Vibration At Higher Speeds - Found & Fixed - Possible Causes Listed

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how's it going everyone and welcome back to another video in this video I'm going to be showing you how I found and fixed a vibration issue which was coming in at higher speeds okay just a little bit of background on this vehicle this was one that presented at the workshop and the customer had already been to a couple of shops and got some minor things done the main issue that it was having was at higher speeds when he was getting into the open road getting into that 100 to 120 kilometer an hour level then we were having a heavy vibration come in I did bring the vehicle for a road test before I started to do any and testing within the workshop and I'm going to show you what that looked like right now currently driving a Toyota Corolla got a quite excessive shake when you get on the freeway at 110 with the power on so with the load on this shake comes in if I let off the accelerator evens out so only under load this shake is present so if I let off at 110 it evens out back on the accelerator the vibration comes back in again so we have a load issue so when the load is on and the accelerator is depressed and it gets up to that range we have a excessive vibration coming through it if you were to pop it into neutral if you were to take your foot off the accelerator if you were to do anything to stop that forward drive then it uh goes away so gotta get this back to the workshop and see if we can find what this issue is okay now that we have the road tests out of the way I have a good indication as to where to look for but like anything I don't take answer for granted and I always do some simple and basic checks just to make sure that there's no underlying issues that I'm missing as I'm diagnosed in this fault now that fall did give me a key indicator of what might be the issue but again I still want to roll some things out and it's good practice for you if you have a vibration or you want to do some of these checks is to follow these guidelines what you always want to rule out is free play in any area it's such a quick and simple check you're grabbing the wheel bearings you're grabbing to see if there's any um Rack in play if there's any free play of any kind not that it's going to be exactly like the symptom that I had in this video but you do want to make sure that there's no free play top and bottom so if you grab the wheel top and bottom side to side rock it backwards and over and see if you have any free play with the load off the vehicle the other things that you do want to check and you want to rule out is the condition of the tires you want to see if there are any separation any unevenness any bumps any scalloping on the tires and also any balancing issues so you will want to make sure that you have balanced wheels and rims before you rule anything out or put in really expensive Parts the other check I do is I do get a second person in the vehicle and I get it up in the air a little bit and under load I want to check to see how bad or how much movement the engine mounts are showing up in this case there is quite a bit of free play in those engine mounts as they're rocking back on over I check the um most common one for failure which is that upper driver side I also check the lower ones as well for any movement go [Music] and with that I get a very good idea as to how the engine is performed under load if it's doing any vibrations that I can see around the engine bay and then I'm ready after that check and I'm happy with the condition of them I put it up in the air to do a visual inspection of the underside and most notably what I'm looking for here is the Driveline so I'm going to be looking to assess the drive shafts on this is the front wheel drive vehicle and I'm going to be looking for any telltale signs of any issues there now when I had the vehicle in the air as you can see here I was able to see wetness around the right hand inner CV boot so that inner drive shaft boot had wetness around it I could see that there was Grease leaking out of it for quite a long period of time and that's a very Telltale sign that you could have issues in that area if grease is leaking out from those boots they're going to dry up they're going to develop wear faster and you could have found your issue straight away if you have this type of problem and what you're seeing here now is me just manually checking to see how much free play is on that joint while it's up in the air and with that I'm not happy with that tripod joint I feel there's excessive wear there I can hear the additional I can visually see that it was leaking grease so it's giving me all the indicators that this needs to be replaced if you're having a similar issue to this some key notes and some key takeaways that you should look into if your vehicle is rear-wheel drive you certainly want to follow back along the vehicle you want to be looking at the likes of carrier bearings you want to be looking at Uni joints and you want to be following back through the differential to see if there's any play or movement all the way back that goes for all-wheel drive and four-wheel drive vehicles as well on front wheel drive drive vehicles you're only assessing the very front end but make sure that you're not ruling things out before you check everything because you can have a heavy vibration if a tail shaft imbalance has come in mightn't be exactly the same speeds as well I have but it's certainly something they want to check and look before you rule anything out so after I've done that investigation I do have a chat to the customer and I tell them what I've found I did inspect I did confirm the balance of the wheels were all good the tires were all good I wasn't seeing any separation I wasn't seeing any issues that I would be concerned about at higher speeds some things that you might find in the tires could give you an indication as you might be having a vibration especially like I said if you have that separation there could be a home for a bit of unevenness in there which could cause a vibration but at higher speeds you don't tend to just get that you will find if tires are giving you issues you will have it as you're getting up through the speed same with wheel bearings if you're having a wheel bearing noise the noise will progressively get worse as you drive faster but it will still tend to be there at lower speeds and not just come on and off with acceleration in this case it's a an Underlord problem I'm accelerating I'm feeling that vibrating when I let off on the acceleration the vibration has gone away if I put it in neutral the vibration has gone away so we are pinpointing down the Noise by using those simple checks and tests yeah I go again foreign and with that I fitted a new drive shaft to the vehicle and the problem was solved foreign whatsoever no more issues no more vibration and any speed whatsoever and the customer was very very happy that he didn't have to deal with this anymore when he was on the motorway going to work if you have this type of problem make sure you follow along those simple steps always double check things before you go into deep check components to see if there's anything loose check wheel bearings check to see if there's anything in the shock make sure you're addressing and Visually inspecting the tires the roundness scalloping uneven and then make sure that you're getting them balanced as well doing Simple checks like that following along the Drive Lines checking for free playing the CVS checking for free play in any type of carrier Baron or any type of uni joint will give you a good indication as to what is going on if you see any grease leaking out or any CV boot split and especially if that grease is old if it looks like it's happened and has been present for a long period of time you can get a good realistic indication that there is a fault going to be in there from excessive wear through lack of lubrication and that is it I hope you found this video useful and informative if you did please like share comment and subscribe and I hope to see you on the next one thanks for watching [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gerard Burke
Views: 965,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MG3LTtis-zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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