SORTEDfood moments (18) that bake my salt

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hello we're sorted food this is barry this is jamie i'm mike and we've invited pete round for some food hi i'm ben oh oh oh oh you're smiling it's just i get to brand you no he's got it janice what's today's theme pastry is an art told you wasn't a science i think if you stay so confined then you'll never grow oh we're talking the same language there's a salt block in the oven what do you do with a soul block still a chef you're gonna make a risotto butt episode look down when you're cutting it no no no no no no no no no no no no the claw movement is i know the impossible i think that's good he's done a great job there she makes me feel nervous we've got some mochi ebbers lava mochi baz you can have the match a chocolate bar good catch flawless can wait am i just gonna stand here and just stir was also you you dead evers look what you've made me do i'm trying to think out of the box but all i can do is stand here and keep stirring this he's put he's put handcuffs on me and you love it [Music] no gotta do something else i can't i can't just do that i think it's key to point out we've got ben over here with headphones on because we don't want him to see or hear what's going on because in the past he's biased some yeah he's going to be honest at the moment you it's so untrue he's like a hall swearing blinker i don't want to play there you go wrong not in there yet just whoa wait up at the moment we just want to soften all this lock rose gold prosecco shimmer oh wow that sounds fun no barry stop it cheesecake but like a blueberry goddammit go ahead chug chug chug chug chug chug it's grainy why they put really tasty sand in it there's a block of salt in the oven is it do you cook salt cinnamon sugar anywhere should really work sugar anyway why really strong or or is this cream quite warm because that's he did do that very quickly what has he done has he just this up and then in turn made me this up all right let's keep stirring this you say there's two of us yeah we're kind of handicapped between us one and a half yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's good fun and have you got another potato i could play with please [Music] i'm gonna turn this hob on to get this warming up this in a pan maybe it should be warming up i've put the wrong bloody hob on wrong hob my bad and this ladies and gentlemen is how jamie contributes by drinking gold leaf gin out of a stiletto what are you seeing here that you just wouldn't get away with in a proper kitchen it tastes like um cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon spice badge give me one right now if he gets this i'm his really for a day he's freaking do what we want with me for a day if you get this i really want to get it now i made a promise to james i'm saying to you if you can work out what this is i'm yours for the day brilliant for that that's how confident i am to do whatever you will never guess what that is i'm gonna get some stuff i'm gonna set up for mike and jamie and avoid doing anything to the dish because i don't know what's going on but i know full well that they want a chef to figure it out and i'm wasting time i've got six minutes oh i'm gonna get under a five in the first passage out of season two i'm uh i'm just gonna make a cup of coffee with this [Music] qui no it's not q-i it's the first ever picture of a black hole i did add a mommy actually so that's true shall we make something yes daddy no no that took a sour no daddy is that stupid that's stupid we haven't got time oh my god i don't know what to do oh my god i don't know what to do i'm freaking out every year don't think the risotto tastes amazing as it is but he might taste that and just go oh it just needs some parmesan or something do they come in different colors yes this isn't really like this isn't going to suit my aesthetic now rav has chosen some glorious glasses to put this in so you can keep it absolutely perfect right as tim tam slam these into our faces going for the originals first positive we started positively i know yeah but then we cooked and then i remember how i left it i shouldn't do anything i'm having a jamie moment i'm having an actual jamie moment i don't know where he's going you can layer it into our beautiful trifle cut glass bowl now if you don't have one of these yourself your nan probably does have one that's where ben got his from yeah well i bought my own but it's i'm trying to cover your bag genuinely though you did a very good job thank you great job ben he made a whole dish with the only thing that needed doing was stir it this is his just his dream scenario yeah he's having complete control over all of us and go you can do you know i have a complete job you add your little touch yeah [Laughter] [Applause] are you gonna check your mail or is it an instant fail i am gonna get evie to check the mail delegation parenting not a dog only one thing left to do can't wait to get started barry taylor sorry i'm just excited by it come on hurry bring over here let me get let me try something let's start with james carefully right now i could do that joke of the week if you want me to do that okay you don't need to do one yet no sunday no i do not [Laughter] needs must when the devil farts in your general direction i went with put it in my mouth yes but you could be able to say put it in my no well like when you asked me if i was confident whether i put them in the right way i just use letters at the same way both ways oh you're such an ebbers so i tried to come up with a word that only uses letters that look the same both ways i would buy a box of these i love them i love them excellent but i feel really sick at the thought of having to eat the mousse no no no no the compliment saying another good one the strawberry on the plate is great ben's idea of teamwork teamwork is i'm going to do all of the work and just let you children see you can stare at it though yeah i'll let you stay right you can add a bit of tea to it i remember the last time we failed this was because of burger technically you can drink your own piece so that's edible so i'm just going to say a level up from the junior bakers i was with this summer that's something to aim for a little level you were turned away from that program right well she's really excited [Music] did you see that but he only said fail because his element didn't end up in the chat you only said pass because he made it [Laughter] how does one get back into this barry i don't think got time for a sherbet fountain thank goodness for that i had almost forgotten about your sherbet fountain and now i'm imagining it again i think i just wasted my life
Channel: Erdnussbuttertoast
Views: 76,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bMmXyXkhP2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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