Should You Use Spacers? *Things You NEED TO KNOW*

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[Music] [Music] next you guys those got marks it looks like I'm not the only one that comes out if you have some fun [Music] if you are here just for the information on the wheel spacers go ahead and click to this timestamp right here but if you like be 36 m3s if you like BMWs if you like German cars in general go ahead and stick around if you're not already subscribed make sure to subscribe and well here we go good afternoon everyone and welcome to the new headquarters the winter headquarters of the e36 m3 and c63 AMG and you might be able to tell that there is this pump for one more car here I'm not going to tell you what that is yet but I think you guys are really gonna like it so stick around the way for that we've got a nice little place to hang out here all the tools and everything set up out back and well there's two now but there's about to be three sick cars parked up in here the storage unit just so you guys can kind of get an idea of the size it's a 19 by 40 and you could fit four cars in here if we didn't have this stuff that back here just to hang out and chill and whatever but uh it's plenty of space that's for sure and we have some pretty cool stuff today I've already done some of what we're going to be talking about but there's some more that I have to do to really finish it up and it's one of my favourite mods for under $200 that I've done so far we're gonna finish that up today in order to finish that up we need to flip the car around so that I have access to the passenger side so I'm gonna go ahead and get that done and then we will get moving with it but first holy cow yeah would you look at that no matter what whenever I see this car especially if it's been a couple days since I've seen it oh just like well I love it same with this thing it isn't bad [Music] I gotta let this thing run for a little bit it's been a few of spent awhile since I've been here and the battery was dead so I'm just letting the sucker charge back up by the way let me show you guys this thing that I use to jump my car it's pretty cool and I actually saw Rob Freddie talk about stuff like this and so it made me want to get one I was a little skeptical to see how well they work because how small they are but I use this tiny little thing look how small that is and those little jumper cables to jump this car and so far between this car and a few other cars I've actually used this thing like four times to jump and it still has 70% 75% power there's a couple USB ports on a little flashlight anyway it's a custom all they are they work really well and the nice thing is is if your battery dies and no one else is around to use their battery with jumper cables you can do it on your own you don't even under car so I definitely recommend getting one of these it would like 65 bucks on Amazon those just look sick I love those tires knit Ont o fives anyways as I mentioned today we're gonna be kind of finishing up some stuff that we've already started on the car we're going to talk about spacers today so I got spacers the goal was basically to get them further out to make them more aggressive and also to make the fitment better because I took the wider wheels that were on the back and stuck them in the front and the skinny rules on the front and stuck them in the back and because of that left weird wheel gaps and I just want to take care of that and in my opinion the way that your wheels fit the way that you wheels look or even getting new wheels or paying them it's one of the biggest things that you can do to affect the look of your car so I just basically want to go over all the basics of wheel spacers and what you need to do to make sure that you get the right setup that's going to work right it's going to not wobble it's gonna make sure everything is balanced and it's going to give you the correct safe fitment speaking of wheel spacers this AMG man look how that fitment is utilizes spacers as well to get this sick aggressive fitment you don't always have to spend a ton of money on new wheels and tires to make a car look better or even to drive better the first thing that I want to mention when talking about wheel spacers it may seem like it's obvious but I'm still going to say it because who knows how newb some of the people are that are trying to look for information is when you're ordering wheel spacers you need to make sure that you get them in the right bolt pattern so for these BMWs they're 5 by 120 for your car then maybe 5 by 114 or who knows just make sure that you get the right bolt pattern so 5 by 120 for these to make sure that spacers are gonna fit on there right now for the next thing we got to take these wheels off so I can show you guys the spacers that are on them got the wheels off and now for the second thing that we need to talk about we need to pull off the spacers that are already on here so let's pop off these eight millimeter ones that we have up here geez there we go I've got some five millimeter ones lettuce head sitting around to that we'll look at and now let's get these ten millimeter ones off the back okay let's talk about these spacers right here so if you see these ones right here these ten millimeter ones you can see on the inside this edge right here is beveled it to the slant it's not straight this way or that way it's got it what like a 45 degree angle to it and this side here you can see it sticks out and also on the inner edge closer to the actual plot partner spacer it's beveled as well now why would it be like that well if you see this eight millimeter one here it doesn't have that part sticking out of the outside but it has the beveled edge on the inside same with this five millimeter spacer there's a beveled edge on the inside not the outside so basically these are hub centric spacers this is a good example of what a hub centric spacer should look like what hub centric means is basically it's going to help your wheel align on to your hub center if it's off a little bit then it can cause the car to wobble even if your tires are balanced this outer lip here gives the wheel something soon as well as that beveled edge right here helps it to sit centered so the second thing that I want to mention is make sure that you get hub centric spacers now the reason why these ones are hub centric inner and outer and these ones aren't is because you can't really get hub centric inner and outer x' the outer part if they're under ten millimeters so from my experience if you don't have hump set hub centric inner and outer there's a chance that it's going to wobble and I've experienced that so if you're getting spacers under ten millimeters like these fives or these eights how do you solve that problem well let's go back to the front wheels and I'll show you something else these little things right here are the solution to having the outer hub centric and not being there on smaller spacers these are from VA see they are hub extenders and what these do is mount right there on the hub and stick that out further to act as that outer hub centric nests of the spacer that's not there on the smaller ones so we need to go ahead and put this in I'm going to show you guys how to do that first thing to mention if you still have these little caps over them so you can't see that nut inside we need to go ahead and pop these off there's a little tiny edge around the end of it that you can kind of use a flat head and a hammer to bend that out in the pop it out so just like that basically what happens here is this slides into your hub you're going to have to use a hammer to kind of get it in because the tolerance is quite as tight just give it a few little love taps and I'd say she's on make sure when you put these on the beveled edge goes away from the hub so that it can meet up with your wheel and help your wheel align properly and see if you can see where that silver is that silver color that's where the hub would have ended now this piece extends it so much further out that it helps your wheel to be centered when you put it on so there's your hub centric inner and your hub centric outer now on to the next one so take a look at those two lug bolts right there if you can tell the one on the left the threads are a little bit longer than the one on the right now why would they be like that basically these are designed or if you have lug bolts with lug nuts they're designed to have a certain amount of threads threaded into the car to give it the strength that they need and not to shear off and be safe so if these are your lug nuts before or your lug studs or whatever and you get a 5 millimeter spacer like this you need to buy studs or bolts or whatever that are five millimeters longer to compensate for that so you still have the same amount of threads that are engaged in the car to keep it safe and mounted properly gotta make sure to get extended lug studs or extended lug bolts when you get spacers just to make sure that your wheels don't fall off the nice thing is is that a lot of you don't have a BMW that has lug bolts and you just have lug studs if you buy a nicer spacers a lot of them already have extended lug studs on the spacer so stay safe do it right and get extended ones now on to the last thing that we're going to be talking about today as far as spacers go and that is the quality these are one thing that you don't want to skimp out on the quality there are some things that you can get for cars or it may not necessarily matter if you pay extra to get quality but spacers are one thing that you definitely don't want to skimp out on and this is why if you get spacers that are bad quality they may not be a machine to the highest standard and this edge may not be a machine completely flat on one side or the other or this may not be machined in properly and when you put them on the car they're not gonna sit flush against the rotor and if they don't sit flush it's gonna cause a little bit of wobble in the wheel and no matter how you align the tire huh no matter how you align the car and I matter how you balance the tires it's just never gonna be right your string was gonna wobble or the rear end is gonna wobble and that's just not very fun to feel if you don't get good enough quality ones the first time it's gonna bug you and you're gonna have to waste your money in buying a second set and you're not gonna be able to return the first set that you bought because you've mounted them on the car and it's gonna be a waste of money let's do it right the first time and buy some good quality spacers both of these spacers and these hub extenders came from V AC Motorsports I highly recommend their products they seem like a very good quality to have great customer service they end up picking up some spacers or some hub extenders from V AC make sure to let me know that Gavin from the treats on the streets YouTube channel sent you there all that's left for me to do is to put these back on the car now let's hop in this bad boy and go for a little rip as you guys can see the Sun is about to go down but there's always still a little more time to have some fun I think we can fit in a few poles and maybe a few slides Oh oh my gosh I'll tell you guys what if you remember if you've been a subscriber to the channel for a while you'll remember when I put these Megan speck RS coil overs on them man do I love them and it's been almost a year well probably about nine or ten months and they're still running solid Megan was a company that I hadn't really considered before but I was recommended them by some friends of mine and also by dirty hero customs that shop that I take my car to sometimes and I'm definitely very happy with them dudes with these colder temperatures along with the skinnier tires that we put on the back and the grippier ones in the front this thing just loves to slide and it's really controllable even though it's let's see 31 degrees outside I still like to have the windows down because man the car sounds good I think we got time for one more little slide I can't resist you guys know me before we get that one more slide in I do want to thank you guys all for joining me and watching yet another episode if your returning subscribers thank you so much for your support thanks for coming back if you're new to the channel don't forget to do that subscribe button and if you enjoyed today's video give it a big thumbs up and I will see you guys next time here we go with one more [Music] gosh this thing's blown so good with the cold IITs
Channel: Treats On The Streets
Views: 308,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: e36, e36 m3, m3, bmw, wheel, spacers, how to, coilovers, lowered, camber, how to use wheel spacers, wheel spacers, install, are wheel spacers bad, drift, track, autocross, race, grip, build, fitment, stance, m car, amg, german
Id: TvUYHevcZ7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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