SpaceX Starship launches on 2nd integrated test flight, booster explodes after separation

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2 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 [Music] [Applause] 1 CH pressure we are t plus 40 seconds into the flight of start 33 Raptor engin power andry nominal we've heard power and Telemetry nominal call out we're heading down range over the Gul of [Applause] [Applause] Mexico net call out tells us Starship is through the period of greatest stress on the way to space now the next major event is hot staging in just over 90 seconds from now to get ready the booster will shut down all but three of the Raptor engines clams holding the two stages together will release and the Starship second stage will ignite its engines Starship will then separate from the super heavy booster in head to space and at the same time the three engines that are still firing on super heavy will flip the booster around 10 more engines will ignite for the Boost back burn putting the first stage on path for a splash down in the Gulf of Mexico engine power continues to look nominal on 33 Raptor engines we're about to shut down the first stage and perform staging let's watch and listen and our position of H signal Houston and New orans booster engine cut off stage separation this [Applause] start they're here the che the first ever successful H spage for space sex SP incredible views of our super heavy booster and as you can see the super heavy booster has just experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly however our ship is still underway with all power and Telemetry nominal and we just heard there ship avionics power and Telemetry nominal all six engines are lit as you can see from the gooey there at the bottom right hand side of your screen now we did know that the uh that hot staging was going to be incredibly Dynamic we knew that there was a chance that the booster would not survive but we're going to take that data and figure out how we can make the booster better for the next hot stage yeah that hot staging put a lot of load on the top of the booster and of course it flipped around there a lot of dynamic stuff happening but ship is still going strong and it's doing great right now the ship the second stage is uh on its way like we said you can see all six of its engines are ignited the next major milestone for the ship uh will be the shutdown of those engines or seeo second engine cut off which if you follow our Falcon 9 launches familiar terminology there so far today has been incred incredibly successful even with the rud of the super heavy booster this is amazing primary objective of the booster today to get to Hot staging to get ship on its way to orbit it did that admirably yeah we definitely ask trajectory nominal all right great news there that traj trajectory for ship nomal once again Starship second stage it's firing those engines and as you just heard everything's looking good now for the ship we uh wanted it to survive hot staging which as you can see there by that little dot on your screen it did uh we also want to uh basically demonstrate that the successful startup of that uh of those engines demonstrating controlled Ascent which is what it's doing right now um and eventually orbital insertion uh we are hoping to basically send this around the earth and if it makes it this far splash down in the Pacific ocean um a couple hundred miles north of Hawaii now if we get that far like all of that sounds great secondary objectives for ship again continuing to gather engine data and about its Health performance chamber pressures great news there that tells us that the chamber pressures inside of the Starship again that's that small dot on your screen the basically the propellant um pressures in the ship are looking good yeah the bottom right corner of your screen you can see uh essentially a user interface showing us which engines are lit so the three Center sea level Raptor engines on ship are gimb engines the three outer engines in the Triangle the larger ones are Raptor vacuum engines all of them continuing to file fire nominally so they're at the pressures that we expect to try to get uh into our Target trajectory today today yeah and we're not targeting orbit today we're targeting almost orbit today that's very intentional as part of the mission design the goal is to get to a Thrust profile similar to what we would need for orbit but also to get to the energy levels that the ship would need to dissipate for re-entry and so we actually going in a suborbital trajectory today but that trajectory will get us to the energy levels that we need at re-entry where we can really stress that heat shield and get valuable data on re-entry and those calls that we are still on a nominal trajectory here and seeing nominal pressures means that we have a really good shot of hitting our Target orbit yeah now if the booster had survived uh we would be uh around the time where it would be uh getting ready to land performing its uh re-entry but it unfortunately did not survive uh that being said that's okay it survived several seconds after uh hot staging so we're going to take that data and improve the hot staging sequence and and probably improve the hardware itself uh for the next flight they standing by for a call out here coming up on the projected time that ship would shut down its engines as you can tell by the excitement from the crowd here at michig control center in Hawthorne oh there's a great view of our Star Command Center that's our control center at Starbase Texas the crowd here Mission Control Center behind us in Hawthorne everyone is super exciting what a successful day this has been so far and I mean up to this point major successful Milestones through hot staging which was the big objective today so we are going to head into the coast phase uh planned for the next about hour and 5 minutes we'll be returning around the t plus one hour and 15 minute Mark and that's while we're waiting for Starship to continue on to its next step for re-entry we're not totally sure what video we're going to get um and that video comes normally by overflying ground stations but we don't have a ton along our flight path so fingers crossed that we will get some via starlink on this Mission since we're testing that out and also give us a moment we are hearing some chat on the net so we're going to try to parse that for you for johbur back here in Hawthorne at our webcast desk we have lost the data from the second stage we had heard a call out that we were inter terminal guidance which means we were getting near the end of the approximately six minute burn of Starship but we haven't uh gotten any more data since then so we think we may have lost the second stage so we would not be in Coast phas we wouldn't be able to come back in an hour or so uh and possibly get ready for re-entry however what we do know right now is we had an ontime launch at 7 o' uh we got through the boats first stage looked beautiful with 33 Raptor engines firing we got the hot staging you know the thing that we really wanted to see and impressed we saw the separation we saw the flip maneuver we saw the light up of the six Raptor engines on Starship and it headed away everything really looked good but what we do believe right now is that the automated flight termination system on Second Stage appears to have triggered very late in the burn as we were headed down range out over the Gulf of Mexico but the real topping on the cake today that successful liftoff cake sh the hot staging is just just beautiful exactly what we were looking for yeah ultimately what honestly such an incredibly successful day even though we did have um a rud or a rapid unscheduled disassembly of both the super heavy booster and the ship that's great we got so much data and that will all help us to improve for our next flight of course and that's why we flight test and you can bet that there's going to be more to come so we really do want to thank you all for joining us of course we want to thank the people of Cameron County we want to thank all the federal agencies that have supported us for our test and of course a huge congratulations to the entire SpaceX team on getting through this flight test today and I think with that we're gonna sign off from here in Hawthorne thanks so much for tuning in and we'll see you next time
Channel: VideoFromSpace
Views: 1,230,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spacex, starship, super heavy, booster, integrated, flight, test, Texas, launch, spaleta,, SC02436
Id: s-ZwElJpTTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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