I Bought the First BROKEN PS5 DualSense Controller - But Can I Fix it?

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this video is sponsored by blinkist i bought two broken ps5 dual sense controllers and today i'm going to try and fix them so this is the first ps5 dual sense controller that i bought broken you can see this one has a problem with the thumb stick i don't know if the analog sticks bad we'll have to take this one apart and let's see what's wrong with this one [Applause] oh here we go got a faulty headphone jack right here i don't know if there's anything else wrong this one turns on let's see if this one turns on yep this one also turns on so they both turn on that's good news so let's start with this one it's definitely going to need this thumb stick replaced let's see if there's anything wrong internally [Music] do [Music] all right and here's the first problem this little ring right here is caught around the thumb stick that ring needs to go right here just like it is over on this side that is if the ring is still good i have to get it off of this thumb stick and see if it's still good or not okay there we go it actually looks fine and now we need to install this part back onto here looks like it just kind of slips in there in those little grooves okay easy enough it looks good fits on here just like that one so that's just fine so next i got to put a new thumbstick on here now i don't have any brand new thumbsticks for the ps5 dualsense controller so let's try one from the dual shock 4. this is the damaged one from the dual sense controller this is one from a dual shock controller they look pretty close to the same the dual sense controller stick is taller so i'm not sure if that's going to change how it's going to fit onto this motherboard if nothing else i can't always clean this one up and get it to work until i can get a replacement but i would like to get one on there that'll work better let's put this on real quick and just see what it looks like okay let's put it back in see what it looks like from the outside all right and here we go actually that doesn't look too bad and it actually feels pretty good as well now i've got the thumb sticks in we've got the battery carrier in the motherboard in now just need to fully install the battery put the back cover on install the screws and buttons then we can test it before i get to the testing on this ps5 dual sense controller i want to talk about today's sponsor blinkist for most people 2020 has been a long hard year and you may be thinking about the things you didn't get around to in 2020 or the goals you have for 2021 or maybe even both if you want to work on being your best self in 2021 care about the world around you and want to make sure your time is well spent then blinkist is for you you get the best insights from over 3 000 books condensed into just 15 minute segments you can read them or listen to them podcast style blinkist has over 14 million users and you can get access to all your books offline blinkist even has full length audio books premium subscribers get special member pricing of up to 65 percent off the retail price and one of my favorite features is shortcast blinkist has teamed up with lots of popular podcast creators to shorten them up and get to the heart of the podcast fast i know a lot of my viewers watch my videos because they want to start repairing electronics on their own to bring in some extra income one of the books on blinkist that i recommend is employee to entrepreneur how to earn your freedom and do work that matters one of the books i'm going to be reading through blinkist is the lazy genius way embrace what matters ditch what doesn't and get stuff done now that sounds like a book for 2021. the first 100 people to go to my link are going to get unlimited access for one week to try it out you'll also get 25 off if you want to try the full membership the seven day trial is completely free and you can cancel at any time during the trial period so if you're looking to learn something new or expand your knowledge quickly go to my link in the description to try out blinkist now let's get back to these dual sense controllers [Music] now let's check it out and see if it all works and these numbers right here the axis numbers are all staying exactly the same that tells me that these analog sticks are working fine and this ps5 dual sense controller is fixed let's move on to the next one so this one definitely has a problem right here where the headphone jack is and where the charge pins are i don't know if there's anything else wrong i'm going to go ahead and plug this into the gamepad tester just to see if there's anything else wrong and then if not we'll get to repairing this problem and with this second dual sense 5 there's absolutely no issues on the thumb sticks and all the other buttons work i did just now notice that the r1 button is missing so we got b4 over here is l1 and b5 is r1 so when i press l1 b4 does register so as far as i can tell this is the main issue we need to fix this does need to be fixed at some point i don't have any extra parts for that right now so that's not something we can fix i do need to look in the box and make sure they didn't include that i'm guessing they probably didn't though so let's take a look and see how broken this piece is right here now these tabs right here are broken off i'm not sure what happened with this i'm guessing maybe somebody was trying to pry it open or something i don't really know but somebody's definitely tried to do something with this just have to give this back cover off then we can see how badly damaged this is and whether the motherboard itself is damaged or not okay and here we go so the first thing i see is all of these solder pads have been broken off so the little copper pads that are normally here have been broken off and they are now attached to this port itself so that's going to have to be fixed it looks like the port itself is possibly salvageable it'll look a little funny because this piece is broken off but i think for the most part i can probably fix it enough to get it to work the problem right now is these are so new that there's not really any parts out there available so unless i buy another one of these broken dual sense controllers to use as parts there's just not really much i can do about stuff like this for now at some point in the future hopefully in a few months we will have parts available for these but right now they are just not available the other thing that i see is there's two pins here and two pins here that need to be soldered on i'm not sure that i can do that maybe i can let's look at it here so maybe it's possible it's pretty tough though because those are down here kind of like under this lip so now i have to get the board all the way out then we can get in and see what we can fix on this thing so this is what we have you can see all of these pads have been torn off of the board also over here we're missing one two two components this one looks like it goes right here so that is fixable no problem this one right here we need to re-solder it looks like and that looks like the major issue so here's the problem with this repair i don't have this component and i don't have this component so unfortunately this board is just not going to be fixable for me yet at some point i'll get another one of these controllers that will have this part on it or it is possible i'll use this board for parts but unfortunately there's no point in me fixing this whole thing if i don't have especially this component right here because this one looks like probably a resistor or something and this line is completely broken without that resistor there one of the things that's going to be very difficult about this type of repair is we have this here and this here this one and then there's another pad right here that will have to be soldered on right onto this part of the board and you can see how this fits on here that will be extremely difficult not impossible but very very difficult so unfortunately at least for today this ps5 controller is not going to be fixable but keep an eye on my channel if i get the parts so i can do that soldering job i will definitely make a video about it don't forget to go to the link in the description to visit our sponsor blinkist thank you so much for watching and i hope you have a good one
Channel: TronicsFix
Views: 301,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tronicsfix, tronicsfix ps5, tronicsfix ps5 controller, ps5 controller repair, dualsense, dualsense controller, dueslsense controller broken, ps5 repair
Id: jLBsrM6xArw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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