Sound Reactive 2D LED Matrix - ESP32 + INMP441 Digital Mic + WLED-SR

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here's my new 2D LED Matrix panel with a digital microphone working and completed had it put in this little wood frame that I created and it's all finally set up and working pretty darn well thought I'd share this with you and how I put it together if you want to check this out come along for the ride let's start off talking about all the parts I purchased and the tools I used I will say that once I itemized all the parts I was surprised to see that I spent a total of 82.89 on this entire project which was a lot more than what I thought it was going to be when I first started out all the frame supplies I purchased at Home Depot and Michael's supply store and all the rest of the items I purchased on Amazon I'll put a link in the description below and here is a list of miscellaneous tools I used that I already have in my workshop for the frame assembly I'll provide a high level overview of what I did to make it I first measured The Matrix panel at 3 and 1 8 inches by 12 and 9 16 inches and with the eighth inch Groove offset that I needed for the Plexiglas and to set the Matrix LED panel into the frame I did some quick math and determined that I needed two pieces at 13 and 5 16 and two pieces at 3 and 7 8 inches long I I use this inexpensive plastic miter box that I had and my handsaw to cut these four pieces to the size with the 45 degree angles needed I did take my time and I made sure that these parts were cut exactly to the right size and I tried to cut them as straight as possible next I set up my homemade router table with a scrap piece of wood clamped down as a side guard so I could cut the groove inset into the frame sides I used a quarter inch dual carbide router bit and set it to 1 8 inch by one half inch deep then I carefully ran all four pieces through to cut the groove out then I took the four pieces and laid them all out on this green painters tape and butted them tightly together and then I put some wood glue on every joint and spread it out evenly with my finger then I simply folded each section up into the frame and squared it up with my combination square and allowed it to dry for a couple hours once it was dry I cut the plexiglass to size and the black backer panel and test fit it to make sure it fit with the LED Matrix panel inside the frame I also cut off the extra wires from the LED Matrix panel like the injection wires and the outbound wires and put some protective Gorilla tape over the top of them next I gave it a couple of coats of the black paint on both sides and allowed it to dry well once the paint was done drying overnight I again dry fit everything and connected The Matrix panel from a previous esp32 project I had so I could do an end-to-end test and ensure that everything was working properly before I started on the next part of the project with connecting the esp32 and the digital mic next this diagram is how I planned out wiring up the room esp32d1 mini board to the inmp 441 digital mic this is just one example to follow but you can connect the mic pins to any of the open gpio pins of the esp32 per this pin out diagram and then you can configure wld to tell it which pins you used this wire diagram I used works so if you wanted to follow it I followed the instructions on the GitHub page for digital microphone hookup the links listed in this diagram is where it says important in the bottom left-hand corner I'll also put a link to all of these important information pages in the description next I'll show you how I soldered the mic to the esp32 the first thing I did was connect all the colored wires to the digital microphone per the wiring diagram that I just showed you I used the exact colors on the diagram so it was easy for me to follow and not make an easy mistake next attend the wires and connect the power supply wires to the positive and negative ends that run both to the LED Matrix and the 5 volt input to the esp32 board [Music] then I push the clear heat shrink over the positive and negative connections and heated them with my heat gun [Music] okay so what we have so far is I have this wire Loom created this plugs into the power supply which I have soldered into a couple of wires which will go to the esp32 board and then the other end of this will go into the Matrix panel then I have the digital microphone wired up and ready to go all this will then come together in this little box with the esp32 it looks something like this and we have it all wired together all come together like that 'd be a nice clean installation so next step is to wire the digital mic and the positive and negative to the esp32 board so I'm just going to start off I'm going to wire these directly to the board itself so I'm just going to put a little solder bead on the VCC here and on the ground get that started get some little tweezers hold hot things solder this wire the VCC to this opposed here that you see and the ground goes right next to it [Music] let's get everything comfortable let's go press and we're good just like that do the same thing for the data wire perfect just like that just pre-soldering the LR and the ground wire together then I'm going to connect both of these wires to the ground here as well probably use this ground over here since that one's kind of tight in that area over there so we'll go ahead and create another spot here there's three grounds on this board and they uh they all are common ground I actually checked them all for continuity so I'm sure of that so far we have it looking like this so get the green wire going up that side and got all the other wires coming out on the other side and then continue down and finish soldering these together okay next we're just going to put the three volt to the three volt that's right here on the board and then on my diagram the orange wire goes to gpio 14 which is on this board TMS so put that on the outside one right there so we'll flip the board over and give that a quick solder let's do a quick solder here's the three volt and your GPI 14. let's get a little more on there we go like that looks good WS wire goes to gpio 15. and on this board it's just on the inside right down here and then gpio 32 is the 32 you can see it on the board there but that's on the outside right there [Music] if I get a tight little corner there can you see I think we got it okay so what we have then just wrapping myself around my tool there it's going to look like that can go inside this little board I didn't know like that and then we'll be able to snap that together and uh make it look real nice and now that I have it all wired up I'm going to give it a kind of a test run here I'm going to go ahead and plug it into the new Matrix then I'm going to plug in my cable micro USB cable into this guy see plug this thing into my laptop and uh install wled on it the moon modules one I already have wled version 0.14.0.b1 Hoshi if you don't already have wled installed go to and install wled first from wlad go into config security and updates manual over the air update and then navigate to your hard drive where you have downloaded the moons module bin file and there's a link in the description below for that then select update and then it'll take a few minutes then it'll automatic reboot and come back to the main moons module version screen then go back into config go into LED preferences change the Max Amps to 1500 for 15 amps verify it's set to 5 volt change the length to 256. and the gpio16 is correct per our wiring diagram then select save next go into 2D configuration change the panel to 2D metrics change the panel width to 32. the orientation to vertical verify that it's on Serpentine and do the same at the bottom change it to vertical and Serpentine then click save go back to the main screen and select solid and just like that they all lit up just like I was hoping they would okay uh let's go back into config gone on the bottom audio reactive check enable undefined for the analog mic generic i2s is correct for the in mp441 oh look and it picked up the pins automatically pin 32 that is correct let's go look at my chart again chart has that correct so I had 32 15 14. and we go back to wled 32 15 14. wow that's pretty cool it's got that set up just the way it's supposed to change the profile from generic line in to imnp441 and then click save and now we're supposed to reboot the wled we're going to info the bottom info reboot confirm rebooting that was fast came back online there waiting for the software to come back and so it is in theory back so let's take a look at the info and autoreactive is enabled says that it's working properly so let's go test an auto reactive one here let's find something like GQ here and look it's working just like it's supposed to it's super sensitive too picks up every little subtlety of my voice so with our talk loud or whether I talk soft it's just working and exactly how it is supposed to so great we got it working just like that now the next step is this for me to button this all up and make it look nice and go install it and start using it all right let's just give one more look at this because I think it's a pretty neat neat way to go you can see all the wires how I add them if you look at the wiring diagram I had you can see where they go exactly and how I did it and it'll go something like this so that all these wires come out and then of course I'll go plug this into the big power supply and remove the little micro USB from here so we're gonna go ahead and do that right now remove the micro USB fit in here with all those wires coming out there let's just see in real life what happens here that'll fit the way I think it should I hope it was going to okay from there that all buttoned up nice okay just holding that up over an edit hmm that looks nice is those black wires in my way perhaps they might be hmm yeah that might have been where a little oversight I did not see that coming so if I move it down further like this so it's not in the way that might do the trick yep that's gonna do our for sure there we go okay nice and neat solid put together looks pretty good I might put some black tape or something around that might make it look nicer but that's where we are have it all together one more final View can I show you how it all looks here on the back side all we have is just that one little connection and all I have to do is go plug this in and figure out how I'm going to wire this so that it can hear the sound well foreign I'm going to do something like this that will allow that uh microphone to come out somehow I might get maybe a piece of velcro and place this on the back and then this will go out the back so when it sits up it sits up like this and this will come out like that once in the cabinet and you won't see it all right here's what I found I'm going to do use some of this mounting putty just what's going back to back pictures and things like that to keep them straight I'm just going to put a little dab of it on the back side of this thing like that this should work just kind of keep that in place kind of keeps it up off the bottom there tuck those in I think that's it just something like that super simple I can easily pull that off I need to repurpose it if I decide to do a different project with it whatever I want to do okay now back into the house and install all this and see if it worked properly so here's what I'm thinking so it's got that plugged in that all tucked in like that gonna leave that little mic tucked in like that if I scoot it in there like that a little bit you can't see it um but it's just sticking up like that if you get down real low you can kind of see in there but get that all centered in there about like that yeah looks about right so let's go turn it on so what I have in the back is this is plugged into a smart plug the 15 amp thing is and when I turn my television on my Smart Home automatically turns on with the TV in the stereo turns on the Smart Switch which controls that and turns that on cool so far so good okay let's turn the brightness down a little bit it's really bright I like it way down low honestly like something like that even and then my favorite is this GQ and it seems to be working just fine with my voice so that's good I'm gonna leave it like that for now probably go pick a different like this fairy leaf there we go perfect that's the way I want it just like that so I'm going to add a preset for this and I'm going to call it TV Matrix and save that to ID one and then I'm going to go back into LED preferences go down here and say when it reboots automatically apply preset one and I'm going to make the color or the brightness say 90. that's about right okay so now in theory if I turn off the whole television it'll turn off my smart plug and turn off the wled Matrix which everything did what it was supposed to do so it's not working anymore you can see it's not working in my voice turn it back on okay and then automatically reset and went to the preset that I like and automatically worked just the way I want it so that's it it's working and functional and gonna stay here until probably the holiday season when I decide to do something different with it thanks for watching please like And subscribe you can always change your mind later [Music]
Channel: GYATEZ
Views: 10,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: INMP441, WLED, Sound Reactive, Moon Modules, LED, Matrix, 2D, ESP32, D1 Mini, Digital Mic, DIY, Wood Frame, WS2812B, WROOM, 8x32 Matrix, WLED sound reactive, sound reactive, i2s microphone, smart home, homekit, diy, diy project, LED Matrix, Digital Sign, light display, led display, wled esp32, 2d matrix, led panel, node mcu
Id: wt2aeCvfl8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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