Sonic Frontiers Game Movie (All Cutscenes)

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uploading AI program now [Applause] [Music] [Music] the kids all coming online the ancient Secrets will be mine foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Islands exciting track the chaos emeralds here right let's find out what drew them here [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] tails Amy oh looks like I'm the only one who made it out of that whatever it was mortal hello you have escaped cyberspace through your own power are the key key huh sure beats being called a rodent are you saying I can rescue my friends find the chaos emeralds destroy the Titans Tear Down the Walls between dimensions yeah okay sure how about a little context hello oh well some direction is better than none here we go [Music] is that you hello is someone there to help me hang on maybe messing with the ruins will fix things [Music] Sonic are you all right me you're the one who's only half here I feel fine but that energy that was holding me prisoner went into you I've been infused with weird zappy stuff before besides I feel like it gave me some kind of boost well in that case we need to get moving if I was trapped I'm sure Tails was too good call I'll Scout around and find you later deal deal be careful careful where's the fun in that I appear to be in a digital Dimension that employed similar constructs in my own systems but this is markedly more advanced foreign the amount of data stored here defies quantification [Music] it won't stop me from trying [Music] whoa I guess that's one of the Titans keeping Amy trapped you leave immediately where'd you come from are you trapped too do not approach the Titan sorry kid but I've got a job we are fortunate it will destroy you foreign [Applause] ah okay I'm not taking that thing down the traditional way I'm gonna need the Chaos Emeralds and maybe a little bit of luck hey yo Amy who's your friend [Music] this Coco says they need to find their one true love before it's too late they've been too shy to express their feelings but if they don't do it now they may never get the chance you got all that huh I feel like the dimension I'm in is translating for me it's strange but feels natural well you always had a knack for weird insights who might argue well don't you worry we'll reunite you with your lost love I would think we've got more pressing issues but again who might argue how you feeling Amy I mean what's it like being all ghosty honestly I don't feel that different since you helped clear my mind I guess it feels kind of detached have you ever flown around in a dream like you're lighter than air that's what it feels like to me anyway I just wish I could finally land and be whole again you hang in there Amy I'll figure something out [Music] over here [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Sonic they act like none of that happened even know what that was no but I got a sense of completion comfort weird let's keep moving I want to wrap up our time here ASAP sounds good to me beautiful here but there's a loneliness here the land feels sad and empty yeah I got the same feeling I think it's tied to the ruins weird robots and other stuff we've encountered but on the plus side I've got plenty of room to run around and you never know how many new routes you may discover yeah I'll try not to have too much fun finding a way to restore you [Music] you again submit your Reckless actions endanger the world here to explain how saving my friends is a bad thing you are an enemy combatant I will not share data with you what is wrong [Music] Roger anyone he's even going to help this Coco reunite with their one true love an emotional status vague and varied in its definition [Music] you are both too ignorant to be helped [Music] oh um what was that girl aside from being a pain no clue so something's been bugging me about these ruins the whole reason we came was because Tails detected the chaos emeralds were drawn here right and now I'm finding digital keys and confinement towers that seem custom made to hold the emeralds like half this stuff was built with them in mind maybe the Ancients used the chaos emeralds in the past we've learned of other past civilizations who did too yeah but those groups tried to use them and the stuff here seems all about containment maybe they knew something about their power that we don't the chaos emeralds are still pretty mysterious even after all we've done with them something wrong they say they're Amore was stationed on the far side of the field this is the field I'm not seeing a lot of farming going on maybe if you use that new technique of yours you can clean up all this wild brush [Music] so all this used to be Farmland huh yes yes they make it sound like it was abundant but now I mean it's grassy yep but I've seen this kind of recovery in areas Dr Eggman damaged something ruined this land and it's barely begun to recover then we need to make sure it has plenty of time to heal right [Music] oh hey Sonic you come here to fish too big what are you doing here how did you get here what even is here I don't know I was looking for fishing spots and wound up here so now I'm fishing [Music] of course you are to try I'll let you borrow a rod I guess it wouldn't hurt to detest for a second foreign do you know how to fish I'll teach you if you want hey you've got a bike Sonic I'll leave it to you to pull it up can you see the red ripples when the white Ripple overlaps with the red one lift your rocks [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've caught it already nice catch Sonic I'll trade you a token for any fish you can if you get plenty of tokens I'll trade them for some of the treasures I froggy really likes those purple coins if you bring me one keep tabs on the Hedgehog I want constant updates yes sir and keep looking for a way to get me out of here I am evaluating all safe options keep up the good work Sage thank you doctor [Music] extending the range of my control but I can still only command a few of the Ancients relics at a time commendable but what about finding the way out of this digital dimension I have Run 1 million seven hundred thousand and fifty simulations there is no scenario to safely remove you from cyberspace unacceptable keep looking make it your number one priority but keeping you safe [Music] don't get too far ahead maybe we should just let them wrap it up on their own we have to see this through we still haven't found Tails we've been wrangling children and taking detours the whole way [Music] are you telling me you would leave behind someone in Need No but I'm also worried about you you can't help anyone if you're stuck in limbo [Music] all right then hurry up and save me too so we can find tails sounds simple enough [Music] shoots [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm they were reunited right before the end they're together now you take a minute now I'm gonna keep moving [Music] hey still thinking about the cocoa and more I'm not sure what happened but I know what I saw a love that transcended time I believe in that power this is over I want to share that love with the world even though it may take us far apart [Music] I know you'll do great I want to hear all about it when you come back you did it Sonic sensing the Titan up ahead this is it the big Showdown it'll be a short match if I can't find the last Chaos Emerald though everywhere I could could ideas where is it maybe I'll find it along the way [Music] thank you [Applause] alternative good there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Island [Music] right you said Titans earlier plural darn it I guess this isn't over until I pop all the big Bots sorry Amy I'm feeling more like my old self it's working keep going and don't keep me waiting I'll be back before you can do a fortune card reading see ya [Music] thank you [Music] hey that's cool I didn't want this to be easy anyway some rescue I'm still half ghost I'm working on it okay what's going on with you uh just a little side effect of the Island's weird energy [Music] so far from home I was investigating some strange ruins when I was transported here then got trapped never a dull moment with you [Music] just bring me up to speed [Music] listen help me find the Chaos Emerald so I can beat up some big robots you'll be free and back to guarding the Master Emerald in no time sounds like a plan huh well I cannot fully control it I can't awaken its rage against you all right I need to find someplace safe [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you cannot run forever final warning leave that was a warning father was right about you you're reckless and destructive I have no idea what your deal is but if we could just talk no no discourse no bartering only elimination foreign [Music] I'm willing to help but first I need to know what's going on no you don't know what you're talking about too trusting Sonic no I'm not trust me can you see that seal in the center of the pond if we could pull it out we could drain the water the problem is I'm still ghost-like and you're useless underwater wow thanks for the concern anyway if I can jostle the device holding the chain maybe I can get it to reel it in worth a shot just don't slip and fall I can't haul you out [Music] thank you wait was draining the Oasis the best idea oh hey you've revealed the way forward that's what's important says you you can't feel this heat oh well race you to the next Emerald [Music] what's up these Coco are supposed to link up with another unit but an enemy has them pinned down here aren't you supposed to be helping find the emeralds I could do both hurry up if you want it on the fight [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] nice work soldiers now let's link up with the main Force yeah you make a great supervisor next maybe try fighting next time though R isn't he why does he try to help them when their fate is already decided foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] experienced this before we're somehow seeing a battle from the past those defenses are impressive maybe I should get some notes from my Island foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] defenses didn't hold after all foreign [Laughter] I look forward to your battle reports once we're home I'll integrate you into my system give you control of the whole eggnet I'll have your network all my robots you'll be a refreshing change of pace from Corva from Cuba they are your Creations like me that would make them like my brothers hmm I suppose so forward to that I can confirm Sonic has made multiple breaches into cyberspace and escaped through raw talent and no shortage of tenacity I'm sure impressive you speak of him with respect as often as you curse him I do not understand oh I hate that Hedgehog that doesn't change the fact that he is a formidable adversary I respect him I don't have to like him you're a genius his skill if only you two could work together [Music] what do you think of the weird spiers being used to contain the chaos emeralds contain no I think they're meant to protect them even harness their power you've experienced yourself the Limitless power of the chaos emeralds even if they didn't have them all a couple would have provided more than enough energy to live comfortably enough to power the ruins cyberspace I wonder if the Ancients somehow lost their access to the emeralds would that have caused them to disappear I don't care if you're afraid those are your people out there hey coach what's with the pep talk [Music] inches down the soldiers are supposed to fall back to a bunker then I'll round up the stragglers and you supervise Commander that sounds that sounds good [Music] [Music] is this the place yo Knocks Sonic this looks like ruins from back home what if the people of these islands survived and resettled on Angel Island make this pretty important [Music] that's not a good sound [Music] [Music] going to assault the bunker I can't lose this got this buddy got your back thank you son it's not fair how come you get to jump in and out of cyberspace that I'm stuck halfway come on Beats me it sounds like we all experienced the dimension differently yeah I didn't see any way out your trip sound less complicated well whatever the spooky Sky boy says I just have to trash the Titans to get you guys back to normal so we have a plan oh yeah why isn't it talking to the rest of us then thank you ages ago my people were wiped out by a cataclysm I know the cocoa faced something similar it reminds me I'm the last Echidna that I'm alone you may be the last but you're not alone you've got us knucklehead I'll admit a do end of your lifestyle freedom to go where you want when you want so do it get out there and live a little maybe I could but first I need to be back to normal so hurry up and get me back to normal anything to get you away from me [Laughter] [Music] he helps those he is at odds with he is quick to make peace [Music] no I have run the simulations they are doomed Sonic check these out I don't think this ancient Machinery was active before any idea what changed something similar happened on the last Island let's just call it a little divine intervention if I can solve the locks code it should open the way to that flying Titan wait Sonic you're still missing a Chaos Emerald aren't you oh that thing will tear you to shreds the last Titan was holding the final Emerald I'm willing to bet it's the same deal here first though I need to play this crane game let me see stones and the ports seem to have corresponding colors [Music] [Music] huh you did it nice work was there ever any doubt ready to go face impossible odds huh we faced worse here we go try to keep up whoa hey that's my line [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] not bad things would have been over faster if I'd been super knuckles you did all right yeah you keep telling yourself that I've got one more Titan bot to go hopefully I'll find Tails too I'm worried about them [Music] he'll be all right now hurry up and save the day already [Music] [Music] thank you hang tight little bro I won't make you wait much longer foreign [Music] Sonic I'm just catching my breath clarification he never gives up spatial anomaly that affected us seems to have left me in a digitized state but those same energies are manifesting into some worrisome mutations for you I'm sure our words you said just now I'm saying I'm fine you're not and I'm worried I'll be fine and I need this power to rescue you he's even enduring the Cyber corruption better than I calculated he would you're always rescuing me and let's focus on the now what do you need Chaos Emeralds I think you can help me track him down I'm on it [Music] [Music] so sad someone so impressive will be lost in the end it's [Music] it's not fair [Music] [Music] what will you do the best I can so impressive right with an expected parameters [Music] oh what's that I think it's an environmental analyzer all of the ancient Technologies Network to cyberspace I can get it back online we can maybe get some answers oh what happened [Music] [Applause] thank you so that was a thing whatever assaulted the island sure packed a punch that was on par with Dark Gaia easy I feel like we need to find the emeralds pronto agreed will rendezvous later look it's an assault model Death Egg Robot it looks pretty entrenched I'll take a look around let me know if you find anything you don't see something like this every day things are tough to take down even for me I took it out maybe that ghost girl hey Sonic I found a remote control panel it it's still online let's see what Eggman was trying to do with this thing and if it goes bad you can shut it off oh my God [Music] that did the trick yep it revealed the Subterranean pathway be careful though whatever took out that super bad neck might still be lurking around I hear that thanks buddy I'll see you later [Music] yo hey this Coco is an apprentice to their top pilot they need to find the parts to complete their final weapons I'm sure you've run into this scenario already what did you do I helped him out but isn't that cruel their battle is long over this feels dishonest we're not fixing the problem they think they have but we are bringing them peace well when you put it that way let's get to work [Music] we need a few more pieces but we're having trouble finding them gotcha be right back [Music] well that's it a cannon is complete [Music] did I get the wrong parts no their hero didn't show they're worried Something's Happened [Music] it's like how I couldn't handle it after infinite attack one wrong turn and I fall apart whoa what listen to me the others are counting on you here to help so don't give up okay [Music] you've got me worried tails you want to talk not right now let's just focus on finding the emeralds all right hey almost done here can you take our friend and find a couple more parts yeah can do okay miles per hour you've known Sonic most of your life yeah and you were imprisonment within cyberspace the defeat of the Ancients Titans do you trust how he is handling it with your life of course I'll admit he isn't perfect but Sonic has overcome impossible odds over and over again I know he'll save us all so you're saying you have faith in him it's not a matter of Faith I've got a lifetime of data to back up my observations your loyalty is founded on empirical data I can appreciate that feelings he inspires in you and the others and yet all your love and loyalty will amount to nothing it cannot be prevented what are you talking about Perhaps it is Kinder if you don't know puppy what is your end goal I had berries sometimes it's a spinning sign sometimes it's a big old ring no I mean what do you want to accomplish oh gather up the chaos emeralds and save my friends and you're sure that is wise kind of the story of my life and the voice that commands you what if it is leading you to disaster they want to start trouble I'll stop them too you certainly make it sound simple but your arrogance will be your undoing look either stop being cryptic and tell me what's going on or skedaddle there would be um nice find take it on over to Tails I'm gonna keep moving scenario for you for your Escape it's about time report after reviewing your entire campaign history I have found the most optimal course of action is to create an alliance with Sonic what but together you stop the ark overcame neo-metal you I don't want to hear it it's alliances were purely out of desperation but time is running out I don't want to hear it find me another option [Music] I've lost count of how many times you've saved me from the hazards here it is my function live to serve you've exceeded your function I'm very impressed with you sage no I'm proud of you [Music] Sonic am I a burden to you wow and how did you come to this well thought out concern whenever there's a crisis I'm either running away or standing on the sidelines you're always rescuing me when all I do is follow you around [Music] who was it who stopped Eggman from blowing up Station Square huh and who broke me out of prison or saved me from the deadly sixes trap hi then I'm wildly inconsistent [Music] dude relax You've Got Brains like Eggman speed like me and can fly with your butt it's okay if you still need help sometimes that's just part of growing up so insightful I have my moments [Music] they say the bridge is out I'm sure we can fix that I'll have a look around [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] they say this was the last of the defensive measures way to go your hero will be thrilled with all your hard work [Music] and I'm proud of you don't forget that I won't hey little bro feeling better yeah this whole experience gave me a kind of clarity when this is all over I think I need to go it alone for a while you can't grow into my full potential if I always fall back on you if that's okay you're free to go your own way I guess you just blew up on me a little faster than I expected saying I outpaced you yeah don't push it [Music] it's gonna take some getting used to but here's to you reaching New Heights partner [Music] such a beautiful friendship a family born of love and not genetics every everything I want wish I'd never seen this it was so much easier accepting the future when they were simply enemies [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I've been studying this door while you were exploring the island it sounded like it unlocked from the inside great so how do we open it see that switch next to the door I think it'll react to the Cyber energy stored in your body there's no telling what's on the other side but I'm betting it's important approach it whenever you're ready yes I'm always ready [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign triggered an eruption and the lava burned away the cloud bank and revealed something [Music] hey I've seen my fair share of pinball machines I know one when I see one were those really part of the original ruins I mean the tech here outpaces eggmans and is older than old I guess the love of pinball predates civilization Sonic that Titan down there do you really plan on fighting that even as supersonic that thing is keeping you Amy and Knuckles trapped so yeah I'm gonna take it down sit tight partner I'll take out this last Titan and get everyone back to normal [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] name cause [Music] entrance massage foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] walls between dimensions oh good I thought you were gonna say there was a surprise Titan Sonic [Music] hang tight partner we're almost through this be careful careful where's the fun in that [Music] children you're quiet here's fun you guys you dream it is away foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I do it and you guys where is your idea I believe I have come to understand you both of us will do anything to protect those who are precious to us but your fate it is what I calculated farewell hero [Music] chaos gym joint garlic foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do I yeah [Music] try great fish wash your lane do I have your beauty [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh oh Sonic no what happened to him he took on so much cyber energy it corrupted him meaning he's stuck between realities I only regret is you denied me the pleasure of finishing you off rodent let's get you back into cyberspace immediately I just got out that was the whole point I ran millions of simulations the only way I can keep you alive is if you're not here when it gets out when what gets out since time immemorial I have languished here the locks are broken now I shall Tear Down the Walls between dimensions no no you don't I'll mobilize the eggplant and blow you out of the sky it won't be enough it triumphed over the Ancients technology my simulations show a success rate of zero percent no Sonic worked too hard for us to give up now those Visions we saw we can drive back the corruption and bring him back anything for Sonic whatever it takes Sonic I want you to see the hero I become Sonic you still have love to share with this world too Sonic or even after this everyone thank you I won't let you down oh good he's back this is our chance I never simulated a scenario where Sonic helped since you never authorized it I still don't want to please Sonic hereby induct you into the Eggman Empire in order to save us all understand not an alliance if that's how you want to spin it Dr ego man [Music] age help me find the chaos emeralds Sonic won't be fast enough hey wow as you command [Music] I believe you can proceed once you find a way to activate the starting device and power the statue it would have been smoother sailing if we'd been working together from the start but well I guess I had to earn your trust first huh [Music] you know how to activate the starting device I figured out everything else up until now haven't I don't sweat it [Music] thank you the way is clear we must acquire the chaos emeralds with expediency you got it Sage we've run into each other so many times but I only recently learned your name you could have told me sooner you know we were enemies furthermore my name holds no meaning sure it does Eggman named you that for a reason that means you're important to him you you think he cares about me sure in his own way hey times are wasting let's wrap this up there is a cow side your power is required to access it first we gotta open that door are you good with hanging around I thought you were supposed to be looking after Eggman while he helped hunt down the emeralds I will be at his time for now we at least on the task at hand use your power to start the system hurry our time is limited Emerald number six here we come so earlier you said I had zero chances of winning you change your mind yet no but I have not run a simulation on our present circumstances either ah yeah so you're saying there maybe is a chance I am saying we are in a desperate situation the threat we face is beyond imagination hey if there's even a one percent chance I can turn that despair of yours into hope I won't disappoint [Music] one more I gotta hurry up Sonic [Music] I know [Music] you're not fast enough so I found it for you go ahead and beat that giant foreign [Music] now why would I want to disappoint you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign is that it [Music] all we did was Chase it out of its shell it's retreating into space to regain its true form even supersonic won't be able to stop it I know what I must do I must leave you I understand go oh failure function foreign [Music] before it regains its full strength ladies first be careful daughter [Music] you took your home world you took your lies are you going to let him do it all over again I need your help we can end this please foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] please look after father thank you [Music] yes all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it taught me what it means to love you I know now that love is beautiful [Music] from my eyes [Music] father I will keep you safe I wish [Music] be a family be a family [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you hope that you feel the same till we meet again [Music] thank you for everything [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but I guess it's time we got moving I know you all have big plans you're gonna hardly recognize me when you see each other again I wonder if cream and sticks are free make a road trip out of it it'll be good to get back to my Island at least for a while we're wasting daylight let's go [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] thank you father it's my girl
Channel: XCageGame
Views: 1,375,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic, sonic frontiers, sonic frontiers full game, sonic frontiers gameplay, sonic frontiers part 1, sonic frontiers walkthrough, no commentary gameplay, all bosses, sonic frotniers all cutscenes, sonic frontiers all bosses, all cutscenes, walkthrough, gameplay, xcagegame, ps5, xbox, nintendo switch, sega, sonic the hedgehog
Id: nx3lcSscPK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 23sec (5843 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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