Making The HARDEST Troll Parkour In Minecraft

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hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here along with the bodies and welcome to an awesome day of live streaming with the gang that's it that's all I got you guys like that you like that little intro thing there yeah that was pretty good yeah yeah thank you this is live streaming yeah live streaming no but in all serious as though guys we do have a fun day ahead of us today we have our favorite uh always difficult and annoying and and and very much so not possible then after the troll parkour we have Mike Myers and then we're doing some perfect Heist uh hanging out uh against the mods which by the way uh we gotta make sure we tell them on so that's happening yeah that would be nice yeah it's going to be a fun old time uh we're ready to go we're ready to uh to get this thing rolling but for those who don't know how we do the troll parkour let me explain it to you there are many different sections to this thing if you beat one section and you get it first place then you get three points if you get second place you get two and if you come in last place for that section you get one after you uh defeat a section you have to wait for the other people to finish and then you move on to the next round and so on and so forth uh roro made these and made them probably impossible so uh he claims they're easy this time terrible creative uh no he tested them in general that's the problem we need a normal person to test them yeah the parkour he's a little it's a little dangerous uh also guys big day also press F3 in age room that'll fix any weird glitches of the moving Parts oh so like no problems like last time at least right that's pretty sick actually I like that guys we do have something pretty awesome as well it finally came in the mail after we finished the last dab I had blade and look around and I think it was Luke uh or no it was one of the two I don't know who finally found the next round of hot sauce challenge for us this one is 12 Parts everyone it's got a bunch of ones here so we're gonna we're gonna go through the list of them it is from the hot sauce challenge the book of Pleasure and Pain um and so we're gonna go through the lineup as usual he's still using the other ones one through twelve and then each day that we hit that goal we're gonna go ahead and then have one of these in order it's gonna get hotter and hotter and hotter as the days go by it starts off and I did check by the way they are vegetarian so uh but uh the first one is called bacon hot sauce so it's bacon flavored but then it goes all the way down to um well there's one here called hot sauce from heck hot sauce from heck Devil's Revenge then there's the last one spontaneous combustion uh ow everyone yeah ow all right ready uh ready I'm ready I think we are pretty much all ready to go so emotionally ready but without further Ado let's get ready to a Womble in three and get steak two one go oh oh and can't be here it stopped already what's that oh your thing broke already yeah no I think his thing actually it actually broken the momentum doesn't carry it over how did you think this is gonna go three oh wow that's what monkey did to break it dropsy he dropped in the way and then yeah I tried to make it if I have three and a it's fine hey yeah no yours is fine he had to get a whole rebuild oh God do I have to keep the momentum for that I think I do you might need to looking at that oh this is supposed to be easier I don't think roro understands what those words mean no oh my God Aurora um also if you hit tab you can see the amount of depths bro Luke stop it I think it's just been doing a butt I want to try one of these one time they seem impossible they're actually terrible at all why you might just do these in creative I think you have to land on that moving block dropsy to make it work thanks let me see uh I think oh yeah that's definitely doable if no I took damage and it messed up the momentum is why I see you I don't know it should work probably hopefully hey my middle one's broken oh no wait patiently Austin Owens with a 50 stream dip and he chose the kill wisely The Intern that is a wise choice A very wise choice I had to be honest I'm kind of jealous so it turns out quick you know I have to agree with that choice though that is good delicious yeah check this out you can just oh what should I just did I'm not gonna do this I'm not gonna actually do much more but we need to show that this is possible okay oh you can just jump right over the middle wait what you don't need to land on it so confused but okay you just oh you can't no are you saying you don't have to land on the tracks yeah look at that one no no you you can land on the track and you can just jump you can make the jump from the track but mine stopped again it's fine I'm gonna just well now yeah roro bro oh my God but like my beginning went broke yeah it's just uh this makes it a little easier so I'm not gonna go until this one's fixed Aurora fixing mine makes it easy I don't want it to be oh are you still if you're still going I'm still going all right bro we need another fix buddy oh cap I don't even know I'm so sorry I didn't know she won oh that's because you're muted yeah oh that one explain it sorry sorry there's three yard work outside I won all right so Kathy gets three points on the board oh my God sorry about that there's really loud yard work outside also guys I'm just gonna say real quick my stomach since yesterday after doing the last dab and one through twelve of these is in shambles please don't make it happen again like genuinely not today I I like I think I think if Luke was throwing eggs at my thing I think it just broke it dropsies come very close multiple times now oh oh my God I am not uh [Music] yeah drops he wants out I know it I don't blame her oh my middle one's broken again oh my gosh again this is a Bro you've outdone yourself this time definitely you made this one completely miserable thank you that's what he always does there's not a new there dang it oh my God I'm just I'm just jumping around it to be honest Aurora he did a good job okay Luke what Luke's just being a butt do you not feel like he did a good job no he did a fine job it's it's annoying but it's a good job someone's calling me and I cannot answer right now Mr office you got this jump you can do this I'm gonna oh man there's a shoe in the intern can you not do it over my Lane please fine cap would you like a potato gun I would love it oh my it's my two favorite things potatoes and guns I never had one of these in real life but I feel like that's for a good reason they're dangerous yeah it's not fair Luke you can't shoot me with the potato gun and not let me shoot you back what typically Powers potato like the potato cannons like you have uh aerosol yeah so sometimes it's like a uh ignition guess that you like spray in and then you like light a lighter into it and then hmm well I feel like they're probably not even dangerous they're so good it can be yeah yeah the good ones are so dangerous you're essentially just shooting something ideally not at other people but you know worse comes down to it you're still shooting a pretty solid projectile at people I wonder if I can hit myself with my own potato that one went too far here maybe if I like Facebook oh oh make us do these bro yeah you got this monk you just gotta believe in yourself the way that I used to believe in you oh dropsy found the secret I broke it oh my God hold on take advantage I don't think I can make that jump not not without momentum Willy are you bribing them to bop in return for hot sauces oh my god um you can't make that without taking damage unless you're talking about whoops oh the thing oh oh my own potato my own potato oh oh do you actually get yourself your own potato yeah yeah it's totally possible come on come on all right we're good it's done it's over yeah thank God all right so monkeys two points dropsy gets one GG for the first round now the next round should be much easier I hate you actually I'm doing it it's easy it doesn't Okay it looked as bad but it definitely doesn't look good okay all right guys so we have Cappy at three a monkey two dropsy at one that's okay here we go three two one go good luck cap I think you're gonna get the win Captain Champion dropsy has two wins on this uh Jones Cappy though is the last I played a very different parkour oh God they they were not this oh my God I landed on it and then I stopped because I thought I'd missed there you go monk you got nothing um all right you're welcome thanks for the vote of confidence Bud hey oh he's always count on me I think I can't even count how am I supposed to count on somebody oh dang okay I think I'm out of curiosity when it comes to parkour does not I mean I guess monkeys do have opposable thumbs never mind you're fine you're fine yeah oh my God Aurora what have you made hmm fun fun you this is the creation of fun in real time oh my God cap is on fire captain is it done almost almost dude bro ah dang hey Madison Gerber let's go with a 50 stream dip to double steak bomb monkey that's a minute of the steak that's just you just why do you do these things keep it going keep him stink bomb forever that's honestly amazing who who wants this why why do you why why is you the way that you is oh my God oh my gosh bro well I jumped in the east side of the second one yeah you can make it back out though I know it looks really weird it does especially when all I can see is steak oh yeah that is a different perspective yeah it's not what I want to see and there we go we have a 75 stream tip from Shane McGee he said I think I heard it's date night again let's get up it actually kind of is I got this let's go get them on date night oh I have I have a uh concert tickets but it's because I have all the concert tickets I got like a really good season pass to this place and I can basically just go to any concert I want for the whole season and you're gonna hate me it was only like 200 bucks wow nice yeah pretty insane actually yeah next week like there's like next week and Snoop Dogg then like a week or two after that is Fallout Boy this week is uh or you know right now some guy named Dirks Bentley I don't know apparently he's a big country artist oh here's number one some guy and he names one of the biggest country artists there's Matchbox 20 as well yeah everything that's a hot sauce number one though got the hashtag rigs in chat rigged rig rig rigged rigged I can't believe it oh my God I'm actually dude I was back because from reading online this hot sauce challenge the book of Pleasure and Pain supposedly is very uh yikes yes the beginning ones obviously it starts off easy and then it just gets bad and then bad and then bad last one is so rough cap almost had that one dude it's so hard to figure out where you can stand and where you can't because physics did I just stay with the law of jump high to low and I typically make it I can't make it after the second spinning one and it's like the second whisk or you know what I make that and then it's the single platform after that I can't get I can land on it I haven't made it past yeah I can land on it that's no problem oh my gosh all right cap I'm assuming you've made it through the second to last one or something yeah dang that's that last that middle jump is difficult it sure is right I don't even know how to time it dude the chat's like this is one of the biggest country music artists ever I think they're just blown away yes no idea I think I I think I do know how to time it but that is not fun it's not fun at all okay like we do okay dang it really roaro what possibly tipped you off to this I like when monk speaks German yeah yeah that's not Germany jeez oh my God yeah it's cap how many times have you made it to the fourth thing ah like a handful of times now like four times jumping from the top of the block uh I'm jumping from the underside I walk backwards and then I jump yeah yeah okay so it is from rotates it's at the top right yes yeah yeah okay I'm I'm understanding that's what I figured but I wanted to make sure it was awesome I see someone's name at the end that's me Rising blade of the 50 stream tip I'm sorry cap bro no no um you were gonna pay for my therapy no can't pay enough they're all I'll need a lot of it too oh my God I'm turning 30 soon oh no oh no I'm turning 30. oh dude I'm 29. I've now figured out the trick and that is not that terrible also Willie stop instigating them for the hot sauce I told you I'm already not feeling great for the last dab yesterday and I'm going to a concert tonight I cannot have a blowout at the concert I can't have a bathroom blowout please literally no point at all dude dude Willie's rubbing in Shadows imagine being old to me you know what Willie he'll pay for that comment later me and capper's just basically 30 years young okay in reality 30 is not old just people feel old I felt old since like 25. that's um me showing up hasn't helped at all no you're just like a baby everyone feels young compared to a baby yes and I then I should be helping you know oh yeah definitely yeah oh oh my God over there look at the other side oh no Rising blade of the 50 stream tip I'm sorry from a potato gun to the Head I'm pretty sure that was the 50 stream tip was to kill you oh no and that's what he did I'm sorry I'm sorry I was so close sorry we've had this discussion do not apologize we don't mean it it's like maybe I'll potatoes pet peeves since I got here is the Jerome he says sorry when he doesn't mean it but it's just such a blatant lie cause you can hear him smiling about it no honest teacher oh I'm gonna end it off enjoy the moment well we what dang I hate to pay for it later the buddies oh my God forever oh dropsy you're getting the hang of this I can make it here perfectly fine it's after that's rough so anyway cab monkey is pulled way ahead of you guys at 92 deaths yeah that is a Manny bro when I joined in it wasn't even like a meme like this isn't a joke he literally said in like a serious voice he goes no this one should be way easier than the rest it didn't he did tell us that oh Caden Balor with a 75 stream tip no he said I'm sorry my finger slipped dude I have a concert tonight do not make me have a bathroom Blowout at it number two concert bathroom is gonna be worse than normal dude dude I have a funny story and actually to be honest with you this would be Karma I have a funny story for you all with that or last time look last time I was at this venue it was early August last year so about a year ago today I was at the venue and there's a long line for the bathroom and all the guys got to like you know all the guys go to the bathroom right everything's fine and all of a sudden out of one of the Stalls someone just lets it rip and yeah but it was so loud that I because I lacked self-control sometimes I I audibly and I felt horrible afterwards audibly I went oh God and everyone started laughing and I felt so bad for this guy because I'm like as soon as because you because you don't want to leave the stall after that you're like oh no he was trapped in there for at least a few extra minutes probably just like being like oh I can't to air it out and so nobody knows exactly who it was people were all like laughing and started because I literally just like you're B and I said oh God seek medical help dude everyone just I felt so bad it was just a lack of control like it just came out you know it was it was already happening and you couldn't have stopped it I had far less control of the situation than he did you know what I'm saying like we both he no just happened to let his out the back way I just happened to let mine out audibly okay cap almost cap keeps getting to the end he's getting he's getting it down but I haven't made it to the last spinning Parts yet I can make it to the fourth one somewhere reliably but now I'm choking Madison Bop we're gonna have to timeout Willie time at Madison too just for good measure make sure no more Bob's occur we need her uh being vigilant while while you know while Willie's timed out yeah isn't Willie like the most active person on the channel he literally had the most hours yeah mud we gotta Nerf him now I checked to give the other mods a chance I was so shocked I didn't know nightbot kept track of that stuff but a little at the top there and said you're right [Music] that actually looks sick for a video oh so that actually genuinely looks sick dude he sent over a parkour map and it looks sick but it looks like it'd be way too fun we gotta we gotta you know keep these guys you know is it like a Minecraft Parkour or just a parkour cool and even roro is saying the next part isn't easy what like oh what did we do to you roar throwing it throwing it back to a classic it's not even interesting so it doesn't move but yeah I think this might be the hardest one it's just fences okay well the score is now five Cappy Five Monkey two dropsy one intern okay ready yeah if everyone's ready hey we don't have an intern anymore oh he died yeah good anyways three two one go Jesus Christ Jerome oh what did I do I didn't kill him I know I did I just didn't expect what is the gimmick what is wrong like just the last possible second to jump is that it I think so pretty much like the last oh my God [Music] um you're okay roro need help okay all right Jesus saying it I was doing so good I got all the way to the first fence post that like the first single fence post 50 get the last dab I don't even know that's gonna be I mean he lives nearby me I could make I could ask him to but I don't think he would take it I don't think he could force him I would perish she said yeah I don't think he does well with hot sauce I'm sorry buddy God I had to jump for a second but then I was I know how to do this but it's like getting it down consistently is going to be do you think so off face would help Jerome no you know just uh yeah no God just kill me already oh my God you are sick in the head auroro dude this one seems big I agree this might be the hardest part Joey B with 120 Euro stream dip said hot sauce come on bro and steak bomb cap gets a steak bum I get a hot sauce and uh this is habanero pepper and habanero pepper powder number three guys not today to go to he's got a four block fence fence post that's where that's where I felt last time cap do you could you just why do you do this [Laughter] but well I you can struggle more than me I don't mind why are they so bad here let me fix sorry fixed hey Cat I got this for you yeah oh very nice wow wrong command that way you can poke monkey with it bro that thing has absurd reach cap actually if you want to poke me with the thing I don't mind just you saw the knockback I don't think I can actually hit you with it I think he gave me the wrong thing the extendo grip or is it in the offhand that's what I was using you can have two of them one in your main one in your off hand and you'll be able to reach like 10 blocks away or something absurd all right all right oh how many more of these are there oh my what is bro what is wrong with you looking at the last one all right just one left yeah there's one left I swear oh dropsy let's go let's go please finish it I'll take the L on this one I think I need to keep momentum on this I don't know if this is possible without just going for it yeah you need to keep momentum throughout the entire thing that you can't finish it oh but well Blade's saying to make me suffer I hope they blow up your server I'm done I'm gonna murder you in real life well I just said to G no roaro I think oh okay maybe you but definitely anyone involved Jesus I hate that third jump oh my gosh didn't judge me you ain't the Gingerbread what a close round though five five somebody I know someone's gonna have seven five six five wow 765 is gonna be the score or leading up to the last one I'm okay with losing this one it's that painful I mean it looks it looks quite bad let me try let me try dropsies Lane I failed oh my God I hit tab Muk 167. bro I don't want to talk about it okay it's a day you caused this did I though you won I'm gonna shoot my Snorlax for happiness all right we're done we're done yep we're good all right monk gets two points [Music] track the final one we have monk with seven cap with six drops you with five [Music] what are you doing I'm good I'm good I'm good [Laughter] she kept teleporting to me oh okay if I get first and Monk gets less if cap finishes second we can all get something because we'd all tie yeah let's cost him like a thousand dollars yeah let's do it I think there is a price tag I believe there is yes everybody remember your spawn point yep what is this I also have my kill Roar pretty when you guys are yep oh this must give you like super speed is there a time limit on being ready for this yeah we don't want to be already you've got to mentally prepare here we go three two one now all right I just I just missed yeah Cappy off to a fantastic start oh this is okay this is gonna be miserable because the fan oh don't hit the last slime block oh yeah you guys sick in the head let me up got this monk let me up I'm cheering for you buddy I think you got this you might be you might win your first troll parkour I think I've come close to winning in all of them but I've never won God picks a special type of gamer to make things miserable for everybody I guess yeah Aurora tried he tried to it takes an Uber Swift no he didn't he tried to make him miserable jeez look no I will not look oh my God so I made it easier too easy too much easier there's no two easier I think he's got it cap I don't even know how to I just tried it and I I don't get it do you have to are you trying to land on top of that stone block I believe so you have to or are you trying to get underneath it hit your head on it right now see I just balanced and it didn't get me high enough yeah you might have to go underneath it that's what I'm saying yeah I think you I think you're supposed to go underneath it and then that bounces you into that I I think that's exactly what you do yeah you have to like Ricochet off the bottom of it into the ceiling are you touching this world this is doable in survival mind you testing and creative doesn't work because if we're playing this in survival okay so is it underneath roro God auroro he's not even typing in chat Aurora he's always testing it right now oh he's just I'm waiting for him to feed it give me feedback on this jump yeah right I think he's saying you like jump into the fan [Music] Jesus are you kidding me we have to throw ourselves as a curveball yes you got this throw off a sheer Cliff after this damn hey I'm gonna act like you oh there is a stream tip to make it easier that could happen are you not a fan of this jump interns can you run slash kill intern one two three four for me real quick there you go just Jim a freebie what did I do oh nothing too you have to you might just be able to okay hold on wait a minute okay so that violently pushes you to the other side yeah like you might just be able to jump it though from the from the platform onto the stone block I just don't know if you have enough height to make it up after that hey I don't think you can make it on top I think you can and I will I almost did for that fan right to prove that theory yeah I know so maybe you can I don't know dang it oh my God I'm so close okay I think it's another one uh last second you have to jump it oh I see what roro's trying to do he's trying to jump like into the fan yeah that's what I've been trying I'm about to try a more angled approach if I can just get over there I believe in ukip how do you you guys got this I don't even know what they're trying to attempt to right now oh have you been okay different drops yeah are you going to because I have an idea you're able to jump over son of a goose yeah you can make it onto that stone blocks I think that's the preferred terminology right now wait so you jumped up over the fan is being you jump just jump straight from that from that platform onto the stone block you don't need to jump into the fan yeah anything fancy wait what yeah it's a tough jump but you can make it okay no like slime block you just no slime block no nothing okay no that's that's doable seat with a 100 stream tip for the peanut can and to make things easier so guys would you like me to get rid of the fan uh it's not necessary now they found a cheese after we figured out how to avoid the things can we hold it do you guys want to hold on to the easier yeah yeah I'd say hold it all right they're gonna hold on to it it's like it's still obnoxiously difficult but it's doable I think it's more doable than whatever railroad intended yeah for someone who doesn't do parkour outside of videos I I think it's it's more doable than what was originally there I still have no idea of the original intent of that jump was I think I do and it's it's weird the slime block and you'd curve into the fan and try to keep the bounces through the other slime blocks so that you have enough at the end that's that's a lot you're mad man I just prefer that and thank you again Jeet by the way I appreciate you and Joey B you guys are both our captains of the live stream thank you we take a little damage but that's preferred no um oh my God I hate you ready spaghetti where I feel like it should be I don't know how we'd do it all the Buddies get Elaine I think that's how it is roro and one lane all the Buddies get their own Lanes but we all are working together so one of us finishes that counts as a team Point Team Buddies versus roro in one of these challenges God this is somebody do you think we'd win that would probably know we'd get annihilated if he's the one making them then we don't win even if he doesn't even if you don't oh that's fair dang what do you say I might need to practice some but I can compete I I don't know dude I think if we all I feel like we could beat him in under those circumstances I think it'd be close I know man OS only be to harm roro deal then we're definitely winning wait really wait really wait is the internet telling you that oh my God I'm going to show you the the straps I was I was trying a different jump that was also Possible Oh my God that is silly is did you did he show you what I did I just did that drop scene I cheesed it first try like that is yeah well you're in Creative so it doesn't count if you do it first try but thank you for testing it's so much easier than whatever no much it's we're like so close to the end of the the end of this that bro what even you're supposed to be on a rotating platform while a fan blows at you and jump into the wind and go to the next rotating platform you're getting I don't even know what Cap's looking at I don't I have no clue listen just because Willy Wonka had a chocolate factory doesn't mean you have to emulate them just saying roro still have the easier yeah so cap easiest cheese just jump on the fan yeah no I see f3a so I can see what's going on that is a long jump Okay jump go back but try not to get floating off every once in a while to shoot each other with a potato gun in the face I mean I'd say you guys could try but player Collision unfortunately so it's not really yeah I actually have been experimenting on my lane for a minute I'm not a fan oh I hate everything you stand for auroro bro and even everything you don't stand for everything you sit down for what is this even the stuff you said bro Jerome come here look at this Tippy monk hello bro there's a fan blowing against you when you're trying to do this rural that is actually that's just wrong dude I think I know what part you guys are Gonna Wanna yeah can we is it the spinning platforms no I made it past that and there's a button on this next wall oh and like sends out three blocks and you have to press the button jump into a into the wall I can break that fan I I haven't even I haven't even seen what you're talking about even with the fan gone I'm Gonna Miss This how like I sometimes wish we could okay if it makes you feel better we can make Steve at first for Mike Myers sure why not I don't even want to move yet because I'm just going to die that's the spirit dude you get it now I'm gonna try all right nope oh my God what happened man I died real fast bud it's not even getting there anymore I think I can get there Jesus okay bedroom you remember that command I had you run earlier yeah yeah you want it you want another one yeah yeah ridiculous did you please yep yep done thank you so much my friend oh you're about to see what monkey he was talking about you're gonna be like yeah that's this is where to make it easier if I make it there I see a sign but I can't read it yep that's that's the sign he made it he made a Steve Rogers reference Latin America quote on your left yep the left is filled with and pain like this in my account right now don't listen to that one that's not the real Jerome it's a fraudster I don't even know how to yeah press the button jump up oh no I'm not there yet sorry yeah I'm just spinning on a platform right now crying it hurts my head I can't honestly I think the trick for that one is just speed you just you just flash through it yeah just blast through it if you stand there you're gonna mess up your momentum and you're gonna get spun around I was able to make it to the second jump but I couldn't think oh I feel like Jerome genuinely wants us to get somewhere at this point because he hasn't shot us in a while I have I only shot you guys for the stream like the people who stream tip like I didn't like I went out of my way and shot you guys I I want you to finish I don't know even the stream isn't messing with us anymore they just feel bad no you guys and to be honest they started helping you have one helpful thing bro I'm gonna take this L today I think you're in the middle of the pack cap you got something I got this in fact we have to get second so we can all tie you have to keep going I'm gonna try oh my God no oh this one is actually not that time bro just my least favorite thing is whenever you made it one time but you can't figure out how how yeah yeah I feel like it's way easier to jump on the fan first and then jump to that center block uh I didn't even consider that oh yeah that's what the other guys have been doing yeah I could but this tends to work well enough for me okay like at this point Jerome the less complicated I make my uh like the fewer amount of jumps I have to make the better this is the route I know at this point anything else is like uh someone potato gun Goose by the way goose is this goose a goose God oh all right and we're back do you guys want to make the Box Easier by getting rid of the fan in the back or no I don't I'll be honest yeah I mean I I personally do but I don't know about the others I don't know if they've gotten here I haven't made it that far yet oh my gosh all right I'll try again I've gotten close but Sarah monk damn oh I know we're okay okay I think I know where where it's coming out of the wall now it's just trying to get that in such like rapid succession at some point that gets me this is a strafe jump up I don't know if I can even hit that oh and there's oh the fans going against you oh God okay get rid of it I see it now we'll get rid of it get rid of it dude all right got rid of one I haven't even tried yet but get rid of it interns you have to try one dropsy for making that possible and a pleasure seeing you as always buddy you're a big supporter of the channel and we love you buddy thank you 259. that's a lot that is our current death count dude roro Leia said he said this one was easy over there he clearly lied why would you trust him I thought that wasn't more trustworthy it was a lot quicker than I thought it did I thought I would have a second to jump but you just gotta go over there any time at all yeah you gotta go go go that's what I was saying I have to know where the second one is like okay I didn't know where it is now oops once you start yeah okay oh my God I'm just I haven't even made it to this jump right here which jump the uh spinning platform fan one I haven't made that joke uh like yeah I couldn't make it there pretty reliably okay okay I just beat it oh nice way to go cap so you see where you gotta hit that button yeah there used to be a fan blowing against you doing it oh the fan there I didn't even know there was a fan that not on the spinning platform like the spinning uh smooth andesite one or whatever like even I didn't know there was a fan at the top even without a fan this is hard but with the fan that's yeah so I did it without the fan but that's hard with the fan yikes and you did it without the fan with being able to just go back there whatever you fell oh yeah yeah I mean without the pressure it's way easier okay Under Pressure three as anything is this like at all difficult up until you get to oh my god oh it's difficult before you get there okay I'd say the easiest conveyor isn't too bad yeah yeah conveys yeah oh someone is really grieving into their mic there that was probably me my bad Oh no you're good Luke that's just why do you say things why do you say things like why do you speak why why do you communicate verbally use English from the last part I don't even understand like let me try out okay you're supposed to jump at the last second with all your momentum from spam jumping oh dude that that's no way stream they're gonna need some more things to help them out they're gonna need some more things to help him out for sure that is ridiculous ah oh you have to four block jump that um instead they choose hot sauce hot sauce only one it's cheaper to help you guys there's a little bit one help in three hot sauces well they like seeing pain yeah they're seeing playing around they're seeing plenty you guys think I'm gonna break 300 before we break the map maybe my favorite parkour memory of like any of them is uh Thai I say x run I used to love and then I used to love lava run the competitive one that one was so much fun dude oh yeah wasn't that like a mini game on Hypixel or something like that uh wouldn't shock me um I don't remember to be honest but it was fun dude where you'd have to outrun the wall of lava behind you God okay what's the Rhythm one two three one shout out to 1200 people watching by the way thanks for being here everyone for you me too I'm rooting for me too that was uh genuinely I'm gonna let you TP back that was like I swear on all things I was flying by and I just I I'm so sorry that was like like genuinely oh my God I'm just flying around and I just shot and that was a ridiculous oh my God [Music] I'm sorry [Music] it was a genuine like it was a that was an actual desk pop but that was I can't believe you just asked popped trapsy but like Caden Bauer with a 300 dollar stream tip there we go to blow up the server Kaden you are our captain of the live stream thank you for letting us take out our anger on blade and then Jeet with a 60 stream tip to make things easier guys what do you think should I uh should we change up the beginning of this can these blocks just be out well can we make that a thing I have good news for you dropsy uh you don't have to be a part of the decision because Alan quote with a 200 stream tip to TP drops into the end I don't like stuff yes it's garbage parkour all right I could cry I'm gonna hover over you and see if I can help you out I can reliably get to the end now I'm not too worried this part over here the ice shoot oh you can get here relaxing okay what I was gonna say to make easier was this section just take away like the button part and just have the blocks be out oh that part's easy like you just memorize it don't rub it in my face just it's just like that's it fair enough yeah I messed up where the blocks were the first the first time and there was the fan to deal with which you know and then this one you just sucked I'll say that one you just yeah they pull through oh big time at the end you're the fans oh my God yeah uh so cap which one monk which one what are you thinking what do you think I don't know man hold on yeah actually no because that's unfair It's gotta be the same I I don't know F3 and a and there we go it's just like it's at this point it's just kind of tedious making it back that's what I'm saying that's something I can that's what I'm saying it's like you make it easier literally could be like a bridge past the first slide so you could just get onto like the belt oh wait it could be anything a check uh Luke is saying a checkpoint is that I don't think that's a is that a donation goal that's not I don't know about that yeah it's kind of yeah but like I said do you want do you want to make it quicker like monk I can make a a bridge to the conveyor belt like so just to speed things up I'd say honestly just that one stone block of that one and a site is what the so it gets me more than anything on the site all right do you guys want me to just Bridge across that then easy peasy yeah sure I mean you could just turn it off so it's just a platform turn it off uh oh the fan what yeah know that it doesn't spin so you can just oh that's what he's talking about like single block of andesite the spinning blade is nothing that one's oh it's like the single block and this side I'm just tired of having to four block that all right cap do you want me to just build a bridge across that then yeah go for it all right isn't that it's that difficult I'm just tired of it doing this every time monk yeah turn around yeah there you go Mr Cat and then you go there it's smooth dropsy I know but like that's what I've been doing I I was not making the four block jump oh I've been making the four blocks since like since we started this one I saw it and I went all right I can make this I'm gonna start getting the command ready to blow up blade server it's been like a week dude grabbing a bottle of water dude I was getting I was getting warm you didn't she didn't a little bit in the literal sense we did it though broke 300 deaths because I just keep it's like every time uh I want Oh I thought that was cab coming through there Luke and I got so scared beard beer beer all right with the basics wait okay I've tried this trap door is supposed to be down I flipped them up okay to get more speed while I'm running but maybe are they supposed to be I was gonna say they were originally down I have a feeling they might well down might make it slightly harder because like you hit your head at this end part here oh I can't I don't know okay roro does it make a difference I think there's it probably does make a difference if I'm breaking the rules yeah like like no no it's not even a rule breakthring if you can move I'm just I just don't know if they're there because it's possible when they're there versus when they're not there you get more head bumps oh so you're gaining more speed okay so maybe it's better when they're down here we go come on yeah let's go oh my God it's done it's who's your boy Go cap oh does that mean we all get something we all got it wasn't even intentional but what shall we send well attitude I thought we got to we got to oh I think I should get to pick some yeah [Laughter] oh my gosh I don't even care where I was like man I want to try this ice thing no I don't want to try this I can't believe it I feel like I put in a great showing uh you did you did the most oh I'm just shocked right now but there it is hardcore whoo now onto the fun stuff all right the server serving it up Gary's way because he's my friend oh he was mine I'm not so sure after that one but I've known him for a long time all right maybe it wasn't that easy you don't hey it was easier than the last one though right I I don't even remember the last one anymore I have a blinding rage I remember winning the last one this is about just as bad you don't remember the Neo jumps and the uh glass jumps that I hated that testing survival yep all right guys so there you have it right there awesome awesome first round now we're gonna be hiding on over to the second segment of the live stream which is Mike Myers I'm gonna go to the bathroom quick um and then we'll be good to go and I want to thank Caden Bauer once again for being our captain live stream there Jeet as always for being close to the captain live stream we had Alan guo a classic Captain we also had Joey B coming in there out of nowhere we had a lot of awesome stream tips there thank you we're also on hot sauce number four for the first day of us trying to do the hot sauce challenge the book of Pleasure and Pain that I think uh blade and Luke helped pick out so awesome awesome stuff um a back that's the one it the models not work hi Luke hello can't believe someone shot Goose though Jerome dead twice yeah I know terrible Goose did nothing wrong he's a mad at me he's run a foul of the law [Music] where no what why why are we waiting instead okay I'm waiting how uh like on top of a bench yeah yeah I think roro said something about models there might be like a resource pack we have to enable or something yeah uh we don't have oh I totally forgot to do that Jesus Luke I turned the high contrast one on I guess I mean it's all right fine you know you're just walking you know what yeah we're sitting here with them I feel like the map would look a lot better yeah yeah do you have it it was oh my god oh it was in the world folder okay yeah I wouldn't know do you hi well you want to send it well that means all right well he's clicking and dragging over to Discord I'm gonna grab water what happened who's clicking a dragon what happened a resource pack for this yeah oh my God hero where in the world just be called I put what I want in nice and private but make that gold please oh do they have different color choices yeah yeah oh they do yeah keep it open on my browser there yeah it protects me from getting a gamer dent it's totally a thing it is it is but it's still funny to hear you know Luke if you want you're welcome to join us people can get the retribution for what you just put us here wait me put you through that photo should be here oh roro's here okay oh great all right this resource pack makes this map look epic that's why I wanted this oh my God seats right now that's so cool spoilers nice and private yeah throw that resource pack on guys I can't believe you would forget about that that's crazy I even reminded you all in the chat about it how could you forget about it yeah my bad did you tell them such bad mini well uh did I tell him what did you tell Steve what was happening uh yeah I don't know you know you're you're our decision is first oh yes no I mean I said that you're first no German you put it in chat you said that your room did put it in chat no you were on myself I saw it you're a fraud do we support frauds in this business Jerome no we don't Steve now you're ready for the next week for the next two rounds I'm just saying I I saw you put it in chat it's my only one who can search the entire live stream oh now we're all here okay cool yeah I did I had to put the bottom oh you don't have to log out to do that I just gotta put in the folder and yeah open the menu oh guys look I made button to give you all sword and fireworks oh thank you yeah look at that I'll use this on you when I see you huh wait I'm not gonna get out of spectator oh this is actually cool yeah I can't believe you would forget the resource pack said that's crazy can I sit yeah there's no room only two go go for it come sit come sit on right click over here Chef strike it's actually not working more branches over here like right here oh there we go right click right click right click the middle one Jerome try it over here Mary yes this is cool yeah right option I don't know how I haven't found this map before I should this could be a Hunger Games but it's not that big Master s when did I do the hot ones the last dab hot sauce I actually did it twice I did it on two different days mainly because I knew people would be like he didn't do it I did it on two different days and it won yesterday um and then I did one I it was either the day before the day before that I don't remember which I think it was the day before yeah but we have a new pack now it's the Pleasure and Pain pack that has 12 new hot sauces that get progressively worse and worse I'm excited to try a new thing I'm excited oh my God it should not be where we were we're only on hot sauce uh the next one is for hot sauce number four though which is ghost pepper and it goes from there but people are being chill today because they know that I have a concert to go to and I do not want to blow up in the bathroom yeah that's the reason why they're doing it she's dead that is why they're doing it Steve all right are we ready to do this to me yeah why why is any Vengeance oh what what's it depend on well you're ready to be it yeah really cool OBS is opening I'm good but I do need my sword and all that good stuff there you go Luke just gave it to us yeah Dan Luke I give everyone it yeah what all right Caden Bauer you have no chill sir oh wait Luke what are you doing dude has no chill with a 75 stream tip for hot sauce number four I can't even use these fireworks no chill can you not oh yeah hold up I can't use the fireworks either I think you need to leave your current team Maybe is this an automated map being on a theme matters or I should wait why is it glowing Now teams doing the survival I joined Seeker okay good good just going to survival oh okay gotcha so as long as we're in seriously am I good I made the fireworks all pretty sure good for you but Luke I did or I didn't know because everyone else's name was like highlight yeah once they join uh Hider secret you're good oh Luke come here yes [Music] what's the jam I'm just changing up the descriptions one second okay I know you said this map isn't that large has anyone actually taken a look at the map why would we do that no Steve Steve this is most of our first time here yep we just showed up here correct but we have been on the server for a while so I didn't know if anyone wanted it I said it's not big enough for a Hunger Games I'm filing that under not my problem Steve you know how much don't worry it'll be fine it'll be great I had a I have a plan this map is oh my God oh my God the one point I'm like glowing for 30 seconds that's a death sentence I like it that's a paddling um um um um Luke is Steve supposed to be able to see our names or does he see our names no he doesn't as long as you're in team Hider it should uh yeah no one has any colors I do not see oh I didn't say yeah things up take a look at the map it's too late I'm changing things up okay well the death sentence that you said of 30 seconds of glowing is not that much of a death sentence oh well does the map get smaller as time goes on yes it does okay okay good good good does it properly get smaller as time goes on since things are in seconds like I said a million times um we're gonna find out great come on Luke please I'm ready to start recording yeah I'm not okay I will sit um yeah cap and traps you have to you have to what we just went through jumping through these trees is like it's so relaxing it's so easy comparatively now they're big Beats thank you don't want the amount of time don't validate don't make me don't worry I am ready for combat start recording start recording started Stephen Cappy Bob stud Pepsi come on stop bye uh Kaden that is the opposite of chill with a 375 stream said I tried to say I was being chill that's the opposite hot sauces uh actually I don't that's a good point yeah do you want me to blow up the server and do one hot sauce or is that all I would prefer the answer all hot sauces yes we'll round it up for it that could be five hot sauces or that could be blow up the server there now press the chat you're cool for bopping but Willie no so if it's all hot sauces do you just slam them back right here right now and then we go play hide and seek I think that's exactly you'll be hearing my farts from a distance and smelling them from an even greater distance yeah I'm waiting to look at the chat to see Kaden said all hot sauce okay well you're gonna do that for a minute so I'm gonna go get a glass of water it's actually five that is five hot sauce Kaden you are the antithesis of chill you're worse than Steve okay here we go number five three High bar number five is ghost pepper and ghost pepper powder oh geez dude all this bat the back to back to back is what really does me and that's what does me in why didn't you just use that to blow up the server Kaden you could just opted to blow up the server status you choose violence oh my God yep that's already starting to get hot because I had the four earlier now number six is ghost pepper and then scorpion pepper I don't know why they make me do this every time and everyone always probably thinks that it gets easier and it never actually does Steve you did it for the first time yesterday what did you think you had the same sauces awesome Steve thanks everyone just like a meeting man I literally I literally I'll be right back since you have to do the hot sauce and then immediately you go so what do you think about the hot sauce Steve number seven scorpion peppers I don't think that was Steve um the hot sauce was very very hot I don't know how you do it every day I literally I think it's close to midnight last night I sent Jerome a message and was like I don't know how you do this every day because I was just up with such bad stomach pain and I couldn't stop pooping and it was just bad it was all around bad I got two more now number eight oh my god dude it's Carolina Reaper pepper and Scorpion pepper and ghost pepper just make sure Jerome isn't talking when you bop yeah well well that's why I'm doing it now because he's deep dealing with the hot sauce yeah I got the hiccups now yeah so you won't be able to hiccup that's okay now the last one number nine and then it gets onto the capsaicin extract ones which are absolutely just brutal I can barely talk here's number nine they're so bad which is Carolina Reaper pepper powder scorpion pepper and ghost pepper I'm dying here bro Bros is too much I'm gonna see if I can find double a batter good luck thanks I I know where they should be but will they be there that is the question who knows I'm with you on that to find the batteries or to not find the batteries that's Jerome's indigestion are you saying the eight batteries dude my mouth is on fire honestly cap would it surprise you if I said that he did how you doing over there Jay bear [Laughter] oh bro that's gonna hit me that's gonna hit me that's gonna burn down uh come on man I was doing so I did it in interpretive dance why don't you just take a load off and have a seat come on everything's fine Steve is still all right everything's fine this is fine I'm dying but I think we're gonna be okay to take this in because if it was 10 11 12 I would need like five minutes because that stuff has the perfect Basin extract hit him with it oh here we go Steve go on the van this has nothing to do with the game Steve just get in the bed lock him in all right I'm here I'm looking at a wall oh two two blocks of battle Rock don't let him see out all right I'll give you guys 30 seconds and then I will release the Steed Le really bad all right yeah here we go three two one let's go guys 30 seconds at least uh wait what how tell me teach me because I'm running away before you count it down oh my god oh my god dude I have to find a good spot here because Nikki Nick just hit me with a 75 stream for another hot sauce this one's bad so I'm not even gonna be able to move much I gotta get a good spot um honestly this seems all right it's a little out of the way here we go hot sauce number 10 is one times cap station extract ghost pepper Caroline ripping pepper and Scorpion Pepper for an all-in-one mashup of deadliness ready or not here I come here I'm not ready nope I'm not ready either Steve in fact why don't you go back in the van for another five minutes this is the same with two times cap station extract Doom you're gonna be in trouble yes I am because I have to move then Michael Thompson to put the final nail coffin dude what is wrong what's wrong with you people what the heck I got dropsy question I wasn't even here are you serious where have you been for the last five minutes okay it hasn't been five minutes it's been maybe two and I literally said it I was looking for batteries for something there wasn't any vocal Comfort whatever I don't care dropsy to be fair you just usually don't respond it's a conversation you're ready anyway yeah to be fair we've made a point to ask you to start saying ready and then you don't do it anyway and and now these are the repercussions of that we don't know no one thought it was a little odd I was just standing still in the middle of Center Albert dropsy she was just standing still in the center odd strategy bold move well Steve you walked past me too yeah I'm sure I did yeah I did something real stupid I am dying right now oh my God that's number 12 never notice so now we're done with those hot sauces the next one is gonna be the first from the book of Pleasure and Pain as we work our way through our new version of the hot ones challenge oh look look at where I am as brutal I wonder if I can I can't help but think a majority of you guys are still at spawn no no that was dropsy strategy dude I'm dying I haven't had time to even move much at all Steve oh let's see uh Marco that's my surroundings oh I probably I blend in slightly less with my surroundings okay I must not be near a single person because I did not see her here you're a single person you were close enough to see that Steve he was close enough to hear mine hmm oh wow you might want to turn up your your volume because there's only seven percent oh my goodness probably explains why you couldn't hear anything else that explains so much um okay I almost got trapped in a house yeah that happens dude all right thanks Luke the hot sauce is too much it's too spicy it is too spicy it was I've been through almost like half a gallon huh now if I were one of you guys I would be in this Fallen area I mean maybe but like that depends on who it is Monk's definitely somewhere nearby in the spawn area she's probably looking down upon you and his tree more than likely yes uh I didn't hear the first one oh well exactly dude dude don't do this don't do this hit me with the Marco the check your DMs gee Pro yeah instead look at DMs I can't bro it is coming in fast now that border is cooking yeah so yeah this is a oh my God yeah [Laughter] that hot sauce hit me immediately look at the ears Master of Disguise yeah did you guys change your skins no I did not oh it's just normal skin [Music] I said his skin and it's because I made it oh I drove your head I abandoned it is it not moving yeah too crazy oh am I the last one might not move the holy all right monk it's just you and me now buddy really wait isn't this no no no oh you weren't you were an inspectator yeah just kill a monkey you got to write myself up here because I didn't know where we were I just gotta it could be a little extra sneaky about it too early Steve let me let me show you what they were talking about though with the uh you do blended with the grass action no I didn't blend in with the grass looking nice and private I was on like let me show you where it was right at the start of the of the round oh you if you climb up on this on this tent you can get into this tree and I stood here and watched as you ran along the path sideways and then I realized there was more color on this side yeah I didn't even check like high up in the trees yeah I didn't think anyone would be that lame it'll it'll only work once Steve well good round good round good around so who's it um no I feel bad because dropsy wasn't here so I'll be here next what I'll take the L here you were the second person that I got stud that's why I had said you but yeah true really mainly out as well I hope you guys are ready oh I'm ready because I'm not I'm my mouse on fire all right I am unready spaghetti here we go uh hold on hold on Steve remove glowing for yourself um Team he already doesn't join no he has glowing either oh he doesn't have glowing for me that's weird he doesn't anymore I think Luke yeah Luke removed it but when you switch from uh Seekers to hiders it doesn't get rid of your glowing I never joined you one second talking chat remember guys the next hot sauce is in fact from this pack here the first of 12. as we move along through the new hot sauces I want to thank you guys so much as well for all the crazy stream tips and coming out it really does support the channel directly it's amazing and uh without you guys we couldn't do what we do every day so for real guys genuinely thank you for being such amazing supporters of this community it's uh it's awesome it really is so thank you all right I'm ready to go hairball all right Luke Count Me In buddy 30 seconds all right how long it is 40 seconds make it 50. no make it 30. why'd you lock me with bedrock dude Steve yeah let's get my master plan uh are we starting the hiding yet yeah you just yeah I mean 10 seconds I thought I thought he was gonna literally be like okay go ahead I'm ready anything that would signify that we started I didn't know that it was actually ready that doesn't happen there that's your signal Steve the drone's been released see something like that where you'd be like okay yeah you guys are good to go like go ahead if you're trying to get a free pass for when I find you first it ain't working all right let's drum can I get a free pass yes that's cool thanks well I'll just be chilling I didn't know ladder up there for a tree what is the ladder on the back of it dude I didn't look at that just jumped off the tree bro that's terrifying okay someone else let me bring me to someone else I don't know where anyone else is well then how are you gonna bring me to someone else mugs in a better place determination willpower drum oh my God right here break out the window did you already find pools yeah I did bring him to somebody brought into me kind of Hope Jerome finds me like this is a good spot well now that I've sent you guys to the next realm South Jersey oh my God okay Jerome I've got a hint for you okay I'm on the map I'm on the map no no at first glance it seems like a troll but I bet you there's like a some kind of like map on a cabin or a sign or something I gotta look at it on that but I mean there's literally where Luke's Command Center is oh my God way up by the way Aaron Ebersole with a 75 stream dip and then Lobster bird with a 75 stream tip uh I said spicy Mike also will tomorrow wants to get that oh my gosh well that means we'd have to do the first one of the challenge here which is literally just called here we go we're on the challenge here the first 12. it's just called a bacon all right I mean I'm kind of curious how that would taste yeah hopefully like bacon I can't believe there's a ladder there the whole I'm kind of curious how it's vegetarian but it's meant to taste like bacon I guess they they don't actually use like the bacon dude dude I've made fake I can't say that one time with Captain yeah dude it was not good yeah no no bueno can we get a pause on that world border while he's doing hot sauce yeah I'm currently watching Jerome take the hot sauce right now honestly I'm not really going that yeah but it's uh-oh decently fast over in that room 12. it's not even that hot it just doesn't oh it just tastes not good not a fan no you're not a fan also I need I need to get some steak going here for myself really oh my God yeah I'm running out of um there's so many around this map for saturation thank you sir see nice it's about to I'm about to be trapped I need to leave that sucks Jerome never found me maybe next round I'm sorry yeah I had to change spots as well the Border just came in on my spot so it's like yeah time to go do that number 12 hot sauce is still good it's still a good one though yeah but I would advise not doing that next round is why because that was the first one dead oh okay so I know I know where oh well is someone in the well over here oh well well well oh that was my spot hello Steve that was gross is that where you were though Steve you were in the well uh yeah I was in the well what I what I said that's a nice spot that's where he was it looked like there was like a sewer system underneath it or was I miss seeing it no there's not no there's not not the not there is no I didn't know this all right all right what Wise Guys oh it's like someone dead someone definitely did I didn't die first and that's all I really care about what do you think no oh I see it I see it wow am I being extra blind instead trust it works better than you'd think so who's still in it see that's what I was doing with him on the roof of the RV driver oh I see Steve and there's a letter oh my God I just realized that firework I didn't even ask for any more of this whole time I'm pretty proud of this I've tried to kill Steve yeah I tried to punch him in division [Laughter] your ankle's broken dude okay baby they got me my bedroom the shirtless one yeah I got him ah gigiers have won yet have they no I don't think so all right I think I'm it so I'm gonna go into the uh excuse me Luke all righty monk Man Steve what you doing in here I'm just hanging out with you Luke is gonna block this off with bedrock turn him get rid of glowing okay I don't know how to get rid of it how do I get rid of my glowing drunk effect clear JeromeASF Minecraft glowing you don't even have to do that you could just affect clear yeah all right am I good now Steve I swear Steve no you're getting sent to this dead realm I literally I literally put that there four months I didn't know that okay I didn't know that well now you know well now you know also how did you get that did you cheat for that hi Luke no because I tried to craft one of those earlier and you can't get materials in there oh bye Luke Hey look for a Steve out here just trust dude I literally thought it was part of the map and I was like crying Skype it's a pretty cool area no I'm hidden what all right are you Slackers am I right Luke all right almost time here we go time for the hunt um Monk s I'm under the RV I just saw a little face peeking out at me wiggling under the edge 350 server to blow up and Steve to get glowing for one or 30 seconds of an hour no Steve gets glowing here I'll lead you to Steve okay let's go oh man I'm terrified nope I'm dead I'm in a better place guys wow I would not have noticed it hasn't been wiggling for real though Joey B thank you so much for being an amazing supporter of the channel awesome to see you by the way I feel this is one of the first times I've seen you or at least it's been a hot minute Joey thank you for coming around thank you for being so tremendously generous uh and for being such a big support of the server I cannot wait to blow up two of Blade servers in one day blade your work is cut out for you today pal I went cap wins that keep inventory oh my God this is gonna be so stupid sometime all right in my hunt for Cappy I've discovered something very stupid what and also this window that I think stud broke probably I don't know come on I have no clue man technically cap found dropsy yeah he yeah for being specific yeah I mean I can't see monkeys glowing which means I'm safe oh that's a good spot there monk yeah I've had somewhere else it's it's really it's really quite absurd okay I still can't believe at the beginning of that last round Steve tried stealing my spot then called me out for cheating and then just just bombarding me carpet bombing that whole thing well I mean I legit thought it was a safe spot to be like I was like ah this is cool The Toots oh my friends there's no way someone would still be in here right with the world order coming whoa whoa it's Steve are you are you dead or alive oh bro uh I don't know you tell me no who's getting steak bombed Steve I don't know what to do with it I just wanted to show you something funny if you're dead but wait what happened I was Steve I just came up and stole Luke's Command Center oh my God Steve Steve come here and take a look at this uh yeah I'm on my way I thought that was someone next to me and I was like oh sweet I got him and then no all right what am I looking at here drum the ghost llama what do you mean oh yeah that's oh yeah go to spawn Jerome are there a lot of ghost llamas that spawn there's a lot of ghosts on the stuff there are a lot of ghost llamas which is the ladders there's like ghost slimes anywhere you can sit down now if you don't mind I have to go back to steak bombing you no stop Steve Marco Polo I heard it but I didn't see where it exploded that's a good thing skill issue really you know they are right though Gamers just don't look up Gamers don't look up I did look up I just apparently didn't look up the right direction there's only one up bro yeah there's only one to the North and then up into the South I don't know which way I looked I'm just emphasized me dropsy instead alive now yeah yeah I mean to remember the only ones who lost this is I feel like that is in a tree somewhere it was I I saw you dang it I looked at you I jumped out right behind you too just didn't even notice Marco copy how cup how God I'm captain bar master of stuff look at me Jerome look at me I feel like I'm going inside car vanish into bushes oh my goodness like four blocks cat there's no stupid sweet berries she already took the spot oh you know you know just to make sure I don't ruin this for us hey dropsy hey dropsy oh steady sacrifice himself for drawing my God I got you it was not enough wait I guess I'm Cappy's still alive okay let's do this again I didn't think stead sacrifice play on the third to last person well I did so I don't have to be the one I can't click monk I can't have click all of that sentence thank you I can't I'll click monk I know I can't wait got this yeah right here dude at one point you're looking this way and Kathy is just full of hot I'm talking sprinting with Reckless abandons over here just like this dude oh so who is it because Steve Steve LOL okay what is it Jerome was found first then it was me yeah ah true so if we're doing that we want somebody new then whoever would be the next new person like the boss is spoken I can do it if need me like I don't mind it's just like I crushed her right there I'll take care of it I just think that there should be a penalty for Steve breaking into the interns box and snake bombing me yeah that's something that we call that an offside play yeah I think that's a paddling that's the paddling Jerome I got something for you that's a 10. I mean [Music] instead you got a paddle oh drum it looks like never mind have fun Bud either it is or it isn't it's not anymore I'm taking I'm going in here I'm starting the countdown Mr intern oh you're starting a countdown okay the intern has given me sweet batteries what I'm so confused oh my God I like when cap really makes himself laugh I looked at the window I didn't see him look at these dirty belly laughs oh Captain I watched through window s secret agents I think I'm Kepler strongest there is can't tell if I'm safe or not I can't tell you either really has he been released even or yeah he is yeah the boxer is on the prowl just I don't see what is glowing what did you think the Baku is on the prowl me I didn't know he was typed I didn't see glowing so I was like uh what happened to be anyone in this fishing cabin would there no so drum do I still give my pass what car is safe what kind of oh oh yeah yeah all right cool thanks said I only trust it I don't know what he promised you I mean he would promised me a pass probably from me first you'd let me run oh hey dropsy dropsy come here come look at this where am I looking just [Laughter] I'll join you yeah gopher yeah hey watch this um yeah whoa whoa all right Marco oh this is awkward ouch I think three of us hit ourselves with our own fireworks yeah for real I heard one but I did not seize it new fire hot uh uh Jerry oh like the can jury oh you can just call me Jerry though like the can I need to start going jobs Jerry you like the can that used to be me with my middle name Scout like the boy yeah or the girl you dude I'm I'm not gonna lie I'm also a bad story okay front front monk guard monkey having a little bit of a tough time here Jerome oh I don't know where you are oh more to behind you I'm just hanging directly behind you no not that way I'm actually doing oh my God's favorite things oh I like it cap I like it I'm one of Jerome's Favorite Things nope okay so you said you let me have a pass so hey I got Steve twice Steve yeah you killed me three times what do you expect so wait Steve yeah well I was next round of Steve Curry's big plan this could never be it biggest brain Jerome a spot I don't know did you my goodness I thought you were just gonna say I got your biggest brain and um good job Steve might have to go under oh my God [Laughter] yeah and we're intervened because he can't hit you where is he no I already killed Steve so you don't know our defense pact only counts for the first death Stead last one okay um this is so okay I'm glad that that happened uh [Laughter] Windows do stop Windows do stop please stop soon oh don't worry monk it's only a matter of time is it oh my God he's burning down the trees is it true props here look huh oh let me eat you yeah what now monkey what natural oh that's awesome dead spot is my favorite spot I'm going stead mode here dude if you're going to stud mode I might be in trouble actually no I'm actually no you're right here okay everyone I think he looked at me before before he actually double checked so I guess this is the last round trees not there you realize this entire map is trees right what you said it's just some trees when the whole map is trees oh hey I bet there's Luke that'd be a really good idea considering this map you couldn't let me just hang out and play RuneScape so stead's dead dropsy is it just cap left oh no monk Captain monk man oh my God I want to know her Gap is um can you do the screenshot for me yeah I don't know where Cap went Court Cup oh you must die sir no yes oh no ah I've tried so many times Captain yeah I'm dead no it's just you Monk good luck man get me in the RV is that a challenge hi you wanna might have been [Music] give me your toes I've seen this sequel of it give your toes shorts there you go well Monk if it's any consolation you're the first loser in that situation thanks Jerome you always know just what not to say I might have been able to survive if I had just not run Jerome might have just whiffed right past I think he I think he would have whiffed all right who do I get first that's me Stephen hey Jerome yes I got some wait you put out the fire and the fire wasn't doing anything he didn't start the fire it was always burning I can't place it has been turning it won't play I'm trying he's looking right at us now oh there's no point I mean I've been looking right now the intern hasn't blocked him in it's not even time that's what I do ask off the top of the map is the top of the thing you just didn't all right leaves a block there do this intern come here uh you're up come with me I got someone oh instead I know what you did I somehow stumbled upon it what have you done so this is yeah why hold on I gotta help you cover up here hold on I need to find it wherever you guys are still what is this place now I need to know I don't know dude I just found it do I Wanna Know Vision wait wait what oh my God no no I actually oh yeah yeah this is different this isn't even what they were I have no clue what this is I hate it is full yeah we're in the Forgotten land instead we are no I just watched Steve start digging straight down this is one of the back rooms hahaha I'm so drunk Luke I don't have any blocks to get out of here Myers made himself stuck in a hole do we win yeah I think so I think that's no I mean I can get out eventually it's just literally just a long amount of time I'm watching Steve dig down right now why why are you digging straight down Steve because I know that there's a secret second section of the mountains I don't want to do that sacred no no I thought I know everything he's building back up that's a little egotistical I can't believe it I genuinely I'm Blown Away you did something good here I'm glad you enjoyed take this no our issue is we don't know how to get to you guys oh no Steve that's the issue drum is once he gets down here we don't we're gonna have we have no way back up I have a feeling I know Jacob thinks the 25 stream dips at stick bomb for Steve perfect there's so much stake if he finds us we Scurry like rats or cockroaches that have been revealed to the sun wait are you all down there bugs when you pick up a rock yeah we don't know what you're talking about Steve we found something but it's not really the only one out of the loop here Steve where do you think you are talking about like no Steve I think we're playing hide and seek or something man we're not playing hide and seek what's happening yeah we're playing tag and you're it Steve why are you swimming he's breaking something we're just trying to but I don't have enough air to do that I think we can hold out long enough for Steve to get like Superman maybe maybe crowd depends he's gonna have to fight huge robe that's gonna be an issue uh I I've honestly lost Trump's down here and I don't know where it is situation [Laughter] [Laughter] I am immensely uncomfortable the body no don't the Buddies this I don't want this to be a thing Steve you are nowhere near any of us dude what underneath part is he talking I have no idea that I literally looked at the map ahead of time you can't Gaslight me into thinking that there's not an underground portion oh so you cheated bro oh wow wow Steve can't believe you imagine hey Jerome hey I thought it was dead how's it going dude oh thanks Dad why are you dying I don't know why didn't make Steve glow like the night sky double it up double it all right all right I'll go back to the surface World Steve can't believe you there are multiple layers down there guys it's like an onion oh Luke you said to the surface interesting wait instead tell me you didn't do what I think you did no no one is literally exactly what he did dying right I thought he was up there who was it and where did you go oh it was me tping to the intern because I thought he was in a place I could teach oh my God so don't don't worry about that oh sup Danger's just in the ground Steve I don't know what you're look up run anybody yeah it's crazy that all of a sudden I can find people the whole time I was on top of them I have no clue what underground thing they're talking about yeah you can't guess it's sweet beard I can do what I want Steve he's a sweet painful now this is a free country oh geez hello because he even forgets what he's talking about he says it enough that like it becomes the truth that's his superpower he's the superhero called gaslighter Jacob thanks to the 10 stream tip steak bomb on dropsy oh dropsy over here it's it's technically I don't think anymore yeah yeah oh God that's where me and dropsy were earlier oh really hey Steve I was not underground wait a minute I still hate you all hey I didn't know what are you talking about I didn't know anything this time yeah don't talk to me is this where they were oh big is it big I don't know what they were ouch hahaha [Laughter] [Laughter] oh my God you're the worst Durham I I've known that you were underneath it here what are you talking about I hate everything you're just making me run inside you're losing your mind dude sure I literally just saw you what are you talking about dude I think Steve's lost it oh yeah Steve's going crazy stud are you where I think you are no this is Steve you've lost it dude that would have been funny bro come on I'm doing Jerome's favorite thing this is uh hey Steph you might want to look right in here yeah I know oh my God no no it's fine it's fine Adventure Mode [Laughter] died the barrier got him die oh my goodness I gotta see where drops he is right now you weren't even The Last One Alive so I was thinking that it wasn't you know the last time I got you thinking all right guys let's go ahead right now everyone and end it off there thank you guys for watching this segment we're gonna go over to perfect Heist whoa I love perfect taste so were you all just mole people uh were you guys actually underground oh yeah oh yeah I I think I know where you were who has told you of the Forgotten lens it was different different I think unless you found a different thing for that lands I'll tell you that much I was trying to break in via the well but I couldn't break the iron bars underwater wait there was something in the way he fell off a mountain oh good point guys I gotta go blow up the server one second let me head back over there I'm gonna boot up perfect ice and take a bath there's no fall damage so I almost just well you're putting that up cap I'm gonna be booting down the Mike Myers sir Good Times time to blow up the Lesser there uh it's a newer version too all right so that means we gotta we gotta go ahead and get the uh gotta go ahead are we recording those perfect heister not sounded like a yes but okay what why not I don't know I just didn't sound like a yes to me earlier [Music] um dang it's being super annoying so normally I have the command here how do I only search by one like chat area I could give you a summon TNT in a like a really large Cloud around you no I have like a set command that I use but the problem is right now for some reason it's filtering it's normally there it is yeah I need to just get this bumped up here all right there we go guys I got it we got it we're good all right if everyone here is ready can't help that Steve sent me for the perfect highest map oh yeah I love when I get like one frame like and then you're like yep that's gone that's a counter oh my gosh for what it's worth I blame Steve somehow gotta save these files here I'm already uploading mine is that right all right all right good for us to go ahead and hop on over for some perfect Heist action hold on hold on am I just have a weird name give me a second no way I have a weird name too crazy oh yeah this is it okay I'm going insane oh man lobbies open all right let me just go and show them all the password if that's all right okay yeah sounds good sounds like a plan I wouldn't expect anything less yep did it done the password's uh been inputted check nice and privy I have to whoa that's uh that's an issue um yeah let me get let me rally uh oh that's wrong why does it always do oh because this real thing is Luke but Luke I'm here can you join the other team yeah with the game um let me see who else all right that might work and then I don't know looks like he might be gone well where'd he go the aquarium Maybe that's a valid option right you know what I realized was that there might we might be able to get one other person in but they don't get pinged with the camp counselors role because they don't have that role they have the role stinky elf gift posters [Laughter] that's not our fault that's Marty's fault because he kept posting those gifts and that was his honesty there's two of them I'm trying to get them to join we'll see we will see all right I got one one more mod we got three mods and rain we got Ranier we're all right we got rain on the other team let's go we're on your East by the way guys since we last live streamed it came out very recently they have a new cop unit called the canine unit and it gets you a dog I totally shot Jerome in the face I'm not sure if that'll yeah oh yeah I gotta set the lobby stuff it's like it's good 300K a lot yeah dude is like first cop round all canines we just let them be everywhere you can infinitely revive them yeah we didn't know they we didn't know each other revive them we just yeah yeah you can revive them good to know what we wanted to do was we wanted to try and use backup to cheese in a bunch of Bot cops by killing the dog and spawning a bunch of bombs but it didn't work that's messed up it would have been hilarious could you imagine I spawned to 50 bots on you yeah I've seen Jerome do that before not a fan wow sir HD yeah oh that was a lot of bots that was just rude Oh you mean whoever just shot you I got you yeah it just doesn't want to talk as well you know he doesn't want to you know I'm on the other team oh my God Monk can you just start the round I don't like I have to Jerome oh god oh wait I actually can't hold on I'm going to BRB I can't restart the round actually uh allow me to get myself arrested yay thank you kindly my good man wow we're into September yay what insane I know it says talking about you guys just you're living yeah you just don't know you're looking past dude I am living in the past it's only 210 for me what's your point true true you gotta stop living in the past monk it's never gonna solve your problems All Right strip I hope you're excited for this I love perfect Heist so are we just doing four before what's going on no no we can we wait yeah we're gonna have the they're joining okay I think dropsy said she was getting up for a minute and then I don't know who these other uh person who's playing video team who do we have uh or another person might be joining oh toga please join it perfect and we already have Rayna okay so yeah there we go we just got right nobody dropsy still Willy just ran over my dog Jerome wait cap here's another one your dog died dude they're mad at me for for killing dogs I'm Reviving The Dog wait what you could do that yeah I don't know just walk up to it and press B yeah yeah I was saying earlier I got my dog back you can't stop him girl I mean to stop you and then stop the dog someone else will pick him up monk yeah um yeah Steve's map not mine that was delivered um Steve's map a drone yeah go over to Monk's camera real quick oh yeah oh my God monk oh my God yeah just look around what happened I love our streets to use maps how are you talking about all the money that's up there yes yeah and I wanted to see how much how much you could get with Joker and then Vernon shot me in the back of the head that's exactly why I picked this map was because how much money was up there I was like oh you can put this in real quick literally millions that's it that's crazy so pretty much you have to defend the top with all of your honor I mean there's other you have not Mr Rob there's plenty of jewelry there's two other vaults we gonna get that money all right so guys this is going to be fun and then at the end after this for a few minutes I'm gonna still stay live and hop on over to under block and then I'll be playing later tonight as well so if you guys want to hang out with me there on our sponsored server you could totally go ahead and do that oh man they've got Skee-Ball basketball only got 563 000. I didn't right that's what I'm saying like like you took maybe a quarter of it so good and then I got shot cap is there any other Vault on this map there's one other Vault yeah this is gonna be like pretty difficult actually guns blazing around the game yeah yeah whoa tell me a story there once was a man from Peru who dreamed he was eating a chew yeah in the middle of the night to see that his dream had come true hmm did it come true yes put him down oh wait nevermind there's a black cop of course it was true Steve come on of course it was true I mean I guess I'll take this early win oh five hundred thousand dollars all right I'm gonna go back up there with Joker I gotta see how much I can get from that one vault Luke what are you doing oh he's up here Luke Lucas he's down yeah he's down all right I'm gonna go steal the bomb steal all the money possible all right oh how about us we're not sure what job she is right now I'm gonna say yeah that's fine yeah hopefully drops you'll be back in a minute I'm sure she just stepped up for a second and if not we still uh still got you know what actually I learned something interesting that we could definitely try what's that but I have to wait until rain isn't in call to say it no go ahead that's a valid point no no no very fine advantage right all right he's gone so he's gone yeah so what are we doing the gym buddy apparently can throw money bags oh that's fine if we if we get someone up into that top Vault or even the bottom Vault we shoot out one of those little side windows then we can have them Chuck the money bag out the window uh I like the sound of that I didn't know the gym buddy could do that I guess we never really used them because he didn't I didn't either good yeah I didn't notice City I didn't know it either and then I saw that the um on one of the updates when the canine unit came out there was an update for that jeez yeah instead don't you don't have to be putting people down I gotta I gotta get the money as the Joker well yeah that's the thing I was getting the monk I gotta I got a helicopter coming in where we're indoors yeah that's fine they'll landing on on the roof yeah maybe and how do we get through or through the middle all right time to see how much mugged I got the door covered bud don't worry I told him not to be butts this time so hopefully that works but we'll see God this is a lot of money don't mind me I'm just doing shenanigans I love shenanigans uh if I had to guess or not I guess if you had a guess oh it's a dog a dog killed me there's a way like Shenanigans the most I would say stead instead I would also associ yeah I think stead is a shenanigan yeah kind of guy hey is a shenanigan kind of guy so do those have like physics boxes uh monkey what the calling cards yeah I believe so yeah that's why I get to go up on top of the money to steal all of it which doesn't actually work now that I'm up here trying that so I don't even know if I can steal all the money but like you wanna try I can try that's fine I think there's it's just a little bit of finding the right angle we're already passed a million and coming I got kicked from the server you should like spam ping dropsy she loves it so no she's back I think yeah she said she's gonna be back in like two seconds what the heck is this the police dog they're all oh my God took their yeah Luke Luke took her idea for the Canon that is like a disturbing amount of Blood Out yeah oh my God yeah I see bruh yeah what the heck I've never even really noticed blood in this game till that that is ridiculous it's only with the canine unit all right well um I think dropsy's loading up yeah she's here all right cool let's hit the record button or let's try it let's try and see if we can get it start recording started yep start recording all right uh Jerome Bop Cappy pop stud y sorry what's up my eye oh okay I was like that GC all right all right here we go cool three two one all right guys I don't know much about this map except for the fact that at the very top there's a vault that has about 10 million dollars in it so we're going through the roof Chicken Man I actually don't know it's always for the roofer now uh yeah I don't really know either you're gonna find out soon yeah unfortunately while I'm up in the air yeah we're gonna be finding out don't worry guys we'll get to the bottom of this for us ow thanks where's the top of this all right so buy the both of them guys it doesn't look like there's too much goodness here but I heard so that was nice hi Jerome uh monkey might Wanna Get Off You might want to get off on the roof up there buddy it's fine I mean it's fine it's fine how do we get into the is that the secret room over there instead yeah it's up over this way all right where did you go wait two of them walked out yeah it worked out they're covering this door hard Monk we can go in there just take the guy we can well we have to get in there with a fire yep fire started this guy is watch for this is that's the issue they just closed the door and opened it back dude I got in and I already changed out I said I gotta know which one I am now I got it it literally already changed that bro all right so where do I go from here upstairs one yeah upstairs uh oh all right the the dog is hunting you the dog's hunting never mind yeah they're all I think they're all canines again except for the ones no they're not they're just uh is there a vigil there it is guys the bolt with millions of dollars what are you doing down there oh starting fires and distractions so that exit doors would always be open thank you that was an insideration uh they have a bot there's a bomb down at the Vault did you know that oh yeah because I threw it in the window wait what's awesome you brought that I threw it through the window Jerome oh is the gym buddy yeah oh the police dog ate mama I threw it for someone by the way now they have an update do you think uh I don't know the game updated I think the doctor works so we're trying to figure out ah probably I feel like it's a meme for them at this point also there's a canine unit right here on top of me and uh it's making it very very difficult I'm not gonna be able to open up this Vault I don't think it's dead oh my God he got Luke with it now hey hey Jerome back away from the bomb okay no back away from the bomb yeah what are you gonna do okay all right you're good now you're gonna go ready yeah I'll throw you get ready to shoot okay throw uh you missed how much health does that guy have enough how do you even get downstairs though I planted it huge it's open and comfortable oh they killed cat but the ball should be weak I did some damage to him he should be weak I need to go in here real quick so I can reload a bit and this is a difficult map there's good money out there but me and dropsy are here we could drop the money out the window and perhaps use that to try and get a win drum there is plenty of money and secret files on that shelf in there I mean it's like 10 million dollars inside of it I know there's there's plenty of us you could win off whatever what is she gonna do NPCs let me see if you walk in here and come and SWAT Jerome that's fine let him they can't walk that's the issue we don't tend to be very receptive to that idea is there anywhere else that we can go I don't know but I'm gonna try to take out this guy like at this point we could get out of here oh dude dropsy that was really slick [Laughter] [Music] they're down to one life by the way and you come on do you want to try and take him dropsy I wouldn't with the SWAT it's the SWAT guy that's hard what is the issue you need to get them since they're both in there um there's money we're gonna find the way downstairs now run Jerry run he can't come out wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's no reason definitely we saw you do that RPGs though oh no the pickle zombie put him down he's just gonna melee you run run make your melee a civilian oh yeah oh my God oh my God yeah let's go okay that's bulletproof glasses Bulletproof [Music] here she comes here she comes what a first round not the way I thought we'd win but known as cow they asked how many one yep once more than they have that's true under the new K9 unit for fun bubble 500 stream tip next round I will do just that they will be going and shoot a bunch of stuff guns blazing you got it might honestly just be the strategy you got a friend and Steve this is a confusing ma'am just to irritate them I'm gonna go right control I like that I'm gonna stoop to their level of course I'm going K9 who do you think I am yeah I want to do the canine just try out the new place given Jerome a Target okay this way doggy basement do you die if you tase a civilian or no no no there's no repercussions because it doesn't do damage okay get down here normally one of them is smoke bombing though no that's me I'm tear gas in them [Music] instead remember that one time that was my fault you ran in front of it that was poison not too much entirely your fault stud I need to explore this map a little bit because there can't be the only way to win the top but it might no there's another one well you definitely got to protect there's also a lot of jewelry and stuff too there's another Vault but it's not very how do you get oh man there must be multiplied uh drum yeah you gotta go around oh I saw one I saw one Monk yeah oh they already over here uh this window is bulletproof I think it's this one I think it's this one right here wait okay without going right there I see him I think it is but I don't I don't know I need a refill I'm on tear gas them Jesus Christ oh this is this has to be it I just watched one of them turn into a box come come to my name and there's a box in the corner um wow there so the docks in the corner right we just got him with it it was Luke there they go Luke I'm shooting boxes let's go dude someone's someone's good boy is just sitting over the uh the guy they got that's Jerome's I believe mine's over here what was the one that did that that's awesome yeah yours did that said I'm still watching your guy if you wanna if you want to come to your gasum again yeah I'll come cheers do you want tear gas is random guy again okay he's popping off that was me I was just shooting a box good boy oh dude my dog is sitting on top of the bomb bro nice that's huge then how are you missing I'm shooting the part like I'm shooting them yes this is getting ridiculous I'm surprised they haven't pulled out to shoot I'm gonna just let you have your fun where'd they go Patrol the area I don't know where they want oh my God I lost interest really difficult to have it is but they're not really doing anything but we know I mean they do have Luke on their team you know what Luke's dead yeah exactly Oh I thought I thought one just dropped right out of my head and it was just Rome oh geez dead yep that was the best on top of it no the floating box is too small guys that doesn't mean people just start lighting up a box I'm more light up every single box I see yeah there's a camera angled so you can see through the floor just gonna I'm just gonna relax over here on my laptop who's popping off hey I found more boxes someone let a fire in the main lobby right next to yeah nice nice there's only two people left now in fun drum yes oh one of them's in the VIP area uh down where's the VIP area does the employee area but downstairs you see this body yep how fresh is it have him sniff have your dog sniff my dog is so far away but yeah I can come on doggy up uh there's someone in the main lobby next to the jewelry on the top floor this way dog man he's stiff in the body what do you see wait wait what's going on is he leading me to this he led me to the person that's sick oh my gosh good boy the sniff worked dude he's gotten dude wow all right dropsy where's I'm guessing it's this one I can't believe that jacket I let it sniff nope I let it sniff their dead body and the dog it is not a green jacket behind you ow where where's Dad Who Behind who and where behind you oh my God yeah I don't know where I saw behind you and then you drop let the dogs so I don't know what happened I saw you I saw it and then you dropped uh it looked like where I found women my body I'm gonna have a sniff your body she's just in this main lobby this dang door keeps closing that's my dog oh my God I'm on the camera that's in the library your dog's upstairs right now Jerome yeah I know because he is this way come here go through the door all right monk both do you win that oh that's gotta be her all right we'll follow that NPC don't worry don't worry my dog's about to be on the trail here we go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait the dog's doing it the dog's doing it hold on hold on no potato because they do the dog was coming after him oh yeah but the dog's going after her now let's go dog come on dogs broken Opie MVP is dog amazing that is amazing honestly I love that yeah it's awesome I'm gonna do Insider because I want to try and instead they're just only getting the top I'm gonna just try and take stuff out from the bottom there okay so The Insider spawns like where those ATMs are so you can maybe talk about Reckless and stupid are you guys ready I'm gonna need someone to light a fire I got you on the fire yes yep oh okay I did tell you it was Reckless and stupid there it is if it works if it's stupid and it works do I hear a horse I do yes you do it's that would be Willie on the uh last break up there bro are you kidding me wow doors open okay fire alarms open yeah instead I would have loved to make use of this rain went on this is the best update ever they added vanilla frosted donuts what my God glad they did anyone in there Kath oh my God you see that monk oh my God sitting in a room ah I got the puppy oh I'm getting attacked by a puppy and oh my God that is the obscene amount of blood NPC no uh rain was in the corner on the bottom floor this is a really difficult map thank you no oh my God wait nice of course there'd be Luke I am the dog right now wait take off the helmet because the dogs don't attack you no they will if he has a is either one of you have money drop drum they're shooting at you yeah I know but they have it dude if you can somehow make it back upstairs I broke all the jewelry cases there's also money in there yeah shut that door you should shut that door and shoot out that camera shoot out that camera let them and just have your gun out too they're not on camera yeah they're not on camera yet and coming uh oh my God dude I'm so panicking right now drop it the timing on that oh I can tell it's like keep the money oh my God that's 6K there's money behind you oh leave the attack he's gonna have him stay yeah he's just having fun so Jerome the fun thing about insiders you can change clothes instantly to like matching area oh there's secret files in here and a lot of money don't run too much oh drop it drop it oh you did good dude at first I was just beaming but I was like wait maybe I have a chance here what's that wrong team I thought oh yeah what no I think studs lasted a little bit I usually do it it's just you know the work day is almost over I've lost it no not yet instead we have more rounds to win in the rounds but after but the selecting part you know that's a little all right let's see what should I do you know what I'm just gonna put on a turret in the top floor because that's why not why not oh like the Pokemon no that's good brush my dreams drum all right I see how it is I kept kid I'm sorry I'm sorry Jerome's just like you you like Pokemon wow yeah dude we don't we don't do that here yeah Mike I'm I'm liking the same idea I will say out of every video game franchise besides Minecraft I think I think Pokemon and RuneScape are my two favorite probably French got one that's bad oh all right yeah come on instead I need it one of them yeah we're gonna we're in a battle well you got him dropsy all right that was a total guess I I should not have shot dude they are oh my gosh let's go we got loose Jerome no they started another fire dude my boy uh it was not the person I thought good good job Jerome you got him that fast acting Karma TM mark it wasn't them I pulled in my officer though I called in the deputy things are going down I'm gonna go down in the hill oh they gotta they got a the boss the guy the the the boss the mob the mob yeah I stole the silence Tommy Gun oh my God right there outside someone should put out the fires oh yeah easy just kind of ran past it he's a bit of a bit of a loose can in that one oh rain's popping off on the back up there we go nice my bike I wish the dog gone uh I had him sniff a cop who did you hit um what do you mean yeah because you're not respawning bro if you want I shot a pedestrian in the face if you want I thought that they had just lit a fire and they didn't what what kind of outfit guys I shot a pedestrian that I thought shot okay so now I just wait for it to go away so I can this my dog sniffed that okay buddy ridiculous sniff Smith I found him right here excuse me Liam I need the dog do its job wow and this economy said what I mean Willie was the one throwing them yeah put him down I mean uh good good detective I detected that they got shot in the face all right guys so we need a new plan I think oh yeah like dropsy joining our team before one of them gets I'm getting there what should we do though is there enough money now I'm gonna do pickpocket maybe make some smaller okay I'm gonna do make some smaller moves there's got to be enough money on the map that it doesn't involve that Vault right it was upset wait is it yeah I think you can make enough money from the map besides the Vault do I um do we have snipe them up is anyone gonna be able to open a vault I'm gonna go Tech because I have an idea let's go I just need to find three computers that's fine [Music] to make sure there's enough money okay evening Jerome I'm gonna go over to the higher one over here Monk I'm gonna go that one now I just need to find can be able to hit him that much once they're inside I'm gonna open all the okay Luke perfect a lot of them are heading upstairs right now they're gonna go protect that is there any other way in besides the front lobby uh you could technically go through the back door but it's an exit door someone to start a fire so I can go in oh I can do that I'm sorry dang I almost shot Luke in the back okay well no fire here okay oh there's a firefighter on the trellis Jerome yeah I see that but there's also a Horsemen oh there's no longer a Horseman could you start a fire with those snipers you got incendiary rounds right yeah if you sort of fire for us they have to be able to see a bush you know we cannot we're trying to get there instead might be able to from the position oh I hit a billboard oh my God play careful dead we gotta rehash this idea you can totally shoot him all right I can definitely hit a bush I can definitely hit a bush I just gotta make it well you can start a fiery man you gotta switch to your explosive range I know but I have to break a window I would shoot Luke first where is he he's on the roof he's the firefighter he's just switched to the 50 cal hold r ift switch to the 50 caliber you also have to solve a Rubik's name that is not his head good shoot instead okay now set the fire well you just shut off the floor and there's another one like yeah nice good dude instead all right I cannot see a bush unfortunately they're out of lives Luke is like Amateur hour dude I've killed him too far out of the lives wait I might be able I might be able okay but also instead one of them is by the police spawn at least I could see him in your screen but I don't know if he's there anymore yeah he is one right there like uh let me over there oh yeah do you want do you want the fire around or what do you want me to take it yeah right below you said no to the right to the right they're going in the front door front of the bank front of the bank hold on why'd you tell him right that was incorrect it was to his right from the other he was looking at the other Park Boogie you're in a firefighter soon because through my mask look I don't see one of them's looking out the back door for you guys on their team because uh one of them is Willie and one of them is really dead and one of them is Willie joined back how did that I mean did you uh glitched out in the game is just not sure uh Jerome I already broke jewelry that's on the second floor if there's no one there you should be able to grab it yeah he's hard to see uh what I'm gonna do I'm looking on the cams now trying to find a jewelry up here you set oh my uh if I end up dying uh stead or cat said this kind of hidden I'm dead there's no jewelry there are yeah there are they're incendiary yeah yeah but they're not in Cindy area they're just yeah no they're not incendiary rounds they don't explore they don't like I'm on a Jerry I don't see them oh I see there he just had a gun out it's like get out of my way civilians God see caps drone down there I'm on the roof yeah I see you on a civil vision I said the riot controls on the main lobby cap has an angle on them right now actually yeah guys control is down uh the second floor he's up by the that big Vault he's just running around I think he's got a turd up there holding on the door take out the dog I know that's rough but you got to take out the ball because it will still attack things that are sauce uh Togepi is just standing up on the second floor still she isn't moved so if you guys want to cap if you can open vaults or I need to get into the employee area where the computers are we can do this minute 40. you guys got this instead come look at that horse Jerome once he takes out the dog he can grapple down I can't take out the yeah oh there we go instead you can you can start grappling down when you want I'll go for the vault for the lower Vault uh is Willie's still alive though that is the question it's gonna be a risk Jerome no unfortunately is he dead his profile picture is alive yeah but then there's also the one on the far right that says he's dead see so it's only one okay he's going downstairs oh my god oh shoot him oh I just thought he saw it because you had your Sombrero on all right then make your way cause distractions you got to move quick about this guys photography is still is back as long as they still have money on the second floor foreign money just in case okay I have money on me so we're going in the overview yeah but if you die no no yeah all right so make your way up oh God let's go stead let's go step dad if you want to change to a sidearm you can with your resupply oh my God he's going a close range sniper go come on it's dead come on it's dead oh I didn't have a sidearm I tried to switch to it it just wouldn't give me the sidearm you gotta hold out the sniper and then switch or the grapple or whatever you want to change dang dude why wouldn't they just leave that as the secondary first does the grapple let's get it get up to The High Ground and the sidearm is for if you want to get in close range once that's done then it should be a third not a switch it's weird there is no third weapon there should be a third weapon foreign well I'm used to one two three first second and third being weapons [Music] of course I'm being canine again except not a chair just foreigners let's do this thing yeehaw I decided to be the fireman so I could snipe Luke respectable I decided to go up to the ceiling so I wonder if you could just block doorways 30 a fire started you should get a ping yep uh it's down uh not where I was expecting give me a moment it's gonna take me a while I'm out of an Insider they definitely I'll say that's an Insider no there's one down here there's one down here should I put out some of these fires I can permanently get them okay I I was holding off for another reason I think it's this one oh geez now that one's at the front they got an Insider they got some of the main lobby I got one got one nice I might I don't think they have anyone in the main lobby anymore they don't have anyone found them found Luke but if you want to come take care of this oh no that was Togepi actually this I heard a Molotov I'm pretty sure it's this green shirt right here I wouldn't shoot just to be safe it's this one I've got a fire right over here watch someone throw from up top I think I'm gonna watch up here I think it was this one instead you don't got to stay here I'm I'm literally disguised I will watch troll oh you gotta knows oh that's pretty that that works because I think you can still no you can't put down the all right there we go they just oh my Dodge Ram there's a money bag in one of the offices I don't know which one yet I gotta go find it good detective work drafty thanks a long ago hey pal that's me going through there's money somewhere around here I heard a sniper is that a I think I found a drill briefcase so they're probably wondering downstairs near uh starting ATMs yeah it's so long just shooting me guys this is where the fire was I think it's here's the money bag pardon me skip got another one wow that's a three kill streak [Music] he pulled the gun on me I was sitting there looking at it funny and I pointed a gun you know and waited I mean originally just you just walked in the room when I think it's this guy all right well I got stuck in the lobby so unless someone wants to come officer monkey that's fine for our last round is robbers do we want to go away yeah sure yes [Music] just go through here I don't know of course yes can I think I might be too thick I think I might be too thick cap yeah he said where am I Luke it's a magic show oh where is he so uh he's in a box or a micro I am the guardian of the lobby oh my God I don't even know if that's uh oh my Nicholas shimko dude he did this last week too or was it two weeks shut up and dropped a 500 stream tip and this goes High there yeah guns blazing can someone else be the uh the mafia boss though this time I want to be chicken man I have a plan yeah okay I have to portray my team a lot of Nicholas shimko I got you thank you dude thank you so much to the bottom of my heart Hitman actually I'll go Nicholas thank you so something you want to do I'm blown away that is crazy we're just going like right we're going guns blazing yeah wait monk aren't we all supposed to stay at the same entrance oh he's doing oh no I wasn't gonna do sniper and I forgot to change the uh spawn back oh Jesus dude that was rude no no no no no no no no no what are you doing you're the one what are you talking about what are you talking about what are you doing you're the worst kind of person hey drum drum come over this way come over this way I can't I'm out of him I'll get away for the helicopter yeah come over here delivery you get away from me just get away from me with that said instead you can uh oh I tried buddy you set it on fire unfortunately that was what the 500 dream tip was because I had to turn my back on the gang I'm sorry guys wow wow but it's okay that's gone this has got half his health he can still pull this off right instead yeah definitely ah what do you mean oh no that was back up watch out for the basket no not back up I didn't even see my cop run over there oh my God stop easy all right guys so that's it on the perfect Heist there I am going to be loading up on my sponsored server here uh just for a quick little second Arena [Music] um but yeah I'm gonna be hopping on to like I said guys it is awesome uh to play with you guys on the server and I play a lot of the time in my spare time as well and obviously I'm gonna be playing right now after this live stream is over so in order to get over there it's literally so simple you just go to play it on the Block dot GG and uh then we're kind of good to go here but that was that was honestly awesome Nicholas shimko I can't thank you enough for that spectacular uh ending could have been better even if I tried I know I'm sorry stead I'm sorry buddy can't believe you did that dude no one's ever streamed it for that to happen so even though what does that mean exactly like dude I was like ah oh my gosh though absolutely wild so remember guys to hop on the sponsored server I'm gonna be playing on the SkyBlock uh server today um because well I love this guy block server I mean I love both but Skybox kind of Remember My Jam at the moment here um Sue there we gozle guys all right so on that note everyone like I said come maybe online henlol and uh and I'll catch you guys playing alright goodbye everybody thanks again for joining see you guys on under block let's go okay
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 37,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft
Id: okglqZ435p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 4sec (10804 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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