SpaceX Starship Moving to Florida

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hey guys welcome back to the space news pod a show about spacex nasa and space flight i'm your host will walden and on this episode we're going to be talking about spacex's starship and a little bit more so stay tuned for that now let's get into some starship stuff okay first and foremost we all know that spacex is launching and testing starship from starbase in boca chica texas that's cool we know that we know they're going to try the orbital launch test sometime this summer from starbase hopefully probably probably not though july 1st as we all know they're still working on a lot of stuff down there um a new orbital launch tower segment was added yesterday but we know that spacex is going to try to do a lot of testing from starbase in uh boca chica in the coming months now check this out this is a sweet tweet sweet tweet over here by delta v delta underscore v there we go um orbital launches in 2021 watch out spacex so check out this graph there you go spacex there we go casc is catching up with spacex russ cosmos catching up with spacex rocket lab wait on here ula way down here north rip way down here i space virgin orbit way down here but look at this c-a-s-c catching up to him but this is the important part this is the important but elon replies with us so much more is needed for life to become interplanetary okay so we have a lot we've already done a lot right so spacex has done a ton of launching this year starlink tons and tons of starlink launches have happened this year starship has to come to fruition it has to become a thing for them to actually make life multi-planetary now what happens next for starlink launches using starship would lc39a be the only option for these launches all of the current satellites are launched into a 53 degree inclined orbit can that orbit be launched in to with starship from star base texas can lower inclinations be used in the future basically saying hey where's starship going to launch from for these starlight missions that are happening all the time elon musk replies that was uh p-p-a-t-h-o-l-e with that tweet elon says after several successful launches land over flight earlier in trajectory passes e sub c safety threshold that said starship will also launch from cape lom term this is great news people love cape launches it's a great trajectory for spacex to launch starlink from also it has all the facilities um they're already launching rockets from that they're all already launching um falcon 9s from there repeatedly over and over and over possibly you know two three times four times a month sometimes possibly more so if they can slot a starship launch in there too maybe a couple starships in there to test it out and that'll be coming in the next year maybe two years for those launches they have to probably do a bunch of work on the launch site to get it ready but i mean they're gonna switch over to starship and kind of ditch falcon 9 eventually that's the plan that's going to be a while though that's going to be that's going to be years down the line it's not going to happen overnight it's not going to happen after this summer not after these orbital tests this summer um they say one orbital test so far that's what's slotted they're gonna do another one if this one works out well they're definitely gonna do another orbital launch this year if they have enough time and if they have enough resources i mean they're cranking out raptor engines one every 48 hours one every two days so they can get up to scale pretty quickly with these starship launches so it's possible not probable but it's possible that starship could do another orbital launch by the end of this year if they get a move on and get this thing to orbit in the next month or two which not bad and then eventually move everything over to the cape all the facilities are there it's a new era in space exploration it's a new era for spacex to move forward with their starship so that's really cool man i thought that was a pretty cool tweet um a pretty cool exchange there but i also have to talk about uh something that's been kind of under the radar a little bit it's a little bit a little bit under the radar here but there's been a launch of okay so there's been a launch of a um cz7 long march 7 rocket and it's a chinese rocket right so this chinese rocket and let me let me pull this up for you the chinese rocket here the uh the the rocket this is from uh gunter's space page here very cool resource if you want to check it out it's uh if you will and cz7 this is the rocket okay so this rocket took the second uh module up to china's new space station and that's awesome we need more space stations right it's awesome but also the thing is this booster is going to have a uncontrolled deorbit so it's going to deorbit somewhere like the long march 5 that just happened we didn't know where that was going to do orbit it was terrifying we had no idea where it was going to land where it was going to crash land i should say so um we have a couple sources that show that this long march 7 rocket will deorbit sometime between the 15th and the 18th ish not exactly sure there's so many different forces that are working against this rocket so whether it's you know the earth you know um gravity pulling it down of course and then we have uh solar effects on it the solar wind can can uh keep it up there a little bit longer depending on how it's hitting it also our own atmosphere as it's coming back in it can skip off the atmosphere a little bit sure i can depends on what's happening up there so we don't know exactly when this thing is going to crash land on earth but i want to let you all know that this is actually happening this is a thing that's actually you know uh in the process of happening right now and it'll happen within the next couple days or so you know and i want to make sure that everybody knows that that is actually happening we do have a tracker let me show you this tracker that we have going on and we have um you know we have this is a kind of in-between tracker we're we're guesstimating when the crash will be and um it's possible that'll happen within the next day or so so i just want to let you guys know that i want to let you um take that in and let you know that hey man we're going to be here for you we're going to give you all the information that you need and we're going to keep a tracker up for you as long as we can so i want to say thanks for hanging out today thanks for becoming members of the space news pod and for subscribing to the show and let me know what you think about spacex launching from the cape pretty cool so thanks everybody take care i'll see you later you
Channel: Space News Pod
Views: 24,564
Rating: 4.8266129 out of 5
Keywords: spacex, nasa, elon musk, falcon 9, spacex starship, spacex starship base, mars base, human spaceflight, spacex starship launch, spacex rocket, spacex starship hop, spacex news, spacex update, spacex updates, elon musk news, boca chica, boca chica texas, spacex texas, starship sn9 launch, starship sn9 hop, starship sn10 launch, starship sn10 hop, starship sn11 launch, starship sn11 hop, wenhop, SN15, Starship SN15, starship sn16, SN16, SN20
Id: kcpP_F7YCnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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