SpaceX Starships Design Error, Inspiration 4, Blue Origin vs SpaceX, Arianespace Vega VV19

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this video is sponsored by skillshare hey hey marcus house with you here and we've got a lot to catch up on today we've got loads of updates to share around starship development in starbase with a booster being scrapped some interesting steps underway to prepare the launch tower and an error with the forward flaps which needs a redesign i was also thrilled to connect with jared isaacman the commander of the upcoming inspiration 4 mission that is scheduled to launch with that unique crew dragon in just a few weeks another launch this week to talk about this time it was a mission by the european space agency with the vega rocket then sadly some less inspirational news around blue origin so here we are yet again watching the story of the largest rocket ever created unfold if all goes to plan this fully reusable starship will have the capacity to haul around 150 metric tons to low earth orbit for a tiny fraction of the cost compared to what we've ever seen in the past there is a lot riding on this project and it will change everything in regard to space exploration tourism research and industry make no mistake many people are still unaware of this and most really don't get it as i tweeted early in the week as soon as spacex reaches low earth orbit with full reusability alone that changes the game entirely elon here agreed to that saying that starship will enable humanity to become a multi-planet species now that is the ultimate goal right there but one step at a time so the very first orbital test flight using the full stack with ship 20 the second stage here and the colossal booster 4 as presented by spacex a few weeks ago isn't a long way off now with elon confirming that this should be ready for flight in a few weeks pending only regulatory approval now when a cheeky twitter user asked if this was in real time and not the usual elon time he did confirm here saying that it is real time i find it quite funny that he can share in the meme that has essentially become known as elon time which tends to be around one third to one half of the time that it will actually take now of course although the ship may be ready to fly that doesn't mean that the regulatory approval will be coming anytime soon that is the hope of course but the federal aviation administration could be quite a way off with their timelines remember that they have warned spacex that work on a massive launch tower is included in the ongoing environmental review of the starship facility now i'm hoping that this assessment is being finalized right now and perhaps the news is simply not being shared only time will tell while we can't wait for this epic milestone to happen and we wish for us to have a blast watching it we don't want to see anything literal in that regard that is why my upcoming midweek video that i'm publishing early next week is going to focus on exactly that although we expect the odd mishap given the rapid prototyping going on in bogotica there is certainly one event that we don't want to see something like this on the pad if the full stack breaks up and explodes far out over the ocean that is much less of a problem but the rocket should not clear the tower in any other way than this so what is the explosive potential of the full starship stack and what would happen in such a scenario keep an eye out for that when the video drops in a few days because we've had a lot of fun researching that one so we have a few quick updates to share in regard to build work at the production site as also shared by brendan lewis in his diagram for the week ship 21s after dome made an appearance outside with it being sleeved mid-week and what is believed to be booster 5's forward dome sleeve appeared this week as well a ground support equipment or gse tank forward dome was also sleeved possibly for gse8 which we now know is replacing gsc tank number 4. elon musk also revealed this week that there's a slight error with the forward flap design the moving section is needed for control but the passive non-moving section so the arrow covers here is counterproductive as it pushes the nose backward the new design rotates the forward flaps more leeway and further forward to improve the moment arm the focus at starbase this week has really been more centralized around getting everything ready for the first orbit test flight this week we had some more news regarding booster 3. although this was never destined to fly it has been sitting at the pad for quite a while now after completing its three-engine static fire a few weeks ago it was believed that spacex was going to test the vehicle to destruction however plans had obviously changed with a boost of being connected to the crane here last saturday morning and then it being cut in half later that afternoon as captured beautifully by mary and nasa's space flight that evening the crane lifted up the top half which is the methane tank and placed it onto the ground that section was then dissected into three smaller pieces interestingly the crane was then connected to the lower liquid oxygen tank section but i assume spacex thought ship 20 was more of a priority instead so it was disconnected and rolled over to sub-orbital pad b of course after being rolled back to the launch site a week ago progress on ship 20 continued as it prepared for its orbital flight the crews worked on the thermal protection system or tps tiles replacing many of the damaged ones as well as conducting more efforts on the cabling and that raceway there the ship was then rolled over to pad b on tuesday to start its testing campaign the same crane that was used to remove the top of booster 3 was then connected early in the afternoon and up that went at 6 pm touching down onto pad b soon after a lot to cover here with the launch tower which received the first sections of exterior cladding on sunday along with some insulated pipes which will carry the propellant from the ground up to the tower and then across to the ship via the quick disconnect arm often called the qd arm for short thanks to the incredible rgv aerial photography we can see all the attachments for the tower right now with the qd arm which has recently been painted black cryo pipes have also been added inside the structure to carry the propellant from the tower across to the ship that arm also received a large pivot hinge which will swivel around the furthermost column of the tower that allows it to get right out of the way completely at liftoff and not collide with the catching arms when the trolley raises up and down along the closest three columns the two catching and stacking arms are coming along nicely as well they are multi-purpose and will be used to lift the booster up onto the launch mount to lift the ship onto the booster catch the booster and then catch the ship right out of the air something that to me still certainly seems crazy but is it crazy enough to work eric x on twitter here released this updated animation of how mechazilla will look when catching the booster and placing it back on the launch mount and elon responded here saying that this is pretty close but the booster and arms will move faster the quick disconnect arm will steady the booster for the shipmate he also added that the ship will be caught by mechazilla too and therefore landing legs will only be needed for the moon or mars until there is local infrastructure there he did confirm here saying that he means that in time mars will get its own mechazilla as well and that boosters will also be built and launched from mars for outer solar system missions now we are obviously talking way down the track here getting to mars safer with crew at all would be an astounding and epoch defining event i think it's also worth noting that a crude mission to mars requires the advancement in so many areas for starters with orbital refilling which we talked about in last week's video we need solutions for adequate radiation shielding we need zero loss of propellant on the way too zero boil off systems have been prototyped on earth and can drastically reduce and hopefully completely suppress the losses of propellant caused due to the normally required venting of evaporated cryogenic fluids the basic principle here is to use a combination of passive insulation and active cooling to deal with this problem the active cooling though takes a lot of energy and these systems all need to be in place before a mars journey is even possible even if it's just for cargo what many might not realize is that even a moon mission needs this as well refilling in orbit takes days and then you've got the travel time the waiting for the crew arrival the entire length of the mission and this all adds up to weeks during all that time the cryogenic propellants need to stay in place spacex is not alone with this challenge either the national team's hls is proposed to use liquid hydrogen and that is even more difficult to keep under control due to the extremely low temperature needed to keep hydrogen in liquid form that needs to be chilled right down to less than negative 252 degrees celsius compared to methane at just under 160 degrees celsius but look let's face it spacex tends to only focus on the next step towards the overall goal as far as we know there is no design for these systems yet which tends to get a bunch of people very skeptical about the vehicle overall for long duration missions nevertheless these milestones can be tackled once the starship program is successful i mean that makes sense right it's pointless investing and inventing these systems until spacex knows for sure that they can get starship to low earth orbit and back successfully the real exciting thing is watching this rapid prototyping take place now we publish these videos every saturday and typically have them jam-packed full of all of the updates going on thanks to you we can cover this in a lot of detail now i don't know about you but i'm getting super excited about the upcoming inspiration for mission that is going to be launching hopefully in a little under a month now i've been lucky enough to connect with jared isaacman who very generously donated a little time to me to answer some simple questions which was very much appreciated we'll talk about that in just a moment but first a big thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video skillshare of course is a huge online learning community made up of thousands of curious people you can find almost any creative subject that you're interested in and before you know it you are increasing your skills and getting a deeper knowledge of related skills that you didn't even know that you were missing on this channel we absolutely love showing off the incredible work by all of the 3d artists out there but how do you even get started creating your own 3d magic in this awesome blender 3d animation beginner course presented by remington markham you can follow along and learn how to bring 3d characters to life getting started with the animation basics in blender is incredibly rewarding and in this course you will take a 3d character and learn the skills traditionally used in animation motion design and video game design blender is a terrific platform to learn from as it is free open source software that is at the same time incredibly popular although a little familiarity with blender's interface will be helpful before you start no prior knowledge is actually necessary if you're completely new to blender or 3d in general there are many more classes as well to bridge that gap before you start and all of these skills are specifically structured to allow for learning without ads interrupting you if you would like to help support me and would like to give it a try the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description we'll get a one month free trial of skillshare so you can start exploring your creativity today just follow the link in the description below so yes it has been amazing to connect with jared isaacman this week thank you jared for answering a bunch of our questions here rather than just listing each question and answer which i find fairly tedious in video form i've just combined it all into what we've learned from jared just to keep the pace up here now i was actually curious whether the crew would be able to watch parts of the mission such as the booster landing however unfortunately these screens on board won't be showing any of that the crew will instead be getting update calls from mission control instead the crew has a lot that they want to do on board with the schedule packed with scientific experiments they're going to be doing some photography and conducting some wonderful events such as connecting with the kids at mini mission control which is being finalized at st jude right now i assume we'll get to see a stream of those events because that will indeed be very inspirational to see i think this is a great story in itself right and we can see that the crew there are trying to accomplish as much here on earth with saint jude as up in space as well jared is very hopeful that this mission opens the door for a lot of exciting opportunities to follow he listed a few of these specific goals for the mission for me as well which include expanding the approved performance envelope for the dragon spacecraft something that we certainly want to see also they want to achieve that symbolic milestone of going beyond the current human comfort zone at the international space station we know that the future missions to the moon and mars are on the horizon now so that all certainly helps to drive that spirit of innovation and also to gain a little exposure to increased radiation levels that data will provide very useful information to help design the future counter meshes for long duration spaceflight now it's possibly a little unknown at this point but there has been a lot of talk about the recent sub-orbital flights that don't qualify for astronaut wings will the crew on inspiration 4 receive them well with inspiration 4 quite a substantial training regime has been going on now for 6 months they've needed to train in the academics of space flight including covering the systems and the operation of the dragon spacecraft all for a multi-day orbital mission that is well above the responsibility of a quick passenger ride lasting only a few minutes jared actually told me that the training has been very intense he definitely underestimated the time and commitment involved but they are all loving the process each day for six months they are working very hard to operate the crew dragon spacecraft on orbit of course we can see that clearly from many of the wonderful pictures recently shared from the team they are even trained in the manual operation of the dragon and all the potential contingencies as well essentially what all of this means is they've got the exact same controls and training that a nasa crew would have available on a mission certainly a totally different ball game to recent sub-orbital hops now this mission is launching into a 51 degree inclination which is great for crew members as it includes good ground station coverage and also the recovery options are plenty in the very rare event of a launch escape in terms of the sleeping arrangements all four of the crew plan to sleep at relatively the same time no sleep rotation or anything like that which would make it quite difficult especially in a small capsule they will be also using the same type of space sleeping bags you would have seen on the shuttle or the iss missions but with a few spacex improvements the food is all going to be similar sort of stuff that you'd see with camping food simple and easy to carry no need for heating or cooling which is great because crew dragon doesn't have those facilities anyway and jared also confirmed on twitter here saying that the cupola that will replace the docking system for this mission is indeed fully installed on dragon now i was starting to wonder about this as i hadn't heard a great deal about it since it was announced many months ago so yes this inspiration 4 mission is going to be super exciting thanks again to jared there for answering all of my questions from myself and our patrons as well that was most appreciated okay so in less positive news we probably need to talk a little about blue origin now while other space faring companies tend to service with news about new rockets or other space tech blue origin continues to admonish the hls contract awarded to spacex with questionable knowledge about its competition now don't get me wrong i would be the first in line to share the new insights of their progress with new clan or be4 engines i think blue origin's initial visions were something quite inspirational when we first heard of them but we would really love to see some actual progress here i mean just recently we talked here about the open letter by jeff bezos where more competitive pricing was actually offered to compete in the hls discussion that seemed a bit of a reversal to instead just releasing infographics essentially insulting spacex's mission proposal a few months ago of course nasa had decided on selecting only spacex as an option for the artemis program the main reason for that was the competitive offer by spacex of around 3 billion us dollars with the national team led by blue origin coming in at around double that price then dynamics even more expensive again the other problem of course is that nasa has received way less funding than expected they just don't have the money to select a second solution right now but blue origin are certainly not taking this decision laying down no matter how the negative publicity follows them around on this this week they have now sued nasa for what they believe is an unfair procurement process despite the gao just weeks ago considering nasa's decision to be valid under the given circumstances and then they did this with the assumptions that were corrected by elon musk more or less on the spot on the same day blue origins hls lead designer resigned to work at spacex so what does this mean for now well nasa has already voluntarily paused work with spacex for the human landing system through to the start of november while this process plays out this is somewhat ironic given that jeff bezos himself in 2019 criticized exactly this behavior he was released and then it was awarded to grumman six months later today there would be you know three protests and the win the losers would sue the federal government because they didn't win so yes in an ideal world i'd love to see spacex and another provider such as blue origin or dynamics developing different exciting ways to travel safely and cost effectively to the moon at this point i'm just hoping that spacex gets to continue the development of their hls concept uninterrupted after november and that blue origin in the future focuses on sharing some progress on their vehicle instead of just throwing stones at their competition it is getting very tiresome at this point spacex has already received some of the funding from nasa at the end of july anyway so this should keep them going for a while at least we had an ariane space launch earlier this week as well with the vega launch vehicle lifting off on monday august 16th the primary payload for this mission was the airbus manufactured defense and space satellite pleiades neo4 the first of four satellites for this constellation was launched on april the 28th so this is the second in that series it is going to provide very useful data for several target markets including mapping location-based services maritime military applications aeronautics forestry management and agriculture and it also has an incredible 30 centimeter imaging capability possibly even greater than that this essentially means that one pixel of an image taken represents around 30 centimeters or almost 12 inches on the surface of the earth also due to the sun synchronous orbit it allows twice a day revisit capability sadly there was only animated graphics of the deployments as seen here just off the coast of western australia as the satellite was released the general coverage of this mission was great though good animations lots of numbers and interesting commentary that is quite an improvement compared to the last esa launch also on board was the french startup unseen labs bro4 satellite a maritime surveillance nano satellite and additionally three cubesats for the european space agency hitching a ride to space as well lead sat is an educational project from italy aiming to test tracking technology for low earth orbit satellites radcube from hungary aims to demonstrate radiation instruments for use when monitoring space weather and then finland's sunstorm has a solar x-ray spectrometer to detect material ejected from the surface of the sun the launch vehicle itself is certainly clearly demonstrating its capability to deliver large and small payloads to varying orbital altitudes nice work there ariane space and everyone involved in that mission so there you go that has you all updated thanks very much for making it all the way to the end that makes such a difference to the algorithm the watch time is pretty much the most important metric so thank you if you've enjoyed this i'd be thrilled if you considered subscribing i'm grateful for all of you being here and there is a lot more to learn in the next few weeks especially with our midweek video coming in just a few days also just a quick shout out to casper stanley as of today having rocket explorer available to purchase finally on steam pick it up now if you can that has been an incredible labor of love for years now thank you to all of you incredible viewers and supporters you could even be a patron or youtube member supporting what we do or you could be picking up some gear from our merch 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Channel: Marcus House
Views: 520,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spacex starship sn20, Spacex super heavy, Spacex starship progress, spacex orbital refilling, spacex starship full stack, Spacex starship, marcus house, spacex starship sn 20, inspiration 4 mission, blue origin sues nasa, spacex boca chica, spacex starship update, Spacex, arianespace vega, Spacex starship landing, spacex starship stacking, spacex launch, Spacex orbital launch, elon musk spacex, spacex super heavy booster, Spacex launch tower catch
Id: 12RpMJyrPZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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