Spaghetti all’Assassina: “ASSASSIN'S PASTA” | How to Make the Authentic Italian Recipe

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hey guys so i was just going through some like boxes of books and stuff from our move from los angeles and i found this notebook my wife ava seems to have written it in italian at first i thought it was like a journal or something uh but i think it's like a cookbook uh my italian is not great but i know richette means recipes and it's a little odd because she never actually writes recipes down the first recipe caught my eye it's called pasta alasacina and i'm pretty sure assassina means like killer or murderer ava why have you never made pasta alassa cena for me and how do you know about pasta i found it in a book out in the garage i need to make a phone call uh okay let's go [Music] cinar fur we need a big knife [Music] hi i'm harper tao today we are here to cook a dish that i know ava is very excited to make i am very excited to try and we are both very excited to introduce to hopefully a lot of people i was digging around for this recipe pasta alasacina killer pasta and there are some english language blogs and articles about it but not very many and as of this recording i couldn't even find an english language video on youtube about it uh so it definitely does seem to be a closely guarded secret of italy so basal assassina is a pasta typical from one city in italy and it's the city of bari barry is in puglia so it's a dish from south of italy the story of this pasta is that okay it starts to be done in bali during the 60s it seems that the owner of a restaurant restaurant was also so preferito he discovered a book where there was written recipe of this pasta lassocena and he decided to propose this pasta in his restaurant from that moment because it's so good it's unbelievable good it became a common pasta dish in bari they even also from what i understand have an academy to teach this recipe and to preserve uh pasta alasacina for future generations actually there are two academics too one is the academy of pasta lasso scene the other one is the contro academia where the members they are just women so there are two academies who try to develop the concept to preserve the concept of pasta alla sacina so where does the name come from why is it called killer pasta okay scholar is called killer pasta because you need to be let's say cold as a killer when you cook this pasta because you don't have to stir it you have to be very very calm just listen the pasta how is cooking and in the right moment turn flip the pasta so you need killer instincts you need to be a killer you need to kill the pasta to let the pasta suffer a lot and then eat and enjoy so from what i understand pasta alla sacina is a dish that breaks a lot of the rules of pasta let's say that is one of the dish that breaks maybe all the rule of pasta and he breaks the rule because the first thing we don't need a very good pasta we need a pasta that has a very low quantity of starch which means that this is the right recipe to use for example my beloved vanilla as you guys know if you've watched many of our videos you know ava's not a very big fan of barilla but this is a recipe where it's called for it's a one pot pasta so we cook the pasta direct with the sauce so this is something that maybe americans they will love because you should we have a lot of one pot pastas that's not very unusual for us but i know it's unusual in italy and last but not least there is another rule that yes assassina breaks because the first rule of pasta is don't burn the pasta well in this case you should burn the pasta the pasta tends to be very very crunchy tell the color it has to be black for some of spaghetti so yes assasina breaks all the rules that you can imagine okay so a burnt barilla spaghetti pasta dish that is apparently so good there are two academies dedicated to it uh i'm really excited to see what this is like are you sure hey now hey now it's a very simple dish of pasta the ingredients are a few ingredients and that's why in this case we really need the very good ingredients what we need to make masala it's easy we make we need the pasta so a very simple pasta no bronze cut nothing special then we need garlic spicy pepper because the asocina can kill you it's very spicy then we need olive oil a good olive oil we need some tomato paste and then we need also very good tomato tomato puree we got this this morning to tj maxx and i'm pretty sure that this is the old style italian tomato puree so if you have a chance to go and buy some of this also because the bottle is the typical bottle that in the south of italy we use when we make tomato sauce at home and last but not least we need this pan it's an heavy pen this is a cast iron pen i tried to do this also with a normal pen so if you don't have this don't worry you can use also the other one but it has to be a very heavy pen a light pen no it doesn't work and we need this because this material uh [Music] keep how do you say it heat heat a lot yes it retains heat okay and we need it to burn our spaghetti the first thing that we need to do to cook our pasta lasagna is let's call it broth it's a very very light tomato sauce very liquid made just with tomato paste and some of tomato puree [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] this is the moment in which your your killer isn't has to come out this means that you don't have to try to touch the pasta the pasta needs to rest there until it start to burn and then when you start to burn when you start to caramelize that is the moment in which you flip the [Music] pasta [Music] do [Music] so it's definitely the pasta with the coolest name yes alessa cena it's also a scary name as we say in italy arthur this is the moment the mazzarella pasta this is the moment in which you need to kill the pasta kill the pasta okay with pleasure i thought i was supposed to kill this pasta but i think this pasta just killed me that is so crazy good i was expecting the texture difference i was expecting that crunch because it's kind of it's slightly burnt but what i was not expecting was how much of that technique has to do with the flavor because it almost tastes smoked cheese seems to be smooth there is spicy it's cooked perfect it's crunchy it's like barbecued pasta it's pasta france product from the academy let us know if we did a good job with your assassinabio because i hope i did but and if we did a bad job please spare our lives well i hope you guys enjoyed a look at this very unique dish uh i know that i've learned uh being married to this woman that there are a lot of italian dishes that uh people don't even really know about outside of italy and uh i for one am excited about learning more about them if you are too give this video a thumbs up and maybe we will revisit ava's uh secret recipe book at some point hey watch it well thanks for watching guys the recipe will be down below in the video description so check it out if you try it tag us on instagram pasta grammar follow us on facebook and twitter and please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already we'll see you next time ciao
Channel: Pasta Grammar
Views: 379,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pasta all'assassina, pasta all'assassina recipe, killer pasta, pasta, all'assassina, recipe, all assassina, assassin pasta, spaghetti all'assassina, bari pasta dish, authentic italian food, authentic pasta, traditional, italian, food, cook, how to cook pasta all'assassina, how to make pasta all'assassina, bari, pasta killer, best, pasta grammar, eva, harper
Id: yzSjE1JYCD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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