Replay! SpaceX Starship launches on 3rd integrated test flight

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hello and good morning you're looking at a live view of Starship the world's most powerful launch vehicle and by far the biggest flying object ever made we're currently at t plus 31 minutes and 24 seconds awaiting our third flight test of Starship from Starbase Texas or what we here at SpaceX like to call the gateway to Mars thanks for tuning in we're excited to be joining you from SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne California now it's just been a hundred you can tell the crowd is already excited behind us now it's only been 117 days since our last Starship test and for those of you following along you'll know there's nothing more exciting as you can hear than to watch a de developmental flight test that's absolutely right flight test St guarantee the maximum level of excitement as you can hear behind us and if it all goes well Starship will lift off just about 30 minutes from now we're hoping to surpass what we achieved in flight test number two back in November of last year but regardless of today's outcome the goal is to collect as much data as possible and that'll help us get one step closer to a fully operational Starship now Starship which you see on your screen is the latest and largest vehicle developed to date by SpaceX and in the world ever compared to Saturn 5 the rocket that first took astronauts to the Moon Starship has more than twice the thrust and with some upgrades that are planned for the future it'll have three times the thrust Starship will allow us to fly the heaviest payloads ever flown land humans on the moon again after more than a half century and ultimately fly humans further into space than ever before even to Mars but the most important thing about Starship is that it's designed to be a fully rapidly reusable reliable rocket or what we like to call the four RS and we'll talk more about those later in the webcast but before we dive into the details of today's test let's recap the achievements of our last integrated flight test flight two all 33 Raptor engines on the super heavy booster started up successfully and for the first time completed a full duration burn during Ascent as you can see here we saw amazing views of each Raptor engine burning during that Ascent which is something awesome because we don't get to see that with Falcon and its Merlin engines now next Starship executed a successful hot stage separation powering down all but three of super heavy Raptor engines and successfully igniting the six second stage Raptor engines before the vehicle separated this is the first time this technique has been done successfully with a vehicle of this size and scale following separation the super heavy booster successfully performed its flip maneuver and initiated the Boost back burn however about 30 seconds into that burn it experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly or rud that SpaceX speak for an exciting end to the booster's journey the likely cause was determined to be filter blockage where liquid oxygen is supplied to the engines so we've upgraded Hardware inside the oxygen tank to improve filtration capabilities in our boosters including the one that's out on the pad today vehicle breakup occurred more than three and a half minutes into the FL into the flight about 90 kilometers over the Gulf of Mexico so well away from people now on Starship the six second stage Raptor engines all started successfully at separation and everything was going normally in the ship's climbed space until about 7 minutes into the flight when we began a planned vent of excess liquid oxygen propellant to simulate the mass of a payload and get future Focus data the ship was loaded with extra propellant that we needed to get rid of or vent before re-entry once we started venting though a leak developed that caused fires which eventually cut the connection between the flight computers on the ship and that caused the six Raptor engines to shut down before we had finished the full burn that was detected by as a mission violation by the autonomous flight safety system which triggered a the flight termination system and led to vehicle breakup starship's second flight test nearly completed its full duration burn it ended at an altitude of about 150 kilometers and a velocity of 24,000 kilometers per hour officially making it the first Starship to reach outer space like the booster we've made upgrades to starship's Upper stage based on flight 2 learning such as improved leak reduction fire protection and changing the operations to increase reliability now back at the launch site the new water cooled flame deflector and other pad upgrades performed as expected so the pad required minimal post-launch rework and that's a big reason why why we are ready to fly again today the ground support systems are designed for Rapid turnaround of the Launchpad between flights and the improvements we've made ahead of flight three are getting us closer to that goal and that brings us to today's test the test profile and the burn timeline are very similar to test number two with one major difference the ship will attempt to splash down in the Indian Ocean rather than the Pacific this puts us on a steeper trajectory than past flights and lets us taste cap test capabilities that we'll need for the future like lighting a raptor in space while maximizing Public Safety so let's take a closer look at the flight test profile now about 26 minutes from now super heavy will ignite its 33 Raptor engines and lift off from Starbase about 3 minutes into the flight super Heavy's booster will separate from the ship in spacex's second ever attempt at a hot stage separation that means it'll light its engines while still attached to a partially lit booster the ship's engines will then remain lit for about 6 minutes during the ascent before entering a coast phase next the booster will perform a flip maneuver and execute a boost back burn which if you recall is where flight two super heavy experience a rapid unscheduled disassembly we're hoping Hardware upgrades made for this flight will get the booster closer to executing a landing burn in the Gulf of Mexico in the meantime Starship will Coast for about 30 minutes at altitudes between 150 and 235 km and the ship will attempt to fire a single Raptor engine for our first ever relight of a Raptor engine in space and from there the ship will head toward its destination a splash down location in the Indian Ocean again if we get past a successful stage separation and a full Ascent burn with the upper stage it will be at an at altitude and trajectory below orbital meaning Starship won't have to fire its Raptor engines for a deorbit burn and it will naturally come back into the atmosphere no matter what now meanwhile the super heavy is going to attempt a landing burn before splashing down into the Gulf and while we are going to practice a landing we aren't planning to recover any of the hardware from super heavy or the ship on this flight now with the exception of Falcon this is no different from what happens with most Rockets flying today that are expended or fall into the ocean after they complete their mission eventually though we will land and recover Starship boosters and ships just as we do with Falcon 9 and heavy boosters where we've recovered 283 to date starship's rapid reusability is key as we begin missions to the moon and Beyond even though recovery is not planned the Telemetry and data we receive all the way to the end is what we're looking for particularly with regard to the ship's temperatures during re-entry and how the heat shield will perform the data that we gather today of course will help us continue to build a rapidly reusable Starship for the future now much like our first two flight tests today also still just a test our goal is to gather data to continue iterating and ultimately uh improve Starship that's exactly right the primary goal for flight one was to clear the pad and we did that and got a lot of great data that helped us improve the vehicle and the pad infrastructure that you see today the primary goal of Flight 2 was to get all the way to Stage separation which we did and even got a little extra for flight three we've added some ambitious tests highlighted by an attempt to transfer several tons of propellent between the tanks inside Starship itself as well as the first ever relight of a Raptor engine in space and the opening and closing of starship's payload door when Starship takes astronauts to the lunar surface as part of NASA's emis program it will be refilled in Space by a Starship tanker spacecraft before boosting itself into a lunar orbit like you see here transferring a large amount of cryogenic liquid in space has never been done by anyone ever so uh we'll be looking to get data on some of the fundamental physics in play here like managing pressures temperatures uh propellant settling um all as we prepare for eventual ship-to ship transfers the ability to refill Starships once in orbit will be critical for landing on the moon and is a key technology for enabling deep space exploration and ultimately flights to Mars now we're also attempting the first ever relight of a Raptor engine in space and we'll need that capability for future in space Maneuvers and deorbit burns it's important to note that what we'll attempt today is not a burn required for Starship to reenter on today's test we are intentionally flying this new steeper trajectory so we can test things like engine relights without substantially changing where we expect to splash down and if Starship manages to make it all the way to re-entry we will collect that valuable data on the vehicle as it flies through the Earth's atmosphere at Hypersonic speeds or more than five times the speed of sound we expect it to look something like this animation on your screen with the heat shield tiles facing down we'll use the Earth's atmosphere to break the vehicle and help then get us into a controllable regime as we go towards Splashdown and we did validate starship's ability to fly in land at subsonic speeds during our suborbital flights several years ago and Gathering data on the aspects like Heating and vehicle control while we're traveling way faster will become critical to eventually bringing Starships back from space for Rapid reuse we'll also attempt to open and close starship's payload door for the very first time a capability that we'll need when Starship starts flying our next Generation starlink satellites and there you can see an animation of what that will look like as the satellites are deployed one by one through a slot near the top of the space C so at this point in time we are approaching T-minus 21 minutes until liftoff let's check in with Dan for a countdown update hey thanks Kate hey everybody I'm Dan hu good morning welcome to Starbase I'm coming to you from the Raptor's Nest where I'm here with some of our flight controllers also our pad red team uh we're just behind the mega Bay those are super heavy boosters right behind me getting ready for the next four flights after this one uh so we're looking to lach a lot this year uh countdown has been pretty clean so far we're not tracking any issues that are gating us on the hardware side and the vehicle side from that on time liftoff at 8:25 a.m. Central Time that's our t0 right now we primarily shifted later as we were just working to clear the range uh the other big watch item today is going to be the winds the winds uh have started to pick up we're still looking to be below our limits but there could be a hold at tus 40 seconds just to make sure that the winds are acceptable before we go we are actively loading propellant on board the vehicle you can see by the frost line starting to build up looks like we're about 80% on the ship main tanks right now and a little over 60% on the booster now Starship uses liquid methane as its fuel liquid oxygen as its oxidizer both of those get cooled down to a cryogenic temperat so several hundred degrees below zero and if you followed along with our previous two flight tests the propo timeline today looks a little bit different those first flight tests took us about 90 minutes to load all of the prop on board but since the second flight we made some pretty significant upgrades to make that time shorter we added some additional Fuel and locks pumps just to increase our capacity we expanded the number of heat exchangers and installed a dedicated fill drain line for each stage but they were sharing one before now they each have their own that's just that main Pathway to get the propell to the vehicle we're aiming for about 51 minutes for today's operation to fully load prop we did that successfully on our first on our wet dress rehearsal that we did recently eventually though we're trying to get that time down to about 40 minutes just for some contents context that's about five minutes longer than we take on Falcon 9 but we're doing it with 10 times the amount of propellant now the propellant load on ship started at about T minus 53 minutes booster right around t- 42 minutes uh we are about to pause loading on the main tanks of ship switch over to the header tank s and then switch back to close out the main tanks we're expecting all of the prop to be on ship at about tus 3 minutes 30 seconds and then booster prop load ends at T minus 2 minutes and 50 seconds now our final countdown and startup sequence is going to be the same as flight two we already tested this on this booster when we did it static fire looking back for flight one we lit those Raptor engines on the booster and lifted off about 6 seconds later flight two we reduced that time by almost 2 seconds that just helps reduce the stress on the ground systems improve the efficiency of the rocket but right now we're just about to past 18 minutes away from launch winds again they're still looking a little bit marginal so we'll keep an eye on those we're not working any other technical issues and the range is expected to be green if we can't make our test today we have backup launch opportunities in the coming days could be 24 to 48 hours all just depends on how far we get into the count so check back in with every in just a little bit for now though I'm going to send it back to Kate and Shiva out at Hawthorne thanks Dan the countdown is continuing to progress so let's take a closer look at the world's most powerful launch vehicle ever developed Starship is comprised of two elements the ship which has six Raptor engines and the super heavy booster which has 33 Raptor engines Starship is capable of about twice the thrust of the Saturn 5 rocket and with future engine upgrades it will actually be three times as three times more powerful now with those future improvements that'll allow Starship to carry somewhere between 150 and 250 metric tons to orbit depending on the configuration for reference Falcon 99's heaviest payload to date is just over 17 metric tons so at Starship we're talking about an order of magnitude greater in terms of payload capability to orbit and that matters because the amount of mass we able to launch per rocket is critical to creating a self-sustaining City on Mart in terms of size the super heavy booster alone stands about 71 M or 233 feet tall and is about the same height as a fully integrated Falcon 9 the ship stands about 50 m or 160 feet tall stacked together the booster and the ship are by far taller than the Statue of Liberty which stands at 305 ft tall with its base stack together Starship is 396 ft so uh quite a bit taller there now starship's first stage has a diameter that's about 2 and a half times that of Falcon 9 and we've got those 33 much larger Raptor engines this this great view of the launch Mount looking up at those engines and we need them to power through the Earth's atmosphere and gravity to deliver those massive cargo uh and payloads up to space moving up the rocket Starship is designed for vertical takeoff and landing on any hard surface and that's as opposed to taking off and landing on a Runway as aircraft do and that's important because there are no runways on the moon and Mars where we're going the ship which we're looking at Now features six Raptor engines three of them are sea-level engines three of them are vacuum engines that means that those vacuum engines are optimized with a larger engine nozzle to operate in the vacuum of space and get her higher performance the ship is also outfitted with four flaps to help aerodynamically control the vehicle's attitude during atmospheric flight and enable a precise excuse me enable a Precision Landing the body of Starship is also wrapped in a heat shield made up of 18,000 hexagonal ceramic tiles those are designed to insulate the vehicle during atmospheric entry where temperatures can be as high as 2,600 Dees fhe one of our test objectives today is to verify how Starship systems and thermal protection system tiles perform during R entry and in between the first and second stages is our hot stage which is critical for our newest separation technique which we saw in action during flight test two yeah that was a pretty exciting first for our team Hot staging had never been done before as part of a reusable reusable space transportation system let alone on a vehicle with the size and power of Starship now at about liftoff plus two and a half minutes the booster shut down most of its 33 engines leaving just three of them running and then the ship simultaneously ignited all six of its engines some clamp separ and the ship thrusted away that was the first inlight test of the heat shield and we were able to gather a ton of valuable data about hot staging we maximize the vehicle's performance by leaving three first stage engines on so gravity can't Rob us of precious velocity or at least not as much hot saging also helps to ensure the ship's liquid propellants are at the bottom of the propellant tanks which is where we need them to be in order to quickly light the ship's engines it also reduces risk at stage separation because it creates a passive staging system so that physics will be doing the work instead of mechanical Parts pushing the two stages away from each other ultimately hot staging could increase starship's payload to orbit capacity by 10% which directly translates to more payload and more people to the moon and Mars now the first stop will be the moon and the SpaceX team has been hard at work proving out all the systems necessary to make that possible critical systems for propulsion life support and even the elevator that you see here which will take crew and cargo from the Starship hatches down to the lunar surface are currently in development and the data that we gather from each test flight helps inform their design here we've uh got a photo of some of the mockup suits that are used to demonstrate the range of Mobility that uh AST astronauts will be expected to have and we were using these to do human factors demonstrations and figure out the layout of the elevator so all awesome development work for a future moon mission super cool now SpaceX will perform one uncrewed demonstration flight before NASA's Artemis 3 mission which will be the first human surface Expedition since 1972 after those first Expeditions we'll be ready to fly more people along with everything it takes to build a moon base there's so much to look forward to it's incredible that humans are finally going back to the Moon you cann't have said it better Kate and the Moon is just the Proving Ground it's just the start when the time comes to make the leap to Mars everything ramps up by orders of magnitude the logistics of supporting an entire city on Mars are daunting and will require millions of pounds of cargo flown from Earth and spread out over thousands of launches and today's flight test is one more step toward that ultimate goal we're currently at T minus 11 minutes 47 seconds let's check in with Dan once again for a countdown update hey Kate uh still still good news from down here at Starbase we're not tracking any technical issues that are going to block us to a launch our t0o time still holding to 8:25 a.m. Central so just about 11 and a half minutes from now uh the real thing we're going to keep an eye on is the winds once we get there we do have that potential hold at t- minus 40 seconds where we can hang out and either let winds die down make sure we're in the right structural limits everything like that uh so don't be surprised if we do a hold at T minus 40 we've done those on previous flights uh but we are not tracking any technical issues the range is going to be green for launch so all that really great news uh we're still loading propellant on the vehicle on the ship we're just about done loading the header tanks the two smaller tanks in the top uh and then we'll go back to the main tanks are about 85% full and then booster both Fuel and locks over 80% um so looking good there the launch pad itself is getting ready for liftoff we commanded the booster hold Downs open already about about 20 minutes ago or so and then that just means that once that rocket has sufficient thrust to overcome its weight your thrust to weight ratio goes over one it's going to lift off we don't have a command to actually release the hold Downs once it starts up uh just also a reminder actual liftoff happens a few seconds after you see those engines ignite so you'll see fire and then a few seconds before Starship really starts to take to the skies our range team just going to keep on making sure land sea air all clear as we really count down but that's the latest we're just coming up on 10 minutes before launch everything looking good for starship's third test flight it's also back to you guys in Hawthorne great thanks Dan now if you've been following SpaceX over the years you've no doubt heard us talk about our goal of full and Rapid reusability nearly all of the Falcon boosters flown last year and this year have been reused or as we like to say flight proven we've landed Falcon 9 and Falcon heavy boosters 283 times since first doing so in 2015 and with Starship our mission is to take reusability even further by refly both stages with little downtime between flights and we ply we plan to fly as often as possible as we mentioned earlier rapid and complete reusability is critical to enabling routine space flight the team at Starbase has been hard at work developing and Manufacturing the hardware that will ultimately take humans back and forth to the moon and Mars now even though we are not recovering Starship today test flights like these provide the critical data that we need through every phase of flight and that data informs future missions and gets us to that future where starships are being recovered and rapidly Reflow our teams are also working on the ground systems that will support rapid reusability when we start recovering Starship boosters we'll want them to return to the launch site for a quicker turnaround as you can see here uh depicted in this animation on your screen this is when the tower reveals its dual purpose after launch the arms or the chopsticks on the tower will help guide the booster into position to ensure a soft Landing now if you were thinking that this sounds hard or even impossible to do well that's the inspiration for naming them Chopsticks some of you might recall a little film called The Karate Kid where Mr Miyagi famously taught the main character Daniel that if he could reach excuse me that if he could catch a fly with chopsticks he could accomplish anything now today we do have four ships and four super heavy boosters built with more coming off the production line as our star Factory continues to grow these vehicles are slated for future flight test just like today's and in fact just this week we static fired our next ship that's planning to fly and expect to test the booster as soon as the launch Mount is free from today's flight test uh now as a reminder today is still just a test while we really hope to get our splash down location in the Indian Ocean but any data received will help us improve it's the third of many future flight tests for Starship before it becomes fully operational and that's the goal of flight tests they teach us about the limits of our design and improve our understanding of the vehicle and ultimately help us make Starship more reliable and rapidly reusable so whatever the outcome and however far we get we can promise excitement and things look like they are moving fast at Star uh star base uh and that's exactly how we like it iteration is is a key of SpaceX yeah uh we've done it with all of our major Innovative advancements including Falcon dragon and starlink uh we believe that if you're not failing you're not learning and improving the design yeah many of the innovations that we've developed have come from our failures and they teach us how to avoid the Perils of space it's a it's a tough business by all of this testing all of the iterative design allows us to make the design better and better to do some of the Great accomplishments with reflight that we've had so far exactly one of the examples that we love to talk about is the Dragon capsule like the one located behind Shiva and I here uh on the mezzanine originally it originally it was uh uh uh you know not designed to be reusable we wanted to prove the initial design and then when we brought Dragon 2 online we had to do a lot of corrosion analysis based on flights that had splashed down and Analysis on on Hardware received there and now our dragons are uh reusable and uh also rapidly at a much rapid Pace than they used to be yeah so I mean great learnings from the our original Dragon to our new crew and cargo vehicles have directly improved the operations and they've helped us change our understanding of what's possible when it comes to Rocket and spacecraft reusability now we're just under T-minus 6 minutes so I think it's another good time to check in with Dan for the rest of uh terminal count how we looking Dan thanks shiver we're looking good 5 minutes 35 seconds and we're counting down we are just about at uh closing the prop load sequences on booster and ship just a reminder ship we're going to close out at around 3 minutes and 30 seconds booster at about 2 minutes and 50 seconds uh once all of that prop is loaded on board we'll have about 10 million pounds of repellent on both stages of Starship now after that happens we'll go through a couple different procedures with the ground we'll do what's called pushbacks clearing out the lines between our prop farm and the vehicles themselves before we get to launch uh and then in the next few minutes we'll get the final guidance system alignments some final thrust vector control on the booster checks uh and all that'll be performed and again if we need to hold we have a hold Gate built in at T-minus 40 seconds where we can hang out uh it sounds like today we'll have about 15 minutes to hold at tus 40 if we need to if we hit that right now it looks like the most likely reason would be winds we're not tracking any technical issues to our t0 at 8:25 just about four and a half minutes from now so I mean everything's really looking good the the booster is almost at full Frosty so we'll see that close out in just a couple of minutes but we are we're getting really close to flight guys the excitement is definitely growing here uh in Hawthorne SpaceX headquarters there is a large crowd ga in you might hear them cheering occasionally um now Dan me mentioned a good point about the holds uh we have an opportunity to today hold for a few minutes um and and this is a really cool thing about Starship and we don't have this opportunity with falcon or Falcon heavy um up into up until the T-minus 42nd Point aborts are just hold so anything that would trigger an abort prior to t- minus 40 seconds becomes a hold so that's a really cool feature to allow the team to wait for final checkouts or assess prop levels engines avionics vehicle pressurization it's really helpful to ensure a liftoff yeah and and that's something that is a little that is very different from Falcon I'm sure people have watched our launches and then we get right down past prop load and then have to scrub because of weather or scrub because of an issue on the vehicle and we don't have the same constraints on our propellant and our system with Starship which gives us more availability in the window and sometimes that's all you need sometimes the winds dip just enough where you can launch the rocket safely and otherwi if you didn't have that ability to to hold a few minutes you might miss that window and then have to recycle to another day yeah exactly which is kind of like today uh like we mentioned earlier winds are the thing that we are watching so um good news there so we we are still continuing to progress we're looking at liftoff in just under uh almost two and a half minutes from now um super exciting like we said before there's nothing more exciting than watching a test flight for developmental program and that's where we're at today and like we talked about we have some really ambitious goals for today's test but really the point of today's test is to try to get as much data as we can so we can inform the next iteration of the design of Starship work those in those things into flight test number four and new objectives there that'll eventually get us to that glorious rapid reusable future that we we so badly want yeah for flight one we wanted to clear the pad and we did for flight two we wanted to get through hot staging separation and we did so today we want to get even further than that and collect as much data as we possibly can so with all that being said we're going to check back in with Dan uh to take us through the final two minutes of terminal count I know we are under two minutes away we are just we have closed out the prop load on the booster and on the ship and we're starting to hear some good news that it looks like winds are not going to hold us up so there's a good chance we blow right through that 40 second hold so we're about a minute and 20 seconds away just walking you through one last time we're going to see the engines ignite about 4 seconds uh before we hit our t0 they're going to ignite in three different banks she'll get 13 of the iners 15 of the outers and then the last five ignite just 2 minutes before t0 and then after that the quick disconnect will retract the the engines will start to throttle up and then we'll see lift off about a second and a half after t0 so we're under a minute away don't be shocked if we hold at 40 seconds before but it sounds like the winds are cooperating today we be able to move right past that not tracking any other technical issues that could P our cutie v [Applause] g flight director Ty Huntington telling the team we are go for long so 20 seconds to go let's listen in team 10 nine 8 7 6 5 4 3 [Music] 2 30 seconds into flight we are feeling the rumble we are seeing 33 out of 33 Raptor engines ignited on the super heavy booster booster and shift avionics power and Telemetry nominal position S Corp continuing to get good call outs our trajectory looking nominal systems looking nominal just amazing to see all 33 lit up once again this point we've already passed through Max that maximum Dynamic pressure and passing supersonic so we're now moving faster than the speed of sound getting those onboard used from the ship [Music] cameras now the me the next major Milestone is going to be a hot staging maneuver again we're going to be doing that in just about 90 seconds to do that we're going to shut down all but the three Center Raptor engines on super heavy that'll be our Mo our most engines cut off and then the clamps holding the two stages together are going to release Starship second stage will ignite its engines the arvac first the sea levels right after that the sea level engines will be sped or just kind of pointed out at about a 15 degree angle so if you look close we get good tracking you might be able to see those center right after and so those six engines will push Starship off of the booster all right counting down now we're going to be coming up right around the 3 minute mark on that hot staging maneuver again we'll see the booster engines start to shut down you'll see all but three lights go out in the middle and then we'll see the engines ignite on ship pushing it away and that will start carrying the ship into space booster will start to do its flip and then move into the Boost back burn setting it up for Ev spash down in the GF of Mexico [Music] [Applause] hot staging confirmed boosters now making its way back seeing six engines ignited on ship Kate we got a Starship on its way to space and a booster on the way back to the gulf oh man uh I need a moment to pick my jaw up from the floor because these views are just stunning uh these are live views from Starship uh first stage is currently performing power and Telemetry nominal good there news informing us at the second stage or the ship everything looking good nominal there first stage is currently performing the Boost back burn expecting that to last about one minute that boost back burn that boost back burn propels the booster back towards the coast taking it to a landing in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico uh we're only using the super heavy boosters 13 Center engines from here on out uh as whenever they relight you'll be able to see that in the left bottom corner uh those are the ones that can gimble in other words they move and change direction uh in order to change the thrust to steer the first stage back to Earth wow these are just incredible views coming to us everything is looking good for both the first stage on the Le hand side of your screen or the super heavy booster as well as on the right hand side of your screen that is Starship or we also refer to that as the ship now the Boost back burn uh was the first of two Burns required to return it to Earth the next one will be the landing burn where all 13 Center engines will ini ignite and then transition into a three engine burn uh to help slow it down just as a reminder of the stage one test objectives uh we're looking for controlled Ascent which we have so far uh stage separation which gorgeous we Cruise right through it uh as well as a nominal trajectory good news there telling us that the path that Starship is on uh is good now Starship second stage is still firing its and as you heard following planned flight path uh the ship objectives we're looking for hot saging again Cruise right through that we're looking to demonstrate controlled Ascent as well as orbital insertion now the bottom right hand corner of the screen shows the ship uh engine Graphics so be sure to keep an eye on those yep Kate like this is just a phenomenal test so far super heavy is performing beautifully today it's on its return leg of the journey ship continuing to burn its six engines those larger circles the Raptor vacuum engines the inner circles the uh Raptor C- L engines we're about 30 seconds away uh just under 30 seconds away from the start of the Boost bur excuse me the landing burn on the booster you can see the grid fins rotating those hypers are guiding us through the atmosphere back towards our splash down site again we're going for a hard for a splash down a soft splash down so for landing burn we're going to expect to see the 13 Center engines light rapidly bring down the boosters velocity and then just the three in the center for Flash down let's see if that'll work [Applause] we're getting a few a few [Applause] engines and acquisition of signal let's see if we can get some other video of that now uh this is a test objective today it is still something that we're attempting to learn um and to make it that far to demonstrate the controlled re-entry up to that point is pretty darn good ship continuing to look nominal with its Ascent burn this burn lasting about six minutes total and we're expecting that this burn will end uh just after t plus 8 minutes about a minute from now so far though I mean congrats to the team making it this far is farther that we than we've gone on flight two just wonderful views and great engine performance from the vehicles so far we've hit controlled Ascent we're in the middle of that right now we demonstrated the hot staging Kate as you said cruise through that uh we demonstrated controlled entry of the the booster just dropped a little short of the engine real light but hey that's something we can learn for the next one yeah now that view that we just had moments ago was a live shot of Star Command there you see it again this is uh our mission control center at Star base uh where vehicle operators are standing by now the next Milestone coming up uh is in less than a minute uh at that point ship will or I'm sorry actually it already has engine cut off there we go as you heard there by the call out and from the crowd behind us [Applause] St starship's six Raptor engines have successfully shut down we heard a call out for nominal orbital insertion which is incredible look at these views [Music] dad uh I'm just completely blown away right now uh what a day congratulations to the entire SpaceX team I mean this this flight pretty much just started but we're farther than we've ever been before we've got a Starship not just in space but on its Coast phase into space just to recap where we've come and the it's only been nine and a half minutes how has it only been N9 and a half minutes we lifted off right on time at uh 8:25 a.m. we didn't have to hold at our gate at all we had 33 out of 33 Raptor engines open up uh and Light and get us through a nominal Ascent another successful hot stage all six engines on the ship propelling us into orbit we did see a n what looked like a nominal boost back burn uh and then we did make it all the way to the landing burn this time didn't light all the engines that we expected and we did lose the booster uh we'll have to go through the data to figure out exactly what happened obviously um so be on the lookout for information about that but uh wow a ship in space we've got a bunch of as we said ambitious objectives ahead of us um over over the next couple of minutes and pretty much over the next hour where we're going to really we've got the ship in space we're now going to take advantage of this and try and learn as much as possible about some of the other systems uh including that first ever Raptor relight in space so it's just going to be incredible so all of that still to come the mission just started but wow uh what what lift off what a what a hot stage what a what an amazing site to see Starship there in outer space I I can't believe ver in in space this is awesome wonderful now we are going to be coasting for uh the next about 30 minutes or so we'll be back around the t+ 40 minute Mark and that'll be uh Starship continuing to Coast hit those ambitious test objectives and then continue on to re-entry we're not totally sure what video that we'll get since that normally comes to us as we overfly ground stations and we we don't have a ton of those
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Id: Dr8ZaMAa5jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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