Speaking in Tongues | Pastor Alph Lukau | Friday 28 June 2019 | Teaching & Healing Service | LIVE

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[Music] hallelujah ministries let us celebrate the king of glory [Music] this is your sign of victory with this you say to the devil are always we somebody give Jesus Christ praise hallelujah give it pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] no me too chief I don't know yeah please find a neighbor I just greet you're never welcome somebody in the house of God it is a blessing to be in the house of God I welcome you god bless you if you're watching us live god bless you welcome you to god is a good god hallelujah [Applause] lesser they go and now what do I still standing it is with great joy that I don't we are starting July with God seven days fusty hallelujah we starting July with Jesus now I believe if you get ready to fast they get ready to put everything aside to seek the face of God it doesn't matter where you find yourself around the world you are welcome to join us in the seven days fasting starting from the first to the seventh and I know God will fulfill his word amen the Lord said call on me and I will answer you is it true and living God hallelujah now you may ask yourself how we going too fast we were fast from morning meaning you wake up with no eating not after breakfast you know deal six or seven or eight if you're far you can break your fastest six but if you are here we'll be breaking our fast here because throughout that moment as the Lord leads will be praying and they will be building or listening to the word on building up or raising up an outer it is exciting and I know God will meet you personally at a point of your need in any scenes in the closing of the fast necks of next next weekend as a next weekend we all also host the IVP now this IVP is a close IVP it's a very very close I want it to be very personal and in the IVP I will have a privilege to help those will be he'll be here to raise up an auto I will teach everybody on how to do it but I want to practically help you to raise up an alto on Sunday I'll be speaking again on raising up an alto family if there are secret this is one of the greatest secret in the spiritual rain that will help you stand as a believer you prayed for many things and sometimes it seems like your situations are stubborn you fasted you prayed you give an offering and all that you have done but it seems like something is missing it is not that God is weak it's not that God is failing you it's often because we have not understood the provision that we have in the Word of God to take us to the next level the place of our victory that's why having the word is one thing understanding it by revelation is another thing the Word of God comes to us coded you can read it and not really grasp it you need the revelation of God and I tell you understanding how to raise autos will help you this is a biblical truth that has been seen throughout the Word of God it will help you it helps me and never field I promise you so I will I hope in this upcoming IVP I want all of you if possible be part of it the AVP is not a it is not a service is a moment way first you are put in a place away from your home you in a very nice hotel the system everything is set up for the purpose of you receiving something from God are you hearing me but you do not just come today IVP you need to register for heat don't be the place of blessing and see other people blessed and then you are wondering when your time will come your time will come when you will also stand and do what you have to do that's right until you do what you have to do nothing will happen I will sing so I want all of you to be part of this upcoming IVB if you're watching me from around the world I'll be here myself or hold your hand I want you to be here tonight what we're doing I want to lay the foundation on a helping you how to pray especially for these seven days I want to hold your hand teach you the Word of God very quickly so we can prayer are you feeling that praying if you're feeling like praying let me tell you you a tuna in the right frequency because in the atmosphere is like a heaven when I give birth some things have you live heaven just save it and for this to happen you must align with God and do what is doing in this moment we'll pray and we'll seek the face of God is there anybody here you came from overseas you are not from Africa you travel all the way to come can I see just wave to me look at this glory to Jesus look at this celebrate Jesus god bless you god bless you today and this weekend I believe something good will happen something good must happen to you I received in the name of Jesus well we have a bishop Jackie back here she was ministering god bless you ours should live yesterday and ours as screamed as a bishop Jackie in DRC Congo taking the mic and speaking describing a young man's body say you have a scar in your body on this side if you are here come [Applause] she was flowing in the prophetic you know in a level I don't I don't understand she's speaking to people who do not speak English and she's not speaking French they had to have part of myself who did a great job in this conference am i Kinshasa we thank God for you you didn't know but I was I was just amazed to see how she was used by God to flow and I know that with Bishop Stefan was still their minister powerfully yesterday the first day was a pastor Roland a law under the two bishop Stefan and Bishop Jacqueline will be traveling to America in a mi us a loan to a pastor Carol they'll be going to PASOK arrow and and be a blessing you know and from there we have we have Bishop Jackie she's very busy should be going to air my in UK in London the assignment is great the assignment is great I was speaking to a son I saw there was a poster that I'll be in Germany this weekend and it was not me it was affect me but the pastor is is it true son he came here once to an IVP and he wanted to be in touch with us I heard that you fell in the wrong hand and bla bla bla bla bla bla and this happened before in the USA the pasta off was coming it was only through pasta up and it'll hop that I thing last year also and that it is happening again in Australia but off is coming in Australia no person of there is a need and I think next year I will try to cut myself in pieces to be in the United States should that happen should that happen it simply means that a my Johannesburg you you will have to do either travel with me or keep me here life just the same way that hundreds of thousands of people are watching us right now they're still bless though I'm not on the pulpit today alright so we will wake it out look at somebody we will work it out in August this August the first week of August in few weeks already I'll be ministering for three days in DRC and I've said that anyone who want to come you are welcome to come and travel with me will be in DRC we'll be doing the work of the Lord hallelujah yeah no me too Jesus there is something that God will do for all of us today somebody received will you lift your hand as the Lord prepare me prepare me for what is ahead prepare me for what is ahead bless me today bless me today in Jesus name in Jesus name oh man I mean oh man I mean hallelujah what shall I see how to the Lord all I have to say [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] father we thank you we pray you bless us spirit of the Living God we pray you have prominence glorified Jesus glorified Jesus in our mates lead us Lord in all truth in Jesus name we pray and together we say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus amen please have a seat if you can I want to share with you truth pertaining your ability to speak in tongues and the reason why I'm doing this is because as sensing the Holy Ghost because of what is ahead that God wants you to be elevated in the place where you'll commune with him and communicate with him in a very high level will be embarking on a moment of fast but God in this faster son wants you to just be like a pair oh you want you to get in a higher level lift your hand say I am going higher oh I am going higher now I am speaking about something that I believe is in the heart of God it will help you mature in God it is a gift given to God to by God for you it is your right in God if you grab it your life I believe will never be the same again I ever seen this is one of the greatest blessing among many we have but it is very unfortunate that as you look around you see the church has more and more neglected the value of the gift I read with you from the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 4 I read verse 4 chapter 2 verse 4 at a count of three let's read together one two entry shorter a Bisaya now is it and they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance please come stand you follow me hold this for me you will be my moving pulpit we have an assignment the words say the way they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and as a result they began to speak in other tongues as the spirit the spirit with a capital S gave them utterance meaning to the leading of the Spirit that began to speak in other tongues others here means times beyond what they had already known and the spot before different tongues and I want to bring to attention the tongues the Bible speaks about here is not human tongues is what is often called the tongues of the angels of the language of the angels verse 1 is said when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly somebody suddenly suddenly there will be a certain thing that will happen to somebody today we see you have not walked in the presence of God to leave the same something sudden will happen to you I received they were all in one Accord and in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then they appeared to them divided tongues as a fire and when said set upon of them the speaking in tongue came as a result of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Meads and in their lives speaking in tongue came then speaking in tongue can come today it is in Retief to know that god has made it possible for them to speak in tongue to the spirit and the same God is making it possible for us to speak in tongue why is it important for us to speak in tongue how do we speak in tongue is it really something that matters that we speak in town those are the very few things that are quickly I would like to bring to attention hoping that it opens your understanding in my spiritual walk I came to appreciate the importance of just speaking in tongue though my mind is terrible and does not understand often what I am speaking but I came to realize that is so important this I'm speaking on the practical side of it I have experienced it and I'm sharing it I believe that if I would not be able to speak in tongue if it was not a gift given to us maybe I will not be able to flow the way I flow the reason behind most of the things that I do in the spiritual reign is because I have understood the power of speaking in town after giving my life to Christ I join a church in Assemblies of God Church I grew with everybody and I quickly realized that our brothers and sisters around me speck in town or sparking tongue you know the old version of the Bible uses speck and I'm always drawn by the speck in town or this town and every time we'll be praying as I lift my hand and say Jehovah I love you they will say so also but they'll go deeper the gosh Atari and avishay oh my and acorrea Bassett and at that point I began to wonder are they making it up how is it they're saying it I remember one day locking myself a try also to say it but I thought it was wrong something was missing I wanted to copy them so I created it myself yonder Yoko Jindo I said no no no they don't it doesn't sound the way it sounds with them so three years in Cross everybody speaking in tongue I was dedicated I would do everything in church I was so trusted to my leaders that I gave me the leadership of the intercession group so as a leader of the intercession group I had people everyone's back in town lost time I was the only one who not speak in town because I loved prayer when we engage in prayer and began to pray long after 20 minutes all of them literally all of them will shift from Lord we love you Lord we thank you and you hear this one shot at all big Ozlem guru baba dorababu I was the leader of the team and often time of his soul so bad I felt like God did not qualify me for such a level they'll all go raka Roka so - you know jealousy in the human nature will kick in stop rain stop rain let ray the word because it sounded as if they were showing off on something that I wanted to have but I could not get I prayed about it as a Lord if you may give it to me it didn't come so I began to judge my family I say by the way maybe this is not for the Luke house because I have not seen a local speaking in tongue maybe I should be at peace with the fact until the Lord spoke to me is it the promise is for you I am here to speak to somebody the promise is for you I received I don't know who I'm speaking to today that we fire here I received I said a promise is for you I receive it I remember going away I told you the story I went away I locked myself and I began to pray I did this many times often time in my little a little faith and that little understanding of God I thought that that it took money people it got Philly so lot if you don't show up I won't stop praying and that's what I did again I did it many times till I learned you don't let man God so I went as a lord I'm going to fast and pray until I speak in town first day second day third day fourth day fifth day six days on the seventh day that's when number seven is God's number number seven seeking done fasting and praying I began to read the cat I remember that day we had a youth meeting something told me you are fasting you're tired you die he'll go to the youth meeting or else they will suspend you because you were a leader I was already a little and after that calm and carry on praying I went to the meeting the leaders meeting and I was so weak so shivering there are people who paid the price for the anointing that's right when when you come to church and you just begin to speak in tongues we thank that for you but you must know there are people who had to pay a price seven days fasting just to pray in time so hours day and everybody is in the Holy Ghost nobody was minding me it was not speaking in tongue day or speaking in time service it was in normal service but what I was something started moving you know you're trying to control yourself but you see when the Spirit of God comes on you sometime you cannot control yourself it was moving so much and I tried to say Oh God what that came was not Olga it was kakuka I tried it again Oh God in my mind I'm trying to say Oh God but what comes out is cuckoo so now I'm panicking I gotta tell god what is happening to me I gotta tell him that something is happening I don't understand this is my mind speaking so when I began to speak to him kikuchi kunda that I drew sheekha Kabuto I was weak that day because I was fasting for long but when the Spirit of God came upon me I became another man i receiver may i profess i today you are going home another man I I am prophesying over you you are going home and not the man I see in the name of Jesus please PLEASE ahevesi but the cost the Spirit of God came upon them and I began to speak in tongue is it really important to speak in town yes it is important I wish I will have all the time to break it down but I need to make space for me to pray for you and for you to pray to Him if you read first book of Corinthians chapter 14 from the Swan Paul is speaking about prophecy and speaking about speaking in town and if you read it quickly you may miss the reason why I was making the contrast because it seems like a poll was discouraging the believers from speaking in tongue in favor of prophecy but that was not the aim it was uplifting the prophetic word because of the context of blessing the majority and also it was clarifying the importance and the role of speaking in tongue in somebody's life way you speak when you speak in tongue you bless yourself I read I read this way we have it on the screen if you can have it in the screen very quickly I'm running tonight 1 2 3 we read from verse 1 till verse 4 1 2 3 read with me pursue love and desire spiritual gift but especially that you may stop there say our profession I will prophesy now if you you don't like prophecy it's your problem this is the Word of God this is an encouragement of the Word of God I have seen many people whose ministry has been bought now on attacking prophecy let me tell you what a waste what a waste of effort what it was tough time no one can fight God and win who you are the Bible said pursue love say I will pursue love desire spiritual gift so I desire spiritual gift I desire spiritual game this has nothing to do with Baptist Pentecostal charismatic no this is for children of God this has nothing to do with denominational it doesn't matter from a which church you come from if you believe the Word of God this is your soul and it encourages you to say pursue love and desire spiritual gift you don't need to try to make a point on a loving God by attacking spiritual gift there are people for them to tell you you must love God or you must do this for God to tell you all of you who want this gift of the Spirit you gotta understand what do you see when somebody's intimidated his language was selling is it desire spiritual gifts not spiritual gift spiritual gifts is there anybody who desires the gift of the spiritual gifts spiritual gift and but especially that you prophesied the many spiritual gift is a desire them but especially that you may prophesy tonight somebody will professor I save it I don't know who I'm speaking to but tonight somebody will prophesy I said I said I don't know who I'm speaking to but tonight somebody will a prophesy I receive it especially that you may prophesy let me go back to the word let me get to the work all right he's doing a good job son it carries on and say what for he who speaks in tongue now it is important because it's making the contrast and that this is where many people are fall by the wayside he said for he who speaks in tongues doesn't speak to men but to God who how many of you want to speak to God not to men oh Jesus he said he was speaking doesn't speak to men but to God yo Messiah Vacanti Maria Baba's a cathedral cushion SATA rocoto Mata Tata Shia I know some of you will not like it I know some of you may not understand it but that's your business I'm not speaking to you I am speaking to God Macario is there anybody who can speak in town Roman Curia bah bah bah bah Rekha - COO RIA SATA machine de Cordoba Shia stop he said he who speaks in tongues does not speak to men but to God but to God speak to God I have issues to tell God I wanna address matters with God so he who speaks in tongue does not speak to men he speaks to God you know sometime when you come to church not everybody who prays is praying to God there are people and their terms where we're not praying to God we are praying for you you must feel me when I'm praying so it sounds like I'm speaking to God but the you are my target you hear people speaking and asses speaking literally speaking to ears Oh Lord you are the Most High God look at you never said leave me alone I'm here for god you hear somebody is trying to show you to convince you that I'm spiritual I know God is speaking things that sometimes he doesn't understand he's trying to speak Hebrew you are Jehovah she can know when you stop him and say tell me what is she can do is a pastor keep on saying chicken'll you know no here but you see that is one level but he was speaks in tongue that's all speak to the neighbor he who speaks in tongue that's not true stone he was fixed speaks in tongue speaks to God for no one understands him no one has the same name you you die to be understood you go out of your way you take to Texas to go back to that person just to explain yourself there are people who would die to be understood it says here is it no one understands him let me tell you it's okay if certain people do not understand you stand with God your relationship will gonna be okay I received no one understands is however in this spirit he speaks you see how important it is in this spirit is speaks mysteries when I'm speaking you don't understand it it may not even a sound good to you don't mind me because I'm connecting to God I'm speaking to God you may not understand me it's okay but you see speaking in town is engaging in the spiritual realm up and when you engage in a spiritual room the Bible explains here he said however however here means that domain do not understand him but in this spirit the spirit here is a realm in the spiritual platform in the spiritual realm he speaks mysteries hidden things things that your mind cannot perceive that he speaks things that are beyond the comprehension of men is fix things of today and tomorrow you cannot beat somebody who understands this and does it according to the word it speaks mysteries you shut up then be praying in tongue not understanding it in their own natural mind but they are attacking back they are speaking back up they are destroying and abolishing the plans of the enemy because they're speaking mysteries you may be praying for your child you do not even know you may be praying for your next miracle you do not even know you are speaking mysteries that's why ladies and gentlemen never neglect the ability and the role the importance of speaking in dams are you hearing me and but he will professor has speaks edification and exhortation and comfort man is speaking about the importance of here that the contrast that many people think that that is a do not speak in tongue you read a prophesy prophesying is good because it goes beyond you you speaking to everybody today the Lord will help you prophesy first for carry on he will speak in tongue edifies himself but he will prophesy as the edifies the church now to edify yourself is not a scene [Music] it is good to edify the church that's why we are prophetic but it does not say you should not edify yourself it begins with you he said he who speaks in tongue edifies himself so it if I hear the word use there is the same word that you use to charge your charging or recharging your cell phone see as the battery goes up so here you use the same word when you speak in tongue your batteries literally goes you define yourself but literally also the word edifying here means to build to construct to put bricks upon bricks so when you build yourself if you want to build yourself you pray in tongue when you see somebody praying in the Holy Ghost Sakuraba sharable city yeah baby it may look misplaced to you please understand is a defying himself is he building himself the bricks that way lost a big brother being put back into place he is a strengthening himself from inside before preaching before ministering us spend hours horrible socket or robo Xie mokoro I read that horrible as I am doing that I'm building myself not always virtually physically and in every area that's why you have to speak in tongue are you hearing me please have a seat this is very important you must understand what God is saying now how do you get to speak in town you get it from God you know there are five important things that I want to share with you I want all of you to know about speaking in town the first of the five important thing is that uh speaking in tongue is for every believer it is for every believer unlike the way I used to think before I began to speak in town maybe is not from my kind it is a sign for every believer the Bible see the sons are to follow them that believe among the signs the Bible said they will speak in other tongues so if you're a child of God you must know you are already qualified to speak in time are you hearing me second thing you have to understand speaking in tongue is an evidence of the baptism of the Holy Ghost after being a child of God you have to claim the baptism of the Holy Spirit the baptism of the Holy Spirit when it comes one of the greatest evidence Bussard prophesy is speaking in tongue so you can be a child of God if you're not baptized in the Holy Spirit you will make you may not speak in town because speaking to tongue in tongues is the evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit to be baptized in the Holy Spirit is literally to be taken and be dipped in the Holy Spirit baptism being immersed in the Holy Spirit so once you are baptized in the Holy Spirit you will speak in town if you are here you have never experienced it but you a child of God I don't want you to feel bad I want you to know the promises for you the promise is for you as a child of God seek God to baptize you in the Holy Spirit as the promises once you are baptized in the Holy Spirit to come naturally just like I told you I was in the church and something began to shake and vibrate in me when I tried to say a word another comes I began to speak in other towns the apostle's gather together in one Accord in one place the Bible say the Spirit of God came upon them and immediately they began to speak in other tongues if you are here again I say tonight is your night I receive it you may think that I'm speaking very fast and that this is because I wanna clear the way because somebody must get this miracle today Jesus name in the name of Jesus hallelujah now the third thing is as we heard together whoever speaks it defies himself so one of the benefits of speaking in tongue or one thing that you gotta know about speaking in time is that that it builds you up as a child of God it builds you up it defies you it recharges you some time a child of God may see is life and walk with God turn mechanical for you to praise the struggle for you to fast is a struggle come to church you need motivation the things that are you supposed to do naturally you don't do anymore you have literally lost the joy of your salvation when you pray time you defy yourself you replenish yourself you repair yourself you reposition yourself you elevate yourself again that's why as a child of God you must learn to pray in the Holy Ghost pray in town for about speaking in town to speaking in tongue you speak mysteries to God the mysteries again as we sew together you are telling God things that are you you may have not known yourself things that are not obvious things that are hidden together you may be praying for your marriage on matters that are not yet revealed those are mysteries you may speak to God on things that you will not know how to package it naturally are you hearing me you are go you know you are engaging in a very high level I am seeing all these words because I want you to do speak in tongue because it is for you it has nothing to do with the church when Paul spoke about it he was not speaking to earlier ministries only he was talking about you're speaking to the body of Christ all of us children of God all of us together is a promise as we begin the month of July seven days of fasting you not just go there naturally you'll go there in the Holy Ghost you're praying town you're speaking the Holy Ghost and something will manifest in your life the last thing is an experience and this I speak from a stained of somebody will have a witness it the last thing the fifth thing that you gotta know about speaking in tongue it ignites the flame of God's power in you speaking in tongue ignites the flames of God's power in you it ignited the children of God who are so weak you can see this has Authority but a person walks is that everything is in slow motion when they dream that dreams they're catching them and they're running is like slow motion leap in capital letters children of that week the a pastor's awake he's telling you that I I survive night this night the devil wanted to catch me but I read don't run quick every flying devil that the flies you run hmm suppose not to be like that you can have power as a child of God it is given to you but I came to realize speaking in tongue it not the flames of God's power in you those who speak in town spiritually as far as the devil's concerned they are stubborn they like Ezekiel hard that say Lord make my forehead as hard as a stone that I mean every truth no matter what comes the keep on pushing they are born as strong so strong that sometime they suppress themselves I supposed to be running who I miss am I so born you know it's because when you pray in time the flames of the fire of God of the power of God in you is burning I receive it speaking in tongue ignited those who speak in tongue often even when I speak quietly the devil runs who speak he Java because it's our promise are you hearing me now in the book of Acts 19 upon went to Ephesus and he found some believers there and he asked them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed or when you are baptized he was not talking about the Holy Spirit receiving the Holy Spirit as a receiving the Spirit of God because every believer has a spirit of God in him he was speaking about the experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost being immersed in the spirit did you have that experience when you believe they answered we did not even hear bad this is they did not even hear that there is such a thing as a Holy Spirit because some people in Ephesus did not want to speak about it the first it was probably too much it was manipulative and all that it was a overboard they did not want there are people who just don't want to speak about God the thing is too much when when you speak about your guard the way you speak about your God that thing is too much so these people in the book of Acts chapter 19 from verse 1 down to verse 6 they say we do not even hear that there is such a thing as a Holy Spirit we don't even hear that you can have the baptism of the Holy Spirit we were not exposed to such a fee so he asked them in which baptism were you baptized n they say in John the Baptist so he explained to them the baptism of John then is say the Bible said that he baptized them in the name of the Lord and he laid hands on them upon him laying hands on them the Bible say they were filled with the spirit and began to speak in tongue he laid hands on them there are things that you can receive directly and the things that you receive through the impartation of God are you hearing me do a posto laid hands on them and these people did not even understand everything about it he laid hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit and I began to speak in other tongues lift your hand say Lord Lord do unto me do unto me according to your will according to you put your hands down I want to minister to you and I want to pray for those who have never spoken tongue if you are here you have never spoken in tongue before I'm not talking about your mother tongue you the spiritual town you you are not baptized in the Holy Ghost can I see your hand don't be ashamed is on the scene because today you will be speaking in town do this thing in town you did not you do not speak in town you don't speak in town where you from I'm from Jamaica but you are from Jamaica but you live in America yes ok come now I'm single man is you've been praying for it for what for you to touch me to be praying for me to you've been praying for this you are from originally from Jamaica but that you live in the United States from America yes that's what you say all right as I pray for you not only that God will bless you keep the photos is it for me yes thank you very much god bless you I dropped it on the outer turn over to Jesus and God bless you now put your photos down let me minister to you or you come you wanted me to pray for the photos of these people this is your family yes this is Andrew is this Andrew Jesus is this ivett event is this Yvette and Andrew yes you call him to us this man has a mental problem is your in-laws this is Scott Scott this is what you wanted me to pray for have you ever spoken to me before this is a gift of the Spirit glorifies Jesus now you know you're praying for them that's why you came so I'm pushing this aside because God want to use you it doesn't want to use you only in real estate are you hearing me because it seems like a you've been involved in a real estate are you alright God doesn't want to use you only dad God wanna impact is Grace and this power in your life you'll begin to see the movement of the flames of God all over you even as a press for you you see things in you how are you hearing now you're praying for your children I see Andrew that is it they had told you like that your child is autistic they say that yeah they say that the devil is a liar amen the devil is a liar amen your wife family you know from Jamaica has been under a cloud of pressure even yours but I'm talking about your wife family because I'm seeing this man's caught the mental problem that he has is a witchcraft attack over you understand yes that's all will be broken today in the name of Jesus Christ lift your hands today most aquatic aerobics 80 metal Lord God I serve the God of Israel the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob manifest his glory in your life from today may watch was closed open up in the name of Jesus Jesus mando bullshitter you'll remain here after pray for you leave him here lift your hands there are certain things that happens when you open yourself to the Holy Ghost you allow him to begin to do what it has to do hello Jonathan hello Jonathan are you John attend who are housing this young boy full of grace blow to Jesus is your name Jonathan are you Jonathan can you give me a hug please come misako tapasya loj return hallelujah bless you hallelujah man let me see this sticky what is this have you call him I got it what's the name of of this is it is it yours yeah it's yours what with whom are you here with whom are you here with your mom where's your mom are you the mom please come you are very handsome this is a very handsome young boy very handsome is this your son yes how many do you have I have two boys you have two boys is this last one yes for now sorry also you have a brother was 22 years old all right okay this young boy is full of grace it's full of grace he came from Texas with us to him everywhere we go it goes everywhere with this singing yes all right he's full of grace full of grace I see you you you're moved but what God is doing so we see that my brother is twenty-two years he's 22 it's Matthew he's a grown up he's grown up did he go - oh me and he's doing IT he's now working in Dallas in the computer company in Dallas who are you from America yes but originally you are from Africa from Kenya from Kenya yes sir sorry my auntie was your auntie lives in Kenya you have two answers they live in Kenya yeah once one lives in Louisiana I also have a dad and he's somewhere in a Louisiana all right all right see I told you as a preacher blow into Jesus look the Lord our God who begin to do something beautiful but his father is not with you and it's like ouch and God is telling me this child is special but there are many attacks in your family the story your story is the story of other people especially in your family I'm talking about Eva are you hearing me the same way Paul Paul disappearo is the same way of Robert you know Robert disappear just like that because the enemy is fighting every member of the family as I'm looking at you God is saying that we need to pray because there is a woman back home who is I don't know if your father had two wives or linked to two wives there is something that is happening there I don't want to give you details but I'm telling you this there is a spirit attacking maggiore you know mercury is your sister but God is saying as we pray for you today the Lord's grace will touch every member of your family thank you Jesus we need to pray for my jewelry because the pressure of the enemy she has a good heart she has been serving trying a best fighting but the enemy had blocked everything in her life and on top of that God would heal oh you have a foul [Music] Oh Alec I like this way you put it front and back so some your father right so it like I'm I'm an assistant principal are you an assistant principal in the school [Applause] all right God God God God's easy to will pray for heat and God blesses you hear me my daughter from today god bless you God will open doors for you some things will begin to happen for you and anybody under the sound of my voice who has 15 have not seen you you traveled all the way from America to come here we got turned away from the airport because I didn't have his birth certificate and a letter proving that he's my child even though the dad's name is not on the birth certificate they needed proof but so it was a battle for you to come here these things were happening and when I put all my flying documents in this folder it was a green light all the way God God begins to do something in your life I break every yoke of the enemy in your life amen you're not married no relationship I tried you try it's not working I just don't know who I see my daughter I see a B C you know I put it in here do you do a habit in here yes I do all right that's good so it's here it's here it's D cuz I don't know if there's someone else but so you say what if there is a D if there is a deal there's God's choice okay but right now there is only ABC right yes there is Allen yes there is Barry will not be able to stop you from this day on you are moving from glory to glory I receive woman detective do you know you from Kenya right yes doing anybody from Kenya is this your friend is she from Kenya you can with are you friends are you neighbors yes here or even there in UK in UK you are neighbors and I'm speaking to you Julia Julia hear me I am seeing things turn around with you Korea is changing because you are crying to God for that right but you know the reason why I'm speaking to you I'm speaking to you about her is because of properties the enemy do you know Adam Adam don't look for my trouble Satan Jesus do you do you do you not add them so you Adam is fighting you yes you encodes because of things that belongs to you is taking away your husband died if you are under the sound of my voice may miracle happen to you now now me a miracle happen to you now now in the name of Jesus it means so many things are happening in your life the Lord I pray the Lord I serve is telling me that the days you did it would heal you it has been too long and they have been words release against you your Toto's even your son but I see your son God is telling me your son will prosper is that he has a person's mind is like as a trader you want to do many things is that true watches its as watches and diamonds God is telling me that words up in release against you against your family but as we pray now his hands will be on you you and your daughters they have cost you they have spoken your doctors they say that there would have been relationship it will never materials they all I have children they would not be married they have to glens you have two grandsons all right don't worry please come here also we'll pray for everybody god bless you I pray for you please come here let's do it very quickly so I can pray for everybody something leaves you today woman so you stayed in Kenya do you know where is Rhonda who Wanda you know you are from Rhonda everybody leaves your hands which flag is this one ooba-dooba you are from Aruba yes sir yes pastor how many of you have been in Aruba before how many of you know that every way existed al-arian ministries all right in the Caribbean understand this is from Aruba long way to Jesus who are you looking at my mom your mom yes mommy please come mommy from Aruba also yes Aruba Rica to Curry Aruba to be a capacitor [Applause] whoa mama the enemy's attacking you with blood pressure yes and sometimes severe yes sometimes it gets very hot very very high over two hundred and seventeen hundred and something terrible sometime two hundred and something very high what do you want that to do for you to get rid of it to kill me to heal you and what about call okay I need a brand new not cause he I need him to get help to recover he just operate not to recovered completely be healed he the reason I'm saying that because you cigar you you want that to heal you you know and what about Carl first is your son and you want God to heal because God will do it are you hearing me I was curious to see this it looks like a communist flag I said no no no which this aruba aruba yes sir yes fast is there anybody in Suriname that you know yes of course the person in sternum she's not in Salem the person of Suriname she is the anybody of Suriname you know yes you love yes very much this person is from Suriname yes you love very much Vandana yes all right here God has a plan for you on the 15th of April 15 of April mama please stand up I want to touch your hand you come here you come here you come let me touch you because God is touching you misako bah bah bah bah bah you wait for me here when you are watching there what do you sing to God you won't get it to something for you oh are you sure what do you want got to do for you I want and I want to hear the abilities I've got the deputies all right is leaving you now come here in the name of Jesus hallelujah and you do you know where is Malawi yes where is it it is my country okay but which side is it you go this way or you go this way Susan Bob we are negated the Mozambican gate I am going to Malawi for your sake glory to Jesus because you see the person I am seeing now since the 14th of June in Eatonville Hospital being tied up the person is to English the person is fighting in fact they are putting the person to sleep because it's like the person is talking nonsense Felix Felix is your son you have many children you have you have six children boys boys boys boys everyone again alright boys boys boys and a girl so Felix right now since the 14th of June this child becomes sick and now is mentally disturbed in fact I can hear in the corridors that they want to take your child to a mental institution is a true but the problem of Felix it was not it was not born like that is a problem that was born on him are you hearing me to prove it to you Felix is not the only one who had been having this attack Isaac even Isaac had the same mental problem how can you be a mother and then you are having this child after the blue becoming mentally disturbed but you had a child you already fought over the same matter because I am seeing you going to that guy you went to him in Malawi and you even went to the same guy that is the guy who helped you he didn't help you he's a cook spiritual cook you followed him in Zambia all right stay here if you are here you are trusting God that they may do something for you I want you to know in few minutes I'll try again as inhumanly may I come here quickly in few minute the grace of God Who am I speaking to please bear with me that I do what I'm doing very quickly because my aim according to what God's saying is that the you may speak in tongue everywhere pray that's what you see I spoke very fast and I'm praying for people across space spend quite a lot of time speaking to each other but we will have time with everybody this season from now till next Sunday of the seventh of the seventh we will see the glory of God as never before who am I talking to lift your hands pray with me in the Holy Ghost Carabas SATA drama sotto [Music] [Music] [Music] aha [Music] [Music] we above are both system the Ava's see Ndereba hiya Luke opposite Lobo SIA SIA bossy Carabas Soto via bus sitting mukou poor sitter Brenda honey go see if you can bring rabbi hiyya bubbles's riobamba hyah the above all sit in look or boss sit down yandere behave a vasya's new Yamauchi Ndereba hyah hey papa and Reba Soto the capacity under a bahai herbivore century bus sitting Luca Brasi inthere kappa hiya Bob Oh sweetums the yeah Babu Satan Jesus see and a rabbit [Music] jeez RIA Baba hey Baba set a rock Abbasi Carabas en de nuevo cetera bastante [Music] Kubota Bahia ooh yeah basically behave a Basia como si Carabas SATA Lucas are setting a vision [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba CC and Olivia [Music] in Jesus name of Jesus [Music] the ending no ever said to me bhai grandma mama said hey if you are here you are not baptized in the Holy Ghost you do not speak in tongue wave to me and if you believe hear me speaking in tongue is not thinking in town is ya ba ba da da ba and it comes as the Holy Spirit comes on you meaning you are baptized in the Holy Ghost what's your baptized the Holy Ghost it flows naturally I want you if you are here you do not speak in tongue and you believe that if we pray now you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost I want you to come in front quickly I wanted to run come in front man desire come hoping all my passes passes I wanted to come stand here with him Rob Abu Soto Chicana bisetti stand here Bora bisetta will help you today Cordoba Sita [Music] trust God an imitation of grace an impartation of grace somebody will receive the gift of God generally receive you will of flow in the Holy Ghost receive it Yolo prophesy tonight I received it come very quickly so we pray come there special very specia fill up this place Zoro bhashya zatar rocoto soto everybody praying the Holy Ghost every space that side there is space come quickly come quickly those decide you can come decide if you are watching me and you are a part you're part of those who's supposed to be here you hear people speaking tongue you know about the baptism of the Holy Ghost but that is not your experience you desire this experience I want you to connect also as you connect today from where you are you will receive the baptism of the Holy euro speaking tongue even connected with that simple small device the glory of God will manifest drama city everybody leaves your hands Shikata rocoto soto bah-bah-bah Shetty those of you praying tank already you will receive an infilling of the Holy Spirit you'll receive an in feeling you brand already you feel the grace of God you'll feel the power come again some of you receiver you will shake you feel like fire going through you that the working of God begin to pray the Holy Ghost pray the Holy Ghost those of you here I want you to open yourself to the Holy Spirit he will touch you as pastors who lay hands on you as pastors will begin to lay hands on you you'll feel the glory the glory of the Holy Ghost the glory of the Holy Ghost Oh glory of the Holy Ghost I am a hearing people speaking tongue already they goes there goes there goes Dan goes tangos packet Taggert Taggert Taggert tickets ticket whistlin whistlin whistlin everywhere pass the bread for them wrestling listener grace praying the Holy Ghost receive the baptism open your mouth and speak that data take it take it take it the promise of God is for you receive it receive it whistlin whistlin Chara Babu so told Nikita pray pray speak the gong narrable shuttle Kenta receive the Holy Ghost receive the Holy Ghost receive the Holy Ghost dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it take it there goes Davis dangles receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost Rissa Red Rocket asoto local tow negative get it [Music] Soto local tow tickets pray pray pray open your mouth don't mean instructor close your eyes receive from God receive regard he's baptized ko ko ko ko is the Thais [Music] [Music] [Music] I got target [Music] shuttle beautiful people receive a dipper recipie keep a resume guitar negative rickety that's Shia Baba pray pray pray pray pray Legos Legos Legos Legos religion braces listen Davos shut up Takata men and women are being blessed by God power God [Music] the infilling of the Holy Ghost is yours the infilling of the Holy Ghost those of you are there receive the gift of God receive the gift of God receive the gift of God receive the gift of God packets dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it we simply give the doll prophesy mayor prophesy may you heal the scene may you discern spirit your time has come you know walk in power you know work in power there goes there goes dangled singles dangle dangle singles take it take it take it working power receiver primarily those receiver power windows resonable de los lagos they goes everywhere everywhere pursue love desire the gift of the Holy Spirit especially that you may prophesy barakatuhu tatata tatata you turn your moment your time your moment your moment your moment your moment dangos tangos Legos Legos Legos sayonara yet I tell robo setting the fire of the Holy Ghost the fire of the Holy Ghost dang it dang get on yours fire [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da-da shuttle record a certain never the same never the same every one at a bank receive it receive your portion receive your portion tonight receive your portion tonight wherever you are you to receive what God is for you something beautiful is happening in your life this is the time of the Holy Ghost as a scripture says the soul of desire the gift of the Holy Spirit I pray for you in a certain Yamaha shuttle your moment your time your moment your time your movement your time lokasenna Jesus lift your hands everybody wherever you are lift your hands lift your hands I see men and a woman speaking in tongues keep your hands up release it now allow the Spirit of God to move you if you're speaking in time don't off you're speaking for the first time there goes there goes there goes keep your hands up I love the spirit I've got to touch you I love the Spirit of God to touch you don't be distracted don't look for me don't open your eyes you look for me focus on God focus on God something is happening keep your hands up Andras demos Legos Davos ba-ba-ba-ba soto de lobos net head [Music] Jesus now take those hands that you have lifted put them on your heads take both your hands and put them on your head stop laying hands stop laying hands you laying hands on yourself right now lay hands on your staff Spirit of God these hands are now Jesus hands so much you'll feel fire going through you with your hands on your head close your eyes God is doing for you here - so - Akita he adorable sort of a shitty baby Oh europa chikara buh buh buh buh pray pray pray pray [Music] your hands are Jesus hands your hands are Jesus hands your hands right now at Jesus I receive is bringing healing is bringing deliverance he's bringing healing and deliverance to shatter my Jesus - shutter shutter Yoshio sheis your sin it sing it sing it sing it sing it sing it sing it sing it medic race miracle or email a power of God the true you Horrible's now begin to see what you've received feel with your hands close your eyes begin to see in your life begin to speak to God say I receive a silly it's mine I'll walk in it begin to see brain seal the grace of God in your life you to ever you are seal the grace of God seal the blessings of God you have received something tonight you will walk from this day on your walk in power begin to seal it begin to seal it what you have received no man can steal no man who'll attack away boromma Cedric at osoto Yoruba shiawase baba cetera baby Santa Soto the baby Kanta [Music] robositter a Bahia see let's seal it in your life you have received the gift of the Holy Spirit were the evidence of praying in other tongues I decree and I declare under the anointing of my father that you speak mysteries unto the Lord you speak mysteries and knew the Lord your bodies edified your spirit is edified your soul is edified it is working for your good thank you lord thank you Lord for the empowerment of your spirit thank you Lord Jesus for the enabling grace that is upon our lives thank you Lord Jesus that it is for all of us Oh God thank you Lord Jesus that this is a gift Oh God it's an inheritance oh god is a benefit oh god of being a child of God thank you Lord Jesus let right now we are built up we are built up Oh God in the spirit Oh God the enemy has no access to our prayer for Lord we speak mystery so God and to you Oh God father we bless you Lord Jesus we adore you and father we just thank you for this word in season thank you Jesus thank you Lord for the preparation of the seven days of glory thank you Lord our lives will never be the same again under the anointing of my father I bless your coming and I bless your going go in the uncommon favor and the peace of Almighty God god bless you see you on Sunday come with your families there will be a mighty move of the Spirit come one come all we love you [Laughter] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 139,339
Rating: 4.7908144 out of 5
Id: lmJgpVi4K7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 34sec (5314 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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