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if you are a fan of iana's fix my life like i am on the old network then i know you just seen a recent episode with lisa ray her mom and her daughter and i was very excited about this episode because not only am i from chicago like lisa reyes but i actually know some people that know her and her sister de brat but in this episode we found out that lisa ray her mom and her daughter don't have as close as a relationship as we thought and we actually heard some things about her father that he was murdered by his girlfriend he was a millionaire a business owner and had a lot of girlfriends now they didn't go deep with lisa rae and her father but we are today so check this out [Music] hey everybody this is geneva of geneva's calls a talk show please make sure you like and share this video and subscribe to geneva's closet if you haven't already done so right here on youtube and you can follow me on facebook at what at geneva's closet and you can email me at geneva's closet 22 now let's get into the news look i have so much information to tell y'all and i was trying not to make this video too long but i don't know what to do i'm trying to give you all the information i don't know if i've just been intrigued by lisa ray because first of all i think she's a beautiful woman and two she's from chicago three when i found out that she always had money that her father was a businessman he was a millionaire i was like really then found out he had got killed and years ago i went and did some research on it found out it was by his girlfriend but i had did minimum research at that time then finding out years ago that she was related to the brat that was the sister and i'm like what that's a sister so what they got to say mommy and daddy then found out they had the same daddy they was trying to figure out so was the mom still married to um lisa rey's mom when she met the brat like what was really going on with that so now by watching the iana show and getting just a little bit more information it made me re-interested and go back and research and i found out so much stuff that i didn't know things that i did know and stuff that i had completely forgot all about so this video is not only going to be about lisa ray her mom and her dad but some other people that i done found we're going to talk about the brat we're going to talk about lisa rey's past relationships because i've always been intrigued by that why she hasn't been able to keep a man as beautiful as she is even though we know looks don't keep a person but it show in the hell helps but just just stick with me people david ray mccoy lisa ray's father was born march 6 1935 and was killed november 12 1988 he was 53 years old ironically the exact same age lisa ray is now this is the first article that i found on this incident and it is dated for november 14 1988 two days after david ray mccoy was killed and it says chicago had no motive sunday in the slaying of a wealthy southside businessman who was found shot to death in the backseat of his car saturday evening the body of david ray mccoy 52 of 1654 east 92nd street was found in the back seat of his 1988 cadillac at about 8 40 p.m saturday according to the sergeant wilson said mccoy was the owner of the zandabar motel chain the dunes motel and several other businesses mccoy was a paralegic as a result of a gunshot wound that he had suffered many years ago in a home invasion mccoy's car was found parked in the alley of 8700 block of south cornell avenue about a mile from his home the car had been blocking the alley for several hours and when police were called by residents to investigate they found the body in the back seat he had been shot twice in the head mccoy had been seen by family members about 2pm that saturday the motive is a mystery at that time there were some belongings missing but he had his jewelry on mccoy was wearing at least two diamond rings and several gold chains when he was found by police at that time they were interviewing family friends and business acquaintances and they said david ray mccoy did not have a background now just to give you some ages on this timeline lisa ray was born september 23rd 67 and shantae harris aka the brat was born april 14 74. so in november of 1988 when david ray mccoy was killed lisa ray was 21 years old and the brat was 14 years old they have a seven year age difference and remember that lisa rey's mom said on the iana's fixed my life that she was married to david ray mccoy the entire time even when he was killed so we totally see that he definitely cheated on her because at least seven years after she had lisa ray de brat was born this article was written november 15 1988 three days after david ray mccoy was killed and i get from this article that the police were speculating they were speculating who they think could have killed david ray mccoy and it says slain motel owner lent millions david ray mccoy was an astute and successful businessman a self-made millionaire who in turn lent millions of dollars to others wanting to start neighborhood businesses on the south side of chicago friends and associates said mccoy provided jobs to many in the community he was an inspiration to young blacks who wanted to be businessmen and it says but mccoy 52 also had a reputation for being tough in his business dealings said family and friends told detectives that mccoy was involved in several business related corals before he was shot to death this weekend in the backseat of his 1988 cadillac they said there were too many suspects a lot of people would have a motive based on the argument he had over business dealings but it also said an autopsy disclosed that mccoy who was found slain in the backseat of his car saturday evening was shot three times because remember in the other article said twice nope shot three times in the head in the front seat of his car and his body put on the floor in the rear seat it says police found mccoy's wallet near a fast food restaurant and it says there was no money in the wallet though mccoy routinely carried about a thousand dollars but we still don't believe that robbery was the motive also missing was a 38 caliber revolver that mccoy was known to carry with him for security he said an automatic weapon found in the car is believed to be the murder weapon police said mccoy was a paralegic as a result of a gunshot wound he suffered in 1968 when three bandits invaded the apartment of his sister according to klein mccoy typically would conduct business in the front seat of his cadillac because he was unable to move from his car to an office but they definitely um characterized him as very astute businessman who lent millions of dollars to neighborhood business people who wanted to open taverns motels and other small businesses then it went on to name some of his businesses it says mccoy was an owner of zanabar motel and then it named the places then it says that his brother julius managed several of the motels according to state records mccoy was president or a corporate officer of a firm called downtown adjusting services at 2120 south michigan he was also the president of chicago dunes motel incorporated which operates a large motel and then it gives that information west lane hotel corp which operates the zandabar west lane hotel and then it says which operates the marshall zana bar hotel and it says they always admired ray because he was a role model not only for handicapped people but black people who thought they were handicapped by their race he became an industrious businessman as a way to deal with his handicap at the time that this article was written detectives had arrested one of the people that mccoy had a core with after finding a pistol and several thousand dollars worth of narcotics in this man's room when they went to question him they said charles joyner was in the process of buying the new king manor motel from mccoy and he was charged with weapons and narcotics violations though police have not ruled out joyner as a suspect he has not been charged in connection with mccoy's death now this is when we found out what's really going on dated november 19 1988 one week after david ray mccoy was shot to death it says girlfriend charged in millionaires death a coral over a high electric bill and who should rate the leaves may have been the motive for the slaying of southside millionaire david ray mccoy police said friday in announcing the arrest of mccoy's lift and girlfriend and her brother police made the arrest after tracing a gun found near mccoy's body to his long-time girlfriend sheila daniels 32 of 1654 east 92nd street according to police daniels told detectives she and her brother shot mccoy 52 a paralegic three times in the head after she had argued with him but police officials said the investigation is continuing to determine if there were any financial motives charged with murder along with daniels was her brother tyrone 20 of 4344 south prairie avenue after the killing according to police mccoy's body was driven in his cadillac to an alley in the 8700 block of south cornell avenue where he was found by police saturday evening a 25 caliber beretta believed to be the murder weapon was beside him in the backseat the arrest of daniels and her brothers shocked mccoy's friends and business associates who recalled mccoy's fondness for his girlfriend of more than 10 years i love sheila very much said donald robuck who owns downtown adjusting services inc a business mccoy helped start he mccoy was very good to that girl she had a car she had everything she wanted police said the initial phase of the investigation was complicated by allegedly false information daniels provided to investigators on september 5th 1990 almost two years after his death sheila daniels and her brother tyrone daniels was found guilty of first degree murder of the killing of david ray mccoy it says the longtime girlfriend of paralegic southside millionaire was convicted tuesday night of gunning him down two years ago in his cadillac based on court records this is actually what happened to david ray mccoy at trial the state presented the following evidence on november 12 1988 at approximately 8 40 p.m david ray mccoy a paralegic since 1968 was found dead in his car in the alley near the intersection of 87th street and cornell avenue in chicago about a block from his office at 8837 south sony island avenue his body was curled up in a fetal position on the floor behind the driver's seat a 25 caliber semi-automatic handgun later determined to be the murder weapon was lying next to his head after his body was removed two small caliber cases were found in the car blood was found on the front seat armrest as well as on the body two days later mccoy's wallet was found at mcdonald's restaurant located at 1437 east 87th street approximately two blocks from the alley where his body was found the medical examiner recovered two bullets from the back of mccoy's brain and a third bullet from the right side of his face but was unable to determine the order of shots or if any single bullet caused his death in sheila daniel's statement to court reporter the defendant stated that on the afternoon of november 12 1988 she helped mccoy take a bath and get dressed during this time they argued approximately 30 to 40 minutes about the gas meter tyrone then rang the doorbell and defended bust him into the house after mccoy finished getting dressed he got in his wheelchair got his gun which he always carried and asked for some water when she returned with a gallon of jug of water she heard mccoy cursing her to the phone and then saw him go into the garage she then got the gun from her purse put it in the pocket of her robe and went to the garage in the garage mccoy began cursing at her and calling her names while she helped him into the car she then gave him the water and began to walk away but mccoy kept screaming at her and picked up his gun when she walked back towards the car he threatened to start kicking her ass and then jumped at her she became scared and pulled out the gun and shot him once tyrone then came in the garage took the gun brought her into the house and told her that he would help her get rid of mccoy she then went to get dressed while tyrone pushed mccoy over the car seat and shot him with her gun they then left in separate cars tyrone drove mccoy's car and parked it in the alley at 88 at 88th and stoney island tyrone then got in her car took 1500 from mccoy's wallet and left the wallet at a mcdonald's restaurant if i'm not mistaken i think sheila daniels and her brother tyrone daniels was sentenced to 80 years in jail but get these people her conviction was overturned due to technicalities in 1995. now what technicalities was that i don't know because in the midst of that i end up finding another article dated for january 11 1996 because the plot thickens and this is what it says slang in pill hill area raises two hundred thousand dollar question now mind you this is now eight years almost eight years after the killing of david ray mccoy it says it was strange enough that someone was killed in one of the city's quieter more regal neighborhoods pill hill in the middle of the day but when police arrived at the scene of william dary's slaying at 2pm tuesday they said they found his girlfriend who was out on bond and another killing getting ready to leave with a trunk full of money and shoe boxes full of cash nearly 200 000 in all police consider the circumstances curious but they said wednesday that no one had been charged and many questions remain unanswered diary 44 had just returned home when he was shot repeatedly in his left side and right there police said witnesses told police they seen two masked men fled the scene in a maroon van the shooting occurred in the 1600 block of east 92nd street where diary lived with his girlfriend who sheila daniels and who daniel's daughter stephanie scott when police arrived daniels and scott were preparing to leave in daniel's car a blue mercedes-benz sedan 166 000 in a box in the trunk and an additional 25 000 or so stuffed in two shoe boxes inside the house the source of money was not known dory owned a rolls royce in a new corvette with the source of his wealth was not known three nine millimeter shell casings were found near the site of the killing daniels and scott were questioned by calumet area detectives but said little on the advice of their attorney and were released and then says diary was killed in the same house where daniels allegedly shot and killed her former live-in boyfriend david ray mccoy on november 12 1988. after that shooting daniels allegedly called her brother tyrone we know who then came to mccoy and shot him two more times sheila daniels and her brother were convicted of murder but sheila daniel's conviction was overturned in 1995 on illegal technicality on august 13 1997 almost 10 years after the killing of david ray mccoy it says woman convicted again in slain now mind you in 1997 this is one year before players club came out lisa ray is 29 years old she's getting her career started and in 97 we already know de brat has met jermaine dupree they did funk the fat and all of that she didn't got her rap career started and she's 22 years old and they are still dealing with this whole retrial and this sheila daniel situation because of the killing of their father and it goes on to say a south side woman has been convicted for the second time of killing millionaire david ray mccoy her living boyfriend in 1988 a jury of nine women and three men returned a verdict of guilty of first-degree murder of against sheila daniels 41 cook county circuit court judge says sentencing for september 16th and the state was asking for the maximum penalty of 80 years the same term daniel got in 1990 after her first conviction the retrial was ordered two years ago by the illinois appeal gay court which reversed that conviction for prosecutors misconduct something else i found interesting in his article was that it says daniel sheila daniels admitted i understand that her daughter stephanie scott no relation to the mccoys now 20 inherited the house and part of mccoy's fortune after his death how does she do that what did mccoy write the daughter into his will oh i know they was just very upset about that and then it goes on to say she stephanie daniels and her younger brother tyrone daniels then 20 were convicted in the slain she was sentenced to 80 years in prison for firing the first and fatal shot behind mccoy's left ear he got 60 years for shooting mccoy twice in the forehead now it said that stephanie scott sheila's daughter inherited some of his fortune and i wonder how much was some of that fortune because if i'm not mistaken i think i seen something that said that he was worth six to nine million after when he was killed so um i wonder if there's some court documents on that i don't know how i forgot to mention this but we all know now that on november 12 1988 david ray mccoy was killed but over one year later on december 5th 1989 lisa ray gave birth to her first and only daughter kai so i know that had been devastating for her that her father was not able to see his granddaughter that's why she made that comment aniana fixed my life about it being important for her to give birth to her daughter because she felt like she had lost one life which was her father and gained another life which was her daughter kai i bet you thought i was done nope not done there are various reports of motives behind david mccoy's murder according to the chicago tribune but three of the motives comes from david mccoy's oldest daughters yes he got three older daughters in addition to lisa ray and the brat and those daughters are jaylen morgan and cynthia and guess what people i found them and these daughters came out and they believed that their father was killed because daniel's sheila daniels found out that she was about to be cut out of his will and other reports suggest about that whole electric bill and i don't know i'm starting to think that they may have had something to do with being cut out of the will too especially since we end up finding out that her daughter stephanie scott ended up inheriting the house and some of his fortune and i'm really interested in finding out what did the daughter inherit but then again let's go back a little bit we found out that at the time that all of this happened that david ray mccoy was killed sheila daniels was what 31 32 years old but they had been together for 10 years and i think david ray mccoy was killed when he was 53 so that means he was 43 and sheila daniels was 22. oh he likes his young ones now i wonder now when i watch ianna fix my life i remember ianna saying that kathy mccoy which is lisa ray mom was her elder so i'm like okay well maybe she's closer to david ray mccoy's age but then we have the three daughters jaylen morgan and cynthia their mom and um found her mom found found their mom too and she he was actually married to her because her last name was mccoy and i'm thinking maybe she was close to around his age too but then somewhere in that he liked him a little young tenderonis now that's where the brad cup mom comes in at now we know the black don't crack but looking at the brad mom she sure don't look like she about know 60 70 and at today's time in 2020 if um if david ray mccoy was still alive i think he would be 80 something years he would be 85 years old and the brett's mom's show don't look like she's in her 70s or her 60s at least 20 years from and she looked like she probably in her 50s so i wonder what she one of his little tender young tenderonies that he messed around with you know because i'm pretty sure the ladies liked him because he had money you know he had these businesses he was a millionaire nobody give a damn he was a paralegic and had been one for 10 years people was trying to get their money that dinario so i wonder what really went down with that it took me two three days to make this video so i never actually found morgan mccoy because i just got tired of searching and that is supposed to be david mccoy's other daughter lisa raising the brat's other sister so with that being said then i'm assuming that david ray mccoy had children by four different women then that would be morgan mccoy's mom then we have cynthia and jalen's mom duffy mccoy lisa rey's mom kathy mccoy and then lastly de brat's mom nadine brewer i don't know about you but for me watching iana fix my life plus the research that i've done on lisa rae her family and a brat actually kind of helped me figure out why she may be all over the place with me and but not only her why the brat may have also been all over the place because we have to remember that not only have lisa ray had issues as far as men which now we see can stem from the whole situation with her mother and her father because a lot of us would say that lisa ray comes off as materialistic like it's very important for her men to have a certain amount of money which isn't a problem because you want your man to have a certain amount of money it's like the man probably want his woman to have a certain amount of money and be doing some what they like but sometimes it comes off as materialistic but now it totally makes sense i mean her mother was with her father based off of what she said ariana fixed my life because of the money she dealt with a lot of nonsense and her father had a lot of money and he manipulated because he had a lot of money that's a revelation that ianna made to lisa ray on the show so that can possibly you know possibly be why she's been all over the place with these men you know she dated married the turk and caicos guy and then she had this reality show with this guy i don't even know his name i didn't do full research on him because i'm like okay so who is this guy that she was supposed to marry so yeah um and then we see that if she don't fix the problem it would definitely trinkle on down to her daughter and her granddaughter but not only her i found some interesting things about the brat also because we know that back in the day not that long ago the brat was constantly in jail and always in fights and stuff and then based on my research well somebody had mentioned that the brat used to date alan iverson and then i did some research and said and found out that she used to date kirk frost but get this people it said that she dated kirk frost because he bought her a car specifically that she was on the ricky smiley show and she mentioned that she had dated kirk frost because he said he was going to buy her car and he bought her car i said what the hell and if that don't sound crazy enough because to me it sounded crazy i was like the brat dated kirk frost because he bought a car anyway i found an article from april 13 2016 from bt to said the brat's ex-boyfriend dad david geist guest whatever is most famous for marrying who liza monelli but in 2006 he was also the boyfriend of 90s rapper and reality star the brat many people questioned how legit their relationship was but by judging by the smooch fest the two clearly felt something for each other sadly davis died at the four seasons hotel in london he was 62 years old allegedly guest geist david whatever was abusing sleeping pills and taking steroids for pneumonia the brat whose real name is shantae harris has not released a statement about her ex's passing i said rubbish really [ __ ] so do her father like the young tenderonies and she like sugar daddies i mean look and then considering the fact that right now we know that she's in her lesbian relationship and she's dating the owner of the miracle drops judy whatever and we know judy got a lot of money look people we don't know how much david ray mccoy spoil all his girls spoil all his children we don't know what he did for lee um for the brat too and what she was used to ain't no telling but to me that was pretty damn interesting a lot of folks in the comments were talking about this is not real um this is pre-produced and i'm so glad you cleared that up this is a hundred percent this is your life this is what you do oh i didn't see those comments i just saw people uh talking about it already when the trailer came out but i will say this um with all the work that i had to do with her beforehand and i won't say with her it's with her team it's months of preparation it's months of homework of who are you who do you think you are how do you think what do you do in this situation we had those we had interviews we had research we had sat with a via zoom we sat with um a counselor like it was real we did all of this before we got a chance to sit with her and then we did one big interview individual of questions that was just for us about us and i assumed that iana looked at those so she could see what and how we told our stories and what the issues were right and so when we collectively came together for the first time it was the first time all four of us sat down my daughter my mom myself and young and it was it was it was real because i had the same hang up i was thinking lord don't let her say something out of the way because south side chicago gonna rise up and it's gonna be all bad you don't want to mess with the south side okay you don't want to mention yes outside um but one thing that kept that under control is that i knew i came in for help and she said that you know as resistant as we were she said well then if y'all didn't want no help and if i can't help y'all what y'all here for and it was like right okay since we are on the topic of iana fix my life remember just a few weeks ago when shea johnson was on her show and then shea johnson walked off and there was this whole thing on social media where shay was saying that she felt disrespected and young treated her a certain type of way well right after that she went on social media and had a conversation with neferteria and remember neffy had been on diana's show twice with her husband and remember that nephew is the sister of keisha cole and so nephew didn't like her experience because she got caught a gutter sniper on the show and she didn't like none of that so on this conversation that she had with shea johnson she was expressing how she felt about iana and the show and actually considering the things that shea johnson said about iana she had her own feelings about the show too so check this out on this show twice oh i didn't know you know um it's certain things that was said that i was like so you supposed to be uplifting and encouraging and giving um the the people um the empowerment to express their negative in their positives you you're not supposed to direct their negative in their positives it was almost i felt like it was like she was trying to pull it out and i'm like i have i released that already so you want to write your own wound so i can release again that's the part of the rate that's where you get the ratings when people like lash out and and bark and well hold on like i really didn't expect her to say certain things so i'm like damn it why did she say that now you have to remember prior to you go on so and i think this is why she's not um going back is because a lot of people um the narrative and and and how they perceive the show to be is not what it really is okay meaning meaning and i'm i'm 100 meaning if you say you tell them your whole reason why you're going to be on there right and why you are trying to get things together but then you take what you're trying to get together and take it and turn it into ratings pretty much that's how i felt yeah like honestly nephew if i would have known that it would have that it would go the way that it went i wouldn't have brought my family because these were real situations like i know other people have you know different and worse situations going on in their life i understand that my thing is this is what's going on with my situation and if somebody can help us let's try that because we've never tried anything it it wasn't all bad for me niffy it wasn't all bad i'm gonna say this i am divorced right now i've been divorced seven years i went on this show with my husband at the time to save my marriage it did more torment than healing this woman let me tell you what people don't understand is this woman called me [ __ ] she said nephew is a a gutter snipe straight up out the hood oh wow which made me get up walk off the stack so that i can respect my elders which you should have did say oh no no nothing you walked off set good for you i walked off set too got in the car and drove away she made them turn around and bring me back so she can cuss me out and i'm like hey it's like i'm talking to him i went back again to make sure that i was not tripping without look i made i was like okay now i gotta go back cause i know i ain't tripping right and i got the same results y'all can't fix that well we decided y'all gonna have to go on your own retreat y'all need to take y'all no we are we are like we decided to actually go as a family yeah and find a therapist and come together and and honestly my brother and his wife they see a therapist on their own mj decided like it's nothing like it really opened my my mind like i really want to see a therapist but i want to see somebody that's not too much so aggressive you know what i mean i want somebody that would listen but still tell me what what what am i doing what am i doing wrong why is my thought process the way that it is how can i fix this with my mother and my brothers and you know what i mean i really want to see somebody so we're on the right path it opened the door we just couldn't get through it but we it opened the door like now i see what i mean the reason why i played that club is because ianna kind of gets a lot of backlash sometimes because people feel like that she goes too hard and i don't think that she's going too hard the whole purpose of the show is to make you go deep inside and talk about some things that she know that you wouldn't ordinarily talk about that's why she lets the people know on the show that you may not like me there may be some times on here that you may not like me but you need to trust the process so we heard lisa ray what lisa ray had to say that there is a whole process and things that they went through for months before they even got on the show and she said that even she had to realize that you know what's the purpose of coming on the show if you're not going to be willing to go deep and then there was this whole situation with shea johnson and how she felt about iana and his whole hoopla on social media but then when you listen to this little clip this conversation that she had with neferteria you hear that she actually got some things out of it now i cut some things out because she said that when her father watched it he felt a certain type of way he felt like he should have been there now he feels like he want to have a conversation with the kids and speak to them and she said she don't know what he's going to speak about she gets some things that he had never told them before she says that she's going to go to counseling now and it definitely has opened up the door with her family so it wasn't all bad now i think nephiteria had her own type experience because she didn't want to go deep with it and when iana called her a gutter snipe iana explained that and even i got what she was saying because she specifically said that nefertaria is a total different person so nephiteria wasn't a gutter snipe but this nephe this whole persona this attitude that she takes on as this nephew person now that was a gutter snipe and i just think the nephew did not want to hear it she didn't want to try to understand at all what ianna was trying to say but the crazy thing is that i actually interviewed her husband in 2017 when neferteria and her ex-husband shelby laurie was on the honest fix my life for the first time i had him on my show because i wanted to see how he felt about it because i had actually heard or at the end of the show i think it said that they wasn't together anymore so i was very interested and when i talked to him and asked him about the behind the scenes of iana fix my life he kind of sort of almost said the same things that lisa ray said that it was a process and he felt like and he said that it was a lot of praying and things going on behind the scenes and he wished that they would have shown more of that on camera but check this out start off by asking you shelby is how long was the taping for when you were on the show it was four days okay okay that was four days okay and and who decided to go on the show they reached out to us first and when they reached out to us you know i was like no i don't want to do that nah nephew was like yo we should just go on there i said you know i i was like no no i didn't want to do all that extra stuff and at that time we was going through a lot but i prayed about it and i asked god about it and god asked me you know not asking i'm sorry told me to go you know so i i did it on that that's the reason why i did it you know and that's how we ended up on the show okay so why do you think that they reached out to seattle so do you think that they knew about the things that y'all were going through or me and nephew you know at the end of the day with celebrities so right you know and the same producers just shoot different shows shot nephew in uh frankie's last show okay and um they had kind of seen things going on you know that we weren't transparent about uh in that show before atlanta van dan so they just felt like we'd be a great couple to come on there how do you think that your experience was now that you was on there so when you look back at it do you feel like you got something from it i mean my experience from that whole thing it was it was spiritual okay you know a lot a lot of you know we've done a lot of tv and that wasn't a tv show that was more like a ministry right you know that whole her whole team you know as people that you wouldn't even kind of believe like people that she picked up along the way and um it was going through hardships and mental marriages and you know homelessness and all of that that's our whole team like and she just got a big ministry you know people think it's a tv show but whatever with her it's not it's it's a straight ministry so my whole feeling about being on there was at first i was reserved kind of like standoffish but i was going through so much at the time and understanding what was going on i just became very very transparent to the whole process okay and do you think that she helped out with that song because she seemed so compassionate and so understanding so do you think that that helped out with you being transparent uh like i said it was more the prayer you know i guess they don't show that on tv it was more a prayer that made me that made me be like you know this is a safe place okay you know it was it was the prayers that we had and the people that she had there praying for me and you know we did a lot of prayer there i don't know why they didn't show that part on tv but they do a lot of praying what is why that process is going i would like to know how you all feel about this situation and why you are letting me know could you please like and share this video and subscribe to geneva's closet if you haven't already done so right here on youtube and you can follow me on facebook at what at geneva's closet and you can email me at geneva's closet 22 you all have a fabulous day and i will talk to you later [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: Genevas Closett
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genevasclosett, talk, talkshow, media, entertainment, lisarayemccoy, dabrat, lisarayedabrat, iyanlafixmylife, celebritynews, celebritygossip, celebritytea, lisarayefatherkilled, shelbylowery, neffeteriafixmylife, shayjohnson, shayjohnsonfixmylife, chicagobusiness, chicagobusinessman, chicago, zanzibarmotelchicago, davidrayemccoy, dabratjudy, blacknews, youtubenews, chicagonews, chicagotribune, chicagomedia, journalist, blogger, youtube, youtubeblogger, lisarayedabratfatherkilled, dabratmillionairedad, lisarayemillionairedad
Id: 0ZlXchJU2JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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