'Speak to a criminologist': Kathleen Stock rejects claim that trans people are not violent

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Britain is quite a liberal society and we have far more racist violence than we have transphobic violence in this country so that is a message that's come through trans activism and has been repeated uncritically uh by many a media outlet and is backed up by Stonewall surveys where they ask people have you ever felt aggressed you know so a lot of those surveys are based on people's feet reported feelings and that's not the way you would normally look at levels of violence you would it's complicated because obviously convictions are not going to absolutely represent crime but certainly you shouldn't just go around to a bunch of people and say do you feel like you're you've been evicted of a hate crime lately and particularly not when you're telling them that a hate crime is to misgender them so in other words I would push back a bit on that first assumption but let's say that I grant you that assumption I'm afraid it doesn't follow that people that are subject to violence are not violent I think you need to talk to the criminologists if you take the number of trans women in prison in Britain and you get the same stat in the U.S statistics at least 50 are in there for sexual assault okay so and then that's a higher rate than the average male now that is not to say that I am saying that there's something about being a trans woman that makes you violent I am saying that we need to look at those you asked me to provide some evidence I provided you some evidence I hate to be the one that keeps having to tell people this sort of thing because it absolutely you know is the sort of thing that these people outside totally misunderstand about what I'm saying but somebody has to say it you can go and look at the stats yourself what I think is crazy is to try and have laws and policies based on what is essentially something totally internal that no one else can see and trans activism tells us all the time that no one can tell you what your gender identity is only you can know and we're supposed to accept what someone says about their gender identity as soon as they say it and if that is the basis on which people are getting access to certain spaces where women are vulnerable or sports teams or shortlists or whatever it is it's just way too open to um to malfeasance because safeguarding is um an area where you're supposed to be quite paranoid you know you're supposed to have extra safeguarding in even though not every male predates but you still say in the safeguarding of children you you do a lot of things to stop that pedophile from becoming the nursery teacher or whatever extra things like and and that's not to say that every Nursery teachers are pedophile ridiculous so in the area of changing rooms or prisons or whatever it is where women are getting undressed you're supposed to do extra stuff
Channel: The Telegraph
Views: 168,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Telegraph, News
Id: 5UzikT8zwx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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