WLED - Buttons, Motion Sensor, and Dials

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how's it going everybody happy sunday here we are welcome welcome happy sunday nick says welcome to the end of the weekend oh jeff what a downer we're just getting started on next weekend early really really early all right michael got first i didn't i got second mike47 how's it going everybody rich father time how you doing so i'm thinking about my bug every time i see father time i think about the bug i just can't help it i was thinking about the bug and i actually had a thought and you tell me how crazy this might be so i increased or i changed the battery size i changed the battery makeup i guess to say so that it would be um able to output more current but that didn't really make the thing any faster the next step is uh you know get getting a different motor controller motor the whole setup and that motor controller setup that ev west sells is made to work at 126 volts or at least their battery packs are 126 volts so what i need to do is reconfigure my battery pack so that it puts out 126 volts i can do that but my thought was just now like 10 15 minutes ago if i do that and if it's still limited to the same amount of current but the voltage is higher the motor would be getting more power right so maybe that'll be worth another test i'll reconfigure the batteries because i got to do it anyways i'll get us up to 126 volts so that i'm ready for the ev west kit and then i'll just try it again maybe it'll go fast probably not but maybe hello discord doesn't agree there is a stream happening what what what so what happens when we let blade take vacation oh how's everybody doing i think we should talk about projects first i definitely have some stuff i wanna i wanna get into so uh you guys have uh you saw the title probably right and my i've got a a strip of leds here well i don't know if i should do that one no i shouldn't do that one i should do it i should do this other one so that i can connect a bunch of stuff to it anyways my my goal today is to go through a lot of these button options uh i think it's under user yeah it's here or under led preferences so you got all these button options and you can do push buttons push buttons inverted which is instead of grounding it it's pulling it high and then it does its thing you can do a switch so just on off switch okay pir sensor which is really just like a inverted push button but i think it also does something else with the mqtt topics if you're using mqtt it can it can sense motion and send that as a separate message like the home assistant or something i don't know if we'll be able to do the touch ones depends on which pins are available but some on the esp32 some of the pins are already set up as a capacitive sensor like a passive touch sensor we may be able to try that and then i definitely want to try this analog where we can hook up a potentiometer and turn the dial in like make them go bright or dim so we're kind of my thinking here is you know a lot of times for most of us it's no problem to pull out our phones and get the lights to do what we want but sometimes there's other people in the house and they want to do something with the lights and they they don't want to pull out their phone and they don't have the app or something so wouldn't it be great if we had something a little control panel that would have some of these controls on it and wled now has the ability and the unos and quads have the pins available you can connect several of these things so we're gonna play with that but first tell me about your projects what are you guys doing you fixed it justin fixed it oh good taxes uh gross oh they have new electric motor who's that kyon sig i don't know who they are they have a new electric motor they sell it in the u.s yeah i don't think so oh wow [Laughter] yeah can i just get one of your electric motors please to put in my vw [Laughter] yeah yeah we'll just do that we'll just do that that'll be great can you use more than one analog button yes yona yes but only two because they it has to be an analog input capable pin on the esp32 and there's only two of those there's only two mike thank you for re-subscribing thank you thank you thank you do you like unicorns of planes so unicorns are planes do you remember when we used to do that unicorns and planes you tell me mike and we'll play whatever you like all right who what else did i miss so discord so so justin fixed it so now it does okay working on lighting another pedal bike six strips 1800 leds on a pedal bike holy cow can you schedule dates like holidays with wld yes we just did that last week big nasty we just did that last week um can you tie the buttons to home assistant good question good question i don't know we're gonna we'll look into that father time padre tiempo we'll look into that and see uh after we've established the buttons we'll see if that updates uh anything in home assistant i don't know through the custom comp through the component you know the integration for wled i don't know it probably sends an mqtt message is there a non-analog button option that what's the difference between analog and non-analog oh so um when it says analog what it means is a a potentiometer so a dial like this right it's a dial you turn the little thing and the volume goes up the volume goes down right so that's that's analog so it's not just on off it's not a digital signal it's just a variable voltage uh signal that's what it is so the the times to use the analog uh would be for there's only a few things you can there's only a few things you can adjust with analog and actually need to find it here um analog buttons right here yeah so so this is new with 13. it's been in the betas but now that it's official we can play with it for real you could these are the things you can adjust with the ant it's an analog button i i would call it a dial i mean i think the fancy name is potentiometer that's the that's the that's what all the nerds say like me but uh a dial you know something you you twist so of course you can do brightness with that but you can also do speed intensity you can like flip through the palettes which is pretty sweet you could like turn a dial for the color palette that you want that's kind of neat i don't know what segment n opacity is and then primary color hue i guess you can just dial in the a little bit of the primary color as well so i think what i will do will certainly do global brightness i think that's numero uno and then the other thing i don't know i'd kind of play around with it a little bit but this palette one seems kind of cool that you could turn the dial and like completely change the colors that you're seeing it's pretty neat but the analog pins can be extended right exten yeah i mean i don't know there's probably a limit to how long they can be but yeah you can definitely um make you know put it on a wire and put it somewhere out there unicorns all right mike wanted unicorns for subscribing right would be interesting to adjust the brightness of rgb that way that's exactly what we're go that's exactly what we're getting at father time it's exactly what we're getting at we're going to adjust the brightness of the leds the rgb leds with this and then big nasty oh i started to tell you so last week the stream from last week we went we went all through how to do the the um the custom calendar stuff so i won't go back through it right now but uh it's all it's all here under you time and macros here it is it's pretty straightforward you click that little calendar pick the days of the week the and then the time of day which preset you want to come on and then the calendar pretty sweet right pretty sweet one thing to tell you about uh the analog stuff as well is that the unos and quads i was looking at the pin outs and the uno's and quads you have access to pin 32 and 36 so those are the only two analog pins that you have easy access to on an uno or quad uh typically if you're gonna use a microphone it's also gonna be one of those pins probably 36 would be the easy one or it doesn't matter they're not it's not that much different but 36 is the the default one so 32 and 36 are those two so if you're going to use a microphone for the sound reactive version of wled uh you're gonna occupy one of those analog pins as well right how's it going nick how's it going okay little dr pepper get the juices flowing [Music] is all this possible both through a home assistant and not directly through the esp yes yes yes so yona is saying it through home assistant can you adjust the can you adjust all that all those things and yes you can so if you go here uh let's see all right so through home assistant you can change the intensity so this would be the same kind of analog thing uh you can change the speed um as far as i mean you you could set up a slider to change the um palette but you'd have to set that up a little bit but you could do that um what were some of those other options intensity speed brightness so palette color yeah so i don't know what again i don't know what this is somebody can read that and tell me what that is but and then as far as the palette you have to do the palette a little bit differently and then as far as buttons i mean there's nothing that you when we set these buttons there's a short press a long press and a double press when you uh and then what you are activating is a preset so you're when you short press you're playing a preset or a macro the macro could be a command like turn it on turn it off um switch to you know change the and change the brightness well yeah you can have like a a a short press or a long press to like adjust brightness a little bit like that but anyway so are all these things available through home assistant i mean home assistant does i think pretty well cover all of the options that you can adjust in wled you don't have to do it through your phone you certainly don't have to do it through physical buttons you can do it through home assistant but we've already we covered a lot of we talk a lot about what we can do through the app in wled and again i want to see what we can do or maybe ways we can turn it into something that would be even more usable for everybody else in the house that doesn't have it on their phone or something right so you can connect the buttons to the home assistant if that's the case yes like you can you can make a button and home assistant that would do any of this stuff it's pretty well integrated so that all of the options in wled are available to be manipulated through home assistant in whatever way you decide you want to do it would be cool to have physical buttons to turn it on and turn it off and a button to rotate between presets one two three four one two four yeah exactly so like a cycle and we'll show you how to do that jeff we'll show you that let's write some of these things down so that i don't forget what we're gonna do um because that's an important thing and i did that a long time ago but i'm happy to i like obviously need to do things more than once so we're going to do a cycle presets right cycle presets there's a macro for that we're going to do the turn on turn off and there's uh a macro for that a physical button that controls the home assistant oh you want it to go the other way oh oh so and you're not talking about wled yoni you're just talking about a physical button anywhere that controls something else in home assistant so like you want you want to flip the button on your wled controller and have something else happen in home assistant i guess you could do that a quora hub for wled assets would be amazing i like the the the quara uh cubes the core cubes where you roll you roll it like a dice something happens okay here we go uh and then we're gonna turn off we're gonna do turn on turn off cycle presets we're gonna do the analogs i think that's a good one and uh besides the brightness we'll do the brightness we'll do the speeds and we'll do the the palette selection that'll be cool i hope okay i better start getting some stuff set up here got here my little test kit although i think this this particular quad is one that i sort of sacrificed probably sell it as a discount at some point so let's take some of this stuff off this all started because i was gonna talk about the uh i was gonna talk about the relays because i still have uh i still owe everybody a video about connecting relays to uh to wled and i thought oh i could do that but i'd run out of stuff to talk about and then i got really excited about these buttons and so now it's like skip the relay thing let's talk about buttons all right let's see here what do we got what do we got actually i don't need any of this do i don't need any of this we'll use these leds we use this let's find us a controller here okay and just to make it make it easy let's use a we'll use an ethernet hopefully this ethernet one works should most of them do most of the stuff i have sitting around here works if i figure out that it doesn't work i throw it away okay that okay um what else are you guys working on what kind of projects are going on i don't know about you guys but it's like springtime here long time listener first time caller wanted to make my sound reactive leds work without a mic anyone heard of a way to make that work with an audio cable and the 3.5 millimeter jack good question actual pug i'm going to see if anybody uh has an answer for you that is real before i start spewing my theories how about that there you go there is a circuit for an analog 3.5 input thank you stubbs i knew it if anybody's gonna know how to do it it'll be stubs all right um another thing to tell you there pug is if you're doing it i assume you're doing it like from a computer or something and if you are doing that from a computer then you also could look into led fx led fx is a software that runs on like your pc and then outputs takes your output and uh well it takes the input of sound and then sends uh the information out to the leds and i'm pretty sure it does it to wled as well because it's e131 hey sean king super chat 10 a little off topic is there a good hardware solution for something like nodemcu using zigbee instead of wi-fi oh thank you very much thank you very much sean um is there something like what like hardware like an mc nodemcu so you're talking about like a development board that you can kind of customize stuff that would be zigbee instead of wi-fi boy i don't know about that i don't know about that um that's a good question i don't know about programming something that runs on zigbee like you can do with wi-fi so say you take say if you took like a a board that uh was a zigbee light switch or a zigbee receptacle plug it probably has pins in there that you can use for other things if you wanted to but i would have no clue how to start programming those i don't know i wouldn't know where to start either i'm very curious to see if anybody else has that anybody else know about that for the led strip just heard word of an esp zigbee board in development okay that would be cool so there you go so if that was the thing so annar king is which has got a sweet sweet picture there with the purple thing on your head that's awesome uh so an esp device with a zigbee receiver so if that could be programmed like if i don't know i i would i don't have any ideas hey i don't know enough about how the zigbee protocol works to know if you could um if you could run it through [Music] like wled could run on it or esp home or those kinds of things i don't know new sp devices have thread okay ask or follow did you blur for zigbee stuff did you blur is pretty good with it adafruit or arrow esp32 maybe ooh what's that maybe this is what maybe this is what somebody just heard of huh today upcoming release bluetooth connectivity uh for whiteboard bluetooth connectivity by adding ie connectivity as well i don't know what that means does that is this mean is that zigbee i don't know what that is which is a virtual mesh architecture low power consumption yeah also makes the thread and zigbee protocols available there you go there you go that's it the h2 thank you guys who said who said that marius misumius all right so there you go that's that's exciting yeah thread zigbee there it is okay well that'll be exciting uh there'll be some development i'm sure in the works on that kind of stuff so okay let's see what we got here okay we got 12 volts there let's set this up over here we're going to clip these off so that we don't short circuit anything i can't tell you pug how to program that thing at all yet but if it's uh if it's out once it comes out people can get their hands on it i can i'm sure we will have something available to be to make use of it very very soon very soon here's some oh it's got bright green lights gonna mess up my screen let's get let's do this right let's do this real good here we're gonna adjust these colors gonna take just a minute and adjust some things here okay properties configure video okay that's gonna be a little bit better since we're gonna have since we're gonna have uh lots of colors we'll leave that there okay what do you think looks good looks pretty good oh i meant to invert it that's the other thing i need to do that's okay i can do that here rotate there we go now my hand comes in from the bottom when my hand is at the bottom right right perfect perfect all right here we go uh just 10 likes smash that like okay uh mike's working on getting porch lights to come on when i arrive home at night using my phone connect to wi-fi without home assistant ooh interesting bobby hey how's it going bobby uh what about w led and alekka we can peek at that real quick there's plenty of there's there's lots of things you can do with wld intellectual okay i just connected this uh so let us find it let's find it the best way to find it is going to be on the app right so let's find it on the app here bring on my phone over here so you guys can just kind of watch along it's nothing new here but going over it many many times is just that much more helpful for anybody that is new or visiting for the first time and there it is right there i'm sure you there it is okay so wled 46 so the ip address ends in 46. now i can take that ip address i can put it in my browser wowzer browser let's turn that off for a minute that's actually a good name for a browser somebody should name a browser wowser that's what i think wait oh 46 not 42 knucklehead pay attention pay attention all right here we go now it's not gonna be the latest update so first thing we're gonna have to do is update this one so let us do that configuration security and updates [Music] manual ota this one now the one we want here because this is an ethernet i'm using an ethernet device so we want this one download that put it where it belongs drink it straight out of the bottle today oh boy it's gonna be a good one all right we got it downloaded successfully now we can go here choose file 13.1 esp32 ethernet open and update this will be important because there'll be a couple things that i'll have to change once i get this in here and get it get it working one of them is oh my gosh lights are just going nuts don't know why the lights are just going nuts how about i unplug them let's just do that until we get that thing all solved check my dms later okay thanks subs will do and we will do pir yes we will wled was long pressed for zigbee pair only problem with wi-fi based automations is when your phone connects at 1am and turns all the lights on that never happened doug that's ridiculous yeah that's totally ridiculous okay let's see did it update looks like it did all right boom just like that we're at 13.1 now when you are using an ethernet device right mine is connected even though the light's kind of dim mine is connected to turn that on there we go a little bit there okay ethernet right oh actually it does it looks because i updated it maybe i don't have to change it so often people will say what my thing's not working like if they flash the esp32 with ethernet if they manually flash it the default is not to the default is not this board not the quinn led board so if you need to change it this is how you do it uh wi-fi setup down here at the bottom ethernet type there are different ethernet boards you got to make sure you pick the right one excuse me if you get them from me it's just quinn led esp32 so if your little lights are not flashing if you have manually flashed your esp32 with ethernet and your little lights are not flashing it is 99 because this is not set correctly okay then the other thing that people get goofed up on when they it's usually when you manually flash something is the led preferences and the hardware output it often is default to gpio2 which in this case it is it did default to gp02 which is wrong it needs to be gpio16 so right now that's probably why these things are freaking out these things are freaking out because they think that gpio2 is where they should be getting their information from and they should not be getting their information from that they should be getting their information from gpao16 so when we change it to 16 and save it oh now it's all fixed wow i need a button that does that wow instead we'll just do the unicorn he will fly in and say hello fat uni at unicorn blessing us with his presence thank you fat unicorn so nice to see you all right what was doug's point oh yeah nope that never happens we're not listening to doug's point a few automations from my wife's phone with you yeah you you well who was it so good enough he's not going to be here today he said he had he has a meeting for a charity thing he does but he was saying that um that he uh had something happen and like all of his lights turned on in the middle of the night or his senki's kids did something like they he's got older kids i think if they said something to the google home about you know turn on turn off whatever and turned on every light in the house they had to go through and turn them all off man okay okay si tendra how you doing my friend it has been a very long time thanks for being here okay so now the point of today is to take this esp32 and wled now that we are on the latest version 13.1 and we have all of our functionality here correct so we can turn on the green lights all right we turn them off okay great so now we're going to start playing with the buttons okay let's start playing with the buttons so this is all in it's in led preferences which is a little funny i would have thought user interface being buttons but hey i'm not going to change i'm not going to complain you know we're going to just do this okay the esp32s already have a push button on gpio zero um so if you if you kind of sneak your finger under here if you kind of sneak your finger under here you can push that little button and that will kind of be the default and the default is just turn on turn off so it's just toggle right it's defaults just toggle so now let's start should we just jump right into the analog stuff how can i get these controllers you're in india uh the best way to get them is the um all night china store all night china they they do the international uh sales um i should have a i should have a link in the video description but i don't sorry about the brightness and then if you just kind of search for uh if you search i think quinn probably they should get all of quinn led stuff no oh yeah uno yeah there's the dig unos right there i don't know if they're in stock they probably are not and then there's the quads right that's just the case anyways this is the store so all that china they do all of the international stuff okay okay all right let's grab i'm gonna grab a couple push buttons and i'm gonna need some jumpers and i'm gonna need a couple of potentiometers all right so here's some switches here we got some switches we're just going to keep going back and forth here i guess i could do the adjustable brightness but never seems to work quite as well so we've got a regular toggle switch okay we can use that uh i've got one little kind of a push button here this little push button does the same thing i'll probably use this one because it has little screw terminals makes it a little bit easier we're gonna do a pir sensor so that's that and then we've got the potentiometers here okay all right let's jump right to the potentiometers what do you guys think i think that's what we should do so let's do that one more chug okay so for the potentiometers it has to be on the analog the analog uh pins now when you go when you were looking at we're looking at this uh wled knowledge page it talks about the potentiometers they call it analog button right but potentiometer really dial um it says potentiometer should be supplied three volts and ground and with its output supplied to ao or any other adc pin you specify i don't know what this means right 10 000 ohms or greater oh that means the the potentiometer mine is 10 000 ohms it says b10k so minor minor and and i know they go higher right 50 whatever i know i have some here that are 50s i think this one's a 50. anyways uh and then this is important don't use the adc 2 gpio pins so if we do esp32 pin out we should be able to see which pins are like whatever acd one acd two analog blah blah blah oh burn my retinas i need a button for burn my retinas huh that's what i'll do all right let's go here come on open image in a new tab and can we not zoom in i guess we can't all right um so here's acd one acd one zero acd one three acd one oh interesting here's acd2 acd2 acd2 where are the pins in the 30s this is probably not the one we want to look at oh here's the pins in the 30s 34 35 32 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's why okay so what we and what we have available on the dig uno and the quad is this pin which is gpio36 acd10 and gpao32 which is acd14 oh and it's a touch oh that's great we can play with that too control plus scroll oh oh thank you thank mucho hey james is here where is our cookie today good question maybe he's maybe he'll be on maybe he'll be on after watching new and old well i still today need a step down from 12 volts to 5 volts uh joel if you uh no no you will not anymore because the [Music] the controllers the unos and the quads now have a uh 12 volt to 5 volt regulator already in them so whatever voltage your leds are you put that voltage into your controller and the controller itself will get the voltage it needs if it's a if you have 5 volt leds you can put 5 volts into the uno or the quad the controller the esp32 part will get what it needs and it'll send 5 volts out to the lights great if you have 12 volt lights you get a 12 volt power supply you put 12 volts into the unor quad it's got an onboard regulator automatically now you don't have to change jumpers or anything and that that will send five volts to the controller the esp32 so it doesn't die doesn't get fried with 12 volts it only wants five that is managed by the unor the quad automatically and then it still passes 12 volts out to the lights because that's what they need all right sweet do i know if wld support adc multiplex on the esp8266 i don't know about mult i don't know what multiplex means i know that the e with wled you can use the analog there's one analog pin on the esp8266 that you can use it's just labeled ao typically does that help opher how you doing by the way good to see you thanks for being here all right uh waiting to get a dig uno when it's back in stock in the store i hope it's soon joel i hope it soon it's killing me it's killing me late to the game what's cooking we're doing we're doing uh pins we're doing controlling wled through sort of more physical things physical buttons so we're going to do potentiometers switches pir sensors we're going to play around with that kind of stuff all right on the on the uno's and quads here the the jumpers are male ends so that means i need female ends so take that one oh actually you know i've just gonna say the same thing that i say every time and that is my jumpers are all so unorganized i organize them and then they just seem to unorganize themselves automatically i don't know how they do it i go i go away for a day and my jumpers just all decide they're gonna have a party and nobody goes back to bed where they belong maybe a few of these will work i've got so many i just had a just got a new batch of jumpers what did i do with those they were nice and short which was a little bit easier to manage i felt like um all right i'm going to need a couple more what i need for the potentiometer is two female ends i only see one female female here so let me go to the you go to the house the the the place where the jumpers go to oh here's another one oh nope never mind scratch that all right dang it here oh here we go they jump away nice i just need to keep like a handful of the right ones right here you know oh it kills me so so unorganized oh all right let's see what we got here found a black one and i found a white one so i just need one more and it needs to be female on both ends and none of these seem to be female on both ends dang it that didn't help did it oh wait here's one okay great so we got three now that'll work that's all we need okay so we're gonna set up the potentiometer now the potentiometer let's see if it has anything written on it i can't really see okay we'll do can we do we'll do that next okay nick we'll do that we'll do that next uh so we're going to have to go to we're just going to go back to google and do potentiometer potentiometer and i don't know which way i don't know which way it's going to be kind of funny to say pin out on the potentiometer there's only three pins but i don't know which one's which okay this is probably it they're probably all the same okay so if you're looking at it we're going to use white for 3 volts hopefully that'll work doesn't seem to be making great connection but maybe that'll work white for three volts and then ground is on the outside okay crunch that down a little bit yeah that's better and then we'll do we'll make the gray one the the output okay all right so now we're going to go to the quad turn it off for a second i'm going to take this off just so i can see let's get you guys a view here i'm gonna take this off so that i can see the pins a little bit better extend the microphone over here a little bit so hopefully you can hear me ballpark eta for quinn led esp32 with external antenna i want to upgrade some existing windows and quads uh i wish i had a ballpark i i mark i would say two weeks but i always say two weeks so i don't know i wish quindor was here to tell us i just sent him a text again this morning just to see how he's how he's doing and where we're at with some of those things okay um the ao pin so we're going to use ao ao is esp or is gpio 36 and probably no way you're going to be able to see it unless i really really zoom in okay it is my little blue thing here's my little pointer all right right there okay that last pin in this row is ao so that last pin is esp or sorry gpio32 great all right and then down here we've got ground is the second to last pin right there second to last pin is ground and then three volts is oops three volts is one pin up from ground right if i can just kind of take this off maybe that'll work better okay there we go all right so we've got our three pins here wired up ao which is gpio36 uh ground is down here second to last that last pin is a five volt pin and then the 3 volt pin and then i've got it connected to my potentiometer with voltage here 3 volts here the output from the potentiometer to the board is in the middle and then ground is the one on the left sound good look at those steady hands eh zoo laser laser quindor says two weeks yeah we coordinate that all right now now that we have that potentiometer set up let's go into wled now that i've put that back together power it on lights come on we're gonna go into the wled controls here now should come back online should be here happy days happy days now we can just say it's button number two it doesn't really have to be that button right i'm gonna turn these off so they're not green in my face okay this button when it says buttons zero button one button two button three that doesn't mean anything other than that's the order of the buttons that you chose right it doesn't really change anything uh okay so here gpio number so this one's going to be number 36 remember number 36 and look i get does it tell you when some of them are red okay cool so it tells you if they're red don't use it if it's red it's not available that's awesome okay 36 all right and i don't know why it's yellow maybe that's telling us that something special is happening and we're going to set it to analog now we have to tell the button what to do where do we see that part let's save that there's a someplace we have to tell the button what to do it's not on this page maybe maybe that's on the user interface page okay oh it's on the macros page probably yep okay great so now button one we set to this is the button now so this is now we have to go to a different page in the settings to actually tell it what we want to happen when we turn that dial so we can go back here and we look at what the instructions tell us i know read the manual it's horrible but that's what you got to do it tells us what to do with a with a button analog buttons okay with the short and long columns set to zero set the double column with button actions to one of these values to configure okay great so this is zero this is zero in the middle the oh no wait what did it say it said the long right the double column okay so we want to set the double column over here to one of these values all right well let's start with global brightness let's set it to 250. so we set this value in this box to 250 and then we save it okay now we're going to turn it on look at the leds don't look at me and then hopefully if i turn this dial they will go up and down they're a little bit a little bit wonky but yeah it's working there it goes yay i think my connections are a little bit you know because i just stuck these jumpers on the potentiometer they're not real solid but connections but there you go awesome okay hey global brightness global brightness on a dial with a potentiometer that is awesome you can now turn the brightness up and down with your fingers ha ha you don't need a phone or anything sheamus is here thank goodness uh the hyperlink there analog button and oh there are hyperlink there to set up analog button in settings where you are oh for assigning presets presets uh here you want me to just give you this is that what you're nick do you want this link yeah you do see a flickr i think you see the flicker because of because my potentiometer connections are pretty crappy right yeah it's definitely got something flicker there flicker flicker a little bit of weirdness going on if i see if the connections are solid if i don't wiggle it too much if i don't move it too much it seems to do pretty good there's a little bit of flicker when you get really dim i guess my guess would be make solid connections and that would be better you also may be better off with a with a potentiometer with a higher value he says use uh 10 000 ohms or greater for your potentiometer value right and mine is 10 000 so you might maybe if you had a higher valued one it might be better below button macros there's a hyperlink for the analog setup oh i'm sorry there is so back here there is um below the button setup hyperlink for analog oh back in the other settings the other page here analog button setup that takes you right to that page thank you guys thank you thank you now i know what you mean low quality carbon track potentiometer no doubt it's i'm sure it's the i i only buy the cheapest stuff you know lowest bidder that's that's that's where i go okay well that was fun let's change this now to the next thing uh the speed okay we can do the speed and intensity real quick and then we'll do the we'll change the palette because that's what i really want to do i don't know what this segment n opacity oh oh i'll bet this is i'll bet this is if you if you have variables if you have different uh segments set up this may [Music] scroll between the segments oh is that a thing is that what that does is that what that does uh nick it says let's see oh dawson how you doing buddy this uh you for the analog you only have these options you only have these options global brightness speed intensity palette and primary color those are the only options that you have so unfortunately it doesn't look like we have um you know you can't scroll through presets with that i'm actually going to change it to the hue did you see that do you see what i did there i changed it to the hue the primary color hue and then we're going to dial it and see oh yeah look at that you dial it through the colors it turns blue pink red green heck yeah so that's what the primary color hue does dude that's freaking awesome that is awesome i bet if you had uh if you had like um white if you had white lights i wonder if that would do something there too and it would change its opacity right c-sharp worm that's right and by changing its opacity would that mean like it makes it i mean opacity in this case is just brightness right high opacity well high opacity meaning you can see it so it must be bright less opacity meaning fades away is that what it would be i would i would wonder about that let's see you know what we'll do is we'll set up so we can't have multiple potentiometers we can we can we can let's set up another one i don't have enough jumpers where's my jumpers okay i got to think about where i put those jumpers give me one more second i just bought some jumpers and i've lost them well yes we can set up more than one potentiometer let me see if i can play with that do that let's set let's set up more than one you can only set up two though can you have a remote button panel good question stubs um if you're gonna have a remote button panel then um you what you would need to do is just have like a whole separate esp32 or esp8266 with all these things connected to it with a potentiometer connected to it with something else connected to it and then i would say you just run that through home assistant uh and then control wled that way you can like make these wires probably pretty long and make that work um did i look like i was inspecting my lights yeah distance of the wires that's a good question i don't know what the distance could be we might have to do some experimenting and see i am trying to see if i can come up with enough other jumpers to manage another potentiometer connection i bet i can oh yeah let's do that oh uh let's see okay i will need another i could just do i could do the positive and the negative uh let's get this other potentiometer and i'm going to connect the ground from one potentiometer to the ground from the other because that's a legitimate strategy i think in the positive that way because otherwise i gotta find there there is another like one other ground and one other three volt connection available on the uno or the quad here um but i'm not gonna mess with that i'm just gonna try and make some lousy connections here let's see uh breadboard would probably be the right way to do this too breadboard's how a professional would do this but you guys are stuck with me sorry sorry okay is that gonna stay no that's not gonna stay tape just put some tape on uh so the reason that you can only have two potentiometers because you only have two of the analog pins available you can you have gpio 36 which on the board is labeled uh ao and then you have gpio uh oops i touch those there you have gpio 32 which i believe and we'll double check this in a second but i believe it's uh gpio32 so 36 and 32 are what you have available did that stay in there yep okay so that's still connected that's good that's great that's great great great i know there's flickering i know i know i know and then we're gonna do one more we'll do this we'll make this a little bit longer okay ah here's one all right now we're gonna go i think let's let's double check but i'm pretty sure it is uh q four is gpio32 i think q4 is gpo32 turn that off okay we're gonna go uh did quad pin out i think i'd have it memorized but i don't uh this is for the quad version two and version three yep okay and there it is and we want 32 which is q4 that's what i thought okay good so q4 on the board where is q4 okay q4 is going to be over here next to where i have this three volts connected all right so there's q4 so that will be the other analog so now i have two potentiometers this one connected to gpio32 and this one over here connected to gpo36 all right if i can just kind of sort of keep things mostly connected here it's how we roll duct tape and a prayer okay all right so this one should still work to to change the hue yep it sure does okay great now let's go up here and into our config and our macros and oh i didn't set that yet nope back back back led preferences then we're going to call this one button2 and we're going to set this to gpo32 okay 32 we're also going to set this to analog all right we'll save that then we go to macros and button two we leave the short as zero we leave the long as 0 and then we set this to one of these numbers let's set it to uh the palette 247 because i just want to get to the business and that's the one of the things we thought would be fun all right i see some flickering going on over there now we're going to need it to actually run an effect right something that is dependent on the palette um which ones are dependent on the palette you could always and i think we should do this more often than than i do for sure we should go to um the instructions here uh effects and palettes and this will tell us which which effects are effected which effects are affected by the by the um palette right so let's see switches between primary secondary colors so sweep maybe sweep might do it let's go to sweep that's probably a simple one so let's do sweep sweep okay so there's sweep now let's see if we change the palette oh yeah can you guys see that you can't so that's cool that is great so it's doing a different palette i don't know why it's going quite so flashy crazy and i don't know how to know what palette i'm on other than to know that it's changing the palette whoa it's going crazy maybe sweep's not a good one let's try a different one let's try stream change with the palette yeah it sure does so you can have some effects i don't know what what's with the blinky blink it may be my connections but yeah so you turn this dial a little bit and you get totally different colors that's awesome okay now let's uh let's go back in here again and we're going to change uh it to the instead of instead of adjusting the palette we're going to have it adjust the speed and the speed was 49. okay so we're going to change this to 49. so now the palette is going to stay the same but we're going to make it go faster [Music] there it goes now it's going faster and then slower oh yeah so i'm turning the dial make it go faster oh it shows you moving through the palettes in the wld ui oh sweet okay so let's go back to pallets again let's put it back to pallets for a second okay 47 save and then go here and it's going to show our palette over here oh you can't see that okay there's our palette down there in the corner so when i move this oh yeah see it changed orangery red leaf red reef candy too magenta sherbert vintage sunset you see it changing as i dial this and then default i mean i i don't i don't know how it's gonna i mean there's how many how many of those pallets are there right it's a ton but anyways that that's pretty sweet that is pretty sweet uh and then changing the primary color hue probably doesn't matter when you're using a palette so this other dial can do different things but okay that's pretty fun guys that's pretty fun so what do you guys think tell me what you think is would be the best use of the analog what do you guys like dimming is probably number one right um what happens if you're on a preset palette and you change the hue good question and that's and that's what i just what i just did and i don't think anything changes i think the palette i think the palette overrides the primary color hue now it's hard to know because when i mess with this thing so i'm changing the primary color hue potentiometer right now and i i mean it's doing it's flashing a little bit of funkiness but i'm betting that that's not because of what i'm doing i think because if we do it a different way so say we we've got this set to whatever i think i think there's just like a little bit of interference and it's just switching to different palettes i can see it switching between forest and ocean okay if i'm set to a certain palette in wled right here if i'm set to a certain palette and then i change the primary color it's hard to know what these potentiometers are kind of screwing things up i guess you can see it change you can see it change there too the primary color hue that's kind of cool i don't know that it's i can see it changing the i don't see it changing the primary the actual colors very much i see a bit of flashing and weird stuff going on a little bit there but i don't see it really changing the colors that are being displayed um if you do solid yeah solid doesn't do a palette though right no android does a palette so that we can change that maybe well yeah android does look at that that's green it's a little more red kind of purple my my bet is that it it changes based on the effect so if some of the effects uh you can change the the primary color when you have a palette set and some of them you don't that'd be my guess dimming and speed on analog and then switch presets with a button i like that one brightness and then effect as a secondary depends on the palette probably dimming in speed yeah i think you're right still obscurity dimming and speed probably are good ones too i agree dimming in speed dimming is a great one and dimming is a great one gaming is a great one okay so uh let's go in here and let's undo some of these let's not have too many interferences here let's go set this to zero i'll set this to zero and i'll take these uh take these off of these of the potentiometers here and let's do we wanted to do a pir next don't you think we should do pir right brightness and hugh hughes a good idea too actually you know what he hugh did work pretty well i was pretty happy with that well good news you can do whichever you like all right now if we go back here again to buttons what does it say about pir aka motion detection sensor they set the gpio high when the motion is detected its type of button will also trigger mqtt with a slash motion topic so but it's basically an inverted it's an inverted button because the the push button normal push button it is activated when you take the gpio pin to ground the inverted button is activated when you take the gpio pin to 3 volts a motion sensor like this the motion detection sensor the gpio is high or at three volts when motion is detected okay so it's basically going to work it's going to work like an inverted push button except it's also going to send the slash motion or a message on the slash motion topic probably would want an lcd screen output of the values just so you're not going to be going at it blindly yeah that'd be nice or you could just you know go at it blindly just kidding that's what i do i wonder can you you know that's something i don't think is set up on uh wled yet as any sort of display output probably could be but not yet it's not there i don't know if there's enough room for that kind of a kind of program all right so we're gonna go to the pir sensor now the pir sensor that i have is this beauty this little this little beauty that i love so much these are the three a 321 i think a3 21 or 312 something like that so let's make sure we get the pin out right on that bad boy as well keep opening more tabs um pir pin out and the one i want is the little guy it's probably the am am 312. that's what it is okay so when you're looking at all right so the ones that the ones that i have i've seen others in the past that do call it out on the board the ones i have unfortunately do not call it out on the board so what we're stuck with is just uh going by sort of orientation of things so i think i've got it in the same orientation that it's showing on the picture there and that would put ground on the right ground on the right three volts on the left and then the uh output in the middle so now let's go back to this this here and let's pick an output i would say let's let's put it on like uh q2 okay let's put it on q2 on the board which will be gpio12 so we're gonna go here we're gonna call this button one and i'm guessing it's gonna just be long press that's a good that's a good question is it called does it say anything does it say anything uh here about that momentary button presets assigned switch type buttons only two presets one for the transition switch from low to high in a second for the zero for the preset we'll use the default action if you find that the default action is inverted please create preset on and off actions and assign them appropriately i assume [Music] global brightness okay well let's see i i'm gonna guess that we'll probably want it to be long press what do you guys think we probably want this to be long press and what do we want it to do we want it to turn on probably right well i guess it's gonna toggle if we do this it's just gonna toggle okay well that might work all right uh so let's go to i think if we leave it like this it should toggle with motion which would be a little weird low to high and high to low because you don't want it to toggle i guess you what you want is for it to turn on and turn off so let's set up some let's set up some macros we're going to go here we're going to go here we're going to create a preset uh we'll create one preset that is to turn it off which is t equals capital t equals zero okay call that preset off and then we'll set another one which is going to be on and that will be t equals one right so we've got preset one which is off and preset two which is on so now go back here we'll go to macros we're going to use button oh it didn't save it but now we want uh button one i guess it doesn't matter we can call it button three would be fine uh so which one when there's wait a minute that's not right that's not right that's not right i guess we just want the motion to turn it on so let's just set this to two i guess you could say if it's long press if it detects motion no that wouldn't be good let's do this this should just turn it on although it may have done that before no no no hold on hold on hold on i'm doing this wrong if it's a short press the default action is to turn it from on to off we don't want that if it's a long press it goes from off to on well that's the switch it seems like though when you just press the button that the zeros are just a toggle well let's try two let's just try it like this short press turn on okay save that and then we got to go back into the led preferences and set this part up just take that out and take that out and set this one to what did we say it was 12 gpo 12 and pir sensor okay look okay everybody save all right so now if this moves nothing happening hmm i wish there was a way oh okay turn them off and then let's see if we make motion hey come on no no motion hello motion okay now they came on oh now they went off yeah something's funky something is funky oh now they came on and then they went off okay so let's find this out let's let's figure this out there's gotta be uh there's gotta be a bit better instructions here there's gotta be right there's gotta be a bit better instructions okay let's just let's search for pir and see what we get up here uh we're probably just doing this wrong level shifters buttons be careful with the snow uh motion detection sensors high when motion is detected but we'll also trigger him qtt message button motion sensor won't motion won't detect motion for x time from the last instance oh that makes sense that reset time yeah and that's probably on the board right treat it as a switch i could try that too i was trying to use it as the default check your mqtt topics yeah that's a good question that's a good point let's uh oh you know what i don't think i have i'd have to i'd have to connect this controller to the mqtt let's do that i'm gonna have to do that okay uh wi-fi setup uh nope sync interfaces oh it just turned off and then turned back on uh okay mqtt broker that's not it it's two seven username i think it's mqtt i don't remember what this is then i can't remember if i kept if i kept mqtt explorer yep here it is so it turned off again and then turns back on it turns back on without any motion there's no way well maybe it's detecting motion that's not gonna work i put the put this in wrong put the wrong password in all right now that's glow we're doing crazy stuff if i press this i did not register anything there let's see oh it's not rebooted yet still rebooting booting booting still rebooting okay back on still rebooting hcsr501 that's when you can control the timings not very happy not a happy led controller oh did i not enable mqtt oops now i've got a thing totally screwed up let's just power cycle so weird it's just really unhappy it's just definitely unhappy i just disconnected the control or the pir sensor who else was saying that they tried pir sensor and had trouble how to link button sensor toggle 5 volt pin and relay for led power supply switching assuming a separate continuous power supply sensor uh jason we can uh look at that they have two knobs one for sensitivity one for timing oh was that you eddie okay why is my uh why is my led controller so mad i didn't like that it didn't like something that i did yeah i can't even get to the wled settings anymore here we go it's finally finally showing up sync interfaces right by mqtt credentials a check box publish oh yeah i clicked the publish button press one i did click that but just like my my controller just got very angry and hasn't come back shouldn't have changed ips it's connected with ethernet that's funny because i can control it with the app at least i can turn it on and off with the app boy it's very unhappy it's very very unhappy that's weird i can do it must be in some sort of a okay we're just gonna let that whole thing power down for a minute yeah i agree doug i noticed that too the ubiquity interface you no longer have the option to sort them by how long they've been up that was like super useful because i would that's how you knew like what was the newest thing that just connected you know that's weird i turn it back on and it usually comes on by default well i really i really upset this thing they're really angry at me i disconnected the pir huh it looks like it's connected it's flashing connecting to the router now to see if uh see if it's there maybe hold on i gotta check my controller i've just been updating it without checking yeah i'm almost there stubs i think i might have to reflash it you can add columns oh cool okay so like normally ooh traffic inspector that's new yeah so so normally right here you could sort by the uptime oh there's up times back okay all right let's find wld this one wired 46 uptime has not been 10 days okay well that's working i don't know where it went here and it's still mad huh i really upset it okay well i guess we wait another minute and then reflash it go back to unify just gotta manually add it good question is it broadcasting wled ap well it's connected to ethernet so no it's not broadcasting wld ap but it's connected to ethernet so try your phone so i can turn it on and off with my phone and i can adjust the brightness but when i go to open the user interface it just loads it's just stuck loading it's just stuck loading for some reason so i guess we do a hard reflash what do you think corrupt flash maybe it said it had to reboot when you change the mqtt and it looks like it just decided that it was gonna give up el ghosto well here we go back to reflashing cause we like to reflash anyways flashing is fun happens to us all see was the mqtt set up i don't know i could never get back in there to see if it if it took hold or not on the clients list my uptime was back nick my up time was back i had noticed that it disappeared in the past but just now it was back all right so we're going to go to install wled me we got to tell it that it has ethernet and we want 13.1 we're going to go install that's the only one available and we're going to refresh the whole thing i believe that se puts peeley on the controller i have a separate poe switch okay let that go pull lanors off and then back on oh not too late at least it's not too bad when it's on the yeah when i'm sitting here flashing is fun context it's important nice nice nice cold oh try the one from especially for use with pir oh is there a different so eddie there's a different um like a like a branch or whatever you call it gotta get some hardware and finally set up wled yeah you do ikaf how have i not sent you something dude dude i don't have any right now really i have these like random ones i have sitting around the desk but as far as availability got nothing while we're waiting this is totally off topic that's okay we haven't seen too much just curious if i can use the 5 volt output on my uno to power my pi for lights i would say no not like you'd have to ask quindor how much 5 volt power but certainly not like the pins so if you had i would say this if you have um if you have 5 volt leds and so you have 5 volts going into your power of going into your uno yeah pi's are pretty hungry you need a couple of amps so most likely if you're putting 12 volts into your uno or your quad the five volt pins where you have five volts available to put out you're not going to be able to get two amps out of there no way i don't know what exactly uh is available based on what components quindor used but i would bet it's not two and a half amps everything's in and out of stock oh my gosh isn't it crazy so awful so awful one day by the time normal life returns where none of us are going to remember what normal life is like all right so now unfortunately oh i should have done that while i was while i was there because i could have oh well unfortunately now my this device is no longer connecting through ethernet because it is defaulted to the the wrong type of uh ethernet controller the wrong type of lan module right so i have to go in here this is what i talked about at the beginning for some of you that were here at the beginning let's see i want i want wi-fi setup yes ethernet type okay so i have to set the ethernet type to queen led esp32 in order for it to use the ethernet connection now what are the what are the odds that doubt that works on long or double press just an on off switch it's a short press right you know i had it set on short press didn't i see sharp arm it didn't work uh but let's try it let's see if it's the same ip address wouldn't that be splendid should be yes it is okay yay all right well it wiped out everything that i had done and wiped out everything i had done previously which is okay that's fine that's fine that's just fine we can we can we can do that okay at least it's still going to be the latest version so it's still 13.1 all right what should we try instead now we're going to go to led preferences we're going to set up a button and we want the button to be the pir sensor oh let's set up let's set up mqtt first so that we know that's going to work sync interfaces enable mqtt 27. username is mqtt password is the usual you all know it come on say it with me you all know it all right publish button press yes we want that okay now we're going to save that now over here we have the output from our from our mqtt broker so if i press the button here oh it's not defaulted to it's not using a button okay that's weird because usually usually is by default you can do gpio0 but let's see oh no so it it's not defaulted to use the button okay great all right well whatever push button there let's do that save that now let's look at mqtt explorer again this time when i push the button we still are getting nothing really oh there it is we are getting a button press down here there we go okay okay great so we're getting the button pressed short press sweet and then here's long press okay great and then here's double press nope that's short oh it's because it's just set the push button so there's only one or two okay all right well that's good that's good we're making progress there making progress making progress making progress uh we're gonna go here we're gonna set this to gpio12 and then what do you think do you want to just set it to switch pr is actually a very long press it goes high when detecting and waits like a minute before going low maybe what we should do johnny so should we do it as a switch i really want pir i really want it to be pir let's save that and then macros so then do i need something here or will it just default to toggle it on and off i wonder why i'm not getting an on off even on a button press even on the zero it's kind of weird okay so on is one and office two we're gonna go back here uh short press oh we didn't do toggle that's okay on is on office 2 okay let's see let's just try this first i just want to see if this is going to this button wasn't working for some reason it's still not working what the heck my legs not coming on oh i know why i'm a dope i'm a dope i'm a dope i'm a dope i'm a dope does you all do you guys all know what the problem is why won't my lights come on i reflashed manually and my lights won't come on why 99 of the time what's the problem right there that's the problem i thought we had changed that to be just to be defaulted to 16 since most of the controllers are running um are running wled are are uno's quads why is my color messed up too i guess it's in here somewhere okay yeah that's better now we're in the right colors okay everything's okay everything is okay now when i press this button oh did you see that so it's detecting motion let's look and see what let's see what we got in the let's see what we got in here motion one equals off so right now it says there's no motion on oh okay it's just backwards and then when it goes to off they come back on again okay so that's okay we now we know it's working we just have to change the we just have to change what it does so we just need to go in here and change what it does when that button is on so right now so if we want uh gosh that's the thing so when it goes on we want it to come on but right now it's going back and forth like a switch so long press i wonder see the default when it's off the lights come on that ain't right right i wonder so motion off let's turn this thing off yeah it won't turn off now because it detected motion oh i have to hold it now okay so it's off now if it detect motion comes on yay and it stays on when it goes off yay hey that worked that worked you guys watching that of course you're not watching i'm got you stuck on the other thing okay so right now motion is so if the lights were off let's let's turn the lights off okay so this is a situation where you want it to act like a motion detector i guess you'd have to maybe you'd have to have two motion detectors no you don't you aren't going to do that this is interesting so how do you get it to turn back off if it hasn't detected motion in a while you'd have to do that through home assistant i guess or you set the timing right you set it so that it's on for a certain amount of time or somebody said you could do on some of these not on this one so when it detects motion it comes on but now it's going to stay on even after it stops detecting motion it's still going to stay on so now motion is back off but the lights are staying on until i physically turn them off so maybe gosh what would we do about this maybe a macro uh oh okay so yes good good alexander i like that so the macro in your macro you set it for a time right uh so in here let's look at the macro stuff um so we want to create a macro and we want there to be a time so we want it to turn on and we want there to be a then a delay right is there is there a macro for delay oh i guess we could have it turn on the night light we can have it turn on the night light i don't think there's a macro is there one for time transition time time time toggle time quantity time no uh hey sir good enough's back yay let's play something for him we're so happy you're here [Music] buddy yeah macro with a timer i think what we can do is set it to turn on the night light that would probably be the thing to do so let's see okay night light active and duration in minutes so that's what we want that's this is it uh so let's let's use a macro with this okay nl equals and then a duration in minutes all right let's do this here we go we're gonna we're gonna do something cool we're gonna go in here we're gonna make a new macro okay create a preset so we want it to turn the first thing we want to do is turn the lights on so that's gonna be one then we do the and symbol and oops we don't need two and symbols and then we do night light equals and let's do something short so we can actually you know like watch it while we're doing this here let's set it to something short like one okay the next thing though the next thing we do have to do is we have to change the night light setting because right now the night light is set to like fade over 60 minutes once once the timer's on we don't want that we want it to just go off hey jeff how's it going uh the next thing we want to do is we want to tell it okay so turn on set the night light timer and then when the night light timer's over it should just turn off right it should just turn off when the nightlight timer is over i don't think we need to add anything after that my thought was we set it for a timer and then we tell it to turn off after that timer i don't think that i don't think we need to do that in here uh let's change the name of this to motion timer okay save changes there oh it detected motion turned on and then let's go into our configuration we're going to go into our is it under preferences here fade wait and set default duration i mean i guess the default duration shouldn't matter what is wait and set is waiting set set it to zero thank you very much perviz thank you very much my friend one is one minute do like .05 oh that'll be really fast can i do that does it have to be full increments like integers fade nightlight one equals fade brightness only so maybe night light fade needs to be set to zero maybe that's the wait and see wait and set i'm not sure what he means by waiting set that's the that's the tricky part there all right let's just uh set this macro then to we want this one to be number three okay and we'll see what happens here so we turn it off okay we're gonna watch our mqtt messages we're gonna make some motion okay so it turns on now we're gonna let it so now the timer in one minute as long as there's no motion should turn it off so i'm just gonna sit very still and read the chat for one minute try not to breathe it's like the longest minute ever i'm really thirsty all of a sudden i wanted to reach for my dr pepper but i'm not gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna refrain show some self-control come on has it been a minute is anybody timing this don't laugh can i be really still for one minute i'm trying not to move i'm just watching to make sure it doesn't detect motion whatev oh it did it it did it it did it sweet we did it guys okay so then motion that comes on and then after a minute it will turn off hey that's freaking awesome bet your nose is itching yeah man that's amazing sweet you can totally have motion detection on your wled now now the question all right john hit me what's the question okay i'm actually quite happy about how that worked out dropping a cloth over the top wasn't an option i guess you could do that too waiting one minute waiting patiently not moving my head now you can do the staircase project let's set it to i liked uh who was it that said to set it to like .05 what if you just keep moving if you so every time that it hits a motion again there it goes it went off every time it detects motion again it should turn back on so i would assume that if it keeps seeing motion it will keep turning on okay let's let's try that setting it to like really short so instead of night light equals one let's try night light equals point zero five okay so that's going to be like a few seconds and then it will saving motion timer okay save the motion timer so now we're going to go back here we're going to have it do a motion i don't think it likes i don't think it likes those decimals because that should have just gone back off did it not save it maybe huh i don't know if you can do it in that fast oh i've put socks over the acquire pir sensor is it up on the wall old curmudgeon greetings programs how you doing buddy man i wonder what that does see because i think it's i don't know i guess it should be doesn't say it has to be duration in minutes i mean i guess it could be i don't know if that's gonna work for your stair project who's trying to do that yeah it has to be an integer that's what i'm afraid of i'm afraid of that okay let's see because now it's not even is it even turning off after a minute we haven't been watching to see if it detected motion right but oh i guess the other thing we could do too is rather than waiting for it to detect motion we could just activate it by clicking on it oh turning it off and then nope probably you need to read zero to two not decimals when documentation says one equals fade brightness and two turn off probably i need to read yeah probably the documentation says one equals fade only brightness then two maybe turn it off oh well it was turning off it was just the timing we were trying to shorten the timing we couldn't do it less than one minute i bet it has to be an integer i bet it doesn't do i don't think it's set to be so instantaneous um i wish there was just a time delay but i don't think there is two equals additional fade color from primary to secondary color oh so that's what two does so snipple is that how you say it snipple snipple so when you're setting this one is fade brightness only and this is this is down here it got kicked to this lower next one two is fade color from primary to secondary color when the led is on you look a bit cyborgy yeah there we go now i'm less cyborg yeah zero to 225 zero to 225 should include like decimals right mr tech gadget what's up okay the other thing that we haven't tested yet so we did the motion sensor and i would say that for the purpose of like being in a room and having lights turn on because you walked in the room we got it working because and we got it set you just have to set it you can use this preset but you just have to set this time here to some integer you know zero i don't understand i mean zero what does that what is zero gonna do just flash it that's an interesting idea let's what does that do can't be zero it can't be zero either i mean zero would just turn it off wouldn't it animated staircase mod supports two pirs an ultrasonic sensor one at the top is there's one at the bottom oh jason where is that let's look at that so if you want to use the staircase if you want to do a staircase thing then that's what you want to do see you later befits adios see you later uh so jason can you share that animated staircase mod okay so that's where you load up the user mods right so user mods you'll have a user mod here that would be an animated staircase mod okay okay okay my big computer is not working as it should or i would probably be able to make a patch file for you to use so it would be a second instead oh well thank you alexander but that's okay i don't need it my my purpose was although i do need to do the staircase thing would be pretty sweet but my purpose my thought was to set it so that it would come on in the room then if there's you know after a certain time it goes off i don't know if you really want that or not but we're just kind of playing with what's possible right so the next thing the one thing we haven't checked yet we've done all the normal stuff but we haven't done a switch a regular switch like this on off switch right so let's set an on off let's let's put on an on off switch instead of a toggle button oh it detected motion let's see if it goes off in a minute compile animated staircase mod there is a per segment timing to set for the stair animation i find 60 milliseconds to be the sweet spot oh jason i would love that show me that would you show me where to find that beautifulness i'm back to being a cyborg let's just turn them off oh and then it see it it showed that the timer was on did you see that because it had turned the timer on stair light up in a sequence away from the sensor that's tripped that is freaking awesome somebody needs to make a video about that finally knew a guy use on off via pirs for wled but i control the wled on off via external system like esp home oh did it just detect motion again did i move too i much have moved too much don't want to coat don't want code everywhere wled as simple as possible i like seeing what wled can do you know only maybe it's just because it's the new frontier a little bit and someone doing some of these more advanced things with wld without home assistant is kind of the new frontier for me right now all right let's set up a regular a regular switch so we're going to go into the config again we're going to go into the buttons and we're going to change this from being a pir sensor to being a switch we're going to disconnect the pir sensor oh okay so we're going to save that and then turn those off um this tells us what to do when you have it as a switch so we must read very carefully so some gpaos will prevent okay nope where is it it's in here somewhere okay so this tells you what to do to step it through the presets if you click a button you want to toggle through presets into the preset number for your button this will step through presets one and three change the three to whatever your highest preset is that you want to include right there's also one that oh this one toggles through the effects that's good for push buttons like push buttons are great for toggling through the effects you can only cram so much onto an esp chip you should check if in pir resets what it does to code might reset timer might ignore if a timer's running and stop when initial very different yeah that's true yeah that's true does it reset every time it gets i would think it would reset uh you know i'm thinking in automations like it would every time there's motion it would basically click that preset again and i don't know what it does to the timer i don't know if the timer stays timing or not good good that's a good question it's good enough that's good that's exactly what we would need to know um all right this one tells us what to do with a with a switch where does it tell us what to do with the switch be careful diamond macros um oh this tells us what to do this is what i was looking for so the switch if it's a switch there's not a short and a long but so let's just hook it up let's just hook it up i would guess the switch on one side of the switch needs to be on the gpio pin one side of the switch on the gpio pin and the other side of the switch on ground and then if we flip the switch they turn on and if we flip the switch back nothing happens see we were able to turn them on but not to turn them off hey how's it going buddy it's almost time to finish oh yeah it is almost time to finish no oh no what happened did you wreck my golf cart did you okay good the easiest part was the off-roading i'll bet were you riding on the road oh that's hard it was so hard if you went too fast but we parked for a little bit because i had to go to this meeting okay and then it was like almost it was like charged a lot more for some reason because the meeting was like an hour oh do you think the solar oh sweet good that's great uh i don't know why it won't turn back off oh no regular dr pepper off to on turns on turn back off maybe i got these backwards but maybe that matters nope hmm what do you think what do you think fellas i just wanted to switch on and switch off um oh okay short press is when it goes from oh yeah yeah okay so you still have to have your your stuff in here so if it goes from off to on we want it to do preset number one if it goes from on to off we want it to do preset number two okay that's what it is okay this is gonna work now so when i turn it on it turns on when i turn it off it turns off yeah baby yeah baby that's it we did it we did it so now we have a regular old light switch switch on switch off yes yes oh yeah that's right i'm sorry sugar enough i didn't tell everybody to do that well now it's probably about as many as people as we've had so it's a good time to go to discord and type in slash here so you get your stream points for the day yeeba um the other only other thing we we look look at looking at uh this so if you have a bunch of presets so say you're in say you're in uh you're in your wled settings here and ah see so you're gonna have to do you would you would have to cycle through those as well but that's that's okay i i think you should have if you set a button up well let's see we're out of time how about that we're out of time well let's do this uh let's pick this up again next time next week we might be at the hobbit house but that's okay if we're at the hobbit house we'll do something different um but the things we still need to cover would be the relay thing again somebody asked for that and i thought oh i'm gonna do the relay thing but i'm not gonna have enough time there's mr d um and then toggling through presets so if you set up a button like a regular pr a regular push button where you do have a short a long and a double press then you want to have different things happen and in this in this part of the wled knowledge page it gives you some ideas of what to do for your short and long press uh there are there are commands there's a command that does like the next the next preset okay so pl equals tilde will take you to the next preset that's okay except sometimes you're going to have presets like we had where you had a preset that was a timer and a preset that was on and a preset that was off i don't know if those are great um it also this tells you this tells you how to do this tells you how to do uh a limited number of presets so if you only want a certain range of your presets like you only want whatever five or six presets that's this p1 equals blah p2 equals blah p3 equals tilde and that will do that will just cycle through presets one and presets three change three to whatever your highest preset is that you want to include so instead of including all the presets this basically gives you a parameter of presets between preset 1 and preset 3. so p1 is kind of maybe the opening bracket p2 is like the closing bracket so if you wanted to cycle between preset five and then you'd put a five here so it'd be p one equals five and then you want your the last preset to be preset 10 then you would do p2 equals 10 and then the pl tilde and that would only go through p through presets 5 and presets 10. and that way if you had other presets like on off or timers uh those would not be included as you're long pressing or as you're short pressing the button right to toggle through or whatever it is okay squirrels squirrels good set presets for on off and motion one through three and everything else set higher so do people yep there you go thank you c sharp worm you're on top of it right there that's the one uh-huh uh-huh what is uh what is sir good enough sending i don't know what that's about okay and then um the other thing was about so there was that uh with the toggle with the buttons and the presets but then the other only other thing was really the the relay the on off relay thing and i have done it but we can do it again um and what i want to do i'll let's do it next time because i want to set up a bunch of lights so that we can actually look at how much power it draws we did that before some of you guys are always here probably remember that i think it was way back with like um uh 12 streams of christmas or something we did that but we need to do it again we need to do it again all right oh that was my tilde icon only on discord oh [Laughter] it's the little thing you know it's a little squiggly this little squiggly all right well thanks everybody anything else any closing uh oh good user mod thank you very much boss man that's you thank you dude that's the pir uh let me let me post that wait is that what it is was that the steps user mod setup pir sensor switch pr enable nighttime only is that you boss man did you send this uh d1 minion universal shield i guess i'm confused is that the international hand motion for tilde it's this james that's freaking amazing oh stubs i see what you're doing there i see what you're doing so cool so cool sign off like california surfers like tilde okay cool we'll do that let's get the kids up here that's fun [Music] yeah you always wanted to say that so good enough that you i missed the first hour and 45 minutes can you start over but you never miss the first hour and 45 minutes so you don't ever get to say that all right so we're gonna how are you girls wearing so like that aren't you so hot in that tired sorry oh i'm so sorry okay hey do you guys know what like this this is like a surf like a wave right so we're going to sign off like surfers you know what surfers sound like totally dude you know like uh nemo the the the nemo guys okay ready are you guys you guys outside jumping on tramps no i just ran up the stairs oh my goodness okay so we're gonna sign off like surfers ready as always thanks for watching dude until next time dude teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles and uh and uh what's the other guys bill and ted all right and then i'm going to oh i'll play around with that so good enough right now and see if i can get the chat to stay a little bit longer last chance to get your slash here okay i'm gonna do the outro outro everybody bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DrZzs
Views: 35,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DrZzs, Home_Automation, Home_Assistant, DIY, Electronics, smarthome, hassio, esp8266, iot, nodemcu, drzzs, wemos d1, home automation, automation, tech, drzzzs, dr zzs, dr zzzs, hassos, home assistant, home assistant automation, iot home automation, drzzs sonoff, tech hacks, technical hacks, esp32, iot automation, wLED, Dig-quad, dig-uno
Id: M4M7qox2zFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 12sec (8292 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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