SONIC X - EP24 How to Catch a Hedgehog | English Dub | Full Episode

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-(suspense music playing) -(yells) -Sonic: Whoa. -Amy: Sonic! -Bring her back! -(laughing) If you want her, come save her. -Oh! Help! Hey, that's a brand new dress, buddy. -Amy, you just hang on tight! -♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, gotta go fast ♪ ♪ Gotta go fast ♪ ♪ Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster ♪ ♪ Movin' at speed of sound ♪ -♪ Make tracks ♪ -♪ Quickest hedgehog around ♪ ♪ Got ourselves a situation ♪ ♪ Stuck in a new location ♪ ♪ Without any explanation ♪ ♪ No time for relaxation ♪ ♪ Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't blink, don't think ♪ ♪ Just go, go, go, go, g-g-g-g-go, go ♪ ♪ Sonic, he's on the run ♪ ♪ Sonic, he's number one ♪ ♪ Sonic, he's comin' next, so watch out for "Sonic X" ♪ -♪ Gotta go fast, gotta go fast ♪ -♪ Sonic! Sonic! ♪ -♪ Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster! ♪ ♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Sonic! ♪ -♪ Sonic! "Sonic X"! ♪ -♪ Gotta go faster! Gotta go fast! ♪ ♪ Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, "Sonic X"! ♪ -Sonic, here comes the ring. -Okay. Got it. -(Amy screaming) -Don't worry, Amy, I gotcha. -You're my hero. (wind rustling) Isn't this just beautiful? I wish we could stay here for days and just listen to the wind. Oh, wouldn't that be... romantic? Have you been listening? -Say what? (grunts) -Oh! You men! (humphs) -Huh, what's wrong? -(annoyed grunting) -Oh! You're impossible! You never hear a thing I say! -Chris: Hey, Amy, what's all the shouting about? -Your friend Sonic's acting weirder than ever. -Huh? What do you mean, he's acting weird? -He's off in his own little world. -Tails: Huh? That's not weird, Amy, that's Sonic. -Amy: He's worse than ever. He hasn't listened to a single word I've said all day. -Chris: Well, maybe he's got something on his mind. -Amy: I should have known you wouldn't understand. -(remote beeps) -(device beeping) -Oh! (groans) -(all gasp) -(gasps) -(screams) -He does seems stressed. -He thinks he's stressed? Try being me. -That'd be horrible. -What did you say? -(chuckles nervously) The only way to find out what's really going on with Sonic is to follow him in the X Tornado. -Hmm. -I don't get it! I can't stop my feet! -(device beeping) -(grunts) -(tires screeching) -Ha-ha, sorry. -Sam: Listen, punk, you're car may be cool, but if you don't wear seat-belts, you're a fool. -(Sonic zooms) -Huh? That was Sonic! Thanks to him, you're not gonna getting a ticket today. Now go get a haircut. -(car screeches) -(siren wailing) -I got you now, Sonic. This is S-Team leader to base. In hot pursuit of high-speed hedgehog going south on Broad Street, over. -I can't stop! -There's Uncle Sam. -Looks like he's trying to catch up with Sonic. -I'm gonna radio him. Hey, Uncle Sam, this is Chris. -When you're on this frequency, it's "S-Team Leader," got it? Besides, I cant chit-chat right now. I'm on a mission. -Sorry, but I need to talk to you about Sonic. -If you're calling to ask me to take it easy on him, forget it. -But he's acting really strange today. We're worried that there might be something really wrong with him. -There must be if he thinks he can beat me. (laughs) -He acts weirder than Sonic. -I got him now. -What's going on? -All right. -(alarm blaring) -Huh? Out of gas. (siren wailing) That little hedgehog, may have outrun me this time, but there's always next time. I'll get him. -(upbeat music) -Hmm. -(gasps) -(honks) -(grunts) -(grunts) -(honks) -Sonic: I hope there's light at the end of this thing. -There he is. -He's heading for the desert. -I wonder why he's going there. -(Sonic zooms) -Still running. -(Sonic grunting) -Now he's speeding up again. But why? Oh! Maybe something happened to Sonic when he was battling that robot. That could be why he's acting this way. -What could it be? -I don't know. -Let's go talk to my grandpa. He might be able to figure out what's wrong. -I hope so, because if something's wrong with Sonic, it's because he saved me. Please be okay, Sonic. -Doctor, here is something I think you will enjoy. -(Dr. Eggman laughing) Well, well, looks like Sonic's working up quite a sweat. -Perhaps you might want to do the same, Doctor. You have been getting a bit round around the waist lately. -What? Cut the wisecracks or I'll waste you, you impudent ash can! Sonic, must be up to something, but what could it be? -Chris: He doesn't stop, Grandpa. He just keeps on running. -We just have to figure it out what's wrong with him. The only way to do that is to examine him, but first we have to catch him. And that's not going to be easy. Hmm. Hmm! I think I may know a way. -(gasps) What's wrong, Sonic? Where are you? -(suspense music) -Almost there, almost there. Where am I going, anyway? -(all snoring) -With the help of Tails, I have devised a plan that I believe will work. It's actually quite simple. Step one, we locate Sonic from the X Tornado. Step two, we launch a specially-designed bubble bomb which will hold him securely and lift him off the ground. And once Sonic is off his feet, we can discover what's been causing him to run amok. -Others: Yeah! -(suspense music) -I've got company! -Target spotted, Chuck. -Chuck on radio: Roger, stay alert. Don't let him out of your sight. -I'll stay on him. -(radar beeps) -Get ready. -(on radio) Fire! -Yow! -(grunts) (Sonic screeches) (groans) -It really worked. -Whoa. Whoa! Look, guys! I'm flying! (laughs) Whoa! Whoa! (screaming) Hey, get me down! I'm floating away! -Perhaps, I used too much helium. -(Sonic screaming) Help me! Somebody get this thing off of me. (screaming) -What now? -Hey, Knuckles! Help me, help me! -(grunts) -(screams) -Huh? What the--? Huh? -Mr. Tanaka: Now what do we do? -Chris: Do you think he'll come back? -Cream: I'm worried. -Amy: It's all my fault. -Chuck: Just too much helium. -Others: Huh? -Well, Sonic, just tried to run me over. -Great! Did you stop him? -He missed me. (chuckles) -Well, I'm not gonna miss ya. -What's the big deal? All I did was step aside. -It isn't his fault, Amy. -Chao. -Ella: Cheese is right. I bet you come up with a new way to help Sonic after you have a nice hot lunch. -(boiling) -(playful music) -I bet poor Sonic must be starving by now. -I'm sure he's fine, Amy. (gulps) Whoa! -That game looks like a lot of fun, Tails. -Chao, chao! -(groans) -That's it! Knuckles will wait at the top of the hill with a specially engineered wheel trap. As Sonic approaches, we'll give the signal, and Knuckles will roll the wheel down the hill, trapping Sonic inside. He'll be like a hamster in a cage. -Others: Yeah! -(suspense music) -Huh? -All right, Tanaka, he's almost in position. -Right. -Roll it! -(grunts) -(chuckles) -(beeps) (whirs) -Ha-ha! Hey, Grandpa, it works. -Of course, it does. -I thought you might be hungry after all this running. -Pretty tasty! (yawning) -He looks like he's falling asleep. -That's good. If he falls asleep, he'll have to stop running. -Maybe I can help, Sonic. Want me to read you a bed-time story? -No, thank you, Amy. -Dr. Eggman: That looks like fun. Exercising I mean. I'm going to start. -Decoe and Bocoe: You should. -Tomorrow. (chuckle) -Both: Oh, Dr. Eggman, tomorrow never comes. -(whirring) -Looks like Sonic's nap isn't slowing him down at all. He's going even faster. -I've never seen anything like it. His energy must be positively boundless. -Sonic, has more power than my food processor. (gasping) -Sonic, that wheel wasn't built to withstand this intensity. (whirring) -Knuckles, look out! -(all gasp) (whirring) -Run! -(screaming) -Well, that was a washout. -(downbeat music) -So far your plans haven't worked, have they? -Not quite, but I'm confident that if we just keep trying, we'll eventually come up with the plan that will work. -(grunting) -Hmm. I've got it! In fact, it's the best plan I've had all day. We just need a little help from a friend. Mm-hmm! -(Sonic zooms) -Dr. Eggman: Sonic, is running himself ragged. He must feel as worn out as an old sneaker. This would be a perfect time to launch a sneak attack against him. Ready? -Both: Aye, aye. -I'll destroy him right after my nap. (snoring) -Bocoe: Please, Doctor. -Decoe: Now is not the time for snoozing. (beeps) -Right on time. -I would've been here sooner, but I stopped for doughnuts. -I appreciate you coming to help us out, Sam. -You can always count on the Speed King to put the rubber to the road when a friend needs help. -Well, then, let me bring you up to date to our plan. Now, we all know Sonic has quite a competitive streak, just like you do, Sam. -Sam: It's Speed King, Chuck. -Chuck: Sorry. Speed King. The plan is to have Speed King challenge Sonic to a test of speed. But unbeknownst to Sonic, a trap will be set at the end of the finish line. Speed King will get on Sonic's right side in lane two. Sonic will be forced to race in lane one beside him, and that will lead him straight into our trap. Then Sonic will be out of the running. Now, let's get ready for the race, shall we? -Others: Yeah! -Amy: Stand-by. He's almost there. -Roger, I'm ready. -Amy: Go! -(zooms) -Whoa. -What's the matter slowpoke. Can't you do better than that? (grunts) -What are you doing? This isn't a real race! You're supposed to be a decoy. -Sam on radio: Guess again sweetheart. He beat me once, it's not gonna happen twice. -Oh! -Oh, yeah. -They're getting close to the finish. -Amy on radio: Remember, Speed King, whatever you do keeps Sonic in the right lane. -Sam on radio: Right lane? I thought I'm in the right lane. -That's right just stay in lane two. -Amy on radio: Remember you're number two, number two. -Not me, sister. I'm number one. (Sam laughs) -That didn't work out too well. -Hey, Chuck, I'm picking up something weird in my scopes. Do you see it down there too? -Chuck on radio: Yes, I've notice it myself, Tails. -I recorded the wave patterns. Maybe you can analyze it and figure it out what it is. -(radar whirs) -From what I can gather, it's some kind of strange magnetic force field. It appears emanating from that ranch up ahead. -(robot bawking) -Ready up there, Tails? -I'm ready when you are. -Okay, Tails. Keep it as steady as you can. -(bawking) -(grunts) (crackles) (zaps) -Huh? (screaming) -(bawking) (buzzes) (bawking) -Amy! (grunts) -Sonic! (laughs) -(Sonic grunts) -Sonic, I was so worried. Now, what's the matter? -Something's in my ear again. -Oh! (blows) -Hmm. -Ahem. -Yeah, that feels much better, thanks. (Amy laughs) -♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go ♪ ♪ Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster ♪ ♪ Movin' at speed of sound -♪ Make tracks ♪ -♪ Quickest hedgehog around ♪ ♪ Got ourselves a situation ♪ ♪ Stuck in a new location ♪ ♪ Sonic, he's on the run ♪ ♪ Sonic, he's comin' next ♪ ♪ So watch out for "Sonic X" ♪ ♪ "Sonic X" ♪ -♪ Sonic, Sonic ♪ ♪ Gotta go faster! Gotta go fast! ♪ ♪ Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, "Sonic X"! ♪
Channel: Anime! on TMS Official Channel
Views: 11,816,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic X, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Full Episodes, Sonic Anime, Japanese Anime Series, Anime English Dub, TMS Anime, Free Anime, Full Anime, Free Cartoon, Kids Cartoon, Eggman, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Cream and Cheese, Cosmo, Bocoe, Bokkun, Gotta Go Fast, Adventure, Action, Battle, Disney, Pixar, Sega, Game, Gameboy, Playstation
Id: 039J77RlR5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2015
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