Jesseca Dupart Confirms 'Brat Loves Judy' For Another Season, Misconceptions About Her + More

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[Music] way up what's up it's way up with Angela ye and the definition of way up is in the room right now Jessica Dart aka the real BB Judy yeah I'm happy to see you I'm happy to see you too it's been like it's been a few months I think we did something together for bet yes we were in Atlanta um we did something for bet which was by the way a really great experience it was just talking about being entrepreneurs and helping out other entrepreneurs yeah I connected with somebody there and we still well we still connected so I'm happy for that was it from glamaholic that's what how you got or you knew her already no I didn't I knew her uh prior to that I uh the lady that I'm talking about her name is owner of mess she has mess in a bottle so she was pitching at I know her too yes she was pitching okay I think that's dope and listen as far as business though you have been doing the thing like and I know every time I see you we flash back to when we first met in New Orleans and you definitely always have stood out and managed to I think utilize a lot of um skills as far as marketing to be able to make sure that people knew about this product Kaleidoscope how long has kados scope been in existence now it makes 10 this year wow it makes 10 this year I I think we was able to have successes though because I did something called edutainment so it's like I educated the consumer while entertaining them so it wasn't like the traditional thing like you know we do off-the-wall marketing you know we we remake music videos we remake you know like hit series so yeah I think early on you were one of the people really utilizing those influencers to do creative sketches and things like that to Market your product yeah it actually was the uh I leaned to Love & Hip Hop hard so Love & Hip Hop was a big thing and so I would hire their talent um I would never forget I think it was Tokyo and spice were beefing so I hired them the episode showed in air that they were fighting so I hired them to do like a fight scene and it hadn't been resolved on TV yet so you know I just kind of got in the mix of the thing but yeah hiring people that had influence at the time and just staying on a trend I used to be on the flight if something trended on Tuesday I would be on the flight Tuesday evening trying to get to the person and you know just make some content with them and also paying people because I think that's important too oh wait I'm sorry that I I didn't know I had to stay that part I I pay people and I pay people well yeah but that's why I'm saying that's important because sometimes people want a favor right and so I want you to talk about that and by the way we're talking about this cuz you're also on a tour right now and I think these things are important the Judy dropping knowledge yeah to that sold out pretty quickly so if you didn't get a chance yeah unfortunately you can't have a ticket but and you know what a lot of people have been hitting us up since you know I guess it's tax time or something but I am very um particular about how I fill a room so when we do a certain when we do a city we do a certain amount um and we don't exceed that because I I I I have very intentional um stuff that I'm teaching and I like to be able to reach the people a certain kind of way so I saw people saying that and and I saw people saying they like that the rooms were intimate cuz the tour did just kick off right it's been like what is this the third date com this will be the third date okay yeah this will be the third date and I I'm halfway horse because I talk um yeah I talk three I leave it all out there so like three to five hours of me talking about all of the things that I've learned cuz I felt like I wasn't formally taught none of this but I had a lot of bumps and bruises along the way so I know if I can do it anybody could do it cuz who who am I well let's go back to what we were just talking about when it comes to paying people cuz it was also known that like she's going to give you a check pay you and that you know is something that I feel like people sometimes will ask for a favor and be like you know I'm a new business I don't really have the money to be able to do that um to pay you right now they want a favor but people knew like when it came to you with your Kaleidoscope that if they were working with they know they was going to get a check yeah that then that that spread like wildfire so people that I wasn't even reaching out to was reaching out to me so that worked in my favor but it also worked in disadvantage because when it came to negotiations we didn't even have much room for negotiations because everybody already said she she dropping the bag you know make sure she get your money cuz she dropping a bag um but in the beginning I didn't have a budget so in the beginning I did do something called a barter system but that was that was in 2014 prior to anything um like like it's kind at the time I was a hair stylist so I would give people a service and also free hair in exchange for them posting me on social media cuz it's expensive and services are expensive too correct so it was the barter system because I didn't have a budget but then once I did build a budget I made sure to lead with that I will never forget I tried to get cardi one time um she was in town in New Orleans um this is before this was this was years and years and years ago and I love her and I paid the party promoter to tell me the hotel she was staying in and so I sat in the libr at a hotel that she was saying cuz I knew that she had to come out that night cuz they had I booked her for something that night and when she came downstairs I had I had money and a brown paper bag I had security guard with me and I was like listen I got you know I got this can we just make a little quick video and her management shut us down and turned us down but she still posted me on her snap oh that's yeah she still like she still shows love um so I highly appreciate that but yeah I was I I I tried to get it right and you know I think that what's also important is your level of expertise of being in the field that you were in but expanding your brand because like you said you you did hair correct then you had a hair salon and then I saw the little frown cuz your hair salon did burn down and it reminds me of Pinky Cole from [ __ ] vegan she talks about her first business and how her restaurant burned down in Harlem and that could be something that's very disheartening for somebody right to also be able to pick the pieces back up and and keep it moving so can you talk about that time of your life when you're like all right we got the salon you got people coming in uh it's crazy cuz at the time I had just I had just really deep um dug deep into my faith so I was a person that used to try to plan out everything and so I planned out everything and uh God told me it was time for me to move I was in a relationship and I had a business with the person I was in a relationship we had a Barber and Beauty and God told me it was time for me to move but all I had was $2,000 in my bank account and the place that I looked at it was $1,800 down so I was like n this don't sound this this don't feel right you know but God told me to move and I did and it took a little while for me to get the first station in there to get the first TV in there and get all the things going and then once I got half like once I got 75% 80% completed then we had a fire and we had a fire and then I don't I don't know if people understand how a fire works but a fire a fire happens and then the insurance people have to come in and investigate and they have to look so you can't touch nothing you can't move nothing there there's no there's no them coming in and saving you you have to wait months for them to figure out what it is what is what is salvageable what isn't salvageable what they're going to to pay all that money if they don't have to no and then not only that but you have to prove that you paid for it so it's not like you just put a whole bunch of [ __ ] in there excuse me put a whole bunch of stuff in there and just say oh I bought it you have to show receip a million receipts and it was such a headache and at the time I had like six to eight people in my salon so I felt fully responsible for their lives as well it just so happened that the person that I was in a relationship with we had a business together and I left it but we still had she still had the business so I just moved us back into the business that we came from and we slowly but surely you know like worked our way back until uh worked our way back into the salon but in in the meantime it was just grinding it was grinding and I could tell you New Orleans really showed up for us people showed up they gave us equip like they was giving us curling eyes they was giving us product I feel like New Orleans saw what happened and stepped in a lot I tell I'll say that and when did you start developing the products we launched them in 2014 so when it came time for the reopening of the salon I felt like okay well if I'm going to open I have to open better I have to do this better because I don't have the same I don't have that that budget was allocated over some months of me working so I didn't have a big lump sum so I felt like let me come back and spend money better and let me get things for cheaper let me get some stuff from China you know what I'm saying like let me get some uh chandeliers from China instead of the real chandeliers and when I launched I wanted to make sure that I I mean when I open I want to make sure that I launch when I open so when we had our grand opening I also launched the products right so that was in 2014 and I saw some something that you had said and this is so true is you don't look at things as just a Devastation but it's also what did I learn from this correct and so you learned a lot from that just even you speaking on like okay let me not spend money on getting this real chandelier let me not spend money on these things things that you know it's it's Decor correct and so and then you can lose it in a second and then the the the depreciation of a $3,000 chandelier that I bought a month ago it goes from 3,000 to the insurance only want to give you a th000 so now it's like well I don't want to spend a th000 I can get it from China and put it together myself for 300 and that's what I need to do so I felt like it was something that I had to learn that hey if if if in fact something does happen where it's removed and you do not have the same thing that you had before you still can make it happen you still can make it because then when I came back I had more chandeliers the first time I only had one and I was excited about that big one chandelier but when we came back I had three because I now have learned how to price them right I now have learned how to put in some manual label myself and hang the little pieces on the chandelier I'm not an electrician but I knew how to I learned how to put Chanel Lear a lot on YouTube by the way right now correct so that was that was a big thing and I think go forward it just made me be very mindful of excessive spending right and then the other thing that you've done is moving from behind just being a business person and and behind the scenes to letting people into who you are as a person how hard is that to do um for you like I've been you know what's crazy I've been open this whole entire time I think if anything it's hard for my wife MH so when we got in a relationship um she's private um and I was cool with her being private I just wasn't used to those things I was like I are we suppos am I supposed to invite her to to the movies that we do we go out do like what are we supposed to I don't I don't know how to do none of this I I don't know the rules but um she kind of wound up showing up to the party before me you know she was like I want to hold your hand i'm like [ __ ] you know you love do that you know and so she I I made sure to um support her in all the stuff that she was doing but I have always been a person that's been transparent with social media I think that's I think that's the reason why I have a strong brand cuz they know that you know they they've seen my UPS they seen my Downs I get on live without makeup I say that yes you know this is this can be good but yeah we have bad days too MH yeah she will definitely credit you um the brat with making her be more open for people to see her and kind of put your life out there and y'all have been like so transparent about so much honestly like for myself even watching your journey together I think it gets really valuable information because people don't understand like when people want to be a mother even considering that and like different routes and things that you can do to make that happen that's an important conversation you know that is and you know what's crazy I my children um prior to our brand new baby on their 20s my daughter is 26 I got you had your kids before you were even 20 years old right so then this time around motherhood is so different and um watching her be pregnant it was such a great experience like when I was pregnant I don't even think I understood what was going on with my body I didn't even understand the magic of pregnancy because it wasn't it wasn't intentional you know like it's not like I went and sought out to get pregnant we were very intentional about trying to have a child so it was like watching just the little things like when a baby first when she first heard you know felt the flutter I made sure to document a lot of it because I felt like it was important to share with the world that it's okay to be a woman that is almost 50 and be excited about these things it's okay that if you have if you are later in life and you have not found love or if you have found love later in life it's okay still experience these things that to society they feel like they count you out or it's too late you still will have the same Joy the same happiness the same everything because it's still you're still a woman you still if this is if that is your desire you still can go after it like my friends are like Angela you got to have a baby and I'm not going to lie every time somebody that's like older has a baby they be sending me like look she just had a baby look this is how she did it but that is valuable information for anybody and I think it's it's a shame when people want to weigh and and be like Oh at that age that's so selfish to do that but she's like she seems so young too by the way and I think when people say geriatric pregnancy oh my God that yeah oh my God oh my God I was like what are we calling this but you know we have um shout out to leam time and she's a doula and she was like look Angela the way that it was back in the day you know we have made so many advances when it comes to our health and when it comes to pregnancy that yeah maybe like you know know a 100 years ago that is what that was considered people weren't living as long people weren't as healthy they didn't have the technology that we have today it's way different now yeah and and even during our pregnancy so there is there is some added extra stuff so you go to the gynecologist but then you also have to go to the um Maternal Fetal specialist which is somebody that is literally doing like the um ultrasound every week to make sure that the baby is growing properly and so forth and so on well in the beginning is like once a month and then as you go further on it's twice a month and then towards the end it's once a week but I feel like everything has been put in place to be able to make sure that everything is safe right so and my wife is is absolutely in love so baby is so cute by the way the little chunky baby I love a little chunky baby than he got two teeth now he has two teeth so is he teething and B on um so she breastfeeds but it's breastfeeding now in a bottle so said damn it I wanted him to have teeth I wanted him to bite you you experience I just wanted you I want for some reason I just wanted him to nibble your nipple your nipple a little bit so yeah but he's he he's growing he's 21 pounds he is sheesh nice and active yeah he is nice and active and so are you guys going to do another season of the show or what's happening with that three seasons we are do we are doing another season we supposed to be picking up in April slay um I'm happy for this time off though I can whole heart tell you I well even in this time off you are still working you give yourself something else to do you have a tour happening right now but with television it's your life work and then even though they document it you still have to schedule all the people around it you know what I'm saying so even if I have something that I'm doing and even though all of this is them just following us around I still have to schedule being at the warehouse or schedule like if I want to have a meeting with one of my employees right now I can have it at 2:00 but then if it if if if the show is following I have to schedule it so everything just becomes so much more than you know it it's not just it's not just spontaneously showing up no it's it's not the 10h hour day no more it's it's the 14-hour day you know what I'm saying it's the 15-hour day and again I'm I'm appreciative for our little break but we are going to come back with um another season and so talk to me about this tour right so you kicked this off in Atlanta then Tampa and now you're in New York y so tell me what people are going to learn I know how like how many people are in the venues cuz I know you want it to be intimate so that it can really feel like so Atlanta had like 4 500 okay well that's not that intimate right Tampa though Tampa had like 10050 Atlanta showed up and I didn't I had closed the tickets but then I opened them back up because I felt like okay obviously there's a need there you know what I'm saying so I don't want to just I don't want to cut it off New York is more like 150 Okay so good cuz then that's like a little family and people probably meet each other other entrepreneurs and yes now the last time I did this I did this in 2019 and it was 18,000 people it was 18,000 and I was appreciative for it but now the experience on it it is a little different right it does feel like you know everybody gets to actually touch their neighbor and everybody does get to even though they've heard everything I said at the other tour it just feels I don't know it feels a little bit more um close to them like people walk away and feel like like man she really was talking to me yeah and the Kaleidoscope brand has also been growing even more so talk about where people can actually get the products and how you manage to do that because it's not easy to get on some of these shelves in like a Walgreens or a CVS yeah I'm I'm I'm it's by by God's grace we are in Walmart Target Sally's Walgreens CVS rate HB Kroger CVS we got four times of distribution so we in your local beauty store we are everywhere we are we have we started in the beauty supply store um and now we just we we all over and I'm appreciative I say that I am highly appreciative for all of my consumers we will continue to put out great product that works um and continue to grow the brand I feel like the the more I'm able to grow the brand the more people feel like they can do stuff too yeah it's amazing when you think back to how you first were working from home and then eventually like okay we've outgrown this space I got to get a little warehouse and then to see where you are it wasn't even from I went from a room in my house to my mama's garage cuz she had a big house so my mom's garage from my mom's garage to a storage space and then we grew out of the storage space into something that I called my warehouse but it was like a 5,000 6,000 foot um place to now we have a 40,000 foot Warehouse that I got in 2020 so and we have we are finally um um at a place where we almost full to capacity so now my warehouse director is saying you going to give me another spot I'm like no girl we going to figure it out we got to get these shipments out right we don't need more space we need to do we need need to turn faster that's now one thing that I feel like in our community because we care so much about the person behind the brand we people get so mad when someone sells uh their business is that something that you think about um I've had the whole conversation with a couple of my friends cuz one of my friends sold um and the conversation was what's the plan right and I was like girl just to keep r a business yeah but what's the plan what's the plan when you 70 when you 80 if you have not trained your children to be able to understand how to run a business what's the plan so just making sure that you have a plan in place I do feel like the conversation itself is in in the black community is needed but I feel like a lot of people don't understand um like how hard it is to actually scale I don't think a lot of people understand the advantages of the companies that actually have sold and now how they have sewn back into the community so it can be a good thing if place right like people think that selling you sell out or is just selfish but if you selling like example shea moisture shea moisture sold and they created all of these different opportunities and different things to be able to sew back into the black community so that more black Founders could step up and do the same thing right yeah like Richie L Dennis sold it right but then he also started a fund that actually has invested into a ton I've heard about this but I I only know it from like the background I know he bought Essence right he bought Essence and then he also helped mayel y so it's like you you you've done these things and you you have these great you have this great pouring back into the community but all the community hears is you turning you turning black into white but unfortunately because of how it is until we have more black people up at the top mhm none of these other companies are going to be able to get up there it is extremely difficult to scale a company and one of the biggest things that I learned is scaling a company from 20 million a year to 40 million a year could break you and bankrupt you yeah so it sound like oh yeah the money is good but at the end of the day if you're not knowledgeable if you don't know about all of the things like the programs to participate in the wealth management all the rest of that it could actually hurt you yeah you really have to front a lot of money to even be in in these stores cor on these shelves you have to supply the product and then they do I don't know if they do that but like BuyBacks and if things are on the shelves once it gets in there it has to sell so and this isn't talked about right now and I'm not going to say the retailer but in one of the specific retailers almost 80% of the black of of the black founded brands have been put out and not because the retailer hates them but because they were only put in during the George Floyd movement right and so they didn't but they these people weren't educated on what it took to stay in there and be in each retailer has a cost of doing bus if I sell this directly to my consumer for $30 I sold it to you for $30 but I sold this to Walmart or to another retailer for like $9.99 because they have to make their margins on it and then you have to use a a place you have to get it shipped there and sometimes you have to use their distrib they don't pay you not just not just 30-day net sometime they don't pay you 45 to 60 and then if you get in there and and your stuff doesn't sell because you didn't realize that you have to get your consumer on shelf a lot of people feel like once you on shelf their consumers going to buy it no if they're not familiar with you girl they going to buy Great Value yeah they going to buy the thing that's the cheapest so if they're not familiar with you they're not going to buy you but a lot of people think once I got this opportunity it's going to fly off a shelf so when it doesn't fly off a shelf it is called a rebate it is the buyback you are responsible 100% for getting your stuff off of the Shelf whether it's the consumer or whether you buying it back from them and if you have already bought the product and if you sold it to them they also selling it to you at a markdown of what I mean they they making you pay more than what the hell they pay for it right and then sometimes you'll have to do a promotion like a buy one get one free in order those are mandatory it's not sometime those are mandatory that's what I'm saying so if if people don't know that's why I have I have a sales team when I first got in um I had a salesperson but now I have a sales team because each of the retailers requires you to participate in programming which is the buy one get one free the 50% off and all those are great for our consumers but you so there's a cost of doing that so if I want to have a um if I want to have a Black Friday something at Walmart for 50% off I have to pay $25,000 to participate in it you see what I'm saying or or whatever it might be whatever it might be at the time or whatever it is that they sell through they do one by one by one and then they send you the tab afterwards sheesh so see and those are things that people need to know because it sounds great to get in the store I feel like we doing this whole dropping knowledge tour right here I know it's fine yeah but no and I say that all the time I tell that's one of the things that I teach that I said are you do you feel do you think you're really ready for retail retail you have to have I've seen that [ __ ] people's businesses I know people that have been doing well just direct a consumer and then they good into the stores and it it ruins their business because it's not it's not it's not simple it it is it is complex especially the programming especially the mandatory programming especially pricing it right not only that but putting the right product in the right store right like if if if Ulta what Ulta is going to carry is not it it might not necessarily be what walart car people don't like if you're in Sephora and Ulta you got to like pick you know it's I I've heard those stories too that depends though because you can offer an exclusive if they giving you something but if they not giving you nothing you don't shouldn't offer you shouldn't offer an exclusive anyway right like Walmart Walmart has been our greatest partner today right so I gave them my exclusive to kids but that's because Walmart has the most skews that anybody that that anybody offers in our home collection so yes I don't mind giving you the six Monon exclusive to kids it's not going to be forever but it's 6 months and it's strategic you know what I'm saying so versus oh well this person just wants the exclusive because you showed it to them first no what are you offering me what what is it that what do I gain from this relationships have to be we both benefit corre correct correct and Retail listen it's not the devil because it it's just challenging it makes it makes a lot of money but it's a lot of layers and not one person is going to own the wealth of knowledge to be able to manage that type of thing so as a CEO you have to know that you have to have support in all of the different levels cuz you have to have support in marketing to be able to get it off the shelf to your consumer so whether that's email whether that's text or whether that's social media you have to articulate to your consumer not only to get out your bed and go get it if you don't want to do that at least when you're in that shopping don't forget about me then you also have to understand the different levels of the price points the different levels of the program and different levels of all of that through a sales person or a sales representative then you also have to get in front of them new innovation once a year to tell them hey I want you to put this in there for 2025 it's this it's that and make sure that you're selling them the right stuff in because if don't sell them the stuff that ain't selling on your website it ain't going to just sell because you put it in there it still ain't going to sell right but some some people don't know that so I feel like retail is great if you educate and you have the right support how did you get your team together right cuz I know that's a whole process nobody could do it alone but somebody approached me somebody approached me and said hey you want to go in the store I can help you I said you could do what huh what huh who and it's crazy cuz they set me up in a beauty supply store incorrectly but it wound up benefiting me in the long run like they set me up in a beauty supply store at at improper margins right so I sell the miracle drops online for $29.99 those are like the basic Foundation of everything cuz everybody loves but everywhere it is everywhere it's sold for $19.99 so this is usually you have a comparable um price between what the store sells and what you sell it for online but now for us people people like the fact that we offer it for more I mean the the retailers like the fact that we offer it for more and they get to offer it for Less because then they have a higher volume right than we have but then on the other side side of it is you know director consumer makes a higher margin but in him in him setting us up like that everybody wanted us everybody wanted us because they knew the consumer was going to go to them because you not paying me $30 you paying them $20 right right so it was it was um it was again it was set up wrong it was a lesson learned yes an expensive lesson learned um he came to me he asked about it we went I went into Beauty Supply and from there we slowly but surely started um having conversations about doing other things like it was like do we want to do grocery do we want to do Mass do we want to do whatever cuz grocery is different from uh Mass like Kroger is different from Walmart um and and Kroger is different from Target so and CVS is different from Kroger so all of these different things you're supposed to offer them only certain things so out of the collection the person that's going in CVS might not necessarily care about a head gel but she might care about a conditioning how do youer if out of you not buy a Styler but might buy a Ander because you have was hair but how do you know to offer them that unless you know and I I didn't know half of the stuff until until I I had to learn it from people though this is amazing now have you been I know you've been doing this Judy dropping knowledge tour and I know that you've always uh you know reached back to other people have you ever like invested in another company or even been a mentor to somebody who's starting out I haven't invested in another company but there have been quite a few different companies that I've mentored that I've mentored I have been able to make a wealth of my friends multi-millionaires that's great and I'm happy about that and I am not going to name drop because I would never take any credit away from anything no what you doing for me though you could say my name you good to go yeah it's I think my only downside of that is I realize that mentorship is supposed to continue you know I think I Mentor people and then I I I let their hangle cuz I let them kind of do their thing but then kind of checking back in it's like nah [ __ ] we didn't got you this what is you doing we didn't got you this far why why are you backtracking what is going on you know I think when people want a mentor it's really I think a good thing to ask for something specific instead of just being like can you Mentor me in general if there's a specific ask where it's like look I want to figure out how to get in Walmart you know if you can maybe make a connection for me I I think that for somebody who is as busy as you are I mean you know you have a baby you're married you got the TV show you got the products um real estate they need to under be mindful why why do you like that stuff can we talk about that it has given me holy hell and I have tried yes I I don't know how so many people are so happy about it I am down to I have two properties left you told me that last time I saw you you were like I am I had apartment complex I sold it during Co because because it was um the people didn't speak English at all and the person the um the person that was collecting money was on site so it was it was just us and it's also hard during that time to get people to pay their rent too yeah so I sold one in I sold a strip mall and I have a strip I have a I have a strip mall left and I have the property that I have in Atlanta that I'm actually I me as the real estate company owns it but kid scope hair product rents it but I don't it's oh my God you know what and that's why I always say when cardi was like don't give me no real estate give me a am cuz it is a difficult real estate is not a given like people always act like get rich invest in real estate and you know generational wealth and all of that but it's def but I will say that I try to make sure that I don't do too much like way more than I can handle yeah I think that's what I did and so that's really what has been great for me you know I got my real estate license because I have been doing so much in that space for myself you've been so successful I I I'll follow you I watched I watch just the the new renovation of it oh my gosh yeah it's been a nightmare but I so like even with my first house once I I paid that off I was like okay I want I'm ready to do some more things and I did some you know properties in Detroit because the pricing was great you know I bought a property for a th000 I bought one for 25,000 and one for 45,000 and then renovation one of them I still have and so once I did that I felt like once I sold one I use that money to renovate the other one so it's not really coming out of your pocket too much much and so then I did another Brownstone in Brooklyn I bought a a condo in Brooklyn also that honestly people will tell you don't buy stuff with the HOA fee but that has been the easiest property that I've had to manage because if something goes wrong the building takes care of it I don't mind paying that fee because I never spent any money on fixing the place up it was move in turn key ready to go and it's been nonstop like there's never been a month that it's not rented out and so you know had that's good congratulations on that I went too deep too fast I think it's a balance of things cuz what you did with the strip mall that's a lot of work yeah I I have right now it's I I come out of pocket somewhere between 40 and 50 a month yeah see that's a lot of work and it's been like that for going on two years now and I have it's not that I don't have tenants it's just having somebody because I don't do that having having the right property manager to go in there and actually do the things like a lot of people get it and then just collect the rent and don't go don't go maintain it or don't go do this you have to maintain it maining a property the more expensive it'll end up being for you in the long run I know they wanted a million dollars for the roof yeah for the roof I was like girl what what and you know what else I will say this too it's really important cuz the way that I it's really important to have good contractors that you can deal with because one person will tell you this is going to cost $40,000 but if you know somebody that can do it it could be$ 10,000 yeah and so I just think sometimes someone gives you a price and you just go with it it's important for you to actually have those relationships and know know what's needed cuz somebody will tell you you need something and then another person if they know you will be like you don't need to do that and you can get it done for this and get it done right and make sure it's always licensed people doing the work because that'll always come back to you but I feel you it's not an easy thing and then I think after the pandemic people who own commercial real estate that's been really tough too um because you can't predict what's going to happen in the world that affects you know what it is that you own so I gave everybody like a two- Monon abatement when um when the Pand as soon I remember that as soon as the pandemic happened I gave everybody that and then it yeah it did it didn't benefit and it's really hard like even when I see some things happen in Atlanta with people squatting in homes and you know that happens here too because tenants have a lot of Rights but sometimes it can be to the detriment of a homeowner because imagine if you can't pay your mortgage because this person isn't paying rent but they won't get out and then they're damaging your property and now I got to pay for a lawyer and there's a like it's just a lot of variables of things that can happen you know and I I know you're the type of person that likes to be in control of your business right and that no I have that's a loose that is I don't have no I don't have nothing when I tell you because because I'm not the place is in New Orleans and I'm in Atlanta so I'm not physically there so when I hire a professional to be able to do property management for me I think that they're doing the right thing right and it always takes for me to find out six to eight months later after I given it to them that we've got violations from the city because the fence didn't fell down when the hell the fence fell down right you know we have uh tenants I have right I currently I literally just switched property manages like a month ago and I found out I have eight tenants set up behind our rent sheesh and at why why are they there why they wild and it's hard to get people out and I will say that when something goes wrong you own it so it's on you correct and so it the story is always oh Jessica depart didn't do this and has violations on her building because that's a bigger story than well the property man manager wasn't handling what they need to handle so people have to understand that you know but yeah but that's the one thing that I could say in business I haven't mastered yeah and once I get this property up and running I am selling it to try to do something um in Atlanta that I can put my eyes on more right it's something that kind of makes more sense I feel like I want to look into like getting a Content house or something to me that makes sense for me okay but not the rest of like that makes sense for me because even if nobody else CHS it but me let me tell you you are never stopping okay you're on vacation right now and well not on vacation but you're on Hiatus from your show and instead of taking a break I don't know why I don't know how I how I Tri let me this is what happened I do Judy claws every year right so Judy claws this year I said I would have I would have one person I would fly them out and they get to spend a day with me so forth and so on and I had 150,000 people comment for that and I felt like if that many people are interested and what I have to say then maybe that there's a need out here so I couldn't pick one I am so I'm so extra I pck we flew 13 people in um for a week I know from one to 13 okay I know it's so bad I flew 13 people in for the weekend um had the first day sat down walked them through the warehouse gave them as much education as I could day two we did an intensive content um shoot where I had I had a photographer I had three videographers and we was so everybody left everybody got like five pieces of content and then Sunday we went to church but I felt like for that many people to respond in that manner then I'm I'm supposed to get back out there I know I ain't been back out there in a while but I'm supposed to get back out there and at least touch the people that are in need cuz that to me felt like people in need right people people people really want to know what to do with their business cuz 2023 crippled a lot of people like a lot of people didn't realize them PPP loans and all of that money pumped into the economy if you started your business in in 2020 and every year it just seemed like you know what I plan and if I made it if I made this much that year I'm gon make this much that year that much that year not realizing that it was inflated so now a lot of businesses are going down and they feel like oh my God my business is failing no it's levelized right you know at at at some point it was going the the whole economy had to had to level set yeah I feel like the only companies that didn't have a dip between the co money in the Nile is the people that were pre-existing and they knew their growth pattern you know what I'm saying outside of that a lot of businesses started and now have absolutely no idea what to do or what's going on or don't even realize you can't talk to your consumer the same right now she's hurting she's broke you can't tell her you can't tell her hey buy this it it grows your hair you have to make you have to make this valuable this has more ounces than the average thing so this will last you longer now I save money right you know what I'm saying yes it helps you grow your hair right yes it'll help you grow your hair but on the other side of it it also has other benefiting factors where it lasts you longer it saves you money it saves you time it has to it has to add value outside of what you normally have communicated to your consumer because people don't want to be sold to right now yeah they are hurting yeah it is it's definitely a tough time and that's part of the Ed like the education of your product that you have to provide for the consumer so they understand why there is value in your product and what makes it different from other products that might be less expensive that are out there right and you have to talk to your consumer a little bit more yes you only have to talk to her one time before cuz she had the PPP loan now you got to talk to her three or four times you have to let her know you got to be in her face more and a lot of people get discouraged by that but it's just a different time right now it's just a that it is it's just a different time what do you think is a a misconception about you that people have um like do you ever see things because you know some people want to be separated from their product cuz they don't want to feel like if something happens to me now people aren't going to support my product cuz we've seen that happen but are there things about you that people say that you're like this is just not true because I think that's another thing that happens when you're in the public eye people can be very critical and even say things things I've heard about myself and I was like damn I ain't know that um the the most recent thing um I think that for people that have found me very recently in the last two to three years a lot of people think that I found my success when I found my wife they don't they don't realize that I had success and I had made Millions prior to ever meeting her and I met her from Contracting her as a celebrity to um kind of do stuff with my product but a lot of people felt like the the success of Kaleidoscope was based on the back of my wife so that's like 10 years we are 10 years in yeah but you know what I don't I'm not going to argue cuz if that's if if her face on there is gonna make you buy it because this is our this is our number two selling collection mhm so it it's about to try to pass up the miracle drop so if if it's going to continue to make people buy you say what you want I don't care thank you wifey I don't care well listen how can people find you I mean I know they can't even participate CU everything is sold out as far as the tour which is a blessing but um you know if people want to reach out or see what you have going on just give them the page sure um you can follow me on all social media platforms the real BB Judy that's d a r e a l BB j u d y I always was like is she GNA change that ever but people just know when I first came out with it I didn't expect to be this and but I had branded it so hard that I said if I meet Miss Michelle Obama I don't want to call I don't want her to think that I'm the real BB Judy like I would I would the real big booty Judy right I would prefer to be the the miracle drops lady or something you know but you know all is well all right so go ahead where else um on all platforms and then also Kaleidoscope hair products that is on all platforms too and I know that's kind of long to spell but Kaleidoscope hair products is it's spelled exactly like that right well get your hair right get your Miracle drops and get your braid and um braid spray the mousse all of the things that you need um get your stuff for your kids too cuz you have the kids line as well kids line launch is next week okay I'm excited about that oh that's so it had been kind of dormant for a while um I had it and I had I had to switch manufacturers and I couldn't find nothing right and and I didn't want to put out just anything so I finally found the specific thing that I wanted and they got it just right so yeah I'm excited about that all right and then season four season four you will have before the end of the year okay before the end of the year this tour ends oh in New Orleans feels like a big party at the end of this tour fin on April 7th hopefully you decide to sit down after that for at least a week my wife's birthday is the next week so her birthday is on the 14th so then is that well I can't wait to see what you guys do because I know you you have something special planned that's in your DNA yep all right well Jessica depart thank you so much for for joining me today it's always a pleasure to see you in real life it's way up way up
Channel: Way Up With Angela Yee
Views: 37,032
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Id: lrRby9pbkbw
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Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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