Music] high now what happened there I can't believe Daniel's on his honeymoon and he got the skid Stu I don't know why he didn't just go straight down over the hill why'd you turn I don't know what he was doing I don't know why he didn't go over Street oh my goodness well let's see what's going to happen I had it woo I did it no worries yeah no worries that wasn't even an [Music] issue oh man what do I do I don't know I feel very precarious do I back up yeah I think I get it this time ready well boy that was a little bit of a hairy situation for a minute but no problem we knew that skid steer loader wasn't going to be stuck for long I just wanted to be known that Dad got the skid steer loader stuck just keep that in mind he got it stuck between all that Phill showing up and the plant inspector being here we've been kind of running around all over the place this morning we haven't even got the chickens fed and the eggs collected yet now we are going to start working on that I mean it doesn't take too much time but something that definitely needs to be done should have been done an hour [Applause] ago with these new layer hands we've been EXP expecting the eggs to be on the smaller side which is normal but we've started to see some of them getting a little larger so this might have been one of the chickens that started laying earlier on uh it shouldn't take much time at all but we've noticed they've really starting to been put down the feed so that's a good sign the number one thing we were looking out for was eggs being on the ground I did not see any which that's a good sign if we can get all these chickens laying in The Nest it just makes collecting that much easier there's going to be a few too many eggs in there for me to fit them all in one basket so I'm going to go grab another and that's about it a little under a basket and a half of eggs that's good enough for me before we leave the chickens for the day I'm going to show you something that we do for them when we have apples that we can't sell or bake with we bring them down here and we break them open and the chickens love pecking through them and going through all the apples it's something we've been doing with the chickens for a few years anytime we have apples that we can't use we bring them down here and the chickens go crazy for them with that last basket of eggs being collected that takes care of all of the animals so they're all finished for the morning right when we finished uh they came through and dumped another load of dirt so dad was taking care of that something I have not mentioned uh yet this year boy fall has been beautiful the leaves changing a the mountains have looked incredible I think I'm more of a spring guy spring summer guy but fall it's pretty nice beautiful beautiful so the next spot that we are going to be working in is the potato storage uh if you guys remember this area was all cleared out well now it's filled with potatoes we've got our wagon parked in here completely full when I say completely full I mean completely full of potatoes and then we've got all these bins here I'm not sure how many bins but but it's a lot of Spuds there just so many potatoes from moving all the potatoes in here it did get a little dirty so we're just trying to get everything cleaned out trying to make it look nicer it is starting to get closer to lunch so we felt it was a good idea before we get to that time that we bag up some potatoes [Music] as we got about 10 bags of potatoes already done but that's where we're going to be calling it for the morning because it is lunchtime today it looks like we are having turkey sandwiches and hot turkey sandwiches we had a big turkey for Sunday dinner it was really really good and you know you're going to have leftovers it just it is what it is as you guys saw once we got finished with lunch we ended up pulling the combine out of the shop and we've now got started with harvesting beans now everything should be working fine with the combine we spent some time uh just making sure everything was greased we got the head on and thankfully the last time we used the machine was to harvest oats which you use the same head for roads as you do for soybeans so we're just going to head out and check on Dad and see how things have been going now Matthew just wanted to grab a quick sample so that he could get everything tested that way we can know the moisture of our beans and we'll also be able to figure out our test weight we were a little excited to get started with harvesting beans we found a couple Fields where they do seem to be on the drier side but this field dad's in right now he is finding some beans that haven't completely ripened up so we are finding some wet spots in the field nothing too major but it will affect the amount of income you receive from the place that we take them and if you're curious why Matt's doing this on the road you need a level spot to do it so Dad what are you going to do with the combine I'm just going to park it right over here till tomorrow and then we're going to start cutting tomorrow yeah I got somewhere where I have to be tonight so we have three really nice days coming up so we're not like in a big hurry today was one of those days where Dad got the combine out and he's like I just want to get the combine out I just want to get it ready and then he starts cutting and he doesn't stop but today it doesn't look like he's going any further the beans that we have here look really really nice thankfully all the beans look good we're fortunate that we're not in a major rush and we don't have to worry about the weather so since we can't get it done today we'll just get started tomorrow so how excited are you for starting with beans well I would like them a little drier but we haven't had a freeze yet here so they're not um there's green plants in the field but the majority of it's ready so I don't know what we're going to do we're going to talk about it and we'll decide tomorrow what' you make four passes out and back oh my goodness dad's just excited he's ready to go the beans aren't ready the neighbors are all cutting we're not cutting it gets Dad all excited now that we're back at the farm we're going to get some pieces of equipment back in here because now we have extra room and while the boys are doing that I'm going to run down and feed the cattle it is now closing time on the farm so we're just getting everything put away we had a busy day all together but that's just how it is on the farm every day seems busy as we get more into winter it's going to slow down quite a bit but for now it it's crazy it doesn't really slow down too much until we get into the new year one thing I'd like to show you guys look at these Rams Head mushrooms aren't they cool wow do you like your new gift from Uncle Daniel Daniel well everyone we are now home it looks like Lauren has got a great dinner for us looks like we are having spaghetti we also got some green beans and garlic bread ooh you know that's going to be a good dinner and since we're getting ready to sit down and eat dinner that means this is where we're going to end the video I'd like to thank everyone for watching and I hope to see you next time by bye bye bye
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 82,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farmers, family farm, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, day in the life, my day, day on the farm, a farmers life, farm life, farming life, american farmers, life on the farm, veggies, vegetables, big vegetables, growing tips, farm hack, garden hack, amazing, tomatoes, tomato hacks, vegetable tips, farming tips, garden, garden hacks
Id: wIfeoZhQj10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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