SpaceX is about to test the largest rocket booster ever created!

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this video is sponsored by squarespace the all-in-one platform to build your beautiful online presence and run your business hey hey marcus house with you here today we are diving into a number of interesting topics around starbase for the very first time a raptor vacuum engine has arrived on site booster 3 was not only stacked but also transported to the test stand the launch tower has a gain risen and loads of activity around the sanchez gas site spacex's transporter 2 mission was beautiful sending 88 satellites into orbit even after a frustrating delay the starlink internet satellite constellation has passed a critical milestone for active users the international space station had another pair of roll out solar panels installed in another spectacular spacewalk and virgin orbit successfully launched its first commercial mission what a week so we do have quite a lot to cover today at spacex's starbase facility in bogota texas especially around the launch infrastructure and overall vehicle construction i feel like there has been a general sadness since it was announced by elon last week that the super heavy booster in progress was no longer going to be the one to launch i had countless comments a little dismayed about that tweet never fear though remember that spacex moves at a phenomenal pace so we'll see the next booster stacked up before you know it and you know this is why we follow so closely with you right what other agency can you study like this and have entire vehicles made over the course of a few weeks it really is crazy stuff so at the orbital launch site the sixth section of the orbital launch tower was finally lifted after spending quite a lengthy amount of time beside it the week before we believe that delay was simply due to weather you just don't want to have a massive steel section swinging around wildly on a crane here and you can see the amount of precision that's needed to get this perfectly lined up so yes there we see it being placed carefully on top leaving just the two remaining sections the seventh section was rolled from the sanchez site on monday with it arriving at the launch site soon after and then on thursday up that went as well and here is the eighth section it will not be long now until we see this colossal tower fully stacked so here the orbital launch mount itself has recently received six pieces between each pillar to evenly distribute the load and fix the whole structure in place these connection beams do however have some interesting characteristics to them if you look closely you can notice that they are hollow only the bottom and the two side walls exist with no top wall to cover it this could be because wiring and general cable work or even plumbing need to go through another more likely idea could be that they are just going to be filling these with concrete that will further stabilize the entire launch mount structure it is currently unclear what the final configuration of the launch mount will be but it is possible that additional supports will go in before the launch table is integrated with the rest of the mount that orbital launch table which is still being worked on at the build site should soon be placed on top now straying away from the mount itself you can also notice two rebar pilings on the ground on opposite sides of the launch tower we aren't sure what exactly these are for or if they are scrap pieces but it wouldn't be surprising if this is where the ground support equipment cabling and pipes interface with the launch mount traditionally at other launch facilities the launch tower or the launch mount handles fueling and communication to the rocket could it be possible that a similar sub building or reinforced bunker handles those needs here let us know what you think in the comments also around the launch mount we are generally seeing the area clear out this might be to prepare for the giant lr11350 crawler crane to move over and get close to the launch table or maybe it could be just for general access we aren't entirely sure moving just over to the side of the launch tower over the past two weeks the spacex team has begun building these two new foundations which were spotted by rgv aerial photography during his recent flyover as always the community contributions for mauricio's work is critical so thanks everyone there for the amazing support that they provide with even more funding he can take even more frequent flights now check this out here these look to be the staging area for starship where they will stack them on top of the booster before being lifted onto the mount for an orbital launch those foundations in the shape of a circle are likely nine meters in diameter and will support the weight of the two stages as we see the traditional six point hexagon layout for the starship to sit on this is similar to the display stands where starship 15 and 16 both currently sit but what's unique is actually the presumed super heavy stand the super heavy stand has a total of 12 mount points double that of the starship that is for obvious reasons as the booster is in itself heavier and larger than the normal ship and it requires a greater number of hold down and mounting points for stability these two stands are a complete surprise as none of the draft assessments seen show such a mounting area to exist a little jump over to the suborbital launch area we can see the stand adapter right here this was the same stand adapter that was used by the booster test tank known as bn 2.1 while it was undergoing its testing campaign since then it has been mounted on top of sub-orbital launch stand a in preparation to receive booster 3 for its own testing campaign over at the sanchez site the third cryo shell has now been completed with the fourth now undergoing stacking operations to keep on top of this we of course have the amazing brendan lewis who has now added the status of these cry shells to his star-based production diagrams as well follow brendan there to keep up to date with all of these construction diagrams they are amazing so close by spacex look to have activated five of their newest natural gas generators well they're not exactly new but new to spacex these generators actually come from another company and we currently suspect they were bought in to power the air liquefaction system it has been undergoing assembly and construction for several months now and in total these five generators can produce up to 14.6 megawatts of power regarding the air liquefaction plant we're not exactly sure how much power is required to be fed into this but it sure is a lot considering the level of condensing heating then recondensing that is necessary to split the ambient air into the three main components nitrogen oxygen and argon together those three have drastically different liquefying temperatures which make them easy to chill extract and then re-chill at each of their respective liquefying points hopefully with the generators kicking into gear this means that we'll soon see the air separation units begin making some locally brewed liquid oxygen now over the last week booster 3's forward dome was stacked onto the first methane triple ring section in the high bay this was then stacked on another triple ring section and then onto a four ring section that completes the methane tank with a total of 13 rings the booster construction and transport stand was taken into the high bay all in preparation for the final stacking of the tanks then at 9am on tuesday the liquid oxygen tank section was lifted and mounted onto the super heavy transport stand final stacking then started at 3 p.m with the methane section being lifted and set onto the rest of the booster at the base of the booster here there is some sort of jig which people originally thought could be a structure for a leg or even a flap however after a closer look it can be seen that there is actually a copv inside the structure this needs to be placed on the exterior of the booster because unlike starship there is no skirt or nose to place the copvs internally as future boosters will be reaching a very high velocity this will need some sort of protection to survive the forces in flight of course on thursday this beautiful shot of the booster rolling out of the construction area to head down to the test stand just blew us all the way just another day at spacex right there from this perspective you really do get to see the staggering scale of the booster in what seemed like no time at all the booster was placed onto the test stand although this beefier and upgraded test stand initially seems indicative of a full super heavy static fire that sadly won't be the case with the existing suborbital stand still intact underneath the adapter piece this means that the outer ring of engines on the booster will not be capable of firing at all for that the booster would require being placed on the orbital launch mount on top of all of this the biggest news of the week at starbase was i think this special delivery just look at this the first ever raptor vacuum engine to be delivered to the site we'll talk about that more in just a moment but before that a very big thank you to squarespace today for sponsoring this video are you wanting to get a web presence set up super quickly with minimal fast for a cost that doesn't break the budget squarespace is the solution for you this great system provides an incredible all-in-one platform to build your website allowing you to display beautiful content promote yourself your business online store or maybe even a charity the best thing you don't even need to have any experience in web development if you can upload beautiful photos and write your own great content you will immediately feel right at home completing a website with squarespace simply get started with the loads of templates to choose from select one that matches your brand and that is it you can also improve the search result ranking of your pages simply optimize the post titles and descriptions with the inbuilt seo tools and you can give your site the best chance for visibility some of that content you may want to provide for exclusive paid members as well that allows you to generate revenue through those supporting your work if you want to check it out for yourself just head to marcus house and save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain you'll find that link in the description below so yes here we have the first raptor vacuum engine delivered to the site just imagine how crazy it will be to see three of these engines used to power ship 20 for its orbital insertion burn during starship's first orbital flight elon did verify on twitter that this engine is indeed for ship 20 so that isn't just an assumption that is confirmed he also added that this version of the raptor vacuum engine has 378 seconds of specific impulse targeting over 380 in the future also here captured by the incredible mary aka bokeh chicago with nasa space flight after her well-deserved break we saw this delivery of three sea level raptor engines these are of course presumed to be used on starship 20 as well now in last week's episode we saw these hot gas thrusters spotted on booster 3's forward dome section elon stated on twitter that they are an unnecessary complication for now and that they will be removed from this prototype they will instead be used on a future version with an isp of 300 compared to the cold gas thrusters that are used on falcons booster which have an isp of 60 these new hot gas thrusters are five times more efficient presumably also much more powerful these thrusters are needed to maneuver the much larger 9 meter wide super heavy booster if spacex really wants to catch the returning booster they will need to make a load of improvements even over the falcon 9. although that is very successful with its landings it is still often quite a few meters off a bullseye landing that vehicle of course does have the disadvantage of not being able to hover as the super heavy will be able to with better thrust control these powerful thrusters and the large grid fins that are planned spacex should have the technology to very precisely return to the launch pad and catch it right out of the sky from there the engines are switched off so it can be lowered gently back onto the launch mount now last week we did show the statement from gwen shotwell suggesting the orbital flight test could be in july at mwc 2021 elon stated that spacex are going to do their best to do an orbital starship launch attempt in the next few months he also added that they'll certainly have an orbital capable booster and ship along with the orbital launch site all ready within the next month or so on twitter he did expand on this though saying that this is the internal goal if things go right which needs to be aggressive obviously some things will not go right internally and there will be external issues too that said i think that we can stack an orbital ship on an orbital booster in july so yeah that is a pretty big claim right there what do you think about that let me know in the comments below now we had some other awesome news as well the second dedicated small sat rideshare launch for spacex transporter 2 was a terrific mission to watch this week it lifted off from slick 40 at cape canaveral's space force station on wednesday june the 30th and while not carrying a record-breaking payload of 133 individual spacecraft this time like it did with the transporter 1 mission in january this year it's still super impressive this time it carried 88 craft and believe it or not this actually had a higher overall payload mass than the previous rideshare mission the booster that pushed the second stage out of the atmosphere was flying here for the eighth time with missions such as gps3 turksat 5a and 5 star ignitions already flown you could certainly tell too by that very toasted appearance that we saw there on touchdown at landing zone 1. there we go right there just terrific footage watching the 8th landing overall this launch had a few interesting characteristics as well because it was a southern launch trajectory set to deliver the payloads into a sun synchronous orbit and also the second stage needed to slightly deviate the course to keep it off the coast then targeting that final inclination of 97.6 degrees it is worth noting i think that this mission was delayed after a scrub the previous day with elon musk tweeting afterwards that this was due to an aircraft entering the keep out zone adding that this is unreasonably gigantic he also added that there is simply no way that humanity can become a space-faring civilization without major regulatory reform feeling obviously frustrated there now i'm not going to talk in any detail about the individual payloads for this mission but there is a great article here from that covers that in depth a link to that is in the description if you want to read up on all of them so the second stage did a quick burn to place it into its stable orbit at 54 minutes into the mission followed by a long series of deployments the last of course there was spacex taking the prime opportunity to release three new starlink satellites speaking of starlink there are a few quick announcements in that regard that are quite significant with all of these 72 orbital planes to be active sometime in august along with better coverage and other improvements this is hopefully going to become a significant source of revenue in a very rapid time frame of course because the service hasn't yet been completed reviews have been a little mixed but once it's all rolled out that should make a big difference spacex is estimating at least 100 megabits per second download speeds with 20 megabits per second upload speeds quite impressive for anyone that is underserved in remote locations elon was of course stoked that the number of active users of the system has already passed 69 420 i don't think i need to explain that any further other than to say that with a 99 per month fee it's already close to 7 million per month in service costs alone that excludes of course the setup fees and any margins on the equipment being delivered to consumers as well regardless that is just the tip of the iceberg with elon hoping to grow that user base to half a million over the next 12 months even more interesting was the information shared talking about how styling surfaces are being looked at for aircraft specifically focusing in on the 737 and a320s given that they have the ability to serve the most people because each aircraft type requires regulatory approval this makes the most sense in a month or two we should also see the polar launches of starlink begin these orbital planes will begin servicing those areas currently not covered by the existing shell all very exciting to see that kicking off some more exciting updates at the international space station again this week as well for the third time in nine days shane kimbra and thomas pesquet ventured out the airlock with the benefit of the extra troubleshooting skills the mission this time was pretty slick installing the second pair of the new international space station rollout solar arrays the first of those two arrays was successfully commissioned into service over the two separate spacewalks on the 16th and 20th of june i've particularly enjoyed the incredible footage from all of these spacewalks this view right here made the palms a little sweaty don't look down or is that up so working from the canadarm2 the array was moved over to the port 6 truss from here both astronauts bolted the new solar array to the canister located at the bottom of the p6 4b array with the station now in darkness and producing no power the connective cables were rearranged to allow for integration into the 4b power channel then back in day time the final steps saw the restraining bolts removed with the solar array beginning to unfurl into its 63 foot or 19 meter length that was a process taking approximately 10 minutes you just got to take your hat off to the way this pair has worked as a cohesive team they have achieved some great outcomes here and that will benefit the station and its occupants well into the foreseeable future a pretty cool launch from virgin orb this week as well following the team's successful orbital launch demonstration in january tubular bells part one which launched on wednesday marks the next big step for virgin orbit this was their very first commercial flight and for this mission launcher one carried payloads for three customers from three different countries the u.s department of defense's space test program a polish satellite from sat revolution and the royal netherlands air force ground preparations went smoothly with the crew soon having cosmic girl the 747 carrier aircraft and a launch one ready to roll departing from california's mojave air and spaceport it was wheels up and straight out to the launch zone in no time at all the command to release was given and launcher one was on its way almost two hours later there was the confirmation of successful deployment of the seven small satellites into their designated orbits the small satellite launch market now has yet another option with no shortage of customers looking for innovative and cost-effective ways to send their payloads into orbit so yes there is another action-packed week of updates to share there remember as well that we are huge supporters of the transition to electric vehicles here on the channel and our partner ev offers the ability to hire an electric vehicle in australia perhaps you have wanted to take an extended test drive you could be touring the country and want to drive around in a tesla if that sounds appealing to you you can use the link in the description for a discount thank you most of all to you right there the 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to the production crew and the quality control squad here for helping me research and proof all of the material in these videos if you love this content remember to subscribe to like to share and remember to follow as well on twitter at marcus house in the tile in the bottom left today we have my midweek video talking about the hls check that out if you missed it it wasn't my normal upload time in the top right my latest video and in the bottom right content that youtube has selected from the channel just for you thank you everyone for watching and we'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Marcus House
Views: 680,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spacex booster 3, spacex starship update, spacex starlink, spacex boca chica, Spacex super heavy, spacex starship live, spacex starship sn20, spacex super heavy booster, virgin orbit launch, marcus house, spacex launch, Spacex starship landing, spacex starlink launch, spacex starship sn 20, raptor vacuum engine (rvac), irosa solar array, elon musk spacex, Spacex starship, Spacex orbital launch, spacex starship progress, bocachicagal mary, irosa nasa, Starlink satellites
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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