Sorbitol Laxative 12ga Projectile Experiment

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knocked off later folks Jeff and officer Gregg out here with you on a bright central California covet day hey we're bringing you something a little cool today remember SART all he sent some he's a viewer who's made some candy rounds and some other things that he's cooked up in his shop SAR has designed a round made out of sorbitol sorbitol is a laxative and sorbitol sounds a whole lot like SAR tall so I think there's some some insider trading going on there before just started rolling the camera I popped a couple of these to see if there really were a laxative and you can tell over there that that big sample is empty when we started so in fact they do work so I'm not recommending you guys take any of these things instead we're gonna put them in the mass accelerator tube we're gonna mass accelerate them down range here against a target and see what they do see if they hold together coming out of the barrel see if they hold together after they've hit the steel and some other targets we've got out here and just see if you would be interested in a laxative round and where we're gonna mass accelerate this into you alright so without further ado let's get to it I told you I don't believe in firearms [Music] at that little thingy I think it stayed together Wow all rights are that thing held together we're both kind of shiny and I thought they were gonna be too brittle yeah and shatter in the barrel and we'd have to reduce the power from the mass accelerators so you can see that left a little a lot of residue right there and hit a little low which is consistent for lightweight rounds like that no it's not they usually go high lightweight yeah yeah yeah the heavy ones cause a kind of a weird I think they're not on the barrel harmonics where the barreled kind of warps it does I'm totally not the only thing that's high out here okay all right you saw it hit just a little bit low from the from the impact point but we were rather surprised that it held together are you I was definitely surprising this this is gonna be a good day now I was like man what'd we get and I was telling Gregg what are we gonna do for a plan B if he was gonna B's don't work you know I said go back to the drawing board and so that's good yeah Jeff was gonna shoot through the windshield of my truck if we didn't have if we didn't have anything else to shoot yeah we're gonna do some radar our stuff for ya full Meg you know he wanted me to wear only a shirt out here while shooting which I thought was a little unusual so I'm glad these rounds are held together let's give him another try on some other targets okay let's review what happened using the Khronos high-speed camera look how stable that slug is not only did it hold together under nearly 10,000 G's of acceleration it actually flew very well aerodynamically big surprise I again I'm wrong I'm wrong all the time let's see if it'll go through a 2x4 which isn't actually to play forward one and a half by three two and a half three and a half yeah that's it yeah crazy it used to be made two by four back news that's when houses were bigger huh yeah yeah okay on the nose I'm gonna accelerate him right on the nose okay I got you I'm ready go take a look at that first of all I was trying to hit down here so clearly that didn't work the thing broke apart went into different places but that was what I what you know the little cavity put in there yeah in that cool which you can actually see can actually see a picture of it right there yeah Kevin I was worried that be a weak point it's like a fossil Jeff yes pretty cool from block of wood yeah calibrated wood it is the FBI calibrated in test number two this gives you an idea just how fragile these are it actually split in half I I predicted they would be just completely shatter so it was kind of a surprise to me that it only split in half but as you can see because of that it really lost a lot of its force and power and all that didn't do a lot of damage to the wood oh I don't know what is that target that's a Mandalorian oh okay I'll take your word for that don't keep I don't know I don't have Disney Plus okay I'm ready aiming for my red dot on his mouth okay one of these went high one went low so who knows okay I'm ready oh whoa this guy who was stuck on top look at that cut a nice little half circle right through it it looked like it was flying nice and true I could know what it was bet was backwards by the way that was a backwards one so it was like a hollow point all right this thing was basically a foam stress ball real soft material really interesting reaction there though now one notable thing here is it never released from the saber over the wad I don't think it was stuck in there I think is because both the wad and the projectile were rosin relatively lightweight so with all things being relatively equal they just more or less flew together as one unit how about a funky old cellphone I think it's it's 12 G 12 G yeah yeah okay I'm ready oh that one's shattered I'm ready well it knocked all five of the Gees out of this phone right there on the side you can see where they came out so flew sideways you said and then it's me yeah it was kind of tumbling around this man I don't think it released from its shot cup thing my Dickies right in there did it like deed laminate the phone turrets I don't like that do you oh my god I think it's a ready to burst on fire be careful there that's fine yeah so take this on board an airplane no okay well at least we see it it almost looked like a flip phone from the side now yeah folding it it's one of those new folding phones they came out with it the Consumer Electronics Show yeah yeah it's a folding phone that's all we need works just about as good as those folding phones did too yep well I was actually wrong with my initial analysis about it flying sideways what we see here is something even more interesting this thing is on the verge of going subsonic well often see oscillations like that as the projectile is stabilized by its own shockwave but as it nears subsonic speeds the angle the shock wave opens up and becomes weaker and the projectile oscillates much greater [Music] we're here with Jeff's clearish ballistic Joe it's that bad I'm getting foggy over here cloudy that stuff is up in about the G Lorraine it's holding up the consistency ways yeah I could tell on the high-speed camera that it broke apart and and multiple pieces struck it can you see where the multiple pieces directed well it's tough to tell with all the other anomalies oh now the Sun comes up thank you son good timing it's like the Navy popping out when we're ready to film yeah but the pieces that hit that hit maybe penetrated one inch at the most now this test is actually out of sequence this was the last test we didn't have any more projectiles to test otherwise we would have done it again but even so you can imagine how shallow this lightweight very fragile projectile would have done with the gel just going in maybe a couple inches okay well it go through the aluminum plate Chargers dish or whatever you wear where are you aiming I'm gonna aim right there where it says accelerate here that big dot maybe the big dot okay gotcha I'm ready this is a backwards one I'm ready oh yeah it's hard to believe it something that light could go right through that that's amazing pretty accurate I didn't think it would go through that yeah that's kind of impressive yeah that sorbitol isn't very strong that plates pretty pretty strong you couldn't shoot a BB gun through that folks ask your doctor have sorbitol is right for you it's not it's not it's never right in this test the projectiles traveling about Mach 1.3 yes we did see a little bit of oscillation but it was much less than with the shot on the phone I really hope you enjoyed the video please comment if you have any questions we'll try to answer them always appreciate when you rate the video good or bad it's up to you you want to thank our channel members and also our patreon supporters for sticking with us in just a quick note of what's going on with the YouTube algorithm and their reviewers and all that it's an absolute crapshoot whenever we show firearms in a video well we're a hundred percent sure that we're following the rules when they de monetize a video and review it they never tell us what we did wrong it's like getting pulled over by a cop given a ticket but they never tell you what you did wrong now since I'm in the self certification program which many channels are not when I upload a video I fill out a questionnaire saying that we're abiding by all their rules the person doing the reviewing may not agree with me and basically call me a liar that I falsified the document now I have no idea how many warnings I can get before they completely de monetize or delete my channel they won't tell me that either
Views: 64,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of tanks, supersonics, friends, happiness, rocketry, shockwave, physics, smartereveryday, how things work
Id: WiM7VCpiyO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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