Speak Like a Native: Live Practical English Conversation Dialogues

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Hi how are you today I'm fine thank you how about you I'm doing well thanks for asking so what did you do today not much just went to work and came home oh what do you do for work I'm a teacher that's school what subject do you teach I teach mutt I was never very good at mutt it can be challenging but it's also very rewarding to see students understand and succeed in the subject yay I can imagine so do you have any plans for the weekend not really just going to relax at home and maybe do some gardening how about you I'm planning on going hiking with some friends it should be a lot of fun sounds like a great way to spend the weekend have a good time hi what's your name my name is Mary what's yours my name is John nice to meet you Mary nice to meet you too John so Mary where are you from I'm from New York how about you I'm from California it's a long way from New York yeah it is what do you like to do in California I like to go to the beach and go hiking in the mountains how about you what do you like to do in New York I like to visit museums and go shopping in the city that sounds fun do you have a favorite museum in New York my favorite museum is the Metropolitan Museum of Art have you ever been there no I haven't had the chance to visit New York yet maybe one day you should definitely go it's a great City with so much to see and do yeah I've heard that thanks for the recommendation Mary no problem John it was nice talking to you Hi how are you I'm good thanks how about you I'm doing well what have you been up to today not much just running some errands how about you same here just trying to get a few things done do you have any plans for the weekend not yet but I'm thinking about going for a hike what about you that sounds like fun I haven't gone hiking in a while I'm not sure what my plans are for the weekend yet but I'll have to see yeah it's always nice to get outside and enjoy nature well I should get going it was nice chatting with you yeah it was nice talking to you too have a great day you too bye hey what's up not much just finished class for the day how about you same here so what did you have for class today I had a Biology lecture it was pretty interesting I've always found biology to be really fascinating do you like it yeah I do it's definitely one of my favorite subjects that's cool what do you want to do with a biology degree I'm thinking about becoming a doctor what about you I'm not sure yet I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do it can be tough to decide but I'm sure you'll find something that you're passionate about yeah I hope so so what are your plans for the weekend I'm planning on doing some studying for exams how about you I'm going to hang out with some friends and maybe catch a movie sounds like a good time have fun hey how's it going hi I'm doing well how are you I'm doing okay so what did you do today not much just went to work and came home oh what do you do for work I work in a restaurant as a waiter that must be busy do you like it it can be hectic at times but I enjoy the customer interactions and the fast-paced environment that's school do you have any plans for the weekend not yet still trying to figure out what to do how about you I'm thinking about going to the park and playing frisbee with some friends that sounds like fun maybe I'll join you yeah that would be great okay Count Me In see you then Hi how are you I'm doing well thanks how about you I'm doing okay so what did you do today I went to the grocery store and did some cleaning around the house how about you I went to the gym and then did some shopping at the mall did you find anything good yeah I found a new pair of shoes that I really liked what about you did you find everything you needed at the grocery store yeah I was able to get everything on my list I'm making dinner tonight do you want to join me that sounds great thanks for the invitation what are you making I'm making spaghetti in meatballs yum that sounds delicious I'll definitely join you great I'll see you at dinner time then hi have you finished shopping yes I have how about you I'm almost done I just need to get a few more things what are you looking for I need to get some milk and bread what about you what did you buy I got some vegetables in fruit for the week I'm trying to eat healthier that's a good idea I should probably do the same yeah it's always good to eat a variety of healthy foods yeah I agree so are you finished now yes I'm ready to go okay I just need to grab a few more things and then we can check out sounds good I'll meet you at the front of the store hi can I help you find something yes I'm looking for a new phone okay we have a wide selection of phones here what type are you interested in I'm looking for something with a good camera and a long battery life we have several options that might fit your needs let me show you some of them okay thanks here are a few options that have good cameras and long battery life which one do you like the most I like this one the best how much is it it's five hundred dollars okay I'll take it do you have any cases for it yes we have a wide selection of cases let me show you some options okay I like this one can I get it with the phone sure that will be 550 total would you like to pay with cash or credit card I'll pay with my credit card great let me process your payment and then you can take your new phone home thanks I'm excited to start using it hi can I help you find something yes I'm looking for some fruit we have a wide selection of fruit here what are you looking for specifically I'm looking for some apples and bananas do you have any organic options yes we have organic apples and bananas they are over here okay I'll take two apples and three bananas how much is that the apples are one dollar and fifty cents each and the bananas are 50 cents each so that will be five dollars total okay here's the money thanks no problem here are your apples and bananas do you need a bag no thanks I'll just carry them okay have a good day thanks you too Welcome to our restaurant do you have a reservation no we don't have a reservation is it possible to get a table for two let me check our availability it looks like we have a table available now would you like to be seated yes please great follow me here is your table can I start you off with some drinks yes I'll have a water in my friend will have a soda all right I'll bring those out for you would you like to look at the menu or are you ready to order can we have a few minutes to look at the menu of course take your time I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order thank you no problem let me know if you have any questions about the menu we will thanks Welcome to our coffee shop what can I get for you today I like a small coffee please sure thing would you like cream and sugar with that yes please alright that will be three dollars and fifty cents here is your coffee thank you no problem is there anything else I can get for you do you have any pastries yes we have a selection of muffins and croissants which one would you like I'll have a croissant please all right that will be two dollars and fifty cents here is your croissant thank you no problem enjoy your coffee and croissant I will thanks I'd like to make a reservation for a hotel room okay what dates do you need the room for I need it for next weekend from Friday to Sunday let me check our availability it looks like we have a standard room available for those dates would you like to book that yes please great I'll need your name and credit card information to hold the reservation my name is John Smith and my credit card number is one two three four five six seven eight nine one zero one one one two one all right I have your reservation booked for a standard room from Friday to Sunday the cost will be two hundred dollars per night so the total will be six hundred dollars okay that's fine thank you for booking the room no problem Mr Smith we look forward to seeing you next weekend hey what are you doing this weekend not much I might go see a movie or just hang out at home what about you I'm not sure yet I was thinking about going for a hike or maybe checking out that new art exhibit at the museum that sounds like fun I love going for hikes and I haven't been to the museum in a while maybe I'll join you that would be great we can decide on a specific plan later this week sounds good I'm looking forward to it hi can I speak to Mary this is Mary who is this hi Mary it's John how are you I'm doing well John how are you I'm doing okay I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing I'm doing well thanks for asking what's new with you not much just been busy with work how about you same here it's been a busy week yeah it can get hectic well hi just wanted to say hi and see how you're doing I'll talk to you later okay thanks for calling John it was nice to hear from you bye excuse me can you help me I'm looking for the Post Office sure the post office is just a few blocks down the street and then turn left it's on the corner okay thank you is it easy to find yes it's not hard to spot you'll see a sign with the post office logo okay thanks for your help no problem happy to help can you tell me how to get to the train station from here sure the train station is about a 20-minute walk from here just head straight down the street until you reach the end then turn right and follow the road until you see the train station on your left okay thanks for the directions no problem happy to help have a good day Hi how are you today I'm doing well thanks how about you I'm doing okay so what brings you to the cafe today I just needed a break from work and thought I'd grab a coffee how about you same here I needed to step away from the computer for a bit yeah it's important to take breaks and give your eyes a rest definitely so have you tried any of the pastries here they are really good no I haven't tried any yet what do you recommend the chocolate croissants are really delicious okay I'll have to try one of those thanks for the recommendation no problem they are definitely worth trying yeah I'll have to come back and try some more things yeah they have a great selection of pastries and sandwiches here yeah I'll have to try some of those too definitely they are all really good well I should probably get back to work it was nice chatting with you yeah it was nice chatting with you too have a good day how was your day it was good thanks how was yours it was pretty busy but it's always better when I get to see you at the end of the day well that's so sweet I feel the same way so what do you want to do tonight I don't know what do you feel like doing well we could go see a movie or go out to eat or we could just stay in and cook dinner together those all sound like good options why don't we stay in and cook dinner together that sounds great what do you want to make how about we make tacos that sounds delicious I'll go get the ingredients from the store great I'll start getting everything ready okay I'll be back soon I love you I love you too see you soon can we talk for a minute sure what's on your mind well I've been thinking a lot lately and I just wanted to tell you how I feel okay go ahead I love you I know we've been friends for a long time but I can't stop thinking about you and I just had to tell you how I feel oh I had no idea you felt that way I know it might be a surprise but I just couldn't keep it to myself any longer well I appreciate you telling me I care about you a lot too but I just don't know if I feel the same way I understand I just had to tell you how I felt I'm glad you did I care about you a lot and I don't want to lose your friendship I don't want to lose your friendship either I just wanted to be honest with you about how I feel I appreciate your honesty let's just take some time to think about things and see where things go yeah that sounds good thanks for understanding no problem I'm here for you how was your day at school it was good what did you do today we learned about science in our class and played basketball at recess that sounds like fun did you have any homework yeah I have to read a chapter in my book and do some up problems okay make sure to get that done before dinner I will did you remember to turn in your permission slip for the field trip next week oh no I forgot can you help me fill it out sure let me grab a pen and we can fill it out together thanks Dad no problem it's important to turn in all of your permission slips and forms on time yeah I remember to do that next time good now let's get your homework done so you can have the rest of the evening to relax okay thanks Dot it's time to get up um I don't want to come on it's a school day you don't want to be late can't I stay home today no you have to go to school now get up and get dressed okay fine good I'll make you breakfast while you get ready thanks Dad no problem make sure you brush your teeth and comb your hair before you come down I will great I'll see you downstairs in a few minutes okay I'll be down soon all right I'll start making breakfast okay thanks dot no problem I want to make sure you have a good breakfast to start your day yeah I'm starting to feel more awake now hi nice to meet you my name is John hi John nice to meet you too my name is Sarah so Sarah how long have you been working in this industry I've been working in marketing for about five years now how about you John I've been in sales for about eight years it's nice to meet someone with experience in a similar field yeah it is I'm always interested in learning from others in the industry same here so what brought you to this company I was attracted to the company's focus on sustainability and wanted to be a part of their mission how about you John I was impressed by the company's track record of success and was excited about the opportunity to work with a talented team yeah the team here is really great I'm glad we have the chance to work together me too Sarah it's been nice meeting you nice meeting you too John how much is this dress the dress is fifty dollars Bo that's a little more than I was hoping to spend do you have any sales or discounts available we do have a sales section over there with some discounted items okay thanks I'll take a look you're welcome do you think you could give me a discount on this dress if I buy it today I'm sorry but the sale prices are already discounted and we can't offer any additional discounts okay thanks for letting me know I'll keep looking and see if I can find something within my budget no problem let me know if you have any other questions or need help finding anything excuse me is this seat taken no it's not taken go ahead and sit down thanks no problem it's nice to have some company yeah it can get a little lonely sitting by yourself definitely so where are you headed today I'm just going to work what about you same here it's going to be a long day yeah it looks like it's going to be a busy day definitely but at least we have a place to sit and relax for a bit yeah that's true thanks again for letting me sit here no problem happy to share the space I'm looking for a house to rent do you have any available yes we have a few houses available for rent what are you looking for in a house I'm looking for a three-bedroom house with a backyard okay we have a house that fits that description it's available for one thousand five hundred dollars per month okay that sounds good can I see the house sure we can schedule a showing for tomorrow at 10 am okay that works for me can I bring my partner with me to see the house of course you can bring anyone you'd like to the showing okay thanks I'll see you tomorrow at 10 am great we'll see you then I'm looking for a new pair of jeans do you have any in my size let me check what size are you looking for I'm looking for a size 32 okay we have a few options in that size we have these dark wash jeans in these lighter wash jeans which one are you interested in I think I'll go with the darker wash jeans great choice do you need a belt to go with them yes I do do you have any belts in a size 32 yes we have a few options we have this black leather belt and this brown leather belt which one would you like I think I'll go with the black belt all right I'll get those for you that will be seventy five dollars okay here's my card great thank you here are your jeans and Belt have a great day I have a cold and I'm feeling really sick can I see a doctor of course let me check to see if we have any appointments available okay thanks we have an appointment available at 2PM this afternoon would that work for you yes that would be fine great I'll book that appointment for you is this your first time seeing a doctor for this gold yes it is all right please bring your insurance card and any medications you're currently taking to your appointment okay I'll do that thanks for setting me up with an appointment no problem but I hope you start feeling better soon how are you feeling today not great I've had a cold for a few days now and my symptoms aren't getting any better okay let's take a look can you describe your symptoms to me I have runny nose a cough and a sore throat I've also been feeling really tired and achy alright it sounds like you have a cold I'm going to prescribe some medication to help with your symptoms and suggest that you get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids okay thanks is there anything else I can do to feel better you can try using a humidifier to add moisture to the air and using over-the-cour cold medicine to help with your symptoms but the most important thing is to rest and give your body time to heal okay I'll do that thanks for your help you're welcome I hope you start feeling better soon don't hesitate to call me if your symptoms worsen or if you have any questions I will thanks again do you want to go to lunch with me and some other colleagues sure that sounds great where are you thinking of going there's a new sandwich shop down the street that I've been wanting to try oh I've heard good things about that place let's go there great I'll text the other colleagues to let them know sounds good what time are we meeting how about 12 30 that way we have time to finish up our work before we go that works for me all right I'll meet you at the sandwich shop at 12 30. sounds good see you then do you want to go to the aquarium with me on Saturday that sounds like fun I've never been to the aquarium before it's a great place to visit they have all kinds of interesting marine animals to see that sounds really cool what time do you want to go how about we meet at the aquarium at ten lamb that way we have plenty of time to see everything that works for me great I'll meet you at the aquarium at 10 A.M on Saturday okay see you then yeah see you then I'm looking forward to it me too it should be a lot of fun I've been thinking a lot about that trip to Europe we talked about do you still want to go yes I definitely do I've been looking forward to it great me too so where do you want to go first I've always wanted to go to Italy how about we start there that sounds perfect I've always wanted to see Rome in Venice yay those are both great cities to visit when do you want to go how about we go in the summer that way we can take advantage of the nice weather that sounds good to me let's start planning our itinerary and booking our flights in hotels yeah I can't wait this is going to be an amazing trip I agree I can't wait either do you want to cook dinner tonight sure what do you want to make how about spaghetti and meatballs that sounds delicious do you have all the ingredients I have most of them but I need to pick up some ground beef and pasta do you want to come with me to the grocery store yeah I'll come with you great let's go alright we have everything we need what do you want me to do to help with dinner can you start Browning the ground beef while I boil the water for the pasta sure I can do that thanks I appreciate it this should be a great dinner yeah I can't wait to try it can you help me with something sure what do you need help with I'm trying to move this heavy box but I can't seem to lift it by myself sure I can help you with that let me grab the other end thanks I really appreciate it yeah that wasn't too bad do you need help with anything else no that's it for now thanks for your help no problem happy to help out do you need help moving any other boxes no I think I'm good for now thanks again for your help no problem happy to help out let me know if you need any more help how was your day-to-day it was pretty good just the usual daily routine yeah I know what you mean what's your daily routine like well I usually wake up at 6am and have breakfast then I go to work from 9am to 5 p.m after work I usually go for a run or do some other kind of exercise that sounds like a pretty healthy routine what do you do for work I work as an accountant it can be pretty busy but I enjoy it that's cool what do you like to do in your free time I like to read watch movies and spend time with my family how about you what's your daily routine like it's pretty similar to yours I work as a teacher so I have a pretty set schedule I like to spend my free time playing sports and hanging out with friends it sounds like you have a good balance between your work and personal life do you have any pets yeah I have a dog and a cat they're both really cute and a lot of fun to have around that's school what kind of dog do you have I have a golden retriever he's really friendly and loves to play fetch that's awesome I've always wanted to get a golden retriever what about your cat my cat is a Calico she's a little more independent but she's still really sweet that's great I love cats and dogs they can be such good companions yay they definitely are I can't imagine not having pets in my life they bring so much joy I've been feeling really anxious lately do you have any advice on how to deal with it yeah I know how you feel I used to get really anxious too one thing that helped me was learning some relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation yeah I've tried those things before but they don't always seem to work for me it might take some time and practice to find what works for you have you tried talking to a therapist about your anxiety no I haven't do you think that would help it definitely couldn't hurt a therapist can help you identify the causes of your anxiety and teach you some coping strategies to deal with it yeah that might be a good idea thanks for the suggestion no problem I hope you're able to find some relief from your anxiety I wanted to talk to you about the product I purchased from your store sure what's the issue well I was really disappointed with the quality of the product it didn't live up to my expectations I'm sorry to hear that is there something specific that you didn't like about the product it was just really flimsy and not well made I don't think it's worth the price I paid for it I understand we'd offer refunds for customers who are dissatisfied with their purchases do you want to request a refund yes I would like to request a refund all right I'll process the refund for you right away thank you for bringing this to our attention I hope you have a better experience with our products in the future I'm thinking about going out to eat tonight do you have any recommendations for a good restaurant in the area yeah I know a couple of places that are really good do you have any specific type of food in mind I'm in the mood for something a little more casual like burgers or sandwiches okay I know just the place there's a really great burger joint down the street they have amazing Burgers and Fries that sounds great do you want to come with me and try it out yeah I'd love to what time do you want to meet how about we meet at The Burger Joint at 6 PM okay that works for me I'll see you at 6 PM great see you then thanks for the recommendation no problem I'm looking forward to trying it out I'm here at the airport how do I check in for my flight you can check in at the Tower or kiosk just have your ticket and identification ready okay I have those with me which line should I go to if you have any checked bags you'll need to go to the tower if you don't have any checked bags you can use the kiosk okay I don't have any checked bags can I just use the kiosk yeah just follow the signs to the kiosk it will guide you through the process just make sure you have your ticket and identification ready okay I'll do that thanks for the help no problem good luck with your flight I hope everything goes smoothly can you take me to the airport please sure no problem do you have your luggage with you yeah it's in the trunk okay we'll be on our way is there a specific terminal you need to go to yes it's terminal three all right we'll head there now the traffic might be a little heavy so it might take a little longer to get there that's okay I have plenty of time thanks for letting me know no problem is there anything else I can do for you no I think that's it thanks for the ride no problem happy to help enjoy your flight I have a reservation for tonight okay can I have your name please it's Sarah Smith all right let me check our records yes here it is you have a reservation for a single room yes that's correct okay I just need to see your identification and take a payment for the room sure here's my ID and credit card all right thank you the room rate is one hundred dollars per night so the total will be one hundred dollars okay that's fine all right everything is all set here's your room key and a map of the hotel your room is on the third floor room 312. okay thank you no problem enjoy your stay if you need anything just let us know I'm checking out today can you tell me how much I owe sure let me just pull up your account okay it looks like you have room charge of one hundred dollars and a charge for the breakfast buffet of twenty dollars okay that's fine all right so the total comes to 120 dollars will you be paying with the credit card on file yes that's correct all right I'll just process the payment now okay everything is all set here's your receipt okay thanks no problem it was a pleasure having you as our guest we hope to see you again soon my luggage didn't arrive with my flight what should I do I'm sorry to hear that first you should check with the airline to see if they have any information about your luggage okay where do I go to do that you can usually find a baggage claim area near the airport terminal just look for signs that say lost luggage or baggage claim okay I'll do that what if they can't find my luggage if the airline can't locate your luggage they'll usually open a lost luggage claim for you they'll give you a claim form to fill out and then they'll start searching for your luggage okay thanks for the information I'll go check with the airline now no problem I hope they find your luggage soon good luck I don't feel very well I have a fever oh no that's not good have you taken your temperature to see how high your fever is no I haven't you might want to try taking your temperature to see how high your fever is if it's above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit you might have a fever okay I'll try that what should I do if I have a fever if you have a fever you should try to rest and drink plenty of fluids you might also want to take acetaminophen or Ibuprofen to help bring down your fever okay I'll try that thanks for the advice no problem I hope you start feeling better soon if your fever doesn't go down or if you're feeling really sick you might want to consider seeing a doctor hey I really want to lose 10 pounds do you have any tips for how I can do that sure there are a few things you can try one thing that can help is to focus on eating healthy balanced diet that means getting plenty of fruits vegetables and lean proteins and cutting back on unhealthy foods like processed snacks in sugary drinks okay that makes sense what about exercise exercise is also important for losing weight aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise each week you can also try incorporating strength training which can help you build muscle and boost your metabolism okay thanks for the advice I'll try to eat better and exercise more no problem good luck with your weight loss Journey remember to be patient and consistent and you'll start seeing progress over time I do yoga every morning it helps me start my day off right that's really cool how long have you been doing yoga I've been doing it for about a year now it's become an important part of my daily routine that's great I've heard that yoga can be really beneficial for your physical and mental health yeah I've definitely noticed a difference since I started doing it it helps me feel more relaxed and focused that's awesome I've been thinking about starting to do yoga myself do you have any tips for someone who is new to it Yale definitely my biggest tip would be to start slowly and be patient with yourself it takes time to build up your flexibility and strength and try to find a class or instructor that works for you there are so many different styles of yoga so it's important to find one that you enjoy okay thanks for the advice I'll keep that in mind do you have any hobbies yeah I have a few hobbies that I enjoy I like to read and write in my free time that's school what do you like to read I mostly read fiction but I also like to read nonfiction in poetry what about you what are your hobbies I like to play sports and go hiking I also like to cook and try new recipes those all sound like fun hobbies do you have a favorite recipe that you like to cook yeah I love making homemade pasta it's a little time consuming but it's worth it when you taste the final product that sounds delicious I'll have to try making homemade pasta sometime thanks for the suggestion have you tried gardening yes I've tried gardening a few times I enjoy growing my own herbs and vegetables that's really cool what are your favorite plants to grow I really enjoy growing tomatoes in basil they are both really easy to grow and they taste great in a variety of dishes yeah I agree tomatoes and basil are both really versatile do you have any tips for someone who is new to gardening sure a few tips for someone who is new to gardening would be to start small and choose plants that are easy to grow in your area it's also important to water your plants regularly and make sure they're getting enough sunlight okay that's helpful thanks for the tips I might try gardening myself no problem I'm glad I could help gardening can be a really rewarding hobby so I hope you enjoy it I'm not sure what to wear to the party I have a few different options but I can't decide which one to go with well what's the dress code for the party that can help narrow down your options it's supposed to be semi-formal in that case you could wear a nice dress or a suit or if you want to be a little more casual you could wear dress pants and a button-up shirt that's a good point I have a few dresses and a suit that I could wear yeah those are all good options it really just depends on your personal Style and what you feel most comfortable in yeah I think I'll go with the black dress thanks for your help no problem I'm glad I could help you'll look great no matter what you choose I just got a new smart watch it's really cool wow that's awesome what kind of smart watch did you get it's an Apple Watch it can do a lot of different things like track my workouts and send me notifications oh I've heard really good things about the Apple watch what's your favorite feature so far I really like the fitness tracking feature it helps me stay motivated to stay active and reach my daily exercise goals yeah that's a great feature do you have any other favorite features on your smart watch I also really like the ability to customize the watch face there are so many different options to choose from so I can always switch things up and make it look the way I want that's really cool I'm glad you're enjoying your new smart watch hey what do you think of this gaming console I'm thinking about buying it well it looks like a really good console it has a lot of great features and a lot of popular games available for it yeah that's what I was thinking I've heard really good things about it yeah I think it's definitely worth considering have you played any of the games on it yet no I haven't had a chance to try it out yet I was hoping to get some feedback from you before I make a decision well from what I've heard the games on this console are really fun and the graphics are top-notch I think it would be a good purchase if you're into gaming I'm really concerned about my online privacy it feels like there's so much information out there that's accessible to anyone who wants to see it yeah online privacy is definitely something to be concerned about there are steps you can take to protect your information though like what one thing you can do is use a virtual private Network VPN when you're browsing the internet a VPN encrypts your internet connection and helps to protect your data from being tracked or intercepted oh that's a good idea what about social media how can I make sure my information is private there on social media you can control who can see your posts and personal information by adjusting your privacy settings you can also be cautious about what information you share and be selective about who you accept as a friend or follower Lionel Messi is my favorite soccer player he's just so talented and he's always fun to watch yay Messi is definitely one of the best soccer players in the world his skills are just incredible I know right I can't get enough of watching him play have you seen him play in person no I haven't had the chance to see him play live but I've watched a lot of his games on TV and he never disappoints yeah he's just amazing I'm really glad I got to see him play in person when he was in town a few years ago it was an incredible experience wow that must have been amazing I'm a little jealous maybe I'll get a chance to see him play Live someday hey do you want to start a new game I'm feeling kind of bored and I could use something to do sure what game do you want to play I don't know what do you feel like playing how about we play a board game I have a few different ones we could choose from yeah that sounds good what board games do you have I have Monopoly Scrabble and clue which one do you want to play Let's play Monopoly I haven't played that in a while and I used to love it okay sounds good let's set it up and get started I'm so addicted to this game I can't stop playing it well it must be really fun what game are you playing it's a puzzle game it's really simple but it's just so satisfying to beat the levels oh I see I've played a few puzzle games like that before they can be really addictive yeah it's hard to put it down I just keep telling myself I'll play One More Level and then I end up playing for hours yeah I know the feeling sometimes it's hard to pull ourselves away from our screens yeah I know I'm trying to be better about not spending so much time on my phone but this game is just so hard to resist yeah it can be tough just make sure you take breaks and take care of yourself too hey I went to a concert last night it was so much fun wow that sounds like a great time who did you see I saw a band called The Strokes they are one of my favorite bands and it was so cool to see them live oh I've heard of them how was the concert it was amazing the energy in the room was just electric and the music was so good that sounds like a really cool experience I'm glad you enjoyed it yeah it was definitely one of the best concerts I've been to I'm already planning on going to more concerts in the future that's awesome it's always great to see live music I'm a marketing manager at a startup it's been really interesting working at a small company oh that sounds like a cool job what do you do as a marketing manager I'm responsible for promoting our company and its products or services that includes things like creating ads developing social media campaigns and working with media Outlets to get coverage wow that sounds like a lot of work how do you like it I really enjoy it it's challenging but it's also very rewarding to see the results of my efforts and to be able to contribute to the growth of the company that makes sense I've always been interested in marketing but I haven't had a lot of experience in it do you have any advice for someone who is just starting out in marketing sure my advice would be to always be learning and to be open to trying new things marketing is a constantly evolving field so it's important to stay up to date and to be willing to try new strategies and approach us oh I see what do you enjoy most about your job I really enjoy the variety of tasks that I get to do on a daily basis no two days are ever the same which keeps things interesting yeah that sounds really nice what kind of tasks do you do I work in customer service so I get to interact with people from all different walks of life and help them with their needs it's very rewarding to be able to make a difference in someone's day yeah that sounds really fulfilling I can imagine it's very satisfying to be able to help people definitely I really enjoy my job and I'm grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on people's lives hi what do you enjoy most about your job I really enjoy helping people I work in customer service so I get to talk to a lot of different people every day and try to solve their problems that sounds really rewarding yay it is I also like that no two days are the same I never know what kind of questions or issues I'll have to deal with so it keeps things interesting that does sound interesting what's the most challenging part of your job the most challenging part is probably when I have to deal with difficult customers it can be tough to stay calm and find a solution when someone is angry or upset yeah I can imagine but it's important to stay professional and try to find a way to help them exactly it's all about finding a way to make the customer happy and resolve their issue that's what I enjoy most about my job hi what do you do for a living I'm a nurse I work at a hospital in the Intensive Care Unit well that sounds like a really important job it can be challenging at times but I really enjoy it I like being able to help people when they are sick and in need of medical care that's really admirable what made you decide to become a nurse I've always been interested in the medical field and I wanted to find a way to make a difference in people's lives I also like the idea of being able to work in a variety of settings like hospitals clinics or even schools or nursing homes that's really cool it sounds like you have a lot of opportunities in your field yay there are definitely a lot of different options I'm glad I chose this career because I feel like I'm able to make a positive impact on people's lives every day what do you do for fun on the weekends I like to go hiking and spend time Outdoors it's a great way to clear my mind and get some exercise that sounds really nice do you have any favorite hiking spots yay I love going to the mountains there are so many beautiful trails to explore and the scenery is just breathtaking yeah I can imagine I've always wanted to try hiking but I'm not sure I'm in good enough shape it's definitely good to be in good physical condition but you don't have to be an athlete to enjoy hiking there are Trails for all different levels of ability you just need to start small and work your way up what did you do last weekend I spent most of the weekend at home just relaxing and catching up on some TV shows that I've been meaning to watch oh that sounds nice what shows did you watch I watched a few seasons of a show called stranger things on Netflix it's really good have you seen it no I haven't seen it yet what's it about it's a science fiction show set in the 1980s it's about a group of kids who try to save their friend from a supernatural Force it's really well written and the acting is great how was your day-to-day it was good I had a lot of work to do but I was able to get everything done on time that's great what kind of work do you do I work in an office as a receptionist I answer phone calls greet visitors and do some basic office tasks oh that sounds like a lot of responsibility do you enjoy your job yay I do I like the variety of tasks that I get to do and I enjoy interacting with people plus I get to work in a nice comfortable office environment that's good to hear it's always nice to have a job that you enjoy thank you what are your plans for the weekend I'm not sure yet I'm thinking about going to the beach or maybe checking out a new restaurant that sounds like fun have you been to the beach before yeah I go to the beach a lot in the summer I love the sun and the sand and it's just a really relaxing place to be yeah I totally agree I love going to the beach too it's always so nice to just sit back and relax and enjoy the natural beauty definitely I think I'm going to go to the beach this weekend I could use a little relaxation and some time in the Sun I'm thinking about taking a trip to Europe next year have you ever been to Europe yes I have I've been to a few different countries in Europe including France Italy and Spain oh that's really cool how did you like it I loved it the history culture and food were all amazing I also really enjoyed meeting people from different parts of the world that sounds amazing I've always wanted to go to Europe what was your favorite country that you visited it's hard to pick just one favorite but I would say that Italy was my Top Choice the food was amazing the art was beautiful and the people were so friendly yeah I've heard that Italy is really amazing I've always wanted to go and see all of the beautiful art and architecture maybe I'll have to make it a stop on my trip next year I look forward to hearing your impressions of your trip to Italy have you heard about the new Museum that just opened in the city no I haven't what kind of museum is it it's an art museum they have a lot of interesting exhibits including some famous paintings and sculptures oh that sounds really interesting I love going to museums and seeing all of the different tart have you been to the new Museum yet yes I went last weekend it was really amazing the exhibits were really well done and there was so much to see that's really cool I'll have to check it out thanks for the recommendation have you tried that new Thai restaurant that just opened up downtown no I haven't I've been meaning to check it out though I love Thai food yeah me too I went to the restaurant last night and it was really good the flavors were really authentic and the service was excellent that's great to hear I'll have to make a reservation and check it out for myself thanks for the recommendation no problem I'm sure you'll enjoy it they have a really good selection of dishes on the menu so you're sure to find something you like that's good to know I'm definitely going to check it out thanks again for the recommendation I'm thinking about going back to school to get my MBA what do you think that's a great idea MBA can be really beneficial in terms of career advancement and earning potential yeah that's what I'm hoping I've been working in my current job for a few years now and I feel like I'm ready for a change I think getting an MBA would give me the skills and knowledge I need to take on new challenges and opportunities absolutely an MBA program can be really intensive but the experience and education you get from it is well worth it plus it's a great way to network and meet other Professionals in your field yeah I've heard that too I'm still trying to decide which program to apply to but I'm definitely considering going back to school that's great I'm sure you'll make the right decision and find a program that's a good fit for you good luck with your decision have you heard about the new yoga studio that just opened up in the neighborhood no I haven't is it any good yeah it's really great I've been going to a few of the classes and the instructors are all really knowledgeable and helpful that sounds really nice I've been wanting to try yoga for a while but I wasn't sure where to go do they offer a variety of classes Yale they have a really good selection of classes for all different levels they have beginner classes as well as more advanced classes for people who have been practicing for a while that's really great to know I think I'll have to check it out thanks for the recommendation no problem I'm sure you'll enjoy it the studio has a really welcoming and supportive atmosphere and the classes are a lot of fun thank you I'm thinking about getting a new car what do you think that's a big decision do you have a specific car in mind yeah I'm thinking about getting a hybrid I really want to do my part to help the environment and I've heard that hybrids are really fuel efficient that's a good point hybrids can be a good choice if you want to save on fuel costs and reduce your carbon footprint have you looked at any specific models yeah I'm considering the Toyota Prius or the Honda Insight they both have really good reviews and they are both affordable those are both great options it's always a good idea to do your research and consider your needs and budget before making a big purchase like a car good luck with your decision I'm thinking about getting a dog what do you think that's a big decision do you have any specific breed in mind yeah I'm thinking about getting a Labrador Retriever I've heard they are really friendly and good with kids that's true Labradors are a popular breed and they are known for being loyal and affectionate but they can also be energetic so they'll need plenty of exercise and attention yeah I'm prepared for that I've always wanted a dog and I'm willing to put in the time and effort to take care of one that's great to hear owning a dog can be a lot of work but it can also be a really rewarding experience just make sure you do your research and understand the responsibilities of being a dog owner before you make the decision to get one yeah I will thanks for the advice I'm still considering all my options but I think a dog would be a great addition to my family I'm sure it would just make sure you're ready to commit to the time and effort it takes to care for a dog and I'm sure you'll have a great companion good luck with your decision hey have you heard about that new restaurant that just opened up downtown no I haven't what's it like I heard it's really nice they have a really diverse menu and the reviews have been really positive that sounds interesting I love trying new restaurants do you think we should check it out this weekend yeah I think that would be a great idea I heard they have a really nice outdoor seating area too so we could enjoy the nice weather sounds perfect I'm definitely in what time should we plan to go how about we meet at the restaurant at seven o'clock that way we can get there before it gets too busy seven o'clock sounds good to me I'm looking forward to it where did you grow up I grew up in the city it was a really exciting place to live there was always something going on and I loved being able to walk everywhere that sounds like a lot of fun I grew up in a small town so it was a lot quieter yeah it was definitely a different experience but I love the energy and diversity of the city it was a great place to grow up I can imagine I've always enjoyed visiting the city but I think I prefer the slower pace of small town life that's understandable everyone has different preferences but I'm grateful for the opportunity to have grown up in the city it was a really special place hey how was your day today it was pretty good I had a lot of work to do but I managed to get everything done and how was your day it was pretty good too I had a meeting with my boss this morning to go over some new projects and then I spent the rest of the day working on those projects sounds like you had a productive day what are these new projects you're working on they are marketing campaigns for a couple of our new products we're trying to get the word out and increase sales that sounds interesting I'm sure you'll come up with some great ideas thanks I'm hoping to have a few ideas ready to present at the meeting next week good luck with that I'm sure you'll do great is there anything you need help with actually I could use some help with the social media aspect of the campaign do you have any experience with that yeah I've done a lot of social media marketing in the past I'd be happy to help out that would be great thank you I'll send you the details and we can work on it together no problem I'm looking forward to it hello is this John yes this is John speaking who is this hi John it's Sarah we met at the networking event last week oh hi Sarah it's nice to hear from you how are you doing I'm doing well thanks I just wanted to follow up with you about the opportunity we discussed at the event sure what did you have in mind I was wondering if you'd be interested in meeting up to discuss it further I have some ideas I'd like to run by you yeah that sounds great when did you have in mind how about tomorrow at noon we could meet at the coffee shop on Main Street that works for me I'll see you then great I'll see you then thanks for your time John no problem Sarah I'm looking forward to it I love you I love you too I'm so glad to hear that I've been wanting to tell you for a long time I've been wanting to tell you too I've just been waiting for the right moment I'm so happy that we feel the same way about each other me too you mean the world to me you mean the world to me too I can't imagine my life without you I feel the same way you're the best thing that's ever happened to me I feel the same way about you I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you me neither let's make it happen I am so grateful to have you in my life oh thank you I feel the same way about you you mean so much to me I don't know what I do without you you're such an important part of my life too I value our friendship so much I value it too you are always there for me when I need someone to talk to or just need a shoulder to lean on of course that's what friends are for I'm always here for you no matter what I appreciate that so much you are such a kind and caring person thank you it's just in my nature to want to help others I'm glad I can be there for you does anyone have any questions about the project yes I have a question how long do we have to complete it we have until the end of the month okay thanks for clarifying do we have to complete it as a team or can we work on it individually you can work on it individually or as a team whichever you prefer okay thanks for the information I can't believe I lost my wallet I must have left it at the store oh no that's terrible do you have any idea where you left it no I don't remember I was in a rush and I think I might have left it on the cower well you should probably call the store and see if they found it yeah good idea I'll do that right now and in the meantime you should cancel your credit cards and get new ones yeah I'll do that too thanks for your help no problem I hope you find your wallet what are you up to this weekend not sure yet I haven't really made any plans what about you I'm thinking about going hiking on Saturday do you want to come with me yeah that sounds like a lot of fun where are you thinking of going there's a really nice Trail not too far from here it's about a three hour hike okay that sounds good what time do you want to meet how about we meet at the trailhead at nine whim that way we have plenty of time to enjoy the hike okay that works for me I'll see you at 9nm on Saturday great see you then I'm looking forward to it me too it should be a lot of fun hey do you want to come over and watch a movie tonight that sounds like fun what movie do you want to watch I was thinking of something funny like The Hangover oh I love that movie what time should I come over how about at seven that way we can order pizza and have it delivered before the movie starts sounds perfect I'll see you at seven then awesome see you then bye bye I'm really hungry what do you want to eat I don't know how about we go to that new restaurant down the street sure what kind of food do they serve I think it's Italian they have pasta pizza and lots of other dishes that sounds great let's go okay let me just grab my keys and we can go okay I'll meet you in the car see you there I can't believe how much homework I have to do tonight yeah me too I have a bunch of Muk problems to finish I have an English essay to write and a science project to work on that sounds rough do you want to work on it together that would be great thanks for offering no problem we can work on it at the library it's usually pretty quiet there that's a good idea let's go okay let me just pack up my stuff and we can go I can't believe the exams are next week I feel so unprepared yeah me too I'm really nervous about it I wish I had studied more earlier in the semester me too but it's not too late to start studying now we can go over the material together that would be really helpful thanks for offering no problem we can meet at the library every day until the exams that sounds like a good plan let's do it great I'll bring my notes and we can get started I have a presentation at work tomorrow and I'm really nervous why are you nervous you're always a great presenter I don't know I just feel like I'm not prepared enough you'll do fine just make sure you practice your presentation and go over your notes beforehand yeah I'll do that I'm just worried about messing up or forgetting something it's normal to feel anxious before a presentation just try to focus on your message and don't worry too much about making mistakes you'll do great thanks for the encouragement I'll try to relax and focus you got this good luck tomorrow I really wish I could travel more but I just can't afford the time yeah I understand traveling can be expensive and time consuming yeah and with work and other responsibilities it's hard to find the time to just get away have you thought about taking a shorter trip or maybe just a weekend getaway that might be more doable with your schedule yeah I've considered that but even a weekend trip can be expensive especially if you have to pay for flights and hotels that's true but there are ways to save money on travel you could look into finding cheaper flights or staying in Airbnb rentals instead of hotels or you could try road tripping and camping instead of flying those are good ideas I'll have to see what I can do thanks for the suggestion no problem I hope you're able to find a way to travel that works for you and your budget I'm really tired today I didn't get much sleep last night yeah not getting enough sleep can make you feel really tired have you tried any relaxation techniques before bedtime like reading or listening to calming music yeah I usually try to wind down before bed but I just couldn't fall asleep last night sometimes it can help to avoid screens before bedtime as the blue light can disrupt your sleep have you tried avoiding screens for a while before bed I usually try to avoid screens but last night I was just so wired I don't know what the problem was it could be that you're stressed or anxious about something sometimes it helps to write down your thoughts or worries before bed to clear your mind or you could try relaxation exercise like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation yeah I might give those things a try thanks for the suggestion no problem I hope you're able to get a bet in night's sleep tonight hi I'm new to this neighborhood do you know if there's a grocery store nearby yeah there's a grocery store just a few blocks away it's called Friendly's Market oh great do you know if they have a good selection of produce yeah they have a pretty good selection they have a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables that's great do you happen to know what the prices are like the prices are pretty average they're not the cheapest but they're not too expensive either okay thanks for the information no problem let me know if you have any other questions oh my gosh this bread smells so good is it fresh from the oven yes it is I just took it out a few minutes ago wow it tastes amazing did you make it yourself yes I did I love baking bread it's one of my favorite things to do it shows because this bread is perfect can I have another slice of course here you go thanks this is so delicious I'll have to get your recipe I'd be happy to share it with you do you like to bake too I do but I'm not nearly as good as you I'll have to take some tips from you I'd be happy to help baking is a lot of fun and it's always great to share the joy with others hey how was your day it was good thanks for asking how was yours it was fine I had a lot of work to do but I'm happy to be finished for the day yeah it's always nice to relax at home after a long day what did you do after work I just came home and made dinner what about you I went to the gym and then came home and made dinner too oh that's nice I wish I had the energy to go to the gym after work it's definitely worth it it's a great way to de-stress and stay healthy yeah you're right maybe I'll try to make it a habit well I should probably get some rest it was nice talking to you yeah it was nice talking to you too have a good night hi how was your weekend it was good thanks for asking how was yours it was nice I spent some time with my family and friends what did you do I mostly just relaxed at home and caught up on some things around the house that sounds nice did you do anything fun or interesting not really just some normal stuff how about you did you do anything fun or interesting yeah I went to a baseball game with some friends it was a lot of fun that sounds like a great time I love going to baseball games yeah it was a lot of fun well I should probably get going it was nice talking to you yeah it was nice talking to you too have a great day good morning did you sleep well not really I'm not used to getting up so early how about you I slept fine thanks it's always easier for me to get up early yeah I'm just not a morning person it takes me a while to wake up well at least you're up now did you have a good weekend yeah it was nice I mostly just relax at home how about you it was good I went to a concert with some friends that sounds like a lot of fun who did you see we saw a band called The Black Keys they were amazing I've heard of them but I've never seen them live that must have been great yeah it was a lot of fun well I should probably get going it was nice talking to you yeah it was nice talking to you too have a great day do you want to sit over here actually I asked for a table over there is that okay oh sure no problem I didn't realize you had a preference it's okay I just wanted to sit by the window I like the natural light that makes sense I like sitting by the window too yeah it's nice to have a view while you're eating so what do you want to order I'm not sure yet what are you thinking of getting I'm thinking of getting the chicken salad it's one of my favorites here oh that sounds good I think I'll get that too great we can share a basket of bread too so have you been here before yes I come here pretty often the food is always really good yeah I can tell I'm really impressed with the menu yay they have a lot of great options it's always hard for me to decide what to get same here it's always nice to have a lot of choices though definitely so what do you do for work I'm a teacher I teach high school English oh that's interesting I always enjoyed English class when I was in school yeah it's a lot of fun to teach I love helping students learn and grow that's great it's always rewarding to make a difference in someone's life definitely well I'm looking forward to our meal me too I'm sure it will be delicious happy birthday I hope you like your present thank you so much I love it you're so thoughtful I'm glad you like it what are your plans for the day not sure yet I might just hang out at home and relax how about you same here I'm just going to take it easy so did you get any other presents yeah I got a few other things my family always spoils me on my birthday that's great birthdays are always a special day yay they are I'm just so grateful for everything thank you again for your present no problem I'm happy to help celebrate so do you have any big plans for the year ahead not really just taking it one day at a time how about you same here I'm just going to try to make the most of each day well I should probably get going it was nice talking to you yeah it was nice talking to you too thanks again for the present what's your sister's favorite food she hates fish and never eats any she's a vegetarian so she mostly sticks to vegetables and Grains oh I see well what's her favorite type of food then she really likes Italian food she always orders pasta when we go out to eat that's interesting I love Italian food too do you have a favorite type of food yeah I really like Mexican food I love all the different flavors and spices me too I could eat Mexican food every day do you like to cook at home yeah I love to cook I've been trying to learn more about different Cuisines and try new recipes that's great I love trying new recipes too well I should probably get going it was nice talking to you yeah it was nice talking to you too did you have a good time at the park yay it was great I went for a bike ride and it was really nice out that sounds like fun did you have a good ride yay it was great until I got back and my bike was gone someone must have stolen it oh no that's terrible did you report it to the police yeah I called them as soon as I noticed it was gone they said they would do their best to find it I hope they find it that must be really frustrating it is but I'm just glad I wasn't hurt it could have been much worse yeah that's true well I'm sorry about your bike let me know if there's anything I can do to help thanks I appreciate it I'll keep you updated hey can you speak any other languages besides English yeah I can also speak French I learned it in school and have always enjoyed practicing it that's really cool I've always wanted to learn a second language but I've never had the chance it's definitely worth it knowing a second language can open up so many new opportunities and experiences yeah I can imagine do you get to use your French very often not as much as I'd like to but I try to practice whenever I can I've been to France a few times and it's always fun to be able to communicate with the locals that sounds really exciting I've always wanted to visit France you should definitely go it's a beautiful country with so much to see and do I'll have to put it on my bucket list well I should probably get going it was nice talking to you yeah it was nice talking to you too are you going to be late today I haven't seen you yet no I'm actually running a little early I left home earlier than usual oh that's good did you have a good commute yeah it was fine the traffic wasn't too bad this morning that's always a plus so what do you have planned for today not much just the usual work stuff how about you same here I have a lot of meetings and projects to work on it's going to be a busy day yeah it's always nice to stay busy it makes the day go by faster definitely well I should probably get started it was nice talking to you yeah it was nice talking to you too have a great day did you remember to put the leftovers in the fridge yes I did I put them in the fridge as soon as we were finished eating oh good I was worried we might forget and they'd go bad yeah it's always important to store leftovers properly they'll last longer that way definitely so what do you want to do for dinner tonight I'm not sure maybe we can have the leftovers from last night that sounds good to me what do you feel like eating I'm in the mood for pizza how about you pizza sounds great to me do you want to order in or make it ourselves let's order in we can have relaxing night at home that sounds perfect I'll go ahead and place the order thanks for reminding me about The Leftovers no problem I'm always happy to help out sorry I'm late I had a really long commute today it's okay I understand was there a lot of traffic on the way here yeah there was a big accident on the highway and it really slowed things down oh no that's frustrating I hope everyone involved is okay yeah me too it was a really slow and stressful Drive well you're here now let's get started okay thanks so what's on the agenda for today we have a few meetings and then some work on a project we're working on sounds like a busy day I'll try to catch up as best I can don't worry we'll help you get up to speed it's important to take breaks and stay focused thanks I appreciate it I'm looking forward to getting started me too let's get to work look at that cat it's lying in the Sun and looks so content yay cancel of Basking in the sun they seem to really enjoy it I can understand why the sun is so warm and comforting definitely it's always nice to relax in the sun on a nice day yeah I agree so what do you want to do today I'm not sure it's such a beautiful day maybe we should go for a walk or do something Outdoors that sounds like a great idea do you have any specific place in mind no not really maybe we could just wander around and see what we find that sounds like a lot of fun I'm always up for an adventure me too let's go check out what's going on in the neighborhood how many people are you inviting to your party I asked 20 friends to come I wanted to keep it small and intimate that's a nice size I'm sure it will be a lot of fun yeah I can't wait I'm still working on the details but I think it's going to be great I'm sure it will be do you have a theme or anything planned not really I just want it to be a casual and relaxed Gathering that sounds perfect I'm sure everyone will have a great time yeah I hope so I'm just excited to see everyone and catch up I'm sure it will be a great time well I should probably get going it was nice talking to you yeah it was nice talking to you too I'll see you at the party have you thought of any names for your daughter yet yeah I really like the name Mary I think it's a classic and Timeless name I agree Mary is a beautiful name it suits a lot of different personalities yeah that's what I like about it it's versatile and can grow with the person definitely so what about a middle name do you have any ideas for that not yet I'm still trying to decide I want to find something that goes well with Mary have you thought about any family names or anything like that yeah I've considered a few options I'm just not sure which one I like best well you have some time to decide I'm sure you'll find the perfect middle name yeah I hope so I'm looking forward to meeting my daughter and giving her a name that fits her perfectly how was your stay at the luxurious Hotel it was nice but I couldn't really feel at home it was just too fancy for me oh I see I guess some people just prefer a more comfortable and relaxed atmosphere yeah I'm definitely one of those people I like a place where I can just relax and be myself I can understand that so what did you do during your stay not much just stayed in the room and watch TV it was nice to have a break but I miss being in my own home yeah it's always nice to be in a familiar Place well I'm glad you had a good time even if it wasn't exactly what you were expecting yeah me too it was still a nice break but I'm glad to be back home I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the hard work you've been putting in you've been doing an amazing job thank you I really appreciate that it's been a lot of hard work but it's been worth it yeah I can tell your dedication and commitment to your work is really impressive thank you I really appreciate your support it means a lot to me no problem I'm always here to support you keep up the great work I will thanks for the encouragement it really means a lot foreign
Channel: Practice Makes Fluent - Lifelong Learning
Views: 10,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conversation, beginner, basic, words, vocabulary, learn, phrases, grammar, ESL, EFL, listening, practice
Id: oAu3QBaIozw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 45sec (4905 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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