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a bam welcome everybody to 20 minutes till dawn uh today i thought we would give old shana a go and maybe he's like cross crossbow darkness one see if you can survive so the reason why i want to give shana a go was uh shana gets the uh uh ability to re-roll and i kind of wanted to try and make that dragon work oh my god okay it's happening i've never never really used the dragon all that much um but if we can pre-roll and get the dragon out here as soon as possible um and like those upgrades i just feel like the dragon could be could be legit do i want any of you no i'm looking for the dragon there we go nice so this might be a terrible play because a lot of the upgrades that we're going to be taking are not actually going to be helping me um which probably is a bad idea uh but we'll we'll see we'll see how it goes um maybe actually we could do it getting like the big big bullet maybe is worth worth value uh just because um oh no there we go a dragon extra damage or attack speed sure damage uh just because i'm worried about uh enemies like uh later on um big flying leech monsters are generally they're pretty healthy boys and do not want to be really dealing with them all that much uh bonk oh god there's a lot of boys please let me through nice very good stay back uh so um you know i've been playing a bit more of this um we've got a couple of extra upgrades that give us cool things i'm gonna get that experience right now please stay back um so yeah we kind of get some elemental stuff going on uh i don't want any of you dragon what is this what deals additional damage equal dragon's damage i don't know if that's gonna help me yet oh heck let's just take it and see what happens i don't know if that actually is gonna work yet the dragon is still in the egg uh none of those are dragon there we go okay right um i guess we could have gotten this all a bit faster but i think it's not terrible uh to have it by like 18 minutes in uh we're gonna be getting a fair number of levels out of that stuff oh god just right now i am kind of not doing uh any damage at all what am i after big bullet i would like that i'd like to dagger as well because i guess like uh we need some summon buffs to help our um dragon get to even loftier heights uh oh god okay uh so one upgrade that um you get from the runes which i am absolutely loving uh it's my first time kind of really using it is the your third shot has infinite penetration um which just seems amazing on the older railgun holy shield i don't know if i need any of you let's do a re-roll could get a health just right now extra reload rate pick up let's do pickups just because we uh love getting experience oh yeah so you'll notice like every third shot really good uh really good damage um comes out of that but i just tried to like get them into a nice line to maximize how much work that does mean i need to get back over there though uh okay we've got a boss uh sir i can just try and focus you uh i'll take move speed always a fan of move speed are the dragons here hello how good are you doing my dragon friend not terrible oh look at all this good experience frost maybe take aim don't know if i want that pickup range okay tipsy chance to refill an ammo oh the heck let's try it oh we killed him already that is very good i'm just doing this dragon do about 40 which seems kind of legit uh what was that noise um god i just want to get down there and pick up the chest but if you guys are all just going to be hanging out oh it's me refilling ammo that's what that noise is uh i'm going to re-roll fire 8 actually doesn't super bother me uh um okay nice triple the effect of the next upgrade you take wow okay oh god right what could this be would that give us triple ghosts surely not pick up range plus 20 glare vision range plus 25 like i don't know what happened do we risk a re-roll losing speed run and gun maybe like hearts just get three hearts all those projectiles but then we lose a lot of damage find loads of bullets i feel like that's the most interesting one uh okay yeah it does five more shots um we don't kill in a hit but that's fine uh it's probably better for for crowd control but yeah yeah we are firing four shots man that's a cool upgrade oh my god like just timing that to get like a specific point would be amazing uh fanfare we're shooting a lost ammo oh yeah boom i'll take that uh that's just a way to just get more damage out of here okay this feels pretty pretty good um not too worried about the horde uh is the mega deer gonna come and approach me sometime soon there he is yeah wow we dealt with him so fast bullet bounce that was our damage move speed kind of maybe move speed summon damage reload rate i will do that even though it's just the dragon oh god wow that actually really hurts our our thing but maybe we can find some stuff that will uh make us better but this was this was all about i just wanted a dragon friend to be a cool boy uh and i guess we should start getting any summons that we can now although i guess like nicely like uh if i'm just picking up a ton of experience as well though actually we can just get free rerolls uh free um uh reloads okay right your magic walls can disappear now honestly uh because oh that was dumb uh we killed the deer um you don't need to fence me in okay i don't know if that summon upgrade was the was the the right call there i just wanted the dragon to dragon to be the hero um but i feel like our gun is kind of just doing more work if i can increase its attack speed maybe it would come good splinter splinter might be legit or spooky ghost yeah let's do a spooky ghost um just because we have like just more buffs on uh the summons right now and oh my god wow this is fairly effective as long as i just keep picking up experience oh um my shooting is pretty on point uh stay back okay i'm standing the dragon does 102 damage per shot and that's it's not even his final form uh by the end of this we should be adding another like 100 damage onto that which sounds amazing you slide even more projectiles oh let's get that knife it doesn't one shot but that is okay okay i just need to keep running just towards experience and hope that i don't get don't get killed yeah right i'm feeling like fairly fairly positive um would really like more more levels though uh what have you got some attack speed plus 50 yes yeah okay dragon dragon's kind of coming online a little bit more now my god look at him wave clear uh okay he's definitely better than my uh my shooting um but i'm still just gonna keep firing just because it's more just more damage uh and oh god okay we're kind of getting a little bit busy in here sirs please pick up range maybe i don't know if i care about any of those maybe pirate could be good in sync splinter i'm gonna do splinter just because i like i like just when um more damage is coming from something that i don't have to do oh look a hill nice uh so that is uh one of the um other other runes you can buy some damage plus 40 sounds very strong okay dagron is doing just fantastic work oh my god i love him i have to train your dragon uh yeah just pump him full of steroids and uh let him go he's a pretty pretty buff boy right now reaper realms uh bullets listening ps killed enemies yeah take that because that will actually buff our knife as well um and that sounds good i would like to get more pick up range oh god man every now and again i'm just worried that like there's an enemy like slips through the like fuselage of uh shots uh frost i don't know if i want any of you guys extra pick up range sure okay yeah this feels pretty pretty clean as far as killing goes at the moment and pretty good on the experience do you want a scythe side honestly maybe what i should look for let's do a real more pickup range why not uh is the synergies i always kind of forget about these some of the mastery dual wield oh i saw that uh vengeful ghost dragon dragon is firing fairly quickly now okay i'm just gonna like aim him a bit better uh oh leech man at least boys oh god man i could really go for a good old attractor right now um as there's like just experience everywhere from where i've just been goofing around and i want him do it burn crystal all the time by 30 for one second after reloading honestly like far enough that uh that should generally just be 30 extra damage on my gun uh although god the gun doesn't do any killing the fireballs do all the killing you just don't even need to fire my gun for a bit and just let the dragon do do the work actually i think it does help it is still like a little bit of knock-on damage uh maybe getting that frost ability in here where we reduce enemies max hp by 20 or whatever it was um every time they get frozen uh could be good as they're taking a lot of just like random hits uh which oh god they are kind of closing in and i'm not getting experience right now uh where is the experience and we've got watch out for the balls it's just oh coughing get a dragon watch off the balls again oh god they are here but we got them increased oh my experience came by 40 oh man imagine if you got that one first that would be the dream right oh we gotta gotta heal love it yeah if you started out with that we would be um like eight levels higher than we are at this stage fuselage i don't know about that i don't know if i want any of you in sync i kind of don't mind that the um ghost fires by himself but i guess it probably doesn't hurt to hurt to take it maybe helps i'm not even sure how much the ghost is doing for me uh oh god can we get out of there nice as the ghost is like firing in the middle of like the dragon's firestorm which is doing pretty well uh but you kind of lose his little like ectoplasm ball um kind of kind of fast wow is that we're doing like 200 something damage now with the dragon which is amazing yeah he like kind of clears out paths fairly quickly and then knocked back on is great like okay a bit greedy we can just like walk in the direction that we're firing and hope to get x uh what do i want i'm ready plus the ammo do i care about is that someone plus 15 two additional projectiles yeah yeah why not just let the ghost do his spooky spooky ghost stuff right we gotta watch out because they do uh they are just closing in the rear pretty pretty rapidly but the dragon is just clearing paths uh very consistently and love that can we just like sit here and just flame kind of is doing it oh god's great let's just add a few more shots into that mix as i'm a little little worried uh we still only have three hp but we will be fine i shall prevail nice mini clip reload rate bullet damage wow actually does that will i ever go to zero ammo no okay well that actually pretty good where's my dagger yeah dagger is still here because i haven't paid attention to him for a while but he's swinging at 89 damage which seems super good uh i think i've got that second dagger upgrade which is feeling bad um double the daggers is double the fun everyone knows that okay right keep lasting we still got five minutes um and we've got another boss coming very soon oh yeah nice oh god that's bad um dragon just do your thing there's too many balls here nice oh my god wow they dealt with them so fast move speed maybe let's do a element thing bullet bounce i don't know if i care about bullet bounce let's just do move speed although by the end are we even going to be able to move because there'll just be so many enemies around us split fire what do they need dual wield ah let's take the sides oh i guess they needed the side to be able to get the um the upgraded thing that's why i didn't do it because i've always like just turned down the side okay look how fast that side is going kind of rad um i'm into that oh nuts i did not pay attention to that ball okay we need healing uh and fast uh i don't think i've taken any of the heal upgrades so far oh god i thought we were gonna just get hit for a second then okay right we've got a bit more freedom of movement there is old cthulhu man it's got a bit more like a star spawn esque vibe but not quite that cuz they they've got like more body don't they um uh come come to me just the dragon the dragon is doing very serious fire power good job don't touch the tree three halo pieces now appear uh as upgrade choices collect all three let's get shana's halo oh my god can we get that in time there's a lot of enemies so i feel like i can get some experience hello piece number two yes okay yeah i feel like we might be able to get a level uh i've gotta watch out because i there i'm just so close to letting someone accidentally through and uh then it's ripperoni for old uncle tom uh kind of dealing with these guys fairly well hello peace okay just need halo piece number one man okay i'm actually like really impressed by the dragon now like it's a big investment at the beginning um when you are just at your weakest but the speed that it fires and the amount of damage like it is just one shotting any enemy that it comes up against like just clears out entire hordes so fast uh hey peace please nice florida plus 50 cent reload rate plus 50 version range plus 75 okay that's pretty good i guess oh my god wow uh we are firing quite a lot uh heel i don't need that anymore now uh pyramids magic lens i don't know if i care about any of you running gun is always nice fire rate up uh let's let's set people on fire why not as oh my god everyone's on fire okay right those guys can survive a fireball uh but they can't survive too many more than that uh okay they're kind of sneaking in like when i've got my back turned they do like to uh have a little approach which i am not super into so if you guys can just all back off oh god yeah like the flames now you just really just wave that around like oh god watch out for balls though can i kill a tree with my fire i'm just getting greedy there well maybe not oh god wow oh god that's red balls uh sirs please back it up um as i cannot afford to take too many hits here glad why not we've got a lot of vision range that will do just negligible damage i guess like the shot behind me maybe would be good i don't know how much any of it is really going to change i guess like actually we should take like the holy shield with the holy shield i think it would have been hard for them to actually just get the kill uh does he have to hit us three times in quick succession uh and we are kind of good man dragon who the four actually sort of legit i think we had a bit of a mixed build here um i don't know if uh the the crossbow was the smart smart weapon to pair with the dragon but kind of into it nice you did it oh bam so that's been 20 minutes or dawn everybody uh i hope you guys enjoyed this until next time see you
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 37,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: EioV6C7F3eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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