Speak On It With Da Brat

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hey what up what up y'all i am your girl candy and guess who i got with me hi your girlfriend tat yes and brett and i are about to speak on it sneak on it oh so i guess you see him speak on it yeah i paid a little attention to it pay attention to it i had already heard i can turn a shade tree into a money tree well guys it's pretty cool to have my girl brett here i know we've been knowing each other since we were still in the teens man yeah like phil in the teens mid 90s yeah yeah now wait how old were you when you signed to some sort of oh i think i was 18 maybe 17 yeah yeah something like that yeah boy i remember i walked in jd house i was so excited to be there but i feel like y'all did not like me why oh no it was just like a it was a weird feeling i was like oh man i was like oh i love y'all i love him man it was y'all i feel like y'all ain't like me at all i don't think i felt that way yeah i definitely don't think i felt that y'all was looking at me like who did [ __ ] hop oh well now we might have gave you that look y'all did we might have gave you that look because i mean of course you know we were the first exactly signed to so-so and then um obviously you came along and you know i i don't know if i have to be honest with you i always felt like you immediately had like this friendship with him yeah that we didn't have right you know what i mean like we were cool with him right but joe [ __ ] with excuse me right and jermaine we're like yeah immediately like this yeah and we were just kind of like okay they don't treat us like that you know what i mean or you know just the simple fact like you know if you know that you signed to somebody and well where was our first album out before before you came i think so [Music] every so you know we blew up you know our first album was out or whatever and you know we had done numbers or whatever but i still don't think like our friendship was the same like meaning what i mean is like say for instance if it was time to go out and do something he gonna call bret we may or may not but that's because that was more girly girly you know what i'm saying and i was and i was more tomboyish like i was like the third member of crisscross like we would wrestle we would like smack each other on the ass till our hand was red and swollen like we would do all kinds of play video games y'all wasn't into that type of stuff y'all just came i actually was into video games really i was and i used to gamble with him all the time like when everybody remember everybody used to yeah yeah yeah all the dices and all that like i was into that but i just kind of feel like and i and i don't think it's just me but i feel like us as a group we definitely did not feel like the same friendship or whatever that you guys y'all definitely had a friendship from the jump that was rare you ever thought about sexing jermaine dupree no but when i first met him i did have a crush on him i did i thought he was the cutest little thing well you don't want any more brass right huh you don't want anymore it's only one brat okay yeah i guess he told you gary but i don't i mean i wasn't trying to act funny no i mean i just felt it i just felt that coming from chicago growing up in church it was like everything was i love you i love you hugs i love you so coming to atlanta was very different and being that y'all was like the first group that i met at jd's house when i came down there expecting to love and hug and kiss on everybody and be like oh my god i love y'all it was like skirt who you [ __ ] and i was like all of us like that i just felt that i don't know if it came from two of y'all three y'all y'all but you can feel it and i was like oh they don't like me oh girl i got the same thing from left out oh so you getting used to it yeah she ain't like me man i loved her too like i loved her maybe i was that both of y'all rap and you know she was jd's right hand partner you know so i'm another female rapper that came in and she probably felt the same way like uh who did happo yeah i don't know i mean i just kind of felt like back then it was like okay boom we all doing our thing we in the house together definitely she had the better relationship with your boy okay it um still do she still does how did it feel since we gonna go back to that how did it feel when you first started on your project it felt unreal like i couldn't believe it was really happening because i'm from chicago i didn't expect to be in atlanta i had friends that had uh buddy passes for twa and it was just getting hooked up and stuff was just laying in line like i didn't really realize it like in 92 cris cross had a concert in chicago i didn't know i was going to go to that concert but my god sister dawn was messing around with somebody and we ended up going to the concert and i ended up running on stage to rhyme and chris and chris you know they was trying to holly just exchanging numbers and stuff they was like we gonna tell our producer about you i'm like yeah right and they really did so then that same girl had a contact at the oprah winfrey show my god sister dawn and she got me tickets and that's when crisscross marky mark in the funky bunch cnc music factory and tlc was there and i met jd for the first time yeah it's fun but is it like like when you were growing up well you still are growing up but when you were growing up and you saw other famous people you sort of had an idea of what it was like so is it like that does it feel like that but he didn't want to hear me rap because you know he was like come to atlanta i'm like oh okay like i got the money you just come to atlanta that same guy sister had to hook up with twa and we flew to atlanta where did you find her i know you did like i came out to dump excuse you gary like i was lost or something or left on the doorstep in somebody's house or something and then he just signed you no he saw me when i tell you i stalked this [ __ ] like a hundred phone calls a day and nobody called me back after i finally made it to atlanta skeeter rock eddie weathers i was trying to call him a hundred times he called me back after like two days running out of money in the hotel about to leave he finally called me back and then jd came and got us from the hotel it was meant to be huh then obviously um some of y'all may or may not know but she is the first woman to ever go platinum yeah a rapper as a solo artist that's right some peppa did it first is a group female but i'm the first solo female rapper to do that which is super dope hell yeah cause can't everybody take that away from you no matter what it never can take away being okay you can't always love when i get a birthday yes yeah what you gonna do for fifth that don't even matter exactly the first yes the very first so anyway okay so that was then it was a lot going on but i'm gonna try to fast forward to what has happened recently because then i gotta go back okay okay all right so i'm fast forward to recently because in june you basically came out to the world and what was the publication variety and variety magazine okay for you that was a major moment major moment what made you decide to do that um well my significant other or the woman that i was in love with um she's a public social media like figure so she lives her life like out loud what do you do when you fall in love with somebody just like already out loud and then you are private you got to meet somewhere in the middle and make some kind of sacrifice and compromise so i felt like i absolutely wanted to because she was worth it and so now we have a happy medium where the stuff we want people to know we'll talk about like she's learned that privacy part for me and i learned that kind of being out a little bit and expressing and showing some of the love that you got for each other in public from her so did you have to have a conversation for that to happen um nope i just absolutely felt comfortable and we was cracking jokes one day we was at her mom's house in new orleans because her daughter was having a baby and um she was like i'm gonna post it i was like i don't care post it what picture you gonna post i'm gonna post it first and she was like i'm gonna post it i'm like yeah right so a few days went by she didn't post it so i'm here sitting here trying to figure out what i'm gonna post and i look up and she didn't post it i'm like oh [ __ ] i guess we just came out and i was like oh my god i was nervous but i was like you know what [ __ ] it like i'm happy i don't care i'm in love with this woman she completes me she makes me happy she makes me feel like i've never felt before hell yeah i want people to know that don't mean nothing to tell them every inch of nook and cranny of my business but this part as far as my happiness i've never shown it i've never talked about who i was with i mean you got a little leak of it when i was [ __ ] with allen iverson but that's that's about you know you ain't get to you might have thought you knew but i never confirmed anything because i always felt like that was the only thing that i was able to have to myself private it was my personal life but now i'm like i don't give a [ __ ] you know i'm saying like i'm happy i want people to see i'm happy this is who makes me happy and it is what it is so where did you feel what was the response oh man i got nothing but good responses yo it made me feel so good that i did it first of all for myself it was like a weight lifted uh-huh but the response is i got nothing but positive responses then you got your troll [ __ ] something like we been we do that but listen that ain't nothing but did i not tell you a long time ago you did when i got out of jail prison you met me at my manager's house when i was still on the ankle monitor and you was wanting to do this uh tv show about lesbians and i was like girl i ain't doing that [ __ ] i was like okay girl i thought about it but i just wasn't ready i was still scared i was like i'm not gonna get on here with all these gay [ __ ] and be looking all crazy like how can i pull it off and participate and not look gay you know what i'm saying but now i don't give a [ __ ] this is my life i'm happy i'm living in my truth my own skin if anybody don't like it oh well to hell with them they can be miserable or do whatever they want to do yes and i definitely am excited and i'm happy that you're finally able to just be comfortable and not that like you said not that you necessarily have to share every single thing with the world right but at least now you don't have to feel like you got to have a group of friends with you so you don't look like y'all together right right hands in public i might get a kiss in public like it don't matter whatever i feel like doing it's a free [ __ ] country besides covet and and i'm gonna do what i want to do and be happy and live my life like i'm too old to be hiding [ __ ] yes i'm so glad you haven't i know girl you told me so long ago no glad because candy you ain't never really cared like you'd be like girl whatever you know yeah well i mean because what i've found in my life is that when people feel like they have something over you or if they feel like they got a secret or something that you don't want people to know they try to use it as a weapon extortion yeah yeah that's a weapon and so to me personally i just feel like if i always and i told my daughter this in in living life period it's like you got to be happy with whatever decision you made so that if it ever come back and be like with [ __ ] i like live life with no regrets yes as much as you can you know and that's just where i'm at i don't like when people feel like they got something to hang over your head you agreed that that's so annoying i agree you know and people do people do that a lot yes they do especially like bloggers they think they'd be knowing something on you like before i came out it was like oh i'm like that ain't no news no one cares like you can talk about me if you want to but it don't matter like but then when i came out i was like oh what you had to say oh yeah uh this my wife is right here yeah uh this my girl uh-huh we was holding him oh you saw us at the airport okay that's cool like it don't even matter like go ahead you think you're telling somebody something they already know cause i told them right because if you don't you must believe they're gonna be trying to throw their heads do this oh i got some tea oh yeah yeah whatever yeah anyway okay so i knocked that out to say i wanted to go back in time to us being back in the beginning of so-so deaf years and so my question is were you at that point in life you know where were you i mean as far as with your your personal sense of who you were um when we first started i just was a tomboy i never had no experience with women never liked the girl never felt like i wanted to be a dude or never felt nothing i just felt like i was always a tomboy i had never been attracted to women but when i was working on my album it was this girl that worked at columbia yes i know and i don't know what the [ __ ] happened like we started talking to each other on the phone and stuff and then it was like i kept wanting to talk to this girl like longer and for long when i didn't talk to her i missed her i was like okay i i really didn't think nothing of it but then when she came to atlanta the [ __ ] never left yes we all know that she never left and and then i mean it lasted for a while but it'd be i was like so trying to make people happy and make her happy like i had shut my family out like i don't care what y'all said about her she wasn't right though like she wasn't a nice person really but i was just so smitten because i had never felt this way before like you know so so it it went all bad it was new what age was this well i was probably like 18 17 18 it was right before funk the fight came out while i was working on funk the five mm-hmm so i think something happened at like was the end and i was like jd had bought me something jd had bought me like a charm bracelet or something for christmas and he bought her like a little computer dictionary or something like that oh i guess she was mad and threw a fit jade he was like brat she is jealous of you like it's that's not love so it took for a couple people to be like we need you to wake up i know you think you know because i never felt like that so i know what it was i was just trying to make it work and keep it feeling good but it didn't work so okay from an outside looking man perspective or whatever back then you know we were on the same we were label mates obviously we weren't around you all the time but we were obviously around each other at times yeah so obviously i mean i know we all picked up on okay yeah oh okay yeah but there was never a confirmation right you never know no public affection no public affairs no nothing never i never wanted to do that i never want to be disrespectful to anybody because back then it wasn't as okay as it is now so i never want to disrespect anybody although it was a lot of people it was but it was women ellen lost her jobs and all kind of stuff happened ellen she had a tv show and when she came out she lost everything oh that was man i truly believe that there are soul soul connections that when you meet someone either you you really respond to them you like them and you're not sure why or you just don't like them and you're not sure why i wouldn't have came out then anyway because my grandmothers were still alive like and i had a sanctified grandmother that i would never want the church people to say nothing about her or to criticize her so you know she's passed on now for a few years now but i i i didn't ever want to disrespect nobody or make nobody else be uncomfortable i was living for everybody else yeah i went to church my one of my grandmothers was sanctified so when i went to her house i had to go to church so when i was in church i played the drums but when i slid to my other grandmama house i could do what i wanted to do i lived inside of my bubble in my happiness and because i didn't want to disappoint anybody like of course the people some people around me knew like my mom and my close friends knew but like if my granny ever tried to find out no granny that's my friend yeah like so moving right along that was that relationship was going on but then clearly you know you met allen iverson and i remember i mean when you talked about this before so i guess it's okay to mention right that you met kirk yeah hey man [Music] oh my god no disrespect to you you know this is a long time ago or whatever i met kurt at the same time i was kind of talking to the girl the first girlfriend but i didn't like we were still kind of like friends i don't think i had gotten into the new that i liked a woman i don't think there was any sexual things happening yet between us and i saw so i saw kurt we was at a club we was kids like all of us was that like i was there girl shut up i was there i remember he gave you five 100 bills with his phone number twenty kurt frost rashida's husband before they were married he when i first met him he wrote his name and number on twenty one hundred dollar bills and begged me to call him it was twenty one twenty 20 100. it was a whole bunch of hundreds on the front and the back and you was like oh look at this girl you had to go ahead girl that had never happened to me before i was like oh my god what i'm supposed to do like for real that was that was to get your attention [ __ ] type of thing and i was like you got my attention what's happening who is this where this [ __ ] actually i got a lincoln navigator i got quite a few things though from this situation from him oh i ain't asked about who he was messing with what was going on if he had the audacity to take his time to write his name and number on the front and back a 20 [ __ ] so how fast did you call him uh the next day i know you did at night no i didn't want to seem desperate but i did call the next day he's like you're going to eat us some [ __ ] where you want to go i'd have been in the uber i'm on the way he ended up buying me a navigator and yeah it ended up being yeah but i didn't know about the whole rashida thing and then you know yeah it eventually fizzled out and and they got married and i guess yeah but yeah of course so but my point is it's like okay at that point you had just kind of like started you know whatever that was with the first person that you were first female that you were attracted to yes all my life i had little boyfriends from church i had little boyfriends a teenager high school junior high had boyfriends like the principal the school boyfriend at the last high school i went to like that was my boyfriend like i had the fly [ __ ] like with the what is your bowls and stuff you don't understand like yeah i i did not like girls at all right but once you started liking a girl right and you but you were still liking certain guys bisexual yeah okay so yeah because you know i don't be willing to offend people with labels okay yeah well bisexual is the old term so i don't mind that but all that new [ __ ] i don't do like [ __ ] to call me a tree a stem a branch i said what the [ __ ] is the stem a stud in the film i said no i'm sorry i'm not either one of those i don't feel like i'm a stud at all like i feel like i'm still a tomboy the same [ __ ] i was when i was younger but like i don't i like my nails pink like i'm not a stud like you know what i'm saying i like cute underwear i like them to match i like my hair done makeup like so i'm definitely not a stud so i guess i'm a cross between so i'm a stem [ __ ] a stem is supposed to be a stud and a film it's so many titles i said i'm not that a stem is something that come out of a rose or a tree branch i'm i'm not a stem i'm just brat like please don't i hate that title [ __ ] okay i guess you can call it fluid but you know it's so many names now like some [ __ ] is animals and nah trends and no no we're not even going there without pan some is pan oh that's uh what uh what's her name uh janelle monae said she was paying i had to read up on that one i didn't really know so that's why i don't really always like to even use like those periods right somebody you know offers it up and then i said okay well that's what you're comfortable with cool yeah so we're just going by okay anyway because my first girlfriend was then in like seven i was 17 18. but um i had boyfriends before that and after that moving right along when alan iverson came to the picture because obviously that was a big deal yeah you know and everybody was like wait a minute hold on i thought she was you know so you know of course that was you know the people on the street with the whispers you know what i mean so how did that even come about and did he even know that i think he i think he knew but we never talked about it we never talked about it i mean this whole family and stuff we never talked about it we flew to japan and all kinds oh i hope i ain't telling too much y'all i never told this stuff girl we flew to japan and i had never been to japan i was like oh my god like it was crazy like it was so like and i would get up in the morning like i'm a grandma's child i'm very domesticated like i like cooking i like cleaning i like folding like i like doing stuff like that it's like therapeutic so i used to wake up and pick his clothes out and cook breakfast and jack his dick off when he woke up in the morning you know the things he liked just make sure he was happy and he spoiled me and made sure i was happy like i was like this is amazing like i was like this is it but then i think you know basketball players hoes okay he had a baby mama some kids he had a lot of stuff going on so um it lasted for a good while both of my grandmothers they were alive they loved him like he was so sweet to them like it was good for a minute it was good for a long time so it just didn't work out it just didn't work out he he hit two too many [ __ ] got it i think the last draw was we were sitting in the at a hotel in the hallway outside the door just talking because some of the homies was in the room chilling watching the game or something and this naked half naked [ __ ] walks up the hallway somebody she looking for him i'm sitting there with him i'm like [ __ ] i know you [ __ ] see me sitting here with this [ __ ] you still gonna say you looking for him i must have molly walked that [ __ ] down the hallway i was like you know what i said i can't do this i said i can't do this with you and i kind of like faded out answering the calls and just had to pull back and then it eventually fizzled out but then i heard he was [ __ ] this [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] i knew [ __ ] i was cool with before i was like okay nope i'm done with that being said was he your last boyfriend or did you date other guys after um he was not my last no he was my last okay and it wasn't my last girlfriend either well i mean we knew that you know yeah there's a few situations that i had that i'd rather not mention but yeah like no he wasn't my last and she wasn't my last so you know but as a right now this is my last jessica dupart is my last um i'm grown as hell been through so many situations nobody's ever made me feel the way she does are y'all gonna actually get married i don't know i mean i kind of want to but uh i never thought about like marrying a woman like but so i don't even when you've seen uh what uh niecy nash no i mean that was recently i never really thought about it but we've talked about it like i mean i would love to marry her i don't think anybody would oppose like you know my grandmother's probably turning over in her grave but i think as long as i'm happy i feel like she would understand so i'm sure um yeah i i would marry her but i got you know my own legal issues and my own life issues that i want to keep separate from her yeah so i don't need to be a union yet because i don't want to put her into none of my [ __ ] that i've caused for myself you guys do decide to get married will it be just a conversation and we both agree upon it or will someone actually propose oh my god it would be everything like we go all out for stuff i don't know if you've seen my mother's day tent honey that i built and i don't know if you see my birthday present i did get a bentayga bentley so we kind of go all out to like you know surprise each other and do things out of the way to make it be like oh my god you know because what do you get somebody has everything her you have to be creative and thoughtful and really pay attention to detail and that's what i try to do it would be nobody um we would propose we probably both end up getting no one need just to make it grain and extra she might get on the left knee i might get on the right knee it's just whatever you know what i'm saying like i would do it in a heartbeat like i love her she is my forever that is so [ __ ] dope yeah and you know it's so crazy the crazy parts of me that i think um just you know just from knowing you for years it's like to see you go from just being oh yeah cool with everybody not really you know talking about your personal life so now it's like you freely have these conversations so like it's awesome yeah it feels good it feel good it's like a caged up bird been like let free to just do whatever and not give a [ __ ] about what anybody has to say like people always be like i don't give a [ __ ] what they talking about yes you do yes you do you people want people to love them they don't want people to hate them and say bad things about them you got to [ __ ] get a coat of armor for this [ __ ] industry like i've been getting called a dyke and a lesbian since i came out so i'm used to it now so when people be like when they say that [ __ ] i'll be like that people been saying that but you're gonna have to come with something else to [ __ ] [ __ ] with me so okay let's switch up the tone um one of my people in my text group oh jesus hey candy ask the oh this is gina charlotte okay ask brad what's her opinion on her sister lisa ray i mean that's crazy to say your opinion uh i'm gonna need a question uh okay well okay here's the question okay let's start off with are you and lisa ray actually sisters like what's your relationship yes we are sisters okay all right and like okay she's on the tv show right now she's been lighting the internet up with some of her comments first one never have i ever had a threesome where's my son it's drop no oh oh lisa ray lisa rae your sister has a show on foxhole now what did you think about some of the comments that she made that's she she's been lighting the internet on fire um i heard she has um i don't have any comments on it she is who she is and she gonna say what she want to say she grown as hell and whatever you know what you call it backlash that she get from it i mean she been in the industry for a minute too so she know how to deal with it and she know what she's saying so somebody come at her she gonna check the ass or either she gonna fix it like i ain't worried about her at all she know how to handle [ __ ] i learned a lot from her we used to whoop people ass in chicago really i'm when i tell you i ain't gonna even get off into it too much but this one girl stole some money from my sister one time from a ball player dude that was my sister boyfriend and he she was my sister was supposed to know where the money was hit so when the money was stolen my sister had to tell him that she knew where the money was and then the friend she went in the money box and the friend saw her go in the money box it was just a bunch of mess and man we saw and heard that that girl didn't did that man when i tell you we molly whopped her we dragged her all through the hallway of the apartments we we had we elevated it it was like we're from chicago like we had to fight coming up like i had to fight growing up and go to school because i was light-skinned like [ __ ] wanted to cut my face like it was it was for real so my defense mechanism is to fight if i feel threatened by you or you do something or say something to me and i think you finna fight me then i'm finna try to kill you yeah my reaction is like that but i'm better now i've had anger management and i've been to prison so i'm a much better person than i am and i'm very proud of the maturity level that i have reached thus far okay let's fast forward the prison oh god so that appears that that prison experience what did you think when they told you you was actually gonna have to spend time in prison did you cry hell yeah first i was i was in shock i was in shock and then i went into like a depression and then like i started taking some depression medicine but that [ __ ] made me sick so then i had to start smoking more weed because the weeds stopped you from being nauseous so i they tried to put me on like uh what's the look the little man in a circle he'd be rolling around he got a black trim he just looked zoloft girl that [ __ ] didn't work it was bad so how long did you actually spend in prison two and a half years tell me about the first day do you remember it yeah um the first day of prison of course i was nervous as [ __ ] i was when they took me to alto state prison which is like an hour and a half two hours away from georgia i mean from atlanta um my ankles were chained my arms was chained hands was chained and i was chained to a door and they had to take me by myself because you know celebrity whatever whatever whatever so i had to get like special treatment a special management unit so um you know i went all the way chained up at least they play some good music for me but i was chained up watching like where i was going and i pulled up to that [ __ ] i was like this is unreal barbed wire everywhere i was like wow this is what i'm walking into it is what it is like i've done it i'm here this is what's really happening right now i mean it it it took a lot to like for it to settle and realize like [ __ ] you're in prison and you're waiting in the county jail and you ain't getting out for a long time well at first when i got my sentence they told me i was doing 18 months like a year and a half so i was like okay cool had all my finances set up for all that then like almost at the end of that they didn't call me in the counselor's office talking about oh your tpm your time whatever whatever time you're gonna be released has been moved so you got another unit girl i i don't know why but when the counselor told me that [ __ ] girl they had to come get me no they had to come get me how about tow that office up girl i told that officer if i was trying to get to the counselor to choke the [ __ ] out of her i was like uh y'all ain't gonna tell me i got to stay here like it was hard enough being there not being able to leave not going to the studio waiting to make a phone call because other people on the phone got to set your [ __ ] up to call collect getting mail like that like that [ __ ] was crazy so when i first get to the prison i'm gonna go back to your question that you asked me because i always veer off and get to talking about other [ __ ] so when i first got to the prison that [ __ ] was like a [ __ ] movie [ __ ] like when i tell you everybody that was in the i went to smu was the special management unit building everybody in that [ __ ] they was on the on the [ __ ] uh cages the bars like it it was like a wrestling match they was like ah like it was loud as [ __ ] they were screaming it was damn near like the crown i damn they thought i was dreaming it was about to pull out a mic and be like yo put it down putting it down ain't a thing to me when i tell you the walls was covered you couldn't see the walls behind them people they were screaming and banging on the windows and [ __ ] i was like oh [ __ ] i have arrived i am here they walked me to my [ __ ] i had a net bag you know you had your little t-shirts and the [ __ ] they gave you with the toothbrush and [ __ ] in it i had a net back and i had something else in my hand [ __ ] i was like when i tell you i was scared as [ __ ] and i wanted to just cry i did i walked in that [ __ ] i like on the [ __ ] for real i was like yeah you [ __ ] [ __ ] me if you want to but i'm scared of [ __ ] i'm like no i'm walking like hood with a limp and [ __ ] [ __ ] going crazy it felt like i was at a goddamn concert and i got to myself the good thing is that in special management unit in the special management unit you like by yourself oh that's good so you in a sale by yourself but you in a sale you know you got to get used to peeing because [ __ ] walk past why you peeing so now i can pee in front of anybody i don't give a damn like i just squat you somebody gotta pee i will pull it down right there and piss on your ass cause i'm just so used to peeing without the door being a [ __ ] be like clouds that down yeah like yeah it was did you get the fight um i didn't have to fight i almost had a fight but i didn't have to fight um [ __ ] just wanted to be my friend i had the most trouble with the officers you got it we don't give a [ __ ] who you is you ain't know the bread in here you shantae [ __ ] you ain't i'm like oh okay this one so that's how i feel like i've matured so much because having to eat that [ __ ] and not say nothing right that is more draining than saying something like i'd rather cut your ass out and get it off my chest but to not say nothing to deal with [ __ ] talking [ __ ] about you that's harder to deal with um have you seen any of those officers since you're young since girl yes you did girl i seen them i seen them i seen a couple of them that was real shitty to me oh they'd be like hey how are you you know i we just want you know it was just a job you know it's just a job i'm like mm-hmm yeah [ __ ] it was real shitty to me it was one that would get on me every time i got ready to go outside tuck your shirt in tie your boot up go get your id you ain't going outside like they just would [ __ ] with me on a regular her name was like lieutenant martin or something this white lady and every time we would get in line to like go to child to go to lunch or whatever or go in the yard that's like recess or whatever she'd be like harris get your ass over you ain't gonna let her and i would have to take that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was like a drill sergeant in your [ __ ] ear when do you know how bad a [ __ ] from the hood you a [ __ ] getting your ear that close first of all give me 50 feet [ __ ] you invading my space exactly i'm saying so the first thing you want to do is turn around and slap the [ __ ] out of a [ __ ] like or something but you can't do [ __ ] you got to just take that [ __ ] so that [ __ ] is like a training method that [ __ ] work okay like and then the [ __ ] became my friend later when mariah came to visit me mariah came to visit me in prison and they called her to walk me down she was like oh my god oh my god this variety carry over i can't believe it i'm looking at her like [ __ ] you don't even like me you don't even like me she liked me then those are now that's heard some really interesting stories girls i've never had the opportunity here girl i've never talked about it that's so cool i i mean obviously i i mean i think everybody kind of wanted to know like what happened when you were in there you know i was like i mean i met some really amazing people candy like i met some women that like are in there for life that because they killed a husband who was raping and beating them raping and beating their children stealing from them where the person damned it deserved to get [ __ ] up you know what i'm saying like and they in there for life so i had a little bread more than anybody so i would just put stuff on people's books like my shirley it was like older women in there and you know i would let her wash my clothes and make sure she had food for the whole you know for the month like and and that's how i was fulfilled in there because i got to help people and you know do what i love to do and which you know my granny my granny my grandmothers and my mom and dad and my family i feel like they raised me well when it came to giving well maybe not too well because you just give away every [ __ ] thing and then you don't got [ __ ] for yourself like if my granny had a chicken wing she'd give away the drum mm-hmm the flat and keep the little tip for herself you know and i feel like i got that from her so i just tried to help people all the time here's another question uh-oh did you ever have a hookup in jail no never never had a hookup in jail i always thought it was disgusting they would put a sheet up on the bars cause you could see through the bars uh-huh they would put a sheet up and have somebody watch out but didn't everybody know you [ __ ] right like i i i couldn't do that and like there was nobody that i wanted to even trust to do that with right right like i was cool like no i had i had good friends but there was never like any sexual nothing for me i couldn't do it because you don't know where these people been they background who they are like you don't get to see they uh they they medical records like so you don't know if they got nothing with anybody though no [ __ ] that and new people you can be like let's go get tested let's go to the doctor not in prison you can't unless you you know really really paying somebody let me see these records did anybody ever try to hug me absolutely like every [ __ ] day somebody tried to holla [ __ ] was sending their pictures from a whole nother building trying to get me to holler yeah like i had options you know i could have chose easy i had plenty i ain't never had a problem with options but never had a problem with options okay free or in prison never had a problem but i chose not to do that i'm just like it's so much never have i talked about none of this stuff i talked about a few things in variety like about my baby and stuff but like i never really talked about the prison stuff in depth like in how i failed and some of the things that happened like i wrote a book actually when i was locked up i was in i was in the author's club and this girl that was writing it with me and helping me write it was a lifer she was in for life so when i tried to keep corresponding with her when i got out they stopped it we tried to we tried to like sneak it in and other people's names and camouflage but you know they opened the mail so they read it and they would see it and they said oh she couldn't send you the book no it wasn't finished i did like 30 short like james patterson chapters like i used to read james patterson in prison all the time i loved the way his chapters were like short so i wrote it like that but yeah i'm like halfway through it and it's just been in the stand still since like 2011. that sucks i know gotta be waiting for her can't you have a lawyer hit her up and come see you on one of the visits and get the work i don't know i got to figure it out though i'm gonna do i'm gonna do something because the same it's my story so if i need to explain the whole story to another book writer because i would love to like do a movie or like a docu-series right i definitely would watch yeah so people could see what the [ __ ] i've been through how i became the best of both girls one side of the family was sanctified the other side i got the wild out so that's how i'm like a tomboy on one side and a christian on the other side i mean i relate to you in that way because my daddy's side of the family is super religious and my other side of family you got the wild right right right well i totally feel you now what's up with the music oh man first of all music is my passion okay i love music i love doing music when i first came home being jd did a mixtape and then we did some more songs like we did some really really good records and he he went to whoever the people is he'd be going to to put out stuff the la leakers and he dropped some of the stuff and they didn't do [ __ ] so i'm just not i'm from the era of [ __ ] popping when you do [ __ ] like when you work hard on songs and write them and spend all that hard sweat and tears and his blood sweat and tears in the studio and nothing happens to me that's disappointing i feel like well people must don't get it like i must not be doing something right so i tried to work with different artists and try to help them they end up [ __ ] you over they feel entitled you go to a red carpet if they don't go they mad like you know you you give them money and do all kind of [ __ ] and it just ends up not working i've done it like six times and i'm over it but i'm in the studio all the time i got a studio at the crib um i did a song called quarantine with you recently let's stay cooped up cause the roof on the cool book and the hennessy violence on the bar is just too much cause i smoke by drinks since covert and it did really really well and it was about my baby and it was some heartfelt [ __ ] and people love this i love doing music i do music anytime i'm supposed to be doing some [ __ ] for [ __ ] valley pee valley oh i love it any music is easy to me it's simple like that is my passion that is my release but it just feel like our work ain't appreciated the way it used to be like it's hard to to get re-conditioned to the way they do music now compared to what it was back in the day people really doing it doing it yeah it is hard because it's like they just throw up records all the time and it'd be such a quick burn whereas we would put our music and it was going to last at least a good yeah six months a year whatever and you didn't really see like everybody gets bored quickly dude so it's like man these artists put out like 10 songs a week yes you'd be like damn [ __ ] you just put out one yesterday like the album had 50 songs on it like wait what yeah like so what do you want to do now what is the goal um well i'm an executive producer on growing up hip hop atlanta i'm trying to get something going with um queen of the ring um that's a female rap battle thing where uh fema and this has been going on for a long time my partner babs we've been trying to make something happen for a long time but people just don't get it but caffeine is now doing the url battles with the male uh battle rappers so now the females that they're kind of like integrating them in but i want to do something like heartfelt where you see the [ __ ] these [ __ ] go through all these [ __ ] ain't drop dead gorgeous that was the issue with us getting the deal before like it wasn't no eye candy but the [ __ ] that these [ __ ] have been through like some of these [ __ ] ain't got internet to facetime me to talk you know what i'm saying like one day baby daddy just got killed and the [ __ ] that they battle the next week it was [ __ ] with the baby daddy they got killed like it's like really like oh my god so i want to do that i want to like executive produce shows i have so many like ideas and i just feel like they'd be stuck and stagnated because i don't trust easy [ __ ] been [ __ ] and dragged through the mud and told so many lies that just like okay i need to let the guard down and let you know a little bit and let people try to help but i have trust issues really bad i feel you know that i mean people people have you food you think they cool and then you'd be like damn you did that to me like i would never expect you to do that to me so make you feel like you're not a good judge of character anymore who's your best best buddy on dish oh [Music] best buddy on dish head crack is always neutral he's never in anything let's set it let's so what you want to do but then i key key with porsche and we talk about hair and titties and and and bodywork and you know like like if i need a good hookup for something i call her or i call you oh thank you by the way for dude he's good he's a bit aggressive but he's good he's helping my baby with her show oh yeah yeah he's good um and gary he's so shady so he he real iffy so sometimes gary like you sometimes he don't some people is wrong she don't want him she's moved on and he's moved on gary she know no suicide why she don't care she don't care about that man she cares about it [Music] too much though outside of you know we've been since kobe we've been doing stuff from at home so we don't really kick it or hang out or nothing so i really i i guess it would have to be porsche cause sherry's in l.a she's cool but sherry shepard just joined the show so oh yeah you know and i do a radio with gary every morning but gary's just shady like but congratulations to gary for beating cancer oh yeah that was cancer um but yeah if gary don't take his medicine he'll cut your ass out in a second you'd be like damn [ __ ] i thought you was my friend all right so it would probably be porsche it would probably be porsche all right well i'm just going to wrap this thing up yeah man part two coming soon yeah we got to do a different time a matter of fact we just gotta all go out and eat and kick it and hang out and on some off camera type of stuff okay but anyway thank you so much thank you candy for having me yes i appreciate you appreciate it anytime we family whatever you need me for i'm here i'll come even cook with um old lady gang in the kitchen wait you can cook that guy girl i'm a grandma's baby i cook collard greens i've been cooking healthy lately zucchini boats and and uh chilean sea bass like you know like that people don't know ground i'm the best kept secret i'm shy lana's best kept secret when it comes to cooking okay i will have to see this i definitely need to see this i need some of them old lady gang uh catfish nuggets though okay oh my favorite of the salmon uh bites those are so good too i enjoy and the drinks was very good there thank you thanks for having me there i love the pictures that y'all have up they're really nice well and good service oh thank you i appreciate it this is a great discussion yeah man all right y'all i guess we hit on everything that we can do thanks for watching oh make sure you follow brett is so so brat on all platforms i think i might be so so deaf brand on snapchat but i don't do snapchat i'm on instagram the most so it is what it is so catch me on dish nation every weekday on fox you can catch me on the ricky smiley morning show um we got over 80 million listeners in the morning and the ricky smiley morning show um you can catch me on growing up hip hop atlanta on we tv and it's gonna be some more stuff coming up in the works so i let no grass grow under my feet i missed out on that time when i was locked up in prison [ __ ] that it's over okay all right guys like share subscribe to my channel tell everybody about it and thanks for watching speak on it speak on it i had already heard [Music]
Channel: KandiOnline
Views: 1,272,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kandi burruss, olg, old lady gang, movies, actress, da brat, speak on it, soso def, mariah carey, in the closet, lisa raye, dish nation, porsha williams, gary with the t, ricky smiley, rickey smiley, bi sexual, allen iverson, jermaine dupri, music, jail time, prison, prison guard, first girlfriend, Shot and edited my Jami Zeigler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 16sec (2956 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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