Expedition 68 - NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Flight Day 1 Highlights - Oct. 5, 2022

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thank you it's a beautiful sight outside beautiful weather here at the Kennedy Space Center where we welcome you for our live coverage of NASA and spacex's launch of crew 5. I'm Daryl nail and with me is NASA astronaut Bob binkin who along with Doug Hurley were the first astronauts to fly crew Dragon into space Bob it's great to have you here you're part of that historic flight and now here you are back helping us with our launch commentary for today's Mission well thank you Daryl I'm super excited to be here a beautiful day to relive my launch experience looking forward to it you certainly will remember this experience well we've got video recorded from just a less than an hour ago of crew 5 getting suited up in that historic suit up room and there you see them everything went smoothly you can see the astronauts there in their spacesuits after getting them fitted and tested and those mine is three hours and 23 minutes the displays are configured or crew Ingress on schedule that's our launch audio we're going to pause whenever that comes up but tell me a little bit about those custom flight suits Bob well Daryl I've heard those suits referred to as space Tuxedos by some of the SpaceX team and they are custom fit and they they are you know what the crew needs to wear in case there was any sort of an issue inside of the capsule can here they come crew five are are they're ready for crew arrival and crew are walking out of the onc room now on schedule indeed they are and there they are the astronauts of crew 5 taking their first steps outside as they head to the pad from left to right Cosmonaut Anna kikuna Josh cassida Commander Nicole Mann and koichi wakanu so that was opposed for a picture and here they go to their ride out to the pad three Teslas all lined up in queue along with a full security escort and the folks you see there family loved ones this is a moment to have an exchange Bob it is it's an opportunity for the crew if you will to take a little bit of a break from the technical briefs that they've been having this morning as they got suited up and understood what the weather conditions were they get a chance to say goodbye to their families see some smiling faces again have a little bit of a relaxing moment with their families before they get serious again and head out to the launch pad it can be an emotional moment absolutely you know for the demo 2 mission my son was super excited to yell launch America so that was the one thing that you could absolutely hear even inside the the suit with our deep insert earplugs you could hear that launch America tune when he uh sang it out look at that license plate I was just noticing that blast off yeah the the SpaceX team has been creative with those license plates it's always cool to see what they add to the Teslas to make the experience just a little bit personalized it's a nice touch you can see the media in the background positioning themselves for a good shot as the Teslas roll out with a full security escort on a 20-minute drive to pad 39a foreign minus three hours and 15 minutes crew are beginning their transport from the onc room to the pad right on schedule the call out from the SpaceX team the crew now departing the Neil Armstrong operations and checkout building Slow Rolling as they make a shot available for all of the media and photographers down there they're beginning their 20-minute drive with a full security escort across NASA's Kennedy Space Center and out to launch pad 39a the track they're taking goes through the industrial area and then gets out to the NASA Causeway and the Kennedy Causeway the weather here at Kennedy is nearly perfect for launch let's introduce you now to today's crew we begin with Nicole Mann the California Native holds a master of science in mechanical engineering and is a colonel in the Marine Corps the goal was selected by NASA in June 2013 and today the crew 5 Commander will be flying into space for the first time and once she reaches the space station she'll be the first Native of a Native American woman to stay on station sitting next to Nicole is Josh cassida he grew up in Bear Lake Minnesota the physicist and U.S Navy test pilot flew 23 combat missions he later became an instructor at the U.S naval test pilot school and more recently he served as the capsule Communicator in mission control but today he's the pilot aboard dragon and the role of mission specialist is veteran Japanese astronaut koichi wakata altogether koichi flew four space shuttle missions a Ross Cosmos soyuz and was on a long duration stay aboard the International Space Station altogether koichi has spent 11 months in Space the veteran and the and the fourth member the second mission specialist is Ross Cosmos Cosmonaut Anna kikuna she graduated from the Nova sabersk State Academy of water transport in 2006. in 2012 Anna officially became a candidate for the position of Tess Cosmonaut crew 5 will be on his first flight into space as part of the recent resumption of integrated Crews on U.S Cruise spacecraft and the soyuz with the Russian State space Corporation Ross Cosmos all right the crew taking a turn onto the Saturn Causeway and this is the road that leads to the Vehicle Assembly Building which is notable Bob because the astronauts right now taking a similar path to Hurricane Ian as it crossed the state and came over our area that's the operations and support building behind it but then behind that going through here is the Vehicle Assembly Building and after stuttering studying the data we learned the storm took uh that similar path and as we widen out the view here you can see there it is the Artemis logo had a great shot of that Vehicle Assembly Building where the crew going by now the crew 5 launch was delayed several days due to Hurricane Ian taking aim at Florida and after studying the data here's the path that we found it took take a look at this graphic put together by meteorologists with satellite data it shows the track through the state you can see the center of circulation of course the devastating impacts to the Fort Myers Beach area more than 100 people killed and complete Devastation by the time across our area right there you can see it came out the other side on Florida between pad 39a and 39b and 39b is where we had our moon rocket the SLS and Orion spacecraft but officials here at Nasa and the launch team with SLS made the decision to move the SLS indoors and this is video from that day three days prior the mighty SLS and Orion spacecraft going into the shelter of the Vehicle Assembly Building as hurricane Ian passed overhead it's a Four Mile ten hour Trek it was that day and we got winds Bob over 96 knots at the top of one of the lightning Towers out at pad 39b so certainly the winds were whipping up high and down below around 60 knots it was a good move to put that rocket in the shelter yes it's just remarkable to kind of have seen the packet track of the storm have it come right through the Kennedy Space Center and to be sitting here just a couple of days later getting ready to launch a crew into space there you see the security vehicle pauses comes off to the side and the Tesla vehicles roll on along with the mrap in tow and this Begins the part of a really neat experience going up the slow grade as they pass the security checkpoint and into the blast danger area this is area only for the astronauts and the advanced team as well as the closeout crew it's a restricted area and you go up that slow Hill and you're looking right at that rocket you know Daryl as you make your way to the launch pad you kind of go through layers if you will of of people that can be near you so whether that's your family and your guests when you're back at the onc building but as you make your way to the pad surface there are these Milestones that you get past where you become more and more alone on your ride into orbit and so heading up this hill to the launch pad surface it's definitely a smaller group and that group continues to shrink all the way to hatch closure and in your case until it was just you and Doug Hurley that's true it was just a Doug and I and of course all the support team that's reaching out to you via the radio to make sure that they're watching over and making sure that you're ready to head off into space but it was definitely Doug and I alone with our thoughts these four crew 5 astronauts now actually on the pad surface as you can see them driving onto it there's a track that they just came over that goes around the launch pad that's a A Relic from the space shuttle era as well as the Apollo there's the base of the rocket and Dead Ahead the elevators to the launch tower that will take them up to the top of the crew access arm and allow them to make entryway into the crew dragon and at T minus two hours and 55 minutes we'll get that announcement if the crew has arrived so they're a little early you can see the flags flying and the clock ticking down if you're just joining us you're watching live coverage of SpaceX Mission known as crew 5. as we watch the first two astronauts walk out onto the pad surface getting ready to do what and I have to admit this is I have to attribute this the rocket recline there it is I like the way they did it kind of in coordination as well I think that was something that Doug and I didn't quite nail on the demo 2 mission but I appreciate them getting it sorted out by crew 5. that was commander Nicole Mann and pilot Josh cassida that just took that look up and I mentioned the attribution that was uh our voice of Mission Control Rob navius came up with that phrase so got to give him credit for that the rocket recline we'll get the next two Mission Specialists who will do the same move but for now they'll go into the elevator the same elevator Bob that you rode on two missions aboard the space shuttle and crew dragon that's true Daryl that that elevator there on the 39 Alpha launch pad is just a a wonderful experience to kind of be able to bring it back into the game and be able to fly kind of if you will uh slowly up to the pad surface before making a Stairway walk up to the actual location where you walk out to the Dragon capsule and there we see the top of the elevators where they'll walk out and uh this is something that they have rehearsed a few times certainly we were here when they rehearsed it the other day during what's called a dry dress rehearsal yeah the crew has been through this before and like I mentioned a little bit earlier it is really important to kind of get the nervousness out to have done these operations uh once before we can see uh Nicole and and Josh there as they've made their way out of the elevator they'll walk around the back and make their way up the stairs to the actual walkout area where they'll potentially have a chance to make a phone call reach out to their family one more time before heading out to the white room itself and climbing into the ship and the closeout team right behind them from SpaceX as they greet some of the members of that team with some fist bumps the telephone you mentioned Bob is there on the right hand side of that uh that hallway there but what I notice is the astronauts tend to pause right about here because it looks like that is a spectacular view it is sterile it is their chance of course you know that you've mentioned the rocket recline where they're able to look up at the rocket they're kind of co-level with the vehicle at this point they're able to look out see the ocean see the rocket see the capsule itself before getting ready to kind of take that next step and head into the vehicle and there you see one of the astronauts doing just that to the right they are looking out over launch complex 39a and the Space Coast no doubt having a view that is similar to this from our flight Ops Team here at Kennedy what a great shot on the left on the left there you've got the launch Tower and that is the crew access arm that Bridges the gap between the launch Tower and the rocket on the right and you can see Daryl the second two crew members getting ready to do their rocket recline if you will and get a chance to look up at the vehicle I know they're excited to get their chance to climb in and strap down not quite as perfect and in sync as uh as Josh and Nicole were but they did a great job again better than Bob and Doug so better than Bob and Doug but not quitely as tightly choreographed as Nicole and Josh they nailed it nonetheless they get a great View right before they make their way into their spacecraft that will ultimately take them into space we've got a split screen now the two Mission Specialists on the left and to the right we're tracking our pilot and Commander now they stagger the astronauts in this fashion because everything is highly proceduralized right as they go through the lines check off the the mission milestones and then also it's carefully choreographed because you want to have everybody being orderly as they get into the spacecraft absolutely Daryl there is a well-choreographed checklist that the SpaceX team has on their tablets as they follow along with the crew accomplishing the steps in front of them but remember there's just a single hatchway and they need to go in in sequence and it wouldn't be helpful for all four of them to be there at the same time so we do bring them in in sequence Nicole boarding first followed by the rest of the crew looking at the launch Tower there pad 39a Bob this is the same launch tower that launched the space shuttle it's been of course renovated by SpaceX they've made a lot of improvements in order to accommodate the Falcon 9 but it also has some throwback to the shuttle era and there's part of the the fixed service structure that's still a part of that structure today that's true Daryl the 39 Alpha launch complex was modified to be able to handle the Falcon 9 rocket and Doug and I were super excited to launch again from the exact same location there are remnants of the shuttle program that are still kind of out there there's a series of Chevrons you can kind of see them in the in the image there the kind of the yellow pathway if you will the crews go in the opposite direction there those Chevrons Point towards the slide wire baskets that they would use if they needed to do an emergency egress off the pad surface those slide wire baskets are a legacy item from the shuttle program and here we go the first two asked astronauts to board crew dragon on the left Josh cassida and on the right Commander Nicole Mann all smiles as they make their way down the crew access arm you can see the fist pumps they're definitely getting excited now as they get ready to board the ship and they make their way into What's called the white room do a photo op there crew have arrived at the white room just a little bit ahead of schedule there's the announcement and uh you can see one of the SpaceX techs handed Nicole Mann and Josh a Sharpie which this is something that's actually on their to-do list for launch operations and what they're going to do now is sign their signature onto the NASA meatball or right there around it that NASA meatball is encircled with signatures from all the previous NASA Crews that have gone up to the International Space Station that signature would include yours Bob as well as your wife Megan McArthur yes Charles that's a nice tradition that the SpaceX team added and allowed kind of Doug and I to get started and uh it's pretty neat to get your name added to the wall there the white room wall that leads to the dragon capsules that head to space station and there you see her putting her signature making the way around the NASA meatball handing off the pen to Josh and to the right you see the SpaceX logo for their commercial missions they're also starting a set of signatures which is a great sign about starting to establish that economy in low earth orbit the commercialization of low earth organ it's it's exciting to see the the economy and low earth orbit continue to grow Daryl it's also exciting to see the Cadre of astronauts continue to grow and and view that group as as our partners of folks who've been to low earth orbit who've been into the black of space and it's just exciting to see that group continue to grow our launch weather officer for today Ryan sizek from the 45th space wing telling us that we've got a nice high pressure system in the area Bob that's uh keeping everything clear as the first astronaut climbing the core on countdown at T-minus two hours and 44 minutes crew have begun ingressing dragon and here come our second two astronauts Mission specialists koichi wakata they're next up in the white room big thumbs up from koichi he's the veteran of this uh group uh Bob we've got three first-time Flyers and a guy that has a lot of experience in space that's true Daryl you know koichi was in the astronaut office when I arrived a couple decades ago you know just having joined and trained as a shuttle astronaut getting the opportunity to fly on his third space vehicle kind of going forward here it's got to be exciting for him to try on a new spaceship I'm making his fifth flight into space and our mission Specialists will now put their signatures on the white room as the commander and pilot finish up securing their five-point harness into their seat getting a snug fit as you can see there Josh cassida making sure everything is lined up correctly looks like he's got four hands those are his gloves I'm sure an extra set of hands couldn't hurt yeah no he just has the two hands just like the rest of us but he does have the the gloves there kind of taken off to kind of give him some additional dexterity as he tries to work through getting all the strap in process completed you mentioned the five-point harness much like a racing harness that the astronauts strap in with likely they won't need all of the capability of that harness as they head into orbit and take their ride but it does have a provide some capability should the emergency escape system be activated to really keep them strapped tightly into their seats so very exciting watching them getting settled in we've got this awesome view of the Falcon 9 with dragon on top crew on board already we have been watching the crew since this morning make their way to the launch pad climb up the fixed service structure walk across that beautiful crew arm that you see there on your screen and now they are getting settled into each one of their seats and there is the crew 5 crew there on your right hand screen and the crew will remain in these spacesuits through the ascent portion of today's flight they'll be able to get out of their suits and get a little more comfortable short shortly after liftoff but for the portion that is the most dynamic portion of the flight they will remain in those spacesuits and the primary function of the spacesuits is to protect the crew in an event of a cabin depressurization and if that would occur the suit could inflate to provide a habitable habitable environment long enough for the crew to return home not only is today an exciting day because it's launch day but it's also a pretty exciting year as this year marks dragon's 10th year in operational flight it took a lot of love and dedication to get here today and we are still learning and innovating from each launch from the beginning Dragon was designed to eventually fly people the dragon hanging from the ceiling next to us was initially flown to certify SpaceX for cargo missions to the space station over 10 years ago which flew in 2010 yet a window was added to hint at our plans for flying crew in the near future now of course the dragon behind us and the dragon supporting today's Mission taking crew 5 to the space station are very different a testament to how far we've come it's been a little over two years since we flew demo 2 which was on May 30th of 2020 and since then SpaceX has been regularly flying crew missions for NASA to and from the International Space Station at an average Cadence of one flight every six months since crew one Dragon ready for calm checks we dragon a sec and we did just hear those words that comchecks will be starting here shortly now on your screen you're seeing some waves some thumbs up some goodbyes to the team on the ground once they close this hatch CLT ms-1 MS2 com CDR has you loud and clear DLT has you loud and clear MS2 has your loud and clear core loud and clear umbilical Comcheck is complete standby for ground station Comcheck we did discuss the SpaceX confirmed crew displays are configured for launch welcome we would like to give a huge thanks to their names from NASA and SpaceX team the thousands of people for their development preparation and training in getting endurance and true fire to the launch pad today and your continued support in helping to make this a successful Mission we look forward to joining the rest of our Expedition 68 crew members aboard the International Space Station and a special thanks on behalf of all the crew to our family and friends it is your love and support that help make dreams come true now let's do this profile displays are configured for lunch copy and Nicole joshuichi and Anna on behalf of the entire team at SpaceX good luck godspeed and enjoy the ride and those words from Nicole Mann the first female commander of a dragon as she thanked the many folks that have helped to get them to this point dragon is in configured for terminal count s teams continue to report no issues and everything remains green and foreign and here in just a couple seconds you might be able to see the strong back arm as it does begin to retract as Kate said it will recline two degrees just barely make out that the clamp on the clamp arms are now beginning to move foreign degrees uh allowing Falcon 9 to clear strongback is part of the transporter erector and the transporter erector is what provides of liquids the gases and the electrical connections to the vehicle it's also what we use to integrate the vehicle in its horizontal position and we can see that two degree retraction just now foreign that we should hear in about 20 seconds is that the first stage locks load is complete stage one locks load is complete and there we go all of the oxidizer loaded on stage one soon we'll hear that stage two locks load is complete and that will be the last propellant call out we'll hear today now less than three minutes until launch dragon is in terminal count and is on internal power all right there we heard the good news the dragon is now on internal power again the white clouds that you see there at the base of the Dragon trunk totally normal that's just the vapor from the liquid oxygen again second stage now wrapping up its locks load first stage wrapping up its locks load um just a few minutes ago and now moving toward the wrap-up of second stage locks load which will complete at T minus two minutes coming up on two minutes until liftoff standing by for word that stage two locks load has been completed dragon is in Auto Idol stage two locks load is complete there we've heard the call out Falcon 9 is now completely fueled wow all of its propellants so yeah are starting perfect loud ending all of its propellants and we can see that leftover liquid oxygen uh now being vented or released uh not flowing further away from the vehicle so nearly one million pounds of liquid oxygen and rp1 now on board Falcon 9. it is fully loaded and ready for lunch and coming up at T minus one minute we'll hear that dragon is in countdown its flight computer will switch to countdown mode and we'll hear that the flight termination system on Falcon 9 is our nine is in startup and is now controlling and there you heard it dragons countdown Dragon Supply computer in Countdown the flight termination system now armed you should get the final go for launch from SpaceX launch director Mark Surgeon SpaceX SpaceX dragon go for launch SpaceX Go Crew reports go until liftoff T minus 15. 10. nine eight seven six five four three two one thank you stage one propulsion is nominal vehicle is pitching down range stage one propulsion is nominal we're now at t plus 35 seconds into the fifth rotational crew mission on board dragon and falcon 9. coming up in just a few seconds we'll hear the call out for stage one Throttle Down falcon engines throttling down to a period of Dynamic pressure this period is known as Max q and what's the vehicle there we just heard that the vehicle is now traveling faster than the speed of sound once through Max Q will throttle those Harlan engines back up stage one throttle up Bravo copy one Bravo that call out for one Bravo means we're in the second and final abort mode for the first stage continuing to get good performance the crew is already pulling over two G's and next up is going to be a couple of events in Rapid succession first will be engine Chill on the second stage and back and there you heard that call out and then we'll have Mikko or main engine cut off where the nine engines igniting will cut off in preparation for second stage separation then we'll see the single Merlin vacuum engine on the second stage ignite and continue to carry the crew 5 astronauts to orbit just like we did on first stage that impact chill is intended to help pre-chill the hardware prior to the full flow of that densified liquid oxygen stage one Throttle Down at this point in time those nine Merlin engines are beginning to Throttle Down in preparation for Mikko or main engine cutoff standing by for Mikko and Mika stage separation confirmed copy two alpha there we should see that second engine begin to ignite now and obviously confirmed by the loud chair behind us here at Mission Control hot board and we're also in two alpha for the aborts if needed again second stage is lit and continuing to carry the crew five astronauts into orbit we're now getting a view of the first stage after that stage separation the second stage still being illuminated by that single Merlin vacuum engine and that's on the right hand side of your screen first stage on the left hand side of your screen making its way back to Earth we will be attempting to land it on our drone ship which today we are using just read the instructions acquisition signal Bermuda and we did hear that acquisition of the ground station in Bermuda the first stage is continuing to make its way back to Earth and the second stage is going to continue another good call trajectory nominal confirmation there from Commander Nicole Mann you can also sort of see the the Space Coast there in the background of the first stage on the left hand side of your screen it also looks like you can actually see the thrust plume uh created by the first stage as it's now rotating just out of screen second stage is going to continue firing until a little over eight minutes into the flight really doing the heavy lifting now getting the crew into orbit everything continues to look nominal on both first and second stages as I mentioned before the first stage will be making a landing on one of our drone ships which is currently parked a couple hundred miles off the coast of Florida in the Atlantic Ocean so we can see now that SpaceX good confirmation there that we have good trajectory I can't Sage now traveling over 5 400 miles per hour crew is pulling a little more than one G right now that's going to continue to ramp up peaking just before we get to Second Stage cut off here in just a few minutes from now first stage will be performing two separate Burns a re-entry burn where we reignite three of the Merlin back excuse me the Merlin m1d engines on the first stage we ignite the center engine into radial engines to help slow it down as it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere and then the second final burn and that will be the landing burn on our drone ship and a single and back engine that you see thank you see on the right of your screen is continuing to fire we did hear another call out the trajectory is nominal crew heading in the direction that they are supposed to be yes this single engine can produce over 220 000 pounds of thrust in the vacuum of space now over 200 kilometers in altitude we will start to hit events now in a rapid succession as the first stage continues to make its way back to Earth and the second stage continues its burn just a couple minutes left in that burn for those of you just joining us just over six and a half minutes ago uh our four crew five astronauts launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida and they are now making their way into orbit on the second stage inside crew dragon which we're hearing that the trajectory on that is nominal um they are in safe inside uh dragon endurance whereas the first stage on the left hand side of your screen is making its way back to Earth we are coming up to the re-entry burn which as I said before we ignite three of the nine Merlin engines to help slow the booster down as it re-enters the dense part of the Earth's atmosphere as the entry burn completes we'll be in the final one entry burnt startup so there we go you can there see it on your screen that that entry burn has been initiated and as that entry burn completes will be in the final different abort phases here shortly which essentially correspond to areas along the very Northeastern Seaboard of the U.S stage one entry burn shutdown great news that entry burn was shut down and then those last all the way across the Atlantic Ocean Atlantic off the coast of Scotland for those abort zones everything continues to look nominal for both the first and second stages and the crew with the second stage still attached is now traveling over 13 000 miles per hour for about 10 seconds away from Seco one Shannon Shannon that call out for Shannon Ireland indicative of our final abort Zone after this we'll see second stage shut off and we'll be listening for confirmation of a good orbit which tells us the crew and dragon are exactly where they need to go there we had confirmation that the Empire has shut down simultaneously uh the entry and you heard that call for a good insertion we will Coast for a few minutes there we can see the Drone ship coming into view as Falcon 9 attempts the stage one Landing light deploy you can see those Landing legs have now deployed and as you can see on your screen and you can hear by the clapping and cheering behind me Falcon 9 has landed on our drone ship just with the instructions parked off the coast of Florida and there is separation Dragon separation confirmed congratulations on behalf of the entire launch and Recovery team it was an honor a pleasure to be a part of this Mission with you and while October 3rd May belong to the Mean Girls October 5th will forever belong to crew five godspeed endurance cheers awesome thank you so much that was a huge ride up here he's got three rookies that are pretty happy to be floating in space right now and one veteran astronaut who's pretty happy to be back as well let's see what you guys say coaches soccer team man you know it was a smooth ride and uh I see all the three happy faces here is back in zero Z and it present all the help to give us the smooth ride and training and thank you so much thank you for your support online for giving us this opportunity without to do it together and thank you for everybody so we'll keep us with him again some really nice words there from the crew 5 crew as well as dragons thanks for the words uh we had a great ride have a good Mission we'll see you later and dragon cameras are internal also getting some great views inside the capsule here so if you all want to get a chance to talk about your indicator we'd all love to hear some absolutely Mike a couple years after come up with his groundbreaking theory of special relativity Albert Einstein in his mind still had a couple loose ends to tie up while he was sitting in the patent office because he wasn't famous yet definitely should have been his happiest thought of his entire life I thought was person in free fall doesn't feel their own weight that thought along with some others that he built upon led the general relativity and our understanding of gravitation and curvature of space time we're experiencing Einstein's happiest thought continuously like the International Space Station has been doing for over 20 years oh first on true five call this little guy our Free Fall indicator we're here to tell you there's plenty of gravity up here in fact that's what's keeping us in orbit right now and preventing this trip on a crew jagging from being a one-way trip a little bit like life we live in the same world we live in the same universe sometimes we experience it in a very different way from our neighbors he might all keep that in mind hopefully we can all continue to do an absolutely amazing thing do it together well that was excellent Josh we appreciate you all taking the chance to share with us some of those special words and some of the meanings to you all I'll tell you my roommates are just happy that we didn't break out a dry erase board and get into more details foreign
Channel: NASA Video
Views: 233,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nasa, SpaceX, Crew-5, Flight Day 1 Highlights, Expedition 68, ISS, International Space Station, Crew Dragon, Nicole Mann, Josh Cassada, Koichi Wakata, Anna Kikina, JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Roscosmos
Id: g2AVVXfQ-S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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