Sourdough Bread Tutorial | Heartway Farms | Easy Sourdough Bread

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so today let's talk about sourdough [Music] so recently i have been experimenting with sourdough i have been researching about sourdough and its benefits and i figured the first step would be to figure out how to make my own sourdough starter and this is made with literally just flour and water no commercial yeast or anything so it is farm cot sourdough yeast starter so now i'm going to explain how to make your own organic sourdough starter so step one take a glass bowl don't worry about a lid for now we'll get to that later and into it you add two cups of organic flour and two cups of filtered water now mix it together until it's all combined and smooth and like a paste and then you take your bowl and put it somewhere warm whether it's on your stove or somewhere else uncovered and open to the air for around 48 hours so after about 24 hours of your starter sitting go check on it mine after 24 hours started to get a little bit crusty on top because it was drying out so what i did i didn't want to remove the airflow or anything so what i did is i just set a plate on top of the bowl so it loosely covered it so it was able to stay pretty moist in there and you should see little bubbles starting to form at the surface and it might start smelling something like parmesan cheese at least mine did after about 48 hours what you're going to do is remove your lid if you decided to use one and you're going to take away about half of your starter and at this point just throw it in the trash discard it feed it to your chickens and then you're going to add to it one cup of organic flour and another cup of water and stir together until it's a paste then return your your cover for another 24 hours so now on day three four and five you continue the same process of removing the lid removing half of the starter adding one cup of all-purpose flour with organic and another cup of water stir it together and then return the lid now come day six what you want to do this time is keep all of the starter that you have in your bowl and you want to add one cup of all-purpose organic flour and another cup of water and mix it in along with everything else and at this point you may already be able to use your starter sometimes it takes longer depending on how warm your house is but i was able to use mine come day six so on day seven if your sourdough starter is very very sour smelling and very bubbly looking you're ready to make bread with it so now i'm going to show you how i make my sourdough bread so sourdough bread does take two days to make it's a lot of waiting but it is definitely worth it and it's very easy otherwise so for this recipe you're going to need four cups of organic all-purpose unbleached flour i'm gonna add two teaspoons of himalayan pink salt around a tablespoon or so of honey [Music] a cup and a half of warm water you don't want it to be too hot just barely warm [Music] and one cup of your homemade sourdough starter [Music] and then you're going to mix that together until it's nicely combined into a nice smooth sticky dough so now this is all combined and i'm just going to cover it with plastic wrap for about one and a half to two hours and then we'll show you the rest of the process so it has been about four hours since i threw the dough together and now i just need to knead it and after the four hours you should have little air bubbles all over the side of your bowl so you'll know that it has been rising and fermenting so with clean hands you're just gonna scoop and pull and knead the dough for a little bit so like two to five minutes so when you're finished kneading you're gonna cover this bowl back up and set it in a pretty warm spot so like anywhere like in the oven with the light on is plenty warm for another eight to ten hours and this allows it to for the dough to really ferment and rise and get a nice sour flavor so i finished kneading and i'm gonna put this in a nice warm spot for um overnight and then in the morning we'll bake this into lowe's we'll see you then so my dough has now been rising for around 12 hours because i made it last night and it is climbing out of the bowl so i'm going to remove plastic wrap and shape them into our loaves i'm going to flour my workspace [Music] and i'm going to use my scraper you can do it without a scraper but it does make it much easier and you're just going to kind of shape this into a nice smooth looking rope so you're just going to kind of fold it over like this so while our little loaves are rising in the kitchen let's talk about how to take care of a sourdough starter so once your sourdough starter is completely established my starter was established in roughly seven days you can now put your starter into the fridge to keep it from taking over your kitchen let's say you want to make something with your sourdough starting for example the bread we just made when i make bread i take out one cup of sourdough started and put it into my recipe and now i need to replace the cup that i took out so all that you have to do for this is when you feed your starter is you put in one cup of organic flour and one cup of filtered water and you just mix it together until it's nice and smooth and then you can put this back into the fridge until the next time you want to bake it so sometimes people can get busy and you might not get around to baking with your starter for a couple of weeks and you still need to feed it because it is living so you would just feed it the one cup of flour the one cup of water stir it up and place it back into the fridge to keep your starter happy and bubbly and healthy so this spread has been rising for around four hours now and it is time to score it you can score it with either a knife or i'm using a new razor blade and you're just going to do an x pattern [Music] so this oven is set at 500 degrees and the cast iron dutch oven has been heating up in here for about 30 or so minutes so it's very hot be careful when you're doing this and you like to put a pan underneath why it helps keep the crust from burning so you're going to place it in there with the parchment paper and make sure the lid is on tight [Music] so it steamed it really nicely so this is going to bake at 500 degrees for 20 minutes and then after the 20 minutes i'm going to open up my dutch oven remove the parchment paper and take off the lid and then you're going to put it back in the oven and bake it for another eight minutes so this slope is finished it smells and looks so good and listen to this crust it is so crusty for the second loaf we're just going to do the same exact baking process for this so you're going to put your loaf into your preheated dutch oven at 500 degrees for 20 minutes and then after the 20 minutes you're gonna take off the lid and you're going to remove the parchment paper and bake it for another eight minutes and then hopefully you should have a loaf that looks similar to this [Music] you
Channel: Heartway Farms
Views: 13,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, Farm Life, DIY, Farming, Eggs, Pastured Chickens, Heartway Farms, Arms Family Homestead, Justin Rhodes, Finance, Prepping, A Joyful Life, Sheep, Lambs, canning, spring, natural spring, spring development, homeschool, homeschooling, Engineer775, Joel Salatin, Back to Eden Garden, Paul Gautschi, survival, water filtration, neversink farm, Richard Perkins, Rough Draft Farmstead, feast, greenhouse, planting, saving, growing, Soap, Sourdough, Bread, Baking, Tutorial, Sourdough Starter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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