Soviet Nuclear Submarine Defects to the United States, 1984 - Animated

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foreign [Music] in November 1984 on a cold hard morning on the Northwestern coast of the Soviet Union a brand new variant of the Soviet typhoon-class nuclear ballistic missile submarine sails out of her base in murmansk and heads out into the poliani inlet towards the barren sea a large vessel she is 12 meters longer than the standard typhoon class and three meters wider a U.S satellite catches an image of her as she makes for Open Sea a brand new unknown vessel setting sail at the height of the Cold War triggers a flurry of activity among CIA analysts trying to figure out the capabilities and mission of this mysterious new submarine she submerges into the dark icy water NATO submarines routinely Patrol near the Soviet base at momansk in order to observe and Shadow Soviet submarines as they make their way into the North Atlantic this day is no different and the sonar operator aboard the U.S Los Angeles class attack submarine USS Dallas picks up the sound of the distant submerged submarine on Sonar as it heads out the Dallas begins to track but all of a sudden the contact disappears from sonar as silent as the night as if the sub had completely cut its engine with the Soviet vessel now producing no sound whatsoever it is invisible the sonar operator aboard the Dallas would later recall thinking he could hear the sound of singing coming from The Vessel potentially the music of Paganini Pavarotti or maybe something else whatever the sound the Soviet submarine is now sailing so silently that it will be nearly impossible to pick up by NATO submarines and sonar Nets her intentions so far are unclear the silent Soviet submarine continues her Voyage towards the North Atlantic this development is highly disturbing with CIA and navy analysts concluding that this new submarine must be using some kind of Silent or nearly silent propulsion system if it came to armed conflict between NATO and the Soviet Union this could allow the ballistic missile submarine to park a couple of hundred nuclear warheads off Washington or New York and no one would know anything about it until it was all over alarmingly U.S satellites now also detect that some 58 Soviet nuclear submarines have also sorted from their bases at poliani the Baltic and Mediterranean and re-tasked from existing missions in the Atlantic with further Port activity detected suggesting that 22 Cruisers and destroyers are also preparing to leave poliani immediately this constitutes the bulk of the Soviet surface Fleet in the North Atlantic the national security briefing is convened at the White House the NSA presents the devastating intelligence that the captain of the typhoon-class submarine had sent a letter to Red Fleet command just before leaving the contents of the letter are unknown but it immediately triggered red Fleet commands to order the sortie of the entire fleet to find the submarine in question and sink her on the face of it it would appear that the captain has gone Rogue and threatens independent missile launch on the United States not knowing whether this is true or whether this is in fact the beginning of a move against NATO the president orders the U.S Navy's Atlantic Fleet to move into the North Atlantic to meet the incoming Soviet combat vessels meanwhile aboard the USS Dallas the sonar operator has detected the sound of what his computer is telling him is seismic activity upon further investigation of the sound he believes that it must be man-made and informs his captain that he believes this is the Soviet submarine and that he can track it with the sub-entering underwater trench-like rock formations a dangerous route through the rocks that she cannot follow the USS Dallas will position herself on the other side and wait for the submarine to emerge however with the Soviet sub maneuvering tightly through the underwater rock formations Dallas suddenly picks up her engine sounds again for some reason the submarine has disengaged her silent propulsion and re-engaged her noise-emitting conventional propulsion with multiple Russian surface and submarine groups and close to 100 Soviet tu-95 bear foxtrot anti-submarine bombers searching for her it doesn't take long for Bear foxtrot's number 692 to find the Soviet sub the bomber drops sonar boys onto the surface so that the crew can hear and locate their position the sub-captain orders Battle Stations but with their navigation through the underwater Canyons relying on maintaining course and speed he cannot die for safety on the next part the bear drops a torpedo against them the weapon locks onto the submarine closing quickly with a turn in the canyon approaching the captain prepares to launch countermeasures and leaves the turn to the last moment as late as he does he orders a hard turn to starboard around the corner this daring maneuver is enough to confuse the torpedo which overshoots and explodes into the canyon wall a close call but with the Russian bomber now heading off they resume through the rock formations meanwhile the Dallas is waiting at the end of the formation for the Soviet submarine to emerge detecting the so-called seismic anomaly once more it appears that the sub has re-engaged its silent drive and the typhoon-class submarine appears Dallas slips in close behind her so as to follow without being detected all of a sudden the Russian sub fears hard to port in a maneuver to check for enemy submarines behind her Dallas cuts her engines and makes like a hole in the water hoping the Russian submariners will not detect her this maneuver is named The Crazy Ivan by the Americans as when following close behind there is a high risk of collision between the two vessels the Americans listen carefully as the Soviet submarine performs a full circle around them eventually resuming its original course the ruse has worked and Dallas remains undetected however Dallas immediately receives a radio signal saying that a member of the CIA is on Route by helicopter to be delivered to the vessel and that she must break off her Pursuits to surface and receive him fearing that this will alert the Soviet sub to their presence the captain gives the Russian a wide berth and falls behind to pick up the mysterious visitor while this is taking place back in Washington DC the Soviet ambassador to the United States requests a meeting with the president he explains that the captain of the Rogue submarine has gone insane and intends to fire his nuclear weapons on the United States meanwhile the USS Dallas is back in the baffles of the Soviet submarine the CIA analyst now aboard has another theory they may in fact be trying to defect with fresh orders now received to sink the submarine an argument breaks out in the control room of the Dallas at this moment the Soviet sub performs another Crazy Ivan this time to starboard this time Dallas does not go silent allowing her to be detected the Soviet Captain alerted to the American sub nearby surfaces as does the Dallas in the control room of the Soviet sub the crews see their Captain peer into the Periscope at the other submarine as is normal procedure in a combat engagement the captain orders a single acoustic ping to verify the range of the American submarine this is carried out without hesitation after a few more moments the captain mysteriously orders another ping but then orders the submarine break off from the American South and head south to a deep area of ocean in the grand Banks called the Laurentian Abyssal 20 hours later alarms suddenly ring out on the Soviet vessel alerting of a meltdown in the nuclear reactor one by one compartmental radiation alarms trigger a highly dangerous situation the captain orders the submarine to surface immediately and for the crew to be disembarked onto the life rafts however after surfacing and when scanning The Horizon for activity the Oliver Hazard Perry class guided missile frigate the USS Reuben James is spotted bearing down on them signaling with lights do not attempt to submerge or you will be fired upon the Americans launch a Seahawk helicopter to Monitor and put a shot across the vessel's bow the Soviet Captain tells his men who are boarding the life rats that the officers will re-enter the vessel submerge and Scuttle the submarine to prevent it from falling into American hands amid reports of heroic music emanating from the deck the Soviet sub submerges the Russian Sailors see the Seahawk move in and drop a torpedo into the water willing their heroic Captain good luck in his fight with the American capitalists meanwhile beneath the waves an American dsrv a small rescue submarine slowly moves in and docks with the Soviet sub with the American torpedo having been safely detonated several hundred yards away it is now safe for the three Americans inside to board the Soviet vessel all of a sudden out of nowhere a Russian torpedo screams in and smashes into the hull of the sub but disintegrates without exploding completely undetected by anyone a Soviet Alpha class attack submarine the canovalov has arrived and fired on her it is rumored that the captain of the canovalov has a special place in his heart for the captain of the typhoon-class submarine but has been ordered to kill his old friend realizing his Torpedoes had the wrong settings he corrected the problem and fires again the massive typhoon class does not have the maneuverability to take on an alpha class attack sub she slowly Lumbers around and accelerates directly into the Torpedoes path at a heading of three one five amid conversations around the performance of Admiral Halsey at the Battle of Leyte golf the distance is closed so quickly that again the safety features of the torpedo do not allow it to explode and it smashes into the hull without detonation once more with his Target now behind him Captain tupolev aboard the canovalov orders full right Rudder to shake the big vessel loose meanwhile he removes all of the safety mechanisms from his Torpedoes he won't make the same mistake again ignoring the sound of gunfire detected by sonar using his Superior maneuverability his Alpha class sub draws around in a full circle slowly bringing his bow around onto the stern of his prey it's now only a matter of time gaining a good track on the typhoon class sub the canovalov fires another torpedo out of nowhere the USS Dallas arrives and pulls in behind the Soviet submarine with the torpedo Now tracking the American submarine instead the captain of the Dallas orders countermeasures deployed and a full emergency blow the Dallas nicknamed Big D flies towards the surface drawing the torpedo off Target the Russian crew evacuated earlier watch with delight as the USS Dallas is seen breaching out of the water in cowardice their Brave Captain will surely receive the order of Lenin for scaring the American dogs out of the water back beneath the waves the Russian torpedo is still active and after searching for a new Target find the typhoon class sub once more this time however the mighty vessel turns directly towards the canovalov the two Soviet vessels Bear Down on each other as the torpedo closes in appearing to play chicken with each other this one certainly looks like it's going to be close at the last moment the typhoon Dives underneath the alpha the maneuver works and the torpedo instead homes directly into the bow of the canovalov with no time for her to react the torpedo detonates the detonation causes massive secondary explosions across the ship as the canovalov tears herself apart back on the surface the Russian Sailors watch in horror as their captain and hero of the Soviet Union meets his end it is unknown what happened to the typhoon-class submarine after the engagement the Soviet navy presumes her sunk after a radiation problem completely unrelated the Soviet Ambassador asks for American help to find a missing alpha-class submarine in the area of the grand Banks a couple of years later the U.S Navy would very rapidly develop a nearly silent propulsion system for their submarines the incident would be quickly covered up by both sides and according to repeated statements by both the Soviet and American governments nothing of what you have seen here ever happened
Channel: The Operations Room
Views: 2,075,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Time-Lapse, History, Documentary, animated, war, us navy, soviet navy, hunt for red october, typhoon class, submarine, nuclear submarine, april fools, alfa class, los angeles class, uss dallas, red october
Id: TvAueVn6Fzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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