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hey you know that time we went to Ireland it was funny wasn't it yeah and it all go to plan hey Barry why you so sad is it because you should be at a Justin Timberlake concert tonight I think you've had some is it because you come fill me with us Justin just might science before coffee the brief moment usually before coffee a microscopic we are looking for a fishmonger called Pat who's all famous cause he's met a queen and he's her mate so Turin loves to sit here listening to jazz flute whilst reading all of our history magazine I mean you are a cultured swine you know middle of the character consulted food well he's just as irritated you hit river life begin the game I'm the thrill of your life prescient little boy take me only once it's actually really quite loud and probably quite offensive what hate you know yo you guys know me no well yeah yeah but not focus I can't let me wipe it away it's not perfect I have it on good authority that this is Ben and Barry in 30 years time obviously Barry has gone bald by this point and his belly has protruded away from the rest of his skeleton Ben on the right they're looking it's Haggard as ever what a beautiful beautiful piece I just thought I was buying a drink I was not underwear I was not aware what I was buying has been down for a week holding up the journey you still look sighs hey who's supporting Justin nice engineering brilliance we've already done on some up but he's burying me Heathrow waiting for our bags why are you just zooming you know all right I still happen that it's too setting awesome so yeah the whole trip was amazing by genuinely wish we didn't have to cram quite so much in because I could have spent all day talking to Pat O'Connell in the whole of Ireland just in general but all the Irish people were so welcoming and then one of the nicest groups of people that I've ever met and we just turned up with our cockney ignorance and they just took us under their wing and just showed us what they do but also invited us fed us open-door policy yeah exactly okay at the farmgate mark you'll see a clip of this now we've just eaten how far the Sun Country I would say with the exception of the lentils probably a ten-mile radius that's close it is okay so as you can see there's quite a lot washing up to do James is tweeting from the storing food account and asking you guys to vote who you'd like to help wash up all of this stuff in the kitchen at the farmgate cafe you see what's happened the tweets going out now the film is in retrospect if you're ever in Cork you've got to go to the English food market to walk around that have a look anyway don't pop in say hi to peripherally but make sure you go upstairs to the cafe because Kay and her daughter and her family will feed you lunch and it is we tried some Irish delicacies some real traditional stuff it was all delicious except for the one dish we couldn't all get our heads around was trifle onions everything else to call we didn't know about this but everything was unbelievable yeah and Benoit I mean what what guy well I can help notice moon for the videos Benoit and Donal getting a lot of love yeah call me loving it the fact that this french guy turns up in the Irish sticks he falls in love with the place stay there for 10 years and now he you know that chocolate shops doing really well he does courses he does hen parties he does all sorts of stuff there and I'm glad because he just know so much and he cares so much it hasn't all been chocolate this week although Friday was the last episode of the chocolate adventures but if you haven't seen the previous two or the previous one then make sure you go and watch it because they're the best videos we've done I think and of course the six chocolate recipes coming your way starting next week but only the week we also finished up and made personal yes we did sticky toffee pudding with Jamie Paul Spafford at his house and the best thing about this video is obviously it's good recipe and it tasted really nice but Barry and I got to rip Jamie apart by deconstructing his lifestyle and all that is wrong with it revealing the inner Jamie hmm now that is the end of my personal because we've got some very cool new stuff starting next week a whole new series which you're gonna love yes yes but we can also say then we got the 20 that will we go over 20,000 in 24 hours yes which was amazing and I like the way this is going because it shows that you have the power and therefore we are at the moment coming up with a way that we're going to unlock Ben's lifestyle in some made personal episodes at Ben's house speaking of incredible community involvement we got sent this yes sir that was sent to us by Shayla Fitzpatrick so thank you very much this is more I'm gonna break a little bit here no great this isn't comment the week this is comments of the weakness for them they're very sure they all basically say the same okay well gets on and they are Mike the cardigan oh dear good cardigan that is disagree Mike my grandma called she wants a cardigan back she wants more than a cardigan back Mike you can't say anything about Jamie when you're wearing your mom's cardigan it's not my mum's is your Nan's why does Mike wear that hideous cardigan doesn't he realize it makes me look like a 40 year old woman I disagree with all of those comments however I am aware that everyone is entitled to their own opinions even if they're wrong well that's it brand new series coming on Tuesday inspired one of our most popular recipes ever taking a mug it's all on mugs everything in mugs you're gonna love it and tell them yes it's time to say - ah - ah I'll enjoy a lot more chocolate just raise my garlic green you know woman's got garlic you know hey you know we just winter remember that time remember that we recently went to Thailand and it was really fun
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 431,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted food, sorted recipes, how to, how to make, chocolate, how to make chocolate, fridgecam, fridge cam, bloopers, funny bits, mistakes, outtakes, out-takes, fails, funny montage, bloopers 2014, Blooper (TV Genre), ireland, chocolate making, road trip, Funny
Id: lyNlQyCKTFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 27 2014
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