Spacer problems, wheel shake or wobbles - try this fix

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okay so here i've gotten my wheel off i'm about to put my spacer on um i've done all the usual things you know i've i've cleaned and scoured this up uh same over here same over here on the wheel itself look at that it's almost shiny um and here and so here's the spacer here's the spacer and you know looks good it's just like this is this is like on the this is definitely like on the cheaper end of spaces i didn't want to spend the money on like an expensive one and here so when i put it on and i put it on yeah it presses on it's a really nice it's a nice tight fit that goes on and all right can i get it off okay there we go and that's good um but here someone in a forum pointed this out because everyone keeps talking about you know make sure your surfaces are super clean and super flat so that this can go on super flush and everyone almost all the videos that i've watched and all the forum things that i've read they'll talk about you know like okay if you're getting wheel issues like judder or shakes at particular speeds like yeah it's it's off like it's slightly off like you know cheaper spaces apparently don't know how to make something that's perfectly flat um apparently that's the problem but what i've but then i read one thing by one guy somewhere which i'll post to which i'll include a link for you know to give credit where credit's due but what he talked about was this like so you saw it fitted really well there but here when i put this in so it's flat but it's also ever so slightly loose like can you hear it it's probably easier to hear it than it is to see it but you know it's it's slightly off here it moves a little bit and that's the thing um so that's what i'm suggesting i'm going to show you how i do that i basically use aluminium foil i'm going to pause it here and put the phone down so i can do it but then i'll show you um so i get rid of that wriggle room um and yeah that worked that worked a treat like that's what i've done for the front and i've driven at all kinds of speeds like on the freeway highway etc and i'm not having any issues at all so here um you know i've cut myself out a piece of foil now i found when i did the front wheels uh my i needed two layers because this foil is quite thin i don't know if it can focus so i've got two layers now this is going to be a bit tricky one hand and it's windy um but here i'm going to place that over place that over now yeah i knew this was going to be tricky and then put it on center it and then just squash it in and i've got a nice tight fit and yep this is exactly what i've done for the front wheels and i've got zero issues with the front wheels they're great um i'm really happy with it so yeah and like you can see it's it's perfect um so like in that forum post i was mentioning before he talked about wrapping tape tape around here i just didn't like that because well with the tape like you know um you'd have to be so damn precise with like getting you know having no overlap or under lap where the end where the start and the end like you know would meet up with each other i like this because you just cut it out and press it on um so yeah that's it alright i'm gonna pause this again and i'll get the wheel back on the only tricky bit it's a real pain and so this is pretty tight now it's nicely in there um you know i can move it maybe just a little bit um but yeah it has a tendency to fall off when i'm trying to get it back on the wheel itself um that's just the that's the pain bit um but anyway i'll get this on and let's see how it looks okay there we go i've got it on and i've got to say i'm really happy with that that looks really good uh yep subtle but i like it um and so yeah the last thing i wanted to mention before i finish up is that like yeah um on the forums like you know i did a lot of you know good old forum searching before i decided that i was going to do spaces and then even a bit more to try and figure out like which spaces to get and the thing i found was that like for every single for every single person on a forum who said that you know they love their spaces and they were really good you get someone else who bought the exact same brand it didn't matter if it was like a cheap brand or even like a really expensive brand um you know there'd always be someone who said no didn't work for me i got you know i'd get will wobble issues uh so i kept you know i couldn't figure out um you know why why people you know same brand usually the same car because you know it's in the same forum um you know why some people lucked out and other people didn't and yeah that's you know the the fit ensuring a proper fit not just the flatness but also around the ring itself you know that seems to be a really essential thing
Channel: Simeon Taylor
Views: 32,731
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Id: t_pqhqgWCUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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