Sony Wins! PS5 Update!

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how's it going guys as always my name is Jimmy champagne and this is PS readying my Channel all about PlayStation in today's video I've got four topics to cover for you guys the first one is that your Xbox might become a PS3 before your PS5 and that is just simply embarrassing the second new story is that PlayStation has yet another best-selling console and it's kind of surprising third the Dual sense Edge is on sale and I'm going to tell you why you should buy it and fourth we have some awesome games coming to the ps+ extra games catalog like so good that I'm actually talking about it all right let's jump into the first news story here which is that your Xbox might become a PS3 before your PlayStation 5 like look out of all the features that Sony has added to the PlayStation 5 or will add in the future I'm appreciative of all of them whether it's 1440p support whether it's uh activating the extra SSD port on the PlayStation 5 arguably things that should have been there at launch but who cares they've added those features and they're there and they're great the one that I personally have wanted the most though that we are still waiting on four years into this console's life cycle is PS3 emulation on the PS5 not PS Now not ps+ premium streaming full on PS3 emulation we are two generations past that console there is literally no excuse why Sony can't get that up and running thankfully in the past couple of weeks we've heard quite a few news stories that are heavily hinting that Sony is going to announce this soon and then we get the caveat that they're only working on select games that's not really that bad because the PS3 had so many more first party excellent games than even the PS4 did and especially than the PS5 does currently so even if they are just going to continue to Port over like the best of the best I'm fine with that because that's all I really want stuff from the infamous franchise stuff from the resistance franchise Metal Gear Solid 4 Warhawk Starhawk uh the MotorStorm series like where the hell is that like there are so many games in the first party library that even if they started now and did a couple of week they wouldn't finish it by the end of this generation so that's great it should have been here by now and now it's looking extra embarrassing for Sony because soon thanks to an update to the Xbox platform you're going to be able to turn your Xbox series X into a PS3 emulator which is absolutely insane that this is coming to Xbox before it's coming to Playstation I get it's not official right like we know that this is a mod and everything like that but like you can emulate PS3 games on PC you can emulate them on your steam deck you can emulate them on a literal handheld but you can't play PS3 games on the PlayStation 5 so let me explain how this is going to work so if you didn't know this unlike PlayStation where if you're a developer you have to get a development kit for the PlayStation 5 on Xbox any console can become a development machine all you have to do is pay Microsoft $20 you get a development account a special key you put that into your Xbox and it unlocks developer mode which allows you to then install pretty much any software you want and obviously that opened up the door for emulators so right now you can do anything from the SNES all the way up to like I think the PS2 or something like that but there's a new update that added openg gl/ Vulcan support for the Xbox platform and that has kicked the doors wide open to adding new emulators including the PlayStation 3 so right now the PS3 emulator has not gotten fully working yet but they are working on it and they've already gotten the 3DS emulator Citra up and running and I'd imagine that difficulty wise those are very similar since the 3DS has a very custom architecture and it has to emulate games in 3D and sync them down to 2D like it's a very complicated machine I wouldn't say it's as complicated as the PlayStation 3 because of the cell processor and everything like that but just because it's not up and running just yet I don't think it's going to be a long wait for the PS3 emulator to be working either and this is honestly pretty cool because even if you discount the fact that consoles are kind of like low powerered PCS the Xbox series X is a beast of a machine like it has 30% more power than the PlayStation 5 because of the development process it doesn't actually result in Xbox games running better than PlayStation games but with that raw power in the GPU you'll be able to emulate PS3 games probably pretty well because even if you have a mid-grade PC that's kind of on par with the Xbox series X or the PlayStation 5 you can already emulate pretty much every single PS3 game and they'll all run just fine I got to be real I have an Xbox series X I bought it day one I played a couple games on it like Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Forza Horizon 4 and five but I have not touched that thing in a very long time that's a lie I did play it a couple weekends ago because I played some gears 5 hivebusters with my friends we beat that expansion in one night and then I played a little bit of Gears 3 with them but other than that I think it had been over a year since I turned it on like since I moved into this house last June so two Junes ago at this point I definitely have not turned on my Xbox series X but if I can get a PS3 emulator up and running on that thing I might do that just because I want to play some old PS3 games on my TV and it really sucks that the only way to do that is through the X box ecosystem thankfully thankfully if it does become that simple of a process Sony will probably pick up on it and say oh actually it is easier than we thought to get the PS3 running on all these different consoles so maybe we'll actually get this out the door for the PlayStation 5 sooner rather than later but still I don't get why Sony drags their feet on stuff like this it's free money right like you pay a little bit of money of course up front to get that emulator running but if I already had games in my PlayStation account I would redownload them that would give them their coveted metric of engagement because I'd be on my PlayStation 5 more if I didn't have PS3 games and they went up on the store I would definitely Reby them just to be able to play them on my PlayStation 5 because I don't know if you guys are younger but like there was something really special about the games during the PS3 generation like that's when I truly became a hardcore PlayStation fan and it's absolutely criminal that they don't even do HD remasters of these games that they can sell in a triple pack like they did during the PS3 generation with PS2 games we have virtually nothing all we get is shitty streaming that doesn't work 90% of the time and makes games that are running at like 720p times 30 FPS look somehow even worse than they did back in the day like that is not an acceptable solution if you're asking me and I don't really see any defense for it being a backbone for Sony to say well you know you can stream them from the cloud so subscribe to PlayStation Plus premium it's not good enough so on the one hand it is very cool that the series X is going to be able to emulate PS3 games on the other hand it's extremely embarrassing for Sony that Xbox is going to be able to play PS3 games before the PlayStation 5 that brings us to the second news story though which is me telling you that I was wrong again every time the PlayStation portal comes up I'm going to remind you that I said at the beginning like when this thing leaked when it was announced that I was upset and I was like Sony should be working on a major handheld that can actually run PS4 games thankfully they are but it seems like I was wrong and saying that no one's going to pick this thing up because the data was just revealed and it is the bestselling accessory for any console in 2024 unfortunately we don't have any raw numbers for this thing and I personally don't think we're going to get them because success for this device is not really measured the same as a Mainline console like it sells for $200 and I'm sure it costs about half that at most for Sony to actually make this thing because all it is is a little Android tablet with a dual sense cut in half and tape to it really like I know it's a little bit nicer than that but just breaking it down to the nuts and bolts that's essentially what it is so the profit margin has got to be pretty good on on it but like it's not something that needs to sell hundreds of millions of units or tens of millions of units right like a success for this thing I would think would be selling as much as a PS5 game and also I got to point out that this is being grouped as an accessory not a console so it's going up against like keyboards it's going up against like the pulse Explorer the Pulse Elite the Dual sense the Dual sense Edge the Xbox series controller Xbox headsets racing wheels stuff that's very Niche or like doesn't really sell all that much throughout the year like I'm sure all of those devices work pretty successful but the attach rate has got to be pretty low on everything like that so it's not exactly the highest bar to clear but still it is cool that a handheld is performing well in Sony's eyes like better than they thought it would because that's going to push them in the direction I want them to be pushed in which is the direction of making a dedicated handheld right like they just need to do it at this point people clearly want it and the fact that handhelds have been kind of merged into a new ecosystem where instead of running a separate Fork of games that are developed specifically for that handheld the ideal of a handheld now is playing console quality games on the go directly from your console right like the steam deck is so great because I can play Elden ring on it in bed right it's it's awesome still it's awesome to see this thing selling so well it's nice to see PlayStation's peripheral Hardware doing well and it just backs up that they were smart to kind of Center everything around the PlayStation 5 this generation they've definitely had some Duds like the psvr2 and I'm sure the pulse Explorer are not selling well at all because frankly they suck but like the PSE Elite the Dual sense Edge all the different colorways of Dual Senses the extra plates and everything like that I feel like all of that is building up to just build more money to go towards game development on the PlayStation 5 and that's ultimately a very good thing anyway that brings us to the third news story here which is about yet another accessory the Dual sense Edge so I've been using this thing since it came out and I got to say it's my favorite controller again I'm a little bit of an older gamer I'm 31 so I came up with the PS2 and the PS3 and I just got to be honest with you guys when they switch the thumb sticks when they went from the dual shock 3 to the dual shock 4 that was a dumb move the texture of the old sticks was awesome and the real reason I bought a dual sense Edge is because I could make it the Dual sense I always wanted a dual sense with PS3 style sticks and it just gives you so much more control in games like Gran Turismo 7 when you need to make fine-tune movements when you're on a track and you need to make a tight Corner I've used my dual sense Edge on my PS5 down here and I've used the white dual sense that came with my PS5 slim the amount of control increases definitely when you're using those old PS3 style sticks on top of that it's just a really solid well-built controller it feels great in the hand it feels a lot heavier than what you get out of the regular dual sense and overall it feels a lot more durable it doesn't Creek it doesn't like Flex when you're twisting it or like it just you know it feels like a higher quality controller than the regular dual sense which obviously it should because it's normally costing $200 now that price is very high and as far as I'm aware it has not gone on sale until till now so I'm saying you should definitely grab it right now it's on sale for $170 at Walmart and this sale should last to the time that this video goes up because they do week- long deals and we're right at the beginning of the week when everything started and I I just checked it is not sold out yet which is good because every time one of these higher-end sort of peripherals goes on sale they tend to sell out very quickly and then end up on eBay for an exorbitantly higher price because you know Sony doesn't make as much of these things as they do other products s the one big caveat with the Dual sense Edge that has not improved over time is battery life it's gotten a ton of updates like I feel like about once or twice a month I have to plug it into my PS5 to give it some sort of update and unfortunately I've noticed that the battery life has stayed exactly the same and that sucks because the battery life is terrible thankfully I use it on my PC all the time as well so I can't use it wirelessly on PC because Sony doesn't actually support PC with this controller for some reason so it's plugged in all the time which keeps the battery charged and because of that I never really run out of battery during a game session which is great but still for someone who doesn't bounce between PC and PS5 like I do I would assume that you'd pretty much be Tethered to the charger that you have next to your couch or something like that because again it does come with a 9ft braided USB cable and yeah that thing is just it's basically a wired controller because the battery life is so bad I do notice I get more fine-tune control in Gran Turismo 7 when I'm using the Edge versus my regular dual sense like when you're just Feathering the brakes going into corners and you're Feathering the gas to kind kind of Apex and come out of the corners it's a lot easier to do that because there's a little bit more travel on the edge I've noticed and also in games like Destiny uh you have the trigger locking but unlike the Xbox Elite controller the triggers locking actually registers on the controller because if you're using a Sparrow in Destiny 2 on the elite controller if you lock it to be the shortest pull you get a lowspeed sparrow because it thinks it's not being pulled all the way on the Dual sense Edge because of the Adaptive trigger technology when you lock it it counts that half pull as a full pull which is great so yeah as someone who's put hundreds of hours into this thing it is expensive at $200 and it's still expensive at $1 170 bucks but like it's so good that I think it's worth it I think all of the stuff is overpriced for PlayStation 5 like the Pulse Elite headset while great still feels like a Pulse headset so I don't know if it justifies the 200 bucks if you're going to pick one accessory though in that price range I would definitely say grab the Dual sense Edge first because you're going to notice the Improvement in your gaming life quality immediately anyway that brings us to the fourth news story here which is that the ps+ extra catalog has been announced and the games in it this month are really good so the first one you're going to get is Remnant 2 I don't know if you guys have ever played Remnant From the Ashes I know I've talked about it on this channel but it's really cool because it's a dungeon based sort of souls like game but instead of using melee weapons you use guns it's very gun focused and it has a really cool system where it's a Rog light technically I would say like you make your way through the game and it adds in different levels so you get replay value by playing it multiple times because the layout of the levels changes but also the actual levels you travel to changes as well and there's specific guns and specific levels so you kind of have to roll your Maps a couple of times if you want to get the AK-47 for example which is great I loved that game I have not played a ton of revenant to I have not played a ton of Remnant 2 I don't even own it honestly just because it wasn't performing well when it came out but it's had lot of patches since it came out last year and it's going into the ps+ extra catalog I'm definitely going to download it and give it a try so if you see me playing it feel free to jump into my game and then a great remaster of a game I played a ton as a kid and also replayed this year Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core the reunion Edition like the full-on Remake that square enx did last year that's also coming to the extra catalog if you're into the Final Fantasy 7 Universe like you played remake and rebirth and you want a little bit more action focused like gaming out of that series I feel like Crisis Core is a great game to play it also fills in a lot of the story that happens in between remake and rebirth it's actually a Canon game even though the ending isn't really Canon it it still is Canon you're also going to get no more Heroes 3 which is a game I played on the Nintendo switch if you're into the no more hero style of games this is my favorite one of the three I thought it was awesome and finally you're going to get Mountain Blade 3 Banner Lord which is a game that my friend Ray who runs Xbox ready uh he loves it he's put like 100 hours into it he sings its Praises so yeah this is another game I'll be downloading from the ps+ extra collection you know I think ps+ extra the library that they've been building up over the past year or so has actually been pretty good anyway guys that's all I've got for you in today's video as always my name is Jimmy champagne I'll see you in the next one thanks for watching and shape on
Channel: PSReady
Views: 40,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playstation, Sony, PSReady, PS Ready, Playstation 5, Playstation 4, PS4, PS5, Sony Playstation, Sony PS4, Sony PS5, Playstation Network, psn, gaming, console, psr, Playstation news, PS5 News, PS4 News
Id: A9NKfMyBX3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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