Sony Did Something Right?! New PS5 Controller Teardown & Comparison

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sony has recently come out with three new colors of dual sense ps5 controllers and while they look really nice on the outside we're gonna take a look at the inside to see if anything's changed to see if any parts have been upgraded specifically the analog sticks and the springs on the triggers because those are common failure points in one of my previous videos i compared the original white dual sense controller to the new version at the time the magenta dual synth controller and i found that there is basically zero difference between the white and the magenta so they hadn't upgraded anything as of that time but i'm curious to see if they've done any upgrades on these new colors so with that all being said let's get one apart see what it looks like on the inside and compare it with the previous colors this video is sponsored by bw more on them in a minute we need to remove the r1 and l1 to do that i just get a pry tool in under the button and pry it until it pops out just like that and just like that after that's done there's a screw here and a screw here a screw here and a screw here i'll be using a phillips double zero bit to remove these screws after those screws are removed we need to remove this clip and this clip then we can slowly pry the two halves apart and there we go so the previous color of controller was a cfi zct1w and this new blue color is the exact same cfi dash zct1w and looking at the batteries they are both the exact same model the exact same voltage and the exact same amperage and wattage ratings so no changes on the battery if you're ever doing this sort of a job be sure you're pulling on the connector part where the wires go through and not the connector that's attached to the board if you pull on the connector that's attached to the board you'll likely disconnect it from the board then you'll have to learn how to solder to get it back together which by the way is a great skill to have in order to remove this battery carrier we need to remove this microphone ribbon cable just like that now this just pulls up now we get our first look at the board and actually see some changes on this board this main large chip is no longer on this side of the board it's on the other side also this new board is smaller and doesn't have these rubber grommets right here this new board just stays in the mid frame with these little clips one over here and one over here let's get it off and see if there are any major changes on the other side now if we needed to completely remove this board all the way out of the mid frame i would desolder these wires and these wires these sets of wires go to the rumble motors for our purposes today we just need to pull this board out and flip it over let's remove these thumb sticks so we can get a better look at the analog stick modules well let's compare them to the old ones and see if they're the same or if they're different and the analog sticks are almost exactly the same these analog sticks from the older model have a black piece right here and right here these analog sticks that piece is green i'm guessing that's not a meaningful change but who knows maybe that means they have done some upgrades on these analog sticks it'll be interesting to see if the new pink and purple controller also have these green pieces on the analog sticks also on this new color the main chip is on the bottom side of the board versus the top side of the board on the previous color i keep wanting to say model but these are technically the exact same model just different colors so those look like the main changes on the board let's take a look at the springs on the triggers but before we do that i want to tell you about bw 100 by putting it to the test i have these two xbox series x controllers and they both have stick drift i'm gonna use bw 100 and see if we can fix it so i have the first red controller hooked up to gamepad you can see this analog stick right over here when i push it up it goes up and then slowly comes back down and when i push down it slowly comes back up let's try the next one and exactly the same thing on this one so let's see if bw 100 can get these analog sticks clean enough that they don't do that bw 100 is ideal for use on electronic components automobiles rechargeable devices consoles pcbs laptops cell phones drones sound systems etc it's safe to use on almost all plastics rubber and metal two of my favorite things about it are it evaporates super quickly and it's non-flammable so here's the first series x controller and there you go you can see that it is way better i can't say that it's perfect but it's almost perfect let's try the next one here we go and as you can see this one is now working perfectly no matter what i do with the stick it goes right back to the middle just like it should if you want to check out bw 100 for yourself i'll put a link in the description that'll take you right to it these springs are common failure points on these controllers in order to remove them we just have to get them out of their little groove right here just like that so this is the old spring this is the new spring which one do you think looks more robust i think this spring actually looks quite a bit thicker just to the naked eye let's actually measure though i'm curious if it's just how it looks or whether it is actually thicker let's first check the thickness of the original spring 0.25 millimeters and let's check the thickness of the new spring point three millimeters so if my math is correct the new spring is .05 millimeters larger than the old spring i can't believe they actually made meaningful changes on these new colors but it'll be interesting to see if the springs on the pink and the purple controller have also been upgraded we'll be checking that next let's finish up with the blue one if you're trying to replace this spring yourself the easiest thing to do is to get it installed onto this middle peg and then use some tweezers and pull this piece around right on the other side of this peg just like that it'll kind of lock into place and you're done i don't see any other major changes on this controller so i'm going to get this one back together let's take a look at the pink and the purple one the model number on the purple controller is cfiz cct1w and is really hard to read but the same on the pink [Music] this battery has a different model number than this battery this one is snyhr37 this one is lip1708 but all the ratings are exactly the same i'm guessing possibly different manufacturers the main board configurations on each of these controllers is also exactly the same as on the blue controller now let's take a look at those analog sticks and these two boards also have the green on the analog sticks right here again i don't know that that is any meaningful upgrade it may be just that it's a different color plastic and they have no reason for it but also possibly these could be upgraded too i don't know now let's take a look at the springs on the triggers and see if these springs are also 0.3 millimeter springs so this is the spring from the purple controller and we have 0.3 millimeters on that spring and the spring for the pink controller is also 0.3 millimeters while i can't say whether the analog sticks have been upgraded or not the springs definitely have been upgraded on the blue purple and pink sony dual sense controllers so if you're looking to get a new controller i definitely recommend those ones over any of the other colors right now it is possible that now they're putting these springs in all the colors i sure hope they are but i know for sure that the blue purple and pink colors have this new upgraded spring if you're having problems with stick drift on any of your controllers i highly recommend trying bw 100 first it's super easy to clean them and bw 100 won't do any damage to your controller again the link is in the description if you want to try it out for yourself thank you so much for watching and i hope you have a good one [Music]
Channel: TronicsFix
Views: 322,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tronicsfix, tronicsfix steve, ps5 controller, dualsense, purple dualsense, pink dualsense, dualsense spring, ps5 controller spring
Id: h8nWDAI31ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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